THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. MAY 0. 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements under this head , 10 cents per Ino for the llrst insertion , 7 cents for each sul * pi'iit | ( > nt Insertion , and (1 60 n line per month. No ndvertl'oment taken for Iof tnnii25 criit for the llrst liifertlon. Seven words wll by counted to the line ; they must run consecti- lively anil in lift bo mild In advance. All ailver- tlf-cinentH innot bo handed In l > tfoie 1 : . ' ! o'clock p. tn. , nnd under no clrcumMatici'S will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Pin ties inlu'rti lng In thefo columns anil hnv- Ing the iinsweis addrr t'd ' In earn of Till : HPK will please tisk for n chi ck to enable thorn to gut their none will bo delivered except on iirccentntlon of cheek. All an ers to ndver- tltements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns are pub lished In both morning and evening editions of The llr.i : , the circulation of which nggrtgntcH moro than H.miO papers dully. and gives the udvcrtl'cr the bent lit , not enl ) of the eltv circulation of The Iliu : but also of Counrjl Illulfs , Lincoln , ami other cities and towns throughout this part of the west MONEY TO LOAN. 2.1KK ) to loan on ruil estate. Apply to C. II. ) Krller , IWi 1'arnara t. city. fllfi mlO' 500OfO to loan at fi per cent , Harris i Sump- son , IMP Doiiglag l. f.70 . " " $ 500nooTO LOAN at 0 per cent. Miihoney i LInahan IUH I'nrntitn. C U M ONKV'IO LOAN-O F. Davis & Co .real estate and lonn agents , 1505 I'urnam t. 671 " " $ &dO/iOi ) ToToatTrnoinnha city protiert nt8 per cent. 0. W , Duy , s. o , cor. K.x. 873 " \fONKV to Lonn , first mortgage notes 1'L bought. 11. K. Cole , 310 d. lulh.roonM. MONEY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop erty , low lutes. Stewart & Co. , lloom 3 Iron bunk. 674 MONKV to loan , cash on munino delay. J. W and I L. Stiulre , 14U Furmim St. , Taxton hotel building. 675 MONKV First mortgage notes. The Douglas county bank will buy papers secured b/ first mortgage on city realty. 670 MONKV TO LOAN on unproved real estate ; no commission charged. Leuvltt llnrii- hain , lloom 1 Crelghton lllock. 677 PER CENT-Monny to lonn. * Gregory k Dudley. Rooms 1 and 3 , Redick block , 32. s. 15th JR MONKV to loan on colluternls. Long ami short time elty mortgages and con tracts Bought. H. S. llowloy , 314 South IM list. 1.78 . mil LOAN Money Loans placed on lin- proved real estate In city or county for Now Kngland Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , 16th and Chicago sts. 07. KONKV to loan on Improved elty property at 6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait. Have a complete set of abstract books of Douglas county , I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , 320 8.15th st. ( ! 80 MONKV LOANKDutC. F. Hoot ! & Co.'a Loan Olllco , on furniturepianos , horseswagons , personal .properly of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th. over Itlngham s Commission store , All bust- ness strictly confidential. em 6 PEK CENT Money. R. C. Patterson , 15th and Barney. CSS MONEV TO LOAN-bythonndorslgnedwno has the only properly organised loan goncy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can ho paid at any Imo.euch payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances niadu on flno watches and diamonds. Persons Should carefully consider who they are dealing with , s many now concerns are dolly coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. H. Croft , Hoom i W'thncll ' llullillng 15th and llarney. fc3 rpIIK Omaha Financial Exchange , J. N W. eornor of Harnoy and 16th sts. , over State National bank. Is prepared tn muko short time loans on nny nvalliihlo fccnrlty. Loans raiido on chuttcls , collateral or real estate. Long tlmo loans madoon Improved real estate at current laics. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. tiecured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collate rates. Real estate to exchange for good Interest bearing paper. Onnornl financial business of all Kinds trans acted promptly , quietly ami fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans of any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbott , Manager. IN ) BUSINESS CHANCES. NOTICE To hotel men , a desirable hotel for sale , the Occidental , situated in the beautiful and growing elty of Sutton , Neb. , la now put upon the market. The Occidental has n enviable reputation second to none In the tale for Its generous and liberal hospitalities , MR thousands of traveling men will gurraiitoo. Tbo hotel Is on it solid llnnnclal foundation , with all modern Improvements and every room occupied : satisfactory reasons furnished for selling. Prlco and terms mndo known upon application. For further particulars Inquire or address , J. T. Molly neaux , proprietor. Sut- ton. Neb. _ 210-I2J > 10H BALE Hlacksmlth shop'and stock. I'm- ploying C men. Price , SMO. Address O2 , lice olllco. 