Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
v 1-7 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. MAY 10 , 1887. HE CUT' HIS OWN THROAT A Despondent German Suicides Under Fo * cullar Circumstances. A BIG VICTORY FOR OMAHA. Cftllc fjlno Men nnil IMiistcrers Strike In Convention A Kick Youth Otlicc Local News. A Hiilclilp. One of the worst cases of suicide which Vins yet ntlrnctud the nttention of Cor oner Drcxt'l was discovered yeatordny morning at 11 o'clock , in tlic Atlantic hotel miTcnth street between Howard and Jack son streets. The name of the victim was Win. llolt.ichneider. He hud resided In llarhm , lowu , and came to the hotel nbout three days ii'o. , He was u heavy Btout man , witli thick , rough and short beard covering his face. He was with out friends , and the cli-rk of the hotel Sunday niL'ht Importuned lilm for the amount of his bill , and was told the same would bo paid yesterday. Yesterday morning the man did not make his ap pearance and the chambermaid spoke of the mutter to the clerk. Knocking at the door of the room failed to arouse the in mate , and the door was accordingly opened by means of a pass k . > * , which pushed out the key on the inside of the door. On the bed lay Holtsclmeidcr , his face buried in the pillows and his body in his underclothes. The bed was saturated with blood , and some of the latter Bnurtcd four feet upon the walls. On the Jloor lay a razor covered with blood. Coroner Drexcl was called about noon mid held an inquest. The dead man was turned on his buck and a ghastly wound In his throat showed that he had almost severed his head from his body. On n table in the room lay a note written partly in English and German , which is reproduced as follows : 1 live In llnrlan , la. 1 Keep a oakery and rcstnurant tliero. 1 was married to the widow HclmtTcr In I'lnttsinoulh , Neb. , March 1 , elL'lit years ace , and slio lias , with the help ot her children and her son-in-law , driven mo Ironi home. She took another baker and cliove me iwnv without a cent. Please let her know about It tiiat 1 could not live any lontrcr. The coroner empaneled a jury and a verdict was returned that the deceased had come to his death by his own hand by cutting his throat with a ra/.or. The remains were taken to Drcxol & Maul's , where they will await the dispo sition of friends. THEIR PM3AH IN VAIN. Candidates Tor Justice Rorka'q Shoes ItarkliiK Up a AVronu Tree. A member of the legislature stated last evening that the applications which have been made to thu county commissioners for appointment as justice of the peace in place of Louis liurka , who resigns in a day or two to accept the police judgeship - ship , arc all useless. When Justice IScrka resigns there will bo no ollico to appoint anyone to , because the ollice will disap pear. The reason is that Omaha is no longer under the provisions of the law relating to cities of the first class , but under the the provisions of the law governing metronolitan cities. The charter bill which was wanted by the legislature will govern any other city reaching the nec essary population , as well as Omaha. ' In its'provisions nothing is said concern ing justices of the peace and the city con sequently reverts to the primeval con dition ot two justices tor each ward. Justice Bcrka's ollino , therefore , has been legislated out of existence. As long as no or any other justice continues in ollico until the next election ho could administer his duties , lint when he resigns thu ollico resigns with him. \VlLLi GET CONCESSIONS. A Great Victory Gained lor the South Omaha Stock Market. Mr. John A. McSlmno returned yes terday morning from Chicago. As has already been stated in the UKE , Mr. Me- Shane went to that city to meet the reprcs ontativcs of the dlllercnt Iowa and Ne braska lines , in order to induce them if possible , to remove the discriminations ngalnst the South Omaha market , notably in favor of Kansas City. His mission was a success. "I met thu representatives