Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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The Painters Hold a Remarkably Sensible
and doneei rativo Meeting ,
tlio Hrlck Mouldcri Stnnil Ily Tliclr
GIIIIM Action < > C Support and As-
, BlNtnncc liy tlio Central ha *
\ > ur Onion Pomlorljr.
, Pnlntcrn Finn In Tliclr Demands.
Over two hundred painters and paper
hungers assembled in Mutz linll at 2
o'clock csturdnv afternoon to talk over
their grievances.V. . W. Craven was
called to the chair and James Hunt was
selected us secretary. Several stirring
Bpccelius were made , but the whole pro
ceedings were eharacteri/.ed by ti busi-
ncs.H'liko action. Kauli and every
BpuaKer explicitly stated that , while they
were determined to hold out for what
they considered their just rights , at tlio
Bruno Unit ! they would countenance no
boycotting , no'interfcrcneo by force with
tiny man who woulifgo to work contrary
to union terms , but act as intelligent ,
liuv-ubidiiiL'and peaceable citi/ens. They
would , however , interview all painters
who came to work here during the strike
and .state their grievances and let the
judgment of Mich men dictate whether ,
under tlo : present circumstance ! ) , they
fihould array themselves on the side of
the master painters or the journeymen.
It is understood that all unions of
painters and paper hangers in
this part of the west have already been
notified of the trouble here and requested
to take action accordingly. In fact , a
telegram IMS been sent to James L > rmg ,
walking delegate of the 1'ainters' assem
bly in Chicago , stating the condition of
all'airs , which it is thought will prevent
Mr. Charles Rosters , a master painter
who has gone to that city for men , from
being successful in his mission. On
Thursday night last a committee of the
Journeymen met the master painters ,
who also have an association , but the
latter flatly refused to accede to any de
mands. What is asked for Is $2.75 for a
day of nine hours , Sunday work to bo
counted double time and over hours time
and a half. The prevailing prices range
from f2.00 to $2.50. The journeymen
painters claim that in March last they
notified all the employers in their line of
business in the city that on May 1 this
increase of 85 cents per day would bo
demanded , so that no accusation of taking
their employers unawares can be made.
U was assorted at the meeting ycaterdny
that they would be satisfied if the master
painters would only submit some kind of
ft propositionwhich might lead to a com
promise , but when this was refused they
felt sure that there was a determined
effort to ignore entirely their demands.
Two postal cards issued by the Master
I'nintors' association were exhibited ,
signed by II. Hoscn/.weig , secretary , and
A. M. Clarke and T. J. Guard & Hro. , re
spectively , stating the standing of certain
journeymen , which , the union men claim ,
is a system of boycott inaugurated by the
master painters. They say that the latter
have established a scab , or black list ,
which is reversing the general order of
things in strikes. The journeymen in
tend to hold meetings continuously until
the dillicultics are bottled. There are
only a few union painters at work in the
city now and these have received permis
sion from the union. Several union men
from other cities wore present yesterday
who proffered aid to the Omaha brothers.
Among these was Mr. Hobcck , of Shqn-
nndoan , la.who made a very conservative
and sensible speech. Yesterday's meet
ing was characterized by as much har
mony , calm and intelligent discussion as
nny ever held in this city. It was noticeable -
able that although it was in the near
vicinity of a place where beer and liquor
wore being sold not a single member of the
meeting annroachcd the bar during the
recesses or after adjournment.
One of the members told n reporter of
the 13KB that this was one of the nuns of
their continuous meetings to sea that
every painter and paper hanger in the
strike so conducted himself that not a
single linger of criticism could be pointed
against him.
* The executive committee of sixteen ref -
f ported that they had decided to call out
I all the foremen , and the order will go
Into effect to-day and the probabilities
are that by noon not a union painter or
paper hanger will bo at wors iu the city.
I Central Ijixlior Union.
| The Central liabor union held a very
enthusiastic special meeting in the U. A.
H. hall last evening at 7:30. : The attend-
unco was very largo. The object was to
consider the trouble now existing be
tween employers and employes in this
city. The grievances of the painters and
paper hangers wcro taken up and
thoroughly discussed. It was unani
mously resolved to extend all the support
in the union's power to sustain the claims
of the painters and paper hangers in all
just and reasonable demands. Several
organizations sent through their dele
gates resolutions of sympathy and prom
ised financial aid it needed. A commit
tee was appointed to co-operato with the
painters' and paper hangers' committee
which is to meet the master painters
to-day when it is hoped a settlement will
bo effected.
