Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1887, Image 9

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A. Now Oauso For Oooluesa Springs Up Bo-
twean the President and Endicott.
Politicians Already Figuring On a
BuuccsHor to Justice Wood A
Largely Attended Presi
dential Hecoptloti ,
Troulilo In the OITlclal Household.
WASHINGTON , May 13. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.K.I It Is said there Is a bran now
rupture between the president nnd his secre
tary of war. Mi. Endicott Thu cause ot the
trouble , It Is alleged , is on account of the sec-
rctiry of war having opposed some of the
president's recent appointments , who were
too democratic to suit thn secretary. En-
dlcott wanted the president to throw an occa
sional morsel to the hungry mugwumps , but
the president refused , because he is now
working tor democratic delegates. It Is re
ported that thu president has told Endicott
that ho could leave the cabinet it the admin
istration's policy did not suit him , but , to use
the language of Colonel Ltmoiit , "Eiidlcott
docs not know how to take n hint , "
Those OhnoxlotiH Itulea ,
WASHINGTON , May 13. [ Special Telegram
to the BII : : . | Practlctlly speaking , there has
been no olllclal denial of thu assertion that
the recently promulgated rules ot the civil
Bei vice commission are Intended to place a
weapon In the hands of heads of depart
ments with which to wood out republican
emplo > es. The absence of n denial has
raised the trepidation among the old clerks
to n pitch most painful. This evening's
.Star , n conservative nowspipur , says editor
ially : "The truth Is that thu now regula
tions , as amended by definitions which , for
the most part , do not define anything In the
rules , but add new matter of Importance , are
BO muddled and uncertain that they please
nobody neither civil service reformers nor
spoilsmen , neither actual nor would-bo
clerks and promise no Improvement of the
public service. This very uncertainty adds
to the uneasiness of the clerks by rendering
n satisfactory preparation to meet the threat
ened danger Impossible , nnd by leaving
them oxooscd to tlio risk of a hostile con
struction of ambiguous rules , nnd at thu
mercy of amendments or dehiiitlons chang
ing the meaning of little which seems clear.
Tlio public will sympnthl/o with the
otforts to prevent unjust promotions ,
secured by Importunate solicit itions and
coercive Influence from the outside and piu-
judlce , favoritism or connption on the part
ot appointing olllcers. But the now rules
beai on their face an Indication that they nro
not designed to accomplish this reform , and
except lu providing n permanent daily record
of practical elltcleiicy have no tendency
toward orany other good cud , unless It
consists , ns nn niithorl/ed contemporary
boasts , In frightening cleiks into unaccus
tomed activity and Industry by vague and
unintelllgnblu threatsofevll. The clerk may ,
without rules , bu examined nnd tested as to
his practical elllclency nnd discharged If In-
ellicleut or retained and promoted if eMIclent
IT then-is nny foundation for the slander
that tlio vast mijorlty of old govern
ment emploj es nro Incompetent and unlit to
hold olllco , why were they not discharged
long ngo for Inefficiency , under the powers
then nnd now existing. Thus It will lie seen
that democintlc civil scrvico reform has
nctcicd down to n 'definition , ' but who Is to
iluiinuthe delinltlony "
They Can't Watt Till He's Dead.
WASIIINOTON , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to thu HICK. ] The death of Justice
Wood , of the supreme court of the United
States , Is momentarily anticipated. So sure
ot his death nro politicians that already they
nro discussing who his successor will be.
Undoubtedly ex-Senator Allan O. Thurmnn ,
ot Ohio , would he selected wcro it not that he
is already boj end the a o of voluntary re
tirement. Attorney ( ieneral ( tarlaiidis more
frequently mentioned. Ho has long nsplicd
to n place on the bench of tlio supreme court
of the United States nnd Is very fond ol
Wiuhlngton. Speaker Carlisle Is spoken of.
but nut seriously , as his friends do not vv.inl
to see him retired. Kx-Keprcsentatlvo J
K.uuloloh Tucker , of Virginia , a line Inwyei
und n thorough coiithcm xentleiiinn , will be
pushed for thu place , nnd with prospects ol
success. Ex-o\crnor ! Hoadley , ot Ohio , lux-
been suggested , but since ho has located ir
Ninv York to practice law will haully b (
turned to for this position.
The President's Hccoptton.
WASHINGTON , May 13.-Special [ Tele
gram to thu BIK.J : There wns nn Immuusc
crowd nt President Cleveland's public reception
coption this afternoon. Among thn ( list tc
shake hands with the chief executive was ox
Speaker Keifer , of Ohio , who was orator a
the unveiling of the Carlleld statue yestor
day. Ho thanked Mr. Cleveland for his kliu
words on the occasion and for his presence
The usual number of visitors was rolnforcoi
by n couple of hundred members ot the Slxtl
nrmv corps , who attended the bedgwlcl
memorial ceremonies nt Spottsylvanin cour
house , VirgUilu , vestordny. Uenernl Wright
formerly chief ot engineers , mndo the pro
bontatlons to the president , ( ienernl Latta
who was introduced first , spoke of their a ]
preclatlon of the president's patriotic lettc
expressing his Inability to attend tlio men ]
orinl , and presented the president , lu th
iiaiiui ot the corps , with a bedgwtck mem
orlal biduro , consisting of a broiuo cross siu
vended from n bronze hand.
Army News.
WASHINGTON , May IS. ISpeclal Teh
gram to the Br.R.J First Lieutenant Jamc
B. Hlckey , recently adjutant of the Eight :
cavalry , has been ordered from San Anton !
to join his troop , M , nt Fort Brown , Tex v
Major Morse K. Tnylor , Burgeon , will I
placed on the retired list of the army ti
morrow , on reaching sixty-four years of ugi
and will make his home hereafter In San Ai
tonlo , Tex. Ho * served In the Mexican vvi
ns lieutenant In a Michigan rcdmeiit , nn
( luring tlio late war nsn surgeon of volui
leers , entering the regular army In Ib07.
Army leaves : Majoi Henry C. Corbii
assistant adjutant general. Chicago , liftec
days : Captain James M. Bell , Seventh ca1
nlry , Fort Buford , Dakota , two month
Cautaln John L. Ballis. Twenty-fourth i :
fantrv , Fort hill , Indian Territory , tw
months ; First Lieutenant Charles A. Va
num. . , Seventh cavalry , l'o Yates , Dakot
seventeen dujs.
Armv orders : Captain F. W. Klbrey , su
geon , has been oidered to appear tor exam
nation before tlui army retiring uo-ud in th
city : First Lieutenant C. J. Blown , Fir
cavalrv , has been granted leave from Augu
2S toNovoadier lr > : First Lieutenant is.
Mills has been granted sixteen days extei
MOII of leave ; Firs > t Lieutenant Henry Hn
T.lghth infantry , on thu btatf of liouei
Crook at Omaha as acting judge advocate f
the Department ot the Platto.
