Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dellvcitd tf rnrricr In nnypnrtof Utocltyat
tu cnty cents per week ,
II. W. TILTON. - Manager.
E. No. U ,
NJUIIT Eon ou No. 23.
N.Y.Plumbing Co.
Now spring goods ut Holler's , tailor.
The city council meets to-morrow
Additional Council Bluffs news on sev
enth Page.
VV. P. Arthur was arrested yesterday
for disturbing thu peace.
The popular resort Is the Manhattan ,
418 Broadway , Kudio As Ycnawirio.
A good girl wanted for general house
work. Mrs. 11.V. . Tilton , No. C27 Fifth
Bliss , 1514 Douglas street , Omaha , will
have 11 special display of white bonnets
and hats Saturday.
Permission to marry was given yester
day to John W. Baldwin , of Omaha , nnd
Mary K. Kcmptor , of this city.
The Women's Cristian association will
have a meeting-on Monday afternoon nt
3 o'clock , at the Baptist church.
Wanted Two foremen for railroad
grading. Apply this week at No. Kit )
Broadway , Council Bluffs , to John C.
The Council Bluffs Candy company
was yesterday purchased uy Dumiettp &
Co. , who will remove it to No. 317
The remains of Andy Davy were
brought over from Omaha , and wore
buried yesterday morning in the Cath
olic cemetery.
Scetho | only standard bred stallions for
service in Council Bluffs , "JJr. Archi
bald , " No. 21)15. ) and "Register , " No.
6812 , at the driving park.
Wanted A lady cashier who can keep
books for a retail business. Address K.
C. K. , BKI : ollice , Council Bluffs , stating
experience , references and salary ex
A strawberry and ice cream festival
will be given by the ladies of the ( Jer-
man Catholic church , May 17 , in Masonic
hall. A quadrille party will be given
after the festival.
Add \ \ ilson was booked at the police
ptation for assaulting a woman , for being
a vagrant , nnd for being still worse , it
cost him $12 yesterday to square himself
nnd get on the other side of the bars ,
A telegram was received yesterday
from Minneapolis stating that the re
mains of Mrs. Dokay would arrive hero
this morning. The funeral services will
bo held in tlin Catholic church this after
noon nt 2 o'clock.
There WHS little doing in police circles
yesterday. Two vagrants wen- run in ,
but although there was a sensational
rumor about their having attempted to
rob some man , there could bo learned
nothing definite about It.
In the district court , yesterday was sot
aside for hearing motions. The case of
Wilson vs. the city went over until Mon
day , when it will probably bo finished.
The grand jury completed its labors yes
terday and was discharged.
The club , composed of professional and
business men , is to meet to-morrow at
Mueller's music hall. All who have
joined , and those contemplating doing
BO , are requested to bo present , ns mat
ters of importance are to bo considered.
The Ogden iron works , by which name
the old Council Bluffs iron works will
hereafter bo known , have added : i car
load of now machinery , and are now
better prepared than ever before to Jill
all orders in a first class manner. They
report work on hand sufficient to keep
them busy for sixty days.
Friday evening a merry crowd gath
ered nt the residence of Dr. Wooifbury
on Bluff street , the occasion being a ban
quet given by the junior to the graduat
ing class ot the Bloomer school. At 11:45 :
the party sat down to tin elegant repast
prepared by the hands of the Misses
Mamie Oliver , Carrie Clifford , Lena
Clausen and Maggie Brittou , four of thu
young ladies participating.
See the only standard bred stallions
for service in Council Bluffs. "Dr. Arch
ibald , " No. 2,015. and "Register , " No.
6,813. At the driving park.
Office of Mulholland & Co. , removed to
in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone
No. 102. Leave your orders for ice.
A $15,000 stock of dry goods , carpets
and furnishing goods damaged by tire ,
Btnoko and water , bought of an insurance
company at a low price. Will commence
selling the stock Monday , May 10 , nnd
continue until closed out. Goods that
are damaged will sell at very low prices.