Mr. I'owtlorly Agreeably Surprised.
Mr. Powdcrly loft on yesterday fore
noon's train for Denver , accompanied by
Thomas Ncaliam , district master work
man , lie appears in the Colorado me
tropolis on Tuesday evening and will
If' address a mass gathering of the Knights
| of Labor from the state.
Uotoro leaving Omaha Mr. Powdorly
Saul , "I'm agreeably surprised witli the
strength and enthusiastic interest of the
Knights of Labor in your city. I don't
believe you will over suffer from sceues
of violence as an outgrowth of labor mis
understandings. "
Knights of Labor Building Associa
The Land and Building Association ol
the Knights of Labor has filed articles of
Incorporation. The capital stock is
$100,000. IJotwccn fO.OOO and | 7,000 is
already in the treasury of the association
nnd the stock is being rapidly subscribe !
for. The officers ate : Phillip Andros
president ; U , Tizzard , secretary ; It
O'Keofo , treasurer. There is also a
board of directors of twelve members
The association proposes to build a three
story structure , which shall contain busi
ness stores , halls , lecture and reading
room. The location is not yet decidei
1'hey "Will Hold Gmt For Six Mouths
lr NoccBinry.
A full meeting of the brick moulders
union was hold Sunday afternoon a
llerold's hall , Twenty-second and Pee
ploton avenue. Several now members
joined the union , nnd the action taken
heretofore was approved.
The members declared their dctermi
batlou to hold out for f 3 a day if it takes
Eix months.
The talk about brick machines docs nb
Affect the moulders. They claim tin
machinery cannot compete with hand
made brick.
ThelBunUay Kxcuralnn.
The excursion yesterday morning to U
fc M. I'M * , was a decided success' . The
rain left at the appointed time with four
ouches loaded to their utmost capacity ,
nnd every one was highly pleased with
he trip and a hundred or more bought
ots in this beautiful property. These
ots are wortli three to four times what is
asked for them and they were snapped
ip yesterday In a hurry. To-day is the
act day on which lots can bo bought for
150 nr.d | 23 extra for corners. After to-
lay prices will be ad\anced to iflOO for
nsidcs and ? 125 for corners. Full partic-
liars can bo had by calling on or ad-
Irc'sing any of the following gentlemen :
David Kaufman , 207 S. 15th St.
S. A. Sloniau , llellman block. 10th and
Ncdtl's Real Kstato Exchange , 1100
C. P. Benjamin , 1512 Farnam.
S. KuU , 1511 Farnam.
C. T. Toncray , Columbus , Neb.
littrngootis Assault Un n I'cnccablo
CitUcn Ily n Stranger.
About midnight last n dark fca-
nreil man , well dressed and rather gen-
; lemanly looking , suddenly stepped up
o a gentleman on Tenth , corner of
ones street , and resting a huge revolver
on his arm said with an oath , "I'll shoot
on. " He immediately fired , but though
ho parties were only six feet ap.irt and
leliberato aim was taken , strange to say
he shot missed its mark. The citlx.en
an around iho corner , when the man
vltli the pistol tired at him again. The
alter then ran up Tenth street to the
Vlndsor hotel , into the office and thence
o the further end of the dining room ,
vhieli was not lighted. Ollieer Uempsey
icard the shots and gave chase to the
nan. The gas was turned on and the
hootist found crouching in the corner ,
lo submitted to arrest without resist-
ince. On reaching the city jail ho gave
tis name as Jose line and stated he had
ust arrived from New Orleans. Oycr
; 110 was found on his person. Pine gave
10 reason for the outrageous conduct ,
nit his actions in the jail showed that he
vas either drunk or cra/.v. The namii
of the party assaulted could not be ob-
aincd , but he is known us an old resi
dent of Omaha.
She has the complexion of a peach ,
'p//.oni'tt Medicated ComplexionPowdcr
lid it. Sold by all druggists.
Htcinliniisor's Concert.
Last evening Met/'s garden on South
Tenth street , near Howard , a place so
veil known for years for out-door the
atrical and dramatic entertainments ,
opened for the summer season.
There was a largo attendance , the prin
cipal feature being the magnificent in-
triimcntal concert given by Professor
jteinhaubor's orchestra. This orgamza-
ion consists of fifteen members , all of
whom are adniirably trained nnd suc
ceed in rendering most delightful music.
