Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1887, Image 1

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Graphic Account of Steamship Collisions
On the French Ooast ,
Italian * * the Sufferers They Yelled
Like Wild AnlmnlH Coolness
of the Captain and Ilia
Terrible Marine Accident.
tCoifuMnlSA7 ; ! / , ) < ! / Jiiinc * Oonlim llennrtt. ]
HAVIII : , May 9. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to the BIK.J : Among the saloon
passengers ot the Champagne wcro seven
United States naval cadets-W. O. Miller ,
McKay , Dleirenbach , See , Dutton , Wright
and SIndo all returning homo from the
Qiilnnebang and Pensacola. of the Mediter
ranean squadron , to pass their examinations.
1 had long conversations with twenty of the
Champagne's passengers to-day , but the fol
lowing account of the disaster , as told to mo
by Naval Cadet Miller Is the most graphic ,
and I cable It verbatim :
"Wo were running along in a thick fog
with a light liree/.e. Although going at a re
duced speed wo must have been making sev
enteen knots. Wo breakfasted at half past
10 o'clock and at about 111 sat down In the
Htnoking room with a friend playing a quiet
game of cards. Our steam whistle was blowIng -
Ing every minute. I left the smoking room fern
n moment at half past 11 , when suddenly
I hoard a strange , shrill whistle that seemed
to bo just alongside on the port bow. Then
came a tremendous crash , then a second
crash , then a third , then a tremendous scrap
ing and squeaking as the two vessels seemed
to bo eating into each other. The nolso sud
denly ceased and the other steamer seemed
to bo standing olT In the fog , and in a few
moments disappeared. Meanwhile every ,
body rushed on deck.
TIII : oKricniiB coor.
Captain Trauband all his ollleers were as
cool as possible und reassured the passengers ,
saying , 'Tnero's no danger ; keep calm. ' 1
could see that wo had been struck on the port
how exactly at the Inteisectlon of the tor-
ward athwart ship bulkhead with the outer
hull. 1 afterward learned that two big holes
had beim made , one abovii the water line and
the other about a > ard below the water line.
Captain Traub at once turned thu ship
round , Intending to beach her. Wo steamed
along at ten knots an hour , but In a few min
utes thn Champagne's bow began to settle
steadily , going lower and lower until in
about an hour thu bow was so low that the
propeller began to work badly , being forced
nigh out ot the water. Captain Traub at
once ordered water to bo
to keep the vessel on an even keel and the
propeller underwater. Wo thus got the speed
up to ton knots again. We kunt our whistle
going and fired guns every nilnnto. and
hoisted the International signal for 'great
danger , ' 'want immediate relief.1 There was
now a slight fog ; no land was visible. At
l'U : ) we bighted the British steam collier
Vulture. The Vultutc changed her
course and followed in our wake ,
but could not keep up with
us as we wore going ten knots and the Vul
ture could make only nlno. A little before
II o'clock Captain Traub beached the
Champagne on a soft mud bank. She set
tled Into It almost without a shock. The
cabin passengers kept peifcctly cool , but the
thousand Italian emigrants became perfectly
wild with tear. The emigrants had had nn
breakfast , as they have their food later than
the cabin passengers , so being the whole day
without food they howlea and
They fell on their knees and prayed , and
hundreds of them , shouting "Santa Marie ,
Santa Marie , " made a regular charge aft.
They swarmed like locusts over the second
and then over the llrst cabin decks , and were
prevented of Retting possession of the tlrst
cabin Itself only by the sailors who stood by ,
hatchets In hand. The great thing now waste
to get this vast mass of humanity
Into the boats and on boaid the
Vulture. Captain Traub and the otliccrs acted
splendidly. The sailors stood at the gang
way with hatchets to prevent any rush into
thotiouts. Women with Infants In their
aims were the llrst of all to bo put In the
boats , and that without regard whether they
were lirHt or second-class or emigrants. This
inaneuvie was successfully executed , the offi
cers handing the women Into the boats with
cool and calm politeness , as it tn a ball
room. Next the single women and those
without protectors weio conducted into the
boats , and all safely got on board the Vul
ture. Hero I must mention the plucky con
duct of all the young American ladles , with
out exception. Miss Stephnnson set an ex
ample , and refused to put on a life preserver ,
saying : 'Some poor girl among the emi
grants may need It more than I do , ' and all
the American > oung ladles , of whom there
were many very pietty and charming on
board , refused to go Into the boats till all the
other women , whether emigrants or not , had
boon placed in safety on board the Vulture.
As soon as the female portion ot the caigo
had all been rescued , the emigrant
Twenty of them managed to overpower
two sailors who were guarding a boat hangIng -
Ing from the side and Jumped pell niell Into
the boat. The weight of the emigrants was
RO great as to straighten out the hooks from
which the boat swung and the emigrants
and the boat went Into the water with a tre-
inondous splash. Most of these did not
know how to swim and wcro probably
drowned. 'I he other male passengers , emi
grants , stewardesses and cabin servants were
* all put in safety on board the Vulture. Of
course no ono was allowed to carry with him
any baggairo or valise ot any kind. When
wo got aboard the Vulture wo were packed
like sardines. As the Vulture was in ballast
the captain was afraid of becoming top
heavy with so much wclcht on deck , so ho
put all the main emigrants Into the hold and
Into the coal bunkers , wheio they continued
howling , praying and yelling. The mails
vrero also brought on board the Vulture ,
which started for Havre at twenty minutes
to 6. There was literally nothing nut standIng -
Ing room on board the S u I hire , except on
the rail , where men and women were squat
ting like crows. Ono Italian passenger en-
lUeni'd the trip by having n lit
In which hn foamed at the mouth
fell down and had to bo blec
before he came to again. At a quartei
to 10 wo arrived at Havre , all tired out froir
standing up so long. We had had no foot
sincn 11 In the morning and thu emigrant
had had none all day. I wish to express mj
admiration of the perfect discipline main
tained by Captain Traub and Ills officers
under such trying circumstances. 1 he sail
ors and ON en the cabin servants never lor nt
Instant became excited and everything wen
ns calmly and quietly as it merely golnt
through naval inaneuvres. "
The vessel that collided with the Champagne -
pagno was the Vlllo do Itlo-Janolro , comlni
from La Plata , After thu collision thu Vlllt
du Kin lilted with water , and the Vllle di
Bordeaux , which balled yesterday frou
Havre for the Antilles , bitilted her and tool
oil all her passongeis ana crow who are al
now safe at Havre. The Vlllo de Ulo t > unl
this morning. 1 have Just returned trot :
Arroiiianehos beach where I saw the Chan :
pngne resting in the muddy sand , the hole
In her being cornea with canvas. In tw
days she will bu able to bteam back to Uau
to bo repaired.
