Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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this ) cents
Adii'ttlM'tnttiti under per
itit for llio llrst Insertion , 7 cunts lor each sub-
FC iijctit Insertion , nnil (1 Mil line per month.
No mlvcrtl'ntt ont taken for loss I linn 2.1 cents
fin tlio first In-ertlon. Hneii words wil ilio
counted to tlio line : they must run eonsocii-
tivi ly mid mu t liojiniil In lulvnnco. All ad\or-
tl otnrnlrt inuit bo handed In l/cforc 1 : ! W o'clock
ti. in.Knd i.tidorno rlrcumstancfs will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
rmtlcsiiduirtislng In tbi o columns and bar.
Inir tlio unsworn nildrowil In cure or 'I lir. llrr.
lll pliii i"a k fora cluck to enable thum to got
tlii-lr iiono will tin iliillrrrnl except
on | irp entiitlon of cheek. All answers to adver
tisement * should lie nnilnsni In envelopes
All advertisements In these columns nro pub
lished in toth ) innrnlnir nud evening editions of
'Jlio lli-E , tlio circulation of which
ngirregatos moro tlmn 14.000 papers
dii ly. nnil gives tlio Hdvertl'er the
IK in nti not onlj of the city circulation of Tlio
Jlrf nut also of Counrll { Hulls. Lincoln , njid
other cltloaund towna throughout ttila part of
thn west
rhz.Hiotoloan on real estate. Apply to C. II.
> Keller , IWB rarnam BI _ , rlty. dl.mlO .
COOOOOtoIoanatfl per cent , Harris Sc f limp-
$ pen , 1511) ) Douglas Jit. 67U
, ' ' < ' 0 'It ) | , ( ) AN ut 0 ptr cent. Mal.ouey
$500 I.lnnhanVfl \ 1'nrnam ( .03
' . 'IO LOAN 0 l' Davis K Co . real
MONI'.V nnd loan agents , 1505 f tvrnnin st.
, To IOMI on Omaha city proncrlr'ntfl
$5fOinH . 0. W. Day , s e. cor. U.x. Hid.
M ONEV to Loan , flr t mortgauo notea
bought. II. E. Cole , 310 S. iritlMoom I.
772 14 *
10 LOAN-On city ami farm prop
erly , low intos. fatownrt It Co , Hoom ; j
Iron bank. _ C74
to loan , cnsh on dolav.
MONEV and II L. Bqulro , 141J ruruntn t. ,
Paxton hotel building. 075
MONP.V I'lrct mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bunk will buy papers eocurod b/
firFl moitgago on city realty. 070
MONEY 'IO LOAN on improved real eatato ;
no commission clinrgod. Loavltt Hum-
bum , ( loom 1 CreUhton Illock. 677
Gl'tll CENT-Monoy tfTloan ]
Orcgory & Iladloy ,
Booms land 3 , Hcdiik block , U20 S. lHliHt _ ,
l > > 8
M ONP.Y to loan on collaterals. Long nnd
Bliort time elty mortgages nnd con
tracts bought. E. S. Bowloy , 314 bout h 15th st.
C7 mil
fiho I < OAN Money 1/oaiiB placed ou 1m-
JL proved real t-stato In city or county for
New England Loan & Trust Co , by Douglas
County bank , and Chicago sts 07'J
MONEY to loan on Improved elty property at
0 per cent. Money on band ; ilonothiuf
V ) wait. lla\e n complete set of abstract books
of Douglna county. I N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , SIX ) S.lMh st.
( IS )
MONEY LOANED at C. F Hood & Co.'s Loan
Olllco , on f urnlturo , pianos , horsefl.wagons
personal property of all kinds , and all other nr
tlclcs of value , without removal. 31B S. nth ,
over Illngham a Commission store. All busi
ness jdHUlv confidential. esi
6 I'KH CFfNT Money.
B.C. Patterson , 15th nr.d Hnrnoy. r , ° :
T\l ONIS\7iO LOAN-bythoTind rslgnoJ , win
J 'l has the only propoily organl/ed lour
ngoney lu Omaha. Loans of f 10 to J100 madi
on furniturepianosorgans , horses , wagons
machinery , Ae , without removal. No delays
All business strictly confidential. Loans K
made that any part can bopnld nt any Inic.oncl
payment reducing the cost pro rata Advance'
inadd on tlnn watches mid diamonds Person1
should carefully consider w ho they are doallm
nlth , as many now concerns are dally coinlni
IntootlPtonce. bhould you need money cnl
Bud HOO mo. W. K. Crott , Hoom 1 W'thncl '
Building 15th and Harnuy. 643
mill' Omaha Financial Exchange.
JN W. corner of Hnruoy and 15th sts.
over htato National bank.
If prepared to mnko short time loans on nn >
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or ren
Long tlmn loans made on Improved real cstat <
nt current iae (
I'urclinxu money mortgages negotiated.
Heciirtd notes bought. Hold or tixchnngcd.
Short tlmo lonnsjnaao on second mortgnge
according to marginal Interest , ut collateia
Itenl estate to exchnnso for good Intorcs' '
scaling paper.
General financial business of all Rinds trans
Rcled promptiiulrtly ! and fairly.
Money nlw ays on hand for npprovcd loans o :
iny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
ticlty. Cflrbett , Manager. IWJ
Ti OH SALE or Jtont First class hotel proper
J1 ty Inoltj ofa.Ui'O ' Inhabitants Pine Im
pro\ed and unlmpro\cil farms and city proii
BrtyforBiilo. Address llox 111 , Norfolk , NoL
: Ci4 I2j
"lOEA. ADDLPII'S restaurant is on aiooun
tj buslnisj ohango under fulr terms for sale
_ ei5 12th. 3tl 12'
MY property , wherein saloon Is for sale o
for rent. Louis Kcrsjrood , Pink Poiea
taloon , S. lllth st. : wj 12J
A BABE opportunity. A clean , crisp am
J V fresh stoik of Groceries , Hour , Peed am
Provisions , with on average daily business o
* 125. Is now put on the market for sale. EJ
collent business location street car corner ; o :
lioHt street In elty ; now brick building , Icnso
for ono with privilege of two or throe youn
Tormsof sale good. Keating for selling , tithe
Interests demand attention. Apply prompt !
to Parrott * Williamson up Btnlrs , s. w. cot
lUh and Douglas. ; i44
\\7ANTKD Pnrtnorshipwlth on old physlclm
TT in city ortown by a joung physician o
B years oxporlonco. Not nfiald of work. Ai !
ilrois O 52 Omaha Hoe. ; ? 53 12J
"I71OB SALE Very ohonp , good linen buslnos
Jproiicrty In Grand Island , Neb. Thogreates
bargain and best terms In this city. Good ron
wins for felling. For particulars address J. H
'oolley , Attorney ill Law , Urand Island. Net
"VJOTICR To hotel men. n desirable hoti
Jl l for sale , the Occidental , situated in th
beautiful and growing city of button , Neb , 1
liovr put upon Uio market. The Occidental ha
nn enviable reputation second to none in th
Btnlo for its generous and liberal hospitalities
IK thousands of traveling men will gnriaiitco
'I he hotel la on solid llnnncial foundatlor
vlth all modern Improvements nnd every roor
nociiplotl : satisfactory reasons furnished fo
colling. I'llco and terms madn known npo
application. I'or fuithor particulars itniulr
or Hildiess , J. T. Mollyueaux , proprietor , Sui
top , Neb. 211M2J
" 171OH SALE or trade A clenn stock ot ger
L oral mcrehandlse In nn luwn town , ( lee
Irndo. lot and building $1,750 , Meek $1.200. \ \ an
some cnsh on stock. W III exchange for land o
Hook. Iteason. uwner lives west. Artdres
lock box 21 , Central City , Neb. Ibl 18
SALE-An established bualncss. "TTnl
biunll capital icquirod. AddicssOlA Hoi
-I COxlIK teet cast front Slulver place$950l
Jiold by May 10. Terms easy. Sticct en
line within 111 blocks. Thin Id u baignlu. Sim' '
A Co. . 03 101 het- 121
"II10H SALE- proiltnblo and well ostabllibo
J. ' business suitable fora lady. Call and In
quliuut Employment llureau , 213 u IBtliEt.i.
l\\7rkhavosomo very deslrabl * lots to ex
TT chnugii lor any kind of luerchandlto ; i :
K 18th st , 1-2 Ms ul . O. Mnrr&Toft. 854
Il.BSONACj-lf you wmt n deslrabU ) , cer
ti ally located olbce jou cuu llnd It nt III
8 ItUi at. B78
TVP' . UL'HANT-Cliirtvojant from lloston.l
-IW rfcll ble In all attalrs of llf o , unites separate
lei en. Ba N. 10th it. room 1 Wl mssj
and tasty all-wool bus
- nr i nulls $7.00. Vine bluu diagonal ilrc <
u It I , f 10.75. Call an J sic thorn or write fr
samples. Ii. O. Jones .V Co. , America
Clot Inert. Ifluu Karnnm it. Omaha. l > i m 17
Tl P.S. 31. . CAIl eLL has rcmoToTTi
J'l dressmaking rooms from 1021 Howard t
Uld llrou uelt hall , cornur 17th and Jones.