Inn President AVill Take a Day O >
WAsitivnioN , May 1' ! . [ Special Tolegr.i
to the BKK. ] Major Maddox , who Is Int <
rsted In hotel property at tlio Faquler vv h
sulphur springs , Vn. , was here and nt Bal
more to-day making arrangements to u
tcrtaln President and Mrs. Cleveland tl
Mimnier. The president Ins promised tote
to Fafjuter springs about the 1st of Juno a :
ppeml a day for the purpose of seeing I
place nnd determining wheUlor heylll ps
part ot hhacntion there. Ho will be tnk :
In the private car ot thu president ot the V
ilnla Midland railroad , and will ha accomi
nled by Phil Sheridan , Colonel K
logg , of the latter1 * stalf , Governor Fltzhu
Leo. of Virginia , Senator ( lorman nnd t
or three other prominent lialtlmorenus.
Is said the waters ot Faquler while sulpl
sprints have superior qualities ( or recupet
' ing overtaxed brain workers , and aru local
only two hours from yraslilngton. It '
place meets the expectations of the president
he nnd Mrs. Cleveland will spend the early
part of their summer vacation there Instead
of "Red Top , " the president's country seat ,
this District.
The Healing VCHSO ! Seizures.
WASIIINOTON , May 111. Inquiry at the de
partment of stito regarding the British vessels
sel/ed In Behrlngsca last summer , disclosed
the tact that no demand had ever been made
by the British government for the release of
the vessels , nor has any claim for damages
caused by the seizures been made upon the
government ot the United States. The cor
respondence between the two governments
on the subject was very limited. It opened
with n letter fiom the English government
reciting the fact ot the .sel/urcs nnd asking
for Information tolativu to the details. This
was received In September , and Secretary
Bayard Immediately made an examina
tion of the matter. It became necessary
to secure the record of proceedings before
the United States court In Alaska , which had
resulted In thu condemnation of the sealers ,
and It was not until thn following February
that this was received nt thedepartmnnt. A
c.irelul examination wns then made of the
law and of the treaty of cession by which tlio
United States bccamo possessed ot Alaska ,
which resulted in the order for the release of
the scl/ed vessels. 'Ihu tact that the sealers
had been released was communicated to the
British government and that was about all
there was of correspondence upon the sub
Prince tioopnld Sulky.
WASIIINOTON , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnn.J There Is some talk In
diplomatic circles over the failure of Prince
Leopold to visit Washington as ho Intended.
Those who claim to know the real cause ot
the change in the plans assert that the prince
felt slighted at the treatment received from
the state deprrtmcnt or rather the want of
treatment and that ho resented the alleged
failure of this government to properly rccog-
nl/o htm by giving Washington the cold
shoulder. The trouble seems to be thnt the
voting man expected a formal Invitation to
visit Washington upon announcing his In
tention to travel this way , and failing to re
ceive this , he changed his plans nnd will
leave for Europe without viewing the beau
ties of the capital. It is said hero that ho
carried his entment so far ns to charter n
steamer to take his party to West Point yes
terday so as to prevent the United Stntes
from extending him thu courtesy ot a man-
ot-vvnr for the trip.
WASIIINOTON , Mny 13. ( Special Telegram
to the BiiK.l J. S. Brusli was to-day ap
pointed postmaster at South Auburn , No-
maha county , vice Thomas H. Glllam ,
removed. Also the following In Iowa : The
odore Strothman , Big Rock , Scott county ,
vice O. E. Wiight. deceased ; T , It. Hackettc ,
Coralvillo , Jolm'sou county , vice H. P. Van-
arsdalo , resigned : Michael Hlgglns , Dann ,
Gioono county , vice W. C. Bootn , removed ;
David M. Smith , Redding , Ringgold county ,
vicoJ. W. Ctouch. tomoved ; J. B. Holt ,
Sherman , Powesholk county , vlco John C.
Burkes , left the place. The postolllces at
Dresden , Otoo comity , and Rcedale , Ante
lope county , Neb. , were discontinued to-day.
Tlio name of the post-office at Brewstor.
Blaine countv , was changed to Ladora , and
Miss Lorenla S. Kaighu appointed postmis
tress , vice Emanuel J. Albright , removed.
Nohra ka nnd Iowa Pensions.
WAsniNoroNMay | 13. [ Special Telegram
to the BiiK.l Pensions were granted Nebraskans -
braskans to-day ns follows : Minors of Jos.
W. Brlggs , Culbertson ; Wnrren E. Wolton.
Harvard ; Jasper Rlnc , Afton ; Edwin A.
Sprngno , Cresco ; HoytC. Bishop , Nebraska
City ; Barnett Isloy , Sutton ; David Mc-
Cutdy , Oscn ; Wm. Kirk , Hoag ; Jas. M.
Hariand , Edgar ; Gco. W. Jones , Gordon ;
Jesse ChapDcll , Xollgh ; John Smith , Grand
Island ; James Campbell , Howard ; Jas. B.
Varnuy , Brooks ; Dina Felix , Nlobrarn ;
Thos. Collins , Iloldroso ; Jacob B. Burris ,
Pensions for lovvans : Minors of Clart
Stewart , Birmingham ; Wm. B. ,
Hampton ; Ellazor Davis. Persia ; Joseph
Campbell , Salem : Benjamin F. Latter ,
Slgourney ; Samuel P. Kelley , Andrew : Wm.
M. Potty , Pilot Mound ; Reuben F. Rllov ,
Washington ; Annan L. Silvey , Ot
t um wa ; Samuel It. Chase , Mos
cow : Jacob T. Ovortiuff , Selma
Trollies Wheeler , Maiengo ; Rebecca E.
widow of Robert McMnllen , West Union :
Thomas , lather of Christopher Goodwin ,
Row lev ; Almira J. , mother of Franklin L
Bclknap , GoliUieldKphraimConklln ; , Sandy
vllle ; Nathan P. Underhlll , Dunlap ; Jacob
Wriuht. Onklatid Mills ; Rudolph May
Sioux City ; Paul Kittleson , Elgin : Win. A
Brown. Juernsoy ; Albert N. Bliss , Waubcck
John Snaller , Cresco ; Isaac BarnhUcr , Etta
Christopher C. Shank , Usage ; Alanzon G
Crandall , Farmers ; Wm. K. Wallace , Alns
worth ; David L. Burkhart , Woodwnrd
Nathan C. Mallor , bouth English ; Cyrui
Westerfield , Allerton : Wm. O. Hart , Sunn
Rapids ; Nathaniel W. Willlvor , McGregor
George Peiinington , Dccorah ; Richard D
Edwards , Ited Oak ; John F. Hitchcock , Higl
The Treasury Change.
WASHINOTON , May 13. The secretary o
the treasury has formally notified Mr. llyati
who Is now at his homo In Norwalic , Conn ,
of ills appointment as treasurer of theUnltci
Mates , and It Is supposed that the now at
polntee will tile his bond and take the oath a
office early next week. The transfer of th
olllco from the outgoing to the Incomlni
treasurer will Involve a count of all the cas
and securities In the treasury and an oxain
Inatlon of the books , records and accounts o
thu oltlce. It Is estimated thattlils workvvll
consume nt least two months' timo.
