Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Dity Attorney Oonnell Contends It Alone
Vill ? Save the Franchises.
They Auk to l > o Ijct Alone M
ofTuoVcll Known Onmlmns
An Incipient Mcarc on
tlio Cable Ijlnc.
A New Klcntlon Needed.
City Attorney Connull was nskeil yester
day to slate spccilically his reasons for re
garding tlio street railway franchises as
lost , at the recent election. Abe , what
Rtcps would have to be taken to secure
the granting of these franchises , in older
that the intciesteil companies might go
nhcad with the work in a legal way. lie
said : "Last night tlio president of the
city council , upon the completion of the
canvass , declared that the .several iiropo-
ttltions for thu issuing of bonds ,
for paving , sewerage and city
hall had received the necessary
majority of two-thirds and more of all
votes cast on such propositions , and wore
therefore duly carried. Concerning thu
question of granting franchises to tins
cable and street car companies , ho de
clared Unit , as these propositions had not
received the necessary majority , they
were lost. This decision of Mr. Hechel's
was based upon an opinion rendered by
myself. 1 take as my authority the pro
vision of the charter concerning the is-
fining of franchises by the citv. This says
thiit "no bonds shall be issued by the city
until the legal electors shall have
authorised the same by a
vote of two-thirds of nil the
electors voting on such propositions. "
The law under which street railwaj
franchises are granted is a general state
law , which requires that a majority of
the votes cast at the election shall bo
necessary in order to authori/.o the con
struction pud operation ol any proposed
filreetrailway. I furthermore claim that
this view is backed by a decision ef tlio
supreme court of this state , in winch it is
held that a majority of all votes east in
the .state for the election of senators and
representatives , was necessary to the
adoption of the proposed amendment to
the constitution , concerning the term of
oflice und pay of members in the state
Icgislatuer. "
"How can these street railways pro
cure franchises , then ? "
"Verv easily. If the new council so
wills , It can pass now ordinances and
order another election , to pass upon
thfso franchises , to occur within thirty
days. Then if tlio franchises receive ft
majority of the votes cast , they can bo
considered granted , Lot these street
railway companies put their requests
within reasonable bounds and the people
will no doubt grant them. "
The nrlnkinakora' Statement.
The following communication , setting
forth tlio side of the brickmakcrs in the
controversy between them and the brick-
moldcrs , was received at this ollieo yes
terday morning , and explains itself :
OMAHA , May 10. To the Kditor of the
Uinnlia lir. ! : : We , the undersigned , brick
innnufiictiuors ot Omaha deem it our duty to
the building public to give our smo ot the
present trouble between ouisches and the
brick moulders , and hope you will do the jus
tice to publish Hanio.
The brick moulders , without previous no
tice , quit work In our yaids about one \\eok
niro and demanded n.i advance ot " 0 per rent
(83 ( Instead of 80)pir ) ( day.beforo they would
work or allow any other moulder to worn In
our yards. Since that time \\o have been
unable to keep any ono at work , although wo
have started work on several occasions , tlio
strikers dally visit our yards and succeed , by
throats , brick b.its , etc. , In stopping all work
and Inducing our new men to leave the yard.
Now \vhlle wo believe In paying the bust of
wages , ( which \\o are doing and always
Imvo done ) and want toork In harmony
and for the best Interests of our emplojes ,
yet wo claim the right of every good citizen
to protection , and to conduct our business
without dictation from any ono class of men.
The moulders are about only one-tenth ot
the number employed In our > arils , and are
about the best paid , Any good laborer can
learn to mould brick In thirty days , and they
receive S'iOO per day for eight hours work ,
and from 2. > to M ) vents a day more than is
paid In surrounding cities , incioas-
Ing the prlco of brick to a large
extent. Other hands are paid as
follows , viz : setters , S3.UO ; brickw heelers
8'J,00 ; miidwhoclers , 81.75 ; boys from 81,00
to 1.2.1 and tompcrers 51.75 per day for
about eight hours \\ork.
The little matter of M cents a day to the
moulders Is not all there Is between us. U
wo pay the advance asked bv
the moulders. o\ury man In the vard
will want the same advance , thereby
irrcatlyIncreasing our operating expenses.