9M 12J
_ _
TUHSON'AJ.-PrlTato home tor Indies durlr
4 conllnpniRnt. atrlutly contldontlal , Infan
K IS , IU-o oinco. b40J2t
. . " ) r"Nanni V.V a7re
clairvoyant. Medical and bu lne Medlut
Jiooia Ko. C , 1 North UtU , t. Am ) ha , Nab.
TOST An Iriiib setter pup with B rolMr ac
J-i the name Wet Inscribed ou It. Iteturn i
A. . ) . S'mpjon's ' curritKu factory and get r
f OST. . . Silver w tch VJliT'cnio , Elgin , hi
. La'"fe iidSl. Paul depot on truck , lea ,
yt unooniofaml grt rewind. SU 10J
ay Hro , bob tall , right hind to <
- wbll , branded "P" on lelt ehoalJer. 11
ward i for return to Chrltt Aoder'on. nft :
j9ya * | HCklQif toUSO. 3JJJ2J
T IUST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft.
Klrst-tliiw storngo for moo
nittiro or.boxed goods , at 1513 lodgp- .
_ _ _ _ _ _ J _ M
. . ' ' , nnd coul iiru dellvoro < l fieo to all
parts of thu city by thn Illno line tank
ilclUery , office tit Kommrd ( UtiM & Paint Co.
'telephone 7JI , McDugal & Ward , proprietors.
1X1" )
"imOKKKNi square t'lano $ J montnly. A
CUSS IfjOlj * . pinks and vaults clnaii'-d , odor-
lc s process. Ii living , box 3 7 , clty. _
MAMA 1U'NDIIV-GOI North 1 HIl treoU
bklrt * 10 cents collnis and cull * 3. I.ndlos
dtcssos and family washing chctipist In the
fit } , rirst-claas work. UftMO'
" \\MMi traili- good heavy spun of mules for
> > a good driving her e , bunny , inllK tows or
cattle. Address O 47 lice. UP 11'
ri O PHOI'IHirV Owners If jou want to soil
JL your property fend full description with
prlco and terms to Hurt's ( treat Western Heal
KMnte llurc.iu , Crolghton Illock.Vo Imvo cus
tomers for u\cry bargain that Is olTored ,
* Mill n'll
now advertisement of Klchmoml
I and Table Land In this c\enlngs's llee. ( ! ( . ( ) .
M. Cooper , lloomU , Arlington Illock. u5t U
rilO parties having houses lor rent. Itcntal
JL Agi npy , Dcnana \ Co. , list , opposite post-
olllce. Wo have turned over to them our rental
list , Wo recommend them. McCaguo Uros.
BM'PH OP KOHE3 removes plmplps , freck
les , blackbcalsand . 'loth. It Is not ( minter
or ponder , but clear like water , no sediment to
llll HIP poics of the skin. I uill giro n bottle
( prkuVic ) to the llrst TO Indies who pond two 1
cent stamps and name of ilrugght who does
not fell It , Addtcsj Miss Flom A , Jones , sole
proprietor. Utica , N. V. Omaha agents , Illako ,
Ilrllco.YCo. U35 10J
W C. ICIngJ ; Co , house moving
-L and raising , leave orders at ISul ) IMorco ft ,
FOltltHNT Organs.- per month , ilospe ,
1513 Doi giw. > f.8'1
f"\KIWS MAKINO Mrgr 1 ! C. Scoflcld , pap
* J lors lb3J St Mary's avo. I.adlos coming tn
the city for ono day can hnvo their dress inudo
while waiting. 1175 m 14
1. C.-Houso furnnlilmr goods , nil kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J ,
lionnor , 1,115 Douglas st. OOJ
Tmou KI : > i ? qiTaro i'lniio , n montnir. A
JIJ Hosno 15KI Duilirl'iP. 0V )
rv. on want to buyer sell furniture , go tn
. I orguson's , 713 N. 18th. 031
FOB SALE A good double set of carriage 01
work harness lu good older.ery cheap
Inquire ol Mrs Jones , 5l boutli 1-th street
lip-stairs. : > 04 llj
Foil SALE Ono team of ponies and Imrnesi
and delivery wagon. Apply to Patiluk Pen
nt EstnbrooVs on North 10th sU 3JO 11.
OOO.OJO good morclmntiiblo brick for sale u
J John H. Green's stone quarry. 275 15J
$200 buvs 0-year-old black borsn , Icnthor-toi
buggy and hni ness. Apply nt 102S N. 2Jtl
Bt , , 1 block north of Coming. 31' ) 12j
"IJAOH SALE-Ono No. 18 Hob ranire , ono ex-
-i- tension table , carpets , cto. Good ns new
Cheap for cash 217 10J
FOB SALK -runny buggy horse , prlco $ 'K )
Also farm wagon , price $20. Inqulro of J
Hnx Hand. Hurley's ll > ory blablo , cor. loth ami
Capitol uvo. 'JK ) 10J
FOH SALE A small pony In good order fo
$50 cash. Address O 4'J Iloo 27J 10J
FOH SALK Acarload of draft ana drlvlni
horses nt Nos. 423 and 425 South l-th ! street
Omaha. 2t s loj
nol'SEIIOLD rurmturo complcto for 7 rooti
bouse , good ns now. Will bo sold at prl
vatosnlcat purchaser's own prlco , for cash
Address P. O. box 448 352
SALE Furnlturo of 0 room house wltl
ptivllegu ol icntln ? house 1UU California at
2JS 13
SALE-FIrst-clnss Carriage with shaft
? and pole , Slmpson'rt make , $ .ir .
Fine family hoiso , fast mid gentle , $300 ,
Flno hai lies , $ ' .0.
11-rooni house and 4jxV)2 foot lot , 2315 Cu'
st. All modern Impro\emonts. Largo burr
1.1,0011. UdPojcke. 210
F Oil SALE Drivers nnd draft horsos. rear o
1813 Chicago St. 154 ] 5 *
F OH 8AljlTop buggy , side bar. secom
baud , cheap. Address O 29 , lleo ollica.
15U 11 *
71OH SALE , or exchange for Omnhn roa
[ J estate , ntlno driver , iccord 2I41) . Pattcrsoi
& Moore , Room 1 , Omaha National bank. Ill
FOB SALE Or exchange , ono grand squar
ChlckorlngTTl octavo piano , now , at a bni
gain. Will trade lor city property , house an
lot preferred. A. , P. O. Box 488. 352
"IjlOIl SALE orovehange In part pajmont f o
J n lot , a complete sot of New American En
cyelopedin. Address O , 32 Boo ollico. 157
FOB SALE C. (1. Conn cornet , same as now
A br.rgaln. Butler Jd Todd,215 S. 15th.
MJ 11
HOrSEHOLD Furniture complete for 7 roor. .
house , good as new. Will bo sold at pr
\nto8iilo at purchaser's own prlco , for cash
Address P. O. bOT 44 . 352
P OlfsALE Allklnd ? ot building stone
the Louisville iiuarry , lowest prices poss
blc. Address G. Motzger , Louisville , Nob.
