THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TPffURSPAY , MAY 12. 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES ; Ad > oHIix'tni'tits under this head , 10 cents per Ino for the llrst ln rrtlon , 7 cents for each sub- ftcquvnt Inecrtibti , nndtl.fiOn line per month. No ndvortl-oii cut inkrn for loss ttmn 25 cents tor the Hist lim-rllon. Jfuvi'ti words wll , bo I'ountod to tile line : they must run consecu tively and must Loitnld In ndvnnco. All ndvor- ti oniGlitK mii't be linnded In befoto 1 : ; n o'clock ii , m. , iind under no clrouinttnnoos will thcj1 bo Inkon or discontinued by telephono. I'nrtlosndvtTtisIng InthrMjcolumugnnd bnv- Inir the nnswrri iiddTepsod In earn of TllRllr.K will plenscj nsk fora check to enable them to get thnlr none will ho delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should be enrlo-od In cnvelopi'S All ndvurtl rmeiitfl In the n columns nro pub- llnhcd in bolh morning nnd evening editions of flho llr.K , thn clronlntlon of which Rggrogntos inoro than 14WJO pnpers dnlly. and gives the ndvortt-or the ln'iii'llt , not onlj of ttm nlty circulation of The IH.r. but al'o of Council llluITs. Lincoln , nnd other cities and towns throughout this part of the west , MONEY TO LOAN. , to loan at 0 per cent , Harris & Pnmp- $500,000 1510 Douglas st. 870 MiOrXX > TO I.OAN nt 0 per cent. Mahoncy ' i I.I null anua \ Fnrnnm. flfi'J ONKV TO LOAN O V Dnvls * Co , real M estate and lonn agents , 1&05 i'arnam st , 671 , - ) To loan on Omnlm city property nt a $500,00- cont. U. W. Day , a. o. cor. Ex. lllil. 073 to Ixnn , first mortgage notes MONEY bought. II. E. Cole , 310 d. IJtli.ipnrn I. fifONEY TO LOAN-On city and f nun prop- ML orty , low tntcs. Stewart dc Co. , lloom 3 Iron bunk. 071 TLTONEY to loan , cash on delay. .W. 3. W. nnd E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnnm nt. Tnxlon hotnl building. 675 V"l\f"ONEY First mortgnirn noted. The Douglas Jrl. county bank will buy papers secured by first moitgago on elty rouity. 07JI MONEY 'JO LOAN on unproved rent pstnto ; no commission chnrgod. Lonvltt llurn- hnm , lloom 1 Crolghton lllock. 077 CI'EU CENT Monny to limit. Gregory * Hndloy , Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Hcdick block , 320 S. 16th St C78 HONEY to lonn on collaterals. Long nnd Rhort tlmo city mortgages nnd con- traeta uougtit , E. S. Uowloy , ill 1 South 15th nt. (178 ( mil " _ _ 0 liOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved ronl eslato In city or county for Now England Jxiun A Trust Co. , by Jouglas County bank. 16th nnd Chicago at . 073 MONEY to lonn on Improved city property nt 6 per ront. Money on hand : do not have to wait Have a complete pot of abstract books of Douglna county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Heal E tuto and Loan Co. , WO 8,15th st. ( iso TlfONEY LOANED nt C. K. Heed & Co.'s Loan ATI. Olllco , on furnlturolnnos , horseswngons , pcrsonnl property of nil kinds , and nil other nr- tlcles or value , without removal. 310 S. 13th. 01 or lllnghuui a Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. CS1 6 I'KIt CKNT Monoy. 11. C. I'nttnrBon , IBth ai.d Unrncy. ftlONEY TO IXAN by the nndorslgnoil , wlio Jlius the only properly org/inired / lonn agency In Omaha. Loans ot { 10 lo $ lOOnmilo on turnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machlnury , 4e , without removal. No delMto .All busuic-s otrlctly confldcntlul. Loans FO ffindo thnt nny part cnn linjiald at nny Imo.each pnyment roduc-lng the cost pro rnta. Advances Hindi ) on line watches and diamonds. 1'crsons Bhoiild cnrefully consider who Ihny nro dealing with , s mnny now concerns nro dully coming Into existence. Should you nrod money call mil POO mo. W. K. Croft , lloom 4 W < thnoll Kulldlng 1'itli nnd Hurney. CiJ ri'HEOmnha Financial Exchungo , JN W. corner of Harnoy nnd 15th sts. , over State National bank. Is prepared to ninko snort tlmo lonns on nny tivnlluhlu security. I'Oiins made on chattels , collateral or real e tate. Long tlmo lonnsmndoon Improved real estate Ut current rnlep. I'urclmso money mortgages negotiated. Heciired notes bought. Bold or exchanged. Short tlmo lonns miiiiu on second mortgnge. nccordlng to marginal Interest , ut collateral frntos. Heal estnto to exchange for good Interest Ijcnrlng paper. General nnanclnl business of all kinds trans- Ueted promptly , quiolly nnd fairly. Money nlwnys on bund for approved loans of Any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- licitCorlielt. . Manager. ISO BUSINESS CHANCES. " \\fANTEI ) A person desiring to cnRngo In TT nn honornblo paying business ncttini ; $10 to 812 per dny clear profit on stock of $75 to liiO. Host biislnoss men of this city clvon ni references. Call at once , or write , to Koom 1 Crounso block , lath at , cor. Unpltol avc Omaha. Nub. 408-J11 Foil SALE Hestaurant 1 year lease , dolnp good business. Address O 03 , lice olllco. . 377 1CJ FIIIST-CLASS opening for live man whc wishes to Invest In the drilir biislnoss. Foi particulars address llox 65 , Ncolii , la. 'Ml 14J WANTKD I'artiior In paying drtltr Rtore Capital roqulrod fOOO. Address O in Uoc olllcn. ; isa 12 T710H SALK tlulldliiK Ass'n.sluiro , only flOi lJ - cash balance f2"i per month Address O8i lioo olllco. 88511 * TTIOll SALK-Dnitr store In olty. Will trndi Jfor city real ontutc , or tauo n partner Address 0.5'J lloooinco , _ 372 13 J FOH SALE or Kent First class hotel proper ty in olty of 3.0UO Inhabitants Fine Ira proved and unimproved farms and city prop ertyforsalo. Address llotJU , Norlolk , Neb _ U.I4 12J ADOLl'H'S restaurnnt Is on nccoun JOKfc business change under fnlr torma for tule SIS S 12th. 3J1 13' _ MY property , wherein saloon Is for idle o for rent. Louis Kersgood , Park Foies saloon , S. 13th st. _ 303 12J AHAHH opportunity. A clean , crisp am trosh stock of ( Jrocorlos , Flour , Feed am Provisions , with , an average dully business o ( UTi , Is now put on the market for sale. Ki ccllont business location. Btreot car corner : 01 best street In olty : nnw brick liulldlnir , Icasoi for one with privilege of two or three years Q'ormsof sale good , llrasons for ( telling , othe IntiiroitH demand nttenlion. Al < ply promptl ; tol'nrrott .V Wlllluinsoii up stairs , s. w. cor 14th and Uouglaa. 341 _ \\rANTKI ) Vurtiiershlpwlth nnoM physlclni T > In city ortown by uoung phjslclan o i ypnrs oxporlenco. Not afraid ot work. Ail dross O 53 Omaha lloo. g.V ) 1'JJ TpOH SALK Very cheap , good brick buslnos - * - property In Grand Inland , Neb. Tbngroittes b galn nnd bust terms In this city. Clood rea nous for celling. For particulars nddrt'ss J. 11 Woollcy , Attorney nt Law , U rand lalnnd , Nel _ 2JJ7J12J VfOTICK To hotel niiin , n dcslrnblo hott Jfor sale , the Occldonlnl , situated in th toautlful audgiowlmrrlty of Sutton , Nub. . I now put upon the market. The Oeuldoninl hn an enviable reputation second to none In th Stnlo for 1U generous nnd liberal hospltulltlo ! n thousands of traveling men will guriantoii 'Jim hotel Is on a solid tlnanoial foundatlor \vlth all modern Improvements and every root occupied : satisfactory rpatons furnished fa polling. 