Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In nny purl of the city at
twenty cents per wook.
H. W.TILTOH , Manager.
Tt'.Mtt'HONUS :
NIUIIT Knnoit No. S3.
N. Y.PIumblng Co7
New spring Roods atRoltcr's , tailor.
A meeting o ( the city council will beheld
held this evening.
Frank Colemnn is in jail for being
drunk yesterday morning.
It Is reported that another gambling
bouse IM about to bo opened.
The popular resort is the Manhattan ,
418 Hroailwuy , Kudio As Yentiwino.
C. II. Lott is in jail for being drunk on
the streets at 3 o'clock yestcrdr.y morn
ing.K. .
K. U. Leonard will appear before tliu
police judge at 10 o'clock this morning
to answer to thu charge of drunkennobs ,
having been arrested at 4 o'clock yester
day morning.
Tim yoiuic ladies bibln class of the
Congregational Sunday school give an
entertainment with Mrs. 1' . .J. Montgom
ery at the hitter's residence on Fourth
street Friday night.
A largo number visited the county
court house yesterday , but could not in
spect the work on the interior. Tliu
painting is frusli on the lloors , and thu
iloors were consequently bound tight.
The trustees of the Congregational
church tire having plans drawn for the
new paroonagu to bo built next to the
church , sulliciunt money having boon se
cured already to warrant nroeccding
with the building.
The livery business is opening up in
good shape. Yesterday all the livery
rigs were engaged. Hcforo the lake
Manuwi ! cra/e opens a number of now
livery turnouts will bo purchased and
possibly a now livery stable or so will
spring up.
The Northwestern railway bridge be
tween Loveland and Missouri Valley
caught on lire on Saturday night. The
fire was discovered by the' incoming fast
freight crow ami extinguished. A cung
of bridge men were scut to repair it yes
terday morning.
Molly Scott , a Hotlcn Row fairy , was
placed in jail yesterday charged with
disturbing the peace. It is churned that
she broke in thu door to the housu of n
colored man named George Carter , who
resides thuru with a white wife. It is
Bald that shu pounded up thu palufuco
pretty bndly.
It seems to be pretty well settled that
there will bo a cablu line of street cars
run over the now Union I'aoilic bridgo.
When this is completed it wall facilitate
transportation between the two cities.
It does not fccom likely that there will bo
much chance for driving across the
brideo , as none but very steady horses
could bo driven over so near passiii"1
trains , and with nothing but open parti
Dcnlli of Captain Frnlney.
On Saturday evening J. J. Frainoy re
ceived ti telegram from Shreveport , La. ,
informing him that his father was seri
ously ill. Ho telegraphed back for
further particulars und yesterday morn
ing came the sad news that
ho was dead. Mr. Frainoy left
on last evening's tram. Ho had
learned no particulars , but ihu conjec
ture is that heart disease must have
caused the death. Captain Frainoy was
wujl known hero , and resided hero at
different periods in his life. Ho was u
man of wonderful physical endurance
nnd development. la his younger years
ho fouuht in the ring several of
the hardest battles on record , and
wiia known in sporting circles
on both sides of the water. Although
advanced in years ho preserved his
physical appearance wonderfully und
low would liavo by sight guessed his ago
to bo half of whut it really was. Ho was
n brother to the late James Frainoy , who
was for so long in the merchant tailoring
business hero.
Personal Paragrnclia.
D. IJndgcs left lust evening for Chi
A. lllimoh , of Spokane Fulls , W. T. was
at the Ogdcn yesterday.
Jcsso Kiseman , of Sioux City , was in
the citj ; yesterday visiting his uncles.
Reserved scats at ituslmoll's for the
concert next Thursday , Muy 13.
F A citizen of Sunitcrvillo , Flu. , sot out
n aero of strawberry plants two years
ago , nnd from the crop alone has sup
ported his family in comfort , ana spent
eix months of thu year in the north.
See amusement column for the pro
gramme of the concert by the Laities'
Musical Society.
Over five thousand soldiers deserted
from the Untish army during the past
few years.
A largo party from Omaha are coming
over to attend the concert at the Presby
terian church , given by the Ladies'Musi-
cal Society.
A town In Calhoun county , Alabama ,
has been named Lincoln in honor of the
war president.
Llino , cement , planter , hair , coal , etc.
