Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1887, Page 7, Image 15
* Hvj " > * * > plVWV- THE OMAHA DAILY BEEFRIDAY. : MAY 13. 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements underfills bond , 10 cents | ior inn lor the Mr t Insertion , T cents lor eneli nub- o'tit'iit | Incortloii , amlfl.Mn line per month. Noiidvortlfomcnt taken for lo s Hinu2r conn for the first liiMTtlou. FotPti words wll jbo counted to tliu line ; they must run eonfecti- tlvnlv mid mint botmld In nilvnnro. All mlvor- tl'omcnt * mint lie handed In before 1 : no o'clock ii , tit. , nnd under no clrcum taiicus will they betaken taken ordl cnnllnued by telephone. Parties advertising Inthovj columns nnd hav ing the answers addressed In euro of TllKllRK Trill plenno iu > k fnrn check to enable tlioni to got tholr letters , us none will bo delivered except on ( ireomlntlnn of chock. All nnswors to ndvor- tlflomoHts should bn enclosed In onvulopc * . All advertisements In theeo columns are pub- Untied in lioth morning nnd evening editions of Tlio HUB , tliu circulation or which nirgregntcs innro than 14,000 papers diily. nnd gives the advertiser the lionefit , not only of tno city olrcuhitlon of The JIKK lint nlso of Council Bluff * , Lincoln , nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this part of tlin west. MONEY TO LOAN. ! 500,000 to loan at per cent , Harris non , 1511 ! Douglae st. 870 TO LOAN nt 0 per cent. Mnhoncy Mnnhnn IfOT rnrnnm. CIJ9 ONF.V TO T.OAN b 1' . Dnvls ft Co. . real estate and loan agents , 1505 Parnatu st. 671 flJCOO/X)0 ) To loan on Omaha city property otfl P per cent. U. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Hid. 073 M ONKY to Ixan , first mortirairo notes boiiKht. II. P . Cole , 310 d. l.jthroom I. 772 14 * MONKY TO LOAN On city nnd farm prop erty , low intcs. Htownrt & Co. , Hnmn 3 Iron bank. 074 MONEY to loan , cash on delay. J. W. and K. Ij. Squire , 14U Farimin St. , Fnxton hotel biilldlmr. 075 ONIIV Klist morttrnKO notes. The Douglas _ . county bank will buy papers secured by flri't morltratro on city realty. li'fl ON12V TO LOAN on improved real nstnto ; no commission churned. Lenvltt llurn- hnm , llooiu 1 CroUhton Illock. 077 G FEK CENT Monny to loan. Gregory & Hndley. Rooms 1 and 3 , Kcdick block , 320 s. 15th St C78 TO LOAN Money Ixinns plnccd on im proved roul estate In city or county for Now Englnml Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. IClh nnd Clilrngo sts. C70 MONEY to loan on Improved city property at 6 per cent Money on hand ; do not have to wait Have n complete set of abstract bonks of Douglns county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Konl Estate nnd Loan Co. , 320 8.15th st. ONEV LOANED ntC. F. Heed ! c Co.'s Lonn Olllco , on furniture , pianos , horbos.wngotin , person Hi property of all kinds , nnd nil other nr- tlclcs of vnlue. without removal. 319 S. luth. ever Hlnghnm Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 611 6 FEU CENT Money. H.JJ. Patterson , 15lh ntd Harnoy. ( V = 3 Tl/TONKV / To"TOAN-by tbo mid orslgned , Who J.T-1 has the only propoily organl/eil loan ngoncjr In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to $100 mndo on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. jMI business strictly confidential. Lonns so made that nny pnrt cnn bo paid at nny lino.each payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances made nn fine ft niches nnd diamonds. Persons Bhnuld carefully consider who Ihey nro dealing with , nsmnny now concerns nro dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call suidpeomo. W. H. Croft , Itoom i WUhnoll Building 15th nnd Harnoy. 853 fllHKOmaha Financial Exchnngo. JL N. W. corner of Hurnoy nud 15th BtS. , ever Stnto National bank. Is prepared to inuko short time loans on nny Rvallulilo Hccurity. Lonns mndo on chattels , collateral or rcnl estate. Long time loans mndo on improved real cstato At current inle ? Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , Hold or exchanged. Short time loans nindo onsocond mortgage , according to marginal Interest , nt collateral rates. Heal estate to exchange for good Interest Jjcnrlng paper. General unnnclal business of all kinds trans- Beted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans nt 8ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- clty. Corbott. Manager. 180 f BUSINESS CHANCES. US1N1ISS CIIANCE-For snlo ; llrst class dining hull , best located nnd best ftny In tint city. Owner has other business. Hammond Si Gibson , 1614 Douglas st. 42) 10 "CHlt 8ALK-CnshJrocory store , doing a good J- ' business , In tlno locution , ( load ronitons for selling. Address. O 07 , lloo QlHce. 418 WANTED A person desiring to engage In nn honorable pnylng business netting S10 to HZ per day clear profit on stock of { 75 to 9150. Host business mon of this city given ns references. Cnll nt once , or write , to Koom 1 , Crounso block , 10th st , cor. Capital nvo , Umahn , Nob. 408-jll fpo uxchango lor merchiuullso. hanlnnio pro- JL forrod , two good improved farms , tno nnd four miles from town , one of 120 ncrcs , price f 1,200. Inciimbrnnco $ lMJi ) . Ono of 100 acres , prlco $4KI ) , Inoumbraiico $1,300 , In Oreon county. I ) lota In Mnrshnlltown , price $1.200. n lots m Monmoiith , prioo ( DUO , nil In Iowa. Ad- I Idress box 171' , Scranton City , Iowa. 4M 10J fv JITOK 8ALK Hostourant 1 year louse , doing IT good business. Address O U. Uco ollico. m : rr ? iiij T71IKST-CLASS opening for live man who JL' wishes to Invest In the drug business. For particulars address llox 55 , Neoln , In. 23114J TXrANTIID Partner In paying drug store , Capital r 01 in I red $000. Address t ) 5 lloo office. . ! M 12 * T710H SALE-Drug store In city. Will trade JL' for oily real estate , or take n partner. Address 0.5'J lloooince , 37212 J .TnOK SALIJor JUmt First class hotel proper- f ty In city of 3,000 InbabitRiits. line Im proved nnd unimproved farms and city prop erty for sate. Address ilex 144 , Norfolk , Neb , 334 12J J OK * ADOLl'H'rf restaurant is on account business change under fair terms for Kale. S15 812th. . iU3 13' MV property , wherein saloon Is for sale nr for rent. Louis Korggood , Fork Forest galoon. B. 131h it. 86JI2J AHAlIi ; opportunity. A cloun , crisp and fresh ftm-kof Groceries , Flour , Toed and Provlsloim , with nn uvorngo ilally business of 4f l.'j. Is now put nn t.'io market for sale. Kx- oellent business location , htreet car corner ; on Jcst Btroct In city ; new bilck building , leased for ono with privilege of two ortlueo yonrs. Terms of sale good. Hensons for selling , other Interests demand attention. Apply promptly toParrott * Williamson ui > stairs , s. w. cor. llth and Douglas. nil \VANTKO Partnorshlpwlth nnold physician TT In city ortuwn by n > oung Jihjslelan of fi yonrn oxporlenco. Not afralil of work. Address - dress t ) 53 Omaha lice. JM 12J fTIOll SALK Very chonp , good brieK business J- properly In Grand iHlund , Nob. Thogruutost liftrgalu nnd best terms In this city. Good rea sons for fiolllng. For particulars address J. H. V'uolloy , Attorney at Law , Grand Island. Nob. . _ _ J SS7J1JJ \JOTICi : To hotel men , a desirable hotel