TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY MA * 11. 1887. WHEAT FIRM AND IHGIIER , An Anticipated Decline Checked By the Buying By Clique Houses. DECIDED ACTIVITY IN OATS. \ Weak mid Unsettled. Fccllnij In Bliort Hlbs and Imrcl-The Oat- tlo Market Very Slow Hogs Dull CHICAGO ruonucE MAHKKT. CHICAGO , May 10. [ Special Telegram to the Ui.J : Wheat was Iliiner and higher to day. The local crowd expected a decline yesterday , and ns the bulls wore not In the pit. It stuck down to & 5c for June and S4c for July. The same clast of traders expected an additional break to-day , but It did not cotno. The clique appears to have peKBed the lead ing future at a'c , and they ere found In the pit to-day ready to buy freely nt that price. This changed the tonu of the market and those who had bold short anticipating a decline began to cower. An advance of JjC on leading futures followed. Juno opened at t5Vc , reached S.l c and afterwards sold Slightly under. July opened at BIXc , reached 84 % then sold ) { ® } { K under. August and September opened abreast of KJJ c , ad vanced very nearly together to b'Zc , but toward the close September sold at J c pre mium over August , with trading but moder ately active. Oats were decidedly nctlvo and prices ad vanced from KC to J c. Juno reached 2So ; July opened at 2SJ4'c and closed at U fc ; August opened at 2Gu and clo : > ed at 20c. Short ribs and liird were fairly active dur ing the greater part of the session , but a weak nnil unsettled feeling prevailed and prlcea averaged lower. Tno decline- was the result of free liquidation uy disgusted hold ers. ers.AKTF.iiNooNSr. < loN. Wheat was strnnepr. June sold from KS c to WM ! > r > ; < p. closing at b59fo bid ; ,1 uly sold at b4c to ljf r 3 \u \ , , closliu at lare old ; August sold at stf aVc. closing at bt : ; < . Corn wnsnrm.J unu sold ntK ! J < o a little at tlm extremes. closing at 10 ® t , July sold at Hr' < 41 4''c , closing at 41ll'c ( ; Aticnst sold at 42" < e. and at onu time I2cMIS , ! bid ; May closed about 3S5 < c. O.vls wcin higher. May was about 27c , Juno bold at'JV 'iiVi1. closed nt afcflMS c bid ; July sold at S om-jjfc on the split , and nt 28J < c , closing at "sjic. 1'ork remained nominally at Slil. 10 for May and .Mine , hard averaged 8fc ! higher and closed at SC.77'a' for Mav , ? fi.W for Jiini' . SO.NU , tor July , and $ .V % tar August. Short ribs \\eio advanced fin und closed nominally : S7.35 for Mav , and hrmlv at S7.42J-5 tor June , 57.5 % lor July and S . ? JK for August. Oil IOAGO IIVK STOCK. , May 10. ( Special Telegram to thu lir. ) : . | CATII.B--AS compared with Monday there was lltMu or no change In prices , but business was slow and dragging trom lirst to last , tlui market on fat cattle closing weak , with soveial lots In thu hands of commission men. As hits been the case for thu past month or so , nice , handy 10.10 to 1150 Ib steers , or those averadni : up to 12.V ) lb. = , had thu uieference , but bii ; steers of 1 00 to KOJ Ibs were not wanted , Tlicru were two consignments of stlllers on bain that Mild forSI. 0.uid S 1.0.5 , or about 3UO per 100 lower than this time lust year. There were sixty loads nt Texans among the tresh re ceipts , nil ot which sold at about the same prices as last week. The best grades of cows anil heifers , such as the city t > hop trade utilize , are scarce , old cows nnd common canning stuck selling at very low prices. Thu stocker ami feeder trade remains dull. Veal calves continue to sell "cheap as dlit. " Shlpplne steers , 13'0 to 1MO Ibs. JH.W < < ei.ltO ; 1200 to 13.VJ Ibs S1.40@l.bO ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , Sl.10fil.fiO : stockers and feeders , S2UO ( < ? 4.15 ; cows , bulls und mixed , § 2.00u ( ! 4.H ) ; bulk , S3.OOCi3.20 ; lop-fed steers , 84.25 45 ; Texas > rrassors , 8i.75(73.03 ( ! ; corn-fed , ilo.s ( Trade was dull from the oponincr to the close , with n down turn of fully 5c , mak ing n decline of 10@15c for the week so far. Itnimh nnd common mixed mav bo quoted at $4.K ! ; < ! i5.10 ; fair to good mixed , S5.10ia5.25 ; best heaw and fancy assorted butchers' pigs , 55 80(35. ( ! 5 , a few making 55.40 ; light sorts Defected , with Yorkers at 5.00(35.10. ( FINANCIAL. NEW Yoitic , May 10. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.I STOCKS. The stock market was ngan dull but very strong. Trading was very Hunt , nnd about the only feature no ticeable was the marked Indisposition of operators to put out lines of short stocks. The buying , It was claimed , was by the best kind of people , nnd the fact that ever ) ( him ; on the list made some gain afforded evidence that a bull feeling was again In the ascend ant. Thu strongest talk was In legaid to high-priced stocks , like Pullman , liurllng ton , and Northwestern. It was announced on seml-ofllclal authority that Pullman would earn for the current liscal year 20 per cent on its stock. Burlington , it was said , was al ready earning 13 per cent on Its entire cap italisation of 8150,000,000. Fort Worth A Denver was rather erratic , but as It has como to be understood that this stock Is completely In the hands of manipulators , Its movements attract little attention. Heading nnd New England were quite active , nnd tlio point was out tliat tlio buying was by the same people ple who manipulated the advance In these stocks some weeks apo. There was some buying ot Kust Tennessee on the report of a dividend on the preferred , which , It Is thought , will bo declauul this summer. It was