Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1887, Page 6, Image 14
THE OMAHA DAIH.Y . BEE : FRIDAY. MAY 13. 1887 , THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , MO. 18 , PEAHI * STREET. Delivered bj- carrier In nnypurtof tlio city at f nitctuts pur wciok. Jl. W. TILTO.H , . . . Manager. TV7.EP1IONE3I DtFixrfP OmcE. No. 13. MIGHT EDITOH No. Z3. MlNOlt MiJX'llON. N. Y.t'liimblng Co. New spring uoods utlllcltcr's , tailor. The city council is to meet again to night. Additional Council Hliills news on the Seventh | > : igo. The popular resort is the Manhattan , 418 Uroauway , Iludio & Ycnawine. Two gk-n wcildings arc looked for early In June ono on the 1st nnd one on tliu Oth. Oth.Tho The Council Illuff-i carpet company will display in their window a live him0 to-day. Permit to wed was yesterday given to John \Vami > Iow and Nellie Uu'ar , both of Uniaha. IHIss , 1511 Joii < jlas street , Omaha , will Imvo n special display of white bonnets nnd hats Saturday. Wanted Two foremen for railroad grading. Ajiply tlm week at No. 1UO Broadway , Council IHulld. to John C. Lee. Lee.Miss Miss Ncllio Hatcher gives a recitation nt the entertainment at Mrs. Montgom ery's this evening. There will also bo choice music. J. 11. Roberts filled himself up and then scatud himself in a hotel chair to lcop it oil' . The last part of the nap was liad in the cooler. The ladies of the Methodist church are arranging to bervo dinner and .supper jit a convenient room oil Uroadway on Decoration day. A number of the Omaha friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hums camu over last evening rather unexpectedly and passed the hours in a happy social season. One witness , a civil engineer , testified in court > estiTday that tlio amount of country draineel by the Indian crcuk cant of Mnili.son street was over thirteen square miles. Social jnturtainmont this evening by Y. L. B. C. at the rcsidonco of Dr. Mont- gomory. A cordial invitation is irivon to all. Strawberries and ice cream served from 'J till 10. The work on the levee , so far as con tracted for , was linisheU yesterday. The levee is being smoothed up some , and the finishing touches uro being put on , but the work practically is now com plete. The remains of Mrs. Dekay did not reach here from Minneapolis yesterday as expected. The funeral services an nounced to bo held to-day are therefore postponed. Announcement will bo made hereafter. fll. A. Moore , the contractor , when re turning yesterday from the levee , was set upon by a number of dogs. For a time ho had to wield his umbrella with a good deal of yicor. but succeeded in gettiii"1 nway with whole clothes. Seventeen teams drawing railway utensils and sunplios passed through hero yesterday. At lirht sight they were thought to bo the advance force of the Lake Manawa railway , but inquiry de veloped the fact that it was a force bom"1 taken by Mr. Brock to go to work on the B. As M. in Nebraska. Ono of the pieces of music to bo ren dered at Odcll Bros. & Co.'s concert in Bayliss Saturday evening is a wait/ for the piano composed by Air. J. Muller , of the Muller Music company. It is enti tled the "Manawa Walt/ , " and is dedica ted to Odell Hros. & Co. It has boon ar ranged for brass music by Professor Dalooy of the Fifth regimental band. Charles llartman was arrested for being drunk , and begging on tlio streets. Ho is ono of these unfortunate fellows who has let his appetite so get nway with him as to make him willing to barter his man hood to get a nicklo for more drink. He was lober when brought into court yes terday morning and pleaded so hard that the judge let him go his way. The club is getting its articles of incor poration ready and they will bo filed to day. The committee on membership is securing now names , and the other pre liminaries of perfecting the organization are being attended to. The next moot ing will bo at the Mueller music IIOUMJ on Monday evening next , and all inter ested should plan to be present. A Hawtborno livening. A meeting of the Enterprise club will bo held this ( Friday ) evening ut tlio resi dence of J. M. Flngler , ut which time the writings of Nathaniel Hawthoruo will bo considered. A full attendance pf mem bers is desired. For first quality