Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
' ' * " - ' V V W" - THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE : , ; FRIDAY. MAY 13 1887. 5 COMPANIES TO BEWARE OF , A List of Insurance Concerns Doing Illegal Business in Nebraska. NEWS FROM THE STATE HOUSE. The Jjlvo Stock Commission nntl tlio Colorado Quarantine Munici pal Olllccrs Start On a Trip .Lincoln News. IFIIOM Tiir. nnr.'s LINCOLN nunr.Atr.l There has always bcon to sotno extent n violation of the stale insurance laws by companies working In tlio state with out complying with the statutes. The auditor has bcon vigilant and careful to suppress this Kind of business whoneve r possible and to locate for ti certainty the companies that persist , in violating the law by working business in remote dis tricts in the state. A company that docs not cheerfully come to the front and phicu itself on record in a legitimate and lawful way is not a good company for the public to patronize , and the auditor furnishes n list for publication of com panies violating the laws so that persons may bo careful when insuring their property that thcso parties are not represented in their selections. Follow ing are companies that have not com plied with the law : Manufacturers' Mutual of Milwaukee , German American of New Orleans , Louisiana insurance Company of New Orleans , Mountain City of Chattanooga , Tonn. ; Northwestern Mutual Insurance company of Wahpo ton , Dak.AT AT THE CAl'ITOL 11OU.DIKO. The live stock sanitary commission will hold a meeting Monday to revise the quarantine rules governing the importa tion of stock into the state. There has boon soiuo fooling aroused over the facl that Colorado , without any disccrnnblo cause , quarantined against the Omaha Rtock yards und other points in thn state. The Nebraska commission notified the Colorado authorities that if this course was persisted in without cause that Ne braska would fuel justified in quarantin ing against Denver. Matters are now in a way for amicable adjustment. The following notaries were commis sioned yesterday : Daniel C. Sleeper , York : John A. Greene , Hushville ; Charles West , Lincoln ; Arthur W. Shaw. Lin coln ; E. H. Uarbcr , Niobrara ; Charles G. Woods , Ogailala ; Fred M. Flansburg , Culbcrtson ; James M. Moore , Beatrice W. J. Lawrence , I'lum Crock ; Charles P. Lloyd , Dundy county. Articles of incorporation of the Broken Bow building and loan association , with an authorized capital stock of f 000,000 were lilcd yesterday with the secretary of state. B. I ) . Slaughter returned homo to Fill- lerton yesterday after comploling wilh Assistant Clerk Cook the journals of the late house ready for the printer. Thn live Block commission has received coivod a letter from Dr. Conrad , of Crete stating that a young man living nortl of that place was dying with the glan tiers. OFF TO KANSAS CITY. Yesterday the mayor nnd members ol the city council departed for KausasCity to visit that city and ils public works ant improvements in the interests of paving for Lincoln. The delegation go to make n thorough survey of work done there and to learn of the practical results from the use of different qualities of pavinj materials that have bcon tried and tcstei by several year's wear. The bonds hav boon voted to moot the expensoiof pav ing intersections the city council and al citi/ons are anxious to sco work com tuciico at onco. Hit. EAOAN TO IIEALY. Yesterday Mr. Patrick Kazan cabled Mr. llcaly In the English parliament to renew his question to King Harmon re garding the letter Mr. Eagan wrote him regarding his willingness to stand trial for any criminal charge In Ireland. A few days ago , in response to a question from Mr. Healy. King Harmon denied over having received such a letter from Mr. Engan , and declared that none such had bcon written. Mr. Eagan mailed the loiter in question on the 25th of April and now that time sufliciont has elapsed for its arrival , ho cables Mr. Healy as above stated to propound the question again. rUSHlNO THE CAULK LINE. John II. Ames , ono of the principal stockholders in the cable line railway re cently granlcd a franchise , vcstcrday tel egraphed J. 1C. Graves , at Dubuque , la. , to come at once to Lincoln and close the contract and prepare at once to construct , three miles of the line. It will bo remem bered that the BEE recently noted the t presence of Mr. Graves in Lincoln , and ) nt that time n contract for three miles of ' cable line was agreed upon nnd the signing - ' ing postponed until the franchise was granted and tlio projectors had oppor tunity to visit Chicago. This is important news for the capitalcity. THE ritOSECUTIONS DKOVl'EII. The mayor , in a semi-official way through his official paper , the State Journal , states to the public that the violators lators of his orders from which lie ran away are not to called into court because of the ordinance being faulty. 