I "VQf * 1W. , 'tl' ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ! : . FRIDAY. MAY 13 ; 1887. ' . \ \ WHEAT RAIDED BY THE BEARS A Strong Effort to Break Prices Overcome By Ollquo Buying. ENORMOUS EXPORT BUSINESS. Corn Decidedly Weak nnil n II11 ; Drop Scored Hog I'rotltiolM Lower Cnttlc and HOKH IlrliiB Lower CII1CAOO PUODUCK MAUKIJT. CIIICAOO , May IS. [ Siteclal Telegram to Ilio Hr.i.J : There WAS afei-llnu' tills morning Hint whc.it would break oil some. Immedi ately on the opening the crowd mnilo a dive nt the iirlcii tliat broke it under the We bar rier tor n moment , but Kerahaww a buyer of wheat as If his order authorised him to stop any decline at bOc , nnd the market fttopiiud al that iiKure. Itosrnfchl , aiiothrr clliiie | broker , was buying more distant ( ip- tlons , July and August. As the bulls on the Bltiiallon , apatt from manipulation , became more numerous and more confident , the July option advances on the Juno. It looks now , It only the clearances will bo encouraijlnR , as If July would soon bo ahrcastof June. New York and other surrounding markets were Htronff. The cleaiances at Now Vork were a ilUiinpolntinent only 137,205bushels. Hutch- In on was a seller of the July option and It went from a discount of Ke tea a discount of 'a full cent under June. If It had not been for the "poRglnK" purchases of Kcrshaw , the market \\oultl have broken away , as the local crowd had cottcn Into a decidedly bearish fiamc of mind. This was shown better , however , In the distant than In the June op tion. Wheat at Chlc.mo Is beginning to move freely. Over 1,000,000 bushels will have boon shipped out by the ending of the week , and the block hero reduced about 500,000 bushoK The stock ofvheat at Milwaukee by the end of the week , will also bo down to less than 200,000 bushels. Export business was atraln Homethlni : enormous to-day. Fifty boat loads wore worked at New York up to 1 o'clock. Nineteen boat loads of red winter \\erobokl at Chicago for export , probably part ot the llfty boat loads reported at New Vork. There was bid lor Chicago No. 2 Bprlnir 82 ; < @S3c , and the market was within that of dolnir a very larce export cash business. Just now , however , the demand or spring wheat Is depressed by offerings by Armour ofaLTcat lot of Milwaukee spring wheat , which Is In poor repute. The arrival of a largo number of steamers at New York has put freight room and ocean rates in such filiapo that the clearances will bo more on a par with the reputed new export business each day. Still , the expectations are that 1,000,000 , bushels ot wheat will clear this \veekatNowVork , against 600,000 bushels last week. Corn was decidedly weak. It was very ev ident that the crowd had loaded up too heav ily during the bull movement yesterday mornlni ; , and the voucral disposition was to get out. In the last halt ol the session June corn got down to 3'iYi3UKc ( ? , which was over yc below the opening and nearly le be low yesterday's high water marie. 1'ork , lard and ribs wore all weak and lower to-day. In the former articles there were no sales apparently , but the figures were again juggled S1.50 per barrel lower for May anil June. Tliu Inrco receipts of hogs nt other points and lower prices both at those places and here caused a bli : decline in ribs. Juno sold from S7.30 down to $7.20 ; July from S7.IO down to 87.80. July laid sold from S0.87X down to SO.bO. AKTKIINOO.V SKSSION Wheat was stead v. June sold at bG ( < b < iic , closing at Wl'fc ; July onnncd at 8iVc , sold to 85J < fc , airnin at 65Vc , closing at b5V ; August sold from 84@S4j c on the split to * 3c , closing at that. Corn was quiet. Juno sold trout 8'.i ) c to8' Xc , Improved to U'JKc bid ; Julv opened at 41'fc , Bold at 41Veup to 41J < @llu'c , closing at 41j > { cbld { August sold at )2Ye. Oats weio Jlrmer. May about ! MXe ; June sold at 27 ; < @ 27Koon tliospllt , anil at 27l cclcslngat 27Kc ; July sold at 28 > Vc and closed at 2S ? < c. I'ork was advanced SI.00. Juno sold at 820.50@J1.00 , ami closed at 821.00 ; May was nuoted thobamoas Juno , anil thn year at S12.00. Litird opened easier , but closed Htiongcr , or nt S0.65 for May , 80.70 for June , 80.77)4 for July , and 80.85 for August. Short ribs were a glmdo leasler , and closed at 87.12H bid for May , 87.17X for Juue , 87.27K for July , and 97.35 for August , CIIICAOO L'IVL ; STOCK. CHIC ADO , May 12. j Special Tclejram to the BKE.I CATTLE The receipts to-day were decidedly heavy , being about whut dealers wore looking forthetirstof the week , nnd some of to-day's arrivals had been In tended for the earlier markets. The quality was pretty good , though there was not such n surfeit of big , fat cattle us last week , bales of the more dcbirable kinds to-day were at 5@10c decline , whllo some of tlio thin and coarse heavy cattle could bo sold very easily nt 10@15c reduction. Opinions varied con siderably , but most dealers agreed that wltli few excjptlons sales were lOc lower. Shipping steers , HW ) tc 1500 Ibs. S4.fiO@l.rO ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs ? 