1'rlcu and terms in ml o known upo Application , For fuither particulars Imjulr or address , J. T. Jlolly neiuix , proprietor , Su ion. Nob. ai'J-U'J _ SALK or trade A clean stock of gnr ernl merohnndlso In nn Iowa town. Qoo trade , lot and building $ l50 , stock J.1 01. \ \ an Boiiio cash on Block. Will exchange for land n Block. Keason , owner lives west. Addros lock box SI , Central City. Kob. _ isl lii 1 CXxiy ) : trot oa > t front Shrlvcr plnceJO.Vll J cold by May 10. Terms iwsy. Sticot CH Imp within Hi blocks. This is abnignln. Shv f. Co. . 510 S IBth Bt. _ 121 llttMl SALII A prolltablo and \ \ cstabllshc \ JP bUBlnrss suitable fora lady. Call and It : QUJro nt Employment llurenu , 219 n inih Fts. _ I'JJ J4 _ \\rKhiivoiomo very desTrnhlp lots to ui ' change tur nny kind of mercliandl o : 1 : NlCthtt.l-u'blknl * . O. Mnrr&Toft. U5t LOST. ] O&T An Irish seller pup with n collar nn j the mi mo DICK Inscribed on it. Itcturn I A J. S'mpson'd otirrluxu factory and get r ward. 2S3 1J LOST liny inure , bob tall , right hind foi while , branded " ! " on loft shoulder. 11 wnrd for return to Christ. Anderson , not lloyd'i I'UCkinir ' houso. X.M 12J PERSONAL. you wnnt n ( tetlrAbio , rci trnlly located olllco > ou can llmt It ni U 15th tt U78 lW. DUIUNT-Olnrlvoyunt from llo tenT reliable In all affairs of life , uultcitoparatc lovcri. 023 N. luth t. room 1 V > \ m''sj * rifHS. M. D. CAHKOLLhns removed hi I'L droisinaklngruom from 1621 llowurl I ) M llrotrnoll hall , comer 17th uud Jones. PEH ON'AL-Xeat and tnsty nlt-wool Iniot- nosi sulu 17.00. Mne blue diagonal dress suits , 1 10.71) . Call and e them or wrlio for piunploo , L. O. Jones & Co. , American Clothiers , 13W Farnntn st.Omaha. . IW m 17 i- homo for ladles durlnif J conllncmont , strictly conndontlnl , Infnnts adopted , nddrt-'S II 12 , Hco omen. _ 8I9J2 * _ 1 > UHSONAJMr . Dr Nnnnto V. Wiirron clnlrvoynnt. Hcdlcnl and buslnnss Medium lloom No. 8 , 121 Norlh 16th et , Omaha , Nb. _ STORAGE. illUST-CLASS Storngo nt 110 N 13th ft. TofiAOE Flr t-clnss storngo for nlco fur : nlturo or boxed goods , at 151.1 Dodge-st. MISCELLANEOUS. VTOriU. Lots23 , 2Jnnd30 , Clark's addition , .1-1 nro withdrawn from nmrliot. Adolph llowinun. 3'fi 11 * C 1ASOL1NE and coal nro delivered frco to nil parts of the city by thn Illuo line tunk delivery , olllce nt Kennnrd 'Mass * 1'ulnt Co. 'telephone 7'JI , Mclluitul Ward , prouiiotors. ' 20' ) POK UB.VI Square I'lauo U montblr. A Hospe.1513 Dougiiie. ( * 39 ESS I'oTTl.S , sinks and vaults cleaned , odcr- 0 lesi process. E. IJw'ltiR , box \UT \ , olty. r , < ) m- lljli trade a Kood bcnvy span of mulcrt for u KOIK : driving horsu , bu KV , tnlltt conn or caltlo. Address U 47 life. iOI ! 11 * I'ltOI'llllTY Ownors-lf > ou wnnt to soli TO your property send full description with prlcn and tormi to Unit's fJroal Western Kent Kstnlc lluronit , Crolifhlon lllock. Wo have cus- totnurs for ovcry bar ulu that Is olforcd. Sllm'll T > 1AI ) My now advertisement ol Illchniond It and Table Land In this cvcnlnirs's Hep. ( loo. M. Cooper. Itonm ! ! , ArlltiKton lllock. " > 'i ( U fPO parties having houses lor rent , Kental J- Agency , Ilonawn k Co. . 15st , opposite post- oinco. Wo have turned over to thorn our rental list. We recommend thorn. McCuguo Uros. CJ'J "VTOTIcr. W. C. KlnT& ( Co. , hou o muvlnir -L nnd nuainir , Icnvo orders nt 1'JJD I'lorco tt , OJJ Jlj OKUKNT OrKims , J3 per monlh. iloflie. 1DII1 DpmrliM. ( iS'l \HjS3M : AKINfl Mis. P. . C. Scbllold. par- J lors KZ1 St. Mary's live , l.ndlos coming lo 10 city for ono day can huvo their drcsi mndo while wnlllnir. U75 m 14 F."c7 llouBo furnishliiir ( 'ooils , all kinds ; cash or instnlimnnt ; lowest prices at J. lonnor , 11115 DoiiRlan st. Wi lTli'KlSi : Sqiiiiro riano , fi monttilT. A HOBPO. 1513 Douulas- ( 9 : F you rrant to buy or sell furniture , gn to J. Korffuson'5 , 713 N. 16th. 031 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOK SALH Thri'O work hor.wi chonp for cash , or Instnllmunts. J. llonner , 1:115 : : joi''lus | si. 37:1 : 111 FOIl SAI.K A K od double sot of cnirliuo or work hnrnoss In jiood order , \oryclienp. nqulru of Mrs. Jones , 5U(1 ( fcoutli IHtli street , p-stairs. iC4 ) llj FOK SAIiK One tnnni of ponlrs and harnnss nnddolhery wnxon. Apply to 1'ntrluk 1'ord , t Estabrook's on North 10th s-t. 3JO llj OOO.OOO need merchantable brick for > -nle at J John II. Uruon's stone umirry. " 7. " > l"ij IT-OIl SAhllor trndo , jrood work horse , or Is 1 adapted for ladies driving ; m > t fust onouKh for nny business. Fine .lorsuy cow iono dry , nnd yearling hcifor. llil l'iorcp. 383 13 J FOIt SAMI Ono No ISllob rnnBO , ono ex- tpnslon table , carpot.s , etc. ( lood ns now. Jhpap foroaah. IniUlru | Institute Hold , 1'ltli md Capitol nvo. i" 17J JJJ200 btivs 0-j'car-old black horse , lonthnr-toii P buir y and Imiiips ? . Apply at 10'JS N. UJth t. , 1 block north ot Curalnp. iilil 1-j 71011 SAI.K-OnoNo. 18 Hob riui/o , ono ox- -L tension table , carpets , eto. lioodajiiew. Hionp for cnih. " .17 lllj HOUSUIIOIJ ) Furmturo complete for 7 room house , jrood us now. Will bo sold nt prl- ntosiiluat purchaser's own pricu , for cnsli. Address 1' . O. box 418 aYJ T71O11 SAI.r. Furnlturooffl room bouso with 1 ? piivllouo ol routhiir hoUbO 1011 California ot 33 U FOIl SALE First-class Carrlniro with shafts and polo , Simpson's make , f li'i. Fine family borso , fust uud gentle , $3)0 , Fine hnrncs , $50. U-room house nnd 4Uxl33 foot lot , 2015 Cass jt. All uiodern Improvomonts. Largo barn. 98,000. Ed 1'oycko. 210 8ALW Drivers and draft horsos.rear of F 1818 Chicago st. 154 J5 FOH BAI.K Top buggy , side bar , second band , chonp. Address O i , lice olllcn. 15tf 11 * SALE , or or hnncro for Omaha real FOH , n flno drlvtr , record 2:40. I'nttcrson & Moore , Koom 1. Omaha National bank. I'll FOH BALK Or exchange , ono grand square Chlckorlng 73 octavo piano , now , at a bar gain. Will trade tor city property , house nnd lot preferred. A. , P. O. llox 48j. ,1,12 Foil BALI , oroxchango In pint payment for a lot , u complete not of New American Kti- cyclopodln. Address O. 32 lloo olllco. 157 F I OH SALE C. O. Conn cornet , same as now , A DurgulD. Duller & Todd , 215 S. 15th. CG2 11 HOUSEHOLD Furniture complete for 7 room house , good us new. Will bo Hold at pn \atosalo at purchaser's own prlco , for cash. Address P. O. box 418. Ui2 FOH SALK-Allkinds of building stone n the Loulsvllloiiuarry , lowest prlci-s possl bio. Address U , Met/.ger , Louisville , Nob. H2.I 15 * FOH SALE Autoharps , mandolines. itlur At Todd , 315 S 15th UAI 11 FOH 8ALU A good milk dulry , consisting of 30 llrst class cows , n good delivery wagon , team nnd milk cans , \o. , hoi so powoi corn mill and hay eultor , and corn sheller , In cluding llrst class milk route , Immo.llato pos , session given , for terms , etc. call at 217 S ml : st , Omaha. 