Council Itlull's Fuel company , No. 581) )
llroadway , telephone 1HO.
The defalcation of Hobokon's ( N. J. )
water registrar , Michael H. Murphy , it
is said will reach $100,000.
Drs. Himchett & Smith , ollico No. 13
Pearl st. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Telephone -
phone No 10.
In the case against the Now England
firm charged with importing velvet work-
cis under contract a witness , in describ
ing the nature of the work , incidentally
said that for every 100 yards of velveteen
a woman outs and finishes , she walks , by
actual measurement , 110 miles.
J. W. & K. L. Squtro make beautiful
abstracts of title , and desurvo the success
they nro enjoying.
Mr. Mack ay frequently sends his wife
from America a dozen or moro cans of
terrapin , with which she delights her
Kiiostsiu Paris and London.
Cheap storage in cither small or car
load lots at Nos.23,24 and 20 Pearl street ,
J. K , SnyJor.
The duke of Uolra , infant prince of
Portugal , has seven cradles , which ho oc
cupies in daily rotation by instruction of
the court physician.
J. WE. . L. Squire make beautiful
Abstracts ot title , and deserve thu suc
cess they tire enjoying.
Lieutenant Jophson. author of the nop-
ular novel. "Tho Girl 1 Left Hohind Moi"
is among the Englishmen In H. M. Stan
ley's exploring expedition.
Latest improved gasoline stoves at No.
604 Main street , \\.A. \ \ ood.
See the Quiet : Meal gasoline stove ,
Ifoii't fail to call and let us show it up.
It costs notninz to get posted , whether
ou buy or not , Cole & Cole , No. 41
ain bt.
Tbo Bathing Suits Being Made and Manawa
Improvements Under Way.
The Traveling Men From n Ilnnc Dnll
Clnb Dcntli of Capt. Frnlncy
An Anxious Husband Finds
Ills Uunnwny Wife.
The Mannwa Honson.
Now that the mercury is on the rise ,
those who took advantage of the sports
at Lake Manawa last season very natur
ally begin to look forward in anticipa
tion of the enjoyments to bo all'orded
them there again thld year.
Yesterday morning several persons
visited Manhattan beaeli and indulged in
a batli and in the afternoon the roads
leading to the lake were crowded with
In a short time from now the last
year's bathing suits will bo seen in num
bers hanging out to the air ; tliu buttons
will bo secured more ( irmly , and missing
ones will bo replaced. Already this early
many are thinking ot novelties in bath
ing suits and it is thotignt that a larger
variety of the liner suits will be seen on
the beach than ever.
"I'm remodeling may bathing suit and
expect to have a perfect beauty wtien I get
it completed. Then I want you to see it
and express your opinion before 1 wear
it. It's going to be a stunner , 1 tell
you , " was the remark made by a young
lady yesterday morning to her lady
friend as they were about to enter one of
the churches. Many ladies are thinking
of doing likewise , but whether there is
to bo a ctiaiiiro in the style of the cut of
last season "remains to bo seen. It is
stated that many ladies who wore the
short skirt attachment last year , propose
to do away with it tins season and ap
pear in simply the blouse and trowscrs ,
as the skirt interferes with swimming
and is too heavy for comfort.
In many instances it hus been worn for
prouriety , and then has been so long
that ono could not attempt to swim , it
is not a necessary garment by any means
and can with propriety bo discarded if
the ladies so desire. At the famous re
sorts in the cast it is seldom seen unless
the wearer is a person who lias no incli
nation to learn to swim , but these who
arc at all anxious to become swimmers
invariably discard the skirt attachment.
Mr. Graves expects soon to be able to
begin operations on the building of the
Lake Manawa railway and to Tiavc the
same completed in time tor the rush to
the lake.
The now hotel , it is authoritivelv stated ,
will bo up , and from what a UKE man
was informed yesterday , only
a few days will elapse be
fore an important announcement
will be made in regard to the same. Ono
of the gentlemen who propose to erect
this building and also beautify the sur
roundings yesterday showed the hotel
plans to a representative of this vapor ,
and stated that ho expects to be in a po
sition by to-night , after completing all
Ins plans , to order the shipment of lum
ber for the same. It is proposed to have
a veranda twenty foot wide around the
entire hotel , except at the end next to the
dining room and the restaurant , where a
dancing platform , a continuation of the
veranda , will bo 40x50 feet.
