Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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NEW YOIIK , May 7. ( Special Telegram
to tlio IlKEij STOCKS. Tlu-ro was very lit
tle of significance In the stock market until
the hank statcinont came out to-day. St.
Paul prctoriod surprised trader ? with n sharp
ndvanco of 1'4 ' per cc'iit , nnd was more nctlvo
than It has been fur a lonx time. The point
on It was that n cllnuu of rich Chicago operators -
ators hail been buying It on the theory that It
was the clioaiwst 7 per cent stock on the list ,
and thev were credited with tin ; Intention of
manipulating n 10 per cent advance In It.
Wabaih was another bull card. Gould
broken ) won ) largo buyers of It and advised
their friends that It was certain to liavo a 1)1 kr
boom. Now KtiL'land was rather weak. Ob-
nerving buyers , however , claim that the buy-
ini : was by the best class of people. The
bank statement showed a decrease of 32,000-
000 In reserve and was the signal for a drive
at the market by the boars. The wholu lint was
fiolddimn a fraction , Missouri 1'aclllc being
the lowest stock on the list Contrary to ex
pectations , hownver , the market rallied after
the drop , quickly leaving a little prolit to
flhort sellers. The cauie of the heavy dc-
crcaso In Out bank statement was alleged to
bo heavy withdrawals by the Chicago banks
In consequence of Chicago becoming a
a reserve city. The feeling on ciangem con-
tin nod to bo very bullish , and Chicago was a
largo buyer ol Northwestern & St. Paul pre
ferred , taking largo blocks of thn latter at the
top prices of the day. At noon the market
was1 steady , the sales to that hour aggregating
85,000 * shares. In the last hour the market
was charactorl/ed by a drop more or less
conoral In prices throughout the list. North
western was sold down nearly 1 per cent
nnd Ht. Paul preferred broke on offerings of
long stock bought some days ago. Fancy
stocks were all Monk , Lake Krle & Western
soiling down to the lowest point reached In
Bnvoral weeks. The market closed very soft
nt about the lowest point of the day. The
total sales were nbout 200,000 shares.
( JoVKit.vMKNTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U.S.S's . 100 1C. ifcN. W . 121K
U. h. 4's coupon. lasjf do preferred. . . .M''K '
V. S. 4 > k'Hcoup .110 N. V. C . mjf
1'aclllc 0\sot 'U"i..l'jr , O. H. AN . lOlUf
CanadaSouth'n. . Ol'tf O. T . JKJv
Cential Paelllc. . 40 P.iclhcMall .
ChlcagoAAlton.llO P. , 1) . & K .
do preferred. . . .100 Pullman Pal.Car.14 ! )
C. , U. * 0 . . Kciadinj , '
U. L. A W VA.Hock Island. . . 133
-"t. J , . AS. K. . . .
Kne do prnfKrrPd. . . .
do preferred. . . . C. , M. & 8t. P. . . . UU
Illinois Central. . do preferred. . 1WX
1. , W 1 " St. P. & O B2K
! ! ! % . . .tl0 preferred.UK
Laku.Shore. . . . ' . . 05'f ' Texas Pacillc. . . .
I , . Union Paelllc. . . . 01
Michigan Ceiit'lY. \V..St \ LAP. . . . 21
Mo. I'acllic 107 < r do preferred. . 07
No. I'ncllio 21 ' W. U. Telegraph 75
do prof erred. . . . 6 !
MOXKY ON CALL Easy at 4@7 per cent ;
closed olleri'd at 4 per cent.
Pniiin MEKCANTII.E PAPEII atgfl per
STKIIM.NO Excir.vxoK Dull but steady
at S4.80K for sixty day bills , 8U7K lor
Chlcaiio , May 7. Following quota
tions aiotho 2yo ; closing inures :
Flour Steady and linn ; winter wlirat
flour , 84.2-iM.iO ( : : southern , S4.10@4.20 ;
Wisconsin. S4.20@l. " > 0 : Michigan soft
sprlne wheat , $3.70i 4.80 : Minnesota bakers.
S3.70Cd4.o ! : ; ; patents , gJ.rxi .iW : low crados ,
JUi.Vifj.9j ; rye Hour , quiet at S3.2533.10 ; In
Barks and barrels. 83(33.70. (
Wheat Dull , fluctuations within narrow
limits ; miiiket ojiunod @J/c higher and
closed MC lower for Jnno and July ; cash ,
83 < c : June. S5 c ; July , 84 13-l6o.
Corn Quiet most of tlio snsslon ; opened a
sliaclo firmer than yubturday's close and closed
fiamo BH yesterday ; cash , 388-lOc ; Juno ,
au < c ; July. 415-lGc.
Oats Dull , weak and VfflXe lowercash ; ,
CfCVc ; June. a7Vc : July , 28 MOc.
Jtyo-Dull at 5fij/c.
Ilarloy--Nomlnal at57c.
Timothy Sood-Prime , 31.67.
Klax Seed-81.0'7 .
Pork Dull and nulet , with no material
clKin 'o ; cash and Juno , S2n.00@'ji.50. :
Lard Dull , easy and 2 > < c lower ; cash ,
S5.87J © 5.85 ; JuncSG.UO@0.UW ( ; JulyS0.07 > <
@ 7.00.
liulk Sreats Shoulders. 35.0000.00 ; short
clear , S7.SHX3i7.ti5 ; short ribs , 87.40f ( 7.42V.
JJnttor Quiet ; creamery , I8@23 > fc ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full croain Cheddars ,
iHi'cai'J'/c ; Hats , lUJc/Miyc ; young Americas ,
l"Wii ( ; ! > .Cc ; skims , ( nt-c.
KCKS Firm at 10 > < fc.
lililos-Unclmngedjhpavygrpon salted 7J
lli/ht do , TSi'f'iSc ; salted bull hides , Oc ; creon
nnltwl calf , tx : ; dry Hint , rJ ( < 413c ; dry calf ,
lliritUc ; dearong , 40c each ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow UnchniiiredNo. ; Icountry , 4c ; No.
2 , S/'i'c ' ; cake , 4 c.
KecnlpK Shipment * .
Flour , bbls 11,000 20,000
Wheat , bu K ,0 ( > o 53.000
Corn , bu ii'
Oats , bu fi' ' 49.000
Ityv.bu 42,000 3.000
Barley , bu 11,000 11,000
St. Iiouln. May 7. Wheat Less active
cash , 85Vc , ; Jnno , Me.
Corn fatoady ; cash , SOJ QW c ; June
Oais Stciuly ; cash and May , 2Sc ; June
JvJ Vl C A
Povk Dull : now , $10.00.
Lard Nominally at J0.70.
Whisky Lower at 1.05.
lUitter Kasy ; creamery , 20@22o ; dairy
Iilvorpool , May 7. Wheat Strong : do
inniiil peed : Holders offer sparingly ; Cali
fornia No. 1 , nothing offering ; rea western
R | > rinir. 7s 2d 7s liil per cental ; do winter ,
7s IdQTsCxl percental.
Corn Finn ; demand fair ; new mixed
western. 4s 2d | > cr cental.
\o\vOrlonim.May7. Corn Unchanged ;
mixed , Hij ) ; yellow , 51e ; white , 52c.
Oats-raslerat ; 87@t7ljfc. :
( Jornmeat FlrmiT at 52.35.
HOK 1'roducts Unclmnccd.
Lard llulined tierce 37.00.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , SO. 50 ; lone clear
nuil clear ribs , SS.G2X.
