Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1887, Page 7, Image 11

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Ad\oitli eniei > ts under this hcadlu cents per
Imt for the llrst ln rtloii , T rents for each sub-
ftoquvnl Insertion , nndtl Ma line per iiionth ,
No ailvertl oti out taken for loss than 21 cents
lor Iho Hist Inn rtion. Seen words wll bu
touiitod to the Hue ; thuy must run coiioeuu *
lively and mint Lopnld In aiUanco. All mix or-
tl omi'iitnmun lie Imiidul In bt/foie ln : : ) o'clock
ii. tit. , tind under no clrouiiiMunoos will they1 bo
iakoti ordl contlnued by telephone.
Turtles iultrtiilnif In tin so columus and hav-
Inir the itniwrri luliiroMiit In earn or TIIF. IIFK
w 111 plefno nik for u check to amble them lo tfot
thnlrluttnrs.iu iiuno will hn ilollvornd except
on | ire ntiitlon of check. All answers to ndvor-
tlftcnirnlR should lie enrlo od In ptnelojii'i
All iidvortl enicntfl In thejn columns are puh-
llplifd In both tiiornlnp nnd ovenlnp editions ot
flho HKK , the rlrrulatlon of which
BffKrcKatos moro tlisti U.WJO papers
dally. nml Klvei the iidvortt or the
lietu lit , not onlj of thn rlt v circulation of Thn
UK : hut al. o of Council lllulTs , Lincoln , and
other cities and towns throughout this part of
the west ,
500,000 loloatintfl per cunt , Harris 4 Samp-
$ Bon , Iiin ! Douirlflg t. 870
1500,1X10 ' ! ( ) LOAN at 0 per cent. Ma honey
i 4 , Unahan If/'J 1'arnam
M ONF.V ' ! ( ) I.OA.V O P Davis * ( 'a , real
f slate and loan agents , 1505 I'llrnam st.
500,00' ) To lonn on Oinnlm city property at 8
per cent. U W. Day , s. o. cor. P.x. Hid.
M ONIY ! to Ixian , flr t mortgage notes
bought. H. K. Cole , 310 d. 15thloom 4.
MONKY TO t.OAN-On city unci faun prop
erty , low talcs. Stewart A Co. , lloom , J
Iron bank. fi'l
"VTONEY to loan , cash on delay.
.WX j. W. and II. I * Bqulro , 1413 Karnam ft. ,
Taxtnn hotel building. 67li
ONI1Y Klr t mortgnyo noted. The Douglas
county bunk will buy papers secured by
flrft moitgago on cltyrpiuty. _ fin
MONIlV 'JO LOAN on nnnroved real estate ;
no coininl iliii charged , l.oavltt Hurn-
ham. Ifoom 1 Crelghton Itlock. C77
C I'Llt CUM' Monny to loan.
Gregory A lladloy ,
Kooma 1 nnd 3 , llcdick Dlock , 0 8. 15th St.
MONI'.Y to loan on collaterals. Long and
snort tlmo city mortgages and con
tracts uought. 11. S. Kowloy , 311 bouth Kith st.
Ii78 mil
" O 1/AN Money hoaiis placed on Irn
proved real cstatn In city or county for
Mow England Ixinn A Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chicago stt. C7U
MONKY to lonn on Improved city property at
6 per cnnt. Money on hand : do not have
to wait Hove n complete pot of abstract booKs
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal KMato and Loan Co. , KO H. 11th st.
ONIY ! I.UANIliitO. ! P. Heed & Co.'s l.o n
. Olllco , on furnlturo , pianos , liorses.wagons ,
personal property of alt kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal 319 I S. Pith.
oxer Illnglmui s Commission store , All busl-
ness strictly cnnfldcnllal. CS1
6 TKIl CKNT Money.
11. C. Tattorson , 15th at.d Harncy.
"AIONKY TO I/IAN bythoundorslgnoil.who
i'l has the only properly loan
goucy In Omaha. Loans of { 10 to $100 made
on turnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , xrngona ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delMto
All business strictly conlldentlal. Loans FO
ttndo that any part cnn bo paid at any Imn.nach
pnj mcnt reduelng the cost pro rntn. Advances
Hindi ) on lluo watches and ainmotids Persons
Bhould carefully consider who they nro dealing
\xlth , s many now concoins nro daily coming
Jnto existence. Miould you need money call
nnil POO me. W. H. Croft , Hoom 1 Withtioll
Uulldlng 15th nnd Hartley. CbJ
rplH' Oinaliu Financial Kxchnngo ,
JN W corner of Harnoy and llth ata. ,
over State National bank.
IB prepared to make snort tlmo loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long tlmo lonnsmmleon improved real estate
nt current nxlep
Turchiiso money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short tlmo loans maiio on second mortgage.
According to marginal Interest , nt collateral
Heal estnto to exchange for Kood Interest
Soaring paper.
General financial business of nil kinds trans-
> Beted promptly , quietly and fairly.
4 Money always on hand for approved loans of
J nny l < ln < l , without doUy or unnecessary pub-
Hefty. Corbclt. Manager. 1BO
\\7"ANrKD A person desiring to engage In
T T an honorable paying liuslnoss netting (10
to 812 per day clear profit on Block of $75 to
9150. Host business men of this city given na
references. Call nt once , or write , to Koom 1 ,
Crounso block , 16th st. , cor. Capitol axe ,
Omnha , Nob. 408-J11
FOIl SALK Hostaurant 1 year lease , doing
good business. AJdioss O OJ. Bee ollico.
, 377 10J
"IjlIHST-CLASS opening for live man who
- - wishes to Invest In the drug business. Per
particulars address Ito.x 55 , Neolii , la. 28114J
WANTKD Tartnor In paying drug Btore.
Capitul re < iulrod (000. Address O lleo
0111 on. 3.S2 12'
T710H SALK-Ilulldlng Ass'n. sliaro. only $100
- 1cnsh bnlaneo $ J5 per month , Addicas O 04
llJO ollico. 385 11'
fJIOH SALK-Drug etoro In city , will trndo
Jfor city real online , or tnKo a partner.
Address 0.59 lloooinco , _ 372 12 J
FOH SALE or Hont First olnss hotel proper
ty In city of 3.0UO Inhabitants Pine 1m-
proxod and uiilmprovcil fnrnis and city prop
erty for salo. Address Hox4l4 , Norlolk , Neb ,
_ U.U 12J
' restaurant IB on account
business cliniigo under fair terms for t.ale.
S11 S U'th. 333 12'
MY property , wherein saloon Is for sale or
for rent. Louis Korsgood , Park Foicst
saloon , B. Uth st. _ 303 12J
A It A UK opportunity. A clean , crisp nnd
Irosh flock of Urocoilos , Flour , Feed und
Provisions , w It h an average dally business of
$125 , Is now put on the market for Bale. Kx-
ccllont business location , street car corner ; on
best street In city : IIHXV brick building , leased
for onu with privilege of two or three ychrs.
Terms of sale good. Hcnsons for selling , other
interests demniid attention , Apply promptly
toTnrrott A Williamson up stairs , B. w. cor.
Hth and Douglas. 34 1
" \1MNTKD I'artnerslilpxrlth nn old physician
A Tl in city ortoxvn by a loung phjhielan of
> years oxporlenco. Not afraid of xxork. Address -
dress O 52 Onmlm lice. I'M 12J
FOH SALK Yory cheap , good bncn business
property In Grand Inland , Neb. Thn greatest
bargain nnd bnst terms In this city. Good rea
sons for felling. FOI pariloiilius address J. H.
Woolley , Attorney nt Law , Urnnd Island , Neb.
_ _
"VTOTICK To hotel men , n deslrnblo hotel
ofor sale , the Occidental , situated in thu
toatitlful nud glow Ing city of Mitten , Nub. . Is
nowputuimn the market. The Oeolilenlal has
rxn enviable reputation second to none In the
Btalo for Its generous anil liberal hospltallllos ,
ns thotisnndaof trnx'ullng men will guriantco
Ulie hotel Is on a solid llnnnolal foundation ,
vlth all modern Improvements and every room
occupied : satisfactory rcatons furnished for
selling. I'rico and terms made knoxui upon
Application , Per fuitber purtlculais Inqulro
or address , J. T. Mollyneaux , proprietor. Sutton -
ton , Neb. _ 211M2J
SALK or trade A clean stock of gnn-
ernl m roliandso | In an Iowa town. Good
trade , lot und building $1.750 , stock { .I OI. \ \ ant
soinu cash on Block. W 111 exchange for land or
Htoek. ItPiiaen , owner llx-os west. Address
lock bog 2.1 , Central City. Nob. IS ! 18 *
300x132 icot oiut from Shrlxor plncofn.V ) If
sol. I by May 10 , Terms uiisy , t-tiect car
linewlthln Hi blocks. ihU is ubaiguhV Shaw
A Co. . 510 S IBlh at. _ 131
\OHSA L1-A ! prolllnblo nnd well established
business suitable lor a lady. Call mul In
quire nt Kinplojmciit llureau , 219 n IHthsts.