They will play again on next Sunday
light. The programme last night was
as follows :
. .March Munsen Tenipel
, F. M. Stciiihauser
2. Lustsplcl Overture. Keler Uela
I. Gavotte Vergls Meln Nicht ( Sicss
4. Selection "Solitude" Cox
> . Die Post 1m Waldo Sehatfer
5. Unmet Solo VorjjutraiiKon W. Lamp
0. Turkish Patrol Mlchaelis
' . Yaiikcu and Irishman..F. M. Steitihauser
8. Lite and J eve , waltz du concert
F. M. Stulnhauser
A convention of all the druggists in
the state will begin in this city on Tues
day. About 200 knights of the mortar
niul pcatle are expected. The pharma
ceutical law passed by the last legis-
lattiro will DO ono of tlio chief topics of
discussion. It is believed a scale of
prices upon standard articles will also
bo established. _
For fear of loosing a day's work , many
persons put off taking physio until Sat-
tuday. The better plan is to not delay
but take it as soon as needed , it may save
you a hard spell of sickness. If you
want the most benefit from the least
amount of physio without causing you
any inconvenience , loss of appetite or
rest , take St. Patrick's 1'ills. Their action
on the liver and bowels are thorough ,
they give a freshness , tone and vigor to
the whole system nnd act in harmony
with nature ,
Hooked in the Ear.
Yesterday afternoon n little boy named
Abraham , residing on Sherman avenue ,
while fishing in Cut-oil' lake got caught
in the car with his own hook. His com
pauions wcro unable to extricate tlio
steel. They cut the line , however and-
the little follow was escorted to White-
house's drug store , on Sixteenth street ,
where Dr. Ficgcnbaum out out the hook.
The lad bore the operation with patience.
Bnonk Thieving.
Two men who were Sleeping in a room
at Chris Anderson's boarding house on
Douglas street , between Eighth and
Ninth streets , where two other men slept
were relieved of a watch chain valued at
$30 and f 70 in money , respectively , on
Saturday night. The money was taken
from n trunk. The thett is being quietly
investigated. _
Better Thnn Qulnlno.
Quinine is not only an expensive medi
cine , it is n harmful ono if taken too
freely and too often. Of course the
world insists on taking great quantities
of it for fever and ague.
Some persons think nothing else will
cure fever and ague.Vo say posi
tively , and testimonials back us up , thai
HIIANDUETH'S TILLS have often cured
bad cases of fever and ague when qul
nine has failed. BICANUUETU'S TILLS
break up the worst attack.
Hnil Notes.
Vice President Crocker , of the Centra
Pacific , and a party of railroad friend'
passed through the citj eastward yester
Treasurer McFarland , of the Union
Pacific , and wife went up to Minneapolis
President Adams and party have gone
AVnntcd For Something Moro.
A telegram was received from Weep
ing Water , Cass county , yesterday , ask
ing for the arrest , if found , of Frank El
liott and Nick Edwards , who won
wanted for "tho theft of a coat. " Dtir
ing the afternoon Ollicor Fahov fount
two men who proved to be the fugitives
It is believed that the men are wanted it
Weeping Water on some moro serioui
charge , but that the theft charge was in
vented to secure their capture.
In tlio City Jail.
Up to 10 o'clock last evening the reo
ords of arrest at the central polieo Eta
tion included the following : Charles Clein
suspicious character ; Thomas White
vagrant ; Frank Raima , lighting ; Han
Tiintui1 , threats against a neighbor ; Join
Mojermott. vagrant , and John Smith ( : i
fictitiou ; uuuut ) , wife beating.
NKW.MA.V-In this city , at Xo. 1711 St
Mary's avenue. May 8 , at 11:30 : p. in. , Mrs ,
Auniu Newman.
Notice of fuucral hereafter.
A sweeping order has been issued t <
the conductors ol the Southern Pacilii
railroad company preventing any Indiat
in tlio future from riding on their cars
The reason for this order is to preven
the spread of the smallpox should it bo
cutno epidemic. This order will proba
bly bo enforced ut all times ic the future
Irs , Azuba Douglas of Omaha Celebrates
Her 101st Birthday ,
The Four Gentlemen Whom the Gov
ernor llns Decided Upon Strnngo
Shooting Affair Imttt Night
LiUo Local News.
