Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1887, Page 5, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA DAILY. BEE : THtTESDAY. . MAY 12 ; 1887.
How an Expert American Orook Made a Big
Haul of Jewels.
I'lc-Shapcd mill J'lcccnicnl An
lnlii ) | ( ! Furniture Article Ono
oftlio Most Clever TlieftH
of tlio ARC.
LONDON , Jan. S2. [ Correspondence
Kan Francisco Chronicle ] Tliu latter
part of last May witnessed the arrival oi
nn American gentleman at a well known
private hotel in Londonono of the houses
which appeal only to the patronage ol
tlio-to who are not compelled to count tliu
cost of their accommodations. He se
cured a bedroom and .sitting-room on the
third lloor. Ho was an old man and his
liealtli so precarious that he spent most
of his time indoor.- * , leaving the house
only on tlio warm , clear days which are
BO Infrequent during the early part of
May in London. After ho had been there
n few days the lady who had occupied
the suit of rooms immediately beneath
liis , left for the continent , and theAincri- ]
can engaged those for a friend of his then
on tlio way to London. The friend ar
rived and two highly respcotanlo Ameri
can gentlemen wore now installed ono
over tlio other. The first arrival any
Mr. A. loft a cousidorablosumof money
iu Knglish bank notes in the care of the
manager of the hotel. In the course of
some casual conversation with the mana
ger ho subsequently gave the latter to un
derstand that he was a Chicago railway
man of great wealth. The tnanatrcr had
every reason to believe him , for Mr. A. ,
BO far from trying to obtain c.xessive
credit at tlio hotel , or to easli drafts on
Chicago , hail deposited a quantity of
ready money in tlio safe and paid his bills
f.'jieh week without even drawing on this
fund. In duo course the manager learned
that Mr. A'H daughter was nb'out to bo
married and Mr. A. consulted him as to
whcro ho should go to buy her a stilli-
ciently vahiablo sot of diamonds to bo
worn ny n rich man's daughter who was
marryint ? another ricli man.
The manager , with lii.s fat commission
in view , arranged to go with Mr. A. to
ono of the largest jewelers inliond street ,
nnd assist him in selecting thostones. Ho
was himself , ho said , n connoisseur , and
Mr. A. admitted that he know very little
about diamonds and that his eyesight was
impaired. As luck would have it , Mr.
A.'s cough grew worse daily , and the
time apuroaehed when he wanted to dis-
natch tlio stones to Chicago without his
having boon able to go to llonil street.
The manager ventured deferentially to
remind him of this , and Mr. \ . said that
lie had about made up his mind to let his
business correspondent in Now York buy
the stones at Tillany's , oven if they were
a little more expensive than they would
bo in London The manager saw that
little commission of his receding toward
the convergence of the lines ot perspec
tive , and proposed to Mr. A. that the man
in Bond street should send round SOUK
Btouos for him to look nt. Mr. At expressed
pressed a doubt ns to whether tlio mat
would bo disposed to send round a larg
assortment of reallv line goods.
The malinger said there would bo no
trouble about that , and ho himself won
round to see tlio jeweler , made an ar
rangcmout about the percentage , whicl
was satisfactory to both parties ; and the
jeweler promised not only to send nrotiiu
the best sets he had , but likewise to get
n larger assortment on approval from the
diamond brokers according to their usua
practice and submit those also.
It should bo noted huro that Mr. A. hat
told the manager that ho did not care so
much for enormously largo stones as for
stones of great brilliancy , real old Bra
zilian and Indian diamonds. His intcn
tlon was to let his daughter have then
Bet in such forms as .she might hcrsol :
prefer , uulobs , indued , ttie jeweler shouk
Happen to have something very striking
in the way of hair ornaments , bracelets
or necklaces , already sot.
The man of Hoiid stroct was a good ,
Old-fashioned , conservative West-em
tradesman , and when ho saw what an
enormous sum the assortment of jewels
which were going to the hotel aggre
gated , instead of Heading a man roum
witli tiiom , ho wont himself accompanict
by a porter , who carried the leather bag
containing the stones , and who was more
as a matter of habit than because any
apceial precaution seemed necessary
armed witli ono of fearful am
wonderful Knglish revolvers , which are
about as convenient to carry ns an eight ,
ton gun , and take about as long to coc
and lire. It was , indued , moro because
the jo welor wanted to conduct the nego
tiation In person and use his own judg
ment as to how fetitl'a price ho could in-
Bist upon than because ho had any mis
givings about the good faith of the pur
chaser that ho went to the hotel lumsolf.
Arriving there the manager accom
panied him nnd his porter to Mr. A's
xoom. Mr. A. was reclining on n sofa before -
fore the lire. The jeweler unlocked the
bag which was chained around the per
ter's waist , and the manager removed n
number of books and papers from a table
which stood by the pofn. On the table
the jeweler arranged a tempting display
of sot and unset stones , worth in the ag
gregate , at his prices , some 18,000. of
which ho hopud to bo able to sell about
one-fourth , judging from the way in
which the manager had spoken of his
Now , what was the position of afl'airs ?
Around the table were the jeweler him
self , bis armed porter , and the manager
of tlio hotel , a man of unimpeachable in-
tegfity. Aside from the presumption
that Mr. A.was _ a most highly respectable
individual , which in this case seomcd to
amount to a moral certainty , he was a
Veak man. attenuated by Jong illness ,
about which there could be no deception.
The odds wore , in reality , far more than
three to onu ; and a pull at the bell would
liave made them moro than that. The
Jeweler pointed to the various sots and
stones , stating their weight , character
and price ; and , in the instance of ono
superb necklace , telling Mr. A. a curious
history of the great lioblunian who had
been frocnnt.y obliged to dispose of
it among his family jewels. Mr. A. lis
tened with great interest , and then said !