183 7 _ FOR BALK A well paying first-class restau rant Ilargaln for the right mun. Inquire 2168. 12th street. 051 7 * _ TT10H SALE Hu.mcbg chance. Also furntt- X1 uro of seven room Hat and flat for rent ( load location. Call on Dayton & Vorls , room 1 , 1304 Douglas St. _ 188 OJ BUSINESS CHANCK-A purtner wanted with from three to fifteen hundred dollars. Itaro chance. Established and making money. Dayton & Vorls , room 1. 130i Douglas. 187 0 * 8ALE or trade A clean stock of general - eral merchandise In an Iowa town. Good trade , lot and building 11,750 , stock f 1,200.vant some cash on stock. Will exchange for land or stock. Reason , owner lives west. Address look bo 23 , Central City. Nob. 181 18 * _ WE want four or live enterprising business men with u capital of $1,000 or $1,600 each , to Invest Into a big paying business. Call at once bet. 10 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 4 p m. and co W. L. Ray at Paxton hotel. 120 Oj OR HALE-An established business. Only small capital required. Address 0 16 Hoo. 05.1 100x132 icet east front Slirhcr place $0,10 If old by May 10. Terms easy. Streetcar line within Hi blocks. This Is a bargain. Shaw A Co. , 610 S IClh Bt. 121 _ TJ10H BALE-A prolltablo and well established A1 business suitable for ix lady. Cull and In quire at Employment bureau , 210 n Irtth sts. _ _ 903 J WE have some very desirable lots to iix change for any kind of merchandise ; 120 N 15th it. 1-2 blk n P. O. Marr & Toft. 354 F'OiSALK OR TRADE For Omaha city rnal estate or Nebraska lands , a two-story brick rtore , with a complete line of staple dry goods and notions , groceries , crockery , glass ware. and a small assortment of hats and cups all bought for cash and discount saved in n live Nebraska town , county seat , and doing A good cash business. The second story rents for S25 per month , and now contains first-class ten ants. On the Union Pacific H. It. , and sur rounded by the best class of farmers and f urius in the state. Two grain elevators are In- ralrd ai the station , and tap all tne surround ing country , which brings in irrcat deal of outside trade , atul Is one of the best grain mar kets In the state ; It also hasonoof thn largest ( louring mills In the west. The above property U flrBt-cl ss In every re spect and the stock Is new and desirable. 0. J. Cunan , Kg _ 'IJIOII SALE 01 Exchange A now 35 bbl com- Jl1 blnation mill situated on Little lllue river , near Hebron , In Thayrr county. Will ex- chaiigo for wild or Improved Innds or live stork. Korfurthrr particulars address Flist National Hank. Hebron. Neb ess PERSONAL ! IEHSONAL A gentleman of refinement and means , middle Hgcd , doslics correspond ence with a dlscrooc young lady , or young widow. Object , mutual fun , perhaps matri mony. Address , conlldeutlally , O 25 , care lice ofllcc. 118 7J TpEHSONAL If you want u desirable , cen- J- t tally located office you cun MnJ. It at 314 B 15th tt. 078 MRS. DlIRANT-Clarlvoyant from Huston. ! reliable In all affairs of llfu , unites separated 322 N. ICth st , rooml Mil m2 J and tasty all-wool tiusl- If. nrc. suits $7.dO. Fine blun diagonal dress ults , 110,75. Call and see them or write for samples. L. O. Jones .V To. , American Clothiers , 130. Furiiam St. . Omaha. I'M m 17 . lVBffStNTiP.Tvate"hbi ) for"ifldes""u'rfnB ( _ L connncment , strictly i-onndontliil , Infants itoptrdjulUms K 42 , lleo office. S49J2 FUHS'iNAL Mr . "pr Ner.tne T. Warreu clalrvoysnt. Hrdlcal nd business Medium KOCH Mfc I , Ul North Utk K. .Ornaba. Nek. LOST. JOST- portmnnlo containing $ ? 0 lu gold ; " also rardi marKed Mr ? . I ) . P. llurr. No. C0.1 N ith street. A liberal reward will bo gUcntoiiny one returning the sumo to Mr . llurr at 1401 N. Ifth , corner Cinrk street , or to W. M. Scavoy. Ill South llth stitct. 164 7 STORAGE. IfllRST-CLASd Storage al 110 N 13th ft. JL Gal S TOKAGK Flr F-fnTsi storage for 'moo filr- nlturo or boxed goods , ut 151J DotlBe- . MISCELLANEOUS. C < A'-OLINK and coal are delivered free to all " parts of the city by the Hlne line tank delivery , olllco at Kcnimrd Glass Jc Paint Co. Telephone 701 , MeUugal & Ward , proprietors. 