Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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A General Rain Throughout tha State
Proves of Incalculable Valuei
1'ollco Court Case * Which Have liccn
Tried During tin ; I'ast Year Con-
nldcrnblo Property Dnmngctl
By Wntor.
IFIIOM TIIK nr.r.'s i.tNcot.jf
The recent twelve to eighteen hour's
rain lias boon nil over eastern ,
central and southern Nebraska. Advices
from point ? along the line of the H. &
M. confirm this statement , and arrivals
in the city from points north of the
Pintle conlinn further that generous rains have prevailed there in the
past two days. With every announce
ment of rain from different section ?
comes also Muttering reports concerning
the coining crop , which is already well
out of the ground in many localities.
That rain was badly needed , especially
in eastern Nebraska , was a well-known
fact that people who traveled did not
full to note , and a prominent grain man
of Lincoln , who has largo elevator inter
ests out on the road , Baid to the HEE that
to eastern Nebraska the rain was of
incalculable benolit. Tims far this sea-
BOII the western part of the state , and
especially the now country in the northwest -
. west , has boon the recipient of more
moisture than the eastern section , and
the present has been a grand equaliza
tion all over the state that starts the
prospect of a bountiful harvest
under very favorable circumstances.
During the past week tlio grand lodge
A. O. U. W. called together representa
tives from over lifty counties in the state ,
nnd a round of inquiry from among most
nf them brought the statement
that with tlio exception of lack of
rain nothing was wanted to make
the prospect the brlghest possible
for crops of every chara cter. The rain
having come , it is ti safe prediction that
Nebraska never had a more promising
outlook for a prosperous year than at the
present time. Inquiries from these rep
resentatives from different sections of
the state , with ncareol" an exception ,
brought fortli the fact that the acreage
planted was largely increased. Es
pecially is this true in regard to the
contra ! and western sections of thn state ,
aud in tlio eastern part it will be in ad
vance of the uvorago. A consideration
of the magnitude of the immigration to
Nobntskaii year ago , and the territory
puoncd by now lines of railway , will sat
isfy nny that tlio increase in ccroals in
tlio state the present year will bo beyond
A short time ago a gentleman from
Now York City wag in Lincoln collecting
criminal statistics in line with tike worK
in all the principal cities ot the union.
The especial use to which they would be
put was not stated , but they are to bo
published In connection with ether sta
tistical matter of interest and importance.
The gentleman , during the two days he
passed in Lincoln in securing his figures ,
paid the city the compliment that few
others of its size if any exceeded it in the
light number of cnmoa for a period
covering the year. The statistics of
crime wore largely gathered from the
police court record , nml tlio state
ment , us taken away by the
gatherer for 1831 , was as follows :
.Drunkards , 570 ; prostitutes , 280 ; drunk
and disorderly. 210 ; violating health reg
ulations , 71 ; disorderly conduct and
lighting , 100 ; vagrancy , 03 ; gamblers , 03 ;
larceny , 41 ; assault and battery , 31 ; run-
Rways , 15 ; carrying concealed weapons ,
14 ; burglaries , ID ; obtaining money under
false pretenses , 0 ; resisting officers , 4 ;
robbery , 3 ; jumping board bills. 4 ; house-
breaking. 4 ; forgery , 3 ; adultery , 13 :
passing counterfeit money , 3 ; concealing
stolen goods , 3. Mayhem , rape , pick
pockets , soiling liquor Sundays , ombcz
zlomont and like crimes were represented
in very few figures. These tire crimes
that wore tried by the municipal author
ities , and do not include justice and
county court cases.
The heavy rain of Thursday afternoon
and night caused a breakage in the old
eower along the alloy back of O
Street at Twelfth. This breakage Hooded
the excavation and foundati9n work of
the Burr block to a depth of six foot , and
nil day yesterday two lira engines were
employed in pumping it out. It was
feared for a time that the foundation
work already done would bo ruined , and
in the night fears wore entertained that
the four-story Baldwin block adjoining
would suffer. In the excitement parties
rooming in this block preferred to move
out. A largw number of collars were
illoded upon adjacent property.
The estimated damage is 41,200 ,
divided between A. D. Guiles ,
furniture.150 ; S. 0. Elliott , crockery ,
fSOO : E. O. Downs , furniture , f 100 ; Rum-
moll's grocery , $100 : Stoughton's wall
paper house , $100 ; Balrd Bros. . 1100 , and
other parties iu loss amount. The damage -
ago to the foundation of the Uurr block
is not known nt the present lima.
The funeral of T. P. Quick yesterday
was well attended , and many others
* would have been present but for the de
cidedly threatening weather. The floral
decorations wore many and elegant ,
among them being a largo pillow , sur
mounted with a llpral hat , all the gift of
the boys in the lire department. The
Knights of Pythias lodges also orosented
two elegant floral pieces emblematic of
the order.
The work of cleaning the city progresses -
grosses , and an excellent example
was furnished yesterday by the police
calling John lauiels ) into court , who
previously Ihitly refused to clean his
promises. Ho was lined $5 and costs ,
whinh ho paid.
The governor and board of public
lands and buildings goes to Hastings to
morrow to view the proposed location
for the asylum of incurable insane.
Austin Humphrov suffered a bad acci
dent at bis wholesale implement house ,
Thursday afternoon. Ho foil over a
truck , splitting his under ill ) and making
two false teeth a future necessity.
The county superintendents' meeting
convened with the state superintendent
yesterday at 3 p. m. Only a few super
intendents had arrived at the hour set ,
ill. UI lUlllttIlt | W ' *
0. Hooloy , of Sautultirs.
The sheritVof lirowu county ye.-itorilay
troiiKht to the iusano its.vlum Lewis Hob-
erls , who was a former inmate but dis
charged us cured. lie was violent } ' i n-
tano when returned to the hospital.