Numerous line trees have already been
set out and several fountains will be put
in , as a four-inch pipe is to bo connected
with the city water and run south to the
The road leading to Marks' landing is
to be put in repair "Humpback" bridge
is to bo replaced with a line substantial
bridge by the county , and the approach
on either side will bo widened. Of all the
improvements this is ono of the most es
sential , as heretofore the vicinity of
"Railroad slouch" has boon considered
dangerous. This title was given this
slough as it was the first slough near
Council IHufls ever bridged by a rail
road. The land south ot "Railroad
slough" will bo scraped so as to make an
oven road the cntiro width.
The club house of the Council Bluffs
rowing association at Marks' landing is
about completed , and several of the
shell boats are now to bo scon daily skip
ping ajong on the water. As soon as
the private sculls begin to arriyo practice
in "singles" will _ then begin.
The foundations of several summer cot
tages are going up , and before the season
is fairly opened no doubt some six or
eight otliers will begin.
It has been suggested that some ono
put up a boat house in which to store
the row boats of private parties who are
not members of the boat club and wish to
keep their boats in a safe place during
their absence. Many skiffs and heavy
boats would thus be stored.
Messrs. Louis & Motzgor have secured
the beach restaurant privilege for the
season at Manhattan beach.
The beach is now owned and to bo run
exclusively by A. I ) . Walker and Odell
Uros. & Co. during the season.
Work on the dam has begun and it is
expected will bo completed in a few days.
Hhort Haul * .
Some time early yesterday morning the
store of Charles Liobold was entered by
burglars. They effected an entrance by
cutting off the putty and breaking out a
window light , thereby giving thorn ac
cess to a nail that was placed above the
window sash to secure the same. In order
to reach the plnco whore they operated
they had to crawl between two buildings
n distance of about twenty feet , which
space was only fourteen inches wide.
They stole two revolvers , an ivory
handled thirty-two and a Colt's thirty-
eight , besides a couple of dollars change
which remained in the drawer.
HAINB'S 1'I.ACK HOIiliKl ) .
They also wont through Ed. Iluincs1
place next to the Revere house , in the
same manner. They cut the putty off
and pulled out a nail which gave them
access. After taking about $3 in change
which was m the money drawer they do-
Tourists' HUHO Ball.
The traveling men have organized a
base ball club , consisting of C , D. Uoyd ,
Hilly Kintz , J. J. Stork , Earl Gloason , R.
II. Nichols , Harry liowman , J. N. Haiti-
win , George llrown and John Oliver.
Frank Jonowlno is the manager. The
club is to meet at the Manhattan next
Saturday evening to complete the pre
liminary arrangements.
Oflico of Mulholland & Co. , removed to
in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone
No. IC'O. Leave your orders for ice.
Ho Found" His Wife.
The man who claimed to bo from
Omaha and looking after his wife as
stated in the BEE yesterday , has found
her. Ho reported his name as Hurt and
that ho did not know if she had ran away
with another man or had gene simply to
shako him.
The facts of the case are that the wife
ran away from Iowa City leaviag her
husband and two children. She came
direct to this city where she has since
remained , She hail no hesitancy in tell
ing her whole history to her companions.
She gave no reason for deserting her
home , but simply wanted to sport.
Yesterday shortly after noon the hus
band -wandered into the place where
t - . *
Farming Lands In Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and hinging from $3.00 to
110.00 per acre. School and state lands In Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per
cnt interest. Land Uuyers faro free. Information , etc. , given bv
> . 2 ? . Ijja.TJSI'SFlTJrE' ,
No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Freidriksen & Co. , Chicago.
( Successors to )
Commission and Produce Merchants ,
Dealers In Groceries and Provisions. Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
No. 11 South Main Hired ,
the runaway wife was stopping.
As ho was approached ho
inquired for the woman who had recently
arrived and said if she was disengaged
ho would like very much to see her. As
she entered the room ho simply said.
"My God , Laura , " while she informed
the landlady that ho was her husband.