"It must bo a nervous sort of business
handling these things. I should bo afraid
that the devil would lly away with them ,
1 think ! "
Tliu jeweler smilingly assured 1dm that
ho did not worry very much about that ,
nt any rate.
Mr. A. then excused himself whdo he
n-out into his bedroom a moment , re
marking that ho expected a friend of Ida
who wtw in tliu hotel to come up there in
a moment , and wanted his advice m
making the selection ,
After the dour closed behind him , the
jeweler smiled at the { manager and the
manager nt the jeweler. The jeweler
thought of hia protits and the manager
of his commission. If the stones wore
safe before , consider what they wore
now , with only the jeweler , the man
ager and the porter in the room , and the
stones in plain view of the tablo. While
Jhoso doors remained closed mid no ono
) ho enturod the room , the jovrols , you
would 6.iv , were as safe as if they had
oocn in the jeweler's iron-wallod strong
room iu Uoud street.
A moment later there was a little noise ,
Uke the sharp closing of tho.lid of n bor ,
and to all ap'pearanccs the devil had
llown away with the stones , it took the
three men in the room a moment to real
ize what had happened , and at the cnl
of that moment the commissionaire at
the door of tliu hotel saw Mr. A. and his
friend , who occupied the room below ,
walk out of the door , the second gentle
men carrying his ulster on his arm , stup
into a liaii otn and drive rapidly down
tlio street. Jti t as tlio cab drove oil' ho
also noticed a tremendous shouting and
boll-ringing , and , in company with the
other employed of tlio house , ran tip to
the corridor on the third story , where hemet
met the jeweler , the porter and tlio man
ager rustling out of Mr. A.'s sitting-room
as if they hud sron a ghost.
THK fcrONKS HKCOViitii : : > .
Iteforo many hours the jeweler was
closeted wilii one of the confidential in
quiry agents , who were described in tlio
last letter as "crooks' agents , " and a few
days later ho recovered the stones by pay
ing the broker JW.OOO. If ho had gone to
the police instead of tlio broker ho would
probably have never succeeded in bring
ing the artists to justice and would cer
tainly have lost the stones altogether.
The police huvo never hoard anything
about tlio operationthe manager had ex
cellent reasons for not advertising his
own blunder in having been hoodwinked ,
and as the jeweler had compounded a
felony , ho certainly wanted to keep his
mouth shut.
The Americans were , it need hardly bo
said , lirst class artists. They had perhaps
in all invested . 'JlfiO ' in the lob , although
when their trunks came to bo examined
they were found to contain an amazing
mlmbcr of all newspapers , which , with
all the respect in tlio world for the peri
odical press , can hardly bo regarded as
valuable assets , The English banknotes
locked in the safe , with the exception of
the olio at the toil of the roll , wore like
the old Bank ot Kleiranco notes ; they
wore some of a quantity of advertisement
having tlio general apper.tnco ot bank
notes which a theatrical manager in
Liverpool was Indiscreet enough to dis
tribute through the streets of that city
not long ago , and which wore s'eixed by
tlio police as soon as they were called to
their attention , but a good many of
which found their way to London in the
meantime. The manager had. of course ,
not scrutinized the notes , as lie merely
saw Mr. A , put them into an envelope
and write his name on it.
This is a story from tlio outside. Now
let us look at it from the inside. A few
days before the robbery Mr. A.'s friend
had bought for him a curious antique
table , which Mr. A. intended to take to
America with them , nnd which , for the
time being , ho had in his sitting-room ,
covered with a cloth to prevent its being
It was on this table that the diamonds
had been laid , and , as a matter of fact ,
this table was the devil that How away
with them. It had been made , or rather
remade , from a curious piece of old fur
niture by a manufacturer of stage con
jurors' appliances in Paris. It was a
small , round-topped table , nnd from the
top it sloped in and then spread out
again toward the lloor , something like
the trunk of a tree or an hour-glass with
out its waist being pinched in very
tightly. The top of the table was
inlaid , the pattern consisting of
a number of pio-shapcd pieces
and radiating from an enameled medall
ion in this middle. From the top to the
lloor the table was hollow , when tlio Hat
piece at the bottom of it was unscrewed
and a load weight which made it as heavy
as a solid table was removed. Through
this hollow there ran a stout piece of
heavy fish-lino , fastened to the under side
of the medallion iu tlio top of the tablo.
Uotoro the jeweler's visit this medallion
had been replaced by a wooden plug , in
which was set a little iron ring. On the
under side of tlio cloth a piece of stout
dogskin was securely glued and the ring
sewn to this. When the cord was sharply
jerked the top of the table collapsed to
ward the middle ,
being hinged at the outside , nnd ar
ranged so that their points would drop in
when the cord pulled down the plug.
Therefore , when the cord was pulled the
cloth would bo drawn down into the hol
low part of the table wrapphlg in itself
whatever had been lying on it when the
cord was pulled.
DTlio two crooks had quietly cut n hole
through the lloor of Mr. A.'s sitting-room
and the ceiling of the room below as soon
as the two sitting-rooms had been cleaned
tip by the hotel servants that morning.
In Mr. A's room ttio hole was of course
concealed by the table , but the room below -
low had to bo kept locked and unentered
during tlio morning.
This the partner had easily arranged
by saying that ho was writing letters and
did not wish to bo interrupted. When
ever A. wont into his bedroom from tlio
sitting-room he went out of tlio bedroom
to the corridor and down stairs to his
partner's room , His partner was in
readiness , and when ho know it was
time to act ho stood on a
chair under the hole and hold
his overcoat ready to catch the table
cloth and the stones. Mr. A.stood with the
cord in his loft hand an open knife in his
right. Ho jerked the cord. His part
ner's ulster received what it was waiting
for and he quickly cut the cord close up
to the cloth.
The ulster was hastily doubled over
its contents , and with it on the partner's
arm they walked quickly down the
stairs and were in the hansom before the
people up stairs realized that the stones
wore gone ; and even when they saw that
the top of the table scorned to have fal
len in it took them ti moment to discover
that it was not in that room that they
must look for the vanished diamonds.
