Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1887, Page 4, Image 15

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nttiMfl or Biniscturriotf :
D Hr ( Mornlan Kdltlon ) Including Bundsr
BKK. Onn Vuor . $10 V
For 81 1 Months . 6 OfFer
For Thrw Months . SU
Ilia Omaha Bumlnjr HKR , miillod to nny
, One Your. . . . B ( X
omr * . No. i AK Bin FAHXAM
V r.w VOIIK orrict : . KOUU ( V > , THIIII'NK limi.iiisa
W orricc , Nu.&l3KouitTiKNTimriuk.T
All comtnunlontionfl relating to news nml cdl
torlfil matter sliouM bo ad'lruaaod to thu Km
Ton or THE llhK.
All business lotteri and romlttnncng should bi
OMAHA , Drnftfl , checks and poctofflco order
to bo inadu payable to the ortltr of the oouipuny
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Btnte of Nebraska. I
County of Doii.'lns. | " „ H-
Ge-o. U. Tzschuck" , secretary of The Boi
Publishing company , docs solemnly swcai
that the actiml circulation of the Dally HIM
for the week ending May G , 1U37 , was at
follows :
'Saturday. ' April 30 ll.Sfl
Bundny , Mnv 1 14.00
Monday. May ! ! 1B.C3
Tuesday , Mavif 14,43
Wednesday. May 4 U.nii
Thursday , May G 14,201
Friday , May 0 14 , : :
Avcraeo 14.40
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo thl
,7th day of May , HOT.
N. P. Fiar. ,
fSEAU ] Notary Public.
Goo. 15. Tzschuck , being duly sworn
deposes and says that he is secretary ot Tin
Uce Publishing company , that the nctua
average dally circulation of thu Daily llco fo
the month of MaylH80,13,439 copies ; for June
1880,1'J.M'S ' copies ; fe > rJ uly , isso , 12l4copies : )
for August , 18i6 , 12,401 entries ; for Scptrm
her , KM ) , iiu:50 : : conies ; for October , 18W
' 12.1WJ copies ; for November. 1880 , 13v4 :
copies ; for December , ! , ' ! 7 copies ; fo
January , IbW , lO.UOO copies ; for February
1837 , 14,19 < i copies ; for March , 1S87 , 14,40
copies ; for April , 1887,14,810 conies.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 7tl
day of May , A. I ) . , 1887.
I SEAL.f N. P. FKIL , Notary Public.
ContentH of the Sunday Bee.
Pafiol. New Vork Herald Cablograms-
Bpccmls to the HUE. General Ti-lographl
Paco2. Telegraphic News. City News.-
Page . Special Advertisements.
Page 4. Editorials. Prominent Persons.-
Press Comments. Sunday Gossip. Sundaj
Chip Uasket.
I'agq R. lijncoln News. Miscellany ,
PaKocV Council Bluffs News. Miscellany
-Advert tsomcnti.
Page 7. Society Events In Omaha. Gen
cral and Loral Markets.
, Page 8. General City News. Local Ad
Pasro 9. Kaisers Wilholm's Nephew , b
Clnra Hello. Swarming with Blacklegs , i
r rl Letter. Aesthetlelsra in Colors , b' '
Iranz Senel. Advoitlsements.
Page 10. Our Ministering Angels.- Hone :
for the Ladles. Uehglous. Advertisements
gPuiro 11. Springtime's Sunny Bmiles.-
iiRtilaritles Connubialltes. Educational
Musical and Dramatical. Advertisements
Page 13. In the Klectrlo Field. Ueatlm
the Bandits. Grouer and Kaplolanl. Ad
1 RUSSELL SAGE has been before the in
vestigating commission. As a chcerfu
yet peerless prevaricator , Mr. Mage is en
titled to great credit.
Ilium FALB insists that the earth i
gradually drawing nearer the sun , and ;
collision will soon occur. This is graiifj
Ing intelligence.
A MONUMENT to Galileo has bcoi
erected in Homo , and neither Jeff Davi
nor * General Kiofor made a speech , am
yet the sun do move.
THK inter-state commissioners have re
turned to Washington. They have sus
Bonded every thing except the clausi
providing for their salary.
THK newspapers of Kansas City hav
built a "newsboys' homo. " The sum o
f3,000 was obtained from merchants fo :
advertising , the proceeds of one day go
Ing to the newsboys' fund.
TUB New York World , in its annlvor
ary number , boasts of its accomplish
meats. Among other things meutionet
is'the fact that it brought "Jake Shari
before the bar ot justice. " What i
should do is to got Jake Sharp behind th
A MASSACHUSETTS statesman has intrc
duoed a bill in the legislature to prolubi
the admission of any child under lifteei
years of age , unaccompanied by paren
or guardian , to any public show o
amusement which takes place after sun
et. The father no doubt occupies a fron
oat at the variety show and is afraid th
son will see him.
Oun old correspondent , "A Member o
Parliament , " appears with an interest
ing letter among our London cablegram
to-day. His story of the late hours forcei
upon members of parliament , forcibl
reminds us of the last hours of our congress
gross , or the pictures presented durin
the closing days of a Nebraska loglslr
ture. Since the advent of Uullalo 1)111 Ii
England everything is becoming
"American , you know. " First the Pat
Dell forgery , and now confusion atiion ,
the lords nud statesmen.
THK destructive storms of the past fo\
years have effectually disposed of th
theory that there is a distinctive tornad
belt m this country , and that the west i
the only region subject to their ravages
In the east throe years cyclones have visited
itod the states of Now York , Massaolu
sette , Connotlcut , Delaware , Pennsylvt
Dia. Virginia and South Carolina ou th
Atlantic sea-board , aid in each histauc
lives were lost and much property d <
fttroycd. Nebraska has been visited b
these death dealing storms , yet she ha
escaped with little loss of life.
