Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Advertisements tinder tills head.10 cents per
tno for the llrct Insertion , 7 cents lor each sub-
ncqtient Insertion , and tl.Wln line per montli ,
Nondvortlfoment tnketi for Iepsthnn25 cents
fortho first Insertion. Hovcn words wll llio
counted to ttio line : they must run cnnspcu *
lively nnd mint bo pnld In ailvnnce. All ndver-
tlsomcntH inn ft lie linnilcd In before 1:30 : o'clock
p. in. , ami under no circumstance * will they bo
tnkon or discontinued by tolephono.
Turtles advertising Intlufc column * nnd hav
ing the answers addressed In care of Innllr.K
will jilenno nk forncheck to enable- them to net
their letters , ns none will bo delivered except
on presentation of cbeck. All nnsworH to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In thc o columns tire pub
lished In both morning nnd evening edition * of
3ho lift ! , tlio circulation of which
aggregates moro than 14,000 paper *
daily , nnd gives the advertiser the
l > niiH , not only of the city circulation of The
IIrp. tint also of Oounrll ( Huffs , Lincoln , nnd
other cities nnd towns throughout tills part of
tU ) west.
TF you want money , sco Colo.
R49 IB
, to loan at B per cent , Harris & Sampson -
$500,000 1510 Douglas it 870
ISOO.ono TO iOAN at 6 per cent. Mahonry
& Llnahan 1509 Fnrnnm. ecu
ONEV ( TO IX5AN-O. F. Pnvls & Co , rcol
M estate and loan agents , 1505 Parnam Rt.
TO LOAN First mortgage notes
MONE7 . J. A. Hlcstnnd , room 9 , Arllng'
ton block. & ) J 12J
, To lonn on Omaha city property nt 0
per cent. ( J. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Did.
07:1 :
MONEY TO I.OAN-On cltv nnd fnrm prop-
erty.low tales. Stewart & Co. , Hoom 3
Jron bank. 074
to lonn. cash on delay.
MONEY . nnd E. U Squire , 1413 Farnnm St. ,
Fnxton hotel building. 676
[ F you want to buy see Colo.
619 IS
MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papers secured by
first mortgage on city realty. 670
MONEY 'IO f.OAN on improved renl pstnto ;
no commission charged. I.ouvltt Ilurn-
1mm , Koom 1 Crulghton lllock. 677
1'Ell CUM'-Monny to loan.
Gregory & Hadley ,
liooms 1 nnd 3 , Hcditk Dlock , 320 a 15th Rt
TO LOAN Money Ixinns placed on im-
provc < l real ostnto In city or county for
New England I.onn .V Trust Co. , by Douglns
County bunk. 16th and Chlrngo f ta. 678
MONEY toloRtion Improved city property nt
0 per cent. Money on hand : do notha\o
to wnlt Hnvo a complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , nbstiactor
Hnrrls Heal Estate nnd I-oan Co. , 208 , Tilh st.
F you wnntt" sell , see Cole.
649 10
MONEY LOANED nt C. F. Heed St Co.'s Lonn
Olllco , on lurnltiirupianos , hoises.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd nil oilier nr-
tlclcs of v nine , without removal. 319 8.13th.
over Hlnghnm's Commission Etore. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 681
H. O. Pntteison , 15th ntd Harney. raJ
TIIONKV 'IO LOAN-bythonnderslgnod , whc
.i'l has the only properly organised lonn
Bgoncy In Omahn. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horse" , wagons ,
machinery , &c , without removal. Nodoln > H ,
All business strictly confidential. Loans sc
tniulo that any part can bo pnld at nny Inie.ciict
pnvment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advance-
niadn on line watches nnd diamonds. Person !
should carefully consider v\ho they nro dcnlliifi
vlth , s manv new concerns nro dally comlmi
Into existence. Should you need money cnl
ami ceo mo. W. H. Croft , Hooin 4 Withncl
Ilulldlng 15th nnd Hnraey. 8t3
mill'.Omnlm Finnncinl Exchnngo ,
X N W. corner of Hnrnoy nnd 18th tte.
over btato National bank.
Ii * prepared to mnko short time loans on nnj
nvallahlo i > ccurtty.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or rcn
Long tlmo loans rnadcon Improved real cstat <
nt current mles.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Hi cured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short tlmo loans mnilo on second mortgage
Recording to marginal Interest , nt collntera
Heal cstnto to exchange for good Intorcsi
I cm Ing paper.
Genernl tmanclal business of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
.Money always on hand for approved loans o :
nny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
llclty. Oorbott. Manager. 1BO
WA NTED A good oSleo man wTt I
$20,000 to out Into n prolltablo manufiK
turlng und jobbing business. None other nee
apply. Addregs , "I * . 23 , " lleo Olllce. 602-lfi
USINE8S CHANCES-Purtlcs wanting cm
cuBtomora for good business chances shoul
apply to Mrs. Uroya Ac Son , 310 8. 15th. Ui
stairs 604-15 *
FOIl SALE-A two story frame building. 65
44 lot 125xl43 > { containing three store !
occupied respectively as a grocery and boo
and shoo store , a drug store and a saloon , wit
stock of goods nnd furniture und fixtures litho
the saloon and groccrj-and boot and shoe store
Inventorlng at about $3,000. This propoity I
situated a short distance southeast of H'ini
com park in a thickly settled district , on n goo
street nnd Is offered for emlo on account of th
owner ilcsli Ing to rct'ro from actlv e buslncs'
1 ho doily receipts of the saloon will nverng
nearly If not qulto as largo ns any In the cltj
It ntlords nn opportunity seldom presented fr
engaging In the business named nbove. Th
pric o nsKod for this properly Is away below 11
actual value , For further particulars Inqiilt
or address. A. H.ConiBtock.
Heal Estate liroker , No. 152J Farnam st
A HA HE cnance for the right pnrty , for sal
a well established resinurnnt on oner
the principle streets In the city. Good roiiM )
lor Belling. Address this olllco , P 16. 651 15J
OUH OPl'OHTCJNITV-FIno stock of groce
leu , feed , produce , etc. . with a dally bus
ness of $125 , on the best street In the city , ft
* ale. Good reasons for Belling. PnrrottA : Wl
llamson , 1401 Douglas st. Upstairs. 4C7
T71OH SALE-Hiilf Interest In an old ostal
Jllihed , pnylng real est'ito business , a goo
thing for tbo right man. Addicts P 9. lleo o
flee. 480 15J
FOIl SALK-MIlk dairy , 40 covvi , good bu !
ness , plenty grass nnd water , 3 miles froi
P. O. E. Herbeit614 8. 13th. 4i)7 ) 15J
US1NESS CHANCE-For snlo : first cln' '
dining hall , best located nnd best pnylnei
nny In the city. Owner has other buslnes :
Hammond A. Gibson. 1514 Douglas st. 423
TJIOH BALE-CuihGroccry store , doing ugo <
i- business , In line location. Good reasoi
for telling. Addicss , O 67. life office. 418
WAN1ED-A person desiring to cngngo
an honorable paying business netting $
to $12 per day clear protlt on stock of $75 t
$150. Heat builnoss men of this city given i
refeicnces. Cnll nt once , or write , to Koom
CrouiiBe block , loth ut , cor. Capitol nv
Omaha , Neb. 408-J11
fllO exchange tor merchnndlso , hardware pr
JL f erred , two food Improved farms , tno HI
four miles trom town , one of 120 acres , prl
$4.200 , Inciimbranco $ l , 00. Ono of 100 acre
price $4,1-01 , Inciimbranco $1,300 , In Grc <
county. 0 lots In Marshnlltown , pnco $1,200.
lots m Monmouth , pnco $ t > x ) , all In Iowa. A
dress box 17V , Scrtinton City , Iowa. 45(1 ( 16J
T7XH BALK-ltehtaurant-1 year lease , dolt
f good business. Addiess OC3. Bco olllco.
377 UIJ
311 SALE Very cheap , good bnclt builnc
property In Grnnd Island , Neb. Tbogreate
bargain and best terms In this city. Good re
ions for Felling. For particulars address J. 1
Woolley , Attorney at Uiw , Grand Island. Nc
. , BALE or trade A clean Btock of gf
ernl merchandise In an Iowa town. Goi
trade , lot and buildlmr $1,750 , Hock $1 00.v a
lonio cnih on stock. Win exchange for land <
Itock. Heiuon , owner liven west. Addrr
lock box 23. Central City. Neb. Kl IB'
fuVMt SALE A prontnblo nnd well eitalilijh
C business Biiltahlc for n lady. Call und i
QUlroat Kmplojmcnt Uuieau , 219 n Idthsia
WlThavosomo very dtilrable lots to" ?
change for any klndot merchandise : 1
N 15th it , 1-2 blk n P.O. MnrrJkToft. 354
PEHSONAL-To tbo ladles of St. Ma
avenue and vicinity , you can buy Or
class refrigerator for le a monry at our etc
than at any place In the city. F. V. Alwatot
Co. . 1605 Howard street. 476-15
I ) E H8ONAL Solid ' . < lexlcan silver tea spoo
$2.uu , table spoons and forks $4.00 per di
in at Moody'B China Store , :1B : North IBtb
They will last u lifetime. ( Jo and see them.
