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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAE. .OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 11 ; 1887. NTJMBER 321 THE ARRIVAL OF O'BRIEN , A. Novel and Thrilling Scene Outside the Now York Uarbor. IRISH AND ENGLISH CHEERS. The Commlttoo of Itoccptlon Olvoi the Irluli Patriot n Hearty Wcl- conio tit tlio United States A Surly Commander. O'Brloii Trends Free Soil. NKW Voiiit , May 10. [ Special Telegram to tlio Hii.J : : The committee of welcome to tlio incoming Irish agitator , William O'Urlonre , mained on tliu steamer John K. Moore , nt quarantine , until 0 o'clock last cvenlng.whon they de'.ei mined to go In search ol the Um- brla , It being evident she was not coming up. After getting a doctor aboard nnd securing n IK'rmli from ttie custom ofllccrs , they started mid alter n long and peillous trip through n fog nnd a largo licet of detained ves sels , they reached the Unibrln , way outsldn the bar unit olt the Iteht ship. The big Cuii- arder was crowded and the coming up of the wee steamboat brought everybody on deck. The first gtcoting of the visitor was a round of cheers for Mr. O'Hrlon and this was met by a genetal cheer of welcome and In nil in stant three chcetH tor Lord Lniisdnwuc from hundreds of lusty English throats on the steamer's crowded side * . The cheers came with n will. Cheers were hurled b.ick tor O'Brien and all thu time It was Impossible l'ir the captain of the visiting steamer to make known his wishes about lopes , etc. In n lull of the storm ot huirahs the English national anthem was started , find while hun dreds snug "tiod Save the Queen , " scores Bang " ( ! od Save Ireland. " It was n novel Hlght indeed for such an hour and ttlace. "Tnko this ropoJ" was shouted again and ngaln from the lower .steami'r to the quarter masters on the big Ciinnrdcr. Not the least attention was p.ild the request nnd Instead came back dialling tinm the passengers and others. At last Captain Mc.Michcn was called for and with a llttln bull s eyti lantern came to the bide : "Why do von come and who aio ye , anyhow , here nnd shout- Ini : , 'tiilto that ropel' us though we were dogs. You can't come on till the doc tors come. ' "We have the doctor nni ) the custom ofli- cor , " WHS shouted back. "Then come on with ye. " "P.iHS clown n rope lndder"was the request from those on the \\eo tender. " \Ve have no lope ladder for ye , " was the surly reponso ot the Cunard eommodore , and n cheer lor William O'llrien was Hutu back in answer. An ordinary ladder was found on the Mooie , nnd nji this the doctor climbed. A stout voice called out : "Aie them any ft lends of mine there who wish me. " It was O'llrlen's voice , and when n hearty "yes" went back he said : "Then I'll come If only as n compliment to the cowaids that control here , lie got on the ladder bravely. .lust at that moment the hawser parted and he came Aery near taking n dip Into the Atlant'c. ' He got on board nowe\cr. and wllh another round ot chccis for O'Brien and counter chceis for Lansdowne the two vessels parted company. Down In the rabln the Irish patriot in his traveling suit ot frhuu was given Hie address already published. Hi ) made a response thaiiKing me mimltteo tor this welcome to American .seas if not to American lands. He spoke of his mission as n delicate nnd to some extent a dangerous one. He spoke ot Icctedby the landlouls ns a soil of llyuro- head. 1 ho question was to bo submitted to the Canadian people to nibltrntc. Ho con cluded by iiiging his hearers to put full confidence In 1'arnell ns n- leader and predicted the utter failure of the Unlfour coercion scheme. It was far Into tlm morning before the com mittee had their guest safe in the Hoffman house. It is not likely that ho will bo. pres ent at the Cooper Institute meeting on Wednesday evening ns ho has an engage ment to speak In the Dominion on that even ing and does not wish to spoil the elleut of his Canadian campaign by speaking on American soil. William O'Uricn was seen at the Holfman house this morning und after alluding to the band of British loyalists who had tried to make it mi- comtortablo lor him on the voyage over , ho said : " 1 cannot wait to speak In New York as much as I would wish to. My mission Is to Canada and 1 must guard all my strength. Besides , they have the tirst right to hear me. 1 shall start tor Montieal to-night and make my Hist speech there. I hear my Irish friends lm\e been refused every laiio hall In Montieal , but that will make no dltrcronce , for , If necessary , 1 shall speak in the public square. " "Have you any fears of trouble ? " "Not the least. I go to Canada on a mis sion popular nllko with 1'rotestant and Cath olic , and will set forth the wronirs of the farmers of Ulster as forcibly ns those of the tellers of the south. Thcio is no leliglous question In the matter , for It is purely one of human justice. 1 appicclntc the Intended honor of the escort fiom Irishmen of Now York , but 1 have declined It and shall go to Canada just as n simple traveler on a peace ful errand. " U'lirlen emphatically denies that Parnell Is sick or suffering from cancer , and sajs that the great Irish leader was never better In his Pte. Ho further says that the coercion bill will pass , but It will react on Its promoters meters and will certainly be lepealed when Its obnoxious provisions become moiosoby enforcement. Speaking of fie 1'ainell lat ter , of whleh so much has been said and written , U'Urlcn asserted most emphatically that It was forgery and it viry clumsy one at that. He would not say that Plggott was a forcer , but ho spoke of him as n reneiraili nnd said that if he did not write the letter h was fully capable of It. U'Hrion said tut It Impels back trom Canada safely , of which hi has no doubt , he will spend n week speak ing In New York , Philadelphia and Huston. Atr. O'lirlcn lutt for .Montreal at 0tO : : to night. In spertfclnu of his proposed trip ho said It would bo conllned to n tew principal cities of Canada. " 1 propose to raise tin public opinion of the people to the nets ot their governor general. Lord Lansdowne - downe , up to the same level as It Is In Ire land , and as It would be were ho n Intidlori' In Canada and pursued the samocouisc as hi has with his tenants In the old country. ' Mr. O'llrien said that ho would be governei by the wishes of his friends thcie. He In tended to spcnk of thn state of affairs 01 Lord Lansdowno's Irish estates In ver ; plain torun. He would point out that tin governor general of Canad.i had in a mos violent nnd wanton manner pursued a coursi ot action contrary to that which had been laU