New York. May 7. Wheat Hocolpts.
87,000 ; export * . 47,000 ; spot > /@Xo and
optiomKQlc , lower , closliiRbarely steady at
nearly bottom rates ; ungraded red , 84c@
Sl.uOVfNo. rod , I0 'o : No. ' 1 , red , OOHo ;
No. 2 , Mtf In elevator. Ii7 > c free on board ;
June closing at WiHc.
Corn Kecelpts. St.OOO ; nxports , 2,400 ; spot
W@Ko and options KjHc ( lower , closing
.steady : ungraded , 4Sj1'u50c ( : No. a , 48X@
In elevator , 60 > o delivered , Juno ,
Oats Receipts , 2.1,000 ; exports , 27 ; steady ;
mixed western , Sl < y37o ; while western ,
I'etroloum Steady ; United closed atCGJ c.
Pork Qnlt't , steady and unchanucd ; old
mass , S15.50i ( 10.00 ; now mess , 817.00.
Lard Dull and lower ; western steam , spot ,
KHC Qulot and Rcnerally steady ; wwt-
ern , fresh , 12 < 3ia fc.
Hutter-Qulet and barely steady ; westoru ,
Ciieoso Quiet and unclianged.
Mlnnrnpoiia , May 7. Wheat Weak ;
No. 1 hard , cash and May. " ' .iijTo : June ,
b'lcJuly : , &Mc : No. 1 northern , 73.fc for
cashand .May7 ; ! Mc for Juini8lc ; for July ;
JNo. 2 northern , 7-Vfc f or cash ; 70 > $ c for Juno ;
78c tor July ; on track : No. inanl , bOc ;
'No. 1 northern , 79e ; No. 2 northern , "rtc.
Flour Firm ; patents , 4.40i5(4.50 ; bakers' ,
| 3.5lK < {
Jtecclota-Whcat , 0 ,500 bu.
hhiinnonts Wltuat , W.CKW bu ; Hour , 13 , )00 )
Cincinnati , May 7. Wheat Scarce nnd
firm ; No. 2 red , KV.
Corn Strong and in good demand ; No. 2
mixed , 44V c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , . " Oc JOKc.
Uye StioiiKur ; No. 'J , iVljft5c } ,
Provisions Kasy and uncliungcd ; pork ,
J10.-S ; lard , SO.fcO.
Whlsuy Active and firm at 81.05.
Milwaukee. Mar 7. WliPiU-KasIer ;
cash , S2/c ; Juiift , W > ifo ; July. tMVc. ;
Corn Vlrm and nominal No. 3 , tfJc ,
Oais-Stroni : ; No.a white , 31fc.
11)0 Steady ; No. 1 , 5S.- .
lUrloy-Weak ; Xo , 2 , Me.
Provlslons-Kaslcr ; pork , May , 518.00.
ChloaRo , Mar 7. Th Drovers' Jour
nal rawirts as follows :
Cftttle-ltecelpu , 1,000 ; steady ; shipping
Fleer * , 84.00@ 1.0V stockcrs and tecdern ,
32.75 ® .25 ; cows , bulls and mlxod , 53.00
Q4.00 ; bulk , $2.70@1.05.
HOBS Hect'lpts , ; steady ; rough and
mixed , 55.00 < st.i.5 : ; ; paeklnts and shlnplni ; ,
85.lXtf3.Mj ( light , S4.70OJ.W : ; Skips , 53.003
Sheen Uecelnts , 3,000 : steaily ; woolcd ,
84,00(45.00 ; shorn , 8: : . ) ; Toxnns ,
8J.iX : ) : i.M ; lambj , I .50jJ ( .50.
Nntiotipl Htook Vnnl , Knst Ht.
liouls , III. , Mny 7. Cattle Uccclpts , 400 ;
Kliiuincnts , 200 ; market strong nnd .steadv ;
choice heavy native steers. S4.fKf'i.M ( ) ; fair
to good shipping steers , S-HWdLW ; butcliers'
steers , fair to choice , S360'rf4.yO ; feeders ,
fair to good , 8i.20 : 1.00.
1 logs-Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 2,000 :
market Htcady ; cholco heavy and bntchurs'
sclertions , 3' > .40@'i.50 ; packing , fair to good ,
85.20g. ( > i.i5 : ; Yorkers , medium to prime , 5.00
05.15 ; pigs , common to good , S4.40cj4.lK ( ) .
Knn.s.iH City , May 7. Cattle Hocelpts.
1 , : 0 ; shipments , l.OOO : mnrkct n shade
stronger for light shipping cows , slockers
mid feeders ; rommon to choice shipping ,
Si.t : < o < j4l.50 : stockers , 82.00(3:1.25 ( : ; feeding
Steers , S'tSOQH.bO. '
How Receipts , 0,000 : shipments , 1.000 ;
market opened stonily , closed weak nt CQ10
lower ; common to choice , 84.CO@.15 ; skips
nnd pigs , 82.3031.50.
Saturday , May 7.
Thn receipts of cattle to- < lay were fair for
the last day ot the week. There weie very
fnw good corn-fed cattle in that were suita
ble for tlio dressed beef trade. The market
was at least 5c higher than yesterday.
The receipts of liozs WCIP the same as yes
terday. Thn market opened active at an ad
vance of r/ri-IOo and the ho s ueru all sold at
an early hour. _ _ _ _ _
8 lie up.
Thpro were a few In , but the market was
dragging ,
Cattle . 500
Hogs . 2,000
Horses . 100
heep . 000
I'rovnlHnu I'ricot.
Sliowlne the provalllng prices paid for llva
lockon this market :
Jholco steers , 1800 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 8 . : ; 04. r.
Jlioice steers. 1100 to UW Ibs. . . 4.0f ! ; l.o ; ;
'at llttlo steer 1)00 ) to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.GO ( I.I5
xtrachoicocowsandhuifors. . . . 3.50W3.75
loot ! to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.00/W3.40 /
'ommonto medium cows 2,75fa3.)0 ( )
jood to cholco bulls 2.5003.25
'ightand mediumhoirs 4.75fi1.85
Jood to choice heavy hogs 4.0or < i)5.05 )
iood to choice mixed hoes f4.80$4.95 (
Jholco sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs 8.15 ( 3.70
Ilopresoiitiuivo Sales.
o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2..1150 33.50 10..1015 4.20
3..000 3.50 : i . . .llffJ 4.2.5
20..1010 8.75 2-J..12 ; : ! 4.15
1..1UOI ) 4.00 20..1265 4.45
3. . . . S85 2.50 2..1020 3.20
snr.F.l' .
05. . . . 77 4.25
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shkv Pr.
. . . .l' 7 I i S4 * M 6X..23-S SO S4.U5
77..2IW ! MO 4.S2H ! . . . .2CO 20 4.1)5 )
53..2S4 200 4.87X C8..23S HO 4.05
CO..218 120 4. 7 > i 71..210 VA ) 4.05
73..217 60 4.UO 09.SK ! ) 120 4.05
CO..214 4.90 07..212 40 4.U5
W..233 M ) 4.00 62..270 80 5.00
73..230 SO 4.mX 74..24 : ! 40 5.00
71..US SO 4.1WK W..312 1X ( ) 5.00
CS..2.'i2 120 4.U2 > J CO..230 100 5.00
fi . . . .2-)7 40 4'J.i ( U..242 200 5.00
74 . . .208 4.05 ( M..2.V ) 5.00
ftS.,210 4.95 fi7..2G3 100 5.00
80..211 200 4.D5 5'J..302 ' SO 5.05
lAve Stock Sola.