HAVIIR , Mav U. It Is uow stated that re
ports of loss of life among the emigrants o
the French steamer La Champagne were ei
ngk'crati'd. Less than a doieu emigrant
were drowned. The steamer La Bietangi
which will sail for New York Wcdnesda ;
\\lll coin ey the passengers of LaChampngm
It has been ascertained that the bark whlc
Die La Bietangt ) collided with and sunk Sa
urday night was the Norwegian bark Scllu
Lti Bretauco was not Injured.
Down on the llrainn.
ST. PETKUSHUUO , May t . The Kuisln
government has prohibited the halo of
drama composed o ; Count ToUtol for gei
rral circulation , and entitled "The Powers i
Paiknesj. "
Ilcaly Creates Another Sensation In
LONDON , May 9. T. M. Healy , In the
commons this afternoon , asked what answer
had been returned by the government to the
letter ot Patrick Kgan , treasurer of the old
land league , offering to return to Dublin and
stand trial for the charges against him pro
vided the venue In his case was not removed
from Dublin. Colonel King Haimon , par
liamentary secretary for Ireland , replied
that no answer had been sent for the reason
that no such letter had been received.
[ Laughter. ] Healy requested W. H. Smith ,
ffrst lord of the treasury , to state If It
was the Intention of the government to
sanction the conduct of Baltour , chief
fiecretary for Ireland , In deliberately ab
staining from coming Into the house
until the questions on pajrcr relating
to Ireland are all over. Smith submitted
that that sol tot a question should not be put
The exegcncies required Bnlfour to attend to
the business connected with his department
of the government otitsldu of the hou e and
Interval replies to questions respecting Irish
alTalis could bo adequately given by the
parliamentary under the secretary , Colonel
King llarman. ,
Healy "it my friends and I arc to bo left
to the mercy of thlsoarngeman , 1 shall direct
attention to the matter. ' '
Speakei Peel "Order. This Interruption
Is most unparliamentary. "
Arthur O'Connor Intimated that In consequence
quence of the attitude of the go\eminent on
the Times' chaises , he refused to continue to
servo as a member of the commission of In-
iiuiry Into civil service. [ Parnelllto cheers | .
The house went Into committee and con
sideration ot thu Irish crimes act amendment
bill was resumed.
After several minor amendments had been
disposed of , Mr. Healy moved that any ono
frlvllously summoned or needlessly de
tained as a witness could hold an action for
compensation against the magistrate.
Tlie attorney general opposed the amend
Mr. Morley supported the motion. A
hutilmb ensued ending In a division which
resulted In the motion being rejected , ! M9 to
170 , Mr. Healy asked the government testate
state its views on his amendment.
Mr. Smith replied that their answer had
alicady been given. Ho then moved cloture.
Adopted , BID to 170. Mr. llealy's amend
ment was rejected , t50 ! to IS ) .
Mr. Labouchere moved to icport progress.
Refected. 248 to 170.
Mr. Robert \Vallace , home ruler , moved
( hut the chairman leave thocimir , Conyheaic ,
radical supporting the motion.
Mr. Smith again uroposed clolture. Car
ried , IMS. to 1GO. Wallace's motion negatived ,
! ! 4itolG2. !
Mr. Smth moved to put the question on
the whole lemainlnu' portion of the lirst sec
tion of the Dili. Thu chairman declined to
put a cloture because ot said amendments ,
which motion would exclude two that de
serve ample discussion. This decision was.
received with loud and prolonged cheers
Irom the opposition.
Mr. Chamberlain having returned , union
ists will not determine what amendments
they will propose to the crimes bill , espe
cially In regard to the clause providing for a
change of venue to London. Eventually Mr.
Smltli'sclotnro motion was out andagreedto.
progress was reported amid loud cheers.
Mr. Braplaugh Inaugurated a movement in
favor of a second reading of the oaths bill.
Lord Harttngton and a bulk of the unionists
have decided to suppsrt the movement.
The Press Not Very Enthusiastic.
ICopvrioM tSS7bv Jdtnct Gordon Itcnnctt. ]
LONDON , May 9,5 a. in. [ Now York Her
ald Cable-Special to the BEE. ] The morning
papers are uot very enthusiastic over the
American exhibition beyond the Buffalo
Bill show. Tills ono extract from the Tele
graph about echoes the press sentiment :
"That It is American , that It is an exhibition ,
and that all the notable people In London
thronged to see Its opening ceremonies yes
terday ; and that there if an entertainment
of startling and novel Interest attached
to It Is also about all that can bo
honestly recorded concerning the great
show. In West Brompton there was an
enormous crowd , who attended in a some
what mixed and Incongrous fashion to wit
ness the Inaugural proceedings and who
rushed rapidly over to see Buffalo Bill and
his merry men before Colonel Henry
S. Russell , the president , had
quite finished his cordial Invita
tion to those present to join us In the
fuithor development of the now world. The
great fountain of life circus Is the show ,
and the exhibit , so far at all events as wo
can judge of them In their present unfin
ished state , are really of no importance what
British Justice In Ireland.
DUIIMN , May 9. In the case of Dillon
against Police Inspectors O'Brien and Da
vis for assault and Illegal seizure of money
and papers at Loughrea , the court of queen's
bench has adjudged that the conduct of the
police was lawful. It will bo remembered
that Dillon and other members of the league
were closeted In n room In a hotel
at Loughrea receiving and receipting for
moneys paid them as trustees by tenants un
der the"plan of campaign. "Tho police , with
out warning , broke Into the room and by
force took from Dillon the money and papers
ho had In his possession at the time. Dillon
at once had the inspectors , who were respon
sible , arrested , the plaintiff taking the giound
that ho was not violating any law , and that
the action of the police was unwarranted
and Illegal.
The Times' Slanders.
