Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1887, Page 3, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEiFRlDAY. | . MAY 13 ; 1887. WHEAT RAIDED BY THE BEARS A Strong Effort to Break Prices Overcome By Clique Buying. ENORMOUS EXPORT BUSINESS. Corn DccliloillyVoak ntul n IHg Drop Scoretl llojr I'roductn Lower- Cattle anil HOKH Urine Lower 1'rloen. CHICAGO pitonuoB MAKKIJT. CniCAno , May 12. [ Special Telegram to the Hii.J : : There was a feeling this morning that would break off some. Immedi ately on the opening the crowd made ft dive nt the iirlco that broke It under the bOc har rier for a moment , hut Kershaw was a buyer of wheat as If his order authorised him to stop any dcclino nt bCc , nud the market Rtopped al that llguro. Kosnnfi-ld , aiiothrr clliiie | broker , was buying more distant o | > - tluns , July and August. As the bulls on the situation , apait from manipulation , became more numerous and moro confident , the July option r.dvnnce.s on the Juno , It looks now , If only the clearances will bo encouraging , us If July would BOOH bo abreast of. June. New York and other surrounding markets were Rtronz. The cleaiances nt Now Vork were n disappointment only li7,2iVibushels. ! HutchInson - Inson was a seller of the July option nnd It went from n discount of KG tea a discount ot 'a full cent under June. If It had not been for the "pegging" purchases of Kctshaw , the market would have broken away , as the local crowd had cotton Into a decidedly bearish fiamc of mind. This was shown better , however , in the distant than in the June op tion. Wheat at Is beginning to move freely. Cher 1,000,000 bushels will have been shipped out by the ending of the week , nnd the block hero reduced about 500,000 bushels. The stock ofuhcat at Milwaukee by the end of the week will also bo down to less than 200,000 bushels. Export business was ngalh Hotncthiiii ! enormous to-day. Fifty boat loads were worked nt New York up to 1 o'clock. Nineteen heat loads of red winter were bold at Chicago for export , probably part ot the llfty bo it lo.uls reported nt New Vork. Thorn was bid lor Chicago No. 2 spring 82J 385c ! , and the market was within that of dolnir n v cry larce export cash business. Just now , however , the demand of spring wheat Is depressed by offerings by Armour of n great lot of Milwaukee spring wheat , which Is In poor repute. The arrival of n largo number of steamers at New York has put freight room nnd ocean rates in such shape that the clearances will bo more on n par with the reputed now export business each day. Still , the expectations are that 1,000,000 bushels ot wheat will clear this week at Now York , agultist 000,000 bushels last week. Corn was decidedly weak. It was very ev ident that the crowd had loaded up too heav ily during the bull movement yesterday momlng , nnd the tonera ! disposition was to get out. In the last halt ot the session June corn got down to SU'VKSSOMc , which was over } jC below the opening and nearly Ic btj- low yesterday's high water marie. 1'ork , lard and ribs wore nil weak and lower to-day. In the former articles there were no sales apparently , but the ligures were again juggled 81.50 per barrel lower for May nnd June. The larco receipts of hogs nt other points and lower prices botli nt those places nnd here caused n me decline in ribs. Junusold from S7.HO down to S7.20 ; July from S7.IO down to S7.iO. ! July lard sold from 5JO.S7K down to SO.bO. AKTKIINOON Sr.ssiox Wheat was stendv. June sold at ! ' opnncd i closing on the split to * % , closing nt that. Corn was ( inlet. Juno sold from H'JXc to31c , Improved to o'J } c bid ; Julv opened at 4lc , ' , Hold at 4Ut > 'eup to 41 > < @ll ; d'c , closing nt 41 , " cbld { August sold at 427 e. Oats weio Jlrmcr. May about 'Mc ; Juno sold nt S7 ? ( iKi7Xcon the split , niul at27' cclcslniat S7Kc ; July sold at 28 ; ! c nnd closed nt 2Sc. 1'ork wns advanced 81.00. June sold nt 820.50@-U.00. ami closed at 821.00 ; May was noted the bamons June , and the year nt § 12.00. Lard opened easier , but closed Htiongcr , or nt SO.C5 for Mny , S0.70 for June , 80.77)4 ) for July , and 80.85 for August. Short ritis were n shade lousier , and closed at B7.12K bid for May , 87.17H for Juuc , S7.27M for July , and 87.35 for August , CHICAGO LI VIS STOCK. CHICAGO , Mny 12. | Special Tclejram to the BKE.I CATTLE The receipts to-day were decidedly heavy , being nbout whut dealers wore looking forthotirstof the week , and some of to-day's arrivals had been In. tended for the earlier markets. The quality wns pretty good , though there was not such o eurfclt of big , fat cattle as last week. Sales of the more desirable kinds to-day were nl 5@10o decline , while some of the thin niul coarse heavy cattle could bo sold very easllj nt lOQISc reduction. Opinions varied coiv sldernbly , but most dealers agreed that will few exojptlons sales were lOc lower. Shipping steers , IBO ; t ( 1500 Ibs. 84.50@ .rO ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs S4.35@4.a'i ; 950 to 1200 Ibs. S4.00@4.40 ; stock ers nnd feeders , 82.KKUI4 30 : cows , bulls am mixed , 52.OOC54.00 ; bulk , 3.00@U5 : ; slop fed steers , S4.2.X34.G5 : Texas grassers , 52.WKS ; B.50 ; corn-led , S3.CO4.10. ! lions Thcio was a down-turn In the mar ket to-day of n strong lOc , nmkinir a docllm for the week so far of 2.X : iOo. Hough nm common mixed , 84.7.V&4.00 ; fair to gooi mixed , | 5.005.10 , nud best heavy , niso .so lected butcher weights , 85.15 ; light sorts , In eluding Yoikcrs 84.N4.W ) ) ; pigs , S4.05 ( 4,75 LIVE STOCK. Chicago , May 13. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle-Receipts. 10,000 ; active but 10 lower ; shipping steers , 84.00 4.00 ; stacker and feeders. 2.SOc4.'JO ; cows , bulls nm mixed , S2.oix34.00j bulk , $3.00@'U5 ; Toxa cattle , 83.0XS.X20. Hogs Receipts , 17,000 ; dull nnd 10@15 lower ; rough and mixed , $4.XX35.05 ( ; pack Ing and shipping , 5.00 < 35.25j light , S4.GO ( < 5.05 ; skips. $3.00(24.50. ( Sheep Receipts. 5,000 : weak nnd 10@15 lower : natives , 84.00 5.00 ; shorn natlvet B3.00 4.15 ; western , 8i.ltif4.12K ; ) ( ; Texan ; J2.75g3.50 ; lambs , 1.5030.60 i > er head. N tinn l Stock VflriU Kant HI Louli , 111. , May 12. Cattlo-Kecolpts , 1,700 shipments , 4.'iO ; easier ; choice heavy nntlv steeis , S4. K ! . " ' .00 ; fnlr to good shippln ueers , 8I.OiK ( 4.(0 ; butchers' steers. S3.S.X I.SO ; feeders , fnlr to coed , 83.20Q4.10 ; stock ers , fair to good , S2.2 < x < ? 3.2r . Hogs Hecelpts , 4,000 ; shipments , 3,5X ( dull nnd lower : choice heavy ana butel crs' bclerttons , SS.-HXas.DO ; packing , fair t Kood , 85.00,35.15 ; Yorkers , medium to prlmi B4.bOg5.00 ( ; pigs , common to good , SUO ( 5.10. KaiiRns City. May 12. Cattle Receipt ; 2,001) ) ; shipments , none ; weak nnd 5U ( lower ; common to cholco shipping , 83'i ' 'rtl.45 : stockers , S2.fio < < M.0 ! ! ; feeding steer * S itV lllQ ; COWS. 83.25Q3.S ) . Hoes Receipts , 12.0UO ; shipments , 4.IKX weak and lOc lower ; common to choice , 81. ! ai.W skips andplgs , 8J.50 t.2Q. FINANCIAL. Nr.w Yor.K , May 12. [ Special Telegra to the HKK.I STOCKS. There were i signs of a let up In the bull movement I stock to-day. On the contrary , about ever1 Ihlni ; on the list opened higher than la nlght'a closing. London prices for Amcrlc : securities came In higher than they have bet before In months and arbitrage houses r ported a good many buying orders nt abe market prices. I'lillinan again surprised I frleuda with n jump of 3 per cent , nnd t ! talk was that It would sell up to 175. Nort west common nnd preferred and Uurllngti tgnln nnde good gnins , both selling at t highest figures touched In four or five yc.ii Luke Shore moved up noove97nna Cauitna was reported to be a largo buyer of It was said that Its earnings for the lust qui ter nt the current year would surprise ovi the best friends of the property. T Ftrength of the better class ot stocks beg before the close to favorably Influence t rhcapor securities. Richmond Termln moved up a point , and Hocking Valley u ) c tl vo and about l. percent higher. St. l'i * Dnlutii , after advancing to 09 , dropped back on reports of a prospective decrease In its earnings. At noon the whole market was strong but dull nt about the best prices of the day. The sales to noon were 150,000 shares. Towards the close there was some reall/lng In high-priced stocks , but there was no break In prices. Stocks were quietly nb- porbcd and the best observers claimed that the strength of the market In face selling was the best Indication that the bull move ment had come to stay. Western Union sohi down X nnd closed about where It opened , tlrangcrs were all very strong , Ihe west belns : lar o buyers even at top prices. 'Iho whole market closed very strong at about figures of the day. The total sales were about ! ! 50.000 shares. ( ioVKitx.MKNTS ( joturnmout bonds were dull but steady. YESTiilIAY's : QUOTATIONS. U.S.C's 100 1C. AN. W 1244' ? U. b. 4'scoupon. 12 ! ) I do preferred..151 U. S. 4 ' .110J < N. Y. C lliJV ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' CaimdaSnuth'n' ! ( fl\ ( ) ! T./ . . . . . . . 333 < Celitml 1'acllle. . 11 % I'aclticMall 55J < ClilcagoAAlton.l.V ) I' . , I ) , it K ' do preferred..103 rullman 1'nl.Unr.lMH C. , B. ifcQ 15'i ( Reading. 45" I ) . , L. & W 12S'.f ' Rock Island. . . 131 1) ) , tR.U 3UfSt. L. .tS. V. . . . 3'J Krio do preferred. . . . do preferred. . . . 7i ! U. , M. ASt. 1' . . . Illinois Ontrnl..l".i ) % ' do preferred. I. , H. .V : W 25 ISU V. to O. . . . v p K. Je T : if | do prefened..HO ? < Lnke Shoie U7' * Texas I'acllic. . . . 81'.f ' L. it N raji'Union ' Pncllic. . . . 01 ? < Michigan C'enfl. . 4V. \ . . St. L .fc P. . . . 21 J < Mo. I'acllie 10sV do preferred. . 37J < No. 1'aclllo 31 W. U. Telegraph 77Jf doprefened. . . . 02 % MO.VKY o.v OAM. Easy at 4 @ 0 per cent ; closed otlered nt5J per cent. I'IUMK MEUCANni.K 1'Ai'Eii 5C4G per cent. SrKUUNor EXCHANOI : Dull nt . for sixty day bills , S I.b ( > J < for demand. PUODUCI3 MAUKI2T. Ghlcnco , May 12. Following quota tions me the 2:30 : closing liiiures : Flour Finn nud unchanged : winter wheat Hour , S4.2.ya > l.iO : : soutliei n , S4.10fji4.20 ; Wisconsin. S .20ttM.o : : : Michigan soft sprlni : wheat , S3.70t ( l.o : ; : Mlnncsotabakersi. S3.70C * 4.0 ! ! ; patents , gl.503i.SJ ; low tirades , $ UK > ( c $ ! . < J5 ; rye Hour , 53.23(23.40 ( ; In sticks nml lurri'ls , S'lyn.'O. Wheat Tiadlng light nnd quiet : lltictua- tlons slight and confined within narrow lim its ; opened about as yesterday nd closed ViP n higher ; cash 90i'e ; June , bol-lGc ; July , b5 > rc. Corn Moderately active but weaker , clos ing ? ( fc lower than yesterday ; cash , 3b c ; June , 3UXc ; July , 41 5-iOc. Oats Declined % W5fe as compared with yesterday's close , closing with n ( ailjc ad vance ; cash , 2G , ' c ; June , 27 > c ; July , 2S ; c. Rye 50) ) < c. Uarley-'Nomlnnl at 57c. Timothy Seed-Prime , $1.72@1.73. Flax Seed-81.00 < ai.lO. Whisky Sl.lO. Pork Quiet and easy early but later ruled stronger ; cash and Juno , 821.00. Lard Fairly active but unsettled ; cash , S0.05 ; June,80.70 ; July , 3G.77X. Hulk Meats-Shoulders , S.W.W5 . 