Senator Confer , of Sherman. K. G.
Carna and Attorney Norral , of Sownrd ,
yvero among the parties from out in the
tate at Lincoln yesterday.
F w People E o po
the taint of scrofula in the blood. With
many it is hereditary ; but it may also bo
Required from want of air or lack ot ex
ercise , from improper food , or any cause
which brines about weakness of the body
i nd imparity of the blood. The disease
f is characterized by runnlne ; sores , ab-
1 ecossos. swellings , enlarged joints , sore
Djfis. etc. No medicine has been so sue-
cuAsful in curing scrofula as Hood's Sar-
laparilla. Thu most terrible running
sores Gradually disappear under the pur-
fyiiiK.ind strpnjjtlioninE Inlhiences of
thlj Kreat niodicine. If you are a sutler-
< ; r from scrofula , anil deslro more evi
dences as , to thu woutiorful success of
llood's bursaparllla send to C. I , Hood it
Co. , Lowell , Mas ? . , for a book contain
ing many remarkeblc cures.
! ' ! Kin ) ANI PA It M.
Pittsburg Stockman : It somctimca
happens that the sow's milk docs not How
freely at once after farrowing ; but
with proper care of her in three or four
days the How of milk will bosulliuicnt for
the demand of the litter , lint while tlio
supply is short it will bu best to give the
pigs feed by hand. "Klch milk sweetened
with coarse sugar and fed with a spoon"
will make a safe ration. When sucking
pigs have had the scours and the disease
is checked it will require much care to
prevent n recurrence of thu trouble.
They must have a dry bed , and when
they return to their feed caution must bo
used that they do not overfeed. If slops
bo used it must bo in sparing quantities
and without any acidity ; and to absorb
tlio acidity of the stomachs it would
bo well to have some Hour or middlings
where they can get it. If the Hour bo
browned or scorched it will bo all the
better. The young pigs will usually take
their first taste of food from the trough
with their mother. When it is noticed
that they are beginning to cat it is time
to fix a feeding place for them , a small
placu close to the bed partitioned oil' ,
arranged so that they can pass into the
inclosuro at will. And it would be well
to place this in closure in n spot that the
pigs frequent each day , so that they will
go into it moro readily. In the inclosuro
ihould bo placed a small trough witli a
ittlu sweet milk iu it. The trough should
to very shallow. An old piece of tin
pouting answers the purpose first-
ate. It should bo nailed to the
lloor to prevent upsetting , or if no
> lank Moor , it could bo nailed to a broad
ilank. It would bo well to keep a little
uilk in the trough all thu time for a few
lays , until the pigs learn to drink it and
' < no\v whom to go to get it ; but the
rough must be cleaned often that the
milk does not become stale or sour
After the pigs have become well aeons'
omod to drinking the milk , shut oft' the-
ogtilar supply that is , cease keeping
nilk in thu trough all the time. But feed
.hem at stated intervals , m such amounts
is will bo eaten np clean. And this point
ihould not bo forgotten , for nothing
rends to the thrift of a pig so much as to
have him relish his feed all the time.
ilost farmers wi'l ' Und it necessary to
ubstituto other slops instead of milk us
eon as possible , for their dairies will not
moot the wants ot the growing herd for
any great length of time.
Seasonable Hinta and Suggcstlona *
Soon the scare crow and stretched
wires will bn seen in the fioltU as protoc-
ion against crows , but it is a disputed
question as to whether the crow in the
cornfield is an enemy or a friend. Though
ho bo .sometimes destructive to the corn ,
et ho destroys many insects aud grubs.
Large , trees can bo moved and trans
planted , thus taking advantage of sev
eral years growth , provided all the roots
mil some of the adhering earth bo car
ried with them. The place in which they
are to bo deposited should also bo cspuc-
ally prepared for their reception.
A prominent nurseryman says that nur
sery practices iu peach propagation and
culture have weakened the vital power
of the tree , which is unable to resist as
Impressing inllucnces as formerly , when
: ho trees from seeding grow well and
ived to old age.
A fresh egg will sink when placed in
water , and when boiled the skin will not
peel oir like that of an orange , as is the
case with those not strictly fresh. Stale
eggs are glassy and very smooth , while
"resh eggs have a peculiar roughness.
Whore the ground has been well har
rowed , and made even and smooth , the
labor of harvesting will bo lessened , as
the ground will bo better fitted for the
work of the harvesting maobino. Re
move all stones and clods that may in-
The farmer who gets behind in his
work at this season will not very easily
catch up. It requires more effort to suc
ceed when there is no regular system
than otherwise , and this is the mouth
when the most careful work should bo
In buying eggs for hatching it is a good
olan to buy two or more settings at a-
time ; they can bo bought cheaper ; the
express is little moro than ono setting.
If all be set at the same time they can bo
given to a less number of hens than it
took to hatch them , and in this way some
of the hens can bo kept to servo their
second term ; and , best of all , if you bo
successful , in the fall you will have a nice
little Hock , all of thft same strain and
ago.Wire netting , two-inch mesh , is now
cheaper than boards as material for fenc
ing poultry , and can bo more easily ar
ranged and with less labor.
Laying a front yard with turf will
nearly always result in a stand of grass ,
even after repeated seedmgs have been
tried without success.
Even on the best regulated farms stock
may be injured. Hence old wells , half-
hidden ditches and such like should bo
covered or filled up.
The ditches along the sides of the road
should bo opened now , in expectation of
n busy season aud the prevalence of
spring rains.
In tilling vacancies in blackberry
patches put the roots down as deep in
the ground as possible , as the season is
rather late.
Those who look upon farming as only
an ordinary occupation are mistaken.
