Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1887, Image 1

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The Mass ! TO TJronzo Figure of tbo Ex-Pres
ident Uncovered in Wasbinetoni
A Beautiful Day , a Great Crowd and a
I'rocesdlon President Cleve
land .SpuakH
ton News.
They Failed to Hnpprosi Him.
WASKI.VOTO.V , May 12.-Spwlal [ Telegram
to tliu BKK.J Kx-Spoakor Kelfer was not
molested In the delivery of his oration to-day ,
although nn elfort was made to glvu him
trouble and embarrassment. Thu scheme to
cut him oil at the end of twenty minutes by
firing n salute from a battery stationed bard
by failed through the bad management of
General Kulfci's enemies. Tnoy got the
salute In tlio wrong place on the programinu
and It was fired before ho began talking , but
the conspiracy to cmbatrass the orator was
carrlt-d beyond saluting. The leaders of two
or three ot the bands In attendance were In
structed to begin with their music at 3 o'clock
promptly. The oration began at 12:50. : At 2
o'clock the drummers beat quick tattoos In a
threatening way , and shortly afterwards one
of the bands began playing. It was stationed
within a hundred feet tiom thu speaker ,
who was supposed by thu bandmen
to Intend talking some time limner ,
but unfortunately for tlioso who
designed cutting him olT bo finished an in-
Htaut before thu hand began playing , and
( ioiKiral I'lill Sheridan , who was. commencing
bis acceptance speech , was cut out instead of
Kelfer , ( lOiieral Sheridan was considerably
Incensed and immediately ordered thu music
to stop. lt < fld o. No sooner , however , had
he spoken his few words than another band ,
stationed on thu opposite side of the rostrum
from thu first one , began to play under thu
Impression that Koifer was still speaking.
President Cleveland was thun commencing
to talk , and ho bad to stop till the band
could bucheckud. ' 1 ho president and General
Khurhlan were not a little perplexed , nnd
their friends wcie indignant. But Kelfer
escaped the wrath of designing enemies and
has been complimented on every hand for
tlio masterly manner in wl-lcli ho delivered
tlie oration and its magnificent compensa
tion. Ho says ho never spent a prouder day
In his Hie , that thu affair passed oil tar more
pleasant than hu could hate hoped , and thu
congratulations ho has iccehud ha\e conio
largely from moil he had classed as his oppo
The Unveiling Ceremonies.
'WASIUNOION' , May 12. The second day
of tlio reunion of tliu Army of tlio Cumber
land was a perfect specimen of Washington
sprltiR weather. The streets at an early
bour were thronced with eager crowds , which
Increased at noon by the closing of the ex
ecutive departments. The music of brass
bands was heaid in every quatter.
At a business meeting this morning of the
society , Colonel Henry Stone , of
Boston , was selected as orator , and
Colonel William McMichael , ot New-
York , as alternate for the next reunion.
Chicago was selected as thu place and Chlca-
niaiiga week In September , Ibb , as tbo time
for holding the next reunion. The present
ollicers of tlio society were re-elected for tlio
coming year.
Promptly ot 11:30 : General Balrd , chief
marshal , RWO the signal for marching , and
the procession started. A platoon of mounted
police lead the way , followed by General
Balrd and his aids who preceded the canlage
In which were seated Generals
Sherman , Sheridan and Kosecrans ,
three of the living commanders
of the Army of the Cumberland. General
lluell , the remaining commanderwas unable
to bo present.
Then followed the first division , composed
as follows : Band , battalion of thu Third
artillery , acting as Infantry ; Garlield cmml
of honor ; society of thu army of the Cum
berland , Maine band and battalion of
marines and detachment of 200 sailors from
United States steamer Galena. Second
division : District militia , composed of the
Washington liijht infantry corps , two Union
Veteran corps. National rifles , Washington
continental , Kmniet guanl , Capital City
guard , Butler zouaves , Washington cadet
corps. High School cadets and Corcoran ca
dets , Grand Army ot the Keoubliu and civic
societies the wliolu division under com
mand of Major Gucdlou , of the United States
innrlno corps.
The right of the procession moved up
II street to Eighteenth , each organiza
tion wheeling Into line as tlio left of
the preceding company passed. From
Eighteenth street the procession proceeded
on Pennsylvania avenue , down which it
marched to Third street , where the third di
vision debouched and proceeded down
Third to Maryland avenue , and halted
on the avenue near thu monument.
The second division continued on It course
and took position on First street at the north
of the statue. On the grand stand near the
statue seats had been arranged tor 1,500 per
sons. A number of these were occupied an
liour before the procession arrived. Tlio
craml stand was profusely draped with bunt
ing and thu speakers' stand was ornamented
with palms and potted plants , while tattered
battle flairs hung from its staffs at ulthcr
corner. A pair of comfortable arm chairs ,
placed In thu router of the stand , were re
served for thu president anil Mrs. Cleveland.
Places were also reserved forthnsculptorand
other favoied uuests. The largo circle sur
rounding the monument was kept cleared.
The sidewalks were crowded with spectator. * .
Secretary Ba > ard and Attorney General Gar
land weie seated on the left of Mrs. Cleve
land. oMciubeis of the supicmecourt , district
judiciary , coint of claims nnd dlstilct com
missioners , representatives ot the
diplomatic corps and two sons of
cx-l'resldont Garlield occupied con
spicuous seats near the presidential chair.
At 1 o'clock Generals Sheiman , Sheridan
nnd Itosecraiis and Governor Curtln airived
just after thu head of the procession mane
it * appearance. Tnoy were soon followed by
President Clutoland , escorted by General
Anderson and Secretary and Mr > . Fairchlld ,
Colonel and Mrs. Lament , Postmaster Gen
eral Vtlas and Secretary La mar. Mrs.
Cleveland was accompanied bv Mrs. Folsom ,
Miss Bayard and Miss Welsh , just after 1
o'clock , and took her seat beside the presi
dent's chair. Kx-Secretary Wludoni
and ox-Attorney General MacVeiirli
of President Garneld's cabinet
were among the guests present.
At 1:10 , Marshall Wilson taking his place on
the stand , said : "Attention , laities nnd
irentlemen : The Society or the Army of the
Cumberland with these distinguished guests ,
are assembled here to-dav for the purpose ot
unveiling the statue of that eminent states
man and soldier , James A. GarliuM. "
After piayer , thu Marine band struck up ,
"HalltothoChlet"and amid thu clapping
of hands the American flag onvelopiiu the
fitatuo was dropped , and the great bronze
Image stood exposen.