4.354.a5 ; 950 to 1200 Ibs. 84.00@l.40 ; stock' crs and feeders. S2.SOCU4.ao ! : cows , bulls and mixed , S2.004.00 . ; bulk , 3.00@3.i5 : slop- fed steers , 84.2.VS4.C5 : Texas grassers , 52.00(3 ( B.50 : corn-led , 83. 0@4.20. HOOH There was a down-turn In the mar ket to-day of a strontr lOc , making a docllnt for the week so far of 25f(8Uo. ( Uough ant common mixed , S4.75c4.00 ( ; fair to gooi mixed , $5.00 ( 5.10 , and best heavy , also se lected butcher weights , 85.15 ; light sorts , in eluding Yorkers S4.tO@4.UO ; pigs , S4.05 ( 4.75 LIVE BTOOK. Chlunico , May 12. The Drovers' Jour- nal reports as follows : Cattle-Kecolpts , 10,000 ; active but 1ft lower ; shipping steers , S4.OOdC4.00 ; stoclter and feeders , S2. ! > 0dM.20 ( ; cows , bulls nni mixed , S2.00ft4.00 ; bulk , S3.00@3.15j Texa cattle. 32.1XX&X20. Hogs lleceipts , 17,000 ; dull and 10@1S lower ; rough and mixed , S4.GO5.05 ; pack Ing and shipping , * 5.00 < 35.25 ; light , S4.GOG 5.05 ; skips. 53.00(34.50. ( Sheep Uecelpts , 5,000 : weak and 10@15 Nation" I Stock YAriU Knrtt HI Louis , 111. , May l'J.-UattIo-Uocolpts , 1,700 thlpments , 4.'iO ; easier ; choice heavy natlv steeis , S4. K ! " > . ( > 0 ; fair to good shippln iteers. 5l.00in4(0 ( ; butchers' steers. SS.SX t.SO ; feeders , fair to coed , 83.20Q4.10 ; stock ers. fair to good , S2.20\i3.25. llogs Kccelpts , 4,000 ; shipments , 3.50C dull and lower : choice heavy and butcl ers1 selections , S5.20@5.iO ! ; packing , fair t irood , 85.00,35.15 ; Yorkers , medium to prltni M.K(35.00 ) ( ; pigs , couimou to good , Sl.ioo 5.10. Kansas City. May 12.-C ttle-Uecolnt ! 2,000 ; shipments , none ; weak nnd . ' > CK lower ; common to cholco shipping , 83.7 WI.45 : stockers , S2.ra ( : ) .80 ; feeding steen | 3.i5 : 3.liO ; cows. 83.25O3.so. Hoes Kocelpts , IS.otw ; shipments , -LOCK n-eak and lOc lower ; common to choice , 81.2 &I.W ; skli * and pigs , 8 .50 1.20. FINANCIAL. NEW Yor.K , May 12. [ Special Telegrai to the UKK.I STOCKS. There were i : ilgusof a lot up In the bull movement I itock to-day. On the contrary , about ever ] thine on the list opened higher than la night's closing. London prices for America lecttrltles came In higher than they have bet before In months and arbitrage houses r > ported a good many buying orders at abe market prices. Pullman again surprised I friends with a jump ot 3 per cent , and t ! talk was that It would tell up to 175. Xort ! west common and preferred and Uurllngtt igaln nude good gnlns , both selling at t ! highest il ? tires touched In four or live ye.v Lake Shore moved up above 07 ana Cauimai w.i s reported to bo a largo buyer ot It. was said that Its earnings for the lirst qui ter ( it the current year would surprise ovi the beet friends of the property. T strength of the better class ot stock * beg : before the close to favorably Influence t cheaper securities. Utohmond Terrain oioved up a point , and Hocking Valley w Ktlveand about l per cent higher , St. 1't A Dnlulli , after advancing to CO , dropped back on reports ot n prospective decrease In Its earnlnirs. At noon tlio whole market was strong but dull nt about the best prices of the day. The sales to noon \\cro 150,000 shares. Towards the close there was sonio realizing In high-priced stocks , but there was no break In nrlees. Stocks wern quietly ab- forbed and the best observers claimed that the .strength of the market In face selling was the best Indication that the hull move ment had come to stay. Western Union sold down X and closed about where It opened. ( Grangers were all very strong , Hie west belli : : largo buyers even at top prices. The whole market closed very strong at about tho.best llgtires of the day. The total sales were about iBO.OOO shares. tovKitXMi.NTS ! : Government bonds were dull but steady. VKsnnnAY's : QUOTATIONS. U.S.C's 100 1C. AN. W 124 ? { U. b. 4's coupon. 120 ! tlo preferred..151 U. S. 4X'9con .110 < < N. Y. 0 H3V Pncitico'sot 'iB..i25jf a it. & N iy- % CanadaSoiith'n. . 02" ( I ) . T. 33J < Cuntial 1'acllle. . 11 % I'acllic Mall 55 % Chicago * Alton. 150 1' . , I ) . iV : K 30 do preferred..162 1'tillman l'al.Car.157 0. , H. &O 15'5 lUeadlntr 4.W I ) . , L. k W 12S Hock Island. . . 131 1) ) itK.G 3HSt. | L. &S. F. . . . 3'J Krio 3IS < ! do preferred. . . . N ) do preferred. . . . 73 'iJ. ' , M. &St. 1' . . . . l Illinois Cnntral..i : % 1 do preferred I. , H. it W 25 St I' . At O. . . K. & T : J2'if do proferted..lir. LakeShoie U7 Texas I'acliic. . . . 31'4' ' L. it N . fiS' ' Union I'acllic. . . . 61 ? < Michigan Cenfl. . ! )4 ) I\V. \ . St l.fcl' . . . . 21K Mo. I'acllic . 10 ' do preferred. . 37J < No. I'nclliu . 31 W. U. Telegraph 77 % do preferred. . . . 02 % MO.VIIY o.v UAI.I , Easy at 4K@C per cent ; closed ollured at5f ( per cent. I'llIJIB AiEltCANril.K 1'Al'Elt 5ct,0 ( per cent. SrKiii\ir. ! KxciiAxnr. Dull at S4 for sixty day bills , Sl.fctJK for dumand PUODUCI3 MAtiKIiT. Chlcaco. Mav 12. Following quota tions aiethis 2o : : ; closing figures : Flour Fltm and unehangcd : winter wheat Hour , 54.2.V5 * 1.150 : soutiiern , S4.10fg4.20 ; Wisconsin. SI.20kJ4.o ! : ; : Michigan soft spring wheat , $3.70 4.30 : Minnesota bakers. 