Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1887, Page 2, Image 10

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    aaQftTiSt.i 'jta ' M Ma M
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Another Good Day's Racing at the Louisville -
ville Spring Meeting.
The Omalin Club Still Maintains Its
Record of Defeat at Hantlng ? Na
tional IjonRito nntl Associ
ation Games.
Tlio Louisville Spring Meeting.
Lontsvit.u : , May 12. The second day of
the LoulsvillQ spring inoetliiK wllnussstl
Aome eood raclni ; , The time was excellent
and the Holds large. Six thousand i > coi > lo
were present.
First race , five furlongs , Louisville ladles'
stake , for two-year-old llllles : The starters
were Connlo 1) ( Ulaylock ) , Amelia 1'
urner ) , Log Anicolci ( Weil ) , Wlnona
( Ciildwcll ) , Kmporla ( llogan ) , Miss Ituth
( L. Jones ) , OuUtct ( Arnold ) , Kitty ( Sun
( Withers ) , Leontlne ( Isaac Lewis ) , Frederica -
erica ( Uuchanan ) , The Crow ( Thayer ) ,
Zuhlan , Ocean ( Stoval ) , Lilly Virgil * ( Kin-
nogan ) . Each carried il'J pounds. The
Crow ran oirthreo miles this morning and
was scratched in the race. After several
false starts they got oil with a good start ,
Klttlo dun In the lead , Los Angeles next.
At head of the scratch Wlnona was ilrst , Los
Angeles second. Kittle Gtm third. They
raced thin way to the wire. Los Angelas
won by a length. Wlnona two lengths in
front of Ocean. Time 1:5J.
Second race , one and three-eighths mite :
Starters Athlono ( Vincent ) 107 , Aristocrat
( Uerhardy ) 107 , Jauuflrt ( llathwajr ) 00.
Aristocrat ami Aihlono worn oil lirst. PassIng -
Ing the irrand stand Athlono and Aristocrat
lapped and 0,11110 thus all the way around to
tne throe-quarter pole , when Jaubcrt was
Riven Ills head and came aloni ? and won
easily by two lengths , Aristocrat second , a
licnd In front of Athlono. Time 2:5J. :
Third race , Ulxlana handicap for three-
year-olds and upwards , one nnd one-quarter
mile : The starters were O'Fallon ( Vln-
cent ) 103 , Comedlo ( Kelly ) UO. ( Jroy Cloud
'Johnson ) 110 , Long Light ( Ilatliaway ) 110 ,
iVolioo ( daldwoll ) 107 , Lucky H. IMurpliy )
118. Jacobin ( Harris ) 1W. O'Kullon led the
crowd all the way to the head of the stretch ,
where Jacobin c ime forward and held tlio
vosltion , O'Fnlhm second , Lucky li. third ,
ml Walioo fourth. Time : < > / .
Fourth race , three-quarters mlle dash ,
for three-year-olds nnd upwards : The
starters wore Estrella , Modestv , Kuphony ,
Alarcy Alack , Casble , Colonel Owens , Hed-
ntonn , Allegheny. IHnzeban , ( ilenban , Tom
Uerllu , Dark Hall , Miss Cleveland. Little
Mlncli. Maicy Mack Rot oft lirst. with Tom
JJnrlln second , tlio rest In a bunch. At the
three-quarters Littlu Minch came to the front
and stayed there , but the judges decided
Modesty lirst , with lilayloclc up , and Colonel
Owens , ridden by Turner , second. Time
Fifth race , one and one-eighth mlle : The
Dtarters wcro Uncle Dan , Vulante , Major
Walker , Jennie McFarIaiitl\Varyl.ovanUine \
and Foster. Major Walker lead by a length
part of tlio time , but Volantevastno winner
ofter a close race , with Wary second , Foster
third. Timc-l:5GX. :
Racing In Maryland.
Bxr.TiMonn , May 12. The weather was
bright and the track In fair condition. The
following Is the summary :
Three-quarters mile : Britannic won , Jen
nie 1) ) second , I'atrloclos third. Time llGJ : < f.
One and a quarter miles , for three-year-
old tillles : Lizzie linker won. Mangle Mitch
ell second , Queen Elizabeth third. Time
Bl3Jf. :
Mile : BulT.ilo won. Vassal Holding second
end , Macelo third. Tlmo-l :44 : < l.
One and an eighth miles , all ages : Tollo
Dee won. Adonis second , Enigma third.
Time 2:13. :
One and a .sixteenth miles : Fat Shcody
vron , Franklo B second , Olender third.
Tlme-l:51K. : _
Another Story of Defeat.
IIASTINOB , Neb. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Notwithstanding the
inuddycondltlon of the grounds a ( Inn ( tame
was played between the Omaha and Hast
ings teams , resulting in a victory for the lat
ter by a score of 11 to 4. Hastings outplayed
the visitors at every point. The fielding on
both sldea was excellent. Houseman was
batted trecly , the home team hitting him for
four home runs. The following was the
score by Innings :
Hustings . 4 00331 o ll
Omaha . 0 010003 4
The Kamo was called In the eighth Inning
on account of rain.
Huns earned Hastlncs 8.
Two-base hits Kbrlght , Walsh , Honrko.
Home runs Keinsole , Itelslng , Ebrigut ,
Wehrlo and Walsh.
Umpires Hurley and llarter.
Tlrno-l:45. :
National League Games.
riTTSuuuo , May 12. The result of thn
contest between the Plttsburp nnd Indian
apolis teams to-day was as follows :
rittsburg . 4 00000003 7
Indianapolis . 0 00000000 0
I'itchors ( ialvln and Uoylo. Base hits
I'lttsburg 15 , Indianapolis 4. Krrora 1'ltts-
burg 2 , Indianapolis 4. Umpire Quest.
CiuoAooMay 11. The game between Chicago
cage and Indianapolis to-day resulted as fol
lows :
Chicago . 0 0321011 3 10
Detroit. . 0 03131000 s
Pitchers Clarkson and ( ietzeln. Base
hits Chicago 18 , Detroit 11. Errors-Chicago
4 , Detroit 3. Umpire llengln.