Jfor Kale , the Occidentalsituated in the beautiful and growingolty of Suttou , Neb. . Is How put upon the market. The Occidental has n enviable reputation second to none in the Btnto for Its generous anil llboral hospitalities , ni thousnndsof traveling men will gurranteo , The hotel U on i\ solid financial foundation , Vrlth all modern Improvements nnd every room occupied : Batlsfactory reasons furnished for Belling. Price itnd terms mndo known upon Dppllcatinn. For fuithcr particulars Innnlro Or address , J. T. Mollynenux , proprietor. Hut- 4011. Neb. 21U-12J HALE or trade A clean Mock ot gnn- prnl inerohnndlse In nn Iowa town. Good trndo. lot and bmldlmr $1.750 , clock $ I.20J. \ \ ant porno cash on stock. Will exchange ( or land nr Stock. Itouson. owner lives west , . \ddrej ? lock boa at. Central City. Neb. W 18 1UOxiti : lett east f runt Shrlvcr place f'JJO It sold by May 10. Terms easy. Street car line within Hi blocks. This Is a bargain. Shaw ft Co. , 510 8 Ibth st. 121 TTIOlt SALK A protltnblo and well establlahcJ JIJ business suitable fnrn lady. Cnll and In quire at Employment Uurenu , 219 n K'th sts. 9J3 J4 \I7Ehavosnino very desirable lots to o.x- T T cluiiigo fur any kind of merchandise ; 120 K 15th tl , 1-2 blk n P.O. Marr&Toft. 3M LOST. T OST An IrUh seller pup with a collar and Jt-f the iminu Dlcx Inscribed on it. lleturn to A. J. ' ' b'mpbon's carriage factory nnd get re- y fi. aa i-'j STHAYED-A brown and white spotted In- dltui pony. Illiiok and whltu stripped mane , | eng white tail. Hownrn will bo paid lor re- Rum of some to Fred ijollu , cor. S4th nnd Pop- pletoil av > ' . JM 16J T OST-Ilay mare , bob tall , right hind foot JU whlto , branded "P" on loft shoulder. Ho ward for return to Christ. Anderson , near { loyd's p cku house. yso UJ PEHSONA.L. _ PRHs6N'AO If joii want a denlrablu , con- trnlly located olllco you can find It at 31(1 ( BJSUi st. > 78 PEKSONAFf To sonrnnt girls. We harn a nlco llt of places In prlvnlo fnmllleB for good girls wild good wngos. Omnha Employ ment U u r cau , ila N 10th , Crouiiio block. _ _ 41013 T\f IW. DUHANt-Clarlvoyantfrom Iloston , Is iTlrcllabln In all affairs of life , unites leparatoJ lorers. 322 N. iflih st , room I 531 m28j MUS. M. H. CAHltOLL hns romovcd her dicismnklng rooms from HL'l Hawnrd to Old Hronncll 1mlI , curnor 17th nnd Jones. 3sU 12J lDnKSONAr/-Ncnt and tnsty nil-wool busl- JL ne s suits $7.00. Fine blue diagonal dress suits , f 10.75. Cnll nnd sto them or write for samples , L. O. Jones St Co. . American Clolluaig , 1309 Farnam st. Omaha. Pfrl tn 17 T5ElfpONAL-Prlvntc iiomo feT Indies during J ciiiillticinont , strictly contldontlnl , Intiinti a-loptcil , ndUregg E 42 , lleo olllco. 8IOJ2 * PEKSONAIMrs. . fir snmiie V. Wnrron clnlr\ojsnt. Medical and business Medium Boom Ho. t , 121 North ICth it maha. Neb. STORAGE. J(1IKST-CLASS Storage at 110 N Uth pt. STOHAGE First-class storage for nice fur- nlluro or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodce-flt. ns.1 MISCELLANEOUS. STOHAOK For household Roods nnd xonernl morchnnillso at low rates , corner l.'ith and I/nrd sts , uji town otllco 5IU N. 13tn. telephone 1.1.2. 427J11' GASOMNI ! nnd coal are delivered free to nil parts of the city by the Itltie line tank delivery , olllco nt K'oiinard ( HasB & I'nlnt Co. Telephone 'ill , MoUuyal & Ward , proprietors. TTIOIIKHNT. s < iunro Piano fa montblr. A JP Hospo.lSNDotiir.'ns. WJ CP.SS l'OOISelnksnnd vaults clTancd , odor- 1038 process. Ii UwItiK , hex 327 , city. . Mo m27j T ) 1'HOl'lIUTY Owners-It you want to sell your property pond full description with prlto and terms to Hnrt's ( Iront Western Heal Kstntp llureau.CrolKliton Illock. Wo have cus- totncis for every bargain that Is olTcrcd. Sllm'Jl T > UAI > My now ndveitlsoment of Illchmond Ji nnd Tnblo Land In this cvonlnit's lloo. Coo. ! M. Cooper , lIooinD , Arlington Illock. u51 U AroiOlf CUl/TUltn A liTdy oTo.xplJrlenoo wlio has lately moved to the city , 13 prepared to Klvo lessons ( n voloo culture to a limited num ber. Also desires a position us soprano Inn church oholr. ( food city references. Mrs. 8.1 : . Clapoo , 1710 Corby street. Information furnished by Ilov. A. Honors , Hoomfi. Arlington Illock , 1511 DodKOSt. 117 15 * TI1O parties hnvlnf ? houses lor rent , Hontal JL Agency. Ilonawa & Co . 15st. , opposite post- olllco. Wo hnvo turned ever to them our rental list. Wo recommend them. McCagu * llros. 630 TICi : W. C. Klntr * Co , house moving mid rmsliiK , leave orders at 13J ) IMorco st , 03" ) J4J TTIOK UKNT Organs , $3 per month. Hope. JD 16U Douelas. Ub'J ' DlliSSMAKlNfl-Mrfl. : K. C. Scofleld , par- loralKJ-ISt. Mary's nvo. Ladles coining to the city for one day can have their dross made while waiting. ' . ) ? . " > in II iTcV llouso furnishltu ; Koodg , uT"kTniT : cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J. Donner , 1315 Douglas st UOO F I OK HKN1 Square riano , ( t month Ir. lloaiio. 1513 Douirlas. you want to buy or pell furniture , gn to I. Ferguson's , 715 N. IBth C'Jl FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. T710U SALi : A first class Van rnujro In com- -1. ploto order. Stonm talilo nnd broiler : rnuso for selling ; OilltaJnia Hotel , llth and . 451 111 * C1TV MAPS Complete atlas map of Omaha nnd South Omaha. Call or send your orilor beforutho edition iHoxhnustlon , scllliu ? rapidly. GPO K , nndVm. . Uibson , 312 & ICth street. 448-lt FON SALE Huck board and open buggy. In quire 1507 N IBlh. 4U'J 14j TJ1OH SALE Cheap , a safe family hotec Dr. -C mono , 1517 Douglas I-'J FOK SALn Three woik hews cheap for cnsh , or Installments. J. IJonncr. 13ID Uoi'glus st. 3 113 FOH SALK A fresh , younif. thoroughbred Jersey cow and calf. 2400 Fnriinm st. S. 1C Hrown. 411 IHj OOO.OOO irood merchantable brick for sale at -J John It. Orocn's stone quarry. 276 15J 1I < OH SALE or trade , greed work horao , or Is . ' ndnptoJ for Indlos driving ; not fast enough for any business. Fine Jersey cow KOIIO dry , nnd yonrllnit heifor. 1124 1'iorco. 338 13 1 SALK Ono No 18 Hob range , ono extension - tension tnblo , oarpots. etc. ( load as now. Cheap for cash. Inqulro Institute Hotel. Uth nnd Capitol avo. 297 17J $200 buvs 0-year-old black horse , lonthor-tou bUKK > ' mid harness. Apply ut 10M N. 2Jth St. , 1 block north of Curalng. 311) 12J FOH HALK-Oiio No. 18 Hob rnn'/o , ono ox- terulon tnblo , carpets , oto. Good as new. Cheap for cash. 2i)7 ) H1J TTOUSKHOLD Furniture complete for 7 room J-L house , Kood as nuir. Will bo sold nt prl- vntosiilont puruhnsor's awn price , for cash. Address ! ' . O.boV4lS ya TTWJHSALK FurulturoofO room house with -L ? piivllogu of renting house 1UI4 California st 233 13 FOH SALK First-class Carrlno with shnfts nnd polo , Simpson's make , f ) ; . " > . I'lne I'amily horse , fust and gentle , J330 , Fine harnos , $50. 1 l-room house and 4Uxl)2 ) foot lot , 9)15 Cass st. All modern Improvements. Largo barn. (3,000. LM 1'uycko. 210 F I OK 8A1K Drivers and draft horses , rear of 1818 Chicago st , 154 jo * FF F OH SALK , or exchange for Omaha real cstato , nflno driver , rccoid2:40. : Pnttorson Mooio , Koom 1 , Omnhn National bank. 151 Foil SALEOr ezclmngo , one grand Bqiiuro Chlckortng 73 octavo piano , new , at a bnr- gain. Will trndo tor city property , house nnd lot prof 01 led. A. , P. O. llox 488. 