Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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T That Clement Manipulates the Market to
Suit Themselves.
Previous Interest In Hnrloy Main-
tnlupcl In thn Provision Pit The
Cnttlc Mnrkct Without l-'cnt-
tirc ( junornl Quotations.
I'toduco .Market.
CniCAW ) , May 14. [ Special Teilearam to
the UKK.JVlwat \ opened llrm nt yesterday's
prices , with the crowd e.iuer buyers. The
market sold otf vciy slightly , but started up
on Indications of clique buying. Many of
the scalpels who had sold on the bulge yes
terday alter noon uamo Into the marl.ct , and
finding that olfurlngscni limited ,
began bidding for the whi-at
they wanted. This element took
the market away from the clique and put
Juno UP to WiJ c , when the demands of the
shuitswcrosatlsllud. The ni.ukut , left to
Itself , worked otf , Juno receding to bo'fc ,
July touching 85 | c , nr.d August SJ c. Here
again clique houses appeared as buyers , and
as thu session drew towards acloso the music
of the band became louder and the tune live
lier. About ten mlnutos huforo the bull
tappodJuno touched B7c. There It stuck
tremulously to the ( Inlsh , July rcr.titu' nt
W c , August atb-l c nnel .September nt b'l'fc. '
Brokers had orders to close ; the market at yc ,
and they did It. They did not M.ive to buy a
great quantity of grain to do It , either.
Transaction-tin the pit were bulow the average -
ago In aggregate , the market very narrow.
Loenl scalpers and | these who can have In
stantaneous connection with tlio exchange ,
try to tall onto the clique , but the public dues
not bet'in to have availed Itself generally of
the clique "yes , " so generously and continu
ously put out. Commission houses report a
light run on outside oreleis. It Is said , how-
civur , that the bucket shops are great sutlVrcis ,
which would Indicate ) that the multitude ot
little fcllouH had caught on and vtere passen
gers on the clique trnln.
Corn waa niraln weak and lower , especially
the Juno option. The-ro was less chancing
eve > r to day , or , In otlu-r words , less buying
of .luno and Bellini : of July , which accounted
for the conspicuous weakness In tlio former
month , and it sold "n spilt" lowur than on
Inst break , when the Insldn Ilgurcd on the
jrop , up to that time , \\i-ro touched. Tlio
principal feature of to-elny'h trade wns the
very gennral nnd lionvy uiuoaillnirs by longs.
Dlscouiacud holders dumped lanse 'quanti
ties , and although the bhrlnkt-nige In values
occasioned by free olforlngs were not severe ,
It was a heavy slugging market from thee
o ) > cnlng to the close. Initial trades In Juno
were at 3U' ' { nnd In July nt4lc. or % ct under
yesterday's closing. Juno .slutfed otf to 4 %
fejIWc , and closed at oUc straight , and July
rested nt 40c , nfter touching -loJic. May
closed nt It ; under Juno and Aucust ut about lie
premium. Thu actual decline in the leading
futures was KQ c. Larger receipts are
predicted for next week , Monday'srun being
estimated ut 175 cars. 1'ort clearings yeste'r-
ilay from two ports wore IW.OUO bushels , and
foreign maikcts were quoted quiet and
steady. To-day's chimera bv lake shippers
were for 14flXW ( biibhols. Oats wt-re falily
active nnd prices weakened % c tor the piln-
clpal trading months. Finn weather , good
receipts , tree speculation oIlerliiKS and tUo
depression of corn , all helped to weaken the
market. Fluctuations were nairow , June
closing at UT c and July at 'JS' MSK J nst
at the clo- 'JXX ) , ( ) bushels were sold tor
August at i.0c.
In the ; provision pit yesterday's Interest
was barely maintaliu-d. The market opened
with a promise ot moie actlvn trading , but
on the appearance of a weaker and inoru
bearish tooling than wns exacted , traders
bccamo comparatively conservative , hence
to-day's business , all told , was somewhat
unsatisfactory nnd without special teatuie ,
From the start the bear aiilo was le ariled
with the greatest favor , and at the close larO
stood at 7k@10c and bhort ribs lOQl'Jifc under
dor Iitst ulght's linnl quotations. The lion I
prices reported were obtained on open Ins
transactions Speculation conlincd tc
lard and short ribs and to the- usual months-
June , July and August. Pork wns held al
5-1 lor May and June. The cash prodncl
sold slowly , though buyers wore evidently
making moie inquiries and showed more
disposition to take hold. Lard .sold uiodcr
ately lor export. Cash meats were held al
about yesterday's prices.
CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. , May 14. ( Special Tolojram tc
the BKK.I CATTLE it was not much of n
market to-day. The offerings were small
nnd the orders for the week wcro about nl
tilled yesterday. There were a few cattle
here which salesmen felt could not bo sold
very satisfactorily and so they ware held
over. Prices on the sales made were gcner
ally steady anel the market for the week
closed fairly good , considering. Beef steers ,
84.00 ( > i4.S'i ; stockcrs and feeders , $3.50r < i
. ' . : cows , bulls and mixed , S'J.OOi04.00 ; bulk
Oi' ' slop-fed steers , S.00@4.GO !
8teornSy.ooai.5S : ; corn-fed , 8a.70Q4.20.
lloos The market wns active , with i
slight up turn as compared with the lowoi
prices of yesterday , yet values are KKTJ Vx
lower tliau ono week atro , dropping 6@10 <
each day until to-day. Common mixed sole
at $4.CO@4.70 ; best mixed at 4.80@4.10 , am
best heavy , together with butchers' weights
at nbout Sfi.OO. Common light sold as leas \ \
as 84.50(34.00 ( , and assorted Yorkers S4.70it
Chloaso. May 14. TUa Drovers' Jour
nal reports ns follows :
Cattle Ki-celpis , 800 ; nominally steady
beef ste > ors , S4 ( )0 ) ( < J4.h5 ; Mockers and tned
ITS. 32.r > 0g4.5 ( ; COWH , bull ! and mixed
S'J.OOOM.OO ; bulk , sa.OCKjJ' ; Texas cattle
Hogs-Hecplpts , 0,000 ; stronger ; rough am
nilxott. S4.bOCi 4.UO ; packing nnd shipping
S4.tKX45.10 ; light , $4.MX < $4.U5 ; skips , S3.0
( ( $4.50.
BiShoop Hecelpts , 2,000 : slow ; nhorn SH.
tf.85 : ) : wooloel , 4.00@1.70 ; Texans , 8'J.75i (
s. : ) ; lambs , | L50 ( < i .50.
NationHtook Vnrels Knst Ht
Iioulo. III. . Mny 13. Catllo Receipts , 110
shipments , WO ; steady ; choice heavy natlvi
etoers , 84. Ki.oo : ; fnir to good Bhlpplni
if rs. 84.OOA4.n5 ; butchors' , stwrs , sa5.X'
4. : ; feeders , fair to uood , 8i.25at4.20 : ; stocU
crs. fair to good , Si2.Xf(3.20.
Hogs-Kpcolpts 1,500 ; shipments. 1,000
fitrong : choice heavy nnd butchers' selec
tions S..00g. ( > i.i5 ; packing , fair togood , S4.W
< ii..00 ; Yorkers , medium to prime , 84.503
4.15 ; pigs , common to good , $4.00(34.00. (
Kanaai City , May 14. Cattle Receipts
Hoes llocplpts , 8,000 ; shlpmenti , S.OOO
w 'ftlcaml c lowt-r ; common to choice , 81.2.