_ _ _ _ _ 678-11
and tasty all-wool bu
ncu milts $7.U ) . Fln blue diagonal dr <
suits , 110.75. Call and ate them or writ * I
amplei. L. O. Jones & Co. , Amerk
Clotuicrt , 13U9 Farnam it. Omaha. Wrall
pEltSoXAT.-WIII the lady who was admiring
* the dinner sot In show window nt Moody'i
China store , Saturday afternoon wllliu waiting
" for streetcar , sen I addroi * 6.M _
> iit. : < ( ) NAL-If you want n de lrnbie , "cen
trally located olllco jou can find It nt 319
B 15th Ft. 78
" 1VT"IW. Dl'HAN r ClartVoynht from Hoston , is
- " reliable In allafTnlrsot life , unites separated
lovers. 322 N. 10th it , room 1 r/.ilni2js |
llEHSONAL-Prlvate home for Imlle7 during
1 confinement , strictly confidential , Infants
adopted , nddro'S E 42 , lleo oflico. 8IOJ2 *
EHSnNAI/-Mr . Dr Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant , Mfdlinl and busln ii .Medium
Boom No. 8,121 North 10th Bt .Omaha , Nb.
08 P-EoTof bun ng jiTans of ( } . M7(7roen's
Jbulldlng , Architect Dltdrlch & Uuth. Iti-
wnrd will bo pnld If lolt nt this office 641-10 *
STHA VFD A young red cow with pmnll whlto
spots till over. 1 Itulor will return to Cnr-
stcn Cnr8lens,34th nnd California st. 652 MJ
STHAYED A brown nnd whlto spotted In-
dlnn ponr. Illnck and uhlto stripped mnnc ,
long whlto tnil , Itewnrd will bo pnld lor re
turn of same to Fred Isulln , cor. " 4th nnd Pop-
pleton avc. l' > 4 15j
FOUND A combined wall nnd Hand lump ,
complete with rellector for 75 cents nt
Moody'H China Store , 302 North Uth st. It is n
splendid kitchen lamp , and bclcir nil met il la
perfectly safe. 57 13
BMHbT-CLASS Storage nt 110 N 13th ft.
First-class storage for nice fur-
s nlturo or boxed goods , nt 1513 Dodee-st
STOHAGE For household goods nnd gcnernl
merchandise nt low rules , corner Uth nnd
I/nrd sts , up town olllco 619 N. 13th , telephone
CC2. 427J11 *
S TO IIA ( IE For household goods nnd gcnernl
merchandise nt low rates , corner ' .thir
teenth nml I/ard streets , Up town olllce 619
touthThirteenth. TelephoneG62 , 427J14 *
\\7ANTED 1'artles want Ing reliable male nnd
VT fcmalo help should gi\o us nenll. Wo
can furnish taiesmcn , bookkeepers , phono-
graphers , coachmen , toamstets , railroad
laborers , nnd skilled workmen In nil trades.
Having had 7joaM experience In the employ
ment business wo think wo can suit anyone.
Mnle help furnished free. Mrs. Drega is Son ,
BIUS. 15th. Upstairs. 75.1-15 *
GAfcOLINK nnd coal urn delivered fieo to all
parts of the city by the Illuo line tnnk
delivery , olllco nt Konniird Glass & Paint Co.
'telephone 791 , MclJugnl & Wurd , proprietors.
FOItHONl Square I'luno ' SJ montblr. A
Hofipo.1513 Ijouglns. U8'J
CESS 1'OOLS , sinks nnd vaults cleaned , odor
less process. E. UvvIng , box 327 , city.
f > 80 mJ7j
TO 1'HOI'P.HTY Onncrs-If you wnnt toell
your property send full description with
prlco nnd toruiH to Hart's Great Western Heal
Kstnte Ilureau , Crolghton lllock. Wo hnvo cus *
tomois for every bargain that Is olTorcd.
LADIES nnd gents residing In the vicinity of
Kith Mid rurnnm remember that the most
deslrablo tilaco In the city to take ) our meals
is at 1H2.I Farnnm ft. Everv thing No. 1 Pat-
ronairo of nice pnitlcs solicited. 4')81KJ )
YTTTUiT CII1/1 UIIE A Indy oToifperlenccwlio
has lately moved to the city , is piopnrcd to
give lessons in voice cultine to n limited num
ber Also desires n position us soprnno In a
church choir. Good city refcrc-nces. Mrs. S.E.
Clnpoo , 1710 Corby street.
Information furnlsheil by Ilov. A. llogcrs ,
Hooin 5. Aillnglon lllock , 1511 Dodge st. 417 15 *
rilO parties having houses lor rent. Hental
JL Agency. Ilenawn i Co. . 15st . opposite post-
ofllco. We have turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend them. McCague liros.
NOTICE W.C. King * Co. , IIOIIBO moving
and raising , leav o orders tit 13JO Pi lorco st ,
9.t5 J4J
TTlon KENT Organs , f3 per month. HOFPO ,
J ? 13 Douelas. CM
Ol. C.-Houso furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or iDstnllmont ; lowest prices nt J.
Ilonner , 1315 Douglas st. 900
flOU nENT Hqunre Mane , $ t montnlr. A
lioioe. 1513 Douirl'is. ( m
FF on : wnnt to buy or sell furniture , go to
J- . "erguson's , 715 N. 18th. 691
FOH BALE A good family horse itm !
phaeton. Address P. O. box flai. 013-17
FOH SALE Furniture of fi room houso. will
privilege of renting house. Prlco (400 ( X )
Immediate posseshlon given. Also good fnmll }
horse , miggy , nnd harness , cheap. 1B14 Cnllfor
nlu street. 683 17J
\jXH ) SALE A fruit , confectionery and clgni
JL' stand. Good reasons given for selllnir
Addi C8S "P18" lice olllte. 571-17 *
FOH SALE Iluck board and open buggy
Inquire 1587 Nll'th. 40'l ' 1 J
FOH SALE 200 cords of wood and n IIUBIJ
tlty of posts oak and walnut. 11. F. Hun
nels , Hawthorne , In. 527 Ifi *
FOH SALE Lunch counter on oaiy terms o :
will trade tor hotee. J. p , Hayes , lowi
saloon , South Omaha. ri2.i 10J
FOH SALE New ' 'nd hand onico desk , 101 ;
- iI'nrnnm. . up stnlrs.
F OH SALE-Counter and shelving 613 Nortl
Kith bt. _ _ 475 1 J
SALE A fresh , vounir. thoronghbroi
- Jersey cow and calf. 24UO Farnam st. S
It. nrown. _ 411 18J
000,000 irood merchantable brick for sale n
-J John H. Green's stone quarry. 275 15 j
FOH SALE Ono No 18 Hob range , ono ex
tension tnble , carpets , etc. Good ns now
Cheap for cash. Inquire Institute Hotel , 1'ltl
and Capitol avc. 2 7 17J
FOH SALE-Ono No. 18 Hob runire , ono ex
tension table , carpets , etc. Good as new
Cheap for cnsh 217 1 J
HOUSEHOLD Furniture complete tor 7 rooi
house , good as now. Will bo sold nt prl
vatoBitlent purchaser's own price , for casti
Address P. O , box 44tt 352
FOH SALE Drivers nnd draft horses.rear o
1818 Chicago st. 154 J5 *
F 10R BALE , or exchange for Omaha -ren
estate , n line driver , record 2:40. : Pnttcrsoi
St Moore , Koom 1 , Omaha National bank.
FOH BALE-Or exchange , ono grand siunr
Chlekcring" ) octnvo piano , now , ut a bin
gain. Will trnde tor city property , house an
lot preferred. A. , P. O. Hex 488. 35. !
HOUSEHOLD Fuiniturocomplete for 7 roor
house , good a" nnw. Will bo sold nt pr
v ate sale at purchaser's own price , for cast
Address P , O. box 448. 35J
F OK BALE-AM kinds of building stoni-
the Louisville quarry , lowest prices p osi
ble. Address O. Metzgcr , Ixjulsvlllc , Neb.