741 Foil SALK Span horses , double wagon am' ' double harness for $ ' . ' 00. Also u lot of post ; cheap. C. J Cnnaii , r > 5. I710K SALK 1 or2 horses , 1 spring wagon , 1 L. ' buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 781 m3 ! POH SALR Pqunro piano , JIW. Woodbrldgc llro , 215 Oporu houso. : W4 T. Murray. 093 11 SALE -17 head choice bred Shorthorn IflO cnttlo : also a 4V ) acre stock farm In lloll county. J. S. Callings , I'endor , Neb , bO.1 may 13J WANTED--MALE HELP. ANTEDHoy. . bet , 11 and 13 ycnrs. High nwny. No. 1717 St Mary's ave. 402 llj WANTED Flrst class machinists , nom other need apply. Davl3 & Cowglll Irot Wotks 401 12J \\7ANTKD-50 men for Colorado , Albrighfi > Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 405 \\fANTED-Thrco good tinners nt once flood wages , hteaJv work 11. Urnhl , 10 Hrondnny , Council lllulfs. : i02 1.1 ANTI'D 2 Urst-clnss barbers at ll W Furnnmst. TJ3 llj \\rANTED-A partner In good paying nusl TT ness , compctnnt to take full charge o olllco ntlnlrs , capital required. Address boi M. 13. lloo olllco. 3M " \\7ANTED LnfforoH tor rnllrond work. E.S "I T Albright's Labor Agency , 11:10 : Farnnm , \\7'ANTKI ) Canvassing UKUIUS. Apply bo < ' tween Im and 4 p. m , Acmu Miuifa Co. , 611'H. ICtbst Ml \\TANTKI > Helltible person , nmlo or female ' lo work In trenornl utora In thucountiy Must bo familiar with dry goods nnd uudor ( land hook-kpeplnK. None need answer oicop Ihoft' ' ablu to Kfto the best of references us t bom-sty nnd ability and nblo and willing 10 | v a boud If required. Address U & ' ) , lleo ollice. SOC It \ ANTF.D At once , 3 cent milkers mid \cst raukois , at A. KnlUh , 310 S. 1'Jtli si. \\rANTED-A willing worker to lonru ti ' press pnnts ; permanent situation , an after learning the business good pay. Goc Stll'-S. HUH l.cnvcnwortli 81. 31510 T\7ANTI.U 8 school boys with hordes I J l cai ry i onto on dally evening lli'o. 313 5) ) first-class carpenters. 101 , Keith \ Duncan , 87811 * \VANTED-KxporIencud walter , New Yor > > llealauranl. 711 N. ICth st. 33fl 12J \VANTED-3 men cooks for K. 1U work. J5 i T to < * 5 per montD each. S women cook * t lenve city. 2 women tiastry csoks to leave cltj 1 nuro woman to leave city , wages (20 pe monlh:4lnimdross : . 8 dining room fflrU an : s Klrli for general nomework , Umaha Kit pluymcut Uurcftu , U9 K , ICtU it. Ui5 11 " \\TANTRD flood tinners at once , Jacob K. Trolpl * Co.,8709 U-avenworth St. ai7 llj WANTKD A first clnss retnll crockery saics- man. llltes & Isaacs , 13IUFarnam st , 33 ? 11 WANTii-10 : Kood solicitors for work amotiK Inislne-smcn ; nothlntrto mil. Cnld- Toll& Co ,101'Jllarncyst * 3'X ' ) 13J STL'DKNTS Tcnchor.s nnd nirents can secure very protltnblo employment bv npplylmr to S. 1' . Oront , I'lantor'Bliome. Umnria. 1MIOJ WANTED A Rood typewriter operator , Indy preferred. Fred 11. Chnntlcr , room 13.1'mion imlldiii- ) . ii'U 10J " \\7 ° ANTKD Ton hnrness uinVors nt Mnrks ' llros. ' Saddlery Co , , HD" Harnoy St. , Omaha , Nel ) . 177 33 \\7ANTKI VoutB men to represent nn cast- T i orn publlshliif- house In thli state. H1A S. l.'th. Hooin I. 3 < 0 K A ttonornl and M Bub-npcnts In your county. Newuoodtj. Hare chnnro. 100 to JUKI per cent , commission , oraiiood , nl- ary. Srnd for circular. F. M. Weaver , No. ( t Wctt Ohio street , Indlunnpolls , Ind , 25) ) 21- " 117ANTI'D Four youni * men of good educn- T tlon , chnrnutor and address , between " 0 nnd n. * > yoais of nun. .1. M. French & Co. , ollice room 10 lliishmuu block. " * ' ) U \ \ 7ANTBDMenVomon , llojs nnd Olrls for TT n nnd prolltnblo employment No picture business ; no humbug- . Send I Do for a vnluablp pnckiu-e to corampuco on. Only a few hundri'd will be distributed. Address Albany Supply Co. , Albany , N. V. B42 J 1 WANTKD An Intelligent boy or youim man from the Omiiha IlU'li pcliool to curry u route on the Dally l.venlntr I lee. I'M WANTKO aThlock mnkers for Colorado. Must bn o'porlonoiHlmon nnd have tools , Free pass. Mrs. lltoga & Son , 310 South 1Mb. 918 11 WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\-AN"TiD-Sdlnln : room girls. Union ros- tunrant , IU'17 Hiirney. 4U7-11J \\7"ANTID-Olrl ! If , , rook , for help , nt Aronilo TT hotel , 1M15 DoilKlns St. ilVl ii : J "I\7ANTF.D-Luundross , mlddlo njred Indy T preferred ; also chamliormald. New York Ke.stnurant.Tll N , 10th st 3.U r.'J " \\rANTlD ( lood Kirl for general housework TT 'lti : Cupllal ave , 3iU 11 " "i\7"ANTKD Shirt milkers nnd Blrls lo lonrti TT nt Fuclory cor l&th und Hurnoy. It. N. Duress. 414 1'IJ \\rANTii-nirl. : Ill S. liilh st. ImiTiiro nt > T Moat Market. 315 1J ; | \\rANTii-llrl : ) for housework Tn sin nil "T family , no children , -JO'J Cnlltornln st. ! ii)7 ) llj V\/ANTFD AIrloru woman for Konoral TT hou-iowork , 818 Howard st. 851) ) li.'J WANTKD-dirl for pantry and laundry work , Mtllurd hotel. 378 12 \ \ ANTii ; ) ( llrl lorlltflU housework , sw cor TT sid nnd Harnoy sts. iibO 13J \\rANTIJD- Dlnlntr room ttlrls , ulso trlrl to T T wash silver , ono hour , three tlmos n d.iy for oourd. Jnstltule liotol , 13th and Cnpltol nvo. SUB 1 Ij WAST1ID tiood girl ; general housework 1417 Cuss. 3"i ( 12 * \\7ANrKD-2fflrls lornnmo tiimlly $4 onen , T t dmlnvr room jrli 1 nml dishwasher. f-"J ench ; liiundrf'S-s in city , rooks for private laiulllasox- 10rloneed nurse lor ehlldien , ? 1 , lots ot new ilucos In and out of city every dny. Mrs. Ilie n , 3Ii ( S. IMh , up stnlrH. .tttt l-'j ' \\rANTrD A snlealndy who Is nequnlnlod TT with the millinery trndo. State oxnoil- oiico. o. co Hco. ; i7i 13 j lA'ANTUD A irood clrl for gcnornl houso- ' worn South loth , second south ot How- nrd. 370 H J " \V NTKD-A xlrl In Inmllyof thrif115 California etrrot. o 7 13 " \\7"ANTKD wo snloswomon , for dry poods T T mii"t huvo experience , mid testimonials Apply in Iho mnrnlnir to O Dor.nhoo , v Shorty , lext to the postotllce. 401 K WANTKD An evporlcncnd dressmaker * Apply 5111 S. 14tli St. 4'JO 1'JJ " \\rANTI2D Ohl forKuunrul liousoworlc , cull ntllJilSUth st. , Herman or \\rANTii-(3ood : laundress lor I'ocati'lla , TT $ , ' 0 , frco pass. Mrs. Urca,30 ! s 16lh 3 > 7 llj ; WANTKD-OIrl for housework In family of threo. Cull nt 131 Convent t. : iiu 11 WANTED Younjrplrl ; Gorman perforrod : about 10 years old , attUHS. l.llh st. 3j Skirt and waist makers nt once. WANTliD Uu5 n 16th et. 3IU11J WANTED-Nutse girl to trnvcl , 4 room girls , 4 women cooks , ( - in Ramo house ) 1 silver washer. 1 poeoml girl. Man and wife lor cooks In small rc3tanrant-JO-60 ; girls lor general honso work. Mrs. HrepB.Mllil'H. 15th , up stnirs. ' KI 11' "tTT'ANTEp OlrUo do gotipral liqiisenork call at li-iS Hamilton st. : i-JS - l'J | WANTKD Good girl for housework in smiill fnmlly. Mrs. IL lilngluim , S10 a lull st. nio luj " \ \ rANTEDAn experienced girl for gonorul TT house work , except wns-lilng ; apply Inrgo house In Iront of Crcjt-hton college. 3" ! 13J WANTIID-Oood Ironers , also driver lor delivery wagon. Apply tit Fiontior Steam Laundry , 151 : ! Howard. SOU 11 * \\7"ANTED An experienced girl for ( f onnral i T housework , nt 1817 Webster . 