BOSTON , May 11. The game between the
Boston and Philadelphia teams to-day re
sulted as follows :
Jrtostou . . . . . .1 0305000 5 10
Washington . 0 00230011 7
1'itchrrs Kadbourno and Shaw. Base hits
Boston 21 , Washington 19. Krrora Boston
8 , Washington 0. Umpire Powers.
PIIH.ADKI.PIIIA , May 12. The game be
tween New York and Philadelphia to-day
resulted as follows :
New York . 0 00000100 1
Philadelphia . 0 00000000 0
Pitchers Keefo and Casey. Base hits
KowYorkfl , Philadelphia 4. Errors Now
York 2 , Philadelphia 5. Umpire-WIUon.
The American Association.
CINCINNATI. May 12. The game to-day
between Cincinnati and Metropolitan re
sulted as follows :
Cincinnati . 1 0212000 0
Metropolitan . 0 140001 7 1'J
Eight innings. Pitchers Sorad and Mays.
Base lilts Cincinnati 12 , Metropolitan 25.
Errors Cincinnati 7 , Metropolitan 2. Um
pire Valentino.
LOUISVII.I.K , May 12. The game between
Louisville and Athletic to-day resulted as
folows :
Louisville . 1 0010002 0 4
Athletic. . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Pitchers Hecker and Howard. Base hits
Louisvlllo 11 , Athletic 7. Krrors Louis
ville 3 Athletic 2. Umplro Cuthbert.
ST. Louis Mav 12. The game between
Bt. Louis and Baltimore to-day resulted as
follows :
St. Louis . 0 10113301 4-22
Baltimore . 0 o o o 10 3 o i 0 0-14
Pitchers Csruthors'and Knouff and Purcell -
cell , Base hlts-St. Louis : U ) , Baltimore 19.
Krrors St. Louis 5 , Baltimore 8. Umpire
Ci.KVKt.Axi > , May 13. The result of the
played by the homo team and the
fame to-day is as follows :
Cleveland . 1 0500230 1 1C
Brooklyn . 2 1141053 -17
Pitchers Crowell and Porter. Base hits
Cleveland 14. Brooklyn 28. Errors Cleve
land 5 , Brooklyn 14. Umpire Knl ht ,
Yell I UK Tor Chicago's Victory.
When the ilgures of the IJotroIt-Chlcaso
ball game were posted at the Turf Exchange
last evening about twenty men , who had
placed their money on the western champ-
tons of ISSfi. went wild and yelled themselves
hoarse. The unusually brilliant successes
of the Detroit club had led to considerable
betting upon the result of their lirst nipt'tlng
with the Clilcagos. Money was freely otteri-d ,
810 to 50 , on Detroit yesterday. Several men
who accepted these bets realized quite hand-
Borne returns , _ _ _ _ _
The New Illcyclo Track.
The now bicycle track at Jho base ball
park is approaching completion. It will
to twenty fcot wide , nearly a quarter ol
ft ruilo in circumference , and made of
bard rolled clay. It will measure four
md a half laps to the mile , eighteen
fnches.frow the polo. The truck will be
opened on the second weak in June with
class races for both amateurs and pro
fessionals. The races will bo held in the
2:50 : , 3:10 : and 3:30 : class * : ? . Gold medals
will bo jjlvon to thu amateurs and cash
prizci to the professionals. Training
tickets will bo issued. Dressing rooms
and lockers are to bo constructed at the
track so that all conveniences will bo
i'rlnco Meant Krom.
John S. Prince said yesterday :
"O'Lcary lias been making a good ilenl
of talk about a race hotwcon him and
mo , ho to ride a horse nnd I a bicycle.
The only race I will make will bo ono for
twenty-live miles for $100 a side , he to
rldu the same horse tlio full distance. I'm
not such u fool as to think any bicycler
can boat a horse for ten or fifteen miles. "
Licensed to Wed.
Judge McUulloch has issued marriage
licenses to the following parties :
Name. Ilesldencc. Ace
t Charles Dlucrr Omaha 'M
\ Miss MlnneSchwarzIander.Omaha 1 ! )
j Simon Hlscman Omaha 22
I Miss Belle Llavnsten Omaha 17
j Joseph O. Leo Omaha 2:1 :
j Miss Lllllo B. AIJUO Omaha 21
It Looked Very Much ns If This Dog
Understood and Itcnsonod.
Christian Advocate : Mr. Harold Doll-
ncr , a native of Denmark , and for many
years consul general of Denmark in this
city , nnd a portion of the time acting
minister of that kingdom , and well
known to business mim as the head of
tiio firm of Dollner , Potter & Co. , of New
York , for many years resided in Brooklyn
in a mansion of the old style situated on
Washington avenue in thu midst of what ,
for a city , are largo grounds. Ho al
ways took a great interest in his Jlowcrs ,
trees and vegetables , and the heart of the
city raised the very linest kinds of pump
kins. Ho also kept two or three dogs
one a house dog , another of thu spaniel
variety , and the third a powerful mas
tiff. The muatltt was always chained
near the stable and not far from thu rear
entrance to the premises.
In a certain autumn the pumpkins
which were produced in Sir. Dollnur's
garden wcro of such extraordinary dize
and beauty , that they excited the cupidity
of a personwho stele two of the largest of
them and took thorn to the horticultural
exhibition , where ho entered thorn as his
own , and actually took the premium for
them. This so raised Mr. Dolluer'o in
dignation that ho instructed his gardmier
to take off tlio largest of those which re
mained and deposit them in the cellar ,
lest they also should bo stolon. At thn
same time ho told him to sot the mastiff
loose , so that if anvbody else came in at
night to steal the pumpkins the dog
would attack him. Pursuant to this order
the pardoner worked all the afternoon
taking off the linest of the pumpkins ,
which he carried up onn by ono , piling
them near the cellar door , until ho had
finished , when ho convoyed thorn into the
cellar. About suusot ho unchained the
This dog had watched the performance
of the gardener , and during the night ho
gnawed off the largest of the remaining
pumkins and carried them ono by ono to
the collar door , where ho piled them up
and stood iniard over them until the uoxt
morning , when , as the cook ; arose and
opened the kitchen door , with an ex
pression of great , delight the animal
wagged his tail , looked up for approba
tion , and wont away. The next night he
gnawed off every thing from the si/.e of a
ha/el nut upwanl and carried them
to the cellar door as before. A few days
afterward , when the person suspected of
having stolen the pumpkins , who had al
ways been friendly with him , entered ,
the mastiff sprang upon him with the
utmost rage.
