Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1887, Page 4, Image 12

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    t 1 * "
L * Si-
Dnllr ( Morning Edition ) Including Sunday
Bur. . Ono Ycnr . $1001
For 81 * Months . CW
KorTlirco Months . 2 W
Jim Omaha SMiulny HER , niullod to nny
uddro&3 , Uuo Vcur. . . . S W
\YA3Ui.Nuiu.x or net , No. iu UUUTICKNIII SniKt r ,
All communications rulatlntc to news find edi
torial innttur xlinuJd bo oU'lrusubd ' to thu Kui-
roil or THE Ilr.R.
All httf Inosft li > tter , and remittances uliould bo
fclclrCRSOll tO TlIK llEK I'tlllMSIIINU C'OMI'ANT ,
OttUU , Drafts , clmcks and postolTlco orders
to bu made jmyablo to tlio ortltr of the company ,
Hworn Statement of Circulation.
State of Nehrnskn ,
County of Doiiilns.
UPO. B. TzschticK , Bccrctarv of Tlio Bco
Publishing company , docs soloinnly swear
that tlio actual clrculntlon of Urn Daily Dee
for tlio week ending Hay 0 , 18S7 , was as
follows :
Hatuitlay. April 80 . U300
Sunday , .May 1 . ,000
Monday. May 3 . IS/i'M
Tuesday , Mara . 14.WO
Wednesday. May 4 . 14,310
Thursday , May 5 . 14,200
Friday , May 0 . 1J.CM
Average . 14.4G1
Subscribed and sworn to belure me this
7th day of Jlay , IbS" .
N. P. , ,
fSEAL. ] Notary Public.
Oco. 13. Tzscliuck , belni ; first duly sworn ,
deposes and says that ho is secretary of T ho
lieo Publishing company , that tlio actual
average dally circulation of the Dully Bee for
lite month or MaylbbO,12,4n9 copies ; for June ,
IttSO , 12.298 copies ; for July. 1880 , 12,314 copies ;
for August , 1SSJ. 12-lftt copies ; for Septem
ber , 1810 , 13o , : conies ; for October , 1880.
J2.W9 copies ; for November. IbSO , 13,343
copies ; for December , 1880. ii,27 : ; } copies ; for
January , 1887 , 10,260 copies ; for February.
1817 , If.lOa . copies ; for March , 1887 , 14,400
copies ; for April , 18S7 , 14ilO : copies.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th
day of May , A. I ) . , 1887.
ISKAL.I N. P. KEII , , Notary Public.
T. P. QUICK , of Lincoln , is dead. Ho
was prominent iu many ways.
TIIEKE is a crj calling for the organi
zation of the iiro and police commission.
As the BEE has before insisted , $30 for
each water hydrant is too large a sum.
THE eighth street viaduct must bo
built. It is needed , and has been prom
GKNKUAL KEIKEIJ said ho would make
a speech and ho spoko. Ho rscapcd un
ENCOUUA.OIKG reports of copious rains
throughout the state reach us. This is
WHILK Mayor Brontch is out of tlio
city , it is hoped there will bo no more
alleged interviews.
MK. CONNELL'S annual report shows
bettor than newspaper praise that ho has
proven a faithful oflicial.
IT is though unless the commission
closes tlio Washington monument pretty
sooir , relic hunters will have it all carried
KOUKUT LINCOLN is enjoying a little
presidential boom. Robert's father was
a truly great man. Unfortunately Robert
is not a chip off the old block.
JAY GOULD is booked to appear before
the Pacific Investigating commissioners
Friday. Mr. Gould will interest his
audicuuo by relating what ho does not
IT must bo borne in mind that both
Omaha and Lincoln have base bull clubs.
Whether they can play ball is left for a
kind and. discriminating public to deter
llucm Prince has brought suit against
the city of Omaha for $5.000 damages.
Ho claims that ho was injured bv falling
on a defective' sidewalk. Can it bo that
Mike Mcany has failed to discover the
"loose planks. "
TUB twelve Irish constables who re
signed their oOlco because they were
compelled to carry on evictions , and who
arrived in New York last week , announce -
nounco their intention of becoming citi
zens of the United States. They will
learn better tiian to resign an oflico if
they are successful in being elected in
songstress , is suing the American Opera
company in the superior court , Now
York , for $3,800 duo her as salary , and
in addition , for fr ,000 , as damage to her
reputation. The American Opera com
pany certainly is having a hard struggle
for existence. The country seems to
hare no music in its soul.
Mil. RWnrACKKii assailed Governor
Thayer because Mr. Rothackor was not
appointed as a member of the police
commission. At least the governor ex
plains it that way , and these who read
th interview elsewhere , will naturally
araw the same conclusion. The Greek
adage referring to the milk in the cocoanut -
nut is beautifully appropriate here.