The two artists must have had fully live
minutes start , and three minutes was all
they needed to bo lost.
For nn Irritated Throat , Congli or
Cold , " /Iroit'jw Uroitchlnl Troches" nro of
fered witli the fullest contidouua In their
utllcacy. ' . ' 5 ct3 a box.
Singular Occurrence In the Streets of
tlio City of Mexico.
Two Republics : On the corner of
Ganto and San 1-rancisco streets there
occurred an incident yesterday morning
which shows how small this world really
is in these days of railroads and steam
ship transportation. Karl and Julius
Kretzmar , twin brotors , lirst saw the
light of day fifty-two years ago in what
was then a snmll village just outside ot
the limits of licrlm , but which has since
been incorporated in the great city. They
{ row up together into manhood , served
together in the same regiment as one-
year volunteers , tumor a provision of the
"ompulsory military service of Germany
ay which young men wlio reach the
igo whun they become eligible as sol-
liors may reduce their term of army life
: o one year by feeding and clothing
.hemsolvos. Upon leaving the army they
; ogether entered the establishment of
: holr father , a wholesale grocer
rt'hou they wcro twenty-three years
> ld the father met with financial
reverses which reduced his fortune to
inch an extent that only a small pittance
emained , scarcely enough to decently
iiaintam the family , composed of ten
ihildron. of whom the twins were the
tldcst. When this state of alTuirs became
tpparunt the two brothers resolved to
itriko out for themselves. Karl accepted
i humble position offered him by a Ham-
Hirg merchant iu a branch house of the
inn located in Calcutta , while Julius
mtored the employ of a cloth manufac-
uring establishment In ono of the in-
crier towns of Germany. Karl kept up
cgular correspondence with his brother
or years , but finally tiring of his position
io loft It and for ycar battled against
.dversity . which ho was too proud to
nako known , so ho ceased writing en-
irely from that time. Ho finally drifted
to New York , entered the employ of n
collee-llouso , and came to Mexico three
weeks ago to look Into the cofTeo-ralEinu
Industry of the republic for his firm , of
which ho has become n member. Julius
in the meanwhile had been sent
out as a wool-buyer by the factory
in which he had found employment ,
and through the agent of an American
woolen goods importing house had been
made aware of the advantages oll'ered in
the United States for the establishment
of woolen mills. The stories he heard
determined him to remove to America ,
and as soon as ho had a little sum laid
by ho look ship from Now York , and
traveled from thence to the woolen man
ufacturing center in liliodo Islandwhere
ho found u position , saved his moncyand
is now the proprietor of one ot the
largest mills in the.stato. lie came to
Mexico some days ago to arrange with a
firm In Chihuahua for n wool supply.aml
extended his visit to this ciy to see the
sights. While walking in opposite dircu-
tions on San l-'rancibco street the broth
ers came face to face , and , notwithstand
ing the fact that tiventy-ninu years had
passed since their last meeting , they
rccogni/.ed each other instantly , whether
through an unexplainable instinct , or
whether owing to the fact that they resoluble -
soluble each other so closely in llguruand
features that It is hard to distinguish one
from the other , it is hard to say ,
It 1 4 a Curious Fact
That thn body is now more susceptible to
benefit from 'medicine than at any other
soason. Hence the importance of taking
Hood's ' Sarsapanlla now , when it will do
you the most good. It Is really wonder
ful for purifying anil enriching tlio blood ,
creating an appetite and giving tone to
the whole system. He sure to get Hood's
Sarsaparilla , which is peculiar to itself.
Transfers Filed May 10 , 1887.
K S .Morris and wife to .lamps L
Lovctt et a ! , lots 0,15 ami 10 blk 4W ,
Gnuut Vlow , qc 1
John 1) Hamilton anil wife to John 11
Levy , lot 5 block'JOO. & . wd 8,000
Omnlia Heal Kstate anil Trust Com
pany to Martin Xclunelstor , lot S'J
blk 1 { founders A : lliinebaunh's add ,
w il 530
Oinaliaaml Florence Lund ami Trust
Company to Albert 0 Smithlot 1 blk
ID , Flonmcivi c 1
Smith Siuuulcrs nnd wlte to William
A { founders , lot 10 In Washington
Snuaro. wd . " . . . . 1,300
City of Omaha to 0 GAltruist , 10x00
leet beginning at tlio nw cor of lot 5
blklT.qc 143.00
George U Hobble to Sophia A Lowe.