_ _ WJ Jt
\VTihnvosomo : very ilcsTrable lots to'nx
' > change lor any kind of inerchaudl < o : 1JO
K IGiti st , 1bIK n T. O. Marr A Toft. 351
f ObT An Itlsh setter pup xTith n collar nnd
JJ the name DICK Inscribed on It. Heturn teA
A J. S'uipsoii'd oarrluKu factory and got re-
vnrd. 28.1 I''J
1 OST liny mare , bob lull , right bind foot
J-J xrbltc , brando'l ' "T" on lolt shouliler. He-
ward for return to Christ. Aiulerfon , near
Hoj d'j packing bouse. ' } ) 12J
IJKHSONAL-If you wnnt n rteslr.U > 't ' , con-
JL trnlly located ollico > ou can Uml it at 31S (
fi Uth st. U7b
. DU1UN I'-Ulnrlvojant from llottou , is"
reliable In ullutTalrtof life , unite * loparntej
lovcra. 0"C N. inth t. room 1 Ml m.'ej
IV1HS. M. D. CAHItOLL has removed her
liL dressmaking ruomfe from 16JI Howard to
314 llrotrncll hall , corner 17th und Jones.
TjElfONAL-Ncat and tasty nil- wool btiM-
X ness suits $7.00. Flno blue diagonal dress
suits , (10.75. Call and s < e them or write for
fuimpIcB , L. O. Jones A Co. , American
Clothiers. 1M Fornnm 8t.Omaha. . 1W m 17
T KItSONAL-TrlXKtc homo for Indies during
J conllncmont , strictly ctinfidontlnl , Infants
adopted , iiddre 8 K4J , Hco olTlco. _ _ ' 9J3' _
ilKHS'lTfAIy > lr . Dr Nnnnto V , Vvarren
clnlrvojnnt , Mrdlcnl.nnd btielnnja Medium
Hoom f < o. 8 , 121 North 16lli it. , Oinnha. Neb.
plIHST-CLASS Slorngo at 110 N 13lh ct
DTlTAJP. Plr t-cl ss storngo for nlco f
kJ nlturo or boxed goods , at 151. ) Dodge-Hi.
"VTOflCK Ixts2i"J BiidM , ClarK'g addition ,
1 > ro withdrawn from market. Adolph
llowtnan. 3 fill *
. and coal are delivered frco lo all
parts ( if the city by thn Illuo line tank
delivery , olllcu at Kcmiard dims A. Taint Co.
'lelopbunoT'Jl , McDugul & Ward , propiletors.
. Hqunro I'lano IJ montBlr. A
POKIIH.VI flouciae. Ml
K8S TOOLS sinks und vaults cleaned , odor-
losi process. K. KwliiK , hot iK7 , city.
580 m-'Tj
\\71IjL trade a good heavy span of mules for
it good driving imrMi , bufcgr , luIlK tons or
cattlo. Address O 47 llee. " 01 11 *
THOI'KIirV Owners-It ion want to Foil
TO your property 5ond full de uriptlon with
prlco and toniiH to Hart's flroat Western Heal
llatate Huroiiu.Crulghton Illook. Wo Imvo cus
tomers for ox cry bargain that Is ottered.
" HAD My now adveitltumont ol Hlchnioiid
and Table In thlscvcnliiKs's HOP. ( loo.
M. Cooper. Honmi : , Arlington IlloeU ' > ' > ( II
rjHO parties having houses lor rent , Kcntal
-L Agency , Haiiitwa & Co . 15st , opposite post-
ollico , We luive turneil over to them our rental
list. We recommend thorn. McCajftie Hros.
"VTOTICK W C. K'lnpr & Co , hoii'o movlnir
-L nnil raiaiiitr , luax-o orders at 1JM I'lnrco t-t ,
FOKHKNT Ortfana , J3 per month. HoPlie ,
_ 1613 Bomrlos _ _
YytllsSMAKINO Mis V. C. fccollrldf jmr-
\J Ion IMJbt. Mnry'snvu. Uullos comlnc to
the ulty for ono day can Imvo tholr dress uiado
wbllo waiting. _ UTS in 11
I. C7 Itoiiso furnishing irooda , nil kinds ;
ca h or intt.illmont ; lowest prices at J ,
Ilonnor , 1.115 lougqn ) | st. _ 'Mi
1i > ! rHii Hqiiaro montair. A
HoBDO. 1513 Douglas. WJ
JF you want to buy or soil furulturo , jro to
J. Ferguson1 ? , TliN.ieth. C'Jl
OH SALT -Three work hews cheap for
rash , or Installments. J. Homier , I'ltS
l IS bt. 37lii ;
FOIt S A M ! A Rood double ot of cairhurn or
wurk harness In Kood order , very cheap.
Inquire of Mrs. Jones , 5UO botitu 18th sticot ,
up-stuirs. U84 11 j
Tj OK SAIii ; One tnam orjionles und luirnns *
4 ? iiniHlulhur ) wagon. Applyto Tatilck Toid
lit Estabrook's stal.lo on North 10th l. UK ) 11 ]
QOO.UJO irood mcrchantablo brick for > -alo nt
J John U. Uroon's stone quarry.7. . " > l"ij
IT'OIl SAIiP. or trade , pooil work horse , or Is
ndaptod for ladles driving ; nut fiHt
enough for any buslnesa 1'lno .lorrfoy cow
gone dry , and joarllni ? huifor. 1U1 Tiorce.
OU 8 A III ! Ono No IS Hob range , ono ex
tension table , carpets , etc. ( lood ns now.
Cheap for oash. Imiulio Institute Hotel , lltli
and Capitol nvo. _ i.117 17J
$200 hut s fl-ycnr-old black borao , lonthnr-toii
buggy and lmniP9 . Aply | at 10 1 N. "Jth
St. , I block north ot Cumlng. iil'l l-J
SAIiK-OnoNo. 18 Hob riuixe , ono extension -
tension table , carpets , oto. Uood as now.
Clionp for cash " 'IT lfJ !
HOUSnilOI.D Furmturo complcto for 7 room
house , ( foot ! at now. Will bo sold at pri
vate nlo ut purchaser's own price , for cash.
Address T. O. box 418 3.V. !
F OK BAM ! Furniture of II room liouso with
pilvllogo ol rentliiif bouse loit Caltroruln at
233 U
FOH BALK First-class Carriage with shafts
nnd polo , Slmpson'a make , f li'i.
Flno family horse , fust and KOtulc , $320 ,
Fine harncs , $50.
11-room house and 4Uxl foot lot , a)15 Cass
Bt. All uiodorn improvomonts. Largo barn.
tS.OOO. _ Ed To > cho. _ 210
I OH SAL ! ! llrlvora and draft horse . rear of
1818 Chicago St. 154 J5
FOH BAliK Top buggy , side bar , second
hand , cheap. Address O 2J , Hco ofllcn.
HALE , or or hango for Omaha real
estate , nflno drlvtr , record 2:40. Patterson
A Moore , Itoom 1. Omaha National bank. Ill
FOH BALK Or exchange , ono grand square
Chlckorlng 73 octavo piano , new , at a bar
gain. Will tra < lt > tor city property , house and
lot preferred. A. . T. O. Hex 488. n'i3
T710KHALK oroxchango In part payment for
_ L a lot , n complete set of New American Kn-
ciclopodln. Address O , 32 Hoe ollico. 157
F OH SALK C. ( . Conn cornet , sixmo as noxv.
A bargain. Ilutlor A Todd,215 S. nth.
OG4 11
HOUSKHOLD Furniture complete for 7 room
house , good us noxv. Will bo sold nt pn.
xntosalo nt purchaser's own prlco , lor cash ,
Address P. 0. box 418. 352
OH SALK-AIIkinds of building stone n
the Louisville quarry , loxvest prices possl
bio. Address U. Met/gor , Louisville , Nob.
B2.I 1,1 *
FOlt BALK Autoharps , mandolines. Hutler
ATodd.311S15th OBI 11
OHSALU-Agood milk dairy , consisting of
30 llrst class coxxa , a good dellvoiy wagon ,
team and harnuss. milk cans , < \e. , IIOIBC power
corn mill nnd hay cutter , and corn ehellor , in
cluding llrgt class milk route , Immn.llnto pos ,
session glx on. Per terms , otc. call nt 217 S llth
st , Omaha. 741
Foil SALK Span horses , double wagon nnd
double harness for $ . ! 00. Also a lot of posts
cheap. C. J Ciiniui , 55i
FOll SALK 1 orS horses. 1 spring wagon , 1
buggy , cheap. A Hospo. 781 mlJ
FOll 8ALE-quaro piano , $ PX ) . Woodbridgo
llrot , 215 Opeia houso. ! iti4
TJlOHSALK-Urlck. T.Murray.
EOll SALE-17 head choice bred Shortnorn
cattle ; also a ( V ) aero stock farm In Holt
county. J. S. Ceilings , Tundor , Neb.