The Country's Exporta.
WASIIINOTON , May 13. The chief of th
bureau of statistics reports the total value
e- of exports from the United States ot tli
e33 undermentioned articles as follows :
h ISbO.
lo Beef and pork pro
los. ducts , six months
s.JO ended April r 0 . S 1,342,550 S37 , & 1,7 !
JO Dairy products , twelve
0- months ended April
0e , 80 . . . . 0OM,2S4 9,03'JU
li Cattle , ten months
liar ended April 30. . 7,217,507 8 , 19,9
ar llo.'s , ten months
id ended April 30. . . . . . . 41b,877 4U9 , 1
An Important Patent Privilege.
WARIIINOTON , Mar 1A By the terms >
an thn convention of nations for the protection
vs - industrial pioperty recently ratified by Pre ;
s ; dent Cleveland , citizens of the United Stat
uvo have the privilege not hitherto enjoyed t i
ir- them of obtaining valid patents In any
the countries which ate members of the co
vonttou at any time within a period of sevt
ir- months after the patent Is obtained In Amc
ilils lea. The countries ot the Industrial iiuU
ils nro HolL'Uim , Bra/11 , Franco , Great Brltla
rst Guitemala , JLUimim . Norway , Portug ;
istC. Salvador , San Doimiuo , Serxla , Spal
C. Sweden , Switzerland , Tunis und tlio UniU
IIiy States.
ral , Thn Mexicans Sentenced to Death ,
for WA8iti.soToxMay 13. Thu Mexican ml
ister received to d ly a letter from Uovern
rr. Torres , of Sonora , Mexico , dated Hermosil
llll May 0 , stating that the secretary of war h
ei- ordered a court martial to try thu Mexlc
boUllers who caused the No ales trouble , a
lto iind Mint four that
general otiicers for purnc
turn from the City of Mexico to Guaymas. T 1
rn- court pronounced on the 3d lust , sen ten
Ills of death on Colonel Francisco Arvlzu , Lie
tenant flutterez , mid n private citizc
go Manuel Valonzuela , They have nil since :
tid pealed to the
superior couit.
Northern Puolllo Lands' ' .
eu WASHINOTON , May 13. Colonel Gcoi
'ir- Gray and W. K. Mumbnhall , counsel for I
PeT- Northern Paclllc railroad , will to-morr
igli havn n conference with Secretary Lam
v\o with a view of an nmlcablo and speedy i
It iustment of the Northern Pacific Indeinn
air land ( juestlon recently brought Into proi
ratnnnce by President Cleveland's letter to 1
ted secretary ot the interior la the Gullfi
the i MUor | case.
Staring at the Queen the Amusement For
Londoners To-Day
Victoria to Give Her Subjects an Op
portunity to Sec Her Fnoo For
the First Time In Many
The Queen In Public.
[ CY > j > ; /i njlil 1W b\i \ Mints Oitnl > n Ilcnnttt. ]
LONDON , May 14,1 a. in. [ Now York Her
ald Cable-Special to the BKK.I 1 have just
returned from an eight miles'drive over the
route which the queen to-morrow
afternoon will be driven for her
first avowed appearance In a public
exhibition during many , many years. For
somohours "staring at the queen" will bo
the amusement for at least 2,000,000 of her
subjects , who know her only by the photos
of her seclusion. For a long time mst the
cabinet ministers of either party have bogged
her for the sake ot trade and political Iran-
qulllty to again appear publicly. At last they
The length of the route for to-morrow's
royal show can but be described by likening
It to one reaching from High bridge to the
Uattery. As 1 drove along I found thou-
bandsof workman decorating with shields ,
banners , flags and mottos the buildings and
lamp posts. From Lord Randolph's I'ad-
dlneton constituency to the borders of Essex
county from the extreme west to the ex
treme east the line of the route Is do mocrat
Ically chosen , but protected by
thousands ot ' police and military.
The sidewalks are to bo free , but the lodging
house and shopkeepers Mid publicans on the
line will charge for house places and win
dow seats and a chair from half a crow n to A
guinea. I noticed the Stars and Stripes liber
ally placed , but of course no wearing of the
green. Some of the mottoes are felicitous ;
others of the creon grocer stile of loyalty.
' The dear old lady , " said the cabman to me ,
"ought to bo cheered , for Isn't she golug to
make tl.e ha-pcnnles and bobs fly. "
The greatest feature In the procession will
bo the volunteers 10,000 in number who
from the beginning td the end of thu route
will line tlio curbs at a piesent arms , each
regiment In different uniform. These wilt
foim practically a living wall between the
spectators nnd the queen from the moment
she quits the railway station until she
reaches the people's palace , or as much of it
as has been built by the fund provided
through a private gift.
Theiois some fear of impoliteness when
she passes near IJevis Marks , St. Mary Axe ,
Aldgato Pump and the vvldo shopping sticets
beyond because of her alleged unsrraclous
silence when thousands of east end shop
keepers petitioned her to change the day
from Saturday so thov might then have full
public custom for wares and a profit for
seatb on another day besides.
As much of the pa lace as is already done
consists of n large , finely proportioned hall ,
decorated with light blue , pink and gold
stone color predominating. An Italian cot-
feted ceiling presents , in an oval arch , some
stained glass which , besides the royal arms
monograms and Princeot Wales feathers ,
depicts the escutcheons of Scotland , Eng
laud , Wales , Irelai d , Canada , Australia and
the star of India , elvhu an impcrLiI character
actor to the general dasUn ot the roof
At the back , where meet gallerles'"curvcd
into bays and supported by sculpture cary
atids , are statues In Uouun carton which (9 (
seen In the sculptures at the Hotel du Villo
in Paris , of twenty-threo gioat queens , be
ginning with Esther , of blblo fame , and end
Ing with Victoria. Eich statue occupies s
niche between two Corinthian columns
These statues are executed by Ver Hayden
the sculptor , who , in Beit vs Laws , was dls
believed by a jury when ho said himself am
not licit did certain sculpture in dispute.
THE r.xKitcisrs.