78 11 TTNTlci ) DliiTnif loom girls , also girl to v/iih stiver , ono hour , three tlmos n dny for bonrd. W 1UJ " \\rANTF.n-A girl to cook In private family , 101 N , 18th St. 211 llj "VVANTED-Cook nnd dining room Kirl. Mucl- T > ler's llostnurnnt. 1004 N. Kith Bt. SJ1 "WANTKO-Peoond girl Immediately. Cull TT bet. the hours of u and 10 a. m. or 0 to 7 p. m.-1-7 DodgestruBt. go- ! TlT'ANTKD-Good girl , 1707 Cass. 523 WANTHH-Good girl at 603 Virginia nvo , good wages paid. 231 WANTKD A few inoro shirt and pnnls makers. Apply ut onco. Guo , Stiles , 1100 Leavonworth et. Utl 11 T\7rANTii ) Kitchen girl nnd two dining T > room girls. 1001 No 16th st. UOS " \\7 ANTnD At once , 3 flrst-class chamber- T T maids und 1 scrub girl. Apply at the Coz/eus. WTJ once , plino player , colored womiin preferred Apply 113 8.0th. 343 " \\TANTKD Ladies to work for us at tnolr T T own nomes ; * 7 to Ji ) per week can bo quietly mndo ; no photo-palming , no canvass ing. For full particulars pleuso address nt once Crescent Art Co. , 1U Central it. . Boston , Muss , H x.t > l70. UD3J01& * SITUATION WANTED. " \\7ANTKD l'ostlon | In a first clnss rostuii' T T rant , capable ot running the business , ml- dress O M line olllco. .t'lu llj \ \ 7ANTF.DSltuution In private family. Ad- T T dress 0. BS line 75 13 j WANTUD--A Indy with n child , situation at housekeeper. Address OM , lien olllco. 311 llj ASOI1UK , honest younpr man wants n plucc In u prlviilo family taking cure ot liorso- and working round the house. Address O G , Hco i7 11 ] "WANTED A position 03 typo writer. Ad , dress O 40 , lloo odico. 2-11 "l\7ANTKD A position as typo writer. Ad. T T dress O 40 , lleo otlico. ' . ' 31 \\7ANTKD-1'nsltlon In private t amity t T T to wash clothes. Address UH 1'uclllu St. Ilia IJ' " \\'ANTKD A Position by n thorough no' T T countnnt. IJost of rufcronccs. Addrtss O Ii lleo otllco. MJ MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Vl/A.NTKO A newspaper , paying cireulntlon < T guarnnloud from iho start , for partluu- lars ftJclrcas Hunk of Valley , Valley , Nob. \\7"ANTED To rent thrco unfurnished room ! i T us near as pogjlblu to business riunriors Stnte price ; address O.'il lleo. 307 | 3J " \VANTED A centlomun doslrcs n roon T > male , IJii 1 uruam. 395 U * ANTED A reiponslblo party doslros i furnished riouio for iho Bummer. Ad dress O 01 lleo oIBce. U63 llj \\7ANTI.D-To trade new Hpnnoy buggy foi T n good , safe driving horao , Arnutroni ; Pottls XCo. . , 1303 Izard it. 133 13 \\TAN'rED Teams for railroad work TT Albrlght'i Labor Agonoy , 112U Farnam 61) FORBENT--HOUSEB ftndLOT5. F6Tl HENT-A moat market. "Inquire Ii 1'ark fornst salooa , South 13th street. iiM U 1 TjlOH IIRNT-B room house near c r line , JC i-aJoulroj,151 ) ) Dou lna. 30U FOIl KENT 10 room housatonly IS blocm from the postolDco. iftalluu Ilros l. ' > lu Douglas. _ | ; _ FOIU1ENT flood" nomcWnRO nonr bust- ness. 130 per month. H. A , Sturges , room 10 , Crcighton blk. , _ JJ.K ) 15 TJ10II HENT-Throo room libido , 102U4 NlWlh ( Ml HKNT-Ptorcs nnd tints at 24th nnd I-nko street by I'uulson * Co.-room B , Hedlck'a LlocU , _ ' * . ' * . 1J10H KENT Tiood , | | ble for four JJ horses. Innulro nt fit" fclftlh st. U.M IJIOlt UKNT 8-room house , till modern con * Jonlcncos , Farnam and si 1st 8t , S. Kntz.V Co. 1511 Fnrnnm. L 1H5 _ _ OlMtl'.NTVAVIndow , goo.Ulocnllty for jew eler or rcnl estate. Apply to 3J3 n ICth. _ _ Ei'.iJ FOH KENT First rla ? < lop.itloti for bur'jor Shop. Slinw & Co. , 610 South lIUIi. 4'U Oil KENT A storo. Inquire 1412 3. 1.1th st Gco. II , 1'otorson. MW FOU UENT-Wuro room cor. 13th nnd Cnll * Ifornluon Holt Line , lot particulars on- qlilroat Union Nat , bank. 1M _ _ FOH MENT A store nr.d barber shop , nlso ntco unfurnished rooms. Apply N W cor. 13th and Williams. IBS 13j TT1OII KENT Store nnd living npnrtmonts on JD Cumlm-noar SaumlerSRt. Apply ut Harris Heal Estate nd Ixinu Co. . 10 S. ISth St. ( ii)7 ) plOU UENT-llrlck yards , T. M urruy. HENT-Framo Ptoro bulldln ? , MxM. POH Ihlng 4 rooms. on 1'hll Fhcridnn Pt\vili ; Improve : put bnsomoiit under store to suit nny legitimate business Win. Fleming & Co. , HlH Douglas. _ B70 * plAKM to rent. T. Murray. f5'J OH ItlJNT-Tlirco room house , 1I08W 8 7th 34 , * _ _ _ _ _ > TOlT FOH KENT A nicely furnished room.lHIO St. Mary's nvo. 374 12 j OH HENT-'len ! nnt furnished south front room between Farnnm and St. Mary's live. nuuriOth St. , fHtli a month. Iteferenco ID * quired. Addrcs3"O M" lleuolHco. 333 12' FOR KENT 2 nicely furnished rooms en suite. 1032 s Ifctli St. 2.11 11 FOK IIET Elegantly furnished room for 2 gentlemen nour business. All convent- onces ; private family , IGin Cap. nvo. 243 12j FOIt HBNf "Nowlj- furnished front room wlih nlrovc , In Hanscom 1'lnco. Inqulront S51'nxton bin. 31212' KOOM nud lionrd for gout and wife nt 2010 California st. 317 I'-'J FOK RENT-Furnished room at 1810 Dodge st. * ) 3 FOIl HENT-FurnlJhod rooms at 1810 Podge tt Ui8 p"OH HEN 1' Unfurnished room 1015 Dodge -t Ml _ Y\TANTED 1 largo unfurnished room , not T T over $10 per month , by man nnd wlfii ( no children , ) llvlorencus exchanged. Address O , 53 , Hue. JDW 12 OH HENT-NIco furnished room. SKI Far- nam. MM FOil ItENT Nlno-rooui tint centrnlly located , 1177 _ _ : it ! KENT lh > lt room. John Gall.igher , ,117 South 13th bt. lini 13 FOU HKNT Nicely furnished parlor and bed room en sulto. Front.rooms. 'Ihreo blocks from Pnxlon and SlUlnrd. fins and water In house. Apply roorri " ' ! , 507 S 13th Rt. U 4 11 FOH 11ENT Nicely ttimlslibd rooms at 1H01) ) Farnam at. " " 0t llj TJ1O11 KENT riirnisncdfront room 20Jl Hur -1 ? noj. " 313 Iflj FOH 11KNT rurnlahed ' oem nt S ver monlh. C17 Vlrplnlii vj. iXU llj FOU HUNT A nlco nowlvjftirnlsliO'l ' front room with alcove , nnd Jvonythlnir In llrst- class style , and olhnr smaller rooms ! al = o table board. Call ntajU 1'nrn'im st. .10.UAJ FOK ItRNT KICRniit rootAs , reforoncns ic- quireil , 1107 Douglas ol. f . ' ! U1 FOH HUNT In now house , newly timmlu-d rooms.south and east trent , ono with bay window and ulcuvo.n.- ( icort H avo. WW 12J TT'Oll HKNT Vnrnl'ho'l rooms with eloxots , JP BBS amJ bath , mas 17th gt" . liC l-'J TJIOH SA hit-New 2nd liandVotHco" desk , 1013 Fainam , upstairs. "TjlOH HUNT Nicely furnished parlor room in -L private family. Desirable nolghborhond. Address O 41 lleo otllco. ' 'Hi llj POll HUNT 2 furnished "rooms , bath room and gas nil on tlrst Hour. Call nt 009 Davenport at. 139 IflOIt HENT Elogunt furnished rooms and bonrd in now house with nil modern im provements , bath rooms , gns , eta 2402 St. Mury's BVO. 328 I2J FOIl HENT Furnished room down stnirs for ono or two gentlemen , 2010 Hurnoygt. il2i ) llj FOR HEXT-Furnlshod rooms , 7H N 19th. : tM'JniSl ' * OH HKNT Nicely furnished room for KOII- tlemen.SlSNlUHst. Kl _ F Oil TlIINT Eiovon nlco unri > rhisTred sloep- Hoimruto or all together , in bullalnj , ' 310 S IBth Bt. 