Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 14

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Advertisements under this licnil.lO cento per
Ino for the IIret Insertion , 7 cents lor cncti sub-
equent Insertion , and (1.60 n line per month.
Nondvortlfemont tnkcn for less tlmn 25 cents
for the first Insertion. Sown words wll Am
counted to tlio line ; they must run consecu
tively find must bopnld In advance. All ndvcr-
tlsotnentu must do handed in before 1 : : tO o'clock
'p. in. , end undci no clrciiinstnnces will they betaken
taken or discontinued by tolt-phono.
Parties advertising IntlitFc columnsnnd hav
ing the answer * addressed In euro of Tun llr.K
wlllplcnsonsk for n check toennblo them to get
their lettersnfl none will bo delivered except
on iiresotitntlnn of chock. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes ,
All ndvortleemf nta In these columnR nro pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
3ho llrn , the circulation ot which
aggregates moro than 14,000 papers
daily , nnd glvei the iuUertl cr the
l > f niflt , not onlj of the city circulation of The
Urn but also of Co\mell HliKTs. Lincoln , nnd
other cities and towns throughout this part of
the west.
[ V you want money , sco Cole ,
I&OO.OOO to lonn at 0 per cent , Harris & Fnmp-
$ eon , 1510 Douglas it 170
M/0noo / TO LOAN at 8 per cent. Mahoney
& Llnnhan 1509 Farnnm. 86U
MONF.V TO LOAN-0. F. Davis & Co .real
citato and loan agents , l&OG fornnm st.
. TO LOAN First mortgage notes
MONF.7 . J. A. Hlcstnnd , room 9 , Arllng-
ton block. & ) J 12J
, To lonn on Omnha city property nt8
per cent. 0. W. Day , g. c. cor. Ex. Hid.
ONEY TO LOAN-On city nnrt fnrm property -
erty , low latcs. Stewart 4 Co. , Hoom 3
Iron bnnk. n < <
to loan , cash on delay.
MONEV . nnd F. L. Squire , 1413 Karnam St. ,
Pnxton hotel building. ' 75
[ F you want to buy ecu Colo.
519 IS
MONEV First mortgage note * . The Douglas
county bank will buy papers secured by
first mortgage on city realty. 670
MONEY ' 1O LOAN on improved real pstnto ;
no commission charged. Lcavltt Ilurn-
hatn , Hoom 1 Crolghton lllock. 677
Phil CUhT-Monoy to loan.
Gregory & Hadley ,
Hoorns 1 ana 8 , llcdick block , 320 s. Uth fit
LOAN Money Ixians placed on improved
proved real estate In city or county for
New England Loan 4 Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chicago els. C7S >
MONUY to loan on Improved city property at
0 per cent. Money on hand : Uo not have
to wait Have a complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstrnctcr
Harris Heal Estate nnd Lonn Co. , u20 S , 15th st.
f I' you want t < - sell , see Cole.
549 10
MONUY LOANED at C. 1' . Itcod 4 Co.'a Loan
Olllcoon furniture , pianos , hoiseswagons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd nil other ar
ticles ofnlue , without removal. U19 8. 13th.
over Illngham's Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 6H1
6 I'EH CENT Monoy.
H. 0. I'ntteipon , 15lh ntd Hnrney.
Til ONEY 'IO LOAN bytho nndcrslgnod , wtic
.iTI has the only properly organ7cd ! loan
ngoncr In Omiihn. Loans of $10 to | 100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , ic. without removal. Nodoln > B ,
All business strictly confidential. Loans st
made thnt any part can bopnld at nny Imo.cnct
pajment reducing the coot pro ratn. Advance-
iimdnon flnowatuhen nnd diamonds. Personi
should carefully consider who they nro dcalliK
with , as many new concerns nro dally com I in
Into existence. Should you need money cal
and pco mo. W. H. Croft , Hoora 4 WUhnel
11 u lid Ing 15th and Harney. 8b3
rPHE Omaha Kinaneml Exchange ,
X N W. corner of Hnrnoy nnd 15th sts.
over Stnto Niitlonnl bank.
Is prepared to mnko short time loans on anj
nvBllnhlo i cciirlty.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or rca
Long time loans rondo on Improved real cstnti
nt current riik-c.
I'urchusc money mortgages negotiated.
Hecurcd notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short time lonns mmlo on second mortgage
nceordlng to marginal Interest , nt collatern
Heal estate to exchange for peed Intorcs
t caiitig paper.
( eneral llnnnclal business of nil Kinds trans
Beted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money iihvaj-s on blind for approved loans o
nny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
llclty. Corbctt. Mnnngcr. 1W
ANTHD A good onlco innn wit
(20,000 to cut Into a prolltnblo nianufm
turlng und jobblflg business. None other nee
apply. Address , ! ' . 23. " lleo Oince. 602-lli
BUSINESS CHANCES1'urtlcs wantlnu ens
customers for good business chanccH ehoul
apply to Mrs. Ilroga it Son , UHS a 15th. Ui
BtalrK. 594-15 *
TpOH SALE-A two story Jramo building , f.5 .
X' 44 lot 12T > xl4iH : containing three store !
occupied respectively us a grocery nnd boc
nnd shoo store , ndrug store niidn saloon , wit
itock of goods and furniture and fixtures I
the saloon nnd groccryaud boot nnd shoo store
Invontorlng at about W.OOO. This propoity I
Rltunted a short dUtanco southeast of Il-ini
com park In a thickly settled district , on n goo
Itrcet and In offered for Fine on account of th
owner deslilng to rct'ro from active buslncs' '
The daily receipts of the saloon will ave ran
nearly If not quite ns largo as any In the clt ]
It atlords an opportunity seldom presented fc
engaging In the business named above. Tt
price asked for this properly is away below 11
actual value , For further particulars Imiuli
or nddrc.88 , A. H.Comstock.
Heal Kitato IJroker , No. 1523 Farnnm nt
A HAKE cnance for the right party , for SB !
a well established restaurant on ono c
the principle streets In the city , ( Jood ronsc
lor soiling. Address this ollico , P 10. 551 15J
YOUH Ori'OltTONITY I'lno stock of groce
icf , feed , produce , etc. . with a daily bus
ness of (125 , on the Dost street In the city , fc
pale. Oood reasons for selling. 1'nrrottA : Wl
llanison , 1401 Douglas st. Upstairs. 4C7
FOH hALE-Ilulf Interest In an old ostn' '
Untied , paying real est-ito buslnntu , n goo
thing for the right man. Addicts P 9. lice o
floe. 489 15J
FOH BALB-MIlk dairy , 40 eowi , good bus
ness , plenty grass nnd water , ; i miles froi
P.O. K. HcrbeitABUfl. Uth. 497 15J
BUSINESS CHANCE-For sale ; first cla
dining hall , bflht located nnd best paying i
any in the city. Owner has other buslnes
Hammond A. Olbsoii. 1514 Ponging st. 42:1 :
"I71O11 8ALE-0 hlroccry store , dolngugo <
A- business , In line locution , ( load rciiRoi
for telling. Address , O 7 , life onice. 418
WANTED A person desiring to cngngo
nn honorable paying business netting I
to (12 per dny clear profit on stock of | 75
(150. Heat buslnoss men of thl * city given
references. Call nt once , or write , to Hoom
Crounse block , Ittth st , cor , Capitol av
Umahn , Neb. 408-J11
rpo exchange tor merclmndlio , hardware pi
Jf erred , two rood improved farms , two HI
four miles from town , ono of 120 acres , prl
(4.200 , Incumbrnnco ( lnoo. Ono of ino ncr <
price (4 0 > , Incnmlirani-e (1,300 , In Orci
couniy. 0 lots In Marshnlltown , in ice (1,200.
lots in Monmouth , price ( iSOO , all In Iowa. A
dress box 17V , Scrunton City , Iowa. 48(1 ( IflJ
T7HK HALK-Kosttturant-l year lease , iloli
f goodbualnesd. AJdicos OKi. IIcoolllcu.