down as acceptable to the Canadian govern mi-lit. Canada had helped lielaml wltl money. He ( O'Hrlen ) would shov her people how to help Ireland in n moro of feetualway. Ho proposed to give Canndi the best opportunity she. ever had to strike i blow which would clfoct wholesale clear nnees. "Lord Lnnsdowne. " said O'llrlon "Is the lirst landlord who has ever evlctei tenants since the plan of the campaign \va adopted. He has depopulated thu district : snironndlng his property , proposing u'due tlons In rents smaller b > tar thai the otliclnl land commissioners are maklm ton surrounding estates , and then icpudlatln hoery terms ho authorized his agent Doiiniiu' , to sK-n , mid which had been suu gested as a settlement of the difficulties nni approved by Lord Lansdowne himself. Hi was thn tlrst landlord to be put forwnrd b the rack renters to test the tenants bec.vus' he , Is supixwed to bo Immensely wealthy llecatiso lie Is located In Canada h Is able to oj > enly defy and Ignor inibllc opinion at home. Our only resonrci feft to save nearly 500 people from the dc Mruction Of their homes and what llttl property they possess Is to appeal to tin Canadian people to protest against thel government's action as contrary to the opln ton of their own parliament. " Speaking o threats of personal violence made , O'llrlei * ald : "Thero are always threat , I believe made ; In joining the battle In behalf of th l.npgacurran tenants , we arc now dolni work astx.-ncflclal to the Ulster farmers as t the other districts. I do not therefor think that any ecctlon of Canada wll try to disturb me. Neither wll they try to prevent me fret putllnc the case before the people. If | li9llia belDJmvd in auy way it would be fa more damaging to Lord Lan downo than to me or the came I plead. " Mr. O'llrien In tends to speak In several cities in this coun try upon Ids return from Canad.i. He de- ellneu to say under whoso authority ho had started on the trip , saying he was responsi ble for his cause. Want to Prohibit Kroo Speech. ToitoXTo , May 10. A deputation of cltl- yens waited on the mayor to-elay and pres ented a requisition for n public meeting to consider the advisability of prohibiting William 0 Brlen from speaking In this city. ON Till AL roll MUIIDKII. Peter Ilynn Again In Court For Kill ing Claim Klccvcr. ATLANTIC , la. , May 10. [ Special Telegram to thu BIK. : | Two years aio Peter llyati , of Audubon county , was sentenced to twenty years Imprisonment In the state penitentiary for murder , llo had served part of his llmo when his attorneys , L. L. Delano and J. J. Dokln , secured for him a now trial and n change of venue from the Audubon to the Cass district couit. The trial has Just begun befoio Judge Loolbourow. The particulars of thu crime are ns follows : In the month of December , Ib l , Clans Kleever , residing near Draytou , Audubon county , nnd Ins nephew , John Klec\er , a boy of fifteen years of age , were sitting In tlio house by the lire when a man enteieel and asked the privilege of warming. The stranger had evidently been drinking heavily nnel when ho offered Kleever a portion of the contents of his bottle the latter re- fu cd. Then the stranirer went out. re turned nnd went out thu third time. Then the door was opened and some one lired two shots from a revolver. The Hist shot entered the throat of Clans Kleever and the second entered the breast , causing almost Instant death. Ityan was .accused of thomurder nud the clicumstantlal evidence was very strong against him. Younz Kleever proceeded to shift himselt from the upper to thu lower sidu of tlm bed , on which he was lying when Iho lirst shot ' was Hied , and can'not tell who did tlio shoot ing. At liiht ho said he did not know the stranger \ \ ho entered the house1 , but It Is now understood that ho will testifv on the stand that It was Peter Uvan. A pa'ir of mittens lelt on the btove hearth by the stranger were nlso Idenlllied as Ryan's. At any rate ltyan was tried betoie Judge Loofhourow in tlio Audubon district court in a town whcro Iho feelinir was so intense against the defendant that lynching was commonly talked of nnd ho was sentenced to twenty yeais Imprison ment. As s'lowlnr ' the notoriety of tlio case It may be stated as a fact that over seventy jurymen stated that thelrnrejudlces wore too strong to admit of their giving an impartial decision In the case before a jury panel could be obtained. The hearing of the evi dence will begin to-morrow. Iowa MarshalH in Senslon. Dns MOINI : , la. , Mnv 10. [ Special Tele gram to thu BIK. ] The city marshals of Iowa met In thectty council chambers to-day. Owing lo Iho inter-stale commerce bill there was not a largo attendance , but there are enough thief-lakers to frighten all the crooks out of town. , The Aborn Is headquarters and the reading room a sort of rendezvous. The table Is crowded with dark lanterns , re volvers , police whistles , "come aloncs" nnd bracelets , together with n complete roiiies' gallery. Tlio officers of the nssocintion nre : Marshal Francis , Cedar Kapids , president : Marshal Botkln , De.s Molnes , first vice president ; Marshal Forsee , Clin ton , second vice president : Mar shal Vantassel , Jiullanola , recording secretary ; Marshal Barrv , Lyons corresponding spending secretary ; Marshal Williams , Ot tumwa , treasurer. To-day was given up to sociability and the real business will begin to-moirow. Among Iho papers to bo dis cussed me : "The Enforcement of Statutory ns Well us Municipal Laws , " Marshal Forseo , Clinton ; "The Use nnd Abuse of tlm Pistol nnd Cluli , " Marshal Allen , Oskaloosn ; "Tho 'atrol ' Wagon nnd Alarm System , " Chief Botkln , DCS Molnes ; "The Detective Force , " Johnston. Des Moines ; 'Tno llelalions of Chief to the Department , " Chief Williams , Ottumwa ; "Tho Compensation of Police Officers , " Marshals Guanelln. Council Bluffs , nnd Glno , Waterloo ; "Tho Patrolman ills Dulles nr.d lleports. Habits and Qualifica tions , " Edward L. Swell , deputy marshal , Cedar Kapids. A Railroad Reduces Hates. MAIISHAM.TOWN , la. , May 10. [ Special Telegram to thn BIE. : | The Central Iowa road , crossing every trunk line In thu stale , to-day makes a special Iowa Jobbers' and manufactuiers' commodity tariff via Its Po- orln line and eastern connections. Tlio now rate will bo lower even Ihnn Iho old pooled rate from Chlcairo , nnd of course Is a grent reduction from the present agreed rates. As foods nnd material can be brought from east ern points ns cheaply comparatively us from Chicago , the effect will bo to force tnu trunk lines lo meet the new rates or lese the busi ness. The Central adopted the plan aftei vainly endeavoring