'J ri HUNT Iicslrnblo unfurnished rooms FOH suitable for Olllco or sleeping rooms. ; tlu S 15th st 70 T/IOH tll'.N'T Furnlshe 1 room with prlvllp o J of sitthuf room lor ladv. Object , company for lady \vhnso husbanJ Is goun part of the time , r.01 S 20th. 8SO _ FOIl HKNT No. M7 s 13th st , storeroom and' basement , new brick bulldln ? . An ox crllent location for either Mfholosulo or rctal business. Paulson & Co. , room 8 Jtcdlcl ; blocK. | 90J FOH HKNT Two otflcns spaces on trround lloor In room 1&09 Furmvn st. Enqiilroof J. S. lltchardson , In rear oftlcu , 843 m21 FOH HENT-.NIcoly furnished rooms chimp. M6 South 18th street , Upstairs. ' , ' ) . - , FOll 3I3NT Doikroom. Enquire Younq ; & Black man , 214 S 15th st. MO FOH HKNT Three room honso west of North llth St. , between Chicago and Cnss. B'JJ FOH HENT-FurnlshoJ roim with board for twoor four gentlemen'ho most pleasant locntlr.n In the city Heloirnco roqiilrcil , Call at S. E. corner 20th and Famnm sts. 14012 * Iir.NT-Klcgnnt ollloo rooms , best location - cation In Omnba. 3ls South 15th st. em FOH ItHNT-Somo very 7)lnnsant furniahod rooms , n lih or without board , n. o. cor. 12th nnd Pierce. US712J TjiOll HKNT-lloom with bJtll , for gontlomcn , XJ lUIOCnpltol nvonuo , 3JUJ ! FOH HINT-THO : lurnlshml rooms with bonrd , en sulfo or "Imjlc : every modern convomenco , i5ii > St. Mary'save. 3SJ 17J FOIl'HBST Thlrd lloor , 2'jSJ , of brick build- Imr , 1108 Fnrnnm street , use of elevator. Jnqulro nbovo number , upstilrs. C81 1710H HnST-Olllces III Ho'lmnn buildingoor. - IFarnnm and 13th sts. , Inhj iltos or singly. For prices , diagrams and inlMiuatlon apply to S.A. Slonmn , 1512 Farnam sMwiom 2. FOR SALE--HOU3P LOTS. GLOLIKH PLACB-McCasLuVolo A gout. lit ' "Jj J 2 HF.Itr. Is n bargain , 57x124 jSot In Plalnvlow mid , cast front , * lV MHmlth & WoUh , Heal Kstnte,21fl 8 14th st. , coyvarnam. 400 12 OL > I K8 * MOHKAHTY lull estate nnd in- surnnco Co. . 132J Dom- 403 15 IMMEDTATr. sale will takoRits or less only & or (1 ( blocks from feuhango bid and Union Stock ynrds on farorJjB * terms. Sixteen houses under contract in sat block. 1 wnnt what they are worth. I don't want fancy prices 1 want to sell quickly. K. U 'flranch. HOUPKO rooms. 23J Ktre < . $4,9W. H 'nsl John jiallaghor. 317 SouTH 1 ith Bt. lifJ U LOTfiOxl44. Three houses , Konntvo k Ituth'fl addition , JO,0 > W. John Uillaghor , 317 Soutl 13th. 1U9 13 IF YOU nro looking for property on Saundoia strpot come In und lot us h"w you oui list. Wo have fornn itrcnt bargains , rnnglng m iirleo from 150 to | 151 per front foot. Smith V Welsh , Kent Estate , 219 S. 14tn street , cornel Faruam. 40U 12 BKI'OHE buying anything in the real estate line go and HCI > Shaw A ; Co. Wnonii sell j-ou anything to suit your pockct-boolc , all the wnyfrom rwOtoSU.OUO. Houses ami lots foi 6alo In all parts ot the city. We nro head quarters for safe Investments BW H. Iftthst Is our olHce. C52 TT\Oirs.\Ln-Lot \ In Shlnn'aW ndrtltlon , will -L' now 8-room houeo , wltl pantry und olos els , cistern nnd good rollur. Will sell cheap 101 n fowduya. Apply or uddrcls H.1)-"J1- Clmrle : Bt. 181 12J WE have Rome of the best bargains In Hans , com PJaco property that can bo found Call nnd gut description an ! prices. Smith J Welsh , lleal Estate , 219 sllth St. , cor Farnam. rOH SALH-Or ront.flno now house 10 rooms , modem convonloacos. Nntnan Shelton , IDOi FKrnainst. 31211 / UtOlCEIUItnAlNS-tnOrchfirdnm.ltrBcr- w voiraud Chnrthago additions. 11.11 Hnll & Co. . 113 N. Itith. 23.1-13 iroil SALK-4 Pholeo lot * In lllllsldo No. 2 , JJ $1,600 to t.,0 .iO. Patterson A : Muore , rooms 1 nnd 2 , Onmtm National bank , 310 14 OH RALK-Jllouso and lot. lot 8 block 1 Clnrondon. Prlco $1,000 , tortns cajy : up- ply on promises. 314 12J SOLD Wo have sold nil but a few of these Lonvennnrth struct rnsldenco lots. These we have for our patrons at terms nnd prices thnt bent any list In the city. Wo tnpim It nnd will prove It to you. Wo IwVo nlso these mon ov-mnUIng chnncbs : The prettiest plnco In Plalnvlow for the money , and only 1600 cash , if sold soon. "Tho Apple of My Eye , " homo only U block off St Mary's ave car line , convenient to busi ness built "not forad'iy but for all time , " llargaini In business proporty. List with us for wo put them where they kocp hot. Cake & Hillings , over 101 South llth st. 047 LOTS in Hoyd's addition. $700 to f 8fi1 , lor few days only. Smith ft Welsh , Houl Estate , 2l'.l S. 14th st. , corner Farnain. 403 12 AFF.W 11A HO AIXS- LotC , block II , South Omaha , corner , OOv 150 loot , on Hellnvuo street , only J2.0HO. Lot 3 , block 12 , South Omaha , COxl.W foot , on llollnvuo street , only HW ( ) . Lot 4 , lilock 1'J , South Omaha , OOtlW foot , on llollovuo street , only f 1U50 , Lot 6 , block 22 , fouth Omaha , eorfior , 00x150 feet , on llollnvuo street , only $1C"0. Lot fl , block 10 , South Omaha , corner , 60x150 feet , on Park , $ l/)0i ) . Lot 12 , block 4'J , South Omaha , corner , COil&O feet , noiir Catholic church , biggest bargain oul al SI.300. Lot".block IB , South Omaha , corner , 00x150 feet , facing now depot , Summit , only $ IM , Lot 10 , block IB , South Omaha , 00x150 foot , fnclng new depot , Summit , only f 1.000. Lot 3 , block 75 , South Omaha , OXxl..O , adjoin ing olllco Chicago Lumber Co , , ? ! .OOU. Lot 14 , block fit. South Omnhn , corner. MX 151 feet , splendid business properly , JU'JOO. Ml feet on South Sixteenth street , south of vlirluct.only $0,000. Two bpiiutlfnl south front lots on Popplnton avenue , in Hanscom Place , only one-fifth cash , balance In ono , iwo nnd three years , eacli $2,710. Forty-four foot on Ylnton street , the main street connecting the city nnd South Omnhn , 32.NIO. Thlrty-flvo foot frontage on Vlnton street , good nuslnosa property , only $1,8JO. Lot 3. blork i < , Hanscom rlnce. sp'ondld east front lot , mngr Itlconl view , only ( ViOi ) . lO'i ' feet south front In Ilartlott's addition , nonr cornnr ot Park avenue and Lonvcnworth Btreots , ? f > ,000. n lect frontagoand corner on St. Mary's iivonuo. only $20.000. 01 teot near corner Twonty-slxth and St. Marv's iivenuo , Just the place lor brick block , J0.400 Lot 3 , block P , fifty foot eouth fronton Ilnn- scorn Park , elegant building site , 3.VOJ. Lot 10 , block 2 , Potter's addition , splendid east front lot just on grade , only SlAV ) . Splendid plocciof tiackitgo property. ICJxlU , on linlt Line Hallway nnd Luavonwortli street , flrlifl , M caoh. tlxtysl.foot on Pleasant street , with largo double * house , all mndetn ronvcmlenccs , routs tor f 120 per monthsplendid : Investment , only ? iiV)0. : Splpudld lot on Goorglo avenue , near Woolworth - worth , close to btroct cars , chinch and school , J2fioo. Tuolotsln Tabor Plnco. corner on Lowe avcniio nnd Howaid street , elegant residence elti > . Call and got prlci1. Slxtv-nciu tract on Mis ourl Pacific Hallway , admitnblyadnpod for platting Into lots ; can make this a bargain If sold quick. Choice two , tlvo end ten ncro tracts , clogo to clt > , nonr now strout railway line , IliOO lo $700 per acre Small cnsh payments and easy tonne. You can make 500 per cent en Investment. Oeorgo N Hicks. 215 South Fifteenth street , Oporn House Block. 235 14 "Toil SALK-60 choice fnrms loss thnn 20 I ' miles wont of Omnhn. Address J . 