Mr. Dollngorwas living when wo wrote
the above , it was then sent to him with
the request that ho would certify to its
truth if he could , or alter it till ho could
conscientiously attest it. A few weeks
before his death was received our last
communication from him :
July 12. itm L certify that theaccouutglven
by Dr. Buckley of my pumpkins and my dog
is true In every particular.
It is plain that the mastiff had never
seen such a operation boforo. Ho there
fore must have comprehended it by an
effort of the mind , hold it through the
entire night , worked upon it , contem
plated it as a complete act , and surren
dered the pumpkins to the family when
they arose. Yet , of course , ho failed to
comprehend the reason , or to distinguish
the value of the ripe from the green
pumpkins. Ho also obviously connected
the man who had in his sight stolen the
pumpkins , with the deed.
At the time this was told the writer ,
there were six witnesses living the gar
dener , two servants in thn house , nnd the
owner of the establishment , his wife ,
and their son.
Another Shrewd Scheme of the Mean ,
Deceitful Book Aguut.
Dakota Bell : Mrs. Dollinger , a Sioux
Falls lady , who lives on Twelfth street ,
hoard a rap at the front door the other
afternoon and responded to find a very
distinguished-looking gentleman , ex
tremely dignliied and handsome.
Ah ! Mrs. Uolliuger , I believe , " ho said.
"Yes , sir. "
"My name is Harcourt. I live at Hu
ron. Mrs. Scott of that place is your
sister , is she not ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"Ah , yes , I am very well acquainted
with her. She requested mo to call and
do a little errand for her. "
Oh , yes ; won't you stop in , Mr. Har-
court ? "
"Thank you , I believe I will. Very line
weather wc'ro having.1
"Yes , sir , Take the easy chair. "
"Thank you ; pray don't put yourself
to any trouble on mv account. "
"Certainly not. Was my sister well ! "
"Quito well. I am pleased to say. By
the way , Mrs. Dollingor , I have u little
work hero which I would like to show ,
as I am sure you would bo interested in
it. It is called 'Daniel m the Lion's Don , '
and ia by the Kov. Thomas U. Deuteronomy
enemy , and it comes in twelve parts , ox-
nuisitoly bound in cloth , leather or extra
Russia , is finely illustrated , and should
bo in every library , and 1 am taking hun
dreds of orders , as you can sco by ex
amining this order book , and everybody
Is wild over it , and ail pronounce it the
most wonderful book written since tlio
Holy Scriptures. It treats of Daniel in
ten stages ; when he started to go into the
den , when ho got a little further inwhen
ho got clear in , when the lions cauio up
to examine him , while they were
making their purvey , while
they retired to consult together ,
when they decided a post-mortem would
bo necessary , when they announced the
result to Daniel , when ho convinced them
that he would not consent to an autopsy ,
when the lions got out and Daniel got out
embellished with numerous cuts , plans ,
maps and beautiful steel engravings ,
comes at $1 a part or $1 * forentiro work ,
put your name down hero and pay as you
loceivo each part , eleven parts now
ready hero is a fountain pen , write ,
under Mr. Brown's name at the bottom
of the page. "
"Mr. Harcourt , " said Mrs. Dollingor ,
rising and suppressing hur tears , "you're
a mean , deceitful book agont. Got out of
my housol"
" 1 know , but just sign "
" ( Jo on , or I snail scream. "
"Certainly , certainly , if you Insist ; no
offonco. Hut can you toll mo thn name
of the lady next door , and where some of
her family llvo ? Ah , you won't oh ? I'll
work another scheme , then. ( > oed day ,
Mrs. Dollinger , good day ; glad to have
made.your acquaintance. * '
They Are Addressed By GOT , Thayer and
Elect Officers ,
They Lcaro Omaha \Vltb Expressions
of Great Plonanro at Their Treat
ment CnMnr County'u
The Pharmaceutical Allocation.
The election of ofllcers then ensued and
resulted as follows : president , M. E.
Schultz , Beatrice ; first vice president ,
C. H. Hrtiner. Fremont ; second , W. H.
Shcyrock , Louisville ; third , P. C. Couri-
gun , O'Neill : fourth , W. D. Uallcr , Ulalr ;
fifth , W. J. Hughes , Omaha ; secretary ,
C. J. Daubach , Lincoln ; local secretary ,
W. C. Lane. Lincoln ; treasurer , James
Forsyth , Omaha.
Each of these gentlemen , with the ex
ception of Mr. Hughes of Omaha , re
turned thanks for their election in a
short speech.
The committee on exhibits was not
prepared to report and the same was de
ferred , one of the members , Mr. Goshellc
saying it would be ready in time for pub
lication in thn record of the proceedings.
Mr. II. T. Clark in the name of the
committe on entertainment announced
thai , in the afternoon the visitors would
bo expected to take part in a ride to the
Slock Yards and Fort Omaha.
The committee on examination of the
state board of pharmacy , reported
through Secretary Daubach. It showed
how the committee had met nnd what
they had done. They had received 1,280
applications and examined twenty now
applicants for membership , but had not
passed upon the latter because of want
of time. They had also decided to not
respect a certificate from any other state ,
the idea being that such'applicants ought
to undergo examination the same as any
other applicant.
N. A. ICuhn , of Omaha , was appointed
Chairman of the delegation to the con
vention of the .National Retail Dealers'
The committee on delinquent members
was not prepared to report , and ,011 mo
tion of Mr , Daubach , it was decided that
the committee should be empowered to
make whatever arrangements might to
them seem advisable with the secretary
with regard to delinquents.
Mr. Kuhn moved that graduates of col
leges of pharmacy which required four
years of practical experience before un
dergoing examination , be admitted to
practice without again undergoing ex
amination in this state.
