Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Inactive State of the Produce Market
On Yesterday's Opening.
' .The Crude Market StroiiRcr Borne
Good Bnlca Hogs Take 11 Slight
Down Turn A Very Slow
Cinc'Ano , Atav 9. [ Special Teli'sram to
llic HEI : . ] Ihc opcnliiK this niornlnic was
bSQbb'Vc off as compared wltli Saturday's
close , nnd tlio fcultnK9 one of lassitude.
Tliu weather was delightful nnil tlio situation
ilpu for ti decline. The local crowd waslon ?
anil tlio lir t tiling done was to unload. The
Ilttlo clique liouses were not on hand to take
olTurlncs , and thu consciiuonru was that tlio
iimrkct littra > ed symptoms of "softness. "
A tip had i'onu out on curl ) that tlicro was
going to bo n bruak , hut the crowd did not
net en inasso on tlio tip as though possessed
oftliu utmost faith In Its tcllablllty. Trans-
notions wore light and of n scalp nature.
During the loni ; session Juno ranged be
tween brxftMMc- and Iclt oil at Wi 'iVc.
July sold between W1/ and 84 Vo and rested
atH4 ? < c. The new crop futures were \\eak ,
mid Biilfuicd declines of fully Ic. There was
eonslderablo buylnirof July and selllnc of
Juno by parties who act on the theory that
the clique c.ttinot run a corner In June , and
thathefore the close of the rurient mouth
July will command Its natural piemlum over
Juno. The "spreading" < ntl sellniB ol the new
crop options constituted tlio only Important
features ol thu forenoon trail Ing. Them was
n weal ; opcnltiK to tlio umikct. Corn was In
sympathy wth | wheat and eaily trading was
nt a small fraction under Saturday's rloslnir.
Surprising Kttcntith was du\elope < l , how-
o\cr , when the vNlhle supply ( inures camn
out , us thuv showed it remarkable decrease ot
ot 3,000.000 bushels. ' 1 his was about 1,500,000
inoru than anybody had counted upon , anil
taken with the llizht receipts iravo the bulls
Juno was advanced from 3' ) } c to
8'.iJ < c and July from 41Vcto ll'Xn ; all futures
closing firmer than Saturday. The plnntlnir
neason IH fully two weeks earlier than usual
this vearr.ud In most conditions the crop Is
Already about put In. Kain Is needed
throughout large areas In thn wctt and fa
weather matkut will In all probability bo thu
result for the next two of thrco weeks.
Oats were weak and featureless , the only
show of strength manifested being In sym
pathy with the upturn in corn. Near futures
closed < < c oir. At 1 o'clock Sfijrfc for .May
and 27K < : for Jtuio were the inside quotations
established. July clo.sed llrm at 20Vc. The
lirst trac'lnn of the season was reuorted in
August oats. That future bold up from
85/io to 20c ; ( and closed at 2Cc.
In the provision maiket thn day was some
what featureless. Kather large receipts of
lions coupled with easier prices for the .same
made traders feel more or less bear
ish at the opening and for lard
nnd shoit ribs prices averaged a little
easier earlier In thu day. Later , under moro
moderate offerings than was anticipated.
these at tides recovered completely from
their sveakness , und at 1 o'clock stood
tlcally at Saturday's linal quotations. Fluc-
tuatlons In short ribs were limited to
7Mc nnd In laid to2Kw5c.
Pork was held at 2.1.50 for May and June
Laid sold moderately at SC.b2X , but in
cash meats the day's trade was InsigniUcnnt.
AviniiNoox SKHSIO.V. Wheat was easy.
June sold at b4rS5c on unlit , there was one
Halo nt 84 ; < c , and at KWa c on the split.
rloMiii ! at K3e : July sold at 84'fS85Xc , ( ; and
b-lc on split , closlne at fete. Corn was quiet
nnd easy. June sold nt 3'.i' < @ : ! 'Jj/c split , and
ut T.iKe , closing at , ' ! 7J < c ; July sold atlltfe
and 41'n'c ; ' , closing nt 41 c bid. Uats were
firm. I'ork remains nominally at 23.50 tor
May and Juno delivery.
Lard was 2Xc easier , Mav closed at 80.80 ,
Juno nt SG.S.S.K , July at SG/J5 , August at
r CUICAOO , May 0. [ Special Telegram to
the BKE.I CATTI.K Tlio beef cattle mar
ket to-day was stronger. Thcro wore sales
wlilcli showed no advance , while some handy
fat cattle sold IOc hlelior. The general mar
ket was not particularly active , but the sup
ply being much lighter than expected , the
market was stronger all around and there
was n good clearance. Some good heavy ex
port cattle sold at f 4.50@14.70 and 54.00 wai
the top for some choice Now York cattle ,
Shipping steers. 1350 tol5001bs , 34.50@4.00 :
1200 to 1350 Ibs , S4.liOfii.70 : 050 to 1200 Ibs
J4.00@4.40 ; stockers and feeders , S2.5 4.200 :
cows , bulls and mixed , S2.00ft4.00 ; bulk , 53.x (
( $3.25 ; slop-fed steers , 82.2r.0t2.75 ; Texas cattle
tlo , strawy grassers , 82.75 ( < < 3.90 ; corn led
4.00@4.3. < t
Ilotis. There was a sharp down turn ol
6@10o in this market , with slow trade and r
dull linlHh. Many lots , both in the hands ol
the commission men and speculators , won
carried over. Hough and common and mlxtHl
Bold at 85.00 ( < ? r..70 ; fair to good mixed , 85.1 !
(35.25 , and beat heavy , together with btitchei
weights. 85.20J5.40 ( ! , largely at 85.35. Liirlil
sorts neglected , backers' , S5.00Q5.75.