Now , Mr. Editor , \\o feel that the papers of
this city ( especially the ! ! KK ) , are not using
up right by publishing false statements about
a combination of bnckmakers and the prices
ot brick. Theie nouir has been In this city
any combination of the brick manufacturers
In regard to prices. Kvorv ono of us aie per
fectly Independent and able to conduct our
business to suit ourselves , and sell brick at
whatever price WP see lit ; and \\esell brick
as cheap as will justify us according to
wages wo pay and the urlce of fuel. Of
course , the prlco before now brick are made ,
when the supply Is short , like o\ory other ar
ticle , Is governed by the supply and demand ,
same as they are In every other city. Hut
the price of brick here , during the summer
season , ranges from § 7 to St > , according to
quality , and the largo contractors who put
brick In the wall , have contracts to 111 ! and do
not realize above these prices at anytime.
If you will Interview some of our clti/ons
who have been In the bilck business and quit
It , and some of the parties who put their
money into tliw business , they will toll you it
Isnot nil proht.
Hut. Mi. Kditor , all wo ask Is Just treat
ment by the press , and wo do not like to bo
selected from the manufacturers of the city
as a class of extortionists combining against
the public good , tor wo claim to be fair and
Rood , law-abiding , tax-pajlng citizens , and
our business represents ono of Hio largest
manufacturing interests of the city , and all
wo claim or ask Is fair treatment by the press
and the right to conduct our business In a
lawful and proper \\ay , and until such time
that wo can start and run our j arils without
interforrcnce. wo will shut down.
Henry Llvesey. cArthur Johnson ,
Ualley it Olson , Koclicford it ( Sould ,
AVItlmell Bros. . Potty & btanloy ,
Wilkinson A Smith , Martin Ittner ,
Klewlt tte Johnson , N. Soleroo ,
.1. Hunter , John It. Thomas ,
lie ) or , Uowllng & ( i. U. Voungeiman &
Soderlum , Bro.
U. IS. UlcU'l it Sons. ,
Other names , the writers claimed ,
could have been appended to the above ,
but their owners were not available at
the time of writing.
Marriage ot John Flynn to Ilnmmh
John Flynn , of Carthage , 111. , nnd Miss
Hannah licgloy , daughter of John lleg-
ley , wcro united in marriage at the St.
? JPutrick' yesterday morning. Uov.
' ' Father Jcnnctto pronounced the cere
mony. Thomas Flynn , brother of the
i ; groom , and Miss Hegloy , a slstor of thu
bride , accompanied the happy couple to
the altar.A number of the frinds of the
contracting parties wcro present ,
The wedding party wcro driven to the
homo of the bride , where an elaborate
nuptial breakfast was enjoyed. Mr.
mid Mrs. Flynn departed for Carthage
last evening. They bear with them
many beautiful manifestations of the
esteem of friends aud'also the congratu
lations of all who have known either.
Mr. Flynn is ono of the young men
whom Omaha has sent to the cast , us well
M the west , to show now progressive
business is conducted. Ho was uu em
ploye id llellmau's store in this city but
> few year * ago and is now a partner in
ftthriving clothing house in Carthago.
Tbe bride U u daughter of one of the
oldest and most highly respected cltl/.cni
of Omaha and Nebraska. She was both
lighly esteemed and admired.
Kdlson Klectrlc Light System Estimates
furnished. HBO.V. . C STKU ,
i'u.xton House , Omaha , Agent.
The Cnldo .Strike.
Yesterday afternoon , in response to the
leimuulsof Supt. Cannon , who has charge
of tlic work on the cable line , Marshal
Jummings sent a squad of police to
Dodge street to prevent any outbreak on
the part of the strikers. Mr. Cannon
snld that .yesterday morning some of
the men tried to go to work ,
ijut wcro prevented from doing so by the
strikers. Ilo feared further tionble. The
police have found everything quiet so far
Contractor Lillis yesterday morning
threatened to-cnd to Kansas Cityfor men.
J'lio strikers telegraphed the K. of L.
people in that city not to allow any men
: o como up hero.
A committee of the employes of the
Omaha Cable Hallway company under
Contractor Llllls , called at the HIE of-
ice yesterday , mid presented tlioirsidoof
: he ( | iicstion The employes are now p.iid
fl.T. " > per day of ten hours. Many days
i largo nuniuer of them are laid oil' with
six or seven hours of labor performed ,
tor which they receive pay ut the nito of
seventeen and one-half cents per hour.