"WilA railroads bo built it a cast-iron
law uaj they shall only receive a com
pensation that , while it will make a largo
tratlio road rich , will utterly rum a
weaker or low-traffic road ! " asks a newspaper -
paper which condemns the inter-state
law. In the first place there are none
other than "large traflio" roads in this
part of the country. Two or throe sys
tems west of the Mississippi river con
trol every ruilo of track. In the second
place oast-iron laws against railways be
longed to the Iron ago certainly they are
unknown In this nineteenth century.
a - TITR San Francisco Journal Q/ " Com
merce has been examining the statistics
as to the opium trade , and its arithmetic
roan has couio to the conclusion that
during the past seven years the govcru <
muut has been defrauded out of 123,315 ,
070 , through the wholesale smuggling ol
the drug. Taking the Chinese popuhr
tion as 125,000 , and assuming that 100,000
are opium smokers , it would follow that
each Chinese spent yearly $33 on suiug <
gloa opium. It fans been boforu re
"I marked that for ' 'trays that are dark and
tricks that are Tain , the heathen Chinee
! peculiar. " '
'i' lBfat ' "
Yl"i itill i
Hcnntor Conger and Ilia Watch.
Senator Conger , member' of the late
legislature , Is busy these days exhibiting
a handsome gold watch presented him
by "old soldiers"as ho claims , as a re
ward for his "untiring , " "indefatlgablo"
and promiscuous skirmishing in secur
ing tiio location of tlio soldiers'
homo at Grand Island. While it
is true that Grand Island will secure
n soldiers' homo , the part that Sen
ator Conger played in passing the bill , erin
in any way aiding its passage , remains
something of a mystery. In the lirst
place , Conger was notorious as a rail
road lobbyist , and what ho called his "in-
ilucnco" was nothing. Hut what is
strange about the watch presentation
is tlio tact that he should claim
the G. A. H. made him the pres
ent. The BUB at the tune this
"expression of appreciation , " occurred
was furnished with a list of names of the
magnanimous donors , nntt when it re
members Conger's record , it is forced to
admit that tlio "old soldiers" who reck
lessly subscribed the "amounts sot awpo-
site their names , " did it only to reward
an old comrade for work well done.
The lirst soldier subscribing to the
Conger watch fund , was the peerless ,
battle-scared veteran Colonel John M.
Thurston. Ho could not restrain his
emotion , as ho recalled the bloody bat
tles ho had road about , and immedi
ately wrote his name for $25. Whilii Mr.
Thurston never had a chance to smell
real powder , as the Union Pacific attor
ney ho know a good thing when he saw
it , and Comrade Conger had his full
According to the list furnished us the
next old soldier whoso young heart
tilled with bitter recollections of blood
stained battle Holds , tlio picture of which
ho had often looked at when a boy some
ton years ago , was General C. W. Moshcr.
The general said in as much as Comrade
Conger had boon where the bullets wcro
thickest in the long and hard-fought battle -
tlo to get the convict labor contract
through , ho would cheerfully subscribe
Next on the list appears the narno of
Captain A. S. Paddock , who will soon
write a series of war articles for the Cen
tury Magazine. While the captain was
busy during the war , ho yet felt like
being ono of the old soldiers who would
help buy a watch for Conger bocausu
of his services in securing the
soldier's homo at Grand Island. Of
course Comrade Conger voted for Pad
dock for senator but then that was
J. W. Doweesc , who was a major a
drum major perhaps , in a fit of reckless
liberality wrote down $5.00. Considering
the fact that he had given Comrade Con
gcr several trip passes , his donation was
considered sulliciont.
Private Church IIowo , who was a
soldier , subscribed $25 , but Conger had
a happy way of voting for the Missouri
Pacific right of way , which together witli
his services of securing the soldier's
homo at Grand Island , Church thought
that there was nothing like rewarding
the bravo.
The list furnished us also goes on to say
that a subscription of " $100 from the cit
i/.ons of Grand Island" was given the Con
ger watch fundbut the latest advices from
that city say there was no such amount
subscribed , and that the "soldiers" mon
tioneil above , with two additions , fur
nished the watch to Conger , tolling him
it cost $355 , when in reality it cost $155.
The best thing that Mr. Conger can do is
to give the watch a rest. It is well
enough for him to indulge in the grim
ulcasantry of telling people that ho is
running for congress next year , but ho
has rnado the "old soldier" racket
chestnut. The Grand Army of Rascals
mentioned above will hold , a reunion a
the next legislature.
A Cattle "Trust. "
The latest combination taking the title
of a "trust" is composed of cattle men
who have recently organized the Anier
lean Cattle Trust association , with
claimed capital of $25,000,000. A movement
mont looking to this organization was
sot on foot some time ago , the professed
object being the protection of the cattle
men from the alleged exactions and tin
just treatment they sullercd at the hand
of the syndicate of the Chicago and Kan
sas City packers. In an address to
convention of cattle men some mouths
ago a gentleman largely interested in
raising cattle declared that the syndicate ,
with the assistance of the railroads , had
been for years outrageously plundering
the cattle men , its members growing rich
out of the robborles thus persis
tently carried on. It need hardly
bo said that this person was
able to present a very plaus
ible showing , which very likely had
a good deal of truth as a basis. The ne
cessity of organization was urged iu order
to enable the cattle men to combat thu
syndicate , if need be to the extent of es
tablishing competition in slaughtering
and packing in the region of the ranches.