352 HOU8KHOLD Furniture complete for 7 room house , good ns now. Will bo sold nt pri vate sale nt purchaser's owu price , for cash , Address 1' . O. tioi 448. 352 Oil SALK-AI1 kinds of building stone n the l.oulsvlllo quarry , lowest prices p ojsi bio. Address G. Metzger , Louisville , Neb. B23 IS * FOK SALE A good milk dairy , consisting of U ) llrst class cows , n good delivery wagon , tonm and Imrnuss. milk cans , Ac , horse power corn mill nnd hay cutter , and corn shelter , In cluding llrst ctnss milk routn , Immodlnto poa. cession given. For terms , etc. call nt 217 S llth st , Omahn. 741 TT1OH SALE Span horse * , double wngon and JL' double harness for f . ' 00. Also a lot of posts cheap. C. J Caniin , 6iJ FOll SALE 1 or3 horses , 1 spring wagon , 1 buggy , cheap. A. Hospe. 781 mlJ H SALE Square piano , 1150. WooUbrldgo Hros , 215 Opera hoiibO. 304 TIOKSALE-Urlck. T.Murray. 093 171011 SALE 17 head choice bred Shorthorn J. cattle ; also a O ) aero stock farm In Holt county , J. B. Colllugs , Poudor. Neb , KXi may 13J WANTED MALE HELP. " \\TANTKD-Flrst class machinists , none f T other need apply. Davis & Cowglll Iron Works. 404 12j "IXfANTED First clan whlto barber , wages TV $14 per week. Call No. 128 6th street , ready for work , Fremont , Neb. 433 13j /ANTED-Snlosmon , 5 traveling salesmen , i Biliary nnd expenses , no experience nec essary. Address with stamp , Palmer &Co. , LnCrugsc , Wls. 431 1IJ WANTED Agents ; 15o sample sash holder tree for stump , nwny ahead of anything of the kind ever Invented , boats weights , out sells everything. flO a day. Uroliurd Jt Co. , Clarksburg , W. Va. 42918J \v LrANTKl-A first class colored barbor.1521 South 12lb. 428 lb \VANTKD-Illttcksralth. Must bo goodshoer. > 1 Inquire , J. Nelson , South Omaha. 414 13 * \\7"ANTED M men for Colorado , Albright's > Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm. 403 V\7'ANTED Three good tinners at onco. TT Good wages , stoaily work. U. Gralil , lot Oroadway , Council Illutts. 302 13 \\TANTLD A willing worker to learn to T press pants ; permanent situation , and after learning the buslnedi good pay. Goo. btil'-s , I40d LcavcuwortU st , ( US 10 VrANTED-ConvnssIng agents , Apply bo- TT t ween 12 m anil A p , m. AcmoMnnfg. - Co. , 613 8. IBth st. fXl ) A partner In good pnylng ou l- nesi , ootnpetnnt to tnko full chnrgo ot office affairs , 12,000 capital requlreJ. Address , box M. 18 , II co ofllco. _ 3M WANT ED Laborers tor railroad work. E.S. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. , WAJfTKD At once , 3 coat mnkera nnd 2 vest makers , at A. Kallsh , 316 S. lth ) _ t. 3711 WANTED-2 school boys with horses lo carry route on dnlly evening Heo. 313 WANTKD-Exporloncod waiter , New Voik Kcstnurant , 711 N. 10th st. 339 12j WANTED 10 good solicitors for work among businessmen ; nothing lo Boll , Caldwell - well * Co. , 101'J Harnoy st. 30 ( ! 12J STI'DIINTS Tenchors and agents can oottro very protltnblo employment by nppl ) Ing to S. P. Great , Planter's house. Omaha. 180HJ | "WTANTED Ten harness mnkor * nt Marks TT Urns. ' Saddlery Co. , 1407 Hartley St. , Omaha , Neb. 177 20 \\rANTKI > Vour.g mon to reprc ent nn onst- TT ornpublishing house in this stuto. 31A S. 15lh. Koom 1. 310 10' WANTI3D Agonoralanil 50 sub-agents In your county. Now good' . Itura clinnee 100 to JOil per cent , commission , or a good sal ary. Scud for circular. F. M. Wun r , No. West Ohio street , Indliuiapoll ) , Ind. 25J 21' WANTKD 1'our young men of good educa tion , character nndnddross , botneou 20 nnd .V years of ace. J. M. French li Co. , olllce room la llushman block. 2"a 11 "ANTED-Mcit mon , Hoys and ( llrfs fern n light nnd profitable employment. No picture business ; no humbug. Send lOc for a valuable packngc to commence on. Only a few bundled will bo distributed. Address Albany Supply Co. , Albany. N. V. 812 JJ' WANTED An Intelligent boy or young man from the Omahn High school to cairy u route an the Dally Evening Hoc. 13 ! WANTED- * ) block makers for Colorado. Must bo oxporlonoodmon nnd hnvo tools , 1'rcc pass. Mrs. Utegu li Son , 3111 South l&th. 01811 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\7ANTKD-Immedlntoly , two good dlnlng- T room glrU lor Green Illvcr , Wy , Tor. Wages J20. Free puss. Mrs. llrogn , 31'1 ' South 15th si. 4'W I3j \\7ANTED-A llrst class cooknt thoCommer- TT clnl betel , \Vnhoo , n lady pioie.rr.Kl , good wnjies and steady employment to the right parson. Address , with rolctonccs. Goo. T. Duke , prop. J2S 14 MrANTED A good girl nl U. S. Hotel. Gcr- T T man pi of on ed. * 410 WANTED Competent glil for gonerHl housework. Imjulro at the etoro , f 7 S. 18th st 421 U \\7ANTKD A dining loom glil nud kltelion T > girl ut Vienna restaurant. 415 13' \VANTHD 3 dining mom girls , t'0" ' ros- TT taurant , 1217 llnriiuy. 407-14J ANTili lminpdTiitoly. nt Trnnsfor hotel. Council Illnirs , u head Iiiundress and two laundry glrK I'lrst-clasa wnifcs paid. 4V ) ! 3 \VANTfin-At Locke house , Norfollf , Neb. , T V first-class plain pastry cook , woman pto- foiled. Addicss B. F. Locke , Norfollf. Neb - , 13J 1X7ANTKD Girl to cook for help , nt A rondo T > hotel , 1215 Douglas st. 3'J1 ' 15 j \\7ANTED iTatindioss , middle ngnil lady TT preiorred ; nKo chnmbormnld New Vork lei ( > tiiiirant,71l N , l li st ' JI-M I2J \\rANTIJD-Shlrt innhnr-j andglils to learn nt Factory cor Ifith und llninoy It. N. Hurgcfs. 411 13J WANTED A second cook nnd illnlng loom glrl.gooil wages , nt California Hotel , llth and DotigliiH st. 15) ) 13 * VlTANTKD-Glrl. Ill S. 13lh st. Imiulro nt V > Mont Market. 3)5 13J WANTFD A glil or n womnti for general uou oworlc , S18 Howard st. IMi 12j WANTED Olil lor pnnlry nnd laundry work , Mlllnrd hotel. 37813 WANTED ( ! lrl lor light housework , sw cor 2-ld and llninoy Ms. ; is ) I3J \VANTED-Dlnlugioom girls , nlso girl to T T wash silver , ono hour , three times a il'iy ' for oonrd. Institute hotel , 13lh and Capitol nvc. 28114 j WANTED Good girl ; general hoiisow orK 1417 Cnss. 3SU 12' V\7"ANfED 2 girls forsnnio family $1 oacn , T > dining rcnm girl nnd dlsliwnshor. ? - ' ) each ; Inundross In city , c'ooks for private fnmllles.ox- perienced nui"-i tor children , $4 , lots ot now plncoH In and out of elty everyday. Mrs. Hro-gii , 310 S. 15th , up stairs. 3'IS U'j WANTED A saleslady who Is nciinlnlod ( | wlih thu millinery trade. State oxpcrl- once. O. 0 lloo. ! 171 1.1 J _ _ \ \ TANTEDA" girl in family of three , 2115 TT California sticet. 307 13 TVfANTKD Two saleswomen , for dry goods T T inii t have experienee , nud testimonials , Apply in the morning to O'Doruhoe .V Shcrfy , no\t to the postollico. 401 12 " 47 ANTKD An cixporloncod dros inlil > er. Apply 513 S. 14th St. 4UO 12J TITANTED Glil forgenernl housework , cnll T T nt UJiiS Dth St. , Gorman or English. WANTED Young girl ; Gorman iiorferrod ; nbout in ycurs old , nt COSH. 13th sfc 3".3 WANTED Girl to do general housework call ut 122s' Hamilton st. 308 12 | " \X7ANTED-Good girl for hoti owork in small > V family. Mrs. it. IIInglmm,810 Kith st. 310 12J "VXTANTKD experienced girl for general T T house work , except washing ; apply largo house In front of Creightou college. 