8a.7C ( ) 4.iOpatents : , gl.5oai.bO ; low grades , ei. ( 5f 2.y5 ; rye Hour , quiet at S3.25Q3.40 ; | U Backs and lurrels , S3i ( : . " 0. Wheat Trading light and quiet : fluctua tions slight and conduct ! within narrow lim its ; opened about as yesterday arnd closed hH\ < ? higher ; cabh 90 > t'c ; June , boMOc : July , WKe. Corn Moderately active but weaker , clos ing } { < lower than yesterday ; cash , 3b.Ac ? ; June , 8'JKc ' : July , 41 B-lGc. Oats Declined % W"fc as compared with yesterday's close , closing with n hld c ad vance ; cash , 2G , ' c ; June , 27Xc ; July , 28j'oc. Kyo-50Kc. Jlarloy Nominal at 57c. Timothy Seed-Prime , S1.72@1.73. Flax Seed-81.0'J1.10. Whisky S1.10. I'ork ( Julet and easy early but later ruled stronger ; cash and June , 821.00. Lard Fairly active but unsettled ; cash , S0.05 ; June , 80.70 ; Julv , S0.77X. Hulk Meats Shoulders , S5.uy < 15.70 ; short clear , S7.70@7.75 ; short ribs , 87.15. Butter Kasy ; creamery , 10 @ 21J c ; dairy , Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , 114@ HKe ; Hats , I2' ' olte ! ; young Americas , 12J4 © I3c ; skims , 2 > oi7c. Kirgs Firm at 10' @llc. lliiles-Unchaugetljrieavy green salted 7' c ; lluht tlo , 7C@-c ? ! ; salted bull hides , tic ; green salted calf , be ; dty Hint , 1213c : dry calf , labile ; dearons , 40ceach ; dry salted , 10e. Tallow Unchanired ; No. icouutry , 4c ; No. 2,8'fc ' ; cake , 4 > fc. Itocelnts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 17,103 20,000 Wheat , bu . 42,000 220.0JO Corn , bu . 54XX ( ) 02.000 Oats , bu . UW.OOO 73,000 Kye.btt . 1.000 2,000 Uarloy , bu . 20,000 11,000 Now KTork. May 12. Wheat Receipts , 100,000 ; exports , 137,000 ; spot a shade higher , options opened linn and advanced W WJ c , later ruled easier and settled back : U(9 ( > fc closing heavy ; ungraded led , U5cgUX- ( ) , ! No. 3 rod , UJc ; No. 1 red. Sl.OO , No. ' - red. t Vc in elevator , 07 } $ @ ' . > 8Yc delivered U7G4'J7ic ! free on board ; June closed at 06c. Corn Receipts , 71,000 ; exports , 500 spot steady and quiet ; options # @Xe lower , closing dull and heavy ; ungraded , 4bM < S 50c : No. 2-tS@ISe ; In elevator. 4'ji(249ji ' ; ( c delivered ; J tine closed at 48c. Oats Steady ; receipts , 49,000 ; exports none ; mixed western , 8436c ; while western Petroleum Steady and unchanged ; United closea at Me. KICKS Steady ; western , 12) ) 0. Pork Quiet and weaker ; mess quoted at S15.ia@15.50 ; old , 810.00. Lard Now lower and heavy ; western steam , spot. S7.00@7.10K. ta § ' Butter Quiet and heavy ; western 2 Cheese Quiet and unchanged. caJMea Cincinnati , May 12. Wheat Strong No. 2 red , 8Ge. Corn Kasler ; No. 2 mixed. GtC c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , iMUKc. . Hye-Kasier ; No. 2 , 64@C5c. Pork-Dull at S10.00. Lard Dull and lower at S6.00@0.03. Whisky Active at M.05. Milwaukee. Mav 12. Wheat Dullcash ; , Si'ifc ; JuiiH , b3c ; July , 84-tfc. Corn-rSlroni : : No. 3 , 41Jc. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 white , r Uje-lnactlvo ; No. 1. 57e. IJarloy Unsettled : No , 2 , 55c. Provisions Kasior ; pork , May , 515.00. Minneapolis , Mav 12 Wheat Steady No. 1 hard. May. 7UKc ; June. bO'fc ; July , 8.yfc ; No. 1 northern , May , 77J c ; Juno , TUc ; July , bOJfc ; No. a northern.l May , 75c June , 70i , c : July , 77'/c. Ontrack : No. 1 hard bOe } ; No. 1 northern , 7'Je ; No.-northern ' Klour-Quict ; patents , 54.wa4.70 ; bak ers' , 83.50df3.00. llecelDts Wheat , 07,000 bn. bhipraents Wheat , 2J.OOO bu ; flour , 23,00(1 ( bbls. St. Louis. May 12. Wheat Cash , M ( < 1)40 ; June , sr'sc. . _ Corn Slow aud easy ; cash , 37 , ; June , . Oats-Dull ; cash , 28 } c ; Juno , SSc. I'ork-DiillatSlfl.OO. Lard Nominal at SO. CO , Whls.ky-51.05. Hutter Quiet af.il easy : creamery , 15 < 321c dairy. 14@18f. Afternoon Board Wheat Easy ; June 8l.8'e ; July , 81' ( jtbl } c : August , Bl fjibl c Corn Lower ; June , 37@37M ; J uly , S7 [ c bid August , 39c bid , Oats-Quiet. Liverpool , May 12. Wheat Firm , dc mand good and holders oiler sparingly. Corn Steady and demand talr ; new inlxcc western , 4s 2 > fd per cental. City , May 12. Wheat Lower Oats-No.2. S'.i e asked. Now Orleans , May 12. Corn Firmer whltn , 'HfflS'ic. O.its-Steady at 37@37Je. Corn Meal Flnnornt 82.40. Hot : Products Unsettled and gencrall : lower. OMAHA LIVU STOCK. Thursday , May 12. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were liberal to-daj Thomarket was not active at a decline ot 1 The number ot cattle sold was smal n In comparison with the number on the mai ket- o n licit * The run of hoes was the heaviest of an day this week. Tlio market opened falrl active at a decline of lOGtiOc. In addition t the fresh receipts there were 700 stale hot : on the market , which made a total of 5Si hogs on sale. There were 1,700 loft over. Sheep. There were two loads In to-day which sol on the iiiuiUet , Receipts. Cattle a , Sheep . a Prevaillni ; Prices. Showlne the prevailing vrlces paid for llv stock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 U > 3..54.20ftl.r 0 Cholco steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.053 1.20 Fat little steer 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . S.oo l.uo Kxtrachoicecows and heifers. . . . 