A Heinarknlilc Old
Yesterday Mrs. A/.uba Douglas , mother
of Mrs. U. i-\ Hall and iirandmothcr of
Mrs. Mat 0. Wilbur , was 101 years of
ao. A reporter for the Hun called upon
he venerable lady at the residence of
Mr. Hall , 2010 California street , and
omul her holding a levee with several
ady friends In nearly as active a man-
ler as if she wore only lifty. She is re-
narkably well preserved for Her wonder-
ul litre , with the exception of her
eyoMjjht which has almost en-
( rely failed her. Her health is Rood ,
ler voice as ciear as a maiden's and her
neniory hiw retained really miraculous
lower ? , going back to the dawn of the
century when she was a girl of fourteen ,
mil gathering up events and occurrences
of that far distant day as readily as the
uiddlo aged of the present can recount
lappenings of a decade ago. Ono
ittlo incident proved the remarka
ble preservation of Mrs. Douglas'
neniory conclusively. The report
er understood Mr. Hall to say
he was born in Connecticut. She was
isked to name the town. " 1 was not born
n Connecticut , " replied the oltj lady
vitli a smile. "I was born and raised in
Just Long Meadow , Massachusetts. After
i time our folks moved to Columbia
county , York state , where 1 remained
in til 1 came to Omaha , in 18M. ( 1 was
narried twice , the lirst turn to Calvin
toot. I have had three children , two
'iris and a boy , the latter of whom is
lead. "
Among those present to congratulate
Mrs. Douglas yesterday was Uracio Nich
ols , an exceedingly bright and pretty lit-
lo girl , who is a great friend of ilio old
ady. At her request Mrs. Douglas re
cited several hymns and pieces of poetry
uiil gave numerous quotations from the
riblo. Tlio clear , distinct and perfect
. oicn in which these were rendered was
'ully ' the equal of the speech of youth.
L'ho intonation was perfect and oven ac-
iompauied with animated gesticulations ,
.t is certainly no ordinary thing to hear
ono recite from memory lines committed
eighty-seven years ago. Such , however ,
Mrs. Douglas did when she repeated the
'Nightingale and Glow-worm" and " \ \ hy
s your countenance sad and your eyes
red with weeping , " which she learned
when a school girl.
There is quiet vein af humor running
ihrough the old lady's ' conversation , par-
.icularly in relating anecdotes of early
lines. A story of her father killing a
jcar in his cornlield in East Long
Meadow is enthusiastically told. She
said a neighbor doubted the statement
made by her father as to bruin's visit and
ulded , "Father prove I it pretty quick.
Ho went out after that bear and I tell
you ho got him tool" The last part of
; his expression was given in a raised
; ono of voice accompanied by a shako of
the clenched right hand that indicated
she still partook of the feeling of pride
that so many years ago undoubtedly pos
sessed her when her father so conclu
sively proved the truthfulness of Ins
Last year when Mrs , Douglas was ono
hundred years _ old there was a family re
union at which there wore present live
generations of the Wilbur family. Yes
terday there wore many callers , princi
pally ladies residing in the neighborhood ,
and although it was nearly 8 o'clock
when the reporter for the UEE called and
Mrs. Douglas had been up since early in
the day she did not seem the least fa
tigued. Her relatives Bay she exhibits
the same wonderful strength every day
nnd takes just as lively a part ordinarily
in conversation as she did yesterday.
Her health has always been excellent and
even now she looks as if she would live
to scp another year added to her life.
Certainly she is a remarkable woman
and there are but very few in the land
who can lay claim to such an extended
span of years as she.
Condition of Stock In Wyoming
liroctllni ; Kino HnrscH.