Tliciu wasa shoit lull In the proceeding *
vihllo n battery ot artilleiy lired tlie national
Balute. General Sheridan then Introduced
the orator of the aay , General J. Warren
Kelfur , who. on the part or thu monument
committee , delivered the address transferring
the statno to General Shuridnn. At the
conclusion , General Sheridan , In behalf ol
the society , transferred the statuu to the
piesklcnt In the following words :
"Mr. President : This statue , which has
been unveiled In your presence to-day , was
erected by the comrades ot General Gartiuhl
belonging to the Army of the Cumbciland
They recognised his irerlt as a soldier , anil
\\lshcd to pay some testimony to that merii
nnd to his worth as a man. 1 have the honor ,
sir , on behalf of the Society of the Army ol
the Cumberland , to ask of you , ns a rcpre-
seutathu of the American people , to accop1
the statue from their bauds as It was gUet
to me. "
The presidentwho arose as Sheridan begat
ppeaking , then began speaking , as follous :
Fellow Citizens : In the perlorruanci
of thu duty R-sl neJ to ine on thf * orcaslot
.1 hereby accupt , ou i/ollaU ot the Unltci
States this complete and beautiful statue.
Amid the Interchange of fraternal greetings
between the survivors of the Army of tlio
Cumberland and their former foes upon tlio
battlefield , and while union generals ami the
people's president united at the burial , the
common urlulof thesu magnanimous survi
vors and mourning cltlruns found expression
In a determination to erect this
tribute to Ameilcan greatness ; and thus
to-day In Its symmetry and beauty , It presents
tbo sign of animosities forzottcn , an emblem
of brotherhood redeemed and a token of a
nation restored. Monuments and statues
multiply through the land and fittingly Illus
trate tlio love and affection of our grateful
people and commemorate biave and patil-
otlc sacrifices In war. famu In peaceful pur
suits , or honor In nubile station. But from
tills day fuitli there shall stand
at our seat ol government the statue
of a distinguished cltl/en , who In
his life and services combined all these
tilings , and moro , which challenges the ad
miration of American character loving
'enderness In every domestic relation , brav-
ry on the ileldof b-ittle , famu and dlstlnc-
lon In our halls ot legislation and the high-
st honor and dignity In the chlet magls-
taey ol tlio nation. This stutelv ellky shall
lot fall to teach every beholder that the
nitrcoof American greatness Is confined to
10 condition nor dependent alone for Its
rowth and dovelonment upon lav-
rablu stnioundliiKS. The genius of
mr national life beckons to
isefulness and honor these In every sphere
md olfers thu highest preferment to manly
tones nnd stnrdv honest ellort , chastened
nd consecrated by patriotic hopes and as-
illations. As long as tills statue stands , let
t b proudly remembered that to every
American cltl/on the way is open to fame
nd station until ho
'Moving up from high to higher
Becomes on fortune's crowning slope
Tliu pillar ot a people's hope ,
i'hu centie ot a world's deslie. "
Nor can we forget that It also teaches our
people a sad and distressing lesson. And
he thoughtful eitl/on who views Its fair pro-
.Kirtlons eannot fail to recall the tragedy ot
Jeath whleli ( nought grief and mourning to
wry household In the land. But while
American cltl/cnship stands aghast and af-
'ilghted that murder and assassination
ihould lurk In the midst of a free people and
itriku down the head of their government ,
he tearless search and discovery oftheor-
gln and hiding place ot these hateful
iind unnatural tblnzs should bo
followed by a solemn resolve to purge for
ever from our political methods and from the
operation ot our government the perveislons
and misconceptions which ga\e birth
to passionate and bloody thoughts.
If from this hour our admiration tor
the bravery and nobility of American man
hood and our faith In the possibilities ami op
portunities ot Ameiican citl/onshlp bo re
new ed : it our appreciation ot the blessing of
restated union and love tor om government
bo stieimtliened , and If our watchfulness
against the dangers of a mad chase
alter partisan spoils bo quickened ,
the dedications ot this statue to the people
: > f the United Sir.1" will not bo In vain.
During the delivery ot his address , the
president was frequently Interrupted bv
imists ot applause. When ho concluded the
bind played "Hail Columbia , " and the ben
ediction was piononuced. The troons wore
then dismissed. Seciutailcs Kndlcott and
Whitney came dutlng the delivery of the
Thu statuo. which Is of bronze , Isltho deslirn
of Sculptor J. Q.A. Ward , who also designed
the equestrian statue of General Thoum In
this city , ll is ten feet six inches in height
and represents Garlield , his face to the west ,
In the act of the delivery of an address , with
his right hand resting on a column nnd the
ninnsorlit ; | held In his loft. lEecuinbent Ideal
inures at each corner of tlio triangular
pcdestral represent the student , the
warrior and statesmen , typlfjing the
tlueu epochs of Garliold's career. The
bronze tablets above the linuro bear a globe ,
n trumpet and a sword and laurel wreath , in
closing tbo scales of justice. 'Ihu Inscriptions
upon tlo shaft ate placed upon three sides ,
as follows :
Southwest face James A. Garlield 1S31-
On the southeast face Major General U.
S. V. , Member of Congress , Senator , and
President of the United States of America.
On the north face Krccted by bis Com
rades ot the Society of the Army of the Cum
berland. May 12 , IbbT.
The erection of the statue was anthorl/ed
at thu meeting ot the society at Chattanooga
In IbM , and nine members were appointed to
select the design and superintend its con
struction. Tliu committee this mornlne paid
over to the sculptor , Mr. Wind , S50,74S , in
lull settlement of tils claim ,
The Tablet In Memory of General
ScdKuick Dedicated.
Fr.itimcKsiitKi : : , Pa. , May 12. Visiting
members ot the sixth army corps went trom
hero this moining to Spottsylvania coint
house to dedicate tliu tablet to the memory of
the late Geneial Sedgwick. The following
letter was read :
April 25. John Koueis , Ks < i. , iteoordlng Sec
retary. My Dear Sir : 1 have to-day received
an invitation on behalf of the Sedgwlck
Mcmoilal association to attend on the 12th of
May tlm next dedication ot the monument
which shall mark the spot where Major-
Gnti'.ual John Sedgwlck was killed ,
Tlm patriotic sentiment and devotion
which erect among the busy throngs
of lifu imposing monuments In memory of
those who died in battle supply proof of that
love and appreciation of our soldier dead ,
which is deeply IntercUIni ; as a part of our
national life. But when the giound is
marked and set apart where , In valorlous
tights , the blood was .shed and the sacrllice
of life was made which preserved ns a
nation , a holy sin Ino Is elected , where all
who lovu their country may devoutly wor
ship. Klaborato shafts of marble fittingly
remind us ol our soldier dead , and ot their
bravery and patriotism. lint the
touching servicn your association
contemplates shall chasten all thoughts
of them , by pointlm : out on the sacred
grounds the spot where blood was brnvely
sicd : and lltu was patriotically ottered up.