3.-iOu.00 ( : ( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . S.i5 ( < i3.o : ; Common to medium cows . aoo < 3t.lO : M Oood to choice bulls ul [ liiguUnd medium hog * . loot ! to choice heavy hops 4.SOjM. ( ) Joodtocholco mixed hous Choice sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs Itcprcsontntivo Sales. Ijtvo Stuck Sold. Showini ; the nuinbcr of cattle niul bo s lioualit by the leading buyers on to-day's ni.irkut : HOCIS. AnL'lo-Amurlcnn PnrkiiiKCo 2.9'.i9 < : . 11. Hammond & Co WJ I.lptoii 10 Harris i\c \ I'lshur 05 Total H.70 ! ) Held over 1,700 rATri.i : . (5. ( II. Hammond it Co 138 line Hros 40 llarrh Flslier 27 C. lloon 07 hocal : 'S ' Total aio Held over 500 siiur.i * . Van Horn * Co 10S Local butchers 10 * . ' Total 217 Shipments. Showing the number of cattle. hos and slieepslilpp''d irom the yards dur.luttliudiy. CA.TTLK. No. cars. Jtt. Dr-st. a X.W ChicaRO 5 C. II. * O Clucau'o 4 a. t\sM. \ Friend 5 Mil Chicago All sales of stock in tins market are made percwt. live wolaht unless otherwise statt'J. Dead IIORS sell at la 'o per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hojjs weUhluz less than 10J Ibs. novaluo. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs. and stains 80 Ibs , by the public Inspector. Ijlvc Stock Notes. Cattle drop 10@15c. Hogs take a bli ; tumble. Common lluht and rough hoes neglected. The averaKO quality of the hos was good. Frank Jobs > on , Hastings , was In with lions. William .Murray , Plattsmniith , came iu with a load of hoiis. J. E. Thompson. Council Bluffs , was over with three loads of hogs. A. W. Hagcman , Mondamin , la. , was In and marketed a load ot hogs. A. C. Virgin , Utica , a well-known shipper , was in looking over the market. 11. C. Brown , Fremont , was hero and sold two loads of cattle that averaged 1153 Ibs. at 54.10. C. C. Smith , Milford , was In with a load of cittlo and two loads of hogs which sold on the markets. F.V. . Nleman , Schuyler , was In with cattle which sold on the market. Nineteen head averaged 11GD and brought 84.15. OMAHA WHOLESALE MA.HK.ETS General Produce. Thursday , May 12- . Thefollounnn prices arcjor round lots of produce , HX tola on trie nuirkci to-net ] ; . Eoos Steady at lie , Uurriu : Tliero is an occasional package of fancy butter that sells above the quotations given below. Chlce country , 1315c ; fair to good , 10@12e : common , C0c. CUEESK Full cream chcddarsslnile,14Kc ; ; full cream flats , twins , 14 > c ; Young Ameri cas , 15c ; fancy Swiss , ISc ; Swiss. 1m- Dortcd. 25c ; Llmbtirger. 14c ; brick. I5@l0c. LIVK 1'ooi.TUY Chickens , 83.00@3.2. > . g.00@3.50 ; ! ; brants , per doz , 82.00 ; snipe , pertloS1.2t , plo\ti 5Lc. I'oTAi OKS Homo grown , small lots , from store , b"S'JOu ; now potatoes , per bbl , 84.50. Oxioxs New southern , per bbl , S5.00. CAIHIAOI : Now California stock sells at 3)fQ ) Hc per Ib. APPI.KS The market Is bare and there is no stock of anv account. NKW VEOKTAHLKS Spinach , per bbl , S1.25 ; top onions , per dozen bunches , 20 < g 25c ; radishes , per dozen bunches,30c ; lettuce , 40c ; plo plant , per Ib. 2 > c ; home grown ast > a' BUS , per do40@50c ; cucumbers , per doz , JOC. BEA.NS-lnferlor8tock.7r ( < S1.00good ; clean country , Sl.00i < t > 1.25 ; iiiedlinn , hand picked , 81.40Q1.50 ; hand picked , navy , $1.50@l.OO. I'KO VISIONS Ham , l'-Kc ; breakfast bacon , rib. 10 } c : breakfast bacon , plain. He : dry salt sides , 8W@ ! J/c : dried beef , regular , 1 ( @He ; dried beef , nam pieces , 13c ; lard , 50-lt cans , 7J < c ; 20-lbcans , Fairbanks , 7Jfc ; 10-lt cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc ; 5-lb cans , Fairbanks , 5c : 3-lbcans. Fairbanks , 8X0. LKMONS Messina , choice , per box , S4.6 ( @ .00. OitAN'nis : California , Los Angeles , pei box , 3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , 83.50ft 3.75 ; Messina Imperial , tancy. 5.50 ; Sat Uabrlel , slnsrlo box lots , 3.00 ; San Uabrlel 5 box lots , S2.85. BntAWBKintiKS The receipts are libera and the market lower. Choice stock , pe case , 55.00. BANANAS Largobunches , per bunch , S3. & (3.4.00. ( Genorkl M rlcot * . \AnNisuES-lJaueK per gallon ; urnl ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.90 : D mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaitum extra & 5c : shellac , 83.50 ; bard oil linlih SI.d Prussian bluo.Mcultramarlne ; , lite ; vandyk- brown , 8c ; umber , burnt 4e ; uraoer. raw , 4e sionn * . burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pan gre n. eenulna. ' v Paris green , com inon. . 22 - rtirome ereen. Ny. . . 20c Termllhon American , l c : inaiai raw and butni umber , 1 S > cans , 1'Jc ; raw ani burnt ilenna , ISc : Vandyke brown , 13c : re tined lampblack l3e : coactt black and ITOI- black , IQc ; drop black. 16c ; Prussian blue 40c : altramarlno black. ISc ; chrome croon-L , M. & U. . ifks ; blind and shutter ereon , U. M * D. , I6c ; Pang rreen , ISc ; Indian red , 15c Venetian red , Do ; Tuscan. SSJc ; Amerlcai yermllllon. L. < k D. , 20o : ycliow ochre. 2c ; L M. tt p. ! > . . Ibc : coed ochre. 