70 ; short Clear , S7.70@7.75 ; short ribs. 87.15. Butter Easycreamery ; , 10J @ 2lJc ; dairy , Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , 11 ' / @ ll c ; Hats , ial4'C'5iiis : ; young Americ.16 , \ A @l8c ; skims , ti > i ( < 7c. Eggs Firm at 10if@llc. llliles-Unchaiigeujlieavy green salted 7' c ; liuhtdo , 75f@Scs.\ltod ; bull hides , lie ; green salted calf , tc ; diy lllnt , 12@l c ; dry eal f , labile ; deacons , 40aeaeh ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. leountry , 4c ; No. 3,8 c ; cake , 4'fc. Uocelpts. Shipments. Flour , bills . 17(03 ( 20,003 Wheat , hu . 4'Jooo 0,000 Corn , bu . 02.000 Oats , bu . 100,000 73,000 Uye.bll . 1.000 2,000 Uarloy , bu . 20,000 11,000 Now York. May 12. Wheat Receipts , 160,000 ; exports , 137,000 ; spot a shade higher options opened linn and advanced JCfitKc , later ruled easier and settled back KC closing heavy ; ungraded red , UocCgSl.oOj.f No. a red , ue : No. l red. Sl.OO , No. t , red , ftl'c in elevator , 07 @ ! )3 ) c delivered y7C < S'J7lic free on board ; June closed ntOGc. Corn Keceipts , 71,000 ; exports , 500 spot steady and quiet ; options M@Xc lower , closing dull and heavy : ungraded , 4b ( a 50e : No. u , 43@ SKe In elevator , 4U (240Xc ( delivered ; Juno closed at 48c. Oats Steady ; receipts , 49,000 ; exoorts none ; mixed westernS4g3Gc ( ; white wc.stcrn Petroleum Steady and unchanged ; Uulted closea ut r > 4c. KtfKS Steady ; western , 12 , ' c. Pork CJulet and weaker ; mess quoted a S15.25@15.ftO ; old , 810.00. Lard New lower and heavy ; western steam , spot. S7.00@7.10U. | * MVW liuttor Quiet and heavy ; western 21Ji Cheese Quiet nnd unchanged. 1 = 3Mica CincinnatiMay 12. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red , SCe. Corn Easier ; No. 3 mixed , Oats-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , .r Rye Easier ; No. 3 , C4 ( ( G5c , Pork-Dull at 810.00. Lard Dull nnd lower nt SO.GOQO.GS. Whisky Active nt fel.05. Milwaukee. Mav 12. Wheat Dull ; cash Si'u'c ; JUUH , b3c ; July. 84 ? < c. Corn-rStronc ; No.3 , 41J c. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 white , 31 Rje-Inactlvo ; No. 1. 57o. Hailey Unsettled ; No. 2 , 55c. Piovlslons Easier ; pork , May , S15.00. Mlnnoapoils , Mav 12 Wheat Steady No. 1 hard , May. 7 Kc ; June. 805/c ; July 8JVc ; No. 1 northern , May. 77c ; Juno , 7Jc July , bOJfc ; No. a northorn.l May , 75e June , 70 , ' c : July , 77'fc. OntracK : No. 1 hard bOc > ( ; No. 1 northern , 70e ; No. .2 northern Flour Quiet ; patents , 84.40(31.70 ( ; bak ers' . 83.50 < < i3.fio. RecelDts Wheat. 97,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 23,000 bu ; Hour , 23KM ( bbls. bbls.St. St. Louis , May 12. Wheat Cash , ( 85 } c ; June , 84''go. , Corn Slow and easy ; cash , 37 , ; June 37 Uc. Oats Dull ; cash , 23 < { c ; Juno , 28c. Pork Dull at Slfi.00. Lard-Nominal at SO.OO. Whisky 81.05. Hutter Quiet ar.d easy ; creamery , lSQ21c dairy. 14@18c. Afternoon Board Wheat Easy ; June 81'ge ; July , Sl'iQsiJ e : Ainrust , bl 'ClSl i Corn Lower ; June , 37@3M ; JulyS7 c bid August , 39c bid. Outs-Quiet. Liverpool , May 13. Wheat Firm , 0 ( mand coed and holders offer sparingly. Corn Steady and demand talr ; new mlxci western , 4s 2)d percental. Cltr , May 12. Wheat Lowet No. 3 red , cash , no bids or olfeis ; June , 74 asked ; July,74J < c asked. I.Corn-Quiet ; No. 2. cash , ! KVe bid , 35 i asked ; Juno , 3."i c ; July , iM cnsked. Oats-No. 2 , 2'Je ' asked. Now Orleans , May 12. Corn-Firmer whit" , MO Ic. Oats-Steady at 37@37Je. Corn Meal Firmer nt S2.40. Hot : Products Unsettled and general ) lower. OMAHA LIVi : HTOCK. Thursday , May 12. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were liberal to-da : The market wns not active nt ft decline ot 1 @ 15c. The number of cuttle sold wns sma In comparison with the number ou the ina : The run of hoes was the heaviest of an . . day this week. The market opened falrl , actUo ntn decline of UKJJJOc. In addition t ' " the fresh receipts there were 700 stale hot : > n on the market , which made n total of 5Si 3hogs on sale. There were 1,700 left over. ; lt Sheep. ts There were two loads In to-tlay which sol ie on the muikeU Receipts. . Cattle & 10 Uo > ; s 4,0 s.k Sheep 2 : s.It It Provallliii ; Prices. ir- Showing the prevailing prices paid for Ih irm stock on tola market ; m Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ib3..31.20i.r.o no Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.05J I. J in Fat little steer UOO to 1050 Ibs. . . . S.tXJrti.uo tie Extrachoicocows and heifers. . . . 