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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. MAY 13. 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements under tills bond , 10 cents per Ino lor the llrst ln crtlon , 7 cents for each sub- no'iut'tit Insertion , and f I.Mn line per month. No Hdvortl mncnt taken for lo s than 25 cents fnrilia first liifertlon. futon words wll jbu counted to thu line : they must run consecu tively und must bepuld In ndvnnco. All tulvor- tl'oment * must bo banded In before 1 : so o'clock p. m. . nnd under no clrcumMiuicijs will they bo inkfii or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising Inthcv ; columns nnd hav ing the nns eis addressed In cnru of TllKlIr.K Trill plrnfto u. U fern chcrk to enable them to gut tholr letters.aft none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All nnswors to ndvcr- tlsomonts should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisement * In these columns are pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions of 1 ho llr.R , the circulation of which aggregates more than 14,000 papers dnlly. nnd gives the ndvertl'or the tieni-nt , not only of the city circulation of The IIKK but nlso of Council IlliilTs , Lincoln , nnd other cities und towns throughout this part of tllB WOSt. MONEY TO LOAN. $500,000 to loan at II per cent , Harris 4 Samp son , 151(1 ( Douglas it. 670 $600fiOO Tt LOAN nt 6 per cent. Mnhoncy Llimlmn 1603 rarnnm. fiia MONF.Y TO LOAN O V. Davis * Co , , real citato and loan agents , 1606 t'arnnm st. 071 $500,000 To loan on Omaha city property atfl per cent. G. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Uld. CVJ ONEV to Loan , first mortgage notes bought. H. I' . Cole , 316 A. 1.1throom t. 772 14' MONKY TO LOAN-On city nnrt farm prop- ortylow intcs. Stewart Ic Co. , Room 3 Iron bank. 674 MONKY to lonn. cash on delay. J. W.nndK. L. Squire , 1413 Farnum st , , Pnxton hotel building. 675 mONP.V Flist mortgngo notes. The Douglas county bunk will buy papers secured by flrnt mortgage on city realty. 66 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real nstnto ; no commission clmrgod , Leuvltt llurn- linm , Room 1 Crolghton lilock. 677 G I'EU CUM' Monny to loan. Orojfory fcllndley. Rooms 1 and 3 , Itodick clock , 320 S. IMh St. C78 TO LOAN Monny lx > nna placed on im proved real ostnto In city or county for Now Kniflnnd I.onn * Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. ICth und Chlrnxo Kts. 079 MONBY to lonn on Improved city property nt 6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not Imvo to wait Have n complete set of abstract books of DouRlns county. I. N. Wntson , abstractor Harris Konl Kstato nnd Lonn Co. , 3208. IMh at. M ONKY LOANKOntC. F. Hood & Co. 's I.onn Olllco , on furniture , pianos , . , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of valiip. without removal. U19 S. l"th. ever UlnKham's Commission store. All bual- ncpa strictly conlUlciitlul. 611 6PEH CENT Money. U. C. Patterson , ISlh ntd Ilnrnoy. CF2 TltONKY TO LOAN-by the iind"orsigned , who U-t has tlio only propoily organi/i'd loan agency In Omaha. Loans of J10 to $100 made on furnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , do , without rnmovnl. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans BO mndo that nny pnrt cnn bo paid at nny imo.cnch payment reducing the cost pro rutn. Advances rnadn on fine watches und diamonds. Persons Bhoiild carefully consider who they nro dealing with , as many new concerns nro dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and ceo mo. \ \ . H. Croft , Hoom 1 WMhnoll 15th nnd Harnoy. 653 tinnncinl Exchange. - - , - - N. W. eornor of Hurnoy and 15th BtS. , over State National bank. Ii < prepared to innko short tlmo loans on any nvalliiblo security. Loans mndo on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long tlmo loans mndo on Imurovod real estate At current laic ? 1'urclmso money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short tlmo loans made on second mortgage. Recording to marginal Interest , at collateral rates. Heal estate to exchange for good Interest bearing paper. Gnnernl financial business of all kinds trans- Beted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money always on band for approved loans of Ony kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- Jlclty. Corbelt. Manager. ISO BUSINESS CHANCES. BUS1NKSS CIIANCE-For Bale : llrst class dining ball , best located and best pnylua of fitiy In the city. Owner has other business. Hammond & ( Slbson , 1514 Douglni st. 423 in "C10H SALK Cash.Grocory store , doing n good -1. business , In line location. Good rouRona tor selling. Address. O 07 , Hoe olllco. 418 WANTED A person desiring to engngo In nn honorable paying business netting $10 to $12 per day clear protlt on stock of $75 to JIM. Host business men of this city given ns references. Call ut once , or wrlto , to Hoom 1 , Crounso block , luth St. , cor. Cnpltol nvo , Omaha , Nob. 408-J11 flTO exchange lor inerchundlso , hunlnaio pro- A furred , two good Improved farms , two nnd four miles from town , ono of 120 ncres , price $4,200 , Incumbranco $ IXW. ( Ono of IfiO acres , jirlce $4H ) > , Incumbranco $1,300 , In Green county. 0 lots In Murshulltown , price $1.200. it lots in Monmoutti , price (600 , all In Iowa. Ad- I Idress box 17tf , Bcriinton City , Iowa. 450 IfiJ JfJ < Oll SALK llostaurant 1 year lease , dolag F good business. Address O 63. Uco olllco. 377 1BJ FIRST-CLASS opening for live man who wishes to Invest lu the drug business. For particulars address llov 55. Nooln , In. 28114J WANTED Partner In paying drug store. Capital reii ill rod $000. Address 0115 Uoo Ofllco. lisa 12 * ' FOHSALE-Driig store In city. Will trade for olty ronl estate , or take B partner. Address O. 'M lleo otflce , 372 12 J .TfiOlt SALE or Hunt First class liotol proper- J1 ty In olty of 3,000 Inhabitants. Fine Im proved nnd unimproved faring nnd olty prop- irty for sale. Address Iloi444 , Norlolk , Neb , J OK A A DOLPH'S restaurant Is on account business ohaiige undur fair terms for sulo. 815 S 12th. . Ml 12 * Y property , wherein saloon is for snlo or . for rent. Louis Korsgood , Park Forest galoon , & lath St. SB3 12J A HA HE opportunity. A clean , crisp und Uesh stock of Groceries , Flour , Feed and Provisions , with nn uvoriigu dully business of 4f 123 , Is now put on the market for sale. Ex- oellunt business locution. Mroot car corner ; on best street In city : now brick building , leased for ono with privilege of two orthieo years. Terms of sale good. Iteasons for selling , other interests deiiinnd intention. Apply promptly to Par nut & Wllllumson up stairs , B. w. cor. 14th nnd Douglas. 