tin work nnd furnace work call and figure with us. Our Mr. H. A. Cole is of largo practical experi ence in both these Hincs , having done most all the slate work at Mount Pleas ant state hospital under tl'o close Inspec tion of leading architects. COLE & COLE , No. 41 Main st. Limo. coniont , piaster , hair , coal , etc. Council Bluffs Fuel company , No. 509 Broadway , telephone 180. Latest improved gasoline stoves at No 604 Main street , W. A.Vood. . Bliss , 1514 Douglas street , Omaha , will have a special display of white bonnets and lints Saturday. "Say , Jim , see Tipton , buy a lot , build n llttlo house , and let's stop paying rent , nnd.throwlngour money away , we've boon fools nil our life , until wo have reached that ago when wo can't afford to bo so longer , besides you see. it's a good scheme anyhow , because it will soon value. Sco the point , Jimmio ? " The Sewer Contract. The city engineer lias ligurod out the various bids on the sewer contracts , and lias prepared his report to bo presented to tlio council tins evening. It was thought by the reading of the bids before - fore they wore tabulated nnd figured through that Heagan Bros , were the lowest , but this proves to bo n mistaken notion. The bids were close , there being four of thorn , the highest and lowest of whioh were not f 4,000 apart , the total amount of tlio work being between $35,000 and f 60.000. It now appears that W. P. Wightman nnd George Miller , who is interested in the Wightman con tract , are the lowest bidders , ami to them will doubtless bo awarded the contract. Drs. Hanchctt & Smith , ofllcojlo. 13 Pearl st. Kesidcuco , 120 Fourth st. Tele phone No 10. Cheap storage In either small or car load loisntNos.iW,24nnd20 Pearl street , J. 11 , SnyJcr. J. WE. . L. Squire make beautiful nbstracU of title , and deserve the suc cess they nro enjoying. Ofllco of Mulhollnnd & Co. , removed to in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone No. 103. Leave your orders for ico. You men who hnvo been thinking about getting n Home to shelter your \vite aud babies , but have tilwuya been afraid to invest , go and see Tipton , ho will sell you nfco , coxy , little houses on such easy terms that you will pay for it nnd never miss the money , and it will double in raluq la one year. TI1E SEWS IN THE BUMS , The Ladies' ' Musical Society Gives an Even ing of Sacred Music. A VETERAN JACK . KNIFE Sudden Dentil of Mrs. George J. Iiovc Tlio Travels of a Money Order \ M\cly llutmxvny Per haps n Fatal Accident , Sail nil ( I Sudden. Yesterday morning F. M. ' Hunter , deputy clerk of tlio LJnitud Stntos court , received a telegram from ( Jeorpo J , Luve , son of Judge Lo\o , asking Mr , lluntnr to meet him nt tlio transfer , Mr. Hunter complied , with tlio rcquost and lenrnod upon arrival that Mrs. Love huddled at Sidney , Nob. , on Wednesday when en route to her home in Huron , Dak. Dak.Mr. Mr. Love had boon married about eighteen months , and his wife has beun in Caltforniii of late in hooo of regain ing her health. Kocontly , however , she coneltideil to return to her home , and Mr. Love wont west for the purpose ol meeting and returning homo with her. At Sidney Wednesday morninp Mr. Love loft his wife for a moment and upon his return discovered that she had during his nbu'iicc dropped dead. Tim remains were yesterday morning taken to Huron via Slou * City. The MjKtorlcs ofMonoy Orders. Q"Say , liii : : man , 1 want you to sign something liere , " said .Jim Bowman , wlio has charge of the inonoy order dcpnrt- nient at the postollice. "Hero's a money order which was paid jou , and it lias been sent b.iuk from Washington for cor rection. You see the ndvica called for the receipt to bo signed by the Omaha BII : : , and boiides signing that you signed your own n.unc , but they say that you must sign your official position as well. Just add to the signature. " "Unole Sam is getting very particular , isn't heV" "Yes , they examine every little detail , and if there is as much as a scratch of the pen that docs not tally it is .sent back for correction. That money order was mild last October , jou sue , and it has been nil this time going through the mill and getting examined and approved.