"WASHINGTON is more worldly , as ba
as when congress is m session , " writes
bright young woman , thoroughly a <
quaintod with the capital city , its mo
mnd their ways. The young lady is coi
roct. There is more of corruption , sock
as well as political , in Washington tha
in any other American city. There ar
men without number thriving by jot
bery , whoso very presence in any circl
is almost certain evidcnco of sinistc
schemes being on foot. There are hui
drods -"high-flying" women supporte
by men or corporations with jobs in pro ;
poet , who rely upon these women , wh
remain there the year round , to do soi
Yiccs as lobbyists. A hunt for simplicity
vroiiiRiily modesty and genuine intogrit
will prove more successful in probabl
may other city in .America hau iu th
'a Cftultnl. . . . ' .
Improve the Pnrki.
As the summer daya draw near people
of all clashes and conditions nro moved
to think at times of the discomforts iu <
separable from the sweltering heat 61
July and August , and to reflect upon the
means of relief that may bo at their com
mand. To a few the weather is not a
disturbing one. Their lines are cast hi
pleasant places , and not only Is thoh
time at their own disposal , but they havt
the means to gratify whatever determi
nation they may reach as to where am !
how it shall be disposed of. Such in a }
hie them to the sea shore , If that shal
seem best for social considerations 01
any other reason ; or they may betaki
themselves to some northern lake resort
where the breezes are cooler than al
the sea and the requirements o :
fashion less exacting ; or they mage \
go into the mountains , and scquestcret
there , away from the busy haunts of mei
and the "maddingcrowd , " commune will
nature , finding gladness in the primcva
forest and the sweetest of music in the
rippling rill ; or they may go to othei
lands , and there at once escape the dis
comforts of life at homo , and gain a so
cial distinction for having boon "abroad.1
Hut it is only a few who arn thus hap
pily situated. The very great majority
must remain at the post of duty , no matter
tor what may betide. The wheels o
trade end industry can no more bo stop
ped in July and August than they can it
December and January. They may revolve
volvo a little loss vigorously , but thoj
must bo kept going , That is necssary it
order that thu prosperous may oouttnui
in their prosperity' and tha
those who must labor shal
not even for a little time lose the rowan
of their toil. It is this great majority
this army of toilers that cannot stop tin
daily round , whether the temperature bt
cyld or hot , who are now contemplating
the approach of the summer solstice will
forebodings of its inevitable discomforts
Those are the peonle who after the weari
work of the day in the close counting
room , the crowded store , and the lll-vcn
tilated shops , would find relief and re
cuperation in some out of door breathing
place where there wore conveniences foi
rest and some attractions besides those
which nature has placed ttero. When
hall they go ?
Omaha will undoubtedly some da >
have parks perhaps several o
them. At present there is one , but it i
not a particularly inviting spct
Many of tiioso who go then
do so because there is nothitif
better to attract them , and some sort.o
change of air they must have. It cotih
be made an exceedingly attractivi
place , and ought to bo. The expend !
ture necessary to accomplish this ncec
not bo great , but whatever the sum devoted
voted to this purpose , there is hardly anj
other way in which it could bo mori
judiciously employed for the genera
good. Hanscom park is boingsurroundoc
by fine residences , it is easily accessible
its natural conditions nocd not bo muol
altered. But the art of the landscape
gardener could bo utilized to a moderat
extent. Some graeling could be done , tin
existing walks could be imnroved am
others made , and there might bo a nion
liberal supply of seats , of course of iron
All this could bo done at a rcasonabl
outlay , and would render the parka wcl
como resort for thousands. Jeflersoi
Square , also , should bo improved. It i
only an eyesore now , and being one o
the "features" of the city which canno
bo concealed from strangers , subjects ute
to ridicule. As a central "breathiui
spot" it should be put in condition t
meet that requirement. The man wh
shall bring about these desirable ini
provements will deserve to be regarded
as a public benefactor.
A Bit of History.
A few of the habitual and hardcnei
liars of the state press have taken occy
sion during the past two weeks , to insiii
uate that Curry , the brutal , burly negr
who was employed to assassinate Mi
Uosewater some ton years ago , was th
"victim of Mr. Uosewater's cunning ,
that the "negro who was respectable
"slightly touched Mr. llosowatcr with
cane , " for which Curry served severs
years in the penitentiary. Tneso Htorie
eminatod from the traitorous editor o
the Lincoln Journal. Wo do not dosir
to burden our columns with a stor
which is yet remembered by all the ol
citizens of Omaha and the state at larg
but to show the utter inconsistency "o
the reports circulated by the scabs of th
country press , headed by the journalist !
jackal who presides over the Lincol
Journal , and answer several letters ad
dressed to Mr. Hosowator regarding th
assault , wo print elsewhere the report a
it appeared in the Herald the day afte
the crime was committed. Editorially
the Herald denounced the outrage as
"brutal and cowardly assault , " and ever
honest man in the state knows that Curr ,
was only playing his uart in a great eori
spiracy , conceived by a band of poll !
ical rogues and mountebanks , to kill Mi
llosowator , in order that they might cor
tinue unmolested in their criminal prac
ttces. Those who road the Herald's re
port of the infamous crime will at one
see how inconsistent and unprofesslona
it is in the Lincoln Journal to print am
circulate reports bearing no 11 kenoss t
truth , decency or justice.
Comnininorativc World's Fntra.