344 \VANTKD Partnership with tin old physician , f i In cityortown by . n young phjslcian of fi years oxperlence. Not ufrnld of work. Ad- dress O 53 Oniahn lice. SM 12J "II OH SALIJ Very cheap , good brick busluoss JJ property In Grand litltind , Nob. TIui gruutoat liargaln and best terms In this city. Good ron- ons for selling. For particulars address J. H. Voolloy , Attorney nt Law , Grand Island. Nob. \TOTICi : To hotel men , u desirable hotel J- > lor Kido , the Occidental , situated in the teautlful and crowing city of Sutton , Neb. , Is Iiow put upon the market. The Occidental has n enviable reputation second to noneIn the into for Its generous nnd liberal hospitalities , n thousands of traveling men will gurranteo. U'lio hotel Is on n solid tlnnnolal foundation , VritU ull modern Improvotnents nnd every room Duplod : Kiitlttfactory reasons furnished for Ing. Prlco nnd terms made known upon Application. For ruither particulars Innniro cr address , J . T. Mollyneaux , proprietor. Hut- 4on , Neb. 81U-12J TTiyil SALK or trade A clean stock ot gnn- J-T erul tuorohnndlso In nn Iowa town. Good trade , lot and building $1.750 , stock $ I.20V ) * ant pome oiuh on itock. Will exchange for land or tock. Ilcuson , owner lives west. Addrnss lock box 23 , Central City. Nub. W is 00x1112 teot east front Shrlvor place fJOoT ? iohl by May 10. Terms ousy. Struct car line within Hi blocks. This Is a bargain. Shaw ft Co. . 510 S Hith St. 121 FOIt SALE A profitable nnd well established business suitable fern Imly. Cnll nnd In qulro ut Employment Uurenu , 219 n litth sts. , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tX * * J4 \\7Ehavosoino very desirable loTs to ox- 1 change for any kind of merchandise ; 120 V 15th it , 1-2 blk Q P. O. Marr .V Toft. U.V4 LOST. - T OST-An Irish setter pup with a colbir and J-J the nuinu DICK Inscribed on It. Iteturn to ard8'I"lSon's ' corriago factory nnd get re- STHA\ED-A brown and whlto pott d In- dlan ponr. IMiick nnd whlto stripped mane , Joint white tail , llowarit will bo paid lor ro- .Surn ot same to Fred Isullu , cor. 1th and Pop- l > leton avr , 454 15J T OhTV-Bay mare , bob tall , rlsht hind foot J-l white , branded _ " on lott shoulder. Ho. Ward for return to Christ. Anderson , near ford a packing homo. ice lij PEBSONAL. _ _ PKUSON'Afj ' If'yoii wnnt a doslrablu , con- t rally located oQIco you can flnd It at 313 BJSth gt. g7B _ _ _ PF.U3ONAr eorvant clrls. We har n nlco list of places In privnto fnmllles for good girls with good wages. Omaha Kmploy- ineint Uurenu , 119 N lOtb , Crounso block. MlTdTTiUltAlfr Ciaflvoyant From HostoiiTis' reliable In ull affairs of life , unites separated U > rers.322 _ N lOth it. room 1 Ml m28 | _ _ MltS. M. T ) . CAItltOLL hns romovcd her dtcssmaklng rooms from 16JI Howard to Old Ilrow nell Imll , corner 17th und Jones. 2SJ 12J I > nH.HONAL-Ncat and tnsty nll-wool busl- ne s suits 17.00. Fine bluu diagonal dress Bulls , f 10.75. Cull and BLO thorn or write for samples , L. O. Jones it Co. . American Clthiois , 13U9 ruriiam st. Omaha. TOO in 17 folndlns during J contlncmont , strictly conlldonilal , InluntJ adontod , ndUruiS 1 : 42 , Hue olllcn. SI'JJU * PEHSONAL-Mra. r Nnnnl * V. Warren clalrvojant. Medical and business Medium Boom No. 1,121 North ICth it jOmaha , Neb. STORAGE. "UUKbT-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft. 687 STOltAGK-Flrst-class stornga for nice fur niture or boxed goods , at 1513 DoJc-flt. MISCELLANEOUS. STOIIAGK Tor household goods nnd general " morchnndlsu nt low rates , corner l.'Ith and /ard sts , up town olllcu 51'J N. 13ta , tolophotio 'i2. ' 427J11 * GASOLINi : and coal nro delivered free to nil purls of the city by the llluo line tank lollvery , olllco at IConnard ( llass& Paint Co. I'ulephono 7U1 , MoDugal li Ward , proprietors. 201 nUUENl-Sunro | Piano ja montnir. A Hospo , 15n Dougins. tW'J Cr.SS POOLS , sinks nnd vaults cleaned , ode - less process , Ii Kwing , box 327 , city. r < 8U m27J TO PltOlMIItTY Owners-It you want to sell your property send full description with rlto nnd terms to Hnrt's ( Iront Western Heal .stnte Bureau , Crolghton lilock. Wo have cus- omois for every bargain that Is olfcrod. 811 mill EHAI ) My now ailvortlsomcnt of Illchmond ami Tnblo Lund In this cvonlngs's lice. Ceo. M. Cooper. Hoom 3 , Arlington Block. U51 14 V010K CULTUUK-A laily of experience who hns lately moved to tliu city , is prepared to Ivo lessons In voice culture to a limited niiin- > cr. Also desires n position us sopruno Inn liiirch nholr. flood city references. Mrs. 8.12. 'lupoo. 1710 Corby street. Information furnished by Hov. A. Rogers , loom 5. Arlington Illock , 1511 Dodge st. 417 15 * | 1O parties having hou&os for rent , Hontnl L Agency , llonawn & Co . 15st. , opposite post- Hlco , Wo hnvo turned ever to them our rental 1st. We recommend them. McCague liros. 600 "VfOTICi-W. : C. King * Co. , house moving J-i nnd raising , leave orders at 13J ) Pierce st , 05" J4J "IJIOK IlKNT Orgnns , 53 per month , riospe , C 1613 Douglas. US' DUiSSMAK1Nl-Mrg. : ( K. C. Scodeld. par- lors 182J St. Mary's avo. Ladles coming to ho city for ono dny cnn have their dross mndo , vhllo walling. U73 m 14 > \ . C.-Houso furnishing goods , all kinds : cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J , Conner , 1315 Douglnsst UOO 1OII HKNT Square Piano , ft montnlr. lloaiio. 1513 Douirlas. C80 "F you want to buy or sell furniture , jro to J. Ferguson's , 715 U. 18th C'Jl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. T71011 SALK A first class Van range In com- Jploto order. Steam tnblo nnd broiler : auso for selling ; CilltoJnin Hotel , llth and ) oUKlas. 451 111 * CITY MAPS-CompIoto atlas map of Omahn nnd South Omahn. Cnll or send your order ' eforu the edition IK exhaustion , selling rapidly. Oeo. K , nnd Wm. Gibson , 312 S. IGth stroot. 448-11 TJKJN SALK Duck board and open buggy. In. qulro 1547 N 10th. 4U'J 14J FOH SALE Chonp. n eat'o family hot EC. Dr , Stone , 1517 Douglas. 422 13 FOH SALH Throe work horses cheap for cnsh , or installments. J. llonner , iID : ) Douglas st. 3 > ID FOH SALK A fresh , young , thoroughbred Jersey cow and calf. 2400 Knrnnm st. 8. 1C Drown. 411 1HJ OOO.UiM good merchantable brick for sale at < -J John H. Green's stone quarry. 275 15J [ J > OH SALK or trade , good work horse , or Is . ndnptod for ladles driving ; not fast enough for nny business. Fine Jersey cow one dry , nnd yearling heifer. 1124 Piorco. ass 12 j FOH SALK One No 18 Hob innge , ono ex tension tnblo , oarpot , etc. ( iood as now. Cheap for cnsh. Inquire Institute Hotel , Uth and Capitol avo. 297 17j $200 buys 8-year-old bluek liorsu , leather-toil buggy nnd harness. Apply ut 102.S N. 2Jth , 1 block north of Cumlng. ui ] 2j TJ10K SALK-Ono No. 1 Hob rnnyo , ono ox- -L' tension tnblo , carpets , etc. Good as new. Chunp for cash. 2D7 10J "TTOUSKIIOLD Furniture complete for 7 room J-L house , good as now. Will bo sold nt pri vate siile at purchaser's own prlco , for cnsh. Address ! ' . 3",2 ll SALK Furniture of 0 room house with -L' pilvlloge of routing house 1014 California st 233 13 FOR SALK-Flrst-clnss Carrlngo with shafts nnd polo , Simpson's make , $ ' ) > . Pine family horse , fust and gentle , $330 , Fine hurnos , . " > 0. It-room bouse nnd 4Uxl')2 ) foot lot , 9)15 Cass st. All modern Improvements. Largo burn. ,000. idl'oycko. 210 F I OH SALK Drivers nnd draft horses , rear of 1818 Chicago St. 154 ja * FOH SALK , or exchange for Omnhu real estate , n line driver , rccoid 2:41. : Patterson & Moore , Hoom 1 , Omnhu National bank. 151 | 7UH SALEOr exchange , one grand square JL1 Chlckorlng 73 octavo piano , now , at a bar gain. Will trndo for city property , house and lot protoned. A. , P. O. llox 488. 