( 4.75 ; skip * aud pigs , 8J.5
NKW Yourc , May l5.-Speelal [ Telesran
to the UKE.I STOCKS. The New Vorl
stock nmiXct was rather more narrow to-da ;
than It has bi > on for some tl'jio , but ther
was no material breaK In prices. Tim mos
neusatlonal move of the day was In Maul
toba , which advanced 3 per cent on hU buy
ing orders from the west. It was stated tha
the stockholders would have the right some
time this year to eubscrlbo for now stock 01
tha l.iWO miles of road which the Manltob ,
U building. Granger stocks were all von
quiet and Rteady. notwithstanding ratne
heavy selling to realize. A good man ;
traders were outot town attending the races
aud this hail a tendency to detract from the
lutoreU'vvhfch traders usually take lu tin
market. A story was current that a bie bul
deal had been started In Norfolk .t Western
Ixiudou operators bolnc credited wltl
having designs of some Kind on the road
Tbe result was a Jump of 1 per cent In tin
Block. The txinlc statement , showing a de
crease of only 8331,000 In the reserve , wa
regarded as favorable. At least It was no
f construed as unfavorable enough to eel
stocks on. London prices were all a shadi
up nnd arbltrago houses reported a tali
mount of buylnc for- foreign account
"Western l/nlon and the Vanderbllts wen
jJyrYU u iiavtiyu , but there ww no
to soil these stocks. The feature of the after
noon was a sharp bulge In Norfolk A West
ern and a quick rally lu cotton iced oil cor-
tlllcatets. The report was on the street that
Insiders In the Cotton Seed Oil company had
a statement showing over 0 per cent earned
on certificates aud that 3 # per cent In divi
dends would bo paid In July. The market
closed very strong at about the opening
prices. The total sales vvere'JOJ.OOO shares.
( JoVEUNMK.\T3 Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U.S.C's 100 | C. AN. W 12l f
U. h. 4's coupon 12 ! ) I do preferred..151' <
U. S. 4 1 coup .110I-/N. Y. C \WX
i'Adlici/Bot " .Ti..iaf.f O. It. A N IWX
CnnadaSouth'n. . ( VI K ) . T. WJf
Ci-ntial Pncllic. . 40' P.iclticMall MX
Chicago A Alton. 1.V2 P. , I ) , .t K : .0
do prefcncd . . .IfU Pullman Pal.Onr.UiO
C. , H. AO r'H4' Heading 4IT <
I ) . , L. A W. . . . V.i Keck Island. . . 13.V <
I ) AK.O : : in < St. U A S. V . . . 'A'-
line : ips do preferred. . . . V.t'tf
eln preferred. . . . "J C. , M. A St. P. . . . U' !
Illinois Ccntial..lWf do preffrrcil..l2l'j '
I. , II. A W ! ! 5 .St. P. A O . . . W4'
K. AT iU I do prefcnt'd..llO
LakeShoio 7if Texas I'acllk1. . . . : > K
L. AN fiS 1'nlimP.icllic. . . . f-'J
Mlchliran Cenfl. . ' . 'It ' W. , St. LAP. . . . 31 '
Mo. Paclllt ! 10S > do prnfoncd. . S7H
No. I'.icllic ! ll' ' W. U. Telegiaph Tide
do preferred. . . . C2il
Mn iv : ON OAI.I. Ksyat 3 @ 3 per cent ;
closed otlercd al I PIT cent.
PlH ME MCKC.VNril.U I'At'Ell 5' < 40 pel
STKrtr.ivni : 1'xriiANOK Dull but steady
at S4.sVf lor sixty day bills , S4. J > < J for
Chlcniro , May 14. Following quota
tions ate the 2-iocIosiug : llgure-s :
Flour bteady and him ; winter wheat
( , < tM.80 : southern , S4.10@4.'JO ;
Wlnconsm. 8I.20 * 1. 0 : Michigan sort
sprine wheat , SJ.7X4.0 : ( ! ! ! : Minnesota bakers.
S.7l5J4.w : ! ( : ; patents , SI.M ; low grades ,
31.Wfjja.95 ; lye Hour , quiet at t-3.ux33.4J ; in
sacks and barrels , S ! ' < it.70. )
Wheat Opened at vmterrtay's close anil
closed J c highei ; cash , b.j > ic ; June , 87 ;
Corn Modera'ie y active but weak , closing
"sc below ye'sterdays close : cash , ! c ; June ,
: ; uc ; 'Inly , 40ii-10c. :
O.its Fluctuated lint little \slth noesson-
tial ehuiiBe ; cash , 'JiJVi'c ; June , 27)4e ) ; July ,
2SlCc. : ! .
liarloy Nominal nt .17c.
Timothy Seed I'rlme1 , c.xsh , S1.73.
1'ork Nominally unchanged ; cash and
June , iJl.oo.
Lard Weaker and 12Xo lower ; cash ,
S0.r, 'V , ; ; June , SO.O.-.Q'j.07K ' ; July ,
/ '
Hulk Meats Shoulders. S' > .f > 0 ? ? " > .70 ; shoit
cleai , 87.45047.50 ; short ribs , 37.00.
JJnttcr Weak ; creamery , 15310o ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet ; full cream cheddars , lli (
12c ; flats , WXM13c ; JOUIIK Americas , 12i (
3 ; skims , ! iC'7c.
Hides-Unchaugedhpavy ; green salted 7 c ;
lluhtdo , 7Jf3c ( ; s.iltml bull hides , Co ; gieen
salted call , ttc ; dry Illut , I' lltu : dry calf ,
13M14c : eteaeons. 40c e.xch ; dry salted , lOc.
T.illovv Unch.uitrcd ; No. Icountry , 4c ; No ,
Uocelpts. Shipments ,
Klour , bbls . IG.tOJ 14.00C
Wheat , bu . 24,000 2113,00 (
Corn , bu . 50,000 52 .OOC
Oats , bu . 147.000 174.00C
Kje. bu . 1,000 none
Uarley , bu . 11.000 8.001
N w If ork. May 14. Wheat Receipts ,
231,000 ; exports , 224,000 ; spot J @Xe higher ,
but less nctlvooptions ; opened a .shade better ,
later declined J di'i'c ' , subsequently ad'
vanced % @yc , closing steady ; ungraded
red , ' .MQO e ; > o. . ' ! rod , 0 > c : No. 1 red. 'J9K1 ,
No. 2 led , W } { < fW c In elevator , 'Jbo dclivcrcel ,
i)7c ) free on board , Juno closing at DOKCc.
Corn Spot a slmele nml options & ( & * { <
lower , closing steady ; receipts , 700,000 ; OK-
ports , { H.OOO ; ungraded , 4iJ ( ai.i ; c : > io.
47C(3 ( 8c In elevator , 4'JjGi4y,1c ' ' , delivered
June closing nt 47c.
Oats A shndo easier and moderately actIve
Ivo ; tiocolpts , 31,000 ; exports , 4 ! > 1 ; mixee
western , S4Gt36c ; white western , 37 < jj41c.
Petroleum Steady ; United < v ; fc.
K'es Steady and in fair demand ; west
ern , l'-14K'c ,
Pork Quiet , but nbout steady.