also reported that the I'.ast Tennessee securities had been listed on the London Block exchange. At noon the market was veiy dull nnd quiet , but prices were nil higher than they were at the opening. The sales to noon weie 70,000 share' . The fcaturo of the later dealings was an advance In nil the Investment stocks. Pullman advanced 1' per cent. Burlington , Hock Island nnd Northwestern preferred were all active and higher. The Vandcrbllts moved up a frac tion , but were Inconly moderate demand. A blx western operator was quoted ns saying that the Inter-state commerce law Insured an Increaso.ln earnings on all the big railroad systems of several million dollars j early. The lunrket closed very strong at the best prices of the day. The total sales were about 200.000 shores. UovKits'MK.NTS Government bonds were dull but lirm. VKSTCBDAY'S QUOTATIONS. U.S. ' 8 100 ic. AN. W 122,14 U. S. 4'scoupon. 120 I do preferred..150 II. S. 4K'scoup .110VN. V. 0 112 > { Pacific ts ot ' 16. . 125f O. K. A N 102 CntindaSouth'n. . 02 ! , , O. T. 33 Central Pucllle. . 40) ) < J PacillcMall 65V ChlcagoAAlton.140 P. , U. & K 35' ? do preferred..100 Pullman Pol.Car.LVJ C. B. A O > , 14 ! Heading. 45 * . . . * * * _ _ * v utiT vifvt „ it i n. ; . , L. A W W7' , ; Hock Island 1) . AH.0 31'YSt US. K. . . . f MONKV o.v CAix-Easy at 3K ® per cent last loan 0 ; closed offered at 5 per cent PUIMK MEIICANTILK PAI-KII 5 } c > pei cent. STKKMXO ExniANOK Dull but steadi * t S4.W X for sixty day bills , 84.67 to demand. MAKKKT. Chlcaico. May JO. Kollowlnic quota tloiis aiuthu 2 ; 30 closing lieures ; Vlour Steady and unchanged : wlntei A heat Hour , 84/iVcN.SO : souttiern , 84.10g4.'JO ( Wisconsin. 11.2004.80 : Michigan eoJ Biiriui ; \ > lieat 5a.70M.80 : Minnesota bakers Jf.t7u < ; < * 4.w : ; patents , 84.5034.80 : low erades * l.t < 4'ATO : rye Hour , quiet ft ( 33.25G3.40 ; 11 tacks and barrels , Si.iU70. : Wheat-Dull , but strong and higher ; mar Vet oix > ned from same tojk'o above y sterda' and closed VT < ? c biglier ; cash , 83 fc ; June , MJ.e ; July , M 15-1 fa. Corn 0 | > cnod about yesterday's close , was lit in and closed LOJYc lilt'litr ; cash , 3b c ; June , 40 1KVJuly ; , . Oats HlL-lier with consldcralilo activity ; casli , yc ; June , W' c ; July , 2SJ c. ] { yo ( Julet at We. liarlcy Nominal atfiTc. Timothy Seed-Prlnif , 51.73(31.75. ( FlaxSecd-SKOS. Wnlskv-SUO. Pork Quiet , steady and unchanged ; cash and June , $ \A'i. \ . , . , I.ard-Heccded 7'VS10c ( , later ruled steady and closed quiet ; cash , S0.7JH ; June , ; July , 50.05. . . Hulk Meats-Shoulders. S5.r..VjU70 ; short clear , S7.75.17.N ( ) ; short ribs , 87.40. Iliittcr Steady anil easier ; creamery , ii > 4 621Hc ; dairy , ir ( < ui > c. Uliccso Steady ; lull cream Cheddars , 11 ( ftl'Jc ; llittt , iaiiW > { c ; young AmericasK C'tK'c ' ; skims , aajsc. Eirjcs-Slcatly at lOJ llc. Hldos-Unchaniedlieav.vgrpcn ; ; salted 7' o ; llithtdo , 7frf ' c ; salted bull hides , Co ; Rreeii salted calf , t > c' ; dry Hint , l ( < ? 13c : dry calf , iafil4c ; deaoona , 40ceacli ; dry salted , lOe. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4c ; Mo 2,3jfc ; cake , 4'fc. HecoInK Shipments. Flour , bbls . Ul.O ( ) H.OOO Wheat , bu . JM.OuO 174.000 Corn , bu . M.OOO 187.000 Oats , bu . 101,000 23',000 Uye.btl . y,000 . IJarley , bu . lo.OOO C.OOO St. Louis. May 10. Wheat Higher ; cash , t\ \ June , KJU'c. cash , CC37Kc ; June , . Oats-Firm ; cash , 'J8.V(5i2SJic ( ; Juno , 28c. Pork Dull : new , S Hi. 00. Lard-Nominal at SO.fWK. \Vhlsky-Slo : dy at gl.Oo. Hutter Kasy : eruauiery , 15Q21c ; dairy , 14 . Attcrnoon Hoard Wheat Stronc and hlKlier ; Xo. 2 red , cash. KiKe ; .Inly , 81Ji@ Wo ; AiiL'tist , M ) ; 81J < ic. Com Firm. Oats bteady. Kansas City. May 10. Wheat StrniiRer ; No. B red. cash , TU'sc bid , 7c ! asked ; June , 74c ; July , 75c bid , 7Vc , asked. Coi a Hiulier ; No. 'J , cash , MgW e ; June , 31 } f c bld.Jfi fc ( a kcd ; J uly , We hid.asjf o asked. Oats No ( iitititlons. Mv rpoolMay 10 Wheat-Quiet de mand fair and holders olh-r inodtr.ttulv ; reii \Nustern spring , 7s ' 'dg's oil per cental ; do winter , 7s IdOTsfid oer cental. Corn Firm and demand lair ; new mixed western , 43d per cental , Now ( Jrlcnns , .May 10. Corn Strom ? an hiulicr ; mixed , nic ; yellow , .We ; white , fw ® 54 c. c.O.its Steady at " , < iim c. Cam Meal Fair demand and higher at S2.3Tj ( < t2.IO. Hoi : Products Unsettled and generally lower. Now Vork. May 10. Wheat Receipts , 132,000 ; oxnorts , 1 ( ,000 ; spot Kf ? iO and options J < @l'jc. ; hluhcr , most inaiked on late , elusliiK btronit at about best rates ; ungraded led , WMdiOUc ; No. 8 icd , OHOMljje- : No. 1 red. Ob'ft ; No. ' . ' , ltt > @yr ? ( c in storu and elevator , trXij'J7J4c ( delivered , OOQ'JO c tree on board. Corn Heceipts , 23,000 : exports , 32,000 ; spot lirm and options 1@i4e higher , clos ing lirm : ungraded , 48'it50c ( ( ; .No. 2 , 48' c In elevator. 