377 1BJ
IT'OK SA1.V ! Very cheap , good brick buslnc
* property In ( Jrnnd Island , Neb. Tbogreatc
liirgttln nnd best terms In this city. Good re
ions for selling. For particulars addieei J. I
Woolley , Attornty utlJiw , Grand Island. Nc
SALE or trade A clean stock ofg _ < *
erul merchandise In an IOWH town , doi
trndo , lot and buildlmr (1,750 , Hock (1,200. a
lomo cash on itock. Win exchange for land
Itock. Huaton. owner lives west. Addr <
lock box 23 , Central Clly. Neb.K\ 18'
iH A profitable and well i-itabllin
I-1 business suitable for a lady. Call nnd I
qulrout Kinplojmcnt Uuienu , 218 n Uth sta
WKhnvoaomo very dtilrubl * lots to e
change for any kind ot merchandise ; I
N 1Mb it , 1-2 bin n P. O. MarrXToft. 354
PKHSONAL-To tbo ladles of St. Ma
avcnuu and vicinity , you can buy fir
class refrigerator for less raonry at ourstc
than Ht any place In the city. F. V. Atwatoi
Co. . 1605 Howard street. 475-15
I ) EKSONAL-Solld Mexican silver tea ipoo
( -X ) , table ipoons and forks $400 per d <
in at Moody'g China Store , 'MS North l th
1'bcy will last a lifetime. Go and tee Ibein.
l > hlSONAL-Nt-at and tasty all-wool bu
X new unltg (7.U ) . Fin blue diagonal dr <
lulti , (10.75. Call and KB them or writ * I
aimiles. L. O. Jonci it Co. , Amerk
ClotUicnlaugFaiuam it. Omaha. CM ml' '
PEI1S6NAL-W111 the lady who wn admlrlnir
the dinner sot In show window at Moody's
China store , Saturday afternoon vvlltlu waiting
forslreot _ cnr , son 1 address 6J-1 >
IJEHi < ( lNAL-lf you want n denlrnb'o ' , 'cet
-I. trally located ollico jou can find It nt 310
B 15th cl. 78
* ] \fHJ. Dl'ltAirr ClnrTvoynnt from Hotton.ii
- 'Irfillalilo In allnlTalrsot life , unites separated
lovers.322N. ICIh it. rooml 6onn ! j
_ _ _
l F.HSONAL-Prlvnle home for Indies during
-L connncmont , strictly confidential , Infants
n-lopled , ndilrc g E 42 , lleo ofllco. 8IOJ2 *
PEHPONAI/-Mrn. Dr Nnnm V. Warren
clalrx oynnt. Midlcal and buslneti Medium
Boom No. 8,121 North 16th it .Omaha , N b.
LOST Set of building plans of 0. M. Green's
building , Architect Dlidrlch & Guth. He-
ward will bo paid If lolt at this office 64t-lG *
STIIAYFD A young red cow with small white
spots all over. I Indor will return to Car-
sten Cnrstcns.Blth nnd CnUtornlast. 6T.2 . 15J
QTHAYED A brown nnd white spotted In-
r ? dlan ponr. Illnck and vvhlto stripped mane ,
long white tail Howard will bu paid lor re
turn of same to Fred Iiolln , cor. 24th and Pop
pleton ave. 4i4 15J
TJ10UND A combined wall nnd Kami lump ,
JL1 comnleto with rellector for 75 cents at
Moody's China Storo. 1102 North lull st. It is n
splendid kitchen lamp , and being nil met il Is
perfectly safe. 678-15
LIlHbT-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft
L 687
S' TOHAGE ' First-class storage for nlco fur
niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgc-st
STOHACK For household goods nnd general
merchandise lit low rates , corner Uth nnd
I/nrd sts , up town ollico 519 N. 13th , telephone
662. 427J11'
STOHAOE For household goods nnd general
merchandise at low rates , corner Thir
teenth ntul 1/ard streets , Up town ollico 519
South thirteenth. Telephone602. 427J14 *
\\7ANTUD-Partlcs wanting reliable male nnd
TT female belli should gi\o us ncall. Wo
can furnish salesmen , bookkeepers , phono-
graphcrs , coachmen , teamsters , railroad
laborers , nnd skilled workmen In nil trades.
Having had" joaM experience In the employ
ment business wo think wo can suit anyone.
Male ht-lii furnished free. Mrs. Drcga is Son ,
310 S. 15th. Upstairs. 75.M6 *
GAbOLINU nnd coal nro dellv-i-red fieo to all
parts of the city by the Illuo line tank
delivery , olllce at Konniird Olnss 4 Paint Co.
'telephone 791 , MeUugal 4 Wurd , proprietors.
FOKItBNl Squ&ro 1'iuno U montaly. A
Hospo.1513 Ijouglas. OS'J
CESS POOLS , pinks and vaults cleaned , odor
less process. E. Evvlng , box U27 , eitv.
580 m-7j
TO PHOPUKTY Owners-It you want to--ell
your property send full description with
price and terms to Hart's Great Western Heal
Estate llurcnu.CroUhton Illoek. Wehavo cus-
totnois for ovary bargain that Is olTorcd.
LADIES and gents residing In the vicinity of
Huh Mid rarnam remember that the most
dcslrublo place In the city to take jour mciils
IK at 1WJ.I I'nrnnm ft. Uverj thing No. 1 Pat-
ronac-oof nlco pmtics solicited. 4')31Hj )
Y TTlClTcin/l UIlU ATndy oToTpcrlenccvvlio
hus Intelv moved to the city , is piepnrcd to
give ks ons In voice cultuio to n limited num
ber Also desires a position as soprano Inn
church choir , ( lood city references. Mrs. S.U.
Clnpuo , 1710 Corby street.
Information furnished by Hov. A. Hogers ,
Hoom 5. Aillngton lllock , 1511 Dodge st. 417 15'
fPO parties having houses for rent. Hental
-L Agency. Ilenawa .V Co. . list , opposite post-
office , We hare turned over 10 them our rental
list. We recommend them. McCague Uroa.
NOTICK-W. C. King * Co. , house moving
and raising , Iea\ orders at 1UJO Pierce st ,
9.5 ' J4J
F IOHHENT Organs , (3 per month.
1613 Douirlas. CM
Ol. C.- House furnishing goods , alt kinds ;
cash or iDstallinent ; lowest prices nt J.
tlonner , 1315 Douglas Bt , 000
F IOH RENT Hqnnre riano , ( i montnlr.
llosne. 1513 Uouirl-is. | V 1I
fP yoi wnnt to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. . "erguson'e . , 715 N. 18th. C9I
F OH BALE A good family horse nnc
phncton. Address P. O. box 02. % . 613-17
FOH SALE Furniture of (5 ( room houso. will
privilege of renting house. Price (400 00
Immediate posseshlon given. Alsogood funillj
horse , ouggy , nnd harness , cheap. 1014 Callfor
nlu stioet. 683 17J
\T1O11 SALE A fruit , confectionery aniTcigai
JL' stand. Good reasons given for selllnir
Address "P 18" lice olllte , 671-17 *
TDVHl 8 ALE tiuok board und open buggy
JP Inquire 1587 N ICth. 40'l ' 1 J
F IOH SALE 200 cords of wood and n iiian |
tlty of posts oak and walnut. II. P. Hun
nels , Hawthorne , In. r > 27 in *
FOH SALE Lunch counter on easy terms o
will trade for hoisc. J , P. Hayes , lowi
saloon , South Omaha. K.l Itij
T71OH8ALE-Ncw2nd hand ofllco desk. 101
-L 1'arnnm , up stnlrs. 182
H SALB-Counter and shelving 613 Nortl
ICth bt. 47518J
FOH SALE A fresh , } oung , thoronghbroi
Jersey cow nnd calf. 24UO Fnrnam st. t
H. Ilrown. 411
OOO.OOO good mcrchnntnblo brick for sale n
-J John II. Green's stone quarry. 275 HJ
FOK SALE Ono No 18 Hob range , ono ci
tension tnble , oarpots , ete. ( lood ns now
Cheap for cash. Inquire Institute Hotel , lit !
and Capitol avo. 2 7 17J
OH SALE-Ono No. 18 Hob range , ono ex
tension table , carpets , etc. Good as new
Cheap for cnih. 2-17 1BJ
HOUSEHOLD Furniture complete lor 7 root
house , good as now. Will bo sold nt prl
vatosiilent purchaser's own price , for casli
Address 1' . O. box 418 3S2
fJUH SALE Drivers and draft horses.rear c
-C 1818 Cblcngo st. 164 J5 *
FOR SALE , or rxchanico for Omaha -ren
estate , n flno driver , r ceo id 2:40. : I'nttcrsoi
& Moore , Hoom 1 , Omaha National bank. 151
FOH SALEOr exchange , on grand squnr
ChlckcringT ! ) octavo piano , now , ut a bin
gain. Will trade lor city property , house an
lot preferred. A. , 1 > . O. Hex 48H. : J5. !
