Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY B&0 : TUESDAY , MAY 10. 1887 ; c THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered tj- carrier In nny pnrtof tboclt/at twenty cctita per woik. H. W. TILTO.V , JIanafcr. TELEPHONES : BrPiKrwOmci. No. u. KIUIIT EuiTOii No. 23. A11NOH MICNTION. v N. Y.PlumbltiK Co. New spring goods atSHeltor's , tailor. * Additional Council Ululis news on tlio Seventh page , St. Paul's brotherhood will meet this evening in the hull over llano's. Probstul Urns , yesterday contracted for n now front to their store. The popular resort is the Manhattan , 418 Hroauwa.v , Uiulio & Venawino. Millie Scott was yesterday fined for thumping a white woman on 1'ierco Street. Paul lionuct is planning on building a largo brick stable on Ills present Hroad site. DTho Union Pacilic railway company formally accepted tlio Tentli avenue ordinance at the meeting of the council last night. A farmer' * team took a lively run on Tierce street yesterday forenoon hut were stopped without much damage being done. The plat of Manawa park was yester day liled tor record. 1. AI. Hay is the owner , ami ho proposes making numer ous improvements. The man who had his foot taken oil'by ix Northwestern freight train is at the Cot tage hospital and is now getting along better , though his case is still a serious one. one.A A move is being made to have the came lish in iiig lake protected , and to nave Lewis ( ioodwin appointed as watch man , with due authority to arrest of fenders. The work of excavating for the new Warren cottages on the old Page prop erty has commenced. The contractors , W iekliam Hros. , will crowd the buildings right along. L. H. Crafts yesterday sold to W. W. llilgcr. a half interest in Kodcfcr build ing on Pearl street , making on the sale a liandsome protit , and yet furnishing an excellent chance for investment. The park commissioners spent vcster- lay forenoon talking over contemplated improvements of the parks of the city. This is the first time for months when all three commissioners have been together. It will be seen by a notice in another column the well known linn of Wirt A : Duquette has dissolved. Air. Duquette will continue the business. Mr. Wirt will give his attention to the Masonic IiiMir- ance association , which is being built up fie rapidly. Charles Nicholson , a son of the well- known lireman , was playing in Mott'H lumberyard , when a pile ot plank fell onto him , bruising him badly , llis foot was most seriously injured and he may be crippled for life. Dr. F. W. lloughton dressed the wound and the boy was taken to his home on North First street. The new line of the St. Paul from Ma nilla to Sioux City will bo in operation by the first of June , so that trains will bo running from here to that city by this route. It is a significant fact in connec tion with this line , running as it does in n prohibition state , tliat the depots , buildings , etc. , are being painted red. The plans for having electric lights placed on the county court house , Methodist church , Masonic temple and the government building , seem to be going along well , except so far as the gov ernment building is concerned , For some reason Uncle Sam has made a rule that there shall be nothing of the sort on top of any of his houses , except the light houses. Articles of incorporation were yester day filed by the Durango Fuel company , which consists ot Joseph Knotts , John T , lialdwin and George F. Wright. The company proposes to establish a branch ollico in Durango , Mexico , and to deal in coal , coke and other fuel there. It starts in with fiM.OOO capital stock , which may bo increased to $100,000. A fellow giving his name as Aloriarity was yesterday as a vagrant , he having [ j < , been hanging around swarthy houses of still swarthier reputation and sleeping . . . nights in chairs in hotel odices and in sa- t" loons. Ho had got to bo such a nuisance that ho was placed behind the bars. Some friends from Hod Oak agreed to take him nway with them on last evening's train , and on this condition he was allowed to go free. The board of equalizatidn has at last got through its A. H. C.'s. They will now commence on D. and work down the alphabet. The aldermen iind the work slow and tedious. A meeting was to have been hold yesterday afternoon , but there was no