lots 5 and Oblk IKJ , n c
John S Caulllclit to Alon/o I' TuKoy ,
south 50 feet of lot 44 and tlio north
17 luet of blk 45 ami south ! ! S feet of
lot10 nnd lots 40 anil 41 and tliu
south S teet ot lot ! ? J in Kcdlck's
Second add , wd 1
Mina lu Soden and hmband to linr-
b.ira A Klomltiftlot 10 blk 24Walnut
Hill , wd 3,000
South Cnmlm Lund Company to
Joseph Kavan , lot C blk 74 , South
Omaha , wd 300
John L McCaguo and wife to Thus
lilackburn ; lot 15 , olock 0 , West
Cuniineai'.U , wd 325
Cltv ol'Uniaha to HobcrtA Harris et
ul.SxOO feet bcKlnninp nt tlio .sw cor
of lot 0. blk 1S1J4 , in Omaha , n c . . . Ot OS
Helen M Hall and husband to U'ni II
( ireen , No S ft ot the east 150 feet
of timhoutli' < < > t lots lUnmieo in John
I Hcdlcks add , w d 15,000
Sarah C 1'atrick to Win II Blanker ,
lots 14 and 15 In Patricks Saratoga
add. wd 'l'J5
John L Hill and wlfetoltasinusl'uter-
snn ot al ; lot 10 , block , iioirL's &
HlU'sadtl , w d 3,000
Sam'l Cotnerand wife toJCcgert Speck
lots ij ; , 14,15,10 and IS In block 14 ,
Mlllard.wc ! 600
I'nuliiio M Wheuler and husband .so
Mrs ( iiissio M Post , lot ' ! ! , block 7 ,
llan.scnm Park add , wd 750
Jmnes M Woolwortli and wito to Itoso
Al Davis , lot 14. block G , Sulphur
Springs adit , wd 2,500
John It bhaw and wife toF Fit/irer.ild
lots 13 and 13 , In block 0 , Sulphur
Sprlncs add , wd 0,500
Aaron Cnbnctcl to Edwin Sherwood ,
lot 6 In Windsor 1'laco extension , w
tl 1,800
John A JJrynnsto C O Clark , 100x120
feet In block 3 , Ambrose I'laci' , w d 1,400
Jauius Voro and wito to Samuel Mor-
tenson , lot 4 , block 1 , Uoaneckcn's
addto Walnut Hill , wd 800
Andrew Haas and otheis to J J { Mea-
K-lier , lot lit , block J. Hans'subdivi
sion to Jcttor's add. to South Omaha ,
Wd 475
John M Swotman to John C Dahl-
stroni ; : iK ncres in 3,14,13 , w d. . . . 1,400
Willard \ Slabaush to Alonzo 1' Tu-
kcy , north 8 feet of lot 44 mid south
42 tcet of lot 45 , in Itcdicks 3d add , w
d 2,500
lluch U Clark to L E Corby , lot 2 ,
block 15 , Myers , Itlcbards & Til-
den's add , wd 1,000 ,
Apparently a llnttomlcsn Pit.
Malone Gazette : There is a sink hole
on the line of the Carthage & Adiron
dack railroad into which has been
dumped ten acres of timber and innum
erable car loads of stone , tiio cilect of
which has not been apparent , tlio hole
being as bad as when first discovered.
The sink hole is 17. > feet long , situated
between Harrisvillo nnd Jayvillo , and
whqro the track runs between two
chains of hills , making the chang
ing of the road bud impossible.
The C. & A. railroad people have long
had trouble with it , and for some time
past have been endeavoring to fill np the
hole. It appeared to bo perfectly safe
last Wednesday , and three cars loaded
with gravel wcro pushed over the hole
nnd unloaded , when they sank swiftly in
Bightoon feet of water , ono of the men
an them narrowly escaping drowning.
About 300 car loads of gravel and stone
together witli a vast amount of rubbish ,
lias been deposited in the hole.
For Strains , Sprains end Bruises.
JOHX TEEMER , Clmmpion Oarsman
of America ,
"I luivo found St. Jucobi Oil of Incstim-
able volue. " _ _ _ _ _
MR. J. C. COPELAND , Editor Atutra-
Itan Cvcliit , Sydney , N. S. W.
" My tricycle Journey of 1200 miles would
not have bctm completed without St.
Jacobs Oil. "
MR. WM. BEACH. World's Champion
Oarsman , Royal Hotel , RyJo.
"St. Jacobs Oil euros stlffne-'s , cramps
and muscular pains in tralntni ; . " _ _ a
CAI'T. PAUL HOYTON , tbo world-
renowned Swimmer.
" I do not ecu how I could get alone with
out St. Jacob * Oil. "
MR. JOHN ROLFE , Champion Bicy
clist. 81 Liverpool St. . Syducy. N. S. W.
" After ridliirfl.OWmlUti Against tlmt.St.
Jacobs Oil removed all fatlguo uud jmJu. "
MR. E. P. PAINTER , London Ath
letic Club.
" St. Jacob Oil cured mo of a tpraluod
tendon. " _ _ _ _ _
EDWARD IIANLAN , Cliatupion Oars
" For muscular j ! n I hayo found St.
Jacobs Oil invaluable. "
ually and collectively :
Uw St. Jacob * Oil for ipnlni,8tt-iDi and
A LL ASSOCIATIONS of Field Sporto.
* - Turf. Watur and Koad , u o St. Jacobs OU
foripreloj , etrIn _ n < l btuUet ,
Every application gtvca relief : every bottle
cpnt iuaeureeveryboltlyt ; i edutoqu l-
tty ; every cenulna bottle bean the firm's fao-
slmlla iftfiiature ! evury home Iu America
knows Its value ; every spokeu language kuow
lUni .no ; every journal praises It ; every dealer
knows IU merits ; every cheral t tinds It perfect.
Bold by Druggists and DuJcrs , ITIca fifty
ccnls p r bottl ? Tha gluule * A. Vogclcr Co ,
WlUmorc , Md. , , , . . ,
Hardly n week passcf itliotit the men
lion by the newspaper * oi sudden deaths ,
nnd of late the alarming frequency of the
statement that death was caused by rheu
matism or neuralgia of the heart cannot
fail to have been noticed , In all probabil
ity many deaths attributed to heart disease
arc caused by these terrible diseases wliic hare
are far inore'dangeroiis than is generally
considered. Is there any positive cure" ?
The best answer 'o ' such a question is given
b ) ' those who have been cured by the use
of Athlophoros.
Long Pine , NebAug.ll. . 1SSG.
I suffered for years witli neuralgia in my
iicad , neck and face , add have spent , I
know , over $100 in trying to find some
medicine to relioc me , and found only
temporary relief in anything I tried unt'i
I saw nd\ertUcmcnt . of Athlophoros , I
gave relief at once , and after tibing on ,
bottle and a half 1 found lasting relief. It
helped and cured me where all other reme
dies failed. I have rccommen Jed it to
several of my friends with like good result.
I have not had a return of the disease since
taking the Athlophoros over two years
ago. MRS. M. A. MORTOUD.
Altoona , Iowa.