- ' "Do you have many such cases ? " "Yes every otlico hatches a lot of them. Now hero is another , just like yours. The man who got the order cashed is secretary of the company , and ho signed the company's name , and his own , but did not puton the word "secretary. " It is sent back to have that mil on ! Now think of it , that order has traveled over three thousand miles in all , has been through probably thirty men's hands , , iind has boon eight months going through the dillercnt departments , and the gov ernment gets less than a dime for all this work. Queer business , isn't it. A FATAlTlMlUMl. Andy Davy Jinn Doth Lees Taken OfT IJy the CnrH. Last night Andy Davy met with au ac cident nt tlio dummy depot which will probably result fatally. He was quite drunk anil was staggering about on the switch track between tlio two platforms , when the freight was switched in. Ho w s struck by the cars , and the wheel passed over him , cutting oft * both legs below the knees. Ho also received some cuts and bruises , mainly about the head. It is not thought that ho can recover , lie is about twenty-three years of nge. and has been a hack-driver horu for some time. Lately he has been at work in Omaha , and on the railway about eight miles out. His parents live hero , near the Hock Island depot. He was mairicd , but did not reside with his wife. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha on the 10.25 dummy last night. Additional liookf ) . The following works of fiction have been lately added to the public library : Kicrioy. The Mayor of Custerbridgo , Thomas Hardy ; Count Havor , Henry Groville : Nature's Surial Story , Roe ; lie Felt in Love With His Wife , lloo ; Driven Back to Eden , Hoe ; Burglars in Paradifco , 1'helps ; The Madonna of the tubs. Plielps , John Jerome , His Thoughts and Ways , Joan Ingolow ; A White Heron and Other Stories , Jewott ; The House at High Bridge , Edgar Fawcett ; A Modern Talemtichus , Yongo ; Justina , no name scries ; The Kmpi ess Josephine , L. Mulil- bach ; The Minister's Charge , or the Ap prenticeship of Lemuel Barker , W. D. Howells ; His Little Mother , Mulock ; Young Mrs. Jardine , Mulock ; Miss Tommo , Craik , King Arthur , Craik ; The Living Link , James Do Mille ; The Prince and tno Pauper , Mark Twain ; A Boston Girl's Ambition , Townscnd ; The Christ mas Wreck , Stockton ; For the Major , Woolson ; Hodman the Keeper , Woolson ; Princess Casamassima , Henry James ; The Beautiful Wretch , William Black ; Katy of Catoctin , George A. Townsend. A Veteran Knife. Those who frequent the court room have noticed an elderly man sitting usually at the end of ono of tlio long tables with his arm resting thereon. At the least disturbing noise , loud whisper ing , movine about tlioroom , squeaky boots , this quiet gentleman is noticed rapping loudly on the tabio and looking around as if ho would willingly line the disturbers for making more noise than ho does by the rapping. The end of tlio lablo is well dented with the daily use of his peculiar gavel. That gentleman is Jo Morse , of Lovoland. The gavel which ho uses as baihtr in preserving order is a plain looking pocketknifc. It is a knife with moro history than blades. It is sixty years old and was owned by his father before him. Tlio veteran knife is worth examination , its construction being so ditterent from tlio present man ner of make. The buck is enclosed so that the springs do not appear and when what is. left of the blades are opened there is no raising or lowering of the hack of the knife. It is a curiosity , not merely on account of its peculiar make imd its ago , but also because it has not long since wandered oil * into the pocket of someone else than the owner. It is wielded daily by Mr. Morse and rings out as hearty a rap as in its younger Jays , its voice not wcakeningiu the least. WIUon AVuntH In the district court the case of Wilson ITS. the City is being tried. The plaint ! ! ) ' claims heavy damages on account of the Indian creek cutting away a portion of Ids residence property during the great Hood yours ago. In drawing the jury there scorned to bo a strong desire on the part of the plain till" to bar out all persons oaying taxes , apparently on the theory that such persons would bo inclined to favor