At this hall the Prince of Wales nnd othe
members of the family join the queen , who
In her carriage , has already exhibited He
atrlce and Helena , with Prlnco Henry o
liattenberg , for who also to see raises In :
inenso curiosity amonc the staring masses
Perhaps the phrase "That's Mm" will bo ai
often ungrammatically used by the cocknoj
as "That's'or" In the hall. There will be
somntedious speeches delivered , n song b ;
Albanl , and "Old Hundred" given Dy
choir that might awaken ultasau
echoes In the grave of Isaac Watt k
in London soil not throe mile
distant. As the next trumpet blares in th
ear the Archbishop of Canterbury wh
as thn church will support the state on tb
right hand of tire queen will proclaim tli
building opened. The show wilt not , nov
ever , then cease. The queen will now b
driven to the mansion house residence ot tli
lord mayor fornsnnsot luncheon , nnd wl
pass to the great banqueting hall betweo
rows of several hundred ladles and gentli
men , yet who are not batiquctters , and wh
10 will live delightfully over after because the
had Inspected her majesty from such n coi
venlent place.
liutTalo UII1 nnd his Indians are to bo a
lowed a sight of this royal show. Doubtlus
lied Shirt , the Sioux chief , will repeat win
10 he is reported to have said to-day of his pr
vato presentation to the queen : "Moan
my young men sat up all night talking aboi
00 the great white mother. White men had to
them the power of thu queen , and now the
had seen her all knew she was
of VTlso woman. All the Indiana
of Dakota would to when
come us wo rcturm
ales homo to hear tell how they had seen th
es great woman. It pleased all our hearts th
yof she came to them as a mother and not wl
of warriors around her. Her face was klr
inQIl and pleased them , and every one of my yom
ir men resolved who should bo their great whi
iron mother. "
" !
al , An Italian Earthquake.
n.ud [ CopvrluM IRViti'jJim' * < 7onJ < /feiw't.l
ud Ar.vssio , May 13. [ New York Hera
Cable Special to the UEB. ] A sharp , und
latory earthquake shock occurred here at h ;
Inter - past'J o'clock this morning. There was i
tor damage done , but over } body was bad
lo , frightened.
nd [ Alassio Is n seaport town of Genoa , Ital |
4in situated on the Mediterranean four mil
nd northwest of Alben o , its population
nbout 4,000.
ICO rtclcfnn Minor * Strlko.
JUJU - tuM ISW ' Jam' ) .
ICopi/i li'j * Gordon 7)cniicf. ( ]
- , lluussKi.3 , May 13. [ New York Hera
Cable Special to the BKE.J A strike bro
out to-day among the miners nt llrncqu
gciues nnd Stuaast , In central Helglui
rro partly owing to the tnssngo ot the cattlu hi
tll ° it Is feared that the strike will spread.
ar , ParnellUm and Crime.
LONDON , May 13. The Times has resum
ilty the publication of regular articles Intent ]
the - to show connection between Parnelllsm a
ord crime. The present series of articles Is (
titled ' -Jiehlua the Scenes in America. " 'J
matter Is the result of inquiry , which the
'limes sajs It Instituted lost summer Into the
relations between American Fenians nnd
the Parncllltcs , nnd purports to contain a
number of the secret records of tno Clan-na-
( ! ael society , obtained through a schism In the
society nnd quarrels among Its leaders.
Among the documents published nre what Is
nllegcd to bo copies of the constitution
of the society , a list of its olllcers at various
epochs , letters from itspistnnd present lead
ers secret circulars and reports of the so
ciety's conventions. The Times says Its In
quiries are not yet cnuiploto for the reason
that the society hat been reorganized so that
Its system of working has become seemingly
an Impenetrable mystery. Editorially , com
menting on thu present nwolatlons , the
Times says : "Ills impossible to doubt that
the policy of the Parnelllle * , and , therofoin
of ( iladstone , Is ultimately dictated by thu
head of the society and by Patrick Ford.
McGlyim's Case.
Uovin , May 13. The pope will , it Is an
nounced , communicate at once with Aich-
blshop Corrlgan , of Now York.recardtng the
case of Dr. McOlynti. His holiness , It Is
stated , will in this communication
approve the archbishop's conduct to
ward McUlynn , and charge his grace to
warn the prlestoncofornllthatlf ho does not
piesent himself before the supreme ecclesias
tical authority nt Ko'iio within forty days , ho
will be formally excommunicated ,
Affairs In Rtmsln.
LONDON , May 13. A dispatch from Odessa
sa > s : The bankruptcy court Is blocked with
Insolvency cases of the old-established and
hitherto flourishing concerns. Many com
mercial men would welcome war as Infinitely
preferable to the present depression. The
sub-marine cable In the Hay of Scbastapol
has been cut in several places and portions
ot It carried'away. Only high mlllt'xrr of
ficers knew of the existence of the cable.
Doing * In Germany.
BEIU.IN , May 13. The new German lib
erals are forming nn anti-corn league. They
propose to publish n paper and organ 170
meetings and provoke agitation through the
' 1 ho directors of the glass works at Voller-
stal have been expelled. They were accused
of belonging to the French reserves and
drilling their fellow workmen.
Parncll'H Health.
LONDON , May 13. Parnell's health has become -
come worse slnco his jouiney yesterday from
Ireland to London. Hy his physician's ad
vice Parnell at once proceeds to Bourne
mouth , where ho will remain until Wednes
day , at whicti date he expects to be able to at
tend parliament.
The British In Egypt.
CAIIIO , May 13. In the new convention
between the portu and ( treat Britain It Is
agreed that the period of British occupation
ot Egypt shall not bo less than two and not
more than five years.
A Strong Feeling Against His Speak
ing In Toronto.
TORONTO , May 13. A report is current here
to-day that Editor O'Brien , notwithstanding
Major Uowland's telegram to him yesterday ,
will come here to speak at a public meeting
to-morrow afternoon. If he should come
there will bu an Immense crowd present , as
the citizens generally seem thoroughly In
earnest in their opposition to his speaklne
The following are the resolutions to be
submitted to the public meeting to bo held Ir
Queens park to-mortow afternoon :
That this meeting reprobates the action ol
Wllliim O'Brien In visiting this city for the
purpose of exciting hostile feel I up agalnsl
his excellency , the governor general , on ae
count of the differences between his excel
lency and his tenants In Ireland , nnd desiies
to express unabated confidence in the high
character of the nmquls of Lansdowne and
In his fitness to repiescnt her majesty in
That this mcetlntr looks with perfect conll
dence to the parliament of the United King
domfora wise and just settlement of nl
questions relating to Ireland.
O'Brien's friends have not yet succcedee
in obtaining n hall In which to hold thel
meeting Tuesday evening and it Is llkel ;
they will npply for n mandamus to compo
the city to comply with the agreement to ren
St. Andrew's hall for the meeting.
The following dispatch from O'Brien wa
to-day received from Montreal by Ptoslden
Mulligan , of the Toronto branch of the Nn
tlonal league "It is ot the utmost 1m
portanco that a public meeting should bo heli ,
In Toronto , no matter how small the hall
The corporation's breacli of contract on I ;
strengthens our position. Quebec is solid.1
The Governor General
TORONTO , Out. , May 13. The Globe tc
morrow will announce on Loid Lans
downe's authority that the governor-genera
wishes O'Brien to have full liberty of spoccli
A Defalcation Story Contradicted.