quorum. Adjournment was taken until to-night. It is proposed to facilitate matters by having n com mittee chosen to work right through the day , and report in the evening such changes as are needed , and the board can act on this report , thus lessening the work of the board as a whole , and en abling an earlier completion of the work than can bo had by the present mode of working. This suggestion will bo acted on , probably , at the meeting this even- Lime , cement , plaster , hair , coal , etc. Council Hinds Fuel company , No. 53U 84 Uroadway , telephone 130. il. Latest improved gasoline stoves at No C04 Main street , W. A. \ \ ood. A Now Kautory , It is now a settled fact that Strode Hros. , of Princeton , 111. , will establish a largo sash and door factory in this city. The location selected is just west of the iro.i foundry , and near the canning works. The firm have purchased three large lots there , and the erection of build ings will commence at puce. The main building will bo10 bv 100 feet , and two lories high. Extensive drying kilns , and other additions will be put up also. Drs. Hauchett & Smith , otlico No. 13 Tearl st. Residence , 1'0 Fourth st. Tele phone No 10. J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title , and deserve the success they are enjoying. Cheap storage in either small or car load lots at Nos.iiV-M and 20 Pearl street , J. K , SnyJor. J. WE. . L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title , and deserve the suc cess they are enjoying. More Free Heading. The following books have been addcc to the Free Public Library : A Son of the Boil , 823.7JS c ; Mary Anerlcy. 838.801 c John Parmcloo's Curse , 833,81)7 ) c ; In tbo Clouds. 833,839 c ; Old Boniface , 833,939 c Anna Karonina , 833.058 o ; Kverard am Sululio , a'3.081 ; What the Swallow Sang 833.093 ; Tnros llulba , 8J3.093 ; A Vita Question. 833.U44 ; Cornnne , or Italy 833.995 , Dallas Galbraith. 833.990 ; Green dale , and Old Story. 733.908 ; Cralabs in Search of a Wife , 833.999 ; Poverty Grass 633.1000 ; Adirondack stories , 833.1001 Ixive and Luck , 833.1003 ; Cousin Pens 838.1003. . Office of'Mulliolland & Co. , removed to In under the Citizens' bank. Telephone No. 163. Leave your orders for ico. GOOD WRAPPER , BAD FILLER A Slick Cigar Salesman Who Seems to Be Bad Inside. DANFORTH'S NEW HOTEL. Old Citizens Tell of the AV.iRcn Karncil in Years Gone My The Christian Young Men More Ijlurnry Hooka-City Council , A Peculiar Cljjar Mnn. A month ago a man named \Vilack ; ! was here selling cigars. He hud quite a liianlity and went about the town with a wagon selling by the box at .such prices as to awaucn suspicion. There was some nqutry being made by the government ollieials , and about the time they cot ready to investigate film he disappeared. le jumped out of town so quickly that 10 forgot to kettle ills hotel bill. It was nlso reported that ho pot into some rouble in Omaha and that he gave bonds o appear there on the 1st of June. The anil lord of the hotel , learning the name ) f the house which Wallaek pretended o represent , wrote the firm , but they ro- ilied that they were not responsible for iim and that lie simply bought cigars of hum and sold on his own account. The inn promised to call his attention to : hc unpaid hotel bill and &ce if he ivould not pay it. A few ( ( ays later a jet- : cr was received from Wallaek , stating Jint he hud to leave 'Council Hind's in a rCreat hurry , and in order to catch the .rain drove right to the depot , there not jeing time for him to come bacK to the lotel to settle. Ho had given the money .o the fellow who drove the wagon and supposed that he had settled _ the bill. If 10 hadPnot lie would see to it whnn ho came out to Omaha , which would bo soon. The teamster denies having re ceived any money for the hotel bill , and leclares tliat he did not take Wallaek to : hc dcnot stt all , but left him near the corner of Main ami Hroadway , and that was the last lip saw of him. This man Wallaek seems to get into a good deal of trouble and to cause a irood deal of trouble to others by his peculiar ways of doing business. About two years ago lie was here. Ho liad some cigars at the depot of the Milwaukee & St. 1'aul railway. The cigars had been shipped licro in caie of one of the banks , anil it was evident that the firm selling him the cigars