As Professor Wrigntoii remarks , agricul
ture is a born science. It is full of
botany , zoology , geology and ento
mology. It is full of chemistry , from the
soil to the growing plaut , the ripening
seed and the animal life which is the
crowning outcome. There is no more
varied pursuit , and most others are nar
row in their scope iu comparison with it.
Sometimes the little Jersey cow is a
good milker. "Fawn of St. Lambert , "
who was three years and nine months
old nt the beginning of her test , pro
duced as much as 10,101 } pounds ( about
0,000 quarts ) of milk in twelve months ,
giving as high as fifty-four pounds per
day at some periods. She also produced
nearly 574 pounds of butter for thu year ,
her highest record for ono week behu :
fifteen pounds aud live and a hall
To make successful farmers ot the
coming generation the young should bo
taught the theories of farming in schools.
as an advanced study , which should in
elude the chemistry of food , a partial
knowledge of diseases of animals am
the characteristics of atock. Such will
be the state of utl'airs in the distant
future , as farming , like everything else ,
is progressive.
Young pigs will usually commence to
eat when about throe weeks old , and the
more attractive thu portion put within
their reach the quicker they will iQaru to
make a full feed. If they can have a lit
tie fresh milk at the start , so much the
better , but by common consent skim milk
is counted nuiliclcnt to meet piggy's na
tion. With milk as a starter they will
soon take to slop made of mill feed.
Those who live on land where there 1 *
no gravel or sand ihould haul a load nnd
spread it about the poultry yards. Thu
fowls will enjoy it as much as though it
it were something good to eat , and in
most cases it will do them more good.
Don't forget this , as the chickens < 5an't
talk , and don't know how to txsk for
what they want.
Listof letters rnmaluing uncalled for
In the postolHco for the week cudiiig
Ali.y 1-1 , 1S87.
Note Parties calling for thcso letter
will please say "Advertised , " giving the
date nt the head of the list , and Imitiiro
for simo nt the "Ladies' Delivery Whi
tlow. "
To avoid mistakes have your mall ad'-
dressed to street and number.
. . ' _ LIST.
Anderson A W 3 Ackcrly H J
Atkinson ] ; A Abundl Dr U
Adams ,1 I ) Anderson BenJ
AJoirn J H Anderton U
' ' Anderssoii A
Akl'' A key A : Uo A V
Allen M Alexander A JI
Averill ( ! J A F K
Atkins H Alackihane J A
Durrlnutou K Baldwin T
Maker W J Blown O U
llurmester M Bales U T
Bradford S
BUhop K Blackburn J T
Barton DrJF-2 Besemer J
Hoyd J A Hums J
Uland W T Beek J L
Jtlrd. ] Bailey J H
Barnes J W-3 BennoyJ
Btiyd J liuckmnn C K
Dlako K J Bachmaii C li
Btirrel F L Beedle J
Bulln J Burton J D
Brady JI Brady J
Broedeovo J Butler J
Barnett J Beck J 0
Deldlnic J C BrockholT.I A
Batchcllor M U Blanchtord F
Brady M Babcock W C
Burr. ( BerKmaiiJ
Bcseiner J E Belts J
Beover J X Bred In ( i S
KonnellU W
Konwell O Boyed ( I W
IJrlsgs U W Btirmlester O
Iletterswortlt U U Benton I )
Hen son ( I W BlacK I ) 1)
Hurglt 1) Boucher J
Hard well 1) Barker T
Hue Wm Decider F
Ureiner Win Blatchford F W
Hrooks F Bramet F
HtillinKton A 0 Bryson W
Brown W Boyer 11 W
Brandenburg W Baldwin 11 U
Bertliolas O
Colvln V B-3 CokcrFl'
Conklln WII Chase H
Clark U Cluck H
Curtis It K Clatck A
Carlssnn F L Collan K J
Collins K L Colton K.r
Carr C F 3 Caswflll W
Carl W E Cannon FJ
Carmou C P Coover Mr
Clark O M Curtis Mr
Curtis J E Crane J C
CiuwJ E Coombs B W
Creary W E Cumins Wm
Coons W 1) Carlson C A
Cornell B J Cleary J
Cargam J Check. )
Campbell J Cameron J S
Cornelius J M Cole Prot
Carres J Cullin M
Coxan S J Curry J
Cox C1) Cant J C
Calbor J Crawford G E
Chase ( } A Clark G U
Coo W S Cusicko J
C'reliliton J Cowcn J A
UavlsF Dieckman T
Daniel A J Downs U
Douglas J A Dart C D
Drainun J Dickson J W
Dlson H Davis J
Davis B G Donahue M II
D.tvis D Davis , ( iilhitch & Co
Duncan II W Dttserbury U O
Dana It U Dillon J B
