Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1887, Page 5, Image 13

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A Liat of Insurance Concerns Doing Illegal
Easiness in Nebraska.
Ztio Live .Stock Commission and tlio
Colorado Quarantine Munici
pal Officers Start On a Trip
Lincoln News.
IFHOM Tiir. nnr.'s uscot.N nunr.Atr.l
There has always been to some extent
n violation of the statu Insurance laws
by companies working in the state with
out complying with the statutes. The
auditor has bcon vigilant and careful lo
suppress this Kind of business whoneve r
possible and to locate for a certainty the
companies that persist in violating the
law by working business In remote dis
tricts in the state. A company that docs
not cheerfully come to the front and
place itself on record in a legitimate and
lawful way is not a good company for
the public to patronise , and the auditor
furnishes a list for publication of com
panies violating the laws so that persons
may bo careful when insuring their
property that those parties are not
represented in their selections. Follow
ing are companies that have not com
plied with the law : Manufacturers'
Mutual of Milwaukee , German American
of New Orleans , Louisiana Insurance
Company of New Orleans , Mountain City
of Chattanooga , Tonn. ; Northwestern
Mutual Insurance company of Walipc-
ton , Dak.
The live stock sanitary commission
will hold a meeting Monday to revise the
quarantine rules governing the importa
tion of stock into the state. There has
boon flomn feeling aroused over the fact
that Colorado , without any discernable
cause , quarantined against the Omaha
stock yards and other points in thn state.
The Nebraska commission notilied the
Colorado authorities that if this course
was persisted in without cause that Ne
braska would feel justified in quarantin
ing against Denver. Matters are now in
n way for amicable adjustment.
The following notaries were commis
sioned yesterday : Daniel C. Sleeper ,
York ; John A. Greene , Hushville ; Charles
West , Lincoln ; Arthur W. Shaw , Lin
coln ; E. H. Uarbcr , Niobrara ; Charles G.
Woods. Ogallala ; Fred M. Fiansburg ,
Culbcrtson ; Janic.s M. Moore , Beatrice ;
W. J. Lawrence , Plum Creek ; Charles P.
Lloyd , Dundy county.
Articles of Incorporation of tbo Broken
Itow building and loan association , with
an authorized capital stock : of f000,000 ,
were filed yesterday with the secretary
of state.
II. 1) . Slaughter returned homo to Fullerton -
lerton yesterday after completing with
Assistant Clerk Cook the journals of the
late house ready for the printer.
Thn live stock commission has re
ceived a letter from Dr. Conrad , of Crete ,
stating that a young man living north
of that place was dying with the glan
Yesterday the mayor and members of
the city council departed for Kansas City
to visit that city nnd its public works and
Improvements in the interests of paving
for Lincoln. The delegation go to make
n thorough survey of work done there
and to learn of tlio practical results from
the use of different qualities of paving
materials that have bcon tried and tested
by several year's wear. The bonds hav-
been voted to meet the expense of paving -
ing intersections the city council ana all
citt/.ons are anxious to see work com
mence at once.
Yesterday Mr. Patrick Kazan cabled
Mr. llealy In the English parliament to
renew his question to King Harmon re
garding the letter Mr. Kagan wrote him
regarding bis willingness to stand trial
for any criminal charge in Ireland. A
few days ago , in response to n question
from Mr. llealy , King Harmon denied
over having received such a letter from
Air. Eagan , and declared that none such
had bcon written. Mr. Eagan mailed
the letter in question on the 85th of April
nnd now that lime sufllciont has elapsed
for its arrival , he cables Mr. Healy as
above stated to propound the question
John 11. Ames , ono of the principal F
stockholders in the cable line railway re FF
cently granted a franchise , yesterday tel
egraphed J. K. Graves , at Dubuquc , la. , F
to como at once to Lincoln aud close the
contract and prepare at once to construct E
three miles of the line. It will be remem
bered that the HKK recently noted the E
presence of Mr. Graves in Lincoln , and
at that time n contract for three miles of A
cable line was agreed upon and the sign
ing postponed until the franchise was
granted and the projectors had oppor A
tunity to visit Chicago. Thin is important W
news for the capitafcity. F
The uiaj'or , in a scmi-oflloial way
through his oflicial paper , the State Ji
Journal , states to the public that the violators JiM
lators of his orders from which ho ran M
away are not to called into court because
of the ordinance being faulty. 'At ono A
fruit and soda stand oho of the smart po
licemen , when he found it open , entered
and not ilndinc the owner , demanded the
keys of an employe and looked it up him
self. This man , besides sustaining loss S
of business when others in the same
block were open , has n good case against Gi
the city and the smart policeman for
trespass.THET Jc
The city of Lincoln has a grading ma
chine that in used on the street work , and
while it is used almost all the time sev
eral complaints have bcon made that
only special favorites and parties build J
ing big bricK houses could get the use of
the machine , and parties whlmtit wealth
or intluonco might whistle for it. There
is no reason why poorer people , on streets
that absolutely need work to make thorn Cl
safely accessible , should not receive ClDI
some attention themselves. It is also DIKi
stated that the grader has for some time
back been in use outside the city.