3-M 13J " \17 ANTED Cook and dining room girl. Muel- T T ler's licstaurant. 1001 N. liilli st. 251 WANTED-Sccomi girl immediately , Call bet. tbo hours of 0 and 10 a. m. or 0 to 7 p. in. , 2427 Dodge street. 2&i WANTKIGood glr at 503 Virginia nve , good wagon paid. 231 WANTED-Kltchon girl and two dining room girls. 1001 No Ifith Bt. 'Mi \\rANTKD At once , piano player , colored TT woman protorred Apply 1123. Oth. 3H "tXT'ANTKD Ludies to work for us at tnelr T T own nomos ; * 7 to lo per week can be quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. For full particulars plenso address at once Crcsoont Art Co. , IV Central Bt , . Boston , Mass , il.ix.5170. SITUATION WANTED. WANTED -Situation lu prlvalo family. ! \d- dross O. ( ! . ' lloo ( ; 75 13 Jd " \\7ANTKD-A position ns typo ffrltor. Ad- TT dress O 40 , lloo oulcu. SU VI7ANTED A position us typo writer. Ad- T > dress O 40 , lloo olllco. 231 WANTED Situation as asdlstnnt book keeper or position in olllco , host refer ences. Address O ' 0 , lloo. 4U1UJ Situation us meat or pastrycook. Address O lid , Uuo office. 41U12 * XVANTriD-Situatlon by man of 7 years busl- T1 ness experience lo work In store or on thornnd. Guod city references. AddiossO72 Ueoullico. 445 15j \\'ANTKI-PItiinllon for No. 1 mcnt nnd pns- T try cook ( inaiil. Is sober , honest and re liable. Mis. lliegu , 31d South IDth St. 4M13J \VANTKD-Position In pnvato family to TT to wash clothes. Address 2J01 i'aelllo st. 128 IJ- \\7ANTED-A Position bv n thorough no- TT countnnt. Host of roferonced. Address O 14 Hoe olllco. Bill MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. " \\TANTKO-Furnlshed ronm with board for TT man and .wlfo In private family ; terms must be rtasounble. Address PI , lloo otllco. 444 I3J \\7ANTED-To rent pleasant room with quiet TT nrlvnto family for mnu nnd wife. Hoard for lady. Moderate terms , and nenr street car. State conveniences. A4drossO71 Dee ollico. 447 13J " \\7ANTED-A newspaper , paying circulation TT guaranteed from the start , for particu lars address Hank of Voile/ , Valley , Nob. 696 Y17ANTED To rent tttroo unfurnished rooms T T as near ns possible to business quarters. State price ; address O51 Deo. UJ7 12J WANTED A gentleman desires n room mate , 18231 amain. 365 13 * WANTED To tnido now Honnoy buggy for a good , safe driving horso. Armstrong , Fettis & Co. , 13U4 Izard st. 18j 13 WANTED Teams for railroad work , Albright's Labor Agency , II-M Farnam. B1J FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. TT1OH KENT 5 room house near c r line. JC Uallou Uroj , , 1510 Douglw , 3 0 U TTIOn nnNT 10 room IIOUST ; only 15 blooks JL ! from the postotllcc. Untfou Hros. , 1510 Douglas. a-.Q13 FOH KENT Good" roomootlngo nenr busi ness , 13(1 ( per montb. ' 'H. A , Sturges , room 10 , Crcighton blk. 'JM 15 flOH 1 UKNT Thrco room Ironic , 1021M N20th St. 2.0 Foil HKNT-Stores and tints at 34th nnd Uke street by Paulson 4 Co. , room , Hcdlck's block. I JM7 _ 1710H HUNT Good Imrn. iitltabla for four -L1 hnrsos. Imtulro ntrtli s. 1'itli st. IU ) FOH HI'.NT 3-room house , nil modern con veniences , rnrnam andfelstst. S. Knt-V Co. 1S11 Fnrnam. 1P3 T710H IIF.NT Fraino store bulldlnif , SMxM , J with llvlni 4room , on 1'hll Sheridan stwlll ; Improve : put basement under store to suit any loRUim to business Win. Flomlnj A ; Co. . 1401 Douglas. 70 HUNT House and store suitable for saloon or boardInp , South Omnha Stock Yards. Imiulro nt Lcvys' Oioctrjr. 3tt 14 F OH IlKNT House 7 rooms , colltr , closets , etc. : also barn , southwest cornar 9th nnd 1'lcrce. 4131''jq F OH UKNT-Wlndow , good locality for low elor or real estate. Apply to 305 n Ifltli , 171011 HF.NT First class location for barber J shop. Shaw A Co. , 510 South 16th. 414 Olt HUNT A itoro. Inquire 1412 S. l.lth St. lloo. II. I'otcrson. 899 FOH HI'.NT Four room cottnuo bet 22nd and 2Ird on Loavonworlh. Apply 313 S 20th FOH HIINT-Waro room ror. 11th nnd Call- Itornln on Belt Line , lor imrttctiliirs en quire nt Union Nat. bank. 183 17IOH HUNT A store nr.rt barber hop , nlso JU nice unf urnlsliod rooms. Apply NV cor. 13th nnd Williams. 1M lllj IHOH IinNT Store nnl llvintr apnrtmonts on Cutnlni ? near Saundorsst. Apply nt HitrrU llcnl Ifctatu r.nd I.oau Co. . ifcO S. 15th st. IW7 UUNT-Drlck yards , T. Jurrny. ! 71AHM to rent. T. Murray. 861 NT-Throo room house , 1106'J ' _ S _ 7th FOB BENT BOOMS. .NT-rurnlsheil rooms , 713 S. 19th st , 1 lilook from St. Mary's avo. 4il : ltl JJIOH KIlNT-Kurnlahod rooms 731 S. 18th. I IOIl mjNT A nicely f mulshed room.liius-t Mnry'unvu. U7412J FOIl HKNT-rionsnnt furnished couth front room between Fnrnnm nnd St. Mary's inc. nearSOthst , Jllth n month. Holoicnco 10- quired. Adili ess "O 53" lloo ollleo. MS 12 * FOIl HliNT niojtnntly furnished room for2 jrcntlomon iioir business. All conveni ences ; private Inmlly. 101.1 Cap. nvo. 213 tsj " 171011 Itl'.NT ' Newly fu-nlshed front room -t with alcove , lu llniiscom Placo. Inquire ut 211'nxton lilk. 312 12 * KOOSI and hoard for front nnd wlfo nt 2010 Callloinlast. 317 12J F 1011 UKNT-Furnished room nt ISltf DndKO st. F I OH Ur.NTrurulshcd rooms at ISlUDodtrost "lA ANTHIJ 1 l.iijto unfurnished room , not ' T oot ? 10 per mouth , by man nnd wlfo ( no children. ) Iteloroncos o.xchanjred. Address O , OT. lieo. IJ 12 " " j F "OK UKNT-NIco furnlshojioom. 202i Tar- nnni UC.1 FOll HUNT Nino-room IliiLoynlrally located , 310 S 1Mb. ) J (177 ( FOH HUNT Desk loom. ' .John Gallagher , itl7 South Uthnt. , 11HI 13 FOH UKNT Nicely furnished pnrlor nnd bed room on sulto. Front rooms. Threa blocks from 1'axton nnd Mlllnrd. Has and water In houso. Apply room si , 507 8 13th st "iiOH HUNT rurnisnodfrontroom 20.'l liar _ iioy. g. : iii : IOJ POH UKNT A nlco uowlySiirnlsliod fiont room with alcove , and ovoriythlnir In flrst- class style , nnd ether smillor'tboms ' ; alio table board. Call at2.12 Furnnni stA ? 3tW I J FOH KRN.T Klairnnt rooms * ' rcf orenens quired , 11X17 Douxlas hi. " : i01 'IITOH HUNT In now house , newly turnlsliod -I rooms , south nnd east front , ono with bay window and alcovefi2 fioorKla avo. i-Ofl 12j F HKXT Fiirnlsho-1 rooms with closets , gaa nud bath , n."J S 17th st. 192 12J FF F OH SALK Now 2nd hanj olllco desk , 1013 - Fnrnam , up stairs. 182 Foil HTNT 3 furnished rooms , bath room and gas all on llrfit lloor. Call ntJOJO Pnvonporl st. 131 FOH HUNT Eloiraut ftirnlfhed rooms and bonnl in new house with nil modern im provements , bath rooms , gas , etc. 2402 St. Mary's nvo. 3W I2j F I OR KENT Furnished rooms , 714 N. llltn. OlilraSl * FOK KENT Nlcoly furnished room for gen tlemen , 315 N Uth St. 124 FOH UKNT Eleven nice iinturnlshod sleep- Ingrooms. Separnlo or nil together , lu building 310 S 15th st. U75 FOH HUNT lieslrablo unfurnished rooms suitable for oflieo or slooplni ? rooms. 31 . 