3.10 3.00 alas Oocxl to choice corn-fed cows. . . . S.l.VifS. : Common to medium cows as Uood to choice bulls Ijlvu Stock Sold. Showing the number of cattle and hogs bounht by the leading buyers on to-day's market : HOOS. AnL'lo-Amerlcan PacklngCo . 2.n.i9 ( i. 11. Hammond A ; Co . ( )2'J J.lliton . 10 Harris & FUlicr . 05 Total . H,70y Held over . 1,700 OATTM : . C.H.Hammond vt Co . 138 Itaultros . 40 Harris it Fisher . 27 C. Uoon . 07 hocal . : 'S ' Total . 310 ileld over . 500 siiEr.p. Van Horn & Co . 108 Local butchers . 11)0 ) Total Stiipincnts. Showing the number of cattlo. hogs and sheep shipped Irom the vards ilurlii ! , ' the diy. CATTLE. No. cars. Kt. Dcst. 3 . N.W . Chicago 5 . C. U. & ; < } . Chicago 4 . R AcM . Friend 5 . . .Mil. . . Chicago All sales ot stock in this market are made percwt. live wolaht unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at lji'c per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weUhiua less than 10J Ibs. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 4010s. and stags 80 Ibs. by the nubile inspector. Livestock Notes. Cattle drop 10@15c. Hogs take a big tumble. Common llidit and rough hoes neglected. The average quality of the hos was good. Frank Jobson , Hastings , was In with lions. William .Murray , I'lattsmoutli , came lu with a load of hogs. J. K. Thompson. Council Bluffs , was over with three loads of hogs. A. W. Hageman , Mondamln , la. , was In and marketed a load of hogs. A.C. Virgin , Utica , a well-known shipper , was In looking over the market. H. C. lirown , Fremont , was hero and sold two loads of cattle that averaged 1153 Ibs. at 84.10. C. C. Smith , Mllford , was in with a load of cUtlo and two loads of hogs which sold on the markets. F. W. Nleman. Sohuyler , was In with cattle which sold on the market. Nineteen head averaged 1109 and brought 84.15. OMAHA WHOLESALE MA.RIi.ETS General Produce. Thursday , May 1 . Thefollowuip prices arc Jar round lots of produce , as fcoiu on rnc uuirhci io-na\j. \ Eons Steady at lie , Ilurrnu- There Is an occasional package of fancy butterthat sells above the quotations given below. Chlce country , 13@l5c ; fair to irood , 10@12e ; common , 00c. CUEESK Fullcreamcheddarsslnfle,14Kc ( ; full cream flats , twins , 14Kc ; Young Ameri cas , 15c ; fancy Swiss , 18n ; Swiss. Im ported. 25c : Llmburger. 14c ; brick. 15@10c. LIVK POUI.TUY Chickens , 33.00@3.2. > . GASH : Ducks , mallard , per doz. S2.00 ® 2.25 ; ducks , teal , per do/ , S1.50@1.75 ; ducks , mixed , per do/ , 81.50@1.75 ; geese , per do/ . S3.00@3.50 ; brants , per doz , 82.00 ; snipe , per doS1.2C , nlova Sic. 1'oTAToKS Homo grown , small lots , from store , bXltOUc ; now potatoes , per bbl , 84,50. ONIONS New southern , per bol , S5.00. CAIIIIAOE Now California stock sells at 3JfQ3Hcper Ib. APPI.KS The market Is bare and there is no stock of any account. NKW Visa KTAiir.ES Spinach , per bbl , 81.25 ; top onions , per dozen bunches , 20 < n 25c ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 30c ; lettuce 40c ; plo plant , per Ib. 2 > c ; home grown > a eus , per doz , 40@50c ; cucumbers , per doz We. We.BE A.NlnferIor stock. 7.WS1. 00 ; good clear country , S1.00itl,25 ; medium , hand picked 81.40(31,50 ( ; hand picked , navy , 81.50@1.00. 1'uo VISION H Ham , 12 } < c ; break fas bacon , rib. los'c ; breakfast bacon , plain , lie dry salt sides , 8W@ c ; dried beef , regular. I1 ® llc ; dried beef , nam nieces , 13c ; lard , 50-11 cans , 79 < c ; 20-Ibcans , Fairbanks , 7J/e ; 10-11 cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc ; 5-lb cans , Fairbanks 5c : 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , S c. LEMONS Messina , choice , per box , 84&i @ .oo. OiiANor.s California , Los Angeles , pe box , 3.UO ; Mediterranean sweets , 83.50ft 3.75 ; Messina lmM > rial , tancy , 6.50 ; Sal Gabriel , slnirle box lots , 83.00 ; San Uabrlel 5 box lots , 82.85. BriiAWHKitniKs The receipts are llborn and the market lowor. Cholco stock , pe case , 85.00. BANANAS , per bunch , 83.5 ( 4.00. _ General Market * . \AIINISUES Uauels , per gallon ; * urnl c ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. i , 81.30 : U c mar , extra , SI. 75 ; Japan , 70c ; aspholtum extra 85c : shellac , 83.50 ; bard oil linlih 1.0 Duv PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc 2c : 1'arlt whlthiK. 2Wo ; whiting , glider ; Xc ; whiting , comM , Ike ; lampblack , Get manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c Prussian blueWoultramarine ; , l c ; vandyit' brown , 80 ; uraber. burnt 4o ; umoer. raw , 4c eionna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pan green , cenulna. ' 'p , Paris ereen , con mon. & rhrome ereen. N. y. . 30c TermUlion American. l c : inaia raw aua burnt umber , l ft cans , i3c ; raw an burnt ilenna. IZe : Vandyke brown , lie : n fined lampblack Iw : coach black and iror black. IGc ; drop black. 16c ; Prussian bin * 40c : nltramarlnoblack. 18c ; chrome eroon.L 14. &D. . I6c ; blind ana shutter green. L. . Jk * D. , irjc ; I'aris Rcen , 18c ; Indian red , 15 < Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan. 23c ; America vermlllion.L. . . < kU.,20o ; yellow ochre. 2cl ; 1. to O. D. . IHo : coed ochre. 