11. Sllvls , Hcnl IVtato Agent , Klkhorn. Nob. C41 m29j Blf ! IIAItnAIN Ono hundred feet front on South Eleventh st , corner lot , only (5,000. Parton tlmo. V. Vodlekn , 520 South 13th st. C93 rilHOHNIlUHO cheap. 2 lots s e. cor. for 1 both $ lilOU. 1'ntlorsun & Mooro. 313 14 FOIl SALE At a bargain , n most dcslroblo homo for n small family within a mile of P. O , n block from 2 street cnr lines nnd paved f-troots. Inquire of E. K. Whltmoro , llnvd's opurn house 301) ) CHOIC lot In Hnwthorno add. , for $1,400. Smith A : WelHh , Hual Estnto , 219 s 14th , cpr. Farntttn. 400 12 E.VTKH K THOMAS-Ilas the choicest lots In Llnooln Plnco. 2 cor. ncres In Soloman's add $700 enoh. 3 lots In Mock Ki. South Omaha. Also Ii , block 00 , nnd lot 2 , block Cj , 7 in 89 , 2 inu7 , cheap. W acres bv Central City to Sflll or trado. 1,120acios In a body near Stanton. 4 0 acres near Wljuor. , Also lots In lledford Place , Doloncs addition , West Cumlngf KoHtor'd add on Cunilng st The boe.s lot in block C Slilnn's addition. Also large lot.s In Shiloh. 5 acres on Amos' avenue. Also trackage cheap on Holt Line , for salt or lonso. " ' n largo loMnn tlrondwoy , Council niuffn. Lot 3bile 0 Jroprovomont Association , ( i'3x183 ' , $2,2" > 0 Lot9blk7 , same add , same slzo , corner , $4OOJ , fee. , Ac , 1 own the nbovo and can make terms to suit. Come nnd s < > i > . Do.vtcr L. Thomas , room B , Croighton llloclc 75J FOIl SAL IS 10 sightly lots In poor farm. Patterson \ Moore , Omaha National bank. 317 id BULLKYL'E St , COxlM , street car on this Etreot. Mustbosold , ( GOO. 1012 Hnrnoy st. Llsnssor & Hlco. UJ1 READ this splonclld list. Gibson , Aylcsworth i Honnmin | , 1512 Farnam St. For 5 da ) s wo olfor the following 2 lots in llrlggs place front son Hnrnoy and n on Farnam. 1 lot In Hawthorne 4 x109 , cor 33d and Davon- portGroom house , & .C. , prlco ) , ' ) ) . Easy terms. Lot nnd house InLowo's 1st add.ftxl2) , $1,750. 120 It on St. Mary's ave with 2 ! i-roi > in houses pas and water. Will nubdlvldo. $ .Ti,0)0. Wai ohousi ! or business property In block 192 , 841,000 * Easy terms. Lot on Douglas street , 40x133 , with C-ronm hoii'-o , f."iI.i. ( ) Full lol on Dodge slri'Ot , : ) houses , rent for SW3 , prlco $ f,2. . . 5-ronm hoii'O on N. 17th St.good well and CIStern - torn , SO.fl'X ' ) . Wanted 3 goal business lots. Two or moro lots with trackage. Ulhsou , Aylosworth & I > njnmln. 1S12 Farnum St. 5112 WE huvo three of the best lots In HOUKO ) i Slebblnsiidd , ono-lmlf block from LPIIV- enworth st , south from , for fl.hTS each. Smith Welsh , Heal Estate , 2198 lltli st. cor.Farnam. 400 12 FOH SALK-Or Trade-Six bpctlons of good Innd In Lincoln county , Neb , on U. P. railway. Call on or address Odoll Urns. & Co. , 152 1 Farnnm st. 301 13 A P. T1IKEY. 1334 Fnrnnm St. , nmkos Investments - vestments for non residents n specialty nlthiruaianteod Interest or sluiro ot iirolHs , nnd tnkes full chnrgo of property : roforenoo gU on. 3'.ui p EN ACHUS of high , sightly hind for Bal Jmiles from court house , JiKJO per acre. Patterson & Moore , Omuhn National nank. 152 15 OL'H LIST of Ilargnins. Kount/ place , Bov- oral lots uta bnrgaln. Lnkost.25 foi't for f BOO Saundorsst , ! l lots , cnoh 2.00J Suundcr8iit,3V > ncrns opposite Kountzo plncointh ft.WxlW ) 5.VW ( I'nrtmra st.pornor , WX123 ll.omi l'ariinmstniotseneh , U.iXiC Lowonvo , oust trout 1.7M Yirginlnavo 1,3W reorglanvo,7xl10 2'iini ' Ccorgla nvo 2,5VJ Twenty-sixth M , near Popploton LVlOl Facing on Piirk 2UK Hamilton St. Orchnrd Hill l.'DH Orchnrd lllll,2tliio lots , each 72.1 Trackage lot" WxU' ) . * . ! l * C Trackage lots , 50x147 2,251. Loavonnorthst , Hi feet corner , 3WO Hosldrnco Property. Wo hnvo n largo list of rosldcncn property In nil parts or the city nt very low prices , Sloven ; Hros , 1513 I'urnum st. 775 SPLENDID CIlANCE-Savo ront. House * nnd lots for , nln an ? 25 pei month pny- monle. witn small payment down. They ere two , story houses , now ami fully completed. IHuvo stvli.rgu looms ; hullpantry china closol , good cellar , closels.cliy wator.aiui sewer connections : all ready for occupancy. The location Is oxoellunt , being on eorr.oi 23th and Ctnirles struct. In Snlnn'.s 1st addition near the heart of th'j city , and commanding i flno view. Tlnj red rarllno , passes within 2'i ' blocks. Hiram 'A. Hlurccs , Agent , room 10 CfOlghlon Ilk. , tjouth of postollleu. UVJ 15 FOH BALEXDodKOfit.twoloU In Kllhy plnco fronting on Dodge Btroet , 125 fret Tm blocks beyond the lots have sold for T2.000 , tin same prlco wo nsk tor these. Only $1,200 cast required , fclmw A : Co.,010 Sloth et , are tbi agents. 190 BA1U1AINB In South Omaha low. 3. ) of tm finest lots In the northern part of Houtl Omaha tor oulo on oaay terms by Ooo N Hicks 215 South 1Mb street. Uranch olhoe llollovui and II 6troeta. fioutn Omaha. 267 14 T 1ST your property with the Omaha Uusinos 1 ( ! & lUo , room 1 , 31110 Foil SAIjr 5 room house tlurJctt s.1 , prlco -l,4C > 0 : rOcash. ) 4 room house Chirk st. , prlco.COJ ! ; fiOO cash. 12 room homo 1sth st.prlco f 1,800 : Jl.ldti cn h 0 room house Poppluton avenue , prlco f2,60\ ) : flt'OUcnsh , 23 reel fronting on Douglas st. ( or t'M per front foot. ft feet fronting on S.iundcrs stt25 per front foot , 2 adjoining lots , 1 n corner , on Snundors gt , price Sl.OJOporlot. 1 ot the bp t lots In Orchard hill J'.V ) . 3 chonp lots In South Omaha : close to now depot , prloo $ V)0 per lot. 10 acres for platting , f ISO per ncrr , RIO ncro farm Innd nt North Plattc , Neb. , 15 per ncro. 160 ncro farm land In Madison Co. . SJO per acre. so ncro farm land In Picrco Co , Nob.tlO per ncro. 1(10 ( acres farm land In Webster Co. , Neb. , | W per ncro. Will tnko horse nnd buggy In part pnvmont , n anlod to runt a 10 or U room house between Fnrnnm and Cnllfarnln nnd 17th nnd 20th , Hum hnm & Stringer , 1518 Dodge st. 1K5 BAHOAlNS-Wo ndvrrtUo bargntns only. Hero nro a fuw from our largo list , Lol 10 block 2 , Ambler Place , 1 square from strpot ear line : only fl.iWO. 60x120 ft. beautiful pnst front In llagan's , aq. from st. earJ,10J , f 1,100 cnsh : big bargain. 5 Inrgo lurgnlns In Omaha View. Prices and terms on application. 10 lots In Paddock Plftco : fine trackngo : at n sacrifice. Smnll cash , balance flvo ynais , 4.ixl2il ft. In Parkers : south front. U sq. from Bt car , 11,900. A rare bargain. South front In Patrick's , H sq. from 8t , cnr : onlf $1,800. Knsy ti-rms. 22x1211 ft. next to corner of 14th and Dnvnn- port for only $5,000 , f2.fll)0 ) cnsh. A regular snap. I'mo rpsldenco lots nnd homes In Kount/o Flaeo , Hanscom Plnco and Kllby Plaeo. U lots south and east cornor.110x132 ftbut n cqtiaro from IxMivonworth st. , In Parmonlor Place , nil for tl.UW : * 1 .Maims ! , . A pornor on Dodge t for.700wlth tour cot- tHgps , brln < ilng n rent equal lo about 15 per rent on investment. n A bargain In South Onmha proper requiring $1,01 cash ; renting nt flW ( per month , { 8,000- A few good lota loft In Pot Hand Place , 1-5 cash ; f ; ,50 to ? 