076 "IjlOIl HUNT Furnlsba I room with privilege JL ; of sitting room for lady. Object , company for lady whnfio husbaad Is Bono pnrt of the timo. 501 3 20th. 830 FOK HUNT No. 517 s 13th st , storeroom nnd hnsoment , now brick bnlldln ? . An excellent collent locution for either wholnsalo or rctnl business. I'.uilson & Co. , room 8 itedlck block. U02 FOH HUNT Two ofUcos spaces on ground floor In room 1509 Farnam St. Knqulroof J , S. lllchnrdson , In rear olllce , 313 m21 F OH HI'.NT Nlcoly furnished rooms cbonp , 506 South 18th street. Upstairs. 9.15 " 171011 3iNT-Doskroom. : Enquire Young i JH Blnckmun. 214 S 15th st. 540 F OH HUNT Newly furnished rooms with beautiful lawn , ono block from postolllco , 150.1 Capitol nvo. 410 14 * F IOIl HI'.NT 1 largo furnished liontroora. 1217 Ploreo st. 4JO 14 * TJ1OUUKNT 2 unfurnished rooms , to party -C of two. first lloor. 9)38 St Mary's avo. 452 13 * TilUK KENT Thrco newly furnished rooms at JD 1718 Jackson Bt 411 HJ T71OH HUNT Three rootn house west of North X ? llth st. , between Chicago und Cass. tDi FOK KENT Furnished room with board for two or four gentlemen , the most pleasant locatlr.n In the city. Huforenco required , Call nt S. E. corner 20th nnd Fnrnnm sts. 14012 * POR KENT Klcgnnt office rooms , best lo cation In Oninba. 31t ! South 15th St. 835 FOH HKST Third floor , 2Jx ! ; of brick build- Ing , 1103 Fnrnnm gtrooti'oeo of elevator. Inquire above number , upstairs. FOIl KENT-Oltlees In Helnriitn Diilldinircor. Fiirnnm and 13th sts. . In suitor or singly. For prices , dlnirrnms nml Information apply to B.A. Slomnn , 1512 I'arnam st. , lUora 2 , FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. G HKGOKV & HADLKV , Members Omaha Heal T.UMo Exchange , H001H9 1 and 3. .TO South Pith st. Omnhii View , Stutost fronts lor . $ 1,510 Fnlrmount plaoo , 50x121 , corntr-1 . 1,150 Falrmount place 40\l , corner . 1.3H West Side Loavenworth st fronts . . . . . . . . l.COi ) West Side , East IITO fronts . . . 775 Thornburg place 100x130 , corner . I , " * ) ) Thornburg plnce , flno east front . < 80) Cntalpn plaoo H5xlI8. corner . 1,950 Tabor place elegant lot 47x1.1. . 1,60J Loavonworth terrace 114 ft on Leaven- worth . 3,000 Louvenwoi tli terrace , ! C2xll4 trackugo , . : i,300 West Omaha , 110x132 east and so front. . . 3,500 West Omaha , f&xl5" > east and north front. 2/iO ) Iledfonl place 100x128 corner . 1,700 llodfonl place 50x128 south front . H)0 ) Prospect place ftlttoornur oncrrado . 1V < 0 Froapeot place double front Hamilton st 2,503 Cheap homes for all. Orcgofy & Hadloy. 013 TPOIl BALE IxitlJ , block U , Mnyneld , earner JC SJxllt ) , only fW. ) Also lot 17 , block 14 , only J300. For particulars address M. Mellor. Lnup City. Neb. 457 14J CHEAP LOTS-You can make money on our Choip Lots on tbo valley nortb of town. 1150 to $375. Como and goo them. Hoggs & Hill. VTEIlltASKA LAND Seven Omaha Inslrto -L > lots to trade for unlndumbered Neb. land , itush & Mclby , 1W1 Faiaam st , SW nEKE Is n tawat 67x121 feet In Plalnvlow add , on t front , tlJM\ Smith A Welsh , Heal E5lnto,3l9g Uthsl. cor. I'dmam. 40fl U H OLMK3A MoilKAUfVltonTcsUto nnd In- suritnco Co. , 1320 Douglas. 403 15 ' iMEDLATlTsnlowllltakoTlots or less only 6 or 0 blocks from Kxelin..Ho bid nnd Union Stock j-nrds on favorable torms. Sixteen houses under contract In same block. I want whnt they aw north. 1 don't want fnnoy tirlcea 1 wnnt to sell quickly. E. I ) , llrnnch. uJ ONK hundred nnd ten acres 3 tulles n w of the I1. O , for snlo on oivsy tnrmi. Slovens llrosSolo Agents , 1,11.1 rnrnnm st , 43J II H ; S ) rooms , 23d street , (4,000. " John Gallagher , 317 South 1Kb st , "f'J'J 13 LOT 50x144. Three houses , Kountze * Utah's addition , (3,000. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th. 133 13 IF YOU are looking for property on Sniindors street como In nnd lot us 8h"\v you our list. We hnvo somouroat bariiiuns , raiiitlinrin prlco from * V ) to $15) ) tier front foot. Smith * Welsh , Heal Estate , 219 S. 14th street , corner Faruam. 400 U OWNKH wnnts money. 3 hnnd omo east fronts In llnnscom place , 61.ti.V1 , must bo sold this week. T. J. Hook , 1509 i'limnm. 413 13 BKKOUB buylnif anything In the roul estate line ro nnd see Shaw At Co. Wocnn sell you anything to suit vour pocket-book , all the way from $100 to $10,000. Houses nnd lots for snlo In nil parts or the city. Wo nro head quarters for safe Investments. 610 S. 10th st. Isourolllce. 853 moil SALE-Lotln Shlnn'nSd addition , with - inow 6-room house , with pantry nud clos ets , cislorn nnd jrood collar. Will sell cheap tor n few days. Apply or nddrcss It.D. , 21)12 ) Charles St. 181 12j TIIIHF.F and ono-thlrd acres on Snundors , opn. Kount/.e I'laco , for sale for a few days , btuvcns Itrus.fcolo AKent8,1513 Fninamst , 410 14 " \\ri2 have porno of the best har alns In Hnns- T > com I'lacti property thnt can bo found. Call nud Kut ilesuriptlou nud prices. Smith & Welsh , Honl Kstate,21U si 1th st. , cor Farnam. 40'l ' It FOH SALK-Or ront.dno now house 10 rooms , modern conveniences. Nntnun Shclton , 1305 Faninm st. 312 11 CHOICi : IIAltnAlNS-In Orchard Hill , Hcscr- voir nud Chnrthngu Additions. II , it. Hull &Co. , 113N. Kith. 53. ) 13 T71OHSALi-4 : oholco lots in HllUldo No. 2 , JL1 tl.bOO to (2,000. I'attoisoni Moore , looms 1 and 2 , Ouialm National bank. 310 14 OH SALK-jflouso and lot. lot 8 block 1 Clarendon. 1'rlco $ ltx)0 ) , terms onsv : til * lily on promises. 314 12J SOLD Wo liavo sold nil but a few of thosn - Loavonworth street rosldeuco lots. These wo have for our patrons nt terms mid pi Ires thnt boat any list in the city. Wo mean It and 111 prove it to you. Wo have nlso tbcao mon- er-miikliifr chances : The prettiest plnco In 1'lalnviow for the money , nud only tfiOO cash , If sold soon. "The Apple of My Eye , " homo only ! 4 block oir St. Mary's nvo car line , convenient to busi ness , built "not for a d ly but lor nil time. " lliu-L'Hins In busliices propel ty. List ultli us fore put them where they keep hot. Cake & Hillings , over 101 SouUi 15th st. 647 TOTS In Koyd's addition. $7CO to * " 50 , lor few I duysonly. Smith & Welsh , Hoiil Kstnto , 21U S. 14th st. , corner rnrnnm. 40D 12 OHOICi : onst. front on 3Cth st , close to Daven port , now grading , f 1,500 , f 100 cash T. J. Hook. r > u Farnam. 11313 AFKW IIAUUAINS- Lot 0 , block II , South Omahn. corner , C9x 150 teot , on Itcilovuo sticet , only f'-'jOii ) . Lot 3 , block 12 , South Onmha. 60x150 feet , on Ilellevuo street , only fl.B.'iO. Lot i , block 12 , South Omaha , 00x151 foot , on Hollevuo stront , only Sl.UoO. Lot 0 , block2J , t-outli dmnhn. corner , 00x150 feet , on llollovuo street , only f 1,000. Lot , block 10. South Omaha , corner , ( WtlW feet , on Park. $1,100. Loll2 , block I'J. South Omnhn , corner , 60x150 foet. nnnr Catholic church , bifcvost burpalu out nt ? 