had arranged for the bank to take : he pay for them before the goods should ' t > o rele'ased.V allack is said to have ar ranged in some way by which he got an order for one of the two cases at the depot. He presented this , and got the case. By an oversight the order was not taken up by the railway man delivering the case to him. In a few days he pre sented the same order and got the other case. Soon after ho had disappeared from the city tlic eastern firm sending the cigars wrote to the bank to have the cigars shipped back it Wallaek did not pay the money. On inquiring at the depot it was found that the cigars had already been delivered to Wallaek , and his sharp trick was discovered. The company set its special officers uftcr him. They traced him into Nebraska , then to Michigan , and finally back to Milwau kee. One of the special acents of tlio company , having a description of Wai- lacK. and knowing that'he was in Mil waukee , saw a man passing the com pany's olliccs whom ho thought was kVallack. Ho called out , "Hello , Wai- lack. " Wallaek , for it proved to be ho , turned about .and returned the saluta tion. After exchanging salutations the special oflicer asked liiin to step up stairs a minute , as there wns some one who wanted to sea him. Wallaek unsus pectingly climbed tlio stairs , and was somewhat taken aback when ho found himself in the presence of the chief olliccr of the detective de partment. Ho begged hard , and agreed to pay the company for tlio cigars and square everything up. It was all a mistake , but ho would right it. Ho did so , paying for the cigars and for the expenses which the company has been to in hunting for Him. It cost him over $200 to square himself for this little bit of peculiar business. It seems that "Wallack is traveling all over the country , and he thus far had shown no disposition to assume any other name , so far as learned. The hotel men and others will do well to keep an eye out for him and to make quick settlements and a long ways in advance. Days or "I'm I'm the " glad out of council , remarked ex-Alderman Sliugart yester day. " 1 guess I'm not strong enough to stand as much work as the aldermen are having now. " "I'm tough enough , I guess , ' spoke up Alderman Lacy , "say , BIK : man , you think I'm tough , don t you ? " There could bo but one answer. " 1 know what it is to work , " con tinued Alderman Lacy , "and I've done my share of it. Now there's 'Squiro Stone. Ho can tell you about my work ing. The very first money I ever earned in this town was working for him. I made a lot of flower beds , and fixed up all around his yard , and he paid mo $2. That was the first money I over earned hero. " "I remember it well , " said 'Squire Stone. " 1 remember your telling me at the time about its being the first money you ever earned. " "No. not Hie first money I over earned. It was the first hero though. When my father and mother died I went to work for a man in Savannah , Georgia , and as a boy I worked for him three years for $0 a month , 1 was back thorp four years ago , and the family were living on tlio same place still. They had lived there thirty-one years. During the war the man had tried to get north , but was never heard from again. Everything looked just as it did when I worked there- as a boy , only they hail gone moro to ruin. They hadn't improved any. " 'Squiro Mono then added his expori- anco : "I worked for a man for f 0 a month. I wanted to get film to hire mu by the year , but he wouldn't do so , so I worked along several mouths , and when I got a chance to earn sU a month I told him I must have moro or leave , ml then , do you know , that fellow insisted that 1 hail hired out for the whole year at $0 a month. " "You remember , " resumed Lacy , that you wanted mo to stay with you live years , and promised mo if 1 would do it that you would give mo n torty aero ' tract'of land which you owned out here. I've felt like kicking myself a good , many times since for not taking you up. " "I never worked for 1 a month , nor for fO , " remarked ox-Alderman Sliugart , "but I have worked for gl'Ju month. Yes , sir , I've curried the hod at 75 cents a day. " Ssucli rominisconsos from the trio of old citizens , who have so prospered in ma tcrial matters , prove healthy topics for thought among the young men , who are impatient