Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under thH lifnd.W cents per
mo for iho Hist Inti rtloiii 7 cents for each sill *
ftpqiii-nt iiucrtlim. andJI.Mn line ptr month.
No advertisement tukdi for loss tlinn Z. > tents
forthu Hut ln i rtlon. binui words wll bo
countoil to tlio line ; they mint run consecu
tively mid mint boiinld In ad * awe. All adver
tisement * tnii't l i handed In before t : ! o clock
t > . ni..nnd unilrr no elrcuniMnncos Mill they bo
( ken or dlsronllniied by telephone.
I'nrtlosnihcrtinlnir Intliwo columns nnd hav
ing the miswors ndd ! d In raru of Int. HI.K
VIII plonM ) ask fora chock to enable them to ( tot nnno will lin dollvorod except
on | ire ontntlon of check. All nn uers to adver
tisements should lie enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In the c columns are pub
lished In lioth innrnluit nnd awning editions of
Tlio HhK , the circulation of which
aggregates morn th n 14,010 papers
dolly , nml gives tlio KcUcrtl or the
licnctlt , not enl } of the cltv circulation of Tlio
HFK tint also of Council Bluffs , Lincoln , nnd
other cities and towns throughout this part of
thn wont ,
2,000 to ln n on rcnj estate. Apply to C. II ,
Keller , 1505 Farnam st , city. CIS mIO'
& 00COOtolonnntn per cent , IlnrrU & Hump-
$ son , 16I Doilglsp si _ 670
, ( TO LOAN ut B per cent. Mnboncy
St Llnnhan | 609 rnrnnm Bffl
J. Vf ONiW TO LOAN-0. F Dnvls Co , , real
JJL estate nnd loan agents , 1505 Pnrnnni st.
, To lomfon Omnlm city property at 8
per cont. 0. W. Day , s. o. cor. Kx. Hid.
M ONI'.V to Lonn , flr < t mortgngo note !
bought. II. i : . Cole , 310 6. 4.
772 H
M 0NEY TO LOAN-On cltv nnd farm prop
erty , low lates. btowart * Co. , lloom 3
Iftron bBiik. 674
MONEV to lonn. cash on delay.
J. W and K. L. Squire , ItU i'urimm St. ,
Paxton hotel bulldbiir. 675
MONLV First mortgngo notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papers secured by
first mortgage on elly realty. B7B
MONEV TO LOAN on unproved renl vstnto ;
no commission charged. Leuvltt Ilurn-
hnm , lloom 1 Crolghton Hlock 677
61'LU CENT-Mouoy to loorT
Qrugory St lludlny ,
Ilooms land 0 , lledick block , X'O 8. 15thSL _
to lonn on collateral" . Long and
short tlmo city mortgages and con
tracts bought. U. 3. Itowloy , 31 * Hoiilh llth st.
078 mil
fTMJ I/OAN Money Loans placed on fin
X prowl real estate in city or county for
Now England Lonn k Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICIh nnd Chlengo nts C7U
MONEV to loan on Improved city property nt
0 per cent. Money on hnud ; do not hnvo
to wnlt. Have a complete set of abstract books
of Douglns county. I , N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal Estate und Loan CO..U208. l'th ; st.
ONEV LOANED nt C. V. Heed & Co.'s Lonn
Olllco , on furniture , pianos , liorses.wngons ,
peraonal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles ofalun , without removal. 31B B. IJth.
over Hlnghnin's Commission store. All busi
ness strlctlv confidential. 681
F'KIt CKNT Monor !
it. C. Pattorton , loth nr.d Hnrnoy. ft'S
MONhV ToToAN-by thTi ndcrglKnod , Who
has the only pioparly orv nl/o < l lonn
Wfoncr In Omaha. Loans of 110 to f 100 miido
on furnitureplanon , orpins , horses , wnKons ,
mnchlnury , Ac , without rcmoviil. No < lela > s.
All bnslnpM P ) r Icily confldentlul. Lonns CO
mndo thnt nny pnrt cnn Impnid at nny Ime.each
payiui-nt rodmlnK the cost pro nitn Advnncei )
inadnon flnownluhes nnd dliimondg 1'croons
should carefully consider who they nro donllng
with , as ninny now concerns are dully com In IT
Into existence , bliould you need money call
rid FOO mo. W. IL CVoft , lloom 1 WUhnoll
Building 15th nnd Hiirnuy. C3
flAlir. Oinnhit Finnncinl ,
X N W. corner ot Hnrnoy nnd 15th sts. ,
over Slnto National bank.
18 nri'pnrril to mnUo short tlmo loans on nny
nvallnlilo security.
Lonns mailo on chattels , collateral or ronl
LOIIK tlmo lonns mndo on Improved real estate
at current rnlec
1'urchitKO money mortRnKClnoRotlAtod.
Been roil notes bought , sold or uxthniiKed.
Hhort tlmo loans innno oiidocond mortpnRO.
' nccordliiK to mnrglniil Interest , at calluterul
' Itcnl estate to exchange for good Interest
benilnir paper.
Clrnernl tlnnnclal business of alljclnds trans
ected promptly , iiuletly and fairly.
Money ulwayx on hand for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecessnry pub
licity. Corliott. ManngcT. 180
ATHOIumnil business mnn lifts from $300
to * i > 00 to inn st with services In nny good
established buslnoBS. Only principal miod
BiiHwer. Will give and re < iulro beat of refer
ences , Hnmll mnnufactory. bakoy or rostnu-
rant prof eriud. Address O 5'J ' Doe otllco.
' . ' 88 OJ
Tl ANTED rurtnorsliipwlth nnold physlolnn
Tt In city or town by a jountr phjfklan of
B yonrs experience. Not nfralJ ot work. Address -
dress O M Onmha lice. CM 13J
TTjIOH BALK Very ohoap , good bnoK business
' M- property In Orondlslnnd , Neb. ThOKrontost
> barguln nnd best terms In this city. Good ron-
nons for soiling. For particulars address J. H.
VToulloy , Attorney ut Law , Grand Ibltind. Nob.
_ 257J1JJ
NOTICK To hotel men , a iloslrnblo hotel
lor ealo , the Occidental , situated m the
tonutlful and growlnir city of Button , Nob. , la
now put upon the market. The Occidental has
nn enviable reputation second to none In the
tate for Its generous and liberal hospitalities ,
KitliouHnndHof trn\ollng men will gurrantoo.
U'ho hotel Is on a nolle ! financial foundation ,
Vlth all modern Improvements nnd every room
ooouplod : satisfactory reasons furiimhod foi
elllng. I'rloe and terms made known upon
application , For further particulars Inquire
or ndilresa , J. T. Mollynenux , proprietor , tiut
ton. Nob. _ SUM3J
FU 8ALK Ilusmoss ohnnce. Also furnlt
uroof soron room Hat nnd flat for rent ,
fined location. Call on Dayton i Vorls , room 1 ,
1304 Douglas St. _ lug PJ
f > USlNr.S9 CIIANCK-A partner wante < !
JL Hith from three to fifteen hundred dollars ,
Kara chance. Kst bllstie < ! and making money ,
Dayton A Vorls , room 1 , 1J04 Uouglas. 187 U *
FQll HALK or trade A clean stock of gea
oral merchandise In an Iowa town. Oooi !
trndo , lot nnd buildlnir $1,750 , htocK t'-l)0. ] \ \ ant
Voine onili on itocR. Will exchaiiKu for land 01
lock. Itonson , owner llvos west , . \ddrons
look box 23 , Central City. Nob. _ isi is
WK want four or flvo ontorprlslm ; business
men with u capital of SI.OuO or $1,500 ouch
to Inxost Into a big paying business. Call al
once bet. 10 nnd 12 a. m. nnd 2 and 4 p m. auJ
BOO W. L. Hay nt I'nxion hotel. 120 1 > J
FOU SALK-An established buolnosa. Only
fiiuall capital required. Addicts O 18 lieu
IOOxIftJ teot eau front Shrlxer place JftV ) li
laid by May 10. Terms unsy. Street cai
line within HJ blocks. This Is u bargain. Hhav
& Co. , 610 8 IBlh st. 121
TT1OHSALR A profitable nnd well estnbllshoi
J business sultiltilo lorn lady. Call and In
julre at Employment lluroauU n ICtli us.