B2J 15 *
BALE 15 bend fine milch cows nm
FOR . Military Hrldgu yartis. Cuir
Ings st. Crone & Jester. U3110 *
F Oil BALK Autoliarps , mandolines. Butlo
i3 & Todd , 215 S 15th OC1 11
TOH SALE A good milk dairy , consisting o
JU UO llrst clnss cows , a good delivoiy Tragor
team and Imrnuss. milk cans , ic , horse powo
corn mill and hay cutter , and corn shelter , In
eluding llrst cla s milk route , Immedlato pn :
rcsslon given. For terms , etc. call at 217 S lit
st , Uinahn. Til
Q1OH SALK Span hordes , double wagon an
u' double harness for f . ' 00. Also a lot of post
heap. C. J Cumin , 55J
F I OB BAU2 1 or2 horses. 1 spring wagon ,
buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 781 ml3
"I710H SAI.R pinno , $150. Woodbrldg
JL' Bros , 215 Oporu houso. liOt
TTlOBSALU-BrlcU. T. Murray.
JU C93
T71OH SALB-17 head choice bred Shorthon
JU cattle : also a < V ) aero stock farm In Hoi
toumy. J. S. Colllnifs , Ponder , Neb.
fcrtl tnay 1HJ
A\7ANTID : Three good tinners nt onct
Oood wages , steady vrotk 1J. Onihl , K
Broadway , Council llluffg. y02 13
VANTED-A narbor ; steady woik and BOO
wages , 1110 Farnam st. 300 10J
W ANTKD 3 Urst-class barbers at 1120' '
i'urnom st. zus 11 ]
WANTED--Typewriter and stonograpnei
' Must be willing to moke himself general !
useful In oilier. Biuall salary to start witl
Address O 30 , lleo ofllco. 1W 10
ANTEl ) A partner In good pnylng ous
nosg , eompctant to take full charge c
offlco alfalrs , 12,000 capital reuulred. Addme
box M. 13. lleo ollico. 3M _
PANTIID I.aboroM tor railroad work. K.i
Alunxbt's Labor Agency , 1120 1'arnnm.
WANTKD-CanvaiwInir agents Apply IK
twoen 12 in aud 4 p. m. Acme Manfg
Co..618 3. 16th st. 501
17ANTKD--A Hrst class city clear saltismai
> llolndorlf llros. , .no a loth st. 30 > 10
\\TANT1U > Kellablo pcison , male or fema !
' to work In general store In the oountrj
Must bo familiar with dry goods and undo
stand book-keeping. None need answer eico |
those able to gl\o the ben of inferences nf > t
hono'ty and ability and able nnd willing to h
H bond If roijulrcd. Address U 50 , lleo olllcu ,
I SOfl U
" \\TANTEn-A young man as bookkeepc
T none but experienced ones need appl
Bpclinun A I'lercc , 1318 Douglas et. S3i 10
\VrANTKD-A willing worker to learn I
press pants ; permanent sltuMlon , at
nfter Iraiiilng the business cooJ pay. Ge
Stlli'9,1408 Uavvnworth it. ills 18
W ANTKD-2 sohool bojs with horses I
fairy route on dally evening lleo. UIJ
\lfANTl U 5J men for surfacing track , coi ;
puny nor-.Moore'g Empluymuut Ageno
6088. lUlhsU SuOlBJ
AVANTEI ) S mt-n cooks for K. II. work , $
to * 73par montn fch. L'uoinun rooks i
leavn city. 8 women pastry cooks lo If are clt ,
1 inirkO tiotaan to leave city , wngM { 20 pi
month4 laundrcssi's. S dining room girls ni
2& Vlrli for tieneral houxuork. Omabu Ki
ploymunt llurcnu. ll'J ' X. BM 11
T7r.STiaooJ : tinner * H | once. Jaoob t
11 Trvl l & Co , , 9
WANTRD--A nrst r * > 8 ret all crockery sales
man. IlllM & Isaacs , UIO Farnam st
] 33711
STL'DKNTS Teachers nnd a-fonta can ccurc
very profitable employment bv applying to
B. 1 > . Oroat , I'lantcr's houic , OmnVm. 1M5J |
W'A.S lii ; ) A good lypoHriior uperator ,
lady preferred. Fred B. Chantler. loom
in , 1'fliu.n building. : nii iuj
\\rASTr.I ) Ten Imrnuss makers at Marks
> llros.1 Saddlery Co. , 1407 llarnev st. ,
Omaha , Neb 177 'JO
\\7AiNTr.I ) Yout.B men to represent an on turn -
urn publishing liouso in this state , : lld S.
15th Hoom 1. SIP 1H *
\\TANTKI ) A general and 50 sub-agents In
' " ) our county. New goods. Hiiro clmntp.
lee to : ) i ) per cent , commlsolon. or a good sal
ary. Hen I for circular. F. M.Vca \ or , No. 0
West Ohio street , liidlanii'oll | , Ind 'J5J SI *
\\ANTii ; > Two flrst-cluss pollshore , steady
' ' work ami good pay at Omaha laundry ,
C04 North ICth st. ' > ' J 1U
\lfANTii-Four : young men of good wlnca-
T * tlon , character and addre , between 'JO
and 3."i year ? of ane. J. M. French i. fo. , ollico
room lu lliishimui block. U-iO It
ANTKD-.Mon.W omen , Hoys ami Girls for
u light nnd piofltablo employment No
picture business ; no humbug. Send lee for
valuable purKave to commence on. Only a few
hundred will be distributed. Address Albany
Supply Co. . Albany. N. V. M3 JJ >
\\rANTnD Ganva PM In Omaha and Douglas -
> las county for I'lallorm iclioe : , by John
II. ( louuh , The best eolllng book ol tliodar.
Call on or add less , i , . H.Vnttd , Hoom ,1. UilO
Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. t 7
\\7ANTKD-An Intelligent boy or joung
man from the Onmha High school to entry
a route on the Dally Kveulng liee. l d
WANTUD Canvnsseri In every city nnd
town In Nebraska and Iowa. \ , . II.
Watts , room 3 , IrtlO I'm nam st. 770
\\f ANTii-3) : block makers for Colorado.
Must bo experienced men and have tools ,
Tree pass. Mrs. Hiogu & Son , 310 South 1Mb.
UI914 *
IfANTED Olil for general housework , call
> at UJOSUth st. , German or English.
l ANTED flood laundress lor Pocatollu ,
> $ .0 , free pass. Mrs. Brcgn , 310 s 15th
317 llj
ITANTKD Girl for h.itiBonoik In family of
> threo. Cull at 431 Convent it. ; > ( U 11
\ \ , ANTED 4 ilrpssmiiKera and one - glrL
> Miss KIKO McCabe , itounso Illock
imJ Cupltol ave , room 15. HIS 10
\\7ANTKO A geol seiimstioss to work on
T children's clothing at house , apply ut
once at .il4 CapltoUivotiue. fii'i '
IfANTKD Voung girl ; German tiorfoirfd ;
> about 10cars old , at ( OSS. lain st. 31S
IT ANTED yklit and waist makers at once.
> U03 n 10th st. DlflllJ
" \\rANTED A colored girl Immediately. Stl-
> \ or Moon Kcstaui ant , St , Mary's ave. and
PJth. 301 10J
WANTED NUISP t'lrl to travel. 4 dmllifl
room girls , 4 women cooks , (2 ( in same
house ) 1 silver washer. 1 second girl Man ami
wife for cooks In small restaurant , $40 ; 5U girl !
lor general house noik. Mis. Brega , : ilfl s.
15th , upstairs. 324 11 <
W PANTED Girl to do general housework ,
call at 122S Hamilton st. 303 12J
W ANTED Good girl for housework in small
lauilly MM. it , lUnt'hain , tile S loth st ,
310 12J
" \\fANTED -An oxperlunced girl for genera
M house work , except washing ; apply large
house In Iront of Crclgtiton college. 3 'l 13 ,
"V\7ANTr,0-A dining room girl at Vlonnt
TT tcstiiurant , 1U17 Howard st. 2' 10
\\7ANTED-Good Ironers , nlso dtl\er foi
> T delivery wagon. Apply nt Frontier Stuan
Lnundry , 1512 Howard. 2 0 11 *
AV"ANTED An oxi > eileneed girl for genera
housework , nt 1917 Wobbler st. 27S 11
WANTED Dining room girls , also girl tt
wash silver , ono hour , three times a dnj
for board. 2iiO 12J
WANTED A girl to cook In pm ute family
104 N. 18th st. y\l \ llj
AV ANTED Cook and dining room girl. Muel
lor'H llostaurnnt. UKJ1 N. inth st. 25
TirAXTED-SccoinI girl Immediately. , Cal
TT bet. the hpursof U and 10 n in , ordto' '
p. m. , 2127 Dodge street. 2Vi
WANTED Good girl , 1707 Cnss.