4U@4li'fc ' to arrive , 4'J'.fc ' deliv ered , 4',1'i'e ' ' tree on board , 50c for old dollv- eicd ; June closing nt4V c. Oats WeaU ; receipts , Stt.OOO ; exports , none ; mixed western , 35Q37c ; white western , S3b ( < 9 41e. Petroleum Steady ; United , ( ViJ/e. Pork Steudy , with moderate Inquiry. hard Firm ; western steam , spot , Cheese tiulet anil weak. liutter Dull and easier. Kggs Qulot nnd weak ; western , ll'i < 3 12c. Milwaukee. Mav 10. Wheat Strong ; cash , 8J > fc ; Jun , b3c ! ; July , 84 , ' c. Corn Sti oniier ; No. 3 , 40c. Oats Firm : No. 2 white , 3IKc. Hjo-DullNo. ; 1 , 5 c. Barley Kasy ; No , 2 , 55c. Provisions Easier ; pork , May , S15.00. Cincinnati , May 10. Wheat .Firm ; No. 2 red , b5c. Corn In good demand ; Xo. 2 mixed , Oats Kaslor ; No. 2 mixed , Me. Hyo-ln fair demand ; No. 2 , frl ( < lG5c , Pork-Dull at 810.00. Lard Weak and lower at SO. 70. WhisKy Active- and lirm at 61.05. Minneapolis. May 10. Wheat Hathcr and steady ; No. 1 hard and May ; 7he 3ulet , bo ; ' c July , 82c : No. 1 northern , May , . . , . - . . June , 7b > c ; July , bOc ; No. 2 northern May , 75 } c ; June , 7Gc : July , iytc. On track No. 1 hard , 7l Xc ; No. 1 northern , 78 o ; July. 70c. Flour Firm ; patents , 54.40CHGO ; bak ers' , S3.50Q3.70. Hecelnts Wheat. 60,250 bu. Shipments Wheat , 0,000 bu ; Hour , 17,000 bbls. IjlVK STOCK. Chicago. May 10. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle-Hccelpts , 7,000 ; n shade stronger ; shipping steers , S4.10@4.1K ) ; stockers and feeder * . 82.00@4.15 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , S2.00@4.00 ; bulk , S3.00@3.20 ; Texas cattle , S2.75@l.40. Hogs Receipts , 12.000 ; weak and a shade lower ; rough and mixed , SI.DO@5.25 ; naek- Ing and shipping. Jt5.20Q5.45 ; light , S4.05 ® 5.20 ; skips. S3.00 ( < i4.rO. Sheen Heceipts , 4,000 ; steady : shorn na tives , S5.00C4.35 ! ; western , 83.0,5 4.15 ; Texans - ans , 82.50 < R:5.75 : ; wooled natives , S4.00@5.10 ; lambs , 95.00( ( Thu Drovers'.lournal's special cablegram from London quotes that cattle market dull nnd weak , but nt .Bteady prices , llc per Ib. dressed. Niitioii ! > l Stock YartlB. Kant Ht. ljf > uin , III. , May I0.-Cattle-Hecolpts , 1,500 ; shipments , 200 ; steady ; choice heavy nn- tlvo steers , g4.Vi@,5.00 ( ; fair to gooa ship ping steers , 84.00aM. ( < > 0 ; butchers' steers , ialr to choice. S3GO ( < t4.40 ; feeders , fair to u-ood , 83.20CJ4.10 ; etockers , fair to good , 83.20(33.2.5 ( , Hogs Heceipts , 5,000 ; shipments , fiOO ; dull nnd lower : choice heavy and butchers' se lections , S5.25@5.35 ; packing , fair to good , J$5.105.33 ; Yorkers , medium to prime. 84.1)0 ) (35.0.5 ( ; pigs , common to good , S4.2j4.75. Kanaaa City , May 10. Cattle Heceipts. 2,000 ; shipments , btof light weltits lirm s < id others steady ; common to choice shipping , 8i.H4.45 : ) ; stockers , S2.fiO5.25 ; feeding steers , S3. : @ 3.9,5 ; ciws , 5'J.'i5@3.80. lloirs Heceipts , 12,000 ; shipments , none ; market opened weak and 5c lower , closing weak nnd 5c lower ; common to choice , 84.05 @ 5.55 ; skips and pigs , 82.50Q4.40. OMAHA MVK STOCK. Tuesday , May ! 10. Cattle. The run of cattle was the same to-day as yesterday. The market was slow and drag ging at a decline of about lOc. There was about a thousand head left over. A coed many of the cattle that changed hands were not sold until late In the afternoon. Hoga. The receipts of hogs were moro than double what they were yesterday. The .market opened a shade lower and was fairly active on good heavy hogs. Light nnd light mixed were neglected. The heavy hogs wnro sold out , mostly early in the day nnd although a lew loads sold as high as anything yesterday there were not as many that brought that prlco. Light hogs were dragging nil day and the market closed weak with nine loads left over. Slioop. There vas one small bunch In , which sold. Receipts. Cattle l.COO Hogs : see , ; : Sheep 95 Prevailing Price * . Showing the prevailing priced paid for live- slock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..84.30(34.40. ( Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.15344.25 Knt little steer WO to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.fiOCU5 Extra choice cows and heifers. . . . 3.50to3.75 ( ! oed to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.15 3.40 Common to medium cows 3.00(23.10 ( Hood to choice bulls 2.50M3.2.5 Light and mediumhoiM 4.7.W4.S5 Oood to choice heavy hogs 4.U5M5.0.5 (5ood to choice mixed hogs 4.bOrtM.U.5 Choice Mieop , 90 to 120 Ibs 3.15&3.75 Kcpresentnuve Bales. BTKEllS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. rt. SS5..1007 83.U5 18 . . .1205 5..1078 3.0.5 14..1115 4.SO ao. . . . i o aft5 a..ino 2. . . . 1240 4.00 ! , . . . 13S5 4.KO 1..12.-O 4.00 12..1258 4.0 ! 10. . . . U 4.10 74..llftS 4.50 ! r' 17..11SS 4.10 as..1338 4.SO r'M 18. . . . VJT ! ' 4.15 . 70..1337 , 4.35 SIIEKI * . Xo. Av. Pr. UJ. . .102 S3.G.J irons. Xo. Av. Shk. Pr. Xo. Av. Hhk. Pr. - 200 f4.7.-I : ,2. . . .230 200 S4. ! . - | 07..208 200 4.SO 7J..2t7 : 200 4.IO 7.201 ! ! 200 4,80 57..240 40 4.Ci ! 04..22' ' ) 120 4.bO 71..223 40 4.1'5 ' C',207 ' ) 100 4.W 7i..242 : 40 4.1O 75..2.-.I 200 4.isi 0 . . . .2i7 4.05 72..227 100 4.M 03..223 40 4.05 75 . . .22t 120 4.b7 04..2.M 120 4.H7K 71.'i ! { 120 4.K ! ) 02..2H4 120 5.00 72..2H M ) 4.K1 ( 05..205 40 fi.OO OO..a- 120 4.K ( ) 70..21)0 ) 100 5.00 05 . . .231 100 4.W ) 02..234 N ) n.OO 74..221 240 4.PO 6'J..20fl 80 5.00 03.4 40 4.1O 07..205 ! MO 5.00 Ml..247 W 4.02 } < 71..SKI ICO 5.00 55..241 bO 4.CJk ! 05..257 40 5.00 70..210 80 4.0.J O'.l..20fl 40 5.0 : > OG..255 ire 4.05 77..247 40 5.05 .W . . .2IKI 4.05 M..y. 100 5.05 05..242 100 4.05 04..203 120 5.05 Iilvc Stock Sold. Showing the number of cuttle and lions bought by the leading buyers on to-day's market : lions. Anirlo-Amerlcan Packing Co 1,003 C. 11. Hammond A ; Co 47 ! T. J. Upton ! 5b2 Total 2,51(1 ( Left over OUO CATTI.K. (5. ( II. Hammond 4Vs Co 2 : , Clarki ! lltos 154 Kau liros 101 llatrls it FMier 0 lllini.sidi-A C 7S C. 1) . Wilson 42 hocal CO Total 7 : > 2 Lofto\er 1CCO , Shipment1 * . Showing the nuinb.'r of eittle , lings and sheepshipp.'d Irom the vards during tnu diy. C ATI'I.E. Kt. Dpst. 21 N.W Chicago 40 C. . AQ : Chicago 12 Mil Chicago 8 U. I Chicago IlOdS. 