In the usual way to Induce - duce thu other roads to make rates' for It.s Iowa patrons. The jobbers of Maishnlltown nro jubilant. Bound to lloom Big. Sioux CITY , la. , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to the UKII.J Now that the vote to extend the corporate limits of the city has passed wllh such an ovcrwhelmln : majority , there being but tifty-elght voles against , pub- lie attention Is now centering on the buildIng - Ing of thu bridge with renewed vigor. The aid nsked from the city Is 81500,009 tax. Ev erything Is being done to give. Iho boom now assuied greater backbone and scope. There is no longer any question but what Sioux City Is about to sen a leal estate nm business boom besldu which nothing In the past can compaie. Hotel Flro at Sioux City. Sioux CiTVIa.May ; 10. | Special Tclcgrair to the BKK. | The Merchants hotel sustained serious damage this nflernoon about 2 o'clock , Flames were discovered In the oil room north of the olllco ; and In a veiy short time were issuing from the building. The departirenl quickly responded and saved the buililinir , but not without heavy damages. The furnl ture , etc. , was about all lemovcd. It i1 thouulit no attempt will bo made to rcpaii tlio bulhlliiL' , as it occupies \cryvnlunbh corner , nnd was nt best nn old tramo struc lure' . It will likely bu removed to give place to. n tine modern structure. The property \\iib fully Insured. The Arizona Shake. Tur oN , Ari& , May 10. K , J. Kerr re turned from a trip to Tresalamos , on tha Sat Pedio. He reports an earthquake tissuiono less than twenty-tivo miles long. It extend ; a short distance below Benson , to llfteer miles below Tresalamos , At the surface the fissure varies In width from six to clghteet Inches. At places along the crack , wate burst forth , but afterward ceased flowing The crnck In many places Is still open to i depth or several feet. From Empliu ranch on Strlta , seventy miles south ot heie , tin assure. Is also reported. Keliahle Informatloi stales that when thu earth opened water am mud was thrown to a treat height , bprlngi in that vicinity went dry. Two outers doublet their \olumoof water , but on cessation o the disturbances , the springs resumed thel normal state. Indlnn Troubles Kxprctcd. FOIIT BKNTOX , Mont. , May 10. Indiat here thieves , undoudtedly Canadian Bloods are operating along'Icton river and In tin belli river country. Men In from Blrscl Creek say there are several war parties o Canadian Indians on this side ot thu line am trouble * may be expected. Canadian Fisheries. OTTAWA , Ont. , May 10. It Is reported tha Instructions have been forwarded to th fisheries cruisers to remain In port untl further orders are received. Death of General Fletcher. NASHUA , N. 11. , May 10. General Aaroi Fletcher Stevens died this morning fron military difficulty , arising from the wound received in the battle before Petersburg. THEY SEE THEIR MISTAKE , Oivil Service Commissioners Themselves Disgusted With the Now Kales. A DAD STATE OF AFFAIRS. Scvcn-iigliths : or tlio Employes Kx- pcctod to Lese Their I'odtlons Under the New Order of Tilings Capital News. Tired of It Themselves. WASIII.VOTO.V , May 10. | Special Telegram to the Bii.J : The civil service commission ers nre rapidly discovering that they have made n huge blunder when they designed and adopted their recent plan for examining candidates for promotion In the executive departments hero. In an Interview with n reporter Mr. Oberly declares that the pro posed examinations arc not to bo schoolboy contests nor technical Inquests , but are to bo confined entirely to the duties of the posi tions sought for. But , granting they nro to bo so , the press nnd public come back nt the commissioners with the statement that the clerks have already shown their Illness for those positions by the efliclent work they have been doing for years , and why examine those who have already shown their fitness and elllclencyV This Is n poserto thecommls- sion , and up to n late hour this evening no answer has been formulated by the com mission to this adamantine conundrum , and while they are laboring at it , the storm of abjurgatlon and protestations grows louder and hotter , and the two commissioners who devised the precious scheme are now the most vehement lit wishing they hadn't been and gone and done It with nutto , so much en thusiasm. U Is estimated by a depaitmoiit odiclal who Is said to bo in a position to know , that at least seven-eighths of the old government employes will IOMI their posi tions under the new rules. Vacanclon , va cancies , vacancies , and competitive exami nations stretching out to the crack of doom to correspond , the official day will neo.l to have a portion of It set aside , like lunch hour , for the purpose of competitive exami nation. The uncertainty and appre hension among government employes , the fear of losing their places not because un lit for duty , but beauso of this or that politics or because unable to answer mis cellaneous questions of n hostile examiner tend to demoralise the working force , making It shitting , changeable and unreliable. The capital city is injured as well as tlio govern ment , because tlio employes will not make permanent homes , any improvements or In vestments here or become In any way Iden tified with the city if tne terror of dismissal on grounds which a most faithful perform ance ot duty will not necessarily avoid is constantly before them. Nebrnnka and Iowa Pensions. WASIII.VOTO.V , May 10. [ Special Telegram to the Bnn.l-Penslons were granted Nebraskans - braskans to-day us follows : Patrick Faher , Platte Center ; Len K. Weaver , Stcelo City ; John M. Ainold. Pine (51en ; William H. Stevens , Omaha ; ( Joorgo W. Blevlns , Atkin son ; Robert Chambers , Osco ; James J. Moore , Wayne ; Benjamin F. Ktyman , Lin coln ; Lemuel W. Itichards , Warren ; John W. Cal\in , Arapahoe : Simon K. Hite. Wal nut Grove ; Charles Berberyok , St. Helena ; Isaac lloblnson , Lyons : Edward K. Tater , Jarltoi. ; William Adams , Browster ; Free- nan Servoos , Belvidero ; Jacob Emberlln , Indlanoln ; James Mills , Omaha. Pensions for lowans : James A. Shepard - ard , Cincinnati ; John Carr , Lauiont ; James B. Brewer , Ottumwa ; John Shearer , Oilbeit Station- HezeKiah Lippott , Kairfield ; Kd- mend Seals , Olln ; Charles E. Schiller , VIelos ; Clark Mahannah , North English : John Trent , Ablngton ; John B. Baker , Lozan ; Peter Helphcrry , Newton : James J. Callowav , Kldon ; Wolf Miller , Yorktown ; Benjamin F. Kice , Creston ; Chauncey C. Phillips , Livermore ; George W. Moore , Essex ; Joslah Hughes , Union ; John M. Bonner , Kcosaiiqua ; Ellas licniny , Green- castle ; John V. Uector , Bioomlield ; Anton Tiihrlni ; , Livermore ; Thomas C , Schooley , Abliudon ; Lewis H. Hankln. Allciton ; Ben- 'imln Workman , Sidney ; Charley Smith , j''ranklln Centre ; Ashland C. Henderson , Centervlllo ; AmosM. Jearberry , Miltonville ; Henry M. Brown , Waterloo ; Kobert M. Oulnn , ( ireentleld ; Joseph O. Eastman , Kssnx ; George W. liusted , Marenco ; Frank M. Uamnson , lilchlaud ; William Smith , Mount Veinon ; Jacob H. Guenther , Sahula ; William H. Komcshn , Greenfield ; John Punt- ney , Fontanolle ; Jacob L. Englebert , DCS Molnes ; Henry 1) . McCoy , Knoxvllle ; William Karnham , Ctiariton ; Michael K. Harned , Collax ; Henry J. Shaip , Promise : City ; William C. Stelnmet/ , Burlington ! Thomas K. Phillips Newton ; John 11 , Williams. Cedar Kapids : William T. Burgo , Mount Pleasant ; John Chllders , McGregor ; Andrew. ! . Chcnoweth , Newton : D. G. Ellis KajmonU ; John Stephany , Qulncy. Army News. WASHINT.TOX , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. | Second Lleutcnani John J. Shaw , Sixth Infantry , has beer dropped from the rolls of the army for de sertldn. Major Henry Cassell , First cavalry , lm < been transform ! from duty at Fort Cutter U the command of Fort Asslnnbolne , Mon tana , succeeding Lieutenant Colonel George G. Hunt , who has jn ° t been piomotcd to tin Tenth cavalry. The refusal of congress at the last scsslor to Include an available nppioprlatlon fo transportation has obliged the secretary o war to Issue an instruction to division am department coniiL-aiuleih tluit they shall no Issue orders during the rest of the tiscal yoai which ma > carry mileage. Army lea\cs : Colonel Albert E. Brackett Third cavalry , six months ; Colonel Chaile- T. Alexander , surgeon , four months ; Majo John M , Hamilton , First cavalry , tw < months extension : Colonel Alex Chambers Seventeenth Infantry , one month sick lea\e Captain Claience A. Stedman , Ninth cav airy , one month fiom Juno 12 ; Captain Will lam A.Miller , Eighteenth infantry , lifteci days from Juno 1 ; Captain GroenleafA Goodslo , Twenty-third Infantry , twelve dav ; trom May 18 ; Lieutenant Hairy L Hlplev , Third cavalry , one month tion May 15. Patents nrnntp.U Westerners WASHINGTON , May 10. ( Special Telegran to the BKK.I The following patents wer granted Nebraska and Iowa Inventors to day : Samuel W. Decker , Verdon , cultl vator ; Peter Penner , McCook , harness check hook ; William Sexauer , Omaha , carpc stretcher ; Jacob Cotirtlcyow , assignor of ont half to 1) . Wormley , Charlton , la. , pip wrench : John W. Monarch , assignor ot one half to A. Malhlas , Des Molnes , la. , equal I/er for horse- powers ; James B. O'Conno and J. Jangcen , Dubuque , la. , seal ; Isaa KOI aback , Davenport , la. , harness buckle Cor.iollus O. Wood , Sibley , la. , bunk fo railway cars ; Oilman P. Woodworth , Colfa * la. , carpet sttetcher. Tlio Washington Monument. WASIIINOTON , May 10. [ SpecialTelegrai to the BKK.I One of the sins of omuslon c the last congress , due either to "chees. . paring" or blunders of the rush of a closln session , was the failure to make provlslo fo ; Inditing the Washington monument an running the elevator therein. As a res ill only visitors who were bold or strong enoug to crepe to the top with candles nave ec Joyed the wonderful view from Its summlU Thieves , protected by the darkness , hav chipped and marred the ornamentations , an now. awlairtothls vandalism.and-the fal ure of conuteis to provide meant of protei tlon , the monument will be closed to visitor entirely. An Argument For Beer. WASHINGTON , May 10. [ Special Telegrai to the BEE.-C. | A Jacobs , of Indlauapolli Is here and argued the creat brewing fer mentation case In the United States supreme court to-day on behalf of the appellees , who nre supported by the National Brewing as sociation. The case Involves the validity of the patents on the bunelng apparatus In the manufacture of beer , and all the brewers of the country nro Interested In the decision. Postal Chances. WASHINGTON' , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to the BKI : . ] The following Nebraska postmasters were appointed to-day : Isaac L. Huff , Columbus , PIntto county , vice Daniel P. Davis , resigned ; Philip U. Nelson , Ken- nard , Washington county , vice Harry Bow- erman , resigned ; Euircno H. Sage , Laird , Frontier county , vice Joe Norwood.rcslgnod : .las. 11. Booker , Manila , Buffalo county , vlco Ll/zle C. Bass , resigned ; W. D. Hlnton , Stcphenson , Keya Paha countr , vlco Win. J. Stevenson , resigned ; Milton Kuuyou , Stock- vllle , Frontier county , vice Jerome 11. io- ) nohy , resigned. Gapltaf Notes , WASHINGTON , May 10. [ Special Telegram tn the BKE.J Joseph Swan , of Lincoln , Neb , , was to-day elected a vlco president of the Hotel Men's National association In the onventlon here. A dividend of 50 per cent was declared : o-day for the creditors ot the First National jauk of Blair , Neb. IJAUU WIltE BUU3TS. Two Chicago Failures Attributed to the Inter-Statn Imw. CHICAGO , May 10. [ Special Telegram to ho BKK. ] Two barb wire fence nianutact- irlng linns failed In this city to-day. Sherman .t Marsh , 51 Dcarborn'strect , made n assignment to Noble B. Judah. The lia bilities are estimated at 3443,000 and the ns- icts at 5250,000. The firm Is composed of Francis T. Sherman and Ebon J. Marsh. The firm of Schimbel & Co , , M Dca'sborn street , next door to Sherman & Marsh also oado an assignment to Mr. Judah. The Ha- 'littles ' are $303,000 and the assets S1S3,000. The members of the firm are Ebon J. Schna- belandEuonJ. Marsh , ( the same Marsh hat Is In the firm ot Sherman & Marsh. ) "All 1 can say about It , " said Mr. Marsh. 