Showing the number of cattle and hogs
Dousht by the leading buyers on to-day's
market :
\nclo-Amerlcan Packing Co 033
. } . 11. Hammond & Co
T. J.LIpton
larko llros 151
Total 1,930
Left over none
} . II. Hammond & Co 44
tollman &Couklln ' > ' - '
iaoliros 20
jOCil ! 35
Total 144
All sales of stock in tins market are made
percwt. llvo wolirht unless other wlso stated.
Dead lings sell at Xe per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs welshing loss than 100 Ibs.
novalue. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS.
andstagsBOlbs. by the public Inspector.
Live Stock Notes.
Cattle higher.
A few sheep sold.
Hogs 5@10c stronger.
A good market for Saturday.
Dr. C. Frost , Princeton , Nob. , was looking
over the yards.
A. M. Templlp. Chapman , was hero wltli
two loads of cattle.
George Yarns , Missouri Valley , was In nnd
marketed a load of lie s.
Messrs. Hell and Williams , Ida drove , la.
ware among the visitors at the yards.
Will Jlayward , Crowoll , a well known
shipper , was In looking over the maikot.
James Danley , a well known shipper from
Ashland and a member of the Live Stock
Shippers Association , stopped oil nt the
yards on his way back from Chicago.
Thomas Harris , Central. City , was In with
a load ot cattle , two loads of hogs unit n load
of sheep. One load of hogs topped the mar
ket at 85.05.
Ono of the largest commission men nt the
ynrds , both In amount ot business trnnsacted
and physical development , came out the
other morning resplendent in n now spring
suit. He was ns happy as a boy with n new
top until ho caught sight ot his bitterest
rival In business wearing now suit exactly
like his own. There Is a good opportunity
for 8omo ono to buya cheap secoud-haiid
suit , as good as now.
General Produce.
_ Saturday , May 7.
I7ic/onoictij ) ( prices arc for roimdt ots of
produce , a * sola OH tne markc : to-aay.
Eoos The market is steady at loo'
BUTTKU- There Is an occasional package
of fancy butter that sells above the quotations
given below. Chlco country , 14 ( $ lGe ; fair to
coed , 10@12q : common , 5 < < jOo.
CIIKKSK Full cream cheddarssInile,14Xc ;
full cream Hats , twins , 14Ko ; Young Ameri
cas , l ! > c ; fancy Swiss , 18c ; Swiss. Ini-
coited,25c ; Llmburger , 14c ; brick. I5l6c.
LIVK POUI.TIIY Chickens , S3.00i33.2. > .
OAMI : Ducks , mallard , prr do ? , 82.00 ®
2.25 ; ducks , teal , nerdoz. S1.50 ( < ? 1.75 ; ducks ,
mixed , per do/ ! , 6l.50vi1.7j ; geese , penlo/ ,
83.00 ( 3.50 ; brants , per do * , 82.00 ; snipe ,
perdoS1.2C , plom file.
1'OTATor.s Homo grown , small lots , from
store , 70yJbOc ; new potatoes , per bbl , 84.50
sweet Jerspys , § 5.50 ; sweet southern queen ,
per bbl , 55.00.
Os-ioxs-Old onions , per bbl , 84.50Q5.00 ;
r.ew bouthorn , ixir bbl , S5.UO ,
CAIIIIAOK Inoro is very little on the
nuiket. New California stock sells at 3/M
8 'c jH-rlb.
Arri.KS The market Is bare and there Is
no stock of any account.
NKW VEOKTAIILRS Spinach , per bbl ,
S1.2.xgl.f < 0 : top onions , per dozen bunches ,
2o\iVi'H5 ; radlshi'S , per dozen bunches , 25 ( < toOc ;
lettuce , : i5(2lOo ( ; pie plant , per Ib , 2 > jc ; Home
grown nspagus , per doz , OOc ; cucumbers.
per dozen , G.Vi$75e.
UKA..vs-lnferlorstock.75MS1.00good ; clean
country , 51.00 1.25 ; medium , hand picked ,
S1.40yl.M ; hand picked , navv , 51.50y < 1.00.
Pi'.ovisioNs Ham , 12i < c ; brn.ikfast
bacon , rlD. 10'fc : bru.ikfast bacon , plain , lie :
dry salt sides. bJ Q-y/o : dried beef , regular , 10
© lie ; dried beet , ham pieces , JSc ; lard , 50-lb
c.uis , 7s < e : 20-lbcans , Fairbanks , 7jre ; 10-Ib
cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc ; 5-lb cans , Fall banks ,
&c : 3-lb cans. Fairbanks.8.l e
LKSIOXS Messina , choice , per box , S4.10
OiiA.vni'.s California , Los Angoles. per
box , 3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , ? 3.50 ( <
ii.75 ; Messina Imiwrial , fancy , 5.50 ; San
Gabriel , slnirlu box lots , 53.00 ; San Gabriel ,
6 box lots. 82.65.
BTIUWIIKHUIKS The receipts are liberal
and tne market lower , Choice stock , per
cast55.00. .
BAN ANAS Large bunphes , per bunch , f 3.50
General MarKott.
. . - _ B Hatrels , per gallon"urnt ; *
ture , extra , SU10 ; furniture , No. 1. 31.00 ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. l , 81.90 ; Dam
m r , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70e ! . Mphaltutn ,
extra 85c : shellac , S3.WS bard 0II tinlthl
81. "
Ditr PAINTS White l ad , 7c ; French zinc ,
12c : I'arli whltlne. 2Ko : Hhltlng. gliders ,
* > fo ; whiting , com'l , iWo ; lainpblaci , Oer-
m nto\Mi , 12c ; Umpblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian bluo,55cultramarine ; , lc ; vandyit-
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ;
nienna , burnt , 4ci sienna , raw , 4o ; Pans
preen. Bunuliio. 5t > P Paris cret-n , com
mon. 8rhroino green. N. y. , 30c ;
Termlllion American. lc ! inaian
raw and buint umber , l tt > cans , iuc ; raw and
burnt ilcnnv IJc : Vandyke brown , L ° ; re *
lined lampblack I8c : coach blaclr and ivory
black. We ; drop black. lr c ; 1'russian blue ,
40c ; ultramarine black. 18c ; cliromo irroon.L. ,
K. * D. . lOc ; blind and shutter preen , u. M.
* D. , loc ; Paru croon , ISo ; Indian red , I5o ;
Vonotlan red , PC ; Tuscan. 22c ; American
vermllllon , L. A D. , 20c : ycliovr ochre 2c ; L.
M. ft O. D. . lc : cpod ochro. lOc : natonj
dryer , 8c ; Kralnlnc color , llijht 0 k. dark o < % k.
wftlnut chestnut and ash. lae- , ,
, IJKUOUASD > iiBMiOAi.8. Ao d carUolic ,
fOc ; aclrt tart rie. Me ; balsam copaiba , per
ID , .We ; bark sassafras , per D , lOc ; calomel ,
per fi > , 78c. rhlnchonldla , per o40c ; chloro
form , per IV 'Oc ; Doters powders , per tt > .
11.2.1 ; epsom .f-alts. . per ib , SJfc ; Riycorlno ,
pure , p rlb. - Oc * 'cad ' , kcctnte. per & > . 2ic ;
oil , castor , No. i , per gal. , 81.5U ; oil ca. or ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 1.40oll ; olive , pur gal. , S1.40 ;
oil orlfanniim. 50o ; opium , ; quinlno.