Wi J4
_ _ _
very desirable lols to oi-
chniiKn for any kind of merchandise ; la
yi8thtt.l-.Milk n P.O. Murr .VToft. X > {
t-lf you want a desirable , eon
L trally located oittco joucaullnd It nt all
8 15th st. U78
/\f IM. IUllANT-Clarlvoant from IlostonTii
U'l reliable In all ullalrs ot llfu , unites soparatei
OTers. Si-N. 16th it. room 1 5'JI
and tnsry iuT.wool"uusT
liens suits $7.t < J. Vine bUiodlauoiial dies
ultf , f 10.75. Call and tie them or write fo
amples. L. O. Jones Ic I'd. , Amorleni
Clothiers , 1303 rnrnani st.i Omaha. Pftl m 17
PUltPONAL A young Indy of refinement do
Hires the correspondence of middle itvei
BOiitloman of menus. Object solMmprovomonl
Address O 48 Hop ofllce.
MUS. M. 1) ) . CAUUOLL 1ms removed lie
dressmaking rooms from ltt'1 Howard ti
Old UroHiu'll hull , corner 17th and Jones.
2S ! 12J
> _
| 3BUSONAL Trlvato homo for Indies durini
J. contlnomont , strictly contliloiitial , Infant
a1outcd.juldre.-s E 42 , lleo ollien. blUJi *
. nr NRnni5 V7 W arTei
A clilrroyant , lledleal and business MedluQ
com No. 8 , 121 North 10th st. .Omaha. Nob.
US !
f-An IrUh sollqr pup with a collar an
J the namol > lc Inscribed on It. lleturu t
. J.b'rapuoua carrlnte factory and get r <
_ _
TOST Sunday evening , an umber breastpl
? , , o" trcet or In street oar , rewanltorre
urato 3iCumlnff it. 877 j
T OST--Silver vntch TOIM case , rigln. bet
4O race and St. 1'aul depot on truck , en\c
at lleo offlee nnd get reward. 271 KJ )
HIRST-CLASS Storugo at 119 N 13th n.
JD 087
TollAUK FlrsPchiss storniro for nloo Tur-
nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Uodge-rt.
GA OIiINC and coal nro dollverod free to nil
parts of the city by thn lllno line tank
delivery , olllce nt Konnnrd nhis * it 1'alnt Co.
'lolcphono 7U1 , McUugal A Ward , proprietors.
F' ' ttqiiMo I'lnno j monthly.
Ilospe.lfiU Itouglng , _ Mi
' t'OOdS , finks and vaults cleaned , odorless
less process. U. liwlng , box an , city.
KHJ m-rJ ?
\riLLpcrson ho wns In buirgy kindly send
address to bet O 45 , ( too o'llcc. UM ! 'j
ATRLLS , Clstorns and conpools dug and
cleaned. Pump delivered If dtslrcd. All
work wurruntod. J. I ) , Vmidorboig , 1411 liar-
iuy y&OJ \
OMAHA IiAUNOUY-001 North 10th street.
Hklrts 10 cuntscollars nnd cuffsO. I > ndlQ-S
rcssos and family washing cheapest In the
Ity. Klrst-tlms work. 2i > ) 10 *
\\7ILf' trndi- good heavy spnn of mules for
T f a goo < : driving horse , buggr , mlK ! < ows or
nttlo. Address O 47 lleo. 264 11 *
rpo 1M101T.UTY Ownnrs-If you want to sell
X your property Rend full description with
irlco nnd terms to Ilart'fl Urent Woatcrn Heal
Estate llureau.Crulghton Illock. Wo have cus-
omors for o\ cry bnrgnln that Is olfared.
HO parties having houses for rent , Itontnl
J Agency , Honnwa &Co. . list..opposite post-
illlco , Wo have turned over to thorn our rental
1st. We recommend thorn. McCngue llros
NOTICE-W 0. King * Co. , house moving
und raising , leave ardors nt 1IJU t'lorca st ,
93" , J4J
.1 HUMAN nnd French Lesions given by a
LI ttontlomim at moilernte rates. ! > >
method. Address O .T ) lleo olllce. 173 0 *
Foil KENT Organs , 12 per month , riofpe ,
1613 Douglas GS'l
IIESS MAKING -Mis n. C. Sconcld , paf
lors 1S2J St Mary's nvo. Ladles coming to
lie city for ono day can have their dross made
while waiting. 076 m 14
Ol. -House furnishing good * , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J.
ionncr , 11)15 ) Douglas st. 900
IJ1O11 KK > l hquaro fiano , $ < montnlr. A
L1 Hospe. 15l3Douirlas. 689
Tf Iou want to buy or seU furniture , go to
JL J. Ferguson's ( , 71r > N. 16th. G'Jl
000,010 good merchantable brick for sale at
-J John II. Green's stone quarry.75 IjJ
71OII SALK-Ono No. 18 Hob runire. ono ejc
L' tension lablo , cxrpcts , etc. Good as new.
Cheap for cash UI7 IbJ
I7 OU SALE-Fancy buggy horse , prlco $90.
Also fnrm n agon , puce $ JO. Inquire ot J.
Ca\llund , llurloj's llvoiy stnlilo , cor. inth and
Cupltol avo. 2VO 10J
FOltSALK A small pony In good order for
$50 cash. Address O 4 ! lloo 'J7J 10J
jlOH SALK A carload of draft anil driving
horses nt Nos. 4JJ and 4-5 South ISth direct ,
Omiiha. "OJ 10J
IIXIH SALK--Furnlturo of6 room house with
-L pihllogo of renting house 1U14 California st
FOU SALK-First-clnAS Carrlngn with shafts
and pole , Slmpson'A make , $ U"i.
rino family horao , fu t and gentle , $300 ,
Fine hnrnes , $30.
11-room house and 40xUi foot lot , 3)li ) Cnss
RI. All modern iniprot oimmts. Lnrgo burn.
OOil. Kdl'ojcko. 210
FOH SALK lrl\OH nnd draft horses , roar of
1818 Chicago St. 154 J5
TJ Oll SALK Top buggy , side bnr , second
Jhand , choap. Address O 2J , Dee olllco.
15rt IP
"I710II SALT : , or osehanue for Onmha ronl
JL ; estate , nflno driver. rccoid2:10. : 1'attoison
A. Moore , lloom 1. Omaha National bank. 1M
" 171OH8ALU oroxchango In part payment for
OJ a lot , n complete not of New American Kn-
oyolopodla. Address O. : i-'IiooofHco. 157
POK SALE C. O. Conn cornet , ( "iimo us now.
A bargain. Jlutlor & Todd , 315 S. 15lh.
OffiJ 11
Foil SAM * All kinds of building stone a
the I.oulsvlllo nuarry , lowest prices possl
ble. Address 0. Mot7ger , Ixiulivllle , Neb.
SALP. 15 head flno milch cows nnd
sprlngorsnt Military Brldgu yards. Cum-
Ings st. Crnno ft Jester. OJ4 10 *
F Oil SALK Autoharps , mandolines. Butler
& Todd , 211S 15th 081 11
FOB SALK-A peed milk dnlry , consisting of
'JO first class cows , n good delivery wngon ,
tonm nnd harness , milk cans , &cx , horse power
corn mill and hay cutter , and 001 n sheller , In
cluding Hist cln < s milk route , Immmllato pos.
session given. 1'or terms , otc. call at 217 S 14th
st , Omahn. 741
"IjlOB SALK Spnn horses , double wagon nnd
JL1 double harness for $ -00. Also a lot of posts
choap. C. J Canan , 511
FOB SALK 1 or 2 hordes , l spring wngnn , 1
buggy , cheap , A Hospu. 781 ml.I
FOB SALE Cheap , the Abstract Books of
Seward County , complete to date , bnfo ,
Blanks , Office , Furniture .good line ot Insurance
Companies , Loan and Beat P.stato lluxlnoss.
The only set of Abstract Books In Souard
County. Address Humlln Bros. , Vork , Neb.
411 in UJ
Il SALE Square piano , $110. Woodbrldgo
Bros , 215 Opera houso. : < 04
F'OU 8ALK The best line of carriages , phnot-
ons , buggies , rent estate wagons and deliv
ery wagons. Columbus Buggy Co.,111. ) Hartley.
FOltSALU-Brlok. T.Murray.
TJ10H SALK-17 head cholco bred Shorthorn
i1 cattle ; also a 410 aero stock farm In Holt
county. J. S , Callings , Pendor , Neb
80.1 may I3J
W ANTUD-Cook at Mlllard hotel.