4)0. ) When not otherwise stated , nbovo call for about 1-3 cash , balance easy. Carriage at your disposal to see them nny tlmo. Wo make a specialty of bargains , nnd nnyono wishing to turn quick will do well to lutlth us. us.Pnrrott & Williamson , up ( tnlrs , s , w. corner 14th nnd Douglas 11)0 ) 12 BETTER see W H. flrcon , 215 South 1,1th St. , bout the following or anything else you wnnt : 1111x140on South 10th St. , f 11.00) . firtx 14(1 ( on South Kith gt , fil.iWO. HJxl25 on South Itith Bt , good house , $11,501 12(1x140 ( on South Ifith st , S7.0JO. I > 0x140 on South 15th st , $ : iHO. ( ; Kxl40on ) South 15th St , f2.iXW. 46x100 on South 15th st , cor on Williams , Im provements on this cost $1S . Good business cor , f7..00. 0 lots 6)x22o ) oist fronts on South 2Jth Rt , These BIO llrst-ulass , bettor como up and see aboutthoio. (11x182 ( on Lonvcnworth st , good hnusp , for ? TO per front foot , property sellings blocks beyond - yond In n hole for f'JO. Ono of the bostoornoM In Shlnn's add. with gooil house and other improvomonls for & 3.5UO. fW ) ) cash , bnl 1,2,3 yoars. 10'xl.W ' onst front on Virginia ave * 5,20 > . 105x150 onsl fronl cor Virginia uvo SJ.WO. 21 of tlm llnest lota In Hnnscom placeeast and wc t fronts on Park ave nnd west fronts on Cattioilno st. This is the cream of the place and the tlrst tlmo they over wore on the market. Small cash payments and easy terms. 50 of iho bc-t lots in West side loft laying di rectly on cur line ami only ? .r,00 for Insldo and f * * ) lor corner. S125 cash. bill , to suit W. H , ( Jrcon. 215 South 13th st flM TTIOH SALE-Dodgo and 12th , $10.000. 120x113 -C cor llth nnd Doroas , t8,2iK ) . 60x140 , Ilnnso rnst front , 10th Bt , $ M ! ft , Elsnssor and Hico , No 1U12 Hiirney. 270 30 llpnutlf ul lots on Bellpviio htrpot between > the city and South Om-ilin. for sftlooncasy terms by Ooo N. Hloks , 215 South 15tn Rt. Ilranoh olllco Hollovuo und U streets , South Omaha. 2S7 14 FOH SALK-Lots 11 nnd 12 , block 4 , Kirk- wood , tl.uUO each , H cash , balance 1 nnd 2 yoars. Di count for cash , address Mrs. K. Hoberts , Fort Sherman , Idaho. 301) ) 21J of Douglas and Tenth streets , \J rents for ItiOO. is oilorod for a short tlmo on o.isy terms , nt $21,000. Marshall Jc Lobcck , 'J Farnam. Tel. T3. 20i ) 12 JOolpgant lota on llellovlow street , the load- J Ing thoroughtaro connecting the city and South Omaha. ( ! PO N Hloks , 21.1 South 15th st. Uranch olllco Uollevuo ami U strocta , South Omaha. 237-14 FOH 8AtE-A corner lot , 08x132 , on l.Sth and Cum in uat , one of the best locations In the city for a wholesale house , with waterworks and sewerage. Apply ' at premises , Thos. Sin clair. 311 m 21J TENTH Street business property with track age t350 par foot , cheapest ground on the street. Patterson St Hooro , Onmtm National Hank. 472 T rEHE Is a snap : Owner U sick und Is packed U now tor California. No blnlf about tnl . It must bo sold at onco. Ono of the finest east front lots In Hnnscnm place 50x171 to 20 ft alley , high and flghlly.llno IH story house built by present owner tor u homo nnd i put up right There nro U rooms , besides bath room finished , 2 more rooms not yet flnMiod. Mantle and grate In front room , Hard pine finish , J75 bbloistorn and tutor with pump forcing water Into bath room ; city water on street but not taken Into house yet. Thin property can bo sold lor f5,100 cnsh , or f'-'OOVt cash. Oieuory it llnd'oy. Itoonis 1 und 3,320 S 15th st oQ DO you wnnt n home ? Wo have houses for sale on easy terms. John Oallagftor , 317 South 13th. 1W 13 LAND Seven Omaha Insldo NEIHtASKA lots to trndo unlncumbcred Neb. land. Hush X Solby , 1521 Farnam st. 29'J SELECTS , nro tlio oarelully listed bnrgnlns hunted doirn by Cuko i Hillings. Our sam ple case : (1(5x140 ( ( ft on 10th street for $5,500 , part 1 and 2 yours. 4 lots , Meyers & Tlldon's add , cash needed only froo. Home lot In Plnlnvlow , only takes , cnsh , SVX ) . Picked In Sheridan Pluco.only f iW ) for * I,5l ) lot 2 lots wlth21ioiisos.T. 1. Kcdlck'g sub , only block from Blroet oar linn , 105x12tt on 2 streets , big money here for you. llonuty of Hartlett , fruit trees , flno view , only $1.500 cash needed. Chonppst South Omnhn stuff on the market. Come , over 101 , corner llodgn nnd 15th , nnd we'll mnko It plensnnt and protttnbto for you. 8.10 &HADLF.Y , GHEOOHY Oinnlm Henl F.stato Exchnngp , Hooms 1 and 3 , 320 South nth st. Omnhn View , Stalest fronts for $ 1,5X1 Falrmoiint plnco , 50x121 , corner- ' 1't.VJ Falrmoiint place 40x120 , corner 1,30) ) West Side Lonvonworth fit fronts l.COO West Side , Kust nvo fronts 775 Thornburg place 100x130 , corner 1,10) ) Thornburg place , line oust front . . , 801 Catalpn iilnoo WxllH , corner 1'jry ] Tabor place clogHiil lot 17x155 l.COJ LeDvonworlb terrucn 111 ft on Lonvon- luiith 3,07) ) Lenvenwoith'orrnco , 1(12x114 ( traokago , 9,300 West O'nuhn , llQxlIii ea t nnd BO front . . 3,5)3 ) Wpst Omaha , ( > Sxl5" > nnst and north front , 2V ) I llodford pliieo 100x123 corner 1,701) llodford plucnMHT.'Ji south front Ml ) Pie pci't place 51ft corner on uiado . . . 1SM Prospect plncpdoubln front Hamilton st 2,50J Cheap homos for all. Gregory & llndloy. 012 PHING VALLEY. S Our now nldltlon. Acrosftllto J'lll pnraoro. Near South Oninho , And Sydlcato Hill. Marshall it Loheek , 778 \W \ ) Fdrnnin. "VTOTlCi : is hereby given that under Iho nnmt i. > ot "Tho Omnhn Motor Hallway Company , a corpoiatlon has beun fornii'd tor thepurposi ot transactingnml currying on tbobuslnessol building , opetatt.'ig and malniiilninrallwny nml stri'ot railways In the state of Nolira'kn1 with Its principal pliu-ool business al Onahn : Neb. The Hinount of { 'npltnl stock nutlnrUoi ! Is llvohundred thousand ( fVi"Wi ) ' dollnrs. One tenin ( l-lii ) of the amount HUh > crlt .d to ho pad : at the tlmo of subscription , and the balance u- culled by the board of direetors Thoporporntlon commenco.I on thoolevcntl day of April , lb"T , id : will termmnto on tin Ur tdayof March , i'.H" ' . 'Iho highest amount nf Indcbtoilness or lln bllltv to which tlm corporation Is nt any tlini to subject Itholf. is two-thirds ( H ) of Ha capita Block. The nifnlrsof tbo corporation nre to be con ductodhya pri'--lilont , sdoretary , board of ill rectors und such other oIliciTH.euporlntoiidcnf and ugontfius mny bo creulcd by the board o dirbctors , THE OMAHA Moron H\IT.WAV COUPANV. Hy SAHUEI.D. MKIICGII , Prculdunt. Altudt : U. H. IlHOWN. nil-11-13-2' ) Dissolution NoSice. "VTOT1CE U hcioby glvnn that thn firni herein - < -x foru nxlsling umlcr the style of Ncbrnski Hr.'ckaml ' Tcir Cotta "Co. IMS this dny beet dK-olvod by mutual oornont. William Lohme retiring from Iho business , ami William Illltoi nnd Hubert F. Probort to continue In the Urn nnd under the saum nniiiu , ( lesumliiir all the ii.i bllltlcs. Wltni- our handt this the 10th ilny of May HS7. ) WJI.MAM Iliino.v. Huia-iiT t * I'ltonr.tiT , WILLIAVI LEIIUUI , ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS. ODr. Bellinger has received n.i a im ciil from n western friend a beautiful fawn. W. H Dudley , the well known -stock innn , yesterday sold and delivered H herd of fat cattle to Schult. * , the Omaha butcher. City Wclghmastcr Amy complains that liny , oata nnd corn are not coining in fast enough to supply tlic domand. The farm- era am too busy to think of town Jolks , A U. Graham yesterday received 100 Scotch pine trees , a donation from Horace ace Kvorotl , wlio desires the park com missioners to have them planted in Fair- mount park. A meeting was called for lust night o' property owners interested in netting f. hotel located on tliu Keller property. H is believed that $ ' . ' . 