16c * t > attr iy dryer , 80 ; cralnlng color. Ueht oak , dark oat to walnut , chestnut and ash. We. toDO . UnuosAND tjHEMiCAi.s. Ao d caruolli DO VOe ; acid tartarle , 52o ; balsam copaiba , p n > , Mjp'.Jbark sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calome pe ; Ib , 78c. chlnchonldlx per "z40c ; form , per ft , 50c ; Dovers powders , pert 1.25epspm's ; it8'per a Stfcgly m - - ( - - ' 3 ( per * * ! "y" ' * KiyCoiin1 pure , per Ib. See ; 'ead. ' acetate , per ft. 2i < oli.ea.stor , No. i per gal. , , , 11.50 ; oil caste No. 2 , per gal. , 91.400II ; olive , pergaL , $1.41 00 oil orU'annum. SOc ; opium , $1.50 ; milnln 00 10 lo'dlde , per ft , 'f.50'ealljln. ; per o' OcVsu T > hate morohlne , t > er oj. | i.-:5 ; sulPtiur tx tt.4cstrychnine : \ , , IAJNTS ix OIL Whiw lead. Omatia.P 1 6vfp ; white lead , St. Loulg , pure. Ic ; Ma tellies , croon , l Ib cans , 3c ; frencn tin creen seal , I2c ; French zinc , red seal. IV Krenoh tine. In yamlsh utt. 'Mo ; Kent rlnc.75c : vermllllon , English , In oil. 75 red. lOc : ro e pink. 14C ; Venetian red , Coo 8on' , 2 fe : Venetian red. An orlc ii. 1U red lead , "Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20 chrome jeflow , K. 12c ; ochre , rochelle. 3 cc&re , French , stfc ; ocbre , " IKc ; Winter's mineral..2 r ; Lenigh biovrn , 2S'c ; Spanish brown , ? s'c ; prince's Klucral , Kc HIDES Oreo n butrbcrs. 6JVCOc ; green cured. 7c : dry lllnt , HWlSc ; drv salt , 9 10c ; creep calf skins , , , "cr damaged I ides , two-thirds price , i allow We. Oroaso Prime white , c ; yellow , 2 c ; brown , ' 'c. Sheen Pelts. 25 < a7f > c. > brintTS ColocnoBlilrlM. x S oroof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , Sl.U ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.11 ; do Ibis proof. 81.0H. Alcohol. 183 proof , S2.10 per wluo callon. Kodlstllled whiskies , Sl.OO tl.50. .tlln , blended .fiosj l'oo : Kentucky bourbon S'J.DOcito.OO , Kentucky - tucky and Pennsylvania ryes. 3-2.OOV40.fio ; Golden sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 81.V ) . < ? " > .oo. llrniidles.ilmported , 85.008.r > 0 : domestic , 81.axj3.oo. tiins. Imported , 84.W ( < ? 0.00 : domestic , Jl.2rinW.oo. ClmmpBRnps , imjmtted. Dor cnse S2S.oo < 333.00 ; American , red ca o. S10.OOuJlfl.00. HKAVT llAnnwAitn-iron , rate 82.sjj plowstfelMicclarcast,4'iccruelblesteclOXc ; ; cast tools , do. lai1 ! waiton spokes , pel set , 82.00(33.50 ( ; hubs , per bet. 51.2'i ; telloes. sawed dry , 81.50 ; tongues , each. ic : nxi-K each. 75csauaio : nuts. Per Ib. fll(371o ( : cell wire. In car lots. S4.oo per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates. 10 to 60. 8 UO ; steel nails , 82.-0. Shotl.W ; buckshnt. ; Ha7. n if powder , kegs. S5.00 ; do. half kegs , S2.7.'i ; do. quarter kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 5'j.iu ; fuse , per 10 feet.G5c. Lead bar. Sl Grocer' * List. PioKi.ns Mi'dium , in bbls , s < ? .00 ; do , In half bills 81.50 ; sm.ill , in bbls , Si'.OO ' ; dn , In halt bbls , S\00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 81U.OOdo ; , In half bbls , SJ. ' > o. tiraniilated , 0fi40J c ; cotif. Afi@ 0' ' < c ; white extra C,55 < fi < 5\eo\tra : C , Msoj 5hc : yellow C,4i 4Ke : cut loat , 0& < 2Gfc ? ; powdered. OJ < ( } Tc. COFFEKS Ordinary grades , T7' ' Qlec fair I'-GSl-Hcjprlme.liW c ; choice , ll@l > 'Ko ' ; fancy green and yellow. U'i ( { Ic ; old eov- : lied Cross , 2\c. : CANNF.ndoons-Oysters.standard iercase , S3.1.rxjt3.2.'j : strawberries , 21b. per case. 8J.30 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , porcascS2. 5i > u.i5 ; Califor nia pears , per case , 54.50 ; apricots , per casa , 84.50 ; uenchos , pi"- case , 85.00 ; white cher ries , p r case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , 5'J.fl'i ' ; blueberries porcasc. 81.b5 ; otK plums , 2 Ib , per case , 52.W. plneapnlns a ID , per case 83.20 ( 5.75 ; 1 Ib nihokerel. per doz , 81.40 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , 81.50 ( 1.55 ; 3 ID , goose berries , per case. 81.75 ; 2 Ibstrinz Deans , per case , SI. " " ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 81.60 ; 2 Ib marrowfat po. s , porcase. Si , ' 0 2.50 ; 3 llj early J line peas , per case. 82.75 ; 3 Ib toma toes. 52. 0(32. ( 0:21b.coruS..40r$3.r > 0. MATCHES Per caddie. 2x5 ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule square. 81.20. Smup-No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.2-1..0 ; New Orleans per Kallon 88(1(400 ( ( ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , per doz. 810.0U ; hall gallon cans , per dor. 85.50 ; quart cans , S3.0u. ToiiArro l'aig Climax , : > ! i ; her = o shoe , ! 7 ; star , : 5 : J. T..3I ; .spear head , 37 ; iiu-rry war , 25 ; robin rnlT , .C ; happy thought , HO ; Pmcr-lU'hWck , ( V ) . OANDY-MixPd. 8KSnc ( : stick. SKQO c. CRACKF.HS Oarncau's soda , butter and picnic. 5 > c ; creams , Jc ; ginger snaps , o > c ; city Bodx 7 ' . Dry liuinlier. DIUENBIONS AND TIMtlEttS. 12 It 11 ft 1(1 ( ft IS ft 20 fib ! It Sft 2X4 | 17.MI7.5017.rl 18.50 10.BO 22.BO . . . . 218 . 17.53 17.50 17.50 18.W lU.nO 22.60 22. JO Zi8 . ! l7.B017.5J17.M ( 18.60 22.50 XxlO . < 17.SO 17.M17.fiO 18.60 22.50 .17.5J . 17.60 17.50 18.60 , ' llE.tO 1 .50I9.60 | 19.60 0 60 l'30ll2y.OO ! uoAiins. No. l , com , sis ! . ' Sio.r.0 No. 2 , com , s 1 s \ 17.50 No. 4 , com , sis W.M ) FINCINO. : No. 1 , 4 & 0 in , 12 & 14 ft , rough 810.00 No. 2 " " , 15.00 SIUI.VO. A , 12,14 and 10 ft 88 .00 , 20.50 C , " " " 15.00 1 > , " " " . . . . , 13.00 cniUXO AN1 > I'AHTITION. 