Athlophoro1) is giving tinparallcd satis
faction in this locality as a sure cure for
rheumatism. J. Jatuics , a farmer , near
Greenwood P. O. , was cured of sciatic
rheumatism after having been for three
months unable to walk \vithout a crutch
J. A. Ogden of this place had forbears
been troubled with rheumatism , oftentimes
unable to work , lie ne\er found a perma
nent cute until he lound Athlophoros.
Shipped two bottles by express as a present
to a brother in Nebraska.
rosKvoryilrupcist should keep Alhlopho-
ros iiiiu Athlophoros Pills , but wlioru they
cannot hu bought of the druggist tliu
Athlophoros Co. , 112 Wall St. .Now York ,
will send oithur ( carriage paid ) on rccuipt
of rcijiiliir price , which is $1.00 nor bottle
for Athlophoros and COc. for 1'ills.
Kor liver iitul kldnuy dl cusus ilysjopsin. Indigestion -
digestion , noiiknii" , nervous ilnblllly ,
ofoiiirn , constipation , licadiiclm , unpi.iu
blood , etc. . AUiIopnoioj 1'Ills are
Warranted to neither break down 01
roll up In woar.
HoDeGtnnlng wllhont KIKO tt ihprd on InsIJ ) of Conet ,
Try III It will entt ymnotMny If BO | i rrprfi ilf J.
I tiara ( r poBltlTo roraidy ( or tin beT dltiM [ by Its usa
thoucatuls ot CKR08 of trio vrnrBl kln-1 nnd ct Ion ? standing
li \ o boon curp'l. ' Indo d. no tr 2 It nw fallb In Its oCl acy
that I "IIInrt TWU BUTTI.B8 FKEK , loRBther with VAL.
( JAllLGlllKATi8Eontlilg < tliiea.seti > nn > nifrcror. ] Ue oi.
KM & r. o. < nloroiu. uii. l' . A. su > cUM , : ei i-eott jjt. H. T
10 T ,
Embody the highest cxellencies in Shape
lincss , Comfort and Durability nnd
arc the
Reigning Favorites
fashionable circles Oarnimih on eve
ysale. J. & COUSINS , Ne w York.
WEAK MEN ! frrm
I p m r n t
Prrmntar * Undine. etc. , re > ulllng fiom Indlurttloni or
CXCI'H.PII , furrdswltl.nill Nt..iBn > lt llrdlolnff. .brttlO
Hrolrd book nt f . BhonH lx > read by Fjlliort
9tf Roptfto with IntnrniAtlon of vslua to nil men *
JlontlonOmnlm Weekly neo. tii >
( Uil [ bjr trill tU r llll'BOVII )
_ . .nunul , mild , lootlilrgrurrrntl of
HydlrccUj through ill urai parti.nilor-
Mo health and VigorouiKlrGr. tri. tlectno
. _ /5"tcUin t ml/or efurlcit5JjlJ ( Incaih.
( lr Uit Impruvrmcnti over all olh r tclti.Ynril t i per.
InRnvnttyrurtdlu lhre mnnthi. Honltd pimphlct4e. atamp
The Sanden Eloctrio Co. I6D LaSalio t. , Chicaga
ui v
and all skin dlaensea. A new method ol torn-
poundlDH Tar. A Cure piiarnntotMl , of jnonoy
refunded. Hold by druck'lctfl , end fit tbn oillce of
Mention Omabn Heo ,
winch , iliey dhtct tlulr u < t iiiuriki. Diu Orritu-
iioiR'i ' 1 * a vuvowrul IDuBirntioii ot ll.o nitnlt-i-n ttlioolof
| tocUlUtB.AuJ bit utiptTfolcnlnil nirf rM In ( he trtAtinrrt or
tbrunir.Ntrvoui HI id fefivcial UW M ( both HIM Jiint on *
ilrf\il ItUfl.tttcrln ? . Ihom r otn w l 4 urnl | ii Itr l
ndicT f > r tli4 mutt lKlt < ' t ofIJiw , III(1mI ( in nccom *
Huitiitoli lilelily ri oiunitf-dul by ilio tunlUtl j iof *
iju at homo Mini alroid
TO THOSE 1.1 qvrsT OK 11 tii/nii
Hiniiloiii | IJston which toprl _ * ( ntjiiitory | o I their tliwiw.
Cumuli a lion fU'Oin < JCOiifUiill4p r uaII/or ty mail
AfTeclln llie NVrvmil H/btrni.flfii Mj IMnirjr and Hrpnvluo
tlvo OriAni , wt-II ai all other Jun'reJ tVof tlllirr wi.
C.IUnoraJJr f , Dr > OTtERBOURQ ,
OIC1CK HOriUi Ctf. IltknodDollf.Slt. ,
0 to lit. n. , ilotuilT lt8kM. OKIKI , Nu
Y rr I
* Jf-rur , whih lie wUl to till follow i
Addrvu. O. J. I1AAON. l' < u urM wv
Lincoln , Neb.
The host known and most popular hotel In
10 state. Lou-tlon contra ) , appointments first
usa. Hcudiiunrturs for coiiiinurcliil mon and
t political and pulillu tfotlierlnifs.
E. 1' . UOUGUN , I'roprietor.
ipltal $500,000
iirplus , . .f 100,000
irman Kountze , President.
John AI Creighton , Vjce-Presidenl ,
F. H , Davis , 'Cashier. '
, ' . . ' Wi H , Meftjuier-As5t-Ci War.
1100 Turkey frinqrcil clothes al $1 ,
worth ? - ' .
000 Turkey fringed cloths at S3cwortli
10 PCS Turkey rod dntuask at 23cworth
10 pcs Turkey red damask at 3ocwortli
C9 dox red bordered doylies nt 03c , worth
20 pcs 18 inch pure twluo crash at OJp ,
worth 12c.
100 dox : crcpo towels , ISxol nt ? 1.20 per
dO7.on , worth $1.75
100 docruaiu damask towels nt 15c ,
worth 25c.