With thanks to the association for their re
membrance of me at this time , and regrettlm ;
that otliclal duties will prevent mv accept
ance of tlm invitation tendered me , I am ,
yours very truly. GnovKit CI.KVKI.AND.
Letters weio also lead from the covernois
of Connecticut , Virginia. Maryland , Penn
sylvania , Ohio , Now Jersey , New i'ork
and Massachusetts , and from Gen
erals Sheridan , Sherman ami Keller.
The memorial tablet was unveiled.
Virginia Olllcc-Scokor * .
WASHINGTON- , May 12. 1 Special Telegram
to the IJiiK.J General W. II. T. Lee , member
of congress elect from the neighboring Vir
ginia congressional district , and nephew of
the late Hubert E. Lee , Is guttinghls full dots
of olllce-scekers. General Leo usually comes
to the city on the train from Manassa , i each-
ing hero at 0:47 : a. m. , and at that time thcro
are from a dozen to lifty anxious Virginians
at the gate with curds , letteis , etc. , seeking
an early Intei\ie\v. General Leo listens to
each , nnd when the letteis arc presented for
bin endorsement ho usually signs his name.
It Is said that his predecessor , Mr. Burbown ,
had 7.C-OJ applications pass through bin hands
attei thu election of President Cleveland.
Postal GhnuKfH.
WASHINGTON , May 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.K.J The postoiricu at Meyers ,
Daw son county , has been discontinued.
The mall goes to Jewell-
John A. Itcst has beeu commissioned posv
master at Axtell , Neb.
Co in I m ; West to Live.
WASIHSIHON , May 12. [ SpecialTelegram
tothuBKK.I Dr. U. P. Culver Is about to
leave Washlnctou for Lincoln , where ho
pioposes to make his tuturu residence. Ho
has two sons engaged m successful business
Kxtr.t .Session Tallr.
WASHINGTON , May 12. ( Special Telecram
to the BIK.I The president Is not disposed
to call c 'Uirress ' together In October. Up to
last night he has not beeu advised by one
.prominent member ot hli own party oi
of any party that there are any conditions
uxistjng in the country that tender Impera
tive a aOiiiun of congress before the usual
time. If at the close of the fiscal year the
necessity lor an extra session should appear ,
the president , would , of course , not bo de
terred by considerations of comfort and con
venience to congressional tomlsts from ask
ing them to return and assume their duties in
the senate or house.
Indignant Uakdole Citizens.
OAKUAI.K , Neb. , May 12. [ Special to the
BIE. : ] At a dubllc meeting held at the rink
In this place May U , Mr. A. F. Howe was
elected president , and W. 11. Hall secretary.
By response to the call of the president for
the object of the meeting , Dr. Council and
addressed the meeting In a few well directed
rcmaiks , after which he presented the follow
ing resolutions :
Whereas , An Insult to the citUenu of Oak-
dale has been enacted , be it
Kesolved. That we , the citizens of Oak-
dale , Antelope county , Nub. , do hereby rec
ommend thu adoption of the following reso
lutions :
U solvod. That the cltl/ens of Otkdalo
here assembled at the rink do herebv con
demn the banging of S. C. Fairchlld in
Busolved , That wo , the citizens of said
village , do herebv consider that the above is
a stigma and a disgrace to the law-abiding
people of said place.
Itesolved , 1'hat th ) people of our town con
sider and know S. C' F.Urchlld to bo u law-
nbldlng citl/en of our community , and that
wo brand all such aets as low and Ignamlnl-
ous.All the above resolutions were unani
mously adopted , and the meeting adjourned.
Freaks or Lightning.
Iloir > moK : , Neb. , May 12. [ Special Tele
gram to thoBni : . ] About ? o'clock this mornIng -
Ing , dutinc a rainstorm , lightning struck the
residence of L. Brown on Grant street and
shivered It Irom top to foundation. The
fluid took possession of the entire structure ,
and while it left the house standing , so far as
a residence Is concerned , It mlu'ht just as
well have been burned. Mr. Brown and wife
were in bed wnen the bolt fell , and It seems
almost Incredible that they escaped with
their lives. As It was , they were not the
least Injured. About the same time a house
in East was struck , but the dam
age was slight.
Soaking Hnins at Fremont.
FKK.Mo.vr , Neb , , May 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the IHi.l : : The long dry spell was
broken by a good soaking rain to-day. Gar-
ileus , lawns and all kinds of faim crops were
suirerlnir. This magnificent rain will bo a
gicat benefit.
A Itig Contract liot.
KArm Cirv , Dak. , May 12. [ Special
Telegram to the Bnrc.J George W. Chad-
wick to-day let the contract to William Scott
for building a "V" flume for the Dakota
Water Power company. The main flume
will bo thirteen miles long , eight leet wide
at the top , with an outlet in the reservoir at
Itapld City. It Is designed tor the tians-
portatlon of lumber , etc. The engineer's
estimate of thu eost Is S100.C03. bcott boueht
ftoui the Uanld City Boom company 1,500,000
logs now In the boom on liapld creek. The
logs will bo used to furnish lumber for the
flumes. Work on the construction will bn
commenced at once.
James C. Wilcoxen , of this plaeo , to-day
was awarded the contract for fuinishing
ties , bridge timbers , pllimr. etc. , for the ex
tension of tlie Fiemont , Ktkhorn & Missouri
Valley north of liapld City.
Destructive Forest Fire.
SANDWICH , Mass. , May 12. The forest fire
that started yesterday afternoon is the largest
and most disastrous over known on the cape.
The 'tiro is twenty miles in length , its head
being In Kast Falmouth , the point a few
miles from Mashpe , thence a mile and a half
to Sandwich , and again through Sagamon ,
Bourne and Focassett. The wind lias changed
several times , bringing the flames very near
these villages , causing considerable excite
ment and anxiety. Residents of Bonnie
have removed their household goods from
thu r dwellings. It is reoorted to-night that
two houses were burned at Monument Bench
and ono at Pocassett , besides many others In
the outskirts.
Imbor Troubles in Chicago.
CHICAGO , May 12. The following notice
was posted in the Builders and Traders ex
change tills morning ; "AH members of the
Builders and Traders exchange now working
men are requested to stop work atoncoand
icport to tlio exchange committee.