1 C. H. k ( } Chicago All sales of stock tn tins market are made percwt. llvo wolzht unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at I'g'c per Ib. for all weight * . "Slclns"orho0's weUhlnir less than 10Jn \ ( , novaluo. I'riignant sows are docked 40 IDs. andstagdSJ Ibs , by thu nubile iuspuctor. Tjlvc Stock Notc . Cattle lower. Hogs close weak. Heavy run of hogs. J lght hogs ne.lected. Lookout lor light hogs. Xlne loads of hoes left over. 11. H. Lyinan , 1'ender , came In with a load ol lioirs. Lnwls Uutlor , Carrel , Xeb. , was herewith cattle. 25 loads ot stale receipts of cattle on the market. C. U. Wilson. Ulyses , Mob. , was In with five loads of cattle. J. 1C. Hunt , the Papillion feeder , was in wltti cattln and hogs. A. F. Xlhart. Hlalng.s , was at the yards and marketed a load of hogs. W. WeyantJr , , ( Sermantown , was in with a load of cattle und a of hogs. Clarke liros. , Albion , came in with six loads ot eattle , their own feeding. E. ( i. West. Gothenburg , came in late with a car of hogs and two curs of cattle. C. U. Clark , ropre ntlng George Adams it liurku , In the south-\ > t , was hcie. Mr. ( tuthrle , of Gnthric it Oskainp , Clarks Xeb. , was In with four loads ot cattle. Air. Peters , Xickerson , Xeb. , canio In with t\\o loads of cattle , which sold on the market. J. T. Anderson. Albion , was at the yards , with six load ot good tat cattle , his own feeding. Sam CotTman of Coffman it Conk I'm , Lin coln , was In with four loads of cattle of his own feedlifg. F. Trokoll came in with a load of cattle and a load of hogs Irom Firth , Xeb. , the property of J. J. 11 run is. Since Llpton bought the dead hogs at Ic. cor Ib. the Union 1'acking company have been paying l'jc. C. 1) . Moore , a genial live stock shipper from Harvard , was In and marketed four loads of corn fed steers. T. F. Poinphfov , Friend , came in with 74 dead of corn ted steers which areiagcil 110. ' Ibs. and sold forS4.UO. O. W. Pendarvis , who fed the cattle came in with them. OMAHA WHOhKSALE MARKETS General Produce. Tuesday , May 10. 37ic/'olJoi iiia price ? nrej'or round loti of produce , < is soiu on tne truirkct to-aiiy. Eons The receipts are light and the mar kct Is higher , thu bulk moving at lie. HUTTIII-There : is an occasional package of fancy butter that sells above the quotations given below. Chlco countrv , 14@10o ; fair to coed , lo@l2c : common , r < ; ic. CHEESE Full cream cheddars.slngle , full cream Hats , twins , 14Kc ; Young Ameri cas. 15c ; fancy Swiss , 18o ; Swiss. Im ported. 25c ; Llmburger. 14c : brick. 15 ® lOc. LIVK Potij.THY Chickens , S3.00ii 3.25. Poui.TiiY Chickens , * 3.25@n.50. GAMI : Ducks , mallard , per doS200@ per doS1.21 , nlo\et 6ic. POTATOES Home grown , small lots , from store , 70TibOc ( ; new potatoes , per bbl , 84.5C sweet Jerseys , 85.50 ; sweet southern queen per bbl , 85.00. UxtoxsT-Old onions , per bbl , S4.50@5.00 ; r.ew southern , tier bbl , S5.00 , CAIIHAOK There is very little on the market. Now California stock sells AiTi.Ks The market is bare and there Is no stock nf any account. NEW VEOKTAUI.K.S Spinach , per bbl , S1.251.50 : top onions , per dozen bunches , 20 < Jt2oc ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 25fti30c ; lettuce , 35@(0c ( ; pie plant , per Ib , 2 > $ c ; Home grown asvagus , per doz , GOc ; cucumbers. per do/en , 05' < t75c. BRANS inferior stock.75CtSl.00 ; good clean country , SLOO l-M ; medium , hand picked , 8MO@1.50 ; hand nicked , navy. Plummets Ham , 12Mc ; breakfast bacon , rib. 10' c : breakfast bacon , plain , lie : dry salt sides , 8W@sj/c : dried beef , regular. 10 tana , uiiuauiin , l/h , J-1 5c : 3-lb cans. Fairbanks. . . LKMONS Messina , choice , per box , 84.50 @ .00. California , Los Angeles , per box , 3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , 83.5008 3.75 ; Messina imperial , fancy , 5.50 ; San Gabriel , nlni.'Ii ) box lots , $3.00 ; San Gabriel , 5 box lots , 82.85. UTIIAWIIKIIIIIKS The receipts are liberal and the market lower. Choice stock , per case , 85.00. BANANAS Largebunches , per bunch , 83.50 General Haricots. \AiixisiiES-Batrels. per gallon ; furni ture. extra , 51.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 1.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.30 ; Ua- mar , extra , $1.75 ; Japan , 70o ; , asphaltura , extra 85c : shellac , 18.50 ; bard oil taniih , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt 4o ; nmoer. raw. 4c ; sienna , burnt , ic ; ilenna. raw. 4c ; Paris green. Kenulne. ' c. parln Kreen. com- mon.,2 * " rhromeureep. . N. y. . UOc ; Termlllion American. IN : : inatan raw and buint umber , 1 Q > cans , i2c ; raw and burnt sienna , lie : Vandyke brown , ISet r - tiued lampblacX l3t coacU black and iyory blact. 10c ; rtrop black tCc : Pru sian biiio , 40c : ultramarine black. iSc ; chrome creen.I * . M. * I ) . . 10c ; bllrtd and shutter green. L. . M. * D , , loc ; Paris erecn , lc ; Indian red , I5c ; Venetian red , w ; rtwcan. 22c ; American vennllllon. L. .V I ) . , SOc : yellow ochre. 2o ; L. M. tt O. 1) . . 