823 15 *
FOH SALE A good milk dairy , consisting o
30 first class co B. a good delivery wagoi
team and harness , milk cans , Ac. , horio powc
. corn mill and liny cutter , and corn shellcr. In
111 eluding first clnM milk route , Immndlato poi
f ejfllon given. For terms , etc. call at S17 S lit
Bt , Omaha. 741
TjlOll SALE Spun horses , double wagon an
X1 double harness for 1X0. Also a lot of pobi
cheap. C. J Canan , 55J
F IOU SALE-Squaro piano , I1W. Woodbrldg
llroL'15 Opera house. ; W4
W'ANTKD-Cood blacksmith. Davis * I jwgl
Iron works , Fourteenth and Dodge st.
WANTED Four good carpenters opposll
C. K .Mayno's resldenco on Saunders s
812-15 *
WANTED-Good Pastry cook man or won
un , 1 Hread baker , 2d. Cook , man to help
kitchen , 4 house painters and 2 men waiter
Mrs. llrrga * Sou , 318 8.15th. upstairs. 691-15J
WANTED-SixQrst class C&rpcntort , App
Monday morulng.N. E. Cor , If tu. and lloi
nrd' 6W-1Q
\\TANTKD-Vovnir man potseeslng know
T ? edge or principle of Pitman Short Hat
would like to arraiiBO with eomeono glmlllar
adVRnced to practice evenings. Address P
Heo Office. 6K.M5J
W ANTED-An experleneek Grocer's dellv ci
man , must bu wull acquainted In the clt
steady and reliable : none else need make upp
cation. Win. Fleming St Co. G07
WANTED-2 Brit class experienced re
estate salesmen to work ou commmloi
Give good references , former cmplovor , ot
Address P 8 lie * office. 603 15
si \17ANTED-a gentleman who thorough
or ' understands the furnltnre builneu , ai
in well aciU iQt d with the city. Address P. 1
tare lic oUJc . 617. .
WANTED Agent * to bundle the only per
fect infc eraser on earth. Erases ink ln
fttnntly with no abrasion of paper. Have orders
on Jllo to show thnt agents are making $ - > to $ .10
per day. Territory nhsolutely free. Salary to
good men Pntnplo by mull Diet" . Only wide
nwnko men need an wcr. Address Wood .v. Co. ,
1408 DoJgnsl. , Oinnhn. 814-15 *
WANTED Ten tlrst-ca ) s non union paper-
hanger * . Wngo IIUO per month. Ad-
ilre * . wlthrefercnto 15 , Hoc office. 48'i 15J
OST-5et of building plans , of O. M. Green's
building. Architect , Dlcdrlch .V Outh. Ho
ward will bo pnld If loft nt this onice. 574-lij *
WANTED Agents : 15c sample sash holder
frcofor stamp , away ahead of anything
of the kind over Invented , boats weights , out
sells everything. $10 a day. llrohard * Co. ,
Clarksburg , W. Vn. 42DISJ
7ANTED-A first cln s colored barber , 521
South 12th. 428 IS *
\\ANTED An rnergctlo dry goods salesman
' with undoubted roferi nee * . Apply nt
once , staling salary expected , to Plckons Si
llanna , Hastings , Neb. 62i 15
" \\TANTED-2 tailors , vest nnd pnnts ninkcrs.
T V Jos. Waeku , 708 S. Utlu 62816'
ANTED-Second took at the Canfleld
WANTED-IIarness mnkors. Good , steady ,
llgnt workman wnnted. Apply Omaha
Snddkry Co. 6--0 16J
WANTED A Hvo solicitor for flrolnsurnneo
Address PI ) Bee olflco In onn hand
writing ( Jiving ace , nntlonallty.experlence and
references. 633 15
WANTED A dalrjman and teamster at
Snrntogn Dnlry , 614-15 *
WANTED A partner In good paying ousl-
ness , competnnt to tnko full chnrge of
omco nlfnlrs , capital required. Address ,
box M. 18 , lleo olllco. 350
ANTED Laborers tor rallrond work. E.S.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
W ANTED-At once , 3 coat makers nnd 2
\cst mnkcis , at A. Kalish , 318 S. Uth st.
W ANTED 2 school boys with hoises to
carry route on daily evening lleo 313
Teachers and nironts can secure
very prolltnbloomplovtnont by npplvlng to
8. P. Grout , Planter's house , Omaha. 18UIO )
WANTI.D-Canvassing ngcnts. Apply be
tween 12 in and 4 p. in. Acme .Munlg.
Co. , 612 S. 10th Rt. 504
WANTED Ten harness makers at Marks
llroq. ' Saddlery Co. , 1407 Harney St. ,
Omnbn , Neb 177 20
V\rANTEI > Yourg mcnto lepte-ont an oust-
> ' crn publishing house in this statu. .110 S.
15th. Hooinl. 310 18 *
A general nnd 50 siib-ngents In
T > our county. Now good" . Hii'o chance
100 to 3(10 ( per cent , commis-ion , or n good sal
ary. Send for circular. 1' . M. Weav ei. No. U
West Ohio street , Indianapolis , 1ml. L'5J 21"
ANTED-Men , Women , Ilojs and Girls fern
n light nnd protltnblo erap'oj ment No
plctuie business ; no humbug. Send lOo for n
valuable pncknge to commence on. Only n Ion-
bundled will bo distributed. Address Albany
Supply Co. , Albnny.N : Y. 842 JJ'
WANTED An Intclllgdit boy or young
man Irom the Omahn High scliool to carry
n route on the Dally 1 vcnl'iif HOP. _ Mil
"llfANTED Competent seamstress nt 718
TT nortli 2li-t street 58117
ANT I'.D Woman cook outol city J0 ! , four
dlninc room girls , head waitress , nonian
to viork by thcidiij , girl to help In kill hen. dish-
washer-t'eeond cook , 5(1 ( i/lrls forgcneral IIOIIMI-
work. Mrs Illegal Sou 310 S. 15th ct. Up
I'ED-Lady Agents nt ' 115nnd 317 S. 12th
. , to sell n very t.iklnu nitlcle. 5 8 15J
w AN I'ED-Good girl nt 1707 Cnss st. 517"
\\7ANTED-Agood dreasinaker to come to
M the house. Must understand to cut and
nt. Apply , 'J1UO Farnnm . 514 IV
WANTED-Lady stenographer nnd book
keeper ; state sitlaty wanted. 1' . 20 , Hoc
olllce. Kh lt >
VVTAN'I El. Dining-room glrl , girls for
W small family , girls fur general house
work , ( "nil nt Miss Kennedy's Emp'ov mcnt
olllce. Girls out of employment can tlnd good
positions by a call at M'ss ' Kcnncdj'H Employ
ment olllce. SfQ 11
WANTED 2 good polishers nnd 2 washers ,
steady work am : good pay , at Omahn
laundry , 04 North 10th Pt. 5TO 10J
WANTED Two good girls , Scandinavian
profeircd. Call Immediately at 418 S.
13th si. aai r.j
ANTED Good , cook nnd second gill at
2427 Dodge st. 61
CANTED Lndy Clothes froncrs at the C'lti
w Steam Lnundiy. COM1
WANTED Good ( Sormnn girl for small fain
lly , 1124 , cor of Charles nnd 25th st , _
5.1 It ]
A dining loom girl nnd kltenot
girl nt Vienna rest. 11117 Hoxvnrd 415 1 > *
W ANTED A good girl nt U. S. Hotel. Ger
mnn pieterted. 410
WANTED--Four dressmakers nnd ono np
prentice. MIES K Mlnnlck. No. 1717 Cnss
iipstnliB. 4'.I2 11J
\\'ANTED A good girl for gonornl house
> > work. Mrs. C. 11. Woolley , 1117 Georgli
nvo. 4'l.I 17
W ANTED-Oirlto cook lor help , nt Atcndi
hotel , 1215 Doughth St. 3U1 15 j
WANTED-Two good girls for genurn
housework In prlvato family. Apply 1m
mediately nt 182.1 Farnam St. , S. E. cor. 511
YV/ANTED-Cooknt I'lntto house , Geneva
Nob. , nt once , must como recommended
good vvitges to right party. 48 15J
W ANTED Girl for Keneral housework , ea
nt 1410 S t'th ' St. , Gorman or English.
ANTED Young girl ; German porforrcd
nt WH s. ith : ; ft. U58
W I ANTED Cook nnd dining room girl. Muel
lei-'s Hcstnurnnt , 1004 N. llith st. 25
WANTEO-Second girl Immediately. Cal
bet. the hours of II and 10 n. m. orOto
p. m. , 2J27 Dodge street. 24 !