( Signed ) Josni'ii DOWNIY : , President.
Tlio members ot the exchange are not ex
clusively builders , but include all brick and
cornice manufacturers , looters , foundrymen
and other Kindred manufactories. These
men , according to orders of the board , will
stop woik at once. It Is estimated that
10,000 men will be out of work from this
cause alone , befoie night. The material
men have agreed not to lurnlsh mateiial to
non-union men.
President Downey , of the Master Build
ers' association , denied to-ntght that the
lockout applied to employes of firms manu
facturing builders' mateiial. Ho said the
carpenters and painters would not be at-
fected. They would bo given work right
along unless a continuance of the brick
layers' strike brou.'ht matters to a stand
The Hallway Conductors.
Nr.w OKI.KANS , May 12. At the nine
teenth annual session of the grand division
ot the Order of Kallway Conductors , held in
tills city to-day , It was announced that
twenty-one now divisions had been formed
since the last annual meeting and that tbG
new members had been added to the order ,
which now has a total membership of 10 , ; > JO.
A bill was presented providing for the licens-
Ine of railroad engineers and conductors.and
a committee to secure congressional action
on the bill was appointed. Most of the session
was taken up discusblng amendments to the
constitution and insurance laws and resolu
tions , all of which were referreil to appropri
ate committees. The session of the conven
tion will probably continue dining the pius-
eut week.
Iowa Druggists in Session.
WATKIH.OO , la. , May 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK.I The State Pliarmaccntl-
cal association Is holding Its annual meeting
here. There Is a laiyo attendance of leading
druggists of the state. The ollicers for the
ensuing year are : President , W. C. Bryant ,
Cedar Falls ; vice president , Jerome Burbank.
of Allison ; secretary , Dr. Itosa Upson , of
.Mitrslialltown ; tieasurcr , C. 11. Ward , DCS
Molncs. There was a very spirited discus
sion to-day over the liquor question , a num
ber of tliu druggists being In favor of peti
tioning thu next legislature to talio the sale
ot liquor out of their hands entirely , as so
much odium has been cast upon the business
by thu action of some lawless druggists.
Texas Smugglers Indicted.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , May 12. Colonel E.
1 * . Herd , ono of the most piomlncnt and
wealthy citizens of this place , and Captain
Georire Hedmond , weio indicted yesterday
afternoon by the federal grand jury on the
ground of conspiracy to defraud the govern
ment of revenue. The Indictments are the
outcome of wholesale smuggling trans
actions on the Itio Grande uorder , which
have been heretofoio published. Other
prominent stockmen herohavebeen indicted ,
but as no arrests have been made yet their
names have not been made public.
Potter Ijenvcs Chicago.
CHICAGO , May 12. [ Special Telecram to
the HIK. : ] Mr. T. J. Potter severed his long
connection with the Burlington road to-day
and this morning he left for Omaha to as
sume hU now duties as first vice president
of thu Union Pacltic.
1'rlzc Stock Cremated.
WoncKsruu. Mass. , May 12. The Maine
barn , together with twenty-live head of prize
Jersey stock and several hogs and sheep on
the Nathaniel Thayer estate In Lancaster ,
was burned to-night. . Two other barns were
Loss , 175,000. .
First Day of the Sale of the Grown Towels
in Paris.
This Illg Now York Jewelry House of
Xin'iiny Secures a Diamond Neck
lace Some of the Other
Frcnnh Crown Jcwcla Soli ! .
[ Coj > vHulitll < S t > < jJMiir * < 7onJim JI < , mict.1 (
PAIIIH , ( via Havre ) May 12. [ New York
Herald Cable Special to the BF.K.J 1'he
sale of the crown jewels came oil tills after
noon with gieat eclat at the Pavllllon tie
Gloro of the 1'alals ilu Louvre. Un the hlsh
platform ot the glass tlomc , stiirounded by a
cilmson velvet canoi > y tiliniucd with cold ,
sparkled nil the jewels ot the French crown.
M\vo hundred policemen stood nt Intervals
watching the fiOO ladles and gentlemen who
represented the public. Two hundred jewel
ers occupied 200 arm chairs near the auction
eer's pulpit , repiesentmg the most famous
diamond houses of the world. The
c/ar , the sultan of Turkey , the emperor
of China , Kaiser Wllhelm , the emperor
of Austila , Queen Victoria , the kind's ot
Italy. Belgium. Poituiral , Holland and Den
mark ; the Comte tie Paris and the Orleans
princes ; Uothsclilld , Blulchroder , Vander-
bllts , Barings and the Uuke of Westminster
all had their agents on hand ready to pick up
anything that suited them. The Interior ot
the pavllllou was tastefully decorated with
red and gold velvet. The colling was hung
with enormous blue and white cotton. On
the walls were three magnificent specimens
of Oobolln tapestry , bearing Hour do lys and
the crests of the house of Bourbon. One of
these tnpcsliics depicted the sacrifice of
Iphegenia , which the few royalists present
pointed out ironically as n parallel to the
sacrifice ot tae crown jewels forced upon the
French nation by M. Goblet's government.
Kvery possible precaution was taken to
puaid against robbery , The largo vault
diiectly underneath the Jewels was occupied
by ten policemen. Telephones and electilc
bell wires communicated with all paits of the
hall and with grounds outside the building.
At 2 o'clock M. Esorlbe , the commlssaro
prlseur , with a stall of two experts Messers.
Vanderheym and Bloche with six assistant
auctioneers , took possession of the auction
eer's platform.QM , Escribe , a venerable
looking gentleman witli snow white hair ,
florid compaction , enow white military
mustache , dressed in black , with a red rib
bon of the Legion of 'Honor ' , brought uown
every hammer with aloud whack and read
tlio decree of President Grevy , authorizing
the .sale and then announced the conditions
of the sale , stipulating that purchase money
must bo paid In forty-eight hours and 5 co uts
ot the price paid In addition to cover ex
penses of the sale.
At twenty-two minutes past 3 M. Kscribe
brought the Ivory rhammer down with an
other loud whack and offered lot No. 1
for sale , consisting o-1 two diamond balls at
tached to two silver hairpins. The two balls
contained 324 diamonds , weighing 150 carats.
This beautiful eplngles de collfuro had been
often worn by Empress jCiigono. The lirbt
oiler was 10,000 francs , at which price It was
knocked down to M. Alfred Doutroulong ,
a jeweler of Lille , who Is believed
to bo one of the agents of the
Orleans princes. The hammer fell ex
actly at forty-three ml nines past 2 ,
thus taking up eleven minutes. During the
sale the two precious hairpins were handed
about amonz those present , the jewelers , ono
after the other , taking them In their llncors ,
holding the diamonds close to tno mouth ,
breathing on them and then gazing at them
Intently trying to detect flaws.