1 0 ! coed ocliro. iCe : tiatin ) dryer , 8ceMlnlnic ; color , light oak , darkowk , walnut chestnut and ash. i-Jc- . , UituosAXD HKMioAt.1' . Ao < l carbolic , ri'cacid tartartc , Me ; balsam copaiba , per tt , f > 0c ; bark ssssafras. per ft , lOc ; calomel , per tt , 78c , ehlnciionldta. per o40c : chloro form , per tb , f,0d ; Uovcr's powders , per rt > , 81.25epsom ; Salts. , per a , SKc ; Blycorliio , pure , per Ib. Joe1 'ead. ' acetate. Per ft. 2ic ; oil , castor , > o. i. per gui. , 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , sMOjoil olive , pergnl. , 81.40 ; oil orlirannuiu , 50o ; opium , 81.50 ; quinine. P. A W. and K. * S , , per oz. 70c ; potassium Iodide , per ft. 8 WO ; sallcln. per oz. 40c ; sul phate niorDhlne , per ot. Si. 5 ; sulPhur. nor to.4c : strychnine ccroz. I'AIXTS ix On , Whltoiead. Omana.P P. , O'c ' ; whltfl lead , St. Loubj. pure , .c . ; Mar seilles , gremi. I Ib cans. 2c ; Kronen zinc , creen seal , 12c ; French , zinc , red seal. Uc ; French zinc. In varnish i < t. 200 : Kenclt zinc.75c ; vennllllon , Knirllsh , In oil , 75c , red , lOc : rose plnn. 14o ; Venetian red , Cook- son's , 2 e ; Venetian red , American , l e ; red lead , 7Kc : chrome yellow , genuine , v > oc ; chrome yellow , K , 12c : ochre , rochollo. 3c ; ochre , trencli , 2'fc : ochre , American , IWc ; Winter's mineral , 2i P ; lA'tilgh blown , 2Mc ; Spanish brown , 2Hc ; Prince's mineral , 3c HIDES Oreon butchers. SJ igCc ; green cured. 7c : dry Hint , llf i''c ; drv salt , OiaiOc ; urcen . ealf skills , , be ; damaged I ides , two-thirds price Tallow 'itfe Grease Prime yellow. 2 c ; brown , 2c. bheeu 1'elts. 250J7&C. SJPIBITS Colou'uo spirits. 183 oroof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , Sl.l : do Ibb proof. 81. ' 0 Alcohol. 183 proot , S2.10 per wlnu irallon. Hodlitllled whiskies , 1.00iU.0. ; liln , blended .50 ® ? .0d ; Kentucky bourboim , S2.oOt < tfi.OO , Ken tucky and PennsyUania ryes. 8AOOc < tn.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , Sl.'Witfi.OO. Hrandles , imported , S5.00ii8.50 ( ; domestic , Sl. ! X < ? 3.oo. ( ilns , imported , 84.50 ( itO.OO ; domestic , 81.2.VJ3.m. Champaitnes , linpotted. tier ease 85.00,233.00 , ; American , red case. S10.OOuilO.00. HEAVY llAnnwAitK iron , rate ? 3.S3 ; sawed dry. Sl.M ; tongues , each. bOc : nxeN. each. 75c : snuaro nuts , uor Ib. OHOTlc ; cell chain , per Ib. O' riJl'c ; malleable. GJlt'c ; iron wedu'e.s. Oc ; erowb.irs , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4" < e , spring steel. 7l'c ; Huidon's horse , shoos. & 4.75Kurden's ; inttto Miocs. $ " > . .7.llnrbetl wiro. in car lot" . JM.OT t > er 100 Ibs. Nails , rates lo to M. S''O ' ' ; steel nails. 82.-o. 8hot,3l.buckshot : ! ; , 81.00 ; lln/nd powder , kegs , :55.)0 ( ) ; do. half kegs , S2.7do. . ; . quarter kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kt-gs , .10 ; fuse , per 10 feet. C5c. Lead bar. Si : > Grocer's lji t. PicKi.ns Medium , tn bbls , ES.OO ; do. In half bbls , Sl.50 ; snnll. In bbls. S'.i.OO ' ; do , in half bbls , S5.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 810.00 ; do , In halt bbls , 83.50. SutiAit ( iranulated , 0\@OXc ; conf. A , ( i@ OVo ; white extiaC , S WS'tc ; extra C , 5Vfi > 5Hc : yellow C , li ( 5 > ie : cut loat , 0&(2G5fc ( ; powdeied. OX'Stc. COPFKKS Ordinary grades , 17 > < Qlvc fair 1'01 Hcprlme.l ; Mic ! ; choice , IQl'Ko ; tancy gruon and yellow. . ( . ' ( < { Ic ; old BOV- Dilworlli's. 2.'ic , : Ked Cross , 2 : c , CANNED -Oysters.standard , per case , S3.15iTj.2.r ( ( : strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. Si.JO ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , S2. 52. . l. ' > ; Califor nia pears , per case , S4.50 ; apricots , per casj , 84.00 : ueachos. w case , 85.00 ; white cher ies , pur case , 30.00 : P'ums , per case , S'151 ; lueberries poreaso , S1.H5 : o.'ir plums , 2 Ib , per case. 552.50 ; plueapnlcs a ID. per case S3.20@5.7o : 1 Ib msjkeiel. per do81.10 ; 1 Ib salmon , perdor , Sl.SOcdl.S1) ; sib , goose berries. percasp. SI. 73 ; 2 Ib strins Oo.ins , per case , Sl.i'i' ! 21blimabean.s , per case , 81.00 ; 2 Ib marrow fat pqas , per case , 8. . 0(3 ( > 2502 ; llj early June peas , per case. S2.7. > : 'lib tomv toes. S2. OOfA 0:21b.cornS2.IOrJ)3.,0. ( ) , MA-ICHES Per caddie. 2 > c ; square cases , 81.70 : mule square. 81.20. SVUUP Xo..70 , 4-galIon kegs , 81.2@1.0 ; Nnw Orleans nl > r Kalion a 4flu ; maple syrui ) , imlf bbls , "old time. " per g.illoir , 70c ; 1 .on cans , our doi. SflO.00 ; halt gallon cans , per doz , S5.50 : quart cans , 8 : > .0u. 'I'ditAf f o Piug Climax , ! ! ' . : hnr o slioe , 7 ; star , ! ! 5 : J. T. . 3'1 ; spearhead , 37 ; merry \ \ iir5 ; robin ruir. 30 ; happv thought , : ( ) ; P ner Heidslnk , 00. CANDT Mixed. Xllc : stick. 8 ! 20 c. CnACKEiis Oarnean's soda , butter and picnic. bc ; crcams.s c ; ginger snaps , Ko ; city soda. 71. . _ Dry lniml > cr. DIMENSIONS AND TlMilEIIS. ia rt 14 ft 10 ft is rt uo ft sj tt SA rt ' 17.50 17.50 17..13 18.60 ' .50 22.50 * 17.50 17.5II17.SO 18..r.0 1H.M22.5022.56 218 ' 17.50 17.50 17.M 18.50 IH.M 2.1.50,22.59 , 17.50 17.M 18.50 1U.50 22.50 22.50 17.5ll7.W)17.r , ) 18.W 10.50 22.50 22.50 J8.50J8.50 | I8.K ) 18.50 20 50 i.8 0(1,2:1.00 , : 11OAUDS. No. 1 , com , sis . S10.50 No. 2 , com , si s . 17..V ) Xo. 4 , com , s 1 s . 13.50 . . No. 1,4 AO in , 12 A 14 ft , rough . 810.00 No. 2 , . . 15.00 SIDINO. A , 12 , Handle ft . 822.00 H. " " " . 20.50 C , " " " . 15.00 D , . . 13.00 cr.n.ixo AND TAUTITION. 1st com. , % in White Pine Celling . 831.00 Clear , % In. Norway Pine Ceiling . 10.00 FLOOIIINO * A . 6 Inch , white pine . S35.00 C . so.f.O K" " " ' ( Sel Fen'g ) . 10.50 STOCK BOARDS. AlSlnchs. Is . 845.00 No. 1 , com. 12 in s. 1 s. , 12. & 14 . 20.00 ' . in ft . 19.00 No. . 2 " " " " ia tt 14ft. . . . 