and who think the world is not appreciating their worth. Another Hotel Sclioine , Another hotel scheme , and a very practicable ticablo one , is reported. It is said thai Alderman Danfortb , "Uncle Si , " as ho is familiarly called , ta planning on putting up ft largo hotel on his property , corner of Eighth street and Broadway. The plan is to build a fine four-story brick building running from the . corner clear o his present block and then raising that block another story , making it three stories high , and using tlio upper story of tlio block in connection with the other 'or ' hotel purposes. Some one u kcd him iim how much aid ho expected from the citizens. "Not one cent , " was the reply. 'If 1 build I'll put it up myself , and ask lobody about it. I don't want any help , uid 1 don't want anybody concerned in t but myself. " The Hir. : man asked him yesterday what truth there was in the re- lort , and Uncle SI gave one of Ills pocu- iar laughs and replied : "Well , It's pretty lot to build Hotels , too hot. Wait till it gets a little cooler. " That was as near is ho would commit himself , but it Is thought there is a good deal back of the report. Mr. Danforth has abundant ncans , and lias largo property interests , ho value of which would be greatly in creased by such an improvement. Council mull * Council. The city council met last night. There vus a large nudienec present. A largo amount of routine business was tran sacted. The Tenth avenue ordinance vas formally accepted by the Union 1'a- cilic railway as passed April 13 , and the jids for building sewers were opened. Petition for water supply pipe on Sixth street ; referred. Petition to open Avenue 11 , between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets ; efi'tTi'd. Petition for lire protection and exten sion of Seventh street water main to Aye- me E ; referred. Petition of 1) . W. Hushnell , assignee , 'or settlement of contract with J. P. joutdcu ; referred , Report of Harry Hirkinbino on the con- lition of the drinking fountains was ri > - 'erred to water committee with power to ict/ ictA communication from the Union Pa cific was received accepting the Tenth ivonuo ordinance. It was received and tlaced on the records. A communication from the Knights of . .abpr requesting the sewer contractors o give preference to the laboring men of Council Hluil's in tlic building of sowers. City Auditor Kmnchan asked , as one of the committee appointed , that the council take immediate action > n this petition. A resolution was passed to that elli'Ct. N. M. Pu.sey asked that the tax lien on lot 10 block ( ! bo expunged from the records as judgment has been rendered iirainst the city. The property i.s on fifth avenue and the tax is for grading urior to the new law. There are about t20,000 taxes for grading on Fifth and Jnion avenues and other streets that are lelinqucnt and if this request is jranled the city will loose at least $ ' , ' 0,000 ; referred. On the matter of compromise with the Jlobe for printing the Kcatloy compila tion of the oulinauees , the city ac cepted the samo. The bids for sewer contracts worn then opened. The bidders were John llam- ner , W. P. Wiglitman , Reagan Bros. & Jo. , John Thompson , E. A. Wiekham and M. A. Moore. They were referred. Subscribe to the new hotel , Buy a re- 'ngerator and a quick meal stove. Such mprovements pay 100 per cent. Cole iV : Cole , No.11 Main street. Ijltorory anil Sociil. If you want to spend a most pleasant Hid profitable evening attend the Y. M. 3. A. literary and social to-night , to be iield at 8 o'clock. The rooms are cool mil well ventilated and no person will sull'er on account ot the heat. Succial at- : ontion will bo shown to strangers and they will be introduced to friends. Both ladies and gentlemen are invited to be present. 