Dr. James D. Hopkins , territorial vet
erinarian and veterinarian of the Wyom
ing Stock Growers' association , arrived
in the city last evening nnd is quartered
at the Paxton. Ho reports the condition
of the cattle of Wyoming to bo far better
than the roost sanguine hoped for. There
is no contagious disease whatever in the
territory and has not boon , In tact the
doctor says there never has been any
west of the Mississippi. The mortality
among horses and cattle in Wyoming ho
says is far less than was expected and
the principal cause of the deaths that
have occurred came from the severity ol
the last winter. At no former season in
his experience has the gra/.iug prospects
been better than ihis spring. The grass
is springing up so lively ono can fairly
hear it crack. Wyoming has now about
750,000 cattle , all in the best condition. Tlie
breeding of fine horses the doctor says is
becoming a prominent feature in thai
territory. Ho thinks all the conditions
of the territory are most favorable foi
horse raiding , particularly tlio soil
which has so much to do with tin
formation and growth of a horse's foot
Uelng hard and gravelly it renders the
hoof solid and thus more suitable for tin
strain that may afterwards bo put upoi :
it by travel on pavements and hard roads
No section of the country is moro care
fill of the health of its domestic animal :
than Wyoming , and Dr. Hopkins say ;
that hie entire time is taKcn up with hi :
professional duties , as under the law he
is subject to call at any timo. Ho speaks
iu the most llattcring terms of the pros
pects of the agricultural portion of Wy
oniing , which is being settled up rcrj
vapidly with a superior class of farmers
There is no clashing in that territory be
twean the husbandman and tlio herder
us nature has fixed , as it were , the limit
wherein their respective industries are I
bo carried on. Dr. Hopkins leaves fo
Cheyenne to-day.
The Men Who Will Ucculato the "Boy
in nine" in Omaha.
By reference to the BEE'S Lincoln new
it will bo seen that Governor Thayer ha :
appointed L. M. Bennett , Howard 11
Smith , Gcorgo I. Gilbert and Chris
llartman police commissioners for till
city. The lirst two are republicans
the others democrats , and with a re pub
Hcan mayor of course this party wil
have the majority In the board. All ar
well known citizens. Mr. Bennett ha
been on charge of the Pullman Palac
Car company's interests in this city fo
years. He is in the prime of life and ai
active business man , In 18SO ho was i
member of the legislature and promi
nout for his Industry on the committee
on Unanco and ways and means.
Mr. Smith Is a lawyer by professiot
and for n tune held the position of count :
judge by appointment. Ho Is the young
cut member of the commission. He in ;
brother of the late Watson U. Smith.
Mr. Gilbert is also a lawyer and ono o
Omaha's oldest citizens , having get
tied hero in 1807. In 1858-y hi
waa city attorney find in 180
bo was elected prosecuting attornej
or this district. 'Subsequently ho went
o Washington territory , but returned
icre in 1807.
Mr. Hnrtman 1. * , engaged in the real
estate business , nnd is extensively
; nown throughout the state owing to his
imminence in MRsonic circles and being
or vear.s treasurer f the state horticult-
iraf and agricultural societies. He has
occupied the position of assessor in this
city , and in 1873 was elected city treas-
irer , which ollicc he held for a term of
our years.
The appointments were the general
ubjcct of conversation in the hotel tab-
lies last evening , and among the police
lud those who are candidates for posi-
ions on the force. It was looked for
vlth considerable interest , especially
inco the governor's visit and the result
of the lain election settling the practical
complexion of the baard ,
Ahpolutely Pure *
This powder never variesA marvel o
nirity , strength and wholcsomcness. More
economic than the ordinary kinds , and can
not be sold in competition with the multi-
ude of low cost short weight alum or
ihosphatc powders. Sold only in cans
loyal Baking Powder Co. , 10G Wall-st. ,
Ner York.
The BEST arid MOST
Bowing Thread of Modern Times.
Sold at wholesale by
Kllpatrlck Kouli & . Co. , Wry
OooilN Co. ,
IH. K. Smith .V Co.
I'axloii , Unllaslicr & Co.
And by nil Itctuil Dealers.
Importer's Prices
11th StCar. Capitol ftvermt ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases
liR. MoMENAMY , Proprietor.
Buteen jeam1 ruwpltal nnd Vrlyato 1'racUce
Wo hare the facilities , epjiaratui and rcmidler
for the acccMful treatment of cmy form of dls.
< me requiring cither medical or ur lcal treatmtul ,
and Invite ill tocameind Inrcetlgata for themiclvM
or correspond with n . Lonj experience la treit
IIIR COBCV lir latter enaoUi u to treat many caiM
icUntiflcalfy without ni-elns ; them
WHITK rOK CinCULAIl on Dcformltle and
Bracei , Club Feet. Curraturet of the Hplnu
DiiKitH or Wounr , Piles , Tumori , Cancers ,
Catarrh , Broncbltli , Jubilation , Electricity , I'nrnl.
y l , Bpllepiy , Kldnej , Kj , Ear , Skin , Blood and
all lurglcal operatloni.