DeoJ Derlnklo J
Donley J J Dolilo S
Dotsoth T K
Elliott F D Ezsleston R J
Kwlni ? F Evans J 2
Krviu J Elites At
EllyerJ Eddy M
Elklebcrger G W Evans G H
Elliott ( i L East H-3
Edward * U T 3 Krlckson E
Fallou T Freeman LS
Franks S J Forruan J
Freeman J J Frahm P
Fry J Falconer M F
Krear J Folk U B
Flanagan J Farrlngton U S G
FryC Freeman F
Fisher O Faircloth I ) B
Forbes D Friend A M
JTulr C Flores A
Fisher A C Freare A
Flanders A A Fall F U
Flacbbach E
Orenvllle W N Gibson S C
( llmartin D W Godtroy Wm 3
Green U Grogan J M
Goerner It J Goodwin J A
Oranver J Goellner J
Goodwin J Gaardo.1 F
Goran JF Grant F M
Gunthor J Grounsoll J
Goplnkah .1J Gormley G
Gilbert G W GluvorE
Goebler F Gyllenlmmmor F II
George F 11 3 Garberson F M
Grosby C W GUIesple W F
Grantham C F Guyer C
Gillham E
UynesWK Hazlorljtg W
lloodyn Win Hltzelberger U-3
lilndman Wm Hustead C M
HcndricksJ A Hllman H
Harmon it Hucston A
llewett E L Holman G
llcrmol G B Hammer N
llelntz G F Holtz G
lllldebrand G W Havlland G L
Hewitt E Houguo W
Honnora D liollmatin Wm
lloye W W-3 Hicks B F
Hibbi C Hurr C C
Howes M C Hum o c
Helm O A Hayes .1 E
Harrison J E Henderson A
Heches J Henderson S W
llalstead S P Hnrtafson U
Houston Dr T W Hurlbut JM
Hutchlns J S ' Herrold J
Herbert J W-3 HUdJ
llauley J B Hatch Mr
Hathaway C HuntM
Hiram Wm Hiram Wm
Harper F 'J Hurlbut C
Harris B liusgius C
Huuter B Hatch Cnl Ea
Jones W S Joseph Wm
Jackson S Johnson D
Johnson U E Jones M 03
Jefferson J I ) Jacobberger J
Jellerson J Jnrgenson M H 3
Jones G W Joruon A
JKklnsL Joseph W
Jenkins W M Jackson W T 3
Jacobaen Wm Jackson H M
Jeiuen U Johnson C G
Jones E W Jensen A
Josef son A J Jones j J
Kerr U Kirk U U
King It G Korshner J B
Keuedy J Kenny J 0
KtddJ KennedyJ
Kadlsli J W Kratzer I )
KoboJ Kcefo M
KiukadeT Krollnian E
Keene L ti Kolamto
Klmbuilln S B 3 Kimbark S P
King F Kauttman U M
KoonsC KellC
Kroirer G L Kubbard E L
Keen E A Lamb & Stetson
Llndsov W E Larson S
Lowe N W Lnaman N E '
Little M K Larson O
Lynch H Lazard T
Lafever H M Larson A
Levy A Larson A.
Langton A G Labhard I
Lalley J Lapp J
Leonard J J LarkinsJ
Lowe J Lundell J
Ludwlek J LoveJ A
Lions \V \ Lnrquest P
Lanfonburfc n Lyons U
Lambaon C A Locke F
Leonard Itov F W Lees' Cell Agc'r
Lunt W Lnudnulst G
lovitt F M lav/a E O
Lonmilst A MyreF
Morns Lock Co 3 Mackle Hey G A
Matin G Maxwell B
Mlnch F S Meyer A L
Moore H Murray H
HotL Murray H
Milton L Morgan W a
MunroC Mohrli
Malty J Marion E
Mlnsklr E Morris E
Meazo K Mather E M
Morgan K Main T
Meashir Wm Monroe C II
Morrlsey J Mandolin J
Aladdox J U Mlglth J E
Myles J MoonF
MostlerO MtmerO
Morgan L L Miles K
Martin D Moulder A
Morgan D Mosher F W
Morrison T C Matter M
Mosler M Meane * It V
Mai tatter * C V MlloaUM
McNalrAJ McKenstrr G
Mcllv lneJ A McFarland j
McKcnna K McDonald .1 T
McCreary W McMillan W II
McDcrmott J Mcflaron ( J
Me.Vull OS McMurrin T A
McMurrny I ) McArthur A
Mct'nuley F P
Nelson A Noble J A
XachtnjblF Nccdham K
Nell it J iVelson J K
N.Uion J Newman U
Nelnon S P 2 Ncalo H 11
Xtnvmnn M Newman .1
Nllsen E Noble P W
iNouluK F Nnves 11 U
Gchspiihcln A O.suurn , )
Oliver J Oman O
Ulilakpr G Ohler ( i
OlMon C O v.M R S Co
Ohaln It M Cxbimi C FJ
Oiburn C ( l Olcson O
J'lielos 1) T Pratt L G
1'crers N P Phillip * A
1'rlco 11 Pierce Kd
Poetic J Prosncll J W
Pruclliiio II Plnkeiton W
Powers .1 Peck A C
Paris J M Peters Cousman
Potts F Pollard II P
Peunington H Petty G
Parry G W Price G
IVnnock G U Peterson P
Phillips U Patterson F
Phillip ! T L Paulson Y
Pei tile F Qulnti .1
Omnton J House .F A
lllch F S 31 llyan D F
Uussell D A Kiiyiiiond F 1
Koberts H 3 UtissollJT
Rowlands J Itossbach J
Kynn J E Hose , )
Ke7bk J Ueece J
Hay W E Klco W U
Rhodes A Itowley A
Uaymer A C Heed J
Rams ) or J S Kaymoiid J
IteillyJ Koud J
Ross E Bynoarson. ) L
Rhodes H Kosluitml U
R.iymnnd J lleynoltls S
Rtimohr H Bcddinc U
Rogers G S Blchardsoii G A
Ko/.l/letskl J BeaeleTA
Robertson M Keevc C
RtstC Boss C
Ri-dfleld C Sheldon Dr.