P. A W. and K. ft S , , per oz. . ( V ; ; potiisslum
Iodide , per ft , 83.50 ; sillcln. per o40c ; sul-
rihate inorDliUio. per at. Si. 5 ; sulPhur per
U.4cstrycluilno. : tv > roz. Bl.'Ji. . ,
lUrNTS i.v On. White load. Omaha.P P. ,
" „ 'fc ' ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 7c ; Mar-
sellles , green. 1 Ib cans. 'Jc ; Kronen zinc ,
creen peal , 12c ; French /inc. red seal. He ;
Jroncn zinc. In. varni-m asst. 200 ; Feucli
! lnc.75c : Termilllon. F.nullsh , in oil , 75a ;
red , lOc ; roio plnif , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2Vc ; Venetian red. Atnuilcau. i ; < c ;
red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2t'c ' ;
cliroran yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochello. TC ;
ochre , Fronch. 2 fc : oohre , American ,
' Kc ; Winter's mineral. U o ; Lehigh mown ,
He ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; t'riuco's rclncral ,
HIDES ( Jrcon butrhcrs. SKQOc ; green
; ured.7c : dry Mint. Hi ( i-'c ; drv salt , 0 10c ;
creou calf skins * c' damaged ides ,
two-thirds price. Tnllow-SJfc. Greaso-
Priino white , c : yellow. 2 c ; brown , 2c.
bheep Pelts. 25Q7J > c.
BPIR1T3 Coloirne splrlU. 1.83 proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , S1.1spirits ; , .second quality ,
' 01 proof , 81.1 : do li > S proof. 81. 9 Alnnliol.
188 proor , S2.10 per wlno gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , 31.00 1.50. tln ! , blended .50 ( < $
. ' ,00 : Kentucky bourbons , 82.oOt3ti.00 , Ken-
'ucky ' and Pennsylvania ryes , SiOOMO.50 ;
.loldiin Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies.
81.iOji3.OB. Jn\iulles ! , imported , S5.006ts.50 :
ilomestlc , S1.30Q3.00. ( Hnfl. Imported , 84.50
( irO.OO ; domestic , Chauipafrnes ,
HEAVY HAUDWAllK iron , ftttO S2.Sj
plowstfelsnecl icast,4Hccruciblostuel'i : ; > ic ;
cast tools , do , TJ'iJlM ; wagon spoked , pet set ,
ta.OOiZ3.50 ; liubs , per fcut. Sl.W ; telloes.
awed dry , 81.60 ; lonirtie.s , cacli. 8'c ( ' : axels.
each. 75c : suuaro nuts , per Ib. 01 ( < S71c ; cell
chain , per Ib. OK"l'e ; milleabo.y@li'c ! ' ; iron
wedges , 6c ; crowhars , 60 ; harrow teeth , 4 c ,
spring stool. 7@0c ; liurdun's horse shoos.
JM.75Uurdun'8 ; mule sliocs. t" > .75. llarbcd
wire. In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates 10 to 50. SUO : stool nails. S3. o.
Shot , Sl.iB ; buckshot , 81.00 ; liny ird powder ,
kegs , 85.00 ; do. half kegs , 82.75 ; do. quarter
kegs , Sl.50 : blasting , kegs , 52.10 ; fuse , per 10
'eet. C5c. Lead bar. SI ?
PICKI.CS MiMiiim , In bbls , 53.00 ; do , In
halt bbls , Sl.50 ; small , in hhls , 89.00 ; do , in
half bbls. S.'i.OO ; gherkins , In bbls , 810.00 ; do ,
in halt bbls , 85.50.
bun AH ( irannlati'd , fl SOKc ; conf. A,0@
O'ho ; white extra C , 5 ( a5'e : extsa C , 6'Mw '
5) ) cyullowC,4.'iiJ : ' ( % c : cut 'oaf ' , C i-iO e" ;
owdered , 0 % ' < i)7c. )
COPFKKS Ordinary grades , 17V@lSc fair
v@l ' .csprlmM-/scelic ; cholco , 1 @l a\ \
ancy grwm and yollow.LiJ ( ic ; old eov-
CANNEiJoona--Ovster.sstnndnrdporcasa ,
H.1D : ) .25 : strawberries , 21b. per case. S2..JO ;
raspberries. 3 Ib , per casoS2. f , 2.1.1 ; Califor
nia { tears , per cane , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj ,
84.00 ; peaches. PIT , 55.1X ) ; white cher
ries , per case , 80.00 ; plums , per casp , 83.51 ;
blueberries porcasc , Sk8. " > ; OK plums , 2 Ib ,
perraso , 82.50 ; pinenpnlort , a ID , per case
' * : 1 Ib nibjkcrei. per doz , 81.40 ;
1 Ibgalmon. pcrdoz , 31.50ai..Vi ( ; 2 ID , goose
berries , porcase , 551.75 ; 3 Ib string Deans , per
case , 81.0 ; alb II ma beans , per caso. 81.00 ;
2 Ib marrow fat peas , per case. Si OWJ.502 ; Ib
early Junepoas , per case. 82.75 : 3 Ib toma
toes ; Jj'J. OfOfl. 0:21b.cornS2.10rtl2.,0.
MAI OHRS Per caddie. 2.Vj ; equara coses ,
81.70 : mule square. 81.20.
SYIIUJ > No. 70 , 4-gaIIon kngs , SK2 ( ? l..0 : ;
> few Orleans per gallon as40e ; maplo. syrup ,
half bbls , "old tlmo , " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal
lon cans , tn > r doz. 810.00 ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz. 85.50 ; quart cans , SA ; ; > .
Ton.ui ' f.'J hoiso hhoe
n i'iiii ; Uimax , ; ,
f.7 ; htar , ' 5 : ,1. T , . 3 ! ; spear head , 37 ; merry
war , ' 5. lotiln mil , .0 ; happy thought , uC ;
Pinci-lleidslok , 0) ) .
CANDY Mixed. s < < $ iio : stick. 8 (39c. ( .
CBACKF.US Oarneau's soda , butter nnd
picnic , ft c ; creams , s c ! ginger snaps , J < c ;
city soda , "i , .
bTAiicii Miiror gloss. 1 Ib , Cc ; mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , 5fe ; mirror gloss , oil ) , C3fc ;
Craves corn , 1 Ib.OXc ; Kingsford's corn. 1 ID ,
7c : Kincsford's gloss , 1 ib. 7c : King.stord'3
closs.01b.7Hc ; Kimrsford's pure lib. 5Ko ;
Klncsford's pure , 3 Ib. 5 } & ; Klngsfords
bulk. 4c.
boAi'3 Kirk's savon Imperial. 82.70 :
Kirk-s satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk s standard , 83.0"i ;
Kirk's white Kusslan , 84.00 ; Kirk's whlto-
cap , 80.50 ; dome , 83.85 ; washboard. $3.10 ;
white cloud. 83.75.