" CIIICAUO. May 13. In connection with th
alleged defalcation reported by the Assi
elated press some dajsazo to have occurred i
3y the Will County National bank , W. S. Brooki
y president of the bank , telegraphs the ASM
elated press , from Jollet , 111. , as lollows
"The bank examiner has just concluded
examination of Will County National ban
ot this city and states ho finds its conditlo
quite satisfactory and Its affairs In bettc
shape than when he last made his examine
tion , and In this connection , ills proper for in
to state that Henry C. Knowlton , late cashic
of the bank , was not short in Ills account
with the bank , nor a defaulter , nor has t
been a fugitive , nor was his father or an
other person for him , or In his account i
quired to make un or pay any deficiency 1
tlio bank. His affairs with the bank were n
readily and satisfactorily adjusted , and I :
left the bank with the best wishes of the o
fleers for his success In whatever undortal
Ing ho might engage. His residence is liei
and ho ts at present at homo with h :
tauilly. "
Firchugs in Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS , May 1. ) . Several firesbrol
out last night , some of which are Incendlar
and led Mayor Amos to believe n gang
rlul fire bugs were organized for the purpose
ulut burning down the city. Accordingly , eat
ut this morning , his honor directed pollcemi
Id armed with Winchester rifles to guard t
Idn mills , lumber and factories. Thu boiler , at
blacksmith nnd repair shops of thu Minn
n npolis it St. Louis railroad burned about ;
of o'clock this morning. Loss about 3150,0 (
ed Other losses were mnajl. '
dsat Washington Memorial.
th NEW YORK , May U The Southern soc
ety , at a meeting last night , discussed Vila
for the erection of brnnzo tablets commo
(0 ( oratine the farewell of Washington to I
generals , the battle of Harlem Heights , a
the inauniration of Washington. The
tuf morials will bo erected on the sites whc
tire respective Incidents occurred and a lo
list ot civic societies , etc. , will bo Invited
Id paitlclpato.
lit High Mcensoln I'onnsylvnnln.
IlAuiasnuRn , Pa. . Mav W. Govern
Uy Beaver has signed the high license bill. T '
net classifies liquor licenses according to t
, , community in which thu license Is to be ci
rlod on Instend of according to the volui
of sales , which Is the existing bisls of cla
Is Ideation. There Is S'XX ) license for cities
no.OOO poDuKtion and over ; S400 for smal
cities , SUOO for boroughs , and 3100 for tov
ship hotels.
ild A Whaler vVreokml.
ko SAN FRANCISCO , May 13. Private advl <
tern received hero stable that thu whaling ba
rn , Europi , Captain Hall nnd a crow of thli
ill. was wrecked April 12 oft' the coist of .Int
near HaKatoo. No pirtlculars are glv
The Europa was owned by Alkon it Sw
New Bedford , Mass. , ami lett this poit
comber 1- last .
icd - , year.
led A Candidate Withdraws.
nd TAti-AiiAssEE , y 13. In the dor
cn- c ratio , senatorial caucus to day , Pasco wl
L'lio drew , .No ballot waa taken ,
The Wall Street Kins Tells of His up -
Stock Mauipulatiou.
Jny Gould Never Informed Him of
Any of His Schemes , lint At-
tendril Strictly to 111 *
Own ISuMnoBS.
Before tlio Commission.
Nnv Yonu , May U. The session of ] the
1'aclflc railway commission was resumed to
day with Uussfll Sago on the stand , llo
testified substantially ns follows : For my
sixth Interest in the St. Louis pool securities
1 paid SJOO.m Could had live-sixths ot the
pool , but I understand that he parted with
portions of his Interests how much ot to
whom i do not remembei. Whltu Could was
In t ; it rope ho purchased ot n Dutch syndi
cate n latyro amount of bonds und stock , of
which I took at cost fourteen bonds ot the
Denver Pacific , 3Mh ! shares of stock , and 100
reorganization bonds for SIOO.OOO. On the
1st of Jonuary , 18SO , I owned 8,877 shares ot
Kansas Pacific stock and 14,700 shares ot
Union Pacltlc stock , and besides these , S7W-
000 In Kniisaa Paciilc consolidated bonds ,
8181,000 In St. JostphA Piclhc , Sir , UOO in
Kansas & NebrasRn , and S'JI.OOJ in Denver
ite Uoulder Valloy. I bou/ht the St. Joseph
* Western and Kansas A Nebraska In open
market. 1 think somti ot thcso bonds wcro
exchanged tor consolidated bonds. 1 sup
pose Could acquired the securities by
purchase , M othei people do. 1 don't know
what ho paid for them ; \ou call laid that out
very readllv by putting him on the stand.
Commissioner Anderson commenced to
( inote "Sufficient unto the day , " when Sago
Interrupted with :
"Could , 1 think , Is very ranch hko myself.
llo attends to his own business. 1 do not
know why Could resigned ns director prior
to tlio consolidation. I don't question
his motives. 1 am not In the habit of guess-
ItiB people's motives. If ho resigned be
cause of his ptoposed dealings In the mat
ter of the consolidation 1 don't know. It
inlitht have been a reason. "
The minutes of the meeting of directors on
that occasion were road , and Sane remem
bered that ho moved thu nccept.inco of
Gould's resignation. The resignation was
dated January 10. " 1 wrote a lettei to Solon
Humphries and C. M. Dodnoln October , li > 79 ,
\\ithiefer < jtico to the \alnoof property in the
west and the desirableness ot Investments ;
also with reference to the propriety of the
consolidation of the Union Pacltlc and Kan
sas Pacllio , I thin B. that Mr.
Dillon and Mr. Ames signed the
letter. and , posslblv , Jav Could
also slcned It , as ho had 817,000,000 In stock
of the "Union Pacihc and conieimentlv had
oonsideiablo Interest , though 1 am sure he
was like mo opposed to thu consolidation ,
for his real Interest lay elsewhere. My im
pression is that 1 did not see the answer of
Messrs. Humphries and Dodc until tlio con-
solldntion meeting , though It Is dated Jan
uary li ( and addressed to me with others.1
The examination of Sage was contlnundw 1th
reference to the details of the consolidation
meeting , of which ho remembered very little. ,
"though ho made n majority of thu motions.-
When asked If Gould did not nsk him , tlio
day previous , to move the acceptation of his
resignation , witness said : "Could Is not In
the nabit of tolling me ot doing anything
until It U done. " Concerning Kansas Cen
tral securities or the earning capacity of that
road , Sage Know \ory little , llo had re
mained a director of the Union Pactllc , but
not being on the finance committee he did
not examine Into the matter catcfullv.
bago continued : "i don't know that
Could was a creditor on the books of the
Kansas Pacific nt the time ot the consolida
tion. At the time of the consolidation my
Interest in the Kansns Pacihc and Union
Pacific were about equal. I believed then
and bellovo now. had the consolidation boon
with the Missouol Pacific itonld have
proved moro advantageous to both roads ,
andatthosamo time 1 simply jeleldedto
the desires ol tlio directois of both roads
ngainst my better judgment. The Union
1'aclhe entered as a necessary measure to
prevent thn extension of the Chicago , Bur
lington & ; Qutncy and Its creation as a for
midable opposition line. 1 have wished , in
company with Commodore Garrison , to got
possession ot thu Kaims Paallic for tlio
Missouri Pacihc. but \\lthout my knowledge
Gould acquired Commodore Garrison's In
terest in oidet to prevent his tormldiblo
competitor , the Missouri Pacific , from obtainIng -
Ing control of the Kansas Pacific.