18.00 10ft . 17.00 1st and 24 , clear , l inch , s. 3s 850.00 3d , clear. 1 inch. s. 3 s 34.5 i > ; , 1 } , 2 in 45.00 B select , 1 inch , s. 2 s 30 ; ijf.lj a In 37.00 I'OTS. White Cedar , 0 In. , s 12c ; 9 In.qrs..llo I.IMK , ITC. : Qulnoy white lime ( bee ) $1.00 Akroii cement 1.05 Hair 30 SHIP LAP. No. 1 , nlaln , Sand 10 in 810.00 No. 1 , plain , and 10 in 17.00 IIA/rTKNS' PICKETS. O. O. Batts , 2J < in. . 70c ; HxSJ , s. 1 s 40c Pickets , D and 11 Hat. . . 821.00 Uraalia Savings „ , Cor 13th and Douglas sts. Capital Stock $150OOO Liability of Stockholders. . . . 3OO.OOO The only rcKiilur nvlnirs bunk m the ftuto.Fivo percent Interest paid on Jepo Its. Loans Made on Real fetnte. OFH'CKIIS : OtivC. HAHTOX , Treslilent ! J. J. DROWN , Vice President ; I , . M. UCNNETF , Manikin ? Di rector ; JOIIN , E. Wli.TiUIl , Cashier. THE BANK , OF COMMERCE 1610 North IGth Street , Paid in Capital. - - - - $100,000 OEO. E. IIAHKER. PrMldont. ROUT. L. OAiiUCIIS , Vico-Prcsldent. ' - F. JOIlNSON.Cuahler. DIHKCTOIIS : SAMCr.t.H. JOIINFON , QEO. R. DARKEII , Hour. L. GAUUCIIR , WM. SKIVERS F. 1J. JOHNSON. A general banking buslncps transacted. Interest allowed on tlino ilepoelts. mi. H. OeWITT. REAL ESTATE , INSURANCE And Collection Agent , Choice bargains in Omaha and Counci Bluffs. Call and satiify yourself by looking over my list. Correspondence solicited. Rooms a and 6 Frenzer Block Opp , P.O Omaha , Neb LINCOLN , NEB , Ten llnllroaus , and more nro coining. 150 Trains Unlly. 111 if a2 ! t * btnto VnlTcrsltjVeslcjrnn Unlvmlty.Stnto Ciipl- tnl. Mo t of the nuMtiPM I.nt h'lvp doiihlpil In rrlco In tbelu > tl2 inonlti. . Acrn-l.iml , within ! miles of tlio city . ( npri'a pil o\rr two ha ml ml iicrri'iit. Lincoln l the Bfi-nlot Itnllmail Center of ll < nco In the \Ttrlil. I'rlrk ' Mnck * pay Jtn'VHlrront. | Vncant lolt huvciivcriiKcil 10J per cent per annum on llr. t C ' Mi'imln Imi uront illntrlbnllni ! pnlnU dome whole- ealcilHilcr * Imve mule rrlneuly furluno . llnlhllnK' Biilnn up In nil illrDctlun * . llii'lnoo ton- prnlljr Eoinl. Hinkcn , rutnll merchants , luccliuittci , etc. , K-ettluK rich. OBOPSEY & CO. A. J. . KooinII , Itichiii-tN ItloeK , eaf Estate Agents & Loan Brokers Have for ale brick Mock" , tmsmcM tot , nil klnil of rt'ul cptiito. 1 , ' . ' , 5 , ID. - ) , ID , N ) , 3.1) ) ami WO aero tracts Jurmi anil cheap Iniul" . MliXIJV I.OANHI ) . INVnSTMKXTS MADi : . HUP UltrXCINt-KlMt anil I.tncnln Nntlnn IlRiiki.liiiTvriiiirTIi mcr , Jinlco Oibti , Hcv. Dr.O. rrci hl ni : IMncu'o. Sen itor 5. M. Cinluai , lllinu amUlcner.ll Uon. It irrlui liilun a CHICAGO SHORT LIKE OK Tin : The Rest Route from Omnha and Council JUlutf't to TKCEI E.A.ST l' o Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil lilllllb Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids , Rock Island , Fret-port , Rockford , "Clinton , Dtibuque , Davenport , Jlgin , Madison , Janesville , Icloit , Winonn , La Crosse , Anil aU other Importnnt points East , Nortboait nml Southoupt. For through tickets cull on the Ticket Atfent . , U01 Kiirntun ntruolln ( 1'iixton hotul ) , oral Union I'RC'lflo Depot. I'uilraun Monpuis and the flnoBt Dlnlnir Cnrs n Ihu woilil aio run on tlio intiln lines of the 3I11C.U1O , Mlt.WAtlKKE iV BT. I'Atlt. llAH.WAY , nnil every attention IH paiil to pnfacuvers by ? outteoua employes of the company. K. MIM.KH. General Mnnnirer. J , F. TUCKKII , Assistant General Manager. A. V. It CAiii'KNrKii , General 1'kMonger unJ Ticket A Bent. GKO i : IlKVFFnnn , Assistant General Fa - icnjror and Ticket Atrrnt. J T. OI.AIIK , Ciuticral Hupcrlntenduut. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arrive heave Omaha Uninlia UNION PACIFIC. Depot 10th unit 1'ierco sts. 1'acilic Kxpruss 8:20 : pm Denver Kxpiess . , :20pm : 10.W : am Local EvjirohS 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm Except Sunday. 15. & M. II. It. It. Depot 10th and I'acilic sts. Mall and Express. . . 10:00 : am NlKht Express 10:00 : am 7:45 : pm C. 1J. & Q. H. H. Depot lOtli and 1'a'jilic sts. Mail and Express : :20nm : 6:00 : pm Chicago Kxpress , 7:05 : pin bIO am K. C. St. J. & C. H. Depot 10th and 1'Acllic st Mall 7:0iprn : ! 80 : am Kxpress 7:00 : am' ' 8:50 : pm C. St. P. M. & O. DepotlStli and Webster st. Sioux City Express 4:45pm : 8:15 : nm Bancroft Express 100am-t:45 : ! : pm .Blair Passenger 7-IOpni : 5 : 5 pm " 'Excoot Sunday MISSOU1U PACIFIC. Depot 15tuanU Webbterst Day Express : 6.Siamtllo am Night Kxpress 5xpm : : ) 0iu : pm Lincoln Express 11:10 : am C:10 : pin DUMMY TUA1NS. Kunninp between Council IMuffs and South Omaha. In addition to the stations mentioned - tioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty fourth streets , and at Summit , In Omaha. Westward. Broad TransOmaha. . Sheel'ys Stock way. fcr. Yards. 0:15 : 0:27 : C:40 : C:47 : 7:05 : 7:17 : 7:2,5 : 7:40 : 7:47 : 8:05 : 8:17 : 8:2.5 : 8:40 : 8:47 : 9:05 : 0:17 : ! : ' 0:40 : 0:47 : 10:05 : 10:17 : 10:2.5 : 10:40 : 10:47 : 11:05 : 11:17 : 11:25 : 11:40 : 11:47 : 12:05 : 12:17 : 12:2.5 : 12:40 : 12:47 : l)5 : ( ) 1:17 : 1:2.5 : 1:40 : 1:47 : 2:05 : 2:17 : 2:25 : 2:40 : 2:47 : ! i5 > 5 : ii7 : 15:25 : U:40 : :47 : 4:05 : 4:17 : 4:25 : 4:50 : 4.r)7 : 5:15 : 5:22 : 5:45 : r > :5'i : 0:15 : ( i ' 22 6i7 : : 7:00 : 7:11 : 7:18 : 7u : : 10:00 : 10:12 : 10:20 : 0:15 : 10:2.5 : 10i3 ; : 11:20 : 11:82 : 11:40 : 11:45 : 11:53 : 12:05 : Kaptwura. COUNOlIj BIjlTFFB. I Leave | Arrive CONNECTING LINES Transfer Transfes | depot depot C. II. I. A P. : 7:15 : a m :15 : a m AH Trains run Daily. 