Jlfttterlci. JnhaUTi , Itracei , Trtiuei , an ]
all kinds of Medical mud Surgical AnplUuco , auif
ufacturid and for sale.
lh * only Tillable iJedleal Institute making
Private , Special f Nervous Diseases
from whatever cuuieproduced , luccitnfoiltreattd. .
Wo cm remove Kjphillllo poliou from the trittni
without mercury.
New rutoratUa treatment for Ion of vital power.
Call and consult ua or rend time and poet-offlct
addreu plainly written enclose itamp. and we
will tend TOO , In plain wrapper , our
croM I'KIVITB , Brzoui. INIJ NIRVOI'I Dunne ,
SEXIXAI. WiimiM , arimuToimuou , INFQJIIN.
cr , Bri-mui , CluNOHKiiuu , GLUT , VIRICOCILI ,
STBIOTURK , AMD ALL cifiien or THE Gimro
URIMART OKOAKI , or i cd hUtory ofour case for
an opinion.
I'triona unable to vlilt ni may be treated at thlr
tiomee , by correspondence. Medlclnea and Instrn.
menti aent bv mall or expre i SZC'UHKLY I'Al'K
BO FKOM marki to Indicate
content * or lender. One perionil interview prc
furred If convenient. Fifty roomi for ttiu nccoui
nodatlon of patlcnti. Board and attendance ut
rtaionabli pilcei. Addreta til Lctteri to
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute ,
Cr. Hum lid CulUI At * . . OMAHA. ri 3. .
Ever since our opening here we have labored under great disad
vantage on account of our store being too crowded. We were here
tofore not able to get such a large place as we desiredandnot only
were we prevented from keeping the stock we mtendedb.ut we
could not even properly display the assortment we do carry.
We have at last succeeded in securing additional room and have
leased the two floors above as also the rear part adjoining our store
on 14th street. This , in addition to our present salesroom , will make
us the largest clothing house in the west.
The necessary alterations will crowd us fear fully , and this as well
as the desire to or > en the enlarged quarters with entirely fresh
goods prompts us in making a SPECIAL SALE , at which we will
offer extraordinary bargains.
We are Now Marking down our Stock throughout at such
prices that it will make a stir in the clothing trade , and will move
cair goods quickly.
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha.
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. KURD THOMPSON , Sec. $ & Treas
Wholesale ® Retail.
"FishBrand" Gouts , Itiilbs , Douches , Hair Crimpers , Nursery Shuctlug , Fpocnlnnu.
Air I'lllowB , Jtnislici , Drill tc. Duck , llnlr J'iue , Navy liig ! < , .Sportsmen's Goodi ,
Airltede , Hrower's lloee , Door Mats , lints , OH Clothing , btamps ,
.Air Cushions , Caps , Drees Shield" , llorse Covers , racking , Stationer's Gum ,
Antl Hattlcri , Capes , Drinking Cmia , Hose , It. It. & I * . Co.Talls , Hynhone ,
j\ [ irons , Carrlngo Cloth , Klastlc Hands , lloso Couplings , Perfection Box Synng * . .Spittoons ,
Atomizers , Cartridge Hags , ElasticSlocUngl , Jlosol'lpes , 1'encllfl , Kuhnmlng Jacket *
Hands , CntheUrs , Erasers , lloae Itccls , Ten holders. Synngot 'P ifiction Bon ;
Jlandnge Gum , Clothing , Facu lings , Hot Water BottlesIVssarlcs , Thimbles ,
llautlsmal 1'antfl , Copy Hook Sheet * , Finger Cots , Haversacks , 1'lauo Covers , Throat Bags.
llatla , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice Bags , I'lpcs. Tubing ,
Until Mats , Ucincnt , Floor Scrapers , IceCaps , I'lyu stems , Tumblers ,
Batli Tiilji , Clothes \Vrlnccrn , Folding I'ails , Ink Stands , 1'lant Sprinklers , Toys.