AA' JANTKH-Good ' girl at 60i Virginia ave
good wngos piuO. 231
"IVTANTED A flrl to do hous.i ork in i
> > smnll family. Inquire at 1112 South Utl
street. 102
WANTED A few more shirt and pant1
makers. Apply nt once. Ueo , Stiles , UOi
LenvouHorth st Ull 11
ANTii-"Kltchon : girl and two dlnlni
room girls. 1031 No ICth st. UOS
WANTED At once , 3 first-class chamber
maids and 1 scrub glil. Apply at tin
Cor/ens. uH
once , piano player , colored
woman preferred Apply 112 8. Uth. 34S
\\TANTED-Lndios to work for us at tnoli
T own names ; $7 to 10 per week can hi
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass
Ing. I'or full particulars please address al
once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central St. . Boston
Mass , Box.5170. lttjolf > *
\\TANTED-Sltualion as grocery nlerk , hnvi
' * hud 5 yrs experience , can furnish gooi
references. Address O 57 Bee. 326 lo *
\T7ANTED--A lady with n child , situation a :
i f housekeeper. Address O 55 , Bee otBce
311 UJ
WANTED-Situntlon by n > oung ninrrlci
man , can put up a few hundred ns scour
Ity. Has hail business experience Addres
O 40 , lleo ollico. 269 10 *
ASOI1EH , honcn young man wants n placi
Inn prlMito family taking care of hoiso
and working round the houso. Addioss O U
lleo. 27 ! ) llj
WANTED A position ns typo writer. Ail
dress O 40 , lleo ofllce. 211
WANTED A position ns typo writer. Ad
dress O 40 , Bee oIUcu. 831
WAN FED-Position in private family u
to wash clothes. Address 2504 Pacltii
St. 128i *
\\7ANTED-A Position by n thorough nc
' count ant. Host of references. Addres
O 14 Hoe oinco. Bill
T\7 ANTED Honrd for four young men , die
'T nernt B o'clock. North of 1'arna.n stree
preferred. Call or address with full particulars
8108.18th St. Boom 1 , 3J9 10 *
WANTED A newspaper , paying circulatloi
guaranteed from the start , for partlcu
lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Nob.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
W 'ANTED To rent throe unfurnished room
ns noarns possible to business quarters
State price ; address O84 Boo. _ 30712J
TIT ANTED To trade now Honnoy buggy fo
' T H good , safe Uriring horso. Armstroni
Pottis & Co. , 13uS Izard st. 185 13
W ANTKD Teams for railroad work
Albright's Labor Agency , 113U Farnaui
B OH BHNT A meat market. Inquire 1
Park Forest saloon , South iith : street.
_ HV5 11 J
F I OH HENT 6 room house near car line
llallou llros , , 1518 Douglas. 350 12
POIl KKNT 10 room house ; onlyelS blocK
from the postoffico. llallou llros. , IKl
THOU KKNT Three room house , 1031 U N20t
t- t. _ 80
OK KENT- Stores and flats at 24th nnd Lak
ftreet by Paulson & Co , , room if , lledlck
block , 67
1J OH UENT-Oood barn , suitable for foil
JL' horses. Inqulro at ill' s. llkli st. _ up
TI10H HENT 8-room bouse , all moderri cot
JL ; vcnlrnces , Furnarn undSUt Bt. S. Katz. .
Co. 1511 Farnam. 105
OH KKNT-Wlndovr , gocvl locality for Joi
elor or real estate. Apply to IW6 n 10th.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6W
I Wit RiST-Flrst : class location for barbe
shop. Shaw Jc Co. , 610 South 16th. fH
FOR ilEST-A store. Inquire U13 B. lath si
Ueo. n. I'eteraon. b'J3
OK KENT- are room cor. 13th nnd Cal
Iforpta on Belt Line. For particulars eu
quire nt Union Nat ban * . _ 18d
RP.NT-A Kore nr.a barlMsr ihop , ale
H"o , an'urnl hed room * . Apply N W co ;
18th ana Williams. _ 1.M 13J
litOlt RUNT filer * and 1 1 nor apartment ! 01
JCuralng ne r Sauoder * st. Apply at Ilarrl
CTOH BENT DrlcVt yards , T. Murray.
FOH HRNT tramo store nuimmg ,
with llvlni 4roonnon Phil Sheridan Ptwlll
Improve : put baiemunt under store to suit any
legitimate business Win. Flaming A Co. , 1401
Douglas. 870
TJ1A11M to rent. TMurray. W3
jmOR KENT-Tlirco room house , 11084 9.7th
FOH ItENT Pleasant furnished pouth front
rrom between I'nrnnm nnU St. Mury's HM\
lour 'JOth ? t , fl4th ( n month , llufuroneu 10 *
Itllred. Addre$3"OM" llooulllco. 333 IS'
| ? OH HINT ! 2 nlrcly furnished rooms in
L1 guito. 1033 8'btli Et. ' . ' 70 11
NlINT-Daslroblo largo front room.
Southeast corner ' 'Jib nud Dodge. 1TO ,
_ ' 'fl UIJ _
0lt HKNT-Throo ulogantly lurni ticd
ij ' room * , 111 S. aith st. gJl.lUJ
"Ij OH HUNT Elegantly fiirnUhed room for 2
JL' gentlemen iiotr business. All cotucnl-
cures ; private family , in : , Cap. avo. 21312J
FOIt HENT Now Ir fu-nlshed front room
with ale-ovc , In liiinsoom Place- . Inquire at
21 Paxton bin. 312 12
iriOlt HENT-Newly furnished rooms with
JL' modern conveniences. W3 8. 17th St.
217 10J
| ? OOM and board for gout and wife nt 2010
J California ft. 3J7 U'J
TJ10K HENT-1'urnishcd room at 1810 Dodge st.
OH HENT-Furnlshed rooms at ISlfl Do7lco"st
fpOH UKNT-Unf urnlslicd room 1015 1
V\rANn'.D 1 largo unfurnished room , not
over f 10 per month , by man and wlfo ( no
rhlldren. ) Heloroiieoa uxchanguil. AddiossO ,
f , lleo. Mi 12
FOIt HENT Nice furnlihod toom. 202S Far-
nam. uo.F >
FOll HP.NT Nino-room lint cuutrally located ,
3W 815th. W77
FTHfUIIST Desk loom. John UalhTirlicrl
. ' 117 South lth ! st uw 13
parlor and bed
en auito 1'ront looms , 'lliroo
blocks Irom Paxton ami Mlllatd Gas ami
water in houso. Apply room 3 , 507 S l.lth . st
2 till
Foil HENT Nicely ttirnlshod looms r.t 100C
rarnam st. 8011IJ
F0l ! HKNT rurmshcd front room U1 Har
ney. 313 10J
FOH HKNT rurnlshod room nt $ tl poi
month. 617 Vligini.i nvo. il02 11J
"I71OH KENT A nleo newly fnrnlshod fronl
JL' loom with alcove , and eveuythlng In first
class stjlei , and other smaller rooms ; nl o table
boiud. Cull nt8213Farnam st. 3JJ 10J
FOH HKNT Elegant rooms , references re
rtnirocl , 1C07 Douglas fit. .101
"I710H HENT In new house , newly turnishcc
JL' rooms.Fouth and east front , one with baj
window and alcovoG ! ( leurgla nvo. HW 12j
F OH HKNT Pleasant furnished rooms a
439 Convent st. 121 10
FOIt HENT Furnlsnol looms with closets
gas and bath. 02'J S 17th 8t 112 12J
FOH SALE-Now2nd Imrid office elosk. 101 !
, rainnm , up stairs 1H- !
"I71OU UBNT Nicely furulshnd parlor room Ii
-L private family. Duslrablo neighborhood
Address 041 lleo oilice. 210 UJ
FOH HFNT 2 , . furnished rooms , bath roon
and gns all on llrst lloor. Call at 20J' '
Davenport st. 1.19
t , _ t
TTTOH HENT jlflojiint furnislied rooms am
JL' board in new house with nil modern Im
proM'iiipnts , bath looms , gus , etc. 2(02 ( St
Mary's nvc. ' 328 12J
FOH HENT Furnished room down stnirs fo
ono or two gentlemen , 2J10 Ihunoj st.