'At ono fruit and soda stand ot > o of the smart po licemen , when he found it open , entered and not ilndlne the owner , demanded the keys of an employe and looked it up him- 1 self. This man , besides sustaining loss > of business when others in the same block were open , has a good ease against the city and the smart policeman for trespass. trespass.THEY THEY WANT THE C1RADEK. The city of Lincoln has a grading ma chine that in usad on the street work , and while it is used almost all the tlmu sev eral complaints have bcon made that only special favorites and parties build- injj big bricK houses could get the use ifh the machine , ami parties witlmut wraith or influence might whistle for it. Thera 0s is no reason why poorer people , on streets that absolutely need work to make them safely accessible , should not receive some attention themselves. It is also elated that the grader has for some time back been in use outside the city. THE NRW JIOMF.O AND JULIET. An incident occurred in the city Tues day night just an incident with a trag edy In the bacEground that did not ma terialize , although it was loaded. A well- known citizen laid upon his bed an hour or so before midnight and gazed through the shutters upon the lights and shadows in the street reflected from a gas lamp , As ho looked ho was astonished to see a man tip-too up to his front gate and gaze : long and suspiciously at the place. He gazed for a season and retired on tin-tot to the opposite side of the street and dls appeared in the shadows of some fnondlj trees. Fifteen minutes later again came the mysterious midnight visitor and again the peaceful citizen saw him stealthily approach the house am : reach for the gate. Entirely satislicc that the visitor was a burglar the citizci produced the family revolver , drew ian bead upon the man and in tones louc enough to wake citizens for blocks he hurled anathemas at the stranger. Bui before he could shoot the target hac flown up the street at a prodigious rati of speed. Investigation in the dayhgh tita revealed the fact that the midnight ma rnudor was a Romeo whoto Juliet workei , nt the next door and was doing the i- ia y cony scone witn a rival on that particu . lar night , and Romeo was layine for the interloper when the seance should t 30 concluded. The uear approach of blood abed therefore probably saved bloodshed nnil Ityns nn illustration of "All's well tliat ends well. " UKOULATIXU TUB WATEIl SUPl'LT. Tlio wliistlo at the waterworks blows now at 0 u. m. , when parties are allowed to commence using water on their lawns , and blows again at 8 p. in. , when lawn sprinkling must cease. Tills is till the time that reasonable people should asK for the use of city water in tins wav , but It was noted Unit 0110 prominent cftizcn , with porcupine proclivities , left his sprinkler in operation the entire ni lit and nothing whatever has been heard of tills person being fined. The council at ita last meeting placed the question of creating an additional supply in the hands of a special committee , who will have the work in charge. AFTKU A Kt'N.VWAY. A resident in one of the western coun ties in tlio state was in Lincoln yesterday in search of u runaway daughter who hnd left home a wcok ago to work In his neighborhood , but who liad disappeared entirely. The girl had boon determined for some time to see the world by going to Lincoln or Omaha and at ono of the places the decidedly anxious parent was hoping lo find her and save her from he feared she was choosing , a life of Bliamo. After a few hour's inquiry in Lincoln he departed for Omaha on the evening train to continue the search at the metropolis. AIIOUT TIII : CITV. Police court yesterday was confined lethe the usual catalogue of 'drunks taken up the night before , part of whom were also engaged in small riots when nabbed by the police ollicors. The usual .summary of lines wore added to each. The new Sunday closing ordinance as presented to the council last _ Monday was passed \ \ cdnesday evening at the meeting of the city fathers , with several amendments not interfering with tlio original ordinance to any material ex tent. tent.T. T. I' . Quick's funeral , which occurs at Op. m. to-day , will bo under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias of this city , of which order ho was a member. The ser vices will bo hold from his late residence and bo conducted by Kev. J. P. Johnson , of tlio Christian church. The opinion is grandly growing that the Lincoln base ball club can play ball. A very general opinion has bcon that while the cyclone pitcher might bo a paying acquisition , what was most needed was vim , energy nnd attention to business on the part of the boys. They have shown all this in the last week's playing. An Imperative Necessity. What pure air is to an unhealthy locality , what spring cleaning is to the neat housekeeper , so is Hood's Sarsa- twrilla to everybody at this season. The body needs to bo thoroughly renovated , the blood purified and vitalized , the germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula , Salt Hhcum and all other blood disorders are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla , the most popular and successful spring medicine. ItKAIj ESTATE. Transfers Filed May 11. 1887. Dnvld S BurouEU ands wife to Augast Cloves , lot 12 , block 14 , llanscom place , w d. . . . . 3 2,000 Andrew Klley and wife to Robert Nel son , lot 1 , block W , Shlnns lid add , wd 1,230 Mary A Dew and husband to The Trustees of the Swedish Evgo'l Mis- church of Onuilia , lot u , block 50 Omaha , w d 11,300 L V Morse and wife to Mary fc > John son , lot3 , block 4 , Boytls add , w it. . GOO Mary S Johnson , to L. S Perry , lots , block 4 , Uoyds add , w d 050 Joseph w Gannett and wife to Wit- helm Secelkc , north 3 ft of lots 5 andO , blk U30 , Onmlm , wd 4.150 Otto Sleinsson to Harry F Luebben , lot 20 , block n , Mayno Place , w d. . . . 1,800 John Hush und wife to Kdward linn- nan , S 5G.V100ehs of the south half oftheSWtf of 35,15 , iy , w d 4,003 Dewltt C Sutphcn , et al , to August Uenson , 29,1K12MOO sn It beglnninii ! HS ft east of the S E cor , frac block 181 , Omaha , also 17.425 gq ft begin ning SO ft south and 2tt ft east of the 8 K corner frac , blockISlOtuaha w d 5,830,55 August Uonsen and wife to Ueo ( r Squares , 17,435 sq ft oeginnlng SO ft south and 2J ft east of the S corner frac blk 181 Omaha , w d 12,000 Win Oaslln Jr to Mary A Jacksnn , lot 7 blk 13Meyers , Ulchnrds A Tllden'a add.wil 850 Edwin U Walker and wife to Alex O Charlton , lot H blk 4 , lioycl's add w d. . . . . . 600 Mary A Jackson and husband to Clms Williams , undlvldPd X lots 0 anil 7 , blk Meyers , Itlclmrds&Tildun's add.wd 1,175 Alex 0 Charlton , trustee and wife to Mary A Jackson , lot 5 blk 13 , Meyers , Klchards & Tlltlen's add , w d 1,500 Frederick li Davis nnd wife to Louis lllll , lot 78 In Kalrmount Place , w d 450 Fred M McGcath to Joseph linok- walter , lotu blk 3 , Sheridan Place , wd. . . 050 Edward Hannan to Leo Wernert , lots blk 4 , Klversldo add. w d 125 Edward ilannan to Amelia Wernert , lot4 bile4 , lilversldo add. wd 125 Anna M U McCormlnk ot al to llans Sclioubor , lot 8 blk 5 , Deer Park , w a 1,000 Anna M G McCormlck et al to Carl U Tln-ane , lot 7 blk 5 , Deer Park , "w d 1,000 Flora C MacLeod and husband to John U Taylor , lot 2 blk S.UillaldoadU No James 1' English ct al to Frank W 111118 , we t 78 feet ot the south ICO feet of lots , blk 5 , Park Place , wd 2,235 Matt T Patrick and wlfo to Susanna Parker , lot : t , blk S.Patricks add.w d 400 Andrew W lliler and wife to Simon Hoffmann , lots , bin W , Hhinn'aUrd add , wd . 1,250 Afred It Dutrone and wlfo to Edw J 11 Wohlers. lot 11 and the went X of lot 12 blk 5 , Bones & Hill's add , w d 11,000 Sam P Swanson to Jos Larson , west K of blk 15 , Hickory Place , q c . 1 Gee J Hunt and wlfo to Andrew Car lisle. lot 25 and 20 Clark's add. w d 12,800 John A llorhack and wife to Pat H Hammon , 70x140 UcommenclnK on the nw cor of Horboch's reservation which lies on the west line of lOtti at , 375 foot north of the east and west % , sec line running through eec 15 , 15,13wd . . . . . . . 1,250 John H Miles anil wife to C E Mayne , lots 10 and 20 , blk 2 , lots 3 , 4 , It ) . 20 , blk 5 , lots 0 7 , 11 , 12. 14. 15 , 80. 31 , 3 , S3 , blk 8 , lots 7 , S , 0. 