The second lot was two shoulder knots ,
made of 1,341 diamonds , 2b3 carats. These
were passed round on a blue velvet tray , and
after fifteen minutes lively bidding , knocked
down to M. Doutroulong for 81,000 francs ,
also for the Orleans princes.
Then lot No , 3 , epaulettes , 241 diamonds ,
144 carats , was sold In about eight minutes to
M. Boncaugh , who Is believed to rnnrcsent a
syndicate from the London jewelers , for
20,100 francs.
' 1 he fourth lot , three splendid roses , made
of 523 diamonds , 130 carats , was passed from
hand to hand , about lifty jewelers breathing
on them ono after another , scrutinizing each
stone. Ono old man , witli strong Jewish
features , breathed very violently Indeed on
the da7zllng roses and afterward wiped
them with a largo red and yellow silk hand
kerchief. This operation , however , called
forth the remonstrances of police officers
and was not repeated. Those roses , after
fourteen minutes' bidding , were sold to
lioavant & Dopres , Paris jewelers , CJ duo d
Esauttevllle , for 41,100 francs. General
Chang Cha Tong , of the Chinese embassy ,
who was present at the sale In full Cninuso
costume , made a bid for these roses , but not
buy them.
Lot 5 , a knot with two tassels composed of
2,4'1S diamonds weighing 137 cir its , sold to
Schleslnger , jeweler , 9 rue Chauchat , Paris ,
for 42,200 francs.
Lot fl , n diamond ring , was bought by M.
Doutroulong for 10,100 francs. Lot 7 , a
small crescent , was baught by Sehleslngor , a
Paris Jeweler , for 21,400 francs. Lot 8 , a hair
pin made of 477 diamonds weighing CO carats ,
was sold for 17,000 francs to M. Doutiouiong.
Lot 9 , consisting of seven diamond stais ,
sold for' 3bOO francs to several liruis of Pari
sian jewelers.
TIII : TIPFANVS' runciiAsr.
At half past live the tenth lot , consisting of
a necklace of four rivieres , made of 22.J diamonds
mends weighing 303 carats , was , after thltty-
live minutes very spirited bidding , knocked
down to the Paris representative of the
Messrs. Tiffany of Xow York for 183,000
francs. This was beyond all comparison the
finest lot of to-day's sale , and the auction
ended to begin to-morrow afternoon.
immediately after the sale I asked Tif
fany's agent If he bought the necklace for any
private buyer In Mow York or simply for the
Hereplied : "No , for the firm only. "
I asked : "What do you think of the prices
for which the jewels are selling ? "
Ho answered : "Almost everything to-day
went for SO per cent to 100 per cent moro than
the intrinsic market value. The only lot
that went at a reasonable price was the neck
lace. "
To-day's sale thus ended with the sale
of the ten least valuable lots o
the collection and tlm purchase money
amounted over half a million francs. There
are altogether forty-eight lots. Each geu
will be sold separately. The sale will thus
last ten days at least.
A Very Sensational Experiment.
[ Copyright ( & 37 , by Jama Cordon llenuctt. ]
PAHIS , ( via Havre ) , May 12. [ New York
Uerald Cable-Special to the UKK.-A |
highly sensational hypnotic experiment was
achieved in a prUato performance , yesterday
at the Folles Oergare. The curUla rose and
revealed Urge cugt of tbie * lion * . Slguor
llacomettl , the lion tamer , then enters the
aeo and makes the lions jump about and
oar. Then a pretty young lady In a white
Iress applies and Is hypnotised by M.
) o Torcy according to the methods
of Dr. Charcot. Do Torcy and Ills
lypnotlscd young lady enter the caire , the
animals being kept In check by tlio lion
amor. Do Torcy compels the young lady to
all on the lions' backs and to place her head
n a lion's mouth hold open for the purpose
> y the lion tamer. ' 1 ho seance winds up by
he young lady , who Is put in a rlsld , acute
cataleptic state , resting with her head on o
stool and her leet on another and the lions
limping over her. One of the lions placed
ts pans on the patient's thl h , and , catching
n Its mouth a mccn of meat attached to a
cord , thereby ( Irlng a pistol fastened to thereof
roof of the caco. The lions all jumped about
iid : roared furiously , and in the midst of the
excitement De Torcy brings his pitlcnt out
of the hypnotic trance and removes her from
lie case. The prefect of police Ins not yet
allowed this performance to bo given In
niblle , but the private performanro was so
vociferously applauded tint Is bjlleved the
restriction will soon be removed.
A Congo Coon Christened.
ISS7 III Jitmrjt ( lonlm
ssni.s , May 12. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the UIK. : | For the first
, imo In tills country a young nc ro from
Jongo was christened yesterday by Bishop
Vandonbcrgh In the chapel ot Archbishop
Hie , of Mechlin. His original name , Wamba ,
was changed to Henri Leopold. The Queen
of the Belgians stood godmother , lie I mil
jecn brought here seven months ago and
had already mastered the elements of Frencli
and Belgian. The ceremony was very In
teresting. Wamba wore a gold watch and
chain presented to him by his godmother.
Ho will henceforth servo as interpreter on
toard of ships running from Antwerp to
Congo. _
Rejected n Reduction ,
PARIS May 12. The cabinet to-day re
jected the resolution of the budget commit
tee of the chamber ot deputies for greater re
ductions of the estimates and the ministers
will now await the Issue of the dispute next
Tuesday In the chamber of deputies.
The action of the budget committee of the
chamber of deputies > psterday in refusing to
accept the proposal of Premier Goblet to re
duce the go\ eminent estimates lflOOJ,000
francs on the ground that still gieater econo
mies were demanded , is now believed to con
stitute a complete rupture between the cabi
net and the committee. The whole matter
will bo referred to the chamber of deputies
for action. The newspapers regard a cabinet
crisis possible.
Franco and Germany.
PAHIS , May 11. The government has
closed the envelope "factory atMarlansvllle ,
near Turnervllle , the uroperty of a German
named Schrnert/ , who employed men belong
ing to the German Imperial army. The
incident Is supposed to bo a prelude to other
reprisals against Germans. La France de
nounces Laboulovc , Fiench ambassador at
St. Petersburg , for retaining a Prussian In
his service as chasseur.
Wants Aynol ) .