of the differ ent roads at Chicago"said Mr. McSlmno yesterday in conversation with a reporter , ' 'including the Union I'acitlo , H. & M. ami Northwestern. They listened to what I had to say in regard to. the discrimination ngainst Omaha , and agreed to re-adjust their tariQs , so that the South Omaha market would not Buttbr. " "Will this settle the difficulty finally ? " Was asked of him. "Yes , I think it will dispose of the question altogether , " ho answered. "If the roads keep their promises made tome mo , the South Omaha market will bo placed on an equal footing with that of Kansas City. And that is all wo ask. " "When will these changes in the tariffs bo made ? " "I was assured by the railroad men that they would be made at onco. Yes , 1 regard this as a great victory for Omaha. " HE IS TO BLiAME. A Statement an to Major Bash's Re sponsibility Army NCWH. The report of the court of inquiry into the case of United States Paymaster Uash , who was robbed of $7,200 , has been received nt army headquarters. It has not yet been made public. A reporter learned yesterday , however , from a high source that Major Uash was held responsible for the loss , and that ho will bo made to refund to the United States the $7,200. As Major Dash is a now mnn in this branch of the ser- vijo , his punishment will probably not bo made any moro sovoro. Captain Hay , of Fort Niobrara , arrived in Onmha yesterday morning , to assume his duties as the now judge advocate of this department. The companies at the Bcllovuo rillo range attained in practice a liguro of merit of 8'J.O'J ' for the lirst live days work. Tills represents an excellence of marks manship which is generally only attained in a month's practice. Captain Dempsey'd company is in the lead so far. ODDS AM ) EMM ) . Stray Leaves From Huportorlal Note Bunka. "I am ready to believe that wo are the worst gulled pcoplo in the universe , " ' said n gentleman yesterday morning. 'My experience at the opera houscon Sat urday night has opened my mind to con viction. The insane folly of paying ox- 'tortionato prices to hear a crowd of French pcoplo jabber on the btago was well Illustrated by the fact that nine- tenths of these who had paid the money demanded were disgusted after the per formance and could not bo induced to witness another. As a consequence , the succeeding audloncos dwindled to moro shadows. Now , whom was this money , paid to sco ? A woman whom a respecta- lY bio family in Omaha would not admit | j \vithinjt8doors. A woman whoso chief- ' tut histrionic success has boon made ' in ( ho duliuuatiou of character's , which cputablc people can not look upon save on the stage. Yet It was fashionable to go , and they wont , until they satisfied hemselves that they were fools , protend- tig to bo interested , when they could not en whether the star was laughing at them vhen they least expected it. bitch she certainly aid on Saturday night. Such Use did her company , not hesitating in heir contempt to put the stage thunder- sheet in motion during fomo of the alleged nterestlng scenes. The climax wa.s reached when Hernhart allowed herself o be bundled up like a drab and carried oodily by two men and deposited on a sofa in the front of .ho stage. Tim curtain dropped the next instant. And the people ap- > lauded. If Hernhart has a defense igainst such conduct , it would bo dillicult to imagine what it is. Certamlv a lady would never liavo so debased hersolf. It shows the nature of these foreign 'rauds. You must either Mil their pockets or they will spit upon you. " "It is a fact well known to our trade , " said a retail cigar dealer the other day , 'that as a general thing those makers vlio are continually bringing out new jrands of cigars , work up their business n a manner which is not wholly honest. Supposing a firm brings out a now cigar vhieh it wishes to boom. It is sent out on the market witli big advertisements to > ack it , and in a verv " short timu every body has heard of it. The lirst 20,000 