The stock consists of muslins , calicos ,
lawns , table linens , dress goods , silks ,
shawls , carpets , two cases of damaged
calico will sell at Ic per yard ; damaged
lawns , lie per yard , at the Bankrupt
Btoro , 18 Main street.
See the only standard bred stallions
for service in Council Bluffs. "Dr. Arch
ibald , " No. 2,915. and "Register , " No.
6,812. At the driving park.
Drs. Hanchett & Smith , olllco No. 12
Pearl st. Residency , 120 Fourth st. Tele
phone No 10.
The Hambletonlan stallion Arbitrator
can bo scon at mv stable on Fourth or
Bancroft streets , three doors south of
Hnttonhaur's carriage repository. Ho is
a grandson of Hysdyke's llamblctonian
on the sire side , and n grandson of Mem-
brine Chief on the dam side , the acknowl
edged principal producers of speed und
general purpose horses in America , and
Arbitrator is no exception to the
rule. He is a horse of great in
dividual merit and speed , and for the
purpose of convincing the breeders of
high bred horses that ho is all that is
claimed of him , I will speed him a len or
twenty-mile dash on the road to GOO
Rounds' weight with any stallion owned
i the county. Breeders of high bred
horses will make a no to of this and
carry it in their hats , as the owner of
these horses puts all the money ho has
Rnd can borrow into straight horses ,
and not into books , pamphlets and wind ,
talking about their forty-second cousins'
Also Colonel Rove , bred by W. H. H.
Colby , of Foil Dodge , la. , sired by Star
light , by Star of the West , dam bj Coupon
pen , jr. , by Coupon- Rysdyko's Ham-
bletonian. This colt is a stranger in a
itrangcr in strange land , but his breed
ing is certainly all any man could wish
for. His great and positive individuality ,
his true and powerful stride , his wonder
ful constitutional powers , and his power
ful stool-converted frame work , insure
for him a career that will place him
among the greatest if not the grandest
italhons in the D. GUAV.
Ladle *
To assure satisfactory results In all
cases , you should have your carpets
cleaned by G. A. Fisher's process. After
the recent heavy rains is a good time to
clean house. See adv. in another col
Gold Watches anil Chalni.
The largest and best stock to select
from at the lowest prices , at
See the only standard bred stallions
for service in Council'Bluffs. ' . "Dr. Arch
Ibald , " No. 2.015. and."Register1 ! No
6,812. Attne.driving park , . , , ; , '
Ixtcnaive Preparations For Grand Musi *
cal Treats.
Contract I jet for the New 8nsh null
Door Knctory Father Hcaly'M
Hem-lit Church Notc I'rnlHC
Mtialcnl Culture.
The executive committee of the Ladies'
Choral society have issued a number of
nyitations to our musically inclined ladLes
; o become members. The society will
begin the rehearsal of an opera on May
J4 , after which date no now members will
admitted. The opera is to bo given in
.nibllc as soon as finished , the profits to
jo into the treasury of the society to tie
isoil in bringing out other operas or oth-
jrwiso encouraging the study of music
among the members. The solo parts
will all be given to members of the soci
ety , and the soloists will bo encouraged
and assisted In attaining perfection in
the art. No members will be admitted
for a lessporiod than six months , and the
monthly fee of ? 1.25 must bo paid to the
treasurer the first Tuesday of each month.
Those members who enroll their names
next Tuewlny. May 17. will only pay a
50 cent fee for the month of May and can
attend thrco rehearsals in that month.
All these who have received invitations
should at once send in their names to
Mrs. D. W. Bushncll or bo present at
Mueller's music hall May 17 , at 4 p. m.
The society is at present under the lead
ership of Mr. Nahati Franko , late of the
Mendelssohn Quintctt club. The execu
tive committee , composed of Mrs. Henry
Itobinson , president ; Mrs. 1) . W. Bush-
nell , secretary , and Miss Julia Judson ,
treasurer , are working hard to make this
society a success , and expect to bring out
some line voices during the coming year.
Address all communications to Mrs. D.
W. Bushncll , secretary.
Don't Give It Away.