If six and one-half hours are put in they
reeeivo pay for six hours work , the con
tractors rule being that no one shall re
ceive pay for any fraction of : in hour.
The contractor agreed to pay oil'.semi -
niontlih , but up to the present limo em
ployes Iiavi ! been paid every three weeks ,
riio demands of the men are that they
shall receive sJ'J.OO for ton hours , und
that they shall bo permitted to
work with some regularity , but
that if from any unforscen
c-auso it is necessary for labor
to be suspended , they demand pay for
whatever work they do , accouling to the
time , whether it be a full or fractional
liour. They also insist that they shall bo
paid every Saturday night , as they ate all
dependent upon their earnings for the
suppoit of their families. The committee
says that the employes are nearly iill
citi/ons of Omaha and anxious to sco
peace and order prevail. They will not
permit any disturbance to occur if in
their power to prevent , and will do all
In their power to aid the authorities in
upholding the law. They are determined ,
however , in a quiet , orferly _ way , to hold
out for their demand which they fool as
sured will meet with the hearty endorse
ment of all good citizen * for its fairness
and justness.
Cottage colors ready lor use in now
and desirable shades. Alabastino in
various tints , tlio original and only per
manent wall finish , supersedes calci
mine for beauty and durability , and is
easily applied. Paints , window glass ,
brushes , etc. , largest and most complete
stock west of Chicago. Cummingis A :
Ncilson , lllSFurnuni M.
.SonIII Oninhn Now.
Tlio city council has received an opinion
from Hon. John M. Thurston , of Omaha ,
to the ell'ecl that South Omaha is entitled
to all of its original territory , and that
Omaha has no right to extend its city
limits so as to usurp any part of the
A number of the members of the South
Omaha street riilway wvnttoOniahiiyes
terday and wailed on Mr. Murphy , presi
dent of the Omaha street railway , for the
purpose of arranging for a direct linn of
street ears from Omaha to South Omaha
by connecting the two linos. Mr. Mur
phy expressed himself favorably to the
plan , and it is expected soon to bo con
veniently connected with the metropolis.
The Soiuh Omaha coal shaft reached
a depth of a75 feet yesterday and expects
by Friday to reach the depth of the Her
shaft. \ \ hen coal was struck then.
The South Omaha street railroad
has elected the following ofliccrs night ,
President , 1) . Anderson ; vice-president ,
C. M. Hunt ; soerctary , C. C. Van Kurcir
treasurer , 11. C. lioslwick.
The now "Song of the Shirt" Electric
Lustre Starch is my best friend.
A Brace or I * . M.'H.
S. K. Higg , postmaster of Beatrice , was
in Omaha yesterday and called
upon Postmaster Gallagher. Ho
remarked that there was some
thing wrong somewliero with re
gard to the mail delivery cither in thu
postal service or with the newspaper olli-
cos , because it frequently happened that
the Hr.K , which should reach lite otlico on
Sunday afternoon , did nor anivo there
at times until Monday morniuir. Post
master Gallagher promised to investi
gate to ascertain how tlio delay is occa
sioned and who is responsible for it.
PEKSONS who lead a lifo of ex-posuro
are subject to rheumatism , neuralgia and
lumbago , and will find a valuable rem
edy in Dr. J. 11. McLcsau's Volcanic Oil
Liniment ; it will banish pain and subdue
in ll.immation.
W. C. T. U. Homo.
Mrs. Clark of the W. C. T. U. says the
union has not yet been able to secure a
place in which to establish their home ,
now that the association must leave the
Buckingham. It will , however , in a few
days , secure soruo rooms in the old city
hall when thu same is abandoned by the
city oflicors. The union has secured the
Jubilee singers of the Fisk university for
a couple of concerts in the exposition
building and hope to rcaluo from these
about $1,000.
Washing day has been robbed of half
its terrors by Electric Lustre Starch.
Deputy iinlhraitli.
Deputy Internal Revenue Collector
Frank ( ialbraith of Albion , came into
town yesterday to assist Collector Calhoun
and Ins clurk.s in getting out the annual
special lax receipts fqr the sale of liquor
and cigars for the ensuing year. Ho
takes the place of Deputy Harmon , ol
liloomington , who was called homo by
the illness of his wife.