10 , 40 , blk 11 , lot 10 , blk 13 , lot 5 , blk B , all In Orchard - chard Hill , qc . Chas W lirooks to Frank Mulr.lot 21 blk 1 , llatiscoia IMace , no . . . . . Frank B Mnlr to Lor In ( fa Brooks , lot SI , blk 1 , llanscom nlnco , q o i James Minor to David Jumlesou et al , lot 10. Uarkalow place , w d 1,900 South Omaha Land i-omyany to Chris- tcna Christiansen , lotl , blk 77 , South Omaha , wd 225 Ella A Carlisle and husband lo Lvman - II Tower , lots 25 andSM , blk 3,1'ark place , wd 10,000 Alex McCIavock and wlfo to Thco Olsen. lot 10. Klvervlew , w d 2,000 . Anna M ( ! McCormlck ot al to Peter 11 Green , lot 20 , blk 0 , Deerpark. wd I 1,000 Merchants Nat'l bank to Arthur S lluntlngton , lot 3 , blk49. wd 11,000 J W Kller and wife to J 0 M Kllcr lota - 4 to 31 Inclusive , blk 10 , Leaven- worth Business 1'lace , W Omaha.w d 4,700 John Baunier and wife to Cecelia It 1'anell , lot 8 , aunnyalde aUa , w d 3,500 Fashion In the Uandwloh liland * . Saa Franclsso Jewish Progress : Dnr- lug your stay in the i Islands you are visl- n bly impressed with the advances the na tives have made in our methods of civili zation. The active ladies don the latest style bonnets and handle their Mother liubburds as if they had been used to it for aged. The Mother llubbard is all the rage hero and , Ihoutch not the most cor - rect costume , is certainly isan im prove- mcnt on that period when a pair of ear - rings and a sunbonnet were all the at - tire that the festive Hawaiian maid would revel in. - J. MoDonnoll , F. A. I , A. , Architect , , . E. cor. 15th and Dodge. CROOKS ARE KEPT MOVING. IMclcpoekctfl nnct Dunko Man are Hus tled Alone ' T flic New York Police. St. Louts Republican : It is one of the boasts of the Now York detectives that they are personally acquainted with all the professional criminals in the near towns. The results of this acquaintance are often peculiar. You arc talking with Dotcolive Prior a few feet from tlio door of the Fifth nvcnue hotel , and ho sees n joung dandy halt a few feet away. "Hotter keep right on , " he says to the dandy ; "hurry up. now. " "Oh , good morning , " says the dandy. "I'm only going to set my watch. " "Thai is Kid Miller , chief of the bunco menand the detective will not allow him to Mop in front of the hotel. You are pushing your way into Macy's shopping store , and a llttlo ladylike body is just ahead of you. Suddenly some one steps up to her nnd roughly orders her to "C5ot out at onco. " "Certainly , sir , " she savs.very meekly. "I was only going to match a piece of ailk. " She lies. She is a shoplift- , and the man who ordered her out is u detective. Perhaps you are at the Arion ball with its 5,000 dancers and lookers on. You walk in the lobby near the cutruuuo for a breath of air.and meet Captain Williams , in uniform , alert and handsome as an eagle. Ho darts from your side and tilands in front in a stout , elderly , gentle man so as to oppose his progress , "What do yon mean by coining hero ? " The man answers boldly : "My wlfo is hero , fund I have come to take her homo. " "That'll do now"says the captain ; "there's the door ; got ! " And , as Arto- mus Want used to say , "lie gets. " The man is a pickpocket. A neatly-dressed , rather substantial- looking man of middle ago sends in his card to Inspector liyrncs at police head quarters. The name on tlio card is that of a burglar better known by an aliassay "Hod Leary , " for instance. Well , what do yon want ? " Air. Byrnes asks , grullly. He has an especial tone for in u n of that class , and it is n tone that forbids familiarity and suggests mastery. a very diileront tone from Iho quiet and easy one for his friends. "I would like to bo in Wall street for fifteen minutes to-morrow , inspector , " says the burglar. "I want to see about a personal matter. " * 'I will have one of my corps meet you nt Broad and Wall at noon , sharp , " says Byrnes. The burglar thanked the official , for it is a favor to such a man even to bo al lowed to go to the money center with a detective at his shoulder all the time ho is there , To go without this permission and escort means a certainty of being arrested und locked up. The only known crooks that get into Wall street under Byrnes arc men in business there whoso offenses he cannot punish ; the only others are the employes who default now and then. This is not tlio only part of town that shady characters are excluded from. It has always been a favorite method with Captain Williams to say to rascals of various sorts : "If you ever put your foot in my precinct I'll send yon up. " This may not bo according to law , but its according to fact , and thoygiyo that pre cinct a wide