First Cituon "It is tiio funniest thing
on earth to see. how that man Tipton iloos
> -o much real estate business. I've stud
ied the thing over , and 'by gum' I can't
ca how he docs it : Why , that fellow to
day , lone handed , is selling more real
estate than any ten men in this county ,
and ho seems to do it just as easy as rollIng -
Ing off a log. "
Second Citusn "Well , I'll tell you tie
secret of his success , but don't give it u\ \ > ,
even to your wife. To begin with , ho s
a walking directory and knows more pco-
th ) ! than any man in the county.
Ho can sec a buyer through a brick
wall , and can smell a bargain forty
miles. Ho is a lawyer himself , and sees
that ills customers arc not troubled with
clouded titles. Ho never sleeps , but like
rent , interest and taxation , keeps going
on. When others come outyawning and
stretching , Tipton jumps into the ring
smiling , and whenever a man does busi
ness with him once , ho invariably re
members his good treatment and goes
back again , lie never closes a deal , but
that in the end ho is the agent for both.
And don't you think a couple of fellows
wore going to light the ether day to determine -
termino whoso agent ho was. but Tipton
leant of it and spouted at them through
dis telephone , No. 21J ( in his oflico , 527
Uroadway , and they adjourned sine die.
The Contract Let.
Yester day the contract was lot for the
building of the new sash , door nnd
blind factory , to bo started hero by
Strock Bros. , of Princeton , 121. Martin
Hughes has the brick work , and will
commence to-morrow. The work will
bo pushed along as rapidly as possible ,
and it is now confidently expected that
the factory will be running by the first of
July. This will prove an important ad
dition to the industries of the city.
Strock Bros , arc experienced men , and
men of means. They will meet with suc
cess here , us tliey have in their old loca
tion , and hope for even greater success.
They are heartily welcomed , and will bo
civcn encouragement and such practical
help as is needed to make the enterprise
a success. The now factory is to be lo
cated on Tenth avenue just west of the
Ogden iron works.
Cheap storage in either small or car
load lots at Nos.22,24 und 20 Pearl street ,
J. 11 , Snytlcr.
The following are the announcements
of religious services to bo held in the sev
eral churches of the city to-day :
Services to-day at 10:45 : n. m. and 8 p.
m. Holy communion at 10 a. m. Morn
ing sermon , "Elijah on Mount Carmel ,
or the' Christian's Faith. " Evening ,
"Confession. " The public and strangers
heartily welcomed to these services. T.
j. Mackoy rector.
The pastor will preach nt 10:30 : a. m.
nnd 8 p. m. Subject for moinmg , "Does
the Christian Sin ? " Seals free.
Elder James Coffal will discourse at
the Saint's chapel at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:45 :
p. in. on the following question : "Has
the church Christ established with its au
thority and ordinances remained until
the present time ? If so , through whom ? "
King Jamo's translation of the Bible the
text book.
Topics of the Methodist church to-day
as follows : Morning : "Tho Awakening
of the Soul. " Evening : "A Keen De
tective. " Seats free. Everybody wel
Rev. J. L. Pierson will preach at the
United Brethren church , on Tenth
avenue , this evening at 8 o'clock.
Dr. Phelps will preach at both services
at the Presbyterian church to-day. The
choir has arranged special musical
Services at Union chapel , Harmony
street to-day at 3 o'clock , conducted by
Rov. Henry Dclony. Subject : Luke , 8th
chapter , 38th and 30th verses. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Services in the Congregational church
to-day , morning and evening. Morning
subject : "A Spiritual Awakening. "
Evening : "God's Work and Workman. "
A cordial invitation is extended.
Lime , cement , plaster , hair , coal , etc.
Council Bluffs Fuel company , No. 539
Broadway , telephone 130.
A Local ArtUt.
H. R. Stewart , the crayon artist , has
recently received the following words of
praise from the Chronicle , published iu
Coleralno , Ireland :
Wo have been privileged with a glance ot
throe portraits , executed In crayon , the work
of Hugh U. Stewart , Iowa , U. S. A. , son of
Mr. William Stewart , Uoghlll , Coleralne.