An incident occurred in the city Tues tit
day ulght just an incident with a trag titEl
edy in the background that did not ma El
terialize , although it was loaded. A well-
known citizen laid upon ins bed an hour ElAJ
or so before midnight and gazed through AJ
the shutters upon the lights and shadows
in the street roilected from a gas lamp. Al
As ho looked he was astonished to see a
man tip-too up to his front gate and gaze
long and suspiciously at the place. Ha
gazed for a season and retired on tin-too r
to the opposite side of the street and dis
appeared In the shadows of some friendly
trees. Fifteen minutes later again
earuo the mysterious midnight
visitor and again the peaceful citizen saw
him stealthily approach the house and
roach for tbo gate. Entirely satislicd
that tbo visitor was a burglar the citizen a
produced the family revolver , drew a ily
bead upon the man and in tones loud tiza
enough to wake citizens for blocks ho za
hurled anathemas at tlio stranger. But st :
before he could shoot the target had Hi
flown up the street at a prodigious rate foi
of speed. Investigation la the daylight ,
revealed the fact that the midnight marauder rci
rauder was a Borneo whose Juliet worked mi
nt the next door and was doing the bal rit
cony scene witn a rival on that particu ire
lar night , and Romeo was laylne for the w <
interloper when the seance should be
concluded. Tha near approach of blood
shed therefore probably saved bloodshed , i ,
nnd It was an illustration of "All's well
that ends well. "
Tlio whistle at the waterworks blows
now at 0 p. tn. , when parties are allowed
to commence using water on their lawns ,
and blows ngain at 8 p. tn. , when lawn
sprinkling must cease. This Is all the
time that reasonable people should nsK
for the use of city water in this war , but
It was noted that ono prominent cftizcu ,
with porcupine proclivities , left hit
sprinkler in operation the entire night
and nothing whatever has been heard of
( his person being fined. The council at
its last meeting placed the question of
creating an additional supply in the
hands of a special committee , who will
have the work in charge.
A resident In ono of the western coun
ties in the state was in Lincoln yesterday
In search of a runaway daughter who
had left home a week ago to work in his
neighborhood , but who nad disappeared
entirely. The girl had been determined
for some time lo see the world by going
to Lincoln or Omaha and tit oiio of the
places the decidedly anxious parent was
hoping lo Hnd hur and save her from
what ho feared she was choosing , a life
of shame. After a few hour's inquiry
in Lincoln he departed for Omaha on
the evening train to continue the search
at the metropolis.
Polieo court yesterday was con lined lethe
the usual catalogue of drunks taken up
fie night before , part of whom were also
engaged in small riots when nabbed by
the police oilicers. The usual .summary
of lines were added to each.
The new Sunday closing ordinance as
presented to the council last _ Monday
was passed \ \ cdnesday evening at the
meeting of the city fathers , with several
amendments no1 interfering with the
original ordinance to any material ex
T. I' ' funeral which
. . Quick's , occurs at
3 p. m. to-day , will bo under the auspices
of the Knights of Pythias of this city , of
which order lie was a member. The ser
vices will bo hold from his late residence
and bo conducted by Hev. J. P. Johnson ,
of the Christian church.
The opinion is grandly growing that
the Lincoln base ball club can play ball.
A very general opinion has boon that
while the cyclone pitcher might bo a
paying acquisition , what was most
needed was vim , energy and attention to
business on the part of the boys. They
have shown all this in the last week's
An Imperative Necessity.
What pure nir is to an unhealthy
locality , what spring cleaning is to the
neat housekeeper , so is Hood's Sarna-
parilla to everybody at this season. The
body needs to bo thoroughly renovated ,
the blood purified and vitalized , the
germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula ,
Salt Khcum and all other blood disorders
are cured bv Hood's Sarsaparilla , the
most popular and successful spring
Transfers Filed May 11 , 1887.