16c : pawn dryer , 8c Graining color , light ; oak. darko < tk walnut , chestnut and ash. lac. . .UnuosxND tiHEMtCAi.s. Ao < 1 carbolic POet acid tartarlc , 53o ; balsam copaiba , pe w , 50o ; bark sasiaf ran , per B > , lOc ; calome per tt , 78c rhlnciionldla. per oz , 40c ; chlon form , per ft , SOc ; Dover s powders , per n l,23epsora ; salts. , per a. Stfc ; giycerlm pure , per Ib. See ; 'ead ' , acetate , per n . ! iic oil , castor , Mo. i. per ( { l. , 11.50 ; oil caste No. 8 , per gal. , 51.40 ; oil olive , per gat , 81.4C oil orU-annura , SOc ; opium , .50 ; qulnlni Y' & w > " "i1-/ / * 1" l r , OZl 70c potasslni Iodide , per ft. l'.50 ) ; sall0ln. Per or , 40c ; su phate morohlne , per oz. $ v5 ; ; gulPnur. p tt.4c : strychnine. peroz.81.i ! fAjNTS IN OIL White lead. Om n , P P Olff : white lead , St. Louis , pure. 7c ; Ma Eelllaj , tronn , 1 Ib cans , -tc ; t'rencn zim creea seal , lie ; French rlnc , red seal. ll Frenelt ilne. In rarnNh asst. uoo ; Kenc rlnc.75c ; Termllllon , English. In oil , 75 < IVc ; Inter'smineral..2 c ; I.eniRh btown , 2S'c ; Spanish brown , ? S'cj 1'Jluce's mineral , 3c IIIDKS dree n butrBers. 5KCCo ? ! green cured. 7c : dry tllnt. ll uo ; drv salt , Ootfioc ; ereen calf k > ns. ° c ; damaged I ides , two-thirds price. 'li\llow-3tfc. Orcasc Prime white , ciVelJow , 2 c ; brown , 2c. Sheen Pelts.J5 < a7. > c. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPUIITS Cologne spirits.88 proof , 81.10 ; do 1101 proof , 81.U5 spirits , second quality , 101 proof. S1.11 : do IbS proof. Jl.wi. Alntliol. 183 proot , 32.10 per wlno tallon. Ilodlstllled whiskies , Sl.OOJtl.50. .tln ! , blended .WM ' . ' ,00 ; Kentucky oourbnn S'J.ooc fi.oo , Ken red caio. S10.00uilo.00. UKAVT HAnnwAiin-lron , rate J2.SJ ; plow steel jieclal'cast,4l < ccruclbIestcollHe ; ; cast tools , tlo , laijl o ; waiton spokes , pe ; set , 82.00(2:1.50 ( : ; hubs , per bet , sl.'i'i ; tellous. Baweddry , Sl.50 ; longiies , pach. 80c : axeN. each. 75c ; satiate nuts , per Ib. Olf71c ( : cell wire. In car lots. i4.ft ) tmr 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to 60. 3UO : Rteel nails , 82.-0. Shot , St. : ; biicUslmt , Sl.r i ; Iln/.iuPpowder , kegs , SVOO ; do. half kegs , S'iW : do. quarter kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 52.10 ! fuse , per 10 feet.C5c. Lead bar. SI ? Grocer' * Mst. PICKLES Medium. In bbls , SS.OO ; do , In half bbls , 84.50 ; sm.ill. in bbls. SD.OO ; do , In halt bbls , SVOO ; gherkins , In bbls , 510.00 ; tlo , In half bbls , SJ.oO. SuoA.it ( iranulateil , O f O c ; conf. A , 0@ OVo ; white extra C,5 < 5\i ! ; extra C , \dg > 5ke ; yellow C , 4 GtUie : cut loat , O QC5ic ; iiowdcred. OKoKc. CorpEK.s-Ordlnary grades , t7' ' t3ic fair l'-l ' ( ? > Hcprlino.liliit''lic ; ( ' ; cholte , I'QDKe ; fancy green and yellow.i'ij ' ( Ic ; old eov- lied Cross , 2\c. CANNED ( loons-Oysters , standard , per case , S4.00 ; pcnches. pi"- case , 55.00 ; white cher ries , per cast80.00 ; plums , per case. $ ' 1.5' ' ) ; blueberries porcasc. Sl.bS ; ote plums'J Ib , per case. 92.50 : pineapples , a ID , per case S3.2 < Xi5.75 ( : 1 Ib nihJkcrel. per doz , 81.40 ; 1 Ib salmon , perdnz , 81.50 ( 1.55 ; "ID , goose berries , percasy , SI.75 ; 2 lb strlne beans , ppr case , 81.70 ; 2lb llmabc.ins. per caso. 81.60 ; 2 Ib marrow fut peas , per case. Si < 0rti)2.50 ) ; 3 lb early June peas , per case. S2.75 : 3 lb toma toes. S2. 0 2. 0aib.coriiS..40(7tJ2.)0. : ( MATCHES Per caddie , 250 ; square cases , 81.70 ; multsquare. . 81.no- Synup No. 70 , 4-galIon kegs , 8l.2 < @l.'W ; New Orleans ppr gallon 8S40o ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 7ic ) ; 1 gal lon cans , ucr doz , 810.00 ; hall gallon cans , per do85.50 ; quart cans , So.Ou. Ton.UTo Ping Cllm.ix , : KI ; her o shoe , ! 7 ; star , 35 : J. T , . St ; spear head , 37 ; merry \\ar , 25 ; robin ruff , .C ; happy thought , HO ; Pincr-lli'liNIrk , 0' ) . OANDV Mixed. skClllc ; stick. 8K@9 c. CuACKF.ns Oarncan's soda , butter nnd picnic. 5 < e ; crtams.B c ! gingorsnaps,8)40 ; city soda. " > . ; . Dry ljutiihcr. DIMENSIONS AND TIVUEttS. IIOAIIDS. No. l , com , si s . ! . . . SlO.no No. 2 , com , s 1 s . \ . ' . . . 17.M ) No. 4 , com , sis . W.rA ) FKNCINO. No. 1,4 & 6 In , 12 & 14ft , rotujh . 810.00 No. 2 , " " " ' . . 15.00 SIDING. A , 12 , 14 anil 10 ft . 883.00 B " " " , . 20.50 C , " " " . 15.00 D , " " " . . . . . . 1D.OO Cr.IMNO AXll VAIITITION. 1st com. , f In White Pine Colllnsc . 834.00 Clear , % in. Norway Pine Celling . 10.00 , , . A 6 . Inch , white pine. . $35.00 C ' . ' . . 2'J.M ) E ' " ' ( SelFeu'c ) . 10.M ) STOCK BOARDS. A12inchs. Is . S45.00 No. l , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. & 14 . 20.00 " " " " " 10 ft . W.OO No.2 " " " " 12 * 14 ft. . . . . 18.00 " " " I6tt . 17.00 FINISHING. 1st and 2 < t , clear , l IncH , a. 9 . S50.00 Sd , clear. 1 Inch. s. 3 s S < o 1 > , IK. * In 45.00 B select , 1 Inch , s. a s 30 ; Itf , 1 ,2 In 137.00 POSTS. White Cedar , 6 In. , s 12c ; 9 in.qrs..Uo DATTKNS' I'ICKKTS. O. O. Baits. 2J < In. , 70c ; Xx3 , s. 1 s . 40c Pickets , D and 11 Hat . S21.00 LIME , KTC. Qnlncy white lime ( bes ) . Sl.CO Akron cement . 1.65 llalr . 30 SHIP LAP. No. 1 , plain , 8and 10 in . 519.00 No. 1. plain , and 10 in . 