2U1 FOKUBNT Sq-.mro I'luno $ J montttly. A Hnspo. 1513 Douglas. US' ' ) ESS POOLS , sinks and vaults cleiined , odor 0 less process , K. Kwlng , but 327 , elty. 0T'O 680 m27J T'O I'HOl'lIKTV Owners-It you want to sell your property send full description with [ nice anil terms to Hart's Great Western Itcal Kstntp HiiriMiu , Crelghton lllock Wo have cus- tomeis for every bargain that Is ollorcd , _ _ 81111131 _ TI1O parties having hou os lor tent , Kental JL Agrncy , llnnawn&Oo. . 1.1st .opposite post- olllco. We have ttlrnotl over to them our rental llet. Wo recommend them McCagu * Dros. _ COT _ "VTOTICII-W C. King .V Co. , honso moving J- > nnd raising , leave orders at 13J ) Ploreo it , OJ.1 Jlj _ _ _ C < HUMAN and French t. s ons given by a I L'entlomiin at modrratn rates. Kasy mclhoil. Address O 31 Ileo oillce. 173 U F OKii.NT : Organs , S3 per month , iloppo , _ 1813 DouirlHi _ _ GSl ! 7"\inss : MAKING-MIS , i : . c. sconeid. par ? Jlors It2J St Mary's nvo. Ladles coining to the city for ono day can tnivo their dress made _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O ) . < J. House furnTsTThiTgoods. all klndT ; cash or mstiillmont ; lowest prices at J , llonnor , 1315 Douglas st. 11KJ F OK KKNr Square jfiano , $1 montnir. HOBPO. 1513 Doilgl'is. liS'J ' [ F \ou want to buy or sell furnlturt ) , go to J. Ferguson's , 711 N. ICth. 6'Jl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OH SALE A burn of fuucy horses. For F purtlciiluisuddicssO. II , this olllco.n II FOR RALK Fnrnltilroof 6 room house with privilege of renting house. 11114 Calllornlu st. 110 7 SALK New light sldobar bugy. ] Cole 318 S. 15th. Room I. 7(9 7 * Foil SALK Furniture of i ! room house with pilvllogo of renting house 1014 California st FOH SALF.-First-class Carriage with shafts anil polo , Simpson's make , $12.1. Finn family horse , fast and gentle , $300 , Flue names , $50. 13-room house and 40x112 foot lot , 201.1 Cn s t. All modern Improvements. Largo barn. 8,000. KdPojcko. 210 OR SALK Drivers and draft horses , roar of JL1 1818 Chicago st. 154 J5 CpOR BALK-Top buggy , side bur. second hand , cheap. Address O " ' ) , Heo olllco. 158 11 * FOH SALK , or exchange for Omaha real estate , n flno driver , reeoid 2:40. : Patterson & Moore , Hoom 1. Omaha National bunk. 151 710H SALK or exchange In part payment for - n lot , a complete set of Now American En- lyclopedlu. Address O. 32 lleo olllco. 157 FOH SALE C. G. Conn cornet , same as new A Dcigatu. Duller & Toilil , 215 S. IMh. .02 11 FOH SALE-AM kinds of building stone at the Louisville quarry , lowest prices possl le. Address G. MoUgor , Louisville , Neb. H2J 15 * FOH SALK 15 head flno milch cows and sprlngorsciu Military llridge yards. Cum- 'ngsst. Crone iJcstor. 034 10r FOK BALK Autolmrps , mandolines. Duller &Todd , 215 S 15th 061 11 FOH BALE-A good milk dairy , consisting of 30 llrst class cows , n good delivery wagon , cam antl harness , milk cans , Ac , horse power ? orn mill and hay cutter , and corn shelter , in- iludlng llrst class milk route , Immmtlato pas. esslon given. For terms , oto. call at 217 S lull t , Omaha. 741 FOH SALE Span horses , double wagon and double harness for $200. Also u lot ot posts ihcnp. C. J Canun , 652 FOR BALE t or2 horses. 1 spring wagon , 1 buggy , cheap. A. llospo. 781 ml3 FOH SALK Cheap , the Abstract Hooks of Seward County , complete to date , Safe , Hanks , Olllco , Furniture .good line of Insurance Companies , Loan and Real Estate llusinosx. The only sot of Abstract Hooks In Seward County. Address , Hiimlln Bros. , Vork , Neb. 4"il in nj F I OR SALE Square piano , $1.'X ) . Woodbrldgo Ilros , 215 Oporn house. iW4 FOH BALE The best line of carriages , phaot. ons , hugglo * . real estate wsutons anil dollV' cry wagons. Columbus Uuggy Co. , 1113 Harnoy , 3U3m'J F I OR SALE-Urick. T. Murray. 003 FOR BALE 17 head choice bred Shorthorn cuttle ; also a 4V ) aero stock farm In Holt county. J. B. Colllngs , Ponder , Neb. 803 may 13J WANTED VALE HELP. l\MNTEI--Typowritcr nd stenographer. T Must bo willing to make himself generally useful In oillce. Small salary to etart with. Address O 30 , Heo olllco. 