\\'ANTEU A barber ; steady woik and rood
1 wages , 1110 Farnam st. JOO 10J
WANTKD 3 iTrst class barbers Bt U30JJ
Fnrnam st. 2-J8 llj
t\ANTI'D Tj nowritor and stenogiapher ,
' Mu t bo M filing to make himself genorall )
useful In ollico. Mnnll salary to start with. .
Address O JO , lloo ollico. ItI ! 10
VV ANl'I'.D-Shoomakor , JV. . Talbot , Syra
cuse , Nob. 0)7 Uj
WANTED Exporloncod Vant I'rossors or
stock work Apply utonce. Oeo. Stiles
1IOA I.oavonworth st. 176 U
" \\rANTED-A partner In good paying ousl
ness , competant to tnko full charge ol
office nlTnlrs , fS.tW ) capital required. Address
box M. 18 , Iluu ollleo. 3iiii
" \\7AMKl7 LaltoroH tor ralhoad work. E.S ,
i T Albright's Mbor Agency , 1120 Karnnm.
\\rANTBD Cnnvnsslntt agents. Apply beT
T > twcen 12 m and i p. in. Acrao .Mnnfg ,
Co ,6138 16th st UJI
STUOl'.NTS Teachora nnd agents can secure
\ory profltablo employment bv appl > lng t (
S. 1' . ( iroat , I'lanter'd house , Omaha. lbuilj |
" \\rANTKU Ton Imnuvs inukors tit Mark !
llros. ' Saddlery Co. , 1107 Hnrnoy st.
Omaha , Neb 177 20
"WANTKD MAN To take the agency of 0111
* safes ; size -Sil > il8 lnchoswolghl ; 500 Ibs
retail price ( iTi ; a rare chnnco to crento u per
mnnent bn lniif > In hit own olty or locality
These sufcM moot n demand never before sup
piled by other unfo companies , as we are no
governed by the Safe I'ooU Address AlphliK
Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. Ml v > j
\\TANTKD-A general and 60 nb-npents li
Tf your county. Now goods. lUre chnnco
VM to UOO per cent , commission , or good sal
ary. bend for circular , K. M. Woaxer. No. i
West Ohio street , Indianapolis , Ind. 25J 21
\V AXTED-Two first-class polishers , stendj
* . , W9rk " ' ' Bood pay at Omahn laundry
C04 North 16th st. j 10
WANTED-Four young men of good educa
tlon , character and address , between i
nnd 3S yearn of ago. J. M. French i Co. , orllci
room 10 lliishtimn block. 2 > s n
\ ANTKD-A good barber. Apply to K. r
> ' Johnson , \Vuno , Kns. White preferred
_ _ _
\\7 ANTED- Men , Women , Hoys nnd ( Jlrls fo
' n light and profltablo employment Ni
plcturu business ; no humbug. Bend lOofori
valuable panago lo commence on. Only a fev
hundred will bo dUtrllmtod. Address Albanj
tJupplyOo. _ , Albauy. N. V. _ 8i8 J3
WANTED-A smart boy for grocery bull
es- One ttlftt b * a ot herat pr ferr i
. IWO *
\\TANTED-Canvns5ers In Om 1ia and Doug-
T lal county for I'latrorni Kohocs , by John
X Oough. The best selling book ot the day ,
Ballon or address. U II , Watts , lloom n , 1010
'amum St. , Omaha , Not ) . XX
\7ANTKD-An Intelligent bov or young
' mnn from tho. Omaha High school to carry
route on the Dally hvonl'iir Hue. 1J
IXTANrilD-Cnnvasscrs In o\ery city and
" town In Nebraska nnd IOWA. li. II.
Catta , room 3,1010 K.irnam st. 77'J
\\rANTiD : J hlook makers for Colorado.
Must bo eiperloncfxl men nnd have tools ,
'rco ' pass. Mrs , Ilioga & . gou , Uli ) South IMh.
811 It-
\VANTKD-A dining rooni J lrFot Vlonna
T T rostaurnnt , 1017 Howard st , Vfl 10
\v 7"ANTii ; ) Girl forgoncral housonork ( Oer-
man preferred ) . Apply -IV n Mth fit.
" \\fANTKD-Good Ironers , also drl\or for
T delivery gon. Apply nt Frontier Stentu
.nundry , 1512 Howaid. W 11
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework , nt 1U17 Webster st. 278 11
also girl to
wash silver , one hour , thrco times n day
'or board. ' "Jfl 12 ]
I ANTED A girl to cook In pmatn family ,
101 N. IStb st 291 11 ]
ANTED Cook and dining room girl. Muel-
lur's Kestaurant. 1004 N. l' ' < th st. 251
WANTED-Sccond girl Inuncdlntoly. Call
bet. the hours of U and 10 n. m. or 0 to 7
p. m.,2127 DoilifOstreet. 25- !
WANTKD-QIrl to work In laundry room
nnd ono to work In pastry room nt
Arcade liotol , 1215 Douglas st. 194UJ
yyANTKD-Oood girl. 1707 Cass.
WANTKD Nursoglrl orwomnn to nccom-
puny n family with 2 children to Kuropo.
No wniros paid , only free tnngl\onto any point
° n Kuiopo. Ilost relerencos renulred. Addiess
'Nurso , " lice Olllco 211 0
\VTAN rKD-100 working girls. 1 hnvo pl\cos
' every day for all kinds ot work. In nnd
out of cltv No good girl mv < ! lie Idlu one hour
'f she ronlly wants work. Come mid seo. Mrs.
HreguA Son , 310 South 15th. 2149 *
W ANTiu-Good ; girl ut 503 Virginia ave ,
good wngos paid. -11
TtfANTKn-A grlrl to do housework In a
> T small family. Inquire at 1112 South Mth
street. 102
\\rANTKD A fmv more shirt and pants
makers. Apply nt once Goo. Stilei , Hij )
LiMivcnworth st U41 11
"V\7"ANTKI--'Kuchofrglrl iitidf T.WO "fining
T > room girls. 100-1 No ICthst. 008
WANTKD-At once , .1 first-class chamber
maids and 1 scrub girl. Apply at the
Co7/ens. H.1J
.rANI'F.D . At once , piano player , coloroJ
woman preferred Apply 112 S. 9th ; 14S
\\rANTKD-Ludies to work for us nt their
T > own nomos ; J7 to 10 per week cnn bo
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass
ing. For full particulars plonso addiossnt
once Creaonnt Art Co. , 19 Central St. , Boston ,
Mnss , lltix.5170. ! i2olfi | *
WANTKD Situation by n joung murrled
man , can put up H few hundred as secui *
Ity lias had business experience Addiess
o 40. lleo onice. sfl'j 10 *
A SOI1KH , honest voung mnn wants a plncn
In a private fnmlly taking caio of hoisos
nnrt working round the houso. Address O tl7
Hoe. 27U llj
WANTED A position ns typo writer. Ad-
itress O 40 , lloo offlee. 11
T\7ANTKD-Sltnntlon in some clot lent cnpno-
Ity by a youtnr tiiiin of business ability
nnd experience. 6 > enrs assistant p. m. , all-
gtiact nnd real estate. L'ost ot inferences.
Address O 31 , lleo ollico. 17 li *
17ANTBO A position ns typo \\ilter. Ad-
T dross 0 10 , Hoc ofllce. 231
" \\7ANTni-Posltlon ) in privtuo family tote
to wash clothes. Address 2504 Pacific
St. 128 1J-
\\fANTH.n-A Position by n thoinugh noV -
V countint Host of references. Address
O 14 Bee ofllco. ' 81 J ,
\\'ANTI5D Situation for running a Matlhn-
' nry engine. Gentleman will oiut Artlur
or special terms on nddress. Box 07 , Mlllard ,
Douglas county , Neb. S'J.'U *
WANTKD To putchaso house of 8 or 10
rooms with good lot homewhci o bet con
St. Muiy's a\enuo nnd Davenport st. west of
ISth. Must bo in llrst class healthy locution
Adilmssstnting price , torma and location , O.
31 Boo ofllco. IQJi )
WANTKD A newspaper , paying circulntlon
guaranteed from the start , for particu
lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Neb
WANTKD To tnido new Henuoy bugiry for
n good , safe driving hoi so. Aimstrong ,
Pottis .V Co. , UjS Irani st. 185 13
WAN rKI--Fivo persons to Instruct in book
keeping. No pay until situations are fur-
nlshod. J.B. Smith. 101.1 Chicago st. 008 J
\\7ANTriD : Teams for railroad woik ,
TT Albright's Labor Agency , 112U rarnam.