VIKNNA , May 12. The report Is current
here that the Russian minister at Tcheian 1 s
trying to Induce the Persian government to
liberate Ayoob Khan for whose sale keeping
England pays a subsidy.
Under Arms.
VIENNA , May 12. Ono hundred and forty
thousand Austrian soldiers are under arms In
Dalmatla , prepared for a campaign. The
Montciiengrin army Is ropoited ready for
action also.
BIsmurck'H Libel IJDW.
BEBI.IN , May 12. The editor of the Frets-
slngcr Xeltung has been sentenced to Imprls
onmcnt for ono month for libeling Pilncc
Bismaick's political character.
PAHIS , May IS. Jean Baptlsto Joseph
Dicndonno Bousslngault , member of the In
stitute , Is dead. Ho was eighty-live years
I'arnnll StartH For London.
DUIUJN , May 12. Parnell left Kingston
this mottling lor London.
Killed AVhilo Hunting.
GAHI > IN : GIIOVI : , la. , May 12. [ Special
Telegram to the Bii : : . ] On last Tuesday
Montio Harris , the sixteen-year-old son of
James Harris , living about twelve miles
bouth of tills place , took his dog and gun and
went squirrel hunting. The boy not return-
In' ; , his lather and brother searched all day
Wednesday , but without finding nny tiace of
the missing boy. On their return homo
Wednesday evening they found the dog and
were tore alarmed than over. Early this
morr ng the search was resumed , and In n
short time the boy was found dead in the bed
of a creel : a mile fioiu the house , shot in tlm
left breast , and all ot his clothing on the
upner part of his body burned oft. It Is sup
posed that the boy accidentally shot himself
while crossing the stream on a log , the faith
ful dog slaying with him for twenty-four
bouts and then \vertt tor help.
A Mutual Insurance Collapse.
DUIIIKJUK , la. , May 12. | Special Tele
gram to the Hi'.i.I : Tlio Mutual Benefit
association of this city , which has been In
existence for the past six or seven years , ' at a
meeting of directors to-day decided to close
up Us atTalrs. The company had at one time
over ! ! , COO members , but by withdrawals and
lapses the number has dwindled down to less
than 000. Since the company was organised
It has paid out over Sfli.ouo in premiums on
deaths and has now on hand about S20ouo ,
which will be distributed pro rata among the
survivors.V. ; . G. Stewart was recommended
for receiver by the stockholders. ,
Earlvillc Had No Knglnp.
DumujuK , la. , Alay 12. [ Special Telegram
to the BKI : . ] A supposed incendiary lire took
place at Earlvillo between 11 -n. and 3 a.
in. last night destroyed fifteen b sincss houses
and dwellings , leaving nothing standing
north of tlm railroad Hack except two dun ;
and one hardware store. The loss Is SISO.WKJ ;
Insurance , S7.ri,000. A strong wind was blowIng -
Ing and the town had no btcam engine.
Conductor Fatally Injured.
Di'.s MOINKS , la. , May 12. [ Special Tcln-
gram to the Bur. . ) This morning between
4 and 5 o'clock Conductor George Cooley , In
charge of a mixed Hock Island train , was
crushed and fatally Injured while setting out
stock cars at the Hock Island stock yards
west of the clt ) Ho was ono ot the best
known conductor on tlm Hock Island road
Gnu MOM In Convention ,
ST. Louis , May 12. The Western Gas
Light association met In this city to-day and
elected the following ollicers for the ensuing
year : President , Kmorson McMillan , ui
Columbus , O. ; first vlco president , George T.
Itamsell , of Vincennes , Ind , ; second vice
president , E. J. King , of Jacksonville , 111. ;
secretary and treasurer , A. W. Littleton , ol
Qulncy , HI. The next convention will beheld
held in Chicago In May , Ibss.
The Rio Grandn'iTAnnuul Statement.
DCNVKR , May 12. The officers of the
Denver ifcKio Grande railway to-day made
public the earnings and expenditures of the
road for the year ending December 21 , isyi
which are as follows : Total earnings
80,738,077.47 ; expenses , ) M,223,416.GS ; nut
earnings , 82.510,000.7' ) .
High License For Michigan.
LANSING , Mich. , May 13 , By a vote of 23
to 84 the house passed thu high license bll
heretofore mentioned In tboso dispatches
The general tax Is placed at 8500 , and on
wholesale od retail ceUblithincuts at S6W
lo MnkcB Another Kinging Speech
For Opiiros-ird Ireland ,
Quinine , May 12. In his speech hero
o-nlgfit O'Brien said ho had to express his
icknowlcdqmcnts , not merely to his friends
mt to his opponents , for the courtesy and
air piny ho had received up to the present
line. a good many preju-
HOPS and misunderstandings which had
orison \\lth tcfercnco to his visit were being
Iready dispelled , anil expiessed conlidonco
hat thu mote the subject was thrashed out
ho more sevetelv every human and llbotty-
ovlng man In Canada would condemn the
onduct of Lord Linsdowne ; and more , they
\ould rvcognl/u that his visit was the only
iii'ams left to n\ert thu de
struction of an entlie community of
oppn MMl and cruelly \\rongcd tenant' ' . The
rlsh people had not oiuht this qu.irrcl vtlth
jord Lansdonnr. Ho had hlin < < ult forced It
by making himself the champion and stand-
ard-beaicro ; the uorst mid mosl inhuman
class of tack-renters In lielaiid , rillssC1 * . ]
"Tho Montieal lleiald ot to-dav. " he con-
Inucd , "took up thu position , with which 1
to not for one moment < ] iurrcl , that tlio
Canadian people would not take on the
statement ol otheis the as oition that
Lord Lansdowne was as black as ho was
lalntod until the other side was henid tiotu.
[ Invite or challenge Lord Lansdowne to
answer or dispute a single tact which the
Herald .savs should not bo accepted until ho
las had an opportunity of doing this. "
O'Brien continued ills address with an
iloiiuent pcroiiitlon. predicting an early do-
Ivcranru from landlordism In lielaiid and
rom the curse and from abomination ot
Dublin castle rule.
Shut Out at Toronto.
TouoNio , May 12. The city council met
this afternoon , when the renting of St. An
drew's hall for William O'Brien's lecture
Tuesday was discussed. It was stated that
; ho council had Information that a breach of
the peace would occur If O'Brien lectuieil In
thathall , and the property owncis In the lo
cality were afraid that their property
would bo damaged. In these circum
stances It was decided to refuse to allow the
liall to be used for the lecture. Mulligan
president of the branch of the National
league , who was picscnt , intimated that ho
would sulfor the damages. He also stated
thai he had been refused the opeia house ,
thu Princess street link , the Shaw street rink
and the p.ivilllon music hall. It Is doubtful
It a hall In the city can bo piocuicd.