This was the disposition manifested before -
fore tlio passage of the intor-stato com
merce law. After that act was passed
the project was allowed to drop into
oboyance , doubtless from a feeling that
the new law would remedy in largo part
tlio wrongs of which the cattlemen com
plained. This expectation would scorn
not to have been realized , for the cattle
trust has been organized , its object being
"concert of action in producing , feeding
and marketing cattle , including
the manufacturing necessary to ren
der the product ready for sale iu
the markets of the world. . " This
appear to bo an entirely legitimate pur
pose , but the Chicago Tribune discovers
in the movement "at once the most gi
gantic monopoly over attempted and the
most vital to the public interest. " That
journal expresses the opinion that if the
scheme Is successful it will enhance the
cost of every pound of American beef ,
and it believes that to bo the real object
of the movement. "If this extra burden
upon consumption , " says the Tribune ,
were coupled with a general benoiii to
tlu cattle raising interest it would not bo
quito so bad ; but evidently thu intention
la to put the great bulk of that interest
also at the mercy of a few monopolists ,
repeating , so far as possible , the old
story of the big fish eating the little
ones. "
Granting that the cattle raising inter
est may have substantial grounds of com
plaint as the basis of its movcmunt , yet
such criticism of the project as that above
quoted u inovitiblti in vlow of the gen
eral popular distrust of all such combi
nations. Experience has taught the people
ple to regard tbcui , However fair m
promise , M certainly tending to monopoly
ely , for which the term "trust" is a mis
leading cuplicuisni. The American Cattle
tlo Trust association may prove to bo
wholly Innocent of any grasping and
scllisli designs , but until it shall clearly
show that it is so it will bo suspected of
the s.tmu intent that has characterized
the conduct of other organizations which
under the title of "trusts" developed the
worst forms of monopoly ,
1'rogrctm or Building.
During Mm nine months ending with
last March , 1,250 building penults were
issued , representing an estimated cost of
about $1.000,000. This gratifying showIng -
Ing will probably bo equalled in the suc
ceeding nine mouths in the number of
buildings authorized to bo erected , if not
in tlio cost they shall represent. The
present year will certainly by far exceed
any previous year in the extent and cost
of building in Omaha , and there
is every reason to believe that
the succeeding year will not fall behind
it. There is still ti demand here for com
modious business blocks , and investment
iu such buildings , having tlio modern
appliances and conveniences , la assured
of liberal returns. The rapidly cxpandlm- :
trade of the city demands ampler facili
ties , which should , and doubtless will ,
attract a great deal of capital to build-
'ng during the next few years for busi-
less purposes. There is certain and
permanent profit In such investment in
Omaha. Meanwhile residence building
s rapidly increasing in every quarter ot
ho city , many of these additions to the
ity's homes being of tlio most atlractivo
iiud architecturally and representing a
generous expenditure. Solidity in the
business quarter and beauty and clo-
ganco in the residence portions arc the
ircsont tendency. A still urgent want is
larger number of houses for people
who cannot build their homes , and which
will rent at from $20 to $10 a month.
NCAKLY all tlio newspapers of the
country have published the story how
one Walter Kidgely , a traveling aales-
nan , resented an imposition sought to bo
practiced noon him by two men who fur-
ried him across the river near Tcx-
rkana , Ark. , and that in a light which
usuod ho killed both of them ; how sub
sequently ho was hunted down by the
brothers of these men , thrco in number ,
and in a desperate night battle matlo
horn bite the dust , himself being so-
roroly wounded , and how in all this
nest tragio business ho had exhibited
unexampled courage and nerve. The
story first appeared in a St. Louis paper
as an ordinary dispatch , but was after
wards elaborated and illustrated in the
same journal , and from that widely re
produced. It received editorial atten
tion in quarters where material for such
attention is uot usually lacking. Several
papers scut down special correspondents
and in other ways sought to seouro addi
tional details , it was the foremost sensa
tion of the year. The drummers of the
country were touched by the heroism of
their comrade , and in Chicago and else-
.vhero . started benefit subscription funds.
Had there been a hero llulgcly would
have been made a rich man. But happily
or unhappily there was not , and at tor an
unprecedented run , " in the language
of the show bills , of moro than
two weeks , it is proved that
the whole story was a hoax , the
invention of the St. Louis paper's Toxar
kana correspondent , one W. H. Works.
That ho did his work well goes without
saying , but it is questionable if the per
formance is ono to bo proud of. Evi
dently , however , there Is valuable journ
alistic material in Works if it can bo
given the right direction. Hut ho can
not hope for any favor from several man
aging editors who are kicking themselves
for their easy gullibility and the gener
ous outlay it has cost their papers.
IT may not bo generally known that
both the war and navy departments have
bureaus of information whoso business it
is to obtain knowledge of military progress
ross and preparation in this and foreign
countries. It happened that dtiriug the
tuuo when the tislujrii's dispute had as
sumcd a somewhat threatening aspect
these bureaus were uncommonly active
iu the search for information , addressing
inquiries to Governor Heaver , of Penn
sylvania , among others , as to how quickly
the state militia could bo concentrated
at a stated point , equipped and ready for
service. A reply that must have been
entirely reassuring to the bureau officers
was sent , < duly filed and pigeon-holed.
The governor nursed this circumstance
for weeks as profound state secret , but
feeling that all dauger had passed ho
few days ago disclosed it as ovldonco
that the country was lor a time on the
very verge of hostilities with England.
It was a natural infurrenco , purhaps , for
tlio governor to make under the then
existing circumstances , as ho doubtless
knew nothing of the existing bureau , but
ho would have shown discretion in mak
ing inquiries that might hnvo prevented
his being led into a confession of auius
ing simplicity.