LONDON , May 9. Earl Carnavon , con
servative , writes to the Times suggesting
that as it is Intolerable to allow the Dillon-
Times question to rest in Its present
state , that a special tribunal be
created outside of parliament , invested
with full powers to call and examine wit
nesses and to which a decision of the mutter
should be left. While expressing confidener
In the Impartiality of the proposed
tribunal , the Times says It Is doubtful
whether the Parnellltes would consent tc
submit their case to such a tribunal. Bui
will , It asks , should Ingenuity bo expended
In devising amateur tribunals ? Is not the
law ot the land good ouougli for Paruell and
Dillon ?
Hungarian Enterprise.
VIENNA , May 9. Nordonfeldt Is about tf
sign a contract with the Hungarian government
mont for the establishment of a factory a
Pcsth for the manufacture of small arms
The capital of the concern tvill bo 4,000,001
florins. Hungary will allot lauds on whlcl
the factory will be built free ot rent an <
will exempt the propelty from payment o
all taxes for titteen years. It will also ex
empt from duty all Imported machiner :
which will be ustd in the factory , and guai
anteos orders for four hundred thousam
rifles to bo delivered In two years.
Emperor Francis Joseph sent $5,000 for th
relief of the victims of the fires In Hungary
French Affair * .
P.MUS , May 9. General Boulanger ha
dratted a bill for experimental moblllzatloi
of the French army next October. The prim
minister has sent a letter to the budget committee
mittoo of the chamber of deputiesexpressln
willingness on the part of the government t
examine cojolntly with a committee an
economies In the administration of atTain c
state which the committee may propose a
Nebraska and lows Weather.
For Nebraska : Warmer , fair weather , fo
lowed Thursday night by cooler weather an
. local rains , Increasing wiudsgenerally soutl
h easterly.
i- I For Iowa : Warmer , fair weather , soutl
5. easterly winds.
Canadian Politic * .
OTTAWA , Out. , May ? . Sir John Macdoi
aid denies thu report that he Is to bo raised I
the peerage. A prominent member of th
cabinet Udity expressed he opinion that tli
entrance of Newfoundland Into thedomli
One of the Promoters of the Pacific Roads
Investigation Kicking On Their Work.
Secretary Lmiuar Afllriiis n Lintul DC-
clslun In the Nlohrarn District
Nothing Dclluito as to Jor
dan's SticccsHor.
McPhcrson Kicking.
WASIU.NOTON , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the 11 KK. | Senator Mcl'heison ,
of New Jersey , oue of the leadline" )
in congress , Is heio and to-day expressed his
disgust nt the way in which the Pacific rail
road investigating committee , which he was
prominent In cieatingIs conducting Its
work , lie said it was merely skimming over
the surface and that the investigation as con
ducted was childish and unimportant. What
confess wanted was f.icts bottom facts.
Thus tar the Investigation had not brought
out any. llu expressed the opinion that
after the Investigation was over , a special
committee of congress would have to bo ap
pointed to make nn Investigation.
When asked if ho thought that
Cleveland would bo nominated , ho
said : "Certainly ; lie will pet the delegation
irom New Jersey and from every other state.
I think Cleveland will hnvo no opposition In
the convention. Ho will bo nominated. Ho
is already nominated. I know of no man
who will put himself up in the convention
against him. 1 know of no man In the other
party who could stand against him with the
people. Ho will get the delegation fiom
Now York and Now Jersey , and every other
state in the coinention. The situation , oit
account of the labor vote , Is very uncertain.
No one knows what they will do. If they
nominate an Independent ticket it cannot bo
predicted what will happen. 'Ihero
Is \\ontlerfnl shifting of parties
going on at present. Men are
changing all the time Irom ono party to an
other. There Is a largo draft trom both par-
tics Into the labor uarty. There is a largo
draft liniu both parties into the prohibition
party. A great number of republicans they
call mugwumps are allying themselves with
thodemocratic party , and discontented dem
ocrats who are disappointed because they
did not get all the otllces are going even to
the republicans. There 1 ? a general shifting
about , a constant change going on. You
can't look for men to remain in the same
party lines. There is a change , a transformation
mation in progress.
llossor mill ishcrldnn.
WASHING ION , May 0. [ Special Telegram
to the lir.K.l Quito a stir has been cieatcd
In official , political and army circles hero by
the lire of words between General Uosser and
General 1'hll Sheridan. The latter to-day
produced the order under which ho acted
when he rode through the Sheuandoah val
ley burning provisions , etc. , and laying to
waste that wiiolo country , and It proves that
ho acted solely on the order of General Grant.
The order is dated at Uedar Creek , Va. , Au
gust 10,1M4 , and directs the destruction of
wheat , hay and provisions from Millwood to
Winchester , and also the capture of all
mules , horses and cattle that may be useful to
the army , it specifies that "Loyal citizens
can bring in their claims against the govern
ment for this necessary destruction and that
shops will bo burned , and oillcials in charge
of this delicate but necessary duty must In
form the people that the object Is to make
this valley uninhabitable for rallying parties
of the rebel army. " Spoaklng about the
burning of buildings General Sheridan said
to-day : "In destroying a barn of hay we
naturally did not remove the hay to destroy
It , but burned the barn and all.
It would liavo taken too much time
to do otherwise. " The people arc almost
unanimous In the opinion that Sheridan has
not only whipped Kossor in Virginia , but in
his post bellum engagement and controversy
has brought the general ot the army Into not
a little prominence. The following from
this evening's Critic shows : "Tho recent
mallginant letter of General Thomas L.
Hosser , ox-confederate brigadier general , de
nouncing General Sheridan for war devas
tations in the Shenandoah valley , lias re
kindled the smothered camp tires of the
( irand Army of the Republic all along the
line and the veteran boys in blue are tiring
Into Kosser with red not whot. It has also
had the effect of starting a presidential boom
for the lieutenant general ot the army which
mav possibly assume Important proportions.
The ticket talked about In Washington hotel
corridors is : Foi president , Gcneial Phil II.
Sheridan , of Ohio ; tor vice president.
Chancery M. Depew , of Now York. Geueral
Kosser's letter Is evidently destined to cut
something of a figure In the coming presi
dential campaign. "
The United States Troaaurorshlp.