Dry Immhcr.
a ft U ft ID ft IS ft 20 ft 2
17.M 17.20 17.50 18.50 1U.50 2i.IV ) 2S.50
Sxd. 17 17.51) ) 13.M 19 ' , r > 0 .J" 50 " 5. W
2x8 17.60 1 itlrJ. J4. * > UlauJ |
2x10 K.M 17.fio 17.50'J '
UxlU 17.51 17.SO 17.5J 18.60
4x4-8x8 11S.M 18.50 ] | R.60lU.60 ! M 6) 13 aii
Xo. 1 , coin , sis . 510.50
No. 'J , coin , 1 s . 17. f > 0
No. 4 , com , sib . 13.50
No. 1,4 & 0 in , 12 & lift , rouii ! . 810.00
No. 'J " ' . ' " "
, . 15.00
A , 12. 11 and 10 ft . SSiOO
U l ! " "
, . 20.50
0 , " " " . 15.00
1) , " " " . UJ.OO AND I'AiiriTioN ,
1st White PinuCoillni ; . 534.00
Clear , % In. Norway I'tne Celling . 10.00
A 6 Inch , whltopine . $3,1.00
C " " " . .l.,0
E" " " ' ( Sol Kon'c ) . 19. JO
A12Inchs. Is . S45.00
No. 1 , coin. 12 In a. 1 s. , 12. All . 20.00
ion . in.oo
No. 2 " " " " m .V14IU. . . . 1S.OO
" " " " " 10 it . 17.00
1st nd 2d. clear , IK Incn , s. 3 s . E.V.
Sd , clear , l Inch. s. a s s IX , l > < . 2 in 45.0 )
U scK'ci , 1 incli , s. 3 8 SO ; lie , IK , S ill 7.00
White Cedar , 0 In. , MS 13o ; 9 ln.qrs..llo
I.IMF , ITC. :
Qulnoy wliito llmo ( bus ) . SI. 00
A kroii cement . 1.G5
llalr . SO
snip IAP.
No. l , plain , Sand 10 in . S10.00
No. 1 , plain , nndlOin . 17.00
O. 0. Uatts , 2H in. . 70c ; H , 1 s . 4"o
Pickets , U and H Hat. . . . 821.00
Grade Ordinance flo. 69.
AX Ordlnnnco O ! > tnblisliinK the prndo of
17th Mrcot from the otith line of Hurt *
man's mUlltion to CastclUir sttitot , In the city
of Omaliii.
Io It onlalnoJ by tlio City Council of tlio City
of Omnhti :
Section 1 , TlioKTO'loof ' 17th street from the
south line of llnrtiMin' * ml.Illicit ] , In tlio city of
OiimlmU hereby e tnbll hcil nt the follonfiig
cleviitlons , the pnulo tieltiif nntforiii btralglit
lines between the points spo-itlfxl :
Kluvalion I'lovntion
of i.curb. : of W.curb.
Bontti Uno ot Hurtmann'a
adUltloii ) 210-10
North curb of Centorsl . . . . . ' 1J. & aio.5
South curb of Center Ht 210.5 'J1U.5
North curb of Dorunsst 1 > J.O 1 " . ' . . " >
South curb of Dorcua gt isao 170.5
North curb of Martha st , . .181.5 1HI.5
fouthourbof Martha st. . . .ISi.O 1H.S.O
North curb of Castellnr it..l o.O 190.0
Boction " . Tl'la ordlnanoo shall take effect
And bo In force from and after Its passage.
Passed April ISth , 1887.
Wii.K. Ilicini.President CltyConnclL
J. H. BorjTiUlw.Clty Clerk.
Approved Apr , ,
I ) U M MY TU A1N S.
Uiiniilni : betweenTCouncll Illuffsanil South
Omaha. In addition to the stations men
tioned , trains stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-
fourtli streets , and nt Summit , In Omaha.
r Leave ' Arrive
CONNECTING LINES.Transfer Tninsfes
J\ \ depot I depot
C. K. I. & P. : rl 7:15 : a m 9.-15 am
All Trains run Daily. . \ 9:15 : a m 5:25 : p m
1 | B:40 : p m 7:00 : p m
C. & N.V. .
[ ) ; 15a m Oia m
All trains run dally
3:40 : p in 7:00p : m
C. U. & Q. t ) , I
All trains run dally. . . . | .gi ; } ? -J m
C. M. & St. P. I
All trains run daily. . . . . . { j ? : : % S
K. C. St. .1. & C. ' , I
* K\cppt Saturday. 10:00 : a in 10:05 : a m
tExcept Monday. 48:55pm : 5:30 : pm
AV. St. L. &P. ( !
All trains run daily . . ( 250 ; p in 12:15 : pm
Alltralns run dally. . . . . f 7rt)5a ) m 9 : ra
1 , 6:2.5pm : biOOpua
The only road to take for DCS Molnes Mar-
dhniltown , Cedar Kaplds.nicnn. DUon , Chlca-
jro , Mllwnukee BIH ! all poliita pustr To the pco-
iilo of Nehrnskn , Col < n iin , WyonilnP , 1'tnh
Idaho , N'ovRiln , OroponVnshlncton iiml Call-
fornlii , It ollwra superior iiavautuifea not possi
ble by Hiiy other line.
Among a few of the numerous point * of > u-
f erlorlty njoyeil liy the imtrons of thin road
boiwoenOiiisim nncf rhlcaso , nro Its two trains
ncluy of DAVCOArllRs , which are the llnast
thnt IniniHn nrt nnrl Invtinultr rnn rrptite. Itt
I'AIjACF SI.KEI'INC. CAIIS , which are model !
of comfort nad elOKimco. Its I'-Utl.Olt 1)HA\V.
INI1 I'.ODM CA11H , iin urnns'oil liv any. unU ltd
widely celebrated 1'ALATIAI , DININO CAKS
the ocjunl of which cannot bo found eleowhoro
At Council Uluiln the trains of tlioOnlou Pncltio
Hy. connect In Union rotiot with those or th
Chicago & Northwestern lljr. In Cblcnuo the
trains of this linn mnko close connection with
those of all eastern linen.
For Detroit. Columbua , Indlnnnpolls , Cincin
nati , NlairaniFiillfl , Unffiilo. I'lttsburtr.Toronto ,
Montri'nl , Uoitnn , Nuw VnrK , 1'hllRilelphln ,
Baltimore , Washington imcl nil points m the
emst , ask for a ticket via the
If you wish the best aooommodation. All ticket
atrcnti tell tickets via thitJBc.
Uenl. Manager , lenl. PaM'r Agent
. Weitern A cent , i City Pius'r As Bt ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
The Best Route front Omaha ami
Council mbfft to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Conn.
cil niuffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CeclarRapids ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madhon , Janesville ,
Hcloit , Winona , La Crofise ,
And all other Important points East , Noithenit
. . . . and Southeast.
rortbroueh tickets call on the Ticket Acont
MU01 Ktirnara street , | | n Paiton hotel ) , or at
Union Pactlo Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and tlio Driest Dlnln ? Can
IB the world are run on the main lines of the
nnd every attention Is pad ! to pMseugers by
courtfon * mployes of the oompanjr.
JC MiLt.wm. General Mnnever.
J , F. TUCIIII , Asftlttant General Mantirer.
A. V. K. CAHPEKTER , General PMaonger and
Ticket Afent
Gko. lj. Haxrroitn , Asilatant Ovoeral PM-
lonrer and Ticket AxrnL
J. T.Ciauc , General Burerlntendtut.
Omafia Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
Wbotv l t ) * Urln
Airrlculturnl Implements , Wagons ,
Cf-rr ! Ei'S nuJ lliujrlf' . Jnntt ftruet , b lwc ii Utt )
Agricultural Imtilements ,
> . Ktc. , Whol l , Omh .