1U4 10 W - , J. W. Talbot , Syra cuse , Nob. 9t > 7 OJ WANTED-Bxporlcnced Pnnt Pressorfl on stock work. Apply at onco. Geo. Stiles , 1408 Leavenworth et , 170 o WANTED Immediately , first and second cook for Ogiillallu ; 2 waitresses and pastry cook for Kearney ; tl conks for country hotels ; 4 dining-room girls In city ; 60 girls lor general housework,318 B. 15th. 185 7J W ANTED 20 good carpenters. B. M. Nich olson , 008 et , oat 7J l7ANTKD-HoyOmaha Shirt Factory , 308 N T luth. .10 tt WANTED-Purlner to enl r o mill water power. Uuslness liumense. Rare chance , Capital required , $1,000 or more. Address V. H. Gibson , Atkinson , Nebraska. 8857 * WANTDD 50 men for U. H. work. Apply at H. Jacobs employment otQce , Council Illuffs , 641 7 WANTED A partner In good paying busi ness , oompetant to take full charge of office affairs , f 2ono capital required. .Address , bat M. 18. Ueo office. 368 W ANTED Laborers tor railroad work. K.S , Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 023 WANTKD-Canvasslng agents. Apply be tween 12 m and 4 p. m. Acme Mnnfg. Co. , 812 S. st. 504 STUDENTS Teachers and agouti can secure very profitable employment nr applying to S. P. Grout , Planter's house , Omuha. 18 < i8J | WANTED Ton harness makers nt Murks Ilros. ' Baddlery Co. , 1407 Harnoy st. . Omaha , Neb. 177 20 \VANTKD-A gooJ barber. Apply to E. P. IT Johnson , Wtttio , Has. White preferred. 1DJO * WANTED-An Intelligent boy or young man from the Omaha High school lo carry a route on the Dally Evening lice. 138 WANTKD-Canvassers in every city nnd town In Nebraska and Iowa. L. H. Watts , room 3,1010 Fiirnam st. 779 WANTED-Men , Women , Hoys and Girls for a light and prolltablo employment. No picture business ; no humbug. Send luo f or H vuluublo pacKnge to commence on. Only a few hundred will I'O distributed. Address Albany Supply Co. . Albany. N. V. 848 J2 WANTED-Canvassors In Omaha and Doug- Ins county John 11. Gouiih. Tne best solllnr book of the day. Call on or address. UH. Watt. , itoom 3 , IfilQ Fiirnain St > , Omnba , Neb. 1 < S7 WANTii-20 : block makers for Colorado. Must bo experienced m.n and have tools , Free pass. Mrs. Uieira A. Sou , 318 South 15th. Visit * WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTKD-Cook and dining roomgirL Muel ler's Itestuurant , 1004 N. 10th st. 251 W I ANTED 3 dlnlns room girl * . Jlnrker hetol. 170 7J TANTEn Girl for general housework In small family. 00 Callfoniln ht. 100 7J WANTED Immediately , 2 good laundresses ) for Pocatello , Idaho. Plain washing , wa ts $2. and 1:0. Free pail. Mn. IJrova ait litbit. 1J17J w ANTKD-OIrl for general housework Call at 21 la Culltornlii st. mS-lt ; ANTKD A Trrst-class mllllnor at Mrs. II. J. HompheU's , AMiland , Neb. Ill' ' 7J \\nriIAVIito good places for girls thnt will pay them from $ . ' .50 to t'i per wrek.irnod girls cnn alnnys g ( t uood places ut this oillce. Omaha Hmployment llureau. 151 7 \\'AN"ni ; ) Itn mi'Jiat ely , llrst ana second eook for Ognlliilla ; 2 waltre C' * nnd pastry cuok for Kearney ; (1 ( cooks for countiy hotels ; I illnlng-room girls in city : fiOglilsfor general housework. Mrs , llrot'ii , 3ID S. IStli , 10ft 7J W A NTii : > Two good kitchen girls , llinmot lloil'c. 1UI.O 7 Oooil girl for hoiuowork. Three In family. 4'll Content. 131 7J w .T"ANTiil : ( llrl for houfcworh , fmnllv of 3 Oermiin preftrrcil.2115 Ciillfornla st , irANTIl-A ! good girl for gcncrnl house work. 412 Content - . 107 7J _ _ _ ; \VANTii ; ) A good girl to do general house- work. Lluci ill wages paid. Apply at 1813 Douglas st. m 7 * " \\rA.STF.D-Seeond glil Immediately. Call bet. the hours of I ) and 10 a. in. or ( I to 7 Iji iii. ai'JDodjre street. ' 'M \\rANTii-Glrl : to work In laundry room ' ami ono to work In pastry room at Arcade hotel , 121,1 , Douglas . ANTKD-Good gltl , 1707 Cuss. 523 WANTI.D-NtirsoiHrloruoiiiati to accom pany a family with 2 children to I'.urope. No ugcs paltl , only free triu glen to any point In Duropo. Ile t relerences iciiuiretl. Addrfss "Nurse , " Hoe Olllco 211 U WANI'ii-100ttorllng : glrU. 1 have places iivoiy ilny for all Kinds ot work , in anil out ot city No gootl girl need bo Idle one hour If she really wants work. Come and eo. Mrs. llregtu. Son , 3 0 South 15th , 2,4Ur \ yANTiiGood : > girl ut 503 Virginia live , ' T good wares paid. 231 ANTKD A good cook. Inquire ut 1310 corner 13thund llarney street , Hoom 1. \V \ i 11 * \\rANTKD-A girl lo tin honsonork In u TT small fumlly. liuiulro ut 1112 South I3lh street. 102 WANTI ! ! ) A few more shirt niul pants makers. Apply ul oneo. Gco. Stiles , 110J Leavenworth st Oil 11 \\7ANI'ilD KltcliotTT'Tri unii iwo dining room girls. 