T71OR KENT Three room house , 10-1V4 N20th
J : st. 2fio
OH ItF.NT-Btores and Huts nt24th nnd Lnko
-C street by Paulson 4 Co. , room 8 , llodlcl.'s
block , 207
FOIl HKNT A 5 room house , oity water and
cistern on 17th bet Juckt > on and Bronn-
nell hall. 274 9J
F ° BENT Oood barn , sultabla for four
horses. , Inquire nt 617 s. 13tli st. ' 0
FOU BENT d-room bouse , hll modern con-
\ onlonccs , Furimm and 21st ut. S. Kntic
Co. 1.111 Farnam. 1H !
OB BP.NT-Wlndow , goollocality for Jew
elcr or real estate. Apply to 3U3 n 10th.
FOH RENT First class location for barber
shop. Shaw & Co. , 510 South 16th. 414
710H lliNT-A : storo. Inquire 1412 S. IJth st
) Geo. H. I'otorson. 89 ! )
"ITVIR HUNT Ware room cor. 13th and Cull-
-L ifornlaon Oelt Lino. l < or particulars on-
( julro ut Union Nat bank. 184
FOIl HENT A store bnrber shop , also
nice unfurnished rooms. Apply NV cor.
13th and Williams. IDS 13J
I OH HUNT In now house , newly fur-
nl hcd rooms , south and nnsi trent , ono
with buy window and alcove. G.2 Georgia uvo.
171 0
FOH HUNT Seven room flat. Carrots for
sale , or would snll furniture complete on
time na > moms. Cull on Dayton A. Vorls , room
1,1304 Douglas st. 18'J UJ
li HUNT-Brick yards , T. Murray.
FOIt KENT Frame store hulldlnir , 20xV)7 )
with living 4roomion I'hll bhnrldan stwlli ;
Improve ; put basement under store to suit any
legitimate business Wm. Fleming & Co. , 1401
Douglas. 70
TJUUM to rentl T. Murray. DM
IpOK Itnvr House : furniture , carpets.Vc. ,
1 for bine. Apply 1'JU'J Farnam. 2U
T7\OH \ IinNT Store nnd living apartments on
ACiimlng near Saunders st. Apply at LLarrli
Heal Cstato r.nd Loan Co. , II---0 3. IMh st. ( I'J7
H HENT 2 nlrcly furnished rooms en
suite , 10J3 s Ibth St. 276 11
F I Oil NENT-Dcslrnblo largo front room.
Southeast corner 2Jlh und Dodge , 19-Ti ,
i'Olt HUNT Two nlcoly furnished rooms on
llrsl au.I second tloor ut 1'Jl'J IJodge St.
T70H HES'T-Thrco elegantly furnished
I ? roe ins , UIS.2Uth st. 2J1.10J
1OK HENT-EIegantly furnished room for S
gentlemen near business. All convent-
encfs ; private family , 1615 Cap , nve. 213 1-J
OH HEXT-Newty fnrnlshed rooms with
modern conveniences. 623 S. 17th St.
TJ10H UENT-Turnishcd room at 1810 Dodge st ,
TpOU HENT-Furnlshcd rooms ut ISIS Dodge st
- * ViS
EOU UENT Unfurnished room 1815 Dodso st
TT10U UENT Nloo furnished room. 02A FurL -
-L nam. C5
POU KENT Nino-room Hat centrally located ,
316 U ISth. 077
It UENT Desk room. John Gallagher ,
ai7 South 13th st. irfia
FOR RKNT-Nlotly turnUkod ropms at 190 !
l'HiB a . Mil ]
FOR lU'.NT-Nlcoly furnished jmrlor nnd bed
room en suite. FronlLrrtoim. Three
blocks from I'aiton and Mlllard. tins and
water In house. Apply room j , 607 9 13th st ,
OH HENT - rionsnnt furnilhod rooms at
419 Convent st. 121 10
FOH HENT Furnished rooms with elosots ,
gas nnd bath. 629 9 17th st 182 lij
FOH8ALE-New2nd hand , , , ollico desk , 1013
I l"atnitn , up stairs. 13.
" 1JV5H HF.NT Nlcoly furulshixl parlor room In
-L1 private family. Deslrablo neighborhood.
Address O 44 lloo office. 240 llj
FOH HKNT 2 furnished rooms , bath room
nml gn all on first Upor. Call nt 2006
Davenport st , i ? 139
UOH * HKNT-FurnUhod roowls. 714 N. lUlh. ;
FOH HENT Nlcely furnished room for gon-
tlemen.SlS N Uth st. 121
FOH KENT Pleasant bed room with privi
lege of parlor,610 Falrvlewst. 97J 10 *
FOU 11ENT KurnUhed rooms In old llrow-
nell bull , S. 17th , uotwnmi Jackson and
Lcnrennorth. Kent $7 to $15 per month. In-
qulro for Mrs. 11. Beaver , room 2 , In the second
end story , south ball. SJ40-10J
T OIMII'.NT Klevon nlco unfurnlshVcl slcop -
J lug rooms. Separate or all together , in
building .116 S 15th Ft. v.ri
FOH HKNT Ipslrnhlo unfurnished rooms
suitable for offlco or sleeping rooms. 310
SIMIist 978
U > OU HKNT-Nlcelv furnished rooms with
K board If doslred ' 1412 North 28lh st 8U Oj
"I/10H Itr.NT 1'uinlshol room with privilege
JL1 of sitting room for I adv. Object , company
for lady whoso husband Is ( rene patt of the
tlmo. Ml saoih. H80
"LHOll linNT No. 507 s 11th St. . Rtororoom nml
X ! bnncmont , new brick building. An nx
celtont location for either wholesale or rctal
business. Paulson \ Co. , room 8 Hcdlck block.
FOH HKNT Two oflleos spaces on ground
floor In room 1609 Farnnm st. Kminlroof
J. 8. Klchardson , In roar oltice , 348 m21
F OH HKNT Nlcoly furnished rooms cheap ,
Mi ) ( South ISth strcot. Upstnlrs. 815
F 'lENT-Doskroom. Enquire Young
1 Blackmail , 214 S 15th St. 540
TTHH HKNT Three room house west of North
JD IHh St. , between Chicago nnd Cnss. GO !
FOH HKNT Fuinlsheii room with bnnrd for
two or four gentlemen , thu most
ocati.n In Iho city , lioforeiico roijuhud ,
Cnll nt S. E. corner 20th and Farmun sts.VjK >
POll HKNT Klcgnnt office rooms , host lo-
cntlon In Onmha. 310 South 15th st. 63Ti
T71OH HEXT Thlrd noor , 2.'x80 , of briok build-
aInir , 1108 Knrnum street , use of elevator.
Inquire above number , upstairs. 061
FOIl UKNT-Oltlcoi in Ilollmnn building cor.
rnrnnin nnd IJth sU.ln suites or singly.
Tor prices , diagrams and Information apply to
S.A. Sloman , 15U Far n am stlloom 2.
C IOLLlKItl'LACR-McCrtKUO Solo Agent.
M ) T Z
SI'EGIAL this week--Fine H ) foot lot In
Crclghton fronting on Pleasant stroct ,
flr > 00. 1 lot In ( Use's add , Jb50. Ulotslnllnw-
thin no oh IMP nnd on P.ISJT torms. Lot (1 ( block
C in Lowe's add , (1,000. f > nercs in ' 1 tittle's sub ,
cheap , u lots \Vnlr.ut , Just east of the depot
II.OIH ) oacli ; ! ) lots In Fogiot's a ld nt a bargain.
Lot 1 ! > block 5 llinvn park , * 7-sect front oil
Stiundors ptroct. a good investment. Lot 2
bhioK II , Snundors A , Hlmobaiikhs add , front on
Military toad , cheap. Wo haul * ! InrKO number
nl special Imrirulns in all parts-of the city nnd
If none ol the above suit you cull : it the office
nnd wo will bnsuio to sntlsfyioii.Vo al o
bin e about u do/on houses nrttrly finished nml
tire continually building now ones. Will
miiRo any alteration of plans > $ o suit. T , F.