Aitken Bros. , a live real estate firm ol
Lincoln , Nebraska , are ollering .some
special bargains in desirable tracts for
platting near their booming city. Omaha
speculators are invited to investigate.
See their curd in another column.
Pnxton & VlerllnR Foundry.
The contract for building ono section
of the now addition to the foundry of Paxton -
ton , Vierling &Co. was lot yesterday for
? ( .i,000. This will enable the linn to add
lifty men * to their present force , which
now comprises 103mechanics. 'Iho addi
tion will be finished about July ! . * > . The
foundry is being run to its full capacity.
Electric Liistro Starch is supplanting
all others by its ease of use and beauty ol
An Auctioneer's Hill.
The county commissioners have re
fused 'the bill of Auctioneer Allen of
f4,239 for two and a half days' work in
soiling the county farm. The salary they
ottered was $10 a day and they say if
Allno gets $30 ho'll be doing quite well.
Insane Pugilist.
Patrick Cody , a resident of South
Omaha , was yesterday declared insane by
JuJgo Savage and Dr. Tildon. Cody
for some time past has been developing
a desire to stand before locomotives and
knock them out after the manner of a
pugilist. , ,
Stray I/caves From Huportorlal Note
"I FCO by the telegraph this morning , "
said of the firemen "that
ono , Den Bull-
winkle is dead , Ho rras a pretty big man
n his own way. Ho thought the world
of himself and his big black mustache ,
which ho always aimed to show oil' to
advantageHo first came into notoriety
n connection with the Chicago lire
patrol. This was a company of men
which was supported by the underwriters.
I'hcir duty was to answer all alarms of
lire within a certain district and rcnch
the llames as soon as possible , and under
take to save all the goods they could both
from lire and water. If they saw that
there would bo more danger from water
they immediately covered the goods with
tarpaulin , and it it required moving the
same to seciiro safcty.then they sot about
the work at once. The manner in which
those men with their light wagon and fleet
horses flow through the streets of Chicago
cage was a sncetaclo which made pedes
trians tremble with fear. INO street was
too crowded for them to forgo through ,
and as a consequence they became the
marvel of the times. Bullwinkle was
proud of his men. Some time before he
lied ho had been in the cattle business
in * hc south , I am greatly mistaken if
the underwriters do not build him a
A bootblack in a well known hotel of
this city has this sign conspicuously
posted above his chair :
Pedal teguments artistically Illumlnited
and lubricated for the Inlinltcslnul roimmer-
itlon ot ten cents per operation. HII.I.V.
"Billy's" business ought to enjoy such
i substantial increment from this ses-
quipodally verbose announcement as to
impart to his portmonnaio ponderous and
> lethorlc propot lions.
* \
Court Ollicor Mike Whalnn and Jailer
McDonald returned yesterday morning
from a day's fishing trip. It is said that
they caught exactly three fish apiece.
M *
"The use of snufT is by no moans filli
ng away in this country , " said a travel-
ng man who handles that artielo almost
exclusively , last night. "In the west
largo quantities of it arc used. The job
bing houses hero sell a good deal of it.
Only this morning I sold two barrels of
the artielo to ono of your local whole
sale firms. In the west and north , it is
true , Americans do not care for this form
of tobacco , and its use is
confined principally to the
Bohemians , Germans , 'Russians , not to
mention the Scotch. In the south snufl'
is very extensively twd , even among the
best people. The natives use it almost
to a man. Many of tlio high-toned ladies
down there uraetico the habit in soeiot.
They have that branch of tlio habit and
it is rather a disgusting one known as
'snuff dipping.1 In the northern states
that practice is almost altogether un
known. Yes , snuff-taking is a dillieult
habit to break oil * . Almost , equally so with
the liquor and smoking habit. 'A good
many people whom jou wouldn't sus
pect of such a thing use snulf. They
lake it on the sly. "
V *
Chris Nchbnr reported at police head
quarters yesterday that some inhuman
wretch had been engaged in a wholesale
poisoning of the dosrs in his neighbor
hood last night. Nine canines were thus
ruthlessly put of tlio way. Among
the number were two dogs belonging to
Mr. N. which ho valued at $100 apiece.
They were of Gorman breed , and their
names "Bismarck" and "Solnvei/er"
wer.o suggestive of Teutonic birth.