1 0:15 : am 5:25 : pm 0:40pm : 7:00pra : C. & N. W. I 015 ; a m 9:15a : in All trains run i o40pm ; 7:00pm : C. D. & Q. I All trains run dally. . . . ] C. M. A St. P. i All train * run dally. . . . . | m 0:15 : a m K. C. SL .1. A C. IJ. i * Kxcept Saturday. 10:00 : a m tO:35a : m " , Monday. * 8:55pm : 5:30 : pm W. St. U A pT i' | All trains run daily , . | 250pra ; 12:15 : pm SO. * P. AlltraJnsrundilir. . . . . : J:0 : | "i 8 : a ra C:25pm.b0pm : ; Omafia Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements. I'A ltK \Yholo Mo Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wngons , Crrrlates and HiuflO" . Jours ntrc t. bvtnocu th _ ami IQIh. .OiiiaiiB. Neb. "LiyiXGElt ,0 JIETCALF CO. , Agricultural Jmiilpnicuts , Wi > gen , rarrli > goi. llugelfn , Hlf . Wholxalc , Om..h * . 1EE , FRIED a > CO. , Jobhora of Hartlwaro nnil Nnila , Tinwnro , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Aiontu for Howe Scale * , nnil tllatiil I'tinderl o.Omnli .Nrb. VARL1X , O It K\l)0 Iti' M LRT1X Wholcial * Ical ri In Atrrlculiurnl Implements , IVagonianil llniinlcii. DOI , WJ..Oi anil 1C7 , Jonc Bt " ' . . u. .MMfcZa Artists' Material. . "ATI i os P ETTr/ i Artists' Matorinls , Pianos nml Orpans , Ul,1 DoiiKlnc Ptrcct , Omaha. Builders' Hardware and Scales , Builtiurs'HanlwaroifcScaloKt'paii'Sliop llcchaulcg'Tvolannil lliifTnlo Hralus. 1406 Douclaa ( U , Omaha , Neb. Beefs and Shoes. 'AMERICAN ff.ixn S'EWED SHOE COMPANY , ManufuctiiriraandVholcialo Dxalon la Hoots and Shoes , Complete ( took of Itubbar Honda nlwnra on htnd 6UB 3. 13tli at. , OmBim , Neb. A. T. Auilln , Agunt. TrTr.'M onsf te co. Jobhei's of Hoots and Shoos. lilt Farnam ft , Omnha , Nch. Manufactory , Kummor Mr i't.lli > ton. Z. T. LINDSEY C CO. Wholesale liubbor Hoot4 and Shoos Hiilibor nml ( llloil t lolliliiK' mill I1 fit IkxiU utiil ijbucs. Southeast Comur Hth iinil linuli > g. Beer * Agt. for Anheuser-Kiish Hrnvjiiff Ass'u Special Itranda. F.iu't , lluilwoUor nnil Krlnnger. sfoilZ ATlLERt Lnjycr ] { o * r lire worn , IMt Nnrth Hth Street , Oiunliii , Nob. Butchers' Tools. lS HELLER , Hutchcrs' Tools and Supplies , 3au > nuu CuiinKi of nil kind * nlnaya 111 atuck. 1315 Juni-ii ni.Omulm Coffee , Spices. Etc. CO. , Omaha CoRco and Spire Hills. sn.OnlTeoPnlee < . Ilaklnii l'o di'r. FlavorlnuIUt trade , laundry Hluo. Ink , ictc. HU-10llarrejr StreetOmutin. Neb. GATlte , COLK a1 MILES , Homo Colleo and Spice .Mills M'f'gr Co. Cnirve ItuiiKtori nnil Piilcu Urlmlcn , Himufaituri'ra oflinklnK I'ondcr , Hnnrlnc Kitrrct" . lUiilnc. Ktr. 'lrimocnc utoiir l-s > paiknge llnmulllciid UuHMed OolTi'O. IlKSHowMrrt ft .Omnha. Ni > r. Cornice. . ) ohn Eponctcr , Prop. Mnnnfacturer of nnUanlzoit Iron nn'l Cornice. 933 DudKo nnd lOSntiil li ) N , lOtu ' „ . omHlm , Nt-b. RUEML'ING il JIOLTJS , MunufACturera of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer \Vlndo , Klnnln. MctnllcSkjlltlit.ete. S10B. 12t'i fl. , Umalia. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cornlcon , etc. Biiect'f Improved I'nt- ent Motallc frkyllijlit. MB nnd 510 H lath > l.Omah , Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobber * of Carpets , CurtaiiiH , Oil Cloths , B ers > Llnolonmi , Mattings , Kte. 1611 Douglai glri'et. ' ' 'S.A. OR'CHA'inT Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matting > , Curtuln Goods , Eto. 1U3 Karnnm btreot , Oiuftha. Neb. Crockery and Motions. Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer * ot Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , otc. Office , 317 South 13th Bt. Uumba , Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Dntter , Kc nnml Produce. Coniltrment > solicited. Ueailqunrlcrii for htuncware , Hurry Ilozes anil Urnpo Ilnnkcti. 14U DoiluoettcutOmaha. PEYCKE RROS7 Coininission Merchants. Fruit * . Produce nnd I'rarlilons , Omxlia , Neb. W. E. Storage and Commission Merchant. Specialties nutter , Hagi , Cheeio. Poultry , ( l me , Oysters , Ktc , Ktc. llJ ouin Uih street. WIEDEMAN tf > CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , liutter , Uanio , Finlts , etc. 230 8. lithit Onmhn. Neb , Coal ana9 Lime. . l\MAUII , 1'res. C. F. HOODUAN , V. J. A. NUNDKHi.AND , Sec. nnd Treas. OMAHA COAL , COKE ! ) LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. J Simtli Thirteenth Street , Omalia , Neb. J. , T. JOHNSON l ; CO. , Mannfactnrors of Illinois White Limn. And PhtpperH of Conl iinil Cnkn , Ceinont , Planter , Ume , Ilnlr , Klre Ilrlck , Iriln : , Tile and Hewer Plpo. onicu. IMiton not , ' ! . Farnum St. , Omnha , Nob. Telephone Ml. Confectionery. ManufiictiirinR' Confectioners , JobCursof Fnilts.NutB und Cltuis. 1211 Karnara Omaha , Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER < C CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Guns end Ammunition , 315 to 323 H. lllh St. , 1020 to 1U1 Varnaiust .Oiutha.Neb. WEST C FUITSCIIER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealer * In Leaf Tobaccos , Noa.109 and 111) N. Uth struct , O-naba. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH c - CO , , Dry Goods , Fnrni8hinpfioodH & Notions anil 1104 DouKliH.cnr. 11th Ht. , OmnhaNeb. Distillers. Distillers of Minors , Alcohol nml Spirits. Importers and Jobbers of Wlnesana Liquors. WILLO W SPRINGS niSTlLLE' CO. and ILER t > CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Fine \Vlnes and I.lquor * . Hole manufacturers nf Kennedy's Bast India lilt' Urs nnd Domes'lc l.lquorK. 