WASHINGTON , Mav a. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. | Ex-Senator Harnum , of Con
necticut , and Mr. James W. Hyatt , left
Washington at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Up
' the announcement of
to 10 o'clock to-night
the appointment of the latter as treasurer of
the United States had not been made. It Is
Impossible to learn from any authority
whether or not the position has been ten-
tendered to him. Ho called upon the presi
dent to-day In company with Mr. Darnutn ,
and this fact , In connection with the knowl
edge that Mr. Jordan has gone to Now York
to take charge of the affairs of the new West
ern National bank , leads to the belief that
Mr. liyatthas been selected as Mr. Jordan's
successor , and that he has gone to secure his
The Chlldfl-Drexol Fund.
WASHINGTON' , May 0. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The members of the typo
graphical union of this District say that there
will bo a great rivalry among the printers
cast of the Mississippi river In the contribu
tions to be made to the Childs-Urexel fund.
The Columbia typographical union has
Issued a circular calling attention to the
Dlithday of Mr. Chllds , which occurs on
Thursday next , when each Journeyman Is to
set and contribute 1,000 ems for the Clnlds-
Drexelfuud. The chairmen of the various
. offices are Instructed to collect the contribu
tions on the pay day next following the
anniversary and pay them over to the secre
tary of the union. At olllces In which there
is no chairman the contributions may be
paid over by the Individual contributors.
The union of this District , which Includes
the largo force employed at the government
office , Is determined to make a vigorous ef
fort to turn In the largest contribution to the
tund. Some of the employer ? ha\o slgnlhed
a purpose to make a contribution to the fund
equal to the aggregate contributed by tholi
the Garfleld Parade
WASIUNOTON , May 9. General Balrd
e chief marshal ot parade at the unveiling o
the Gargeld statue on Thursday next , Issuet
a general order to-day , assigning to place ;
the organizations which are to participate
Among them are the Grand Army of tin
Republic , a battalion of the Third Unltoi
States artillery , a battalion of United State :
marines , a detachment of sailors frou
the United States ship Galena , Society of th >
Armr of thu Cumberland , the Dlstric
militia , consisting ot about a dozen com
panics , and various secret societies.
Military Matters.
WASHINGTON , May 9. [ Special Telegran
to thn BcK.J Hospital Steward J. A. Lesl ;
has been ordered to duty at Fort Thomas
Arizona. First Lieutenant Mason M. Muxor
Tenth cavalry , Is sriously ill-at Milwaukee
where he went recently from Arizona 1
charge ot the remains ot his father.
First Lieutenant F. Beers Taylor , Nlnt
r , has been obliged to go to the lie
Springs army and navy hospital on account
of his ionic continued rheumatism ,
Army furloughs : Hospital Steward New-
burn , Fort Schuyler , New York harbor , four
months from June 1 , to go abroad ; First Ser
geant Solomon Evans , company A , Twelfth
infantry , four months.
On the arrival of General Hatch at Fort
Niobrarn with the headquarters of the Ninth
cavalry General James S. llrisbln , lieutenant
colonel of the regiment , will be transferred
to the command of Fort McKluney , Wy
_ _ _ _
Kdlson's Condition.
WASHINGTON , May 9. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ) A gentleman who arrived hero
this afternoon from Now York reports the
physical condition ot Thomas A. Kdlson , the
well known electrician , to bo precarious.
Edison has just returned to New York from
Florida , whither he went last tall for his
health , and where in reality his health suf
fered. He now alls from abscesses on his
hkull. So far the operations seem to have
relieved him very little , If any. Physicians
say they will make another heroic elTort to
save his life , but they have 'slight hope.
Edison is courageous and Is undergolne ex
treme treatment. It was thought at first that
his trouble was bronchltal , but it Is now in
Ills head.
The French Consulate.
WASHINGTON , May 9. Consul General
Walker , of Paris. Is In Washington on leave
of absence , anil it Is understood that he does
not expect to return to his post. There were
over-fix ) applications for the position at the
incoming of the present administration , but
Walker , who Is a republican , was retained
in olllce , It was said , because of his familiar
ity with the silver question and the possi
bility that th < > ro might bo another interna
tional monetary conference. Now that uch
u conference Is no longer considered proba
ble , applicants are again being pushed for
the position.
Pomnl Changes.
WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK.I The following chanzes have
been made in the time schedules of Nebraska
star mail routes : Pleasant Hldgo to Orleans
Leave Pleasant Kldgc Tuesdays and Sat
urdays at ! ! p. in , , arrive at Orleans by 4:20 :
p. in. , leave Orleans Tuesdays and Satur
days at 1 p. in. , arrive at Pleasant Hldge by
S'JO : p. m. Prairie Center to Hazard Leave
Pralrlo Center Tuesdays and Saturdays at
r > p. in. , arrive at Hazard by 12:30 : p. in.
Leave lla/ard Tuesdays and Saturdays at
1:30 : p. m. , arilve at Prairie Center by 8'p , m.
Personal News of Westerners.
WASIIINOTON , May 9. | Special Tele-
ram to the BEE ] William Henry Bailey , of
owa City , and Francis A. Hubbard , of Elli
ott , la. , were to-day admitted to practice be-
ore the interior department.
General Van Wyck , Major Plttonhouse , of
ho army , and Admirals S. Almy and Jen-
< ins of the navy , will bo invited Into the
' . } rand Army hero on Wednesday nieht of
his week. Propagations aie being made tor
a biff time on the occasion.
J. S. Swan and wife , of Lincoln , are here.
w Kofuac to Sanction the Strike.
REAIIINO , Pa. , May 9. A convention of
Philadelphia & Rcadlne railroad employes ,
presenting fifty Knights of Labor assem
blies between Philadelphia ana the coal
'egions , last night refused to give endorse
ment to the strike proposed by the miners
and Labor Amalgamated association , con
tending that there must be a union ot all
todies before a strike can be Inaugurated.
This decision will , it Is believed , result in a
postponement of the threatened strikes In
the coal regions , as no other meeting of these
assemblies will bo held until August.
Storekeeper Appointed Bank News.
WASHINGTON , May 9. The secretary of
ho treasury to-day appointed Edward Mc-
Jabo to bo storekeeper in Peoria county , Illi
The national bank examiner for Illinois
! ias reported to the comptroller of the cur
rency that the Will County National Dank
of Joliet is not affected by the losses reported
to have occurred by the mismanagement of
the savings bank In that city. The report to
the contrary , the examiner says , probably
originated from the fact that the two banks
occupy the same building and to somoextent
lm\e the same otliccrs.