'Is that we were relying upon certain remittances with which to uent obligations nnd these remittances were lot forthcoming. There was nothing left Tor us to do but to give up , so we made an assignment. " "Can you state , Mr. Marsh , what are the cnu es of jour failure ? " "Well , I suppose the Immediate cause of the failure Is the operation ot the Inter-state commerce act. That bill has had the effect of simply shutting us out. Wo could not go out of Chicago with our products and hope to do business on antlhlng like a paying basis. Tins is the Immediate cause of the present trouble , but the truth Is the business ias been anything but uiotitable for the last three years. There hoi been too much over- jrortuctlon In barb wire fencing. " "We have made no "preferences of crod- .tors , " said General Sherman , "nnd we have decided on no plans yet. Nor have wo given any judgment notes. We shall await the action ot our creditors , before whom tl > e state of affairs will bo .presented , and shall then act according to their wishes and for the best Interest of all concerned. " Mr. Marsh , In answer to a question , sntd the firm had been doing business for nine years , and are licensed under \Vnshburno- - Moen manufacturing company. They had entertained oed hopes of doing a tine business this spring , but these hopes are now pflcctually blighted. The Schnabel & Co. failure Is duo to the same causes as ttie other. Both llruis arc connected together In busi ness and are virtually the same concetti- Much sympathy Unexpressed on all hands for the mlstortunejwhlch hao ovnrtakuo. General Frank-'Shennan , ilr. Marsh ancT their associates. _ Heavy Catflo Owner Kails. WIN.VEMUCCA. N v. , May 10. W. B. Tod- hunter , n cattle owner of Sacramento , Cal. , who owns 170,000 acres In Oregon and 60,000 In this state , has assigned to Haves , Car rack A : Co. , Oakland , Cal. Ills liabilities are said to bo 5400,000. Iron Men Collapxc. MONTIIKAI , , May 10. CopelandA McLaren , mportors of pig Iron , etc. , have suspended payment. No statement has yet been pre pared , but their firm placed their liabilities , direct and Indirect , atabout 82o5,000. OFUCIAli CKO1 * ftEPORT. Ttio Condition of.'WInter Wheat and Progress or Spring Plowing. WASHINGTON , May 10. The report of the department of agriculture for May relates to the condition of winter grain , the progress of spring plowing nnd ( ho proportion of pro posed cotten area nlicady planted. It Indi cates n decline In the condition of wheat of two points since April 1. Thu ccneial a\er- aio on the whole country being bO against 05 , the same rate in lbbO,70inU& > . andlM Inl&M. The change In the condition has not been unifoim thtotuhout tlio winter district , some stales showinir an inctease and a majority n slight decline and a few a heavy falling off. The drought has reduced the acreage some what in eastern gulf states , and wrought very serious damage In Texas and Arkansas. Tlio lowering condition during the month 10 and 10 points respectively. Favorable tompeiaturo and seasonable rains have Improved the prospect in Tennessee , West Virginia nnd Kentucky. The most serious reduction of the month Is In Ohio where there Is a falling off of eight points since April 1st due to the continuing evil cirects of alternate freezing und thawing noted in the last report and a small crop Is now Inevitable. Michigan and Indiana show a slight decline while In Illi nois and Missouri there Is a gain of ono point. The unfavorallo weather In Kansas and Callfoinia has caused slight f.Uhnz off , while In Orczon the ni as pect lias advanced. It being the only state In which the condition reaches 100. The averaao condition by states Is : New Yoik Wi , Pennsylvania 73 , Indiana 84 , Virginia M ) , North Carolina W , Texas < 'fl , Arkansas t , Tennessee W , West Vlririnia b'J , Kentucky t'S ' , Oiiio 71 , Michigan 00 , Indiana 87 , Illinois W , Missouri t > l. Kansas 81. California Ml and Oregon 101. Itlco has sutfeicd from the same conditions , whlcli have Injur iously affected the wheat , but on account ot Its hardier nature the general average Is 90.8. The condition of barley Is low , the average being 77.7. The season has been more generally advanced in nil points of the country than usual , spring plowing being seriously behind only on thn Atlantic coast south to Pennsylvania , and on the Pa- cllic slope. In tliet-o sections it has been do- la > ed by cold and ; excess of moisture , elsewhere the work & ahead of the average year the season , efpoclatly during April , navln ? been generally favorable , with thf temperature abuvo normal , and the rainfall at a minimum.'The proportion already done May 1 Is estlmatiHl lat 80 per cent of the whole , while the anionnt usually completed at that date is about 7f per cent. An Old Woin nvChoked to Dentil. Niw HAVEN , Conn. , May 10. Mrs. Mar garet Ernst , an old Udy. aged seventy-four , was found early this morning In front of hei house , with her hands and feet bound wltl roaes and a rope around her neck. She ha < been choked to death during the nltfht am had been robbed. * She made a will aboir two years ago , nd had notllicd her attornej that Rhn desired tochanire It. The coronet and police see in this fact a moti\o tor tin crime. A Hanker' * Engagements. SCUANTON , I'll. , May 10. Franklin How ell , a wealthy btnkcr of this clt.v , was suci to-day by a PJltsburg lady for breach o : promise , the damages a ked being $75,000 About a rear ogq he was sued by a wel known lady , who laid her damaces a 345,000. which was settled. It is though llowell la not sine , and application will bi made to the court for the appointment of i committee to taka charge o' his estate. Hotel Men la Convention. WASHINGTON , May-la Tno members o the Hutel Men't Mutual Benellt nssoclatior met this irornlig and elected Jewltt vVIIcox ot Clilc-.go , president fr the ensuing year. TIIERE WAS A GREAT CRUSU ? ho Queen's ' Third Jublleo Drawing-Room the Largest of.Iler Keicn. THE AMERICANS PRESENTED. Victoria to Visit the Wild West To-Uny nmlPrlvAtcly View Iluf- lalo Illll nnd Hla Indian * Foreign News. A Royal Jntn. /SSTIii/JiimM / Oonlnii llennttl. ] LONDON , May 10. [ Now York Herald Jablo SpcclaF to the Br.E. ) The eiueen's : hlrel jubilee drawing-room to-day did not in general dliter from the two preceding ones recently minutely described In llieso dis patches except as to number. The lord chamberlain's ' book showed cards Issued for 511 new presentations. Among thcso were several American ladles. The additional numlcr of chapcrones and privileged guests and gentlemen escorts swelled the total so as to make It Illustrate a reception larger than any during the present reign , as veterans as sure mo. Several of those held in past years Imvo been unmanageable from over crowdIng - Ing , but the unprecedented crush to-elay , with Its Inevitable accompaniment of weary waiting , dismantled attire , unmannerly elbowing , loss of temper and final disap pointments were all that the most cynical could wish. The presentations went through at the rate of 100 In an hour , al lowing thlity-slx seconds for each. It must not bo supposed that the queen lierself sustained the burden. After an hour the Princess of Wales took her place. A good majority were disappointed of even n single glance of queenly approval , or a single liurrlcd touch of the royal hand. The trials nnd tortures the victims of this Inhuman ceremony go through before arriving at the ecstatic halt-minute Is known only to them selves , but as they voluntarily undergo It all For the sake of the reward , In their case , as In that of the