1U04 No 10th St. UOU " \\rANTKD -At once , 3 first-class chambermaids - ' maids and 1 scrub girl. Apply at the Co//ens. -3 < J W ANTKD At once , plHno jilayor , colored woman preferred Apply 112 S. Oth. 341 \\rANTKD-Ludiostowork for'us nt tnolr i T own nomes ; $7 to 10 per week can bo quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. For full particulars please address at once Crescent Art Co. , Vl Central St. , Boston , Mass , II.X.5I70. W)7jol5' ) SITUATION WANTED. ANTED A position as typo ivrlter. Ad' dress O 40 , lleo olflce. 231 WANTED Situation in some clerical capac ity by a young man of business ability and experience. 5 years assistant p. m. , ab stract and real estate. Host of references. Address O 31 , lleo otlico. 17l ! U WANTKO Ily a young man , ago 10 years , n situation us stonograpnor and type writer. I nNo write ngood long hand. IJcst ot references. Address , P 01 Heo olllco. 175 7 * W ANTKD Situation In u paint shop by young man ; can give good references. Address O 38 , Ueo olllco. 178 7J \\TANTKO-Kmploymont by two young men Who have hail clerical experience In rail road otllces and elsewhere. Can furnish good references as to character and capacity , and would try to earn their biilarlos. Address O 20 , : leo olllco. WANTED Situation by n finely educated eastern mnii , competent to run drug , IOOK or stationery store wants position In a iculthy town or on the road. Cun keep books , 'lest ' of references. Address "Cumbus Indicu , " Marshalltowiylii. . IU27 WANTED Position as gardener anil care for horses. Good references. Address O. 28 Heo. 12U7J WANTED--Sltuntlon fur 0 nice Swcdo girls , will ho at my oillce until engaged. Mrs. lrcga,310S5tli. ) ! 126 llj W PANTED A position as typo writer. Ad dress O 40 , Heo ollice. 231 WANTKD-Posltlon In private family to to wash clothes. Address 2501 Puclllo St. 128 12" WANTED-A Position by n thorough ac countant. Host of references. Address O U Hce ollice. 813 W'ANTKD-Sltuatlon for running a station ury engine. Gentleman will send order or special terms on address. lox 07 , Mlllard Douglas county , Neb. 8020 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED To purchase house of 8 or 10 rooms with good lot somewhere between St. Mary's luomiound Davenport Bt. west of 18th. Must be in Hrst elans healthy locution. Address stating price , terms and location , O. 31 Heo olllco. 1020 W ANTED A newspaper , paying circulation guaranteed from the start , for particu lars address Hunk of Valley , Valley , Nob. 608 WANTED Hoard by n young lady in u strictly private ( Jewish ) family. Refer ences exchanged. O. 24 Heo olllco. 131 UJ W ANTED To rent , 3 or 4 room house , ad dress A. M , 2634 Charles st. 09'J 6J WANTED Quo or two furnished rooms for man , wife and two children ; no house keeping. Address O 21 Hoe ofllco. 0.4 7J WANTED Merchants in dry goods , cloth- Ing. boots and shoos or general merchan dise wanting to sell their Block , can find cash purchusera by addressing H. N. McGrow , Omaha. 641 int. WANTED Teams , shovelers and ono good teamster , cor. 15th and Douglas st , Mon day morning. 1'Jl ' 7J WANTED-residence of 8 or 10 rooms , not more than 10 blocks from postotllee. Owners only need apply. Address O a. . Hoe. 2IW 7J "IXTANTKD A respectable young man desires TT to correspond with it lady of moderate wealth object , malrlmony. Address O 18. Heo ofllce. 93S 7J WANTED To Irado new Hcnnoy buggy for a good , safe driving horse. Armstrong , Pcttis .V Co. , 13u8 Izard St. 185 13 WANTED--Five persons to Instruct In book keeping. No pny until situations are fur nished. . H. Smith. 1813Chicago st. 00 9J WANTED Teams for rullrnad work , Albright's Labor Agency , 112U Farnam. FOR RENT HOUSES and LOTS. IJ1OR RENT-Good barn , suitable for four C horses. Inquire at 617 f. 13th st. mi FOR RENT B-room house , all modern con veniences , Farnam and 21st st. S. Ktiu & Co. 1511 Farnam. 105 F OR HKNT-Wlndnw , good locality for low tier or real cstalo. Apply to 3.3 n 16th. 50J "IJIOR RENT First class location for barber J ? shop. Shaw & Co. , 510 South 18th. 434 F 1OR RENT A store. Inquire 1412 S. I3th st. Geo. H. t'etcrson. fW FOR HENT-Ware room cor. 13th and Call. Ifornlaon Belt Line , lor particulars en quire at Union Nat. bank. 164 FOU RENT A store ur.cJ barber shop , nlso nice unfurnished rooms. Apply N W cor. 1,1th und Williams. 108 13J FOH HENT-Seven-room Hat , best location , carpets for sale cheap , or will soil nil furniture on time payments if desired. Dayton & Votis , Room 1,1304 Douglas street. 1027 * F I OR RENT Throe-room house , 102) ) North 20th St. 202 T TfOH RENT In new homo , newly fur- JJ nlfhed rooms , soi'th and east front , ono with bay window and alcove. 