1'ltOailA.M.MR. Itcniltm : . M. lj. Flaming Debate. . .Led by Messrs. K.irlow and Hunter bunt ; . Miss Minnie llaiiaon Ueaeline . E. Mamlel CIKNKK.Vt. KXmtCISCS. The Fall of Babylon , " "The Death of Socrates , " "The Shepherd Kings ot Egypt. " All persons attending will be alloweil to take part in the general exercises and are uiged to come prepared. Personal I'arnijrnphs. Thomas Olliccr has returned from his pastern trip. A. S. Avery , of Neola , was at the Pa cific yesterday. Mrs. Li//.ic L. Smith has recovered from a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Edmundbon will start next week on their European trip. Mrs. W. W. Bilgcr has returned from a ten days' visit to friends in the east end of the county. J. B. Chapman , one of Wells , Fargo & Co.'s clerks , has resigned , to locate in Chicago. The vacancy has been filled by the promotion of C. E. Whitney. City Marshal Guenella left last evening for DCS Monies to attend the annual meeting of the state organisation of marshals and chiefs of police. Ho will be absent two days. James Craigmilc , check clerk of the Union Pacific , is the happy father of a bouncing boy. Colonel Abbott willingly drops all military titles to eagerly adopt that of "grandpa. " J. ( i. Tipton has bargains in all kinds of real estate , business Vucs and vacant lots. If you want a line located lot to build on , either for business or residence , you * should see him at once , as ho can give you bargains right now that in the not far distant future will cause you to rise up and call him blessed. He also has all grade houses to rent. llev. William Haigh , 1) . 1) . , of Chicago , spent Sunday here , and preached in the Baptist church in the morning. Dr. Haigh is superintendent of missions , and it wus through him that this city gained the presence here of the present pastor of the r'irst Baptist church , Uov. Dr. Cooley. Dr. Haigh will relinquish a part of his territory on the 1st of June , that portion lying west of the Missouri to bo under the superintcndcncy of Uov. Dr. Woods , of St. Paul. An cllbrt is being made to in duce Dr. Woods to make his residence in the Blufls. as ho could reach his territory as easily from here as from any city , and the city would ( rain much in having so distinguished a YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. OfflliK to the UUkOIiL KUHTIllTTof UK cloth ( which our pMinU cuter exrlutlvely } will nt iwrfnllv rtr t time worn llrqulrrl no UiraklnR In. 01FT BKTtKJKD l jr fceU < * rKfterh > inff worn tfn rtaytlf not foun.1 the nioit I'KU FEOT r ITTINU , IIKAI .Til KUI , nndCnmrurlitble Conet erer worn , bold bjr all ° " ' ' " 'Cl"8dtlCUOTTYBHO . . Clilcugo. 111. ORESTON HOUSE , The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Hating a Fire Escape. And All Modern Improvements. 215 , 317 and 310 Main St. MAX MO1IN , Prop * SPECIAL NOTICES. IfcsTOTICIE. l niivcrUKQinrnts , such its Lost , Found Vol.nan , Kor Sale , To Kent , VSnnf , Honnllnjr , etc , will ! ioln crtpj In this coin in n nt tlio low rntoofTilNCKNTSI'nK LINE forthoflm luser km und KlvoConts PerUnuforcttcli subsequent Insertion , l.cuvb nchcrllsomonts nt our ollico No. U I'curl sti-cit , Uroadwny , Council tilling. WANTS. FOIl SAMi-Ono'.lcrscj- Durham ypnrllnK bull. UYlKhtntmnt MM pounds. Imiulro of .M. Uluison , iiuiir Wiibiisli round house. \\fANTKl ) A competent Kirl for kitchen TT work , ( iooil ttnk'09 pttiil. Inquireor J. Mueller , No. 'ii.Vlllov ! n\enue. _ 'AN'l'Kli ( looil KlrTTor small private fain * lly. Apply to Mr . Ooo. T. l'holl'8 ' , at 3 'don House. WANTI2D Thrco trooil turners nt once. ( Ioo < l W RU , steady \\ork. It. Urnlil , 101 llroiulH y , Council Illiirfg. _ JJ02 1U FOll Ur.NT-Iloiise of flvo rooms. Inquire lit 315 Franklin street. _ FOIl BALK Clienpi n gooil horse , Cim beat tlireomlDUtei. Kmiulro at No. 132 : : West llroiiilway. \V"ANTlll : Ajrents to buy territory for tlio TT best sclllnir article on the. market. JIO to (100 ( a diiy eiin bu mndu at It. Address See , lice , Jouncll itlutls. NOTICI3 Will pay tlio liltfliest price for llrst- claieusti'tl lady's , Rents unil ehlldron's clothing , boots , * hoc" . lintn.ete. 1) . ( Joldstelii , NOB. ' 'IT and - - ' llroadwav. _ FOH SAIilI Complete plant and uqiiliimcnt for H. K. brldKO work , consisting of 7 pllo drlvurs , CHI punters tools , touts , building ami bnardlni ; oittllt lor 1WI men. In Rood re pair. Now stored t Chcitennu , W. T. For In ventory ami terms addressNo. in , N , Main St. , Council Hinds , lonn. DISHOIUI lull .Nonce. rho llrm nf Wlit A ; Iuiuutto ) | , wlioleshlo fruit , confectionery mid coinml < - < < lon merchants Is hlxilay dl-soheil by mutual consent. W. ( ) Wlrt rutlilnirr The bit'lness will hereafter condiioted by M. Duquette , who assumes all labilities and will collect all accounts of the ntollrm. W. o. WlliT. Council Uliiirs , May 7 , 't T. .M. Dtlyl'ElTr. HOIIHO