. TTOUSEHOLD Furniture complete for 7 root
' J. 1. house , good us now. Will be sold at pr
\ ate sale at purchaser's own price , for cast
Address P , O. box 448. 35J
n OK SALE All kinds of
10 F building stone
10o the Louisville quarry , lowest prices p osi
o bio. Addrois G. Motzgcr , Louiivlllc , Neb.
823 15
FOH SALE A good milk dairy , consisting o
UOIIret class cow R , n good delivery wagoi
team and harness , milk cans , ia , hone powe
corn mill nnd liny cutter , and corn ghellor. In
eluding nrst clai-s milk route , Immndlato po
session given. For terms , etc. call at 217 Slit
st , Omaha. 741
" 171OH SALE Span horses , double wagon an
-L double harness for f.tXI. Also a lot of pot > i
cheap , a J Cnniin , 6.U
F SALE Square piano , (150. Woodbrldn
s , L-15 Opera house. 1(04 (
plOHSALE-Drlck. T. Murray.
W ANTED-Good blacksinithTDavis & Cowg
Iron worki , Fourteenth and Dodge st.
WANTED Four good carpenters opposli
C. B May no's residence on Saundcrs e
> d W ANTED-Oood Pastry cook man or won
i- an , 1 lire ad baker , 2.1. Cook , man to help
kitchen , 4 houie painters and 2 men waiter
Mrs. UrcjaJt Son , 316 8,15th. upstairs. 631-16J
WA NTKD-Slx flrst class Carpenter ! . App
Monday morning , N. E. Cor. Iftu. and llo
ard '
WANTF.D-Yovng man possessing knov
edge of principle of Pitman Short Hni
would like to arrange with someone slmlllar
ndvnnccd to practice evenings. Address P
ry lire Office. 6t > .M5J
raSi WANTED-An cxpcrlencek Grocer's drllv ci
Si man , mutt bu wull acquainted In the clt
steady and reliable ; none else need make iipp
cation. Win. Fleming is , Co. 601
" \VANTED-2 Brat class experienced re
VV estate salesmen to work ou comntuiloi
filvo good references , former employer , ot
_ _ Address P8 lie * olBce. 603 15
88 TlTANTKD-a gentleman who thorough
or VV understands the furnltnre builneii , ai
well aciumntd | with the city. Add r CM P. 1
tare lic offic * . fcM-17.
WANTF.n-AgonM to hsndlo the only per-
fecttnlc eraser on earth. Erases Ink ln >
etnntly with no abrasion of paper. Have orders
on nlo to show that agents nro making t'i ! > to ( .10
per day. Territory absolutely free. Salary to
good men Pnmplo by mallli'i ct . Only wide
nvTnke men need answer. Address Wood Co. ,
1408 Dodge si. , Omahn. 014-15 *
WANTED Ten flrst-chiM non union paper-
hangers. Wages f lee per month , Ad-
dre s , with reference P5 , lloo ollico. 46i 15J
1 ( J8T Fet of building plans , of 0. M. Green's
J building. Architect , Dlcdrlch .1 Guth. Howard -
ward will bo paid If loft at this otllco. 674-lb *
WANTED Agents ; 15o cample lash holder
frcororitamp. away abend of anj thing
of the kind ovc r Invented , hnats weights , out
sells everything , (10 a day. llrohnrd \ Co. ,
Clarksburg , W. Vn. 4.-V1PJ
\V 7ANTED-A first class colored tmrbor.u-Jl
South 12th. 4.10 18'
\\ANTID ! An r-nergctlo dry goods salesman
' with nndoubtod references. Apply nt
once , staling snlary expected , to PlcKens 4
Hanna , Hastings , Neb. 62'i 15
" \\rANTUD-2 tailors , \est nnd pants makers.
> V Jos. WiiBku.708 S. Utlu 52816'
WANTKD-Second took nt the Cnnflcld
house. 6281-1 ]
WANTED Harness makers. Oood , steady ,
llgnt workman wanted. Apply Omaha
Saddlery Co. 5--0 16J
WANTUD-A Hvo follcltor for flreInsurance
Address I'll flco olflco in own hand
writing clvlng Rfc , natlonnlltyexperience nnd
references. 633 15
ANTUD-A dalrjmnn nnd teamster at
Saratoga Dairy , 6)4-15 ) *
WANTUD A partner In good paying ousl-
ness , compctnm to tnku full charge of
office affnlrs , $2MV ( ) capital required. Address ,
box M. 18 , lleo ollico. 3.V )
> A > TUD Laborers tor railroad work. E.S.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 rarnam.
W ANTUD At once , 3 eoat makers and 2
\c t makcis , at A. Knllsh , 310 S. Uth st.
W ANTUD 2 school boys with hoises lo
carry route on dally evening Itee 313
Trichors and nironts can secure
> ery prolltablo omplojment by nppl > lng to
B. P. Oroat , I'lantor'b house. Omaha. 18I1JI1J
WANTUD Canvassing agents. Apply be
tween 12 m and 4 p. m. Acme Miinfg.
Co.,6128. IBtbst. 50 >
WANTED Ten linrness makers at Marks
llros. ' Saddlery Co. , 1407 Harney St. .
Omaha , Neb 177 20
V\rA.NTUI Yourg men to lepie ont an oust-
T ' crn piiblUhing house in this state.IKi S.
15th. Hoom I. niO ! . ;
\\TANTUI ) A general nnd 60 sub-agents In
TT jour county. Now goods. Itii'o chance
1UO to iKK ) per cent , commission , or n good sal-
nry. Send for circular. 1' . M. Wenv er. No. II
West Ohio street , IndliumpolN , 1ml. 23J 2I >
\\7ANTKD-Mon , Women , Ilojs and Oirls for
TT n light und prolllablo emp'ojment No
plctuie business ; no humbug. Send lOo for n
vnlunblo package to commence on. Only n low
bundled will bo distributed. Address Albany
Supply Co. , Albany , N : Y. 843 j.J _
WANTED An imclllirint boy or young
man from the Omaha High school to carry
n route on the Dally 1 veiling Hoi * . 1.1(1 (
W ANTUD Competent seamstress nt 718
north 21st street fiSl I"
WANT ED Woman cook outot citvf ! 0 , font
illnlnir room ( 'lrh , head waitiess. woman
to work by the day , girl to help in kltihcn.illsh
wnsher eeond cook , 50 trlrls forgcneral houce-
work. Mrs Illegal Sou IllB S. 16th- . L'r
etnlrs. 615-1'j'
\17AN I'ED-Iady Agents at ' 115nnd 317 S. 12th
TT fct. , to sell \oryt.iklngiutlcle. . 5ss-irj
W ANTUD-Ooodglrl at 1707 Cnss st. 617
\\7ANTUD-A good ilrt' sninkpr to como U
TT the house. Must understand to cut am
fit. Apply , 2100 Farnnm ' t. 514 IV
WANTUD-Lady stenographer and book
keeper ; state Balmy wanted. 1' . 20 , Hot
ollice. 5.V ! it )
WAN'I Et , Dining-room gills , girls foi
small fumllj- , girls for general house
work. Call at Miss Kennedy's Etnp'ov menl
ollico. Girls out of employment can find goo <
positions by u call at M'ss Konncdj'H Employ
incut olliee. SfQ l-i
WANTED-2 good polishers and 2 washers
steady vvork and good pay , at Oimihi
laundry , 1,04 North loth St. 6r > 0 IflJ
WANTI'D Two good girls , Scandmuvhii
pielcircd. Call Immediately at 418 S
13th St. 51M )
WANTED Good oook and second gtil a
2427 Dodge St. 618
"ANTEi ) Lady Clothes Ironcrs at the Clt !
WA !