WANT1U- , bet , 11 and Kl years. Hlisht
away. No. 1717 SU Mary's ave. 402 llj
\\7ANTKU-riisl class machinists , none
other need apply. Davis \ . Cowslll Iron
Woik- . 4U1 UJ
\\7ANTKD--50men for Colorado , Albnsht's
Labor Agency , PHI num. W >
\\7"ANTKO Three peed tlnncis at oueo
( lood wiijfoj , bti'iulv work H. Grnlil , 101
Hroadway , Council Illutls. ; (0. ( 1.1 .
w ANTKD . : Urst-class barbers at UW
Farnam st 23S llj
" \V"j\NTKl ) A jinrtuor In good pajlnu uusl-
> IIOM , ooinpotnnr to lake full chariro of
ollico allalrn , f..OOQ capital required Address ,
box M. 18. Hoc ollico. 351 ,
\1TAM KD I.atToreH tor railroad worK. K.S.
I AluriKht's Labor Agencj , 11J ) rarnain ,
\\rASTKD Cnnvnsslnir uneuts Apply beT -
T > twuou 1I ! ni and 4 p. in. Acrnu .Slants.
Co , 612 B Ifith st Ml
. . . . . jhle person , umlo or female ,
> to work In cnnrnl slow In the country
Must be familiar with dry iroodi and uudor-
f land l > ook-ki'i > | inif. | Xouu need answer oicupt
( lui ! 11 able to Kl" ) tlio host of references as to
honesty and ability and able and UUiitf to itx n
u bond If required. AiMreas O & ' ) , Ilcu olllce.
\\rANTKD-At ouco , 3 i out nniKuri mid 3
> \c raakois , at A. KalUh , 310 S. Uth st.
; i7'J
\\rANTKD-A willing tiorKor to learn to
' ' press pants ; permanent situation , and
after learning the business good pay. ( loo.
bllli-s. 11M l.cit yen worth St. 315 10
T\7ANTKD-2 school hoys with hoiTos lo
IT tairy loulo on dally evening lieu. 31J
"V\r.\NTED SO first-class carpenters. 1011
> > Dodge st , Keith \ Duncan , blfl U *
waller , New York
jtcslBuram.'UN. ICthst. 33fl 12J
UTANTP.r-2 men cooks for H. H. xvork , $50
lo t > 5 per ruoutD each. 2 women cooki to
Icnvo city. 2 xroraen pastry cooks to leave city ,
1 niir o woman to leave city , wages $20 per
month ; ! laundresses. 8 dining room rlrls and
25 glrU for general housework. Omaha Km-
Vluymcnt UurcftU , 113 W. Uth it. U55 11
" \\TANTKD-Oood tinners at onco. Jncob K.
> > Troiol A Co.,27m U-avenworth at. 3.17 11 ]
WANTED A nr t clns retail crockery salca-
tnan. llllii A Isaacs , 131UParuam at
327 11
WANT1D-IO ! good solicitors for work
among businessmen ; nothing to roll , Cnld *
xrcll A Co , 1019 Hartley et. 3'fl 1JJ
STl'DKNTS Teachers and agents can secure
\ery profitable oniplojinput by applying to
S. T. Great , Tlantor'a house. Omaha. ISdjflJ
WANTED A good typewriter operator ,
lady preferred. Fred 11. Chantler. room
13. Puxtun building. Ml 10J
" \\rANTKD Ton harness makers nt Marks
Hros. ' Saddlery Co. , 11U7 Harnoy St. ,
Omaha , Neb. 177 W
V\7"A.STKI > Yourg men to rcprcent nn eastern -
> ' ern publishing IIOUBO In this state. 31A S.
l.lth llooinl. 340 K ,
\Vr ANTKD A general nnd .10 sub-agents In
T jour county. Noxv goods , Karo chance.
100 to .liiO per cent , commission , or ngood ( ml-
nry. Si ml for circular. P. M. Wonxer , No. ( !
Wcfct Ohio street , Indianapolis , Ind. 25) 21'
WANTKD-Foilr joung men of good educa
tion , chaiactur and nddross , botwcnn 20
nnd.Tiyoius of age. J. M. French A ro. , ollico
room 16 Iliishman block. 2so 14
WANTBI ) Men , Women , 1)0)8 ) and Girls for
u light nnd prolltablo employment No
plctuio business ; no humbug. Semi lOc for a
valuable parknge to commence on. Only a low
hundred will bo distributed. Address Albany
Supply Co. , Albany. N. Y. M2 ] J
WANI'KD An Intelligent boy or joung
man from the Omaha High school to carry
u route on thu Dally Lvonlng llee. 1 < M
" \\7ANTKO-20 block mnkcrs for Colorado.
Must bo experienced mon nnd hnvo tools ,
Free pass. Mrs. lliogu A Son , 3ia South 15tb.
918 14
\ r\NTKD-2 illnlnsr room girls" Union rc
tanranl , 1217 llniney. _ 407llj
17"ANTirdlrl : IB , rook , for help , at Arcade
hotel , 1215 Douglas st. 311 * 1.1 j
" \\7AN'l KD-Latlndioss , mlddlo nged Indy
' preterred : also chambermaid. Nexv
York Hostaurant , 711 N. Kith st 3U I2J
"V\TANTKD ( lood gul for general hoinoworli
21IlOiiltaluxe | , UtU 11
" \\rANTKD-Shlrt mnl ers ami girls to learn
nt Factory cor 15th and Hartley. " >
Hurgcss. 4 14 Plj
-fllrl. HI S. Utirst lnlro | nt
Mont Market. 3ij 1J )
\\rANTKD-Glrl for housoxxork In ainiill
TT family , no chlldien , 2JUJ Calltornla sL
: - ' ) - llj
\ ' \ , ANTPD-A girl or u xvoman for genernl
housework , 818 Hoxvardst. 3sO 12J
WANTP.D-GIrl for pantry and laundiy
xxork , Mlllurd hotel. 378 1- !
\\rANl I'.D ( ilrl tor light liotisoxxork , sxx cor
TT 2)d ) and Harncy sts. ! ! H ) 13J
" \\rANIKD-Dliilngioom girl' , also girl to
TT xrnsh silxei , ono liour. three tlmos a d ly
for Hoard. Institute hotel , 1'Jth and Capitol
nvo. 2yfi 1 Ij
WANTKD Good girl ; general liousow ork
14 | 7Cass. _ 3--I11J >
V\7ANTirD 2 girls lorsixmo tiimily S4 onen ,
TT dining room gill nml dlshxrnshei. $20 each ;
laundress in city , rooKs for pilvnto lamlllos.ox-
porloncod nuisu lor chlldieti , ? l , lots ot noxv
places In and out of city everyday. Mrs. Iliuja ,
31U S. 15th , uptulrB. . 39S Uj
" \\rANTKII-A saleslady xxho Is aequallitod
TT wiih the millinery trndo. State oxpoil-
ouco. O. CO lleo. 371 UJ
\\7ANTKD-A good girl for general houso-
T worn Suuth 15th , second outh ot How-
nrd. _ 370 H J
\VAN''KI"A ' lrl ' " lamllyof three. 2113
TT California sticot. UiVjf 13
" \\rANTKD Txvo salesxvomon , for dry goods
T T must Iinxo oxporicnco , and testimonials
Apply in the muinlng to O Dornhoo > V Shorty ,
next to the postolllce. 401 12
WANTUD An cxperlencod dicssmakui.
Apply 51 IS. Htl' st. _ 4'JO ' 12J
\\'ANTKD Gill forgennral housoxvorlc , cull
at 1UOS 'Jth ' st. . German or Kuglhh
\\7ANTKD-Good laundress tor Tocntelln ,
TT $ .0 , frco pass. Mrs. Urcsa.tlO s 15th
_ _ 31" HI j
WANTKD-GIrl for housework in family "of
threo. Call at 1J1 Convent st. 3tu H
D Young girl ; Gorman perfoired ;
TT about 10 j cars old , at UWS. 13th si. 31S
Skirt and waist makers nt once.
U05 n ICth st. 3 19 llj
ANTED-Nuise girl to tinvel. 4 dmljig
room girls , 4 women cooks , (2 ( in Riimu
bouse ) 1 sllx or washer. 1 second girl. Man a < ul
wife for cooks In small icstiuirant , $ ) r5U glrlti
lor general house \vork. Mrs. llrcga4iurs.
15th , up stairs ' 3-'l 11
WANTKD-GIrl to do general housexxork
call at UiS Hamilton st. 308 121
WAVi'KD Good girl for housework in small
family. Mrs. H. llliigliara , 810 S ibth st.