Affirming n Land Decision.
WASHINGTON , May 9. [ Special Telegram
to the BCK.J Secretary Lamar to-day de-
cldod the case of John Harry vs Michael
Schumacher , being an appeal of the latter
from a decision of the commissioner of the
general laud office dated July 11 , Ib85 , hold
ing for the cancellation of his homestead
entry made August 10 , IbSl , at the Nlobrara
land office. The entry was held for cancel
lation hecausc the testimony showed that the
entrvman had not acted In good talth. Alter
careful consideration of the whole record it
Is held that there was no good reason for dis
turbing the conclusion of the commissioner
whose decision is affirmed.
Garfielcl's Statue.
WASHINGTON , May 9. President Cleve
land lias Issued an executive order closing
the executive offices and departments at the
seat'of government , including the public
printing establishment at noon on Thursday ,
the 18th Instant to enable persons employed
therein to attend the exorcises at the unveil
ing of the statue of the late President Gar-
Marrhlnn'n Bank.
WASHINGTON , May 9. The comptroller of
the currency to-day authorized the Wnsterri
National bank , of New York City , to beein
business with a caoital of 83.500,000. Daniel
Manning Is president of tills bank.
A Presidential Combination on Sher
man and llnwlcy.
CINCINNATI , May 9. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] From what has leaked out
since the banquet of the Loyal Legion
Wednesday night , it Is almost certain that
the presence of Senator Hawley had an im
portant political significance. Soon after his
arrival he was met by Murat Ilalstead and
inlluentlal memberstof the Lincoln club and
escorted to Its rooms. A quiet conference ,
Informal but earnest , was held on the question
of the presidency. The senator was given to
understand that Ohio wanted Sherman for
the presidency , and would make any combi
nation to effect that end. It was stated that
It an agreement could bo ont cred into with
some Inlluentlal eastern leader like Senator
Hawley ho could got the vice-presidency. A
leader would be preferred from lilalne's own
section who was not distasteful to
the iniuwumps. ' Hawley was given
to understand that he would fill the bill ox-
actlv. Ho took kindly to the pioposttlon. II
was further intimated that In case Sherman
could not bo nominated the Ohio men would
show their gratitude by helping Hawley to
the Hist place and take n western man foi
the vice-presidency. One of the prominent
gentlemen , who wa at the Lincoln dub ,
said : "Tho ticket to win is Sherman and
Hawley , and , mind what I tell you , that's
what It Is going to be. If by any mischance
Sherman cannot make It , then lie will waul
Hawley for the first place and some live west
ern man lor vlco president. " The general'
rumarks were very i > olUic , It is said. Ho did
not commit himself fully to the arrangement
but took the matter under advisement. Gov
ernor Forakor's friends will take kindly t <
the alliance or In event of Sherman's falltm
to secure the nomination they want to pres1
Forakcr for vice-president and a combinatioi
with Hawley for llrst place could effect suet
an cud.
Wool Growers In Session.
ST. Louis , May 0. The second annual con
vcntlon of the Wool Growers and Interna
tlonal Sheep Shearing association .will mee
at the Cotton exchange here on Wodnesda
It is expected that between 500 and 000 reprc
sentatlves will bo present , as well as a con
siderahle number of woolen manufacturers
who will preseu some now views to shee ;
An Attempt at a Fiendish Outrage On a
Girl in Dos Moinos.
nig Money For Educational Medals
A DIstlnculHhcd Cltlzon'H Demise
Found In the Klver Hawkeye -
The Work of Vlllalni ) .
Dr.s MOINKS , la. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to thu UKK. ] List night a young
woman living between the "Q" and Kock
Island tracks on East Second street went to
the homo of Iowa MoVav , the fifteen-year-
old daughter of Mrs. McVay. a widow living
near by , and asked her to take a stroll. The
girl assented and the two crossed the river
and were soon joined by two young men.
When they had reached nn unfrequented
part of the west side below the rallioads the
men bctran to Insult the girl and she became -
came frightened and wanted to go
home , but they would not let her.
They then , grapplng her , tried to f brow her
down , but she fouitht to protect herself. Her
companion came to thn aid ot the men and
seizing the girl pushed her down among a
lot of barb wire , the points lacerating her
person and disfiguring Her face. The men
again tried to accomplish their villainous
purpose , aided by the other girl , but the vln-
tlm shrieked for.aid and aroused the neigh
borhood A woman rushed to her assistance
and the other girl and ono of the
villains fled. The other remained
and told the woman he would
see the girl home. He walked a portion of
the dista nee , begging her not to nay anything
about It , but to tell her mother that she fell
down and scratched herself. This morning
the girl was taken before Justice Ksrglcston
and told her story substantially as above , and
warrants have been Issued for the arrest ot
the outrngcrs , but up to a late hour to-night
they had not been found.
United States District Court.
Sioux CITY , May 9. [ Special Telegram to
he BEH. | The next regular session of the
United States district court convenes hero
o-morrow with Judge Shlras on the bench ,
tfo jury has been summoned because the ap-
iroprlatlon of the general government Is in-
.dequate to meet the expense. The cases
roueht before the court will not occupy Its
line lor more than two or three days. Dis-
rlct Attorney Muiphy says that about
wonty-live new criminal eases are now
waiting the action of the grand jury. Fes-
al the absconding Storm Lake postmaster ,
ndlctcd one vear ago for embezzling $1,000
f Uncle barn's money , who was afterwards
pprchended and gave ball In San Francisco ,
las been trying to cct his case dismissed ,
mt Mr. Murphy has received Instructions
rom the solicitor of the treasury to press
he case to a hearing.
A Bad Itccord.
Sioux CITY , la. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the jir.ic.J It now turns up that
/utlincr , the ambitious fellow who at-
empted to establish a new democratic dally
tore recently and failed so completely , has a
> ad record In Colorado , having been an cin-
lezzlor , a highwayman and lobber , a peni-
entiary bird , and once an inmate of the In
ane asylum at Pueblo. This Is regarded as
proof positive that ho was never murdered or
foully dealt with , as Colonel Kcatley , his
ditor , has all the while believed. He man-
iigud to ( jet away with the booty hero and his
whereabouts since leaving so mysteriously
lave never been learned. It is said ho has a
brother In Minneapolis and that Lattlmer
Is not his right naico.