the other side , and that they would hesitate about rendering a judgment against the city , as they would hare to st.ind their share of tlie tax necessary to pay the samo. The plaintiff claims Unit the city by the manner of constructing its viaduct at Bryant street , and by other Improvements reduced the natural water way so that tlio witter could not liavo a free passage , aud thus his property was ilnnugea , Mr , Wilson and wife ure here in person. They have been living In Florida foi some time past. Mr. Wilson seems thir and not in t\s good health as when here The climate docs not seem to ail'cct hin as favorably as ho had hoped. Huslnoso. M. Duquette , of the well known whole sale fruit , confectionery and commission house , is about to embark in a manufac turing confectionery enterprise. This house was formerly known as Krb A : Duquette , and until recently as Wirt A Uuqucttn. Now that Mr. Wirt has re tired from the linn Mr. Duquette will rc < move from his old quarters , No. 10 and 18 Pearl street , to the Hloomcr building , No. 1)17 ) Bioadway , winch place is already being lilted up , and besides continuing in his pit-sent line ho will also manufac ture choice candies. It is understood that after the necessary arrangements are completed that the linn name will probably bo Duquette & Co. Summer M lit OonccrtH. The move for a series of concerts to bo Riven in Bayliss park orondses to be a success. Odcll Bros. & Co. wi'l ' tomorrow row evening give a complimentary con cert , to which the public is'invited , that enterprising linn bearing the expenses of the music. The Bavarian band has completad ar > rangomontM to give a scries of concerts in the MIIIIO park , tins opening ono to bo Thursday evening , May 1 ! ) . A goodly amount has been raised on the subscrip tion list , and enough moro should ho pledged to insure the full series. The park will be a favorite resort this sum- in cr. 8ort < jin < Mi'H Glut ) . A few sportsmen of Council Bluus held a meeting at the ollicoof the county clerk last night for the purpose of organi/ing a shooting club. The following named gentlemen became charter members of the club : A. W. Ucikman , S. Farnsworth , H. S. A\ est , W. P. Wightman , C. E. II. Campbell , J. T. Oliver , A. Bcreshcunt , F. P. Jones , \V. \ 11. Thomas , W. 1) . Har- tlin , J. J. Shea , D. ! . Stubbs , N. C. Phil- llns. The object of the organization is pleasure and recreation and the inten tion is to hold weekly shoots. The pro- jioscd targets are clay piticons , Pcoria blackbirds and such additional targets as the club may adopt. There will be another meeting Monday night for the purpose of ell'eeting a permanent organ isation. All persons who desire to be come members of the club are. invited to be present at that time at the clerk's of- linc. _ A Lively Hun. L. B. Evans' horse and buggy were hitched at the Noithwostorn depot yester day morning , when a train came along. The horse beuamc frightened and broke away before Mr. Evans could stop him. One of the wheels of the vehicle was broken oft" and the buggy separated from the horse. The animal wont tear ing up Broadway , and ran straight to Lund's stable on North Main street , where he is kept. Ho was found to have received a serious injury in. the left hind log , a tendon being cut partly oil' . There is a possibility ot its growing together again , however. _ The Ilambletonian stallion Arbitrator can be seen at my stable on Fourth or Bancroft street , three doors south of Hatten hauer's carriairo repository. He is a grandson of Bysdyke's Ilambletonian on the sire side , and a grandson of Mum- brine Chief on tlio dam side , the acknowl edged principal producers of speed and general purpose horses in America , anil Arbitrator is no exception to tliu rule. Ho js a horse of great indi vidual merit and speed , and for the purpose of convincing the breeders of high bred horses that he is all that is claimed for him , I will speed him a ten or twenty-mile dash on the road to 000 pounds' weight , with any stallion owned in the county. Breeders of high bred horses will make a note of this , and carry it in their hats , as the owner of these horses puts all the money he has and can borrow into straight horses , and not into books , pamphcts and wind , talk ing about their forty-second cousins' per formances. Also Colonel Uovc , bred by W. II. H. Colby , of Fort Dodgo. la. , sired by Star light , by Star of tlio West , dam by Coupon pen , jr. , by Coupon , by Kysdyko's Ham- blctonian , this colt is a stranger in a strange land , but his breeding is certainly all any niii n could wish for. His great and positive individuality , his true anil powerful stride , his wonderful constitu tional powers , and his powerful steel- converted framework , insure for him a career that will place him among the greatest if not the grandest stallions in the west , D. GHAY. E. S. ItARNETT , Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. Horses g Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or do'ible. MASON WISE , Council Bluffs Star Sale Stabfes and Mule Yards Urondwuy , Council UlulTs.Opp. Dummy Depot . _ _ Horses und mules kept oonstantlyon hand , for sale at retail or in car load Orders promptly lilled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission , SIILUTEK & HOLEY , Proprietors. Telephone No. 114 Formerly of Ked Silo. Stables , corner lat. avo. and 4th street. jv ; SVHURX , Justice of the Peace. Ortice over American Express. Announces that His stock of Finolmported SpringMillincry In Choice Shapes ot Hats & Bonnets , Together with a LarafiLlnc of Xoveltles In Fancy Ma terials is now Ready for Your Careful Inspection , 1514 Douglas St. ( Omaha SPECIArNOTICES. , SpeolM advertisements , such as Lost , Found ! /oLontiKor Bnjo , To Itcnt , Vtflntu , Honnllnir , etc. , will tiolnsortui In this column at the loir ratoof TEN CUNTS I'KK LINK fortlio Urst Insor- Ion mi J j''IvoComsrerl..lnofoi > onclisub90 < iiiun Insortlon. I.cnro [ uhurUsomciitu nt our ullluu No. li 1'iurl stix'U , Uroadwur , Council Wilds. i WANTS. WANTED To , Iniy n lior < o nnd pprlim- nj.'on , toKOthcr or Adilivfcs II. S. , Duo ollico , Council lllutls. * VAori.D Two oxperlenrtMl nursery snlcs- ' inou of need ndlrc ( 9 ami bo ( ( if rolor- cnci'S , tnqulto ot Iiiuilols , Ik'iituu Tuol Co.'s ollico , No. C'S llronitttiiy. \\7ANTED A Indy cn liler wlio cnn keep ' liookg. AIHHIT liy leltoi , Htutliw ovpurl- i-iicp , reference" , uNo s iliiry expected. Doom , lien ollico , Council Illiilfs. 1J10H3ALU Onuor ! uy mid Dm 1mm jenrllnif JL' bull. Wolfc'Iit about KM pounds Inquire of M. ( lluison , nuir Wiilmsh round lioiiao. TpOH SALr.-r ) Trade Six sections of jjood JL1 Innd In Lincoln county , Noli. , on U. P. rnllnuy. Call on or uddiess Ucloll 111 OS. A : Co. , lOJI'oiirlst. , Council HUUIX _ 1J1OH llfNT" ! lloiHo of llvo rooms. Inquire -L1 nt sis limiklln street. TilOlt SALK Cheap : iiK o < l lior o. fnn lioat -L three mlautca Umiujre nt No. 1JJJ Wen * VTOTlCi : Will my tlio holiest pilot ! for first- -L > elns * oiwt-i'lf liuly's trcnti , mid ehlldtun's clothing , Imofi , shoo . Imls , otc. 1) . Uoldsteln , KOB. "I ? and t > lltouduiiy. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Wlit Sc Duquotto , ntiolcsiilo fruit , confectionery and commission inoiuliants H lliUdny dNsolved liy mutual oonsont. W. ( ) Wirt rethlimr 'llio lui'lno'.s will horcnflor condnoted hy M. Duquette , who iis umes all liabilities and \\lll collect all accountsof the liitollrm. W. C ) . WlllT. Council llluirs , May 7 , ' 87. M. DUyL'UtTIi House is to bo done by nearly all the ladies in tlio spring. Now is the right time to do this. For ladies , it is a disagreeable but unavoid able work , and wo make the oiler to do the most troublesome work of all , that is TO CLKAN TUK CAIU'KTS. Wo clean the carpets , velvets , moqucttcs , brussels , or any other kind of carpets , without taking them up. We guarantee THAT THE CAIU'Kr WILL UK WIKFKCTI.Y CLKAN , THAT THK COI.OHS AUK HKSIOIMU ) , and that no dust will be loft in the car pet. Wo guarantee our work and refer to prominent parties in this city. Send us a postal card and we will call upon you and explain in what way our cleaning takes place. G. A. FisiiKK. No. ( W3 Sixth A\onuc , CouncilBlull's. CROCKERY , LAMPS , JiLASSWABE , FINE POTTERY. I'ricrs Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , jvo. at MAIN ST. , COUNCIL ItLUFFS , : : I A LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , TortoiseShcll