IT is not probable that the wish of the
commissioner of the land ofhco to have
the Maxwell laud-grant case roargucd tc
the supreme court will bo complied with
It might bo to very little ptirposo if i
wcro. Hut there are some statements
regarding the case in the communication
submitted by the acting commissioner t
the secretary of the interior which wil
very greatly strengthen a widesprea
public belief that the grant as allowed i
a stupendous robbery of the people. Th
supreme court is of course blameless in
the matter , though it has not escaped
criticism , the fault being in the inade
quacy of the government's evidence tt
prove fraud. It is now said that new am
material evidence has boon discovered
but it is to bo feared it has been foum
too late to be useful except as addei
proof to the people that they have bee
WITHIN the last two weeks our tele
graph columns have contained accounts
of disastrouo fires. Invariably is it the
case that no "lire company" was in the
placo. In each of these towns scourged
by the remorseless flames , a largo num-
bar of buildings have been destroyed ,
entailing a loss representing a sum suf
ficient to provide an effective fire de
partment. Such a company could , in , all
probability , save a very largo proportion
of tno property destroyed , if engines
were at hand. The absence of all facil
ities for extinguishing fires in small towna
and cities , is often responsible for great
loss. One of the first duties of a
municipality is tojtako a wlso and proper
precaution against tlio possibility ot fires
and to afford facilltlrsjfor subduing them.
THE people of'Yankton , Dakota , are
very enthusiastic over the proposed line
of road to bo built from Omaha to Yank-
ton , through Washington , Dodge , Cum-
Ing , Wayne and Cedar counties. It ap
pears that those nt the head of this
cnterpriso mean business , and if proper
encouragement Is offered , the road will
bo built at onco$500,000 ; are wanted
from Omaha nnd liitorntcdiale points.
It is called tno Omaha , Wayne & Yank-
ton railroad , and would glvo to
Omaha a direct line to the north ,
something greatly needed. The people of
Yanktou are enthusiastic on the subject ,
as are also citizens of towns along the
proposed lino. A meeting will bo held in
Omaha on May U3 , when committees
from each point will make their reports ,
as to amount of money that can bo raised.
Our citizens should glvo this uiattor their
attention , _ _ _
_ _ „ _ _
OMAHA has nearly fifteen miles of
paved streets and further paving is in
progress. This Is a very creditable show
ing as the work of five years , and it Is to
bo said of a largo part of this paving that
it has been well ( tone. The city must
not halt in this particular , and it may bo
suggested that future paving will have to
bo done with even greater care than has
boon exercised in the past. The increas
ing use of the thoroughfares from the
growing traffic of the city explains why
this is necessary. The very best material
and the most thorough workmanship
will bo found true economy in all paving
hereafter laid.
THK crop reports from the northwest
are In the highest degree encouraging.
Seeding is completed , the date being earl
ier than usual , and all the conditions
moro favorable than for several years.
The acreage in both Minnesota and
Dakota Is larger than last year , and if
the season shall bo propitious the crops
of these states will bo materially in
creased. The situation in Iowa is re
ported exceptionally favorable. Alto
gether the present conditions are most
satisfactory , and the promise such as to
reassure confidence in .in enlarged pros
perity for the entire country.
"A wmiEitiNd blast of tory rage , " is
the way the opposition party puts it
when speaking of homo rule donate in
the house of commons m London. In
Nebraska they say , "tho gentleman from
Nemaha made a commodious ass of him
self. "
AFTHK passing tlio winter with the dis
solute lobby at Lincoln , how could Will
( turloy prosecute roustabouts and bum
mers for debauchery and disturbance of
the peace ? Mr. Gurloy need not expect
to be appointed assistant city attorney.
Ur to the hour of going to press Mr.
Moyniliau had not tbeen appointed chief
of police. This will bo a matter of
news until it crows lo bo a chestnut , and
oven then Mr. Moyrlihan will not hayo
been appointed chief of police.
IT is hoped that the laboring men of
Omaha will adjust their differences , if
possible , nt onco. Th the busy season it
is to be regretted that a misunderstand
ing between employer and employee
should stop the wheels of improvement.
THE advantages of a collegiate educa
tion cannot too often bo presented to the
young men of our country. W. F.
Hutchms , a graduate of Yale , has boon
tendered a position in the Chicago base
ball club.
IT seems to bu a time-honored political
theory that no office is too small to be
despised. From the scramble in Omaha
just now , there can bo no doubt of the
truth of the proposition.
BISMA.HOK has had an oditior sent to
prison for ono month for libeling the
political character of the prince. A po
litical character does not amount to much
in Herliu.
Nebraska Jottings.
QOrd is offered a paper mill for a bonus.
ayno's creamery is ready for busi
Dixon county has 2,031 young ideas on
the shoot.
The Norfolk Odd Follows have decided
to build a hall.
The Nebraska City News has been en
larged and now circulates largely on its
The Missouri Pacific extension is ox
pcctcd in Nebraska City in about four
Heal estate transactions in Fremont
since thu tirat of the year aggregate
Burglars are enjoying the boom in
Fremont. Transactions are numerous
with small receipts.
Mmdon's new creamery will bo ready
for business in thirty days. The capital
stock : of $5,000 has been subscribed.
The electric light plant burned down
in Heatrico some months ago has been
rebuilt. The town brightened up in con
sequence. ' *
Kichard Frowon will sue the Dakota
Cattle company ut the next term of court
in Dawes county , beginning May 80 , for
$ .25,000 damages forjjtoach of contract.