823 Georgia avo. 171 0 FOR HENT-Sovcn room flat. Carpets for sslu , or would sell furniture complete on time payments. Call oa Dayton & Vorls , room 1 , 1304 Dougjan st. _ 189 OJ RENT-Brlck yards , T. Murray ! _ 448 imoit RENT-Framo store building , ZOxVJT J-1 with llvinr 4roomson Phil Bhcrldan St. ; will Improve ; put basement under store to suit any legitimate business Wm. Fleming A Co. . 1401 Dc-uglM. B70 _ TJU11M to rent. T. Murray. C59 FOR RRNT House ; furntture. carpets , * o. , for sale. Apply 1909 Farnam. 213 FOR RENT Store and living apartments on Cumlng near Sauuderi st Apply at HarrU Uoal Estate and Loan Co. , CfcO B , 14th st. BW FOR RENT ROOMS. H13ST Two nlcplyifiirnlslipd rooms on Hrst and eocond lloor nt 1V1V Dodge St. FOR HKNTThtce olegntitly Jurnl hcd rooms , 111 S. 2UlheL ' L- IJIOR HKNT-KTegnntly furnished room for 2 JL gentlemen near busltte s. All roiivetil- cnces ; private family , 1815 Cap. nve , 213 12J "l/'OR ' HKST-Nnwly furnished rooms nlth -L modern convenience. . 62. S. 17th St. : 217 10J 'ITOU HKNT Nicely furnished pnrlor room In -L prlvuto family. lealrablo ) neighborhood. Address O4I lleoollle. . 240 llj "TJIOH HI NT 2 furnished rooms , bath room and gag all on Ural lloor. Call atOJO Davenport st. , 130 FOK RUNT-Furnished rooms.010 N loth , lijtj 7 * FOH HF.ST-Nlcely furnished room , to iron- tlcmon only , 2027 Fiirnum st , 203 7 * S ' linST NIcely furnished Teems it IWJU rurnnm st. N ) * H HUNT Two unfilrnNlied looms or ono lut go ono , 1st lloor 20.'i ) St. Mary's nvo. roil UKNT Dcslrablo suite of rooms , lurn- l hod,2. " > 3) St. Mary's ave all modern con venience" , with board Bl'8 ' 7J " 1J10H IIKNl' Two ple'isaitt rooms with gas -L1 mid bath. Hill HommlM. third lloor. OT1 7J "IT'OH HIJVT Pie isnut furnished rooms at 433 Convent st. 121 10 ? OH Itn.NT- Furnished rooms , 711 N imh. : _ _ 17X1 HKNT- Furnished room nt 181(1 ( llodgo st. HKNTFurnished rooms at 1810 Dndiro st FOH UiNr-Unrurnlthed : room 1015 Dodge t b81 _ IJ OIt HKNT-Nleo furnished room.02,1 Tar- Jimm. . Ufl.1 FOH HKNT Nine-room lint centrally located , 310 S rth. -J17 7\O\l \ \ HiNT-le : ) k room. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th H. 1UJ 1. ) FF HKST-NIcely lurnlslied rooms at 1UOJ "iiriinm , st. 801 J FOIl HUNT Fiirnlslio'l looms with closets , gas and lath , 020 S 17th st. 1H2 UJ _ . - - IOHSALK New 2nd hand olllco de k. 1013 " 'iirtmin , up stairs. 182 1/OK Itn.S'T Nicely furnished room for gen- J-1 tlomeil,2I5 Nlltll St. 124 IJlOIt HKNT Pleasant bed room with pilvl- legool parlor , 610 I'ulrviowst. l'7J ' 10 * FOH HKNT Furnished rooms tn old llrow- nell hull , 8. 17th , between .laek on and Leavcnworth. Kent $7 to $15 per month. In- tiulro for Mrs. H. Scavcr , room 2 , In the 8CC- end story , south hall. 2IO-10J TT'Olf ' HUNT Eleven nlco itiiruriilshcd'locp J Ing rooms. Separate or nil together. In building 310 S 15th bt. V.5 FOIl HRNT Iicslralilo unlurnlslicil rooms suitable for olllco or sleeping rooms. 310 S 15th St. l > 76 FOH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with board If desired. 1412 North 28th st. b5 llj "I/1OH HKNT Furnlshe I room with privilege JL of sitting room lor lad v. Object , company for lady whnao husband Is gene part ot the time. 601 820th. kSO FH HKNT No. 617 sl.lth st , storeroom and basement , now brfck hiillrtlng. An ox , icllcnt locution lor either wholesale or retal business. Paulson & Co. , room 8 Kedlck block. FOH HKNT Two olIirM spaces on ground lloor In room 1519 Ftrimm st. Enquire of J. S. IllctmnKon , lu rear ollice , 343 m21 FOIl lir.NT-Nlcoly furnished rooms cheap. 506South 18th street , Upstairs. y.i.1 POH .IKN'T-Deskroom. Umiuiro Young & Blackmiin , 214 S 16th St. 540 FOH Hl'.NT Throe room house west of North lHh st , , between Chicago and Cass. WO FOH HKNT-Furnishoil room wll h board for two or four gentlemen , the most pleasant location In the city. Kcfarcnco requited. Cull ut S. 15. corner 20th and Farnam sts. 14.12 * F 1OR HKNT Klpgnnt olllco rooms , best lo cation In Omaha. 318 South 15th st. 63.1 FOR REST Third floor , 22x80 , of brick build ing , 110 $ Farnam street , use of elevator. Inquire above number , upstairs. G81 T1OH RENT-Otlloes In ( tollman building cor. - Farnam and iith : sts. . In suites or singly. For prices , diagrams nnd Information apply to B.A. Slomun , 1512 Farnam St. , Room 2. 698 FOR BALE HOUSES LOTS. CORNER of Douglas and Tenth ircets , rents for $900 , is offered for n short tlmo on easy terms , at $24,000. Marshall & Lobcck , 150'J ' Farnam. Tel. 13. 