fakir's , there Is no room for argu ment. AMRKICANB PnESENTKD. Mrs. Phclps , wife of the American inlnts- lor , wore a petticoat bodice of white and black striped velvet , and a train ot black velvet. She presented the following ladles well known In New York : Miss Van Wort , Miss Louise Morgan , Mrs. Arthur Post , Mrs. llorton wlfo ot the well known Now York janker , Henry L. llorton , who was also present In an anteroom In velvet court dress ind sworel. The latter seemed to attract at tention. Even many English dowagers envied the sumpttiousness of her costume The material of the dress was white salln silver brocade , the front of the suit trimmed with a pearl pattern of antique silver point lace. The corsage , which was "V" shaped , and stomacher , were embroidered the same. The ttaln was of silver brocade on poult de solo , was trimmed with white ostrich tips. At the bottom the train was blue satin lining nnd was fastened at the right shoulder wltli plume feathers. In the hair were Iho tradi tional court feathers , tipped with diamond auerettcs. tier ornaments were diamonds In-necklace and earrings. Miss Van Wert wore gold brocade satin. Miss Morgan wore , .tull - klu7--.wltli train fay francalse , trhnmcd'wlth White acaclos. VICTOIUA AND HUFFAI.O DIM , . To-morrow afternoon the queen holds a very private drawing room at the Buffalo Bill bazaar to view the costumes nnd undress Indian show. The doors and grounds for the time being will be closed to the public. Uclglnm'a Cattle Bill Passed. [ CojrfiM ] / 1SS7 hij James ( Ionian Hennett. ' ] BIIUSSP.I.S , May 10. [ New York Herald Cable Special lo the Bnu. I The cattle de bate ended to-day. The amendment author izing the government to exempt from duty cattle sent to Belgium In transit for re-expor tation was agreed lo. Another amendment limiting the duration of the bill , making It merely experimental , was rejected by a largo majority , and the bill was passed. Its effect will be to Increase the duty on bullocks , calves , sheep , lambs , heifers and all fresh moat from 50 to CO per cent. This cairlcd by n vote of C9 to 54. It is expected It will give eventually rlso to crcat popular discontent , raising tlio price of meats , and bring about the fall ot the present government at next year's elections. Tbo Commons and Coercion. LONDON , May 10. In the house of com mons to-day , In committee on the coercion bill , llealy moved an amendment that a per son committed for contempt of court be treated as a first class misdemeanor. He ar gued that witnesses committed for refusing to answer questions ought not to bo sub jected to the. same punishment as criminals. When the last coercion act was In effect the mere ( letentlon ot many persons shortened their lives ten years. [ Cries of "Hear , Hear."J Balfour , chief secretary for Ire land , said persons committed could avoid punishment by answering the questions. There was no difference between the cases under the clause and cases of contempt under ordinary law. John O'Connor , nationalist , said if tlio govern ment imprlsone.1 witnesses as common crim inals for refusing to answer questions , It would bo n disgrace to civilisation. Why did not they propose to apply tnu old fashioned implements of torture , Including the thumb S210W and rack ? Healy's amendment was finally rejected Ifti to 141. llealy moved to limit the penalty for contempt In the case of witnesses to seven days' Imprisonment. Healy's amendment limiting the penalty for contempt was defeated lift to 111. Another motion referring to witnesses was > negatived. Adjouined , The Government's Coercion Plans. LONDON , May 10. An Informal meeting of the cabinet was held to-nUht to dlbcuss plans for expediting the passage of the co- ciclon bill. It was decided to abandon Iho attempt to effect a wholesale application of cloture at a fixed date. Itusacll , chairman of the committee , will put cloture until each clause has been fully discussed , and compe the m Inlsters to adopt a plan asking foi eloture after bona fide amendments had been heard. The ministerialists now calculate that the discussion in committee will last three weeks longer. The committee leading Ihe conservallves made unotliclal overtures to Gladstone and Morley with a view of find ing out whether they will assent to the np polntment of n commission consisting of two English judces and ono Scotch judge lo In ( luiiolnto the charges against ttmParnellites Thu Gladstonlanc opposed troubling them selves any further with the question unless the government lakes definite action , while the government Is not disposed to make a move until the coercion bill Is passed. The unionist members of the Eighty clul have been summoned to attend a meetlnt , for the purpose of declaring the position ot the club on the home rule question. Tl.i Gladstonlans , being In the majority , wll outvote thu opponents and compel the with drawal of the unionists from the club. British AfTnlrH , LONDON , May 10. The Times announces that the government has sanctioned the New foundland bait bill. It will go Into operation In 1868. The commons sat until 5:20 : this morning On motion being put during the nliiht b ; Uellsle , conservative and unionist , for ad journment , Bradlaueh said he desired a dl vision on the motion tn p vrim o his motion for second reading of the oaths Dcllslc's motion was rejected by a vote of So to 10-1. Alter several Inctlectual attempts o adjourn , Bnuttaugh said ho was satlstied hat a largo majority of those piejcnt weto against adjourning , and agreed to wlthdiaw he motion. A Ijolpslc Indictment of Prnnce. LONDON , May 10. A dispatch to the Times 'rom Paris says the Lolpslc supreme court ias prepared an Indictment , covering f > 00 taces , against persons arrested for connec- Ion w Ith the case In w hlch the French com- ulssary. Schuaebeles , was Implicated , and ho trial of which will begin a fortnight letice. The Indictment covers the details collected during se\eral months past re'gard- UK birrncks election" , Dernlvde's trip , jchnaebelcs and his emissaries , the Patriotic eaguo and Its newspapers and letters , and , n short , says the correspondent , it Is an In- llctmeut ns much ngalnst France ns the pris oners. _ AKniiiflt Coercion. LONDOV , Mav ID. The CoiiKregallonallst ministers of London held n meeting to-day and adopted almost unanimously a lesolutlon olteied by Dr. Parker of City temple , iirotcsllng against the Irish coercion Jill now before parliament , de manding that the Irish people shall bo Heated with justice , and urging Iho goNornmenl to adopt the policy ot concilia tion In dealing with the Irish Question. The Pall Mail Ga/rtte publishes n rumor