This motion brought out n lengthy dis
cussion , in which some opposed" and
others favored the motion , while others
still thought it. would bo a matter of
doubtful advisability , especially because
of the wording of th'o law , which did not
seem to encourage it.
The sentiment of tlio meeting was in
favor of respecting collegiate diplomas ,
sucli as those mentioned , though the law
opposed it , and the matter was dis
posed of.
It was decided to sustain the board of
examiners in refusing to recognize cer
tificates from other state pharmacy
boards , without examination of the ap
A vote of thanks was extended to the
press , the wholesale and retail druggists ,
the exhibitors and all the hotels , for
courtesies shown the delegates. Another
vote was tendered Mr. NT A. Kuhn , D.
W. Saxo for the manner in which they
had done their work in connection with
tlio convention. Thanks were also .ten
dered to the National Drngcist.
In the afternoon the following stand
ing committees wcro appointed :
On Pharmacv Charles Frahm , of
Hastings ; A. L. Ross , of Sherwood ; C. L.
Cotting , of Red Cloud.
On Revision of the Constitution James
Riggs. of Omaha ; C. J. Dauback , of
Lincoln ; James Reed , of Nebraska City.
Executive Committee G. B. Chapman ,
of Lincoln ; G. W. Howe , Wisnor ; J. K.
Adams , of Tokumah.
On Legislation U. F. Goodman , of
Omaha ; John T. Clarke , of Omaha ;
James Reed , of Nebraska City ; C. T.
Wonders , of Blue Springs ; W. C. Lane ,
On Trade's Interest H. J. Ponfold , of
Omaha ; G.-H. Butler , of Auburn ; D. R ,
Daniels , of Norfolk.
i J4iii\tfv/.u , vai * . i viliraifiimi , ui vsillllllll.
Delegates to the National Retail Drug
gists' Association Convention N. A.
Kuhn , of Omaha ; J. Koonigstein , of Nor
folk ; E. J. Soykora , of North Bond ; M.
Parr , of Omaha ; T. R. Orr. of Ponca.
The association voted the secretary $100.
Governor Thayer appeared before the
association by invitation , and bcini : called
upon made thu following happy speech :
Mr. President , Ladies and Gentlemen : I
thought that I caught the words from a gen
tleman who went by me after Icatno la hare ,
that Governor Thayer was going to address
you. 1 reeret It , because frankly admit to
you that ! have nothing to say , nor any
speech to make to an association of this klnit.
1 do not feel that I am able , I do not feel
myself competent to address you eentlemen
In reference to that branch of medicine
which embraces your profession the profes
sion of a pharmacist.
But 1 will say that I am glad to respond to
the call made upon me to express to you ray
hearty concurrence with the high purpose
for which vou ore now laboring. You are
making efforts to elevate the standard of
pharmacy , and you are entitled to the good
will of the entire community. 1 icjolce with
you for the noble work In which you aro'em
barked. In the work In which you are
now laboring , vou are under 'the
operation and control of the
law. I believe at least I am Informed by
those who are supposed to bo comuetcnt to
judge and to Inform me upon the subject-
that you have secured a law , eiiual If not bet
ter In Its benouLs than any of those that were
passed previous to your law , In anv state In
the union. And I was happy to bo able to
servo you , and very clad to have an opportu
nity as well as a most pleasant duty to per
form , In witnessing my signature to that
law I Loud applause. I
These bodies otours are weak , frail things.
They are often overtaken by disease. They
become exhausted through sickness and
many Ills. The lirst thought , therefore , Is
for the aid and assistance of the medical ad
visor. Ho prescribes and you prepare the
medicine which ho offers. It i * absolutely
essential that every physician should have a
thorough education In his profession. It is
absolutely Imperative that ho should never
bo permitted to encage in it , until hn has
been through a most thorough course ot
study which embodies all the details of his
profession. It Is evident that this Is liu-
because he deals with human life ,
iiinan lives are entrusted to his euro.
So U Is with the profession of t'.io ' pharma
cist. Human lives are entrusted to your
care , and handiwork. If you handle those
drugs which are necessary , In a proper man
ner and within proper limits for the restora
tion of life , you must be educated as to the
correct composition ot medicines , and n pro-
liclent knowledge of this becomes vonr duty.
This profession of yours Is Indeed an hon
orable profession , and the efforts you are
making is Increasing the honor. You are
elevating the profession of the pharmacist.
As a representative of the Klate 1 think I
know the Interests of the people of Nebraska
well enough to know that they will justify
me In saying that every citizen of this state
rejoices that you are taking steps forward In
this direction. You have raised your busi
ness up to A profession In which only educated
men , and men educated especially for your
profession , and Its duties , can cnuaee.
I rejoice at It an J 1 say with all my heart.
m y Clod speed you In your noble work. 1
trust there may be a college of pharmacy es
tablished In this state because It would be for
the benetlt of the whole community , It
would help human kind at large.
1 am In favor of every enterprise which
confers the most btneliclal Influence upon
society ; of every thing inat tends to raise up
and elevate mankind ; of any thing that will
tiolo to make bctter'mcn and better women.
The morn people aixJ educated In every pro
fession , every condition of the human family
Is bettered , and the'muiual bonelits accruing
from any business am iicroased.
1 rejoice that I Lave the honor and the
pleasure ot making JQU an address. I re
joice that I have hau an opportunity of meetIng -
Ing with you. I hkvuunjoyed your meeting
exceedingly , nnd alno , tbo line exhibit you
make In the hall. Jt Is an exhibit which re
dounds most hlgbljt-to'your cledlt. It was a
pleasure to mo to meet the rer > ri)3tnitatlvos ) of
so many of your profession from a distance.
They who have cor.iu hero to unite with you
In this pleasant and grand ill splay. .
Ladles and Kcnilqinun 1 thank you kindly
for your attention and for listening to me.
[ Long and continued applause. J
The exhibitors of the dlll'orcut manu
facturers who have shown the goods in
the exposition hall then presented Mr.
N. A. Kuhn , of Omaha , ns a token of
their appreciation of his efforts to fur
nish them suitable space and conven
iences , with an elegant easy chair richly
upholstered. The presentation speech
was made by L. . . . . .illy , of Indianapolis.