8.9 IB STEVENS PLACE Is near Plalnvlow , where lots are selling double the price. Stevens Urea. , 1513 Farnam. 874 GREAT IIAlTQAIN An elegant 0-roora house mid full lot In Hanscom place , east front , house beautifully finished , has bath room and .very convenience , lot nicely sod ded , good burn , $0,6X ) , terms easy. Cotton , Eastman & Winstanloy , 120 N. 15th st. 172 0 $40,000 will buy property bringing nn annual rental of $7.314. Shaw & Co. , 510 S. Itith Bt. 027 FOR SALE A cornerlot , ( Mxl32 , on Ihth and Cumin ; st , ono of the host locations In the city for a wholesale house , with waterworks nnd sewerage. Apply at premises , Titos. Sin clair. 311 m 21J TENTH Street business property with track age $3V ) per foot , cheapest ground on the street. Patterson li Moore , Omaha National Hank. 47J GHEAT UARGAIN-An elegant 0-room house and full lot In llnnscom place , east front , bouso beautifully finished , has bath room and every convenience , lot nicely cod ded , good burn , $ (1,500 ( , easy terms. Cotton , Eastman & Winstunloy , 120 N. 15th st. 172 0 BR. HALL ic Co. , 113 N. Kith street , have a laifcollstof good bargains , both on Im proved and unimproved Insldo and outMdo property. Including some choice acre property. Always ready to show property. Call and see our list of bargains. 235 10 DEXTER L. THOMAS-IIas the choicest lots in Lincoln Place. 2 cor. acres in Solomon's add 1700 each. 3 lots In block 5. . South Omaha. Also li , block 00 , and lot 2 , block 03 , 7 in 69 , 2 in ? 7 , cheap. (0 ( acres by Central City to sill or trade. 1,120 acres in a body near Stanton. 480 acres near Wisnor. Also lota In Hcdford Place , Delonos addition , West Cumlng , Hosier's add on Cumlng st. The boss lot In block O Shlnn's addition. Also largo lots In Shlloh. 5 acres on Amos' nvenue. Also tracKago cheap on Holt Line , for salt or lease. 6 largo lots on Hroadway , Council Illutfs. Lnl3blk G Impiovoment Association , 00x16 ? , wiw , Lot 8 blk 7 , same add , same size , corner , $4,000 , &c. , ic , I own the above and can make terms to SUIT. Come and see. Dexter L. Thotntis , room . , Crcighton Ulock , v 752 QTATE street Is the coming street in North- O west Omaha. Several bargains on this street at $1.000. $1.250 an4 $1,5 ) . Wallace , In- vestnient agent , I'rclgfrton block. 141 7 BEAUTIFUL flve-acre .tract on Ames avo' cheapest aero property In that viclmtv , and a good opportunity ; to double your money In 60 d j * , $5,000. Wallace , investment agent , Crcigbton block , 141 7 HANSCOM PLACE lot on Virginia ave. , a good Investment ; $1.00. ! Wallace , Invcst- ment agent , Crelghtonblock. 141 7 FOR BALE-Dy J. t.'Blco ' A Co. . on Lake street and car line ; fronting on two co-foot streets : , Corner lot , Lake and 2.1th sts , 133 feet on 25th 8t,4Q feet front onLa.est,4t ) teeton Ersklnu xt ; all for u paltry $ -1,000 , ' worth double to Im prove. 1 > J feet front , corner on Lake and 25'u. $1,500 , fronting on 3,00 foot streets. : 48-foot front on Lake and ErsKlno streets , I'M-foot front on Lake st , same on Ersktno st , $7.5dO , J. U Rico _ c Co. bM 7 B ECor 13th and Douglas. TWO TUOHNHURIl lots , best corner in that addition , Just In front of new $12.1,000 county hospital , $ , ' ,000 for both , cheap. Wallace , investment agent , Crelghton blocx. 141 7 m\VO ) lots , best corner in that X addition , just In front of new $125.000 county hospital. $2.000 for both , cheap. Wallace , Investment agent , Crcighton block. TOBAUTIFUL rlvo.ncro tract on Amos nve , J- > cheapest acre property in that vicinity , and a good opportunity to double your money In 6' ' ) da > s , $5.001. Wallace , investment agent , Crelghton block. 1417 INHousell 4 StebblnU add , one-half block south of Lenvonworth st. wo have some lots at prices so low they will make your eye * stlcK out Call at our ofllcirand be convinced. Smith * \Tc)6UHcul ) Estate , ! ! . S. 14th n , cor FarnaB. S' 1TKVEN8 ' PLACE Is where to buy. Stevens Dros , 1513 rnrnniu. 4 CPKC1AL Itonl Kstitlo Itiirgnlns--Mxl32 on OCutiltol avenue. $7NX ) . The above Is within two block ? or high school , eontli front , with hou.o 0 roomc.1 Sonic fltio lots In ( Ircluiril ( till allow i > rlce. 2 lots In Mock H nirtim Hill , cheap. Klxl3. " > . corniT , w Itli HUB shade trees , homo ot 0 rooms , n tlist-c1a s homo , good burn , only linlf block from lliimilton t. Do not fnll to ecu this Possession given nt once , $7,500. Lots In llnwthorm > , oust Ironts. \M ( * In 1'ortliitiil 1'liico. 