etc.Hair Or namcnts , ns well as tlio 5 newest nov- cities in hair ? goods. Mrs. C.L. Gillette Mnin street. Out of town work so licited. THE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2915) ) Sired by Almont No ; , nnd "Resistor , " ( Standard No. 5812. Sired by Tramp No. 808 , These stallions will make the season of 1887 at the Coun cil bluffs Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address , WAUE CA11Y , Council Bluils , la. OFFICER < PVSEY , Council Bluffs.Iowa. Established Ib57. I will be at the Pacific JfotelCouncil Itluffs , every Saturday forenoon OmahaDontaAssociation , ! , removed to [ tollman lilociw cor. Kith and Farnam. Host sots tooth W. fully warranted. All jperations rendered painless by the use 3f our now annssthotic. Dr. Haugh&wout , Manager. E 5 FRANK S. RICE , pfCIVIL .ENGINEER , Doplgns , cutlmstes and reports on bridges , rladuuts , foundations und ronoral engineering. Blue prints of tiny slzo mid quantity. _ Office No 13 N. Muln fat. , First National Bank ) Uck. li. RICE , SI. D. Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knile or Drawing o Blood. Over 30 vears Practical experience. ( Jo. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. OBISTON HOUSE , The only Hotel In Council Bluffs Having a Fire Escape , And All Modern Improvements. 219 , 217 and 310 Mnin St. MAX MOWf Prep. , 'S People's ' Store GREAT MAY SALE ! Will Open 2o-Morrow Morning , M < ty 20th. Thin Is Our Clearing OF ALL SPRING GOODS And rrtlttcllotut have lircn mmlc tltnt will be Intei'estinu. Tic seuson for wcorhif/ these IK now only fulfill opcncil , and it may srctn foolhh to reduce iH'lecu on anndx that arejti * t In season , but tliat'a the way we do It. ircncrcr carry nti/tcs over from one season to another , and we don't wait till it la so late that nobody wants them before ire reduce prices. Everything will be found as ad vertised. XO pieces Worsted Drcs * Good ? , in the best snriny shades , 3d inches wldcfoi m-rly t > old at 35c to OOc , Our May Sale Price 25c 27G pieces all wool , 3I , , 18 and 4 ( inch Suitinys in all tha latest shitdcs , formerly told at U5ctol per yard , Our May Sale Price 50c 125 Combination Stilts , Inflncst im ported yootls , with jtlnsh and vel vet stripes , formerly sold at 9iiS to $ iif > each , Our May Sale Price $20 $ A FAITERN. BARGAINS IN WASH GOODS THIS GREAT MAY SALE. READ EVERY WORD ! Victoria Lawns , 3c , 4c , Gc , 8c , We ind inc. India Linen. Gc , Sc , lOc , Uc , ISc ind 2Oc. Check Nainsook , Gc , tic , Sc , lOc , tuc ami 2 < ic. India Mull , lOc , ISc , 20c and 2Sc Striped and IJarred Cambrics in vhlte and ecru , 4c , Gc , Gc , 8c , lOc , lac , I8c and 20c. Thousands of pieces of goods to be tlattyhtercd. Three cases of good Ginghams , Ircss and apron styles at Gc. The a me goods are sold fn this city else- vhere at from lOc to 12\c \ per yard , Two cases best quality Pongee laniards Ginghams , elegant pat ents , best goods at lOc ; regular trice IGc to 18c. 7GO pieces best dress styles Seer- ticker and Ginghams at lOc and I2\c. \ The most elegant styles of rrench and Scotch Ginghams will > c found among them , 7-8 wide American Sateens , 8v north 12\c. \ 7-8 wide American Sateens , lOc vorlh IGc. 7-8 wide American Sateens , IGc ; uorth 2Oc. French Sateens , yard wide , 2Oc md 2Gc ; worth 3Gc. Best Fiench Sateens , yard wide , IGc and 37\c \ ; worth SOc. Tticse goods offered at above prices nd only one dress pattern will be old to any one customer. IICXRY EISEMAN & CO.'S PEOPLE'S STORE , H os , 314,316,318 , , 320 BROADWAY , JOUXC1L It LUFFS , - - - I A. N. It. Special and prompt alien foJt given to all ordcra entrusted to urcttre. Samples furnished upon ppllcatlon , ' . . ELECTRICITY ! DR. RICHARDS' ' Electric Bath Roois and OfflCfl No. 607 Mynster St. , Council Bluffs. One Square North of the P. O. Bvulding. i Treatment and Baths Given Ladies by Mrs. Dr Richards on Tuesday , Thursday & Saturday. Electricity is a remarkable naturalagcnt which has long been known and utilized as a remedy for disease and continued experience has unlaigcd its sphere of useful ness and improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility a n. ! virtue has become second to no other known remedy , in the treatment of certain forms