W ANTEIi Good glr nt 608 Virginia nvt
good wages pain. 231
W ANTED Kitchen gill nnd two dlnln
room girls. ,1004 No ICthst. 008
TXTANTEn-Lndiesto work for us at tbel
T T own nomos ; $7 to 10 per week can bi
quietly mndo ; no photo-painting , no canvas ?
Ing. For full particulars plenso address n
once Crescent Art Ca , 19 Central it. , Boston
Mass , ll.ix.6170. Wr2jel5 *
WANTED- experienced man , position 1
olllce eras salesman ; vvholta ile house pri
feircd. Good references. Address P24. lie
Office. 6H215J
\\'ANTED Situation us hoiiBekcupor , by
* ' lady of 2 . Is good cook nnd nice , tld
r housekeeper. Mrs. llrega , 316 So. 15th , u
Btnlrs. 6'/-15 ! *
" \17ANTED-Slttintlon ns housekeeper , by
W pleat-ant middle aged woman. Is goo
cook and malinger ; can make ono dollar go a
far as most people can $2.00. Mrs. llrega , 31
Bo. 15th. up Btnlrs. 533-15 *
WANTED-Sltuntlon as grocery elerk. Ca
furnish good references. Address P 1
Itoe. 607-16 *
" 1117ANTED Situation by registered druggt !
W ns clerk. Address I box : Ii2 , Ord , Nob.
461 15
' \X7ANTED A steady all year around job h
TV good competent harness muker , innrrlc
nnd steady. Address H. U. Stltzor , Fullortoi
Neb. 473 15
WANTED Situation In private family by
jouugmnn. Address P. 22. lleo oltlce.
W PANTED A position ns typo ifrltcr. Ai
dress O 40 , lleo office. 231
WANTED A position as typo writer. Ai
drees O 40 , lleo office. 831
WANTED Situation as assistant boo
keeper or position In office , best rofe
cnccs.-AddressO70 , lice. 4.t ! lej
\\ANTr:0-Sltuatlon : by man of 7 years bus
' ness experience to work In store ore
the road. Uood city references. AddicssO' '
lleo ollico. 445 15J
W ANTED Situation ns collector or paleunt
in too city am well acquainted ; cui
come well recommended , If necessary will f u
nlsh my own team , can do otllce work but pr
for to be out Address P 11 lleeloflloe. KS 1
\\ANTED-A Position by a thorough a
> countanu liost of references. Addrei
O 14 Hoc office. HU
\17ANTBD Hooms and board for man ,
d fV and 2 children ayed7 and 4 , In nice Jowls
family , not too far from business center.
dress P U Uox 245. ta 16 *
"WANTED-fly married lady whofo husband
TT I * traveling. boArd in n jirlvnto fnmlly.
Subuibj preferred , irxh rensonnblo rates. Ail-
drcs * . Mrs. 0. II. Oauti UO S Uth ft. 657 15J
" \ArANTEb-2or3tiorso pov cr cnglno , Sml
hand. Apply nt. Mlllard hotel olllco. 4Sd
"WANTl'.D-In central location , n small tinT -
T furnished boosoHir cottngo or part of
either linmedlatt'l- ; Address with particulars.
645 15J
W NTlU-To ? V 11 a corner lot on S llth St. .
for a tcnni orngood horse , hnrncs * ami
liuugy and balance on time. Cnll Immediately
nt Krtlg Uro ; ! , cor vlnt.oii nnd 13th fts. IOU 15J
WANTED A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start , for particulars -
lars address Hank of Valley , Valley , Jl'OB'0.
W 1 ANTED Teams for railroad work ,
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm.
Gt 1
FOlMtENT-Splomlld 5 roorrTcottsge , One
grounds , large stable : nil modern Improve
ments , on N. 16th st , (45 per month. II , 0.
Patterson , 15th nnd llnrncy. 655
HENT-Photograph Gallery. Host nai
FOR In Clnrlmln , lovvn , for rent o heap. No
competition for n flood nrtlst. Address J. M.
la)20 : ) N 10 St. , Oinnhn Nebr. OJO-21
JNT flood ? room cottage near busl-
- - - ness , $30 per month. H. A , Sturges ,
room 10 , Crciirhton blk. 3-K ) 15
FOU Itr.NT-Stores nnd lints at 24th nnd ! .nko
street by I'nulson Jt Co. , room X , lledlck's
block , 207
| ? OK lir.NT Good burn , stlltatilu for four
U horses Inqulro nt BI7 s. lilth Bt. irtl
T710 U lir.ST A nk'o fi room cottngo for f20.
JD A. F .Mnyno'H MO1 * Dodge. 470
FOH SAI.K-Ilousn nicely furnished , on ncro
ground , onn tiluck from car both
grnpes , beirle und Mtijutnblo garden dilrlnv
summer. KKO N. 81st t. 5i7-16'
KENT Frame store building , 20xW.
IflOH living 4roomson Phil Sheridan St.will ;
Improve ; put basement under store to suit nny
legitimate business Win. Fleming & Co. , Uoi
Douglas. 870
OlF HliNT-n-rooin house. Oeo. 1 Cllbert ,
F Withncll liulldlllif. 618 15
OH Ul'.NT-right room bouse , well fur-
17 nNhi'd nnd centrnlly locntcd. Al o ti-nm
of hor-ea nnd double cuirlngo lor snip. Address
1' 7 lice. 477 18J
OU 11ENT 3 room hoiisc , 70J 1'acinc.
61 *
Oil Ur.NT-Wlndow. peed locality for lew
iler or renl estnte. Apply to 3J3 ninth.
5J \
UKNT I'lrst eln s locitlon for burhor
1 Bhop. Phnw\Co.,510Fouth IGth. 414
Oil ItllTn'- sTore. Inqulro 1412 S. 1 Ith at.
_ ( ieo. II. I'etcr-on. _ KV
HUNT -\Vnre room ror. Uth nnd Cull-
llornln on Ilelt I.ino. lor particulars en-
iiilro | nt Union Nnt. bunk. IBS
"I71OH ItHNT Store nnd living npnrtinomi on
I ? Citmlni ; nonr S-aiindeiBSt. Apply nt HnrrU
Heal Cstnto r.nd I.onn Co. , iliO S. 15th st. li 7
TJI IOIt KF.NT-Urlck ynnls , T. Murrny.
M to rent. T. Murrny. 1
NT-Thrco room house , 1108" S 7th
rJMll ItllN'T-IJooms'ovt'r groccrj , for house
f No. lOi S. 10th St. B 5-16
"L'OK HUNT Rlcgnnt room , bin window , jrns
J tinth nnd nllnnodcin convenience * . A.
noipn.airi N. nth. . _ 570 _
FOH HUNT Nicely tlirnlghcdfnmt room nnd
bunrd , suit iblt ! lor t > v o ( fcntleuii'ii nt f > 02 S.
IDtli cor. bt. Mary's n\i' . 572-I6 * _
FOIt Itr.VT-SimfuritMiod looms. Imiulio
nt lllfi S.20tlL lill-lll *
TJ1OH ItKNT A nontly iurnlHhcd front room ;
-L1 llrt lloor ; milt ion onalieery ! ; coinon-
lent. 19" > rnrnnuiBt. . 010 1M
HKVT rurnlitlioil rooms ( two email
rooms ; , ii.'O N l.ltl ; _ 609 17J
OH HUNT rurnlshcd pnrlors. slnirlo 01
together , Biiltnbla for tno or four gcntlo
1' 27 iioo oilco..n | _ ous mj
Al'I.RASANT newly furnished front room
nlthln live minute ? wnlk from Oporn House
one block from street onrs , prlvnto tnmlly. g
\V cor82d nnd Ixsnvcnwortli.
HKNT-OIIlco looms In Oritonlr block
corner Uth nnd Dodgo. Davis Sc Mother
Inuton , Mlllnrd Hotel Itllllnrd room. r > 2tl
OH linNT 8 nicely furnished rooms , new
house , 2318 Farnnni 8t. 524 19J
F IOU HENT-Ploafcant rooms , good board
bath , gns , etc. 61U I'loasnnt st. 44 ( ! 10'
KENT Furnl hcd room with gas foi
ono gciitlomnn , ? 8 a month , 52) ) South Htl
. ! 474 U' '
sj. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOH HENT Elegantly furnished room foi
man and vvllo or two gentlemen , nil mod
ern conv enicnces. 25.W St Marys nvo on Btrccl
cur lino. 481 10J
HENT-Plensant turnlshed room will
FOH . Hofercncos requhod. VJ10 Web
stor. C0418 *
OH HENT Nicely'furnished front room
tlrat lloor , private family. Address , P 26
lleo Olllco. 1H-20 *
I OH ItENT Furnlshcil room , suitable for :
F or 4 gentlemen , cheap. I'M Cn's. 600-16
FOH HENT Nicely finnlshoy rooms , noarc
If desire J. 11.1 S 2Jrd bet Douglns am
Dodge. 4-0
HENT-rurnishcd rooms , 713 S. 19th st
FOH block from St. Mary's avo. 4JI 16 *
OH HENT-Furnished rooms , 704 8. 18th.
ijvO 16' '
T71OU KENT Furnished room , 009 S , 17th st.