Clcnnlni : , s to bo done by nearly all the ladies in the spring. Now is tlic ripht time to do this. Tor adius , it is a disasirccablo but unavoid- ible work , and we make tlio oiler to ilo tlio most troublesome work of all , that is TO CLKAN TUK CARPETS. We clean the utirpets , velvets , moiiucttcs , brussels , or any other kind of carpets , without taking them up. We guarantee THAT Till : CAIH'ET WILL ItH I'KKKKOTLV CLKAN , THAT Till : COI.OHS A HE ItKSTOUKI ) , and tliat no dust will be left in the car pet. We guarantee our work and refer to prominent parties in this city. Send us a postal card and wo will call upon you and explain in what way our cleaning takes place. ( } . A. FISIIKK. Mo. uat : Sixth Avenue , Council Blull's. fivlll lie at the Pacific. Hotel , Council Itltt/fs , every Saturday forenoon OmahnDontal Association removed to Ilellman Block' , cor. lHh ! and Karnam. sets teeth $0 , fully warranted. All operations rendered painless by the use of our new amesthetic. Dr. Hauglmwout , Manager. OO 3STOEPLT UY Tlic Ladies Musical At the Presbyterian Church , Thursday Evening , May 12th. I'KOaUAMME : OrBan--"l'rocoS3linul Mixrch , " 8. D. Whitney. Mr. O. Nnrummlle. Trlo-"Hiifl , Hull. Hull , " Ando-rton. Mlasos Mnrkulnml Mr. HypuK. "Antft'l nt the Window" Tours. Mr. nrlglmin. "OSalntaiH" Lls/.t. Ladles' Cliorul Society , Mr , Pruiiko. director. Diint "I Will MaunlfyThoo" Mosenthal. Miss es PJSO.V iincl Mnrkul."And Clod Created Man. " Alr"In Native Worth" Hnydn'sCreation. Mr. Wilnins. Duct "Tho Ant't'l" llubliistoln. MtsscsMcrkel A "UftThliio Kycs-MunilolHnhn. II "Twilight" Alit. I.adli'S1 Choral Society. "Hessurrcction" HoMon. Mr. Di-l liam. Tdo"O , I'urmllso-An'inl by H. lllrd , Mlssee Piiscy , Murknl mid Mr. Trcynor ' Hear.My Pnuor" Mendelssohn , Solo Miss Morkcl itiid Muod Chorus. Reserved Scats at Bushnch's , 7oc. Announces that ills stock of Finelmported SpringMillinery In Choice Shapes of Hats & Bonnets , Together with a LargeLlne of Noveltlesln Fancy Ma terials Is now Heady for Your Careful Inspection. 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , Horses Mules For all purposesbought and sold , at retail and in lots. I.arye quantities to select fioin. Several pair * of fine drivers , sin- tfle or do"ble. MASON WISE , Council Bluffs Star Sale Sfabfes and Mule Yards Broadway , Council IHulTs , Opp. Dummy Depot and mules kept oonstantlyou hand , lor sale at retail or in car loads Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SIILUTKR & UOLEV , Proprietors. Telephone No. 114 Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner 1st. avo. und 4th street. E. S. BARNETT , Justice ot the Peace , 415 Uroailway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or busincta house in the city- Collection * pccitlty. . 'S People's ' Store GREAT MAY SALE ! mil Open 2o-Morrou > Morning. i. This Is or ALL SPRING GOODS rciliii'Unnn Inirc hccn made tlmt niillhc iiitcrcstliif/ , Tic scnson for these / now onlif'nirli / ami U nut/ } win fooliuli to e i > i'i < 'e # on { jooilstliatnrcjit'it In srxson , hut tluit's tlio trniwe do it. II V iiei'ci' canxt i/les over from one m'dson to aito'lin' , nnil tw tlon'i ' trait till it i/t so late that nobody trantx tltcnt before ire ri'dttrc / > i'/cr.i. Kt'frnUtlny will be found as ad- vertiitetl , Dress Goods Depi , l tO pice Worsted Drrs ? Goods , in HIV bent sprinj/ shades , ! Hi incite * wide , foi in 'rli/ sold at 33c to 6 OJ , Our May Sale Price 25c. 27 r pieces all wool , 30 , X 8 and4O Inch SnlthtfiH in all the latest rh'idcn , formerly tolil at ( iOctofl per yard , Our May Sale Price 50c .12. > Combination Suits , In finest im ported i/oods , with plush and vel vet stripes , formerly sold at $2G $3 i each. Our May Sale Price $20 $ .1 I'AITKKX. BARGAINS IN . WASH GOODS IX THIS GREAT MAY SALE. READ EVERY WORD ! Victoria Lawns , 3c , 4c , Gc , Sc. We and J > c. India Linen. Gc , 8c , lOc , ISc , 18c and 2Oc. Check Nainsook , Gc , 6'c , Sc , lOc , IGn and XOc. India Mull , We , 15c , 2Oc and 'ioc Stiiyed anil Jlarreil Cambrics in white and ecru , 4c , Gc , tic , fie , lOc , loc , 18c and HOc. Thousands of pieces nf aoods to be slatti/Mcrcd. Three cases of aooil ( iinifhams , dress and apron styles at Gc. The same aoods arc sold tit this city else where at from lOc to 12\c \ per yard. Tttio cases best ( jttality 