3j2 TTOUSEHOLD Furnlturo complete for 7 room J-L house , good as now. Will bo sold nt pri * vatnsalu at purchaser's owu price , for cash , Address P , O. box 448. 362 FOK SALK-AI1 kinds of building atone a the Louisville tiunrry , lowest prices p osst hie. Address ) G. Motzgor , Louisville , Neb. 823 15 * FOH SALK Ago d milk dairy , consisting of HO llrst class cows , n good delivery wngon , team and harnuss. milk cans , A a , horse power corn mill nnd hny cutter , and corn shelter , In cluding tlrst class milk route , ImmodliUu po.s. session glvon. Tor terms , etc. call nt 217 S 14th it , Omnha. 741 FOU SALK Spun borsos , double wagon and double harness for t''OO. Also a lot of posts chonp. U J Ciinnn , 5JJ POIl SALK 1 or 2 horses , 1 spring wngon , 1 buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 751 inKl F I OH SALK-Sqtmro piano , f ISO , Woodbrldgo liros , 215 Opuru hoiiBO. ; tu4 THOU SALE-llrick. T.Murray. J ? C03 TJIOIt SALE-17 head choice bred Shorthorn -L cuttle ; also a 4V ) noru stock furin In Holt county. J. B. Collluirs , Ponder , Neb , NM may I3J WANTED MALE HELP. \\TANTKD-Flrst class machinists , none other need apply. Duvli & Cowglll Iron Works. 4U4 12J " \\fANTED-FirBt class whlto burlier , wngos $14 per week. Call No. 128 6th street , ready for work , Fremont , Neb. 43J 13j V\T ANTKD-Salosmon , 5 traveling salesmen , Biliary nnd expenses , no experience nec- s.sary. Address with stamp , Pulmor * Co. , LaC'russe , WIs. 431 11J lEo sample lash holder T free for stump , awur ahead of anything of the kind ever Invented , boats weights , out sells everytblnc , tlO n day. Urolmrd Jc Co. , Clarksburg , W. Vo. 429 18J \\7ANTKD-Aflrst class colored barborS21 Bomb. 12th. 428 lb VlTANTKD-llliickgmttli. Must bo Boot ! shour. 11 Inquire , J. Nelson , South Omaha. 414 13 * for Colorado , Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. ius WANTED Three good tlnnen at onco. Good wages , steady work. U. Grahl , lOi Broadway , Council Ulutfs. 302 13 \\7ANTED-A wlillnif worker to loara to prcii pants ; permanent situation , and nfter learning the builneas good pay. Goo. Stilus , HOO Loareuirortu st , | U518 \\rASTED-Cnnvn slng ngonta. Apply bo- i tweenllm and4 p , m. Acme Jlfinfg. Co. , 613 8. 10th it. W4 \\rANTHD-A partner In good paying ousl- T ncsi , corapctant to take full charge ot ifHco affairs , 2W > ) capital required. Address , iox M. 18 , Uco ofllco. W WANTKD Laborers tor railroad work , E.S. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. W Afrfnn-At once , 3 coat tunkers nnd 2 vest makers , at A. Kallsli , 316 S. ittM : _ t. 37W WANTF.D 2 pchool boys with borsos to carry route on dally evening lleo. 313 WANTKD-Experloncod waiter , New Voik Hestaurnnt , 711 N. 16th gt. 309 1JJ WANTKD-IO good solicitors for work nmong business men ; nothing to sell , Cnld- well A : Co. , 101'J Harnoy st. 3iW 12J STI'DKNTS Tpnchors and agents cnn secure very prolltablo omployinunt by applying to . P. Uroat , Planter's houso. Omuhn. "l\7ANTKD Ten harness tnnkori nt Mnrks TT llros. ' Snildlery Co. , 1407 Ilnrnoy St. , Oniahn , Neb. 177 20 T\fANTKI > Voutg men to repre ent nn eastern - orn publishing house m this stnto. 31rt 8. , r > tli. Hoom 1. 310 16 * WANTKD A general and M sub-agents In your county. Now goods , Ktiro chanro. 100 to 3'Xl ' per cent , commission , or n good sal- iry. Send for circular. F. M. Weaver , No , t .Vest . Ohio street , Indianapolis , Ind. 2JJ 21- WANTKD-l'our young men of good educa tion , character anil address , between 20 nnd :15 : years of nge. .1. M. French & t'o.olllce room 16 llushmaii block , 2"0 It WANTKD Moil , Women , Hoys nnd ( Hrls for n light nnd profltnblo omploymunt. No picture business : no humbug. Send lOo for a rnlunhlo package to commence on. Only n few lilt ml in ! will bo distributed. Address Albany Supply Co. , Albany. N. V. 842 J2' WANTKD An Intelligent boy or young man from the Omaha High school to carry n route on the Dally Kvonlug Hoc. 13' ) WANTED-20 block mnkcrs for Colorado. Must bti oxporloneud men nnd hnvo tools , 'roc pass. Mrs. Uio a & Son , 310 South 15th. WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\7ANTKI-Immediately , two good dlnlng- ' room girls lor tlruen Itlver , Wy. Ter. Wages * 20. Frcu pas ? . Mrs. llrojru , 3l'l South fith st. 4'8 ! I3J \\T ANTED A llrst class cooknt thoCommrr- t clnl liotol , Wahoo , n lady , good wages and Rtcndy omplovmciit to the right parson. Addrujs , with roloronccs. Goo. T. Duke , prop. 42S 14 fTTANTr.O A good girl at U. S. Hotel. Ocr- man profortod. * 410 WANTKD Competent girl for general housework. Inquire nt the store , f.07 S. 3th St. 421 11 * \\7ANTF.D A dining loom girl nnd kitchen girl nt Vienna restaurant. 4IS 1'J' V\ANTF.D 2 dining room glrh. I'liion ros- V > taurnnt , 1217 Harnoy. 407-14J WANTKD ImmedlAtnly. nt Transfer hotel , Council Illnirs , n head liumdross ami two 'nundry girls. First-class wages paid. 4VJ li ; T\7"ANTRI-At Locke house , Norfolk , Nel > . , ' first-class plain pastry cook , oman pio- foiled. Address B. F. Looko , Norfolk. Neb " " \X7ANTKD Girl to cook for hulp , nt Arcade T > _ JioteU215 Douglas St. 3'Jl ' 15 J Vy"ANTED-Liiundro * , inlddTe" " npod laffy prplorrcd : also chambermaid New Vork Koiitiitiraiit.Tll N , Kith st ' il'W 12J " \\rANTIJD-Shlrt mnlnri : and girls to learn at Factory cor 15th and Hainey. 11. N. HurgofS. 4U 13j _ WANTKD A second cook and dining loom girl , good wages , at California Hotel , llth and Douglas et. 15' ) I.I * V\7ANTKD-Clrl. 114 S. 13lh st. Inquire nt TT Mont Market. o)5 lllj vyANTFD A glil or a woman for general bou-owork , sis Howard st. 3-lj 12J WANTF.D Girl for puntry nnd laundry work.Mlllard hotel. 37312 WANTED ( ! lrl lor light housework , sw cor 2'idnnd Haiiioy ets. ; W ) 13j " \\7 ANTKD-Dluliig room girls , nlso girl to > wnsh sliver , ono hour , three times a day for Donrd. Institute hotel , 13th mill Capitol nve. 29114j WANTKD Good girl ; general housow orK 1417 Cnss. 35 12' \\7 ANrED 2 glils for same family $1 o.icn , i * dining room girl and dlshwnshor. $2 < ) each ; laundress in city , cooks for privnto fnmllies.ex- perieneed niiixi tor children , $4 , lots ot now nlaccv In and out of elty everyday. Mrs. Itrcgu , 316 S. 15th , up stairs. II'.IS 12j WANTED A Hnlo lady who Is nciiunlntod ifllh the millinery trado. Stnto experi ence. O. KO Hoo. ! 171 13 j WANTED girl In family of three. 2115 California Btieot. 3rt7 13 "V\7"ANTKD Two saleswomen , for dry goods T f must have experience , and testimonials. Apply in the morning to O Dorahoo .V Sherty , no.Utotho postollico. 401 13 "itT'ANTKO An experienced dres makur. Apply 51 ! ) S. Uth St. 400 12J WANTKD Glil forgoneral housework , call at 143 s ! ) th st. , German or English. WANTKD Young girl ; Gorman iiorforrod ; nbout 16 years old , nt COS S. llith tt , .TiS . . . ) Girl to do general housework call ut 122 ; ) Hamilton st. 308 121 WANTED Good girl forhou'oworkm SPJiill lumlly. Mrs. H. llingliam , 810 S inth st. 310 12j \\7"ANTKD-An cxporlcncc'd girl for general T T house work , except washing : npply largo house In front of Cretgnton college. 