Steam Laundry. 601-1
WANTED Good Gormnn girl for small fam
lly , 1124 , cor of Charles and 25tb st , _
51 ir > j
\XrANTED-A dining loom girl and kltchoi
TT girl ut Vienna rest. 1(117 ( Howard 4151' ) *
PANTED A good girl at U. S. Hotel. C.ei
man pi cloned. 410
WANTED--Four dressmakers ami ono nr
prcntlco. Miss K. Mlnnick , No. 1717 Cnss
upstnhs. 4')2 ) lr > j
\\'ANTUD A good girl for gonornl housr
TT work. Mis. C. H. Woolloy , 1117 ( ieorgl
nvo. 4'J.l 17
W ANTED Olrl to cook lor help , rtt Aicad
hotel , 121i ! Douglas St. : i'Jl 15 j
good girls for genert
housework In private family. Apply In
mediately at 182:1 : Fnrnnm St. , S. I' , onr. Ml
\\7ANTED-Cooknt 1'lntte house , Genovi
V Nob. , at once , must como recommendei
good wages to right party. 48 15J
W ANTED Glil for general housework , ci
nt li'IO S Uh St. , German or English.
W ANTED Young girl ; Gormnn porforred
at MJH S. llith Ht. 358
Cook and dining room girl. Mue
ler'g Hcstaurant. 1004 N. llith st. 2 :
ANTEO-Sccond girl Immediately. Ca
bet. the hours of ( I nnd 10 a. m , or 6 to
p. m. , 2(27 ( Dodge street. 2.U
WANlT.H-Good glr nt 608 Virginia avi
good wages pnm. 231
WANTED Kltchon glil nnd two dlnln
room girls. ,1004 No ICth st. 003
f\ . . _ , _ _
ni own nomos ; $7 to 10 per week can b
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvas :
Ing. Tor full particulars plenso address t
once Crescent Art Ca , 19 Central it. . Dosioi
Muss , ll-ix.5170. MI2Jol5 *
WANTED- experienced man , position I
olllce or as SI.IOMUHII ; vv bolts ile house pr
feired. Good references. Address P24. lit
Ofllco. 5E2 15J
\VANTKH Situation us housekeeper , by
> ' lalyofIsgood : ) cook nnd nice , tld
housekeeper. Mrs. llregn , 316 So , l.Mli , u
stairs. r. M5 *
\ITANTED Situation ns housekeeper , by
TV plontant mlddlo aged womnn. Is goc
cook and manager ; can make ono dollar go f
far ns most people can t-.OO. Mrs. Urcgn , 3
So. l.Mli. up Italrs. 5W-1.1 (
W ANTED Situation as grocery clerk. Cn
furnlin good reforenccs. Address T 1
nee. ft7-16 !
W Situation by registered drnggi :
as clerk. Address box 142 , Ord , Neb.
401 15'
WANTED A steady all year around Job 1
good competent harness nmker. marrli
nnd steady. Address H. U. Stllzor , Fullerto
Neb. 473 15
W ANTED Situation In private tarolly by
jonug man. Address P. rilleo office.
5TU-I7 *
W AN1 ED A position as typo irrilcr.
dross C 40 , lleo office.
WANTED A position as typo writer. A
dress O 40 , lleo office. 231
WANTED Situation as assistant boi
keeper or position In olllce , best rofe
cnccs.-AiidresiO70 , lleo. 432 16J
\ \ * ANTiiU-Sltuatlon by man of 7 years bui
* nc-is experience to work In store or i
the road. Good city references. AddtessO
Ike olllce. 4(5 15j
VV ANTED Situation as collector or paleimi
i m too city am well acquainted ; cu
come well recommended. If necessary will ft ;
nlsh my own team , can do olllce work but pi
ft-r to bu out Address P 11 Hceoilice. ; 622 1
\VANTBD-A Position by a thorough a
> countanu Uoit of references. Addre
O 14 Hoe ofllc . bU
I\7ANTBD Hoomi and board for man , wl
VV and2 children aged 7 and 4 , In nice Jowli
family , not too far from buslnoM center. A
iB 16'
riod l dy whoso husband
Is traveling , bonrd m n private fntnlly.
Subuibj prelcrreit. wjlh reasonnblu r.itcs. Ad-
dros * . Mrs. 0. 11. OnutJ V10 S 13th ft. 657 15J
" \A7ANTED 2 or 3fior o power engine , 2ml
hand. Apply atMlllnrd hotel ollico. 4fl
"WANTED-In central locntlon , n smnll un-
V > tnrnl'hotl boneoilir cottngn or part of
either Immediately : Atldnas with pnrtlculnis.
P K.leo ollltc. 645 15J
WANTiiTo : a.oorncr lot on Sllthst ,
for n tcnm oragnod horse , hnrncsi and
buagy nnd balance on tlmn. Call linmcdlati-ly
nt Krug ilros , cor Vln\on and Uth sts. lfi 16J
WANTED A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start , for particu
lars address Hank of Valley , Valley , Nob.OvO
Teams for rntlroad work ,
WANTED ' Labor Agency , 1120 1'arnain.
FOU KI'iNT Splendid 6 room cottage , flno
grounds , large stable : all modern Improv e-
inents , on N. Ifcth st , $45 per month. It. C.
1'nttcrson , 15th nnd Hnriicy. 6.i5
UENT-rhotograph Onllcry. nc t Oal-
FOU In Clarlndn , IOWH , for rent c heap. No
competition for a flood artist. Address J. M.
DnIs , 320 N 10 St. . Omaha Nebr. CJO-21
TT OH HKNT-flood 7 room cotliitfc near bus | .
JD nes , $30 per month. H. A , Sturgcj ,
room 10 , Cretirhtun tills. U'K ) 15
ttr.NT-Stores and Hats at 24th and Lnko
street by Paulson 4. Co. , room * ! , Hodlck's
block , _ " 07
TpOH Itr.NT-Oood barn , suitable for four
JP horses. Inquire nt 017 s. 13th st. _ MCI
OH Itr.ST A nlco 0 room cottage for $20.
A. F Mnyiio's HO1 * Dodgp. 470
FOH 9ALK House nicely furnished , on ncro
ground , ono bluck from car botb
grnpes , beirles und \oxctablo garden during
summer. IBJO N. gist -t. 5b7-15 *
1J1OH KKNT Frame store building , 20x50.
JL with llvlnjf 4roomson Phil Sheridan stvvlll ;
Improve ; put basement under store to suit nny
legitimate business Win. Fleming & Co. . MU1
Douglas. 870
OlFur.NT-C-room house. Oeo. 1. C.llbert ,
Witlmcll building. 618 15
* OH HI'.NTTight room house , well fur-
17 ill-lied and centrally located. Al o tenm
of her > es and double cairingo lor sale. Address
7 lice. 477 18J
Soil ItKNT-3 room house , 70J Pacific.
FOH HENT Window , good locality for lew
elcr or real estate. Apply to 3JS n Ulth ,
RENT Fit st class location for bur'ior '
1 shop. Shaw \ Co. , 510 South ICth. 414
POlt HUNT A store. Inquire 1412 S. 1 Ith St.
( ! co. II. I'dcrson. H't )
FOH HUNT-Wnre room cor. 1,1th and Call-
Ifornlaon Belt Line , lor particulars cn-
ulro at Union Nat. bank. 184
IJ1OH HUNT Store nnd living apartments on
I ? Cuinlng nonrSaundeisst , Apply nt Harris
leal r.statc r.nd Loan Co. , ! UO S. 15th st. t ! 7
POH HENT-Urick yards , T. Murray.