T70K HENT-Furn'lshed rooms. 714 N 1'ith. '
-T , g Itl'im3l
FOH BENT Nicely turnlshcd room for gen
JJotnon. 215 N IJth bt. 124
" 1J1OH BliNT Pleasant bed room with pilvl
1lego ot parlor,619 Vulrvlowrst. l'7J 10 *
FOtl JlKNT-VurnJsliudTooms "in old Brow
ncll hnll.'H. mth , notweon .Taoksonliuii
Loavenwortb. Ho l $7 to $15 per month. ' In
cpilio for Mrs. H. Soavcr , room 2 , In the sue
end btory , south hall. 2IO-10J
FOB "BENT Eleven nice unfurnished leefi
lug rooms. Separate or all together. I
bullaing 310815th st. U75
TTlOll BENT Desirable unfurnished room
-L1 suitable for olhco or sleeping looms. : il
H 15th st. t > 76
1/IOK llBNT-Fuinlshol room with privllegi
-L of sitting room lor Indv. Object , cninimir
for lady whnso husband Is ironn pan of th
time. 501 S 20th. 880
FOB HENT No. 517 s I3th st , storeroom am
basement , new brick building. An ox
ecllont location tor either wholesale or retal
business. Paulson Jc Co. , room 9 Bcdlck block
FOH BENT Two onion ? spaces on groiliu
lloor In room 1509 Farnam St. Enquire o
J. S. Ulctmrdson , In olllcu , 34S m21
F OH BiNT--Nleoly : furnished rooms chcati
50fl South Wth street , Upstairs. ffio
FOU aKNT-Deskroom. Kuyulro Young i
Olackman , 211 S 15th st. 540
FOH KKNT Throe room house west of Nortl
llth St. , between Chicago und Cass. B'
FOB KENT FurnlshoJ room with board fo
two or four gentlemen , the most pleasan
locatlr.n In the city. Beferenco roqnlrui !
Call ut S. K. corner 20th and Farnam sts. 14012
FOB BUNT Klcgunt olBco rooms , host lo
cation In Onmha. 31C South 15th st. 835
FOU KENT Third tloor , 22x80. of brick build
Ing , 1108 Farnnm street , use of cloratoi
Inqulro above number , upstairs. C01
T7\OB \ BKNT-Olllees In Hellman building cor
JL' Furtmm and 1,1th ats. , In suites or singly
For prices , diagrams and information apply ti
S.A. Slomau , 1012 Farnam st , Boom 3.
COLLIEHPLACB-McCaguo Solo Agent.
2t > - . J 3
COKNr.K of Douglas and Tenth Firoot !
rents for J0 , is offered for a short tlm
on easy terms , at $21,000. Marshall & I.obccl
Iri09 Furnam. Tel. T3. 20912
JO elegant lots on Bcllovlow street , the load
t ing thoroughfare connecting the city an
South Omaha. ( Jto N Hick215 ! South 15th si
Branch ollico rJellovuo aim B streets , Sout
Omaha. fo7-U
TjVH SAt.E A cornorlot , 68x132 , on Ibth an
-L' Cumtngst , one of the best locations In th
city for n wholcMilo houso. with watorwork
and sewerage. Apply at premises , Thus. Sin
cliur. 31lm21J
Street business property with track
JL age $150 per foot , ehea | > est ground on th
street. Patterson Sc Moore , Oinuha Natlont
Bank. < 7J
B. BALL * Cl ) 113 N. 10th street , have
laigollstqf jrlp < l Darjratna , both on lir
proved and un tapfovod Inside and ouuid
property , Includ tig loin e choice acre properti
Always ready touhtir projiorty. Call and so
our lUt of bargii njjf . 2J5 10
No blntr about tQN ,
It must be sold at once.
Ono of the finest can front lots In Ilanscon
place 50x171 to SWt uMoy , high nnd sightly .fin
Hi story house bullMby present owner lor
homo and Is put u right. There nro 6 room
besides bath room finished , 8 moril rooms nc.
yet finished. Mamie and grate in front roou
hard pine finish , 075 Obi < ' ! stern and tutor wit
pump forcing water Into bath room ; city watt
on street but not taken Into house yet. Th
property can be BoliLfor $5,100 cash , or $5,210 , !
cash. ( Jra ory & Iladioy.
_ Itoomsl ilild it , 3JO 3 15th St. 3M
LIST your propetr with the Omaha Businci
Kxclmngo. Bin 8.15th , room 1. illi 10 *
T .181' of barffalns
Corner and Inside lot in Clifton Hill , f T :
Full lot nnd three stores lu the heart of Pout
Omaht.paylny f 155.UO per month , for ( j.OOO.
Two line lots on Hamilton St. , $1.500 ouch.
Comer lot. UixI'JO on 87th , near Cnming Bt ,
with 11-room hou c , barn , etc. . only JTJ3W.
Harnoy St. , Hliim. for $ .15,100 ,
Two lots left In Wilson's Add. to KountJ
, near BaunJcw and Lake eU , only $1,51
caeh. one-fourth cash.
Full lot on 6ih st. .near Cumlng , with tw
houses , only t4 > X ) . This Is a bargain.
Property , Inside and ontslde , for sole In nn
part of city. Mitchell * L yonmarcU , 161
Dodco st. Eli ) , 10
TGVM SAlK-Btsldonoe 2J10 Plerco
JL1 botub , contslnlnir 10 rooms. Includln
bath andlaundrj rooms , beat by furnace. > r
terras apply on premise * . ir-'l 10 *
DO you want a home ? We bvo houses ft
tale on easy terms. John Qallaner , III
IMMEDtATBoalowllltatioRloti orlcM only
f or 0 blocK from I'rchnngo bid nnd
Jnloii Stock yards on fnrornblo terms. SUtC't-ii
iou M under contract In same block. lunnt
that they are uorth. I don't want fancy prices
want to foil quickly. Ii U. llraneh. I''i
HOIT9K 0 rooms.niMreet , S4.000. eah.
Uth 8U l.v.1 . l.J
_ JohnUallaithorai _ _ _ ; _ _ _
IOTMzUI. Throe bou e , Konntze A ItuthN
i addition , tOOM. John Uallui.'hur , H17 South
3tll. W9 13
B AltQAINS-Uratinm ,
Crt'lu-liton Illock ,
rive acres on Ames nun , $ .M X ) . Very chonp.
Five-aero tract , Hontlcld , I-.WJ.
Ono noio , corner , on u-avenworth M , $ JW
lots on Military ave , jmt across licit Line ,
! 1'IOO.
Corner on Cumlng st , In Cnrthniromld , JMU.
Klcgantlot on t.nku st , s front , $ --VI.
Corner on aundors t , f 1U ) per fiuut ft.
Lot 17 I ) Ik fi HIIUPCOII ) 1'liico , I-.j'Al.
Coodbt In Dollono'a ndd. J6.V ) .
Cornerln Hurt's sub , t l.Mi.
'Ihicucnit fronts In Kllby Place , ono u cor-
iur , JrA ( ) lor nil.
( looillotou Hurt st , JJ.OO ) .
Lot on I.IIKO 5t , s front , * . ' aiO.
Corner acre on Leiivonworth Shlloh ndd ,
JS.V" '
'thirteen lots In Cloiordulo for sale ortrndo ut
i bargain.
Lot 17 blk r. II inscom 1'lucc. $ ! , j30 , 1-B rnMi.
lllk. J 10
rU ) SALU-Or ront.llno new ho i o 10 rooms ,
modern convunloncus. Niitnnn Slioltoii ,
i Bt. 3K U
BF.rOHE buymc ant thing lu the real estnto
line go nnd wo Shaw .V'o ( Wncau sell
jolt nn ) thing to null votir pocket-book , all the
way from fJOO to $ IJ.OOO llnusesnna lots for
sale In nil parts ot the elty. Wo are head-
( limrteis for snfe Investments. 610 S 10th at.