310 12J
\\7ANTED-An oxporlonccd girl for general
T T house xvork. except xva hlug ; npply Inrgn
house In trout of Creighton collego. 32 ! 13j
WANTKD-Oood Ironers , nlso d-.ixer lor
delivery xxngoii. Apply lit 1'iontlor Steam
Laundry. 1512 Howard. SOU 11 *
WANTKD An experienced girl for general
housework , at 1917 Webster ft. 27811
ANTKD Dining loom giila , also girl to
wash sllvoi , ono hour , three times n day
for board. iTM 12J
"XAfANTKO A girl to cook In private family ,
101 N. 18th St. 211 llj
VVTANTKH-'Cook and dining room girl. Muel-
T T ler's Hostaurant , 1001 N. Kith st. 231
WANTKD-Second girl immediately. Call
bet. the hours of U nnd 10 n. m. or n to 7
p. m.,2427 Dodgeatruet. 25-
\Y"ANTP.D-Good girl , 1707 Cuss.
WANTKH Good girl at 503 Virginia a\o ,
good wages paid , 231
WANTKD A foxv more Bhlrt and pants
makers. Apply ut onco. Goo , Stiles. 110(1 (
Leiivonxvorth it. Ull 11
V\7'ANTKl-Kltchon girl and Two dining
room girls. 1001 No ICthst. U08
\\7"ANTKD-At once , 3 first-class chamber-
T T mnlds and 1 scrub girl. Apply nt tlio
C07/CUS. tl-19
" \XrANTKD-At once , plino player , colored
T T woman proterred Apply 112 S. 9th. 348
" \\7ANTKD-Ladiesto work for us at their
TT own nomes ; ? 7 to I1) per xxcok can bo
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass
ing. Tor full particulars please address at
oncoCrescnnt Art Co. , 19 Central it. . Boston ,
Mass , llux.5170. H03JOI5'
\\7ANTKD Position In a flrBt class restaii-
T T rant , capable ot running the business , ad
dress O Ui lleo ollico. 3'iu HJ
\ VANTKDSltiu.tion In private family. Address -
> > dress 0. B2 line c75 13 J
\VANTKD-A Indy with n child , situation as
TT housekeeper. Address OM , lleo ollico.
311 llj
ASOI1KH , honest young man wants n place
In a pilxnto family taking- euro of horses
unit working round the house. Address O 7
lleo 27U11J
WANTKD A position as type writer. Ad-
, dress O 40 , lloo odlco. 2 11
"l\7ANTKD A position as typo xrlter. Ad-
T T dress 0 40 , lleo ollico. 231
" \\7ANrKD Position in private tainily tote
to xvash clothes. Address 2504 Tnclllo
st. 128 1J
\VAN'1'l'r ; ) A Position by n thorough noT -
> T countnnt. Host of references. Addrcgs
Oil lice ollico. MJ
W.\'NTKO-A noxx spnper , paying circuiatlorT
guarantaud from the start , for partlou-
larsaddreai Hank of Valley , Valley , NubCM
\\7ANTF.D-To rent three unturnUhod rooms
i us near as poeslblo to buslacss quariors
Stata price ; nddress O.1i lice. 307 12J
\\7ANTKD--A cenlloman doalrea n room
T T mate , 1S22 1 aruam. 365 1 J
WAMTKQ A rtiiioiiBlblo party desires n
furnished house for thu FUminer. Address -
dress OC1 UcoolBce. 363 llj
\\7ANTP.I ) To trade new Hcnnoy buggy for
TT n good , safe rtrlx Ing horao , Aimstroni ; ,
Pottis A Co. , 1803 Uard it. 185 la
WANTED Teams for railroad work ,
AlLrlcbt's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm.
TPOH HKNT A meat roarkot. "Inqulro In
A ? 1'ark i' saloon , Bouth 13th stroot.
358 U ]
TjlOH HKNT 5 room house near c r lino.
J ? UftUoullroj ioilDouvliM. 30U
FOIl ItnNT 10 room hous tonly 12 blocm
from the postolllcc. ifliulou tires , 1110
Douglas. I , yJ12
FOIl HKNT flood 7 mom cWngo near busi
ness , $30 per month , H , A , Sturges ,
room 10 , Creighton blk. , ay 15
TJ10M HENT-lhroo room bbijso , 1021H N 20th
TOH HKNT-Storcs and lints nt2th nnd I ko
J-1 street by Tatilsun A ttM-rooni 8 , Hedlck'a
block , ! . ' < i7
HKNT-Good barnliijitable for four
horees. Inqulro nlfll7ua.tli at. 1K1
"IJlOlt HKNT 8-room house , Ml tnodorn con-
JLonlcncos ? , Fnrnatu nnd 21st el. S. KatzA
Co. 1511 Pnrnntn. l 1 3
FOH ItKNT Window , ironitxIocnHtr for Joxv
eler or real estate. Apply to 3J3 n 16th.
Foil HP.NT First rlasi locitlon for barber
shop. Slinw A Co. , 610 South Kith. 411
FOIl ItKNT A store. Inqulro 1412 3. 11th st.
Oeo. H. I'otorson. W
FOH IlKNT-Waro room cor. 13th nnd Call.
Ifornlaon licit Line , lor particulars on-
iltilroal Union Nat , bank. 183
POll HKNT A Rtoro nr.rt barber shop , also
nice unfurnished rooms. Apply N W cor.
13th and Williams. IBS 13J
TJ1OH HENT Store nnd llx-ing npartmonts on
JE Cumlng near SnunderSBt. Apply ut Harris
Heal Kslato and Ioaii Co. , 3 0 S. 15th st. 097
HKNT-Ilrlck yards , T. Murray.
FOH KKNT Kramo store bulldliu , Wi50.
ritli IMnir 4room .on Will Sheridan ftwll ; |
Improve : put baiomoiit under ftoro to suit any
legltimato business Wm. Flomlnir & Co. , Uoi
F AHMtoient. T. Murray. 85'J
FOlUliNT-Thrco room house , 1108 8 _ 7th
4t )
FOIl HKST A nicely fuinlshod room.lSlO St
Marj'navo. JI71UJ
FOIl HUNT l'lon < iint furnished south front
room between I'arnam and St. Man's u\o.
nuiirtOtli st , $14th a month. Iteforenco 10-
quired. AddicsS"O 61" lleoOlllco. ,13812'
HKST S nicely furnished rooms en
fuiitc , 10.12 s IMIi Bt. 25H 11
FOK HKNT-Klcirantly furnished room for 2
gentleman near business. All convent-
onces ; prlx-ato family , 1GI5 Cap. avo. 24J12J
FOlt HKNT Now ly fu-nlshed front room
with nleovc , In Hanscom I'laco. Inqulroat
25 Ta\ton blk. 312 12 *
ROOM anil hoard lor gout and wlfo at 20
Ciillfoinluit. 317 l-J
"plOIl HEXT-ruriiiahcd room at ISlODodgo st.
FOH HKN'T-rurnUhcd rooms at 1810 Dodco st
FOlt HKNT Unfurnished room 1015 Dodge st
t > si
T\TANTKD 1 largo unfurnlsliod room , not
' over J10 per month , by man and wife ( no
ehlldtou. ) Helorencua ovchauged. Addro s O ,
5S , lluu. : w : 12
171O11 HCNT-NIeo furnished room. .Wi Pnr-
-L nam. Ui"i
Itr.NT-Nlno-rooui lint centrally loomed ,
310 S nth. W7T
U 1(111 ( HUNT Desk room. John ( Jixll.ighor ,
,117South Dthbt. ll'i 11
FOH HUNT Nicely furnished parlor and bed
room en aulto. Frond rooms , 'llneo
blocks from Ptixton and lullard Oas und
Water In house. Apply rooni .I , 507 S 1 Jth Rt
Foil HKNT Nicely turnlslibd rooms at 1DOS )
Farmim st. " Ml 111
L1O11 HUNT I'urmsncdfront room Mil Hur
1 uoj. 3I110J
11 HKXT Purnlshed ' | ooiu at S per
month. fd7 Virginia a\J. .TOi 11J
T710K HUNT A nlco nowlvlfuinlshod front
-I room with iilcovo , and ovoiiythlng In llrst-
clnssstjlo. and olhor snnllor rooms ; also t'iblo
board. Ciill at U.J ! I'lirnutn st 3 ! 1BJ
"IJIOH ItHNT Klegant rooiAs , rcfaroncos 10-
J. ' quired , U07 Douglas si. / - > .101
I710H HKNT In now house , newly furnished
J-1 rooms.south and oust trent , ono with buy
window and alcox oo2 ; Goon Jj avo. WV1 12j
FOlt HKNT I'tirnlshul looms with poHots | (
gas and bnth , 0-9 S 17th stV.I'S ' 1JJ
FOHSAni : New2nd hand olHco desk , 101J
Painain , up stairs
"IjlOK HKNT Nicely furnished parlor room In
-I ? prlvato rurally. Desirable neighborhood.
Address O4I Ileootllce. 210 1IJ
Foil lirNT 2 furnlshedl-oomsTbath room
and sas : nil on tlrst lloor. Call nt 2008
Davenpott st. 139
IflOlt HKNT Elegant furnlshnd rooms nnd
board in now house with all modern im
provements , bath rooms , gns , oto. 2402 St.