berth. Pickpockets like the Allen brothers , who are well known.havo a hard time of it in Now York. No matter tor how much they may want to see i play or a ball game , or attend a meeting , there is apt to be some one to stop them at the entrance with a "right about face , now. You can't , get in here. " I have seen a pickpocket hustled along like a bit of down in the wind from one block to another , while apparently an innocent spectator of a street parade. Worthless Plasters. Charles Hucston , of No. 70 Morton St. , New York City , thus gives some idea of the dill'nrencc between the gennino All- cock's Porous Plasters and the spurious article : I have been troubled a good deal will dyspepsia and torpid liver , together will wains around the heart. I was recom mended to try Allcock's Plasters , one on the stomach and ono on the sido. I asked for them , but the druggist said. "Hero is a plaster that is bettor and quicker than Allcock's , " and I bought two. I applied thorn that night , but in two hours they blistered me so badly I took them olV. My disease was not in the slightest decree bonetittcd. I then determined to got the genuine Allcock's Porous Plasters I applied three , one each over the heart the stomach ana liver. For 30 hours I noticed nothing but a slight itching , then my ap petite improved and all late agreed with mo. The disagreeable sensations I had around my heart disappeared. I were those plasters ono wcok and then renewed them. At the end of three weeks I found mvsolf entirely cured of dyspepsia and liver complaint. Fifty Rattlesnakes. Chico Chronicle : Last Friday , as a party of workmen were engaged in cut ting wood for tlio Chico Water company in the timber across the Sacramento , near the free bridge , they came upon a hollow log of goodly dimensions , which would make considerable wood , and proceeded to split it open. After a few moments' work the log yioldcd to their efforts and How apart. Then the men saw a sight which made their hair stand on end , and caused tiienuo retreat hastily. The center of the lo" was in habited by a largo number of as ugly and vicious rattlesnakes as ever were soon , nnd as the log rolled apart they un twined themselves , nnd , springing their rattles , prepared to dcjonit their nomo. For a moment the men stood awed to silence by the hideous sight presented to their gaze , but the natural antipathy to serpents soon assorted it elf , and , arming themselves with switches , they com menced killing the ugly creatures. The battel lasted for nearly half an hour , and at its close the ground was strewn with dead snakes , over fifty being killed , though some crawled away into the brush and escaped. It is supposed that the snakes were driven into the timber by high water , and took refuge in the log. frequently aeoidonts occur in the household which cause burns , cuts , sprains nnd bruises ; for use in such cases lr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for many years been the con stant favorite family remedy. C. M. Anthony , a capitalist of Pcoria , is at the Paxtoti. toPnjttr.BtoBBtfc.io4 BOlaPo a < rcoBUtu * Fi > opUlM.Dr.Pil < 4 * * * tt * * tM4f. I Owe My Life. " 1 wa taken < < ! cls n no With bilious tovor. " "My doctor iironouncoil m cu rod , but 1 po elckntraln , with torrlbto pulns hi my buck and sides , mid t got so bad I Could notmovol I elirunkl Krotn'i-3 Its tolIOl I luul hoon doctorliiK for my llvor , but It did no treed , t ili.l not expect to llvo mnro than thruo mouths. 1 bognu to use Hop Illttora. Directly my npoctlte returned , my pains l ft mu , my ontlro aygteut BOOUIIM ) it'iiewcci us if by mnglc , nnd utter using torcrnl bottles , 1 ntn not only us sound ns n pnvorelvn , but woltrli more tliitn 1 did before. To Hop Hilton I owe uiylife. " U. FiT/PATlilCK. buMlii.Jutio 0 , ' 80. . cirvrmt tt. "Mnldon , Mn s. , Fob. 1 , ISSfl. Oetitlotncn IsulToruJ with attacks uf sick heailncUO. " Nournljrln , fomnlo trouble , for ypnrs m the moil terrible nnd excruciating manner. No medlclnu or doctor could irlvo uio relief or euro , until I used Hop Hitters. "Tho llrst boltlo Nearly cured me s" The soconJ tiindo mo ( is well itnd strong na when a child , "And 1 have been so to thl day. " My husbnnd wns tin lavnlld for twenty years with n serious "Kidney , liver nnd urinary complaint. "I'ronouncod by lloston's best physlclntts "Inourublol" Seven battles of your Hitters cured him nnd 1 know of the "Lives of ulKht persons" In my neighborhood that hnvo