Mavor llow.and sent -the following reply
to O'Brien's telegram from Montteal of last
night : "I cannot enoouiago you to come to
Saturday's meeting. You are mis
informed as to the facts , as you probably
ha\o been as to the sentiments of our
people here. A meeting uns not been called
to demand the olllcial prohibition of your
meetings , but to expiuss the opinion ot our
citizens as to the propriety of your coming
here at all. We understand your object in
coming Is to attack the representative ol her
majesty , nt present our guest , on peisonal
grounds , as to the truth of which , as a
matter of fact , wo neither can uor should
bo called upon to jii't.'o. Our sense
ot f.ilr play hero will not justify an attack-
on a public platform of the gentleman , who ,
by reason ot the high otlice which lie holds ,
is not privileged to meet and answer his lic
ensor in like manner. If you persist in
coming , 1 shall atlord you the protection
which the law allows , but 1 would advise
you to accept the decision ot Satmday'ti
meeting , which , 1 bnllevo , will represent the
true sentiments of all classes in this city.
[ Slgucdl W. II. HOWI.ANH ,
Mavor of Toronto.
A Kick at Kingston.
KINGSTON , Canada , May 12. | Special
Telegram to the Bui : . [ This city is called
the Derry of Canada. Just now It Is full of
determined Orangemen. They are waiting
to hear ofllclally that O'Brien Is coming and
they will Hood tlm town with his opponents.
In a letter to the Journal , James Marshall , a
prominent locallst , hopes that those who do-
slro the peace ot the city will see that
O'Btlcn Is kept away. Lord Lansdowne ,
tlm rppiosentative of her gracious maiesty.
Mr. Marshall says , cannot defend himself ,
but It thu government of a day will not do It
thcro is loyaltv enough In Canad.i to
protect him and his noble lady. Mi. Mar
shall counsels those parties who would bring
O'Bi ion to the city to beware In time. "Wo
want to live In peace , " he says , "but peace
witli honor. " Mr.Marshall also says that nil
Oranzcmon In this section have been notified
to bo in riMillnuss and that by aslmplo
mc'sagu Im can fill the town and will at all
hn7uuls preumt O'Brien tiom making an
mldiexs. O'Brien is billed lor the IGtli inst.
Moro Unfavorable Comment.
LONDON , May 12. [ Special Cablegram to
the Bin. : | The Dally Telegraph , comment
ing on O'Brien's trip , says : "It the foitunes
of Mr. O'Brien's tour arc correctly fore
shadowed by the incidents of his landing wo
may expect lively proceedings. The public
intelligence of Canada ought to rebel against
O'Brlon'fl Impudent prouagand.i , and if It
does It Is quite possible the levolt may rise to
an indignant height and lead to riotous col
lisions. "
The Standard this morning says : "Glad
stone's speech Is so oxtuordinary that it is
dlfllcult to rcgaid as serious thu utterances ot
a statesman \\h i IMS been tin Ice premier. It
will add fresh strength to tlio disaffected ele
ments in Ireland and will lend impetus to
the renewed struvglo against the uuthoiity
ot civil government. It anything could in
duce the Nationals not to yield in their ef-
toitsto make unwritten laws supreme it
would be thu opinion Mr. Gladstone has scon
lit to deliver on the morality ot boycotting
and his justification of that most cruel and
tyiannlcal ot the league's methods. "
The AtiKlo-IInytlun Question.
SANTIAGO KK CUIIA , May 12. The British
special commissioner leaclied hero direct
from Port An Prince. The Anglo-Haytlen
question lias been settled on thu basis lore-
shadowed some time ago. President Solo
mon paid in cash and gave bonds to tha
British commissioner to the amount of
SiW.OUO. It is claimed President Solomon
not only paid the money willingly , hut expressed -
pressed himself ns wholly satlslicd with thu
amicable settlement ot thu claim.
American1 * in Mexican I'rNons.
TIT SON , A. T. , May 12. Tlio Citl/.on yes
terday published a letter dated Soharlpa ,
Sonoia , Mexico , April 20 , signed G. D.
Garcia. The writer says that ho is an Amer
ican citi/cn ; that last Sunday he was ac
costed by tlm prefect of tlio district win
asked htm to vet < > tor him at thu election
then being held. Gaicla refused on the
ground ot bulng an American , and thu pre
fect sent him to jail whuiu ho has been over
since with scarcely any sustenance.
Not Sentenced to IJnatli.
Cirv oi' MKXICO , May 12. The Dearlo
Olllcial denies tlio report publisl'pd ' here yes
terday to the effect thatthuolliceis concerned
In the Koealcs affair have been shot. Tlm
denial ot execution by thu government organ
creates a feeling of relief , as union ; Amer
icans thcro is a sentiment that the punish
ment of death awarded the olllceiti Is too
The FlHhorlcH ,
OTTAWA , May 12. Sir John McDonald , In
reply to questions yesterday , said ho know
nothing ot any proposal to suspend the op
eration ot the lishtry protection licet. Xo
answer has yet been received from tin.
United States government to Salisbury's ul
tcinato proposals tor ; i mixed commission to
settle thu fisheries question.
Kentucky Kc | > ul > llcniiH.
Louisvu.i.r. , May 12. The republican
state convention adjourned last night title
completing the ticket by nominating W. II ,
Chllders , Miperlutoniient of public InstniC'
tion , andT. J.Tinsley , register of the laud
Ilrlckninkerx On u Strike.
CHICAGO , May W. Five hundred brick
makers co-ployed at Pullman , HI , , struck
.to dy. '
Morisiui Takes the Stand" Before the Pa
cific Investigating Commission ,
Ittmscl K.IKO lUniiiluod nnd i\lilblts :
Jlcmnrknblo FortriMrulnem Con
cerning Certain of
The Union IMclllo
Nr.w YOIIK , May 12. Investigation before
the I'icllic taltwuy commission opened to
day wltti ( ! . P. Morosinl on the stand. Ho
was ot thelirm of W.C. Connor \ Co.bankers
and brokeis , In ism to ISV ) . Jay Gould and
ins son George were also memliois ot the
llriu. Witness knew nothing of thu books of
the llrm. " 1 nevui asked Gould whore they
v\uie , " said thu witness , "but Mr. Gould tes-
Hied on the stand that lie knew nothing
limn. Gould Is a man of few vvoids and !
lid not bother him about It. "
Commissioner Anderson asked Moroaiul :
'Are you afruld ot Mr. Gould ? " ,
"lam not aliaid of anjthing. I tried In
evorv wav in my power to Him the books , but
tuver could. I know that Mr. Gould
was a largo holder ot Union
Pacific stock , which ho kept in his
vault. 1 don't know that ho had made largn
purchases of Kansas Paelllc stock just prior
, o the consolidation. 1 don't remember that
L signed the rutllicatlnn tor consolidation as
i holder of over § 2,000.000 ot Kansas Pad llo
stock. I owned no such stock. They HOIUO
1 me.s put stock In other people's hands for
convenience , and that might have been the
case In this matter.