Mary' * avo. 338 12J
FOIl HKNT rurnished room down stairs for
one or two gentlemen , -Old Hurnoyst.
tW ' llj
T70H llKNT furnlshod rooms , 714 N 19th. :
r _ Ul'lm. ' ! *
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished room for gen-
tlomenS15Mlthst. l-'I
FOIl HKNT Klovon nlco unfurnished locn-
Ing looms. Suiuuuto or all together. In
linlldliig 310 S 15th et. inn
FOlt HKNT Iicslrnblo unfurnHliod rooms
suitable for Olllco or sleeping looms ; UD
. 1)70 )
TilOlt llKNT Furnlshe 1 room with prhllcgo
- ol sitting room tor ladv. Object , company
foi Indv whuso luijliunJ Is goiin pait of the
time. 501 S 20th. 8bO
FOH HKNT No , 537 8 13th jt , storeroom and'
Insemeiit , now brick building. An ox
cnllont location for either whol ; < isulo or rctnl
business. Paulson A Co. , room S Kcdlcl : bloc K.
_ i _ OO.J _
FOH HKNT Two offices spaces on ground
tloor in room 1509 Furmvn st. huqulroof
J S. Illchnrdson , In roar office , 219 ni21
Oil lir.NT-Nlcoly furnished rooms choopi
50a South 18th street. Upstairs. IU1
FOIl aiNT-Do-croom. ! ) Enquire Youn ; ? &
Blackimin , 214 S 15th St. 540
TTIOIt HKNT Throe room house west of North
J ? 11th St. , between Chicago nnd Ca s. fi'JJ
Oil KENT PurnlshoJ lonn with board for
twoor four gentlemen , dm most ploncant
locatlrn In the city Helorenco roquliod ,
Cill at S. K. corner 20th nmll'atnam sts. 14012'
FOH HKNT-Klegant ollioo looms , best lo
cation In ! Hr , South 15th St. 83
FOH HBNT Some very jilniiBHiit fiirniahed
rooms , with or without botiid , n. o. cor.
12th nnd Tlcrco. 3S7 12 )
T OH KENT Itoom with until , for gentlemen.
JD nan Capitol inunuo. JJ.'IJJ
FOH HKNT Two lurnl < bnd rooms with
liniinl , onsulfo or "Initlo : ovuiy modern
convonlenco,25J > St. Mar } 'save. 3SJ 17J
OHHENfTblrd lloor , 2-'i8J , of brick build'
Ing , 1108 Parnam street , use ot elevator.
Inqulro abo\o number , upstilrs C8 |
1T10H HKN'T-Olllees Hi Ho imnn building our.
-I1 Farnnm and lith sts.lnH ilto3 or singly.
For prices , diagrams and lnm uatlnn apply to
8.A. Slomiui , 15U Tarnam BtJ xini 2.
> 5J
HKItr. is n harcnln , 57x121 jSot In Tlaluvlow
odd , east front , ? lV iJM nilti ! & Wel h ,
Hetil KstatoSIB u Hth st. , cojJliirnain. 400 "
"TjrOIjMKS A MO11KAHTV IJUl estate and insurance -
suranco Co. . l\Ui \ DouiJlK 403 15
[ 31
I MMEDIATK sale xvlll takof&ts or less only
0 or a blooks from KJMmngo bid and
Union Stock yards on tttrorjjSv terms blxteon
houses under contract in BUM * block. I want
x\lnit they are worth. 1 don'tivftiil fancy prices
1 want to sell quickly. K. H Ilrancli. 1-J
OUK 0 rooms , 231 RtrctSI.OM. . H easliT
John ( liillaghor , 317 Sou'.n 1 lib Bt. lUi ) U
OTmx.4 4. Threo"liousoiriComir/o k Huth's
addition , IG,0 > XI. John Uillaghor , H17 South
Uth. 1OT 13
IF YOU are looking for property on Suundeis
street come In und hit us fh"w you our
list. Wo have somn great barjrttiliH , langlngin
price from J50 to J151 per front loot , fcmlth &
Welsh , Heal Eitato , 219 8. Hth street , corner
Faruum. 40U U
BKl'OHE buying unythliK In Iho real estate
line go and neeblmw & : Co. Wnonn sell
j ou anything to suit > our pockct-boolc , all the
vay from f JOOtoSIJ.OOO , Houses ami lots for
sale In nil parts ot the clly. Wo are head
quarters for safe Inx-ostmeirs BIO 8.10th at.
Is our olDcc. (153 (
TTIOirSALK-Lot In Shliin'uM addition , with
JJ now 8-room house , wltl pantry ami clos
ets , cistern mid good collar. Will sell cheap lor
n row days. Apply or uddrcis H.D. , 2'JI2 Charles
Rt. It ) I Uj
TXTR have no mo of the best bargains In Hans-
com 1'Jnoo property that can bo found.
Call and gut description unl prlcoj. Smith A :
Welsh , Heal U tate,2Ui sllth et. . cor Fornaro.
iOO j
FOR SAfnOr ront.flno now hoiiFo 10 rooms ,
modern oonvnnloacog. Nnttian Sheliou ,
1D05 FnriiaiiiBt. 312 It
/ inoiCUIlAHnAlXS-tnOrchnr.lHIIl.Hrscr.
\ Joirnud Clmrthago additions. 11.11 Hall
A. Co. . 113 N. llitli. 23.1-1) )
17011 HAI.K-4 choleo loU In HlllMdo No. 2 ,
JL1 fl.SOO to l..OiW. TnttcrsonX Mooru , rooms
1 and 2 , Onmlm National bunk. 31fl 14
OH PAI.K-llnURO nnd lot. lot 8 block 1
Clarendon. 1'rico f 1,000 , terms cix yj uv
ply on promlioa. 314 I-'J
SOLD-Wo Imvo sold all but n few of these
Leixvonworth street rosldenco lots. Tht'PO
wo have for our patrons at terms and prices
Hint beat any list In the city. Wo mean it and
will prove It to you.Vo hnvo nlso these mon-
or-inaklng chances :
The prettiest phico In Wnlnrtow for the
money , and only ICUO cash , If Bold soon.
" 'Iho Apple of My Kyo , " homo only 14 block
off SU Mary's uvu car Una , com en lout to busl *
r.css , built "not forndiy but for all time. "
llargams In btislnoss property.
Mil with us for wo put them where they kocp
hot Cake A Hillings , over 101 South Tith fit.
T OTJFfn ! Hoyd'3 , addition , f700 to f51 , lor few
days only. Smith A Wolsli , Heal Kstate ,
gilt & , Htli st , , corner 1'arnam. 400 12
LotO , block 11 , South Omaha , corner , OOx
150 toot , on llcllnMio street , only * -ODO.
LoU ) , block 12 , South Omaha , GOxlSO foot , on
HollnvuD stieot , only H,6'iO.
Lot 4 , block 12 , South Omaha , GOtl.VJ foot , on
llnllovuu Htrent , only Jlb&0.
Lot 6 , bloek2i , Fouth Omnha. corftor , 00x150
feet , on llclliivuo street , only J1.0X ) .
Lot 8 , block 10 , South Omaha , corner , 60x150
foot , on Turk , fj0i > )
Lot 12 , block 4'J , South Omaha , corner , CO 1150
feet , near Cathollo church , biggest bargain out
fiot'.bloel : 18 , South Omihii , comer , 00x150
feet , fnol'ig now depot , Summit , only IIMM ,
Lot 10 , block 18 , South Omaha , U0xl50 feet ,
facing noxv depot , Summit , only 51.000.
Uit 3 , block 75 , South Omaha , OJtl.V ) , adjoin
ing ollleo Chicago Lumber Co. , JUKXt.
Lot H , block fil , South Omaha , comer , fiOv
151 feet , splendid business property , fU'KH ) ,
wi feet onouth Slxtoonth street , south of
vlaluct , only ffl.OOO.
Two bdiutlfill south front lots on Popplnton
avenue. In Hanscom I'lacu , only one-fifth cash ,
balance In ono , two nnd three years , each
t ,7CO.
Forty-four feet on Ylntnn street , the main
street connecting ttio city and South Omaha ,
Thirty-five feet frontngo on Vlnton street ,
good mislnosa property , only 1,8JO.
Ixit 3 , blork f. Hanscom Tlnco , sp'oudld cast
front lot , ningr Illcont view , only f l.MW.
10) ) foot south front In Hartlott's addition ,
nonrcornnr ot Tark avtnuo und Loavomvorth
strnots , tn.OOO.
114 ttet frontage nnd corner on St. Mary's
nveniio. onlj JiO.OOO.
01 teot near corner Twenty-sixth and St.
Marv's nvcnuoi Just the place lor bilck block ,
Lot 3 , block ! > , fifty foot south fronton Hnn-
pcoin Tnik , clognnt building Bllo , 3VO > .
Lot 10 , block A Tottor'B addition , splendid
enst front lot Just on grade , only SI.IV ) .