Mr. Kuhn was entirely surprised and
could but briolly express his thanks.
President Reed , the retiring presiding
olllccr of the association , was then pre
sented with the chair in which ho had
sat during the session of the association ,
it beluga very handsome and comforta
bly piece of oflico furniture. C. J. Dau
bach made thu presentation speech. Mr.
Rood was also at a loss on account of the
unexpected character of the honor , but
made a graceful and brief acknowledge
The association then adjourned sine
The next meeting will bo held in Lin
coln on the second Tuesday in May , 1S38.
The local committee of the druggists
of Omaha invited the visiting pharmacists )
at 3 o'clock to take a drive about the city ,
and at that hour sixty carriages wore
filled with ladles and gentlemen who
cnfoyod a ride for three hours. They
visited South Omahn and many of the
more picturesque points in the city. The
sentiment of the visitors , who began to
depart last evening , was that they had
been most royally entertained in Omaha.
The exhibitors began packing their
goods , prepratory to going elsewhere ,
yesterday afternoon , bourn of the ex
hibitors arc especially arranged for oc
casions such as this. Noticeable among
them was Scabury & Johnson , the man
ufacturers of pharmacopua and surgical
plasters who made an especially line dis
play. Their exhibit is to be taken to
Wichita , , where the druggists of
that state are soon to meet. Dr. Bicker ,
the representative , leaves to-day for an
extended western tour.
A Proposition For a Combination and
Ono ARCUC in Each Town.
R. U. Blowers , representing the Cali
fornia Fruit Growers' union , was in the
city yesterday , having returned from the
Chicago meeting of the tralllc managers.
A very important 'deduction ' has been
made on fruit rite.4 { from California to
the Missouri river , which will bo of inter
est to all dealers in frjiits. Last year the
minimum freight rate was $280 per car
or $1.40 per hundred , and § 510 or ? 2.53
nor hundred shipped by passenger trains.
This season the rate will be $220 per car
or $1.10 per hundred on freight , and $120
per car or $2.10 on passenger trains. Last
year it was necossat have at least fif
teen cars in order to 'make up a special
train : this season only ton are required.
In order to avoid the overstocking of
the market in tlio large cities and the con
sequent lowering of ( lprices and loss to
shippers , the Unioh proposes to ap
point ono agent at ! , the different points
who shall handle all'th fruits shipped by
the Union. Omaha and Kansas City are
the only points west of the Missouri river
where agents will be appointed. There
will bo no agent in Denver , which has
always been made the dumping ground
for the inferior fruits which would not
stand shipment further oast. It is claimed
that the Union will include in its mem
bership all the prominent fruit shiuoers
of California , and hence will bo able to
control the market , as it may see fit.
The agent will deduct 10 per cent from
his sales of fruits , of which 2J per cent
will go to the Union , and the balance
will be the agents' rcmuncratidn. No
agent as yet lias been appointed for
Omaha. _
How the Curtain Was RUHR Down
At tlio Hoopla's Tlioatro.
Gilfoil , Bush & Company played at the
People's thcatro last week and started to
give Omaha a second week of variety.
The management , however , cut short the
proceedings Monday , declaring the house
closed until the Clair-Pateo company
appears on Monday next. Before the
combination separated thcro was a war
like scene on the stage on which Messrs *
Howard and Alton , two of the perform
ers , were badly used up. A gun was
broken in one of the acts , and Will Lau-
don , the property man , would not allow
the baggage of the performers to betaken
taken away until the baggage was paid
for. Then ensued a general row. It
was a Donnybrook all around. Come
dians were turned into tragedians , and
a wor o looking sot of actors never came
ft'a stage than did those members of the
Gilfoil& Bush parly.
A Soldier.
Thomas O'Connor , the veteran citizen
and ollico holder in this community , has
received information that his brother
Luke , a distinguished ollicer in the ser
vice of England , has boon retired with
tiie rank of major general. Luke O'Con
nor was offered the governor generalship
of Canada at onetime , but refused it , pre
ferring to DC on active service. In speak
ing of him the London Times says :
"It is announced that the next Hath
Gazette will include that gallant sol
dier , Luke O'Connor , who when sergeant
at Alma , was ono of the first recipients
of the Victoria cross. ; He has recently
retired from the sorvicaiwith the rank of
major general. " * Jf' '
The following no\y ( cases have been
begun in district court :
Omaha & Florence tiitnd and Trust
Company vs. CatliarirYo"Dosman ; suit for
possession of lot 3 , block 33 , eity of Flor
ence. >
Andrew B. More amlMary A. J. More
vs. Louis Borka and IJcfiik Dvorak ; suit
for possession of lots ! > , i7 \ , 8 , 9 and 10 ,
in block 483 , Grand Viup , Omaha.
Mrs. Ahlquist , the unfortunate lady
spoken of a few days ago as creating an
excitement in her noiifhiiorhood , was ad
judged insane yesterday and a warrant
made out to scud her * t6 the asylum m
Lincoln ,
Cody's Moots.
A photograph has been received by
Gcorgo Canfiold of a pair of boots made
by John Ncary , a North Platte shoe
maker , for Hon. William F. Cody. The
fcot are of the finest French patent
leather. The design on the lower part
of tlio leg Is an oak and acorn. The lin
ing is orange silk and the legs of Spanish
morocco. AH the fancy stitching is
filled in with different colors of silk and
satin. Tlio American nnd English flags
are sot in relief upon a thistle at the top
of the leg.
Will Develop the Find.
The South Omaha Coal company has
ordered new and improved machinery
for sinking a shaft. T.he work will be
pushed forward rapidly. .
The Patrick Farm Purchased By Kansas
City Gcntlcmou.
Splendid Impiovamcntfl Contem
plated The Donvcr-Oinnltas G.tnio
To-Day Another IMmso of the
Foundry Strike.
The Patrick Farm Bold.
Tlio celebrated Patrick farm , northtfCst
of tlio city , was sold yesterday. The pur
chasers are Kansas City gentlemen. The
docd , which was lilod for record yester
day afternoon , roads : Eliza \V. Patrick
and John N. H. Patrick to Nathan D.