1st com. , * { In White Pine Colling 834.00 Clear , X In. Norway Pine Colling 10.00 FLOORING * A 6 Inch , white pine. 835.00 C . ' . E" " " ' ( SelFeu'g ) 10.50 STOCK BOARDS. A12lnchs. Is 845.00 No. 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. & 14 20.00 ' " " 10 ft 19.00 No.3 " " " " l & 14ft , . . . . 18.00 ' " " " " 16 tt 17.00 FINISHING. 1st and 2d , clear , 1 IncH , . s. a s 850.00 Sd , clear. 1 Inch. s. a s S 1 , IH. 2 In 45.00 B select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s 30 ; 1X,1X1 In 37.00 POSTS. White Cedar , C In. . HS 12c ; 0 DATTKNS * 1'ICKKTS. O. G. Batts , 2K In. . 70c ; } < x3 , s. l s 4Ue Pickets , D and 11 Hat 821.00 LIME , ETC. Qulncy whlto llmo ( bes ) Sl.CO Akron cement 1.05 llalr 30 BIIIP I.AP. No. 1 , plain , Sand 10in 819.00 No. 1. plain. andlOln 17.00 MORTH- n WKTERN WW nAILWAY.J The only rondtotake for Des Homes Mar- ihalltown , Cedar Kapldi , Clinton , Dlxon , Chica go , Milwaukee and all points envt. To the pea- plo of Ifebrntkn , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington nnd Cnll- forula , It otr ri superior ndvantufcs not posll- bio by any other lino. Among a few of the numerous point * of iu < porlorlty enjoyed by the pntroni o ( this rood between Omaha ana Chicago , nre lt ( two trains udnr of DAY COACUKS , which are the flneat thnt humRn an and Imrenultr can create. Itt 1'ALACKBLEBl'INQCAHS. which are models of comfort and elegance. Its 1'Alt LOU DUAW. 1NU IIOOM CAHS , unnurnnssed by any , and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHS the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere At Council Blutfa the trains of the Union Pacific Ity. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chicago Ic Northwpitorn Ity. In Chicago the trnlna of this line muke close connection with tlioBo of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbtn , Indlnnnpolls , Clncln- nnti , Niagara Falls , Buffalo. Plttsburjr.Toronto , Montreal , Hoiton , New VorK , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington and all points : a the east , ask for a ticket via the "NOHTHWKSTKBN. " If you wl b the best ncoommodation. All ticket agents sell tickets via this line. H. HUaHITT. . P. WILSON , GenU Manager , RonL Paai'r Agent Chicago , 111. W. M. BABCOOK , L. B. BOLLES. Western Agent. ' City Poss'r Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. UnionTrustCo ilOSS. 15lli Sl.i Omulm , i Capital , - $300,000 Made on Heal Entitle. School , County anil Municipal lionib Nc cotiatcd. \V i. A. PAXTON , L. II. WILLIAMS. Preiidcnt. Vtcn Pros. Hour. L. GAnuciis , F. I ) . JOIINUON , Beorotary. Treasurer. UIUKCTOllB : Wu. A. PAXTON , HKNIIY T. CI.AIIKC , W. a. Mut , . I. 1) ) . WILLIAMS. Hour. L. UARunip. s. U. JOHNSON , F. 11. JOIINHON. r- I U _ _ _ when fT f curt f3 not rosin i . = . tlms and th o ! . ? tb m r lurn usln. ! rsdicil tilr I hiT m > d th. dlwu * of rifi tflLtnr n FALUN U filCKNIM a llflonf studr. Iwsnul niTr mdj teen tu worst cuss. B ciai others bus Wield U oo nttoa lei St I not DovnMlTlicaeurr. a datoapifor atnMlMMds r. I Fr * IolU at m , Infslllkl * nmttf. llf twfntt anil fcxl X * Cffle * UtosMi ui f r ! . - - B I - - A44nisr. sUrf. WOT , LINCOLN , NEB , Ten llallruaus , nnd more are coining. 150 Trnlna Dally. SE Si ? J5y III 2 | H .C IF : an , -cs- si 5 = = a J-tato unlver'lty , Weslcynn Unlicrflty.Stato Capl- tnl. Mo t of the Hiiflnc I.ot have douMcd In price In the liut M month" . Acrc-l'iml nlthlnjmllei uf the iltjr , lneren rd over tno hundrpd percent. Lincoln l the nrpHti' l H llrotvl Ccntar of ll ntn In the world , llrlik liliick < p.i > Sto'Jilpercrnt. Vncint loti hutI'Mprauvil 1UJ per cent per unnum on lint < ii srcat illotrltiiitlnir point. Some wholo- plli'ilcilprt linvi'Mink'prliici'lr furtunp4. llnlldlnK uoliiu up In nil illrei HOIK. lln lnOM con- rrHtlyKnutl. It uikcr , retail merclmnf , iiiccliunliii etc. , Kcttlnnrich. OBOPSEY & CO. A. J. . Itnom .11 , Itlflnirtls Itlofli , eal Estate Agents & Loan Bro hers Hnvc for nalo brick block > , lrisnio lot" , nil kind * of ri'iil p tntp. 1 , ' . ' , 5,10,25,40 , N ) , 3AI nndC.IO aero tracts fnrm * niul rhcnp tiind < . MONKV LOANIID. INVKSTMKXTS MAIlK. lir.K lUIKNCKHl Klrst nnd Lincoln Nutlnn Ilankv.CoTernorTIi user , Juiluo Cobb , ( tor. Dr.J , CrclKht on , Llnco'ci Scnuur S.M. . Cuilum , lllluo and Uenonil Hon. IIrrlaj , In II in CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicap.Milwaub&SlPaulR'y . ' The Beat Route from Omaha anil Council Bluffs to THE ELA.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Bluffs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids , Rock Island , Frccport , Roekford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsville , Bcloit , Winona , La Crosse , And at ! other Important points East , Northtnit nnd tjmilhcnst. For through tickets cull on the Ticket A ont at 1401 Furnnra street , ( In Puxton hotel ) , or at Union I'aci0oli > pot. I'ullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars la the world are run on tlio nmln lines of the CIIICAQO , MILWAUKEE & BT. I'AUI , UAIL.WAY , nnd everj attention la paid to patstngers by courteous employes of the company. 