Franco is projecting a national exposi
tion , to which she invites the world t <
contribute , to celebrate the centenary o
the revolution of 1789. The success c
the undertaking as a world's oxhibitioi
will bo slightly impaired by the refusa
of some of the European governments t
participate. Uussia will not bo ropro
sentcd , Germany will be reprosontei
only to a limited extent , and England i
not expected to bo a large * contributor
The government feeling in all thes
countries Is about the same respcctini
the motive of the project. Aa monarchic
they counot give countenance to an ;
form of commemorating a movement ii
behalf of republicanism. The unfriondl
attitude of these countries , however
doubtless will not , as it ccrtaiul.
should not , deter Franco from car
rying out the plan. The countrie
which have no dread of appearing t
sympathize with liberty or republican it
stitutious.withlhoso whoso sympathies ar
all in that direction , ought to give sue
generous countenance and support to th
French exposition as will convince th
unfriendly monarchies that they are uc
indispensable to t'jo success of such a
enterprise. France and the United State
could together make aa exhibition the
Would surpass any the world has yc
seen , and which would bo worthy of uni
versal attention. The republics of Mexico
and ot Central and South America could
contribute vastly to the objects of interest
and attraction. There would bo more
good and more glory from a successful
exposition containing the contributions
of republics only than from one under
the circumstances which derived any
largo part of its attractions nnd
its interest from the products of nations
not in sympathy with republican institu
tions. It would demonstrate that Indus
trial progress and achievement in all de
partments of art can and do flourish in
countries whoso people govern even
more prosperously than In the nations
whore they are aielcd and encouraged b.y
royal or imperial bounties. The French
exposition should bo purely republican
in its character , and from a practlca
point of view solely it would probably bo
more successful for being so.
The idea of a world's fair in Ihis cottn-
Iry in 18J3 , to commemorate the 400lli
anniversary of the discovery of America ,
has received souio consideration , so fat
as wo have observed wholly of . i
favorable nature. As such an enterprise
terpriso would be entirely free from an' '
political objections , no nation could on
that score , as in the case of the Froncl
exposition , eteclino to participate in It
That the anniversary of the landing o
Columbus on the shore of. America wouli
from a sentimental point of view be an
auspicious time to hold a world's fair a :
a commemorative event will not be epics
tloued. What are the probabilities fron
the practical point of view ? The exhibi
tion of 1870 was a success , and all the
conditions that rendered it so will be
greatly enlarged and augmented in 18I3 !
It is not excessive to estimate the popula
tion of the country at that of 73,030,000 ,
or in the neighborhood of llfty per com
moro than in 1870. Inovory departmeni
of industrial enterprise and achiovemen
the nation will have made an evot
greater advance. Progress in the
arts and in science has kept pace with all
other forms of growth. Not only would
every American departmeni exhibited in
1870 bn greatly improved in 18D2 , bill
there would be a number of additional
departments to illustrate what the inven
tive genius of the American people had
accomplished since they invited tlu
world to witness what they had etono dur
ing a hundred years of self-government ,
M ith a much larger population and i
more widely distribute' ! prosperity from
which to draw the financial support ol
such an exhibition , its success in this re
spect cannot bo a matter of the leasl
doubt. About 10,000,000 , people visited the
exhibition in 1870. Certainly half as mans
more , ami probably double the number ,
would visit a world's fair in 1893 thai
possessed the attractions possible to it.
These exhibitions have a value
moro or less important , as incentives te
trade. They are grand advertisement !
of a people's attainments and skill ,
which are shown at their best. Thoj
are useful also as educators. From all
points of view , in short , these national
or international exhibitions , held at in
tervals far enough apart to assure sue
cess , are benolicial. There appears te
bo the best of reasons in favor of such rene
one to commemorate the eliscoverv o
General Booth and His Army.
The Salvation Army hold a state en
campment in Council Uluns last week
celebrating the seventh year of that or
ganizatlon in the United States. If tht
programme was carried out "generals,1
"colonels" nii'l "captains" wore more
plentiful in our sister city than they cvoi
were in Missouri or Kentucky. Genera
and Mrs. Booth , the recognized head o
the army , were among thu crowd , ad
mired by all subordinates.
Just what good they accomplished , i
any , wo are unprepared to state. Whetho
the introduction of pompous ceremonic ;
so much in contrast with tfio solenu
pageants and mysterious creeds of thi
olden time , had a marked cll'cc
upon the spiritual pulse of Coun
cil Bluffs wo cannot imagine
While the HER has already oxprossci
its views on the Salvation army , it de
serves to bo again remarked that tin
person who is softened or harmonized b ]
the hushed atmosphere which surround :
him like a benediction upon entering i
church , cannot associate ideaof ) chris
tianlty with the jumping and howling o :
spiritual gymnasts boating tambourine ;
and singing psalms to the tune of the
"Girl I Loft Behind Mo. " It is those
solemn and holy ceremonies painting ttv
Christian life a sunny flower garden in
side the dark and toad-inhabited dun
gcon of ascetics , which make a man or
woman experience an actual change o
heart. Temporary reconstructions o
moral character do not possess our con
tidenco , for they are oll'ected by passiot :
rather than thought. There is no judg
mout nothing but wild emotion.
So far as wo know General Booth and
bis numerous subordinates will not visit
Omaha. If ho does , and should insist or
showing himself , wo believe lie should
be requested to hire a hall , and emi
the circus parade portion of his variee
An Unseasonable Subject.
During the warm days soon to be upoi
us , when the scorching sun will consume
the remnant of the Manitoba wave tha
attempts to reach us witu its cool am
refreshing moisture , and sweltering hu
manity will sigh for the shady retreats o
Minnotonka , White HoarGeneva or som
other northern resort. California paper
are insisting that the coast is nature'
only winter resort. The statement to thi
effect might bo refreshing to the Esqu !
maux , the Laplander or a wcak-luugei
citizen of Greenland , but in most an
portion of the United States , the claim i :
a sun-stained chestnut. Because a sligh
front happened to nip the oranges o
Florida , the California real estate agent ;
are now hurling volleys of abuse at th
iioino of the alligator and landof fathomless
loss swamps.