100 doz Iiuck towels at ISJceacli , worth
5 cases yard wide sheeting nt 5c\vorth
0 cases yard \vitto bleached muslin nt
Cc , worth 8jc.
50 bed sprcnds at 40o worth 75c.
CO rloIndies' iniblenchod hose , IGc ,
worth 25c.
50 do/5 ladies' fancy hose , regular inndo
2Dc , worth 5Uc.
Schoppers lisle thread hose , plain nnd
ribbed , -lie , worth 75c.
Ladles lisle thread vests , Jersey fitting
in ecru , pink and blue , 98c worth $1.25
Ladies' line balbriggan vests , long and
short sluovcd , 30u worth 5to. )
Ladles' balbriggnit vests , 03c worth
Ladies' India gauze vests , extra nice ,
25c worth 40c.
100 dogents' iinlaundricd shirts , dou
ble back. 'ISo worth 7flc.
Latest stylo-i iu satin lined neckwear
Gents' tine balbriggnu shirts and
drawers , 35c each.
Gents' white laniidncd shirts only COc.
Gents' Ikitibh half hose , supcriino , 1'Jc
worth 2fie.
Gents' percale shirts , in a variety of
patterns , 47c , 75c , $1 and ? 1.25
Iii New Kcniiai'd '
I6tli Street , Near Douglas.
And many other complaints cured by
A Prominent Bufl'ulo Fliyslcian gays :
BUKKAU ) . N , Y. , Fob. 14,1 7
Drllorno , Clilcniro , III. Da ir Sir : It li nomuthln ;
iinuMia I for ono of ilio muillcnl prnfoslon to Indoria
n nilvortUod artlclo : yet I tulte plonsnro la Inform-
INK ynu thai ono of your Kloctrlc lieltH rurodiuouf
rboumnthm , from which I Imit niilforotl 2yoarn. I
Imru ruroniincncloil rour Inrontlon to nt lent forty
if my pntlont.i9uirerlii < witli rlironioillteittoiiof va-
rU > ' klnd , vie ; I'lilpltullon oftlio heart , nervous
H'blllly , epilepsy , rliouniutl'in , i > aln In tlio buck and
kldiuiyv , otc , . etc. , etc. All have luirch'isort uncl
.vorn thorn wlttl nirn1. KnHltylnu rnsults. I cnnhlchly
ecommpnd yourlOlecirlo IH'Iti as iioscosaltiif grant
ucril. Fratcniiilly yours.
I. . l > . .MrMirilAmM. D.m Nlaira-st
A Cliicnco riiisiciun Says ,
Dr IIornu-Dourair : 1 liivo : u cd scvoral kinds ot
iiiiKiiotlc iinil Kli'ctrle Halts on imUontaanit m > iolf.
lean honoitlvKlvo the proferpnou to yours , ny nil
iriS ( < . llencu I uinum ! do rccnnimenit ynuMOVPr till
itlic'r.i. V"Mra frntorimlljr , J. II. Jouno.v , M I ) .
Jnn II , ' . onico ! 78titc-t. : , t'lilcouo
i Physician Says. All of My Patient
aru Satisfied.
OEVEVA , Nrn. , Jnn .11,1W
nr W. J.IIorno , Inventor -Dear Hlr : 1 roooinnu'rl 1
our Rloctrlc Delta to nil wlm nurror with nnynorvoai
louhle. nny chronic liver or klitnoy ill ease . Allot
njr pntlantH that arauiliiK jour Kloctrlc Ileltn ara
utlslluil. Fratcrimlly. M. I'ltoMT.M I ) ,
I'liyslclan anil S'ireoon
V Minister of the German Evangelical
Church , Says :
T.Kinnro.v , AlleKan Co. , Ml < > h. , Fobs ,
on let mo hare tlie uifoncr for this towntblpTI'loaaa
ITO your terms dim the minister of thn ( lerraun
Ivangollcul Church of lieijthton. llctiioctfullr.
Ittv. LIIUIH Iliit'HM ,
Hoaldonce , Uldillevlllo , Uurry coumr , Mich.
Neuralgia of tlio Stomach Cured.
CUCRI.VL'T. Ii.r. . , Jiin.Ol , W !
Dr. Ilorao Pear Sir : 1 win lufforliu with neural
I tot the ntninucli , nnil niodlclne neeinod to liavo no-
ifectievtm moriiUtno did not r < ill io mo much. Tha
tuck would bKln every ovenlott about ntnoo'clock.
nd Init aboutnlx lioiira 1 sent for one of your KltiC'
10 Ik'ltH. KOt It and put It on. and Imvn't had tlio
'Hit nyniptomot naurulfla ulnce. I tun neil ploiiod
Vours truly , A.g. llAHfouur.
> r. W. J. I10RNE , 191 Watmsh-avomio ,
Sole Invpntor.po rriolor und Manufacturer ,
fend Btuinprno c.itlouuo.
Specially Distilled far
Medlel-Bl I/ . * .
DB. IDtV. L. Wil.UNO , Sur
gwn In Clil r , NsUoniJ Oukrc
of N.J.rllM :
"Ur ttonllon WM ullwl U
roar Kejituo * JUl WhUkgj lj
Kr. lolor , Iruglil , of Trenlou s
s > cd I hart niwl > f w to I U el
with far t lt r effMt tbsa unj , '
hsT bftd. 1 am recommendinc
your artlcU In my practice ,
Itnrus I i
tnrus or
> Ocnalot hu lb Slnttur * O H ;
BlflXIR * MltXpILiuX
'ic-tlmOl cf Bottll. on tht L b t.