1)13 ) Hartley Ht. Drain Tile , Etc , A. n.BAi'BnPrr * . J.W.nEnronn.Sec.ATreai It. J. CAHSOW. V.Pres. arid Supt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office 313 fl. Hth St. . Omaha. Neb. Machinery and bupplles for Manufacturing Cement Drulii Tile. JLEVATORS. W. ItO HltS , I ) . . Pros IhT.t. Vlco I'rt-H. OMAHA ELEVATOR tind GRAIN COMPANY. Jobhors and Storers of Orain Shipments of ilinlnrs Bcllclteil anil hiitliifnctloi Onnilui. Noli. Furniture , DEWEY C STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Kurnam sU. Omaha , Neb. CHARLES Furniture , Hedding , Upholstery , Mlrrori.ctc. 130M303 and 1310 Faruam it.- . Omaha malia Mbm' ' Directory. Groceries , i / , / > .Y < ; Wliolosalo Groceries and Provisions , Noc TOfsTBT , BV anil Ills. lOtliSt , Onn\li . N b. McCOHD , Jt.UA 1)1' , (5 CO. , Wholcsnlo Grocers , l.'Ih nnct l.f nrenwortli ftn.Oninhi. Hardware. ir. , / . jtitOA rcir , Hcnvj' Hardware , Iron and Sccl ( , BprlniisVHKOII Stock , lUnlwnro Lumber , etc. KM ami 111 llnriii-r M. , Dmahn. ' .P atnnoy , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wauon and riirrlnBii Wood Stwii. HCHTT llnnl Mo. l.'l , nnil 131'J ' Lmvonwurtli nt. , llni'ilin , Nob. ' ' sA SOXS , Stoves , Hniifrcs , Furnaces , Tiles , Manllci , Urntcs , llni inoodi > . 1331 end 1323 Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrought "ml Cnt I run nulKUni : Work , Iron Ftntr * Hnlllnn , llfaina mul ( llrxtcri , Sicnni Knulnct , llrau \Tork , lliiioril ffoumlry , Mnrhlno unit ll'nckfnillK ' Matt. UfflcmnJ Works , tl. | . lly.ny.l 17th u V. H. MCMANI' " . C. SDl.t.tVAW. OMAILL irjiin , r mox iroxKib Miinnfnrhi'-or of ire and Iron Ualllnprs ) , Desk Rail * , Window ( lunriK l-'louor slunJn , Wire M n < , Btfl 1VJN. IGlli. Orders t > r mull pronU'tlT alien JeJt . Lumber. OMAHA TVMnKJl CO. , Doilor . All KlmUnf building1 Maforiitl nt Wholcsnlq , 13th Street nnil Union I'aclHo Truck , Omnhn. ' " " MH'IS JiKADFO'Iil ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Limp , Sash , Doors , Kto. ViiriU Oorni'r'lh nnil Douchisj Cornel Utli nnil lloiulns. * * VJI1CAGO LUMltKlt CO. , Wholesale Lumber , BU S. I4lli > lrf cl. Oninlin , Xeb. t. t'olpeticr , C. .t .tLumber. Lumber. 13th nnd CnllfniTdn Mrcel , Omalm , Nch. W. Gil AT , umber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eto. Cor.nh and nouglui li. . Omnliu.Nu' ) . JIOAGLAXI ) , Lumber , T. W. HAltVKrLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1403 r'nrrmm ftri'ct.Onmlm. CHAS. Jt. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. 9tli nnd DonglH * umnliii. J01IXA. WAKKFIELJ ) , Wholesale Lumber , Klc. Irnrortrd nnd Atnorlrnn 1'orlliincl Cemrnt. Rlfit * furllllwnukoo llydnuillc Ccuient mid Ileat yulncyVhlloI.lrui - . Lire Stock. UX1OXSTOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Bojd , H'jpcrlnterdent. Live Stock Commission. M. 11URKE tC .S'OJ\r.S , Live Stock Conuniasloiu _ Oeo. llurkc , llanHKcr Cnlon Stock Vurdn.t ) . ilniiilin. Toltphono 68J. . SAVAGE C GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , , Shipment * of nnr nnd nil kinds of Stock ollolt d. Union Stock Yard n.dmnhs. Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. OliERFELDER < C CO. , I in port era and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1213 and 1315 llnrnej f I , eet , Omnhn , Neb. Notions. Wholesale Dcnlcr.i In Notions and Furnishing Goods , < na nnd < 0i B. Tenth Bt. , Onmha. .Overalls. Manufacturers of Overalls , loam I'nnti , SulrU , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Dou lai Street Oiuahn , Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WJLK1E , Manufacturer of Paper B.Hth St. . UmitUn , Nebrmkn. Urilurt t > r wlllrto lT pro iH tuatloa. Printing. REES PRINTING Job Printers , IHank Hook llakorar. And Ilook lllnileri. Id ! and 108 South Fouitaooth trect. Orauhn.Nob. WESTERNXEWSVAVER UNIOH Auxiliary Publiahcrs. Dealers In Tjrpo , I'rniiei and I'rlnlcri'Hupplles. Wt Houlh Twelfth Street. Pumps. JtROWNELL C CO. , Maiiiifiicturem nnd Deulern In iifflnes , lioilurn fc d'cnoral Marliinery * bhoct Iron work , Hloum I'limiiSaw Mllln , Acma Shnftlnir , DodK Wood split I'ulloyi , Iloltlnir , etc , Aliowngons , Bcraperi.unil balotlea. U13-U(6I. v Ten worth t. Omulm RECTOR cC WIL1TELKY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Wentom nuenti fT Jcffernon Ptcel Nalln , Anrtln I'owderCii. Knlrbankn htnndard Hcnlea. Corner 10th nnil llarnar. Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , "Wholesale PumpH , Pipe , Fittings , Btoamnnd Water Huppllei. Headquarter ; ( ir Matt 'U. ' IlllHrinini Bt.inahn.Nub. ) U. S. WIND ENGINE nnd PUMP t COMPANY. nnllnrtnr Wind Mill * : t-team and Wt r Huprllef , 4 1'lumtjfnK ( Joodn , lleltlng. lime , t'18 ' unit ' .W tar- uaui it. , UinHlia. . H. KvKeltnn , Munngtr. , , A. L. STRA NG CO. , 1'urapH , I'ipuH and Kiifflncs , a , Wnter , Itallnaj and Alllllni : HuptillCf. EM , WO , WJaod i Knrpam it. , Omaha , Neb. * Safes , Etc. P. ISOYER C CO. , Affents for Hull's Safe & Lock CO.H' * rire and Iliiiv'ar Proof Hnfiii , Time Ixirln , Vault * , ' and Jail Work , iini Fiimara itieel Omaha , Neb. G. ANDREEN , Omalia Safe Works. JI nufoc1\irer r > r Flronml llurclnr I'roof Snfre , Vnull t Doom , Jail Work.hliuticra anil VVIru Wi.rk. . Cor , , Hill and Jackmm Hl . , Oinuliii , Nab , * Sash , Doors , Etc. M.A. ItlSISItOW ? CO. , Wholeiala Manufiiclnroriiof Snsli , DoorH , lilinds and Mouldings , H-.tncli ornce.nili aini liara i-t = . , KOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uoiild'nii ' ! > talr Work and Intrrlnr llunl Worn ) Unlili Juitopc'ntU. N. K. cor. Rth nnil l < tuenwortliBU. < Ouiubu , Nbb. .