The portraits are exceedingly line works of
art. every feature belnic beautifully produced ,
and lights and shades studied and brought
out with splendid effect. The pictures are
almost without exception the finest of the
kind we have seen , nnd place Mr. Stewart in
a very high position among the school ot ar-
tlits. Mr. btewart has been seventeen years
resident in the United States , and some years
ago forsook commercial life to Indulge In his
taste for the pencil and brush , a profession
in which ne has already attained consider
able success.
To Rent To two gentlemen ; n large ,
elegantly furnished front room in a first-
class private house , With all comforts ;
bathroom. , utc. Board if desired. ' Kn-
quire t No. < U3'Sixth avenue , ; . ,
$100,000.00 $
Worth of
Men's ,
Boys' and
Hats , Gaps and Gents' '
Furnishing Goods.
At forced sale , commencing
Monday , May 16th , regard
less of cost or value at
& GO'S.
Peoples' ' Store
Below we give a partial list of
prices during this sale.
Men'f winner Cjats , all sizes ,
ISc each.
Men's Seersucker Coats and Tests ,
choicest patterns , at HJc for coat ami
Youths' and boys' sixes , same
Men's suits , coats , pants and vests ,
for $1,91.25 , 91.75 , $2. . > 0 , 94,95
ind $ ( i.5O , all worth double the
Men's Lnlon Cassimcre Suit * ,
? 2.23 , $2.75 , $3.50 , $4.75 , $5.50
ind .
Men's all wool Cassimcre Suits ,
good quality , best styles , elei/ant fit
ting goods , for .7 , # , 97,98,9'J
and 910.
Best quality Middlesex blue cloth
Suits ( Grand Army Suits ) at $8.50
welt. This is the best quality made ,
'ind ts sold by everybody for $12.5O
to $15. Extra Grand Army but-
'ons ' given with each suit.
Mcn'tt Worsted Salts , $5 to f ! > .
Over 50O suits formerly sold at
from $15 to $2O each , will be sold
luring this great sale at $10 each ,
Attention Is invited to our large
stock of Soys' and Children's ClothIng -
Ing , which goes regardless of cost.
Men's Working Pant. * , 5Oc , 60c ,
75c , $1 and $1.25 , worth morethan
double the money.
Men's Union Caaslmere Pants ,
1OOO pairs at 91 a pair , regular
value $2 to $3.
500 pairs Men's Wool Pants ,
91.5O , $1.75 , $2 to $8 and up to
95 each.
Cents' Furoi
50O dozen Earl tv Wilson's , Fellows -
lows tC Co. 's , and other makes gents'
Linen Collars , 5c each.
1 case Itockford Mixed Seamless
Half Hose at 5c. Only 4pairs to each
2 cases best British Half Ifote , 4
pairs for 2cc.
3 cases Men's Fancy Half Hose ,
3 pairs for 23c.
A good Percale Shirt for 25c.
A good Cheviot Shirt for
A good Straw Hat for 5c ,
A good Men's Undershirt for 15c
and 2 , c.
REMEMBER That each and
every article you buy from us is new
fresh goods , direct from the eastern
manufacturers. No old shop-worn
nor bankrupt stuff that has been re
fused by every other town in the
country on account of falling to
pieces from laying and moth-eaten.
We protect our customers and
guarantee satisfaction in every case.
Don't fall to attend this great atle
and do not postpone your visit too
long , for we wish thcte goods to be
seen by as many customers as possi
Nos , 314,316,318 , , and 320
We are careful what we say In an
advertisement , and don't believe U
pays to entice people into our stores
by representations which we CAN
506 'Don't ' Pass 506
If you are interested in your own welfare you will take
an interest in the below facts :
We will place on sale a $50,000 stock of clothing from
one of the largest New York jobbing houses which has
recently failed and of which I am one of the assignees.
These goods are new , fresh and all of the latest novelties ,
consisting of mens' , youths' , boys' and childrens' clothing
as well as a fine line of furnishing goods.
Union Cassimere suits will be sold from $2.60 to $5.