The attorney general has decided that
the herd law was not suspended in Sioux
county and stock owners are therefore
liable for all damage done by their cattle
to farms. i
The Elkhorn Valley extension has
reached Albion , Boomi county. No regu
lar trains wil' ' be run'until the track is
laid through to Oakohlo , which will take
about thirty days. Jj * 5
The Fremont Tribute declares there js
not a grocery store in the town. This
gives color to the rumor that Truth ap
plies for a divorce 'from Hammond on
the ground of willful < Ksurtion.
A ghastly aggregation of poles am
canvas and spare rib Acrobats has foldot
its tents and silently crawled into a
financial cemetery iu1 'Nebraska City. A
lonely peanut huslc and lemon peel marks
its grave.
Palmyra has turned out another luna
tic. Frank E. Randall is reported men
tally decomposed. An overdose of love
struck him in a tender spot. Ho Is ) wcu
ty-two years old and talks love to every
woman ho moots. He's got it bad.
Conductor Elliott , of the Elkhorn Val
ley road , is to be presented with an era
blomatio badge by admirers in Uapu
City aa a souvenir o ! running the first
train into the Hills metropolis last year.
The badge is built of Ulack Hills gold
with moss agate settings , and displays
the Masonic and Kulgaia Templar em
The Hungarian convict. Hcraledsky
whose pardon is sought by infiuentla
friends In the old world , is not entitled to
sympathy or consideration unless he is
proven insane. The crime for which he
Is serving a life sentence was the murder
of his wife in Colfax cotinty In 1831.The
theory of lunacy was advanced at the
trial , but it failed to mltlgato the bloody
character of tlio deed.
Major J. U. Hanson , representing the
company which proposes to build the
Omaha , Wayne A : Yanktou railroad , has
lotiliud the 'committees of towna Inter
ested that ho will meet them In Omaha
on the 'J3d mst. , to consider such propo-
itions as may bo offered. Delegations
rom Yankton , Hnrtlngton , Wayuu and
other towns on tlio proposetl line are ox-
> oclud to bo present and submit offers of
ild. The people north are enthusiastic
on the subject of a direct lluo to Omaha
uid will give it a liberal financial boost ,
lllack Hills papers have decided upon
ho route of the H. & M. into that conn-
ry. The road is an "airliuo , " of course ,
jut considerable brain power and nurvo
issue has been expended In surveying
ho route from editorial back windows.
The road as pictured will cross the Elk-
torn at Hushvillo , nnd then dodging tlio
corner of the reservation , skip along the
eastern foothills in a line parallel to the
Elkhorn , crossing the Choycnno near the
mouth of Lame Johnnie , then running a
little cast by north until the valley of
Itapid creek is reached , cross the crock
and como into the city on the north sldo.
This will make Uushvillo an important
junction point , also Rapid City. It is
said the junction where the line for the
west side of the Hills will start is to bo
located forty miles below Hushvillo.
Iowa Hems.
Work has been commenced on the now
Savory hotel at DCS Moines.
Fruit-growers of Scott county report
the outlook for this season most encour
Harriott A. floyt extracted $3,030 trom
the treasury of Dos Moines by slipping
up on a defective sidewalk. She wanted
Sioux City sighs for a bridge over the
Missouri. High license and regulation
prevails on the Covington side and
droughts are unheard of.
The "Vinton Oil and Gas company , "
with a capital of $100.000 , has boon or
ganized and the work of boring will
begin as soon as arrangements can bo
A land slide occurred along the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad
about a mile south of Clayton on Monday
afternoon , demolishing several rods of
track and delaying trains about nine
The heat of Monday caused the rails
on the Illinois Central branch to expand ,
ditching a passenger train near Charles
City , but injuring no one. Near Hlairs-
burg City the track was disturbed from
the same cause , but it was discovered m
time to prevent an accident.
Some verv line and delicate points of
prohibition"law have been raised in Sioux
City. The Franz Brewing company has
sued for $1,000 worth of kegs which were
destroyed with tlte contents by the pro
hibitionists. The federal authorities
threaten to take the constables by the
nape of the neck for spilling the beer
out of the kegs without lirst puncturing
the stamp. The right of the bung hole
must bo protected.
Incendiaries arc at work in Pierre.
Redlield offers $7,000 for a now court
house , if tlio county will give $3,000 ,
The territorial railway commission is
going through the motion of regulation
in Fargo.
The latest evidence of civilized life in
Deadwood is the opening of safes by
The winds of Saturday and Sunday did
considerable damage to crops m the vi
cinity of Aberdeen.
The number of settlers driven from the
Crow Creek reserve has been greatly
overstated. They number 500.
It is said that souio Elkwood , Cavalier
county , sharps got $00,000 lifo insurance
recently ou a man who had been dead
twenty-one years.
Jcrauld county farmers complain that
a small inject , similar a potato bug , is
destroying the cottonwoOd groves iu that
part of the territory.
The handsomest thing about the min
ing business In Deadwood is the artistic
typography of the stock certificate. It
uoiis not diminish assessments , however.
Again comes the report that the people
ple who have long resided at old Fort
Pierre will bo compelled to move. Not
because that portion of the reservation
is of any use or benefit to th o Indians ,
but because , presumably , the govern
ment has learned , after the whites have
occupied the grounds for many years ,
that they never did have a right to settle
there. A United States postolfico which
existed there for years lias been discon
tinued , which gives color to the report.