ere o are made of superfine quality , and the niblic at once vote the brand a lirst-class one. Whenthe , cigar has achieved a rep- itation , the makers arc not particular about quality and deceive the public by lalming oil'an inferior article under the atno brand. Finally the demand for the cigar ceases altogether , and the same iroccss is repeated with a new brand. L'his is especially true of live-cent cigars. FA N 0 V SHOPPE US. low Homo AVomcn Pay Kxtravaniint Prices for Their Purchases. "There goes a woman whom I have de- ibcrately swindled , " said a dry goods lerk in a largo establishment the other lay."How "How is that ? " inquired a reporter who overheard the remark. "I'll tell you , " said ttio clerk , as he ticked u lot of empty collar boxes under he counter. "She came in here just now ind wanted to buy some underwear. She vantcd the very finest we had , to cost not ess than ten dollars a suit. I didn't hayc mything as line as that , so I sold her for $10 , a suit that is worth just exactly $5. She said she bought it was just too nice for anything , lulled a roll of bills out of her pocket , laid the money and left my counter per- 'cctly satisfied with her purchase. 1 had to do that for if I had told her that we lidn't have any $10 underwear , she would h\fo : \ gone _ to some ether place and icvcr patronized our store again , She is just one of a very largo class of women tvho want to pay high prices lor every thing and take a pride in that sort of dis- lay. No , men arc very seldom troubled. ; hat way. Do we very often 'swindle' : ho poor darlings , that way ? Yes , quite frequently. Wo have to do it , you A FIRST CLASS TUAOK. Omaha Ilicycllstn to Have a Good Clay Path. John S. Prince and John Harden , the well known sporting men of this city , uive leased the grounds on Sixteenth street formerly known as the Athletic jaseball park. They propose to put down therein n lirst class clay track for the use of bicyclists , to bo one quarter mile , in length. Work on the construction of the track will bo commenced to-morrow. It will be twenty feet wide all around , except at the homestretch , which will bo 25 feet wido. It will bo of clay , the top layer to bo of the finest clay , pounded line , wet , dried and then rolled so as to make the surface as level as a lloor. The track will bo accurately surveyed so that there will be no doubt as to its exact distance. In short , it will bo equal to any track of its kind in this country. Mr. I'rinco an nounces it as his intention to give a num ber of interesting tournaments ticrc tuis season. nail Notes. It was stated at the Union Pacific head quarters yesterday that Prcsident'Adams , when in Omaha on Saturday , left word that work on the company's improve ments in Council Ulull's , which has been suspended for some months , should bo re sumed and pushed. These improvements will cost about $250.000 , and hlcludo roundhouses , storage depots , oil houses , tracks , etc. Messrs. Kimball , Monroe and Stcbbins have returned from Chicago , where they attended the meeting of railroad men. The meeting was adjourned until next , week to allow the Central Pacilio people an opportunity to communicate with Now York oilicials. Vice President Crocker , of the Central Pacific , and a party of railroad friends passed through the city eastward yester day. day.Treasurer Treasurer McFarland , of the Union Pacific , and wife went up to Minneapolis j'cstonmy. President Adams and party have gene west. Sunday Track-Laying. BSunday morning at about 7 o'clock , the residents on Twenty-fourth street , south of Vinton , were surprised to see a force of men engaged in laying a track upon their street. The material had been deposited during the night , and when the earliest riser left his couch ho found a considerable amount of track hud in a reason ably good condition. Sovonty-ftvo men and fifteen teams were engaged during the day. Somu heavy plowing was done in quick time , and when the work ceased at 7 o'clock in th < ) evening three fourths of a nulo of track had been laid. This was a Hank movement on the part of the Omaha Motor railway to shut out the South Omaha , who were contemplating commencing to build yestoiday morning. Asked Ills AVITo'a Forgiveness. "I shall release you if you think it worth while to ask your wife's forgive ness , " said Judge Stonberg yes- morning to ono of the prison ers. Ho was a man * named John G. Morrissey , who had been arrested for .striking his wifo. Mrs.Mor- nssoy , n well-appearing woman , with ono eye badly discolored , where her hus band's blows had fallen , interceded for him , telling the judge that she did not believe - liovo ho would do such a thing again. She did not want him sent to jail because on his wages she and her children depended. Morrisoy very humbly begged his wife's pardon and the judge released him. him.Several Several unimportant cases of drunks , vagrants and disturbers of the peace were disposed of by the judgo. Water Stock Increased , The Omaha Waterworks company have increased their capital stock from $800,000 to $1,000OCO. The resolution authorizing the increase was yesterday morning liled with the county clork. To Oo Married. Mr. John Flynn , formerly of this city and now of Carthage , Ills. , is in town making preparations for his marriage to morrow to Miss Hannah licgloy , o : 'lenth street , of this. city. The ceremony will take place lu St. Patrick's church , UllUGGISTS IN CONVENTION. The State CotnpoutUlcra of Prescrip tions Meet Hero To-day. To-day the annual convention of the State Pharmaceutical association will commence in this city. Its sessions will ) o held In the exposition building , and continue for two days. The society mini- berd about six hundred members , and it is expected that about two hundred and fifty are of thcso will bo in attendance. The local druggists have appointed committees to ircparo for this gathering , and thcso lave been busy at work all day putting : ho building in shape for the event. A argo number of foreign wholesale lealcrs in in drugs have representatives on hand. and all of these busy erecting beautiful stands upon which to display their respective wares. Among those represented are John Wyeth As Hro. , Eastman & Bro. , Phila delphia ; MoKcssoh & Uobbius , New York ; Alfred Wright , Rochester ; Seely manufacturing company , Park , Davis & Co. , Charles Wright & Co. , Fred Steams A : Co. , Detroit ; Hoitick Fooil manufact uring company , Kacinc ; IJtirrough Bros. , Baltimore ; Graham Bros. , Chicago ; Mu- ganean & Hruner , Fremont ; Eli Lilly & Jo. , Indianapolis ; Kendall manufaetur- ng company , Burlington , Vt. ; Ironde- limit Wine company , Kochester ; Slier- nan , Williams & Co. , Seaburg & John son , Now York , and Fleming Bros. , i'ittsburg. The local exhibitors will bo \\oodnianLinseedOil company , Cum- ngs & Nelson Oil company , Carlco man- ifacturing company , Mayno Paint com- any , anil the Ocntha Rubber company. J'ho local wholesale druggists will ex- ilbit only in their stores. The lirst session of the convention will ) o hold this morning at 11 o'clock. There will bp an afternoon session , as ilso two sessions on Wednesday. In the evening the local committee will on- leaver to allbrd the delegates some neaus of entertainment. Hastings. The Mo. Pacific and Northwestern have submitted propositions for bonds which will be voted sure. J. 1) . Hiloy. the real estate brouer , has great bargains in busi- toss lots and acre tracts. Dawes & Foss' Addition a specialty. Uooms 4,5 and 0 Opera House. SHE AVENT BACK ON HIM. \nd a LoveSIck Young Mnn Dis charges a Ilevolvor. A telephone message was received at lolieo headquarters about 11 o'clock yes terday , asking that the patrol wagon be sentat once to 1413 Davenport street , as a young man had just attempted to com mit suicide tliero. The wagon was sent town tliero with two policemen. Ilio young man in ques tion proved to bo Frank Vierso. lie had not committed suicide , and if lie Utempted it did