1C MILLER. Qonornl Mimaier. J , F. Tuonan , AsalPtnnt Ooneral Manager. A. V. K. CARI-ENTLH , General Pawonger and Ticket A sent. GF.O. K. HKAFFonn , Assistant Ooneral Fat- longnr anil Ticket Atront. J. T.CI.AUK. General Superintendent. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements. 'CHURCHILL P Wholesale Denier lu Aarrlciiltiiral linplcttients , Wnjrons , C rl KC > nud Hiu-pli" . Jones street , tulwiun Vtb Mill loth , Omaha , Nob. LINING Ell .lr METCALF CO. , Agricultural IniploiiK'iits , Wagoni.Carrliud' . lliigxle * . lllc. , Wholesale , Om..ha LKE , JFH1KD c CO. , Jobbers of Himlwnro uiul Nulls , Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Aconts fur Ilowp St.ilos , uiul lllarul rnwilcri o..omMmr > t'li. ' PAH LIN , Olt ENItOIt F.K MARTIN Wholesale Dealers In Agt'iculim'ul Implpuicuts , ( V Konmml HiipBles. mill OT , Jono at Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos ami Organs , ii3 Houiiln * Mri'ot , OiiiRhtv. Builders' Hardware and Scales. Bullih'i'a'Himlwiire & Scale Kt-pnir Shop Mechanics' Tools niul lluffslo Scales. 1U ( Douglas ill , ( > Ouiahn , Neb. Boats and Shoes. A IERICAN if ND SHOE COMPANY , Manufacturers iiul Wholesale Uuiilera lu Hoots mill Shoes , Complete utock nt Itublier Hoods always on hand Ml . ISlusl. , Onmua.Ncb , A T. Austin , Agent. w. r. MOUSE ct ; co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. llll Karnamst , Omaha , Nob. MiHitlfncIory , Suinmot street , lln tnn. ItTTTL INDSEY dTCV . Wholcsalo Itubbor Boot * ami Shoes Hulilior mid OIliM Ulotlilnir niul I i-lt Hoots iinU Shoos. Southeast Comer lllb. und Beer. M. KEATING , Agt. for Anheuscr-tiush lrowin ? { ; Ass'n Kl'cclnl ' Brands. Fnuit , Iliutwclser nncl ErUnncr. STOltZ C JLER , Lager Hpor Brewers , 1M1 North 1'th Street , Omaha , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Hntcliers' Tools and Supplies , Jausuito Casings of all kinds nlwnjs In Block. 1J15 Jones at.Omaha Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE BROS. cC CO. , Omaha Corruo and Spice Mil IB. Teas.Ooffeoi , Spleen. HuklnK 1'owder. FlivorlnzKc * tracts , l-aunJry Illue. Ink. Ktr. H11-1C ll hiruetOmaha. Nob. GAT US. COLE iO MILES , Home Coflpo and Splro Mills M'f'g Co. Cci'-TeoRoantcraaud Split ) Grinders , llanufaiturcrs of llaklnt I'cutder. l-h\'irlni ; iitract : , { lining. Ktr Tri one i 'f or our 1 1t > pncknuo IloineUUnd HoastaJ Oiffco. ItifT llownrd * t . omnbn Nob. Cornice. .lohn Eponctor , 1'rop. Hanafaeturer of ( lalvanlrod Iron nn-1 Cornice. 823 Dodge and 103 and 105 N , 10th > - . Omaha , Neb. ItUEML'lXG Jt 11OLT13 , Man\ifacturcrs of Ornamental ( ialvauizcd Cornices , Dormer Windows , Klnnls.MetnllcbkjIliitit.etc. 3108. 12t'j < t , ( Mnaba. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cornlcp , etc. Bpoct'slmprtivcd Pat ent Metallc kylllht. HW und 510 h I3tli > t..Onmhi > . Carpets. OMAHA. CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , CurtaiiiH , Oil Cloths , J.luolcuran , MattliiKS. Ktc. 1511 Doug'ai ' Btrurt. S. A. OR CJUARlJ Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlnf i , Curtain Uood * . Kto. 1123 fctreet , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lampi , Cblmneis , etc. Office , 317 South ISth it , Umaha , Nob. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and .lobbing. Bntter , EKES and 1'roduco. Conilicnmcnts solicited. Ileadquartnra for btunewero , llerry Ilozrs and tirnpo Ilaskuti. 1411 IoiIgebtrc'etJmali . PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Onmlia , Neb. WTE Storage and Commission Merchant. BpcclultlCi Iluttor , KfE . Chvcsc. Ponltrr. Uamo , Ojriters , Ktc. , Ktc. 112 Soutli Hlh strret. WIEDEMAN cO CO. , Produce Commission Merrhants , Poultrj , nutter , Cinme , Jiulti , etc. 230 0. llthit Omaha. Neb , Coal ana * Lime. OKU. t. jMHAnii , 1'rei. C. F. HOODMAN , V. I'let. J. A. SUNIHUI.AND , Bee. and Treas. OMAHA COAL , COKE A LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. Xfl South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. , / . , T. JOHNSON l > CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And Shipper * of Conl and Coke , Cement , 1'lanter , IJme , Hair. Flro Brick , Drain , Til * and Sewer Pipe. CMHcu. Piixton Ilotut. rarnum it. , Orn\ha , NMb. Telcimono hi I. Confectionery , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers ot FruitsNuts nnd duals. 1211 Farimm BU Ouialm. Cigar * and Tobacco. MAX 'MEYER CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Ouni and Ammunition , 215 to223 8. llthit , , 1030 to FarnamslOmilia.Neb. WEST C fJtJTSCHEIt , ManufactnrerB of Fine Cigars , And Wholoalo Dealers In I.cnf Tubnccui , Nos.108 nudllUN. Mth street , Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH tl ) CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 11U2 and 1104 Douttlas , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Kplrlts. Importer ! and Jobbers of Wines unl Liquors. WILLOIVSPRINGS DISTILLE'JL CO. and JLER < B CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Fine Wines and I.l'iuorg ' Bole rnanufaeturtmof Kennedy' " Kait India lilt- ters and Dotnei'lc I Iquon. 1112 llnrney ft. Drain Tile , Etc. A , . II.BACiii.Prri. J.W.nrrFnnn.8ec.ATr ai 11. J. CAUflON , V.l'ren. und hupt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office 213 p. 14th it. Omaha. Neb. Machinery an < Supplies forManufaoturliiu Cument Drain Tile. ELEVATORS. W , Koni.HS , l > . 