Money In Medals.
DAVENrouT , la. , May 9. [ Special Tele-
giam to thelteiA : ] prominent citizen here
i as given SI,000 to be Invested , the proceeds
: o bo expended annually for three medals to
bo used as prizes for the best record in po-
Itenoss and good behavior in the grammar
schools , Including progress In the two re
quisites.These prices are to be awarded annu
ally at the close of the school year. The first
medal Is to be gold , and the two others may
bo of sil\er or other precious material as may
be aeclded npon. It is believed that th c In
vestment can be so placed as to yield at least
8100 a year for the purpose. The gentleman
made ills will some time ago and inserted a
bequest ot 31,000 for the purpose named , but
thinking of it lately ho concluded it might
be just as well to ha\ohls Idea carried out
low as he Is just as likely to become an oc-
.o enaiian as not.
Enterprising Medical Students.
DAVENPOIIT , la. , Mav 9. [ Special Telo-
run to the BEE. | The coroner of Kock
Island county , who was summoned to an
sland In the Mississippi ten miles above
lore to-day , reported finding a medical
student of Lo Clalro , la. , and an assistant
engaged In boiling the remains of a human
body. They had found a "lloatcr" and their
purpose was to boll the flesh off the bones
and sell the skeleton to a Chicago medical
college. The affair created a sensation in
the towns along the river.
flnrncd In a Barn ,
IOWA CITY , la. , May 9. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The little live-jear-old son of
Hon. U. S. Fairall , editor of the Republican ,
was burned to death in Ills lather's barn this
afternoon. The boy with another boy of the
same age were playlne with matches and set
the hay on fire. One boy escaped with slight
burns , but the other perished In the barn ,
which was entirely consumed.
A Prominent Maii'a Death.
MONTICEI.I.O , la. , May 9. [ Special Tele-
grain to the UIK. : ] Hon. A. II. Marvin
died hero to-day at the ago of seventy-nine.
Ho represented Jones county In the consti
tutional convention In 1S57 that framed
the present stata constitution. Ho had been
prominent in educational work of the state
and was the author of the constitutional
basis of Iowa's present school s > stem.
Death Through Drink.
KIOKUK : , la. , May 9. [ Special Telegram
to the UKK.J The body of John D. 1'helan ,
of this city , who disappeared Sunday morn
ing , April 24 , was found In the river al
Alexandria. Mo. , a few miles below Keokuli
to-day. It is supposed that ho jumped into
the river while under abcratlon of mind. Ho
had been drinking gieatly and stopped sud
denly. ' _
Oar Hrako Competition.
BUIIMNOTON , la. , May 0. The competitive
tests of freight car brakes was begun In this
city to-day , under the auspices of the Mastei
Car Builders' association , and will be con
tinned dally except Sunday for a month o :
six weeks. Five car brake companles-
Westlnghousc , the Eamcs. American , Huns-
corn , and Carpenter , the latter Irom ( Jer
many have entered the contest.
Drowned AVIille Bailing.
DBS MOINKS , la. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.J Vincent Hoblnson , agei
sixteen , the son ot a prominent citi/en o
Algona , was drowned while sailing on tin
river at that place jestcraay. A squall o
wind capsized his boat and ho could no
swim to bhore.
Improvements at Howard.
SEWAHU. Neb. , May 9 , [ Special to th
BEE. [ The work of grading on the Frt
mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad litho
the city lias begun. Teams , men and utensil
are coming at all times and every Indlcatio
points to Us completion to this place by Jul
1 , although they have until October accon
ing to proposition , A number of pubI ]
meetings have been held lately In rufereuc
to water works but nothing acrompllshe
until the last , vilien U seemed to bo tuo gun
cral sense that the city should Issue a call for
a special election to vote on a proposition to
bond the city. Our llttlo city Is now bonded
for only S17ouo , and according to the Ideas
of some of our citizens 825,000 or S.W.OOO
nioru would not bu a burden.
An eiH > rt Is being made to raise funds for
a Congregational chinch building , which at
this tllne seems to bo entirely successful.
Thn "solid" men are coming down with such
sums that Indicates a dcslru to see at Ic.ut
one respectable church edifice In Scward.
Farmers are gutting very uneasy about
crops. Di y weather has not Injured the crop
prospects > ct. but If rain does not soon come
there certainly will bo a shortage In this
There were tweiity-ono cars of cattle
shipped from Sonant one day recently , J. N.
Edwards has two car loads that would have
been 82nt out but sickness prevented.
Seward's ' four saloons pay S" > * X ) each to the
school fund and a like amount to the city
general fund , which latter will bo used for
grading and draining the streets.
Tried to Steal n Hide.
Coi.v.Miitis , Neb. , May 9. ( Special to the
BEI- I Yesterday as section threoof Height
train Ho. 19 was going west a young man
named Cordcs ( iustav , aged seventeen , tried
to board the train as It was yiisslne Duncan
but fell between the cars , the wheels of the
forward trurks passing o\or his rlnht leg and
foot. Ho was brought to Columbus and taken
to St. Mary's hospital and put under the care
of Dr. J. Charles Wllby , county physician
who says It is a lemarkable escape from
death and hope's that the Injuries may soon
be overcome , as ( Justav Is a young man of n
vigorous constitution and build. His homo
is in Howard county , ulno miles troni St.
Paul , vvhuro ho was trying to go on a cheap
trip by using a voluntary pass.
A boy ten vcas of age was fished out trom
the trucks of passenger No. 4 who claimed
he had ridden fiom North 1'latto undisturbed
until he got here , when the lynx eyed jard-
master , Tenence llrady saw the youngster
curled up. literally covered with sand and
cinders. Ho said no was carrying real estate
to Council U In It's to help on their boom.
The PlgoU hotter * .
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 9. The agent of the
associated press has learned that Hon. John
Fitzgerald Is having photographs taken of
the letters and documents In the hand writing
of Pigott , which were submitted to the ex
pert committee on Saturday for comparison
with the London Times' fac-slmlln letter ,
and will forward copies to Mr. Parnoll and
his friends and also to the leading members
ot the Gladstone party so that they may com-
paio the hiindwiiting for themselves with
that of the Times' foigcry. In the associated
press report of yesterday , a telegraphic error
occurred in making tue amount which Pig-
gott alleged has been offered him by the
Dublin castle agent for publishing the ficti
tious accounts 500 shillings. It should have
been 500.