Williams & Co. , Kith nnd ChlaUrorear Douglas
county bank. Q * " ? 'J 1) )
OOUNKK of Douglas at Tenth sircots ,
rents for $900 , isolforod t i a slum tlino
on o isy tornii" , nt f Jl ,000. > W shiill \ Lobeck ,
1MJ ruinam. Tol.TS. if/ / WJ 13
S'l KVKNS PIjACi : Is near SlnlnVlow , whcro
lots nro soiling Uoublo tlHnprlcc. Stevens
Uros. . Iril3 1'aniani. M\ 874
> 0elofnnt lots on Hello\low icet , the lend-
- > InpthoroUKhlnrp connecting the city nnd
Koiilh OniRlin ( ieo N , South 15tn st.
Branch oflioo llellovuo aim Il/jstreots , South
Onmha. . , 217-14
GHIAT : IIAKOAIN-AH eiovant o-room
house and full lot In llnnscom plnco , east
front , house beautifully finished , has bath
room nnd very cnmonlenco , lot nicely sod
ded , ( rood barn , $ ii,5)0 ) , terms easy. Cotton ,
Kastman ft Wlnstnnley , 120 N. IMh Ht. m 9
TT\OU \ SALK-A cornerlot , Cirl32 ( , on Ibth and
A' Cumin ? st , ono of the best locutions In the
city for a wholesale house , with waterworks
nnd sowcrago. Apply at premises , Thos. Sin
clair. 3Um31J
rpENTII Street business property with traqk-
L KKO f 150 per foot , cheapest ground on the
street. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National
Hank. 47J
GKKAT UAHOAlN-An oloffnnt fl-room
house and full lot In Ilnnscom phicu , east
front , house boautlttilly finished , has bath
room and every convenience , lot nicely sod
ded , ( food bum , frt.rxlJ , easy terms. Cotton ,
r.nstmnn & Winstanloy , 120 N. 15th st. 173 9
BH. BALL & Co , 113 N. 16th street , have a
laijro list of nond bargains , both on Im
proved and unlmpiovod Insldo and outside
jiroporty. Including some cholco acip property.
Aiwa ) s ready to shonr property. Call nnd see
our list of bargains. 2)110
DKXTKIt L. TIlOMAS-Ilas the choicest lots
in Lincoln Place.
3 oor. acres In Soloniau'e add (700 each.
3 lots In block 50South Oinahu.
Also U , block ( U , and lot 2 , block Hi , 7 in 89 , 2
in U7 , cheap.
M aoros by Central City to snll or trade.
ll0acros In a body near Stauton.
480 acres near Wlsnor.
Also low in Bedford Place , Dolonos addition ,
West CiunliiK , Kcstor's add onCumin ? St. The
boss lot In block C Shlnn's addition.
Also larKO lots in Milloh.
5 acres on Ames * avenue.
Also tracuatro cheap on Holt Line , for salt or
0 largo lots OD Broadway , Council muffs.
IxilUblk G Imptovomont Association , 60x183 ,
I t8blk7 , same add , same sl/.o , corner ,
$4,0011,40. , ic ,
1 own the abnvo and can make lonns to.suit.
Como and soo. Dexter L. Thomas , room 8 ,
CreiKhton Dlock 75J
OOTloautlfnl lots on Bellevue street between
O the cUy and South Omaha , tor suioonous )
terms by ( Ieo N. liloks , 315 bouth IGtn st.
llranch olllce llellovuo and U streets. South
Omaha. 3ST 14
Sr.LKCTS , are the carefully listed Mrprntns
hunted down by Cnko & Billings. Our sain
pie case :
06x140 ft on IGth street for ? 6,600 , part 1 and 2
4 lots , Meyers & Tlldon's add , cash needed only
Home lot In Plalnvlew , only takes , cash , f 100.
Picked in Shoridnn Placo.only S1JWJ for II.5H
lot .
Slots with 2 houses , J I. Uodlck's sub , only
block from stieet car line , 104x131 ft on 2
streets , big money here for you.
llenuty of llartlctt. fruit trees , fine view
only ? 1.501 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omaha stul\ji the market
Come , over 101 , corner IJodni and 1Mb , nnd
we'll make It ploasnnt and prorlfablo for you.
J a-
T 1ST of bargains-
Corner and InslJo lot In ifilifton Hill , $7 5
eaoli. I /
I'ull lot nnd three stores In tly heart of South
Omaha , pnylnif $ ir > 1OU per month for | 8,000.
Two tlnulots on Hamilton St. , $ l..riOOeach.
Corner lot , 03x120 on 27thnear Cummg st.
with 11-rooin house , barn , etc . only $7,5JO.
Hainoy st , , 14U1BD , for $ 1u . \
Two lots loft In Wilson's Add to Kount/a
Place , near BaunJors and LaVersts , only f 1.5UO cash. .
Full lot nn 6lh st , near Cufilnir , with two
houses , only 74.300. This Is n.ftnrirnln.
Property. Inside and outslcHCfor sale In anv
pnrt of city. Mitchell .V dBonmarck , 1510
218 , 10
FOH SALR-llosdenco2Uorcostrootnnw !
houso. coutnlnlnfr 10 fins. Including
bath and laundry rooms , heatW furnace. > o
terms apply on promises. 031 10 *
FOIl SALK- Out Iot2i9 ! , Florence , containing
4 acres. Will cell cheap for cash. Addrcs
O 18 Beo. Ota UJ
_ _ _
SNAP Beautiful east front lot on fx > wo nve ,
SOxlSO. Just elf Leavcnwnrth t- , for JI.500
cash t.VK ) , ImU 1 , 2 and : | yenrl. Cotton , liiut
man ft Winstanloy , 120 N. 15th st IT9
DO you want a borne ? Wo hn\o houses fn
sale on cosy terms. John Oallacnor , 31
South 13th. l'/J 13
I M > rEDIATK sale will take. 1 lots or loss enl )
& or 6 blocks from P.xcbaniro bid nm
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In same block. I wan
what they are worth. I don't want fonoy prloo
I , want to sell quickly. K. II Branch. IK
HOUSE 9 rooms , 23d street , $4,000. U cash
John Oallagher. 317 South IJth st. iVJ U
IK you are looking for a home , call and ie
us. We hare splendid list of residence
property for RJo la all parts of city. Cotton
EMtraaa * WUnUawy , 130 N . lith st 1T2 9
STEVENS PLACE Is wlioro lo buy ! Storons
Bros , 1813 rarnnm. 874
SPECIAL Heal E < tnto llirgolni 51x112 on
Capitol uvonno , $7riOO , The above Is within
two blocks ot high school , south front , with
houfoO rooms , t
Pome fine lots In Orchard Hill at low prlco.
2 lc.ts In block ClllIon HIM , cheap ,
80x13. " ) . corner , with line shade trees , house ot
0 rooms , a first class home , good burn , only
1mlr block from Hamilton stDo not fall to see
this. Possession given nt once , $7,500.
Lots In Hawthorne , oust trout * .
Lots In Porlland Place.
10 acres near Northwestern line , Just ready
to subdivide , 12,000.
04 acioa with line Improvements , $12,000.
Oood Investments In all parts of city at rea
sonable prlco * und easy terms. My otllco 1s
now In Itoom ; ) Omaha National Dan * lliUMIni ? ,
where I will bo glnJ to see you. J. L Plerson.
223 0
- cast front lot on Lowe nvp. ,
SNAP-rtoautlfnl Lenvonworth St. , for tl.500 ,
cash $500 , bal 1 , 2 and 3 years. Cotton , East-
nma A Wlnstaiiley. 120 N. 16th st , 172 9
STEVENS'PLACE Is north , where the boom
Is growing , and there's where you want
to buy. Stevens llros. , 1513 Farnam. 874
STKVKNS PLACR Is on Amos a\o. , the most
popular drive In the city , between Snun-
ders nnd State streets , and Is the prettiest piece
of ground In Omnhn. Let us show you the
property und you will buy , Terms easy.
Steve ns llros. , I51J Fnrnnm. 1874
T .OT 50x144. Three houses , Kountzo * Huth's
J t addition , 16,000. John Unllaghor , 317 South
IJth. lita 13
SNAP Deautlful east front lot on Lown ave , ,
SOxinO , Just off Lea von wort list. , for II ,5(10 ( ,
cash I.VO. bal. 1.2 nnd .1 years. Cotton. East
man * Winstanloy , iaj N. 15th st. 1781) )
AHOATNS Gruhain ]
Crolghton Illock.
Flvo acres on Amos nuo , $1,000. Vcrychonp.
Fivo-Hcro tract , Hnnftcld , -,5'X ) .