All wool cassimcre suits from $5 to $10 , such as you pay
from $12 to $20.
A fine line of Union cassimera pants accordingly.
40 per cent on the dollar will buy anything in our store
Will be opened on Tuesday morning , May 17th. Come
early and avoid the rush. 20 clothing salesmen can find
immediate employment by calling at cnce.
506 BROADWAY 506
Swanson Music Company ,
No. 329 Broadway Council Bluffs
Estey Organs , Gamp & Go's ' Organs and Western GottageOrgans
A few comments regarding the Estey Piunos. In every civilized country on the
globe the name of Estty is n household word with lovers of music ; it is si guarantee
forjthe exquisite qualify of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that com
mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm.
o. cr.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Uluin Ofllfc , Itliutonic
Temple. Oinaliii Olllco , Xo 111
Xorlli Itilli Hlrcel.
I'nrtlciilnr attention iveii to In
vesting finulH lor lion - resi
dents. Special bargain * in lot * &
nerc property In Onmlin * Conu-
eil IIIuH'M. Correspondence solic
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mall Orders Shipped Promptly.
If you are thlnHlng of purchasing
a carpet , call on us. It ia a pleasure
to show goods and we have the goods
to show , ire are the only exclusive
carpet Jiouse In Western Iowa , and
and our stock in consequence is be
yond comparison with houses that
pretend to be In the carpet business
We guarantee to sell all goods as
cheap as they can be sold and leave'
us a small margin. No big prices.
Our specialty Is Carpets and we can
can give prices that will surprise
A full and complete stock of
Draperies and Upholstery always
on hand.
We also have the finest line of lings
ever seen in the west , ranging in
price from GO cents to as many del
None but experienced carpet
layers and drapers employed , and
all work done tinder the immediate
supervision of our Mr. Stockert.
N. B. Samples of Carpets sent
upon application and the very low
est prices guaranteed.
Carpet Company ,
No. 405 BROADWAY ,
Council Ilium.
Council Bluffs.Iowa.
BaUbllthed 18ST.
Dcilfneitlm tes and report * on brldrei ,
Tlmducu , foundations and general engineering.
Blue print * of any size and quantity.
OfBce No 13 N. Halo St. , Flm National Haak
! * . . , . .
Specln ! advertisements , such as Lost , Fo.ind
' . * oIxwnFor Bnlo , To Rent , Vtants , Bonrdinir ,
etc , will boinsortocl in thii column itt the low
ratoof TEN CUNTS PEK LINE fortho first Insor-
Ion /IvoC'ennrcrLlnoforcncli subsequent
Insertion. LCUYO advortlsomunts nt our olllco
No. U Vearl street , near liroadwajr , Council
"VJOTICE During past few months Severn.
-L' articles hnvo boon found on our counters !
left by ladles wbllo shopping Parties can se
cure same by calling und proving property.
Harkness Unithers.
\TITANTKD Ten tlrst-class cornlc *
VV mediately , for outside work on new
county court house , Council UlnfTs. Apply nt
Kiel hotel , Mnln ctreot , or of W. L. Tucker ,
foreman , KB court house.
TT1OH BALE A choice house contnlnlnr eight
-C rooms , with porches , lurnace , bath room ,
barn , etc. In fine neighborhood on faUth nY-
onue , between Slith and Bevunth Ftructs , for
(4/00 If ttikon within ton dais. Call on or
write F. J. Day , No. 3U 1'curl utrcet , Council
WANTED To buy a horse nnd spring
wagon , together or gepcrutcly. Addiugs
H. 8. , lleo office , Council llluffs.
A\'AOTKD Two experienced nursery sales-
TV men of good address nnd best ot rolcr-
ences , Inquire of Kd Daniels , Heaton Fuel
Co.'s olllco , No. CiS llroadwiiy.
F OH SALK-Ono Jersey nnd Durham yearling
bull. Weight about HOU pounds. Inquire
of M. ( jleason , near Wabiish round bouse.