not como at all near to being successful. It is probable that ho : lid resolve to shufllo oll'thu mortal coil , but that his courage failed him at the last moment and that ho fired into the air. Tne occupants of the boarding house say that was in his room alone , when the shot was lircd so that in all probabil ity the exact htato of a flairs will never bo known. Vierso intimated at lirst that ho tried to kill himself , but when looked up in jail on a charge of discharging lire- arms , said the shooting was accidental. An acquaintance of the young man says that Viorso tried to kill him self on account of a young married woman named Hattie Redman , who did not requite the all'eclion he entertained tor her and who was about to leave town to-night. Vierso himself remarked when the oili- ccrs placed him under arrest that the "d pistol was no good" and that "Jiattio lias gene back on mo. " Cottage colors ready for" use in new and desirable shades. Alabaslino in various tints , the original and only per manent wall finish , supersedes calci mine for beauty and durability , anil is easily applied. Paints , window glass , brushes , etc. , largest and most complete stock west of Chicago. Cummings & Neilson , 1118 Farnam St. AMUSEMENTS. TIIK Sl'OIBKNY TAMILY. Don't fail to let the children go and hear the great musical McGibony family at Boyd's at the matinco Saturday after noon , as it will do them good , and to sco the bright McGibony children m a line line of musical specialties will do them good , and if they are students in music to see and hear what thcso children do will be ot lasting benefit. Most every body likes u good hearty laugh , and ho who docs not love laughter must bo stupid- indeed , and for genuine fun 3011 should see the McGibcny family Friday and Saturday next. Cable Line Work. The workmen on the cubic line on Dodge street have reached the engineers , whoso work has not boon finished much beyond Fourteenth street. The track work is beine carried on quite rapidly , and if no delay takes place the line ought to DO completed to Twentieth street in thirty days. Yokes for the cable line have been strung along Harnoy street for about a block west of Tenth street. This satisfies most people in the vicinity that that street will bo the next ono on which a track will bo constructed. Licensed to AVcd. Judge McCulloch issued marnago licenses yesterday to the following par ties : Xamo. Residence. Aeo. ( MlkeMm-r Onmha 28 1 Louisa Rleth OliiiUin 27 I Urban Rets Omnlm 23 | Johanna 1'Iolir Omaha V. ) j Daxicl M. Khomson Onmha 2S I Annie T. Mullen Oiimha 22 ( John Flynn Carthage , III. * 2 ! I Johanna Bouloy Omaha 23 Building Permits. Superintendent Whitlock issued build ing permits yesterday , as follows : M. C. Hanson , one-story frame cot- tace , 27th and Ohio S 750 Ira James & Sons , one-story frame ollice , Kith near Williams. , 150 Frank Helm , one-story frame cot-- tnge.'Ohio near 14th 1,000 Three permits aggregating SI,900 .7. D. Riley , Real Estate Broker , Has ings , Neb. References : City Nat'l bank and Adams County bank. Plasterers Strike. Eight or ten plasterers employed under Contractor Boehmo on the Ramgo build ing , Fifteenth and Harnoy struelc yester day morning because two of their number had been discharged. Contractor liochmo agreed to leave the matter to a committee of arbitration , but this offer the men refused. At last accounts no solution of the difficulty hud been arrived at. Parncll Social Club. The regular bi-monthly dance of the Parncll Social club will bo given next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. This will bo the last regular party given by the club this season , and a pleasant time is assured the members and friends who attend. _ Druids Installed. On this evening a new grove of Druids to bo known as the Shiller Hani , will bo instituted at Druid's hall , 1810 Douglas street , aud the officers installed Ilrcvltlcl. Kansas City . -parties nro In the city looking up a Jocatiou for n dime mu scum. Henry