Allen nnd S. L. Underwood. Thu area
sold covers 015 acres , and the considera
tion is $015,000. Thu sum of $315,000 was
paid down and the balance , $100,000 , secured -
cured by a four year mortgage. Mr.
Patrick reserves his house nmf sixty acres
of land.
It Is the intention of tlio purchasers to
make the farm a splendid addition to the
city , platting a large portion of it out
and making llvo streets. A largo num
ber of line brick residences and neat
wooden cottages will bo at once erected ,
for sale anil rent.
The motor cable road , which is pro
jected , will run through thu addition ,
and rapid transit to the business part ot
thu city will be furnished befora tlio end
of the year.
An effort was made last evening to find
the gentlemen who are the purchasers of
the property. Ono , at the Paxton , was
out , and the other , although stopping at
the Millard , was not registered , and had
evidently given instructions to the man
agement to not bo approached , as the
clerk suavely told a reporter that he know
nothing concerning such a gentleman
being at the hotel. It was mibscqueutly
learned that both gentlemen had gone to
ono newspaper oUico and given to that
publication the detailed information of
their projects.
The Omnhai ) to Moot the Denvcrs In
Throe Games Illcycllng ,
The Omahas will return from Hastings
to-day with a failed and considerably
mussed laurel wreath. They have experi
enced three consecutive defeats at the
hands of a club which has not heretofore
boon considered their match. The rea
son is not hard to find. The Omahas
have but ono pitcher. That ono is
O'Lenry. Ho wasn't with them , owing tote
to his damaged hand and wrist. The
statement that the Omaha's have but one
pitcher is not made for the purpose of
creating jealousy of him on the uart of
the other men who have pitched this sea
son , and it oucht not to. But it is the
truth. A ball player who can throw a
curv or a dozen curves , or can "shoot
it" over the plate , is not necessarily a
pitcher. To pitch requires brains as well
as dexterity. The successful pitcher
must discover and remember the weak
ness of every batter in every opposing
club. That is tlio true science of patching.
The Delivers arrived in the city last
evening and are at the Cozr.cns. They
are a line looking lot of men and have
the cut of ball players. They will moot
the Omahas here in three consecutive
games to-dav , to-morrow and Sunday.
O'Loary will pitch to-day for the home
team , his wrist and hand having become
serviceable again.
Iron Moulders' Statement.
The publication in yesterday's BEE of
the iron mouldors'walk-out from the foun
dry of Usher & llussoll brought a committee -
too from the men to this oflico last nvcn-
ing. They give a different version of the
causes of the strike than did Mr. Usher ,
who was authority for ycstorday's publi
cation. They say that every two mould
ers have a helper. It is the business of
these helpers to carry water from the hy
drant to the sand which is used in mould
ing. As the demand for water is greater ,
occasionally , than the supply , there will
bo tlireo or more helpers at the hydrant
at once On Wednesday morning this was
the .caso and the man nearest the hy
drant was a white man named
Wiljiam Norton. Next to him was the
Italian , named Antoiue. The latter
pushed Norton away from the hydrant.
Norton in turn pushed the Italian away.
A second time the Italian pushed Norton ,
whereupon Norton struck him. The
Italian went into tin ; ollico of thn foundry
and made complaint. Mr. Usher came
out , and , without making inquiry as to
the merits of the case , discharged Norton.
It was than that the moulders took
their part in the squabble. They sent a
committee to the ollico with a demand
that Norton bo reinstated and that the
Italian bo removed from the foundry and
placed in the yard. Mr. Usher refused
to accede to demands , but dis
charged the Italian. The moulders were
not satisfied with this , and , as Norton
was notroiustated , they struck.
The latest information is that the strik
ing moulders tire to bo paid off on Satur
day night and that the foundry will lay
still for thirty days.
The moulders claim that they all ob
jected to the "dagos" as they term thorn ,
being worked at all in the foundry as
helpers , as they are not willing or com
petent , llus man Antoine is claimed to
bo n disagreeable follow in particular ,
and it is stilted that ho hud threatened
two or three , times to cut men with a
' v '
Master Painters' Card to the Public.
OMAHA , May 13,1837.Vo , the under
signed'master painters of Omaha , confi
dent of the , justice of the .position we
have taken in relation to the trouble now
existing bolwcen us and the painters and
paper hangers now on a strike , respect
fully make the following statement of
facts :
1. In regard to the painters , wo are
willing to pay and have boon paying for
good workmen all , and in some cases
more , than they now demand , but this
point with the question of nine hours and
all thn points of difference between us
and the paper hangers wo have offered to
leave to an impartial board of arbitra
tion. Wo claim that arbitration la the
most sensible , rcasonabo | and cquitablo
method of settling differences , and wo
claim that in refusing to leave the matter
to arbitration , as tne striking paint
ers and paper hangers have done ,
they confess a doubt as to thu justice ot
their demands and we request an intelli
gent community to withhold from them
moral support fn their present uncalled
for and unjustifiable course. Thn sched
ule of prices demanded by paper hungers
would , if acceded to , necessitate an ad
vance in the prices we have boon charg
ing the last live years of 50 per cent on
an average. Wo are satisfied with pres
ent price-s , and at those prices wo have
been paying paper hangnrs from ? : J to
$4.50 per day. Thanking you for the in
dulgence and consideration you have
shown us in our present dilllculty , wo are
Respectfully yourn.
Henry Lohraann. Vf. F. Clark , T. J.
Hoard & Bro. , Heard & Otis , H. J. Kvers ,
C. G. Hunt , II. A. KostoM , Mergill &
itoscnzwoig , Collins Jordan. C. J.
Johnson. P. Windhoim. A. M. Clark ,
E. G. Hyloy , II. H.jHoyors & Co.
Street Commissioner Mannoy has made
preparations for laying a sidewalk
around the annex building , corner of
Davenport and Fourteenth streets. He
has also put in a culvert 0x0 on Boule
vard avenue.
The People of UuotoffHotlro Their
County to l > o Qnnrtrrnd.