J :
FOH HKNT 3 store rooms In best city o
4,000 population In Nehinska : 3 new rail
rends now building to It. Ilnn l < on , Ambler t
Woolley , 4188. 15th st. . Omnhn , Nob.
OH HI1 NT Nicely furnished rooms toi
F gentlemen nt2--27 Dodge. _ 4HI 19
HK lir.NT-F.lcgantly furnished room for !
gentlemen near business. All convenl
enccs ; private family , 1016 Cap. ave. 243 18j
OK KENT- Furnished room at 1810 Dodge st
F OH HENT-Furnished rooms ut 1810 Dodiro B
T7TOH HENT-NICO furnished room. 2021 Fai
JC n m. IM5
F OH HENT Nine room Hat centrally located
316 S 11th. 7T
10H HENT"Funu ned front room 2034 Ha
noy. 34.1 16J
TTIOH HENT A nlco newly furnished fron
JL' room with alcove , and ovortythlng In flrsl
class style , and other smaller rooms ; also tabh
board , Cnll nt2-U ! Farnum st. 30J 1 J
FOH HENT Elegant rooms , references ic
quired , 1B07 Douglas si. _ 301
F ° R HENT-Furnlshod rooms. 714 N llith.
_ _ B19ro21
OH KENT Elovon'nlco ' untiirnlshed nloor
Ing rooms. Separate or all together , I
bU lining 316 B 15th Bt. ; , _ 1)75 )
F OH HENT Desirable unfurnished room
suitable for Of&ov or sleeping rooms. 31
B 15th BL _ | , , _ 976
TjlOlt KENT Two furnished rooms , the frori
-L room Is suitable for two gentlemen , 631 i
20th st. near St , Mary's avo. 630-16 *
FOIt KENT Nicely furnished front root
for ono or two gentlemen near biulnes
center. Apply CIS 8. Hb | at. - 638-15 *
TjlOU MENT Furnlshe 1 room with prlvlleg
-L of sitting rooiu tor ladv. Object , compnn
for lady whuse husband Is gene part of th
time. 501 8 20th. . 880
fjlOH HENT No. 537 s 13th St. , storeroom un
-U basement , new brick building. An e ;
cellent location for either wholesale or rcta
business. 1'aulseri & Co. , room 8 Kedlck blocl
i UW
FOIt KENT Two offices spaces on groun
lloor In room 1509 Farnam st. Enquire c
J. S. Klchardson , In rear olllce , 84fl m'Jl
Olt UENT-Nlcely furnished rooms cheai
60s South 18th street , Upstairs. V15
" nOH ZtENT-Desk room. Enquire Young
Blackmnn , 214 S 15th Bt. 540
i FOIt KENT Newly furnished rooms wit
r- beautiful lawn , ono block from postofllci
ri ) 1505 Capitol avo. 418 17 *
> i _
OH HENT Three room bouse west of Nort
! - llth st , , between Chicago and Cass. IWJ
TTlOIl HENT Elegant oflleo rooms , best Ic
-L' cation In Omaha , 316 South 15th st. 835
LT'O H HENT Two furnished rooms wit
-t- board , en suite or tingle : every modor
convenience , 2535 St. Mary's avc. 383 17J
Olt IlENT Third lloor , S.'xSO. of brick bulli
Inr , 1108 Farnam street ; use of elevate
Inquire above number , upstairs. Ml
TT10H HENT-OrtlL'n In llnllmnn Milldmucor.
JU Fnrnnm and | Ms. , In sultei or singly.
For prloe * . diagrams nnd Information apply to
B.A. Slomnn , 151. Farnam et , Hooin 3.
I MMEDI ATP. ale will take 6 lots or le9 only
6 or 0 blocks from Exchnngo bid and
Union Stock yard * on favorable term * . Sixteen
houses under contract In same block , Iwnnt
what they are wotth. I don't want fancy prices
I want to sell quickly. 1' . 11. llranch.U
lOlt HENT OH FOH SALE Two liouc * and
II loton monthly pnyments. Co-operative
Lnnd ft Lot Co. , 20.-I N. lUh bt. 6 0-21 *
Our new addition.
Acre 4mb $ VHporaoM.
. Near South Omaha ,
And Bydlcate Hill . , . .
Marshall A Lotiocic ,
77S 150J Kurimra.
HOLMES A MOHEAHTY ltimlirtnto nnd In-
suranco Co. , 1J20 Douglas. 403 15
FOH SALE Or trade. A beautiful 10 ncro
tract on O street , enst Lincoln. Will trade
for Omahn property. Kvnns It Illackburn ,
Heal Estate n gents , 1510 Dodgo. 611.18
FOH SALE-50 choice farms less than 20
miles west of Oinnhn. Address J. H. Sllvl * ,
Hcnl Fstato Aitent , Elkhorn , Neb. C41 m''SJ
BIO IlAHOAIN-Ono hundred feet front on
South Eleventh st. corner lot , only f'i.OOO.
Parton tlmo. V. L. VoJIeka , 5-J ! South Mth st.
'J9 '
A NICE house nnd lot near Shcrmnn BVP. ,
$2S50. on oany terms. A. F. Mayno's IL
E o'llce , 141)8 ) Dodgo. 571
LOTS In Omnha View ft,175to ll.VM. Meyer's
Hlchtuds A : Tlldon.8 $ S > 00 to J09. ! ' Fair-
mount I'lneo J8JO to fl.'ti. lledford 1700 to
Hero Is n "Snap. "
PflxU" ) , Heed's 1st ndd south front Chlcngo st.
$4,000-f'riOJ cn h.
House * nnd Lot" .
Lowe add fS.OOU. Omnha View 11,750. Millard -
lard .v.CaldweH'H$200. Heed's .Id fli.ViO. Hurt
st t MM and $ l.5a ( ) O.xphol add f 1.1Am. Terms
on nbov o easy. Wo have homes to sell on OAsy
If jou want nny kind of propeity give us n
call. Wo hnvo n large list In Omahn nnd South
Oinnhn. No tumble to show pioperty , Our
list ot wild Innds Is ono of the best In tbo city.
John ( ! nllagh r , 317 south 13th fit 4.50
A I' . TL'KEV , n't nirnatn St. , mike * Investments -
vestments for non residents n spcclnlty
wlthiruarantecd Interest or sli'iro ot profits ,
and taKes full charge of property : reference
given. _ 3'M _
IpOH BAljK Or tradn. A boautifnl 1U ncro
tract on O street , e.tst Lincoln Will tiado
for Omaha piopctty. Evans iV Illaekburn ,
Hcnl Estnto agents , 1510 Dodge. 511 ' . ' 0
rPEN ACURSoif hl-'li , sightly hind lor sale.Ti
1 miles from court hous.i , fW ) per ncro.
1'nttcrion jcMouto , Omaha National tinnk.
15J 15
TOH SAl7E--lotln Phlnn'aild addition , with
X1 new C-rooin house , with pantry and clos
ets , cistein nnd good collar. Will sell cheap lor
a lew days. Apply or address H.I ) . "KUChnilcs
A COOD lot vIth u building on it , nonr Lake
and llith , fJ,7.VJ. Eny terms. A. F.
Mnyno's It. E onico , H'JS ' Dodge. 473
DEXTEH U IMIOMAS-FnVtho choicest lots
In Lincoln I'laco.
2 cor. acres In Soloman's add 8700 each.
3 lots In block 59. South Omnha
Also H , bloek ( ij , and lot ' . ' , block ( ) , 7 in S3 , 3
inB7 , cheap.
N ) ncrcs bv Contrnl City to s ll or trndo.
1,1LMaeic In n body nenr Stunton.
4S ) acres nenr Wisner.
AKn lots In Hcdtord I'lneo , Dclonos addition ,
Wc .t Cumlng , Koster'o ndd on Oiming st , The
boss lot In block C Shlnn's addition.
Also largo lots In Slilloh.
5 ncrcs on Ames' nvcnne.
Also trncunire cheap on licit Line , for sale or
H largo lots on Ilroadunv , Council IllufTs.