The San Francisco Chronicle says of th
state of aifuirs in Florida :
But , sad to tell , one uay there came a frost
an eager and a nipping frost , and the glor ;
of Florida departed. The winter visitor n
longer dispensed the nimble shilling or th
dollar of ot his ancestors In that lavish vra ;
which had icladdeneel. the Plorldlau heart
The vast caravansalres which had been bull
to receive him and his sisters and his othe
relations stood Idle and untenanted , a homi
for the owl and the bat. No more did tin
beach at St. Augustine's or tbe beaches o
the St. Johns ever resound to Uie hollov
cough of the one-lunged Chlcagoan , or tlu
wheeze of thi asthmatic liostonlan. Florida' ,
prestige was gone , and the stream of Pacto
lus had been diverted Into another channel
Because of the wild speculation o
eastern capitalists ini southern California
town lots , the Chronicle takes it foe
granted that Los Aligblcs , Santa Uosa ,
Santa Barbara. ' a\fiV \ 'do/.cns of othci
towns in the sands'of California nooi
only Irrigation ami newspaper pulling ta
draw countless thousands of coughlnc
consumptives , rheumatic ruins and do
caylngjwrcokg to the golden gate.
The truth is , the man who goo.s to
Florida or California , attracted by the
advertising circulars or'statement ! ) of In
terested parties , is ccrUn to bo disap
pointed. The hired lljtrs who weave
sentences to attract and , allure toll their
tales with Oriental .grandeur ami tin-
blushlngly furnish evidcnco to sustalr
their most absurd and untruthful state
mctits. They paint words into the raros
pictures , and frame them with such astir-
rounding of manufactured plausibility
that nothing short of the stern teaching ;
of harshest experience proves to the ad
Venturer that he has no business there
Half of Florida's population was gaince
solely by the unrestrained imagir.a
tious of designing men. The. '
offered the settler advantage ;
and opportunities never existing
and which by reason of location and general
oral surrounelings never could exist
Invalids , wild in thu desire to find i
climate which might restore their vigor
wllingly gave their last elollar ami fouiii
too late that they had been played fo :
"dupes" and "suckers. " California is
also overestimated , ami 09 per cent o
the visitors attracted to the coast arc dis
appotntcel and swindled. There is ne
section of country entirely free fron
drawbacks and disadvantages-but until !
new region is discovered , N obraska wil
occupy a frout chair as "an all around'
A ST. PAUL paper tells how easy it I
for Bornharelt , the great actress , to b (
pleasant ami entertaining. It cites as ai
instance how nicely an engineer namee
Blainc , who brought her tram througl
Valley Junction to Council B lull's , wa ;
treated. It says : "During the Ilighl
Bornhurdt opened the door of her cai
and had her dross blown over her head ,
Maurice Grau was knocked over and !
colored porter stepped on the pot tigoi
and nearly turned white when ho sav
what It was. It is said that at the end o
this fast ride Blaine was given a nca
check by Grau and a pass to the Oman :
performance. "
AIIEMKA I'ATTI sailed for Europe yes
tcrday , and the thousands who hoard the
peerless diva during her last visit to this
country will heartily unite in wishing
her ban voyage. Her farewell tour of
America was a brilliant success , and
must long live in hcrj mejmory as one ol
the most grateful experiences of her life ,
Those whose privilege ilj was to hear hot
can congratulate themsqlvos upon a rec
ollection that will grow1 more pleasing
with time. Incomparably the greates
singer of her time , she-merits all the re
spect and adulation 'which ' thei American
peoulo have so generously bestowed ou
her. < t >
THE Westminster Presbyterian church
of St. Paul , Minn. , is haying trouble will
its pastor , the llov. C. Ci Hornott. The
charge against the rqvCrond gontlomar
Is that his desire for earl lily gains in tin
buying and selling of real estate has lee :
him to almost forgot his ministerial mis
sion. If ho could only convince himsol
that there were bargains in real estate
elsewhere than in St. Paul or on tin
planet called earth , he no doubt woule
become an enthusiast.
Hon. Lovl P. Morton is erecting a palatla
sandstone residence at Uhine Cllfl on the
Hudson river. The size Is 115x81.
B. P. Snlltabor ( Mrs Partmgton ) is seven-
ty-thren years old , but ho still supports him
self at Chelsea by his industrious pen.
General Fremont and his wife will pass tin
summer In the west for the purpose of eath
erlng additional materials for an claborat
life of Kit Carson.
Major Kossath , son of the celebrated Louis
Is a very extensive railroad manipulator Ii
Italy , controlling the entire network o
Western Italian roads.
General Schenck Is halo and hearty at thi
ageof seventy-eight , ana to a rci.-ont Intei
viewer smiled as blandly "as though ho hel <
a royal llusli iu the draw-game of life. "
Martin FarquharTupper , the once popula
English poet , Is now almost entirely brokei
down In health. He Is Imrelly able to read
Ho will be seventy-seven years old In July.
Sir Kdward Tichborne has offered "Tin
Claimant" a small annuity If he will maki
an affidavit for publication after death ot tin
true facts of the Ortou-Castro conspiracy
"Sir Uoser" has scornfully refused the offer
Masinl , the tenor , who has Just left Milan
for Bueiios Ayres , where ho has an encage
ment , takes with him his private physician
his secretary and two valets de chambre. Hi
can atToid this , as he will earn $150,000.
Pattl says that Americans outlit to bo vor ;
proud of Mrs. Cleveland. When the elivn
was In Washington she and the president' ;
wife exchanged pictures and autographs
Alis. Cleveland promised to visit Pattl a
Craig-y-uos sometime in the future.
Waiting fur tlio Mull.
S. II' . Fws.
With anxious features , worn and palo ,
Ho waits the comlnu'ot the mail : , t :
Each day ho asks , with hope and fear ,
"Sly letter , Is my letter here ? "
Each day ho hears in silence dumb ;
"Not yet , old man , It has not come. "
The harmless madman , old and cray ,
No one would Jeer or elrivo away.