Is our ollico. 653
1710H SALE-hot in Shiim'iiM addition , with
nnw6-room house , with pantry and clos
ets , cistern and good rollar. Will sell cheap tor
a fo days , Apply or nddress H.D.,2'.U2 Cluules
st. 181 I2J
llAltn AlN8-ln Orchnrd Hill. Hescr-
0HOICK ChnrthnifO tdditlotis. Hall
iV Co. , UJ N. llith. JS13-I3
OH SAL.E-4 choice lots In HIIMdo No 2 ,
f ISH ) to $ . ' ,01.10. I'nttoisoiK'c Mooie , rooms
1 and 2 , Omnhn National bank. 111(114 (
TTHMt SAI.U- House niTd lot. lot 8 block 1
JL1 Claronclon , Price Sl,000 , terms O'isr ; up-
ply on premises. U14 12J
< D-We have sold all but n few of those
I.OHM'iiuorlh stieut rnslilelic'o lots. Thosu
wo liaxo foi our patrons nt terms nnd prioes
Hint bent any ll t In the elty. Wo mean It and
will prove It to jou. Wo huvu ulni * these mon
ey making chaines :
The pre'ttfost pl.ico lu Plnlnvlow for the
money , and only JfSX ) cnsh , If pold soon.
"Jho Appluof My Eyu , " homo only 1J block
off bt. Mary's live car line , convenient to busi-
r.ess , built "not fern i\\y but for nil time. "
llairams in buslnots property.
1.1st with us for wo put them w here thnv keep
hot. Cake & Hillings , over 1U1 South 15th st.
Lotfi , block 11 , South Oninha , corner , 00\
150 tt'i-t , nn llellovuo street , only JL'XHl. (
Lot 'J , block I- , South Omaha , G0\160 feet , or
Hellovuo-itieot , onlj fl.f "i ) .
Lot 1 , block K , South Omalm , GOxlR } feet , on
Iulleuo ! street , only f l.l/iO.
Lot n , block , South Omaha , corner. COilSC
feet , on llellevuo Ptrret , only f liUO. !
Lot 6 , block 10 , South Omaha , corner , DOilIX )
feet , on 1'ark , fl.TOO.
IxitlL' , block 4'J ' , South Oiimhiv , corner , BOitfiC
fcut , near Cathollu church , biggest bargain out
Rt Jl.WO.
Lot 7 , block 13 , South Omaha , corner , 60x150
feet , facine now depot. Summit , only JI.W ) .
lot 10 , block 18 , South Omaha , BUxl&O feet ,
farlnn now depot , Summit , only f 1.000.
Lot ! l , block 75 , Poillh OmaliB , 61xlM ) , adjoin
ing olllco Chicago Lumber Co. , tl.OOO.
Lot 14 , block 01. South Omalm , corner , GCh
l&Ofeet , pplLiidld business pioparty , $1.-00.
(58 ( feet on outh Slitoonth struct , south ol
Viaduct , onH tRIOJ. (
Two beautiful south front lots on I'opplotor
RvoniiLIn Huii'-coiM Place , only onn-flltli cash
bnlnnco In ono , two and thrco years , cact
Koity-four foot on Vlnton street , the mnli
Ptrcot connecting the city and South Omaha
ii. Ni.
Thirty-five foot frontage on Vlnton street
peed miriness property , only tl,8vX ) .
Lot : i. block > > , llanscom 1'lace , splendid cav
Iront lnt.iniurrtllcent view , only $3,10J.
100 fuot south front In Ilaitlott'3 addition
near corner ot 1'ark inenuo and Loaveuwortl
etruets , J,000.
13J lout frontaco und corner on St. Mary'i
avenue , only $ ja.iOO. (
t > 4 feet near corner Twenty-sixth and St
Man's avenue , just the place lor btlck block
Lotil , block ! ) , flftv feet south front on Han
Boom 1'aik , clOk'iuit bulMini ; alto. II..HIO.
Lot 10 , block , 1'ottor's adiiltiou. Sloudl | ( !
cut front lot Just on Krmle , only $ lftiO.
Spleniliilplctoof traika < ro property , lOJtlH
on liolt Line Jtollway and Louvenworth street
$ , ) , " ( XI , ij cash ,
SIxty-iK feet on Pleasant street , with lartri
double houee , all mo < leru convenience1 ! , tout1
Torfl'JOpor month , splendid Investniuiit.onlj
Sploudld lot on Oeorsrlon\iiiuo , near Wool
wen In. coso ! to ttiL'ct curs , chinch and school
f2fiW ) .
Two lots In Tabor Place , corner on Low <
avenue nnd Howard treot , elegant icaldouci
Bile. Call and trot prlcu.
Slxty-acio tract on .Missouri I'acino Hallway
admirably ailapoil for pliittlup Into lots ; cat
mnko this n bargain if Hold ( illicit.
Choice two , llvo end ton aero tmcts , close t (
cit > , near now streut railway line , f 000 to ? 70 (
per acre. Small cash payments and onsy lorma
Vou can make 600 per cent on investment.
Georuo N llloka.
21fi South Fifteenth street , Opera Hotisi
Block. 255 H
SALK 50 choice farms loss than 'A
miles west of Omaha. Address J 1) ) . Sllvls
Heal 1'htato Agent , Klkuorn. Nob. C l m2Sj
IAIWATN ) Ono hundred foot front ot
South Eleventh Rt , corner lot , only f 5,000
Fart on time. V. L. Vodlcka , 5-JJ South Kith st
rpIIOUNHUKQ cheap. 2 lots a o. cor. TeL
-L both (1,000. 1'attorson i Mooro. MS 1
FOIt SALE At a bargain , a rmxt dealrftbli
homo for a small family within a mlle o
P. O. , u block from % street car lines and ptiMJi
stroots. Inquire of K. U. Whltmoro , llord'i
opera house iicu
DP.XTEU L. THOMAS-IJas tlio choicest lot
lu Lincoln Plneo.
2 coc. acres in Soloman's ndd $700 each.
! 1 lots In block " > 'j , South Omaha
Also Si , block GO , and lot 2 , block Oj , 7 in 89 , :
in 87 , cheap.
N ) acres bv Central City to Roll or trado.
l,120acics In a body neur Stauton.
4W1 acres near Wlsnor.
Also lots In lied lord Place , Dolonos adilltlon
We t Cnmlnir. KcBtor'g add on Cumlnff st. Tin
bolt lot In block C Shlnn's uddltioii.
Also large lots In Shlloh.
f > acres on Amos' avomio.
Also tracKUtrocheap on Holt Line , for salt o
8 largo lots on Broadway , Council IllulTs
otliblk 0 Improvement Association ,
i/ot8hlk7 , same add , same slro , corner
$4,000 , &c. , Ac.
I own the above and can mnko terms to suit
Come and si-i > . Doiter 1 * Thomaa , room t
Cri'lKhton Hloclc 7QJ
FOU SAI.i : 10 clghtly lots In poor farn-
Patterson & Moore , Omahn National haul
317 19
BKLLEVUE St. MxlW. street cir on thl
atieot Must lie sold , { GOO. 1U12 Iliu no
St. Klsasscr iHIco. ; H1
BI7TTER die W II. Green , SI1 ! South l.Uh st
ubouttho followlnffor unjthlntr else yoi
want :
100x140 on Pouth 10th St. , $11,000.
WXHU on South tilth Bt , tfi.OJO.
( Uxl25 on South Kith st , good house , S11.500
120x110 on South 15th st , S7.0JO.
M\1IO on South 1Mb at , ft.CMO.
'nxMOon South 1.1th st , J2.0t .
40x100 on South 15th at , cor on William * , Im
provomonti on this cost { 1,800. Good buslnoa
cor. $7/W. (
Olots&jx2 ) east fronts on South 20th st
The e are llrst-class , bettor como up and ae
tibout thoso.
MxIXion Lnavonft-orth st , peed liouce , fo
170 per fiont foot , property 6olilng2 block ? be
youd la a hole for I'JO ,
Ono of the best corners In Shlnn's ndd wit
good house und other Improvements for t'J X
| H ca li , bal 1,2,3 years ,
100x154 cast front on Virginia nvo ) > .20J.
IftSxIWl east front cor Virginia nvo $5riiK ) .