David S JJuroucli ands wife to Augast
Clovca , lot 13 , block 14 , llanscom
place , w d 3 3,000
Andrew Klley and wife to Robert Nel
son , lot 1 , block W , Shtnns M add ,
wd 1,250
Mary A Dow and husband to The
Tiustces of the Swedish Kvfjn'l Mis-
church of Omaha , lot u , block 50
Omaha , w d 11,300
L V Morse and wife to Mary h John
son , lot 3 , block 4 , Boyds add , w d. . 500
Mary S Johnson , to L S Perry , lots ,
block4 , Boyds add , wd 050
Joseph W Gannett and wife to WII-
lielin Sccelkc , north ! J3 ft ot lots 5
aiulO , blk iUO , Omaha , w d 4,150
Otto Slenisson to Harry F Luebben ,
lot SO , block H , Mayno Place , w d. . . . 1,800
John Itusli and wife to Kdward Han-
nan , S 5 05-100 chs of tlio south half
ottlieS\V > 4' of 33 , 15 , W , Wd 4,000
Dewltt O Sutphcn , et al , to August
Uenson , 29.1K125-100 sq tt beginning
: S ft east of the S E cor. frac block
181 , Omaha , also 17.425 q Ubegia-
nlnft 60 ft south and 2U ft east of
the S E corner frac , block ISlOmalui
w d 5,830,55
August liensen and wife to Ueo ( i
Squares , 17,435 sq ft oeglnnlng 80 ft
south and 123'J ft east ot the S K
corner frac blk 181 Omaha , w d 12,000
Wtn Gaslln Jr to Mary A Jackson , lot
7 blk 13 , Meyers , llichnrds & Tllden's
ndd.wd 850
Edwin 11 Walker and wife to Alex H
Cliarlton , lot 8 blk 4 , lioyd's add
w d 800
Mary A Jackson and husband to Clms
ams , undivided } - lots 0 and 7 ,
blk Kijin Meyers , Ulclmrds&Tilden's
add. wd 1,175
Alex u Cliarlton , trustee and wife to
Mary A Jackson , lot 5 blk 13 ,
Meyers , JJIchards it Tildon's add ,
w d 1,300
Frederick il Davis nnd wife to f.ouls
lllll , lot 78 in Fall-mount Place ,
w d 4DO
Fred M McGcath to Joseph Hook-
waiter , lot 0 blk 3 , Sheridan Place ,
w d KO
Edward Hannan to Leo Wernert , lots
blk 4 , Klversldo add , w d 125
Edward llannaa to Amelia U'ornert ,
lot4 blk4 , Kiversldoadd , wd 125
Anna M U McConnlok ot al to Hans
Schoubor , lot 8 blk 5 , Deer Park ,
w a . . . . ! 1,000 ,
Anna M G McCormlck et al to Carl
C Thraue , lot 7 blk S , Deer 1'iuk ,
"w d 1,000
Flora C MacLeod and husband to John
U Taylor , lot U blk 8Ulllsldoadd Ho
1 , wd. . . . . 2,100
James 1' English et al to Frank W
Hills , we t 78 feet ot the south 100
feet of lota blk S , Park Place , wd S.-aS
Matt T Patrick and wife to Susanna
Parker , lot a , blk O.Patricks add , w d 400
Andrew W Klley and wife to Simon
Hoffmann , lota , blit W , 8hlnn's3rd
add , wd 1,250
Afred U Dutrone and wife to Edw J
U Wonlprs. lot 11 and the went K of
lot I'-1 , blk 5 , BOIIM& Hill's add , w a 11,000
Sam P Swansou to Jos Larson , west > tf t\
of blk 15 , Hickory Place , q c 1 "
Bee J Hunt and wtfo to Andrew Cnr-
tlsle. lot 'J5 and 20 Clark's add. w d 12,600
John A Ilorlmck and wife to Pat H
Hammon , 70x140 ft commencing on
the nw cor of llorbach'.t reservation at
which lies on the west line of lOtn
Ht , 375 foot north of the cast and wen
> / , sec line running through eec 15 ,
15.13 , wd 1,250
John ( It Miles and wife to C E Mayne ,
lots 10 and 20 , blk 'J , lots 3 , 4 , 19. 20 ,
blk S , lots G 7 , 11,12 , 14 , 15 , SO. 31 ,
S3 , 83 , blk 8 , lots 7 , S. t ) . 10 , 40 , blk 11 ,
lot 10 , blk 13 , lots , blk 8 , all In Or
chard Hill , qc 1
Chas W Urooks to Frank B MulrIot31
Dlk 1 , llanscom Place , no -.1- . . . . 1
Frank B Mnlr lo Lnrlnda Urooks , lot
in , blk 1 , llanscom nlaco , q c 1
lames Miller to David Jumlesou et al ,
lot 10 , IJarkalow place , w d 1,900
south Omaha Land i-omynny to Ctirls- is
tens Christiansen , lotl , blk 77 , South
Omaba , wd 825
lilla A Carlisle and husband to Lvman
U Tower , lots S3 and 'M , blk 2 , Park
place , wd 10,000
Vlex McUavock and wife to Theo
Olson , lot 10. Ulvorvlew , w d 2,000
Vnna Mi McCormlck ot al to Peter
U Green , lot 20 , blk 0 , Deerpark.
wd X.OOO
tferchantd Nat'l bank to Arthur S
Huntlngton , lot 3 , blk49 , wd 3,000
W EHer and wife to J B M Kllcr lots
4 to 31 inclusive , blk 10 , Learea-
worth Business Place , VV Omahaw d 4,700
lolin liaumerand wife to Cecelia II
Panell , lot a , Sunnyalde add , w d 3,500
Fashion la tbe Handwloh Island * .