that the go\etnment lias ordered prepared sixty lirst class cells In Mllb.iiiK prison for the accommodation of the Painellito mem bers of parliament whoso arrest they may deem necessary. Citlian Homo Killers. MADittD.iMay 10. In congress to-day the Cuban home rulers declared that unless the government promptly found means to Im prove the prospecls of Iho Spanish West Indies by gran Un L' the llheitlcs demanded by Ihecieolcs , it would find itself uuable to check the Cuban movement favoring an nexation to Amei lea. The minister ot for eign affairs , replying for thu government , opposed homo rule , but promised eaily po litical nnd tatitl reforms. A Knock-Out Kor Coercion , DuiiLtN , May 10. At a meeting of the Irish National league to-night Dillon said ho liad a line of policy for the people of Ireland which ho would pioduco at the proper mo ment and knock the bottom out of the coer cion bill. When the coercion bill was passed the landlords would find thu plan of cam paign would continue without the slightest interruption. His policy would neither crime nor violent resistance of law. Franco and ICngland Agree. PAKI , May 10. The Temps says an agree ment has been made between Salisbury and flourlns concerning the sphere ol action of England and Franco In East Atrlc. * . Eng land recognised the rights of Franco over the Obock lerritory and the Gulf of Tadiourah , and cedes the Island of Mashab to France. The frontier of the French territory extends from Capo D'Jiboujeh to Harrar. Fiance ad mits the authority of England over the lorrl- torles cast of Cape D'Jiboujeh. German and Czecli Fights. VIENNA , May 10. The lights between Germans and Czech continue. A violent scene occurred to-day In Iho Untcrhans , be tween German and Czech douptles. Fierce stteet lights havelalicn place nt Pracuo be tween German students and a Czech's mob. The French Exhibition. , VIENNA , May 10. Cotfnt Xlchy writes In favor of Jluncarv entering the French exhi bition as an expression of thanks of thn nation for the sense of liberty which origi nated In Franco and which has largely bcn- elitted Hungary. Stay at Home , Rill. Br.iu.iN , May 10. Emperor William's phy sicians have advised him not to go to Gasteln this year. HOUUIDI 'ACCIDKN T. Flvo Mon Burled Under a Mnss of Molten Metal. Pirrsnuiio , May 10. A lerriblo accident occurred at the Edgar Thompson steel works at Braddock about 10 o'clock to-night which will probably cost five lives. Furnace E was blown out a few days ago and to-day a gang of men were put to work clearing It out. An arch had formed , composed ot coke , lime stone and other materials , whlcn was still nt red heat , and pait ot the man wore walking beneath this mass. Shortly after 10 o'clock to-night , without wain ing , the arch gave way. The red hot matter was thrown In all dlrec- lions , knocking men down and in somn In stances mining them. A few ot the men In the vicinity escaped uninjured. In n short time Iho debris was remo\eil and livn men weie laken out in a horilblu condition , their clothing burned from Ihelr bodies anil the flesh literally cooked. The name's of Iho victims are John Xawloskcy , John Gearslft , John Gedard , John Lawatlo and Charles Ledonotkl. Physicians who are attending them cnteitain no hopes of their recovciy. B12AUTYSH BKAST. A Wealthy Philadelphia Girl Marries a Ilepulsivo Fortiino Toiler. Piui.ADKi.iMnA , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. I Miss Josephine M. Mall- ! son , daughter of George Mnlli ii , n wealthy manufacturer of West Philadelphia , dis appeared from her homo three weeks ago. About a week since her father found her liv ing with Prot. James , a trance medium ana fortune teller , at'-00 North Tenth stre-et. who had married her. The husband was offered S 10,000 to release the girl , but iodised thu offer. The young lady Is very bcautltnl and has always been remarkable for her proud and exclusive disposition. The wedding occurred on tlio third visit to tlio medium , who took her to Canada to have the mairlagu ceremony performed. Nine ministers weio applied to before ono could be found willing to marry them because of tliogreat'contrdst in appearance of the couple. The husband Isrcpulshe to hidoousnois , has no hair , Is weak-eyed , nnd has no root to his mouth and Is iinnulo to articulate. Intelllghly. The parents ot the girl am almost crazed with grief at her strange infatuation. Colonel Bollon'N Inglorious Trip. CiurAoe ) , May 10. Colonel W. 11. Bolton , who did L'allant service as commander ol Bolton's battery , In tlio civil war , was finally removed from the city this evening to Jollet penitentiary. Ho has lor some llmo been under sentence for two years for mnbo/zllng large sums collected by him ns chief ot thu mailing division In the Chicago postofllcu , but was Kent In Chicago on one pretext 01 another. To-day his pliysiclanseertihed that ho was temporarily Insane , but United States Maisha ! Marsh would brook no further post ponement. When Colonel Bolton was placed on thu train for Jollet he broke down com pletely and wept. Brought tlio llond to Terms. CHICAGO , May 10. Thu action of the Chicago & Grand Trunk In btlcklni ; U fcecond-class rates foiced Ihe Cenlial Tralllc association to-day to continue them In opera lion , although two weeks ago the association formally abolished and took off sale al becond-cla s tickets. It was also agreed that lound-trip louilst tickels should be placei on sale Juno 1 at practically tlio rates as made last year. The meeting discussed tin advisability of making a - cent pur mllu rate lo parties of ten traveling on n sold ticket open to the public Iho same as has been re cenlly done by the Pennsylvania lines. The subject will be further considered to-morrow. W athnr Indication ) ) . For Nebraska : Threatening weather nni local rains , briik to high southerly winds , hitting to cooler northwesterly. For Iowa : Fair weather , followed by loca rains , warmer boutherly windsIncreasing , brisk to higher , shifting lo cooler westetly winds Thursday. . N THE FIELD OF SPORTS The National Trotting Association's Board of Review Holds au luiportaut Mooting HORSEMEN AWAIT THE RESULTf The Great Kentucky Derby to Bo Hell } 'I'o-Day-Omnha'H Ball Chili De feated nt IliiHtlnii Other Sporting Nov 9 , Very Interesting to Ilnrncnien. . Citto.ui'o , May 10. [ special Telegram to ho UKK.I The adjourned meeting of the ward of review ot the National Trotting ns- soclatlon Is In secret session here this even * HIT. All the members of the board are prcs * nt as follows : Hon. Morgan 0. Bulkeloy , Kilns A. Wilkinson , I' . P. Johnston , U. 17 < lllako and J. McM. Shaftfr , together will/ 'resilient James Grant and General W. S niton. The chief business to come before ! ho meeting will be the letentlon or dismissal Iroin olllce of thn present secretary of the a& { soclatlon. Mr. ThnmasJ. Vail. Mr. Vail I * ? .iresenl , but refutes absolutely to sny any * : hing whalovr upon thn subject ov its possible ejection trom the secretary' chair. The result of thu meutliu will bo anxiously awaited by track associations andr" turfmen nil over the country. "For , " said' a prominent horseman of this city to a re porter , "should the board of review refuse tor lismlss Vail , 1 believe the new American Trotting association , organised by Ciunpun , as the old National's rival , will nearly double Its pie.