1EE , Fit TED , t ) CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Jfallg ,
Tinware , ShoU Irnn , Klc. Aiifnti for Ilnitn o.ilon ,
ami Hlhinl r. tlorCo.On'nlin..Sul > .
Wholesale If len In
AftTiculinrnl Impteiucnts ,
! T BOrn ami noiilc ; . 901 , IW , MS nil ' .107 , Jones * t
Artists' Material.
A. JTOSPE , , rn. ,
Artists * Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 Dimnlns Rtroct , Omilin.
Builders' Hardttan and Scales.
Mechanic * ' Tools ami Itiiffnlo Sc.iU . ' -
jk om.ilin , Nfl ) .
floors and Shoos.
Manufacturer ! n < 1 Wbolcinls Dealers la
Boots and Sliocs ,
Complete nlock of Knbhtr tfo'idi nlwarn on htnd
ilJO 3. Uta St. . Omahii , Neb. A. T. AuoVIn , AsonU
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
Illl Ftrnim ft. , Omaha. Nab. Mmnufactmj , Sumram
Wholesale Rubber Hootj and Shoes
Ititlibur ninl Oik'il UlotliliiK tuul Kelt luot )
and ahoeg. Southuaat Corner 1UU MIC ! Doug lug.
Beir ,
Agt. for Anheuser-Hush Brewing Ass'n nraods. Fnint. nudw l er nd Krlnngor.
& JLEIl ,
Lwrer Beer Brewers ,
1J71 Korth Ulh Street. Omnlia.Nab.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
3uiafta CatlDRj of nil kln < ! i nluajsln * tock. 11 IS
Coffee. Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coitvu and Splco Mills.
Te * . Coffeei.Splepv Hiiklnc I'onder
tracts , Ijuujry Blue. Ink , Klc. 1
Slri'Ol. Ouiabn. Neb.
OATiiti. COlsK < J' Mtt Eti ,
Ilonic ! CoflVo und Siiirn Mills M'f'f ? Co.
CiitrL-aBoKierBRnd FplcM OrlnJi'rn , Manufauurors
of linking Ponder , Kl iorlnx ixtrnct . Illulni ; . Kin.
'J'rvitno c * < of our 1B > pncknce Home lllend HoHfttid
Ootf p. lt > k iljwnnl nt . OmibK. N l. .
John Epencter , Prop.
Manufacturer of dalvanlreil Iron and Cornice. 921
and Itff and 105 N , 10th t , Om li , Neb.
iiunufacturGra of
Ornnmontal Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wluduwi , KlnnV.tleUillcSkyllKlit.ctc. 310B.
llt'i t , , Omnliii.
C. Specht , Prop.
Gnlvanlnd Iron Cnrnlcr , ptc. Hpi-ct'a Improved Pat
ent Motnllo fc'Kj-lliiht. UN mill 511) S. laii nt..Oninha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rues *
Linoleum * , MnttlnRa , Ktc. till Doujlnj street.
Wliolesalo Car | > ets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlnf t. Curtain Good * , Etc. 1U3 Faroam btreot ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent fet the Mamifacturers and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , CliloincTs , etc. Office , 317 South Uth Bt ,
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
ronunission and Jobbinp ; .
Duller , ISiiiBand Irodnce. Conilicnmonii solicited.
llcnilqimrters for Slonownro , Herry llorea und
Clr.ij'o ' IlivaietB. ll ( ( Doilgoiitrei't.Oniaba.
Commission Merchants.
B , Proilurn and rroTlilont. Oinahn , Neb.
r. E.
Storacro ami Commlsgion 5lerchant.
Broclnltle * Duller. Knit * , c'lioejo. Ponllry. Uarae ,
Oyatcrs. Etc. , Ktc 112 Soutli Hlh Btreet.
\riEDEMAN \ ( K CO. ,
Produce ( kmimission Merchants ,
Poultry , Jlutter' , Gime , Kiulti , etc. 220 S. 14lhit
URialih. Neb ,
Coal antf Lime.
Giu.-.MIAOU. I'rea. C. F.OoorofAN ,
J. A. SUNuiIil.AND , goo. und Troia.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
3W South Vhlrteentb Street , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Limo.
And ! ? blpperii of Conl nnd Coke , Ceiimnt , Planter ,
IJmo , llur. Klro nrlrk , Drain , Tile nnd Sewer Pipe ,
iimrii . 1'txton nutcl. Farnam n. , Onuha , Nub.
Telephone Ml.
F. P. FAY < V CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Knilti.Nuts and Clifun. 1211 Kuruam St.
Cigars and Tobacco.
1\IAX MEYjijTrt CO ? "
Jobbers of Clears , Tobacco ,
Qnni end Ammunition , : IS Ui1 S. lllbaU , 1030 to
Hr ; < K riitm at .OmahaN li.
Sfanufactnrers of Fine Citrars ,
And Wholesale. Dealers In I/eaf Tobncco < , Noi. 109
and 110 H , % th ctruet , Oraalm.
Dry Goods.
Ml E. SMITH t ( : CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods &Notions
1103 and 11041)ouil ) i , ror. llth St. , OmKhn.Ntb.
Dl tiiTori7if I.lquorp , Alcohol nnd Pplrltn. Importero
and Jobbereof Wlne un > ) l.lquori.
CO. nnd ILEIt 0 CO. ,
Importers and Jnhbortof Kino Wines and I.louora.
bul maiiuf > * cturrrsof Kennedy' * K H Inilli 1511-
Ur Hml Diniie 'le I lqnor , Illl llarnef ht.
Drain Tile , te.
A. H. S."BHPre . J.W nrnroRn.Sec.iTrjas
II. J. CAHSOX , V.l'ret. and flupt.
Office 213 S. llth St. . Omaha. Neb. M-icWtiPrrnnfl
for Mnnufuoturlni ; Cement Drain ' 1110.
n. s nut Fur
f\n i'i-"i ni. vion * fn
Jobbers and Storers ol Grain.
nlpruciii4 > M > iu in < i i
iftmrantceil. Unilmn Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farpam ct. . Omiha. Neb.
Furniture , Bcddingr , Upliolstcry ,
Mlrrori.eto. 1W.H03 and 17M Fftrnam it. , Omaha.
Omafia Jobbers' Directory.
Groceries ,
7tLL fGJ.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 106 , TW , 7W ammi P. 19th ft , Oru hn. Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
HI a unit T.raronnortti pt . , Omatm.
w. , r.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stool ,
Springs , Waian Slock , llardwarn Lumber , otc. 1OT
and 1711 Humor it. , Ornnbu.
Wholesulo Iron and Steel ,
W Ron nnd r m io Wood Stock , Henry Ilanlwurfl ,
Ktc. Uli mul I2IJ Lentcnworlb it. , Oiiinha , Nob.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , Grates , llrnu ( )0'x1 . IStl und 1K3 FarnuM
Iron Works.
Iron Works.
Wroimbt anil Cnst Iron BulldltiK Work , Irnn StAlm ,
Ralllnc , Bennia and ( llrtlen , Sto m RnHlnon. llrnii
Vfork.Omernl Poilntlry , Urcblnu and niackmultb
Wort. OIBc njWot i.U. I' , lly.nml Kin lieot.
Klanufiirturert ot
ire and Iron Kailin s , Desk Rnlln ,
Window ( luardv Flower stnmK Wlra Slgn , Uio
" " " "ilb. Or.ler. bj mnll promptly ntteniloJto.