San Fraucisso Jewish Progress : Uar >
your stay in the Islands you ara vial-
impressed with the advances tbo naives -
ives have made in our methods of civili-
nation. The active ladies don the latest
itylo bonnets and handle their Mother
lubbarda as if they had been used to it
aged. The Mother Uubbard is all the
ago hero and , though not the most cor-
cct costume , is certainly isan Ira prove-
iicnt on that period when a pair of ear-
ings and a sunbonnet were all the ut-
that the festive Hawaiian maid
vould revel in.
J. McDonnell , F. A. I , A. , Architect , I A
E. cor. 13th and Dodge. I
Pickpockets and. Uunko Men nro Hus
tled Alone ' T l' ' o New York Police.
St. Louis Republican : It is ono of the
boasts of the Now York detectives that
they are personally acquainted with all
the professional criminals In the near
towns. The results of this acquaintance
are often peculiar. You are talking with
Detective Prior a few feet from the door
of the Fifth avenue hotel , and he sees n
joting dandy halt a few feet away.
"Hotter keep right on , " ho says to the
dandy ; "hurry up. now. "
"Oh , good morning , " says the dandy.
"I'm ' only going to set my watch. "
"That Is Kid Miller , chief of the bunco
menand the detective will not allow him
to stop in front of the hotel. You are
pushing your way into Macy's chopping
store , and a little ladylike bed } ' is just
ahead of you. Suddenly some one steps
up to her and roughly orders her to
"Got out nt once. "
"Certainly , sir , " she savsvcry meekly.
"I was only going to match a piece of
silk. "
She lies. She is a shoplifter , nnd the
man who ordered her out is u detective.
Perhaps you are at the Arion bail with
its Ti.000 dancers and lookers on , You
walk In the lobby near the entrance for a
breath of air.and meet Captain Williams ,
in uniform , alert and handsome as an
eagle. Ho darts from your side and
stands in front in a .stout , elderly , gentle
man so as to oppose his progress ,
"What do you moan by coming hero ? "
The man answers boldly : "My wife is
here , fund I have come to take her
homo. "
"That'll do now"says the captain ;
"there's the door ; got ! " And , as Arto-
musVariI used to sav " , "Ho gets. " The
man is a pickpocket.
A neatly-dressed , rather substantial-
looking man of middle ago sends in his
card to Inspector Byrnes at police head
quarters. The name on the card is that
of n burglar better known by an aliassay
"Kud Lcary , " for instance.
Well , what do you want r" Mr. Byrnes
asks , grullly. Ho has an especial tone
for men of that class , and it is n tone that
forbids familiarity and suggests mastery.
a very different tone from the quiet and
easy one for his friends.
" 1 would like to bo in Wall street for
liftecn in unites to-morrow , inspector , "
says the burglar. "I want to see about
a personal matter. "
' 'I will have ono of my corps meet yon
at Broad and \VaIl at noon , sharp , " says
The burglar thanked the official , for it
is a favor to such a man even to bo al
lowed to go to the money center with a
detective at his shoulder all the time ho
is there , Togo without this permission
and escort means a certainty of being
arrested ami locked up. The only known
crooks that get jnto Wall street under
Byrnes arc men in business there whoso
ofleusos he cannot punish ; the only
others arc the employes who default now
nnd then.
This is not the only part of town that 1
shady characters are excluded from. It
has always been a favorite method with
Captain Williams to say to rascals
of various sorts : "If you over put your
foot in my precinct I'll send you up. "
This may not bo according to law , but its
according to fact , and they giro that pre
cinct a wide bcrtli. Pickpockets like the
Allen brothers , who are well knownhavo
a hard time of it in Now York. No mat
ter how much they may want to see a
play or a ball game , or attend a meeting ,
there is apt to be some one to stop them
at the entrance with a "right about face ,
now. You can't.get in hero. " I have
seen a pickpocket hustled along like a
bit of down in the wind from one block
to another , while apparently an innocent
spectator of a street parade.
Worthless Plasters.
Charles Hueston , of No. 70 Morton St. ,
New York City , thus gives some idea of
the diU'nrencc between the genuine All-
cock's Porous Plasters and the spurious
article :
I have been troubled a good deal with
dyspepsia and torpid liver , together with
pains around thu heart. I was rccom-
nieudod to try Allcock's Plasters , one on
the stomach and ono on the side , I
asked for them , but the druggist said.