been saved by your Hitters. Vnd many moro nro uslnir tlioin with great bonotu. "They almost do miracles ? " Mits. liD. SLACK. How TO OF.T SICK. Kxpoqo yourself dny und night ; oat too much without oxercl o. work too hnrd without rest , doctor nil thutlmu I tnko ull the vile nostrums advertised , nnd then you will want to know How TO Our WKM , . which [ 3 answered In throe words Tuko Hop Hitters. Hardened Liver. Flvo yenrfl nito 1 broke down with kldnoy and llvor complaint and rhoumutlatu. Slnco then I have boon unable to bo nbout nt 1L My liver became hnrd like wood , my limbs were putted up nnd flllod with witter. All the best pliy lcliim agreed thitt nothing ould cure mo. Itosolved to try Hop Hitters : Imvo iisoil seven bottles : tlio hnrdnoss linn nil ono from my liver , thn swolllngfrora my limbs nil It Ims workoil n mlrnolo In my case , otherWise - Wise I would have boon now in my uravo. J. W. MoilUV , Hullnlo , Oct. 1,1881. I Write This Token ot the great appreciation I have of your v' * Hitters. Iwn nnilctod With Inflammatory rheumatism 1 1 1 For nenrly Seven years , nnd no mcdlulno aoomod to dome mo any Good I 1 1 Until I tried two bottles of your Hop Hitters , nnd to my surprise 1 mil as well to-Juy us over 1 wn * . 1 hope "Vou mny Iivo abundant success" In this grout nnd" Vnlunblo modlulno : Anyone * * wishing lo Know more nboul my cure ? Cnn lonrn by luluresslng mo , E. M. Williams , 110' ! 10th Btroot , Wnsh , D. C. TOO EASY. Kitty Cleanliness prevent * disease. Johnnie , what h the boat medicine for dirt ? Johnnie ( Indignantly ) Humph I Sapollo I dlvo mo a hard one. "A disease known la halt cured. " If your house la dirty buy a cake of SAPOLIO. It is a fiollcl cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes except thn laun dry. No.S. [ Copyright. March , 1887. ) Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus .40,000 II. W. Vatos , President A. E. Touzalin. Vine President W. li.S. Hushes , Cashier. DIllKCTOUS : W. V. Morse , John S. Colling H.W.Yates , Lewis S. Road. A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor. llith and Farnam Sts. A General Bankinp Business Transacted , WoodbridgeBroth 3rs STATE AGENTS FOU THfe. Decker Brothers FIA.2STOS. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE ; Stylish , Durable , KMT Fittlnaf. Ttio best $3 Hhoe in the Worl ] , W. tliu f : l ioKR tUoil by otliur Utiua. RnOK FOB BOYS elve * MtUfactlon. All the abort ) are mada In lluttnn , CoiiKrewi and Laoe. all atylofl of too. Hold by 2,000 deilera tbougliont tha U , H. If your dealer dwa not keen them , send nama on postal to W.I , . DOUnLAMlrnckt < mMa g. DCIi/IDC AC rDllin5t iha coma to my DunHrlC Ur rrWUll.VriSwludeo tint noma unicrupuloiu detlera are olterlun other eood > u mine , and when uked whir ui/atamp U nut on tha hoe * . Ute that I hare dUcontlnurd Ita IIM. THIS 18 FALSE. Take none reproMnted to be the "W. L. lougU 8h . - unleu name , warrantea and prlr ar utaiiipr * ! on bottom of each aboe. W. L. DOUGLAS , llrockton , Mas * . For Bale by Ko Hey , Stiver & Co.cor Do < lpo andisthsts. . ; Henry Sargent cor. Howard and Sanndera sis. TOR Biliousness , Sick Headache , Constipation , Dyspepsia , Now when the buda beirln to si Tl time for young and old to know That Fevers , Lassitude anil all The Ilia at Indigestion' ! call , With every trouble , aobe or pain , That follows la tbo Ulllloui train. Will scatter , like the thieve * of night , Uofor * draugbtof SELTZEIt bright. LM-.wm mi J [ ! . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . Hayden Bros 300 Turkey fringed clothes at $1 , worth S 2. 300 Turkey fringed cloths at 83cworth ? t.2o. 10 PCS Turkey red damask at Sue , worth COc. 10 pcs Turkey red damask at 83c , worth OOc. 60 tloz red bordered doylies al D3c , worth $1.25 20 pcs 19 Inch pure twine crash at Clr , worth 12c. 100 doz crepe towels , 18x31 at ? 