Ono acto.coiner , on Lenvenworth Ht , $ JM3.
lotson Mllltaiy ave , JuU across Belt Line ,
Corner on Cumlng st , In CArlhagondit , $90U ,
I'.legnnt lot on Lnko at , s trout , f-,2X ( ) .
Corner on launders ft , $100 per front ft.
lot 17 blkf. llnnscoin Plnco.$2MJ.
Good I'Jt In Dcllono'a add , $050.
Corner in Hart's sub , $1.5i)0. )
Three east fronts in Kllby Plnco , ono n corner -
nor , $4,5vO for nil ,
Good lot on Hurt st , $2.009.
Lot on Lnito st , n I rent , $2.200.
Corner aero on Leavonworth st.ln Shlroh add ,
Thirteen lots in Clovordulo for sale or trndo at
Lot 17 bl'k 11 HnnscomT'lnco , $ J,5M , Ml cash.
Graham. Crelirhton Hlk. 142 1(1 (
AIK1AINS In Houses nnd Lots
B COxlS1 * east front on Park nvo , nn ele
gant nnd modern complete losldenco ;
owner golnir to lenvo town ; choicest lo
cation In tbo city ; price $17,000
OT.xlW ) cast trout on Catherine St. , fine 8-
room house 8,000
50x150 cast fiont on Delaware St. , good
sevon-room house and barn and a bar
gain nt 5,300
60\1W east trout on Georgia nvo. , good
sov en-room house 0,200
100x140 corner , north front. In Windsor
Plnco , good seven-room house , barn ,
nicely sodde'd und lonced. nnd chonp nt 0,000
38x140 onst front in Windsor Place , good
sovoiiMoom house , now and very do-
50x140 It west front Just off Loavonworth
st .good 5-room house , street grided
and very cheap at 2,500
50x140 ft on Park nvo. 11-room house , city
watergas , steam boat , and complete
throughout , unexcelled locality 12,000
60x1 OS 9 Iront on PopplMon uvo , good 5-
room cottage , city water , street to bo
graded this summer and will Increase
In vnluo $1,000 , and wo know it. Now
buy It. and see If we arc not correct . . 4,000
50x150 on Vlralmu are. , good cottage , on
grade nnd very cheap at H.COO
BOxiro on Georgia ave , good 5-rooui cot-
tngoongnido 4,500
00x127 corner on Charles St. , Shlnn's add ,
5-room house , barn , cistern , etc. , dirt
cheap ut 3,500
50x120 In Otnnhn View , good four-room
house , well , for only 1,500
33x1J'onlllth st. Ton loom house , stone
nnd Iron fence 7,500
Knst front In I'nlrmont Place , with flvo-
room cottniro . 2,700
llnst front In Nelson's add. , with good
house on Division Bt . . . . 2,900
00x127 , coi 1101 on Hamilton st. good six
room cottairo and room for two more ,
prospective ciblo line . . . 5,001
Two good now housesln Idlcwlldon voiy easy
terms ami many otl > er houses In nt parts of tbo
city. If j on want nnv thing of the kind call at
our ollicp nnd wo will drive you around and
show you ns good bargains ns nny ono , whether
wo can suit youornot
Shales & Crumb , 1400 Fnrnam St. .
opp. Paxton hotel. 212-0
BKI'OltK buying anything In the real estate
line go and xeo bhaw to Co. Wnoan sell
> on tin } thing to suit vour pocket-book , nil the
way from $100 to $10,00(1. ( Houses and lots for
8iiio In nil parts ot the city. Wo nro hovl-
quarters for safe Investments. 610 B. 16th st.
is our Olllco. 052
FOH SAL15-f.otin Shlnn'a ! M addition , with
now O-room house , w ith pantry and clos
ets , cistern and good collar. Will sell cheap tor
a few days. Apply or address R.I,2012 Charles
st. 181 12J
I r you are looking for a homo , call and see
us. Wo halo a splendid llstol residence
property for sale In all parts of city. Cotton ,
Kastmnn & Wlnstanloy , 130 N. 15th st. 170
TP you are looking for n liomo.cnll and see us.
Wo luuo a splendid list of residence prop
erty for sale In all parts of city. Cotton , Ka t-
mnn & Wlnstnnley , 120N.15thst. 1738
BAHCiAlNS-ln Orohnrd Hill , llcspr-
CHOICE Ctmrtharo additions. B. it. Boll
i-Co. , 113 N. 10th. 23J 13
GltEAT BARGAIN An elegant B-room
house and full lot In Hansoom place ; east
front , house beautifully finished , hns Imth
room and every convenience , lot nicely nod
ded , good limn , $6,50' ' ) , terms on y. Cotton ,
Eastman ft Winstanloy , 120 N. 15th st 172 U
SOLD Wo hnvo sold all but a few of those
Loavonworth street rnsldenco lots. These
wo have for our patrons at terms and prices
that bent any lUt In the city. We mean It and
will prove It to jon. Wo have also these moneymaking
ey-making chances :
The prettiest place In Plain view for the
money , nml only * AOO cash , If sold soon.
"Iho Apple of My Kyo , " nome only ,4 block
off St. Mary's nve car line , convenient to busi
ness , built "not fora day but for all time. "
Bargains in business property.
List with us for we put thorn whore tlioy keen
hot. Cake ft Billings , over 101 South 15th st
Lot 0 , block II , South Omaha , corner , 60x
150 teet , on Boiluvuo s trout , only $2,000.
Lotll , block 12 , South Omaha , 60x150 feet , on
Dollnvuo street , only $1.610.
Lot 4 , block 12 , South Omaha , 60x153 feet , on
BelloN uo street , only $1,050.
1/otB , lilock 2- ! , South Omaha , corner , 00x150
feet , on llellovuo street , only $1GUO.
Lot 6 , block 10 , South Omaha , corner , 60TPX )
feet , on Park. $1,100.
Lot 12 , block 40 , South Omaha , corner , 60x150
foot , near Catholic church , biggest bargain out
nt Jl.iiUO.
Lot 7 , block 18 , South Omaha , corner , 60x150
feet , fnolnir now depot , Summit , only * l/iOJ.
Lot 10 , block 18 , South Omnha , 60x150 feet ,
facing nnwdnpot. Summit , only $1.000.
Lot : i , block 75 , South Omaha , 61x150 , adjoin
ing ollico Chicago Lumber Co , , $ .1.000.
Lot 14 , block 61 , South Omaha , corner , 60x
150 feet , splendid business property , $1,200 ,
66 feet on outh Sixteenth street , south of
viaduct , only $6OOJ.
Two beautiful south front lots on Poppleton
avenue. In Hanscom Place , only ono-flfth caxh ,
balance In ono , two and three years , each
$2,7(0 (
Forty-four feet on Vlnton street , the mnln
street connecting the city und South Omaha ,
Thirty-five feet frontage on Vlnton street ,
good business property , only $1H0. .
Lot ! l. block n , linnsrnm rlnco. snlond'd ' cast
front liit.mngrllloent view , only $1,50) ) .
100 feet south front In Bnrtlott's addition ,
near corner ot Park u\cnuo and Leavenworth
streets , $1.000.
n ; Icct frontage and corner on St. Mary's
arenue , only $20.000.
t4 ! loet hear corner Twenty-sixth and St
Man's uveniiD , June the place for bilck block ,
Lot n , block 0 , filty feet south fronton Hnn <
scorn Park , elegant building alto , .1,900.
Lot 10 , block 2 , Potter's addition , splendid
eitsl front lot Jn t on grade , only $ lftjO.
Splendid piece of traekngo property , 182x114 ,
nn Boll Line Hallway and Leavenworth street ,
$ J , > liO ( , H cash. .
Mxty-sU fcet'on Pleasant stroct , with large
dnnble houseall modern conveniences , tents
for 8120 per month , splendid Investment , only
Splendid lot on flcorgln avenue , nenr Wool
worth , oloio to street cars , church and school ,
$ . ' .600.
Two lots In Tnbor Place , corner on Lowe
nvenuo and Howard strict , elegant teildcncc
ltd. Call and get prlco.
Sixty-acre tract on Missouri 1'aclllo Hallway
admirably adapod for platting Into lotj ; can
niHke this a bargain If sold nuick.
Cholco two , llvoond ton aero tracts , close tr
cltj , near now street railway line , | IWO to $70C
cr aero. Sanall cash payments and easy terms ,
? 'ou can make 500 portent en ln\estmont.