Sliriver A Soussmau A
Swift L F Stewart L F
ShllterLS Sliouen L
Stott A F Swindler A F
Samiielsoii J Soveran J
Htrunt70 C Smith J D
Sustad S Stevenson J
Smuers J H Spcer J
Shannon J A Skldmoro J T
hliahan J N Shannon J
Sc.ills.J Slsk X A
Smith W R 3 Stevenson W
Spencer W Swolly F W 3
Smith W Schaefer J
Saumetbter J Smith O
Shower J B Spahr J C
StumboJ D ShannonG A
Saylor G Smltli G
Stewart A Smltli U
Smith A J W Sauteo A II
Saper P A Simpson A C
SUceno A Swonnon 8
Salstraiid S L Stockman H
Soul F Scott F M
S A Me Smltli P O
Somicka M Schnattber O 3
Stard T Stewart T U
Smiley UI Snyder C K
Scnson C Smith IIY
Seymour H J Srallh J
Sampson W D Turner L O
Tulle L G Tyrroll J A
Tornll C Titsworth O B
Thompson J JS. Taylor W
Thompson W Tucker WII2
TraplmRen J C Tully U T
Thomas H C Townsend A E
Tullis S Travers G
Thomas G II Tander N N
Vlahmann SY Vrftrslce O F
Vauzh T Williams E K
Wright A L Wells W
Woodard J C Wild W
Wertzs W
Wleks W Wbbfard-H E
Woodruff C WrKit | | J
Wllllaim J V Worcom F
Wright JH Wlllets J F
Wetzol J W Wllker J W
Walters L N Walters E W
Warren W WitiRland H
Wlnnlnglioit U Wlmrton H L
Wooed 11 Wulls A
Warner A Wiillams S
Woods L P Wilson L D
Wainior L P Welch T
Woodson C Woodard M J
White C M Wlllomthby J P
Williams R A Werkinotstcr D
Williams D Wood W V
Win W Young M
YatesA YounK S H
Zabel W F 256'j Lea von worth st
Allison M A Anderson M
Anderson Mary Allen mrs F D
Amburst mrs h D Aides mrs G W
Anderson A Brewer mrs E E
Bittner mrs N Bates mrs H
BiaudtM Brunes D
Bissnot L Barnes mrs G
Jiakor R Bergett M
Brandon mrs M Brooks mrs J W
Bryant P Barnaby C
Bertha J Connell J
Corey mrs U Carson mrs L
Capbell S Coffelt M
Crance E Clifton L
Carringan It Cusack SI
Canoswell mrs ChlnellsaM
Crowley B Chalmoro mrs D
Cary mrs C 0 Degerlng J
Datnron mrs J Doollttlemrs W
DumanolrE 3 Balkan mrs M
Di'ual in Dorsey mrs F
Dermott mrs E Dyer E
Drolel mrs C Doollttlo M A
Drelicr B Drtinln M
Dolson mrs W Dennis N 2
Enjse M Elliott C
Empsey mrs A Entrcsangle mrs A
Fowler mrs F Ford mrs H M
Flantean mrs Folconer mrs S
Flnnegan A M Fawall J
GilbPttJ B Gilhern mrs E
Gratl F Gamy P
Gross mrs M B Goodsou mrs
Groves mrs M E Goble G A
Humdery mrs J Harris mrs M
Hlckman mrs Holmes mrs C W
Hogland N 3 Hams mrs S
Hangst mrs m Head ley A 3
Henserson mrsF E Halzh mrs M
Hay den mrs C Hand mrs J
Hatterson mrs II Howes mrs B N
Hayes B Hulsebus H
Hudson mrs It Hunt mrs E W
Uixson mrs M HoIIey C C
Hshue M Hooper mrs N
Impov M Inentlmm E J
Her _ Johnson O
Jorgerson mrs A Jackson mrs A
Jakobson A U Johansson mr S
Justice M Johnson M D
Johnson A Johnson K
J miss B JilbettJ
Keller J KUJ mrs N D
Klnney I Kirpatrlck mrs N
Kitchen mrs F Kochnno mrs P
Kastman uirsL Lowls mrs L
LcminsJ Livingston mrs P
Lesvy M K Llnvllle A
Livingston mrs .Luscious J
Lewis mrs D Lacke mrs A
Loan ; M J MerT mrs E J
Malanoy mrs W B .Marrow mrs M
Murray M JUaxon mrs G
Mulgrave M Moore mrs A M
Murdock mr < Wm JMaclictU ) mrs E
McKlnney N 3 McK.ttbln mrs U E
McKay O McUleantiEE
McLaughtiu mrs B Neil , EH
Nelson 1 Nertnian E
Nailer M Noblo'mrs ' J
Olesun M I'eto/spn A O
Pratt mrs E Petorbou , mrs C
1'r.ill O Pearson B
Pholns mrs J W I'haten mrs E
Powell mr.sC
Petty mrs E J
Potter C Iteaninr mrs A M
Reed mrsM Beedy Li
Reid nus F L Jtotwrta N
Reimim B ItodgerH mrs L C
Ko'-or mrs J E Itocktrtrd mrs M
Robb mrs M Sllirlitim A
Smith mrs B Seltiler mrs E
Smith Mrs M F Seelijy mrs S
Sharbel mrs R
Stevens L 3lIllUi mrs O 2
Smith mrs S M Stelnert Mrs J
Sturgeon U Stewart mrs K
Stark F Wperry 1
Stewart tnra A Sylvester
Stcbblns mrs S A Spain mrs T W
Stnmlbro K Standard mrs T M
Travors mr * J P Taylor mrs W
Tellery A Ttirkcr mrs N
Trospon E ITIrlcb mrs J
Ylrdon K Varrnon mrs J
"Wuks mrs M Watts rare A
Wybel mrs m Walker 1) )
W right J Wevanrt mrs L U
White mrs 13 White inn U
WllklnsmrsC Williams M
Wilson mrs F Wilson mrs F
Shot" for nod
Dutchcr's Improved kills upon touch ,
and remains a trap to cntch intruders.
Usu it thoroughly and sleep in peace.
Use Uutchet's Fly Killer. .
Cloansndy Purified and Boautlflod by
the Outicura Komodios.