H1AHM to rent. T. Mil nny. W >
OH ItENTrlirco room house , 1108" S 7tli
HUNT-Pooms'over grocery , for house
No. 103 S. 10th Bt. 5'5-16
P'Oll HUNT Rlegant room , bn\ window , gn >
bath and allmoilcin convenience-
lixpi'.ai'iN. ' 17tli. > , 570
FOH HUNT Nlctly tlirnl lied fiimt room nm
board , sulfiblo lor two gentlemen nt ( > 02 S
Uth cor. fct. > Inry'8n\i ( . 672-16 *
FOH HUNT-8 unfurnished looms. Inniilii
nt 10lri S. 20tlu 1)11-10'
1I1OII HUNT A neatly lurnlslicd front room
-1 ? lint llonr ; tontionsonabie ; ery com on
cnt. 19'5 ' rarnam St. . H10 15J
FOH HUNT rurntolioil rooms ( two pmiil
rooms ; , il.'O N I "it I ; 603 17J
POH HUNT Piirnlshcil parlors , elnglo 01
together , aultablo for two or four gentle
nm. P 27 lice olllco.ii BOS ItlJ
APLUASANT newly furnished front roon
nlthln live minutes'walk from Opera Houai
ono block from street onrs. private lamlly. i
W cor 22d and Lenvenworth. C05-20J
HKNT-OIItco looms In Oruonlg block
corner llth anil Dodgo. Davis * Hethor
iiKton , Mlllnrd Hotel Illlllnrd room. 520
HUNT-2 nicely furnished rooms , nev
house , 2JIS Fiirnam st. 524 19J
FOU HI'.NTPleasant rooms , good board
bath , gas , etc. 61U Pleasant st. 4 < > 4 16
THOU HUNT Furnl'liert room _ wlth gasfo _
St.JL1 ono gentleman , ? 8 a month , 521 South I4tl
St. 474 15
FOIl HUNT Klcgantly furnished room fo
man and wlto or two gentlemen , all mod
ern com emenecs. 25JJ St Marys ave on stroe
car lino. 481 10J
HUNT Pleasant furnlsned room will
FOH . Hofemicos requited. VJIO Wol
stor. COi 18 *
HUNT Nicely'furnished front rooir
FOU floor , private family. Address , P 2 (
lleoOimo. 'iW-BO
TTIOIl KENT rurnlshed r-jom. sultaolo for
-C or 4 gentlemen , cheap.W Cu g. 60U-16
FOU HUST l\icely fin nlshoy rooms , near
IfdoslreJ. 11 j 3 SJril bet Douglas am
Dodge , 4
HUNT Furnished rooms , 713 S. 10th 81
FOH block from St. Mnry'fl avo. 4JI 1C'
THOU KENT Furnished rooms , 704 8 , 18th.
'plOH HENT-Furnlshcd room , 609 S ,
504 18j
HUNT 2 store rooms In best city o
POH . ( population In Nnbiask.t ; 3 new ral
roads now building to it. llnrilfon , Ambler. .
Woolley , 418 S. 15th st. . Omaha , Nob.
495 i 12
Ill-NT Nleoly furnished rooms fo
gentlemen at 2.27 ! Dodge. 4tL'l 19
OK HUNT Ulegantly furnished room for
gentlemen near business. All convcn
enccs ; private family , lOIMJap. ave. 24318J
T710U HENT-rurnished room at 1810 Dodge s
OJ 88
Fou HENT-rurnlshod rooms ut 1810 Dodge f
Foil HENT-NIco furnished room. 2025 Km
num. VU5
FOH HENT Nine room Hat centrally locatcc
310 S 77
TJ1OH HENT rurni-Dud front room 2021 HiD
-D noy. 34.1 l j
FOH HENT A nleo newly furnished fror
room with nlcovo , and ovortythlng In flrs
class style , nnd other smaller rooms ; also tabl
board. Call at2iU Farniim st. 30J 1 J
POH HENT Elegant rooms , refaroncns n
quired , 1B07 Douglas fit. 301
F I OR HBNT-Furnlshod rooms , 714 N. I'.Uh.
F OH HENT Eleven nlco unturnlshed Hlooi
Ing roomi. Sopsrttto or all together , i
bulloing ni6 s 16th st , < j r.r >
F IOH HENT-Deitrablo unfurnished rooir
sultnblo for OfDow or sleeping rooms , a :
Slithst i , , 978
TT.OH HENT Two furnished rooms , the froi
X ? room Is suitable for two gentlemen , Kll
20th st. near St. Mary's avo. 63Hiy
311 HENT Nicely furnished front rooi
for ono or two gentlemen near huilnei
center. ApplyCIS 8. Hta st. 638-15 *
1/1OH HENT Furnish * 1 room with prlvllcf
A of sitting rooin tor ladv. Object , oompnn
for ludy . husband Is gone part of tt
time. 601 8 20th. - 880
TpOH HENT-No. OOe 13th St. , storeroom ui
-B basoraont , new brick building , An e
cellent locution for either wholesale or rett
builnesi. Paulsen fcCo. , roomb Kcdlck bloc
E < OH HENT Two ofllcos spaces on groin
lloor In room 1509 Farnain st. Knqulro <
J. 8. lllchardson , In rear olBce , 843 m21
FOU HENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms chea
60a South l th street. Upstairs. r
T710K ItENT-Desk room. Enquire Young
J Bluckman. 214 B 16th et. 640
OR KENT Newly furnished room * wl
beautiful lawn , onn block from postofllc
1505 Capitol nvo. 416 17 *
TI1OH HENT Three room douse west of Non
-t ? mint , between Chicago and Cass. d'J-J
TJ1OR HENT Elegant office rooms , best li
-L1 cation In Omaha.118 South 15th st. (35
OR KENT-Two furnlshnd rooms wT
board , en iiilto or single : every model
convenience , 2535 Bt. Mary'i ave. 383 17J
H KENT Third floor , 22x80 , of brick bull
Ing , HOB Farnam street ; uio of elevate
Inquire above number , uyttaln. Ml
FOlt IlRNT-OffloM In Itotlmnn bulMmjcor.
Farnam and llth ! . , In suites or singly.
ForprliH-s , dlngrnms nnd Information apply to
B.A. Slomnn , 101Fnrnam it. , Hoom a.
IMMEDIATE sale will take 6 lota or less only
6 or 0 blocks from Exchange bid and
Union Stock ynrd * ou favorable terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In name block. Iwant
what they are worth. I don't want fancy iirloes
1 want to sell qiilckl ) ' . E. 11. llr.incli.U \
IjMlll HENT OH FOIt SALE Two houses nnd
1 lots on monthly pnymeiits * Co-operative
Land A Lot Co. , 205 N. ICIh bt. 6 i-2l'
Our new nildltlon.
Aero t4 to $ VVpnraoM. )
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcate Hill.
_ Marshall . .
77 $ 150J Faruara.
OLMI'.S \ MOHEAHTY Heal ( stnto nnd iii
suranco Co. . 1J20 Douglas. OJ 15
FlHSALE-OiTiTirdcT'A beatitltuflU ncro
tract on O street , east Lincoln. Will trade
for Omaha property. Kvans It Illackburn ,
Heal Estate n gents , 1510 Dodge. 611.10
I poll SALE-50 choice farms leas thnn SO
1 miles westof Onmtm. Sllvls ,
Hcnl Fstato Aitcnt , T.lkhorn. Neb. 641 m''SJ
BIO HAUOAIX Ono hundred feet front on
South Klovonth st , corner lot , only (5,009.
Parton tlmn. V. L. VoJieku , 5-IJ South Mh st
[ t'M
AN1CE IIOUBO and lot near Bhcrnmn n\ < \ ,
$2.N > 0. on cany terms. A. F. Miijne's It.
K o'llee. 1408 Dodgo. 671
LOTS In Omiihn View $1,17. ' . to IIWl. Mcyor'g
lllchaids .V Tlldon.a ( bOO to ( i'OO. ' Fair-
mount Plncu J8JO to $1,850. llcdford 1700 to
$ N)0. )
Hero Is n "Snnp. "
fflxH'.Hpcd's 1st ndd south front Chicago St.
( 4,000-$2,50J cnsli.
Houses nnd Lot" .
Ixiwe add f 2,000. Oinittm View 11,750. Mll
lnrd i\nildweirs(2l-0fl. Heed'sId (2V > 'J. Hurt
et (8.500 nnd $1.50(1 ( C.vpliol add ( l.l,5m. Terms
on aho\o easy. Wo have homes to sell on easy
pin inont.
If jou wnnt any kind of propnty give us n
call. Wo hnvo n largo list In Omnhn nnil South
Otnalm. No tiouhlo o show pioperly. Our
list ot wild Unds Is one of the liust In the city.
John ( inlluKher , 317 oouth 1'lth st 40 !
A I1. TL'KKV , n.'l nirnani St. , imkel In-
\estmonts for non re iilents n speolnlty
withiruariintccd Interest or slriro ot prollts ,
nndtiiKca full cliurgo of property ; rolorcnoo
glycn. TM
IfOH BAIjK Or tnulo. A boa\itiful 10 ncro
trnct on O treut , Lincoln Will tiado
for Onmhii piopcrty. Ilians .V' lllacUburn ,
Heal Kstato ngonta , 1510 Dodge. fill -D
miN : ACIIRS of Tjsightly \ \ \ \ land lor salc.Ti
1 miles from court hous.i , fiiOJ per nuro.