NEW YOIIK , May 0. [ Special Telegran
to the BKK.I STOCKS. The stock marke
was weak to-day , although there wai no im
portant break. The London market foi
American securities came In heavy and i
Bfiado lower and this exercised A deprcsslni
Influence on tlio local marKets. Atbltrage
houses reported a very slack demand fo
stocks , and there were current renoits that i
strong boar paity had been formed , com
posed of ( lou d , Sage , Whlto and Tcarsall
nnd that the Intention was to work prle
down In order to buy for a big bull move
incut winch Is expected to come later In th
season. Now Kucland was rather linn at
shade above 56 , and very strong points wer
out that It was bought for bit ; advance
Could stocks were Inactive , and the pressur
to sell Misaourl Tactile appeared to bo eve
for the time being Fort Worth & Denvei
which electrified the street with a 10 polu
advance last week , began to drop to-day. 1
sold down 3 percent , and the talk from nl
legetl inside sources was that it would go
good deal lower , ( Grangers received only
slack support fiom tlio west , and were , li
consequence , very dull but not especlall.
weak. Western operators were doing ver
little In the market. They are Inclined t
feel bearish on the theory that manipulate
was likely to cause a somewhat lower rang
of prices , but they preferred not to sell stock
themselves while the railroad earnings wer
80 larsC. At noon the market was stead
with the exception of Fort Worth & Denvei
which had declined 4 per cent. The sales t
noon were 81,000 shares. Fort Worthtlroppe
to 5.1 % in the afternoon dealings , but betor
the close had rallied to 5G'B' . Now Knglan
advanced % per cent and all the coal stock
showed good gains. The market closed ver
strong at about tlio best prices of the daj
Tlio total sales wore about 200,000 shares.
( iovEitXMKNTS Government bonds wer
dull but bteady.
U , S. C'a 100 C. AN. W 12U
I ) , b. 4's coupon. 12 do preferred..140J
U. S. 4W'scoup .110 N. YC ! 112
PrtdlicuW'l0..125 ,0. K. & N 103
Canada South'n , . fll. * < O. T. 83 !
Central 1'aclllc. . 40 > 4 I'ncllicMall 55J
ChicagoAlton.110 I' . , D. * K 85
tlo preferred..100 IPullman ral.Car.150' '
C.,1) . < fcU 14S < 4 Heading. 44 <
D. , L. * W UOJs Uock Island. . . 133
D. &IU1 30 81. U AS. K. . , . 38
Krio 34 do preferred. . . . 78 !
do preferred. . . . 73' ' { 0. , M.8tT. . . . U1J
Illinois Central. . i : do preferred..124)
J. . RAW 34 $ St. V. A 0 52
K. A'V 31. tlo preferred. . 113' '
Lake Shore 05 Texas I'acltio. . . . 30' '
IAN 67 Union rucllio. . . . 60J
Mtchlinin Ceut'l. . 02 W..SU L&l' . . . . 21 !
Mo. I'acilic 107K do preferred. . 30 ]
No. Vaclho Sir W. U. Telegraph 75J
doprufcrred. . . . 01
MONEY os OAI.I. "Kasy at 3i5porcen' ( } '
closed otfered at 3 per cent
ritiMfc MEUCAMTII.B I'APKU 5 ( ifl pi
IJTKiti.iNd F.XCIIANOK Dull but steatl
kt I4.SS for 8lxty day bills , | 4.b7 f (
Chlcniro , May 0. Following quota
tions aietlii ) 3:30closing : tleures :
Flour Steady and unchanged : winter
wheat Hour , 34.2.X < N.30 : southern , S4.10ig4.20 ;
Wisconsin. C4.20ic4.30 : Michigan eott
sprlnc wheat , 83.70W4.50 : Minnesota bakers
X3.70ca4.Hu ; patents , S4.50Q4.SJ : low trrades ,
Sl.0jiii2.y5 ; i\o Hour , quiet at 83.20(33.40 ; In
Barks and barrels , S.J&3.70.
Wheat Slow , quiet and lower ; market
opened l ( ( < i\4c \ lower , fluctuated within 'f04
Vcrnnge , and closed htSV'- lower than on
.Saturday : cash , b3c : June , Mo : July , 84c.
Corn ( inlet early and active later ; the
market opened a shade below Saturday and
clo > cd.JiC bettor for futures than on Satureay
with cash lower ; cash , 3i ) ' < , c ; June , 39,5 < c ;
July , 41'fc.
O.its Oats ranged slightly under Satur-
day'ncloso ; cash , SO c ; Juno , t7 c ; July ,
Harlcy ! i7c.
Timothy Seed-Prime. SI.70.
Flax Seed 31.07/VC1.074. ' (
1'ork Dull and ( inlet , with pilces un
changed ; c.ish and June , Si".25.
Lard Declined -lAc early , rallied and
closed tnilet : cash , 8U.t > 2 } $ ; June , SO.UOJuly ; ,
* '
Ilufk'Meats Shoulders , S1)V..70 ( ( ; ; shoit
clear , S7. ! ) < ? l7.fi5 ; short ribs S7.37M.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , lb@'J2c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; lull cream Cheddars , ll'f@ :
12c : Hats , 12KWl2Ke ; > ounK Americas , 12&f
Cl"c ; skims , 3i ( < i-c.
Kirgs Firm at 10Jf@llc.
Hldes-Unchangcdjlicavy green salted 7' e ;
light ilo , 754asj ( ; s.\ltod bull hides , Cc ; grcun
silted call , be ; dry Hint , 12(413c : dry calf ,
13 < ll4c : ilcarona , 40ceich ; dry salted , lOe.
Tallow UnchangedNo. ; icountry , 4c ; No.
2,3j4'c ; cake , 4)ic. )
Ilccclpti Shlnments.
Flour , bbls I ,000 20,000
Wheat , bu 2o,000 120.0M
Corn , bu fio.ooy 220.000
Oats , bu 73,000 13'J.OOO
Hjf.bu 2,000 4.0CO
liarloy , bu 15,000 3,000
Now Iforlc. May 0. Wheat Receipts ,
00,000 ; exports , bO.OOO ; spot 3 @ % e and
options Jij@l' , c. lower , closing hea\y ; un
graded red , JlOb ( cNo. red. IMUc : No.
l. red , Usjfc ; > 'o. ' 2. ir05U in elevator.
OSJfc In store. 7' ' e delivered , IMjfc Irco on
bo , rd ; .Itine closing at Oie.
Corn lteceipt % 230,000 ; exports , 00,000 ;
spot I4@ * c and options lt@lic lower , elos-
Ing heavy ; ungraded , 4bSr.i ( c ; > o. 2 , 48' ' c
in elevator. 40'f@Wc ' delivered , latter for
old , June closing at 4s' ' < c.
Oats Shade lower and less active ; re
ceipts , 75,000 ; exports , 017 ; mixed western ,
34 ( < 30c ; whlto western , 37@42c.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed atCO c.
Pork Finn and lalrly active.
Lard Dull and a couple of noints lower ;
western fctwun , spot , < iuoted at 87.20.