32.1 13J \\fANTED-Cook nnd dining room girl. JlueF- T > ler'B Hostnuraut. 1004 N. llith st. 251 WANTKD-Second girl Immediately , Cell bet. tbo hours of U nnd 10 a , m. or fl to 7 p. in,2427 Dodge stroot. 253 WANTKIGood glr nt 603 Virginia nve , good wngoA paid. 231 WANTKD-Kltchon girl and two dining room girls. 1001 No 16thst , Wi T\7"ANTED At onr.-o , piano player , colored > > woman tirolc-rred Apply M2S. Oth. 341 "l\7"ANTED-tudiesto work for us at their > T own nomes ; $7 to In per week cnn be fjuiotly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. For full particulars plcaso address nt once Crescent Art Co. , lu Central ( t. . Boston , Mass , ilox.5170. ikBjelo' SITUATION WANTED. VlfANTEDSltuntion lu private family. Ad- VY dross O. 2Heo C7513J \\rANTKD-A position us typo writer. Ad dress O 40 , lieu ofllco. 2:11 : \\7ANTKD-A position as typo writer. AdV - V > dress O 40 , Hoe olllco. 231 WANTKD Sltuntion as assistant book keeper or position in olllco , best refer ences , Address O 70 , Hoo. 4.U 10J " \\7"ANTKD-Situatlon as meat or put-try cook T > Address O 118 , Uco ofllce. 41'J 12' \\TANTri-Sltimtlon by man of 7 years bust- > ness experience to work In store or on the road. Good city roforencos. Addiess)7- Ilco olllco. 445 15J \\7ANTED-Sltuatlon for No. 1 meat nnd pastry - try cook ( man ) , N sober , honest and ro- liable. Mrs , llregu. 316 South 16th at. 4'1'J 13J \\7ANTED-Po8ltlon In private family tote > to wash clothes. Address 2504 Paclllo st. 128 12 * \\7ANTED-A Position bv n thorough no- It countnnt. Host ot roferoncui. Address O 14 Hoe olllco. 813 MIBOELLANEOtJS WANTS. WANTUD-Furnlsheil room with board for innnand.wlfoln private family ; terms must bo reasonable. Address P1 , Hoe olllco. 444 13J T\7ANTKI > To rent pentant ! room with quloi prlvoto family for man and wife. Hoan for lady. Moderate terms , and near street car State couronloncos. Address O 71 Uco ollico. 447 13J \\7ANTED-A newspaper , paying circulation T T guaranteed from the start , for particu lars address Hank of Valley , Valley , Nob.f'M f'M Y\7ANTEI > To rent tnroo unfurnished rooms t us near as possible to business quarters State prlco ; address O64 Uco. uo 12J WANTED A gentleman desires n rooit mate , 1823larnac. 365 13' WANTED To trade now Itcnnoy buggy for a good , safe driving horse. Armstrong Pettis \ Co. , 13UJ Uard St. m 13 WANTKD Teams for railroad work , Albright's Labor Agency , 112U Farnam B1J FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTa7 C10H Hr.NT-B room house near car line. -C llftllou IJroj , , 1518 Douglas , U 0 U FOIl nnNT 10 room houet : only 12 bloon. from the postofllcc. Jinyou llros. , 1510 ) ouglas. 3.V ) 13 FOIIHENT OoodT roomoottiigo near busi ness. $3(1 ( per month. - 'H. A , Sturgos , room 10 , Crenchton blk. 330 U _ [ 7IOU HKNT-Threo room Ironso , 1021M N20th D gt. S.-H ) FOH HKNT-8torP9 and tint ? at 24th and Lkp ptroct by Paulson * Co , , room 8 , Hodlck's block. ( 207 _ CTOH HENT Good burn , suitable * for four horses. Inqulro nt 617 s. lath st. lltl FOHltr.NT 8-room IIOUSQJ nil modern con veniences , Fnrnam audtlst at. S , Kntz & Co. 1811 Fnrnam. 195 Oil HKNT-Framo store bulldlnsr , 20xM , with living 4room , on Phil Phorldnn st.wlll : mprove : put basement under store to suit any ogitlmato business Wm. Fleming & Co. . 1401 Douglas. 870 FOH KENT House and store suitable for nloonor boarding , South Omahn Stock Ynrds. Inquire nt Levy * ' Oioccry. 43H 14 " F OH HKNT--HOUSO 7 roomn , celltr , closets , etc. : also barn , southwest eornor th nnd Pierce. 41212JD HKNT Window , good locality for low FOK tier or real estate. Apply to 303 n 10th. 59J I0ll RENT First class location for barber C shop. Shaw .V Co. , 510 South 16th. 434 iTIOH HKNT A ( tore. Inquire 1412 S. 13th 8U P Goo. II. I'otcrson. 899 FOR HENT Four room cottage bet 22nd and 2 Ird on Loavonwocyi. Apply 813 S 20th FOR lir.NT Ware room ror. 13th nnd Cull- llornla on Belt Lino. 1-or particulars 011- julro at Union Nat , bank. 18J 771OH Hl'.NT A store nr.d barber bop , nlso J ? nice unfurnished rooms. Apply N W cor. 3th and Williams. 1M 13J T710H HENT Store an I living npartmonts on A ! Cuming uear Snundorsst. Apply at HnrrU Heal Estate r.nd Loan Co. , ifcO S. 15th st. BUT HENT-nrlck yards , T. Murray. 443 TJ1AHM to rent. T. Murray. 851 FOH HENT-Throo room house , IIOS',5 ' S 7th 315 FOB BENT BOOMS. N'T-l'urnlshod rooms , 713 S. 10th st , 1 block from St. Mary's nvo. 4'11 111' TJ10H HKNT-Furnlshod rooms , 754 S. 18th. 171OH HENT A nicely fuinisliod room.lHIOSt J3 Mary's nve. 374 13 J FOH HE.NT Pleasant furnished south front room between Karnnm nnd St. Mnry's nvo. nonr'.Othst , $ ! tth n month. Huluiencu 10 quired. Address "O M" Hoe olllco. OT3 12' FOH IIENT-Elognntly furnUhed room for'- gcntlomon noir business. All conveni ences : private liunlly. 1015 Cap , nvo. 213 t J J710H HENT-Nowly fu-nlshnd front room JL with ulcovc , lu Hnnscom Placo. Inijulruut J j Paxtou blk. 312 12 * KOOM anil board for gent nnd wlfo at 2010 Callloiulast. 3.17 12j TflOU HENT- Furnished room at 181U Dodge St. 'tis FOll HKNTFurnished rooms ut 1810 Dodge st DS3 "I\T"ANTK1J 1 largo unfurnlshnd room , not * o\or $10 per month , by iiiaii nnd wlfo ( no children. ) References oxchanjed. Address O , 53 , Hco. - IJ 12 FOH HENT-NIco furnlshojioom. 202i Far- nnm. UC5 1011 HKNT Nino-room tlntouutrally located , 3in s nth , 51 ! i7 FOH HENT-Desk room. ' . ( John Giillughor , 317 South Mth nt. , l il 13 FOH HKNT-Nlccly lurulshed parlor and bed room en sulto. Front rooms. Three blocks from Pnxtoii and Mlllard , Gas nnd water lu house. Apply room 3 , 507 8 13th st I 2s 11,1 J10U RENT Fiirm > 20M Hnr ? _ noy. g. 313 1Q | 710H HKNT A nlco iiowlyttirnlshod fiont - room with nlco\-n , and oVOfiythlng In first- class style , nnd other Kiii'illor'tboms ; al'o tnblo board. Call at2.12 Farnnm stAf 303 1BJ FOR RENT Elegant rooms * ' reforoucos 10- quired , 1007 Douglas st. . 301 'I710H RENT In now house , newly turnlshcd J rooms.south nnd < Mi9t front , ono with bay window nnd alcovefi.2 Georgia avo. MM 12j TT'OH HKNT Furnished rooms with closets , gas nnd bath , 0.9 S 17th st. 192 12J FOHSALE-Now2nd hand oillco desk , 1013 Fnrnam , up stairs. 182 FOR HKNT 2 furnished rooms , bath room nnd gns nil on tlrst lloor. Cnll nt 20J6 Dnvonporl St. 131 FOR HENT Elegant furnlshnd rooms and board in new bouse with all modern Im provements , bath rooms , gas , etc. 2402 St Mary's nvo. 3S 12J T7OR RENT-Furnlshod rooms. 714 N. IHth. ' OinmSl * FOK HENT Nicely furnished room for gen tlemen , 215 N llth st. 124 FOR HENT Eleven nlco unfurnished sloen- Ingroonri. Soparnto or all together , lu building .110 H 15th St. , 975 FOR HENT Iieslrnblo untarnished rooms suitable for olllco or slooplni ? rooms. 310 S16thst _ 76 "IjlOH HENT Furnjsbo I room with privilege Jof sitting room for ladv. Object , company for h'.dv whnRO husband Is gene part of the tlmo. 501 320th. 830 FOR HENT No. 517 s 13th st , storeroom nnd basement , new brick building. An ox rollout locution for either wholesale or retnl business. Paulson If Co. , room 8 Hedlck block. 