Lot 3blk 0 Impiovemcnt Association , COxlSS ,
Lot 8 blk 7 , f > nmo n < ld , snme sUe , corner ,
? 4UOJe , \c ,
t o n the aliovo nnd can make terms to suit.
Come and see. Doxlvr L. Thomas , room H ,
Crelghton Illoc * 751
4 coiner lots Uth ht P. of 1T. P. depot tl , < KX )
iiteh $1(10 ( down , bal. 1 , " nnd 3 vcnrs.
Elsasser H Hlco. 1012 llnrncy . 630
OlfS.U.Efrlrado. ( . A beautiful 10 aero
tract on Ostient , oust Lincoln. Will trndo
for Omaha property. EVBIIS \ Illackbuin ,
HenI Eslato agents , 1510 Dodge. 641 10
FOH SALE-lly Shaw & Co. ,
510 s st.
Houses nnd lots In nil pnrtsof the city. You
can't nlloid to rent wlicn you know the pnco
nnd terms of this class of prrporty.
On ( ieorgla avenue wo have n laigo piece of
ground for salont less than Its value. It Is
worth looking nt U you wnnt n nlco residence
Lots for sale In dllTeicnt parts of theclty.nnd
you mo sure to make money tiy dealing with
UH. Wo are headquarters lor safe Investments.
"VTOUH attention Is Invited to the followlnir :
J 5-room house and lot on 21st , (3,000. (150
ca-h ; , $76 quarterly , now routing for $25 per
4 room house and P2\1B3 ft S 18th , f'1,1100.
4-room house and tilixlN ! ft S 15th , ( .1,000.
( ItlxlHi fronting on both Shcrmnn nvo nnd 17th
st. 2 hou cs on 17th nnd 1 on Sherman ave
$11,000 , on ver > ensy terras.
5-room house on leased ground , lease expires
In B v ears , cheap.
Lots 5 and 0 , blk ; t , Ambler , very cheap.
Lot 4. blk 23. Omaha View , J1.200.
Lot 12 , blk 21. Walnut Hill , very cheap. Call
nnd sco us. Coic,31(1 ( S 15th , room 1. 5. > 0 1(1 (
F 1011 naivinins In Mist class inside piopcrty
Call on
McGuvock & O'Connor.
3IU S. 1.1th St.
Advertising List ,
Wo offer a few lots , now on OIT list. 3 Cor
ner lots on S. llth st.
: t2xii2 : ft on Fnrn un bet 12th nnd 13th Ft.
" 2x132 ft on 14th bet. Douglas nnd bodgo st.
A eoiuorlitxKU ft on Jones Bt.
50x141 ft on S. 15th St.
6.l'xl30 ' ft on Saunders st.
22xKOttonS. 13th St.
10,1x140 ft on S. M fit.
A6xl.)2 ) It on Lcavcnworth Bt.
Kor I'rico and Terms see
McGnvock & O'Connor ,
504,15. 310 H.I Ith St.
Corner2 lots , Kount/o Tlnco , U cash , $4,000.
Choice corner , tlonlcvnrd ave.
Walnut Hill , Z story house , Darn , cletern , cltj
water , 50x150 , $3.700.
Corner 2 lots llodlord I'lnto , 103xl2S.
Cholco lot , I'ntrlck'H add. , on cnr line , $2,000.
Corner nn Dodgo. Kllby I'iaco , 100x177 , 4,0'X ) ,
Lots U nnd 14 , block 2 , Kllby Place , 100x155
ll-'roo'm house , Mlllard St Caldwcll add. , $3,000
l.onv enworth ! iunrl3tliMlxi)3 : ) , J2.00U.
Coi nor Dodge nnd 10th. nflxl'li , 5.iHX ) ,
lilt h st. near Nicholas , BOxHU , $13,000. $3XX (
cnxh. balance in 3 nnd 5 years.
Ilanscom 1'lnco , 1(0x150 ( , e5,2oa
Han-corn I'lnto.WiUi \ , t ,500.
IliirrOak , 5 room house nnd burn , 100x150
$ iSQO. Marketllurr. . IBM Fnrnnin st. 5)8-11 )
"ANTED To exchange a good Bcdforc
I'laco lot tor good driving horse and bug
gy. Call at room U i\iio6ltion : building. Man
day. 5D7-15J
WH. GATES , : t24 South 15th over Stall
National Hank. Entrance on llarnoy.
10 room lioufo , largo burn , nlco shade , ot
26th nnd Hamilton. This nlco piece of proper
ty tor only $7,00(1. ll.OJO cash.
U room house , two lots , facing south , on St
Mary's ave. An elegant homo. $2,000. One
third cash.
2 nice 7 room cottages on 21th st. , North St.
Mary's nvo. $ IOOUO
A cheap piece of property on U. P. truck
Ilrick IIOIIHC , lull lot Nonr 15th st ,
Cottage and full lot , eabt front. 19th it. , nca
Clark st. Cheapest lot In the city , J.l.ooa
60x1 8 and II room good houf-o , south front
on Cnrtcllnr , near 17th st. $1.200.
7 room house In Cherry Gordon , near Lcnvon
worth. I'ln ant homo. $2.500.
Nlco 7 room , two story homo , on 32nd Bt.
near Hanscom 1'nrk. $5,5ou.
5 room , now cottngo. Walnut Hill , porch am
picket fence , lot 50xtU8. $1,400. $ JOU cash.
4 "tory ii ml n half re wO room houses , Saund
oil ) & Helmbaugh'H , near cnr line nnd belt lln
depot. $2,400 to $ JUOO. $500 cash. Ualanc
6 room story and a half house , barn , woli
south front , Sauudorx & Hclmbautfh'B add.
A bargain at 1,200. $ KXIcnsh.
5 room house , south front Charles st. oca
2 th , $2,7iO. $50J cnih.
Vacant Property.
IOOxV47 ft fronting on llanscora Park , facln
cast $8,000.
IWil'jj , corner 1'aclflc and Catherine streoti
facing west. $7HOO.
Iotxi50 , corner cant front on Virginia nv <
and Paeltlo 8t.
5.1 ft onUth and Lcavcnworth , business lent
nt a bargain.
4 of the best lots In Hawthorne , on Dav cnpoi
f < 0xl40on2l8t strict just north of St. Mary
2 east front loll , Kllby Place , lllock 0. $3,5C
for the two. $1 , ' ,0 caflh ,
2 of the best aero lota In Wont Omaha a ; $10
60H.East front on 37th ft , near Farnam , hul
beautiful v lew. Only $ JVJO.
4 cant front cheap lots in Patrick's 2nd , nea
cnr line.
One east front lot , Hewnolr add. Only tl , 10
One Hillside. No. 2 lot , toutli front , only ; iMX
Easy terms ,
6 of the licit laying lots In SaundersiHeln
baugh'i add.
L6xliO , South Uth Bt $8,00) .
One of the belt lotBln llcdford Place. $750.
8 of the ben lota In Aincf' Plaoo for $1,000.
A full lot In Uurdetto Court. 1475.
4 aouth front lot * ou CHUB , near 24 stret
FOU 8AIft A * a h fgali5 , a mO t ilcllraWo
homo for a sninll futnlly within a tulle ot
P. 0 , , a block from 2 Btrfet cnr line * and pavoJ
streets. Inquire of E , K. Whlttuoro , Floyd's
opcrn house. nou
F OU8AI i-Slic : t rant front lotsln Shrlver
I'lneo. JftX:3iOcn ) : ( h , bnl * 5 per month , will
sell singly , Must bo sold nt once. Inquire 51i )
8. tflth. ( M 16
LISFv our property with the Omnha llumnrsa
Excfi inngo , 3US. Uth , room 1. 34110 *
/ ' ODDAHD A MOOItE , 211 North IRth St. , will
vf fell ) on two lot * In Ambler Place worth
to day $2,000 for $1,450 If bought nt once ,
LOOK nt the bargains ottered by .Nedd'a Heal
Fstato rxchango ,
1400 Fnrnnm st. opp Pnxton hotel ,
Fnrnam cor 20th 51xl.W , Improved $ .nOX )
Fnrnnm cor IMh 22xii2 ; , improv ed S..HH )
Farnnm cor 3Uh 1)0xi ) : 17,0 M
Farnam cor Il'ithfljxl' ' 'i ' 7'Wil '
Fnrnnm t-or 3'ith2.VixM3 15.MM
Farnam ncarSOth lltlilli , per foot. , . . . . , 41H )
Hnrnoy cor 12th 44\112 , luproved 40,0 1
HnrnoycorWth , COxlK ! n.WH )
Harney near 20th 50x1,13 12.TOI
Ilnrney near 23d 60x157 l..WO
Douglas near 12,4liiC. : Improved 41,000
Dodge cor .Kith , 41.K 2.7M
St Mary ave 2 cornets. 142x143 , per foot. . 30J
Cnllfornlaeor 10th lir.'xl.u , Improved . . . . :6HK ( )
3 lots In Jerome park , 1 corners , only . . . 4.500
ll'2feet on Sautulors 7OM
Cumlng near 21th , 52xlfi5 , Impioved 1,1 UK )
South 17th st , IVItMJ 20,000
t'Bllfciiiilist. 8Hxl'fl 3,100
2 full lot * In Davenport's sub nenr Snun-
dor Rt , only : .1,000
8 loti on Il th st ono block south of l.cav-
vnnorthst , from $ l,20Uto $1,700 each ,
easy terms.