1.300. Lot" , block 18 , ' 'outh Omnhn , corner. ( JOxlSO feet , I HC Ink' new depot , Summit , only 31 , KOJ. Lot 10 , block 18 , South Omaha , K0xl60 foot , fnclnir now depot , Summit , only ? I.OOO. Lot 3 , block 75 , South Omaha , nixir/0 , adjoin ing ollicoClilca > r < i Lumber Co. , * 1.000. Lot 14 , block Cl , South Omaha , corner , O0.v IDTfect , spli'iidld bit lness piopoity , f 1,200 , IW Jeot on outh Sixteenth street , south of viaduct , only fn.tXK ) . Two beautiful south front lots on Poppleton nvoiiuc. In llnnscom I'laco , only ono-flfth cash , balance In one , two nnd three years , each J2.700. Forty-four feet on Vlnton street , the main street connecting the city and South Omntm , 82,500. Thlrty-nvo foot frontnfro on Vlnton street , good business property , onlv $1SJO. Lot 3 , block K , llnnscom 1'lace. splendid cast Iront lot , miigr.lilccnt view , only ftr : > OJ. ion feet south Iront In Hnrtlott's nddltlon , nonr corner ot 1'nrk avenue nnd Louvonworth , lU ; teot frontage nnd corner on St. Mary's avenue , only $20.000. HI foot near corner Twenty-sixth and Bt. Mnr's nvciiuo , just the place lor brick block , Jfi.400. Lot 3 , block fl , fitly foot south fronton Han- sconi Parlc , i-lotfiiut lmlldinf ) site. 3'JOO , Lot 1(1 ( , block 2 , 1'otlor's addition , splendid east front lot Just on Krndc , only fl.S'X ) . Splendid piece of trackage property , 102x114 , on Dolt Line liullnnyand Louvonworth street , $ j,300 , M cash. SIxty-slv feet on Pleasant street , with largo double house , all modern conveniences , i cms for $120 per month , splendid investment , only sum Splendid lot on Goorgloavdnuo , near Woolworth - worth , close to street cars , church mid school , f2.fiOO. Tno lots In Tnbor Plnoo. corner on Lowe avenue and Howard street , ologunt residence site. Cnll and got prlco. Sixtviicro tiuct on .Missouri I'nelflo Hnllwny , admliablyndaiiod for platting Into lots ; can iniiko this n bargain if sold quick. Choicotwo , ilvoond ten ncro tracts , close to clt > , near now strout railway line , $ UOO to 700 per ncro Small cash payments nnd easy terms. You cnu ninko 530 per coin en Investment. George N Hicks. 215 South Fifteenth street , Opera House Block. 235 14 TT'OH SALK 50 choice farms less than 20 X1 miles west of Omnha. Address j. 11. Silvia , Itcnl Fstato Agent , Klkhorn , Nob. Gil m28J BIO UAHilAIN Ono hundred foot front on South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000. Farton tliuo. V. L. Vodlcka , 520 South 13th st , 6'J'J ' rpnOHNIlUHQ cheap. 2 lots s o , cor. for JL both $1,600. l > nttorson& Mooro. 31814 IOTS In Omaha Vfew $ l75to ! fl.WO. Meyer's i Illchards le Tllden.B $ bOO to $ < K > 3. Fair- mount I'laco $800 to $1,850. Bedford $700 to $ SOO. Hero Is n."Snnp. " 00x141. Itnod's 1st ndd south front Chicago St. $4OOa-$2D01cnsh. Houses and Lot * . Lowes add $2.000. Oranbu View $1,750. Millard - lard ACnlijwell's : $3,900. Itced'aild $2,550. Hurt st $ .500 nnd $3Mil. C.ipliol add $13,500. Terms on nbo\ easy. Wo have homes to sell on ensy payment. If you wnnt any hind of property glvo usa call. Wo hnvo u largo list In Omnhn and South Omnhn. No trouble to show pioporty. Our list of wild I'inds U one of the nest In tbo city. John Gallagher , 317 south 13th st 430 WI5 lir.vo throe of the best lots in H on sol i Stohblnsndd. , one-half block from Loav- enworth St. , south front , for $ Ib75 oach. Smith K Welsh , Heal Kstnto , 21BB 14th st. cor.Fnrnam. 401)12 F OH SALK-Or Trade-Six sections of good land In Llnsoln county , Neb . on U. P. railway. Call on or address Odoll Bros. & Co. , 152.1 Fnrnnm st. 301 13 A P. TUKF.Y. 13il Farnam st. . mnkoa investments - vestments for non residents a specialty wlthmianmteed Interest or shnro ot protlts , nnd takes full ohnrgo of property ; reference Kit en. 3'Jti TKN ACHES of high , sightly hind for salo,3J ! mlles from court housa , f'XJD jmr acre. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National nnnk. 152 15 T71OH 8ALK-A eornorlot , Mini , on Ibth nnd -L Cumin--- , onu ot the best locations In the city for a wholesale house , with waterworks and sewerage. Apply at promises , Tims. Sin clair. 511 m ' 'Ij THNTH Street business property with track- ago $ nil per foot , cheapest ground on the street. Patterson Ik Hooro , Omaha National Hank. 47J HI'.HE Is a snap : Owner Is sick nnd Is packed now for California. No blnlf about tnlf. It must bo sold ut onco. One of the llnest east front lots In Hansanm place 60x171 to 20 ft alloy , high and sightlyMno IK story house built by present owner lorn homo and U put up right. There are li rooms , besides bath room llnlslied , 2 moro rooms not yet finished , Manila and grate In front room , hard pine llnish , 175 bbl cistern nod ( liter with pump forcing water Into bath room ; city wntor on street but not taken Into house yet. Tills properly can bo sold for $5,100 cash , or JS.'U ) , cash. Gregory * llnd'oy. ' Kooros 1 and II. 3 0 S 15tli St. 359 FOIt SALT At a bargain , n moat desirable homo for a email family within u mlle of . P. O. , a block from 2 street car lines nnd piuod streets. Inquire of K. U. Whltmore , liovd's oparu houoo. IK/J CllOICe lot In Hawthorne add. , for $ l,4na Smith & Welsh , Itoal Kstatn , 219 n 14th , cor. Farnam. 4OH 12 LIST your property with the Omaha Business Exchange. 310 B. ! 5to , rogtu L 34118- FOH SALE 5 room house HurJoCr St. price $ .T,4 : $ V otish. 4 room house Clark St. , price $3,6001 (500 cn h. 18 room house l th st.prlro f 4.JJO ! It.TOO cash 0 room house 1'opplutoa nvciuio. price f-.CWU ; ' fl.'OOcnsh. 22 feet fronting on Douglns st , for 15 W per front foot. 2- feet fronting on S.umders st12J per front font. 2 adjoining lots , 1 Q corneron Saundora st , , prlco tI.OW per lot. 1 or the be t loM In Orchnrd hill JWO. 3 cheap lots In South Omaha ; close to now depot , prlco ( .VlOpcr lot. 10 acres for platting , JI30 per acre , 040ncro farm land nl North Finite , Nch , , IS per Hero. I ( Macro farm laud In Madison Co. , $ M per acre. ( < o aero farm land In Pierce Co. , Ncb.t Id per ncro , 160 acres farm land In Webster Co , ) Noli. , f 0 par ncro. Will tnko horse nnd buggy In part pnymonl , Wanted to rent n ! 0 or Ircnm house betwetti Fnrnam nnd Cnllfornln nnd 17th nud 20th , Hum hnm & Stringer. Iil8 Dodge st. ! B3 BAHGAlNS-Wo advertise bargains only , lloro ara u few from our largo Hit. I/ot HI block 2 , Ambler I'laco , 1 txiunro from street car line : only f 1,000. iOJdi.'Oft. licniitlful cast front In Hnenn's , sq. from st. our , fS.Hn , tl,100 cash ; big bargain. 6 largo bnrgnlns In Umtihu View , Prices nnd terms on application. 10 hits In ruddock Plnco ; fine trackage : nt n gncrlllco. Small cash , bnltinco tlvo ytvu s , 4" > xl2d ft. In 1'nrkcrs : .south front. Si si ) , from st , car , f 1,800. A rnro bargain. South fronlln Fntilck'.s , } { sq. from st cnrj onlvlsw. Kasy terms. 22x120 ft. uo.\t to corner of Uth and Daven port for only 15,000 , fi.niX ) casli. A roirular simp. I'mo residence lots and homos In Kountzo Place , llnnscom I'lnoo nnd Kllby 1'lnoo. U lots south and cnst corner , HOxlIK ! ft. , but a BQimro fioin Louvonwoith st. , In rarmoiiter I'lace , nil iorMXW ; Mr , < wcn h. A roriuirtin lodfo ( st forfS,7lWwlth fonrent- tnjrp , brln Jink' n runt o iilnl to about 15 per cnnton liivrstmont. pAlmrffain lu south Ouinlm proper riviulrlnir f 1.000 cnib ; rontlnv ut ? ICO pur mouth. J.s.OX- ) A few wood lota loft In roitlniid I'laco , 1- . " cnsh ; r > 5u to f " 00. When not othorwlso slntod. nboro cnll for nboilt 1-3 cnsh , balance rnsy. Cairlupo nt your disposal to see ttio'onny time. Wo iiinto a specialty of bargains , nnd nnyono wishing to turmiulck will do well to list with us. us.I'nnott Ac Williamson , up etnlrs. s , w. roruor 14th nnd HoiiKliu ! 