Cheese Quiet.
njcs Quiet and weak ; western , fresh ,
Milwaukee. Mav I' ' . Wheat Easier ;
Junn , b2 ( Tc ; July , MVfc.
Corn Strong and in brisk demand ; No. 3 ,
40c , talr demand : No. 2 , 31X@'i2 c.
Hyo Dull and nominal.
Ilarley Steady ; No , 2 , 5'c.
Provisions Steady pork , 815.00 for re
packed cash or Mav.
Cincinnati , Muy 0. Wheat Firm ; No. 2
red , 85c.
Corn In good demand and easier ; No. 2
mixed , 43 } c.
Oats In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 'JOc.
Kye-Qulet ; No. 2 , < V > c ,
Pork-Quiet , at 810.50.
Whlsiy Active and linn at 81.05.
Minneapolis , Mav 0. Wheat Dull and
weak ; No. 1 hard , 7bJ c for May ; &ojc ( ? for
Juno ; S2c for July ; No. 1 northern , 77c
for May ; TS'c ' for June ; M)5 ) < c for July ; No. 2
northern , av c for May ; & % c for June ; 8J < > c
tor July on ttack : No. 1 hard , 7 ! > Jijc ; No. 1
northern , 78J < fe ; No. 2 northern , 70c.
Flour-bteady ; patents , S4.40@4.50 ; bak
ers' . S3.50a3.iO. (
Kecoints Wheat , 135.000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 11,000 bu ; flour , 20,000
Wheat in store In Minneapolis , 0SJ2bSC
bu. ; at St. Paul , bOO.OUObu.
St. LnulH , Alay 0. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
84Kc ; Juno , 882.
Corn Strong ; cash , 3CX@37Kc ; June ,
Oats Dull ; cash , 2S ) < c ; options nominal.
Pork Dull : new , 810.00.
Lard Nominally at SO. 70.
Whisky Lower nt 11.13.
Butter Demand moderate nnd values
easy ; creamery , 18@21o ; dairy , 14l8c.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Lower ; May ,
84Jf SS4J c ; June. SiQbSKeluly ; , 80 % Slc ;
Aucust , 80M@bO'c. } Corn Firm but quiet ;
July , 37c. Oats Steady and unchanged.
Kaunas City , Hay 9. Wheat Strong ;
No. U red , cash , 72c bid ; June , 73c bid ,
74Kc asked.
Corn-Steady ; No. 2. cash , SJtfc bid ,
S4c asked ; June , 33Jfcbid ; July 35Jg'c bid ,
35c asked.
Oats No bids and no offerings.
Liverpool , May U. Wheat-Quiet but
stedy ; the demand has fallen otf and
holders oiler sparingly ; California
No. 1 , nothing ofleimg ; red western
spring , 7s 2dia 7s 3d per cental ; do winter ,
7s 4dS7s ( Cd per cental.
Corn Steady ; new mixed western , 4s 2d
per cental.
New Orleans , May8. Corn Unchanged ;
mixed , COc ; yellow , 51c : white , 52c.
O.tts-j'.aslcr at 37S57Kc. !
Cornmeal Firmer at 82.85.
Hoc Products Unchanged.
Lard IteHned tieico 87.00.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , 80.50 ; long cleat
and clear ribs ,
Chicago. May 9. The Drovers' Jour
nal retiorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 6,000 ; strong nnd n shade
higher ; shipping steers , 34.00&4.UO ; stockere
and teener * . 82.50 ( 4.20 ; cows , bulls anil
mixed , S2.00@4.00 ; hulk , S3.00@3.25 ; Texas
cattle , 82.754.35.
Hogs Receipts , 15,000 ; weak and IOc lower :
rough aud mixed , 4.25Q$5.25 ; packing am
shipping , 15.20(45.40 ; light , Si.65@5.20 :
skips , 83.00 4.50.
Shoeo Receipts , 3,000 : steady ; woolcd
84.00 < a5.40shorn , 83.00@4.35 ; Texans , 83.1K
® 3.30 ; lambs , K.500.00.
Nation. ! Stock Yard * . East Ht
Ijoali. III. , May 9.-CattIo-Keceipts , 2,200 :
shipments , 100 ; stronger : choice he.ivj
peed , 3.20(34.15 ( ; stockers , fair to good ,
83.20 3.10 ,
Hogs Rnc ! pts , 4,000 ; shipments , 2,200
slow and lower : choice heavy and butchers
selections. 85.30(35.40 ( ; packing , fair to good
J5.15 < g. ' > . : iO ; Yorkers , medium to prime. :
© 5.10 ; pigs , common to good , 84.30(34.bO. (
KannaH City. May 9. Cattle Receipts ,
1,700 ; shipments , none ; market and a Miadi
stronger for shipping , others about steady
common to choice shipping , 83.bO@4.50
stockers , S2.GO ( < $3.20 ; feeding steers , 83.80(1 (
iloes Kecelpts , 6.000 ; shipments , COO
market opened weak and IOc lower , clo.sliu
weak ; common to choice , | 4.CO@5.10 ; skip :
and pigs , 82.50i34.50.
Monday , May 9.
Tlio Week.
The receipts of live stocK during the wee !
past wore heavy nnd the tendency of the market
kot downward. The cattle market decllnec
10 ® 15c on Tuesday and SCJIOc on Wednes
day which was followed by another decllni
of SCJIOc on Friday. The hog market wa :
bteady dtirin. the greater part of the week
excepting u decline of S iUc on Wednesday
The receipts worn liberal to-day for thi
first of the week. The market was falrl ;
nctlvo at prices about steady with Saturday
The run of hoes to-day was not as lartre a :
on Saturday by four hundred head. The mar
ket was shade stronger aud fairly active
nearly everything being sold before mid-day
There was nothing doing on the market.
i aitie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! , CQ
Hogs . „ . 1GO
Horses . U
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this marlcnt :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 94,3034 , 50
Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibi. . . 4,20(34,80 (
Fat little steer 900 to 1050 Ibs . . . . S.COg ( i. 15
Kxtrachoicecows and heifers. . . . 3.MX43.75
r Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.00/33.40 /
I Common to medium cows. , . 2.7&2.VO.
Good to choice bulls 2.50(33.25
Llghtand mediumhotrs 4.75(44.8. ' )
Good to choice heavy hogs 4HVi5.05
( Jood to choice mixed hoes 4.MM4.95
Choice sheep. 00 to 120 Ihs 3.15 3.75
Kcprcscntativo Halos.