Lnrd Lower nnd heavy , closing wltt
some reaction ; western steam , bpot , SO.'J J
Uuttor Quiet and easier ; western , 12(322c (
Cheese Dull and easier.
Milwaukee. May 14. Wheat Steady
cash , 82 > c ; JUUB , lUc ; July ,
Corn Strong : No. 3 , 42c.
Oats- Weak ; No. 2 , white ,
Kye-lullNo. ; 1. 57Xc.
llarloy Quiet : No , a , 55 > ijc.
1'rovislons Weaker ; I'orK , May , S14.50.
Cincinnati , May 14. Wtieat Quiet bu
lirmNo2red ; , 8Gc.
Corn Kasier ; No. 2 mixed , 43 ( < $4Vc. !
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 30c.
Itte-Flnn ; > fo.2 , 05c.
Pork-Dull at 810.00.
Lard-Quiet at 3G.CO.
Whlsicy-Actlve at gl.05.
Mlnnoapoila. May 14. Wheat Steady
closed active ami strong ; No. 1 hard. May
Juno. 80Hc ; July , 81fc : No.
northern , Mny , 78Jfc ; June , 7UKc ; July
sojfc ; No. a northern , cash , 73Jic ; June
76)ic ; Jtily , 78c. On track : No. 1 hard. bOc
No. 1 northern , TOKc ; No 2 northern
- Firm ; patents , 8t40@4.50 ; bakers'
Kecelpts Wheat. 03,000 bu ; flour , 455 bbl < (
Shipments Wheat , 20,000 bu ; Uour , 18,001
New Orloana , Mny 14. Corn H Iron e am
higher ; mixed , 51@51Hc : yellow. 52@i3c
white , S5f50c.
Oats-Omet and steady at 37K < * -
Corn Mtsal Firmer nt 8i40 4.45.
lloit 1'roducts Unsettled and general !
lower.- l'ork-810.50.
Lard Itelinetl tierce at SG.7. .
Hulk Meats Shoulders , SG.OO ; Ions clea
and clear rib , 87.50.
St. Ijouls. May 14. Wln-at Easy carl
and closed steady ; cash , bSSST 'c ; June
We.Corn Lower ; cash. 37 < JW , ' c ; June , ; ? c
Oats-Dull ; cash , aiJfeiCMc.
1'ork Dull ; now , 3U75.
Lard Nominally lower at S0.40@6.45.
Whisky 51.03.
Ilntter Quiet ; creamery , 18@21c ; dnlrj
Kaaaan City , Mny 14. Wheat Weaker
No. 3 red , cash , 71Hc asked ; June , 7iy Q
71Hc ; July , Wcbld.
Corn Weaker ; No. 3. cash , 3i ; c bid
June , 31 Vc bid : July , ? Ae bid.
OaU-No. 2 , 2S ? c bid.
IjUcrpnol , Mny 14. Wheat Stoadj
holdnrs otter moderately.
Corn Stonily amldomandfalr ; novT mlxc <
western , 4s 2 > < d per cental.
Saturday , Mny 14.
Cat tin.
The receipts ot cattle were hovier than fo
some time past nnd especially tor the last o
the week. The market was slow on nccoun
of the owners being unwilling to sell tliol
stock at the decline. To-day's market wa
very nearly steadv with yesterday. Mr
Swift of Swift A Co. , Chicago , was on th
niaiket and picked up a few loads.
The run of hogs was \ery liberal for th
last of the week. The market opened falrl
active at a dot-lino of nbout He. The bulk o
the hogs were sold early In the day. Th
decline In the market is In sympitrty wltl
the decline In other markets nnd tholowo
prices of all klnda of provisions , lard , etc
There were eight loads of ll ht bklpy am
coarsu heavy hogs left ov cr.
Thuio was no imuket.
Cattle . 2,00
U.OS3 . 2SO
1'rovalllni ; I'rlcoi.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this markrt :
Choice bteers. 1300 to 1500 lbs..5l.20aL25 '
Choice steers. 1100 to 1310 Ib3. . . 4.05$4.15 (
Fat llttlo stner WOO to 10.V3 Iba. . . . S.tWMi.OO
Kxtra choicocovvs and holfers. . . . S.40u3J50
Cootl to choice corn-fed cows , . . . 3.15/33.3)
Common to medium cows. , .
Uood to choice bulls . S-Wiuaoo
Light and medium how . 4.4 V < t 1.40
Hood to choice heavy hogs . 4.4VI.5. '
Ooo4 to choice mixed IIO.M . 4.40M4.50
Choice sheep , 80 to 120 Ihs . S-ISOtlUS
Itoprcaontativo t < Ale .
Nd. , Ar. Pr. - No.1 Av. Pr.-
7. , , ,1U5 S3.IQ , . gj.M.WU. 81.05
I/lve Ktock Sold.
Showing the uuulbcr of cattle and hogs
bought by the leading buyets oil to-day's
market :
Aiiirlo-Amerlcau Packing Co . 3.00 !
( ! . H. Hammond A Co . L'OI
Local . n
Holdover . O-Jl
( i. H. Hammond A Co . " 0 <
Han Is A Fisher . IK
SvxIttA Co . Sf
Conklln A Co . 8t
Chukeliros . 4 (
Local . U
Total . ' " " . 01"
Showing the numljijr of eittle , hos nnd
sheepshlpp.-d Irom the vards dutln ' tilt ) day.
No. cars. lit. Dost.
.r . C. 1) ) . AQ . Clitcagc
2.1 . Mil . Chicauc
17 . R. I . Chic.igi
10 . N W . Chicane
All.sales ot stock in this market are niailo
percwt. llvo woliht unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at "fo per Ib. tor all weight ? .
"Skins , " or ho.3 weighing loss than 10J Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docltud 49 loj.
nudstigs Jlbs , by thomibllo
Ijlve Stock Notes.
Hogs 15c olf.
Cattle steady.
A heavy inn for Saturday.
Kight loads of hogs left over ,
Nothing doing la butclieis' stock.
( ! eorgeVftnies ] , Missoml Valley , was In am
sold a load of hogs.
C. K. Lillybridge , Wo-itou , came in wltl
two loads ot cattle.
J. A. Carton. Dewitt , Neb. , was In ani
gold three loads ot cattle.
There were 3ttO hogs on the niaiket , count
Imr lie-ill receipts and .stale.
R. Hutehlnson , Republican city , was hen
and marketed a load of hogs.
E. Pettys , Shelby , was hero with a load ol
hogs which sold on the market.
J. U. Hunter , North Parke , a well knovvt
cattle owner , was among the visltois at tin
> ards.
R. A. Heaton , ot Clark , lleaton & Co. ,
Weston , was In with two loads ot cattle ami
one of hogs.
A. Spelts. David City , was hero and sold Sf
head of cattle. Fifty-three head avciagei
1315 and brought 84.20.
This tnornin ; Fowler Bros , had aboul
7,000 llvo hogs In their pens , which was
enough to last them for two davs or more. It
spite ot that fact they bought 2 , UK ) more.