Uoalor. . All Rinds of
Building- Material at Wholesale
13th Street and Union Paollic Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Kto. Yards Corner"th and Douglas ; Corner
Vthnnil Douxlai.
Wholesale Lumber ,
8I 8. Hlh streetOmnba. N l ) . f.Colpctior. Manager.
13th and California Streets , Omaha , Neb.
L amber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Kto.
Cor.6th and Douglas ill. , Omaha. Ne > .
To Dealers Only.
Offlea , 1103 Farnam street , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carp ts and Parqnet Flooring. 9th nud Dougla *
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
laiportftl and American Portland Cement. RUU
A at forllllwnukoo llydruullc Ceuiuut and Bait
gulucr WillieJ.lmo.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Coyd , S'ip rtntor. < lent ,
Line Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Oeo. Ilurkn , Manager
Union Stock Yards , H.Omabo. Talephone M ? .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bblpuwnti of anjr and all klnrti of Stork solicit * ! .
Union Stuck Variln. Omaba , NeU
Hillintry and Motions.
Importora and Jobberi of
Millinery and Notions ,
1113 and 1215 Itarnoy St. eet , Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
< UI and 405 8. Tenth St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Joam rants , Shlrti , Etc. 1107 and 1101 I > ou ; U Street
( > m hii , Neb.
Paper Boxes
J. -WILK1E ,
Mauiifactnrnr of Paper Boxes ,
S.UtbBt. . OmiitiH , N < br ik . orden by mull ( ,
wlllr o lT r mpi atteaUoa.
Job Printers , Blank Hook Makerai ,
Aod Book Hinder * . lOtl nnd 11K fuutb Fourteaatb
elreet. Omabs.Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealer * InTypo , Pro 'on nn < l Printers'Huppllen. KS
Hoiitli Twelfth Ktrei't.
Purtips ,
imo WNELL r co. ,
Mnnofnclurorfl nnd DenlerK In
Uoilors A Cfliiprnl Jlnchlnery
Blioet Irnn work , Stenm 1'cinipr. Saw MIIM , Aema
hhaftlni : , DoJite Wood split I'ullors , llpltln , eta ,
Aliowaitonn , ncrtipcn.and baletloi. UI > U15Lov
ventrorthst. Omaha
Wliolesale Hardware.
\7 ilcrn HKCnti f"r JelTftton Htcfl Nnlls ,
1'owdtrL'o , I'ntrbank * htandnrd firaUu. Curnvr
tilth ninl Ilarn < ; v ,
\Vholesiilo Puiniis , Pipe , Kittluprs ,
Stoiimni" ! Wntor Sunnlloa. llriiiliniiMtiTu fir Mail
KUjrlCo'Xioo'lB. lllll'jrniiiu m , ( ) inuha..N b.
Wind Mllin : niMm nnd WH r Hnpi'llos ,
fioi'li. MultliiK. llo o. I'H ' unit Wl ur-
i.Oninbn. H K. l-elionMunHCGr.
Pi pus and Engines.
Btcaro , Wntcr , lUllwar and Mllllni : Supplier. Kto.
931 , sWand'/'i Kurnr.m t. , Omahii , N h.
Safes , Etc.
P. BOYER 0 CO. ,
Apeuts for Hull's Snfo & Lock Co.s'
Flr and llurn'ar Proof Skfoi , Time IVicki , Vaults
nnd Jail Work. IW ) I * ln-el Omuh , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufocturcmef Firund BaritlnrPrnorBnrfa , Vnull
Uoor , Jall Wnrk.Miullfii und V.'lro Work. Cur.
KlliunUJuckion hti.Omcliu , Neb ,
Hash , Doors , Etc.
M.A. Disiino ir iO co. ,
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Sasli , Doors , lillmls and
Ilranch o61cfl,1
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
UoDld'jiEi.SUIrWorkand ' Interior U rrt Wool Finish
Juil | > ui. ( N. K. cor. ttb and L atenwo."thBtn.
Ottinha , Neb. ,
Ten Unllroads , ntut itmro arc coming. 150
Trillin l.llty.
ftuto Uhlrorsltr , WcMeynn Unlror-llr.Htntd I'aph
Mo tof the Iliifln ( < T.ol * him douMeil In price la
tliplHKtU months. Artivlnnd. within ] mlles
of tlia rltr .Incrcaiipd liver two
hundred percent.
Lincoln l < the ercntptt Iliillroad Co'itar of lit nit *
In lliowotlil. lluck hliick piT : Si aiwrrcnt. | Vnnanl
IoHh.iv nver bil IDJ per cout per annum im rim
O1 ! . for 1) ) yenra.
l.lnrnln H n arest OI trlbutlnK point. Sumo nholA *
sili1 deilor haviunidiiprlncplr fortune * .
llnlld nn K'oliiil up 111 all itlrcctlon * . HiKlnn" < " <
cmllraniHl. lluikur. * , retail merchant * , mechanic * ,
etc. , netth-K rich.
ICooin II , KIcliiirdN Ithiok ,
eal Estate Agents & Loan Brokers
Harn for sale brick block , , buutieM lot * , nil kinds ot
real o tnto. 1 , 'i , 5,10,2J , 10 , H ) , 3.0 nnd All ) aero tracta
fnrini nnd chenp lnnd .
HKF KlliXCIHi-Klrn : and I.ln.-oln Nallon
Ilank , ( loTcrniirTh nji-r. Jnilun I'ol'h. llur. Dr.U.
Crelcht nil , l.lncole : Sciinlor H. M. 0 illom , Illliu
nnd llmicntl Hon. Harrison , Indiana
For young women , Princeton , N.J.
Prospectus , full paiticulars , sent onp-
plicaton to J. II , McElvainc.
Notice ,
TVrATTEtiornr llcntlon of Mnrr A. Hanklinrt
J * l for llnunrllccii'O.
N'otlcu Is liiircliy U on tlmt Mnry A. llnnkhnrt
illil upon HID 7lli ilny ol Muy , A. U. lhS7 ,
Illu lior iiillaiitloii | ) | to thit iiinyor ninl cltf
council of Onmlin , for lleonso to mill tniilt ,
splfltuous ninl vinous liiUon | < , at Vort Onmhn ,
on Slntu street , .Sixth wnnl , Otniiha. Null. , flora
the lltli day ot April , 18 i7 , to tlio lUtUilayot
April , It < M < .
if tlioro tie no olijoctlon. rcMiDiHlruuco or
piotoat tlloil within two weeks Ironi May 7th ,
A. D. IbST , tlio salil llct'iisu will lie KnmUul.
MAltvA. IUNKHAIIT , Aillciint. | |
J. n. botmiAiiu , City ( 'lerk. m"-U
MATI'KIl of npiicntlou | | of Oroea & Juimt *
dcliko forliiiiiorllrun o.
Notice Is liorrhy ulvnn that Uros & Jonat >
scliliRillil upon thuTtliilny of May , A.I ) . 18S7 , Mia
their application to the iiuijor unit city coun
cil ol'Onmlm , for llceiiso to fell mull , spirituous
mid rlnoti * lnguort , at 9 1' . Cor. llth anil Mow-
itnl flrcol" . Tnlnl wnril , Oinnliit , Noli. , from the
Illli ilny of April , IbST.totho lOtli day of April.
18 VS.
If tlioro lie no objection , roinonstrnnco or
protest Illoil within two weeks Irom May 7th ,
A. I ) . 18aTtlHiniUil license will lie Kriliituil.
J. 11. BouiiiAun , City CU-rk. iu7-U
MATTElt of uppllcatiuii of Mike MoTI ho
for liquor Ifr'aiiio.