17.00 MORTH- WESTERN * t7AILW.J The only read to take for Des Molncs Mar- challtown , Cedar Kapldi , Clinton. Dlxun , Chica go , Milwaukee and all points erut. To the peo- nlo of Nebrrukn , Colorado , Wjomlntr , Utah Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cull- fornla , It oir ri superior advantages not powl- bio by any other lino. Among afowof the numeroui point * of lu- porlorlty enjoyed by the patron * of this rood between Omaha ancf Chicago , are Its two tralna udnr of DAY COACHES , which ara the finest thut human art and Imrenultr can create. Iti PALACE BI.EBl'INQ CAHS , which are models of comfort and elegance. Its 1'AHUW DllAW- 1N(1 KOOM CAKS , unsurpassed by any. and Itj widely celebrated 1'ALATIAI , DiNINO CAKS the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere At Council Uluffg the trains or thoUnlonPacinc Ity. connect In Union Depot with those ot the Chicago Si Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the trains of this line rauke close connection with these o ( all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columtms , Indlannpolls. Clncln nnti , Niagara Palls , Buffalo. Pittsbunr.Toronto , Montreal , lloston , New VOI-K , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington und all points ; n tin cast , ask for a ticket via tlio "NOUTHWESTKRN. " If you wish the best acootnmodatlon. All tlokel agenti sell tlcketi via this line. II. HUQHITT. B. P. WILSON , Gen ) . Manager , OonU Pwi'r Agent * ' " " W. M. BABCOCKCblCB0' "L. R. ROLLES. Western Agent. ' City Piws'r Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. Union Trustee , " 30 § S. 15th St. ; Omulia , Aleb. _ Capital , - $300 , OOC I.oiuu Made on Real Entitle. School , County ana Municipal lionils Nc Collated. \Vw. A. PAXTON , L. 1) ) . WILLIAMS. Preiidcnt. Vlcn 1'rcs. Hour. L. . QAnt.ifiis , F. H. JOHNSON , Becrotary , Treasurer. DIHECTOHB : WM. A. PAXTON , HENIIV T. CI.AHKI. W. O. MAUL , I , II. WILLIAMS. HOUT. I * UAnuctif ) . 8. It. JOHNSON. F. 11. JOHNHON. i , fbm ft * ? car * i < i 7noi mean i , r llmt Dd Ih.n I. T tbtm t turn mj tin. ; riilleil to n [ I b > T m d Ih * 4Uet or FITS. ( rlUimT or HLI.lt. SICINIM llf-toi > c ( Udr. IworfMl njntatif lam lb worn cu . othira bin ( tllM U no rtuon fc not m > vrce lTl i tur . * * > d l e c nr alnMlwaxl trr oiu o r Inhmti * r > t < r. ati * B rm u < ro < OOc * . K ' ' > " * ' * l-t-Br-I1 KJU JV' yf mo TrMi" - - - LINCOLN , NEB , Ten llallroaus , nnil more nro coining , 150 Triiln.3 Drill- . S3 ii * ay & si 5 = Mate Uiilvcriltr , Wcslcj-nii Unl > crrtty,8tnto Cnpl- tnl. Mo lof the Iliiflnp. . t.nt hnvo ilouWnl In price In tlicliiftl. niiinth * . Acrc-l-incl , within J mile , uf tin ) iltjr , liicreii Pil over tna liuiuirpil percent , Lincoln l tli Kroate t Unllroml C'ontar of lt nt-n In the world , llrltk blocks p.i ) Mo'.II percent. Vncint lott him < \erai0il ! 10J per cent per annum on lint ° Lincoln 1 M crcat ill'trllMiUni : 1'iilnt. Sonio wliolo- mli'itpHloro linvi-nnUi ? iTlneelr fortiinp < . llnllilinrf'KulMi. up In all illre llim < . llu lno" i-'on- Prallyitoiul. llankcf , retail uiereli nt % tnccliiuiln , etcKettlnK rich. CROPSEY & CO. A. J. . ICHOiii'll , Klclnirilx Illot-U , eat Estate Agents & Loan Bro kers Have for cnlo brick hlock , husine lot , nil klml of real n tiitc. 1 , ' . ' , fl , 10 , ' , 10 , N ) , S-M niul I'.IO nero tracts farmi niul cheap land * . MONIIV I.OANKU. INVKSTMKNTS MADK. HIK : iiliNCKS-Flrnt : : ! niul Lincoln Nation nnnkn.lioTernor'rii : i > er , Judco Cubli , Hi'v. Dr. U. Crelulit on , I.liu-o'c , Monitor S. M. Cuilum , lllluo nnrt Oenor.il Hon. IIurUJi , Inllin a CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE CIicaplMilwaukee&SlPaulR ) > y Tlie Best Route from Omaha anil Council Kluffi to THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Skill's Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids , Rock Island , Frceport , Kockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And al ! other Importnnt points East , Northenit nnil Bouthenst , For through tickets cull on the Ticket Agent tl401 Furnnm strcot , ( In Puxton hotel ) , or at Union I'acllo Uopot. IMillmim Sleepers and tlio flnest Dining Cars IB the world are run on the mnlnllnus of the CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. I'AUI , HAHWAV , nnd every attention la paid to piusentfcra by coui tous employes of the company. 11. MiLt.ER , Uonornl Mnniurer. J , F. TucKin , AsalPtnnt Oonerml Manager. A. V. R. CAarENTUt , General Fauonger and Ticket Agent. OKO. K. llBAvronn , Assistant General Pu- longHr anil Ticket Agent. J. T.Cr.AliK. Qoncrol Supcrlntcndeut. THE RAlLWAniME TABLES , OMAHA. DUMMY TUA1NS. llunnlnc between Council lilults and South Omaha. In addition to tlio station * men tioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty- fourth streets , and at Summit , In Omaha. W outward. IJarmvnrtl. COUNCIL BLUFFB. " I Leave ' Arrive CONNECTING LINES/l'ransfer Transfe > depot | depot 1 Omafia Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements. " " CHURCHILL PA KKKlt , Wlmle nlo IH'nkr lu Agricultural Iniiilctuonts , Wnsrous , niul llHk-Rtf" . Joni-i Mreot , tutwtun ytti iMul 10thUmnU . Neb. JLiININGElt P METCALF CO. , Afri'icnlturnl Impli'incuts , Wagont.t'arrlMieii. HiignU1' . Htc. , Whnltmlf , Om..ha. LEK , Fit IE I ) ,15 CO. , Jobbers of Hardware unit Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , F.le. AtcnH for Hone Si.ilon , nnil Miami I'nwdcrt o. , Omnlin.Nvti. PA1LINO1EXIOHI MARTIN Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implement 9 , VOI.nu.vUj nmllOT , Jones et Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos niul Organs , : : i3 I'ouul.'H Street , Omnhn. Builders' Hardware and Scales. Bnlhh'ra'Hardw.ire&ScaloKi'imirSIioi ) Mechanics' Tooli niul lluffrtln Scnlci. K03 Dauglai IL , > ouiahn , Ni'li. Boois and Shoes. JLJIERICANHA ND SHOE CO Ml'A NY , Manufacture nvWholcr > i\le Dealer * la Hoots niul Slioos , Complete KlocK of Kubber ( loorts always on hand Ml ti. 13tti et. , Umnlia , Neb , A T. Auilln , Agent. ir. r. MOUSE ( > co. .Jobbers of Hoots iiml Shoes. 1111 Karnaru at , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Huiniaor rtrri't. llixlnn , Z. T. LIXVSEY d ) CO. \Vlioleanlo Hubbor Boot * anil Shoes Ituliliur nnil Ulleil ClotliliiK uiut IVlt Hoots nnd ytiocB , ijoutheast COURT HtU mid Bear , ar. KEATIXG , Agt. for Anheuscr-Bush Hrowinf ; Ass'n Hl'oclnl nmndii. Faustlludwelser and Krlitngcr. STOKZ C ILEIt , Laprer HPIT Brewers , 1M1 Nurth Hth Street , Omaha , Neb. Butchers' roots. LOUIS HELLEK , lintchcrs' Tools and Supplies , Cailngs of all kinds nlwnis In stock. 1315 JunuMUOuiaba Coffee , Spices , Etc. Onmlm Corno ; anil Spice Mills. * . Ooffc-Oi , Spleen , linking 1'owdcr , Flivorloz racti , 1 juiidrr IIIuo. Ink. Kir. HU-IG Ilnrcer Mri'et.Omiiba , Nob. GATES. COLK a > MILES. Homo Cofl'i'o anil Spire Mills M'f'jr Co. CoiTt'O Roanters auJ pplto UrlnUcrs , ftlanufacturers of llaklnc I'nuder , Klrtorlni ; Cilracti , Ululnt. Kto. fl'rone CA P of our t n > packHuo Uomelllttnd ltonbt d Ooffoo. linvUowiirrt Ht .Oranhn .Sat. Cornice. EAGLEVOlifflUK WOMKS , John Eponcter , I'rop. Manufacturer of Galvanlrod Iron nr.'l Cornice. 93 Dodge and 103 and 105 N , 10th tt. . omalt * . Neb. KUESIl'lSG C VOLTIS , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Klnaln.Metnllcbkjlliilit.etc. 3108. l'1'j ' < t. , Omaha. WESTERN CORJflCE WOltKS , C. Spccht , Prop. Qalvanlzcd Iron Cornlcoi , etc. Snect'i" Improved Pat * entMctallcSkylluht. U undMO S 12tli M.Onmtin. Carpets. 'ET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Clotlis , l.luolcumii , Mattings , Ktc. 1511 DouK'ai ntrc'Ct. S. A. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matting , Curtain Goods , Kto. 1U3 Faraaui btrect , Omaha. Net ) . Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers aud Importer ! ot Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South ISth it Omaha , Nob. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing : . Bntter , Kzgsand I'roduco. ConilxiimcDts solicited , Ileadquartnrs for htonewaro , Kerry Itoxi-s nnd ( Jrnio Ilankuts. 1414 iJodgo struct , Umalis. PEYCKE 'iJItOST Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Prarlilona. Oninha , Neb. - ir. E Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpcclultlci Ilulter. Hue' . Cheese. Poultry. Uamo , Oyiters , Ktc. , Ktc. 112 South 14th Mrret. WIEDEMAN .0 CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , nutter , Onnie , Fruits , etc. 290 b. 14th it Omaha. Nfb , Coal ancf Lime. Uiu. * . IAHAnii. I'res. c. F. OOODMAN , v. Pies. J. A. SUNiiiliLAND , Beo. and Treas. OMAHA. COAL , COKE & LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , IWJ South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. J. , J. JOHN SOX ,15 CO. , MannfitcturcrH of Illinois White Limo. And Shippers of Con I and Coke , Cement , Planter , IJme.lUlr. Fire Brick , Drain. Til * ami flewerPipe. Offlcti , Puston Ilotul. ITarnam St. , Omiha , Nxb. Teloiinonehll. Confectionery. - Hanufactnrinp ; Confectioners , Jobbers of Frulti , Nuts and Clguis. 1211 Kariiam SU Ouiaha. Cigart and Tobacco. Jobbers of Clears , Tobacco , Quns and Ammunition , 215 to 223 8. lllh St. , 1030 tc 1ITJ4 Karnamnt. , Oiu ilia , Neb , WEST ,0 FRITSCUEIt , Mannfactiirers of Fine Clcrars , And Wholcaalo Ucalcrs In l.cuf Tobacco * , Noa. 10 ! nuil 111) N. mil str ut , Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMTrJlTik oiv , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1103 and 1104 Douxlai , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. Distillers of I.lqunrs , Alcohol and Hplrlts. Importer ! nnd JoLbcraof Wlncsun.l Uquors. WILLO W HP RINGS DISTILLE't CO. and ILEll 6 CO. , Importers and Jobbereof Fine Wines and Liquors tiuleminu ( etiir riiof Kennedy' * Kail Indln lilt- tcrsanil Doinei'lcllquon. 