Clayiltobcrson , an aged colored man , died yecturday at his residence on Jones street. The deceased was seventy- two years of npi , and for the last ten years has boon n "whitowashcr" in this city.Officer Officer Lahtvy , ono of the three police men who do mity at South Omaha , be came intoxloatmf Saturday and lay down on ono of the tracks near Hammond's [ Jacking house where trains are hourly Dating. A cltr/cn who happened to see lim pulled him oil'the track just in time to save Ins life. George Dunn , through his attorney L'arko Godwinhas commenced in the dis trict court n suit for $10,000 damages against the Omaha and Grant Smelting works. The plaiuliir was formerly an employe at the smelter and claims that owing to defective machinery his arm was caught in a set of rollers and so sadly injured that it had to bo ampu- : ateu. Personal Paragraphs. E. Rosowatcr left for the cast last light , where ho will remain some ten lays. Dr. R. W. Council has recovered from i tedious illness , aud is able to be about igam. _ Dr. Fisher , formerly of Alton , 111. , ar- ivcd in the city yestcrday.and announces lis intention of locating here. Hon. Henry Bacon , of Goshcn , N. Y. , xmdA. W. Blyo , of Syracuse , N. Y. , were callers at the BCE office last night. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burkett leave to morrow for Grand Island , where they will attend the marriage of their niece , Miss Clara Burkett , to A. Hart , a pvomi- nont druggist of that place. George M. Eames , editor of the Alcdo Democrat , of Alcdo , 111 , is spending a 'ow days in the city , visiting his brother , 1' . B , Lames , job printer at F. A. Man ger's. Postal Changes. G. W. Chivis , the colored letter carrier in the local postolllcc , has tendered his resignation to take ell'eet on the 15th of ; ho month. He will bo succeeded by E. 11. Monroe , who has heretofore been a substitute. POWDER Absolutely Pwren This powder-never varies. A marvel o purity , strength and wholesomcnefis. More economic than the ordinary kinds , and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low cost short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans Royal Baking Powder Co. , 100 Wall-st. , Ner York. OMAHA 13th St.Cor. Cipltol Aventit , FOR THt TRIATHINT Or Alt , Chronic & Surgical Diseases DR. MoNIENAMY. Proprietor. Bliteen years' ilosmt i and Private fractlce Wo hare the fAcilltfet , apparatui and remtdle * for the suctcsiful treatment of every form of di - rote requiring lther medical or aurgtcal treatmtut , and Invite all to come and lnre tlK t for tHemiclvM nr correspond with ui. Long xpcrlence In trent- Inccascsby letter cnabl u to treat manjr C M icUntlflcallr without acting them. WHITE rOK CIRCULAR on Dcformltlei and Brace * , Club Feet , Curraturci of the Spine DuBiiis or WOM K. Pil i , Tamon , Caneiri , Catarrh , Cronchltli , Inhalation , Electricity , Parat- yili , Epllcpij , Kidney , Eje , Ear , akin , Blood and all Bttrgical operation ! . liatiorlei , Inh ler , Urnrea , Trniiei , anj all kinds of Medical and Surgical Appliaucei , man ufactured and for tile. The only rtlliblo Medical Initilult miking Private , Special & Nervous Diseases ' rA BPECIAI.TT. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND ULOOD DISEASES , from vhatoverruiiFe producedincccisfnlly treated Wo can remove BypmUtto polion from the i/iUui without mercury , Now rtitnratlva treatment for loin of vital power ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL Call and consult ua or send came and poit-offlcc nddrtis plainly written enclose etamp , and we will "end you , In plain wrapper , onr PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEK UPOK PRIVATB , SriCIAI , AMD NSBVOUl DllUAlE * , SEMINAL WKAKNIII , BPBHIIATOKIUKXA , IxroijiN- cv , HrrniLis , UoxoimnmA , OMIT , VAKICOCELE , 8TKICTURB , AND ALL UUIAIII or TUK GtMT UKINAKT OnaAMi , or tend h'.itory ufour cute < or an opinion. Persons unable to visit us may he treated at their homci , t > r correspondence. Medicines