Women Clerks Disappearing From
ttie Departments.
Philadelphia Telegraph : It may not be
many years before a woman will
be a rare sight in a dopait-
inont. Slowly , but surely , they are being
got rid of under the civil service system.
They are uot now scon walking arm in
arm through the treasury corridors or
.standing at the windows at noon time
with iheir cups of tea. It is not that they
are closer to their desks. They arc not
Since Secretary Manning first took the
treasury portfolio , and the now or
der of things was begun , nearly twelve
per cent of the women have gone , and
nouo have como in their places. When
a female clerk dies or gets married , re
signs , or is dismissed a requisition goes
to tlio civil service commission for a man
to fill the vacancy. 1 was asked why this
was if it was true that women did uot
make as good clerks as men.
The reply was that some of them made
bettor clerks than did the men. The
trouble did not lie in that. Tbo fact is
they aru hard to deal with. Most of thorn
depend upon the gallantry of the supe
rior officers , and are constantly asking
favors , many of them not hesitating or
seeming to think it improper ta nsk high
officials oven as high as secretaries to
make false statements or violate the law
iu iheir interests. The most trouble is
when examining them for promotion.
Some have not hesitated to ask for a list
of the questions beforehand. So persis
tent are some that it rctlccts upon the
whole class , and the departments have
entered into a systematic effort to got rid
of them.
StreetCar Horses.
"The horses
Rochester Post-Express :
of the street cur company arc pretty
good animals. " said a veteran driver last
evening , "and they receive pretty good
caro. They don'tlook as well this spring
an they usually do at this time of tun
year. You see , summer shoos were put
on the horses in March and the company
got caught. Wo had a lot of slippery
weather after that , and it pulled the flcsfi
right off the horses. The company is
pretty lucky with IU horses , aud doesn't
have to kill moro than two or thrco
every year. I have known years when
not more than ono horse was killed. The
fact is , the health of the horse depends
altogether on the kind of a driver it has.
It isn't true that pulling a car kills a
horso. Now , I have hud horses that
looked bettor alter I had driven them
five years than they over did before. If
a man makes thorn yank a car when It
starts it takes the flesh off them in a
hurry. Now it doesn't make any differ
ence to mo whether I am on time or three
hours late , my horse ects his drink , I
find a horse will pull ills car bettor if he
isn't out of water. "
Colgate'H Toilet Hoapa.
Exquisitely perfumed , absolutely pure
popular everywhere. Cashmere Uoquo
EIo Explains Why He Has Boon Assailed By
Editor Rothackor ,
llotuackcr Wanted to fie 1'ollcc Com
missioner , Hut Did Mot
Oct the Posi
"What Is the cause of the Republican's
savage assault upon you , governor , on
account of your letter addressed to thu
police commissioners ? " asked a represen
tative of the HIH : last evening of Gov
ernor Thiyor , at the Millard hotol.
" 1 suppose , " answered the governor ,
'that it U booauso 1 did not appoint Ed
itor Rothacker as ono of these commis
sioners. "
"Why , was ho an applicant ? "
"Yes ; and a very earnest and persist
ent ono , " replied tlio governor.
"Did any ono recommend him ? "
"No one except Mr. Cadet Taylor.
That gcntlotuaii called on mo at Lincoln
some weeks ago and requested mo to ap
point Mr. Rothackor. I discouraged It
at that tlmo. During my late visit here ,
when I spent some several days In
Omaha , considering the subject of the
commission , Messrs. Taylor and Roth-
acker called ou mo and the application
was renewed. I gave thorn the reasons
which had led. mo to conclude
that Mr. Rothackor's appoint
ment would not bo judicious. Ono was
that ho was the editor of a paper which
was known as an organ of the republi
can party , and as it is the intention of the
law that the commission shall bo entirely
non-partisan his selection would bo in
consistent with that position. I said thai
his selection would bo subject to criti
cism in that regard. I said to them that
the democrats , to make thu thing oven ,
might ask mo to appoint the editor of
thu Herald to the same position. The
appointment of political editors , I said ,
was incompatible with my duty in the
matter , or words tatliat ollect. "
"Woll , did that cud the matter ? "
"I supposed that was the end of it. I
returned to Lincon | on tlio evening of
the day of the city election hero. Two
days af tor that I received a most pressing
telegram again renewing the request for
the appointment of Mr. Rothacker , but J
found no reason for changing my deter
mination. I had said to each of the four
gentlemen subsequently selected before I
left here that i should probably appoint
them , which decision I carried into ef
fect. " .
"Could you have supposed that you
would have been assailed for addressing
that letter to the commissioners and hav
ing it published ? "
"Most assuredly not. Every word of
it was in favor of good order , good gov
ernment , and protection for the people of
the city. 1 designed the letter as a basis
for the action of the commission. Sev
eral motives influenced mo m preparing
the letter. Ono was to strengthen the
commission. Another was to lot the people
ple know that the movement , the estab
lishment of an efficient police depart
ment in the city , \yas being inaugurated.
Another was that it should bo a warning
to burglars and thieves and lawbreakers
of every degree to seek another field of
operation or go to the penitentiary. "
"Havo you learned anything of the
public sentiment regarding this matter
during your present visit here ? "
"I have ; and it has been a source of
very great satisfaction to mo to
mid my course in this matter
so generally endorsed. Scores of
thu best citizens of the city have not only
thanked mo for the commission as se
lected , but have thanked mo most
heartily for what they designated my
most timely letter. Such mon sis Judge
Lake , J. H. Millard , A. J. llanscom , Drs.