Jt afford * mu pleasure to ulvo you ( tils re
port uf the cuio of our llttlo Krtiuilolilld liy
riiur rcTict/HA When sit months
old lili loft linnil tipfitin tn well nmlliml o\ory
npiH'iinuico ot n lurKu boll Wo timiltlccil It ,
but nil to nopurpoii' . About Mvu months lUtcr
It liccr\iuu n runnlni ; soro. Soon other sores
formed. Ho then had two ot thorn on i-neh
lintul.niiil ns 1m bloivl liocamo more ami moro
Imptiru It took less tlnui tor tlioin to break out.
A sort' cnino on tin1 ihln , bciipiith the ttnilt'r lip ,
which WBS vcrr ollunsUV , Ills homl was ono
foIM fcab , ill-clmirUiir it KITH ! deal. This \\M
111 * condition ut twenty-two in out In old , vlirn t
tindoitooU thoi'iuuor him. hU mother Imvlnir
dlod hun lie was n llttlo moro thnu > ear old ,
of consumption crofuhiof com. t ) . Ho could
wnlk u llttlo , but could not irot up If ho ti-ll
down , and could not movu whun In lit'd , liavlrur
no usu nf lillinuds. . I liniuudliituly coiiiuionrcd
with the USD of ( ho CUTicnt v liK.MMitt. * , uslny
tliol'UTK'Uitt ntid ftTlcviM Sou1 Irccly. unit
when ho hud Inken ono bottle of thu Ctrricfii v
lli-OI.VK.NT : , his licmlvriH loiilplololy I'Urod.iiud
liowiu Itnprovoillu oxorynay. Wo ere xoty
much oncnimtiredi mid continued thotisoof the
i oino Hoi for R j eiir mid u half , line ? ere nf tor
nnothrr hraluil , 11 bony niultor forming In onx'h
one of tlu o tlvo ck-op Olios Jti t bolero henllnir ,
which would tlnnlly KIOIV loose and woio tnktm
otit : then thuyould hcnl rnpldly. Ono ot tln > o
tinly bono lormutloiis I preserved. Aftur tak-
IMB a tlo/nn mill a halt bottles ho wn complete
ly uiirud , mid Is notv , at the iiL'o of Hlx your ? , n
Mroiitf and hoiilthy child. The sums on hH
liainU must always remain : hU hands are
stronif , thoiich vro once feirod lie would never
tie able to use them Allthut phyilclatiB did
for him did him no irood. All who saw the child
before usliitr the CtmutniA HKMKIHB * and ecu
the child now coiHlder It a wonderful euro. It
the above tactsaroof anvusoto youyou nro
nt llbeitv to use thorn. MltS. K. H. 1)111(1(18. (
May li , IW.1. tils K. Clny St. , llloomliiKton , III.
The child was really In n MOMOcondition than
he appeared to his iniuuliuothor , who. bclim'
with him ovury din' , buciuno accustomed to thu
dl'enso. M.MHiir. HOl'l'lNO.
CtiTicutiA RKMKUIK * are soM ovorvwhoro.
Ctmctwt , the irreat Pkln ruto , frf ) els : Cim-
CUIM So M . an oxqultlto SRII | lleautlllor. McN :
( UTictmi KKMII.VKNT , the now Illood 1'urlller ,
81.00. I'rqtwieil by the l'omit : Utitiii AND
CiiKMiou , Co. . lloston. .
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. "
NO. 8alv , 1'lmply nml Oily Skin
boautllled by Uimct'itA SOAP.
Mention o in aim WooUly Hen.
OH ! HIV HACK , 71V lIACIt !
'rjl'iiliii Intlninmatlon and Weaklings of
of the Kidneys , Hip * and Sides UK-
I.IKVl'.l ) IN ONK MIMITK 11V T1IK Cl'll-
Div ! ANTI-PUN Pi.ASTKii. New und
mtr.lhbio. At druirirlMg , Sic. 1'ottur
Druprnnd Chemical Co. , lloston.
Warranted to neither break down 01
roll up In wear.
Hone Ctnolne wllhcat KAIIO itimptil on Intldo of Corset ,
Try 111 It will foil yen flttlpir If act > ir pr rtitFJ ,
And many other complaints cured by
A Prominent Buffalo Physician says :
.o , N , v. , Feb. u , mr
Drnorno , Chicago , III. Deir Hlr. Ills somutliln-
ununuul fur ono ot ibo mcillcal prnfeol HI to liiluro
tuidvortlsoa artlflo ; rot I take ppnuro | In Inform
ing ynu tti t ono of your Ulnctrlf Delta cured luu of
rlieumaUum , from which I mirrored ay curt. I
Imvo rccommemlnil your Invention to nt lei t forty
of my pntlcnts suffering with chronic dlmi3i > of v -
rlom kinds vlr ; rnlpltii'lon oftha lienrt , nervous
debility , opllcpny , rat imntl'm , pain In the tun k und
klilneyK , etc. . etc. , etc. All hive purchiaivt unit
worn thftiu with mo i vrntlfylnif revolts. I oinblvhly
rt common J your Klccirlu Hells 01 poxsonln <
merit. Frutornnlly yoiir .
Jj. U. MrMiciIABU M. D. in Niagara st
A Chicnero Phisieinn Says' , "
Tr Horaa Dour Sir : 1 IHIVJ iisml uvoral kind i of
mnunctle ami Uli'ttrle Holts on imtlentianit niysalf
I can honestly ( tire the proforouca to ynnn. ( > y all
odds , llencu I cnnanrtdo recorumenrt ynurn over all
others. Yours fnuornully , J. II. JOIIDON. M I ) .
Jim II , 1837. Ofllco.lHtatoU. . , Ohlcaan
A Physician Says. All of My Pat lent
are Satisfied.
orxKVA , Nun , .Inn ni , 1N7
Dr W. J. Home , Inventor Hour Sir : I ruaommonl
your RloUrlr Belts to nil whi suffer with any norvoiu
liouule , any chronic llror or klitnoy dl onos. Allot
my patli'iits that nr uslru your Illoctrlo llPlu ara
( sutlaflcd. Fraternally. M. I'llot'ST. M I ) .