Llvo Htock Buhl.
Showing thu number of cattle and hogs
bought by the le.tdlng bu > ers on to-day's
market :
Anirlo-Amurlcan P.icklngCo 702
( i. H. Hammond A Co 20,2
T. J. Llptoil 44J
Total 1,4(50 (
Left over none
J'A'I 11.K.
(5. ( 11. Hammond A Co 5riS
Clarke Hios 42
Rae Hros 4 ! >
Harris A : Fisher 37
TIcknor&D 1'5 '
Total b5l
Showing the number of eittlo. ho s and
sheepshipp.-d lunn the yards dutltijthudty.
No. cars. Kt. Dost.
0 N.W Chicago
All sales ot stock in this market are made
percwt. live woUlit uuluss othurwisu stated.
Dead hogs sell at Me per Ib. tor all weights.
"Skins"or ho s welching less than lee His ,
novaluo. Pre nitnt sows are doclcuj 40 los.
andstags89lus. by the public Inspector.
Live Stuck Notes.
Cattle steady.
H Hogs nil sold.
1 loirs n shade stronger.
B Handy fat cattle .stronger.
H. R. Falkuer , Plumb Creek , was in with a
load ot lioirs.
Mr. Russell , Aschno'cani'j in with three
loads of rattle.
J. M nitln , ( iiniul Island , came In with t\vc
lo.uls of cattle.
Colonel Sharpe has returned fiom a busi
ness trip to Chicago.
Jim Marsh , Uluo Springs , was here with
three loads ot cattle.
A. L. Spearwan , Sprlnglield , was in and
sold two loads of c.tttfc.
Frank Sanders was In with a load of hogs
and two loads of cattle trom Causou.
F. M. Sackett , Albion , was In and mar
keted four loads of cattle nnd ono ot hogs.
( ! . \V. Lee , an old time shipper , was In
from Harwood , Neb. , with two loads of cat
tie and a load of hogs.
F. A. Corlls , of Corlls. Brelghton As Dough-
rty , was hero aud marketed tour loads ot
cattle Irom Waterloo.
L. F. Martin , o Martin llios. Chicago , here on his way to his teedlng ranch
at Long Island , Kalis.
P. J. Files , Cedar Rapids , a heavy ,
was In with two loads of cattle which sold on
the maiket at uood prices. *
The Llpton hogs averaged 270 Ibs. and cosl
Oc morn than their diove brought on Satur
day. The Anglo American drove costf
shade less.
Monday , May 9.
The Week.
The market on most lines of produce hat
been steady during the week past. Th <
most noticeable decline was in butter , whicl
dropped 4@5c in a few days on nccoun
of the largely increased receipts
Live poultry also weakened somewhat
Uugs were steady all the week but thu lighi
receipts torced them up to-day. Home growl
potatoes are very scarce and" the market I ;
bare. Produce of all kinds is moving f leely
nlthough the genernl receipts are light.
General Produce.
Tlicfollowiim prices are for roun'l lots oj
produce , tin sola on tnc marAet to tnij.
KCKIS The lecelpts are llcht and the mat
kct is higher , the bulk moving at He.
Koos The market is steady at ] 0c.
BurrKii-Theiels an occasional packaui
of fancy buttertlmt sells abo\e the qtiotiition :
given below. Chlrocountry , 14Q < lic ( ; lalrti
good , 10@l2cj common , ! > ( g'.ic.
CHKESK Fullcreamcheddarsslnile,14Xe
full cream Uats , twins , 14) < u ; Young Ameii
cas. 15c ; fancy Swiss , 18c ; Swiss. Im
ported. 25c ; Llmburger , 14c ; brick. I5@16c.
Livi : POULTHY Chickens , S3.00(33.2. ( > .
per do A SI. 2t , plo\et Sic.
1'orAToKH llotno grown , small lots , frou
store , 70ubOc ( ; new potatoes , per bbl , S4. &
sweet Jerseys , 85.50 ; sweet bouthern nueen
per bbl , 85.00.
o.vroxs Old onions , per bbl , 34.50@5.00
Lew southern , JH.T bbl , § 5.00.
CAHHAOE There is very little on th
market. Now California stock sells at 3/v (
3 } c perlb.
Arri.Ks The market is bare and there 1
no stock of anv account.
NEW VKOKTAIILIIS Spinach , per bbl
81.25(31.50 ( : top onions , per do/en bunches
20X < c > ti ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 25 ( < t30c
lettuce , 3540e ; pie plant , per Ib , 2 > c ; Horn
grown asimgus. per do , f < 0c ; cucumbere
per dozen , G.v$75c.
BEA.NS-lnferlorstock.7.ri ( ( < 81.00goodcleai ;
country , 81.00.n)1.25 ) ; medium , liand picked
81.40Q1.50 ; hand picked , navy , S1.50@1.00.
1'Jto VISION R lani , 12 } c ; break fas
bacon , rid. 10 > fo : breakfast bacon , plain , lie
dry salt sides. S Q'jJi'c : dried beef , regular. 1
@llc ; dried beet , ham pieces , 13c ; lard. 50-11
cans , 75 < c : 20-lbcans , Fairbanks , 7fc ; 10-11
cans , ralrbanks , 7Kc ; 5-Ih cans , Faiibanks
5c ; 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , 8Tc. ! (
LKMONS Messina , choice , per box , 84.5
@ .oo.
OitANons California , Los Angeles , pc
box , 3.UO ; Mediterranean sweets , 88.50C
3.75 ; Messina Imix-rlal , lancy. 5.50 ; Sa
Gabriel , slnelu box lots , $3.00 ; San Gabriel
5 box lots. 82.85.
STn.v.wiiKiiitiKS The receipts are llbert
nnd the market lower. Choice stock , pc
case , 85.00.
BANAX AS Largobunches , per bunch , S3. !
General Market * .