J. W. Smith , of Callaway , Cuslor
county , is in the city and has in his pos
session the petition of a large number of
thu residents of that extensive section of
Nebraska , directed to the county com
missioners , for the division of the county
into four parts , which shall be
known respectively as Custcr county ,
Marian county , Puruull county , and
Gladstone county. This petition is the
result of a convention which was held on
Wednesday at Callaway. Twenty dele
gates , live from each of the futir pro
posed now counties , were present , besides -
sides a large number of other citizen ? ,
The convention was harmonious. In
addition to endorsing the petition above
referred to , it adopted a resolution that ,
until the proposed division should be ef
fected it wai the sense of the people of
Custcr county that the county seal should
be removed from Broken UotV to
Sergeant , a new town in the
northeast portion of the county and
on the line of the B. & M. road which is
btsing constructed up thu Middle Loup.
The town silo of Sergeant was formerly
owned by Colonel E. P. Savage , now of
the Omana stock yards. Colonel Savage
has recently sold a half Interest therein
to the Lincoln Town Site company ,
which is a H. &M. corporation.
The petition will be considered by the
Custcr county commissioners , and if they
regard it favorably an election will be
held next fall. ' The people will then vote
upon the propositions to divide nnd also
to move tlio county seat.
There appears to bo , as ono factor of
tliis movement , a desire to hit Broken
Bow n slap. The people of all towns in
Custor county outside of Broken Bow , ac
cording to Air. Smith , feel that they are
not accorded fair treatment in county
matters by that place and that Broken
How is inclined to "hog it" upon every
opportunity. To secure the success of
the proposition to divine , the convention
resolved itself into a grand central cam
paign committee and will make it the
most prominent issue.
A Good Vonr for Canal Itoatmcn.
Rochester Union : The canal men are
getting ready for a great boom. The
3,1)00 ) boats in commission on state waters
will bo increased to1,000 by the addition
of 100 new ones built in Rochester ,
Whitehall , Oswego. Tonnwanda , Buffalo
and other ports. The season will open
Saturday next , and about 1-1,000 men and
boys arc ready for a busy summer's busi
ness. The inter-state commerce law is
relied upon to help them , but business
took a big upward jump last year and
will continue to climb this. A new feature
in canalling i.s the rapidly accumulating
number of steamers. The steamer has
been improved to such an extent as to
greatly imperil the mule. When the
locks are enlarged , as they will be under
a half million-dollar appropriation voted
not long ago , a steamer pushing one boat
and pulling two , or transporting nearly
10.COO bushels of grain , can bo accommo
dated , and this little flotilla can run
right through from Buffalo to New York
. \vithoutoutsidoald. avoiding the cum-
'brons tows and doing the work very
Hebrew Ladles' scwlnc Society.
A special meeting of importance is
called for Sunday , May 15 , at 3 o'clock
in the vestry rooms of the synagogue. As
no written notice will be i-cnt it is hoped
that a large attendance will be present.
Dr. Benson lectures this evening at
the synagogue upon the subject "The
Call tor Departure. " Divine services at
the synagogue commence precisely at
7:30 : o cloek. _
In the County Court.
The suit of Ililoy & Dillon vs II. V.
Hammond , for $2 J3 and costs , on notes ,
was commenced in the county court yes
The case of James E. Stover vs George
Zimmerlo and Gcorgn Waddle , to recover
upon a bond in an attachment suit un
lawfully brought , was tried. Judge Mc
Culloch gave the plaintiff judgment for
$15. _
The ItlchnrdBon County Arrests.
Four of the five men Indicted by the
United States grand jury for alleged in
terference with the process of an execu
tion sale were brought to Omaha yester
day and arraigned. They are Eugene A.
Tucker , Samuel German , Albert Kdi and
O. M. Whitcomb. Each was bound over
in $ ii,000 security for Appearance at the
November term of court. Bail was fur
A Turbulent Lad.
The teachers of the Leaven worth school
are sorely troubled by a boy named
Richter , son of a furrier. He has terror
ized several of the teachers and almost
destroyed the peace of the school. Yester
day morning he started a row with his
teacher and slapped her viciously in the
face. The patrol wagon was called , but
the boy skipped out of the building and
ran away before the police arrived.
Early But on Deck.
J. S. Litt , who represents Straw & Ells
worth , the Milwaukee fur manufactur
ers , is in the city and opens his extensive
line of samples of fur coats , caps and
robes which this house is famous for , in
two sample rooms at the Pnxton , to-day.
He has a full and complete line of goods
suitable for tlio trade in Nebraska.
District Court.
Thn city council of South Omaha came
up yesterday morning to hear the argu
ments in the injunction case of South
Omaha against the Omnha Motor railway
company. Thn idea was to make perman
ent the injunction secured Monday last.
South Omaha Ham Thieve1) .
In South Omaha yesterday Judge
Routhor sentenced Pat Bailey and
Charles Smith to thirty days in the
county jail for stealing hams from the
Fowler packing houso.
All mechanics and laborers , members
of the K. of L. , are requested to attend a
meeting at Cunningham'.s hall this even
ing at 7:30 : o'clock sharp.
Pcrxonn )
Rev. F. O. HuUiuan departs for
Sweden on Monday next.
Mrs. C. M. Terrell , wife of General
Terrell , has returned from a visit to her
sons In Arkansas.
Daniel RogorH , the old and faithful
servant of the late Senator Hitchcock ,
left for San Francisco last evening.
E. E. Long , of Loup City , and C. W.
Cole , of St. Paul , are among the No-
bntskaiiH in the city. air. Cole was
formerly an Omnhan.
H. Lombard , jr. , of the Lombard In
vestment company , which has an allied
in Lincoln , arrived from Now York last
ovciilnir and is at the Paxton. Hh .son
accompanies him.
She Makoti Her Toara Pay.
Chicago Herald : A distinguished belle
is a book ngon and she has in ton or
twelve days made herself singularly
famous down town. Her method is a
marvel of skill , aided by natural advan
tage. The latter consists of the ability to
shed tears at will. 1 don't know how uho
docs It , but she does , At precisely the
time and place for tears to bo of value
they drop from her eyes and trickle
down nor chocks. Perhaps there is
something the matter with Dor tear ducts ,
hut if there is , 1 doubt if she n quid care
to bo cured. She has been fooling the
brokers especially. She outers an olllcc
quietly but ( Irmly , and , with no circum
locution , tolls the boss that shu wishes
him to buy a book. He says no. un
hesitatingly and perhaps crossly , Then
she turns on the tears.