The two were then advised to nuietly re
turn to their home. They then retired
to a secluded room , whore they remained
until time to take last evening's train for
Ppccln ! advertisements , cuch as kost , Fo.ind
'Jo Loan , Tor S\lo : , To Kent , Vt tints , Hoarding ,
etc. , will bclnscrtod In this column ut the \o\r \
ratoorTENCKNTSI'Klt LINU iorihuflrst Insor-
Ion und t'lvo Cents I'o rhino for cnch subsequent
Insertion , I.cavo advertisements nt our ollico
No. U I'carl street , nuar llroudwur , Council
111 u ITs.
\\T ANTii-iood : ( B'rl ' for stnullnrlviito fain-
> V | iy. Apply to Mrs. Uco. T. I'lielps , nt
OK Jon House.
FOH SAT.C Cheap : n Booil hnrfc. ( "mi licat
thrco minutes. Enquire nt No. 13 West
Droadway. .
\\7 ANTEI ) Atrenti to buy territory for the
V > ut'St seltltm article on the market. flO to
$100 a dny cun bo made at It. Address Sec , lice ,
Council Illulla.
NOTICE Will pay the hlKhest price for first-
class cast-on lady's , Kent : ? , " 'id ' children's
clothing , boots , shoes , hats , etc. U. Goldstein ,
NOB.17 nnd "J-B llroitdway. _
- - sections of peed
FOllSALlJ-OrTrado-SIx , Nub. , on U. P.
railway. Cull on or address Odoll Bros. & Co. ,
10) ) 1'earl St. , Council lllutr.i.
FOH SALE Complete plant and equipment
for It U. bridge work , consisting of 7
pile drivers , carpenters tools , touts , bedding
nnd boardlnp out lit for l.'i'J ' men. In ( rood re
pair. Now stored at Chencnno , W.T. For In
ventory and terms addrcssNo. 13 , N , Main St. ,
Council IllulTs , IOWH ,
House Cleaning
is to bo done by nearly all the ladies in
the spring.
Now is the rijiht time to do this. For
ladies , it is a disagreeable but unavoid
able work , and we make the oiler to do
the most troublesome work of all , that is
Wo clean the earpets , velvets , mouettes | ,
brussels , or any other kind of carpets ,
without taking them up. We guarantee
and that no dust will be left in the car
pet. We guarantee our work and refer
to prominent parties in this city.
Send us a postal card and we will call
upon you and explain in what way our
cleaning takes place. G. A. FISIIKH.
Mo. UIW Sixth Avenue , Council Hlulls.
Iwill lie at the Pacific JrotclCottncll
Itlnffs , every Saturday forenoon
OmnhnDontal Association removed to
Ilcllman lilock , cor. l3th ! and Farniun.
Host sets teeth $0 , fully warranted. All
operations rendered paink'ss by the use
of our now aiuustliotio. Dr. llanghuwout ,
Attorneys at Law ,
ac lice in the State and Federal Courts.
Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block.
Designs , estimates and report ! on bridges ,
viaducts , foundations und ffenonil entrlnoorlnir.
Blue prints of nnv slzo and nuantltr.
Ortice No 1U N. Muln St. , First National Bank
Dl ck.
R. RICE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knile or Drawing o
Over 80 vears Practical experience.
No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. 23 MAIN ST. ,
In Amber ,
ctc.Hair Or
nnnients , as
wcll as the
newest nov-
eltk'Hin Lair
Mr * . G.L. Gillette
9 Melu. street. Out of town work so
licited. , , '
Vncnnt Lots , I.iimls , City Residences niul
Farms. Aero property In western part of city.
All selling cliuini to iiiuku room ( or spring : stuck
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
llnoiii G , over Oniccr & 1'iisoy's Hank , Coitno
Enpeer urvefor MapPoblisher
No. 11 North Main St.
City nnd county mnps , of cities and counties
In western lownTNcutiiskti uml'Knnsas.
( Standard No. 2015) ) Sired by Almont No
33 , and "Kcgibtor. " ( Standard No. 15813.
Sired by Tramp No. 1)08- ) These stallions
will make the season of 1887 at the Coun
cil fluffs Driving Park.
For particulars inquire of or address ,
WADE GARY , Council Bluffs , la.
Council IHulFs.Iowa.
Established 1S5T. , ,
- 11V -
The Ladies Miisica
At the Presby tcrian Church , Thursday
Evening , May 12th.
I'UOfiltA.MMK :
OrBnn--"I'roco9Sioniil March , " 8. II. Whitney.
Mr. 0. Nonniindlo.