-1 or tliu linear lots In Hanscom phuc.oujl an
west fronts on Park nvo and west fronts o
Catherine ft. This Is thecreamof the place nn
the first time they over wore on the market
Small caah payments and easy terms
60of the bestlots In West Sldo left laying d !
rec'tly on car line and only fSOO for ImUlo an
I'M lor corner , $ l"5casii. bal. to suit. W. 1 !
Cirecn. gS South 13th at _ ( iiM
FOH 8ALr.-Dodgo8t.tttolots in Kllby plnoi
fronting on Do'leo Ktrevt , 12" feot. Tw
blocks beyond the lots have sold for 1 2.000 , th
sumo prlco no ask for tbcso. Only Jl/Jrt cos
required. Shaw i Co. , 510 BICtb et. nro th
agents. _ . . .rv _ lOtl
BAIIQ AINS In Pouth Omaha lots. i)0 ) of th
ft i lost lota In the northern part of Bout
Omaha for tale on cosy terms by fico K I lick
215 South 1Mb ftreet. Branch oOico Hallo vu
and n streets , PoutD Omaha. ffl U
OH 8ALK-Dodge nud l.'th , JD.O)0. | 120xlJ
cnrlltband Dorcru , J J. MiHO , llouj
cast front. 10th it , ISO ft. Elaasaor and Klc <
No 1U12 llnrney. _ 270
OQ Bonutlf ul lots on Dollrvuo ftrcct betwoo
* > the elJy nnd South Onutha , for faloonom
terms by ( ! co N. illcke , 215 fcouth 15tn a
Branch oClco Bcllovoe and U btreets. Sout
. W7 U
[ 7KAO till * Iplen-llil Itn.
- * - ' Ulbson , Aylosworth A , Bonlnraln ,
, , , 1512 Faruitm st. *
Jor5dn.vsonly wo offer the following
2 lots in llrlKgs phico front sou Humor nnd
i on K.irnnm. t
1 lot In Hnwthorno I'tKW. oor SM nnd Dnven-
iort , Oroom house , Ao , , prlcu $ . ) ,4 > J. llasy
Lot and house In Lowe's 1st aJd.WxlW , t\ \ , ' > ) .
ISO ft on St Mary's ave with 2 ti-room tiousos
pas and wntnr. will oubdlvldo MJ.OM.
\\nrohotisoorbuslncsaproporty In block lltt ,
? 4' > ,000. Kusy ti-rms.
Lot on Douglas itroot , 10x13 ? , with 0-ronni
lousn , J.'i.lOO.
Tull lot on Hedge strrut.n hou o , rent for
IfOv ) . PficofAIO. .
A room lioujoou N. llth St.goodcllatiil 013-
Wnntpd ; i eoo 1 bunlnejs lots.
Two or morn lots Itli traukaitp.
( llbson , Alesworth > Vllenjninln. .
1512 1'arnam ct.
| j10HSALi-OrTrnde : SIsottloiis of good
* land In Llujoln county. Neb . on 1T. P.
iillw ay. Call on or uddress Udell llros. \ Co ,
' > " } rarnam vt. ! )01 13
A P. Tl'KP.V , IS.'I 1'arnim Pt. , mnkes In-
% e'tments for non residents n specialty
wlthiruar.inteod Inturest or slwro ot protlls
and takes full charge of pionuityi iolurciK'0
3 > tl
ri UN AClinSof high , ljthtly land for mili > ,3'i
J. miles irom court bous , , fiW5 per acre.
'atteii > oii & Moore , Otmth i National tiiuik.
lf i
OL'lt LlSI'of lint-gains , liountz placel Sov-
oral lots at a bargain ,
lahn t,2"i feet lor . f PO )
Sauudeia st , ! l lots , each . 2,000
Saumlersiit.fHj aerns opposite Kount7o
place , 10th M.txUIRI . . t.tfXI
I'm limn i < t. corner , MX 12.1 . RO'l )
Karnamst.illols.caeli . ; it < W
l.owemo , east tiout . l,7f > 0
Vlrglnlaavo . 1'ttXl
Georgia ave , 75tl50 . 2 , W
Georgia ave . . . 2,5V )
Twenty sixth st , near Poppleton . 2'KH
racing on Park . , . 2,000
Hamilton ut , Orchnr.l Hill . l-i
Orehnrd Hill , 2 line lots , each . 72."i
1'rackago lots fiH\12ii . UV )
IrackUKulotsGOxllT . S.-'W
Leavenworthst , 111 feet corner . H.OUJ
lleslilmico Property.
Wo hnvo n largo list of rcsldoneo property In
till parts of the city nt \ ory low prices , btevotis
llros , 15IJ 1'arnam Bt. 775
* | 7UU SAlii--5 : rnom house llurdett 61 , prlco
J-1 * ll ( lNOOongli. ;
room house Claik st , prlco $ J.COJ ; J500
12 room house IPth st .prico JI.WO ; 11'ifln cnsh
Oroom houao Poppleton nvonuo , prlco SJ.OOOi
f 1.700 cash.
2J lei tt rent Ing on Douglas at , for $500 per
front foot.
2. leot Irontlng on S.umdcrs stf 125 per fiont
2 ndlomlnglota , 1 n corner , on Snundors at ,
prieu 1 1.050 per lot.
1 ol the bet lots In Orchard hill * T.O.
2 chonp IntH In South Omabn ; close to now
depot , price $500 per lot
10 acres for platting , ? hV ) per acre ,
CIO aero farm land ut North Platte , Neb. , J5
IGOaciofnrra land in Madison Co.S'Opor
ncro.W aero farm land In Plerco Co , Nob. , f 10 per
10) ) acres farm land In Webster Co. , Nob. , $20
per aero.
Will take horse and buggy In part payment ,
Wanted to rent a 10 or U loom house between
rarnnm and California and 17th and2Jlli , Hum
bam \Strlngor , 1518 Uodgo et. ! ! ? . ' >
BAHGAlNB-Wo advertise bargains only.
Hero are a fuw from 0111 largo list.
Lot 1C block 2 , Ambler Place , ! equmo from
street car line ; only tl.OOO.
MxlJOlt. beautiful east front In Hngan'R , sq.
from Bt oar , f'J.10) , $1,100 : big bargain.
fi largo bargains In Omalm View. Prices and
terms on application.
10 lots In Paddock Place ; flnp trneltago ; nt n
saerlllco. Hiniill cash , balnnco flvo yoais ,
l"i\K6 ft lu Parkers ; south front , U si ] , from
St. car. $1,000. A rare bargain.
South front in Patrick's , H sq. from St. car ;
onlv f 1M)0. ) Kasy terms.
22x120 ft next to corner of 14th nnd Daven
port for only 15,000 , $2,000 cnsh. A regular
1'ino residence lots nnd homos In Ivountzo
Place , Hansrom Place ami Kilby Plnco.
" lots south anil east corner , 110x1:1ft. : . , lint a
ftqunro from I < eavonworth St. , in I'armoiitor
Place , all torft.OOO ; stf,00 , cash.
A corner on Uodgo 6t for J5.700 , with ( our cot-
tngos , blinking a rent equal to about 15 per
emit on Investment ,
r'A bargain In South Omaha proper requiring
$4,000 cash ; icntlng at J1GO per month. fh.OJO-
A few good lots loft In Portland Place , 1-5
cnsh ; f 550 to f 00.
Wbon not otherwise stated , above call for
About 1-n cnah , balance onsy. Carriage at your
disposal to see tlio-'O any time.
Wo make a specialty of bargains , nnd nnyono
wishing to turn quick will do well to list with
lit * .
Parrott .t Williamson , up Btnlrs , a. w. corner
14th and Douglas , _ ttil 12
"VTI-BHASIvA LAND Seven Omalm Insldo
-L > lots to trndo for unlneumberoil Nob. land.
Itiibh Jl Selby , 1521 Varnain si. 2'J'J '
SELECTS , are thn carefully lutoil bargains
liuntcd down by Cuko & Billings. Our Bum-
plo case :
118x110 ft on Ifltu street for 15,600 , part 1 and 2
4 lots , Meyers A. Tlldon's add , cnsh needed only
Homo lot In Plalnviow , only takes , cash , fVM.
Picked lu Sheridan I'lnco.only 5l'J03 for S1.53J
Slots with 2 houses , , ! . T. Hedlek's eub , only
blooK Irom stieot oir line , 10JX12-J ft ou 2
streets , big money hero for you.