f , James U. Keene was the next witness. Ho
said he wasndltector of the Union Pacific ,
and with Sauo purchased 20,000 slnres of
Union Pacific of Jay Could at 78 n short
time before he became a dliector. At the
time of thn consolidation ho was in Now
York ; did not attend any consolidation
meeting ; held no Union Pacific stock at that
Washington E. Connor. Jay Gould's part
ner , explained thu nature of his business re
lations with the Union Pacific ; hid all the
books of the hri'is of Washington E. Conner
and Washington E. Conner k Co. at Ills sta
ble. They were open to the commission
and the accountant of the commission
might examine them and make abstracts ol
Gould's holdings in the various Pacific stocks
and bonds. "It would take a short time , " he
said , In answer to Commissioner Anderson ,
"as Gould's dealings are mainly with large
amounts of stock purchased from sliult
holders , and do not appear on the books ol
the company. 1 had no personal Interest In
the consolidation. "
The commission \\111 probably not examine
Jay Gould beloro next Thursday. C. P
llnntlngton explained to day to the commls
slon tliat he sails foi Emopn Mny 18 , nnd hi :
examination will bo deferred till httci his re
turn , about a month hence. The Investiga
tion will be resumed to-morrow.
ifk - The Knrtliiiiiko | kit Mexico.
kro Nooxi.hS , May 111. A dispatch from tin
is protect of Monto/unm to Go\ernor Terre
says the first reports ot the oattliquako wer
cxagcerated as to the number of ll\es lost , ye
ko the damage and loss of lite Is appalling Tin
key towns of Arlspo and Oputo were complete !
ot destroyed. From thlitv-lhe to torty peopl
otof were burled In the ruins and nineteen s (
riy verely injured. The towns of Guasaquas an
on Luaslbasero gieatly damaged. Sovei.
lie persons wcro Injured , but no Ihes lost , j
id number ot surrounding mountains , with tli
ie2 ciopsof the \alleys , were consumed , an
2 although the water had risen , and the cart
DO. opened nt various points , no volcanoes at
visible. The district of Arispe , In nortl
eastern Sonora , suffered badly. The valle
of Frontenas was Inundated by water nil
Ji nearly all thu houses destroyed. Only on
Jims person was killed.
in- Mllttiniuoit Snubbed ,
ils ATIAXTA. Oa. , May 13. [ Special Telt
nd gram to the HII : : . Ilavlnc been Intormed I
use Minister Phelps at London , that they canm
n uslt England as a military organUatlon an
to carry arms , the Gate City guard * have d
elded to clvo up thu proposed trip to Kn ;
land. Cantaln Uurko sijs : "If wocantu
enter England carrying our flngsaloft \\l
lor not enter at all. The retusal Is a Man i 11 tl
'ho face of o\ery American volunteer and shoti
.he bo resented as such" Although Franc *
ar- Germany , Ilolglum and Italy ha\uu'hen tl
arme company permission to pararto with nrm
me the trip to thocontlnont will probably ha\
iss- tuboabindoned the tickets sold to
issof ns excu
ler srciilste included n trip to England.
vn- Weather IntllcntiotiH.
For Nebraska : Local rains , followed 1
cooler clearing weather , winds bccomli
C09 northwesterly.
irk For Iowa : Threatening weather , loc
rty- rnlns , stationary tompuraturo.
nan For Eastern Il.iknti : Threatening weatlic
en. with local rains , winds shifting to norther !
1ft ,
Done - Mrs. Grain' * Close Call.
NEW YOIIK , May a The fact has Jti
been made public that Mrs. U. S. Grant h
been suffering from malignant diphtlii'i
no- for some days and was near death's do
th- Until to-day , when she was pronounced o >
of danger aud on the load to recovery , .
Wind unit MKlittilnK C IMO Two
DrntlM in Htuo Rprlnis.
nt.UK bPiuvos , Neb. , May 13. [ Special
Telegram to the llii : : . | A tornllc cycloiio
swept over this town at 4-30 tills ovonlnic ,
blowing down the school house , which Is n
complete wreck. School hau been dismissed
a few minutes before and the only occuptut
of the room wns W. II. Hambaugh , the Jan
itor. The falling debris broke the ribs on
one sldo and mashed In his breast and broke
his leg in two places. Ho will not recover.
About 3 o'clock to-night Ikhtning struck
Emannel llasoris' residence , killing his
daughter Mamie , aged twenty years. The
boll struck tier on thu breast bone , the lluld
passing through hor. Sht > was sltttiu on a
lounge looking out of the window at tlio rain
at the time.
Llirhtniiu struck a building in Wvnioro
this morning , burning It.
Aunt tier nt O'Neill.
O'NKtLi. , Nob. , May i-Spectal : ! [ Tclo-
giam to tlio DEI : . | A. J Potter , proprietor of
the Potter house , was struck by lightning
and Instantly killed whllo out hunting this
afternoon during n storm. UnUersal sorrow
prevails In town over his sad death.
Cyclone In I'aiultlon.
PAIMI.UOV , Neb. , May lit. [ Special Tele
gram to the DIK.I : Acjcmno of sufficient
strength to move buildings from their foun
dations passed through this section about 0
this evening , going In n northeasterly direc
tion. It stiuek the south ed.'eof towu , doing
slight damage.
Thn Mcmnroh lnsitr.'iiu-o CUSP.
DBS Moixrs , la. , M y i : ! . [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Hii : : . | This morning In the
Allon-llnbbell ciso Justice Johnson dls-
clnrged F. F. Allen , late president of the defunct -
funct Monarch Insuraiico company. The
charge ot wrongful division of thu funds was
not pro\on , but Allen will bo held to answer
for having purposely filed an erroneous state
ment of the condition of the Monaich insur
ance cnmpiny January ! H , IbSl. The de
fense desiies to Introduce futther exidoncit
nnd tlio \vnseontliiuedtoMondny. . Allen
put W.J.OOOInto thucompaiiv In notes seemed
by inoitgaBoand SlUOUcash.bubse ) < iuently hu
was reimbursed , but the withdrawal ot tlio
money did not render tin * cnmpiny insol
vent , as at that time It paid morn losses than
nny olio home company. Hut aftetward , lu
making n statement of the assets , Allen In
cluded onu of thu notes worth 810.000 an the
pioperty of thocompiny svhnn In roallti it
had been pild o\or to him. He claims that
ho can Introduce evidence to clear himself.
Tlio News nt Clinton.
CI.IXTON , In. , May 13. [ Special Telegram
to the Dr.c.l Periinneut injunctions h.uo
been Issued by Judge Urennati In the dis
trict couit here against four siloon keepers
tor violation of tlio prohibition law , and it is
thought that others will bu issued soon.