Trio "IlHll , Hull , Hall , " Amlerton. MIs PS
Market nnd Mr. Hypos.
"AiiKCl lit the Window" Tours. Mr. llrlghutn.
"O Suluttius" LiB7t Liidlos' Choral Society ,
Mr , Krnnko , director.
Duet-"I Will Magnify Thno" Mosonthal. Miss
es l'isoy a nd MrrkH.
llocit-"Aiid God Created Mnn."Alr."In Nntlv6
Worth" Haydn'flCreiitlon. Mr. Wilklns.
Duet "Tho Antcl" Itiitilnstcln. MisM .Mcrkcl
A "Lift Thlno Kyes-Mcnclelssohn.
-Twilight" Alit. Ladles' Choral Society.
"Hessnrrcction" lloMon. Mr. Ili'lgluun.
Trio "O , I'uriullso-Arr'tril by II. lllrd. Misses
Pnsoy , Miirkcl und Mr. Troynor
' Hour My I'ravor" Mendelssohn ,
Solo Miss Morkol nnd Mixed Cliorus.
Reserved Scats at Ilushncl.'s , 75c.
Announces that ills stock of
Finelmportecl Spring-Millinery
In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Bonnets ,
Together with a
LargeLinc of Novelties In Fancy Ma
terials in now Ready for YOMJ *
Care fill Inspection.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Korses g Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
fioin. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or do'ible.
MASON WISE , Council Bluffs
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Lroiidwuy , Council Uluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses und mulcfr kept const.antlyou
hand , for sale nt retail or in car loads
Orders promptly -lllletl by contract on
short notice. Stook sold on cominission.
SULUTEU & HOLEY , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114
Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner
1st. avo. and -1th struct.
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Fire
And All Modern Improvements ,
215 , 217 and 219 Main St.
Justice of the Peace.
Oillco over American Express.
Justice ol the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in , the
1 . . city , Collections a specialty.
People's ' Store
- SALE !
Will Open Zo-Morrow Morning.
MayiOth , This is
Our Clearing
Anil reductions hare been made that
will he interesting. Tl e ncaxon for
vrarintltcutt ; fs now only fairly
ipmetl , anil It may srcm foolish to
ntliice in'iccn on ( food * that ttrcjiii-t
in season , Init that's the n'ay we do
it. We nei'cr carry styles over from
one season to ano'her , anil ivr tlon'i
wait till it ly so late that nobody
wants them lie/ore a'e red tire i > ricen.
Jtrrrythiny will be found as ad
/jfrc'.s Worntcd Dress Ooodf , in
the best snrlny shades , 3d inches
wide , foi imrlu sold at 35c to u On ,
Onr May Sale Price 25c.
27 > pieces all wool , 30 , US and4O
inch Naitinna in all the latest
fh-tdcs , formerly fold at tiScto l
per yard ,
Our fflay Sale Price 50c
12 > Combination -iults , tnlhiestim-
jtorted Moods , with plnsh and vel
vet stripes , formerly sold at $25
to $ ; t t each.
Our May Sale Price $20 $
Victoria Lawns , , 'tc , 4c , Sc , He , We
and I , c.
India Linen , fie , 8c , lOc , ISc , 18c
and 20c.
Check Nainsook , lie , tic , Sc , lOc ,
Uc and XOc.
India Mull , Hie , ISc , 20c and 2Sc
Sttiyed and Jtarrcd Cambrics in
white and ecru , 4c , fie , ( ic , Sc , lOc ,
ISc , ISc and 2Oc.
Thousands of pieces vf goods to be
Three cases of good Ginghams ,
dress and apron styles at fie. The
same goods are sold tn this city else
where at from 1O < ; to 12\c per yard.
Two cases best quality Pongee
Vaulards Ginghams , elegant pat
terns , best goods at lOc ; regular
prlre Jfic to Jtic.
7.1O pieces best dress styles Seersucker -
sucker and Ginghams at lOc and
IHlc. The most elegant styles of
French and Scotch Ginghams will
be found among them.
7-8 wide Amcilain Sateens , Se
worth 12\c.
78 wide American Sateens , lOc ;
worth llic.
7-8 wide American Sateens , ISc ;
worth % Oc ,
French Sate "its , yard wide , 20c
and 2 > c ; worth 3Kc.