"Hero is a plaster that is better and
quicker than Allcock's , " and I bought
two. I applied them that night , but in
two hours they blistered me so badly I
took them oil' . My disease was not in
the slightest degree bonelittcd.
I then determined to got the genuine
Allcock's Porous Plasters I applied three ,
quo each over the heart the stomach and
liver. For 80 hours I noticed
nothing but a slight itching , then my ap
petite improved and all late agreed with
mo. The disagreeable sensations I had
around my heart disappeared.
I were those plasters ono week and
then renewed them. At the end of three B
weeks I found myself entirely cured of
dyspepsia and liver complaint.
Fifty Rattlesnakes. P
Chico Chronicle : Last Friday , as a 8l
party of workmen were engaged m cut 8lu
ting wood for the Chico Water company
in the timber across the Sacramento ,
near the free bridge , they came upon a
hollow log of goodly dimensions ,
which would make considerable wood ,
and proceeded to split it open. After a El.
few moments' work the log yielded to
their oilbrts and Hew apart. Then the
men saw a sight which made their hair 2
stand on end , and caused them to retreat
hastily. The center of the lo'j was in
habited by a largo number of as ugly d.
and vicious rattlesnakes as ever were
soon , and as the log rolled apart they un
twined themselves , and , springing their
rattles , prepared to defend their nomo.
For a moment the men stood awed to
silence by the hideous sight presented to
their \ gaze , but the natural antipathy to
serpents soon asserted itself , and , arming
themselves with switches , they com
menced killing the ugly creatures. The
battel lasted for nearly half an hour , and
its close the ground was strewn with
dead snakes , over fifty being ; killed ,
though some crawled away into the
brush and escaped. It is supposed that
the snakes were driven into the timber
by high water , aud took refuge in the log.
troqucntly accidents occur in the
household which cause burns , cuts , (
sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases
Dr. d. H. McLean's Voloanic Oil Lini
ment has for many years been the con Th
stant favorite family remedy. $
C. M. Anthony , u capitalist of Peoria , fill
at the Paxton.
I Owe I Cj Mlc ,
"I vai taken " lck year ttjo
With bilious fovor. "
"My doctor pronomieoit me cu rod. but 1 po
elckiik-nln , with terrlblo pains lu my back anJ
skleg , niul I KOt so bad I
Could not movol
I Bliruukt
FromUS ffis to 1201 11mJ hoen doctortnit for
my IKor , but It illilno fjood. I UM not cipoct to
llvo inoro than three mouths. 1 bognti to use
Hop Hitters.
Directly my npoctlte returned , my pnliu If ft
mo , my entire s ) > tem Boomn ) u-tiotvoii i\9 If by
mnglc , mid nttor usltitf 'ovcrnl lottlcs , I mil
tint only as sound n a nvorcUn , but wol rli
inoro tlinii 1 did before. To Hop Illttori lowe
HIV life. " It. FlT/PATlllCK ,
Dublin. Juno B , ' 80. ,
ciurTEfi ir.
"Mftltlon. Mn s. . Fob. 1 , iK'fl. Oetitlomon
I suiToriM with attacks of sick headache. "
NoiirnUrln , Co male trouble , for years uitlio
mo t tcrrlblo nnd ocruclntln miinnor.
No ineillclnu or doctor could irlvo uio relief or
euro , until I used Hop Hitters.
"Tho llrst botllo
Nonrly cured me ; "
The eocotid nnido mo us voll and strong as
wliona child ,
"And I have been so to tbN day. "
My hiisbiind was mi Invalid for twenty years
with nsorlous
"Kidney , llvor nnd urinary complaint.
"Pronounced by lloston's best physicians
"Incurnblo ! "
Snvon bottles of your Ulttors cured him nnd
1 know of the
"Lives of elKht persons"
In my nciirliborliootl tliit Imvo boon saved by
your Ulttors.
* And many ruoro are iislnu tliom with ffroat
benefit. "TUoy almost do miracles ? '
Mits , K. D. SLACK.
How TO OF.T SICK. Kxposo younnlf day and
nlulit ! oat too much without oierel o. work too
hanl without rest , doctor nil tlio tlmu l tnko till
the vllo nostrums advertised , and tliou you will
want to know
How TO OEr Wnr.r wlilch Is answered In
tlireu words Take Hop Hitters.
Hardened Liver.
Flvo ycari auo I broke down with kldnoy nnd
llvor complaint and rhouinutiatn.
Slnro then I have been unable to bo about at
all. My liver become hard Ilko wood , my limbs
woronulled up and filled with water.