"All me , " ho says , ' 'long ' years have past
But it will route , 'twill como at last. '
And so he waits In silence dumb ,
The letter that will newer come.
Through misty vision ot his tears ,
lie sees tlm long , fqr-sundered years ,
The past comas up Ijufore lilm tlmro ,
When ho was strong anil she was fair.
Unco more ho feels in very truth ,
The leaping pulses of his youth ;
A stronir , Htranco joy ho feels aialn ;
The old wild fever in hi.s brain :
An angry word , a careless tone.
And site has gone aud he's alone.
Since then he waits Iu silence dumb ,
The letter that will pevor como.
Alas I his poor old wits are fled ,
Ho cannot know site Is dead ;
Aud so he asks It , o'er find o'er ,
The same old question as before.
Ho wakes with morning light to say :
"My letter , it will coma te > - < lay. "
With totted null nibs that almost fail ,
Ha creeps each morning to the mall ,
And hears with ever new regret ,
"Not yet , old man , not yet , not yet. "
And so he waits In silence dumb ,
The letter that will never come.
Ah niol poor madman even we
Are dupes of fickle destiny ;
In cuasolos.s hope we waiting sit ,
Fur missive that were never writ.
Wo wait to see the harvest grown.
Ot seed that we have never sown ;
We seek the harbor mouth to hall
The vesaola that will nuver sail.
We wait to gee our garner tilled
With fruit of fields we have not tilled.
We wait in gathering stillness dumb ,
For letters that wljj never comu.
"The Old Gentleman. "
Dnttim Herald ,
Father McGlynn ts not respectful. He
speaks of the poaa as "tue old geutlouui
over there In Homo. " The old gentleman
has a rod In pickle for Dr. MoOlyun.
An American Exhibition.
C/ilOW / ( ( ( Trtount.
General Ilosscr has succeeded , on a small
scale , In making a great Auierlc.iu exhibition
of himself.
Give Him An Kasjr One.
Chlc-aw JfmiM.
Instead ot giving Kelly , their 810,000 prize
athlete , a gold watch , the llostonlana ou h
to present him with a ball that he can hit ,
What Now Yorker * Want.
C/ifftijM / Tfmw.
A New York paper tells about "a cyclom
out west that picked up a barrel of whisk )
and dropucd It into a prohibition state. " Bu
the cyclone that Now Yorkers would mosl
like to see Is one that will blow a few opei
saloons into their town on Sunday ,
What Sunday Should Do.
New York H'ortd.
Any law that practically puts the people It
jail after they have worked hard fur six dayi
Is not In keeping with the spirit of the ago
Sunday should be a day devoted to worship
rest aud recreation , and people should hi
permitted to select their methods , as on othe
Loss MUllonnlrcH In the Senate.
I'liiclmni ! ! Cummt-idal Gazette.
Perhaps If Senator Cametcn had taken i
less lively Interest In Ohio politics ho wouli
not be Hits dav numplue up Joy over tlu
election of a friend Instead of hlmscU to tin
United States senate. The tide seems t <
have turned against millionaires fur tin
senate. The objection to Cauidon was tha
ho had a great deal of money. Those win
would have been glad to support him for tin
usual reasons did not dare to.
AFTHII the Fourth ot July a man can gam
bol , but he cannot gamble.
Tinv : are now using what they call sncc/.o
It-ssMiuir. It cheers , but deios not irie-brlato
It is Intended for prohibitionists who vote :
straight ticket.
PR. MAUV WAT.KKU continues to stii
around \VashliiEton like a bl rooster that
just came out of a mistit store. She Is nov
working upanantl-ClmwIngTobacco society.
A FANATICAL exchaneo says : "Saloons
have been the cause of all trouble. " The Sc <
cream saloons are about the main troubli
just now ; particularly to young men of mod
crate incomes.
HBNKV Itaitnir , the animal's friend , has
printed rules on "How to approach a kicking
horse. " What has long been needed to lill i
yawning vacuum In this world of mysteries ,
are rules , "How to gracefully recede from a
klcklu ? mule. "
A CORUKSPOXPENT writes US ! "Is tll
much stalk ralslni ; In Nebraska. " The
gentlemen no doubt had heard of our won-
elertul corn crop , and wants to know If rn
poits are true. There is stalk raising and
stock raising In Nebraska.
"Wiry Is It , " asks the New York Herald
"that Peter Smith , who was hanged yester
day In the courtyard of the Tombs prison
slept well the night before and ate a Root !
breakfast within half an hour of his oxecu-
tionV Well , the thought that ho was get
ting out of New York probably accounts toi
his composure.
Tun Herald boasts that it Is the only papoi
that publishes Talmazo's sermon in this pan
of the state , The other day ono ol the rura !
readers of that paper dropped In and thus ad
dressed theedltor-ln-chlef : "I've jlst beer
a , roadin' Talmage's sermon , and It sound :
jist lor all like I had writ It myself. Ther'i
a splashln' an' a dashln'of H 11 for Sartli
In It , and jlst enough circus-bill eloquence t <
stir up a dlmlcrat on 'lection day , I wonder
dor why the parson don't ruu for congress. '
THE New York assembly has passed tin
bill allowing concert saloons to be accom
panied with copious draughts of beer. Fin
water and music , as hath been said , possess
charms to soothe the savage breast , and it
should follow that the cxhllcrating ellxor ,
known as hop juice mash , Interspersed witli
strains of heavenly music drawn from c
violin by an Intoxicated tiddler , is all that h
required to charm Now York's populace. The
Herald madn a fUht for the bill , and claims
undisputed , the glory of its passage.