Complaints are made that tlio tolegiapl
company does not deliver messages with
aullicient promptness. A few hours delnj
makes a great Ullfeienco In the live stocl
The number of cattle sold on the markc
was very small in comparison with tlio num
her lu the yards. This however Is arwav i
the case when there is a sudden and heavj
decline In the market , Shippers come It
with cattle which wet i ; bought when the mar
ket was higher , and finding thnt they cai
not get out on them , they prefer to go on ti
Chicago in hopes ot bettering themselves
Kxporicnco has shown , however , thnt nlm
times out of ton the shipper does not recelvi
ns much In Chicago ns ho may be off era
here. Yesterday Mr. Swift , of Swift & Co.
made a bid on every load ot fat cattle in tin
yards , but only a very few weio sold. It re
mains to bo seen whethertho same cattle wll
net their owners any mote on the Chlcngi
market _
General Produce.
Saturday , May 14.
I7ic/oHoimt(7 ) ( prices arc /or roitiuZ lota oj
produce , as unlit on tne marfict to-uay.
KOOR Steady nt lie ,
IJuTTr.u- There Is an occasional packnii' '
of fancy butter that sells above the quotation
given below. Chlco country , 13@15c ; tuirti
good , 10 < 312o ; common , ( Xjcjitc.
CHKKSE Full cream cheddarssingle,14Kc
full cream rials , twins , I4 > ic ; Young Ameri
cas , 15c ; fancy Swiss , ISo ; Swiss , lui
ported , 25c ; Linibiirgor , 14c : brick. I5@l0c.
LIVE POUI.TIIY Chickens , 83.00i3.'j.- ( ) .
GAMK Ducks , mallard , per ilo83 00 < c
2.25 ; ducks , teal , per do/ . S1.50@l.75 ; ducks
mixed , per dot , Sl.50nji.7d ; geese , per doz
SU.OO@3.50 ; brants , per do2.00 ; snipe
perdo31.21 , plovci 5tc.
l'oTATiis Homo grown , small lots , fron
store , b5(7i90c ( ; now potatoes , per bbl , 81.50
ONIO.VS New southern , per bul , S.VOO.
CAimAOK New California stock sells a
: iKe Per Ib.
AITI.KS The niaiket Is bare and there 1
no stock of anv account.
NEW Vr.aKrAinis : Spinach , per bbl
S1.2.V. top onions , per dozen bunches , 20j
25c ; radishes , per dozen bunches , KOc ; lettuce
40c ; plo plant , per Ib , 2c ; homo grown aspn
gus , per doz , 40@50o ; cucumbeis. perdov
BEANS-lnferlorstock.7.'MS1.00irood ; clear
countiy , SLOOidl.a ; medium , hand picked
81.40(31.50 ( : hand picked , navy , S1.SOC41.00.
I'ROVISIONS Ham , 12Kc ; broaktas
bacon , rib. lo > c : breakfast bacon , plain. He
dry salt sides. SXiasj/c : dried be of , regular , 1
@Ilc ; dried beet , Iwm pieces , 18c ; lard , 50-1
cans. 7,4fc ( ; 20-Ib cans. Fairbanks , 7c ; 10-1
cans , Fairbanks , 7J < c ; 5-lb cans , Kali batiks
5c : U-lbcans. Fairbanks , SVc-
LEMONS ilesslna , choice , per box , S4.5
@ .oo.
OKANOIS California , Los Angeles , pe
box , H.OO ; Metllteriancnn sweets , ? 3.50fi
X7.- Mosslua luiKrlal ] ! , fancy. 5.50 ; Sa :
Gabriel , slnirle box lots , S3.JO ; San ( Jabrlcl
5 box lots , S2.8r > .
yritAwniunir.s : The receipts are libers
nnd the imuKet lower. Choice block , pu
case , 85.00.
HAN ANAS Largobunches , per bunch , S3..1
@ 4.00.
\ \isiiKs bairel.s , per gallon ; mrnl
ture , extra , 51.10 ; furnlturiNo. . 1. 81.00
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach. No. 1,81.20 ; Dj
mar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c : nsphaltuir
extra KC : shellac , 98.50 * . bard oil linlst
51. 50
DnvPAiN-Tfl-WliUe lead , 7e French zinc
12c : Parli wiiltlmj. 2Ko ; whiting , glider :
S > fc ; whiting , com'l , l c ; lampblack , ( ier
maustovvn. l'-2c ; lampblack , ordinary , Sc
Prussian bluov > eultramarlne , l c ; vaudyic-
brown , Se ; umber , burnt. 4o ; umber , raw , 4c
Bionna , burnt. 4c : Blenna , raw , 4o ; Pan
Ereon. Kenulnv. . Paris green , con
mon. 83r chrome green. N. y. , 20a
Termilhon American. lbc : inaia
raw and buint umber , l o > cans , 1'jc ; raw an
burni sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , Uc ; n
lined lampblack l2o : coach black and Ivor
black. Ifto ; drop black. 16c ; Prussian blue
< 0c : ultramarine blact 18c ; chrome irrceu.L
M. < k D. . lOc ; blind and shutter green , u. Ai
A D. , lOc ; Paris green , Ibo ; Indian red , 15c
Vonetlan red Oc ; Tuscan , use ; America
verinllllon , L. A I ) . , 80e : yellow ochre. So ; 1.
M. to O. 1) . . 18 < j s epod ochre. We : tm n
Oryer.So ; eralnlni ; color , light oak , darko k
walnut chestnut and ah. IJc
, UntlOSAND jUKMIOAI.S. Ao < 1 Carbolic
'c ' ; acid tattaric , 50c ; balsam copaiba , pe
" > , 50o ; b.vk sassafras , per 0 , lOo ; calouieJ
per B > , 78c , chlncnonldla. iier oz , 40c : chloic
form , per B > , M'c ; Dovers powders , per n
81.23 ; epspra alK , per tt. ! 5Kc ; glycerine
pnreperltx Sue- lead , acetate , per a. aic
oil , castor , Mo. i. pergi , ! . , l.fX > ; oil castoi
No. a , per gal , fl.40oil ; olive , nor gal. , 91.40
oil oritramium. 50c ; opium , ; quinine
-j < V , , " , ' c
Iodide , per tt > , 3I..V ) ; s | | cin. perez , 40o ; mil
Bhata morphine , per oz. t 5 ; sulPhur > -no
Dmaha Sjcietyfrcparing for a Lodge Dor-
IngTne Heated Term !
Men , Muinnttoi'a Stuetlo < V Family
3 ItiMtnloii Miss UclHt'rt Ulrlliilay
Pnrty Hie Vnugltnn lie-
union CJont-ral Gossip.
Society Simmer * Down.
Society is gradually simmering down to
the dregs. Parties are becoming more
and more the exception , ami those that
do occur are the closing assemblies of
club organizations , anil for the most part
seem stale and unprofitable. Kven in the
matrimonial market a serious depression
is felt , perhaps because May is not fa
vored by tradition ns a propituos period
for connubial ventures. Juno is the choice
of most people ami it is thought thnt
Oinnlm will rt-conl a list of such sacri
fices this year , notwithstanding the prov
erbial shyness of cupid for the
gilded youth of this section. Thee
foolish virgins who have let more
birthday. * slip by than they
like to count , without improving their
opportunities are preparing to have their
candled well tilmmcd anil in readiness
to arrest the progress of possible summer
resort months. U ith the hope thnt springs
eternal , their imaginations have conjured
a summer rich in results.
Kext week promises to brighten up
somewhat. Canls are out for a recep
tion by Ccnoral anil Mrs. Urook Wednes
day evening from 1) ) to 1'J. The following
afternoon airs. (5ny ( Marlon and Mrs. C.