A Continuance Granted.
BKNKMIMAN , Neb. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bni.j Charles Richards , the
slayer of George McFarland , was arraigned
before Judize Oasten to-daj' , plead not guilty
and a continuance was granted to Juno t0. !
He Is the lirst murderer ever brought to trial
In Dunily county.
The First On llccord.
ItAi'in CITY , Dak. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. 1 The grocery store of Ilat-
tenbark brothers at Deadwood was broken
Into Sunday night. The combination on the
safe was blown off. The burglars secured
$00 In money , some mining stocks and
county warrants , amount not known. No
cluo. It Is the lirst instance of safe burglary
on record in the history ot the Black Hills.
President Adams' Tour or Inspection.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , May 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEI : . ! President Adams and
his party of Union Pacific oillcials spent
Sunday night on the Cheyenne & Noi thorn ,
the now branch of the Union Pacific north
from Cheyenne. Several hours were spent
this forenoon In examining the now depot ,
the site of the burned Paclffc hotel , and in
viewing the town. Mr. Adams declined testate
state anything regarding his Impressions.
Bur a Jlathor Full Crop of Genuine
BENSON , A.T. , May 9. All other reports
to the contiary notwithstanding no volcanic
eruptions have occurred in southern Ari/ona
on the 3d instant. Simultaneously with
the severe earthquake shocks experienced
hero , great clouds of smoke appeared over
the peaks of the Whetstone mountains ,
south of this point , and at night the hori/.on
was brilliantly Illuminated by what was sup
posed to bo volcanic Hies , but the phenome
non continued during thu days following the
earthquake and on the 5th Instant an ex
ploring party under the leadership of Gen
eral Forsyth , commanding Fort Huachnca ,
started to Whetstone mountains tor the pin-
pose of investigating the seismic eruption.
They returned on the 7th and reported that
there was no volcanic eruption though signs
of upheavals and mountain slides trom
Thursday's earthquake were abundantly
visible and that the brilliant illumination of
the sky and the clouds ot smoke which hov
ered over the mountain peaks were caused
by foiest fires which they had traced to the
carelessness of some Mexican campers who
had camped on the mountain Monday night.
This report effectually explodes the volcano
sensation among the people of Benson.
Another severe shock of earthquake was ex
perienced hero at 1:14 : this afternoon. No
damage was done , but it created great con
sternation among the people.
The Enrthtiuko'n | Path ,
SAN FHANCISCO , May 9. The Cala's
Yuaymas , Mexico , special to-night says :
Shocks continue at Uros. Many buildings
were cracked and rendered unsafe. Nobody
was hurt but the inhabitants are leaving as
fast as possible. A largo slice ot mountain
near Towa fell down with a terrible crash.
The friction of the rocks Ignited the woods ,
causing the belief that a volcano had broken
out. At the Del lei as Santa-Elena ml no thu
earthquake caused a great panic. Whole
hills fell down , scattering rocks amongbt 150
persons. Fortunately nobody was hurt ,
The districts beyond telegraphic communi
cation have not been heaid from and thu au
thorities are awaiting couriers ,
Canada and the United StatoH.
OTTAWA , Ont. , May'J. ( Special Telegram
to the Br.E.J There Is considerable talk
among members of tnehoiiso ot commons on
the question of a commercial union with the
United States. In course of a lew days the
matter will be brought before the dominion
pailiament as * siibstantiso lesolutlon and a
division will bo asked for. Tliooiulnt liberal
party , with a solid phalanx from the mail-
time provinces and Manitoba , , u m l.uor of
thu measure ,
The AsnnsslnH of Jlr. Northrup.
POHTSMOUTH , O. , May 9. The erand jury
investigating the killing of Dr. Northrup ai
Haverhlll by the McCoys ot that place , this
morning ended their labors by indicting all
four of the McCoys formurdur in the liist de
gree. The shooting Is said to have grown
out of a whisky selling case In which Dr.
Northrup appeared as ono of the pioseuiitlnu
witnesses and for doing which Havcihlll
people say McCoy swore vengeance on him. .
The Work ofn Mob.
NEW OULEANS , May 9.-A special from
t West Cairoll parish says : Last Thursday ti
mob at Floyd sel/ed Ulclmrd Goodwin am
Grace Blanton , botli colored , and hanta'i
them to a tree , lor robbing tno ritoio of Mr
Ueau ,
on the Frontier.
CALCUTTA , May 9 , It Is rumored that UK
Russians are collecting supplies at Chin
Jul , about two hundred miles from tin
Afghan frontier preparatory to advaiflo 01
LawnmkorH Adjourn.
CIIAIILKSTON , W. Va. , May U. The
Utiuo adjourned this morning slue dlu.
The Philadelphia Lea uo oiub Said tf
Have Been Bought By n Syndicate.
Negotiations Also llcportod to lie lr
1'roKresn For the Sale of the Mot-
ropollfnn Tenm Other
SportInjj News.
Bane nnll Drnlrt.
Nr.w YOIIK , May 9. It wns asserted on > x.
cellent authority that the Atlantic base ball
club of Philadelphia 1ms been sold to a syn <
dlcato composed of Philadelphia lawyers.
The terms of the sale are not Known , but tha
arrangements for the transfer have been
completed. The cause assigned Is lack ol
support. It was asserted last night also that
negotiations were going on for the sale o !
the Metropolitan team , as Wyman was tired
of paying out tor the support of the club and
that the sale may take place any day.
Another startling base ball utiiior last night
was that one of the biggest deals known
was being mauo between the league and tha
American association whereby the Cincinnati
club was to be transferred to'tho league , and
the Indianapolis club to take Its place In tha
American association. The excitement ot
base ball men In this city In consequence was
very great , Inasmuch as the story of the
latter deal came from a well known Clncln *
natl man. This deal It Is said has been form *
Ing for some days , but lust when It is to bo
sprung Is not know n. Dispatches from Cin
cinnati last night said nothing of such deal
Is known there.