All the best pliy lclnns ajfrood tliilt nothing
couldcuro mo. lie-solved to try lloplllttors :
I Imvo used seven buttlos : the hnrdnoss linn nil
( fono from my liver , thnswolllnpf rom my limbs
and It 1ms worked n mlraclo In my onso , other
wise I would have bcon now m my grave.
J. W. Moituv , Uutlalo , Oct. 1,1881.
I Write Tills
Token ot the sroat appreciation I have of
your < *
* * mttors. I TOM afflicted
With Inllammatory rlioumatlsin 1 I I
For nearly
Seven years , mid no racdlclno seemed to dome
mo any
UooJ 1 I 1
Until I tried twobottlosof your Hop Hitters ,
and to my surprise 1 tun us well to-day us over
was. 1 hope
"Vou may live abundant success'
In tliN Krcat and"
Valuable moillulno : _
Anyone * * wishing to know more about
my euro ?
Can lonrn by ndarcsslngr mo , E. M.
Williams , 1101 I0th atroot , Wash , U. C.
Kola CloinllncsB prevents dlsoaie. Johnnie ,
what la tbo boat moJIcltio for < llrt T
Johnnie ( In JlKuautl/J Humph I Sapolio I GlTO
mo a bard one.
"A. disease known Is half cured. " If
your house la dirty buy a cake of
It Is n solid cake of Scouring Soap used
for all cleaning purposes except the laundry
dry- No. 8. [ Copyright. March. 18B7.1
Nebraska National Bant
Paid up Capital $2BOOOO
Surplus .40,000
H. W. Yatcs , President.
A. E. Touzalin , Vine President.
W. II. S. Hughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse. John S. Collins.
. W. Yates , Lewis S. Ilaad.
A. E. Touzalln.
Cor. l-'th and Farnnm Sts.
. General Banking Business Transacted.
WoodbridgeBroth 3rs
Decker Brothers
$3 SHOE. ;
Stylish , Durable. I'MJ Flttlni' f
DID best 83 Hhoa in tboVorl | ,
qiMl the # 3 . . .
lied by other tlriiu , N
Our di
c <
HOB FOU HOYS frtve * crant natUfnetlon. All tii
aluru are luidu In Uuttnii tiibi
, CoiiKreca and Laoe ,
styles of too. Sold br .000 4i'lH'r thounlimit the bi
f.H. If four dealer doe * not kecii them , send name Eh
pottol to W. DOUGLA,31ro < ; ktoiiSln .
IEWARE OF rnnuukAvio.iio [ tbit * omo 6Jat
nscrupulous dealer * are ofleriuK other good * u
line , ui < l when ukedwhr iu < * btnip U nut on tha atA
liocw , nuto that I hare dUcontlnurd Its iua. THIH A
FALHE. T ke noue repronented to be the
. L. UoaglAt Khoft. " ' unleai name , warrantee jn
frlra are atauipnl on bottom of each otO
hoe. W. I , . DOUUtAS , Brockton. Mas * . otPi
For aalo by Ko llcy , Stlger & Co.cor ' Pi
edge andisthats. . ; Henry Sargent I
r. Seward and Sannders sis. teB
Biljousness ,
Sick Headache ,
Constipation ,
Now when the budj beirln to show , '
Tld time for young and old to know
That Fevers , Lassitude and all
The Ills at JndltfMtlon'i call ,
With every trouble , acha or pain , in
That follow In the Ulllloui train , inCl
Will icatter , like tbathlevwi of night ,
Uofors dcauibt of gELTZEIt bright.
Hayden Bros
300 Turkey fringed clothes nt $1 ,
worth ? 2 ,
300 Turkey fringed cloths at 85c , worth
§ t.2o.
10 PCS Ttirkoy red damask at 25cwortli
10 pcs Turkey red damask at 03c , worth
00 doz red bordered doylies at 03c , worth
20 pcs 18 inch pure twiuo crash at OJo ,
worth lilc.
100 doz crepe towels , 18x l at f 1.20 per
dozen , worth $1.75
100 doz cream damask towels at 15c ,
world 23c.
100 dohuck towels at 13 Jc each , worth
5 cases yard wide sheeting at 5cworth
5 cases yard wide bleached nutsliu at
Gc , wo r tli Sic.
00 bed spreads at 49c worth 75c.
00 doz ladies' unbleached hose , 15c ,
worth 2oc.
00 doladies' fancy hose , regular made
25c , worth OOc.
Schoppers Hslo thread hose , plain and
ribbed , 44c , worth 75c.
Ladles lisle thread vests , Jersey fitting
In ecru , pink and blue , 08c worth ? 1.25
Ladles' ' line balbriggan vests , long and
short sleeves , 3Uc worth 50c.