1) . Woolworth will reooivo their triomls
from 3 to 0 , at Mrs. liartou's house on
California street.
M mi IT.
St. James Buelgot : "The word ton is
quite abolished. Everything that is fash
ionable is now called the nick. " So
wrote Lord Robert Seymour in January ,
1783 , in the diary , extracts from which
appear in the April number of Murray's
Magazine , and it is a contribution
towards the history of slang terms us ap
plied to the movements of tashion which
should bo noted by those interested in
tha trivialties of language. The "buck
and bloods" of " "
"Ruddygorc , similarly
recall the many now departed names
given to these who follow the fashion
only too closely. Macaroni , beau , dandy ,
fop , coxcomb , swell , masher , dude ,
comirchic and suporchic are all of the
same school.
In two of Lord Heaconsfield's novels
the change in the use of such names
it clearly shown. "Dandy bus been
voted vulirar.and bean is now the word , "
is remarked in "J'he Young Duke , " pub
lished in 1823 , while in "Lothair , " piycn
to the world in 1870 , there is a reference
to is cohsiiCered "the high mode for
a real swell.lVii/rheso historical develop
ments of oollocmial language are of in
terest to any vylro attempt to study con-
tenioorary li oas : displayed in contempo
rary literature. "Nick.1 as an epithet ,
has completely Uisappeared ; "chic" has
gone in the sjuue direction , and before
long perhapevfui society journals will
awake to tliivfurjt that it has become mo
notonous to jiudjiulins , ballsand drc. ses
alike , and always described as "smart. "
A May Kestlval.
St. Catherine's academy was the scene
of much bustlohi { > il merriment Tl tirsday.
It was agala'day among the pupils , who
were treated tq a May festival. The be
ginning of the Jfestivitics was a march of
the pupils through corridors , singing the
litany. Then a hymn was sung. The
large hall on the second lloor was elabo
rately decorated , and a throne was
erected to the statue of the Virgin which
was crowned by the May queen , MKs
Clara Creighton. The bishop then
crowned the May and fairy queens , Clara
Creighton and Miss Clara Van Camp.
The prettiest feature ot the day was the
May polo dance by twenty-four children ,
after winch they enjoyed unlimited re
freshments. The bishop and eight clergy
were present , also the parents ol the
queens and the former pupils of the
A nirtiulny Party.
Miss Ethel ( icist of 1810 St. Mary's nvo-
nuo gave a birthday party Wednesday
evening , in honor of her cousin , Miss Essie
Freeman , of Union Mills , 1ml. The
rooms were canvassed for dancing ami
music furnished by Prof. D. F. Freeman ,
of VVahoo. The presents wore numerous
and elegant. Among the guests wo no
ticed Misses Fannie and Edith Daven
port , Daisy lliggins. Mamie and Susie
\V \ elty , Soppio and Fannie Standish ,
Clara Roth , Minnie Lehman , Li/
Elliott , llallie Lyon , Gertie Scoticld , Edna
Williams , Jcnniu Donaldson , Annie Wild ,
Carrie Johnson , and Messrs. Charles
Higgins , Harry Warwick. Ad. Knicker-
bockcr , Leon Coulter , Frank liulch ,
George Meigs and Alvin Johnson.
A Complimentary Reception.
Miss Woolworth received the young
latiics of her acquaintance Thursday
afternoon from 3 to 0 , in honor of her
guests Mrs. A. J. Morn of Siouv City , and
Miss Hebbington of Council BlulVs. The
afternoon passed very pleasantly in so
cial converse and reminiscences of the
pait season. Those present were : Mrs ,
II. S. Rollins , Mrs. W. 15. Millard , Mrs.
F. B. Johnson , Mrs. Collins , Mrs. A. J ,
Love , Mrs. W. L. Dickey , Mrs. E. S ,
Dundy , jr. , the Misses Boyd , Ijams ,
Richurtlbon , Hustin , Shears , Dandy ,
Lake. McClmtook ; Rollins of Columbia.
Missouri , Iloagland , Brown , Miller ,
Burns , Morse , McMurtry of Lincoln ,
Dickey , Williams of Topeka , Kansas.
Free Blnn'mc Ulnsso .
The opportunity presented the younc
people of Omaha for vocal and clocu ,
tionary training in Arthur C. McKnight'f
protracted course of free lessons is some
thing unproctnlrtnteil in the Gate City' '
educational aarear. Upwards of 800 chil
dren and youth tyavo enjoyed the benolil
of these healthful and valuable drills dur
ing the past twV months , and have de
rived lasting ityiiictit from them. One
month more \Vill complete this free
course Of instruction , when eelectei
pupils from thwio'classcs will render tin
charming allegory of the "Naiad Queen,1
which was wTujon expressly for Mr. Mo
Knight utter jlfij sudden termination ol
his romnrkarJio > l'cnrcer as the "Boy Ora
tor. " This entertainment promises to beef
of great intent and elaborateness.
iiiiou Club.
The I'hilenAJl\Jub had a fair attend
ance Thursday considering the weather ,
The proiiranirao of twenty dances wa
entered into wlih unusiml spirit , and the
refreshments also received liberal atten
tion from the thirsty crowd. Amen <
these present wore Mrs. Stornsdorf , Mrs
Tanner , Mrs. Lucas , the Misses Gouhl
Austin , Heindortr , Fleming , Stoinhaii scr
Heckman , DUtcd , Kelly , ( Jlarke , Hoioh
art , Smith , Fatau , Kit by , Feathorstonc ,
Tromaine , AtcHonnlu , Uiclmrilson
Moisonor , and Messrs. Lydlck , Nowhall ,
Sopor , Smith , Maryou , JewettVako -
lield. Allen , Froinan , Carpunter , 15cm
ilonf. AllaulVhitnoy , liutlnr , liach
man , Kaufman , Siinmorman , Mulligan ,
Lucas , Cranbou , Kponetcr.
\ Card I'arty.
Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Kurton entcrttilnce
( i number of.thuir neighbors on Park
'aycnuc Tuesday evening. A very
tltno was had In playing cards. These
present were Colonel and Mrs. Akin ,
Mr. and Mrs. 1'ratt , Mr. and Mrs. llt.s-
don , Mr. aud Mrs Goodrich , Mr. and
Mrs. Dale , Mr. and Mrs. Unwell , Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander , Mr. and Mrs. UrolV ,
Mr. iuid Mrs. IMlss , Mr. aud Mrs. Hop
Family Itriinlnn ,
The Hon. W. H. Vivuphan celebrated
the thirty-ninth anniversary of his birth
day , and the eighteenth year of his mar-
rlnge , Thursday , in a very enjoyable
manner at his homo on Lcaveuworth
street. Besides Ills wife and seven chil
dren , there were present his brother-in-
law. C. P. leVot , proMileut of the Rector
\Vilholiny company , anil wife. An ele-
ant family dinner was followed with
music , making the occasion a happy one
In Mrs , Muin.iiiiili'H Studio.
The latest rase in the way of decora
tive Novelties are tir pillows that are both
fraRrnut and ornamental , They arc In
great favor for remembrances , just now ,
appropriate quotations sometimes ac
companying the unique and suggestive
decorations that makes them seem al
most too dainty for n-c. Mrs. Mumaugh
has cxereised her ingenuity on several
occasions , with telling results. Ono of
the most delicate is covered with pale
irrccn silk with a spray of lir cones and
twigs in tapestry dyes. Another more
I' in palest blue with a very dif
ficult design ot afcmalo ligurn in a cres
cent with starry sky surrounding.