\ARXisnES Uairels. per gallon ; mm
tnre , extra , 1.10 ; furniture. No. 1. J1.0C
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. L , $1.20 ; Ii
mar , extra , 11.75 : Japan , 70c ; , asphaltun
extra 85o ; shellac , W.50 ; hard oil linltl
bur PAINTS- White lead , 7o ; Frenchzlm
12c : Paris whiting. 2 We ; whltlnic. glider
ii c ; whiting , cora'l , IMC ; lampblacic , Get
taanstown. 12e ; lampblack , ordinary , tk
Prussian blue.S5o ; ultramarine , iMo ; vandyk
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt 4c ; umoer. raw , 4 <
sienna , burnt , 4c ; ilenna , raw. 4c ; Pan
jreen. genuine. & > < . , Purls Kroen , con
mon.n " rbrora * rreen. N. y. , aft
yemlllioa American. IHe : mai
raw ana baini umber , 1 ft cans , isc ; raw an
burnt ilenna , lie : Vandyke brown , 13c : r
toned lampblack Ho : coach black and Ivor
black. IOc ; drop black . l c ; Prussian Dim
Me ; Jtrarnarine black. ISc ; chrome eroen.l ,
M. * D. . ifte ; blind ana shutter green , U. A
* D. , iflo ; Paris rreen.iuc ; Indian red , 15 <
Venetian red , Oc ; Tuican , 83cs America
* D ,
UBUO A.ND CUKMIOAL * . AO d caruolli
O : teld UrUrte , Kto ; balsam copaiba , p
B , & 0ebark ; sMtafrai , per B , 10o ; calome
p r 1 > , 78c , chincnonldla. per 01 , 40c ; color
form , p B > , f c ; Dover's powders , pr ® ,
81.25 ; epsom falls , p r a > , Clfc ; glycerine ,
rnre. per Ib. 3oc'e.ia. ' . Delate , per tb. 210 ;
l > metnr * * r\ , tPP rr 1 . . ! fJ , . Q | | ( .llqfnr
; r gal. , 81.40 !
50 ; quinine ,
; ; potassium
IUVIIULJAJI " > , v'"v , , .mj , * . . rui oz , 40c ; sul
phate morphine , oer OK. 8V.5 ; gulPluir. per
B.4cstrjchtiino. : oprtoi. 81.a ) . ' . ,
mi.N'Ts iv On. Whltoiead. Omana.P P. ,
C'te ' ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. 7c ; Mar-
Bellies , grein. I Ib can. , 2o ; Kronen zinc ,
creen , seal , 12c : i'ren'ch s/lnc. red seal. Ho ;
French zinc. In varnUll asst. 20e : Kencti
? lnc. 75e ; TermllHon. English , in oil , 75c ;
red , IOc : rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , "ifc ; Venetian uud. American , me ;
red lead , 7Kc : chroma yqiiow , genuine , aiHs ;
chroma yellow , K. 12c ; ochre , rochelle. 3c ;
ochre , French , 2 { c : ' nchre , American ,
IKe ; Winter's mineral , 2i ri.ehlgh blown ,
i-'Hc ; Spanish brown , 2 > fc ; I'rlnco's mineral ,
1 HIDES Green butchers. SVftgCc ; green
cured. 7c : dry Ulnt. HGtU'c ; drv salt , Oa 10c ;
ereon talf skins 8c ; damaged l ides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow litfc. Qr < aso
Prime white c ; yellow. 3 c ; brown , -'c.
blieco Pelts..250750. _ _ . . .
bPimiTS-Cologne spirits. 188 oreof , 81.10 ;
101 proof , Sl.U ; spirits , second quality ,
01 proof , 81.11 : do ISiJ proof , ll.'j'.i Alcohol.
83 proor , S2.10 per wln eallon. Kedistilled
whiskies , S LOOM 1.50. ( ! ln , blended .wa
. ,00 ; Kentucky Dourboiis , 82.0001(5.00 ( , Ken-
ticky and Pennsylvania ryes. 3inOrff5.50 ( ;
talden sheaf bourbon and rvo whKklos ,
Sl.'HKSJ'.oa ' lirnndlcs , Imported , 55.00 8.50 ;
domestic , Sl.iiO&iLOO. oins. Imported , $4.50
QO.OO ; domestic , 51.25 3.00. ChampaRnos ,
niported. iw case. S2s.oo@3U.00 ; American ,
ed caso. S10.OOuJ10.00.
HEAVY UARDWAHB iron , ratn * 2.S'J ;
plow stpelspeclaroast,4'ccruilble ; : steel , 'l > c ;
ast tools , do. I2v < JlM ; wagon spokes , pel sot ,
; 2.00J3.f)0 ( ; hubs , per set , $1.25 : tellous.
sawed dry. S1.50 ; tongues , each , 8dc : axels ,
each. 75o : sauaio nuts , pur Ib. 01M71c ; cell
haln , porlb. G'frt > nc ; malleable. ' ( Jllic : lion
wedges. Cc ; crowturs , Cc ; hartow teeth , 4 ; ! < c ,
spring steel. 70yc ; Bunion' * horseshoes.
84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. fi.'S. Haruod
wire. In car lotn , S4.0) ) per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
atcs lo to M ) . S'.to ' : steel nails , S2. o.
Shot,3l. : > i ; buckshot , Sl.Oo ; iia/.nd powflor ,
tegs , S5.00 ; do. half kegs , s.T5 ; do. quarter
koj-'s. S1.50 : blasting , kegs , S2.lo ; fuse , per 1'J
Teet. C > c. Load bar. SI"1
Grocer's lilnt.
PICKI.ES Medium , in bbls. 58.00 : do. In
half bbls , 84.50 ; small , in bbls , S9.00 ; do , In
mlf hbls , 85.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 810.00 ; do ,
n half bbls , 85.50.
htioAJi ( iranulated , G\@OXc ; conf. Ai@ (
Vjr ; white extra C , 5J < ( W5 4c ; e\tra C , 5'Mj
ijc ; jt'llow C , 4Jj4j c : cut loaf , 0 % ( < ZO4c ;
lowdeied. ( i ) ( ( < t'c.
tOPFEK.s-Ordlnary grades , I7j.@l-c fair
. " ( TSl'Kcjprlme.l ljii'lic ; choice , l Ql J c ;
fancy green aud > ellow. . ( < } lc ; old irov-
ernment Java , 20@iic ( ; Interior Java , '
20e ; Mocha , 22 < iJ24e ; Arlmcklo's roasted
2i c ; McLaughlln's XXXX roasted'i Jfc :
Dilworth's.2i c : lied Cross , 2i'c.