1'attcrson & Mouie , Omuhu National tiank.
15J 15
Y O If S AlTi--lot : In ShTnn'uIM nddltlon , with
X' nnwfi-room house , with pantry and closets -
ets , cistcin and good cnllar. Will ecll cheap tor
n tcdays. . Apply or address H.I ) , " 'JIJ Chailcs
AiOOl ) lot with n bnlldlng on it , nonr 1-nko
mid lllth , f ,7.VJ ia : y terms. A , 1" .
Mil > nu'8 If. i : ollico , HOS Dodge. 473
DIIXTHU U IMIOMAS nns thocnolccst lots
In Lincoln 1'laco.
2 cor. nercs in Solomnn's ndd $700 each.
: i lots In block 50South Omaha
Also , block (1J ( , nnd lot 2 , block II ) , 7 in S3 , 2
in U7 , choap.
H ) acres by Central City to soil or trado.
ll"0aric In n body near Stanton.
4t > 0 acre ) ! near Wisner.
ANo lots In llcdtord 1'lnco , Dclonoi nddltlon ,
Wei-t ( 'miilni : , Koatc-r'o ndd on Ciimlng st. The
boss lot In block C Shlnn'H addition.
Also Inrgo lots In Shlloh.
5 nurcM on AIIICH' nvciiue.
Also trncKnirecheap on licit Line , for salt or
n larpo lots on tlroadwnv , Council niuffs.
Lot ; iblk 0 Impioxemcnt Association , ClxlS8 : ,
fe',2" > 0
Lot8blk7 , snmo ndd , sninc fiUc , corner ,
$ JOOJc , \o ,
I onn the nbovo nnd can mnko terms to suit.
Come and see. Doxtcr L. Thomas , room s ,
Crpiulilon IllocK 75 !
corner lots nth st P. of 1T. I1 , depot $1,000
itnvh $100 down , hat. 1 , 2 nnd 3cnrs. .
hser A , Hicu , 1012 llnrncy st. 5-50
OlT8ALIJ-r trndo A beautiful 10 aero
tract on Ostient , east Lincoln. Will trndo
for Omaha property. KMIIIS \ Illackbuin ,
Heal Kstato agents , 1.110 Dodge. 541 10
FOH SAL' : liy Shaw & To. ,
510 H IRth St.
Houses and lots In all parts of the city. Yon
can't nlloid to rent when yon know the price
nnd terms of this class of prrporty.
On ( loorglaavcnuo wo havonlaipo plcco ol
ground for calo at less than Its \nluc. It It
worth looking at If yon wnnt n nlco residence
Lots for sale In dllToicnt parts of heclty.nml
you nro sure to make money by dealing will
us. Wo nro headquarters lor safe Investments ,
| 55.1
A7"OUH attention Is Invited to the follow Intr :
1 5-room honsoaiul lot on 21st , $3,000. $15 (
cash , $75 quarterly , now routing for $25 pel
4 room house and P-.vlOS ft S ISth , $ 1,000.
4-room house nnd ttiixlbU ft S 15th , J.1,000.
( lOxl il fronting on both Sherman n\ouml 17tl
st. 2 hou cx on 17th nnd 1 on Sherman nvo
$15.000 , oneiy ensy terms.
Ti-rooin house on leased ground , lease expire !
Lots 5 and 0 , blk ; i , Ambler , very cheap.
Ixt ) 4 , blk 23. Omnha View , f 1,200.
Ixit 12 , blK 21. Walnut Hill. % ery cheap. Cul
nnd sco us. CoieIOS : ) 15th , room 1. G.V ) 10
Foil llaixnlns In Mist class inside piopcrtj
Call on
JlcCiinock , V O'Connor ,
3IU S. l.tlh St.
Advertising List ,
We offer a few lots , now on oi'rllst. 8 Cor
ner lots on S. llth st.
: < 2xlu : ft on I'nrn im bet 12th nnd lUth ft.
" 2xlK ! ft on 14th bet. Douglas and bodgo st.
A coiner ill x'.IL'ft on Jones su
50x14) ft on S. 15th st.
< U'x130 ' ft on f minders st.
22x140 It on S. 13th st.
100x140 It on S. 11 Kt.
AQxl.12 It on Lciucnwortn et.
For I'rlco and Terms see
Mc(3n\ock & O'Connor ,
WH , 15. 310 S. nth Bt.
rpoit SALI- :
Coiner2 lots , Kount/o Place , cash , $4,000.
Cnolcccorner , llonlevard ave.
Walnut Hill , Z story house. Darn , cistern , clt ;
water , 60x150 , $ n,700.
Corner L' lots Itedlord I'late , 103x128.
Choice lot , I'ntrlek'H add. , on car line , $2,000
Corner on Dodge. Kllby 1'laeo. 100x177. * 4,0'K )
Lota U nnd 14 , block 2 , Kllby I'lace , 100x155
ll-room house , Mlllnrd V Cnldwcll ndd. , $3,000
Leavenworth near 13th , ( MxKB , $2,000.
Coiner Dodge and )0th. ndxI'U , * 25.tHK ) ,
IHtli t. near Nicholas , (50x140 ( , $13,000. $3,00
cash , liiihinco in ! 1 nnd 5 yenrs.
Hanscom I'laco , HOxlW , 5,200 , 5'lato. 100xi4a , f8,5UO.
llurr Oak , S room houao nnd barn , 100x150
$ I.K)0. ) llarkor If Hiirr. 16M Knrnam st. SJ1
ANT1ID To exchange a good Bcdfon
I'laco lot tor good dil111 ? horse and linn
gy. Cull at room 2 Imposition building. Mon
day. 5'J7-15J
W H. OATHS , : > 24 South 15th over Stnt
i National Hank. Kntrcnco on Harnoy ,
10 room IIOUFO , largo barn , nlco shade , 01
2Cth nnd Hamilton. This nleo piece of propel
3 | ty tor only $7,000. $1.0JOcush.
1 room house , two lota , facing1 south , on SI
Mury'siuo. An elegant homo. $2,000. One
third cash.
2 nice 7 room cottages on 2'Hh st , , North St.
Mary's nvo. $10,000
A cheap place of property on U. P. trucl
Ilrick house , full lot Near 15th st ,
Cottage and full lot , cast front. lHh ! st. , nen
Clark BU Cheapest lot in the city , $ .1.000.
MXbH and 3 room good house , south from
on Cnrtcllnr , near 17th st. $1.200.
7 room house in Cherry Harden , near Leaver
worth. Plaiant homo. I2.I..OO.
Nlco 7 room , iwo story house , on 32nd st ,
near Hanscom Park. f5,5oo.
6 room , now cottage. Walnut HIM , porch an
picket fence , tot 50x11(8. ( $1,400. f JOU cash.
4 tory nnd nhalfrewO room houses , Haunri
ors A. Holmbnugh'H , near car line and belt lln
depot. 2,4UO to U.UOO. 1500 cash. Ualanc
6 room story and a half house , barn , wol
south front , auudori. It llclnibuugirs add
A bargain nt 1,200. ftOUensh.
6 room bouse , south front Chnrlei St. rjcn
26th , f2,7iO. | 50J caih.
Vacant Property.
I00x'47 ft fronting on Hiinseom Park , facln
cast. 18,000.
100x1' ! . ' , corner Pacific und Catherine street
fuclnirwest. tT.HOO.
x , corner east front on Virginia nv
and Paeltlc st. f 5.500.
M ft on2flth and Lcavcnworth , business lent
nt a bargain.
4 of the best lots In Huwthorno , on Da > cnpo
10x140 , on 21st street Just north of at. Mar )
Z east front loti , Kllby Place , lllock 6. f3,6 (
for the two. $1,2.0 cash.
2 of the best aero lota In Wo t Omaha at (10
600.East front on 37th st . near Farnain , liui
beautiful view. Only
4 cast front cheap lots in Patrick's 2nd , noi
cur line.
One east front lot , Hesuvolr a-ld. Only 11,10
Ono Hillside No. 2 lot , bouth front , only ! flwj
Easy terms.
8 of the beet laying lots In 8uun < lersV Helii
baugh'i add.
iflxltO. South ICth Et $ aC01.
One of the belt lotil-j llcdford Plnco. (750.
2 of the best lota In Ames' Plaeo for II.COO.
A full lot In Hnrdctio Court. t47A.