Bed I'nns , Coats Fieli brand" Foot Balls , Invalid Cushions , 1'uro Rubber , Teeth'RRIngsJtPadi ,
Ilui OIICUIB , Combs , Force Cups , 1'jints , Tobacco Touches ,
ll.ll.t I'.C'o. llcltlng , Comb Cleaners , Fruit Jar Kings , Lined Hose , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Kolli ,
Bolt Hook * , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , Kattlcs , Urinals ,
Mellows Cloth , Cork Screws , Gas Tubing , Life Preservers , Hublier Dam , Umbrellas ,
lilba , Curry Combs , Glove , Mackintosh Goods , Killers , Ventilating Polct ,
Itliinketfl , Cuspadors , Gossamer 0 ps , Match Boxes , UepalrlnpCloth , Wagon Aprons ,
Boots & Shoes , Cigar Cases , " Cloth , Martingale. Kings , ( Shaft Kulibcrs , WagonCoxers ,
Hoys Cups , ChairTlps Buffers. " Coats , Mats , Shoes A. Boots , Wagon Springs , ,
Hoys Coats , Diapers. " Waterproofs , Matting , Mnk Scrapers , Weather Strips ,
Bougies , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing , /
llrncclets , Dolls , Gun Covers , Mittens , bhooting Coats , Wading 1'nnts ,
Breast Tumps , Doll Bodies , Guttarercha , Nipples , tiling shots. Water Bottles ,
Ureas t Shields , Doll Heads , Gymnasiums , Nursing Bibs. Soling , Window Clcnnon.
Uulfcrs , Uoor Bauds , Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles Sponge Bags , Wringer Holla ,
Boston Helling JCo's. Kul)1 > er and Cotton Belting , Packing and Hose. Sole agents in Omaha.
Leather llcflln ; 1'uro Oak Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SYKINOL'S. "
Manufacturers of "FISH UKAND ItUBBEIt GOODS. "
Mall Orders Solicited and will Itecclvo Fromut Attention.
JZmlioily thtMghctt exreUen-
rltstnsliniielinrss , coin furt Hint
f avorli fa in fctslilonntile circles
Our name is I J.&T.COUSI
on e\ery solc.l NEWYORK
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomv ,
St. Louis , Mo , , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous. Clinic and
More especially those arising from impru
dence , unite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. 1'a-
tients whose cases have bten neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will be mailed FREE lo any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
17-12 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St.St. Luis.Mo.
A full blorvlect Norrrmn and it thoroughbred
Culionund WuKnur Cluy. Cution was Imported
by lCKi ) > ti llroiliors. Ottawa , 111. . Is 17 Inimls
high ; ulrtn 7 feet U Inciios , uiul wc-urhs IbUO
Ilia : uo mid H record for honvy nurses or I tnln-
utoi. Cluy , a tnnrouKhbrod trotting ttullion ,
mid registered In Amcrlciui Mud Hook , U it
liojtuut It ) hands hlffh , wclKht IL'IH Also it
r eg liter cd City colt , for imrtlculArs , aclilruss
T. 1 } . UA11NC9 , Box 607 , OIUHUU , Nob.
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
IB Death to Consnmptlon ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Favors Or Insomnia , an&
Typhoid Feyor , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , Ot Food ,
Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old ,
Statical Farera Mo Fusel Oil ,
Fan ,
liioud folaoning Absolutely
This will certify that I have examined the fiel'e ofDourbon Whliky , received from
Lawrence Ostium & Co. , and found the same to be perfectly tree from Fusel Oil and
other deleterious substances and itrictly pure I cheerfully recommend the same for
Family uie and Medicinal purposes.
J. I' . UARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky.
For sale by druggists , wine merchants and grocers everywhere. Price $1.26 per bottle
If not found at the above , half-doz. bottles in plain boxes. Mill be tent to vny address
In the United States on the receipt of MX dollars. Express paid to all places cast of
Missouri River ,
LAWRENCE OsTROTvi & Co. . Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
RICH A linsOff Dll UO CO. , and )
ItlLKf tC DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealer * , \ Omaha ,
Jf.amUiesaiipplled bjj UlsADlt'lOXU 11HO3. CC'O. ,
ISAAC W. CAlllTA'Tnil , I'res. ' C. FICANK CAIll'ENTKIl.Sco
JAS. A. CAItl'U.VniU , Vko 1'ies. C. L. UAJtI'UNTKIt , Trons-
Carpenter Paper Company ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers
Carry a uico now stock of IM-lntiii } , ' , U'nipjiInK1 i'liil ' Wrltluif 1'uiicr. Special
ultcntiou given to ear lomi onlcr.-t. \\liii-li nil ! ho nliippi'il ' direct from iiiilln.
All onlora will receive personal iittculiou. We giuiruutuo good ioods ? nml
low prices ,
1111 uiul 1110 Uouglus tit. ) Ornab *