1.20 per dozen , worth $1.75 100 doz cream damask towels al 15c , worth 23c. * 100 doz huck lowols at 13conch } , worth 20c. 5 cases yard wide sheeting al 5cwortli 8c. 5 cases .yard wide bleached muslin at Cc , worth 8Jc. 50 bed spreads at 49c worth 75c. 50 doz ladies' unbleached hose , 15c , worth 23c. 50 doz ladies' fancy hose , regular made 25c , worth 50c. Schoppcrs lisle thread hose , plain and ribbed , 44c , worth 75c. Ladies lisle thread vests , Jersey fitting in ecru , pink and blue , 5 > 8c worth $1.25 Ladies' line balbriggan vests , long and short sleeves , 3c ! ) worth 50c. Ladies' balbriggau vests , 85c worth 45c. Ladies' India gauze vests , extra nice , 25c worth 40c. 100 doz gents' unlaundricd shirts , dou ble back. 48c worth 75c. Latest styles in satin lined neckwear 19c. Gents' fine balbriggan shirts and drawers , 85c each. Gents' white laundned shirts only COc. Gents' British half hose , superfine , 19c worth 25c. Gents' percale shirts , in a variety of patterns , 47c , 75c , $1 and | 1.25 HAYDEN BROS. In New Kcmi'd 16th Street , Near Douglas. OMAHA NEB. CATARRH 5 YEARS STANDING PERMANENTLY CURED. Read the following affidavit : Carbolic Smoke Ball CoGcntlcmcu , I have been a constant sufferer from ca tarrh for the last 5 years. I have tried many remedies that claimed a sure cure bnt received no benefit from any of them. My head at times would become HO stopped up with the mucous matter , that it was impossible forme to breathe through my nostrils. My sloop was also broken by choking sensation caus ed by the dropping of the mucous mat ter into the throat. I Hrst received a free test of your Smoke Hall some 3 months ago , and was surprised to find that it cleared my head in a few min utes , and eave wonderful relief. I then purchased a ball which I have been us ing sincc.and cun now say honestly and truthfully , Unit I am entirely cured. 1 sleep well at night , have a good appe tite and feel like a new man. Yours truly , NEWTON HALL , With Omaha Republican- Subscribed in my presence anil sworn to before me this llth day of May , 1 ! )7 ) WM W. KEYSOH. Notary Public. TJio Complete Treatment , which Includes tlio Decollator 1'aoknoro , Is ginirnntcoil to euro catarrh , usthmii , hny favor , bronchitis , catarrh- aldoutnosi , nouralgln , tiondncho , croup , goto tlirout , colds , cto. One complete treatment 13 sulliclont for it euro. Sent by mall on receipt of prlco , $3 nnj 4o postage. Smoke Hull , ? J. Dnbollntor , $1. A free test given nt ourolHcoparlors. CAltUOLIC SMOKE BALL CO. , Itoom 11 Crelghton Ulock , 15th ? t. ' next to P. O. Omaha. Nobrnskn. Notice After June 1st the price of the complete guaranteed treatment will be advanced to $5. Beware of coun terfeits. Not for sale by druggists , canvassers or peddlers. DRS.UD.DAYIESON . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado , Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New York. Having devoted their aftenlion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Clinic and DISEASES , More especially Ihose arising from impru dencc , invite all so suffering to corrcspom without delay. Diseases of infection anc conlagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly Ireated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning theii symptoms. All letter * receive immediate attention. attention.JUST JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practica Observations on Nervous Debility anc Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an ' Essay on Marriage/ ' with important chap ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medica. treatise which should be read by all younj men. Address , DUS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado. 1707 Olive St.St. Louis , Mo. mi.inlld , toothingtumnii of ; - . . , - - - / ttiougt all , u p > rti nitor- . , _ lot llhandVIorou gtrir.jtli. iltrtrlu Cunai Orml.rtIo.po. VJaJ-f.u imunllT riolhtt or furftli > IU. ai'uoo inintntly cured In IhnaBantai. 8 Uil ( * mpI.Hc. ittmy Tk Stadia EltcUioC * . IIBU ill tUChieia Lawrence Ostrom & Co. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BODRBON , liThe Is Death to Consumption , Malaria , Sleeplessness , "hills and Forora Or liisomnln , Typhoid Fever , Dissimulation , indigestion , 01 Food , Jyapepsla , Ten Years Old , Surgical Keren No Fusel Oil , Absolutely Far * The GREAT APPETIZER This will certify that I have examined the Belle of Bourbon Wliitky , received from Lawrence Ostrum & Co. , and found th * name to be perfectly tree from Fusel Oil and other deleterious substances nd ilriclly pure 1 cheerfully recommend the name for Family uie and Medicinal purposes. J. P. BARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemlit , Louisville , Ky. For sale by druggists , wine merchants and grocers everywhere. Price $1.25 per boltU If not found at the above , half-dpz. bottles in plain boxes will be sent to ny address in the United States on the receipt of six dollars , Express paid to all places cast of Missouri River. LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky Wholesale and Distributing Agents , RICHARDSON DRUG CO. , and RILEY A DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealer * , \ Omaha. IlamUitsaiippUed by QL HXIONE lilt OS. < CO. , Omohct. RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Pacific Railroad Company. New Model LawnMower WveStecs. Will cut higher grass than tttijot her. Ha * no equal for nimnlicltjjt ( litrablliti/ and ease of operation. This is tlio latest Improved Ma < chine in the Market. Low Prices , Send for circulars , STIMMEL & CO. OMAHA , NEItRASKA. State Agents for Porter's Hat/Ing Tool and Jobber * o/'Jilndlng Twine. ISAAC W. OAHPENTKH.rres. C. FIIANK OAIIPENTEH , So JAS. A. CAUl'KNTKU , Vlce-1'res. C. I. . UAlil'ENTKU. Troiis- Carpenter Paper Company , Wholesale Paper Dealers t Carry a nice new1 stock of Printing , Wrapping and Writing Paper. Special attention given to car load orders , which will bo Hhipped direct from mills. All orders will receive personal attention. Wo guarantee good goods and low prices , CARPENTER PAPER COMPANY 1H4 and 1110 Douglas St. , Omaha. THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOB ia THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT on TH * Xtprodncei Practical Remits In Baking asd Boasting never before attained In any Cooking Apparatus , and will RiTohtloninw Present Mbofa of Goddng In , Oifitnll Food Bilked or . - . . " . tnfrevhnlrfreeladmitted totho ovt n. TUIilndonn br discarding the clou * oren door berotoforu used , niid antwtltatlnaior It a door containing a altottot Wlrrt OBUU nearly M I rB a the door Itwlf. Throuirb this OawM Door the atr freelj Circulates , facilitating tlioprocmiof cooklni.and producinz food that ia unoqun led In flaror and nu- trltlon , and mtnallr cooked wltU leu eonauiupUaa ot iuel than in an oren with a elated door. It make * anenonnona earing In tha weight otmeat. It also produces larger leaves of Bread , nanlree le a attention from the cook , and promotae the health of tliu fainllr br Uui BlU'KUIoa QUALITV O * 7BB JTOOD OOOKKP 1 IT. OPINION OPAN EXPERT t only mom afiuallr hnatftd In nferr part front aa nolai rear but anre ultof Itatucerior ventilation tbefood placed therein IB bettor cooked , whllo retain * I off B sweeter Oavor. and a larger proportion of Its bmt juicea , I find. l o. thatUieconnutmitlou u ( feel In IUU Uange U ouch leu than an ? other for tame work , " IENO FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR ! AHO PUCE LIST EXCELSIORMAKF'GCO. . STLOUIS. CHABTEB OAK 6TOVE3 and EAHOES are BOLD IN XEBBASKAai lollowi : MII.TON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA. P. KENNEV COBOOK. DALLAS & I.ETSON , HASTINGS. E.G. HREWKR , HAV SWINGS. H.AIRDft CO NEBRAIKA CITY. W. F. TEMJ'LKTON , NELSOW. I. B. STURDEVANT & SON ATKINSON. 1. KASS& CO. , CiiAtmOM. KRAUSE , I.UUKER & WELCH COLUMBUS. OLDS 11ROS EDCAJ. TANNULL& SWEENEY , KAIKHURV. GETTLE& FACER FRANKUM. N.J.JOHNSON NORTH BIND. J. J. McCAFFERTV , . . O'Nutt. CITV. K. HAZLEWOOD , . . Osccouu J. S. DUKE PLATTSMOUTH. A. PEARSON. STERUNG. I.C. GKEKN , . STBOMSDURB. 1. A. PADDEN&SON. SUPHHIOR. TIMMEKMAN & FKAKER. TAR DID PILESVWTftHEUM Bkln dl e8e . A new method of aotn- wunou ' 1W. A Cure cimruiitotxJ , or muuoy rernndod. Hold ydnictl ! > t . mid nt the office of TAR-OID CO , , 71 UlNinirr. ONWAH. l'rl i l , Mention Omahit U e. NEUVITA i anj tun. > U .U.CU or IMUM itrere , N rro.a p. < lltlrU l . I urjUwn , IXMI MaakxMl. Mot ( taaled ) f n * . The Best and Safest N .1 Vapor Stove Made. . C. W. Sleeper , nead of St. Marys' Av enue. Holmes & Smith , Sonth Omaha. WATGHSPRING With sliding Detachable Springrs. J2T Better tbaii \VlialetM > ne or Hom.J0 and guaranteed never to break * Price. JU.a5 MAYER , 8TROU8E AGO. 413 Broadway , N. Y. , Manufacturers. FOB. SALE. A full blnoilod Norman anil a tborouplilirod Culionttml Wufn ( r Clay. C'nlion was I in port IK ! liy DOKXII Ilrotheri. Ottawa , HI. . IA 17 liaoits high ; Klrtli 7 foot 3 Incbes , und weighs IUOO Ilia ; ho UOR a record for heavy horses of t inlu- utos. Cliiy , a thnrnuirlilirod trotting ttalllon. nnd rotrlclurvd In American Html flank , In a lionnut in liunda hlKb , weight I'M ) , Also a rOKUtorcxl Clay nolt I'or pnrtlcularH , luldrcej T. 11. IIARNKM , nuxHTT.Olualin. Not ) . TOE CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Tlio tiubt known und moat I'Oiiular ' hotel In tlioRtato. Locution cuutriil , ii | > [ > ofnlinenti drot clans. lloailiimrtors | Tor coimnurclitl men and nil political and public natli rlnif . E. 1 > . UUUUUN , Proprietor.