Oeorgo N Hicks ,
215 South rifteonth street , Opera Hous <
Ilioek. 2S5 U
STKVKNS tPLACC lots sell thomselvus ; all
they require Is an Inspection. Sloven ;
Bros. , 1513 I'arnniu. 874
FOIt SALK-GO cholco farms less than K
miles west of Omnhn. Address J II. Bin Is
Heal 1'stale Agrnt , Klkhorn , Neb. 641 m'j8J
BIO HAllfJAlK Ono hundred feet front nn
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000.
rartOB UBS * . V. L. Vodloka , 5-'J South 13tb st.
STHVENS PLACK on Ames nvenuo , nor
- State nud Sannders street * , and a contin
uation of Sherninn tnvonuc , the fine drives
ofjbo city. Stevens Bros , 1113 Karnani. S74
READ this splctldhl list.
Gibson , Aylesworth ft Bcnlamln ,
1SI3 Fatnumst.
For fi dnys only wo offer the following
2 lots in Brlggsplaco front son Hnrnoy nnd
n on Fnrnnm.
1 lot In Ilnwthorno 4 x10,1 , cor aid nnd Daven
port , ( ) room housp , Ao. , prlco $1,300. llasy
Lot nnd homo In Lowe's 1st ndd.00xt20 , $1.751.
UD ft on St. Mary's nvo with 2room ' ( houses
s and water. W'llI subdivide MVOV ) .
Warehouse or business property In block 192 ,
4,1,000. Ert .y terms.
Ixit on Douglas street , 40x139 , with 6-room
louse , $ .1,101) .
Full lot on Dodge street,3 houses , rent for
i801. price $1,200.
5-room house on N 17th St.good well nnd cis-
orn , $0,600.
Wanted 3 goo 1 business lots.
Two or more lots with trackage.
Gibson , A j lesvrorth A Benjamin.
1512 Karnam st
P. TI1KKV , lUt Fnrnam St. , makes Investments -
vestments for nnn residents a specialty
with guaranteed Interest or shuro ot profits ,
nnd takes full charge of property ; referonoo
rnKN AC11US of hlich , sightly laud for sale.Uii
JL mllus from court hous.i , HW per aero ,
'nttcrsou ' ft Moore , Omaha National natik.
152 15
OUlt LIS I' of Bargains. Kountz plnco , Bov-
oral lots at H bargain.
Lakes,25 ) feet lor $ BOO
Saunders st , : i lots , each 2,000
Saunders st , 3 > J acres opposite Kount/.o
place , 16th st.Mxlfttl 5.000
"arnum st.comer.50xUl II.OiX )
Barnaul st,3 lotsonch J.HW
J.ouoavo , east trout 1,750
Vhginlanvo 1,100
Jeorgla ave , 75x1.10 2.IUH )
leorgln ave 2,5V )
1'wenty-slxth st , near Ponplcton 2'Kll
'aclng on Park 2,000
lamllton xt. Orchard Hill I-1"
Orchard 11111,2 line lots , onch 7 1
Trnckngo lots 50x121 HW
TrnckaitolotsMxl47 2,250
Lenvcuworthst , 114 feet corner 3,000
Residence Property.
Wo have nlmgollst of residence property In
all parts of the cltr nt very low prices , Slovens
'Iros , 1513 Fnrnnm st. 776
FOIt SALK-Or Trade Six sections of good
land In Lincoln county , Neb. on U. P.
rnllwuy. Cnll on or nddress Odoll Bros. > V Co ,
101 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. 301 13
\TKBKASKA LAND - Seven Onmha Insldo
-L lots to trndo for iinlncuinborod Neb. land.
Bush & Selby , 15.M Pntnam st 29' )
BARGAINS In South Omnha lots. 3D of the
finest lots In the northern pnrt of South
Omaha for sale on easy terms by Goo N Hicks ,
215 South Htli street. Branch oilico llellovuo
and B streets , Soutn Omnhn. 287 14
FOB 8ALi-Iodg : and 12th , $10.000. 120x1 tt
cor llth nnd Doroas , | 8,2iK ) . 60x140 , House
east front , 10th st , $86 ft. Klsnssor and Idea ,
No 1012 Hartley. 270
BKTTEH see W. H. fircen , 215 South I.Hh st ,
bout the following or anything olsojou
want ;
100x140 on South 10th It , $11,000.
( .fixHO on South 10th st , $11,000.
0-1x12.1 on South loth st , goo.1 houie , $11,503.
120x110 on South 1.1th st , $7.000.
50x140 on South 1,1th st , $ .1,000.
! xl4ton ) South inthst , $2.000.
40x100 on South 15th st , oor on Williams , Im
provements on this cost $1,800. Good business
cor , $7.100.
6 lots50x220 oust fronts on South 20th st.
Those are Hi st-olass , bettor come up nnd see
about those. *
60x132 on Loavonworth st , good house , for
$70 per front foot , property soiling 2 blocks be
yond in a hole for $90.
Ono ol the bust corners ID Shlnn's add. with
good house and other Improvements for $3,501) .
$8M ( cash , bal 1,2,3 years.
100x150 east front on Virginia nvo 15,201
105x1.10 east front cor Virginia nve $3,500.
21 of th llnest lots In Hanscom plueo.uast and
west fronts on Park nvo and west fronts on
Citthcilnost. This Is thocrenmof tlio place and
the tlrst time they over wore on the market.
Smnll cash payments and onsy terms.
60 of the best lots In West Sldo left laying di
rectly on car line nnd only $ .100 for Insldo nnd
$ "i1U for corner , 31-5 cash. bal. to suit. W. II ,
Green , 211 South 13th st 60-J
F SALK Dodge pt .twolots In Kllby plncn ,
L ? fronting on Dodge street , 125 feot. Two
blocks beyond the lots have sold for $ J,000 , the
same price wo ask for these. Only 81,200 cash
required. Shaw ft Co.,510 S 10th st , are tbo
agents. 190
ft HADLV.V ,
GBKGOBV Omaha Heal Kstnto Kxchnngc ,
Booms 1 und 3 , 3J ) South 11th Ht.
Omaha Vlow. State st fionts for t 1,5JO
Fnh mount place , .10x121 , corner-1 1.J50
rnlrmount place 40x1JO , corner 1.30J
West Side loa\onworth st fronts 1.COO
West Side , Kast ave fronts 775
Thornburg place 100x130 , corner 1H !
Thornburgphies , flnoenst front bOO
CntalpaiilacaH5xll8 , corner 1,950
Tnbor plnco elegant lot 47x155 1,600
Loavonworth terrace 114 ft on Leaven-
worth 3,000
Leavcnwoithterrace , 102x114 trackage. . Il.ilOO
West Otiahn , HOxKU east and so front. . . 3,500
West Omaha , 56x151 ast and north front. 2,50. )
Bedford plnoo 100x128 corner 1.700
Bedford placo50xl2H south front 800
Prospect place St ft corner on grade 1,110
Prospect plnco double front Hamilton it 2,501) )
Cheap homes for nil.
Gregory & IIudloy. 042
STEVENS PfiACE Is near Kount/o Place ,
where there will bo 200 houses built this
Biimmor , costing from $2,103 to $10,000 each.
Stevens Bros , 1513 Pnrnnm. 874
s Our new addition.
Acres$400 to $100 peraon.
Near South Omaha ,
Aad Sydloate Hill.
Marshall ft Lobook ,
778 1500 Farnam.
Guardian's Eale.
TN District Court , Douglas County , Nebraska.
In the matter of the Guardianship ot William
H. Alllbort , minor.
In pursuance of an order of the district court
of Douglas county , state of Nebraska , nmdo on
the 21th day of November , 1881) ) , In the above
entitled action , the undcrslgnod will on the 18th
day of May , 1887 , at 10 o'clock In the forenoon
of said day at the north door of the Douglas
county court house soil at public unction the
following described real estate , being and sit
uated In said county ol Douglas and state of
Nebraska , to-wlt : Thn south thirty-three ( J3) )
feet of lot No. four (4) ( ) In block number onu
hundred and sixty-four (104) ( ) , In the elty of
Omaha , except thu bou o then on situated. The
terms upon which said property will bo sold aru
not less than ono-third ( H ) cash , nnd the bal
ance , ono-thlid Cj ) in ono year , and one third
( li ) In t\u cais fiom the date of sale , to ho HO-
eurod liv mortgage on the promises so sold : de
ferred payment to bear Interest nt the into of
eight percent per annum from date until paid ,
liitoioxt payable annually. 'Iho undersigned
lescrvcs thntlirlit to i elect any or nil bids.