THEHK have not been a great many mer
In the history of the world who have sue-
ceeded in accomplishing wonders moro thai
onceduriug their life times. If every man
had succeeded In anchoring his name to ever
one great achievement , history would ncccs
sarlly have been built on a much larger scale :
than U has , and our libraries would have
been by this time wonders in themselves ii :
si7.0 and matter. The man who spent the
biblical threescore years and ten trying te
corral a wonder , finally succeeded , as Is
attested by tie ! new hotel , corner Tentl
street and Farnam , and emphasized by othei
evidences in the cellar thereof. la fact It
has been asserted t' at the wonder was more
stupendous than was absolutely essential te
the perpetuity of the projector's n me , ant
that It would have answered just as well , for
all practical purposes , It ho had only made
the excavation and not tilled it with tin cans
or allowed it to bo used for a base ball
THIS unmarried ladies of Newton , Now
Jersey , have formed an antl-vlco association ,
and resolved to boycott all young men who
drink liimor or use tobacco , invlowot this
liMi-haiidod and unheard of outrage , the
( jtiostlou Is presented how will this inattoi
end ? There is that old fcutliorloss ami
comely saying that what Is sauce lor the
goose Issauco for the guiilor , and Its appli
cation is liable to leave the fair creatures
of Newton hlidi and dry upon the banks of
that land where old maids marrveth not be
cause opportunity is wanting. Suppose tlm
gallant guntlemun should orJer a boycott
upon every lady who uses , or attempts to use ,
for any purpose whatsoever.palnt or powder ?
Suppose the royal oillctshould lulo that who-
soevei shall practice the savage customs of
banging , or frl/.zlng , the hair ; or resort to
the morei hideous custom of maintaining , for
man'ssolt ) delight , spit curls or pug dogs
wouldn't Newton present a lonely and deso
late appearance ? Wo shudder to think ot
these things , ana wonifjr where It all will
WITH the street sprinkler , the man with
the straw hat , and the days wnun the mer
cury cllmns upon the highon building in
town and looks dawn with scorn upon the
scorching streets crowded with sweltering
humanity , the circus season comas. The
gentleman who has traveled in all countries ,
ami wheuo stories would make H.iroa Muu-
chausou weep , coaius along as tha advance
agent of the "Earth's Wonder. " Ho lias
grown round shouldered carrying the title of
colonel. Ho pervades the newsnapor sanc
tum and expectorates at random In the hotel
conldor. lie Is the harbinger of one happy
day for children , and the oil folks are
accordingly elellglited to know that tholr
stern and solemn dutf U to accompany the
little one * to see the anlnnls. The circus is
one of raan'a richest creations In tho.amuso-
ment line , and when old Noah started out
with his costly consolidation of ajcrpgated
wonders , he established a precedent and gave
caste to the mnnaeerle business which will
make It through all axes the admiration ot
both old aud young.
Tur. scale * seem to ba falling from .off the
eyes of Now York's officials. It has been
shown tlmt on storied Conor Island the
boast of Coyory patriotic citizen of the Em
pire Btato-pollUcal corruption h s found Its
way. The wild beating waves ot the wide
Atlantic had failed to wash away the sins ol
those holding iwsltlons of trust nnd honor.
An Investigation Is to follow , and the clam
bake , the ruund-a-bout swings and the mam
moth Jumbo the wonder ot every openmouthed -
mouthed stranger all have been polluted by
the touch of corruptlon.And ; they do say Hint
the morals of the famous summer resort , dc
not reach that high standard ot excellence ,
which it was said of old should bo attained
Yet , to the elust-stalnod and ovor-bunleiied
citizen of the great , bustlliiRand busy metrop
olis , Couoy Island with Its salubrious am !
seductive sea broete , will always bo enchant
ing and Inviting. To those weary and
heavy laden Coney Island , notwithstanding
Its high prices and low morals , will ever pro1
sent a picture like the glimpse of paradise
the Perl caug lit. CITY Is Iu a state of wild ant
rapturous delight because she has been se
lected as one of the localities for a militia sta
tion. Major John 0. Watson Is now recruit
lug the company , nnd thinks they will be It
" trim" within week ten
"lighting a or days
Among the Incidents of the dashing major' :
experience Mono perhaps wa * more striklni
than the speech ho made upon receiving hi !
commission. There was cathcred In front o :
the famous ten-cent store n crowd of lulmlrliif
nml enthusiastic citizens. The major jumped
upon an empty barrel , and with all the fin
and pasilon of his 'mil threw out the fellow-
lug shafts of eloquence :
Mr FUIKNDS And when I say my friends
. 1 moan every mother's son of you. The wai
Is upon us. I repeat that the war Is upon us ,
Nay , friends , 'tis no Jester's jest , no dream
er's dream , when 1 say to you tiiat the wat
Is upon us. And when 1 look around and
about me and sec the smile of happiness upor
every face , and realize In its font fill * fullness
the fact that I have just stated , namely , to
wit : That the war is upon us , 1 naturally enquire
quire what Is It doing on us , anyway I Mj
My friends , I enl Isteel only a day or two ago
nnd nm already a major. As Mr. Artemui
Ward once said , "I'm eloln' mtelelltn' well. "
Bull digress. The war is upon us. Yet
must enlist. 1 have just made a icqulsitleir
upon our commander , for the following cruo
Implements to bo use > d in civil war :
"Ono Anerlol barometer ; 1 artillery 1 ells
tillery , 1 bilbo ; 1 butress ; 1 bushed gun ; 1
canister ; Iclmcter ; ! dynamite cartridge ; 1
color guard nnd 1 told them , my frlenels ,
not to bo particular about the color ; 1 corselet -
lot ; 1 cylinder-gauge and a half gallon cup. "
[ Prolonged cheers | The major was seronudi'el
that night by Dr. Bishop's martial band , and
It Is said that ho thought It was the enemy
and commenced shooting out the window.