"What's the matterf" ho asks.
"Oh , nothing of any consequence , " 5lie
replies , making toward the door.
But ho tiympatlictlcally begs her to
voice her grluf , whereupon she tells that
she has been unable to sell a book that
day , that her poor old mother Is depen
dent upon her , and that she is downright
discouraged. Ho purchases one or two
books instantly.
The ONLV COUSKT mndo Ihut cn tin retnrnod
hj im tuirclmiur fitter THHKE '
WCAlt If noirounJ
In crorr re < pect , i\n < l Its prlcu rofumloil br eoltcr ,
Mndo Itt n vurlety of ctjrlen nnd | irl < M" . Sold (17 ( flirt-
Mao tluttlern orcrywliprp. llownro nf worth lenK lnil <
latlons. NonttRimulnenlthuut HuU'Minmoou box.
4O1C llronilwiiy. New York.
rrrrllcn *
criiimli < tl > ellil < 's , cniiifitrlnn < i
ittirnliilltu tnitt < tre the rrifintng
favorttr\iifa \ hltinal > lrclrrlc3
Our name U ( J .AT.COUSINS.
on c\ cry sole. | NEW YORK.
who dc ! roi a perfect CORSET
Should WGIir O1IC. ITIII 0 | C keel nklU t > Ulw ra.
WORCESTER COUSKf CO. . JI8 and t'.D Bartct St. , Chlciyo.
Uy Investing in tlio following bargains in roul
ostnto offuied tiy
Room 20 , Richards' Block , Lincoln , Nob.
A line SO noros adjoining Touzulln's now town
of HnrJoolc , whbru the II. & M. It. H. urn about
to locate extensive shnpn , mid near tlio Wca-
loyan unlvtrmty site , WOO per noro.
An 80 mlJoinlrjK the stock ynriii , nnd ncnr the
pnckiNR hotiBo , very lilch and romnmndlnir a
line \ low of the city , t'MO per ncro.
Also nn olcKmit Hi ) acres nonr tlio Aftylum ,
southwest of the city , within ono-Inurth mlle
of proposed struct cnr tormlmis loading to
usyluin , ( " 00 per arro.
Tlio-.o three ti nets uro olTored nt tlio'o low
figures fern fuwdnys. Thojr are all iivnllablo
for plnttlng , and epoctntors can double their
money in tuoin as oa y ns turning over your
Imrul , Correspondence Invited.
H | > oHr1eiriii'vcror | | nil < ! ! < * > I thr theory ml practlr *
it l < rvft4nturiklurate < l mid esjwrlrnn-J phjifcUmt , iiul lit nil
Uru con inn ii i It lit , ihfjr lnvo their | MTUIlUt 1 * eirvl In
nliiclt , iln-y iln ret timlicn nvJ j ructlce. UK. Orim-
t It n rul Itlimfrntlon ftf lti tn-nlcrn K-lioolof
ii < l lii
Ummii > , NYnotii nnl H | ' ! * ( U > 1 li * ; if ) l mnt
iliTfiil in ( tit fliUlrilnp. M > iirwui * win m * l iiicflk
ri-lk'f fur tlig nx t I'Hli ' PiMrnMt , wttinrul mi iimt
mill ftitr < vtfii u In Ida pi rjn of l g Orr
HOUM't.Mliilililentr ' r Ui < JJ by Iho iuudii lxv l \
kl m at Iiomo ami hroaJ.
S < * n1 ftt uii r < ) r r. * * r cm M nit , in Import tulQurtlUm Hid
Symptom I < M < m whirli tnit a lull lilolory oftltHr dmnno.
MoOirfritt n-nl ( etrr ) trtu-nt ) by t-iptinj < lvlr < i Ity Icllw ,
Goiiflultntlou ft wo ntt'l ooittMiiitldl. iwrxiiiall/ tj mult
> ( TcrthiKlh NVrTimiHyfconi.noiilln ( , Urinary an' ' ! llcprodiie-
tire Orvimt , * well mull oltwr klmlrul r M oOilHr ! MI.
Ullcmorud4roi , Df. QTTERBOURG ,
Of * ICE 1101 HSj { W. Uth .4 IloJje HU ,
9ol3 . l . , il USau.l 7 UH | ' . . Ouiiu , N * * .
IJy Dr. Kncdlkor'9 method. No operation : No Pulnt
No Dotcnttoii from biiilncsi. Adntitod to children
u a well as grown people. Hundred * of autonruim
BlmonlnH 01 11)3 ) , Allliit mi airlcilrc ja 1 J'l
PI tor. N. i > . COOK ,
Room 0 , 1C11 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb ,
Tbe OrlKitiitl and Only Ot-niilnc.
Fill mil a . .I KrlllliU. H rtr > rBrtMrM lailutfoni.
_ _ la LADIES. A L } Mt llroncrl.l nt
I lil hrt ra * RliKTUbMAt > l ttk lu oOitr.or iuchwf ti.
IIIUBIM ) u > u tur i > iru ! tr. in M\tr \ > l rfrlnru mall *
NAME PAPER , fhlebr.tir l'hr lr.l. l. < ! - ! .
Mil by DriiiiriiU rTtrrwhtr * . Aik I" " < hlrbMr
tft't KniU.I" J'niiirrurii ! I'UU. ! oU *
Kriimlmitloii foridmU : lon to Vu ar Colloju wl
be liuld ut Omaha , May 31 nnd June 1. Applicant.
Bhouhl Inform the prcilclent bcforo May II AiMrois ,
JAMK1 M TAVI.OIl , 1) , I ) ,
VaunrCollOKo , rouuhkoupsle , N V
Ono Accnt ( Ilerrnant only ) winIM In rrttj town for
My retail sales of your "TfinilU's Punch" B
com rlirnr for the last innr , 1883 , wore 1K2V ( .
Tliloyuar I oxpoet tooullatlcnst avi.ouo of this
justly popular brand. CiUHfl. I'IIHWIT ,
DrmrKlU , Denver , Col ,