Splendid ploeoof tiitckago pioperty , ! BJxI14 ,
on Holt Mno Hallway and Leavonwortli street ,
? ) , HO , 'i cnoh.
lxty sl\ feet on I'leasant street , with large
double hou'e , all modem coinonlences , touts
lorPI20por month , i-plendld Investment , only
* l 1.100.
Splendid lot on Georgiaav < snuo , near Woolworth -
worth , oloso to street cars , chinch and school ,
Two lots In Tabor 1'laco. corn r on Lowe
nvoniin and Howaul street , elegant leslaencc
Site. Call nnd got prlen.
Slxt\-oeio tiuet on Missouri Tnclflo Hallway ,
admitnlily ndapod for pluttlng Into lots : can
miiko this n bargain If sold quick.
Choice two , five end ten aero tract , close to
oil } , near now Rtroiit railway line , f 000 to f700
per acre Small cash payments and easy tonne.
You can make 500 per cent en Investment.
fleorgoN Hicks.
21ri South Fifteenth street , Opera House
n.oelc 2S5 14
I poll SATiK-60 choice farms loss than 20
mile.s wcstof Omaha. Address j 11. Sllvls ,
Heal I'ttato Agent , KlUborn , Neb. G41 tniiSJ
Bin HAIliTAIN Ono bundled feet front on
South Klovonth st , corner lot , only f5,00i ) .
Partontlmo. V. L Votllokn , 5M South Hth st.
rpIIOHNHintO cheap. 2 lots s o. cor. for
X both yi.'iOO. ' I'attOTBun & Moore 313 14
Foil SALK At a bargain , a moittlcsitable
homo for a small family within a mlle of
I' . O , a block from 2 street car lines and pin ed
streets. Inqulro of U. I ! . Whltmoio , Hind's
opuiahoufln ; iun
CHOICw lot in Hnwlhorno add. , for 51,400.
Smith A , Welsh , lloal Ustatc , 21 ! ) s 14th ,
cpr. Parnum. 400 12
KXTKH K THOMAS-llas the choicest lots
In Llnnoln Tlnco.
2 cor. acres In Solomnn'a ndd 1700 ench.
3 lota Inlilock r > lSouth Omaha.
Also , block GO , nnd lot 2 , block 03 , 7 in 89 , 2
in " 7 , cheap.
KO acres by Central City to sill or trndo.
1,120 aci es In n body near Stanton.
4SO acres near Wijnor. >
Also lots In Hedford Tlnco , Dolonos nddltlon ,
West Cumlniri Kostor'H ndd on Cumlng 8U The
boss lot In block 0 Shlim'a lulditlou.
Also largo lots In Shlloh.
5 acres on Amos' avenue.
Alao trncKnirochoap on Holt Line , for salt or
loneo. ' "
( ) largo lotion Hrondway , Council Hluffa.
Lot3bll < 0 Jraprovomont Association , O'JilSH ' ,
92.H > 0
Lot8blk7 , fame ndd , same size , corner ,
{ H.OOJ , Ac. , Ac ,
1 own the above anil can make terms to suit.
Como and sec. Dexter L , Thomas , room 8 ,
Crolghton HlocS 75J
FOIl SATii : 10 sightly lots In poor farm.
Patterson \ Moore , Omaha National bank.
317 U
BKLI.KYL'K St , GOxlM , ftrect c r on this
sticot. Mustbosold , { GOJ. 1012 Harnoy
et. Llsossor A Illcu. 3J1
READ this Bplontlld list.
Olbson , Aylcsworth A Honamln | ,
1512 Farnara St.
Forrida > 9 wo olfor thofollowluij
2 lots In llriggs place front son Hainoy nnd
non Fai nam.
1 lot in Hawthorne 41x109 , cor 33d and Davon-
poit.Oroom house , ic , , price $11)J. ) Kasy
Lot and liouso In Lowo's 1st udd.OlxU ) , 51,751.
U'O It on St. Miuy's ave with 2 u-ronin houses
pas and water Will Hiibdlvldo * n,0)0.
Wniohouse or business property in block 102 ,
? n,000. Eu y terms.
Lot on Douglas street , 40x133 , with C-ronm
hotivo , f.'i.KH
Pull lot on Doilgo stieot,3 houses , rent for
? bOD , price t' > , "M.
iVrooni house on N. 17th St.good well and cis
tern ,'lO '
Wanted 3 good buslnnas lots.
Two or moro lots w ith trackage.
Ulbson , Ajlosworth * rtenjamln.
1512 Parnum st.
WE Imvo throe of the best lots In Ilouhol A
f-tebblnsndd , one-half block from Lonv-
enworth Bt , south front , for flh"5 each , famlth
& Welsh , Heal Kstato19s llth st. cor.l'iirnam.
FOH SALK Or Trade Six sections of good
land In Lincoln county , Neb , on U. 1' .
railway. Call on or aJdroes Odell Urns. A. Co. ,
15JI Parnam st. 301 13
AT. TI7KKY. 1331 Furnam St. , nmkos In-
\cstmontsfornon residents a specialty
wtthgimi.inteod interest or slmro ot piollts ,
nnd takes full charge of property : roterenoo
gl\on. 3'U )
Fp KN AGUES of high , elphtly laud for Balo.3
Jmiles from court housi , ifiiOO per aero.
Tattcrton & Moore , Omaha National mink.
OUH LIST of Ilargnins. Mount/ place , Bov
oral lots ut a bargain.
I.uknst.S1 ! feet for . f BOO
Saundorsst , : t lots , each . 2,000
biuiiidcrr. ft,3' , ; acres opposite Kount/o
place , ICth ft , 50xl.M ) . 5.000
Piirmun st. corner. MxlSl . . . . 11,000
Pnrnnmst,31otsoaeh . 3iXX )
Lowoavo , oust liout . 1,750
Vliglnliiavo . 1,1W
neorgltt ave , 73x110 . 8W )
licorgia a\o . 2,1V )
I'wcntjsixth st , near Toppleton . 2,30) )
Pacing on Turk . 2,00)
Hamilton bt. Orchard Hill . l/'W )
Orchard 11111,2 tlno lots , f.ieh . ? '
Triickago lots 50x1."i . ; tie
Truckago lolj , 50x147 . 2,250
Louvonwortli t , 111 feet corner . 3,001
Hosldcneo Troperty.
Wo Imvo a largo list of residence property In
all parts or the city at very low prices , elevens
liros , 1513 Purnum st 775
. CHAKOK-Snvo rent. Houses
fj nnd Jots for , ai ] on f"i pei month pay-
ments. with small piiymont down ,
'Ihoy are two , s\ory \ houses , now and fully
completed. 'Hu\a slvlaigo looms ; luill , pantry ,
chlnu closet , good cellar , closet' , city wator.nnd
sewer connections : nil ready torocoupancy.
The location Is excellent , being on corror
! 3th and ( 'buries street. In Hlilnn'a 1M addition ,
near the heart of th'j city , nnd commanding n
flnoMaw. Thu red carllno , pii'sos within 2'J
blocks. HIrnm A. Nturpos. Agent , room 10 ,
Ctolghtoii blk. , 80\lthorp03tolllee. \ UVJ 15
FOH BAIj .Dodiiafit.twoloU In Kllhy place ,
fronting on Dodge street , 121 foot. Two
blocks beyond the lots have sold lor T-.OOO , the
Bitmo price wo ask tor theaa. Only l,2uo cash
required , fchaw i Co. ,510 S 10th at , nro the
qgcnta. _ IOC
In South Omnha lots. 3. ) of Inn
finest lots In the northern part of South
Omaha tor uttlo on catty terms by ( lee N Hicks ,
215 South Hth street , llranch ollioe Hollevuo
and 11 ttroets. Boutn Omaha. 267 It
.1ST your roporty with the Omaha JJusmcas
, < 9U & 1UU , room 1. 311 1C *
FOH SAliK 5 room house tlurJctt 5t > price
HlWfrOcBsh. : )
4 room hou o Clark st. , price $ -.tOJ ; : tiOO
12 room homo l th 't , prlco ? IWO : JI.T1M cn h
0 room house Poppluton avenue , price ? iWJ ( :
(1,700 cash ,
22 feet fronting on Douglas st , for f MO per
front foot.
Zi foot 1 routing on \undrrs sttl2S per front
foot ,
2 adjoining Ion , 1 n corner , on Saundora et. ,
price $1,050 per lot.
1 ot the be t lots In Orchard hill I" 10.
3 chonploto In South Omnha ; close to now
depot , prleo f.V)0 per lot
10 acres for platting , f 150 per acre ,
KIO aero farm land nt North Tlatto , Neb. , 15
180 nero farm Innl In Madison Co. . SM per
so ncro farm land In 1'leicu Co , Neb.tlO per
180 acres farm Innil In Webster Co. , Neb. , | IO
per acre.