( S4l < if.nUPorU U. ) H
816 , 318 and 3X0 Rfte * St. Philadelchia. P . Hol
oodmnn Drug Cp. Oenl.Aconts.Omahu . ol tn
Nabraska. lo
IS ini in
( From tlio Pclorsburs.Vn. , Imlot.Appoal , April ipfi. )
Tlllt 11,1.1 Mi ClIAl'TKUS IN Till :
VA.lir.KU OF A I'lll'UI.AK
riTKKsiuiunii ) : ,
Wlmt Mayor Jnrrolt , Ku-Oovenior f.iiiiornn. pn
Biltli llollliu nnil OlIiiT * Think of Mr. Culllcr .Sen-
Htitlonal Miitoiuontii < if nbl icoru M.m.
Wlio Is lint T known hi tlili r immunity tlmn Mr.
Jm.ic K.Collier , of Ilia llmlti Mllli'
Kou lit teen 5 curs iison * nKllctlon cn t iliirks ( unions
OTOI lliariatlinriiyof tlint iinilnblo L-oiitlomiin a llfo.
WlinUhatsuro tilil iix Mr. C < illlor IKIB cmmMiteilto
willuclowii , In the IIOIMI Hint his axM < rl nco muv I HI
the immii * uf Hiding ulliorft to C'ciifo the ilarkau > 8
thnt tliri'iitcn nil llro > . Tnnlmn tn thtfworlil how fie
lir.riirilu.l. nu clvc Iho tc'llmuitrof his fallow citi
MAron' < < OKvin , )
I'nlcriburu. Vn. . April IS , 13S7. f
TO Whom It nmy Concern !
This IK lo certify tint Mr Jmiioi K. Otllrr , n cltl-
ron of Vulurnlimir , In n gon'lonmn ot lilKli noclnl
HUindmx , ot culture , of Intwrlly of cbuMCltr , anil oil.
tlrely worthy of bnllef ,
T. J..hirralU Muyor.
William K. Ciunuion. KT(3nvornnrof ( Vtt.
It. I * , lltirhnni , Keillor IVto.fbnrR Indoi-Appcnl
( len.HtltnilollliiK.
( Joo. 0. liarr , Proprietor lliitcl ( lury.
Two yours ngo Mr. C'olllcr caniu Into tlio city from
hl country pl.iop , line i-nKniHMl In tlui Hour mil line
buslnojn ; It UHitfo to nay thai no prlvnto cltlrnii In
hrtter knonn anil rauro gcnumlly beloved. Hero 18
Mr. Colller'n loiter :
No. 212 Am-MK STIIKHT. J
I'KTKitsnimo , Vii. , Aiirll 1CIS37 i
Snlft Specific Ci. , Atlnnra.da.
( Jcntlomen Vou will parrton mo In bolnc n llttlo
long In thin lottur , for 1 am iledroii * that you xlinll
know tlio ripinilBof the most wonderful euro uf mj-
BOlflijr H.H. H.
In Ml kind of ni h broku out on my forclionrl
which utiin sovoroly. Tim nojt > i > ar fit abouttlio
pnniutlme ( tlio fall ) my forohend was coverud witli
bolM , which iBBtcil two or three Honk * . lnlS7ri |
September , my fiico Nwollod no sotbnt 1 ttns unro-
roKiilinblu fortbroo month * . Dnrlnx thlsllmcn yel
low nerid rmittor continually nui fnim my fnco , Then
nc.-itunoiiia form anil tlio ncrlil dUrbnrKO continue
tinill my nklii was in thick us n'llo lenllior ; my faro
i-ntm lianl ncl nmooili oxcont when tbn scabs onld
forin.m u billhinl Imll. Tlio f.ico tUCM ) munlus wun
swollen up oven with inv noic , nnd but for the creiuo
liotwoim tlio nose unil luechtukB , the nosownsnol
lifter the riirnInK wrmld stop , Imvlnn run two
week .tliOBwelllnir oulcl BUbsldiiln nbnut wpuk.
During thunubslillnt ; thnfiico ITIIS very roil. At noos
us tliu cheeliH hud HOMO down to almost their normiil
lie , mywhole fnco would boxln to throb llko n piiln.
fill boll ; nnil the tbrobblnc wns rjulto painful us
the wor < t boll. When the swolllni ; wns up to the
hliihooi , thdiicrkl yellow dlJChurnu bewail , and
od ubuutttto weaks.
Thl44irelllnir. running mid no.ibblni Injted nliont
Illtcuit X'ur * . I Hi r I IK Ihovi yonrnthero MIIXIIO Inter-
ml ftiun oftlioiiKony dttscrlnod 1 wm nil the tlino
unilei the bet pliyslcluna who pronounce ) ) luy CHHO
evauKoratoil or/etna In tlio wor t foiin , .Ho aorliiua
win iho TMPUnit iitiuoflho pliv lolnn * Hiked mu to
RiMol'lillnilclpliln wlt'ihlm ami put lujseir under
the Hkln npi'iiiilint of llmt city.
.My uppetlto bud bcromo | our and tnv ftlKOHtlon wns
jo weak thnl I could no' even ent boiled clilckon.
ItluhtMftnrnluhtti ivn 1 Konotobed with a tunihlerof
ttntor mid u t > poontul of t-oJn by myaldoi und 1 til-
wnpsdr.-in'i ' It befoni moriilns to eel relief fromllio
upi'toiulon of ilT l > o | ) ln.
I bad become uloomv nnd almost hopales > i. My
farm'nu IntPM'itseio being mined fur want of my
ntluntlon. iitul my nyittoin was nu nit depleted by tlio
Mflocn years f rnnnlnttof my f.ico , ha'iila nnd ankle -
kle , lorlimfinvyenrH tlu < dl niiau nnil upreadln tny
noek , tin ) barks of my linn l , tlu > Inside of mv ankle *
nnil my Insteps. I have put my foot on tliu lloor. nf-
tor lintlilnir li.niid lh dlrcliiir o from the niikloand.
In-top , would lorrn snmll pool In 11 Mw minutes.
The dlaohnvo from the fncn ami neck WHS so copi
ous , that 1 bnvu often net ud a whole sheet Ins
nlsht , ilrylna llioluce an.i neck.