Ilenuty of Ilnrtlctt , fruit trees , flno view ,
only fl.&OO oash needed.
Cheapest South Omnhn stuff on the market
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and Pith , and
we'll make It pleasant and profitable for you.
GBEGOKY Omaha Kcul I'.stato Exchange ,
Booms 1 and 3. 3.O South nth st.
Omaha View , Stalest fronts for ( 1,0)0 )
Pairmotint place , Mxl21 , corner- * li'.V )
Fnlrmount place 46x1.3) , corner ! , ; ! ) )
West Side Loa\onworth Bt fronts 1,000
West Side , East ave fronts 775
Thoi nburg place 100x130 , oornor 1,501
Thornburg pl'ico , fine ea l front 8iH
Cntnlpn jilaooWxllH , corner 1tVl
Tabor place elegant lot 47x155 , l.GOQ
Loavonworth terrace lit ft on Leaven-
worth n.OOO
Leavenwoithterrace , 102x114 trackage . 'VIOC '
West Omaha , 110x132 east and so front . , 3,500
West Omaha , 5SvI5'i cast and north front. 2,101
Hedfoid place 100xl2S corner 1.700
Bedford place50x123 couth front M ) )
Prospect place 51ft corner on giado . . . . 1,8V ]
Prospect place double front Hamilton st 2,50J
Cheap homos tor all.
Gicgory& Iladloy. 912
S 1PIUNG Our new nldltlon.
AoreHllWto VJ ) per aor .
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcnto HIM.
778 1WJ Karnain.
Lafayette Park ,
Lafayette Park.
Lafayette Park
Lot In Aimstrone'aiM I " ,10
Lot 1 ! ) Burr Ouk i.wii
Lot 111 bloi-k 1 , Bedford Place m
Iloimoaml lot Ilixltorcl Pluod M
OlotsCllfton Hill ( all ) 1M
Lot i block 1 Hartford Place M )
C lots Hailnm I.HIIB 27
10 lots Highland Park t'-Vlto av
4 lots Ilii'Uhorno tl,4'Ktn ) 1.5V
10 lots Park Pluoo tl.liUOto Sm
House and laigo lot Park Plnco
House and lot Park Piiuo I.MII
House and lot Park Pluco SVI
lliixlTH'ark Pluco n.nti
HIf 0 Park Place ; > | < ( )
3 lols Hoffman Torraoo oath 40
Lot In Isaacs * Foldein 2,5'X
2 lots KciiiIiiM's add both I.XV
I/ita in Arnold Park j M to f > 0
7Jxl25 Mnyno Pluco 4 0
"acre ? Cote Brilliant both l o
IBxH ) corner Orchard Hill 1 , V
Knst Iront Omaha View \TII \
a lots 40il32 Patilck's ndd each 1.7"
N W cor Dodge iin.l l 'tli , 61x115 'iM >
Mil,1)1 * rarnam Btn-ct , Improveu icvi
5 lots KcKiirvnlr mill rach 1,2' >
Lot ! i block K , Humidors & IllinobiiUKii . Mi
Lot 1 Vim ileiircm Ploco ir ,
Cor 17lh A Center , wuiw ) . 4o (
Ixit 7 Washington Saimro UJj )
Lots 4 and A block H Walnut Hill , . . . ' . . l.Oi
fiaoresCoto lltlllluntu 2,0d
> AECK !
ri'j : 1'ASIK !
Douglas i
14th Sti
ly Investing in the following bargains In real
estate ottered by
loom 20 , Kichimts' Itlock , Lincoln , Nob.
A line M ) acres adjoining Touialln > new town
f Hardock , hori ! the II. \ M , H It. nro about
i locate txtrnMve shop < , and near the Wos-
oyiin unl\irsity Mte , f.'W per aero.
An M ) adjoining the toek jardu , and near the
nicking IIIIIKOcry hUh nnd oomnmudlnir a
Inn \ luw of the rlly , SAJJ per acre.
Al o nn elegant M nrrr < noivr the Anylum ,
outhi\c t of the city , within one-fourth tullit
of proposed tt rout car terminus leading to
jvluiii , fJOO per aoro.
The u three t mot * nro offered nt the o low
liruros for a fnw ilii } " . They are all available
or platting , and cpt'Ctntois cnu double their
noni-y in them n * rn y turning o\or jour
mud , Correspondeneo InvltnL
1707 Olive St , St. Louis ? Io.
1712 Lawrence St , Denver , Colorado ,
Jf the Misnonil Stale Mtiieum of Anatomy ,
5t. Loui , Mo. , University College IIoip- !
al , London , Gie cn , Germany nnd New
York. Having devoted their attention
Uervons , Chronic and
More especially those arising from impat
ience , unite nil BO suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely nnd speedily with
out detention from business , and without
he use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tents whose cases h.ive been neglected ,
jadly treated or pronounced incninblc ,
should not fail to wrile us concerning their
symptoms. All letters tcceive immediate
And will be mailed IRRI2 to any address
on icccipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Dbscrv.Uions on Ncnous Debility and
1'hysical Exhaustion , " tohich is added an
U > . ! > ay on Marriage , " \\ith important chap-
lers on Diseases ol" ihu Ucpiodtictivc Or-
; .ms , the whole forming a valuable medical
realise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Dciner , Colorado.
1707 Olive St .St. Louis. Mo.
The only road to take for Dos Molnes M nr-
chnlltown. Cedar Baplils , Cllaton , Dlxon , Chica
go , Milwaukee and all points oast. To the poo-
tile of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Otah.
Idaho , Nevndn , Oreiton , Washington nnd Cali
fornia , It ofTm-s superior advantages not possi
ble by any other lino.
Among B few of the numerous point * of su
periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road
between Omaha and < lilcftKO. are its two trains
ndny ofDAYCOACIin ? , which are the ( limit
that humnn nrt and Ingenuity can create. Iti
PALACE BLEBPINO CAHH , which nro models
of comfort nnd elegance. Its PAHLOIl DHAW.
ING KOOM CARS , utiRiirpNflsod by any. and Ita
widely oolebrntod PALATIAL DINING CA1W
the equal of which cannot b found elsewhere
At Council lllulfs the trains ol the Union Paolfla
By. connect in Union Depot with those of the
Chicago \-NoithwcBtnni Ity. In Chicago the
tritlna ofthls Hue make close connection with
those of all eastern Hues.
For Dotiolt , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , llntfulo , I'll tabu rg .Toronto ,
Montreal , Boston , No- YorK , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington nnd all points m th
onst , ash for a ticket via the
If you wish the best ncoommodatlon. All ticket
agents sell tlrkctB via this line.
UenL Mnnaer , Oonl. Past'r Agent
Chicago , 111.
Western Agent , City Pou'r Agent.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $280,000
Surplub . 40,000
Ii. W. Yatns , President.
A. E. Tou/alin. Vine President.
W. U. S. Hughes , Cashlec.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
U. W . Yates , Lewis S. Heod.
A. E. Touzalin.
Cor IL'th nnd Sti.
A Ufc-.ioral Banlzintr liusmcaa Trans.iRtod.
Members New Vork Stock Krchango.
Gainr and Provisions.
XUi Clnrk Ki-cct , Chicago.
( ( IrundPacinoItotel )
Private wire to New York.
Correspondence luvltod by tn8.ll or telegraph
CAPITAL , . . . $400OOO
Accounts of Banks , Bankers and Corjio-
rations solicited.
Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are
excellent nnd we re-discount for banks
when balances warrant it
Uoston U a Reserve City , nnd balances
with tis frombanVtnot ( located in other He-
serve Cities ; count as reserve.
We draw our own Exchange on London
and the Continent , and make Cable trans
fers and place money by telegraph through
out the United States and Canada.
Government lionds bought and sold , and
Exchanges in Washington made for Banks
\\ilhout extra charge.
We have a market for prime first-cla"
Investment Securities , and invite proposals
Irom State * , Counties and Cities when Is
suing bonds.
We do a general Banking business , and
invite correspondence.
ASA P. POTTER , Prciidcnt.
JOS. W. WORK , Cashier.
" "M nuuuiiai LK
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kountzc , President ,
John A. Cfelghton , Vice-Presldenl ,
Ft H. Davis , Cashier.
W , H , Me uler , Asjt.-Cashiert