003 FOH RENT Two omcos spaces on ground floor In room 1509 Farnam st. Knqulroof J. S. lllohnrdson , in rear ollleo , SIS m21 'OR HENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms chonp. 508 Soutli ISth street , Upstairs. 9,15 FOR aENT-Deskroom. Enquire Young 4 Blackmnn. 214 S IStli st. 640 FOH RENT Newly furnlshPd rooms with bpnutifill lawn , one block from postolllco , 1505 Capitol nvo. 41U 14' FOR RENT I Inrgo furnished front room , 1217 Ploreo st. 4"0 U * T71OH RKNT--2 unfurnished rooms , to party JC of two , first lloor. .M20 St Mnry's ave , 452 1.T TjlOK RENT Three newly furnished rooms at JO 1718 Jackfo nst. 411 HJ TT1OH HKNT Three room house west of North X ! lltli st. , between Chicago and Cass. fill FOH RF.NT Furnished room with board for two or four gentlemen , the most pleasant locatlr.n In the city. Reference required , Cnll at S. E. corner 20th nnd Farnam sts. 14012 * T71OR RENT Klegnnt offlco rooms , best lo- JL' cation In Omaha. 316 South Uth st. 635 FOH HENT Some very pleasant furnished rooms , with or without 'board , n. o. cor. 12th nnd Pierce. CS7 12 J TVOIt HENT Hoom with bat it'for gentlemen , . HllUCupltol avenue. T 3U13J FOH HENT-Two furnlshi * V rooms with board , un suite or slngi iovery | modoru convenience , 2535 St. Mary's * Y * . 383 17J FOH REST Third floor , 2.'xSi > ; of brick build Ing , 1103 Fnrnam streetu : o of elevator. Inqulro nbovo number , upstairs. 661 FOR RKNT-OIHous in HellutKn Dulldingcor. Furnnm and nth au..ln sulto.s or singly. For prices , diagrams nnd Information apply to S.A. Slomun , 1512 Furnam St. , ll era 2. FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. GREGORY ft HAOLr.V. Members Omaha Real KMnto Rxchnngp , Roonu 1 and 3. .120 South Tith st. Omnha View , State st front ! lor $ l,5Tn Fnlrmount place , 50x131 , corntr1'M ' Fnlnnount place 40x110 , cornur 1,3V. West Side l.oavenworth at fronts l.tno West Sl.le , Knst nvo fronts 775 Thornburg plare 100x130 , corner IflO' Thornburg plnce , flno east front 80j ( ntnlpnplnoa 85x118 , corner 1,950 Tnbor place elegant lot 47xio. ) 1COJ Loavonworih terrace 114 ft on Loaven- worth 3.0&0 Loavonworthterrace , lC2xll4 trackage , . . ' 1.300 Wcist Omaha , 110x132 east nnd so front. . . 3,50 ] West Omaha , 6ixl5" > east nnd north front.2r o : Hedfonl plnco 100x128 corner 1.70C Bedford [ ilacoiOxlW south front r < W Prospect place 6lft corner on grade 1.S5C Prosipeot place double front Hamilton st 2,503 Cheap homes for all. Gregory & Hndloy. 043 TT'OH BALK Ix > t 12 , block U , Mayfleld. corner JO gjxUO , only tt'M. Also lot 17 , block 14 , only $300. For particulars address JI. Mollor. i.oup City. Neb. 457 14j CHEAP LOTS-You ciia make money on our Cheip Lots on tbo valley north of town (160 to $375. Como and Boo them. Hogg * & Hill. 412 J 11 NF.BHA8KA LAND Seven Omaha Inside lots to trade for unlneumbered Neb. land. Hush & belby , 1(31 Funam it. SW nEHK Is n bargal 67x124 fcot In rialnvlow add , ea t front , lrVW. Smith A Welsh , lonl Kjtato , 219 B 14th St. , cor , Hun Mil. 400 V ! H OLM HS & MOMS A HTY lloaTcsUto nnd In- surunco Co. . 1J20 Douglas. 403 IS IMMKDIATi : \rllltRko5lnts or less only 5 or U blocks from Exchange bid nnd -'ulon Stock yards on fsvornblo terms. Sixteen louses under contract In gnmo block , I mint vlmt they n o worth. 1 don't want fancy prices . wnnt to soil quickly. 1 II. Pruned.U ONE hundred nnd ten ncros 3 miles nw of the 1' . O , for snip on on * ) ' tnrms. Slovens Irui , Solo Agents , 1513 fnninm ? t , 48J 14 OU5K rooms. 23d street , Jt.OOO. Kcanli. John Gallagher. 317 South llth 9L ID'J 13 LOTflOxM * . Three house * . Kountze * Huth's Addition , $8,000. Jolin Gallagher. 317 South 3th. 133 13 _ IK YOU nro looking for property on Suumlors street co mo In nnd lot us sh w you our 1st. Wu Imvo so mil great bargains. raimluir tu irlco from $ .10 to $15) ) POP front foot. Smith ft > Vol.ili , Heal Estate , 218 S. 14th stroot. corner r'arimm. 400 12 OWNKII wnnt * monoy. 3 lmnd omo east fronts In Hanscom place , $ l.ti&0 , nuiflt hn sold this week. T. J. Honk , 1609 rnrnnm. 413 13 BKKOHE buying anything In the roul ostnto line go and sco Shnw * Co.Vncan sell you anything to suit vour pocket-book , nil the wny from $ WO llousos and lots for snio In till parts ot the city , Wu nru head quarters for safe Investments. 6W S. 10th it. sourolllce. 653 FOIt SALE-Lotln Slilnn'alM addition , with new 6-room house , with pantry nnd clos ets. c-flltirn nnd irood collar. Will sell cheap tor Bfowdnys. Apply or address H.D.,2UI2 Chnrlos st. lat I2j TIIIHKK nnd ono-thlrd acres on Saundori , JL opu. Kount/.e 1'laco. for snlo for H few days , Slovens IJros.bolo Agenis,15i : ) Karniun et , 410 14 "V71Imvo poino of the best bargains In llans- T > com 1'laco property tliat can bo found. Call and cut description and prices. Smith & Welsh , Heal Kstato , 310 sllth st. , cor Farnam. 40(1 ( W FOK SALK-Or ront.flno now house 10 rooms , modern convcnloncus. Nntnan Shclton , 1305 Knrnnin st. 312 11 0HOICK IIAHRAINS-ln Orohnr.l Hill. Hcser- vutrnud Cliarthago additions , Hall & Co. , 113 N. llitli. UM 13 FOHSAIK-4 uhotuo loU In HIIMdo No. 2 , $1,800 to $2KK ( ) . rattnianni Moore , rooms I and 2 , Omaha National bunk. U10 14 Oil SAIK ! Hiniso nnd lot. lot 8 block t Claroudon. 1'rluo fl.tWO , terms oasv : IIH ply on promUoa. 314 l"j SOI.D-Wo Imvo sol.l all but a few of these _ l.onvunworth struet rnaldenco lots. The o wu Imvo for our patrons at terms nnd pi lees that bent any list In tlm city. Wo mran It nnd will provo It to you. Wo Imvo nlso tbcso tuon- uv-inakliiR chances : The prettiest plnco In I'lnlnvlow for the money , and only f 000 cash , If Bold soon. "Iho Apple of My Eye , " Homo only H block oir St. Mnry'a ave car llnuconvenient to bust- r.e s , built "lint for n driy but for all time. " llarirams In busliiees property. l.lst with us fore put thorn where they keep hot. Cake & Hillings , over 101 South 15th st. 617 TOTS In Iloyd's addition. S7CO to t50. for few J days only. Smith * Welsh , Itoal F.stato , 219 S. 14th st. , corner Turnnm. 40H 12 0HOICK onsl front on 'IStli st , close to Daven port , now grading , $1,300 , f WO ca h T. J , Hook , I'M Farnam. 11313 AFKW I1AHOA1NS- LotO , block 11 , South Omatia. corner , COx 150 loot , on lloilovuo stieet , only f..OOO. I.nt : i , lilock is , South Oinuh * . 60x150 feet , on llpllovuo fti-cot , only $1.6"iO. Lot 4 , block 1'J , South Omaha , 60x150 foot , on Hellevuo street , only $1,050. I-oi 0 , hloclc' ' , ' , t-outh Oinnhn , corner , 00x150 feet , on llellovuo street , only ? 1WO. Lot , block 10 , South Omaha , corner , 60150 feet , on 1'ark , $1.100. 