and Instru ments sent bf mall or eipress BKCUHKLY PACK BO FKOM OI1SEUVATION , no marks to Indicate contents or eciultr. One personal Interview preferred ferred if convenient. Fifty rooms for the accom modation of patients. Board nnd Attendance at reasonable ptlcesi Address tJl Letters to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor. 13th St ana ClDitoM e-OMAHA. N 3 tinYM-ittoritluratol and eircnrvU | ( ] > li'c' ' ' * " * . AIM ! In all larcw coumiuititMM , tbiy liava ttieir | * UtlU. la ttrtl In wlikli , Utey tlirrrt tlwlr ttudirs ami irarllce. l > iu OrrtJi- bOUHii Is a ucrtMfUl lIIuitrAflmi cl Iliti iniMlrni irhoulor | MxUnttnti < l MiuiiiirrrtSU'nlnt lurte * * In I lie litntmtul l ClironicNi'noui anil hpvrUl l > iw M4U ( > lliw > rilni ) won * ili'lful itlf llfltlrrinz. 'lltOM | trrvnil wda utJ iiicdkal r li f f > r llio no t Kliaioori > i * ( iH' , v\llinin ] in urcont- l > h lirU aii'l tii < HHrul | > liy ld u In lh \ < trjof lin. fn u- tun \UtoUlilutilr rn-oniuienJeJ ! > / ti ) lueOicat ( rgftr iioa at Ityin * and a broad TO THOSE M ( Jl'fST OF IIEil.TKt Rftt > t tauiif | r l Mjr on > Un , an Imitorunl Qurnlon ami S > nijoni ) IJttun tikh togt. ta full ItUlor ; ofilwir dm MM. tlnlUliie Miit ( viTjrwtnriy ) \ ft | > rcui adtlca hy lellrr. Coiualtatbn frvo ind cunltitaitUItvtwuinly \ \ or l > y iiiAiL II rilROMC UHEASES AffcdhifflhVr"u rtyttfmrtcnlto , Urinary arnl Rrinn1ii | * C ilo..or.JJr . . Dr > OTTERBOURC , 01'HfK IIUIRSi C.r. lllh..JUod.Mv , DUIli. . , 1 I1 | I J l 8 | > . . O iN > , h > . ? heo U f ui 1 tlo not uean ti erly to atop i ernfu h T m < l the dlMM of yjT lonc u.df. Ivaxrut mrr medf tocurt B cioi t > i > ter H TO fall d U no rtuon for Of ft cure. b o4 at uoea < ur ft treatlio ftmt ft nfalllblo rtm.dr. Ul L Pr , n < l rc"fc ua nothlne tor ultl. and I will car * ACCOMPLISHED X ' 4 * Ever since our opening here we have labored under great disad vantage on account of our store being too crowded. We were here tofore not able to get such a large place as we desiredandnot only were we prevented from keeping the stock we intended , but we could not even properly display the assortment we did carry. We have at last succeeded in securing additional room and have leased the two floors above as also the rear part adjoining our store on 14th street. This , in addition to oar present salesroom , will make us the largest clothing house in the west. The necessary alterations will crowd us fearfully , and this as well as the desire to oraen the enlarged quarters with entirely fresh goods prompts us in making a SPECIAL SALE , at which we will offer extraordinary bargains. We are Now Marking down our Stock throughout at such prices that it will make a stir in the clothing trade , and will move our goods quickly. All goods marked in plain figures and at one price. Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HURD THOMPSON , Sec. $ & Treas Wholesale @ Retail. "WE "Fish Brand" Coats , Ilulbs , Douches , Hair Crimpers , Nursery Shcctlug , Fpccalnm' , Alrl'lllowe , llriislici , Drill & Duck , Ilnlr 1'ins , Navy llagn , hportsiiieu's Goods , AlrllcilH , llrewcr'B Hose , Door Mills , lints , OH Clothing , Stninps , Air Cuslilonfl , Caps , Dress Shlelils , Horeo Covers , I'ncklng , Mntloncr's Cum ! , Anil Ifattlcri , Capes , Drinking Cups , lloao , It. It. AT. Co.Pnlls , Sjphong , Aprons , Carrlncc Cloth , Klastln Unmix , Hose Couplings , Peiftciion Box Syllnge , hplttoonp , Atomizers , Cartridge Hags , Kinetic Stockings , lloso I'lpeg , I'diclls , .S\\lininlng Jncketi Hands , CathcUrx , Eraser ? , I lose Keels , Ten holders. Syiinges . . . . . , 'P if ction tiol IlamlnKC Gum , Clothing , Fnco lings , Hot Water llottlcfl.IVssnrlcs , n i. I. ! Itnptiemal Pants , Copy Wjok Sheets , 1'lngor Cots , Halls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Jinth Mnts , Cement , Floor Scrapers , i Until Ttibi , Clothes Wringers , FohlinR I'nilB , lied Pans , Coats "Fish llrand Foot Halls , Ilcd Sheets , Combs ) Force Cups