J. D. Riley , Heal Estate Broker , H-as
ingsNob. . References : City Nat'l bank
and Adams County bank.
lliey Go Into lOllect May ID Hail
General Freight Agent Monroe , of the
Union Pacific has received a circular from
the Northwestern announcing that the
new lumber rates which have been ad
justed to suit the Omaha dealers , would
not bo put into ell'cet by that road until
May li ) . The other roads will fall into
line on the same date. The delay is
caused by the tardiness of the St. Joseph
iV ; Grand Island and the Chicago , Kansas
& Northern roads in readjusting their
rates. The local lumber men are said to
bo well pleased with the now arrange
A gentleman well acquainted with Gen
eral Manager Callaway , of the Union Pa
cific , said yesterday that the reports about
his feeble health are all bosh. Ho was
earlv this spring subjected to a slight at
tack of malaria , but now is in perfectly
robust health.
General Passenger Agent Morso. of tlio
Union Pacific , returned from Chicago
J. L. Lincoln , chief clerk in the gen
eral lieket and freight ollico of the St.
Joe iV Island road , at St. Jou. is
in the city.
Harry Vinton , one of thoplerks in ( ion-
oral Manager ( 'aliaway's ollieo , lias re
signed to go into the real estate business.
Another Drop In Airs. Jcdllckn's Cup
of Allliutlnn.
Mrs. Mary Jeddieka , wife of the saloon
keeper of that name , has another sorrow
added to her already heavy load. 11 will
be remembered that she was deserted by
her husband and subsequently that her
daughter had mysteriously and suddenly
disappeared , and no traces could bo dis
covered a to whom slio had trone. Now
it seems that tlio Chicago lumber com
pany has unexpectedly also displayed
a lion upon the poor woman's
cottage in Omaha View , the latter cost
ing her a little over four hundred and
fifty dollars , which she paid out of her
own earnings. The lien was lumber fur
nished her husband to build aback "wino
loom" to Ills saloon near Ninth and
Douglas streets. The lumber was not
paid for. neither was the beer that Jed-
licka dispensed. As a consequence Stor/
tte llcr foreclosed a mortgage which they
held on the chattels , ami the lumber
company , finding nothing else to satisfy
on , wont for the wife's homo. Her sorrow
row ful tale attracted much attention
around the court house yesterday.
The Mo. Pacific and Northwestern have
submitted propositions for bonds which
will bo voted sure. J. D. Riley. the real
estate broker , has great bargains in busi
ness lots and aero tracts. .JJawes iS : Foss1
Addition a specialty. Rooms 4,5 and G
Opera House.
The Effect of the Itrokon Whisky
Pool , nt "Willow Sprlnas. "
Mr. Peter Her , of the Willow Springs
distillery , who has just returned from the
whisky men's meeting in Chicago , jays
the recent bursting of the v/hisky pool
will not eire te busineas of his estab
lishment in thoieast.
"It la true,11 ho said yesterday in reply
to the question of a reporter , "that the
breaking up of this pooling arrangement
will remove all restrictions which have
heretofore existed , and allow eaoh dis
tillery to increase its capacity to any
limit desired. "
"Will you increase the out-put of the
Willow Springs distillery ) " was asked of
" # 0,8111 shay not/1 he
" \Vo are making all the whisky now tha }
our market can staiidj.aud that Is all that
is necessary. "
It is said that slnco the whisky pool
ljurstcd , the Nebraska City distillery has
ncreased its capacity for handling grain
from 000 to TOO bushels per day ,
Pure *
This powder never varies. A marvel o
purity , strength and wholcfOincncss. More
economic than the ordinary kinds and can
not be sold in competition with the multi
tude of low cost bhort weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cans
Royal Baking Powder Co. , 10i ( Wall-st. ,
Ncr York.
lHatruiiirnt c.rchuiiir < lt rented nml
aolil on easy ] > < > //incut x , bcloiv
Factory Prices ,
/ / tutcd a'
Max Meyer & Bro
Omaha. Neb.
Bcwlujf Thread of Modern Times.
Sold at wholesale by
Kilpiitrick Kocli & Co. , Dry
< > < M > iN Co. ,
91. i : . Smith A : Co.
I > u\f on , OiillHiilicr A Co.
And U ) all ICf lull I
13th St.Cor. CdDlto ! Ovcnui
fen THE TREATMENT Oritl. .