DhTiioir , May P. President Sterns denies
the truth of the report that the Cincinnati
base ball club would piobably take the place
of thti Indianapolis club in the league. Ho
says It Is Impossible for any club to leave the
league before November.
AdKNlMtAI , W.NIAT , .
Pinr.Aiii.i'iiiA : , May ! ' . Lew Simmons ,
ono of the three moprietors of the Athletic
base ball club , to-day emphatically denied
the statements contained in an article pub
lished hero and In other cities this morning ,
stating that the proprietors worn negotiating
for the sale of the club to a syndicate. The
article , ho said , was a malicious lie from be
ginning to end. As to thestatcment that the
club not making monev , ho said his one-
third interest could not be bought for less
than 550,000 , and neither he nor his partners ,
Mason and Sharp , had the slight
est Intention of giving up the own
ership of what they considered n
irood paying property. Another story which
Mr. Simmons wished to biand as untrue was
the ono which stated that a secret confer
ence was held in Brooklyn at which the de
tails were arranged for the transfer of the
Indianapolis club to the American associ
ation and the Cincinnati club to the league-
and the sale of the Athletic and Metropoli
tan clubs. At this meeting , the ai tides
stated , were present Erastus wiiuin , Charles
Byrne , Justus Thorner , Lewis Simmons and
ther base hall oillcials. Nn such meeting.
limmons says , was over held.
NEW YOHK , May 9. Managing Director
iVatrous , of the Metropolitan base ball club ,
laid to-day that them was no truth In the re
tort that President Wlinan was tired ol pay-
UK out money for the club , and that nego-
latlous vtt'io in progress for the sale of the
, eam. _
National League Games.
NEW YOUK , May 9. The game between
New York and Washington to-day resulted
is follows :
Now York . 2 00010100 4
"iVaslnngton . 0 4000030 * 7
Pitchers Ke lo and Shaw. Haso hits-
New York 18 , Washington 11. Errors New
York 3 , Washington 2. Umpire Powers.
CHICAGO , May 9. The game between Chi-
ugo and Indianapolis to-day resulted as fol-
ows :
ndianapolis . 0 00300000 3
Jhlcago . 0 0 'J 0 0 5 0 0 0 7
Pitchers lioylo and Clarkson. Uaso hits
ndianapolis 7 , Chicago 10. Errors Indian
apolis 4 , Chlraco 5. Umpire Honglo.
DETitoir , Mav 9. The game between De-
roll and Plttsburg to-day resulted as fol-
ows :
) etrolt . 3 0 0 4c3 100 0 10
'lltsbtirg . 0 00011100 3
Pitchers Got/oln and Bishop. Uaso hits
) etrolt 10 , Plttsburg 8. El rors Detroit 4 ,
ittsburg . ' ! . Umpire Quest.
I'lm.AiiKMMiiA. Mav 9. The iramo be-
ween Philadelphia and Boston to-day ro-
iiiltod as follows :
'hiladclphta . 0 20010002 5
Uoston . 0 00100100 3
Pitchers Ferguson and Kadboiirn. Base
ilU Philadelphia 10. Boston 7. Errors-
Philadelphia G , Boston 8. Umpire Wtlbom
The American Association.
CINCINNATI. May 9. The eame between
Jinclnnati and Cleveland to-day resulted as
follows :
Cincinnati . 0 0040233 0-18
Cleveland . 1 00010000 3
Pitche.s McGinnls and Schelbeck. Uaso
ills Cincinnati 21 , Cleveland 13. Errors-
Cincinnati 0 , Cleveland 9. Umpire CutU-
beit. _
The h an Claire * Defeated.
DKS MOINKS , la. , May 9. [ Special to the
BKK.I Eau Claires' series of three games
began to-day , very disastrously for the vis
itors. They were pounded all over the Held ,
the homo team making two home runs from
Score by Innings :
DesMolncs . 02004402 0 18
Ean Clalro . 0 It 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 7
Pitchers Bittlo and Ueardon.
The Northwestern League.
LArnosiK , Wls. , May 9. The game bet -
t \\eeiu Lacrosse and Duluth resulted as fol
lows : Lacrosse 11 , Duluth 7 , Pitchers
Harper and lirynan.
nt Lexington.
Lr.xixdroN , May 9. This was the last
day of the spilng meeting of the Kentucky
club. The attendance was very large.
For three-year-olds and upwards , ono and
three-sixteenths miles : Alamo won , Janbert
second , Watchem third. Tlmo-2:00. :
For three-year-old lillles , ono and one-
fourtn miles : Floiimore won. Wary
second , NellloC. third. Timo-Ji:12 : > f
One and one sixteenth miles : Pearl L.
won , Llera second , Jim Brannon third ,
Tlnie-1 : .Wtf .
For all nges , ono and one-fourth miles :
Monocrat won , Longsllpper second , Wan-
dcroo thlid. Tlmu-iill. :
A Thousand Wheelmen.
ST. Louis , May 9. The National Leaeue
of American Wheelman will meet In this city
May 20 and 21. About a thousand wheelmen
have reported to the Invitations.
The Northwestern Ite nttn.
GiiANi ) lUriDS , Mich. , May 9. It has
been decided to hold the regatta of tha
Northwestern Howlng association at Keed's
lake , July 1st and 2d.
In 11 Frigid Country.
, May 9. A lire at Holland on
the Canadian Pacific & Southwestern rail
road Saturday night destroyed Shaw & Hie *
dnson's general store loss , SW.OOO , Insur
ance SIXJ.OOO ; McWhlnncy & Bnchart's store ,
loss S40.000. Insmanco 51,500 ; Sinclair1 ! ) ho-
ti-l. loss ? SO,000 , no Insurance ; Itlchard
O'Gar's utoiu , loss SDOO , no Insurance. The
origin of the lire Is unknown.
ScUIni : Smiicclcd GoodH.
BOSTON , May 9. The customs Inspectors
to-day huUed as smuggled , 0,000 cigars and
Rome Jamaica rum and wine from the fruit
Mihooner Itclificca U. Nlckcrson , of Booth
liav , Horn Barnro , and arrested her master ,
Captain A.V. . Tatner. '
A Jail llrcnk.
Cou'Miius , O. , May 9. Six prUoncra
escaped from the Franklin county Jail last
night , by sawing oft the bars to the window.
'limy weio all under indictment nud com
had had their trials ,