4 south front lot * ou Cues , ncur'J4 stret
FOH8ALE-2be trast front lots In Shrlver
Plaeo. -X:3Wea - ) : h , bal $5 per month , will
sell singly , Must bo sold nt onco. In.iulro 610
8. loth. 6 ( J 16
LIST jour property with the Omnha lltuincss
Exchange. 31il S. l&th , room 1. 341 10'
ODDAHD A. MOOIU : . 211 North Ifith St. . will
sell jou tire lot * In Ambler Plaeo worth
to day (2,000 for ( liJO If bought at once.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 677-1H
LOOK at the bnrtrnlns offered by Ncdd's Heal
I'stiito 1'xchango ,
UOtl Fnrnnm st. opp Pnxton hotel ,
Fnrnnm cor 20th Mxl.M , Improved ( , T1,0\ )
Farnain cor ICth22xit2 ; , improved 22.WO
1'iirnam corinth l.tOxl'U 17.0W
Farnamcor3thnjxl27'i ' 7,000
Farnam ior3'ith2v-xl.l3 16.MX )
Farnam near-JOth llflxllt , per foot 4K ( )
Harnoy cor I2lh 44xlt2 , Inproviul 40OJO
Harnoy cor 2tb , 00x132 fi.OOO
Harnoy near 20th MxM2 1S.WM
Hnrnoy near U3il fiO\167 \1WO
Douglas nonr 12,4lxti2 : , Improved 4liXiO
Dodge cor .Btli , 4ixl , ! ! 2.7W
St Mary avt 2 corners. UJxH. , per foot. . 30J
California i-or 10th l.r.'xl.u , Improved . . . . 26tKM )
3 lots In Jerome park , 1 corners , only . . . 4.600
If2feet on yaumlors , 7.00J
Cumlnir nenr2ltht > 2\in5liupioved MdOO
South 17th st , IVlTiWJ 20,000
Callfoiniist. BOxl.'fl 8,100
2 full lot * In Davenport's sub near Slum-
dorngt , only : 3,000
8 loton iWh st one block south of l.onv-
imnorthst , from | l,200to (1,700 each ,
ensy terms.
Ilonutlrul lot on Dnvenport st 2,600
3.1x140 with 5-room cottage , barn , well ,
cistern , etc. , ou South 15th near Wll-
llam 3,000 corner 15th nnd Williams sts , Im
proved , rents for (1111 per month , only 13,000
House nnd lot on South 21st et 1.10J
Oroom house and lot WxlSM , In Heed's 3d
add , on Franklin et , (2,550 on monthly
Hnti-o nnd lot on S llth st. cheap nt 3.POO
House and lot on S 13th st , cheap nt . . . 4. < KH )
ilOxUO In Klrkwood.eact fronton 17th. . . . 750
House and hit In Walnut Hill 1,500
House and lot In Saundcrs & llinie-
hnugh'x 2,400
House nudlot on North 17th 2 , , * > 00
Oood corner. 5Jxl5'i ' , Sauudors \ Illmo-
baugh's add. , near street ralliond . . . 90
Hoiibes and lots In Mlllatd It Ciililwoll'B ndd. ,
llenutlful rosldenco lots In Kount/e Place.
Ilenutlfiil residence lots In Ilnnscotn I'laco.
Ileautlful lots In Jerome Pat k
Hi-audlul lots In Highland Place ,
Ilenutllul lots in Kilbv Place.
ru beautiful lots In Grnmmorey Park from
( f.10 to f 750 ,
One ncro In llngcu's subdivision very cheap.
Improved and unimpioved lots In all tno b-t
ndditons to the citj * . It you aru looking for a
home or an Investment , It will p iy jou to call
anil OMiinlne our Immense ll-t ol baignlnn. If
jou hnvo propel ty to sell list It with ill , nnd
v\o will p ibh it.
it.Ncdds loal ! Tstato Exchange ,
HOfl Farnam street , op. Pnxton Hotel.
6.1'J 15
"VniUHASICA L\ND Seven Omnha Insldo
-L > lots to trade for unliicumbored Neb. land. A. sby | , 15JI Farnam St. gfl'J '
1 ! hav o two lots In Alllirlght'g Choice wlileh
v\o will ovehango for good buggj- .
Holmes & Morcaity , 1 UO Douglas st. 417
LOTS-Yon can mnko monny on our
CHEAP Lots on thnlloy north ( if town.
(150 to ? 275. Como and sco them , lloggx X HIIU
G ODDAHD .V MOOHE-211 North Sixteenth
street , can sell jou finest south front cor
ner In Orchnid Hill , on Orchard street for
( l.tiOO ; two line lotn , u corner , Ambler Place ,
? l,4'0 , both ; line lot In lluir Oak , a bargain ,
Sl/ftO ; two line lots , n corner block , 1'iI South
Omaha , H.UK ) for both. All of these nro gilt
edge Investment , and will pay to investigate.
VVTANTED Lots in Ilawthoino nnd Crciton
VV for customericndy to buy. Evans &
Blackburn , 1510 Dodgo. fcO-15
OH SALE Two frame buildings , S. P. . cor.
12th and Douglas sts. S. Lehman , 11N ( Fur-
num. _ 6fi4 _
oil S.\LK 4 sections of land worth ( TJ ict
F acre. Will sell for (4 If taken nt once.
Harrison , Ambler & . Woolley , 418 S. Uth st.
Omaha , Nob. _ 4iOJJ2 ) _
rpHE Apple of My Eye"nome only ' 4 block oil
-L St. Mary's ave car line , convenient to busi
ness , built "not for a day but for nil time. "
liai gains In buslnors propeity.
List with us for wo put them whore thovkoerj
hot. Cnko & Hillings , ovcr 101 South 15th HI.
_ ] _ 500
FOH SALE 5 room house Hurdett st , prlci
$1,4H ( ) ; ( WOcish.
4 loom house Clark St. , price f-.COO ; (50C
cash. *
12 room housg ifth st , price (4,200 ; 11,100 cash
6 room house Popplcton avenue , price (2,603 ;
(1.700 cash.
22 feet fronting on Douglas et , for ( , * > 30 poi
front foot.
22 feet t routing on Siundcis st(125 per fiont
2 adjoining lots , 1 a corner , on Snunders st
price (1 ,050 per lot.
1 ot the best lotIn Orchard hill (850.
"chcuplots In South Omaha ; close to non
depot , price f VWpcr lot.
10 ncroR for platting , (158 per ncre ,
6 < 0 ncro larm land at North 1'lutte , Neb. , ( !
per ncro.
IGOncrofnun land In Madison Co. , $20 poi
H ) aero farm land In Plcrco Co , Nob. , $10 pel
loo'ncros fnrm land In Webster Co. , Nob. , $2 (
per aero.
Will take horse nnd buggy In part payment ,
Wanted to rent n 10 or 13 room bouse bctweei
Fnrnam nnd California nnd 17th and 20th , llun
hnm & Stringer , 1518 Dodge _ St. _ 325
FOH SALE-Dortgo mid l.'th , $11,000. 120x11 !
ror llth und Dorcas , 8,2iX ) . 60x140 , Housi
cast front , 10th st , ( VI ft. Elsnssor und Hlco
No 11)12 ) Hurnej- . 270
OlfsALE Lots 11 nnd 12 , block 4. Kirk
wood , (1,500 each , M cash , balance 1 am
2 years. Discount for cash , address Mrs. E
Hoberti , Fort Sherman , Idaho. 3A924J
FOH BALE Or trado. A boautllul 10 aon
trnct on O street , east Lincoln. Will tradi
for Omnha property. Evuns & Ulackhuru
Hcnl Estate agents , 1520 Dodge. 641 16
OUHLlSTot Hargams. Kountz place , Bcv
oral lots at a bargain.
LnkeNt,25 feet lor $ Sm
Saundersst , 8 lots , each 2,00
gaundcrsst,3i { acres opposite Kountro
plnco. 10th st. 50x150 6.00
Fninnm st. corner , 60x123 11ft )
Furnnmst,31ot8ench 3,00
I.owoavo , east trent 1,76
Vliglnlnnvo ! ,
Georgia nvo , 75x110 2xn (
Georgia ave 2,5r > !
Twcntj--sl\th st , near Poppleton 2- )
Facing on Pnrk 2,00
Hamilton Ht , Orchard Hill l-r (
Orchard Hill,2 line lots , each 72
Trackage lots 50x125 3T
Trackage lots 60x147 2,25
Lenvenworth st , 114 feet corner 3TO
Hesldenco Property.