Chronic & Surgical Diseases
UR. MoMENAMY.Propi fetor.
' 1'rivftlu 1'rncUcc
fiiitren jLiira' Hospital mm
Wo Imvo thu facilities , apparatus and rrraedlir
for Iho succiKafnl trealtneut of every form of ill * '
i ase ntjulrlng cither medical or surgical treatment ,
anil liuitonl ! toc'mieiuid iiiTiBtlpitofortlicmsilvai
"i correspond Ilh us Long cipcrlcuce In treat
Inzrapen br letter tuablts uu to treat inuny catri
clcntirtcttlfy without potlntr them
WHITE yOH riKGUIiAH on Reforrnitlei nnd
Bruce * , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine
DISEASES or WOMXN. I'llfi , Tumors , Cancer * ,
Catarrh , Ilronchltls , Inlnlntloii , Electricity ,
} # ! ? , Kpilepsj , Kidney , Kyi' , Bar , blcln , Blood mid
a 1 eurclcnl operations.
UntforU it , Inhalers , Ilrnoep , Trumps , an )
ill kinds nf Mcdlcnl and Surgical Appliances , mait
ufnctiired and for sale
Ihe only reliable modlcal Inttlute miking
Private , Special | Nervous Diseases
from n Intcvcrcoiifc nrndncrd , tuccviifully trebled
\\'o cm rtnuno Syphilitic polion from the ey tcni
without mercury.
New reiterative treatment for loss of vital power
Cull nnd consult us or send riinu nnd post ofllc.
sdilri si plainly wrltttu enclose Ump , und we
will nd you , In plain i > r tnr , our
uroi PRIVATB , Srzcui. * * o Nunrocs IIIXAIB > ,
tfi r < < ii. WKAKNIII , HrwunTOKHiia * , In-oins
cr , BrrniLis , Ciononiiu < mi , ULEKT , VIKICOCZ..C ,
STRICTCKK , * xn ii.L iiitusn or TIIE QIMTO
UiuvAnr ORUAKS , orieudtlHory of jourct'o 01
an opinion ,
Persons unable it vl lt n rn y be treated at their
bonus , by correspondence. " Medicines and Instru
rncntt trnt by mall or einrui SKCUUKLY PACK
I ! I ) FRUM OJWEHVA'IION. no mirks to Indicate
contents or sender. Ono personal interview pre
ferred If con\rnlcnt. Fifty r < * cis for the a'co.i :
motlatlon of patients. Board had alteudaace
Omaha Medical and -
andSurgical institnto ,
Cor. I3IKHI -
i > < kre monUn. lotxt pnpkl t4c. tla >
lKtrio Co. WUITic tCkiMM
Ever since our opening here we have labored under great disad
vantage on account of our store being too crowded. We were here
tofore not able to get such a large place as we desiredandnot only
were we prevented from keening the stock we intended , but we
coiild not even properly display the assortment we did carry.
We have at last succeeded in securing additional room and have
leased the two floors above as also the rear part adjoining our store
on 14th street , This , in addition to our present salesroomwill make
us the largest clothing house in the west.
The necessary alterations will crowd us fearfully , and this as well
as the desire to open the enlarged quarters with entirely fresh
goods prompts us in making a SPECIAL SALE , at which we will
offer extraordinary bargains.
1 We are Now Marking down our Stock throughout at such
prices that it will make a stir in the clothing trade , and will move \
our goods cLuickly.
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
ing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HUKD THOMPSON , Sec. &z Treas
"Wholesale Retail.
"Fl8lirtrntid"CcntB , Ilullis , Douches , HnlrCrlmpera , Nursery Sheeting , Spocnliitrn ,
Air I'lllowi , Drill A Duck , llnlr I'ma , NavyltnRfl , , . _ , , . . Miorlmm'u's ' Gooilt ,
AlrlloiU , Drawer's Hose , Door Main , Hats , Oil Ololliirig , btamps ,
Air Cushions , Caps , Dress Shields , Ilorso Covers , Packing , Stationer's ( Juui ,
Antl lUttlori , Capca , Drinking CUDS , lloso , II. II. & I * , fo.l'alls , Syphons ,
AproiiH , Carrlnco Cloth , Elastic llnmls , Iloso Couplings , Perfection Box Sy iinge , Spli UooiiB ,
Atomizers , , Llnatlo , llono ' , ' cnclls , ' '
Cartridge Hags Stockings 1'lpcs Swimming Jacket ! ,
liAlllU , CnthcturH , Krascri , Hoac Itccla , 'en ' holders. Syrlngci 'Peil.ction Bo J
Bandage Gum , Clothing , , Face lingt , Hot Water Bottles , 'essarles , Thimbles ,
llHptlBiunl I'auts , Copy Hook Sheets , Finger Cots , llnveriauka , 'lano Covers , Throat Bags.