Will tnko horse nnd buggy In part pavmont ,
\ \ ontoj to runt a 10 or U room house between
Fnrnnm nnd California and 17th nnd 20th , Hum
ham A Stringer , 1618 Dodge st. 1125
BAHOA1N8 Wo advertise bargains only.
Hero are n fbw from our large list.
Lot 10 block 2 , Ambler TIaco , 1 sminro from
street ear line ; only f 1,000.
5(1x120 ( ft. beautiful east front In Hagnn'a , q.
from st. ear , JJ.IOJ , $1,100 cash ; big bargain.
fl largo bargains In Omaha Ylow. Trices imd
terms on application.
lOliita In ruddock TIaco : flnp trnckago : at n
sacrifice. Small cash , balunco fl\o yeais ,
4" > xl2il ft , in Parkers : south front. Ji su , from
at. car. f 1,000. A rare bargain.
Honih front In Tntiick's , H 8 < i. fiom st. cur :
only ? 1HOO. Kany ternip
2-'tl.M ft. next to corner of Uth nnd Dnvon-
port for only $1.000 , t..OUO cash. A regular
Pine residence lots nnd homes In Kountro
Place , Hanscom Tlnco nnd Kilby Tliioo.
" lots south and cast corner , 110xlt2 ft.but n
fnuaro trom Ix < a\onworth st , In Tarmontor
Tlnee. all lorfl.lKW : f 1,500 cash.
A eornorou Dodge t for ? & ,700w-lth lour cot-
tages.brliiMlng n rent equal to nbuut 15 per
cent on Investment.
nA bargain In South Ouwhn proper requiring
f 1,000 cash : renting nt tinoiier month , 8,000-
A few good lota left in Toitland Tlacu , 1-5
cash ; IVSOtoJ'-OO.
When not otherwise stntod. uliovo call for
about 1-3 cash , balance easy. Carriage nt your
disposal to sou tlio'o any tlmo.
\\o make a specialty of bin gains , and anyone
wishing to turn quick will do well to lift with
lie.Tiirrott A Williamson , up stairs , a , w. corner
Uth and Douglas 33G 12
BKTTKR nee W H. r.roon , 215 South l.lth St. ,
xbouttbo following or mi ) thing elsoou
want :
IWxUOon South Ifith St. , f 11.000.
Mix ltd on South Hth , st , f 11,000
1UX135 on South loth at , good house , $11,590.
IJdxUO on South Ifith st , J7.0M.
50x140 on South st , ft.niO.
; iOxl40on South 15th st , f..iWJ.
46x100 on Miitb 15th st , cor on Williams , Im
provements on this cost $1SM. Good business
cor , f7.1M.
0 lotsSlxiW oist fronts on South 2Jth Bt ,
These aio Hist-ulass , bettor como up and see
about those.
'x32on ! Lonvcnworth st , peed house , for
$70 per front foot , property sellings blocks be
yond In n hole foi < W.
Ono of the best corners In Shlnn'a ndd. with
good house and other Improvements for SJ,50l ) .
P80leash , Iml 1,3,3 yours.
lft'xl.10 ' onst front on Virginia nvo ? 3,20 > .
lO'ixl.H ) east front cor Vliglnhi uvo $3,500.
21 of thn tlneet lota In Haiiscom place.easl nnd
we t fronts on Turk ave and west fronts on
Cathoilno ft. This la thocronmof the place nnd
the tlrst tlmo they o\or were on the maikct.
Small cash payments and easy terms.
50oflho best lots in West Side loft laying di
rectly on car line and only ? 50U for Insldo and
flfr ) tor corner. $125 cash. bul. to ault. W. H ,
Urcon , 215 South Uth st. < MJ
FOH SALK-Dodgo nud l.'th , f 10.000. 120x112
cor llth and Dorcas , { 8,2iH > . COxUO. House
cnst front , 10th at , f 0 ft. Klsassor and Itlco ,
No 1012 Hariioy. 270
* 50 lleautlf ill lots on Dollevuo street between
' ) the city and South Omihii , for sulooncasy
terms by ( ioo N Hloks , 215 South 15tn HI.
Ilianch ollico Hollevuo and 11 streets , South
Omaha. 2 7 14
FOIl SALK Lots 11 nnd 12 , blook 4 , Kirk-
wood , tl.AUv ) each , H cash , balance 1 and
2 years. Discount for cash , address Mrs U.
Hobeita , Port Sherman , Idaho. 301121 ]
OOHNKK of Douglas mid Tenth sireots ,
rents for JOOO. is offered for a short tlmo
on oisy terms , at ( JIOUO. Marshall & Lobeck ,
1WJ Fin nam. Tol.T3. 20'J 12
JO elegant lots on Rellovlow street , tlio load-
O Ing thorougbtaro connoctlng the city nnd
South Omaha. Cio N Hloks , 21,1 South 15th st.
Ilmnch ollico liollovuo nuii U sttoots , South
Omaha. 2a7-14
FOH BALE-A corner lot , BSxlT ' . on ISth and
Cumlnir Bt , ono of the best locations in the
city torn wholesale house , with waterworks
and aoworugo. Apply at prcmUea , Thos. Sin-
clair. 311 m 21J
TKNTII Street business property with track
age tJ50 per foot , cheapest ground on the
ttrcot. I'nttorxou A Hoore , Omuhii National
Hank. 47J
UI'.HK la a snap : Owner 1s sick and Is packed
now tor California.
No blnir about till * .
It must bo sold at onco.
Ono of the finest east front lots In Hanscom
place 50x171 to 20 ft alley , high and plghlly.flne
IH story house built by present owner toru
homo nnd Is put up right. There nro (1 ( rooms ,
besides bath room finished , 2 more rooms not
yet finished. Mnntlo nnd grate In front room ,
hard pine finish , 175 lib ! cistern nnd ( liter with
pump forcing watci Into bath room ; city water
on street but not taken Into house yet. Thin
properly can bo sold tor f 1,100 cash , or fS.-CO./S
cash fliouory A Had oy.
Hooms 1 and , ) , 'l.'O S llth st , 359
DO you want n home ? Wo hnvo houses for
gale on easy terms. John Uallagnor , 317
South 18th. 10913
LAND - Seven Omaha insldo
lots to trndo for unlnciimbored Neb. land.
Hush i. helby , 1521 Futnam Bt. 299
SKLECTS , nro the cinrblully IMod bnrgnlns
hunted down by Cake A Hillings. Our sam
ple cafe :
HflxllO ft on ICtb Btrcot for $5,5W , pan 1 and S
4 lots , Meyers A Tildoii'a add , cash needed only
Home lot In Plalnvlow , only takes , cnsh , * "i10.
Ticked In Sheridan Tlnco.only f lTOJ for l,6J )
2 lots with 2houses , J. 1. Hedlck's sub , only
block from Btioot our line , 109x12-3 tt on 2
streets , big money hoto for you.
Hoiiuty of Harriett , fruit trees , flno vlow ,
only $ I.MO cash noodod.
Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market
Come , ox or 101 , corner Dodgn and 15th , and
we'll make It pleasant and protltnblo for you.
8. B
GUKGOHY Omnha Heal F.MatO Kxchango ,
Hooms 1 and 3 , 323 South Hth st.
Omaha Vlow , State Bt lionta for $ 1,5)0
ralrmoiint place , r.0x21 ! , cornerixa
Palrmount place 40xlJO , corner 1'lD
Went bldo Loax'oiiXTorth fit fronts l.COQ
West Blilo , ICnst nvo fronts 77.1
Thornburg place tOOxlJO , oornor 1,10) )
'J hornburg place , line east front , 80- )
CatalpaiilnooMxll8 , corner 1,050
Tnbor pliteo clogHiit lot 17x155 1GOJ
Loinoiixsorlh luruico 111 ft on Loavon-
ninth 3,07) )
Lonxenwoitli orrnco , 102x114 trnokngo . 8)0
West Omaha , 110x13 ; east nnd RO front . 3,5)3 )
WestOmiilm,5ixl61 enst nnd north front. 2,10) )
Iledfoid pliico 100x128 corner 1,700
llodfoul placofiovl.'S south front . . . wn
Tie pect place Tilft corner on ifi ado . 1.S10
Prospect pliicn double front Hamilton at 2,50J
Cheap homes for all.
Giegory A lladloy. OU
s Our now aldltinn.
Acrcsf4nto JIT ) pnraoro.
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcato Hill. ,
Marshall A Loheck ,
773 1WJ Fdrnnin.
"VTOTICi ; Is hereby given that under the name
l/N ot "ThoOmahn Motor Itallwaj Company ,
it corpoiutlon has bemi formed tor the purpose
ot transacting ami earning on ihobuslnessof
building , ojieintl'ig mid maliitiitnliig inllwiiy
and Ftreot rallwajs In the state ot Nebraska'
with Its principal plaeo ol business at O nnha >
Nob. The amount of capital stock autlnrlrcd
Is llx'O hundred thousand ( f " < ) ' , I W | dollitra One-
tenth ( l-lil ) of the amount Hijli-crlb'.d to bo paid
nt the time of -crliitlounnd the balunco us
culled by the board of directors
The corporation commence.I on the eleventh
day of April , Ibs7 , urd xvlll terminnto on thu
lirntday of Maroli.P.H" .