Miss Harmon has completed a land
scape with distant tails ami in the fore-
cronnd between banks of shrubbery , a
clear stream in which a dog is intently
watrhing his own shallow.
Miss Standish has done ono of the
prettiest nieces that has gone out of the
studio. It is an idyl of spring and
country life , with building trees , n farm
house in the miildlo elist-incc , anel a
phie'ul river in the foreground , with
numerous cattle luxuriating in the sun
shine. The treatment of the picture is
excellent anil shows n considerable
knowlcelgo of anatomy.
Ilrevltlo-a ,
Max Meyer has returned from the east.
W. J. Carter is spending Sunday in
A Knights of Labor party will be held
on the 17th.
U. B. Young will sing at the next Ladies'
Musicale , May 13.
Mrs. Ailolph Meyer will go to Spirit
lake the last of June.
Mrs. Morris Sloman went cast Thurs
day to sponil the summer.
Kcbecca lodge will bo represented at a
ball nt Masonic hall , theJlSth.
General Dennis of Yankton , Dak. ,
visited Omaha frienels last week.
Miss 'Alpona , of Chicago , is visiting
her sister , Mrs. J. I. Kichmnn.
Mrs. E. 15. Chapman went to St. Joe
Wednesday , for a months visit.
ATurnvercin exhibition will be given
at the opera house on the 25th.
Miss Almy left Thursday to spend the
summer at her homo in Salt Lake.
Unity club will hold its last social thn
end of the month at Mrs. Kimball's.
Mrs. K/ra Millard leaves to-morrow
for New YorK on her way to Kuropo.
Mrs. General Urcck entertained a few
friends at a dinner party last evening.
Mrs. W. S. llurlbut , of Cheyenne , is
visiting her sister , Mrs. U. V. Barkalow.
Mrs. S. 1' . Morse has returned from a
six weeks' sojourn at Hut Springs , Ark.
Mrs. D. W. Van Colt and son left Fri-
elay for Statcu Island to remain until
The Cofl'eeclub mot at Mrs. L. Heller's
Wednesday. Pretty souvenirs were
Miss MoMurtry , who has been the guest
of Miss Hums , returned to Lincoln
Mrs. U. E. B. Kennedy and daughter
returned Wednesday from a long visit in
The ladies of the German-American
school will give a calico ballut Germania
hall on the Mill.
Ben Rosemfold pf Baltimore , a brother-
in-law of A. Mandelborg , is in the city ,
with a view to locating.
The Hon. A. U. Wyman and daughter
have returned from Washington and are
domiciled at the Millard.
J. S Collins gave a stag party Wednes
day night at his elegant rooms on Twelfth
street over Wicdejman's.
R. II. Vinton , private secretary of S.
R. Callaway has resigned and will cm-
bark in the real estate business.
The Afternoon Luncheon club met at
Mrs. J. S. Hobinsou's , Wednesday. The
next meeting will be nt Mrs. S , Katz's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Maul arrived in
Omaha Wednesday after u visit of three
months with their daughter , in Now
The parents of G. D. Wyatt , the lum
ber merchant , arrived hero Friday from
Luiliugton , Michigan , and will locate
here permanently.
Mrs. A. C. Jordan , wife of the manag
ing editor of the Republican arrived hero
Jesterday from Fargo. Mr , and Mrs.
onlau have taken rooms at 1'Jll Faruam
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. Burket went to
Grand Island Wednesday to attend the
marriage of their niece , Miss Clara Bur-
kel , to A. Hart , a prominent druggist of
that place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. II. Patrick gave n din
ner last Sunday in honor of General Lew
Wallace. The guests were Senator and
Mrs. Mandorson , General and Mrs.
CrookGcnoral and Mrs , Hawkins , Judge
anil Mrs. Woolworth.
Miss Arta Coely , of North Platte , was
at the Paxton l-rnlny. In the evening
sue went to Lincoln to visit friends , and
from there she will go to Now York ,
from vvhcnco she will sail for London to
join her father , "Buffalo Hill. "
A party from Omaha accompanied the
riilo club to Bolluvuo Wednesday to at
tend the club's .second shoot. Among
the number were Miss Berlin , Miss Bob-
bington of Council Bluft's , Mrs. P. S.
Eustls , Miss Eustis , Miss McMurtrio of
Lincoln , and Mrs. L ) , J. Collins.
A jishing party will leave to-day for
Madison laketo spend a week in pleasur
ing. Thu party is a convivial one and a
gay time is auticipatetl. The crowd in
cludes Dr. Conkling , C. E. Yoit , Harry
Douol , Lyman Richardson , J. W. Morse ,
Guy Barton and E. M. Morsmin.
The Following Circular Will Interest
Omiihn Ijailles.
"OMAHA , Nob. . May 1-1 , 1897. Mr. A.
F. Montanyc , from the house of G. Sau-
vago , 13 Rue Poisonerro , Pans , has con
sented to exhibit his collection of novelty
silks nml dress goods at our store next
Tuesday , May 17th. You are invited to
call uim inspect them. Wo know you
will unjoy seeing them , as Mr. Montunye
will exhibit all the latest Paris Novelties
for next fall. Ladies wishing to place
orders for single dress patterns can do
ho. S. P. MOUSE & CO. "
Ilorsnbaclc exercise was never more
popular than at present , it is tmid. Hotel
landlords of country places arc aelvised
to mid some saddle Iiorsos to their "mod
ern improvements , " for the summer vis
itors will demand exorcise according to
the popular idea. Usually It is necessary
to procure the horse in ono town and tel-
ni'raph for the saddle from another.
There is no better c.xcrcUo until tha
rider. * become cirelcssivitli : the feeling of
their own proficiency in the accomplish
Berlin's population increased 43,000
during the past yeur.
TllUI'.t : OF A KINO.
MootlnitM to lie Held tiy
Three Denominations In Omnlia.
On next Tliurstlny the H'th ' tnst. , tha BCII
oral n sotnbly of the Piosbvtrrlan i-hurch In
thy United btatcs will meet In the First Pres
byterian church In this city.
On Wednesday .May IS , Win. 11. Roberts ,
stated clerk and \Vm. l Moore , pommiicnt
clerk , compo lii ) ; the rotnmltU'o on commis
sions will bo present in the lecture rooms ol
the South West church at 3 p. m. , nml nUo on
the llHh. Inst. , i\t bua. : : ) in , , for the purpose
of lecelvln the urcilcntlnls ot cummls'
The reception committee of the Rcncral os >
jcuibly will tin in uniting nt nil the trains on
Wetlnesilay , Thursday and Krhlay , May IS ,
1H and 20 , to receive the commissioners. Ttic
committee nml Its assistants will bo di-co
rnti'd with bnilw-s so that It can bo roivllly
recoinl7eil. Air. ,1. L. Wlthrow ha < < ulTuied
to send his 'tmssus nml carry the commit-
sinners tree fiom the depots to the chinch.