0,000 bonus can b easily raised to secure that silo. Frank Chase , the Northwestern em ployc who had suo'i ' a miraculous escapt from death , is now preparing to occupy a now hotibo of his own near the depot , and his friends hopu that ho will llvo to bo happy in it many yoars. The free public library continues to do an increasing business. Last month there wore 1,1)24 ) bookmakers , and 3,750 visitors. There 2,413 books taken out , and as usual Motion was indemand , there being l,4l > 5 volumes taken , and only forty-two on philosophy. The Glebe speaks ofVado CHIT'S livery stable. Hoing within a half block of the stable referred to , ami Hray having kent a IIvery stable hero for twenty years , it Kuems that it was nearly time Unit oven that evening paper got onto the tact of its being Bray's stable. One enthusiastic prophet declares that the new Union 1'acllic bridge will do more for Council Ulutls than is generally thought. With cable ears running over the bridge , and the other facilities for crossing , and with the opening of the Ninth .street line of street cars , ha pre dicts that 10,000 people will bo added to this side of the river. Mrs. Li/.T.ic DcKay , a sister ofOoorgc and Tony Gorspachor , died yesterday morning at Minneapolis. Tlio remains will arrive here this morning , and will bo burled Friday morning at 1 o'clock from the Catholic church. Mrs. DoKay would have been thirty-two years old to day. Before her marriage to Mr. DeKay she was married to Henry Leader , whoso widow the bccamo. Personal I'nrnjirnnhi. Kv-SlieniT Kedh'cld , of llarlan , was in tin ) city yesterday. Captain Overtoil lias relurncd from ono of his numerous Texas trip- ) . H. Mondcl , IS cola's well known merch ant , wus at the Boehlelo vuslorday. George F. Boulton , of the Charles City Citizen , visited tlio Blull's yesterday. Mrs. C. K. Friedman has HO far recov ered from her illness as to bo able to ride out. out.V. \V. M. McCrary has accepted a position with tlio Council 1Jlull's 1'aint , Oil and jlass company. Will Sterling , an attorney at Huron , Dak. , is in the city , the guest of Mrs. G. A. Uobmson. Mr , ami Mrs. Jacob Sims will in a few ilays occupy their now residence , No. 310 L'Jatner street. N. A. Taylnr returned yesterday from " a. southern trip , having visited "Chata- nooga and other cities. Superintendent Hurt , of the Chicasp & Northwestern railroad , made a Hying trip to the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.Kdmundsonaronow planning to .sail for Europe on the 1'Jth by the North German Lloyd lino. George W. Harbin , secretary of tlio Kquitaule Insurance company , of Waterloo lee , is al the BccMclc house , while attend ing to a case in court here. Chris Anderson is recovering from his injuries , but is yet far from being a well man , there being internal injuries as the result of his terrible squeeze. Miss Katie Kdinner , who has been furthering her musical culture in Koston , has returned to this city to remain for a season with her sister , Mrs. Jo. UotV. J. W. Walker , of Richmond , Ky. , is here to join his wife who was been visitIng - Ing relatives and friends. They now go to their future homo in Wichita , Kr.n. II. C. Cheyney , the passenger agent of the Sioux City routo. lias returned from a trip to the Black. Hills. He says ho had a chance to snowball in Deadwood n wecK ago. James H. Barrett , who has for several months been eonliiicd to his bed by u severe spell of sickness , has resumed'his clerical desk at the Chicago & North western freight ollice. Mrs. C. A. Weatherlow and daughter Ida , and granddaughter Knnna , loft for tlicir old home in Now York yesterday. Mrs , W. is the sister of our old and ro- speotod citi/.en , Wells Cook. Colonel Dailoy , Colonel Kcatloy , Gooigo Metcalf and J. P. Weaver are named as among the veterans who will attend the reunion of tlio Army of tlio Potomac to beheld held on the Hold of Gettysburg , July 4. State Senator James Dooley , of Keokuk county , is visiting the two cities. Ho was yesterday calling on Council Bluffr friends in company with J. S. Becni , of Marcngo , la. , who is visiting relatives hero. Torn Ncally , one of the old residents of Little Sioux , was here yesterday to take a good start for his uresent homo on the Pacific coast. He has been visiting his old friends in western Iowa for three montliB past. Mr. John T. Stewart has gene east to visit his daughter Hcs la , wlio is attend ing school at Farmington , Conn. Mr. Stewart and daughter will join the oth ers of the family in Now York , and spend the summer at the seaside. Mrs. Nellie Bangs Skolton , of Chicago , is in the city , the guest of Miss Kate 1'iisoy. She is the composer of the pop- tilar waltz , "Queen of the Glen , " which she has dedicated to her friend Miss 1'usoy. Mrs. Skolton is ono of the finest pianists in the country , and as Miss Nellie - lie Bangs has won a wide reputation. Mrs. J. B. Chase is in the city and tlio guest of Mrs. K. S. Barnett. Her hus band was twenty years ago jmstor of the Congregational church of this city. Lately he has been the pastor of the Con gregational church at Sioux City and is now changing to Hull , la. Mrs. Chase's many old friends hero will bo glad of the opportunity of meeting her. Tlio Mnnnwu Itullwnv. J. K. Graves , who is to build iho Lake Mauawa railway , has bought 10,000 ties of the Chicago Lumber company. Tlio work of construction will commence within a week. Other material is being ordered , and as fast as it can bo laid on the ground the work will progress. The contract calls for the work lo bo com pleted by the 1st of July , but Mr. Graves oxpuclh to have the cars running long be fore that date unless unforeseen obstruc tions occur. JV. SVI1UHX , Justice of the Peace. Oillouovi'i American Kxpress. Notice , of iippllention of Coylo & Smith MATTEIt fiirlliuor | l.runou. Notlco is heiebv irlvon that Coylo .V Smith did upon tlio 1 III ilny iif .Muy.A.D. IrfiT.tllothnIr UiiliC'Ullon | | lolliv nntjur und city of Oiimlw , lor licf-inn to nrll in ill , spltltnous und vinous liTiurs. at No. Jim South Tliliteonth Btiect , 3 ° \rurdOiiiiihii.N ( < li.tromthullib d.iv > r Aiuli. l i.Ui tno loth day of Ajilil. IW-1. If there lie no objection. rainoiMruncii or inmost tiled within tun weelu fiom J."ny lUUi , At D. , lf7 , thn sind llcon'O will ho irriinto.l. Oovi.u A ; HMIYII , Applicant ! , J. U , SouillAHi ) . CilT Clnr' ' , inrlHd