1.0112 , block 4'J , South Omaha , corner , 60x150 feet , near Cuthollc church , blfcvost burtrnlii out nt ? l.k)0. : ) IiOtT , blook 18 , < outh Omaha , corner , 60x150 fcot , taclnc now depot. Summit , only SI.M ) ' ) . Lot 10 , block IS , South Omahn , AOtlfiO foot , fnclnir now depot. Summit , only $1.0i)0. ) Lot 3 , block 7. ) , South Omahn , BOxISO , ndjoln- in olllco Chicago Lumber Co. , f LOW. ( .ot 14 , block til. South Omaha , corner , OO.v 15' ) feet , .splomlld bu lness piopnrty , fl,200 , il'l trot on South Sixteenth street , south of vla'liict , only $ n.ix)0. Two beautiful outh front lots on Popploton nvonnc. In Ilanscom I'lnco. only ono-flfth cash , halanco In one , two nnd three yours , each 12.7IX ) . Korty-four feet on Vlnton etroot , the main street connecting the city nnd South Omaha , 32,500. Thirty-five foot frontnffo on Vlnton Btreot , ( food uuslness property , onlv fl.SjO. Lot 3 , block 8 , llnnscom I'laco , splendid east front lot. miitfr.ltlccnt vlow , only fH.50J. ion feet south iront In linrtlott's addition , near corner ol 1'nrk nvonuo nnd Ioavonworth strorts , $5,000. KU foot IronliiKO and corner on St. Mary's nvi-nuo , only $20.000. ill foot near corner Twenty-sixth and St. Mnrv's nvciitto , just the place tor brick block , ffi.400. Lot 3 , block , fifty foot south fronton Han- scnm Park , olot'ant liulldmi , ' silo. 3'JOO. Lot 10 , block 2 , 1'otlor's ndilltlon , splendid east front lot just on Kradc , only ? 1 , VJ. Splendid iilocoof trackiuro property , 102x114 , on Holt I.lno llnllvvny nnd Ixmvonworth street , fJni)0. ) M cash. Sixty-six feet on Pleasant stroor , with larpo donblu house , nil modern conveniences , routs rorl'0per month , splendid Investment , only Sl'l.VJO. Splendid lot on GoorBloBVdnuo , nonr Wool- wortn , coso ! to street cars , church and school , J2no ) . THO lots In Tabor 1'lnoo. corner on Lowe nvonuo nnd Howard struct , oloRant residence alto. Call and pet prlco. Siity-acro tract on .Missouri Pnclfio Hallway , admirably ndapod for platting Into loU ; can iiinko this n Imriraln if sold iiuick. Choice two , flvo end ten aero tracts , close to clt ) , near now street railway line , JlMO to ? 700 per ncro Smnll cash payments and ea y terms. You cnn make 530 per cent en Investment. Ucorgo N Hicks. 215 South Fifteenth street , Opera House niock. 293 14 FOH SALK-50 choice farms less than 20 miles west of Oinahn. Address J. II. Silvia , Heal Tstato Agent , Klkhorn. Nob. 641 m23j BIG UAUflAIN Ono hundred foot front on South Eleventh Bt , corner lot , only f ,000. Parton tlinii. V. U Vodlcka , 520 South 13th st. 6U'J rpnOHNHUHQ chonp. 3 lots a o cor. for JL both lwo. I'attorsoni Mooro. 31814 TOTS In Omahn Vlow $1,175 to l.MO. Moyor's J lllchnrds & Tllden.B $ bOO to $ ! } . Fair- mount I'laco $ S30 to $1B50. llodford 1700 to JbOO. Here Is n."Snnp. " Cnxl4. > . Hood's Ifit ndd south front Chicago St. $4OOJ-$2KncflSh. llousos and Lotn. Lowes add $2.000. Omnhu View $1,750. lil > lard i-Caldwoll's $200. Heed's : M $2,550. Hurt st $8.500 nnd J , Ma Oipliol add fillr > no. Terms onnbovooaay. Wo Imvo homes to sell onerisy payment. If you want any kind of property give us a call. Wo Imvo n largo list In Omahn anil South Omnhn. No trouble to nhow property. Our list of wild lands Is ono of the host in tbo city , John Gallagher , 317 south 13th fit 430 WE Imvo thrco of the best lots In House ! i Stohblnsndil. , ono-lialf block from Loav- cnworth St. , south front , for $1,875 each. Smith K Welsh , Heal Kstnto , 210s Uth st. cor.Farnnm. 40013 FOH SALK-Or Trade-Six sections of good land In Lincoln county. Nub , on U. P. railway. Call on or address Odoll Bros. & Co. , 163.1 Farnam st. 301 13 P. TUKEV , 13it Fnrnam st. . innkoa Investments - vestments for lion residents a specialty wltharunranteod Interest or Bharo ot profits , nndtnkcs full cliargo of property : reforcnoo given. 3'J8 THIN ACHRS of high , sightly land for salp,3i ! miles from court housa , ftWO per ncre. 1'uttcrson & Moore , Omuhix Nailonal nnnk. 152 15 U S A [ , U-A eornor lot , Mxl31 , on Ibth nnd Cumin ? at , ono ot the best locations In the city for a wholesale house , with waterworks and soworago. Apply nt premises , Thos. Sin clair. 311 m 2IJ TiHNTH Street business property with track- ngo $ IV ) per foot , cheapest ground on the it root. Patterson & Hooro , Omaha National Hank. 47J HKItE Ig a snap : Owner Is sick and U packed ' now t'orCalilornla. No blnlt about tlilf. It must bo sold at onoo. One of the llnest onst front lots In Hansonm flrtco MxlTl to 20 ft alley , high nnd slirhtly.llno K story liouso built by present owner lorn homo nnd U put up rlgtit. There nru li rooms , besides bath room llnlahed , 2 morn rooms not yet finished. Mantle and grate In front room , hard pine tliush , 175 bbl cistern and Illtor with pump forcing water Into bath room ; city wntor on street but not taken Into house yet. ThU property can bo sold for I MOO cash , or 5"UK ) cash. Orogory It llad'oy. ' Hooma I and it , 3JO S 15th st. HSJ FOH SAI.H At a bargain , a most deslrablo homo for a email family within u milo of P. O , , a block from 2 street car lines nnd nimid Btreeti. Inquire of E , K , Whltmore , liord'a oportt bouio. liJ < CHOICe lot In Hawthorne add. , for fl.TnoT Smith & WoUh , Itoal KMute , 210 A Uth , cor. Farnam. 40012 LIST your property with the Omaha lluamoss Kachanae. 3W b. 15th , rootu 1. 3111V FOH SALE 5 room house flurJotr t prlco $3,400 : $ .v o sh. 4 room bouse Clark St. , prlco $2.0001 (500 12 room house l"th M.prlro $4,200 : 11,300 cash 0 room house Poppluton avenue , price $ - , ( , } { $1.700 cash. 22 feet fronting on Douglas st , for $ .1W per front foot. 2J feet fronting on Saundcrs stf 12) per front foot. 1 adjoining lots , 1 a corneron Snumlors eU , ; > rlco $1,050 per lot. 1 of the be t lots In Orchard hill $ A10. 3 cheap lots In South Omnba ; close to now depot , price $ .V)0 ) per lot. 10 acres for platting , $150 per acre , 640ncre fnrm land nt North Plnttc , Neb. , (5 rioracru. 1W aero farm huul In Madison Co.0 per acre. acre.J aero fnrm land In I'lerco Co. , Neb.$10 per ncro. 160 ncres form land In Webster Co. , Nob. , $20 Her acre. Will tnko hor. o nnd buggy In pnrt payment , Wanted to rent n 10 or I- room house butwefti Fnrnam nnd California nnd 17th nnd 20th , Hum anni&Stringer. 1&18 Dodge st. ! K3 BAHGAlNS-Wo advertise bargains only. Here nro u few from our largo list. Lot HI block 2 , Ambler Place , 1 sqtiuru from Strcut enrllno : only $1,000. ftOxU'Oft. beniitlful east front In Hngnn's. sq. from st. oar$2Ilk ) , $1,100 cash : big bargain. G largo bargnlns In Omaha View. Prices nnd terms on application. 10 lots lu Puddock Plnco : flnp trackage : nt n sncrlfico. Small cashbalnnco tlvoyuais , 4' > xl2tt ft. In Parkers : south front. ! i ta. from St. cur. $ I,0M. ( A rare bargain. South front In Patrick's , vi sq. from st. car : onlv Jl.sW. Easy terms. 22x120 ft. next to corner of Uth nnd Dnvon- port for only $5,000 , $2,000 cash. A regular snap. I'mo residence lots nnd homes lu Kountzo Place , Hanscom Place nnd Kllby Placo. 'J lots south nnd east corner. 110x132 ft.but n . iiiuro trom Leuvcnwoith St. , In Purmontor Plttci' . nil forS'MXXl ; M,500cash. A corner on Dodge st for $5,7UOwlth four cot- tugesbringing n rent o'ltial to nbout 15 per emit on Investment. rA bargain lu outh Omahn proper requiring Jl.OOOcnsh ; lentlngut S1CO per month. $ SOW- A few good lots loft In Poitlnnd Place , l-.l cash ; $ ,150toS)0. When not othorwlso slated , nbovo cnll for nbout 1-3 cnsh , balance easy. Carrlugo ut your disposal to sou these any lime. Wo miiKO n speclnlty of bargains , and nnyono wishing to turn quick will dool \ to list with us. us.Pariott * Williamson , up stnlra , a. w. rornor 14th and Douglas 3-tt 12 H'OUSK nnd lot , N 20th st. ruble road now laid In front , a bargain for few days , T. J. Hook , 150) ) Fariiam. 