IUI. & P.Co. Ilcltlng , Comb Cleaners. Fruit Jnr Kings , Kelt Hookfl , Corks , Funnels , Mellows Cloth , Cork Screws , fiaa Tubing , lllbs , Curry Combs , ( ilovca , lllankctfl. Cuspadors , Gossamer Caps , Hoots Shoes , Cigar Cases , " Cloth , Hoys Caps , ChalrTlps.tUutTcrs , " Coats , Iloyg Coats , Diapers , Iloiiglcs , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Hracelcts , Dolls , Gun Covers , Itrcast Pumps , Dollllodlcs , Guttn Pcrcha , Hrenat Shields , Doll Heads , Gymnas'.nms , 11 UulFcrs , Door Hands , Hair Curlers , Boston Holdup _ JCo's. Kubbcr and Cotton Belting , Packing and Ho'.e. Sole agents in Omaha. Leather Belting1 ; I'liro Oak Tunned. Manufacturers of "PKKFKCTION IJOX SYWNCrES. " Manufacturers of "FISH lilt AND 11U11VE11 GOODS. " OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY , 1008 Farnam St. , OMAHA , NEB. Mall Orders Solicited and will IlcccUa Prompt Attention. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . $250,000 Burplub . 40,000 E. W. Yates , President. A. E. Touzalin , Vice President. W. H. S. Hufihes , Cashier. DJUECTOHS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins. H. W . Yates , Le wii S. Reed , A. E. Touxalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor li-'th and Farnam Sts. A Gtneral Hanking Business Transacted , FRANK G , HOLLINS & CO. , liemben New York Stock Exchange. BUY AND SUM , ON MAW1IN8 , STOCKS AND BONDS , Gainr and Provisions. Clark Srcct , Cltlcayo ( ( irundPuclUoIlntel ) Private wire to Now York. Correspondence invited by mall or telegraph DRS.S.&D.DAVIESON . . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado , Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous. Chronic and DISEASES , More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all so suffering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive immediate attention , JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mulled FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an ' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on Diseases of ) he Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address , DHS. S. & D. DAVIKSON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado. 1707 Olive St. .St. Louis. Mo. NEKVITA ir i'7 , ' e" ! § * ! ( Tnill ratt T DIAI > > ffKU ' . < " " * ' > " " I nlALi * rfauiiM > iiuriD > i - rnrr I Illflbl . , I llbla UrU Mi. Ixi.t Malkcrad 4 aff llo l. Tilil c kM. lit. [ " > 1IB A. a. OMJi CO. . NfclM WMMMicwJl . * Ur t 6.0 , DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture * maker's art , at reasonable prices. New Model Lawn Mower rive Slzrs. Will cut Mutter yrans another. ] . J I a * no equal for durability and case of operation , This is the latest Improved Ma chine in the Market. LniH 1'rlrcn. Nctulfor clrr.nltirs. PHIL STIMMEL & CO. OMAHA , XJlllltASKA. State Anent * for Porter's II > iiiiTool ( and Jobbers ofJlindina 'J'tvint : RELIABLE JEWELER. \ Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware ) The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. / Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union i 1'acific Railroad Cotnpsn > . "CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Tim lie.t known iitul mo-t popular hotel In thoeiuto. Location central , appointments Hifct class. IlriiliimrtoiH ( | for coiinriurulHl mon and all polltlciiluud puljllo gatherings. K. P. IIOOCJUN , Proprietor. fl N H III111 RH ATictimot 'i Mlrji Hill lUU U i'rrinMur . . MNULinnn U. y. Br c > uJ IHUIItr , I/Mt Uanbno < ltU > . , li4rlnjtrll- vaLi every known rMni .lr. hac dUcoriTed iluiflo pit care , whtrlik * wUisrnd FRBB to bliMlawiuUrnr' . SCIENTIFIC INSON & DAVlo DREXEL & MAUI4 \ Successors to.J no. G Jacobs , M At tlio oltlstnnd 1 107 Karutim bt. Onlerfl bytult niuh solioitcil itnil promptlr at * Umlcdto. Tuhphono No. 225. ' . . TnirwUiulara 'i ularcc.1 audslrcnuliieni > l. tent ( ualcd ) fitc. bKIK MiaHCAI. UO. , lluftalu , N. Y. WoodbridgeBrothers I STATK AGKNTS i'Oll THh Decker Brothers OMAHA , NKU11ASICA , . , ,