Phyilcl'in nnd Surgeon
A Minister of the German Evangelical
ICliiivdi , Says :
I.rinnTov , Allen.m Co , Ml < : h. , roui , IW
Pr. W. .1. II > rno. Clilr.igo , Ilt-Djsr Hlr :
Klcttrlc llolH ilonll you tlilm. Ono of them licliioj
meof clyjuop hi , ron tlpitlon nnd Keneral ilobillty.
1 woulit likci to Intrj.luooour KOO < | H horu. Will
yea let mo have the agoncor this towniblprTloaio
' yourtormt. I iiinttia mlnlstpr of thn Oormtn
vanuellcal Church of J.oUhton tteipoetftilly ,
llcsldcnce , Mlddlovillo , ll.irry county , Mich.
Neuralgia of the Stomach Cured.
Dr. Homo Dour Sir : I wimiurferlnK with neural
R | > of the itoni'ich ' , nnd medicine o mcd to hare no
effectitren morphlno did notrolioro me much. The
ntluck woul 1 lieuln ( if ery crenlng about nine o clock
ndlait about six honra. 1 lent For nn of your Kl o
Irlo Belts , got It nnd put It on. unit htrn't had th
least Hymptom ol niuralgla dnce. lam will ploaie
Yours truly , A.Q. IlAiicouKT
Dr. W. J. HOllNR , 191 Wabash-a venue ,
Bole Inventor , pol'rletor an J Manuf acturtr.
l nd i lamp lor catlugue.
OwlliB to the UliUniil , XUSTIIITT of the tloth ( wl.lih
our iiatcnt * cover eiclujlfvly ) will fit jK-rfntly nn > t
( line worn. Kaqulrrn HU brrnklneln. HOlrt mrTK KIl
by wl ! * > r after tf.lnv worn trnday.lf not found thnmo.l
nnd CnmrnrlMblc Cor < ut overworn. Hold by all
ttm-clubj dt'ulors.
VICUTTY IinOH. . Chlcnsa , III.
TERRE HAUTE. ( NO. I A School ol Engineering.
Well f udowc.l. well mulrpod departments nf Mccli.
anlrsl and Cl II Knulnwrlnjt. Klrctrleltr , Chtntlitrr
aud llrawlnz , Kitruilve hliop * ninl l.nhnrutnrfr * .
* , Jilr < u X. C. HEKDKM1ALL , l'rc .
' 001
, anhood- ; * U
rr mr.on rtimcwtr , h _ _ rtraplo
wri.ih bo rU fnd IFHI to > > ! fellowjufl.rB. . .
Sale Opens at 7:30 : a. m.
Bring along your Husbands , Brothers , Uncles
and BoySjthirf will prove to your interest , a sale
to lo ) long remembered. The stock consists of
every thing pertaining to the wear of Men ,
Youths , Boys and Children ; there can be found
anything you need at prices to suit your pocket
book ; should your husband , brother or undo
Yon should not fail to COMB TO-MOE ROW as those
suits are to bu sold at such prices that would not buy
tlio raw material. There will bo found also , the largest
assortment of
That over was displayed at any ono time. Combined in va
riety of pattern , elegance of material , cut and workman
ship , these wore never equalled. All merchant tailor made ,
at $4,30 , $ ; > , * 5. 0,10.10 , IG.GO , * 7 , $7.4,0 , $ , $8.35 , | B.70'J.15 ,
? ! ) .65 , $10. and others too numerous for amount of space to
1119 Farnam Street ,
JV. n. Onlers outside of ( ho city receive prompt and ,
careful attention , Address thu Mlsjlt Parlor * .
ttofc cuWAttsu" t at !
Y ft % Sultieocl * . JJ
( Krom the Potersbnrit.Va. , Indor-Appeal , April 19th. )
What Mayor Jurrott , Kx-Oorornor C.itneron. ( lo'i
8 Itll Bull'nuundOlliors ' Think of Mr. Colllor .lou-
> atlonal rUiueniunti nf a NI ir ro Man.
Who la belt -r known In tlili cinnmunlty than Mr.
J.imet K. Kolllur. of thu llmln Mills !
roattftuon years more : tttlctl'iiiait ' ilarkihirloa
ovarthopulhwiiy of that uniUhlu uontlunuii i life.
Whatitiataoretrliilwnt Mr. Collier hai conivntedto
wrltoitown. In thiihopM tint 111" ctpurlenco may bo
thuineannofu ding iilhnr to o-cmie the dark daya
that thruntenall llvoj. ToUuiwto thn world how ho
liregardoJ. wo ulvo the testimony of hli follow till-
ieu :
MAVOIIN orrifi , [
_ , . , PJlOMhum. Va. . April 13 , 1337. I
To Whom It may Concurn :
Thlt | i to certify that Mr Jtmm K. Oolllcr , neltl.
zcn of Potiir.liur.- n sontloiimn of huh social
stanJlnx , of culture , of lntuTlly uf character , uudou.
tlrely worthy of bdllof.
T. J.Jairatt , Muyor.
William K. Uumnruii , Ki-jOTornorof ( Va.
It. I" . llarham.Kdltur I'ctorsburx lndei-Appoal
( ion.Htlth llolllnir.
( ien. C , ( larr. Proprietor Hotel Gary.