VIltOINA B. GALLIQAN , Guardian.
SIHKUAI. & BKDICK , Attorneys. a:5m2-l )
T O Kdwln 0. Dudley :
Vou nro hereby notlflod thnt the undersigned ,
three disinterested freeholders of the City of
Omaha , have been duly appointed by Iho
mill or , vllh the approval of the City Council of
Bald city , to assess the damage to the owners
respectively of the property doclnrod by oidi-
nanco necessary to be appropriated for the use
of bald city , for the purpose of widening Lake
etroct from 1Mb to 18th street.
Vou nro further notified , that having ac
cepted said appointment , anil duly qunlinod us
required by law , we will on the ifliili day of Mny ,
A. D. 1867 , at the hour of 10 o'clock In the
morning , at ollleo of W. H. Green , 215 South
llth stioct , within the corporate limits ol fluid
city , moot for the purpose or considering and
mnklngtho iissebsmontof damage to the owners
respectively , ol salj property , by the reason of
such taking nnd appropriation thereof , taking
Into consideration special benefits , if uny.
' 1 bo property belonging to you proponed to bo
appropriated ns aforesaid , and which tins boon
declared necessary by the council , by ordi
nance , to npproprhito lo the u o of the city , beIng -
Ing situated in Mild eity ot Omaha , In the
county of Douglas , und stuto ol Nebraska , Is
described as follows , to.wit : South 3.1 foot of
Tnx Lot18SPtlon 10.
Vou are notified to be prceent nt the time und
plnco aforesaid , und make nny objections to , or
statements concerning , unlit proposed appro
priation , or assessment of damages , ns you may
consider proper.
' '
FltEl ) . IIKIIM.
Omaha , Nob. , Aprils.1 ; , JH37. inlldet
Notice ,
MATTEIl of application of Cluist NlcUon for
liquor license.
Notice N huiohy given that Christ Nlolsondld
upon the Uh day of May A. I ) . U17 , ttlo his
application to thn mayoranil elty council of
Omuhn , forllccnso to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors , ut No Wl Bouth Tenth street ,
I'litt nrd , Omnha , Neb , from the llth day of
Anrll , 18.V7 , to the 10th day of April , 184.
It thcie bo no objection , iomuii3tiauuo or
protect niod nlthln two ( cks from Mny 7th ,
A. D. 1887 , the said llcun'o will bo grunted.
J. a , City Clerk. m in
DL. J. MARKS & Co.
Grain and Provision Commis -
sion Merchants ,
1O and 22 racijln Avenue.
drain 6nd Prorliloni bought und iOlJ on mitrsln-
nn ih Chlc io Il9ard or'I rude. CorreipUDdino 101
HdMd. p llfor weekljr martot Uturivnt un nppll-
It < ( r uCvT * KsCliui o llatik , Cblcno.
Note * Kriini Court.
The Brunil jury wsis at work yostonluy ,
with O. II , Lucas as tttutr foreman. Two
indictments wcro rcturtunl Into court ,
one lioinn npilnst Ktl Atltims , who was
brought back from Nrurnska on n charge
of house ntcnlinir. Another wns against
Frcil Kissel , \\asnncstoitlorstcal'
ing a Biuidlo from Krnnk Owen.
In thu district court thorn was Illtlo of
jitibllo Intorost. The bottom full out of
the cnsos which wi-ro .sot for a hearing
yestoulay. Tlio assignment made for
to-day ronsista of Nos.iiUl. . tlUS , 44511 ,
1451 , 41551185 , 44SO. l-\ir Wednosduy
No. UUiO is assignrd. For Thursday Nos.
4M3. ! ilfltlft. 'I'ho criminal oases will bo
tried no\t weok. The petit jury was Im
panelled yesterday.
The case of the state vs. C. L. Big ;
and S. II. Ford , to recover on a bond ,
the defendant having failed to appear ,
was dismissed.
In the like case of the state vs. W. A.
Kcotoy and J. K , Whlttaker a judgment
of | 500 was rendered against the defend *
MATTKIl of application ot C. Knlmbaoh for
liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given thnt C. Knlmbuch
did upon the Hth day of May , A. D. 1887 , file
his application to the mayor and elty council
of Omnhn , for license to sell malt , spirituous nnd
\inuous liquors , nt N , K. corner 21th and I'on
stieets , Sixth wardOmnhn , Noh.fiom tlio Mill
day of AprM , 18b7 , to thu 10th day of April , 18SS.
If there no no objection , remonstrance , or
protest filed within two weeks from May tfth ,
A. 1) ) . I8s , the said license will bo granted.
u. KAI.MIIALH , Applicant.
J. B. BOUTHAIIB. City Clc-lU. 1119-111
A. S.
320 Soutli 15th street , Omaha.
m , m . . . . . . . . . , , i . . . . - . . . .1 . . , ,
Room 25 , Paxton Block , Omahn.
313 South 14th Street.
A-ttorney cxt
Itoom R , Kronzor Itlook , Opposite Tostomco.
2rlom.cepa.t3a. ,
Room 322 N. Ifilh st. , O'tiaha. Office hours
9 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
2lxyslcia.33. aztel SMrg-eon ,
214 S. 12th st. , cor. Parnnin , Iron Hank
Ruilding. Office hours , 2 to 4 and 7 to 9
p. in. 10 to 12 on Sunday. Tclcphone,504
O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
IFliyslcian. ena-d. Sio-re-eon ,
Office , N-W Cor. 14th and Douglas.
OfTice Telephone 405 ; Kei , Telephone , 12
JOS. W. IJAIINSDALL. A. M. , M. 1) .
S ) > cci < tllt.
Surgeon nnd Gi/mvcologist.
Olllco llnurn , lUte 12-2to4-T toU.
onicu KWHownril ptroct , Omahiu
Office , N-W Cor 14th anil Douglas st.
Office Telephone , 405 ; Res Telephone , 5C8.
. - . . -
3Flj.37-Bi.cian. and Su-rg-con ,
Residence , No. 1407 Jones street. Office , With-
nell DlocK. Telephone , residence 1-5 , olllce
X3Coxn.ceopckt3a.i5t ,
Office , 813 S. 14th st. Telephone , 589.
Olllco , 1211 Douglas Shoot. Hooms 0 , 7Hand9.
Olllco Hours 0 to 12 n. ra. , 2 to 5 p. in. 7 to 1) ) p. m.
KKIS ; piiiiVriNC CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders
AndDlankbook Manufacturers. Kos. 109 and
1083.14th street. Omnhn.Nob. .l.F. Fair lie. Super-
IntenJoiit ItlndoiT. Telephone No.VL
21U North lOtli Street ,
Film STE\ZIL : , Proprietor.
Former pioprlctor of Northwestern house
The opening of my new house enables me to
offer the public ulco looms , clean beds , and excellent
cellont kltohon. at low prices.
Physician and Surgeon JJ
1SO7 Lalcc-ttt. , OiitaJM , Xcb.
Lake Street Drug Store.
Landscape Gardeners.
Laying out grounds n specialty. Take charge
of private garde ns. Flowoia furnished for par
ties und funerals.
Capital . $500,000
Surplus . 1OO.OOO
Herman Kountze , President ,
John A. Creighton , Vice-President ,
F. H. Davis , Cashier.
W. H. Megquier , Asst-Cashier (
Offlco.B.SoiHU Omaha ItoumJ , Hunt * IlulldlnvNInth f
Omahu , Ho..m C , over Cum mo re 1 4) ) National Hank ,
M. It. ItlNDOX ,
Merchants' Nutlonnl Hunk Ilnlldlng , Itoom 10
Uji Stalls.
Telephone No 375 , Omahn , Nebi uska ,
Phoenix , London , tingland . tV fTH 13
Fircmen'H , Newark , N. J . 1VISM31
Glen's Kails , Glen's falls , N. V . . . 1,4'U U.HI
Glrard , 1'hlladelphla. 1M
New Vork N. Y . . . UI.V .OS
KianilnalliMi furadmltilon to Vanur College wll
be hold 0t Oimhn , Mnjr 'll nml Junu I , Appllcuntl
llinuM lnluriuth iu sl > loiit holoro tlnr II AU.lru
JAMP.S M. TAYI.Olt. I ) I ) . .
V nurCollo , roujlikcopil" , N , V.
Carpenter and Builder ,
Telephone COO.
309 Soutli Milcculli glreeU