6 12 HOUSn nnd lot , N 20th st. cable road now laid In from , a bargain for lew dnj1 * . T. J. Hook , 1501 Farnani. 41U 111 BETT11R BOO W. II. ( ' .rt-on. 211 South l.ttli at. , xboiit the following or anything ol o > ou want ; ItMxHOon South Ifith at. , VILOM. ( M\14U on South liith st , fU.OOO. JMxlSS on South IHtli st , iron I house , J11.503. l''O.TllO on South 15th st , $7.0)0. ) WUltu on South 15th st , M.OIM. ; > OTl40on South 15tb st , { 2.00J. 4(1x100 ( on South 15th si. , cor on Wllllnmn , Im- provemi'iiti on this cost $1 , 00. Good business cor , $7.r.lKl. fi ljt36)v--W ( onst fronts on South 20th st. These nro llrst-closs , bolter oomo up nud BOO about these. fifixIKon Lottvonworth st , peed hou-e , for ? 7fl per front foot , property solllnKS blocks be yond In n hole for fix ) . Ono of the bi'st corners In Bhlnn's add. with peed house and ether linprovomonta for t'J.jOO. fSl'l ' ciisli , lull 1,2 , ,1 years. lOUzlfk ) cast front on Virginia nvo 3"i,20l. 103x150 oust front cor Virginia nvo $ jWO. 21 of the tlnest lota In Hnnscoiii place.cnsl and wo--t fronts on 1'urk nvo and west fronts on Onthoilno st. Thl in thocronmof the place and the tlrst time they ever were on the market. Small cash payments mid easy terms 50 of the best lots In West Side Inft Inylnir di rectly on ear line nnd only $500 for Insldo nnd t'A ) lor corner , S125 cash. bal. to suit. W. II , ( Iroon , 215 South 13th St. HOT FOH BALE-Doilge and 12th , flO.OM. 120x1)2 ) cor llth nnd Dorcas , $8,200. (10x140 ( , House cnst front , 10th st , $ < ft. Elsussor and lllco , No 1012 Harnoy. 270 Btrcot between the city nud Soul h Omaha , for snlo on easy terms by < ! oo N. Hicks , 215 South 16IH st. Ilranch olllco llollovuo nnd U streets. South Omaha. 237 14 . . . SALK Lots 11 nnd 12 , block 4 , Klrlc- wood , ? lfUJ each , M cash , balance 1 nnd 2 yonrs. Discount for cnsh , address Mrs K. Koboite , Fort Shcriran , Idaho. 3 'J2IJ ONK hundred nnd ton ncres 3 mlles n w of the I . O. , for i > ulo on easy torms. Stevens Hios , , Solo AKcntti , 15111 Fin nnm Bt , 410 14 OOHNini of Douglns nnd Tenth streets , rents for WOO , is otrorod for n short time on onsy terms , at $2IOUO. Marshall i Lobcck , 1WJ Fainam. Tol.73. 20' ) 13 JOolngnnt lots on Ilollavlcw Btioot , the load- O Ingthorouglifaro connectlntr the city and South Omnha. ( lee N Hlcka,21J South 15th st. Ilranch olllco Hellovuo unit li streets , South Omaha. 237-14 rilHIlKK days onlyhl > ripst track bargain In JL tho'clty , wholesale district , must bo prompt to secure it. T. J. Hook , 150U Fnrnam. 4it : 13 OUHLIsrof Ilaryams. Kountz place , Sev eral lots at n bargain. Lakost,2. > foot lor $ 800 Snundorsst , ! I lots , each 2,000 Saunders stii ; ! acres opposite Kount7o placo. 18th st , 50x150 6.000 Farnam st. corner , 50x12.1 1I,0 > O Karnnm st , 3 lots , each 3,000 Lowonvo.onst trent 1,750 Vli-Klniunvo 1,300 ( ioorgin nvo , 75.X1W 2 , K ) ( ieorula ave -Y'VJ Twenty-sixth st , near I'opploton 2 , ) J Fnoliifr on Park 2,009 Hamilton st. Orchard Hill 1,200 Orchnrd 11111,2 line lots , each 725 Trackn o lots 50x125 H50 Trnckniro lots60xlt" 2,250 Louvonwoitlist , 114 feet corner 3.00J Hosidence 1'roperty. Wo hnvo n lariro list of rosldoncn property In nil parts of the city nt very low prices , Slovens Hros , 1513 1'nrnam st. 775 SPLKND1D CHANCK-Pavo rent. Houses and lots for enlo on ? 25 jioi month pny- inents. with smnll puymont down , They nre two story houses , now nnd fully completed. 'Havo six lurco rooms ; hallpantry , china closet , good cellar , clospts , city wntor.nnd sewer connections ; nil ready lor occupancy. The location Is excellent. beltiR on corner 23th nnd Chnrlos street , lu Hhlnn's let nddltlon , near the heart of the city , nnd commanding n tlno vlow. The rod car line passes within 2H blocks. Hiram A. Slurgos , Agent , room 10 , CrclM-hton blk. , south ol postoltlco. 3S'J 15 SCLV.CTl'S , are the carefully listed bargains hunted down by Cake & Hillings. Our sam ple : 06x140 ft on ICtU street for (5,600 , part 1 and a years. 4 lots , Meyers & Tlldon's add , cash needed only | COO. COO.Homo Homo lot In Plalnvlow , only takes , cnsh , * 100. Picked In Sheridan Placo.only Jl.'WJ for tl.&JJ lot 2 lots with2houses , J , T. Kodlck'g sun , only block from iticet ear line , 10Jxl21 ft on 3 streets , big money here for you. llonuty of Hnrlett , fruit trees , fine vlow , only f l.bOO cash needed. Cheapest South Omnha stuff on the market. Como , ever 101 , corner Doilgo nnd 15th , and wo'll make It pleasint and iiroatr.blo far you. 858 FOH SALK Dodge St.two lota in Kllby place , fronting on Dodge street , 125 foot. Two blocks beyond the lots have sold for 12.000 , the same price wo ask lor theso- Only 11,200 cash required. Shaw A Co,610 S Ifith Bt. are the ngentR. 11M BAltnAINS In South Omaha lots. 30 of the finest lots In the noi thorn part of South Omaha for snlo on easy terms by Goo N Hicks , 215 South 15th street , llrnnah olhco Itollovuo n nd 11 st recta , Souto Omahn. 287 U FOH SALc-10 : sUhtly lots lu poor farm. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National bank. 317 19 BKLLEVUK Bt. rxxl50 ) , street car on this stioot Must bo sold , tUOO. 1012 Harnoy st. filsagjor fc lllco. 3-J1 _ T > EAD this splcntild list. JLt Gibson , Aylesworth & llonntnin | , 1512 1'urnam St. lor 5 dnys only wo offer the following lou in HrlggH place front son Hurnoy nnd 1 liiln Hnwthorno 43x109. cor : cid nnd Dnvon- port , 0 room buu o , &c. , price J I/WJ. iusy : ttU'HIS. Lot and house In Lowe's 1st n-liCOxU | ) , $1,751. U'O ft on St. Mnry'ii uvo with 2 U-room houses pas and wntur. Will subdlvido M1,0 . Wniohoueo or business property lu block 19- , f (5,0il1. ( ) F.tthy terms. Lot on Douglas street , 40x133 , with fl-room llOIIHO , J'l.lUO. 1'ull lot on Dodge street , 3 houses , rent for TEO ) , price f 1,2 W. 5- room lmut > o on N. 17th St. , good well and ois- toru0Cio Wanted 3 good business lots. Two or more lots with trnokasfo. tiltjsou , Aylesworth it llonjamln. 1512 1'aniBin st SPKCiAL Hargnln for it tow days , south front . lot In Clifton Hill Inys perfect , owner must sell. Hammond & Glbgon , 1514 Douglas st. _ 424 10 BAHOAlN3-Acro lu Wont Ouinha , elcgiint , Hitthtly location , olionp. Six lots 14th street near street cars , only 95.000 few days only. 10 acres , SMindors etroot , splendid for pint- ting. only Hi. 00) . Co feet front between Harnoy nnd St. Mnr > 's ( uenuu , east ol 23rd street only l.'i.i iO. Geo. K. Gibson & Co. , 312 8 10th Bt. Hoard of Trade building. 4 < H-I4 _ T > \VO hundred nnd twenty ft on Snunderc.for sale for n few days , btovone llroi , SoU Agents , 1513 1'ainam Bt , _ 410 14 "ITIOII SALHKlrgnnt lar/o lot on car , lint .L cheap at f 60J , kiimll cuBh payment , lialnnce Kfl eeml-BnnuaHy. 101 N. 1,5th. , 413 IJ * . Dr.XTRU U THOMAS-llAS the choicest lot ! In Lincoln I'lnco. t cor , acres In Solonlan'n mM 17 , . .1 lots In block.59South Onmtvi ANo 0 , block 00 , and lot 2 , block 01 , i in 8) , 3 In " 7 , cheap. HO acres or Central City to s ll or trado. l.UXlancs In n body near Stanton. 