of disease. This agent is employed here in all its most ferviceablo forms by the aitl of large batteries , static machines , electric cabinet baths , clectiic water bath , the elec tric cliair and electrodes for treating all parts of the body. We are prepared to do all that can be done with these great remedies. In cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgia , 1'aralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases , Nenous Diseases in female ! ) arising from Uterine disorders and many other chronic and subacute troubles , it stands at the head of all known remedies or methods cure. A thorough study of it for years and the successful treatment of hundreds of cases , after all other remedies had fail ed , is sulllcient evidence ofits great worth and perfectly satisfies us with its good ell'ects on the diseased body. In the great hospitals and sanitaiians of America and Europe , electricity is leading all other methods of treatment. In all leading colleges the professors are teaching electricity as one of the potent remedies and a special chair is appointed in manv of them. Many of the ablest physicians of all schools are making a specialty ol'clcctricitv to tiie exclusion of almost everything else. This great remedy has often fallen into disrepute by being recommended and used by persons , and physicians , perfectly ignorant of its properties and powers , \\howoiiltlasoftenathiseand use the wrong current as the right one or depend upon it in diseases for which it is not adopted. We are sure that \\l\un the people become educated in the use of electricity for many diseases with \\hich the body Is afflicted and find the great good therein , the medicines and patent righted nos trums upon which they now rely will grow old and dusty on the shelves. Electricity is nature's great remedy and to fully understand and skilfully apply it is our cflbrt and aim in life. For further information call at the office or send for do- srriptivo and illustrated pamphlet on Electricity and Electro Therapeutic Baths , by . DR. RICHARDS , G07 Mynster Street , Council Bluffs , la. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , NTo 552 Broadway , - Oouucil Bluffs , Iowa Nail Orders Shipped Promptly. OT . Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Elluift Ollico , Temple. OmiiliR Ofllce , Rio 111 North I Olli street. Particular attention given to Inventing - venting funcli for 11011 real- dciitH. Special bargain * In lot * Ac acre property In Omaha & Coun cil muffr. Correspondence nolle- Itcd. Swanson Music Company , No. 329 Broadway . Con ncil Bluffs ESTEY PIANOS , CAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , ' ALSO PIANOS OF OTHER MAKES. stey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s Organs and Western GottageOrgans A few commonte regarding the Estoy Tianos. In every civilized country on the lobe the nnmo of Kst ( > y is n household word with lovers of music ; it is a guariintco > r the exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing tlio name that com- lands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. > FARM LANDS CHEAP Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , nnd ranging from ' ffl.OO to * 10.00 per aero. School and stnto lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per cnt interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by F. F. Zj.A.'CJSTIEVeJIE5 , No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Frcldriksen & Co. , Chicago. SWAJSTSuccessors ( Successors to ) HAYS & GLEASON , Commission and Produce Merchants , Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. Satisfaction Guaranteed , No. 11 South Main Street. REAL ESTATE , Vacint Lots , Lands , City Residences and 'arms. Acre property In western part of city. VII tolling cheap to make room for spring stock B. P. OFFICER , leal Estate & Insurance Agent , loom 6 , over Officer & I'user's Dank , Cousio . Bluets. O. B. ALLEN , Enpeer urveyo MapPublisher JVb. 11 North Main St. City and county maps , of cities nnd couatlji In western lown , Nebraska and Kansas. JOHN r. STONE. JACOB IIMI STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law. actice in the State and Federal Courts. Rooms 7 nd 8 Shus ; rt-Beno Block , r.ovxnu , Ktorn.