413 111 BnTTKR see W. H. r.reon , 21' , South Uth St. , Kbout tbo following or anything oljo you want : 100\140on South llith St. , $11,000. MX 140 on South Hith st , $0,000 , IWx 12.r > on South Kith st , geol house , $11,509. 120x110 on South 15th st , $7.0K ) . 50x110 on South 15th st , f-'I.OiU. ; iixl40on ) South 15th st , $2.00J. 46x10(1 ( on Hotitli 15tli st , cor on Williams , Im- lirnvcmt'iiti on this cost $1 , 00. Good business cor , $7.MX > . 6 lul36)vJ-M ) fronts on South 20th st , Thcrio are tlrst-class , better oomo up and sco nboutthose. 6 xl32 on Ijonvonworth st , good hou-e , for $70 per front foot , property soiling 2 blocks be yond In n tiolo for $1)0. ) Ono of the best corners In Shlnn'a ndd. with good house and other Improvements for t'J.'XX ) . $ SOi ) cash , bill 1,2.3 yoars. lOUxIRJ east front on Virginia ave J'i.20,1. 105x150 east front cor Virginia nve $ j,5oO. 21 of the tlneat lots In Hanscom placeoust nnd wet fronts on Park uvo and west fronts on Catherine st. This Is the crcnm of the place nnd the llrst tlmo thuy ever were on the market. Small ensh payments and easy torms. 50 of the best lots In West Side loft laying di rectly on car line and only $500 for inside and $ V > ) tor corner , S125 cash. bill , to suit. W. H , ( Ireon , 215 South 13th St. 609 FOH BAl.K-Dodgo nud 12th , $10,000. 120xn2 cor llth nnd Dorcas , f8,2t)0. ) 60x140 , House cast front , 10th at , f O ft. I'.lsussor nnd Hlco , No 1012 Hnriioy. 270 SOHoautlfullotHonTlollPvuo street between the city and South Oinahn , for sulo on easy turmsbyico ( N. Hicks , 215 South 16tn st. Ilrauch olllco llellovuo and 1) streets. South Omaha. 237 14 SALK--U t8 11 nnd 12 , block 4 , Klrk- wood , yi.f.OJ cneli , ij cash , balance 1 and 2 yi-nrs. Discount for cash , nddrcss Mrs K. Hohoits , Fort Sherman , Idaho. 3 W2IJ ONR hundred and ton acres 3 mlles n w of the P. O. , for * ale on easy torms. Stovoiis IJros , , Solo Agents , 1513 Fainiim st , 440 14 OOHNI'.H of Douglas nnd Tenth streets , rents for $900 , w olForod for n short tlmo on easy terms , at $21,000. Marshall & I.obeck , 150a Fariiam. Tei.T3. SOU 13 'JOolognnt lots on Ilollovlow stioot , the loud- J Ing thorougbfaro connecting the city and Soutli Omnha. Hoe N lllck , 213 South 15th st. Ilranch olllco Hollovuo unit II streets , South Omahn. 237-14 mHHKKdnys only.'blggcst track bargain in JL tho'clty , wholesale district , must bo rompt to secure It , T. J. Hook , 160 Fnrnam. 41 ! ) 13 : OUH MST of Kargains. Kountz place , Sov- oral lots at n bargain. I.nkost,2. > feet tor $ 800 Saundorsst , ! l lots , each 2.UOO Sanndorn stt5 ; ! ncrog opposite Kountzo plnco. 10th st , 50x150 B.OOO Farnam st. corner. 50x123 11XO ( Karnnmst,3lotseach 3tiOO Lowoavo , east front 1.750 Virginia ave 1,300 ( loorgin ave , 75x150 2 , X ) ( loorgia ave 2,5V ) Twonty-slxtli st , near Popploton 2iOJ : Fnclng on Park 2.001) ) Hamlltonst. Orchard Hill 1,200 Orchard Hill,2 tine lots , each 725 Truckage lots 50\I25 1150 Trackage lots60x117 2,250 Loavonwoithft , 111 feet corner 3,000 Residence Property , Wo hnvo n largo list of residence property In nil parts of the city nt very low prices , Stevens llros. , 1513 I'lirnam st. 775 SPI.KND1D CHANCR-Savo rjont. Houses nnd lots for calo on J-5 ! poi month pay inonts. with eniull payment down , They are two story houses , now nnd fully completed. 'Hnvo six largo rooms ; luill.pautry , chhin closet , gooil cellar , closets , city wator.nnd sewer connections ; nil ready lor occupancy. The location Is excellent , being on eorr.or 23th nnd Chnrlos street , In Shlnn's 1st addition , near the heart of the city , nnd commnndlng n flno vlow. The red car line passes within 2H blocks. Hiram A. Slurgos , Agent , room 10 , Crolghton blk. , pouth of postoltlco. SELECTS , nro the carefully listed bargains hunted doirn by Cake & Hillings. Our sam ple case : 66x140 ft on ICth street for $6,600 , part 1 and a yonrs. 4 lots , Meyers & Tlldon's add , cash needed only Homo lot In Plalnvlow , only takes , cash , $ "iOO. Picked In Shorldun Plnco.only f 1'WJ for $1,5JJ 2 lots with 2houses , J. T. Hodlck's gub , only lilock trom stieet car line , 109x13) ft on 3 Btroots , big money hero for you. llcnuty of Hurtlott , fruit trees , flno vlow , only $1.MW cash needed. Cheapest South Omnhn stuff on the market Como , over 101 , corner Dodge nnd 15th , and we'll make It pleasant and proQtnblo for you. FOH BAI.K Dodge st..two loU in Kllby place , fronting on Dodge street , 125 foot. Two blocks beyond the lots have sold for $2,000 , the sumo price wo ask lor these. Only $1,200 cash required. Shaw i. Co.,610 S 16th Bt. arc the agents. 196 BARGAINS In Pouth Omahn lots. 3-1 of the finest lots In the northern part of Soul ! Omaha for snlo on pasy terms by Coo N Hicks 216 South 15th street. Ilranoh ofhco llollovuu and II streets , SoutD Omahn. " 37 14 FOH BAM' 10 sightly lots lu poor farm. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National bank. 317 19 BKLLEVUR St , 60x150 , street cur on this street Muatbusold , ( UOO. 1U12 Ilnrnoy St. Eleasacr ft Hlco. ; m 13EAD this splendid list. -Lt Qlbson , Aylesworth Si llonamln | , 1512 Furnnin at. For 5 daj H wo offer the following " lots in Hrlggnplaoo front son llarnuy and n on Farnam. 1 lot In Hawthorne 43x109 , per : cid and Davenport - port , 0 room house , &a , prlco $ .ljl ) . Easy terms. lot and house In Lowe's 1st ( ulil.Oxl$1,750. . 120 ft on St. Mary's uvo with 2 U-room houses gas and waiur. Will subdlvldo $ .n,0 . Wniohousoorbuilncai property lu block 10.2 , $ IV > XI. Ka , y torms. Lot on Douglas street , 40x133 , with 6-rontn hound , 15,100. Full lot on Dodge street , 3 houses , rent for $60) , prlco J-,2X ) . 6-room houeoou N. 17th St.good well and cis- torn0,6.JO , Wanted 3 ifonl business lots. Two or more lots with trackage. tilbson , Aylciwortli It Honjnmln. 1512 Farnam at. SPECIAL Ilargnln for u tow days , south front lot In Clifton 1111 ! lays perfect , owner mua Boll. Hammond & Ulbaon , 1511 Douglas st. BARGAINS Acre In Wont Omaha , elegant fllghtly location , cheap. Six lots Uth Btreot near Etrcct cars , only 15.000 few days only. 10 acres , Bnundors etroot , splindld for plat ting , only $11.00) . 60 fact front between Harnoy nnd St. Jlnrj's avenue , oust ot 23nl Btreot only { 5'fX ' ) . Goo. K. ( Itnson & Co. . 312 S 10th St. Hoard of Trade building. 4VM4 TWO hundred and twenty ft on Bulo for n few days , btuvona llros , ooU Agents , 1513 I'ainam st , 410 14 EOH SALE-Elfgunt largo lot on cur , line cheap at $000 , kiimll-ounh payment.balnnc * 150 eeml-anaually. 401 N. l.MU. 443 13 * Dr.XTRU U THOMAS-HAS the choicest loll In Lincoln Place. icor. acres In Solonlnn's ndd $ " . . , . . . . 3 lots In blocX69South Omnh < t Also n , block 00 , and lot 3 , block Pi , i in 8 ? , 3 n " 7 , cheap. HO ncres br Central City to s ll or trndo. l.t-Vncrcs In a body near Stnnton. 