4M ncros near Wlsnor. . , Al n lots 111 Itodford rlaco , Doloncs Addition , , ! West Cumliik' , Kostnr > ndd oil Ctimluu sU The , S bo * * lot In block C Shlnn's uddltlon. * Also Inrtfo lots In Shlloh f > acres on Amps' incline Also trncKiieocheap nn Holt Mno. for salt or lento. 6 luriio lots on tlronflwny , Council IllitlT . Ixit ; iblk a Inipiovemeiit Association , UilxlS * , K.2V ) I < itsblk7 , same add ifa rnrnor , fl.iX ) , ) , * o. , An. I own the iilinvo and can make terms to suit. Co me and sec. Uoxtfr li. Thomas , room 8 , Crt'ltfhton UlocK 7M 171OU HAIiRA l 0-story frnnio billldlnK -L 65x44 , lot 121itU.lM , oontnlnliKr three stores , ocouplod ri-spt'ctlvoly as n Rrocery nnd boot nnd shoostoio , adriiirstore nud n saloon , with Mock of itoods nnd fimtlturo nnd tlxtures in the saloon and rroccry nnd boot and shoo store Inventor } IIIR nt about f3,500. This property - orty Is sltuntrd a short dMtanco southeast of llanscoin park In n thickly settled district , on a good Mrcot , nnd Is offered for sale on nccount of the owner dp ltlnir to letlro from netlvo bus iness The dally receipts of the saloon will nvcniKO iipnilv If not qtilio n-s larpo as any In the city. If nffonls an opportunity seldom pro- fouled for t'liKaulnw In the business tunned ubovo. The prlco nsknl for this property li wny below Its actual valito. For furthci par ticulars Iminlroor address A. II. Comttoek , Iteal Kstnto llroKor , No. IKI Farr.iini st. " \\n : ha\o two lots In Allbrlifht's Cholco which > wo will vjtclmiiKO tor peed blurry. Holmes A Morcnrty , KKO Douglas St. ( ' 17 DO you want n home ? Wo have houses for sale on easy terms. John UallnKnor , U17 South 13th. 1W 13 C LOLlF.HPLACF.-McCtiRiio Solo Agont. " VAI.IKV. S Our now addition. Aoros$40)to $ V per or . Near South O'nnha , And flydlcate HllU , Marsaall * Ixibook , 77 150J Karnnm. Apiillc'iitlon For I'nrtlon. Notleo Ishoroby given that on the 27th day of May , I rt7 , an application will bo tiled with till excellency , John M. Thayer , governor of the Mnto of Nnhrnskn , for the imrdon of Leon Porrl. Said 1'orrl WIIH convicted nt the June , ItWi , term of Douglns county district court for DID crime of shooting with intent to kill.'J 2 _ M. 5. MAHTINOVICII. ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS- The Question of Imlinr. To the Kditor of the UKU : At thu last roRiilsir montlilv niPotliiK of tlio city council of Council IMiifl's a inomorial was 1)rcsRtitcd from members of tliu two ioilKoa of Knights of Labor in this city , asking that only Council lllufl'a laborers bo ivon employment in the prosecution of public work to bo oxocutctl umlor city authority during the gummcr unit autumn now close upon us. In response to the petition of home laborers , Alderman Wells is reported as having pre.-enteil a resolution oxptcssivo of the sontimcnt of the council to the elluct tliat homo labor bo given a preference , other questions being equal. To the general expression of this resolution , City Auditor Kinno- han , a representative workman of the Knights of Labor , has boon quoted as saying that the resolution was not satis factory and allbrded wide room for its general avoidance. There appears to bo ample cause for the criticism accredited to Mr. Kinnehan. Alderman Wells is a fair man , a good citi- /on and a driving man of business. No doubt ho intends to do the Mjnaro thing , and his colleagues upon the council may intend equally well. But arc they doing the > quaro thing ? It is currently reported that the sewerage contracts , about to bo awarded , will tie superintended by a me chanic from another city and state , whoso family resides elsewhere , and that the gentleman to bo thus favored makes no pretentious to ability as a civil engineer , the chief qualification requisite in the construction of seworago. Is this selec tion just ? Is it fair ? Would it bo suf fered in any other city of the importance of Council iMuils ? C It is about time that a halt should bo called in the employment of unskilled labor from abroad to execute scientific work within our city. Work will be per formed only to call down the impreca tions of a deceived people as long as the plain rules of common sense arc violated in the execution of city contracts. A word to the wise ought to bo suflioiont. 1'ito BONO PUIILICO. Council Muffs , la. . May 18 , 1887. A Cliolcn Concert. Despite the storm there was a largo audience at the Presbyterian church last evening , to enjoy the concert given by the Ladies' Musical society. The con cert was of high order. The programme was of sacred music , and the numbers wcro selected ami executed with rare good taste and skill. The society cer tainly merit praise for having furnished such an entertainment , and for its cfl'orts to elevate the musical taste of the com munity. Mr. lo Normandio gave an organ over ture , and it was very linn. He is a com paratively ne f organist hero , but ia rapidly winning public favor , and ho certainly Jast night exceeded even the expectations of those who have heard him before. Of the Misses Morkcl little need bo said beyond the fact that they were in good voice and as usual called forth enthusias tic applause. One of the choicest num bers of the evening was the trio , by the Misses Morkel and Mr. Troynor. To Mr. Troynor was duo a full share of the enjoyment of this number. Mr. Nat Urighani , of Omaha , took the honors among the soloists. Ho has a strong , smooth voice , perfect enuncia tion , and his selections were heartily encored. Mr. \ \ ilkins , also of Omana. gave a pleasant solo , "Tho Soft Southern JJrec/.o. " Ho lias a good voice , well cul tured. The Ladies' Choral socletygavo a num ber , which was well received. The best of the whole feast was , however , reserved for the last , it being Mcndolsshon'a "Hear My 1'rayor. " Miss Barbara Morkel giving thu solo , and there being a largo , well trained chorous , it was grandly rendered. Mr. Tabor , of Omaha , and Miss West- cott , of this city , served as accompanists , and fcorvod well. ; i Tally One For the IlluffH. Frank Uuanolla has boon at DCS Momcs ' | attending the annual meeting of the city marshals and chiefs of police of the state. When it caruo to selecting tlio next place of mooting Marshal ( iuanulla made u bold push to have it hold hero. Waterloo lee and Oskaloo-a ) wanted it , but they withdrew in favor of Council Itluffr , and ( iuanclln won his point , and proceeded to thank the convention for its decision. This city will see to it that those visitors are well cared for when they como hero next year. Miss Virgio Mavno , of Omaha , is visit ing Miss Ida Myors on I'ark avenue , D. N , Hcislorls having such a wrestling with rheumatism as to bo obliged to for sake temporarily his clerical work in Lew Hammer's olllco. A Poor , " \Vonk Sister who issuil'ering from ailn.ent.s peculiar to her BOX ; dreading to go to a physician , but knowing she nuods medical holp.vvlll find in Dr , norco's "Favonto Prosorlp- " lion" a preparation which will give her strength and now lite , through the res toration of all her organs to their natural and healthy action. It is the result of many years of study and praclico by thoroughly hcient'lm ' physician , who made tneso troubles a specialty , To bo '