Mullonov , who was stabbed hero by Ked
Dillon on Monday , died last night and waa
burled to-day.
The body of Neal Loren/on. who was
diowned Match 15 In the Allssisslppi , was
found to day badly decomposed.
nnhuiie'8 Oldest IlcHidrnt Oono.
Dunuijui : , la , May 11- | Special Telegram to
the Uin. | Mrs. Susin H. Lawrence , the first
white woman who occupied the soil of Du-
buquc , died this morning nt a very advanced
ago. She came to this country in 1S-.J8 , living
for n while In Wisconsin , across the river ,
and removing to Dubiinuu In 1SIJ. When
she came heru there was not a hoiisu In the
city , and she occupied the first one that was
A Fatnl Stolen Hide ,
UKI.I.E PI.AIVK , la. , May 1't. ( Special
Telegram to the DEI : . ] William Gold-
worthy , of What Cheer , was killed heru last
night by thu eats. Ho had stolen a ride , and
In climbing out ot thu und window fell be
tween the cars. Ho lived lonir enough to
plvo his namu and othei facts. He leaves a
wife and three children in Cromwell , Lng-
laud. Ahilf emptied bottle of whisky was
found on him. _
Welcome llain In I own.
IisMoiNi : > , la , , May U [ Special Tele
gram to thu Br.i : . I Rain is tailing in heavy
showers to-night tor the first time , with the
exception of F.aster diy , since last wltitei.
Cioj.s all throu.'h Iowa greatly need rain.
Small grain Is snirering very much. Iowa
could stind a week of continuous rain and
use it all in roploiiishlug wells and streams.
Killed Ily
ODKIIOI.T , la. , May 13. [ Special Telegram
tothoBni : . ] A young inin named Andrew
Teltcreon , aged eighteen jeais , was killed
by n stroke of lightning yesterday nt his
home nine miles south ot Odebolt.
FHAKFUh 1'OiiusT ruins.
MnssachiiHottrt and Michigan Suffer
ing From Greedy Flames.
SANDWICH , Mass , May 13. Koiost fires
nro still raging between Sandwich , Fal
mouth , Mashpeo and Bourno. Tlio village
of Forcstdnlo eamo near bolng destroyed
last night. Thu main Inhabitants fought the
fire until noirly exhausted In order to save
the settlement. The flames ciossed the Fal
month road and are now confined to n groa' '
hollow about n milo nnd a halt tiom band-
vvlch , headed towards the Pocasset road nm
Bourno. The Old Colony railroad companj
has 00 men nt work setting back the lires ll
the hopes of checking the progress ot tin
flames. ' 1 ho church bells hero were runt
this morning tor assistance , and gteat ox
citmnent pievails throughout those towns.
SANDW icii , Aiass. , May 13. The oxtenslvi
which has prevailed on "
forest llro Illlltll 11 til | II VJ I I * I t\Jl ill * < w > I *
0 Cod slnco Wednesday Is thought to bo nov
is uniles control.
iso Mu.vvAi'Kin : , May 13. Specials receive *
to-nuht by the Sentinel fiom n dozen point
! t In tlio noithern Michigan peninsula nm
0 Wisconsin counties ndj icont nro to the effec
0y thnt the foiest flies are Increasing. In
lo peninsula Is enveloped In smoke and tell
graph wires are b idly crippled. Near Palm'
i- !
Mieh. , tlio fires nro raging fearful ;
lltl nnd rV.iisnra entertained that thu town wl
tl bu burned. Though surrounded with gree
tlA grass the larmeis on the dealings will \m \
amount ot plnu an
10 everything. A largo
10h cedar Is binned. Dispitches from hau
h Junction say men are being driven from tli
re camps by the fires on tlio coast. Tim llro I
li- on bault branch nnd Is laglng fiercely. 1'hui
liV ) Is no telling the amount of damage. Jse.
id Newbeny the liies nru dvlng out , nut tl
le smoke Is intolerable. Negatinoo sends wet
th it the flics die spreading to thn north nn
east , entering a vast track ot valuable lam
thu damage already amounting to Sw.OUi
( Jreat damage has also been done along tl
Noithwesteiu reid from Monomlneo north.
Mn.wAUKr.r , Mny Ui. Advices fro
ot northern Michigan stuto that the forest hn
ide arc abating.
es - A Colored llnnglnir.
sot TKXAIIK.VNA , Tox. , May n. James Joni
111 ( colored ) was hanged heru to-day for tl
llQ murder of Cite Hicks In Bowlo county , la
Id August. Tw thousand persons witness
the hanging.
A .Vorthcirn Paoiflo Commissioner.
WASHINGTON , May 13. The president t
day appointed Byron L. Smith , of dncai :
to b commissioner 10 examine a portion
ttio Northern I'aelllc railroad , In place ot
W. Doano , declined.
A Ilenvy Failure.
Wn.MiNoroN , Del. . May 13. Peter
Ford , of Ford & Ryin. Morocco county , ai
an oxtonslvu real estate man , contiactor a
builder , lailed to-day ; liabilities $ > 100U (
assets , SbO.OO-J.
Iron WiirKH Ilnrned.
ist 1'ATKitsoN , N. J. May 13. The k
ins caused by tliu burning ot tlm works of t
rla Paterson Ironcompiny last iii.'ht Is o- >
torut mated from 5250,000 , to 3000,000. Insuiau
STO.OW , . . .
Copies of Dlspatohos Received By ' 'Littl '
Phil" From General Grant.
A Strip oTCotintry Whoso Destruction
Was Necessary to Keep It From
reeding tlto Confed
erate Army.
Some Interesting Correspondence.
Unrv , N. Y. , May U [ Special Telegiart
to tlm Hr.i.I : In view ot the su\ero ciltU
c sins undo by General Hosier on C.eneraJ
Sheridan for the work Im illtt In Virginia
during the closing days ot the rebellion , l'i
dispatches printed below will bo of Interest *
Tlioy nro copied Iroin the originals , whlcl (
are now In the possession ot William
Blalkic , of this city. They were transcribed
into cipher and sent Bcckwlth , ol
this city , who nt the tlino wns lu the becrul
service of the United States :
Cirv POINT , Va. , Aur. 10 , 1:30 : p. in. , 1N54
.Major General Shmidan , Winchester , Vu.t
If jouctn possibly spitti a dtvlslun of cav
alry , send them through Loudoun county to
destioy and cany elF crops , animals , negroes )
unit all men itiidoi lifty years of ago capable
of bearing nrins. In this way jon will get
maiiv of Mosb\'a nii'ii. All male cltUena
under llfty can falily bo held us prisoners o (
win , and not ns clll/en prisoners. If not
all catty soldiers they will bo made so tlia
inoineiit the icbel army get hold ot them.