It is confidentially reported to us that the
major said had ho known they wore friendly
troops , he could not have resisted shooting
Ills own brother had he attempted to make
such music.
"I AM out celebrating a little to-day , " said
Joe Hedman , ou Friday last. "Thirty years
ago to-day , I , with my wife , and sons
George nud Uavld , and my father , landed on
the sand-bar north of the present site
of the Union Pacific shops. The trip
from Uollldaysburg , Pennsylvania , was
made on the steamer Omaha , and took
thirty days. My father , now dead , was very
enthusiastic about Omaha , aud always main
tained that it was to bo a great city. 1 have
lived to see his prediction fulfilled , and expect -
pect to live to see It a much greater place at
least a city of 300,000 people. My father
planned the Omaha park on the old larm ,
which 1 now own , and which Is now within
the city limits. Wo sot our stake on the
road half way between Omaha and Florence.
1 started a blacksmith shop there , and built n
small house. The first winter wo lived on
corn dodgers and salt , for fully four months.
Many a time did my wife lament the tact
that we had no butter or syrup to put on
those dodgers. But wo don't lack for butter
or syrup now. "
AT the recent convention heldfat Ansloy ,
for the purpose of dividing Ouster county , one
of the interesting questions which cam ; up
was with reference to the naming of two
of tlm new counties the one In the southeast
quarter and the other In the southwest quar
ter. The name of Cleveland was suggested
for one , but that didn't suit the republicans ,
and the name of a republican would not suit
the democrats. It was there fine decided to
select the name of some men who were fam
ous for tholr efforts In behalf of freedom ,
Accordingly the proposed southeastern
county was given the name of Gladstone ,
aud the southwestern county was called 1'ar-
netl. The county seat of Gladstone will be
Ansloy , and Callaway will bo the county
seat of Parncll. It Is likely that Paruell
county will attract many new settlers of
Irish extraction. .
A VEiir artistic woikTntitled "Omaha Il
lustrated" Is soon to be published by Uunbar
& Co. , of this city. The early and modem
history of this city is to bo written by experi
enced writers , but the most attractive fea
tures will bo found in the illustrations. This
part of the work Is being done by the best engraving -
graving company in the world. The latest
process is being used , ana the illustrations
will bo equal in artistic finish to those which
adorn the > pages of the Century and Harper's
Magazine. The linest residences , the best
public buildings , the leading streets , and
picturesque places arei to bo Illustrated , and
the portraits of leading citizens will embel
lish the publication. No expnnso Is being
spared to make tlm book a very handsome
volume In every respect ,
Tha police commission will bo In no hurry
to appoint a chief of police. The appoint
ment will probably uot be made tor two
weeks , as the commission de-ilres to take
time in ordur to secure the best man for the
place. No man has as yet been elccided upon ,
and new applications for the place nro being
made almost every day. Among the latest
candidates Is Captain W. S. Suavey , who is
endorsed by ( Jonnral Lowe , Major Wllcox ,
Colonel Matt Patrick , 1 > . C. Sutplien , Martin
Dunham and others. He wont to the war as
n private from Omaha , and came out as cap
tain. Ho served under General Lowe. From
1875 to 1370 Captain Soavey was city mai-
shal of Santa Barnaul , California , where he
made a good record. Ho Is a republican.
* , * #
Another candidate tor chief of pollen Is
.Major George L. Dennis , who lias lived In
Omaha six years , during which puiioil ho
has been connected with the public woiks as
inspector tor the city. At piesent ho Is Inspector
specter ot asphalt pavement for the city.
Major Dennis fought gallantly lor the union ,
nnd has a good iccord , both military and
civil.A m
A veteran Boston liruman , in his anx
iety to make a record tlie other ni ht ,
mounted his carriage upon hearing an
alarm and drove to the lire , utterly ig
norant of the faet that in his haste ho
had foi'Kotten to put on pantaloons or
boots. Hs his carriage flew alon the
street a wag shouted : "Save mo , mother ,
the Indians are after me , " but still he
drove on. Unon arriving at the fire ,
says the Herald , it was laughable to gee
the way ho clung to liis carriage ,
wrapped in tils blanket , aud it will ho a
long while before ho hears the last of it
from his fellow-firemen.
A violin snid to bo 23(1 ( yours old is
owned by Louis Dutrow , of Franklin
county , Pennsylvania.
A cougar measuring nine feet from tip
to tip WHS killed a few da.ys ago by u
Idaho rancher , .
Sconoa ou the Jackson Street Horse
Market. - *
Trnelors "Who nro Sharpers ntul
Huaniivi Their Various HohoiHc.4
"Oootorlnjj l ) | > " 41
i'oor Horse.
IfHtltn fiir the iiii/iy ! ( , / , lite liu .tJ-T.
Burglars burgle in Omaha and the
public curses ; fe > ot-paels Knock down aud
rob , and tin outraged people calls for lint-
tor police protection ; thu eonlideneo man
swindles , ami his victim ho-vls aloud for
justice. But them is erne class of thieves
who work nmutty and ell'octivoly iu this
city , being allowed year in nud
year out to practice , unmolested , their
infamous profession of swindling thu
rustics who may happen to elrop intei
Omaha. They are the horsetrnelers. Their
manner of conducting business auiouii I.H
to nothing more or less than robbery , as
the reader may infer upon perusing this
article. But the robbery is olloctod so qui
etly and so smoothly , that the victim
rarely over reports the swindle to the po
lice. If , perchance , some plucked Inno
cent does muster up courage enough to
inform thu authorities , the swindler es
capes and is nowhere to bo found.
This article has no reference to the men
who practice horso-traeung and selling
honestly. There are a number of them
in the city despite tiiu assertion that
when it comes to trading a horse , St.