-e.ut moinbeishlp before tha wee It 1ms passed. The com so of Judge ) [ Irani , who has publlclv asserted that he la' opposed to Vnll's methods will be closely * w niched by horsemen , I can tell yon. " Whether or not Seciotary Vail shall bo dis missed trom olllco will probably be dcllultely. settled to-morrow. Judge Grant matin thfl presentation of the case , setting foth n Ecngtli the various complaints that have beet * made against the secretary fiom time to ! time by momborrt of the association ) ' au < > others , and to the elTcct this antagonism' W having upon the association , The ndvtsa" blllty of removing Mr. Vnll was thendlf cussed in executive ) session for two hour * . Following the e\rcutlvo session the caftf charging fraud ngalnst Judges llulloch/ Dhapman and West , of Turlington , la. , wa * heard. Mr. Vail acted In his capacity a * secretary. The hnnl decision In the Dnrg lington case was postponed pending furlhJC Investigation. _ Kentucky Derby. Lot'isvii.u : , Ky. , May 10. [ Special Tele * gram to the Ilrr. : . | In 1375 , twelve ycarrf ago , the Kentucky derby , for three-year-old colts and hlllcs , distance ouo and one-hall miles , was Inaugurated. A success from the start , It has yearly grown Tn prominence. and popularity until now It Is by odds the > most prized of all western turf events , and It Is doubtful If the east can point with such/ pride to a sliulo racing ( Kturo. Tomorrow row the preat event will take place , ' , and Louisville and Kentucky to-day dig- . cuss little else. The race has never been moro open to speculation , F.acb candidate has n lull miotn ot admirers' , though hereabouts Jim Core and Hanburtf are the best thought of. "Lucky" Baldwin arrived direct trom California last night. 1 Interrogated ns to his derby candidates. Pon- doniils and ( iollnh , Mr. Haldwln stated that before the string left California PendonnU was to his mind much the fastest ot the two * nnd In a trial mile nnd a half demonstrated' hla. superiority. H artld that a * h i hadrnot yet soon his trainer. Mr. McClellan , ho could ? not assert whether path horses would slarti Wednesday or not. He had grave doubts aa . to cither of his horses' ability to beat 13 an ? burg , whom ho thinks a greatly Improved animal over his two-year-old form. Thoroughbred Kentucky Colt Sale. - SiMtixo STATION , Ky. , May 10. At the sale of Alexander's yearling thorougbrods near hero to-day , a largo crowd of buyer * ' were present , but the bidding was slow and generally low. Thirty-eight ot the colts and fillies brought the aggregate sum of S'J8COO. ' Below Is a list of the colts and lillles which brought 3 1,000 and over , with the name oC the purchasers : bay colt , by Falsetto , to K. Coirlgnn , 53,000 ; brown colt , by Falsetto , to John Mnckey , 83,100 ; bay colt , by King toC. . Hawkins. Sl.iBO ; hay lllly , by Fal setto , to J. L. Conger , 81.W5. ba" nlly , by King Alfonso , to Clay & Woodford , 81JXKC. The prices oC the others range from 3300 to 81150. A bay colt by Loncfellow , dam WflB Dane' ) , the piopcrty ol J. M. Wood , was put up after the Alexander sale and brought S'J.OOO. Ho was put chased by the 1'reaknesa stable. Mnrylnncl Jookny Club Race * . ' UAI.TIMOIIB , May 10. To-day was the first of the spring meeting of the Maryland Jockey club. The attendance was light and the track very heavy. The following Is the summary : > Three-quarters mile : Britannic won , Bar-1 nnm second , Bramhleton third. Time 1:30. : i For three-year-olds , one mile : Queen of Kll/.abelh won. Valiant second , LI/io Bakoc third. Timo-l.W. : Mile : Suitor won , Olendon second , Belmont - mont third. Tlme-1 : ) ! { . All ages , one and one-eighth mile : Dry Alonopoln won , 1'asha second , Bess thlid. Tl mo 8:03. : One nnd one-sixteenth miles : 1'nnama won , Nil Uesperaiultim second , LongllKht third. Tlmo 1:57 : } . , Oiiialinn Hontoii Hy tlio Hunting * . llAKTixns , Neb. , May 10. The Hastings club beat the Omahas to-day In n game whlcli was chlclly distlngulslied by the ease with , which the pitcher of thn latter club was bat ted and by the costly cirois whleh the rest ot the visiting nine made. The tollowlug was the score by tunings : Hastings 1 0 2 0 H li .t I 0-15 Omaha 8000 0 0 0 0 0-a Denver Defeated nt Lincoln , LINCOLN' , Neb. , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Bin. : ] Might hundred people saw the home team defcatthe Delivers to-day In one of the most Interesting games of the year. The features of the contest were the brilliant plays In the out-Hold nnd excellent work of Lawrence and Dolan , the homo bat tery. Lang , Koblnson and Shaeffer of tha Lincoln * scored homo inns and base hits were numerous. The Llncolns' errors were mainly confined to Itowe , whoplaved second Instead of lirst base , his usual position. Sllch. thu now pitcher nt thu Delivers , was baited freely and the visitors failed to play up to their usual excellence. The umpire tried to bo fair but failed signally. Several of the players worn lined by him In tlio cohrse ot the game. The score by Innings was as fol lows : Lincoln 2 3002223 3 17 , Denver 4 1 1002010 0 National Ijoatcuo Games. Nr.w YOIIIC , May 10. The game between. New York and Washington to-day resulted ns follows : Ne.w York 0 3 Washington 0 1 0 0 3 1 2 1 -8 Pitchers-Welch and Whitney. Base hits New York 10 , Washington 13. Krrors Now York 5 , Washington it. Umpire Powers. Unir.\oo.May 10. The game between Chicago cage and Indianapolis to-day resulted as fol lows : Chicago 2 000. 22001 7 Indianapolis 0 1 3 Pitchers Pylo and i leafy. Base hits- Chicago 12. Indianapolis lit. Krrors C'hl- c.i''o-i , Indianapolis 4. Umpire Hengle. DETROIT. Mav iu. The gamn between De- tioit and Plttsburg to-day resulted as fol lows : Detroit. . . . ! 001001000003 A PlttbburgO 001020000001 i' ' Thirteen Innings. Pitchers Weldtnan and Calvin. Base hits-Detroit 13 , 1'ittsburg It. Krrors-Detrolt B , Plttsburg 4. Umpire- Quest. BOSTON , May 10. The game between the