1112 llarney ft. Drain Tile , Etc. A. It.BAUIH.Pro. J.W.lltIironii.Sec.iTr a II. J. CARSON , V.l'rtn. unit Su.t. | . THE UNIOff HYDRAULU. DRAIN TILE CO. , Offlc * 213 B. 14th it. Omaha. Neb. Machinery an bupplles for Manufacturing Cement Drain Tile. ELEVATORS. W.llonutti , I ) . S. HUIIIIOEI I'ICS. KSTAIIMRIIRI ) 1R75. VICO-1'lt'B. OMAHA ELEVATORnnd GRA12 COMPANY. Jobbers and Storors of Grain. Shlpmuntsof iloalom solicited iiiid salliifuctlo Kiinriuitot'd Oiniilm. Nob. Furniture. STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Furnani ft. . Oaiaha , Neb. UJTA'JtLES NHJYEKICK , Furniture , UetUUiiff , Upholstery , Mirrors , tc. 1J06.HCH and H1Q Fornsm ( t. , Omabi Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. Groceries , PAXTON , < ; f LLAG IElf r CO. , Wholcsaln ( troccrioa anil Provisions , Ko. TQit"7. ; ) iinil7llS.IOthSt.Oniahn. Nob. ) , ; ; . .Kjro co. , Wholesale Urocci'4 , lltti niul l.oavontrnrtti M . , Oiunrm. Hardware. ir. , ; . Hcnvy llardwart' , Iron nnil Slecl , Springs , wagon Mock , lUrrlnnrn l.umbor , utc. 13 mul 1111 lUrnrjr M. , Onmlin , EDNEY tf G1HUON , Wholesale Iron nnd Steel , \Vftenn nnd I'ltrrlaca Wooil Stoci , Ilonvy llardwv Ktc. U1I mill ISIS txnvcuwuttti ft. , Unmlm , Neb , Stovns , Itniipp ? , Knrtiiicrt , TiloR , ManlK'i , tirutoj , llrustUoml * . 1,81 anil 133.1 blrcct. Iron Works. 1'JEHLiNG Iron Works , Wrought nnrt Cnpt Iron DulKIIni ; Work , Iron Flair * , KallliiK , llcmns nnil ( ilnlvm , Sipnm KnijliH' . liram Work , ( Ihtifirnl Tonmlry , Mnrhlne unit IHiicknuHU Vork. OMrenn IWorK. , tl. r. lty.nnill7tliMliM.-t. V. II. MrMAM'o. c. M'U.IVAN. OMAHA U'lRE < fl IRON U'OXKS , Manufacturers of ire nnil Iron Knillng * , Desk Hnils , Wlinl'iw Ilimnt" . I'lnwcr HtiimKVlro Slum , Ktu . Mlh. Orders bj initlt promitlj | nttcndoiU * . Lumber. TUMItEK CO. , r. . AllKlnilsof Material at Wholesale. 13tli atroot nnd Unlou I'ncltlo Track , Onialm. LOUJS IlltADFoTtT ) , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sasli , Doors , Klo. Ynrdft-CornorTttt nnil UouglKsi Curnor 9lh ami IKiuglm. _ CHICAGO LUMUKlt CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 811 S.HIhntr clOmatmN li. F.Colprtier , Mnnager. C. IV ; 'lfETZ , ' Lumber. 15th nnd Cnllfornl Ctrcf In. Omalm. Neb. W. GJAT , It nmbrr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Cth and Douglm itt. , Omaha. Nui. HOAGLAXD , Lumber , 2' . Jr. HA JtYEY LUMBER CO. , To Dcalera Only. Office , 1103 Kaniam direct , Omaha. CHAS. It. LEE , ilardvvood Lumber , Vood Carpets and 1'arquet Flooring. 9th and DonilM Oinnha. JOHN A. WAKEFIEL1) , AVholcsitlo Lumber , Etc. Imported nnd Anu-rlcnn I'ortlund Crnu-nt. Ptnt Agent furjlllwnukci ! IlT.UHullo Cement und riost ( Julncj WhiteI.lme. Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. Johu K. Boyd , B'Jporlntct.d nU Lire Stock Commission. M. JIURKE .1 ! SONS , Live Stock Commission. . . Cleo. Ilurke , Mansaer Union Htoelt YarU . B. Omaha. Telephone MJ. SArAGE tC GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Jhlpmcuts of nny and all kinds of Btook solicited. Union Stock YanU. Omaha , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. OltEttFELDEIt cO CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1113and 1215 llarney Ht.oet , Omaha , Nob. Notions. Wholeialo Dealer * In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 403 and 403 B. Tenth 8t , Omalm. Overalls. CANJFIELD' COMPANY , , Manufacturers of Overalls , leant I'ante , bhlrts , Ktc. 1103 nnd 1101 Doiulns Street , Ouinhn , Nob. Paper Boxes J. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of I'ancv Boxe < , B.ltthbt. . Omaaii , N4brmk . Urders by n ll < jit dand wlllr ( lTe rampt uttaailon. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANYt Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And 1300k Hinders. 1W and 108 Kouth Fourteenth street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type , Presses and Printers' Supplies. (01 houth Twelfth Street. Pumps. RROWNELL .C CO. , ManufacturiTS und Ocnlcr * In > , s , Hollers & General Machinery Bhout Iron work , Stonm I'ump' . Hnw Mllli , Acini bhiiftlnif , Dodite Wooilipllt Pulluri , HBltlnx , eto , AliowiKoni , craporiaad balotloi. U13-U1SLu - TCinvortli at. Ouiitna RECTOR , C WILIIELKY CO. , AVholcsalo Hardware. Western ncenti ! < : r Jotrcrnon Hied Nails , Auitli , l-nlrLnnk ttandrird hcalcs. Corner lUtb und llarm'y , Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , "Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Btenmnml Water Hunnlio. lleniliiunrtcri fcr Mail 1-oostCo'B Goj < U. 111 ! larnnni ft. , ( hnnlin. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COM I'A NY. IIMIndnr Wind Mllin : rtenm anil Wfcter Piippllei , IMuuiLliiK ( Joo'lu. lleltlni ; . llfuc. | iin uri'l ' ( Ml fur- nam it. , Oinnha. B. K. Ki'Ilon , Malinger. Mtlcphono Nu. 1IIU. A. L. STRA NG CO. , Piimps , 1'ipon and Knginoa , Steam , Water , Itnllway and Jlllllni ; Kupiillcr. Eto , 820 , Mand i l-arnaiu dt. , Onmlin , Neb. Safes , Etc. P. liOYER cO CO. , for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s' riro nnd lliuit'tr ' Proot Ssfoi. Tlrna Ixicki , Vault * ail Wort. 1M ( ) Mnmm utruel Omaha , N t > . _ G. ANDKEEN , Omaha Safe WorkH. Unnufactnroriaf Flra and Ilarelar I'roofSafe * , Vnull IJourn.Jnll Wnrk.hliutiert iiud Wire Work. Cor. 14lUatidJ ckionBli. , < Jmnlm , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc. MTATirisiUtOW CO. , Wholcinlo ManuUcturcri of Sasli , Doors , lllintls und Ilranch oSlce.litli and Itard Mt. , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monld'jiii.htalr ' | Work and Interior Hire ! WooJ l > 1nlik Juit ouuued. N , K.I or. 8th > nd L AiCD ortUBt . Ouinlm , Net ) .