"When you say 'they , ' whom do you
"I suppose Mr. Gould. "
"Then when you say 'they , ' you mean Mr.
Gould every time'1'
"Mr. Gould and his tilemls who desired It
foi their eonvenlenee. 1 signed tliu rutllica-
ilon because 1 was told it was for tlio mutual
inteiest ot the loads. "
Kusscl Sage , who lias been a banker and
broker lot over twenty yeais , was examined
as to his book * kept from 1S8 to Ibso and hid
cictica ! employes at that time. Ho said : " 1
made my hrst puielmse.s ofstock ol thu Union
Pacllie In 1M/J or 1S7U , pa > Ing therefor 20 or
.27 cunts , about 1,000 shares. 1 was lequested
to servo as a dlieetor ot tin road because 1
was a lanrostoeUholdcr. " Sagu nioduccdtho
iceord ol his dealings In Kansas Pacific stock
and bonds from July , lt > 70 , to February ,
IbsO , and piomlsed a similar lecoid with ref
erence to the St. Joseph As Western. Ho
know of ( lie St. Louis pool In is.78und was
inteiested in It to the extent of § 2,000,000. "I
did this , " hu said , "to increa-o the value of
Missouri Pacific bccuiltlos. " 1 think that 1
had no personal inteiest In the securities
whleh weio exchanged toi the Si : , IOO.UOO con
solidated bonds. 1 don't leuiember who
owned securities , but think that Gould
was Interested In them. "
Nathan Nllos , government director of the
Union Pacllie foi thu year Ib7l > . swom thatlio
eonsideied the consolidation of benefit to the
Union Pacific. He knew nothing of an ar-
langeiiient bv which Jay Gould was to take
consolidated bonds In icttiin for other siicti-
litles. On subjects where 1 was without In
formation , 1 relied strongly on thu advice of
my associate , deoigu B. Smith , of De.s
Molnes , on the mattci of my action regard
ing tlie consolidation. 1 remember having
had no connection with reference to tlio mat
ter save with tlie government directors. The
government directors had a soporato organ- !
/atlon , of which 1 was chairman. Mi. Smyth ,
kept tliu minutes of the proceedings. 1 do
not know where they me.
Kussel Sage was recalled and questioned
about the Dcnvor Pacltic stock held by him
self and Gould as trustees. Sa-o said ho
thought tlie 20Nfi , ! shares were In his vault at
the safe deposit company's , but Commis
sioner Anderson leminded him that they
had been removed from the trust by a local
action. In icsnect to this suit he could'not
recall thu details. Hu even forgot that Dil
lon and Holmes were counsel for the oppo
sition instead ot , as hu stated , counsel for
himself and Mi. Gould. In explanation of
his torgutfulness he said hu always closed up
business each night and began again next
morninir , and honeo could not bo expected
tn remember much about thu transactions o
nincycai.s ago. In the duel capacity of
stocknolderof tlm Kansas Paeltie and Union
Pacific , hu signed the ratilicatlnn of the con
solidation. Hu represented U,77 shares of
stocks of thu foimer load and 15,000 shares
of tliu latter. Adjourned.
Secretary Vaii'H Successor.
CHICAGO , May 12. Maivln M. Morse , who
wes elected to succeed Secretary Vail , ar-
ilved in the city this aft-inoon and signified
ills willliuncss to acccut the position. Ho
will assumn the duties ot the oillco Juno 1 ,
locating at llaitlord , in comnllancu with the
clmitorot the association. The board of ro-
vlevv finished its labors tiiis evening and now
lias a clean docket for thu first timu in ton
years. Although 101 cases wore passed upon ,
no impoitant issue was piesontud o.xcont the
finally succcssful ollort to remove Secretary
Nohraska and Iowa Weather.
For Nebraska : Threatening weather and
local rains , with local storms , winds shifting
to eohlnr northwesterly.
For Iowa : Threatening weather and local
lain.s , with local storms , variable winds ,
For Kastorn Dakota : Threatening weather
and local rains , witn local stoims , winds be
coming colder , nutthwesterly.
Iowa Quarantine.
DKS MOINKS , la. , May 12. The state board
ot health voted to rescind the quaiautlna
against Illinois calves mid stock cattle. If
continued by the goveinor anil executive
council a proclamation will be made.
Itlulno Hooked For llurope.
Niw : YOHK , May 12. Ulalno will sail Juno
8 for Kurop e.
I'ollco News.
Oilicer Sliunahan caught Frank Uisscr
and E , Connull in the act of "going
through" John Aplm , wiio was drunk , in
nn alley last night. They took -f 10 from
him. The ollieur then cautnrcd both and
sent all threu to thu station.
W. Wuluh assanltud Joe Colback last
night and awaits Judge ; liorka's opinion
of it to-day.
Three mun fell into the cable line exca
vation on Dodge street last night. Jim
Coodc was tliu unlucky one. Hu cut his
lacu and head badly , llo is healing up in
the calaboose.
le.lliuiicnt | Postage.
Superintendent Platot the letter
carriers , showed a Hii : : reporter yesterday
a biindlo of suventy-livo letters , all of
vvhicn had comu across the ocean. On
none ol them had thu postage boon pre
paid Consequently before delivery ,
double thu tegular postage must bo imid.
Thu amount due on the bundle rofurred
lo was about 5. This method of doing :
business causes much extra work to tlio
postal ollicials and causes a great deal ot
"Hutch Honrj. "
The 'Ire Kddios of No. 3 have secured
a Mibslltutc for the lamented ' Kcno"
: md have put him In active training. Hu
was given to the company by ' Dutch
llfiuy , " the well known oxpressman.
The boys aupiccialu tliu gift very highly
nnd intend to nuke thu new lira dog u
notable character in the department.
Without 11
The ease wf Mary Aiutcr , of Valley ,
ihurgud With nulling liquor without u 11-
eiiiisu , was brought up yesterday in
the county court , Mr. Snueral prosouut , *