Ladles' balbriggau vests , 85c worth
Ladles' India gauze vests , extra nice ,
20c worth 40c.
100 doz gents' unlaundried shirts , dou
ble back. 48c worth 75c.
Latest 'styles in satin lined neckwear
Gents' fine balbriggan shirts and
drawers , 85c each.
Gents' white laundriod shirts only O'Jc.
Gents' British half hose , superfine , 19c
worth 20c.
Gents' percale shirts , in a variety of
patterns , 47c , 75c , $1 and $1.25
ID New
16th Street , Near Douglas , is
Head the following affidavit :
Carbolic Smoke BallCo.Gentlemcu , I
have beou a constant sufferer from ca
tarrh for the last 5 years. I Imvo tried
many remedies that claimed a sure euro
but received no benefit from any of
them. My head at times would become
HO stopped up with the mucous matter ,
that it was impossible forme to breathe
through my nostrils. My sloop was
also broken by choking sensation cans-
oil by the dropping of the mucous mat
ter into the throat. I first received a
free test of your Smoke Kali some 3 V
mouths ago , and was surprised to find
that it cleared my head in a few min
utes , and crave wonderful relief. I then
purchased a ball which I have been us
ing1 siiicc.and can now say honestly nnd
truthfully , that I am entirely cured. 1
sleep well at night , have a good appe
tite and feel like a now man.
Yours truly , NEWTON HALL ,
With Omaha Kepiihliean.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn
to before me this llth day of May. 1WJ7
WM W. KEYSOIl. Notary Public.
TJio Complete Treatment , wlilcli Includes the
Dobollator I'aokneo , Is gmirnntcod to euro
eaturrli. iialliinit , liny fever , bronchitis , catarrh-
aliloulnoss , iiuuritlKln , hondncho , croup , sere
throut , colds , oto. Oue complete treatment Is II
sulllcltint for u ouro.
Sent by mnll on receipt of price , S3 nnd 4o III
postage. Pmoko Hull , fl. Dchollntor , fl. A
l'rcotc3t given ntoiirofflcoparlors. I
Itoom 11 Crelirhton lilock , 15th it. ' next to P. O.
Omaha. Nobniskn.
Notice After June 1st the price of Jn
the complete guaranteed treatment t > a
will lie advanced to f 5. Beware of coun aOi
terfeits. Not for sale by druggists ,
canvassers or peddlers. Pr
. . . tw
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado , >
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy , t
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi no
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New noft
York. Having devoted their attention id
Nervous , Chronic and 01M
, n E
More especially those arising from impru 11
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagioa cured safely and speedily with-
aut detention from business , and without O
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa G
tients whose cases have been neglected , N
jadly treated or pronounced incurable , .
ihould not fail to write us concerning their .
symptoms , All letter * receive immediate L
ittention , '
And \rill be mailed FREE to any address
receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
DbservJtions on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
Essay on Marriage , " with important chap-
era on Diieases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the vrhole forming a valuable medical
realise which should be read by all young 1n
nen. Address ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado. n
1707 Olive St.St. LouisMo.
[ ) eblIUt4lhn ! ! Hi
.ndLJCMtinni or
Tj M nv > iu * Mb , jir-
Inuoui , wild , teething current ! of .
117 mrcutar ou b til . 4k p rtfrtitor- til.
> low ltli nd VlgoroiMStrcBBtli. Kltrtrta
fill lulutlr or vt forfeit J.X ( la t .h. til.Wf
mtnteorw allolhtr Mlu. Wortc itixr Wf
cur n ir non tarr onu
g adiqElMtrioC * . M0 | I
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Consmnption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Feyora
Or Insomnia , s.ui
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , 01 Food ,
Dyspepsia , Tea Years Old ,
Suiflc * ! Ferori No Fusel Oil ,
Absolutely Fur *
This will certify thnt I have examined the Belle of Bourbon Whi ky , received from
Lawrence Oetrimi & Co. , and found tlit name to be perfectly Irce from Kuiel Oil and
other deleterious substances and strictly pure 1 cheerfully recommend the aame for
Family uieand Medicinal purposes.
J. I1. BARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky.
For sale by druggists , wine merchants and grocers everywhere. Price $1.25 per bottla
If not found at the above , half-doz. bottles in plain boxes will be tent to tmy address
in the United Stales on the receipt of six dollars. Express paid to all places cast of
Missouri River ,
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
RILEY A DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , f Omaha ,
Fjamttles stipplled by OL4I > 1OXB BROS , &CO. , OtitaAa.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Company
New Model LawnMower
Five Sizes. Will cut litffher grata than
flitotlu'i ? : Jlatnocqualfor slinplicitUt
durability anil ease of operation.
This is the latest Improved Ma
chine in the Market.