Delegates \\lio expect to be present at the
Home and Porelsn Mi "lomiry mcctim : to lc )
held nt the time of thu assembly nt Omnlu ,
will please send tticlr nnim's to Mr. ( tt < eric
Tilden , 124 South Nineteenth street , Omaha ,
iSei ) . , \ \ hoMll bo h.ippy totecuro places ol
Thu committee will , RO far as possible , aT
rect visitors to the assembly to houses when.
board can bu had at reducrd r.itt" ' . Tin
hotel rates nrn : l'\\ton hotel S'J , Mlllnril
hotel Si. Merchants' hotel Sjl.75 to S'J , othci
hotels 3 1.50 to S1.75 and prlvntu houses tl
per ilay.
The annual mcetlnc of the woman's ov
ccutlve committee of llomo Missions will be
held In tills city on Friday , Mny 27. A con
ference of synodlcal committees Is arinnuetl
for Tuesday attcrnoon , Mav 21. On Wednc.s
day nttcrnoon. May' 'i , the various brancht"
of thn work will bo presented by missionaries
from the Held. The woman's prnj'-r nml ac
quaintance mcctUiK u HI be held dally nt 2:3 : (
p. in. _
The nnnnal council ot the Protestant F.pls
copal church In Nebraska will hold Its nn
nu.d meeting In this city , coinnioneini ; Wed
ncsilny , May Ibth. Thoexurclbcs will bo ni
follows :
Morning prayer at 0 o'clock , a. in. Cole
bratton ot the Holy Communion and nnnun
nddicssof thoblbhop at 10 o'clock , a. in. , at-
tor which the council will bo called toxotlici
for nr anlzntlon and business , and adjonn
nt 1 o'clock for lunch , and will resume bus !
ness at 3 o'clock. At 7oO theie will bo n
mb.Hlonnry incotlni ; In the cathedral , a1
which addresses will be niailo by the llov
.lolin Hewitt , the Rev. Win. II. HnailliiR , tin
Rev. Alex. Allen , Mr. tiny A. .Blown , am
Thin sday , 10th , celebration of Holv Com
niunlon nt 7 o'clock , A. M. , Mornlnt : Vr.iyo :
at ' .l A.M. Celebration of the Holy Coininn
nlon and sermon liv the Rev. Win. ( ) . Persoi
at 10 o'clock. Business Immetllately there
alter. Atljourn tor lunch nt one o'clock am
resume nt 3 o'clock. In the evening then
will bo n reception of thocluiKy and la\
delairatos nt Blshopthropo , trom 8 to l :
o'clock , to which nil mo Invited. Lunch wll
be provided by the ladies of Trinity In tin
ctiolr room of the cathedral on Wednesdnj
ami Thursday for the clergy and la ;
On Tuesday evening , the 17th , the flrs
annual mooting of the St. Andrew's brother
hood will be hold in the cathedral , when i
sermon will be delivered by Doan Gardner
The delegates to the mcetlnc ; are requested ti
moet at the cathedral at 7 o'clock.
On Thursday , the 19th Inst. , the nnnna
mcetlnc : of the Nebraska branch of tin
Woman's Auxllllnry to the Jioaul of Mis
slons will ho held In the cathedral , when re
ports will ho road and other Interesting pro
cecdlntrs had.
Lunch will be provided for the ladles 01
Thmsday nt the residence of Mis. Nnthai
Sheltou , Twenty-fourth and Doel e streets.
Lilt lieran.
On Wednesday , Juno 1 , there will con
vene In this city tlio thlity-tlurd biennin
convention ot the ueneral synod of tin
Kvanu'olical Lutheran church of the Unltei
States of America. This is the lir&t larce re
liclous bwly that icsolved to come to Omaha
the appointment having been made nt tin
convention he-Id In llarrlsburs , Pa. , May
Ib85. It will bo a gathering ot reprcseiilatlv
mlnistpi-s nntl laymen found in the EiiKlIsl
sveaklnc Lnthuran church of our country
This isnpuiely English body. The meet
Ings , both day and evening , will beheld ii
the Kount/.o Memorial dim eh , aud are opci
to all.
Y. M. O. A.
The Young Men's Christian Assoclatloi
building fund continues to give handsom
subscriptions. AmonStho latest are these
Dr. S. D. Mercer , 3500 ; Dr. S. C. L'enlse' '
S500 ; Robert Llvestiy , 8100 ; Mr. Sherwood
S100 ; Mr. Williamson , 350 ; Mf-rchants' Na
tlunnl bank , S50 ; Chamberlain , Andersoi
& O'Conneli , S35.
A Boy Detective.
A boyish fellow , giving his name as C
A. Gray , was lodged at the jail as a vag
rant. He hud not a nirklo , his chief pot
sonal effects being a star bearing th
magical words , "private detective , " i
small revolver and a notebook. lie explained
plained that he had joined an associatioi
m Cincinnati. He had received an invi
tation to join , anel was assured that hi
could get a living and a name easily. H (
had paid $5 to become a member nm
had his certificate with him , in the fron
part of the notebook wcro blank page
for recording such arrests as bo mlgh
make. Thus tar there had been no en
tries in the book , lie had found the lif
of adotectivo rather rocky. Ho ha
come across one sheriff who promised t
give him $100 if he would find a cortai
man , but he hadn't found him yet. Th
foolish fellow , who is only one of man
who have been duffed this way , was al
lowed to go free , and given some whole
some advice about returning to his wor
on the turra , stopping the reading of lias
novels , sell his gun and buy a iliove !
save liis money and look with tloub
upon every seductive circular.
1 he Park Concert.
Last evening n most enjoyable concci
was given in Bayhss park , it Le'.ng a com
plimentary tendered the public by th
enterprising firm of Odell Bros. & Cc
Dalby's fifth regiment band furmshc
the music. This band is a comparativel
young organization , but tin lor the load
crship of Prof. Dalby has developed ray
idly , luul promibus to be ono of the fine :
organisations in the stato. Among th
most choice numbers on the urogramm
were these of Prof. Dalby's own compos
tion. Ho is a true artist , ami Counc
Blull's may well take pride in havin ;
such a giftcel resident , whose band musii
is played by the bo-t musical organixa
tions in this country , and oven in th
lands beyond the ocean. It is mete tha
buch a musician should bo heartily er
couragett to remain hero , and yet it i
not in pursuance of this policy that th
statement is made that the concert give
by his band last evening was an oxtraoi
dinanly line ono. He and his organ/ ! ;
lion merit sucli praise. The new ban
has hail little time to play together an
yet , n few , not knowing this fact woul
have illustrated it by their renditions las
evening. Tlio niusio was of a high ordei
much of it difficult , and it was give
charmingly. There was a largo crow- -
to hear it , and alt seemed tlolightcd , 1
is the opening of the season , anel the !
concerts in the park aru to follow. Jt i
to be hoped that there will bo many c
them. The programme was as follows
ManawaValu . J. Muullci
Odell Bros. & Cos' . Own.
KIrcinons Polka ( Illustmtlvo ) . Rluloj
The AUrm-n ) the Way-lho flla/o-A
out and fully Insured by Odell Bros. A : Co.
To Our Firu Insurance Cnmpdnlei .
.Serenades "A dream ot Beauty , " . . . . i Dal by
To hake Manawa.
Gallop "Out" . Haiti
TotheMuolldrMusIcCo. ,
Quickstep. "Sill Rosimunt , " . Dalb ]
Dt'tlcrtt4 il to the "Doilxo Linht Guards. "
Uvurtute , "The Knchantioss. " . U.ilbj
To the Ladles of Council lilulfs.