Somors and Murriam , C. H. Uustin , S. R.
Johnson , J. E. Markel and W. A.
Gwyer , have endorsed the letter fully
and completely. I was obliged to disre
gard the request of many personal
friends who asked mo to appoint their
favorite candidates , and as the selection
of the members of the commission was u
most delicate task , and ono of vital im
portance for I would bo hold responsible
if the right mon were not selected I de
termined that I must exercise my judg
ment and appoint these men whom 1 bo-
liovcd combined all the essential qualities
which they should possess to hold those
positions. I accordingly decided to .se
lect those whom 1 had known for yearn.
A prime object \vith me also was to bring
together four mon who would work to
gether in entire harmony. 1 have full
confidence that I have succeeded in doing
this. "
"Have you any idea as to whom the
commission will appoint as chief of po
lice ? "
' Not the slightest. 1 "have no doubt
they will consider that matter with great
caution , and select the ono who in their
judgment is best fitted for the position. "
"Do you know Mr. Moyuihan , who is
seeking the place ? "
"I never saw him to my knowledge
until last evening. I know nothing in
regard to him. I nave no quarrel with
Mr. Rothaokcr. I have marked out my
line of action and shall purtnio it regard
less of any amount of detraction and
The Gold-Unake Mines.
Alfred Hatch ( n llarper't WeMu.
Torcno Muuoz was about eighteen yeas
old. Her father was a Mexican , and her
mother a Commancho squaw. She had
straight black hair , black eyes , a good
figure , and a good deal of strength. She
was as as full of superstition and belief in
ghosts and spirits as an egg is full of
meat. She was nice and lady-like and
she had a curiously soft voice. When
she was sixteen , Jttaquiu Costello fell in
love with her. Ho played the guitar op
posite her window steadily for five
weeks , he smoked cigarritos in front of
the house while talking to her father , old
Pedro Mtinoz , and he was fully accepted
as her prospective husband. Now thu last
person to expect that Turisita would ob
ject to anything her father had arranged
for her was old Pedro himself. When ,
then , ho announced to her that she waste
to Jook upon Jnaquin Costello as her
master for the futurebhe made a scene and
there was what might pass for a row in
that cabin. Of course old Pedro stormed ,
and of course her mother sat on the clay
floor in what might bo called silent
misery , and finally SonoritaToreno won.
She would not bo married fo Junquin :
and as she would not , she was not.
Terono had , among her other queer
beliefsa , full confidence In the gold-suako.
This is the funniest superstition that you
can imagine. If you find & species of
snake something Iko | a black-snake , hut
with yellow bars on the back , anywhere
down on the Mexican border , and then
you Iiud where that snake lives , you can
find a Icdgu of quartz containing free
gold. Tcreno believed this , and she
know where ono of the gold-snakes lived.
She kept thu secret carefully ut leaat
until Henry Hrown arrived there with Ins
team of mules , freighting over the couth-
cm trail. "Red Head , " as.Mr. Hrown
was called , was n pronounced blonde ,
lie mot Tereiui , and Toruno met him ,
and thu two full in love with each other.
In fact , they liked each other so much
that Mr. Urown attempted to learn the
guitar , though ho had no. fingers fit for
the work , and had not the
least scintilla of music in his
souls and nil persohs , ou tlilj
earth ho selected SeiioriJunqnln C'oilcllo
as a teacher. Jit.iquln grinnrd and made
rlgarrltos rapidly when hu understood
what Mr. Hrowu hail come to him for.
Ho agreed , however , a' , once to give the
lessons , and ho Mifigosted they should
tnki1 place at Senor Munn/'d house. The
.spectacle of Mr. Brown's work on tlio
guitar under the instruction of Honor
( . 'osti'llo , with Terono looking on , would
have moved a bronze statuette to tears.
The curious part of thu thing was that
Toruno could play the guitar herself , and
play ll well. Tlio number of IIUHM that
gin tried to got Mr. Hrowu to prnutico
the liistrtinuMil when .sho could ( ell him
when ho was wren < ; could not bu told.
Unfortunately Mr. Hrown , in a bullheaded -
headed kind of way , had made up Ins
mitid that ho could learn the thing by
the mil of Senor Costello'-s Instruction ,
nnd as it was impossible for Tore.sita to
toll him thatJuaqiii had wanted hur to
marry him only two years before , the
lesson * went on as per agreement.
As might have been expected , < luaqum
had made up his mind that thu mules
which Henry Hrown owned wcro worth
having and no mndo a fo\y cautious in
quiries. Finding that Mr. Hrown did
not understand moiito. Scnor Costell.s in
vited him to play , ror the lirst two
weeks Mr. Hrown won , and ho told
Toresita about his luck. As she knew
monte , and also know Juaqiiln , sun urged
upon Mr. Hrown the wisdom of letting
the game alotio. Hu laughed at her , as
ho often did , and told her ho could take
care of himself. As this was told in his
excessively curious Spanish , which no
ono but la senorita could understand ,
she sighed , ami thought she had been
wrong. Because It .seemed to her that
ho was so strong aud so bravo it could
not bo true that , "el maldito , zat Jua-
nuin , can bo moro good. Carron ! No.