8. I'tUB. KHTAIlt.lRlir.DlRTn. VkO-l'lt'8. OMAHA ELEVATOR and GltAIA COMPANY. Jobbers and Storers of Grain. Shipments of ilualoro solicited nnd siulnfnclloi RUiirnntoed Dinitlin , .S'i'li. Furniture. D EH'J5lri"fSTONE ( , Wholcsalo Dealers in Furniture. Kurna'n ft. , Omaha , Neb , CTlARLES SlIll'EItlCK , Furniture , liedding , Ujiholstery , Mirrors , etc , 1206. HM and mo Furnam t. , Omahl Oinafia Jobbers' ' Directory. Groceries. Wholcsalo ( irocoriod and I'rnvfoions , . Nob. McCORD , Il.KADYA CO. , Wholesale Grocers , IJtn mill I.Oftvonirnrtti i > t , , Oinntm. Hardware. W. iBROA TCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron niul Slccl , Springs , \V Koni Mark. lUrclir.iro Lumber , to. 1300 mill nil llarnoy M. . onmlm. EDNEYtf GIBBON , Wholesale Iron iiml Steel , Wn/on / nmU'iurliiKo Wood Sloci , llonvy llnrdwiirA Kic. IJU uiuli lini l.civru\ronli n. , unmtin , Neb. MILTON RoTrERN fsONS" ' Stoves , Kntiiros , Knrnncr'J , Tiles , MantU-i , Urnles , llrust Ooods. 1.S1 auU 132,1 Farni : Iron Works. fAXTON ' Iron Works , Work K. II. JlrMANlTS. O. M'LLIVAN. OMAHA U'lIlE 0 IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Ire and Iron Hailing * , Desk Halls , Window tunrd ! , l'lo cr StnnilVlro HUni , Kin 12.1 N. Mth. Urdcra by mull promptly iittcndL-dt * . Lumber. OMAHA T AIM HER CO. , Dollar. . All Kinds of building Alntorliil at Wliolesp.lo. 19th Street nnd Union 1'acltlo Truck , Omaha. LOUIS U Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , ICto. Yardi-CornerTth and Douglas ; Corner Uth and Douglas. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 814 S. 14th street , Omaha , Neb. f.Colpctter , Manager. C. NrmETZ , ' Lumber. ' 15th and California ftrcf t , Omaha. Neb. JRED W. GRAY , li nmber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Cth and DousUj its. , Omaha. Nui. HO AG LAND , Lumber. T. W. HARYEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1103 Faniam streetOmaha. CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumbe ; , Vood Carpets and 1'arquet Flooring. Bth and Dotiflaf JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported nnd Ami'rlcnn I'ortlnnd Cement. Ptat * Agent forilllwnukco Hydraulic Cement und Host ( Julncjr White Lime. Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Uf Omaha. Limited. Johu K. Boyd , B'lpcrtntotdtnt. Liirs Stock Commission. M. BUR JUS ( ! NONS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Ilurko , MansRer Onion Stock Yards. H. Omaha. Teltpbone 58J. SAVAGE & GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , IhlpmcnU of nny and all klndi of Stock solicited. Union Stock Yard t , Omaha , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER 0 CO. , Importers and Jobberi of Millinery and Notions , 1)13and 1315 Ilarney Sheet , Omaha , Nob. Notions. J. T. MOBINSON NOTION CO.\ \ Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Furnishiiip ; Goods , 403 and 40j 8. Tenth St. , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD T/Tl NUFACTURiNO COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1102 and 1101 Douglas BtreeL Ouiahn , .Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of Pniier B.llthSl. , Umaan , Nsbraika. Order * by mllii lloltvdand wlllrei lTt rami > l attaatlon. Printing. REES 1'RINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And IJook Hinders. 101 and JOB Kouth Fourteenth street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIOH Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type , Proses and Printers' Supplies. 609 houtu Twelfth Htrcct. Pumps , BROWNELL 0 CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers In urines , Hollers & ( ieneriil Miiphinery Bhuet Iron work , Stoum l'iinin/.Suw MllK Acmi bhiiftlnu , Dodge Wood split Pulluyt , tklllnv. eta , Alsowanons , scraporsand balollos. Tcnworthst. Ouiuha RECTOR C WILHELMY CO. , AVholesalo Hardware. Western ncents for Jolfcrvon Htcel Nails , Austli Po dirL'u , l-iilrbank * blnndnrd l-calcs. Corner lUlh nnd Ilnrnnr , Umaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale FumpB , rijie , Flttlnirs , Btenmnnd Water Kuppllos. Hcniliiunrtcrs fir Mail ' oo-ln. 1(11 ( larnnm n. . Ouinhn. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COM I'A NY. IJMIartnr Wind Mllis : rleam nnd Wi.tcr Pupnllei , ibltiK Coo-In , lIcltlnK , llruo. Vl unit VM fat- iiani St. , Oinnhit , B. K. Ki'llun , Mucimier. Tflciihnnu Nu.'IO. A. L. STRA NG CO. , PIIIUIIS , I'lpcH anil Kiitfiiips. Steam , Wnler , Itnllnay and Jlllllni ; Supplier. EtO , W ) , IWand V2t t urnuiu t .Otijiinn , Neb. . Safes , Etc. P. BOYER 0 CO. , Agents for Hull's SaTo & Lock Co.s * Flro ami lluncltr Proof Ssfoi. Tlma Locks , Vault * and Jail Work. ItUJ ( nriinm struet Omahn , N t ) . O. ANDREEN , Omaha Sufo WorkH. Mnnufnctnrcrsor Flro and Ilurelar Proof Safes , UoorJ.Jall WnrkShutters ami Wire Work. Cor. Hill ami Jackson bis. , Omtlm , No b , Sash , Doors , Etc. M.A. DINBItOWtC CO. , Wbolcialo Mnnufaclurcn of , DOOI-H , Jilliuls uiul Moulilinfifa , I Ilranch oSlce.nili ana linrd ft . , Onsh.Vt' . BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MonlJ'jiui.SlBlr ' Work and Intoilorllnrd WooJ Mnl * Just oponeil. N. K.I or. Bin anil LvaTenwoitlibl * . Omaha , Neb.