Low rriccs. Send for circulars.
State Agents for Porter's Haying Tool
and Jobbers of Binding Twine.
IAS. A. CAIU'KNTKH , Vlce-Tios. C. U UAUl'ENTKU , Troiis-
Carpenter Paper Company ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers
Carry a nice new etocfe of Printing , Wrapping and Writing Paper. Special
attention given to car load orders , which will bo shipped direct from mills.
All orders will receive personal attention. Wo guarantee good goods and
low prices ,
1114 and 1110 Douglas St. , Omaha.
t produce ! Practical Remits la Baking and
Boasting never before attained In any
Coolusg Apparatus , and will
Mlioniza Its Present Helicis of Costing
Mfcntall Food Baked or Eo t I.BhooM ha PonlKvl
n frfi.h nil ( reclr ( dnilttod tatho v n. Ttili ldoni >
7dlicanln ! tlieeo ! eoTon door beroloforo UieJ.niiil
iMltnttwilor it a door coBtiinln * iluMtot Win
lauio Dcnrly M turn * < u the door it MM r ,
Through i this Oanza Door tha air freely
iroulate * , focillUtlng thopnxeuof cooking , an i
roduclnz too * that il unmjunlled In flarcr and nu-
Uton.aud aetiully cooked with lau eouiuuptioa at
lei than in an onn with a cloMd door.
It makM an enortnotn aarlng In the weight ot meat.
It also produces larger Loaves of Bread ,
Main * leM attention from the onot. ami promotaa
w health of Uia ( ainllr br UM BVI'EIUOB QUALIIX
r las rooD coot ID m IT.
UM. iUBT B. WEICH , Teacher Domestic Economy *
wa State Unlnnlty. ar > : "Mr delllwrata judgment
that the oven of the ltang , a * couiptrud with ,
not onlr more Kiuiillr h at d ineMrrpirt-frontaa
allat rear bulmurwult of It * > vp rlor vantlutlon
lefood plae d therein I b ttor cooked , whllo retain.
IK ! a iweeter OaTer , nnd a larger i > rt > imrtinn of Iti bmt
ic . I find , nl > o , that UieconiaapUon 01 fuel In uil
aage ii much leu than any other for lame work. "
BOLD IN NEBRASKA at lollowil
. KENNEV , . . . GOBDOM.
. KASS& CO. , . CiiAnROM.
i. J. JOHNSON , . . . . . NORTH Dm > .
f. MeCAFFEKTY , . i . O'NuiL CITV.
L HAZLEWOOO. . . . OsciotA.
.A. I'ADUEN&SON. . Sunmon.
riMMEKMAN &IKAKER. . V uoon-
id ill > kln dl e B t. Anrwta tboaol om-
lundiou Tar. A Cure RuormtocJ , or inunor
tnndou. Hold Dydnicul'ta , trul nt the office of
IROID CO. , 71 UMHraST. WIUW. I'rUe ) * ! ,
eutlou OiauliK liae.
. . .
or. t. -
A. O. OLIM 00. , No. l Wa.h' . | .fcUwtCWcatfc
BUr.rUB.tK > .
lit t < ly'enlargfiiancl lreuiitTtntJ. TullwrUcolaii
( lultd ) tic * . JtttI * JUOIC'ALOO. , Itufitl ) , M. I.
The Best and Safest
Vapor Stove Made.
C. W. Sleeper , Lead of St. Marys' Av
Holmes & Sinitli , SonMi Omaha.
"With eliding Detachable
Springe , gar Better tbaii
Whalebone or Honi , }
and guaranteed never to
break * Price , Jkx.J5
Ushaic&tA *
419 Droadway , N. Y. , Manufacturers.
A. full blooiloii Norman ( mil a ibornuetlilirod
Ciihon unit Wuicnur Clay. Cnlion was liuiartixl |
by UOk'iin llrotheri. Ottawa , 111. , in 17 Imnila
high ; Klrtli T foot U lncb 9 , Hiid weighs luOO
Ilia : lie Uon a rooord for lioavy horses of t mln-
utos. Clny , a thnrou liliro < l trottlnir etalllon ,
nnil roidflori'il in American Htud llonlr , Is a
lionnut l l liumla Mgli , wclntit'Ml. \ . Also a
orod Clay nolt Kor { inrtlcularH , julilrces
T. 11. IIAKNEH , IOX B7T , Oiuulin. Noll.
Lincoln , Neb.
Tlio lie t knuwn titnl tnutt rciiular hotel In
tlio tiBto. I.ocmlon ciiiitriil.npiiofiUiiieiit * Hrst
clans. HoailiiHitors | for roiiiinurcjitl mon anil
all political and piilillo ( 'iitliirlii r .
K. 1 * . ItOUUUN , Proprietor.