The Signal Trombone bolo , . Kollutl
Rt-al HsUtu Waltzes , . Andcrsot
To our Competitors.
The Forge In ihe Korent , . Miclmole
To the "Twin CUlos. "
The bonolit to bo given Rev. Father
Hoalev will take place \ \ cilncsday even-
iiiK next at Dohany'.s opera house.
Tickets are 60 cents o.v'h and they can
bo reserved at 1) . 'iN' . Hushnell's by pay
ing an additional 25 cents. Through some
misunderstanding a lew have been solel
at 95 cents.
The play is "Lancaihiro Lass , " with
the following
Itedmond John MoWllllama
Ni'tl Clayton ( ! corce < Hughes
Johnson John Malouuy
hpotty Tom llmihos
Klrley Colonel Cocloy
Jelllck William M Money
Danville Major Wrlcht
Ker o.\nt Donavln Kd Cogloy
Phil Andrews Stove Adams
Milder J nines Wrlirht
Postman lolin Conner
Uuth Khby Mbs Cella Hughes
KateG.uitoiH ! MM Joslo Dtircnn
Kaunlii Danville Mis * Ancle Wlcklmm
Wultlni ; ninhl Laura Sheipo
. . J MIU AllUiC JollllSOtl . . . .
iviiamucrmaids. ,
Mlgs KlmenL,0Yllllams
Nnlililni ; n Snfo Illowor.
Shorill'Mallory , of Auilubon county ,
arrested a man Inst evening on fho
dummy train for safe blowing.
The prisoner had been arrested in
Omaha , discharged , and a ticket given
him for Council HliilVs. He was tohl to
leave Omaha immediately , lie took the
train for this city , and the sheriff accom
panied by nn Omaha polieemnn were on
the same tram , \\lunon the bridge )
they prococdcd to r.rrcst their man. Ho
tlttl not propose to submit quietly and
gave them a hard tinsel during which
lie bit and kicked and gave them a regu
lar rough aud tumble light , lie wai
finally brought to time ami placed in the
city jail. The sheriff's hands.aro badly
bitten and ono linger lacerated , while the
officer was bit through the lleshy part of
his hand.
More New Hooks.
The following has been added to the
free public library :
.irvr.Nii.K insToitv.
Strange Stories from History , Kggles-
ton ; History of Margaret of Anjou , Ab
bott ; History of Queen Elizabeth , Abbott ;
The History of Hortense , Abbott ; His
tory of Madam Roland. Abbott : History
of the Netherlands , Young ; Rattles of
the Republic , Harrison ; Grandfather's
Chair. Nathaniel Hawthorne ; History of
Hernanilo Cortez , Abbott ; Six Little
Uooks ; Speech and Manners for llomo
and School , Kirkland , The Ice Queen ,
lugcrsoll ; Geological Excursions , Alex
ander Wincholl ; Hold Up Your Heads ,
Girls , Rjelor.
Lives of Poor Hoys'Who Hecumo Fa
mous , Itolton ; Lives of Girls Who lie-
came Famous , Itolton ; Boy's Hook of Fa
mous Rulers , Fanner ; Life of Washing
ton , Henley ; General Francis Marion ,
A Crookcil Skipper.
John L. Cahoon , special agent of the
Hoston Dwelling house Insurance Com
pany , reports a loss by theft of several
hundred dollars. Cahoon makes Ills
headquarters at No. M Pearl street , this
city , but had ayoung man named Meyers
employed in his Omaha ollico. Cahoon
left on business on May 7th , ami on his
return to the Omaha oll'ico yesterday dis4
eovercd his desk drawer had been broken
open. Ho missed a number of papers
etc. , of value , besides some notes and ac
counts. U seems that Meyers collected
all he could on the policies aud notes and
skipped out.
Personal I'nrnijrnpliH.
Riley Chirk , of Ne-oia , was in the city
Airs. 1) . Southorland. of Creston , is vis
iting her sister , Mrs. S. Swanson.
Mr. Swift , of Chicago , representing the
McCormick company , was hero yester
day.M. .
M. J. Ray and wife , of Eagle , Nob. , ar
rived last night and are quartered at the
Colonel Thomas McKissock , of St.
Louis , receiver of the Council Ulufls &
St. Louis railway , is nt the Ogden. ,
C. E. Fricdoman , whoso wife has been
quite ill of latn , has been himself on the
sick list for a few days , lioth are im
proving , however.
T. M. Thomas , the Broadway barber , is
the happy father of a bounding boy , the *
now comer tipping the beam at thirtdon
and one-half pounds.
Perry IJadolctto and Will CarotlmrBloft
last evening to attend the Iowa division
meeting ol the L. A. W. at Fairliold on
Monday. They took their bicycles with
them and will wheel from there to Itur-
Hngton and take the boat for St. Louis to
attend the U. S. L. A. W. on the 30th
O. W. Itutts , csq. . having spent the last
five months in southern California buy
ing fruit and getting the details of the
California fruit trade in the land whcro
she grows , returned last night to the
151ufl"s. He is so well pleased with the
outlook that ho is contemplating nn ex
tension of his business , whieli will bo a
benefit to the city us well as thb wide
awake dealer.
The M. & K. nine yesterday defeated
the 1) . & 1) , by a score of 23 to 18.
J. G. liaggpn's fast stable of fifteen
horses will arrive to-day from California
in chartra of J. H. McPher.son. They
will rest up at the fair grounds for a few
da vs.
The now engine ordered of the Ogden
iron works , of this city , by the Council
151 nil's water works company is to bo 150-
horse power , instead of 15-liorso power ,
as tint HIK : was made to state by a typo
graphical error.
The Gorman Catholic ladies will glvo a
strawberry festival and quadrille party
on Tuesday evening In Masonic lemplo
for the benefit of their new church. The
ladies are making a bravo move and arc
working /oalouMy for the securing of
the now church building , ami should bo
generously patronized and heartily on-
Daniel Hand , of Guilford , Conn , , to
whom George W. Williams , of Charles
ton. S. C. , has restored property worth
1700,000 to settle what Mr. Williams con
sidered to bo a elcbt of honor , has made n
will in which ho has provided that at his
death the interest of $100,000 out of his
estate shall bo devoted perpetually to the
education of the colored children of the
south. Mr. Hand is 83 years old ,
An eight -year-old boy , while Hying a
kitu near MaMenslonu , England , a few
dayaiigo , stopped backward into a quar
ry foity feet ilcop , and the passers by ex
pected to sco him donned to pieces. Hut
the btrii'g of the kite was around bis
wuist at the time , and the kite acting nt
n parachute , so broke the violence ) ot tlio
descent that tie was only slightly bruised.
A new game is very useful. Aprons
unhemmeel are distribnilng among the
ladies , and bugs , each containing Uireao
nnd needle , among the gentlemen. When
: i gentleman finds a lady with an apron
of the same material as his bag he is ob
liged to hem his apron. Prizes nro
awarded to the quickest sewer and the
best one.
International astronomers nro now engaged -
gaged in preparing a wonderful map of
the heavens. It will bo composed of
from eighteen hundred to two thousand
sheets , and will give exact impressions
of all tlio groups of stars. 100,000,000 , of
which , according to statistics complied ,
exist in the tirmamonl. ' -