Notlcn is hnioby Klvon that Mtko MoTlgho
dlil upon UioZJu tiny ot Apt II , A. I ) . lA.l7.lllo Illl
application to the mayor and city uouiuliof
Unutlin , for license to sell malt , spltituouH and
vinous lliiiorfl | , at No , 00)1 ) North Hlxtroiitli
street , I-'llth wuril , Uninhn , Noli. , from the lltb
iluvof Apill , 1K 7 , to the lUtli dny of April , 1SS8 ,
If Ihcro lie no objnutioti , roinonstrunco or
protest Illoil within two week ? from April -Oth ,
A. II. , 1887 , the said lleonxo will lie irrnntoil.
MIKI : McTiOIIK , Applicant ,
.T. I ) . SOUTH Aim. City Clor ilOin7
Bower Propoaa.Ii.
SKAIiKD inoiiiiDals will lie rocotvuil by tha
iiiiilorslKiu'il tinlll U o'clock a. in. Mnyllllh ,
Itt87 , for the construction of bmverln Sewer Din-
trio t No. 45 , nA per pinna nnd gprcillciitlonson
lllolntlioolllcoof tliu of 1'ubllc Works.
Proposals to lie umilo on prlnteil blanks fur-
mslicil by the , and to be ncconumnlod-
wlth u cortltlod chrck In the sum of $600.00 ,
payable to the City of Omttlm ns un ovldenca
of good faith.
Tliu lltmul reserves the right to reject any or
nil bids or wnlvc defects.
J. K. HOirSR.
Clmlrman Ilonrd of i'uhllu Works.
Omnhn. Nub. , April 28 , 187. u - UOraT
.Ordinance No. 1339.
Ax Onllmtnco ileclarliif thu necessity of ap
propriating curtnln private property nnd
lamls lor ( ho ti-e of the Clly of Onmlin , for
the purpose of extcndliDr Jones struct from
-titli street to27th sttcut , nnd from --'ml street
to " 4th Hlieet , and proUllmr lor Hie appoint *
ini'Ml of threu illslntorusteil liee-holilers of
haul city , to assess thudauiairn < to thu owners ,
respectively , ot the propuity taken by RUcU
He it 01 ilnlncd by the city council of the city of
Onmtia :
Pecllon I. That It Id nocossnry , ami Is heroliy
( U'clniotl necessary , to ttpproprlnto curtain " ,
private properly and land lor the IIBO of tha
Cily of Omaha for thu purposn ot ( mending
Jones MIcct from 21th street ( o27tli street , ana
fiom-'Jnd sit eel to 21th street , said prouurty
and land nocessuiy lor such purpose bollix
sitimleil In Knld rity of Omaha , anil described
us lollows , to-wll : So much of lots n , 0,7 and
H , In Jacobs' addition to thoclty ol Omaha , aim
go much of tax lots 7 , Hand 10 , In Sao - , ' , T. li > N.
U. ID K. , its is necessary to produce Jones street
from aith street to 27th 6trootnml from 32n4
stioot to2llli street.
Section 2. That the mayor , with the np-
pi oval of thu City Council , appoint three < Ilsln
torcattid frco-holdor of tlieClty of Omaha , to
assess the daniM es to the owners , rospuctlvely ,
of said property anil hinds taken by such ap-i
Section ' ) . That this ordlnanc } take eToct !
nnd bo In force from and after Its passago.
Pnsscd April 12th , 1BS7.
WM. ! ' . IlKCiiiir , , I'roaldunt City Council.
J. II. SoiiTliAitii.Clty Clork.
Approved April l th , 1KX7. .M
JAWKS E. novn. Mayor. 4
Ordlnuuco So. 1324 ,
AN Ordlniuicu locutliiK coituln ndilitlonal
wntnr hydritnts In the City of Omitlui.
He It ordnlned oy the city council of the city ot
Omaha :
Section t. Thnt the City Water Works Com
pany bo , and the. same Is lictoliy ordurcd , to
place ndditlouul wntor hydrants In the City of
Umuhu IIH lollows :
Uno at the coiner of fith and I''nnmm strools.
Ono nt the corner of Hth and Jackson fctreetrf.
Krctlon . Tlmt this ordinance shall tnko olfout
nnd bu In furoo from and aftur itspussuiro.
1'UbaCrt April K'lh. 1B87.
WM. F. HiriiKr : , , I'rofidimt City Council.
J. It. SoiiTilAiin , City Clerk.
Approved April Ullli , ' 837.
JAMK.S f. I lor 11 , Mayor.
Ordlunnco No. 1321.
AN Ordinance.cii.'iitlnu V.ivltiK lMrl''H ) Xog ,
IK ) , 114 , 115 , Illl , 117 , in tins ullyof Omaha
ll < > ltOidiiliiIby the cltv council of the uityot
Auction ) . I'avlnjr Districts No3. IK ) , lit , US ,
110,117 arc hereby erealed In thu city ol Onnihii.
.Section 2. 1'svmir DMrlct S'o ill Nhnll com *
prlioand lucludo all that part of Nicholas street
] > ItiK between 1-th etreet and loth stieet.nnd
idl lots nnd leal cslato nilhln snld limits of
Nlcholis struct liack n illstancoof 1 , ' 1'cot from
eiieli HIO of silld .McholiisIrent. .
Section U. 1'aviiiK DMrlU No. 114 hlmll com
prise and Include nil that part of lilth street
Ivliik between Hie t-onlli line of Ohio btreot and
I'.nnnet Klieet.nnd all lomtnd teat eMato bit-
twccn the Boutli line of Ohio strcut mid Locust
Htroet btiek n duplh of IU ! feet from unch sldo
ot piild IUU Bt reel , and all lots and real cstuta
botwocn Locust btreot and Km met Hi cut back
a dMiinio ot 124 lout liom each eldo of said
Btii.'et ,
Section 4. Vavlnir District No. 115 Mmll coin-
in Iso und Include all that pail ofItli stiuut
lylnc between the poulh sldo ot 1'atilfU avenue
nnd south line of Kmmct street , and nil loll
und real oslalo within said llmlu ol 21th Hlieet
Imok H depth of IWleet on cachsidoot wild-Uh
HcctlonS I'uvinir District No. 116 shall com *
prNu and Inrludo ull that part of Wlrt t-treet
iym bctwcon the west line of Kith Htrcct und
the east line of 21th street , and nil lots ami rcul
Ubtntowltliin sulil limits of auld \\lrt htreet buck
n distance ot 121 toot ou each sltlo of said parti
ofVirt street
. > rctlon 0. I'tivlnw District No. 117 shall com-
prlio nnd Include ull that part ol f'n-n strout
lylnc beuvien Kith M reel unit 21th mietit.ox.
( Opt the Intersection of 17lh , Inlli und 1'Jth
UrocH with siid : Curs street , and ull Iota and
unit est itn hack a dUtanco of I'C.'fcot on cacU
Eldool' s'.ild p'tit ofsald Cusnatrcet ,
hrctloiiT. that thiionllnnnceehnlltako effect
und ho In force from and after Its pasjago.
I'AS'ed April 1 th.lW.
WM. r llcciiKr , , 1'rosldcnt City Council.
J. II , SofriiPii , I'lty ClorV.
Approved April lth.lW7.
JAMES K. ROTD , Major.