CANNED Gooits-Oy.sters.standardper case ,
83.15 < K3.2.'i ; strawberries , 2Ib. per case. SJ.iO : ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 82. t , 2. ir ; Califor
nia pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj ,
M.oo : ueaches. PP' case , 85.00 ; white cher
ries , p r case , 8S.OO : plums , per case , 83.5) ) ;
blueberries porcnse , 81.85 ; 8 < e plums. 2 Ib ,
per case , 82.50 ; plncapplns. a ID , per case
f3.205.75 ; 1 Ib muskerel. per doz , 81.10 ;
I Ibsalmon , pcrdo/ , St.501.55 ( ; 2 ID , goose
berries , percase. 81.7ft ; 2 Ib strinz oeans , ppr
case , 51. n ; 2 Ib Hum beans , per case. 81.00 ;
S Ib marrow fat peas , per case. Si. OWJ.SO ; 2 Ifo
early June peas , per case. 82.75 : 3 Ib toma-
; oes. 2. 0 2. 0:2 Ib.coni S2.40ra3.'iO.
MATCHES Per caddie. 2"ic ; square cases ,
81.70 : mule square. 31.20.
SYRUP No. 70 , 4-gallou kegs , S1.2 (5l.,0 ( : ;
New Orleans pergnllou .iS4rie ; maple syrup ,
lalf bbls , "old time.1 pe.r gallon , 70c ; 1 gal
lon cans , pur doz , 810.0U ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz. 85.50 ; quart can5o.0u. .
ToiiAcro Plug ( 'Umax , : , 'J ; horse shoe ,
7 ; stai , 35 : J. T. . 31 ; ' spear head , 37 ; merry
war , L5 ; robin mil , 20 ; happy thought , : fi ; ) .
CANDY Mixed. * < < ( toiic : stick. 8 @OXc-
CRACKKIIS Garni'.iu'a soda , butter and
picnic. 5 > < ; c ; crcams.sko ! clngorsnapso > e ;
city soda , 7 . .
SrAiicii Mirror gloss. 1 Ib , Cc ; mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , 5'c : mirror closs , 6lb , 6'c ;
Graves corn , 1 lo.C c ; KIngsford's corn. 1 ID ,
7c : Kln sfon's ) gloss , 1 Ib. 7c : Klngsford's
eloss , Olb. 7Xc ; Klntrsford's pure lib. 5Kc ;
Kinesford's pure , 3 Ib , 5 > & ; Klngsfords
bulk. 4c.
SOAPS Kirk's savon Imperial. 82.70 :
Kirk-s satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk H standard , 8t.0.r : ) ;
Kirk's whlto Russian. 34.00 ; Kirk's whlto-
cap , 8C.50 ; dome , 83.8.5 ; washboard , 83.10 ;
white cloud. 83.75.
Dry Lumber.
12 n 14 ft 10 ft is ft 20 ft-a it a ft
Szt. 17.50 17.60 ll.M I8.M 19.50 22.50 2J.50
17..10 l7.5J17.nO 18.W IB.fiO SJ.60 K.50
28 llT.50 17.50 17..riO 18.50 19.50 Kl.uO.S'iW
txlO 117.50 17.5ol7 ! fiO ( i 18.50 IU.EO K.GO ! ! .5
. . . . . . . , . . . . . .
2x12 . . : 17.5H7.VJ17..V ) 1S.M 10.60 KS.60S2.60
4x4-8x8 118.60 IB.MllH 50 10 50M 60 13 Oil 'jn
No. 1 , com , sis . S10.50
No. 2 , coin , H 1 s . 17.50
No. 4 , com , s 1 s . 13.50
No. 1,4 As 0 In , 12 tt 14 , ft , rough . . . 810.00
i' i , . . . . . . . . 1 J.IAI
A,12,14andl6 ft . S iOD
, " . . iiO.50
C , . . 15.00
D , " " " . 13.00
1st com. , J ln White Pine Cullini ; . 3UOJ
Clear , % in. Noi way Pine Ceiling . Ki.OO
A . 6 inch , white pine . 835.00
C . U'j.-o
E" " " ' ( SclFon'c ) . 10.A )
A 12 Inch s. Is . 845.00
No. . l , com. 12 In s. 1 8. , 12. it 14 . 20.00
' "ir.n . lo.oii
No. 3 " " i-j lV14ft . 1\00
16ft . 17.00
1st and 3d. clear , l v incli , s. 2 s . 850.00
3d , clear. 1 Inch. s. j s S > I1IK. . - In 45.00
U suKcl , 1 inch , s. 2 s 30 ; 1 , l > tf,3 In 37.00
White Cedar , C In. , MS 12c ; 0 In.qre.n0
1,1 MF , F.IC.
Quincy white limo ( bus ) . 81.00
A kroii cement . 1.65
Hair . 30
snip LAP.
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 in . 810.00
No. 1 , plain , and 10 In . 17.00
O. O. Halts , 2J < in. . 70c ; Kx3 , s. 1 s . 4Uc
Pickets , D and 11 llat. . . . 821.00
Theonlr road to take for Dos Molnes Mnr-
halltown. C < lar HnplUs , CllcOn. Dlxon , Chlca-
fro , Milwaukee and all polnu cant. To the poo-
iile of Nebraika , Colorado , Wjomlng , Otah
lilaho , NeTaila , Oregon , Washington and Call-
fornla , It ofT r * superior advantages not poeil-
tile by any other lino.
Amonic a few of the nnmeroui point * of tu-
perlority njoyed by the patron * of this rend
between Omaba and Chicago , are Its two trains
adar of DAY COACHES , which are the finest
thHt human an and iBKOiuiltr can create. Itt
I'ALACKSLKBIMNG CAUS , which are model *
of comfort and elegance. Its I'AlU.OU DHAW-
INQ ftOUM CAHS , unnurrmised br anr. and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DiNINO CAHS
too equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Puclrlo
HT. connect In Union Depot with those or the
Chicago & Northweitern Hy. In Chlcaco the
trains of this line make close connection with
those or all eastern line * .
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Clncln
nati , Niagara Falls , Buffalo. I'ittsburjr.Toronto
Montreal , Ikxton , New VorK. Philadelphia
Baltimore. Washington end all points m the
east , ask for a ticket rla thn
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
Bffonu cell tickets via this line.
QeDL Manater , ( leal. Pue'r Atenl
° " "
* * ' "
W * Ura Aeent. City Paii'r A nt ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
'cu llallroaus , nnA tnoro arc coining , 161
Trams Unlly.