U. S. GitANr , Lieutenant ( imicral.
niAi : > o.UAiri < iis Ait\iu.s : OF mi : li.viTr.n
SIATL.X , UllV PoiM' , Alt ; . 'Jl. INK Major
General Sheridan , Chaileston. Vu. : In strip *
ping Loudouii comity of supplies , etc. , im
press trom nil loyal persons , so that they tuny
rojclvo pa ) for is taken tnini them. I
am Informed by the assistant secrotaiy ot
war that Loudoun county lias n largo popu
lation of ijuakeis , who aio all lavor.ibly dis
posed to the union. These people may bu
exempted trom arrest. U. b GIIANT ,
Lieutenant General.
STATIC , CnPotxt , V.i. , Aiu. 3ii , 'J0 : ! ! p.
in. , Ib04 Major Gcncial Sheridan , llalltown ,
Va. : Telegraphed yon tint I had good ica-
sons for believing that Fit/hueh Leo had
been unified b.iek heio. 1 now think It
likely that all troops will bo otdered baclc
Irom the valley except what thev believe to
be the minimum unmoor to sustain jou. My
reason for supposing this Is based upon tlia
fact that viclding up the Weldon roailHuoiiin.
to be a blow to thu cnein > he cannot stand. I
think 1 do tiot oveistate the loss of the
enemy in thu last two weeks at 10,000 killed
and wounded.Vu \ have lost heavily , but onr.i
lias been mostly In eaptnreb when the piiomy
giltied temporary advantages. Watoli
clost-ly , and it > on llnd tills theory coireet ,
push witli all vigor , give tliu unumy no rest ,
anil If It is possible to follow thu Virginia
Cential uu-i follow that far. Do all the damage -
ago to railroads and crops yon can , cany oil
stock of all descriptions and negroes so as to
picvunt further planting , if the war Is to
last another > eai wo want the Shcnandoati
valley to lomaln a , Inrren waste.
U. S. CHAM , Lieutenant Cencral.
STAII s. Cuv I'OIM' . Va. , Sept. 4. 10 n. in. ,
1M5I. Maloi-General Sheridan. Charleston ,
Va. : In eleaiilni. out the arms-beat I nc com *
innnlty tiom Lnudiuin county and the HIID-
sKluncu for armies , oxetcise jour own Juuir-
incntnsto who should bo exempt fiom nrrest
and as to who shwuld receive pav for thole
stock , eraln , etc. It Is to our intercut that
th it county should not uo capable of sub-
Bisting alio-XIU ) nrmvtnnd nt tuo same time
we want to Inllict as little hardshl ) ) upon
union man as possible.
U. S. CHANT , Lieutenant Coneral.
Cnv POINT , Vn. , Nov. , Itxtl. Mnjnr-
Oeneral Shoiidan , Cedar Creek. Va. : Do
> < m not think it advisable to notify all cltl- ,
/mis living cist of tlio Blue Ridgu to move ' * -
out north ot the Potomac all their stock ,
grain und piovlsions of every description.
Them Is no doubt about the necessity ot
cleaning out county so that it will not
support Mosby'a men. and thn question li
wliLtlici it Is not better that the J
should s ivo what thuv can. So Ions ns the
war lasts they must bo prevented from rais
ing anothoi eio | ) . both tlieru and as high p
thu' valley as we can conjrol.
U. S. Gu vsr. Lieutenant General.
The Idoll/.ed Son of thci South Ban-
< | iicted .it Meridian.
Mi.r.iniAN , Miss. , May 13. [ bpeclal Tele
gram to tliu llii.J : : At 11 o'clock yesterday
morning n public reception was given to
Jotlerson Davis nt the residence of Colonel
J. U. Mclntosh , where ho is stajln- ; . For
two hours a stream of people pissed through
thopirloisnnd shook hands with the ox-
chlettaln and his daughter. Mr. Davis was
In his best humor and had a pluisant word
for each ono that shook his hand. At 5
o'clock List evening n banquet nnd reception
wns given in the court house giounds. Davis
made a short address , In which hu thanked
the people of Meridian for their most cordial
reception. At the bamiuot there were 000
plates , and seated nt the tables were the most
distinguished mtn of the stato. A floral
wreath was brought In and E. H. Dial pre
sented It to Mr. Davis lu the namu of the
women of Meridian. Davis , In accepting it ,
said : "God has graced tlio south with beau-
tltnl Mowers and lovely women. The most
blessed women nio those ot our own south
land , with Mich feeling expression.
The beautiful tloweis which were
arranged so nitlstleilly by loving hnnds
nro moro beautiful than nnj thing that haa
been given to me. " The second toast was to
"Jeffurson Davis , the Soldier , Statesman ami
Champion ot Southurn Kights. " Itvvnsroi
snonded to by Hon. Thomas H. Woods.
When Davis rose to teply hu was greeted
with long continued applause. Ho began by
ntiologi/lng tor the short nddress no would
make , and said tint hu was nulto fatigued
from the day's exercises , Continuing , hu
said : "I am nnablu to treat this tlieuiu as it
should bo without premeditation What vvasj
tliu army nnd navy ot thu south ? It was the
IIn pitnotlsin ot the persons who bared their
n bullets constitutional
biinsts to in defending
10d right , with gnnt navies and armies airalnstf
d us. Wu formed regiments nnd battalions ,
It mid nt theli head wo placed Leu us their
10 eommniidei. Wu remember thu scones when
Is the wife , ns she threw hei arms around her
ro husband , nnd thu daughters in loving em
brace. , gathering nround thosu that wore to
10 go , and then the widowed mother , ns nho
rd I et thu tear drops fall on the face
id of thu duvoted ton that slio would never
see ngaln , nnd girdled his sword to JilB waist
and told him to go loith as his father would
have done. Thesu weru the kind of men wo
had. With Inferior numbers of men wo
111 maicliod onward , lighting lor our rights ,
es nnd battle after battle was foueht and won.
but the northern historians nuvcr conceded
that , and indulged In triumphs of mind over
matter. But now these scenes and Incidents
OS havu passed and they only livu in minus and
10 history. United jou nru now , nnd It the
10st broken let thu otliui side
st union Is uvei to bu ,
ud break It. Thn nrmy ot the south will si no
lor ever around thu camp fires nnd will slilnnj
to our children anil ehlldten's children , 'llio
truths wo fought for shall not encouingo you
to ever light again , hut keep jour woid lu
goodoruvll. ( iod bless > ou all. "
ot A Ilruto Kuntonccd.
J. Lot'isviu.r , May 13.-Albutt Turner , 0119
of thu murderers of Jennie. Bowman , has
J.J. been Indicted by the grand jury , tr ed under
J. his confession of guilt and sentenced to ha
J.nd hanged . nly I. Wllliim Patterson. Jjlntly
ndml Indicted with him , will hive his trial nex (
ml I'l.ursdav. Tinner plead guilty and Paltcr <
30 ; son plead not unilty.
Klin Used IVtroloiun.
i'l iTsni no , May IB. List evening at Coal
J ? Vallfj.n lew miles trom McKeospott , Mrs.
Cook and her two children vvero burned ta
de itu , and the house totally destroyed. , 'I'M
. . . WM using vctroloum to kiudlu
lac w hun the accident occurred. .