Jlet Ficiifh Sateens , yard wide ,
Site and It7\c \ ; worth MIc.
These goods offered at above prices
and only one dress pattern will be
sold to any one customer.
ft cases of Lawns , TO-MORROW
ONLY , at ! ic per yard ; regular
value Git per yard.
3 casts good Lawni at5c ; worth
a cases Lawns at tic and We ;
worth double the money.
Only one drcm pattern will be sold
to any r-ni eustt.tnvr.
THIS SA LE is for MONDA Y Only !
On Monday ! t catet goad Calicos
at He.
1O eases best Standard Prints
made at ( > c ; ngular price 7c to lOc.
This May Sale embraces El'EltY-
Special bargains in Laces.
8 ; > eclal bargains In' Embroidery ,
Special bargains in 1'arasols ,
Special bargains in Fans.
Special bargains in Summer Un-
derwfar ,
Special bargains In Men's l-'ur-
nishing Goods.
Nos , 314 , 316 , 318 and 320
N. It. Special ami prompt atten
tion given to all ordcru entrusted to
our care. Samples furnished upon
application. . , . . , (
* &
DR , RICHARD'S ' Electric Bath Rooms and Officif
No. 607 Mynsier St. , Council Bluffs.
One Sciuare North of the P. O. Building.
Treatment and Baths Given Ladies by Mrs. Dr.
Richards on Tuesday , Thursday & Saturday.
Electricity isa rlemarkablc naturalagcnt which has long been known anil utilized
as a rcme dy fordscase ami continued experience has enlarged its sphere of useful
ness and improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility a nu virtue
has become second to no other known remedy , in the treatment of certain forms of-
disease. This agent is employed here in all its most serviceable forms by the aid o
large batteries , static machines , ejectric cabinet baths , electric water baths , the clec-jl
trie chair and electrodes for treating all parts of the body. We are prepared to do *
all that can be done with these great remedies. In cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgi.ii/
I'aralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases , Nervous Diseases in females arising
from Uterine disorders and many other chronic and etibactite troubles , it stands at ?
the head of all known remedies or methods cure. A thorough study of it for years
and the successful treatment of hundreds of cases , after all other remedies had failed - '
ed , is sullicient evidence of its great worth and perfectly satisfies us with its good'
effects on the diseased body. In the great hospitals and sanitarians of America
and Europe , electricity is leading all other methods of treatment. In all leading
colleges the professors arc teaching electricity as one of the potent remedies and a
special chair is appointed in many of them. Many of the ablest physicians of all
schools are making a specialty of electricitv to the exclusion of almost everytling ! , .
else. This great remedy has often fallen into disrepute by being recommended and
used by persons , and physicians , perfectly ignorant of its properties and powers ,
who would as often advise and use the wrong current as the right one or depend ,
upon it in diseases for which it is not adopted. We are sure that when the people *
become educated in the use of electricity ( or many diseases with which the body
Is afllicted and find the ureat good therein , the medicines and patent righted nos
trums upon which they now rely wilt grow old and dusty on the shelves. Electricity
is nature's great remedy and to fully understand and skilfully apply it is our effort
and aim in life.
For further information call at the office or send for de
scriptive and illustrated pamphlet on Electricity and
Electro Therapeutic Baths , by
60V Mynster Street , Council Bluffs , la.
By far the Largest and Most Complete Stoclj
Curtains , Upholstery Goods ,
Etc. , Etc. ,
In the City , at 405 Broadway.
Co uncil Bluffs Carpet Co.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway. - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mall Orders Shipped Promptly ,
Onr .
Real Estate Broker and Dealer
Council Blull'K Olllcc ,
Temple. Oinaliii Olllceu 111
North lUlh Htrvul.
Particular attention ( 'lvcn to in-
vcHtliif , ' fund * for non - reitl-
< lcnt * . Special biireitliiH In lot * A ;
acre property in Omaha Ac. C'onti-
cll Itliill'N. Correspondence solic
Swanson Music Company ,
No. 329 Broadway Conncil Bluffs
Estey Organs , Camp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western CotiageOrgans
A few comments regarding the Estoy Pianos. In over ? civilized country on the
globe the namu of Ksti y is a household word with lovers of music ; it is a guarantee
for thu exquisite quality of tonu in musical instruments , bearing the name that com- ,
luauds confidence , admiration and enthusiasm.