loautlmi lot on Davenport st 2,500
( .WHO with 5-rooin lottago. barn , well ,
cljtern , etc. , on South 16th near Wll-
llami 3,000
0x1116 corner 15th and Williams sin , Im
proved , rents for $1111 per month , only 13,000
louse nnd lot on South 2lit st 1.1UJ
3-room house nnd lot ! ! 0xl24 , in Heed's 3d
addon Franklin Bt , $2,55U on monthly
tou-oand lot on S llth st. cheap at 3.POO
louse nnd lot on S 13th nt , cheap nt . . . 4'XRI '
lOxUOIn Klrkwood , ea t front on 17th . . . 750
'loiitonnd lot In Walnut Hill 1,500
IOUFO and lot In Snundcrs & Illino-
baugh'H 2,400
lousonudlot on North 17th " , . ' > 00
Good corner , 5JxlS'l , Saunders \ Illmo-
baugh's add. , near street rallioad . . . 90
Hotibes and lots 111 Mlllatd & Cnldwoll's add. ,
llenutlfiil roildenco lots In Kounl7c Place.
Ilcnutlful resldenco lots In Hanscom Plnco.
lleiiutlful lotsln .leromo Paik
Heauillul lots In Highland Place ,
Ilenutlliil lots In Kilbv Place.
MI beautiful lots In Grnmmorcy Pnrk from
$ nM ) to J750 ,
One nero In llngcn's subdivision very cheap.
Improved and unimpiovcd lots In nil thobe
aildltonsto the city. It you nro looking for n
home or nn Inve tmnnt. It will p ly jou to call
ami nxiunlnooiir immen o li-t ol bargnlim. If
jou hnvo propeity to sell list it with ill , und
, \e will p ihh It.Nedds
Nedds llonl Estate Exohnnge ,
1400 Farnam street , op. Pnxlon Hotel.
M'.l ' 15
TEHHASICA L\ND Seven Omahn Insldo
> lotH to trade for iinlncumboied Neb. land.
Hush il selby , 1SJ1 Fatnnmst. 29
iThTivo two lots In Allbrlght's Cholco VThlsh
wo will oAchango for good buggy ,
lolmes & Moreaity , 1 fJO Douglas st. 4'17
LOTS-You can make money on our
CHEAP Lots on the vnlley north of town.
$150 to J275. Como nnd sco them. HoggH&Hlll.
412 J II
GODDAHD A , MOOltr.-211 North Sixteenth
street , cnn sell > ou llnent south front cor
ner In Orchnid Hill , on Orchard street for
$1,000 ; two line lots , a corner , Ambler Plnco ,
$ l,4'0 , both ; line lot In Ititir Onk , n bnrgnln ,
$ lViO ; t o line lots , n corner block , I'll South
Oinnhn , $1.100 for both. All of these nro gilt
edge Investment , and " 111 pay to Investigate.
Lots In Ilawthoino nnd Crest on
for customers toady to buy. EVHIIS&
Itlackburii , 1510 Dodgo. 6MH5
SALE Two frame buildings , S. E. cor.
FOH and Douglas sts. S. Lehman , 1UN Far
num. 664
SALE 4 sections of land worth $6 pci
F ncro. Will sell for $4 if taken nt onco.
Ilnirlson , Ambler & Woolley , 418 S. 16th st.
Omaha , Nob. 4W 12
Apple of My Eye"homo only ' { block oil
. SI. Mary's nve cnr line , convenient to bust'
r.cs , built "not for n day but for nil time. "
llaignins In buslnofs propeity.
Lln Ith us for wo put them whore thov keen
hot. Cnko & Hillings , ovcr 101 South 15th HI.
FOH SALE t room house llurdett 61 , prlci
$1,4"$500cish. :
4 loom house Clark st. , prlco S-.GOO ; $50 (
cash. *
12 room hou = 9 Ifth st , prlco $4,200 ; tl.TOO cash
6 room house Popplcton uvonuo , prlco $ J,600 ;
$1.700 cash.
22 feet fronting on Douglas at , for $500 poi
front foot.
22 feet fronting on Buindcts Bt$125 per fionl
2 adjoining lots , 1 a corner , on Saunders Bt
price $1.050 per lot.
1 ot the best lots In Orchard hill $ m
2 cheap lots in South Omaha ; close to non
depot , price $7)0 ) per lot.
10 ncros for platting , $160 per ncre ,
640 ncro farm land at North Platte , Nrb. , $ !
per ncro.
ICO ncro f aim land In Madison Co. , $20 poi
acre.W ncro farm land in Plcrco Co , Nob.$10 poi
inn ncros farm land In Webster Co. , Nob. , $ - <
per acre.
Will take horse nnd buggy In part payment ,
Wnntod to rent a 10 or 12 room house betweei
Fnrnamnnd California nnd 17th nnd 20th , HUII
ham .VStiingor. 1518 I ) < > dgo 8t. 325
FOH 8AI.E Dodge and l.'th , $10.000. 120xfE
eorllthund Dorons ) , (8,200. 60x140 , Hous <
east front , 10th Et , $ sii ft. Elsassor and Hlco
No 1UI2 Hnrney. 270
OlfsALE-Lots 11 and 12 , block 4 , Kirk
wood , $1,509 each , K cash , balance 1 am
2 yoara. Discount for i-ash , address Mrs. E
lloborts , fort Sherman , Idaho. 3fi'J 24J
FOH BALE Or trndo. A boautilul 10 aen
tract on O street , east Lincoln. Will tradi
for Omahn property. Evans it lllackhuru
Heal Estate agents , 1520 Dodge , 641 10
OUH LIST of Ilargums. Kountz place , Bcv
oral lots at a bargain.
LukcHt,2. " > feet tor $ SOI
Saunders st , 3 lots , each 2,00
Saunders st,3' ' { acres opposlto Kount7o
plnco. 16th 6t , 50x150 6.00
I'ainam st. corner. 60x123 , ll.OJ
Fnrnnmstlotseach : ) 3)0 ( )
Iowia\o , east trent 1,76
Vliglnlnavo 1K >
( ieorgla nvo , 75xT > 0 2W >
Georgia nvo 2,6'y
Twcntj--sl\th st , near Popplcton 2,30
Facing on Pnrk 2,00
Hamilton Ht. Orchard Hill 1,20
Orchard Hill,2 line lots , onch Z
Trackage lots 50x125 ar.
Trackage lots 50x147 Z.26
Lenvcnworthst , 114 feet corner 3,00
Residence Properly.
Wo hnvo ft ' rgo list of residence property li
all parts of the cltv at very low prices , btovon
llros , 1513 Farnam st. 775
SPLENDID CHANCE-Snvo rent. House
nnd lots for snlo on $ " > poi month pay
mnnts. with small payment down ,
They are two story houses , now and full
completed. 'Have six lingo rooms ; hall.pantrj
china closet , good cellar , closets , elty
sewer connections ; nil ready for occupancy.
The location Is excellent , being on corr.r
2 < th nnd Charles street. In Shlnn's 1st addltlor
near the heart of the city , nnd commanding
fine view ' 1 he red car line passes within 2 !
blocks. Hiram A. Sturgcs , Agent , room K
Crelghton blk. , south of pontoffico. 3S9 1ft
SELECTS , nro the carefully listed birgnln
hunted doirn by Cnko & Hillings. Our eair
pie case :
2 lots with 2houses , J. T. lledlck's sub , enl
block from Bticet cir linn , 103x121 ft on
streets , big money hero for you.
lloauty of llartlett , fruit trees , fine vie *
enl v $1.500 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and l.'ith , an
we'll make It pleasant and profitable for you.