Senor. " And then Turcno went back in
tlio yard to make a special candle on a
string for the church nc.xt Sunday.
Unfortunately , ono evening , afterthe ,
lesson on the guitar , Jiiaquin and Harry
loft the Mtinoz uabin aud walked down
to the fonda. They sat down at niotitc ,
and had plenty of mescal brandy ou the
table. At first Harry won , but as the
game went on the luck changed. It is a
fact that if a man will play montu and
drink enough mescal at thu .same time he
is apt to lose his head. Mr. Hrowu lost
his first , then all his money , then his
watch , then his pocket kuifo , and then
his mules. Thou ho did what ho ought
to have done before he wont to bed.
The next morning , when Mr. Hrowu
ot up , ho drained the watur jug and
ressed. Going down stairs , lie wan-
dared into the court yard , and gazed
with a lack-lustro cyo and a sorrowful
expression on these mules. Juaquin was
harnessing them up at them up al the
time , and Mr. Hrown watched them
driven oul of the gate to the road. The
greater part of the day he spent moon
ing around thu hillside , and he refreshed
himself at intervals practicing on the
guitar. The only visible rcstiu of this
was great depression expressed In the
face of the peon who acted for a small
salary as hall boy.
It was during that afternoon that
Juaquin called upon old Pedro Mtinoz ,
aud they had a short interview. When
Mr. Brown wont around in the evening
as usual , old Pedro asked him to discon
tinue his visils. When Mr. Brown asked ,
"Porque , scnor ? " ho was briefly and em
phatically informed that any man who
would put up a team of good mules in a
dame with Scnor Costello was too big a
fool to visit at the Munoz mansion. The
result was that Mr. Brown retired to his
room in the fonda , and delivered himself
of the collection of profane ex-
plotitcs he know. Ho then went to bed.
There not being any mescal luft , Mr.
Brown woke up early , and aftnr dressing
vramlered down the road to where Tore-
ska lived. He sat down on a stone and
looked at the house , feeling about as mis
erable as a man can. He realized that if
ho had only taken To re no's advice ho
might havemarried , her , and he realized
that now ho did not have five cents with
which to support her. Having no ani
mals left , lie did not oven know how ho
was going to get out of the place unless
ho walked , and he recollected with pain
the weary miles to bo covered before ho
could get to Santa Cruz.
Mr. Hrown started when he felt a hand
on his shoulder , and turning ho saw , by
the light of the late moon , Terono
wrapped in her mantilla. Sno did not
speak , but pulled Harry's shoulder until
ho got up. With her finger ou her lip
she led the way through the chupcrral
until they were out of hearing from the
horses , and then she flung herself pas
sionately into ills arms , kissing him
again and again. Torcno led him d wn
thu gulch to the lift , aud walking care
fully around the big bowlder , she pointed
to the gold-snake lying them in his coil.
The marriage of Senorita Torcno
Munoz and Mr1 Henry Brown took place
within two weeks after the sale of the
Gold-snaka quartz mine. There wore
present the father and mother of the
bride. It has been said that Senor Jua
quin Costello got the most awful thrash
ing from Senor Pedro Muuoz during the
afternoon that had been known upon
the frontier for many years.
In making the assertion that Pozzoni's
medicated complexion powder is entire
ly free from injurious or deadly poisons
wo do it upon the authority of a thorough
chemical analysis. It is ono of the oldest
face powders in American market , and
is used in the famalies of some of our
most prominent medical men who have
personally acknowledged to the proprlo-
or that they uot only considered It harm-
ess , but esteemed it highly beneficial in
very respect. Sold bv all druggists.
THE PERFECT f 1. 'V ' < *
Quickest Soiling Article Ever Invented ,
UlUntr. but rcallr If the 1'rsltloit Shotting
Article on the Mirket.
OMAHA , Neb. , April M , 1887. This Ute
to certify that we , the undci signed , have
this day witnessed a churning by ' 'The
Perfect Self Revolving Churn Dashers , "
which icsidlcd In producing 3 > pound * of
first class butter from one gallon of cream
in jml one minute and fifteen
W. I * WrlKht , proprietor "Oinnlta Ralrri" O. W ,
Whuelrr. manager "onmha Dairy ; " I'mil H. 'l' te ,
Merchant.VullmiHl Hank ; A. I ) . Tmiwlln. N bra k
NutlniiHl Itnnk ; I'ruf. ( ioorxo II. llntliliurn. pniprloior
UnmlmlluilDeiiColleifO ! " I'rnf. I. J. IllaVfl. le-i
nr < i ( ShurlhaiU ; llurrr MlrrUm. e'lltor"K '
. "
Mpur. Mill IX. Uhl.llea" Will J. Dtibbi. U.K.AKI
J.K. K/iii.-Wnrm. " Wank U. Orron/'IloraU *
llr.J.W. Senrcli. Ur. 4. W. Djranrl.
Dr. C. M U. II nrt. Dr. Uimllliin Warren.
II. It. ! < ile > ute , .1. W , Itnenrt.rail e > Uit *
John lluail.luwclcr. Chtl OriT , rurulture ,
SUite anil County llifihlt for
J'1-oJltn miltiin'iH'ine Yon.
Call or write to u at once. Qu ck salei
and larije prnilu. Very truly ,
J. W. & A. PONIAM , Prop's. ,
kojm I Croumo Block. M.KIk it. , Omaha , No * .
„ ,