Paul himself would cheat. And all such
need not attempt to wear a cap which
is not intended to tit them.
The rascally horsetradors referred to
may bo divided into two classes : First ,
those who live in the city and practice .
their business luire ; and second , the 4 '
traveling gypsies who pass through
Omaha from time to time , spend a few
elays hereand then move on toother
lields. The latter is by far the more dan
gerous class of horbotrnelors. The gyp
sies are sharp" , shrewd and unscrupulous ,
ami they possess powers of eloquence
which tire irresistible to the average
granger who has a horse to trade.
Jackson street , between Thirteenth
nnd Fourteenth , is known ns the horse
market of the city. Hero the traders do
their work. Hero ninny a victim is
fleeced in a manner so neat nnd expedi
tious that the most polished confidence
man might learn a lesson thcrofrom.
Saturdays are the heaviest trading days.
For then thu farmers como into town.
But on almost any day there is more or
less trading going on.
A reporter happened down into that
locality the other elay , in company with a
friend who is well posted on the practices
of ttieso fellows. A horse trader was
trying to induce a farmer to give him a
pair of bay ponies for a rather doubtful'
specimen of hoisellcsh which ho hold by
a halter. The horse had a pair of badly
bowed front legs , which made him walk
latno. The horse trader was a Jew , aud
a very smooth man at his business.
"By sheminy Moses , my vrend , " lie
said to the farmer , "don'el you know won
you've god a snap ? I'll trade you eleotf
tine , large , elegant horse for dose two
ponies uud goof you ten lollars to boot ,
Dot vos a great panguin , my vrend" .
"But" demurred the farmer , "tho
horse's front Ings arecrookcdcr'n a bow. "
"Dots all right , my vrend , " returned
the horsetrader , "elond you worry mil
yourself about dot. Dose legs will po
straight eef you geof dot horse plendy of
rest. So hollupmo Moses , dorcs noding
de matter mil dot horse ! "
The granger thought a moment or two ,
and then gave In. "All right , " he said ,
" 1 reckon I'll traelo ye , stranger , ( iinmio
the $10 and the tiorse and the ponies are
yourn. "
The reporter nnd Ins friend at this
juncture walkeel away. "There , " said
the latter , "is a sample of the way n
sucker is llceced when he comes on the M
horse market. There is a horse that
isn't worth $10. And yet that farmer has
got him iu exchange for his two ponies
that were worth al least $100. That is
the very simplest vtnv these horsetradors
have of swindling. Thorn are a number
of other schemes they are in the habit
of working. "
"Name some of them , " suggested Iho
"I could toll you of a dozen plans that
they have of 'working a tucker. ' For
instance ; suppose you come into town
with a team of horses that you want $300
for. A. who is a horsetrador , comes to
you and asks you what you want for
your horses. You tell him. Ho
doesn't want to buy them him
self , but ho knows B , who has
a pair of horses that you can trade for ,
'even up. ' B , by the way , is another
trader , and his team is worth about 175 ,
though both horses are line looking. You
hesitate about making the trade. Just
then O comes along. Ho is ostensibly a
business man looking for a team of
horses , but realty he is the
third of the trio of sharks.
Ho shakes hands with A , and asks
him if 1m knows where he can buy n
good pair of horses. A replies that B
lias a good team to sell , 'les , ' says C ,
'I know the team. I'd give $ &X ) cash for
it , if I thought that would buy it. ' You ,
the farmer whom the three men are
working , think to yourself 'Well , 1 can
trade my horses for B's even up , and then
sell to C for | , jO , aud just have that little
$50 myself. ' You go to B , make thu
trade , and then take your new team to C ,
with the remark that ho can have it for
$350. The three sharpers always arrange
it so thai the trade takes place
after 3 o.'elock. When you approach
preach ( / ' , ho tells you that he
cannot got the money ns it
is after banking hours. Ho tells you to |
come around to-morrow and lie will buy
the team. To-morrow dawns , but you
cannot find U. You discover that you
have been swindled , aud that the team
on your hands is a worthless one. "
"Anolhor scheme Ihesc fellows work is
to trade you a'really good animal for
yours. Then when yemr back is turned
they prick the nose of your horse so as
to make Iho animal bleed , or feed it
something which makes it hick. You
come to the conclusion that you have a
worthless animal ou vpur hands anel you
are glad to dispose of it for a small um ,
or even give it away. "
"In swapping a horse , a liorsetrador
knows well how lo cover up his detects.
Old age , which is very umlesirablo in a
her o , is remedied by "fixing" up the
teeth. In a young horse the teeth nave
hollow CUIH m them , which are nearly
black. When a horse grows old , his
teeth become smooth and the black is
worn off. The horsetrader remedies all
this by tiling the horse's tcelh so us to
form the hollow cups , and then using
some chemical which causes them to turn
bl'tok. In this way the appearance of a
young horse's tnelh Is very skilfully
counterfeited. There are hundreds
of sucli tricks practiced ; to eleceive
people who aru not on the look-
out.Qln selling a broken-winded horse ,
which is known as a 'windy' the horse-
trader has to exercise a good deal of
care. He knows just how to drive the
animal , so that it will not become
'winded. ' And as ho is careful not to
let the animal go out of his hands , until
it is sold , the purchaser docs not discover
the elefect unlil it is lee lute. A weak-
hackcel animal is known an a'jimmy.1
A horsei alllicted this way may go
all right for a ruilo or so at
a good pace and then , having reached
the limit of his strength , falls to thu
ground us though dead. Thu horsetrader
manipulates the animal skillfully nnd the
buyer never discovers thu defect in the
horse until ho Is driving him homo. And
Ihon , again it is too lale , The purchase <
has been made.
"Yen , Ihcro are plenty of other tricks
Lhosu fellows have. Come around again
some day Lnud U'U ' . give you another
chapter/ ' ' ,