Halls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice llagi , pc < " . Tubing ,
Hath Mnta , C'oinent , Floor Scrapora , Ice Cnpi , Ipe stems , Tumblers ,
3nth ! Tubi , ClollicaVrlnKors , Kohllng I'alli , Ink . . . . , . I'lant Sprluklors , To ) s.
llcil 1'nnu , Coats "Klsli llrnnd" Foot lulls , ln\nlld Cushions , Pure Hubuer , Teeth'gltlngs&Pad *
lied miuuinJUIIIUD , Force Cups , Pants , Tobacco Pouches ,
n.n..t I'.Co. Ileltlng , Comb Cleaners , Fruit Jar Hlngs , Lined Hose , Pistol rockets , Trolling Uolls ,
Belt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , I.nco Cutters , lUttlcn , UrlnnlH.
Bellovts Cloth , Cork Screws , ( ins Tubing , LlfePronerrers , Huliber Dam , Umbrellas ,
Bibs , Curry Combs , ( ilovee , Mackintosh Goods , Itulcra. Ventilating Soles ,
Blankets , Cuspadors , Gossamer Cans , Malch Iloxcs , ItcpntrlneCIolh , Wagon Aprons ,
Boots & Shoes , Cigar Casea , Cloth , Mnrtlngnlu Kings , Sliafl Itulilicrs , Wagon Covers ,
Boys Caps , ChnlrTlps * Buffers , Coals , Mnls , Shoes it Hoots , Wagon Springs ,
llojs Coats , Dlapcrfl , Waterproofs , Malting , hlnk Scrapers , Weatherstrips ,
Bougies , Dinner Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing ,
Bracelets , Dolls. ( inn Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coale , Wading Pants ,
Breast Pumps , Doll Bodies , Utilta Pcrcha , Nipples , Hllng allots , Waler Bottles ,
Hi cast Shields , Doll Itcads , ( I > mnasums : , Nursing Biln. holing , Window Clennors ,
Buffers , Door Bands , Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles , fcpoiiKO HaRH , Wringer noils ,
lloston ItclUnp _ , _ * Go's. Kubbcr and Cotton Belting , 1'ackinn and Ho < .e. Sole fluents in Omaha.
Leather Ucflln ? ; Turo Ouk Tanned. Manufacturers of "I'HRFKCTION 110X BVltlNOLS. "
Manufacturers of'FISH Jilt AND JtUliltKlt GOODS. "
Mail Orders Solicited and wiH Itccclvc Prompt Allontion.
and Onialia C olliing Co ,
13 OS E1-A.EIsr-A.DyC-ST. ,
"be .Fresem.te < 5. - 7-itIbL a , Ticket
One Agent ( Vrrrnanc only wmtnl own for
My TPtnll snlos of your "Tnn'lll's Punch" 5
crm flKiir for the Inst car , IKtc'.ni'ru 1HJ.IXXI.
This year I expect to sell nt U-iiFt 2"iO.XM ) of this
justly | Kiuhir [ brnnd. CH t-H. PIIO\N IT ,
Dmirt-'lst , Denver , Col ,
Decker Brothers
For jroung women , Princeton , N. J.
Prospectus , full particulars , sent onp-
Plic ton to J , Hv M jEl.Y ia ,
New Model LawnMower i
J'li'eSlsw , Will cut hlyhrr yrnaittltnn
ttnii other. Jlaf nocijiialfor nlmi > llclti/ ,
tliiralillitii and i-axe of operation ,
This is ilio latest Improved ] \ -
chine in the Market.
Lou''rl't'.s. ' . Semi for circulars.
State AarntH for J'orter'a llaylnu Tool
a mlohtmr * of Jtlndlng Twine ,
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. V/ork warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th btreete , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific R jj9d | [ }