'Iho hlgln-n amount of Indobtudness or tin-
bllltv tiMvhleh th" corporation Is nt any tlmo
to subject Ittolf , IB ixvo-thiida l.S ) of Ha capital
'I hn aiTnlra of the corporation arc to be con
ducted by n president , < s < iorolary , board of di
rectors und such other ollicersnuporlntundeiits
nml ugonuas may bo created by the boaiJ of
THE OMAIII Moron H\ir.WAvCoui-ANV.
Hy SAM UK i. D. MKUCKII , Trcsldont.
Attudt : U. H. Huoxr.v. ml ) M9-2 >
Dissolution Notice ,
"VTOTICI ! is heioby gUnn that thn firm hereto-
JforodxUting under th8 t > lu of Nubroska
llr.'ck and Teir C'ottn Co. has this day been
dissolved by mutiinl oonsont. Wllllnm Lohmur
retiring from the business , and William Illllun
and Hubert P. Trobort to continue In the llrm
and under thu a.unir niimu , riesumln nil the n.-
bl'ltC8 (
Witness our hand ! this the 10th day of Mftj ,
18S7 , WII.MXM Htl/io.v.
HUKUIIT f TitoiiiinT , '
Ol'r. ' Holllnpor has rocclvcd nt a pri'cnl
frutn n western friend a bcnittidtl 1 nwn.
\V. II Dtidloy , tlio well known stock
man , yesterday old and doliviTod u herd
of fat cnttlo to Seliult/ , the Ontnlui
City \\'o ! > ; hnn tcr Amy complains that
liny , oiU : nnd corn are not coining In fait
unonult lo supply tliiMlunituul , J'ho farm-
era aru too busy to think of town olks.
A C. ( trahntn yesterday received 100
Seok'li plno trees , a donation from Horace
ace Kvorctt , who desires the pnrk com
missioners to have them planted In 1'alr-
mount park.
A moutluj : was called for List night o'
property owners Interested in celling f ,
hotel located on the Keller property. U
h belluvcd that $00,000 bonus can bf
easily raised to secure that site.
Frank Chase , tlio Northwestern cm
ployc who hud site't ' a miraculous escape
fiom death , is now preparing to occupy
a noxv house of his own near thu depot ,
and his friends hopu that ho will live to
bo happy in it many years.
The free public library continues to do
an incrcaMiii ; business. Last month
there were 1,1)84 ) booktakors , and U.750
visitors. There S , 1J3 books taken out ,
and as usual fiction was indemand , there
being l.liw volumes taken , uud only
forty-two on philosophy.
The ( Jlobo speaks ofVado Carr's livery
stable. Iteing within a half block of the
stable referred to , and Hray having kent
a livery stable hero for twenty years , it
Huoms that it was nearly time Unit oven
tliat evening paper got onto the tact of
its being Hray's stable.
One onthttslastio prophet tteclarcs that
the new Union r.tcilic bridge will do
moro for Council Dhifl's than is generally
thought. With cable cars running over
the bridge , and the other facilities for
crossing , and with tlio opening of the
Ninth street line of street cars , ho pre
dicts that 10,000 people will bo added to
this side of the river.
Mrs. Lizzie DoKay , a sister of Ooorge
and Tony ( ier.spacher , died yesterday
morning at Minneapolis. Tlio remains
will arrive hero this morning , and will
bo buried Fritlav morning at 1 o'clock
from the Catholic church. Mrs. DoKay
would have been thirty-two years old to
day. Before her marriage to Mr. DeKay
she was married to Henry Leader , whoso
widow the became.
Pcrsonnl lnrnjrnplii
Kv-SlicrilV Kcdlicld , of llarlan , was in
the city yesterday.
Captain Overtoil has returned from ono
of his numerous Texas trips.
H. Moudol , Isoola's well known merch
ant , was at tlio Hechtelo vostoiday.
( icorgo F. Houlton , of the Charles City
Cituon , visited the lUull's yesterday.
Mrs. C. ! ] . Friedman has HO far recov
ered from her illness as to bo able to ride
W. M. McCrary has accepted a position
with the Council Binds L'aint , Oil and
Glass company.
Will ( sterling , an attorney at Huron ,
Dak. , is in the city , the guest of Mrs. ( } .
A. Hobmson.
Mr , ami Mrs. Jacob Sims will in a few
days occupy their new i evidence , No. U1G
Plainer street.
N. A. Taylor returned yesterday from
n southern trip , having visited "Chata-
nooga and other cities.
Superintendent Hurt , of Iho Chicago &
Northwestern railroad , made a Hying
trip to the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kiltmmdsonaronow
nlannin < r to .sail for Europe on the 1'Jth
by the North German Llojd lino.
George W. Harbin , secretary of the
Equitable Insurance company , of Waterloo
lee , is at thu Bccutclc house , while attending -
ing to a case in court here.
Chris Anderson is recovering from his
injuries , but is yet far from being a well
man , there being internal injuries as the
result of his terrible squeeze.
Miss Kntlc Edinuer , who has been
furthering her musical culture in Boston ,
has returned to this city to remain for a
season with her sister , Mrs. Jo. iiolV.
J.V. . Walker , of Richmond , Ky. , is
hero lo join his wife who was been visit
ing relatives and friends. They now go
to their future homo in Wichita , Ken.
H. C. Chcynoy , the passenger agent of
the Sioux City route , has returned from
a trip to the Black Hills. He says ho had
a chance to snowball in Deadwood a
wecJi ago.
James K. Barrett , who lias for several
months been confined to his bed by tt
severe spell of sickness , has resumed'his
clerical desk ut thu Chicago tic North
western freight ollice.
Mrs. C. A. Weatherlow and daughter
Ida , and grandd.iuglitor Emma , loft for
tlicir old homo in New York yesterday.
Mrs. W. is the sister of onr old and re
spected citizen , Wells Cook.
Colonel D alloy , Colonel Keatloy , Gooigo
Metcalf and J. P. Weaver are named as
amonir the veterans who will attend the
reunion of the Army of the Potomac to beheld
held on the field of Gettysburg , July 4.
State Senator James Dooley , of Keokuk
county , is visiting the two cities. Ho was
yesterday calling on Council UlufTs
iriends in company with J. S. llccm , of
Marcngo , In. , who is visiting relatives
Torn Ncally , ono of the old residents of
Litllo Sioux , was hereyestciday to takoa
good start for his uresent home on the
Pacific coast. He lias benn visiting his
old friends in western lown for three
months past.
Mr. John T. Stewart has gone east to
visit his daughter Besio , who is attend
ing school at Farmington , Conn. Mr.
Stewart and daughter will join the oth
ers of the family in Now York , and spend
tlio summer at the seaside.
Mrs. Nellie Bangs Skelton. of Chicago ,
is in the city , the guest of Miss Kuto
1'iisoy. Shu is the composer of the pop
ular waltz , "Queen of the Glen , " which
she has dedicated to her friend Miss
Puscy. Mr.s. Skelton is ono of the finest
pianists in the country , and as Miss Nel
lie Bangs has won a wide reputation.
Mrs. J. B. Chase is in tlio city and the
guest of Mr.s. E. S. Burnett. Her hus
band was twenty years ago pastor of the
Congregational church of this city.
Lately he lias been the pastor of the Con-
grega'lional church at Sioux City and is
now changing to Hull , Ja. Mr.s. Chaso's
many old triends hero will bo glad of the
opportunity of meeting her.
The Mnnnwu Hallway.
J. K. Graves , who is to build tlio Luke
Manawa railway , him bought 10,000 ties
of the Chieago Lumber company. Tlio
work of construction will commence
within a week. Other material is being
orduted , ami as fast as it ean bo laid on
the ground the woik will pi ogress. The
contract calls for the work to bo com
pleted by the 1st of July , but Mr. Graves
cxpucth to have the cars i tinning long before -
fore that data unless unforeseen obstiuu-
lions occur.
Justice of the Peace.
Ofllcuovm American Kxpresi.
of apiilluitloii of Cojlo i .Smith
foi liquor I i'oii o.
Notice is lieiobv irlvou that Coylo Ar Smith
did upon the 1 in day ol MayA.D. IrfiT.lllotliiilr
application 10 Ihu major and city councilor
Omulm , fin l.un-iHto sell m ill , apltltuous and
xlninis ln'tors. at No , lu U South Thlitqo'ith
Mieot , H"i"iini utird.Oiiiahn , Nt < b.tronitha llth
dux of Aurli , * - " ! , to tlio lull ( lay of APIII , W\
If there bit no objection , lomoilstriiutii or
inmost tiled within two wonU. liom V.ny 10th ,
Ai D. , 1P87 , the said llton'o will ho granted.
Covi.u it KMIYII , Applicants ,
J. U , SouiiiAHi ) . Cur Clor'- , " ' '