I | 601
"I71OH BALK Dodge Bt.two lots In Kllby placi
-C fronting on Dodge street , 125 foot Tw
blocks beyond the lots have sold for $ .2,000 , th
same price wo ask fort hi go. Only $1,200 cat
required , bhaw X Co.,510 8 16th st. are tli
agents. Iflfl
FOH SALE-Or trade. A beautiful 10 aci
tract on 0 street , cast Lincoln. Will tra <
for Omahn property. Evans it Illnckburi
Heal Fstato agents , 1610 Dodge 541 1(1 (
FOH SALK-10 KUhtly lots In poor fan
Patterson tc Mooio , Omaha National ban
317 19
K EADthlssplcn-Ild ll < t.
Ulbson , Aylesworthi Hcnlamln ,
1512 Fatnarosl
For 5 du > a only we offer the following
2 lotrt In Ilrlggft place front son Harney an
non Farnnm.
1 lot In Iluwthorno mi00. cor : tM and Davci
port , 0 room house , Ac. , price $ J,30J. Etu
Lot nnd house In Lowo's 1st add.00xl20 , $1,75'
120 It on ht. .Mary's nve with 2 U-room house
gas nnd water. Will subdivide. 111,0)0.
Wn'OhoiHoorbuxlnoBj pioperty In block 19
$4ViOO. Ea y terms.
Ixt on Douglas itrect , 40X13S , with C-rooi
houne , f5,10l. (
Full lot on Dodge street , 3 houses , rent f <
$ bOO , prlco $1,2X ) .
5-roorn house on N 17th St.good well and ci
tern , to.firio.
Wanted 3 goo j builnes * lots.
Two or moro lots with trackage.
Ulbson , AylesworthA llenjamin.
1612 J'anittiu Bt
L tlargntn for n low dnya , south f.-on |
tot In Oltlon Hill lny prrfnct , ovrner mull
sell , llamtnond .YUlbson , 15U Douglas t. '
424 tfl
FOH SAI.K-A eornerlot. Wxl.t' , on 15th and
Cumin * st , one of the best locution * In the
city for n wholesale hou n , with waterworks
and sewerage. Apply nt promises , The * . Sin *
clatr. _ 3llm'JlJ
* co-'iho ben lot
Plitre , $ I'W.
Crelifhlon lleluht * . n ftno onrnrr , f W. '
A full lot and four room house 2 tilucus from
st car line , 1 1,701 ,
Male nt lots , Bedford Place , 11,050.
HoiiHe * ou eaiy payments. Dodge Ct , fine ollfl
lm Mpropi'ity.rentlng for $7iX ) per } earl-fflJ (
F. llarrcttX Co. , 3I4 , 2 15th st. 4SJ-15
GUEflOltV * IIADLf.V ,
Members Omaha Hcnl Eslntn Exchangr ,
Hooms I ami 3. 3.M South IMh W
Omaha Vlow , Slate Bt fionti for $ 1,500
Fnlrmoiint place , Wxl''l , eoinor- ' . . . . . \Xa
Fnlrmouiit plnre 40x120 , corner 1'WO.
Wii t Side Lenvcnworthst lionts I.CW
West Side , En t ave fronts . . 779
Thornburg place lOOxlAl , corner lKu
Thornburg phico , fine en t front POO
Catalpa Placcis5xlls , corner 1WJ
Tabor place elegant lot 47\155 1,001)
Lenvenworth terrace 114 ft on Leaven-
worth 1,000
Lenvennoithtorrace , l.2xll ( trnckngo , 3..HII
West Omahn , 110x1.12 ot t nnd BO front . 3,500
Wont Omahn , 5SxI5' > east and north front. ? ,5pO
lledfoid place UKxl29 ) corner 1.700
lledford plnco 50x124 couth front KJO
1'ro'pect plnco 61ft eornor on trrado 1,850
Proepect placodoublo front Hamilton It 2,503
Cheap homes for all.
Gregory A Hadloy. 043
rpKSTH Street business property with trnck-
JL ago $ X > 0 per foot , cheapest ground on the
street. Patterson & Moore , Omahn National
Hunk. 47J ,
C IXJI.IE111'l.ACR-McCnguo Solo Agent.
W ( } . SIlltlVEH , Special llnrgntns.
Ix > t In lleilfonl rinoe , $ ' 125.
75x1Wlt. E. front , ( leorgla Avo. , * 2000.
Lot In Cre ton , Inclng two stroelB , f 1400.
ISeniitlrul F. front , Georgia n\o , nonr I.CRV *
cnwortli , f5KiO. (
Hcauttful S. front lot , 00x177 on Howurd , noaf
22d street , 7fiOO.
Lot on Hurt , noar28th. strcnt , * LWO. , t
8 lull lots on Cas near 32 1 , both ll-'Off. , ,
6t ) ft. cn t front on 17th near I'nuU 15 cnsa
Hal 1,2 , Hind 4 years , I4BDO.
52 ft on loth , near Sherman St. , J4200. 1-8
enih. Hal. 1.2,3 nnd 4 yenrs.
00 ft. on Uth nnd Sherman Sts. , WJO. 1-B
cash , llnl. 1,2,2 nnd 4 > enin.
41x132 ft. lit llnno > aaild.rilOO.
44M3. ft. S front on Ilrl-tol St. , $175.
5Bxl5ri ft. on l.c.we ave . near Fnrnhnm. $1W > .
( ! oed lot In Kllhy I'laco , ( KX1
Lot 3. block 0 , Kllliy I'lncc. f INIO.
2ofthollne t lots In l.onp's add. . ( i'M.
S front In MjorH , Hlehards It Tilden'B nild. (
J7M.Good lot In snmo mid. , SUX )
4stt. ou Cummlng st , nonr 30th , cornori
f4 000.
Good lot In Orehnrd Hill , J900.
8 line lots In A. S. Patrick's add. , encli $1,450.
4il\l.Urt , i'.itiiek a\o , ni'iir "Ctli ,
Lot 12 , block li , I'ntrick'n2d ndd . $ . ' ,0(10. (
60\112 It , S E. corner 27th nnd Uurdetto stg.i
$2 500.
"S'loo lo Moreer nve , near Lowe nve. , tl.KOO. '
Men lot on 2l > th ncni 1'onploton n\e.(2iOO. ;
East front oir.tlth near I'opplotonlnvo. , $ . ' , < iOOi
\V. (1. Shiver , opp. 1 > O..W.O , '
Arrive Lrnvtt
Omaha Onmha
Depot 10th nnd 1'ierco sta.
I'acllicKxptess 8:20 : pm ;
Denver Express
Local Exjiress 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm.
"Except Sunday.
13. & M. H. K. H.
Depot 10th and 1'ncilic sts.
Mall ami Express 5:45 pnnO:00 : at :
N lent Express lOiOOiini ' "
O. H.ttQ. H. K.
Depot lOtli and ' ilicsK
Mail and Exptess 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm
Chicago Kxprt'bS 7:05 : pin U:40 : aul
K. C.St. J. & 0. .
Dcpqt 10th and 1'Aclllcbt
Mail. 7:0" : > pro 8:40 : ait
Express 7:00 : am 8:50 : PD |
C. St. P. M. A O.
DepotlSth and Webster st.
Sioux City Express 4:43pra : 8:19 : an
10MOaraPR ) :
liancrott Kxprvss PR
Ulalr rasM'itKor 7:40pin : 5:35 : pn
Excout Sunday
Depot 15tli and Webster st
0.25amillo : a
Day Express
Niglit Express 5xjpnii : : 0:10 : pnj
Lincoln Express. 11:10 : ami CilQ P" !
Running between Council UluiTsandSoutlj
Omaha. In addition to the stations men
tioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty
fourth streets , and at Summit , In Omaha.
i Leave I Arrlvs
CONNECTING LINES Transfer , Transfaf
I depot | depot
O. III. * P. : 7:15 : am 0:15am :
AH Trains run Dally. 9:15am : 5:2.5p4 :
0:40 : pro 7:00pm :
C. & N. W. I
Ml trains run dally. . . . . ]
C. B. ft Q. I
All trains run dally. . . . | gjgj ra
C. M. ft St. P. (
All , , . ! , , . run uaiiy. . . . . j J 0:15 : a m 0:15 : am
6:40ptn : : *
K. c. st .1. ft c. a
Except Saturday. 1000a ;
tExccpt Monday. * b55pm ; 5:30 : pm
W. St. I , . A P. t
All trains run daily . . ( 253pm ; 12:15 : pm
AlltralnsrundtUy. . . . . 1 ' a m' ' : am
1 , 0:25pm : b50pi ;
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,009 ,
Herman Kountze , President.
John A. Creighton , Vice-Presldent ,
F , H , Davis , Cashier ,
W , H , Megquitri Asst.-Cashief.