Mate t'nlvursltj , Wcrlcjrnn University , SUto Cn
tnl. '
Mo tof the lliiflne I.ot < hive doubled In jirloc In
thcln-MJ montln. AcriMniidilthln } nillet
of tlio rltv .tnerpnioil over two
liumlrccl per tent. "
Lincoln l the croiitptt It.illroul Center of ll nee
n tin1 worlil , Itrirk Muckpi ) stopper cent , Vnennt
on hnve nvcnmiM It > J per cent per nnniim on ! lr t
C" ( , for li > i-nrn
Lincoln l a crent ill trll > utlnz point. Some whole-
mle ile ilor linn * m tile princely fortuni > .
ltnlMlnk' cnlniMipIn nil illrcUlonn. Mu'lno t a"n-
rrjilly timcl Hankers , retail merchant ; , mcchunUt ,
etc. , pcttliKrltli.
A. J. .
Itoom .11 , ItU'lmriK Itlock ,
ealEstate Ag ents & Loan Brokers
llavpfnr ale brick blocks bn ine < < lot , nil klml of
real e tnte. 1 , S , 5,10 i ) , W , N ) , JAI undVil ( ) iicro tracts
lurms and rhcnp liuiJo.
UKK KIII'M' ! : * . . Klrnt nnil Lincoln Nation
IlnnkMiovcrnorTIi > er , Juiluo Cobl > , llov. l > r C.
Cri'lehl on , l.liuoci hennlur S. St. Ciilloiu , llllno
nml lion , 111 rtsji In It in n
The Best Route from Omaha < tnd
Council Jiluffa to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil lilulls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids ,
Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jnnesville ,
Ueloit , Winona , La Crossc ,
Anil al > other Important points Bast , Northoait
anil Southottot.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agent
at 1401 Karnam street , ( In 1'axton hotel ) , oral
Union 1'aclflo Depot.
Pullman bloopers and tlio flnoet Dlnlnif Curs
In the world are run on tlio ninlnllnua of the
ClllCAdO , MlMVAUKKK & Bt. 1'AUI , ItAII.WAY ,
nnd every attention Is paid to pMe ngers by
couiteous employes of tliu company.
1C MtLi.KH , Qenernl Miitinvor.
J , F. TUCKEII , Assistant Oeiieral Manager.
A. V. R. CARI-ENTLU , General Paisooger nnd
Ticket Agent
Uho ; : Hiuprnun , Assistant General Vu-
senior and Ticket Agent.
J. T. CL.AriK. General Superintends ! ! ! ! .
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural tntr/sments.
lj PA ItKElt ,
Wholernle Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Ct rlagcs and lUicKlof. Jones otroct. lotmcu Vtb
and K'th , Omaha , N u.
Agricultural Implonu'iits ,
Wagon , r rrlage . lliifgle . Kle. . Whol lf , Om iha.
LEE , flilED cO CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nnils ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Kto. Agents for How * Scalaa ,
an , I Miami Powderi.o , Omaha , > nb.
PAJlLlN,01tE\l)01tl-\C UARTIN
Wholesale Dealers In
Agrii'uliural Implements ,
( Vaiionsand IuKglo. 101,1 > M'J05 and 'JU7. Jones ft
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Grgaua ,
1J11 Douglas Mroot , Omaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bnlldcrs'Hardware&ScivIo Repair Shop
UcchaulcB1 Tools nnil ItutTnln Scales. KU6 Douglas su ,
> _ tmiaha , Neb.
floor's and Shoes.
Manufacturers nnil Wholrialc Dealers la
Hoots and Shoes ,
Complete stock of Rubl'or Coeds always on hand
M S. ntlist. . Umalia. > cb. A. T. Austin , Agent.
W. r. MORSE tC CO.
Jobbers of Itoots and Shoes.
1411 Barnaul ft , Oninlrn , Nib Manufactory , Summer
, trri'lllo to'i.
Wholesale llubbor Hooti and Shoes
Huliliur nnil Illlcil ( Jlotliliik' mill lilt Hoots
nnd Shoos. Suuthmi-t Coiner 14th mill
Agt. for Anheuscr-Hnsh Hrewing Ass'u
Special llrands. Faust , Iludnelscr and Krlanger.
Lager Beer Hrowers ,
1K1 North I'lh , Street , Onmha.Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Jausago Casings of all kinds always In stock. Uli
Jones st.tOmaba
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Cofrco and Spice Mills.
Tess.Ooffees , Spices. Baking Powder , FliTorlngB-
tracts , Laundrr lllue , Ink , lite , lilt Id Ilarcer
Street. Oniuba. Neb.
_ _
Home ( Vfec and Spice Mills M'f'ar Co.
CoTee Roasters and HpUe Grinders , Manafacturers
of IlaklnK Powder , Huorlng Kilract * , llhiliik' . Ktr
Tr ope cn'H ot our 1 & package Homo Blend Uontted
OotTee , H0J llo"iirrt t .onibn. . > < !
John Epenctor , Prop.
Munnfncturcr of Gnhnliud Iron nnl Corntcx. 931
Undue and llMiiml 10& N , lOtU kt. . Omali , j-4cb.
MnmifncturerB of
Oriiamontal Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Klnnln.NctnllcSkjIlKlil.etc. 3108.
mi at.Oiiiarm.
C. Spoelit , Prop.
GalTitnlitd Iron Cornices , etc. Riicct'ilmprovrd I'at
ent MctBlIc Skylight. W8 and 611) H lillt t.lninhn. (
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , Mailings , Ktc. 1511 Douglas atrect.
S. A. ORClfARI ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Goods , Eto. 1U3 Karaam Street ,
Omaba. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Offlce , 317 South Uth it
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Butter , Eggsand Produce. Consignments solicited.
Headquarters for titonewari ) , Hurry Boxes and
Urupe Baskets. Kit IHiilgcdirectOmaba.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties Butter. Egg * . Checso. Poultry , ( iuiue ,
Oysters , Ktc. . Ktc. lllsoutu Ktb street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Game , Kinlls , etc. 230 S. lab it
Omaha , Neb ,
Coal ancf Lime.
Oco. r. IMIIAIIU. Pres. C. F.GOODMAN , V. Pics.
J. A. HUNDiKi.ANn , Soo. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
an Coutli Thirteenth Street , Omaba , Neb.
J. J. , IOI1XSON < li CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Planter ,
IJme , Hair. Hru Brlik , Drain , Tile and Sewer Pipe ,
omce. Pnzton IIulul. rarnam St. , Onmha , N 't ) .
Telephone SU.
F , P. FAY d ; CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Frults.Nuls and Cigala. 1211 Knruam St.