Wo have a It go list of residence property li
all parts of the cltv at \ ory low prices , btovon
llros , 1513 Farnnm st. 776
SPLENDID CHANCE-Savo rent. House
and lots for sale on t 'i poi month pay
monts. witti small payment do\vn ,
They nro two story houses , now and full
completed. ' Hnvo six hit go rooms ; hnll.pantr ]
china closet , good cellar , closets , city water.nn
sewer connections ; all ready for occupancy.
The location Is excellent , being on corrr
2 th nnd Charles street. In Snlnn'8 1st addltlor
near the heart of th9 city , and commanding
flno v low 'I lie rod car line passes within 2 !
blocks. Hiram A. Stiirgcs , Agent , room 1(1 (
Crclghton blk. , south of postoftlco. 3S915
SELECTS , nro the carefully listed bnrgaln
hunted down by Cake & Hillings. Our snrr
plo case :
2 lots with 2 houses , J. I. Hodlck's sub , enl
block from sticet cir line , 103x121 ft on
streets , big money hero for you.
Iloauty of llartlett , fruit trees , flno vie *
onlv (1.600 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omnha stuff on the market.
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , an
we'll make It pleasant and profitable for you.
FOH 8ALi-Dodgost.twolot8 : In Kllby plnci
fronting on Dodge Htreet , 125 feet. Tw
blocks beyond the lots have sold for (2,000 , th
same price wo ask for thcso. Only (1,200 can
required , fahaw 4. Co.,510 Sloth It. are tli
ngcntl. 198
FOH HALE-Or trado. A beautiful 10 aci
tract on O etreoi , east Lincoln. Will tru'i
for Omitha propnrty. Evans it Hlackburi
Heal Eitato agents , 1510 Dodge 641 10
FOH HALK-10 HUhlly lots In poor fnrn
Patterson & Mooio , Omaha National bnnl
317 19
READ this i-ilcn-lld list.
Ulljson , Aylesworth It Henlamin ,
15li Fatnnm si
For ti duj s only we otfer the following
2lotn In HriggHplaeo front son llurncy an
n on Fnrnnm.
1 lot In Huwthorno 4SxlOO , cor 33d and Davci
portOroom house , Ac. , price ( jm Eaa
Lot nnd house luLowo'g 1st addAOxl20 , $ I,7V
120 ft on St. Mary'x nve with 2 u-room house
gas and water. Will subdivide. nOX ) .
Waiohousoorbiislnogs pioperty In block IV
(4VWO. Kay terras.
Ixn on Douglai itrect , 40x134 , with 6-rooi
house , (5,11X1.
Full lot on Dodge street , .1 houses , rent fc
( BOO , price (5,2jo.
5-room house ou N 17th St.good well and ci
torn , W,6.'iO.
Wanted 3 goo J builneis lots.
Two or moro lots with trackage.
Gibson , Aylesworth & Hcnjamla.
1612 Farimm it
pr.CtAL Hnrgnln for a low dnyosouth f."on |
lot In Clifton Hill Inri prrfnct , owner mull
Hammond A Gibson , 1514 Douglas st .
Foil SALK-A corner lot , Wlil.C , on 1Mb ami
Cumin * eli one of the best locations In tlio
city for n wholesale house , with waterworks
niul lowcrago. Apply nt prcmlsci , Thos. Sin-
chur. 311 m2IJ
TJl IIAHKETTA : CO-'ltio best lot In Pellmnj
JL ? Pliiro , ( I.'XW.
Crelehlon Ili-lithts , a flno corner , I ° . . . . .
A full lot and four room houno 2 blocks from
it car line , ( I,7U ) .
Stnto st lots , lloJford Place , 11,050.
Houses on easy payments. Dodge St , HUP bud *
IneMiiropotty.rentlng for (700 perearl-r-00
F. llarrctt i Co. , UU1 , 2 15th st. 4U 15
Membeis Omnha Heal t'otnto Exeliangf )
( looms 1 and 11 , H-M South 1Mb sM
Omalia View , Slate st fionti for $ 1,500
Falrmoiint plnce.Mtl''l , eoiner-- lJta
Falrmount place UixlJO , corner 1'JCXJ
Wi > t Sldt < Lenvonworth st tiouts lUu
West Side , East ave fronts 778
Thornburg place 100xlJO. corner l.cOu
Thornhurg phiev , flno cast front 809
Catnlpnplaco > < 5xll > < , corner I.C.V ]
Tnbor plnco elognnt lot 47xlV > 1.60J
Lenvenworth terrace 114 ft on l-eivven-
worth B.OOO
Lcavt-nuoithtorraco , Ii xil4 truckage . 3.Wi
West Omaha , H0xl.loit and so front . 3,600) )
West Omaha , 5txl5r > enst and north front 2,500
lledfoul place 100x129 corner 1,700
lledford place 50xl2S south front NX )
Prospect place 5lft corner on urado 1,85(1 (
Prospect plnco double front Hamilton It 2,600j
Cheap homes for all.
Gregory A Iladlpy. 043
. . . . . . . Street business property with track-
. - . ago ( .W > per foot , cheapest ground on the
trcot. Patterson Jc Moore , Om.ihn National '
Hank. 47J
c PLACR-McCnguo Solo Agent.
WO. Sllltl VKIt , Special llargnlns.
Ixt In Hedford Place , $ 'V. 5.
75x15011. E. front , ( leorgla Ave. , $2600.
Lot in Croton , lacing two streets , $1400.
lieaiitlful I' front , ( icorgla nvo , near LeftV
cnworth , $5 , iO.
lieaiitlful S. front lot , 00x177 on llowurd , ncnf
22d street , $7500.
Lot on Hurt , near 2Sth. street , $2iVO. , J
2tulllotsonCass near 32 I , both $ .U'00. , ,
00 ft. ea t trout on 17th near Paul IS cnsn
Hal 1,2 , iliml 4 years. $4000.
52 ft on loth , near Sherman St. , $4200. l-
cash , lliil. 1,2,3 and 4 years.
no ft. on isth nnd Sherman Sts. , f..OJO. . 1-B
cash , llnl. 1,2,2 ntul 4 > eain.
41x132 ft. In llmvo's mid. , f 1100.
44\l'U ft. S front on llrl-tol St. , $175 ,
55xl5'i ' ft. on L ( > we a\e . near Farnham. $ ltvO.
< ! oed lot In Kllby Plixeo , $ WO.
Lot 3 , block 0 , Kllby Place. $1800.
2 of the Iliu-st lots In Louo'tt add. . $5r.OO.
8 front In Mj urn , Hlch.irds 4 Tiluen's ndil.i
$7.V ) .
( loodlot In same add. , 8700
4sit. on Cummlng st , near 30th , corner ,
f 4 000.
( loodlot In Orchard Hill , f 0.
2 line lots in A. S. Patrick's add. , each $1,450.
40\ltJ ft , I'.itilck ave , ni-ar20tli , $ IIW ) .
Lot 12 , block 1' ' . Patrick 2d add . $ -VJlH ) .
flfl\112 It , S K. corner 27th and Uurdetto BtS ,
$2 riOO.
> lco lo' Mercer nve , near Lowe nve , , $1r 00 , '
Nlco lot on Jitith near Ponploton H\o.l'JOO. ! a
Uast Irout on 2iltb near Popplutonjavo , $2(10l\ (
W. (1. Shiver , opp. P O. , W.9 . , '
Arrive I Lrav *
Omaha Omnha
Depot lOtli nnd 1'lorco sts.
1'acllic Express 7r : > 0\m ! 8:20 : pm ;
Denver Express
* Locnl Express 11-00 am 5:03 : pm
"Except Sunday.
15. & M. K. It. K.
Depot 10th anil 1'ncillc sts.
.Mall and Express .1:43 : pm 10:00 : am
N iclit Express 10:00 : am 7:45 : pm ;
Hunnine between Council UluffsandSoutll
Omaha. In addition to the stations men- *
tlonc-d , trains btop at Twentieth and Twenty *
fourth streets , and at Summit , In Omaha.
Herman Kountze , President.
John A. Creighlon , Vice-President.
f , H , Davis , Cashier ,
W , H , Megquieri Asst-Cashier ,