Two years nso Mr. Collier u.iino Into the city from
his country place , unu I'luat'eit In the Hour nillllnit
biHlne < i ; u Is s.ilo to suy that no prlrutn cltl/on In
better known and moro idmcrully bclortd. Herd Is
Mr. Oolllcr's letter ;
No 2 ADVtIHBlllKIT , I
1'KTTKmiuurj , Va. , April 18,1337 1
BwlftSpecincOo. , Allinra.fJii.1
Cioiitl muii Voo will ivrdon ra * In being a little
longln thu letter , for 1 am doslrmn that you ihall
know the details of the moit wonderful euro of my
clf by H. B. H.
In Irtl kind of rauli broke out on my forehead
which ftunn nevorolr. Tuo neit year at about the
Bumo tlmoithof illimr fnre'icail was cor * rod with
bolls , which lasted two or thr weokk. lul 'Un
HeptPmbemy face oollod up iottnt I wai unre-
mgntiabl * for three luonlhs. Durlna ttilntlmea yel
low Htrld mutter continually run from ray faor. Then
Kcubi would form and the acrid dl'crmrge nm'lnuo
unlit my ikln wa > u thick aa sulu lu.iinur : my face
\ia u hard and smooili except when the ncubi would u bllllurrt ball. Tlio f.ico the < innntln wa <
swollen np eren with my no , nnd but for the creano
iMtween thenosuand the tbeaks , the noiawasnot
lifter the runnlne would stop , having ran two
weeks , the swelling wou'd subildo In ubtut wnuk ,
During the subildinx the fncu was very red. Asrooa
an the cheek * hud h'cme downto ulmoit thtlr norm * .
lliomr whulu fate would bugln to throb like u pulnl
ful boll : and Iht throbbing wnn qullo o painful as-
the worjt boll. Wben lha swelling was up to the
hkrieit , ihu acrid yellow discharge beuau , and Itlait-
ed about two weeks.
Thl awollln,7. running und nrVihhu Inntrl alii ) it
flfteon jtiir * liurln < thoio v nr there wnino Inter-
ml slon nf Ihotiuony dojctthttd I wiin'l the llrno
umlOi tlio bjt pnyMlciuns who pruiHiU'X.'prl my PHMI
ezuvhunitu I uczuitm In tint wornt toiin , rlo norhiuH
w.i3 the rnajtlnit oiiooftho iilivnli-liiii nuiM mo to
Koto I'll udpljlila w t'l him nnd put niytclf under
tlio j-U.i jiuiiLliIlm of thai ( ity.
> D appotlto hudhAcouit | oornful my | . ' < ll' > n win
owes * tint I could no ) otrnn unt lioll.M ch'clion. '
M < : htiiliur nlvhtnivo Iiionatu bud with a tiiinhk'ruf
niitcrLnd n * ponninl oftoJn hy my stdn and I nl-
wnpiilrnni Ittntan inornlnH to uot relief ftum Iho
oplirbsilon cf d jip inin.
I had bcroma Klooniy and almost hopdlcss Mr
f.irm'nglntorasiii were helngrnlnmt for wnnt of rny
n'.lmitlo'i , mi 1 my Hysteoi wa nb > ut dep'iilC'l tiy the
tllleen y.virs of riinnlnnur my face , lia-i'lt ' ami ankle -
kle , forlnafawynnrH thodlinano nml ( iirdndto my
neck , the hauktof my h in Is.thu limldeof mv iiuklen
umlm ) Insti'pi. ihtivnput my foot on iho rioor , uf-
ter bathing It.nnd thndltn inr/ia fnim t'm ankloniid
Imtup. would lonna small pool Inn few nilnulus.
The discharge from Iho fitou nnd nock wis ro copl-
nil" , that 1 havu often wet ud a w.iolo shnet In
ul.lU. drying the I C9 und nock.
In this conilltlon for aujut nftocn yean , day In
and Huy out , week In and week out. on to month * nnd
tuyeurs oniynu uiailne my nionUtl agony not tome
mo 1117 leal t > rr ngl With a targe family to sup-
adorl , | lilt-nflooo years of my llf uhno'utoly thrown
a y , wh'le Isathelplos * watohlng my smalloouipa my very eve * .
Thedoctors lull nil given ma up whn nbfint two
yoor iua uentloraim nhaialdlio hail heon nlrlloied
In u way nlmllarto my cusa. but In n inllJorform told
mutbatH. H. H had cured him , and hi urged mo
strongly in take It. I followed hli ndvlcu und bmrtn
acournaufB. H. H. The first few hottles eaiucd to
Intensify the dlioaio , . Mid nlarmol I left off the medi
cine. l , t r lilnlo mined toconllnua H. f4. 8.1 aud
underthomedlflneslntiuoncu Uolltf broke out on ray
netk and f ro and through them iiasned off that dis
charge , 1 took twunty hottlemif Hwlft rlpcclllo and
wh n I got through thotltse.iiewasntlr ly none.
Now that I oven think of the wonderful change
from those sleepleis days and night * of throbbing
pnln , thu euro seems greater than you can Imagine.
I remain with profuundKralltude ,
Vourobdlntsrrar. . , JAS , B , COLLIEU.
1 . 8.-Tlmt want of aiipotlte and horriulo dy
| ionlu | nf which 1 nnoku , ( IB * entirely cllftap
ponriKl , nml lo-ilny I hnveso ( rood digestion us
liny tnnn I i tlio alnto of Virginia.
AltlmiiKii I Intd never bud rlieutnotlam until
this Irrniilo iiinxuit MruoK rou , yet during III
Ir.ulHovmij , uuiltu utlucki. Hlnce I ceaBta tli t
coureool twunty liottloiof B , S.S.,1 Imvo not
hud tlio hllKbtuxt ihotimatlo gymptouu , now
oviirtn-a jcnt * iigu JAM. K. Cot.MKlt.
' 1'ientUo on Illood and Skin Diicasoa mailed
THE Swtrr Srr.cinoCo. , Prttwcr 3Atlaut ,