1'onyce Vanlarda Ginghams , eleaant pat terns , best aoods at lOc ; reijtilar price JGc to ISc. 7GO pieces best dress styles Seer- miclicr and Ginahams at JOcanil 12\c. \ The. most cleaant styles of French and Scotch Ginahams will be found amony them. 7-8 wide American Sateens , 8c worth 12\c. 78 wide American Sateens , We worth IGc. 78 wide American Sateens , IGc ; worth HOc. French Nalestis , yard wide , 20c and 2Sc ; worth ItGc. Jiest Fiench Sateens , yard wide , 3Ge and U7\c \ ; worth i > ( ) c. These goods offered at above prices and only one dress pattern will be sold to any one customer. SPECIAL SALE ONE DAY ! LAWNS , S cases of Lawns , TO-MORROW OXLV , at ! ic per yard ; regular value Gr per yard. ! i cases good Lawns at He ; worth lOe. 3 cases Lattms at 80 and lOc ; worth double the monry. Only one dre s pattern , will be sold to any tiny customer. THIS SALE Is for MONItA Y Only ! CALICOS , On Monday ! t case t good Calicos at He. 1O cases best Standard Prints made ut 5c ; rtgular price 7c to JOc. This May Sale embraces EVERY THING. Special bargains In Laces. Special bargains In Embroidery. Special bargains in Parasols. Special bargains In Fans. Special barjalns in Summer Un derwear. Special bargains In Men's Fur- nlsntng Goods. IIU.VUY KISEMA.V & CO.'S PEOPLE'S STORE , lot , 314 , 318 , 318 and 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL n LUFFS , - - - I A. N. II. Special and prom pt attcn tlon given to all ordem entrusted to our cure , Samples furnished upon application , HARKNESS BROTHERS ! Headquarters for Good Goods ! Carpets and Dry Goods , We are still to be found on the Old Camp Ground < i Broadway , Council Bluffs , la With the largest and best selected stock of Carpets ever brought to this city. Our stock of Dress Goods comprises the finest fabrics , and also the most substantial but less costly. Those wishing good goods and as repre * sented will not fail to give us a call. SAMPLES AND PRICES SENT BY MAIL. Don't Forget the Place , No. 4O1 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Mail Orders Shipped Promptly. o. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Blulft OHlce , Temple. Omnlia OIHc-e , I\u 1 1 1 . North Kllhfttrcet. Particular attention given to In venting fiuidi * for neil resi dent * . Spceial bargain * In . loltt & acre property in Umalia & Coun cil ISIum. Correspondence solic ited. Swanson Music Company , Ho. 329 Broadway . Council Bluff * ESTEY PIANOS , GAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , ALSO PIANOS OF OTHER MAKES. Estey Organs , Gamp& Go/s Organs and Western GottageOrgansf A few comments regarding tlio Estoy Pianos. In every civilized country on the g lobe the name of Estoy is a household word with lovers of music ; it is a guarantee ; f or the exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that com mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. THE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. i915) ! ) Sired liy Almont No " " Standard No. 58ia. ! ia , and "Hejristcr , ( Sired by Tramp No. U08. These stallions will make the season of 1887 at the Conn' oil Uhiflrf Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address , WADH OAKY , Council Ululls , Ja. OFFICER tS PUSEV , Council BluffB.Iowa. Established 1657. R. RICE , M. D. Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knilc or Drawing o Blood. Over 80 vear Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. N. SCIIURX , Justice of the Peace. Ollico overAinerican K * REAL KTATE , Vacant l/ot . I.aniM , Clt7 IlcslOonccs and KnrmB. Aero property In western piirtof clly. All tolllntr ulioup lo nmko room for Bprinfe- stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Iloora & , over Officer Ic l'usoy' Dank , Couno lilutlg. C. B. ALLEN , EngineerSurveorMapPublisher , } , No. 11 North Main St. City Hn l county mnpa , of cltlon and counties In wcitcrn IOWH , Nubrutku und ICansuH. il JOHN Y. STONE. JACOU 8IH9 STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Lew , acticc in tlu State and Federal Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Iicno Block. COUNCIL HLUKF3. FRANK S. RICE , CIVIL ENGINEER , > DeMgrii" , citlmates anil reporti on brlrigtt , viaducts , iQiinilatlonimxl gunorul iitflnoerlng. lilue prlntH of liny lzn unit ( iiiuntlty. OfficoNoiaN. Muln St. , First National UM | Dl ck ,