In inlscnnilitlon for nboul nftoen yunrs , day In
and day ( ut , ouk liiaml week out. on to monihs and
to years , ean ynu mnijliiii my montiil nnony not lame
mo pny slnil snir IIIK ! With n lurtio family to sup-
Hdor ,1 lilt-llfteeJ yoirsot my llfn li oiitoly ! thrown
a awh io 1 Rttt helpless wnlchlntf uiy amnllcoiupo
teneo dwindle before my vnry ye .
Thodoctors lint all tiven inn npwlinn nbout two
yojirsntfon tiontloDinn who said ho hnd boenntlllcted
In a way similar to ray cnsc , but In n nilldorform told
motbilS. H B hnil curvtl hint , nnd ho ur ed tna
strontfly to Uiko It I followed his ndvlco nn.l h ifnn
n course of H. N. S. The first few bottles soemcd to
Intensity theillse iso , nnd iilnrmod 1 lef I oIT thotnedl *
cine. Later 1 dnlo nilnfld to continue S. i ) . S. ; and
under ihomedlclneMntluoncw bolls broke out on my
nerkand fntonnd throimh them imssed off thnt ills-
G'larKC , Itooktwonty bottlesnfawllt Hiieclllo and
whenl KOttlirounli lhndlie sowniiontlrely Bono.
Now that I ovun think of tbo uonilorful cluitiKO
fnim thoai ) sloeplcsidnyi nnd nlchts of throbbing
pnlii , Ibnciire r cmsk-ientur tb'in ' you can Imnglne.
I lenialn with profound uralltii'lo ,
VouroboJIontsorvunt , JAH.K. COI.UIUlt
P. S. That wnnt of appotllo nnd Itnrrlblo dys
popsln of which I Ktioko. Inis c'titlrolv illsap-
ponrod , nnd to-ilny Iliuvong irood diKi'Slloii M
tiny limn In tliu sttttn uf Vlrylulit.
AlthuiiKii I hitil never hud rlioumntlsm until
this lorrlblo pliiK'iio struck nio , yet during II I
liinl Bovoro , nouto attncks. Since I ctnmcol that
conrsool twenty lioUles oC 8.3.B. , 1 linvo not
hud tlio sllKhtust tliuuiuiitlc Hymiitonm , now
over two joarrt ago. JAK. . COI.I.IKII.
Trentlso on Dlood nml Skin Ulsunscs raiillod
THE SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta !
These Pnints are in every respect strictly first-class , being composed of
tlio best and purest materials obtainable. They liavo a larger ualo than
any other painta made in this country or abroad , and , although they cost
a trifle more per gallon , they will do more oud better work for the samo.
amount of money , owing to their wonderful covering proper ties , whila
their superior durability renders them the most economical paints in thg
world , Sample Shoots and Descriptive Price List free by mail.
H.TV. Jolinn'Flro and 'Water-Proof Asboitoi llooflnff , Sheathing , llulldlnff Felt ,
Alberto ! Steam .Ticking * , Holler Coverings , lloor Paints , riro-l'roof FalutH. ctoi
VULGABESTONi MoutdoJPlHton-nod racking , Illcgi , Caskets , Sheet racking ; etc.
Established 1858. 175 RANDOLPH ST. , CHICAGO.'Tro oSrJIu5itDm > " " -
For Sale by Chicago Lumber Co. , Omaha , Neb. , anil Council ISlufTa , Iowa.
New Model LawnMower
Mve Sizes- Will cut higher grass than
any other. Jfas HO equal for simplicity ,
diirabilitu anil ease of operation. "
This is tlio latest Improved Ma-
cliino iu tlio Market.
Prices. Send for circulars.
Stale. Agcnttt for Porter' * Iftti/lny Tool
and Jobber * of Ulndlng Twine ,
Nebraska National Bank
? ald tip Capital . $250,000
lurpluv . 40,000
I. W. Yatas , President
A.E. Tou/alin , VJr.o President.
W. H S. Hughes , Cashier.
1)111 KLTO IIS !
V. V. .Morse , John S. Collins.
I. W. Yates , Lewis 3. Hood.
A. E. Touznlin.
Cor 1-th and Furnain Sts.
' lUisincss'i'runsantod ,
Successors to Jim , G. Jnuubi ,
At the olilstand 1107 Furnamst.
rtolopraiih solicited and promptly at-
ndod to. Telephone No. 2 r .
r InvoatliiK m the following burt-aliis In real
ostHto offured by
oem 20 , Kiohurds * IHock , Lincoln , Neb.
A fine 80 ncrra adjoining1 Toiunlln'H now town
Hurdock , wlioro the li. \ M. U. 1C nro about
locate bxton8lye ljop4 , mid noiir tliuVos -
ran unlvcniity eittt , $ iuo per oro.
Ail tu udjolnlnif tlio stock yards , nn J nonr tlio
, ckln ? hoiiRo , very liltfh and rnmrnnndlng a
> o \lo\v of tlio olty , $ xoj per ucre.
MHO an cloKiint Wnorcs near the /Uyliun ,
utlnrost or tbo city , wltliln ono-foiirlli mlle
proposed street car terminus JoadluK to
yfuia , f-iW per noro.
riio > o tlirc'O trnots uro olTorcd lit tl > o o low
iirosfnr u tow dnyg. They lire all uvullnlilo
r platting , and Epoclntors can doutlo tholr
juor Iu thum ea easy RH tornliijovor your
ud , Corruipoadoaco InvltoU.
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hotpi-
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugt. Pa
tients whotc cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All lettus receive immediate
attention ,
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the vvhole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by alf young
men. Address ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St .St. Louis. Mo.
Will llnd JustwIintlliuynccd-'A. FULL 1NE
9.lNSTALMB.NTjCJoqDS.b' > W. only to i
INSTALMENT TRADE , by nddrcwing
NbT-UIINT tleiUCHS * bUlTLV CO. . Krl * . Jhb