FOH SALE-Or Trade-Six sections of good
land in Lincoln county. Nub. , on U. P.
railway. Call on or address Udell Ilros. & Co. ,
103 Pearl St. , Council UlulT.i.
10H KENT House of flvo rooms. Inquire
1 at 215 Franklin street.
FOH SALE Cheap ; n good horso. Can boat
three minutes. Enqulro at No. 13 ! West
NOTICE-WI1I pay the highest price for first-
class cast-off lady's , gents , nnd children's
clothing , boots , shoes , hats , etc. D. Goldstein ,
NOB. 217 and ! 8 Ilroudway.
liottBR Cleaning
is to bo done by nearly all the ladies in
the spring.
Now is the right time to do this. For
Indies , it is a disagreeable but unavoid
able work , and wo make the otl'cr to do
the most troublesome work of nil , that is
Wo clean the carpets , velvets , moquottcs ,
brusscls , or any other kind of carpets ,
without taking them up. We gnarnntcu
and that no dust will bo left in the car
pet. We guarantee our work and refer
to prominent parties in this city.
Send us a postal card and wo will call
upon you and explain in what way our
cleaning takes place. ( i. A. FISIIEK.
.No. ( ft ! ) Sixth Avenue , Council Ululls.
1 Vacant l < oU , Lands , City Residences and
Farms. Acre property In western part of city.
All selling cheap to make room for sprlnff stock
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Booms , over Officer It Pusoy's Bunk , Couno
Harkness Brothers ,
Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
A large stock of fine white summer goods
and wash fabrics.
A New and Fine Assortment of Parasols , Sun ,
shades and Umbrellas ,
Summer Corsets and the Noted Little
Jersey Corset.
Department is yet well stocked and invites the attention
of everyone about to furnish a homo. Also oil cloths ,
matting , rug , mats , etc. Do not forget the number ,
Telephone 163.
DR. RICHARDS' ' Electric Bath Rooms and Office
No. 607 Mynster St. , Council Bluffs.
One Square North of the P. O. Building.
Treatment and Batbs Given Ladies by Mrs. Dr
Richards on Tuesday , Thursday & Saturday.
Electricity is a remarkable nattiralagent which has long been known anil utilized
as a remedy for disease and continued experience has enlarged itt. spjicrc ofiibeful -
ness , and improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility a n. . t virtue
has become second to no other known remedy , in the treatment of certain forms of
disease. T hit. agent is employed here in all its most terviceable forms by the aid of
large batteries , static machines , electric cabinet balli * . electric water baths , the elec
tric chair and electrodes , for ticaling all parts of the body. We are prepared to do
all that can be done with these great remedies. In cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
Paralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases , Ner\out , Diseases in females aming
from Uteiine disorders and many other chronic and subacute troubles , it stands at
the head of all known remedies or methods cure. A thorough study of it for years
and the successful treatment of hundreds of cases , after all o'her retnedie * had fail
ed , is bufllcient evidence of its great worth and perfectly tatiifies usilh its gooil
effects on the diseased body. In the great hospitals and utilitarians of America
and Europe , electricity is leading all other methods of treatment. In all leading
colleges the professors are teaching electricity as one of the potent remedies and a
special chair is appointed in manv " of them. "Many ol the ablest physicians of all
schools are making a specialty of"electricitv to the exclusion of almost everything
else. This great remeJy has o.'ten fallen into disrepute by being recommended and
used bv ' persons , and physie'ans ' , perfectly ignorant of its properties and powers ,
who w'ould as often advise and use the wrong current as the right one or depend
upon it in diseases for which it is not adopted. We are sure that when the people-
become educated in the use ol electricity for many diie ises with which the body
Is afflicted and find the crcat g od therein , the medicines and patent righted nos
trums upon which they now rely will grow old and dustv on the shelves. KIcctricily
is natiire'n great remedy and to fully understand and skilfully apply it is our effort
and aim in life.
For further information call at the office or send for de-
Bcriptiro and illustrated pamphlet on Electricity und
Electro Therapeutic Bathfi , by
607 MynBter Street , Council Bluffy Lu