4. < 0 ncrps uenr Wlsnnr. Al o lot ? In Ilrdford Plnoo , Dolnnos Addition , Vest Cunilng , Hosier's ndd on fuming st- The > OR- < lot In block C Shlnn'a addition. Also liirgo lot * In Shlloh fi ncros on Ames' avenue Also tracKiurochoap on Holt Line , for salt or oneo. 6 lurzo lots on IJroanwny , founcll HlillT . lx > t ; tblk 6 Impiovumcnt Association , ' * * * V ) lot 8 blk 7 , same ndd < " > ( roruor , \ . ( \ \ \ Vo. , Ao , 1 own the nbovo nnd cnn innko terms to suit , 'ome nud sci > . Doxtt-r ! > . Thomas , room 8 , 'reluhlon Hloclc 7M I OIt SALK -A t\\o-slory frame tmlUIIng L 55x44 , lot 125TI4.IM , eontnlnlng throe stores , opouplod respectively as n grocer ) * nnd boot ind shoo ftoic , ndrug store nnd a saloon , with lock of goods nnd furnlturo ami fixtures in ho saloon nnd grocery nnd boot nnd Rhoo tore Inventorying at about $3,500. This property - orty Is situated n short distance southeast of laiiftcom park In n thickly sonUM district , on a good Mrout , nnd Is olTored for sale on account > f the owner dp lilnir to lotlrn from active bus- ness The dally receipts of the saloon will average nomlv If not < iullo us largo us nny In he city. If affords nil opportunity seldom pro- cntcd fur oiigaiilng lu tlir business named ibovo. The prlco nsked for this proprrty II way below Its nctnnl value. For furthci jmr- Iculars Inqulro or address A. H , Comstock , Heal Estate llrokor , No. l&'U Farnam st. "VVK hnvo two lots In Allbrlght's Choice which > > wo will iLtchnngo lor good buggy , lolracs A Morearty , ISO Douglas st. 417 D you wnnt n home ? Wo hnvn bouses for Klllt on easy turms. John , 317 1W 13 PLACE-McCaguo Solo Agont. SVW .1 3 VALLUM. sv Our now aldltlon. Acres $40) ) to * V par aor . Near South Omaha , And Sydlcato HIIU , , , Marshntl * Lobook. T7S 160J Karnnm. Applloittlon For I'arilon. Notlro la boroby given Hint on the 27th day of May , 18.S7 , nil application will bo tiled with bli excollcnoy , John M. Tlmyor , governor of the stnto of Nohrnskn , for the pnrdon of I.eou i'orri. Bald Porri WIIH convicted nt the .Tunr , 8H5 , term of Douglas county district court for the crlmo of shooting with Intent to kill. , m-12-10 26 M. B. MAHT1NOYICII. ADDITIONAL OOUNOIL The Question of Itnlinr. To tliu Editor of the UKU : At the last rogulur monthlv niri'tiiif ; of the city council of Council lUuft's n memorial WHS presented from members of tlio two lodges of Knights of Labor in this city , isking that only Council IHufl's hiborors bo given employment in the prosecution of public work to bo executed under city nuthority during tlio summer uml autumn now close upon us. In response to the petition of home laborers , Alderman Wells is reported us having pre.-enteit n resolution oxpiessive of the sentiment of the council to the cllect that home labor bo given a preference , other questions being equal. To the general expression of this resolution , City Auditor Kinno- han , a representative workman of the Knights of Labor , has been quoted as saying that the resolution was not satis factory and aiVordud wide room for its general avoidance. There appears to bo ample cause for the criticism accredited to Mr. Kinnehan. Alderman Wells is n fair man , a good citi zen and a driving man of business. No doubt he intends to do the square thing , and his colleagues upon the council may intend equally well. But arc they doing the hquaro thingv It is currently reported that tlio sewerage contracts , about to bo awarded , will be superintended by a me chanic from another city and state , whoso family resides elsewhere , and that the gentleman to bo thus favored makes no pretentious to ability as a oiyil engineer , the chief qualification requisite in tlio construction of sowerago. Is this selec tion just ? Is it fair ? Would it bo suf fered in anv other city of the importance of Council UlulTs ? C It is about time that a halt should bo called in the employment of unskilled labor from abroad to execute scientific work within our city. Work will be per formed only to call down the impreca tions of a deceived people as long as tbo plain rules of common souse are violated in the execution of city contracts. A word to the wise ought to be suflioient. rite BONO Pmiuoo. Council Bluffs , la. , May 12 , 1887. " A Cliolco Concert. Despite the storm there was a largo audience at the Presbyterian church last evening , to enjoy the concert given by the Ladies' Musical society. The con cert was of high order. The programme was of sacred music , and tliu numbers worn selected and executed with rare good taste and skill. The society cer tainly merit praise for having furnished such an entertainment , and for its cflbrta to elevate the musical taste of the com munity. Mr. Io Normandio gave an organ over * turc , and ii v/as very linn. He is a com paratively norf- organist hero , but ia rapidly winning public favor , and ho certainly last night exceeded even the expectations of these who have heard him before. Of the Misses Morkcl little need be said beyond the fact that they were in good voice and as usual called fortlt enthusias tic applause. One of the choicest num bers of the evening was the trio , by the Misses Merkel and Mr. Troynor. To Mr. Troynor was duo a full share of the enjoyment of this number. Air. Nat Brigham , of Omaha , took the honors among the soloists. Ho has a strong , smooth voice , perfect enuncia tion , anil his selections were heartily encored. Mr. \ \ ilkins , also of Omana. gave n pleasant solo , "Tho Soft Southern Bree/.o. " Ho lias a good voice , well cul tured. The Ladies' Choral society gave a num ber , which was well received. The best of the whole feast was , however , reserved for the last , it being Mcndelsshon's "Hoar My 1'rayer. " Miss Barbara Morkel giving the solo , and there being a largo , well trained ehorous , it waa grandly rendered. Mr. Tabor , of Omaha , and Miss West- cott , of this city , served us accompanists , and borvod well. Tally Ono For tlio IlltifTH. Frank Guanella has been at Dee Moincg attending the annual meeting of the city marshals and chiefs of police of the state. When it came to selecting the next place of meeting Marshal ( iuanulla made u bold push to have it held hero. Waterloo lee and Oskaloosa wanted it , but they withdrew in favor ol Council Blullk , und ( iuanolla won his point , and proceeded to thank the convention for Us decision. This city will see to it that these visitors are well cured for when they come hero next year. Pcrhonnl Miss Virgio Mayno , of Omaha , is visit ing Miss Ida Myers on Park avenue. p. N. Hcisler is having such a wrestling with rheumatism as to bo obliged to for sake temporarily his clerical work in Lew Hammer's ollico. A Poor , Weak HUtcr who issuflering from ailments peculiar to her BOX ; dreading to go to a physician , but knowing she needs medical holp.wlll find in Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescrip tion" a preparation which will give nor strength and new lite , through the res toration of all her organs to their natural and healthy notion. It is the result of many years of study and iiracllco by u thoroughly hck'ntHio physician , who has made those troubles n specialty , To bo had of all driigclsM. , ' . . . ;