Cigart and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Guns and Ammunition , 211 to 223 S 11th St. , 103) ) to
Uttl Farnam at , , Omaha , Neb ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 108
and 110 N. ' 4th street , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. s5uTH e CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 110 < Douglas , cor. llth St. , OmahaNeb.
blstlFlcri of Llqunrs , Alcohol and Spirits , Importer !
and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors ,
CO. and ILER 0 CO. ,
Importers and Jobbereof Fine Wines and Liquors.
Hole manufacturers of Kennedy's Bast India Bit
ters and DomistlcMquors. 1112 llarney St.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. . ll.SAl'Kii.rrf" . J.W.BEnrnnn,8ec..VTraai
II. J. C/HBON , V.Pres. and Kupt.
Office 215 H. Htli St. . Omaba. Neb. Machinery and
Supplies for Manufao turlng Cement Drain 'Hie.
' I ) . S lUiuur
T\'i' 'I'l-'i H7 . Vlon I'd
Jobbers and Storcrs ot Grain.
id 11 . l I i 1 > I
guaranteed. Oinliau Ncli.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam St. . Omaha. Nct > .
Furniture , Hodding , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1206,1308 and 1310 ; Farnam St. . Omaba ,
Omafia Jobbers' Directory.
Wliolcsolu Groceries and Provisions ,
KOI , Tffi.Tff ; . 700 mill ? ll S. lOlli ft , Omnhii. .Neb.
McCOltD , tJ.UADYM CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers , *
_ IJth and l.rarcnivortli Mf.Oranhn.
n' TttKOA TV if '
Heavy Hardware , Iron nnil Steel ,
Springs , \Vnion : Mork , Ilimtnarti Lumber , etc. 1
l Uanny t . Onialia.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
W on and Carriage Wood Stock , Hcnvy Hardware
nc. KIT nnil 1219 Liurcimorlh ft. , ( Iniubn , Neb.
Stoves , Haiifjcs , Knrn aces , Tllca ,
Mantlci.Uratt * , llraiidoodi. U21 and 1JU Karen *
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
WmtitM and Cast Iron Biilldlne Work , Iron Ftnlrl
Itatllnit , Ili'anis ami fllrilcM , Steam Knulnoa , lira *
ATork , Utnrral ifyundrr. Machine an.I Illarktmlu
Voik. omcoanJ Wort , U. I' . Uy.niullitliMiunt.
Mnnufitctiirors of
fro nud Iron Knlllntjs , 'Desk Halls ,
Window IItmtit , 1 loner HtnmK Wire MKIII , Ito
12,1 N 1Mb. Order * by irmll promptly nttcnrtciU * .
Dealer . All Kinds of
r Material at Wholesalo.
131liHtrcotand Union 1'aclHo Track , Omaha.
" *
Dealer in Ltunlier , Latli , Lime , Sash <
leer > , Uto. Yards-CornerTtli nnd Uouiilnsi Cornet
Vthanil Poiiflai. _ _
Wholesale Lumber ,
81ft.l thstreetOniabaN b. r.Colpctitr , Manage !
13th and California ytraols. Omaba. Neb.
fit ED W. GHAT ,
L umber , Lima , Cement , Etc. , Eto.
Cor.Clh and Douglai its. , Omaha. No1) .
To Dealers Only.
Office. 140S Karnnm atreet , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets aud Parquet FlooringOlh and DcuglaJ
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
iBportt'il and Amcrlcnn I'ortland Cement. Rtat (
Agent forUllnnukeu llydraullu < 'om ntaad D st
tjulncjr White Lime.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Boyd , B'ipertntcrxlent.
Lin Stock Commission.
M. ItUltKK t ! SONS ,
Live Stock Commission.
( loo. Burke , Manager
Dnlon Block Yards. H.Oniahit. Telephone tw.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of nn ; and all kinds of Stock solicited.
Union Stock Yam.Omaha. Nfb.
Millintry and Notions.
ImporUri and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1713and 1215 Harnty Rt.eet , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing : Goods ,
40.1 and 405 8. Tenth HI , Omaha.
Manufiiotiirers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Rto. 1102 and 1104 Douilas Street.
Omaha , Nub.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturer of Paper Tioies ,
B.Ulh St. , Umaan , Nebritskt. Urdtrs by mailn
lltlt 4and ttlllratlT * r m l attenllon.
Job Printers , JHank Book Makers.
And Book Hinders. 100 and 108 Mouth Vouiteantt
street. Omaha , Nib.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Typo , I'rensea and Printers'Huppllos. SOI
South Twelfth Street.
Manufuctiirers nnd Dealers In
npliifts , Hoilcrs & ( icncral Machinery
Ehoet Iron work , Hlciirn I'umi" . Suw Mllli , AcnK
Kbaftlnt' . Dortue Wood split Pulley ) , Hold ait , eta.
Also wngons , scrapersaud buletlos.
Tcnvrorth st. Uniiilm
Wholesale Hardware.
Western agents for Jefferson Biccl Nails , Anstll
PowderCo , ( ulrLanks Mundnrd Scales. Coruitr
10th and Hamcy. Oraatia.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stonm and Water Supplies Headquarters fur ilail
Joj tCo' UcnylB. lllltarnam ft. , Oinului. Neb.
tlalladsy Wind ,1111 ; , ; rleam and1 Water Supplies ,
. lleltlnic. llo o. HIB nnil VM j
naiust.Omsha. H. K. Kclton.Muuuver.
Telephone Nu. J 210.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam. Water , Hallway and Mllllni : Supplier. EM
920 , vanod'/i4 rarnaiu st. , Uniuua , Meb.
Safes , Etc.
P. JtOYER < 0 CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock CO.B'
Fire and lluru'ar Proof Safus , Tlm l/wks , Vault *
. 11T4J Mrnata tre t OinahyiOb.
Omaha Safe Works.
Uanufucturrraof Klruund Iturclar Proof Safei , TauU
Doors , Jail Wnrk.Miulters and Wire Work. Cor.
. N'k ) .
Hash , Doors , Etc.
Wholeale Manufacturer of
Sash , Doors , Ulinds and Monldinr *
llmucli oaieu.Ulli hurt Uard ttt.OmahaMtb ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doon , Hindi ,
Uould'jigi ' Htalr Work and Interior lUrd Wood n U |
Juil opiucJ. N. IS. tor. 8th unU L < ; Y u wort h BUT