10 acres ncnr Northwestern line , Just rcmly to subdivide , .2,000 01 aorrs with tine Improvement.$12,000. ( loot ! InvoMment.s lu nil pnrts of city nt reft- FOiiublo prices niul casv terms. My olllco Is now In KoomnUmnhn National Manx Hulldlng , wheio 1 will bo glnd to sec you. .1. L Plirson. 22,1 I' ' "I/KM SALK lly .1,1 , . Rleu * Co. over Com -LA merclil National llnnk. 0 cliolcn lots In Corolls udd to Crclghton Heights $375 each. r > 1'i'uiitirnl ' lots In Institute 1'lnco $ GOJ each. Will truilo tor house niul lot. 4 north front Institute I'lncu 1175 each , liar- 2 liorth front Ingtlttito Place , fcnooil , $590 cch. 2 elegant Crelghton Heights Uoulcvaril lots $750 euch. 4 splendid loli In Illlllko's first mid V inllo fiom fulr grounds J175 each. 5 lots on 16th t. Hillcko's llrst add f 430 onch 2 lots In Crclghton Heights $ UM cnch. Thrni lot * lire gilt udgo suburban property within thuthri'o mllesclrclo. Will bo sold on easy terms. J. U Hlcu \ Co. solo agents. rpwo THOUNIIflHJ lots best corner In that 1. iiddltlon , just In I rout of new f I'.Ti.noO roiinty hospital , fiHV > lor both , cheap. Wallace , Investment agent , Crohjhton block. 141 7 | . | ANSCO.M PLACK lot on N Irjlnln live . 0 -II good Investment , * l,30. . Wnlhiee , invest- incut agent , Crolghton tilock , 141 7 STATK street Is the coming street In North west Uninlin. Several biiiKitnin on tills street at f l.uiw , $ I.23J unit fl.'iOJ. \ \ nllutv , in- \estment agent , Crolghtou block. 141 7 "I71OU SALK Shod roof honso and barn on * leased ground. 1'rlco f'JO. liuiulro Mj S 3dst. ! ! IWl 7 * BLACIvliL'RN * KKNNKDV , am South 1Mb. street , Have for sulo the tlncst building site In Omaha , In Highland IMuec , south and oust cor ner , the best south front In Hillside No. 1 , cor- neron Diivonpmt stieot clnso to "treet car. A bargain In Orchard lllllvo'-y choluo propeity , improved and unimproved In all part. of the city. Ambler Place. Walnut Hill , Hitchcock's mid , Htirney I'hice , South Omaha , in tact there 'is no addition In the city thut wo cannot show /on gond piopcrtv at terms second to none. See us and let us show jolt the elty , Hluok- : mru Jt KennedytillS ) 15th ht. l.Vj 7 | > KAlTirt'L llve-acro tract on Amos nve , J * chcnpe-t aero properly In that vicinity , nnd u good opportunity to double your money In (0 ( days , $5OOJ. Wnllnce , Investment iiKent , Crclirhton block. 141 7 HANSCOM PLACK lot on Virginia live. , a good Investment , $1,300. Wallace , Invest ment ngent , Crclghton block. 141 7 ONIlOrtho choicest lots In 1'liilnvlow add. . "xl2l , $1MK ) , i-asy terms. Smith * Welsh , teal Fs.iito , 210 S. 14th st , cor. Fiirnnra. 123 7 rpRACIvAGK LOTS-Severul excellent bar- J ( rains : eo this , for Instance : 132 feet on ruck by 140 in leniMh , only f 4,101 , on good onus. Cheapest trackage on the bottoms. IVallnco , Crolghtoii block. 141-7 STATK street Is the coining street In North west Onmlm. Several bargains on this street at $ IXW , $1S5) ) and ( I,50J. Wiillace. in- \ostmont BKOIII , Crclsrtiton block. 141 7 FOU SALE A very desirable lot In Orchard Hill , beautifully shaded with trees. Terms ensy. Address 11. 1 * . 13,1617 N Ibtb St. , Omaha , Neb. 1837 SNA ! ' noautltul east front lot on Lowe avo. , r.OxKlO , Just off I.on\enworth St. , for tl 500 , ca h Jfiftl ) , bal. 1 , U and : i years. Cotton , Kast- nun & Winstanloy , r.O N. 16th St. 172 0 STEV12NS I'LACK Is north , where the boom Igffrnivlntfi and there's whore you want obuy. Slovens Ilros. , 151 ! ) Farnam. 871 STKVENS I'liACK is on Amos a\o. , the most popular drive In the city , between Sunn- dors and State streets , nnd Is the prettiest piece ot frround tn Onmlm. Let us nhnw you the property and you will buy , Terms easy. Stevens Ilros. , 1513 Farnam. 1871 OT.Vxl4 ) ( . Three houses , Kount/e & Hutb's addition , (0,000. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th. 109 13 _ JNAP lleautlful cast f lent lot on Lowe live. , VJ 50x130 , Just on * Leiivonworth St. , for 11,600 , cnsh Jft O , bill. 1,2 and ! ! years. Cotton , East man tV Wlnstanley , lajN. 15th st. 172u BAHOAINS-Gnilmin , CroiKbton lllock. Five acres on Ames nue , $6,000. Very cheap. Five nero tract , Ilontleld , f2'WO. One acre , corner , on Leavcnworth tit , $2,500. Lots on Military nvc , Just across licit Line , Corner on Curnlnjj st , in Carttmco add , J90U. Klefrantlot on Lnku at , 8 trent , l--U ) . Corner on Saunders st , $100 per trout ft. Ixt 17 blk 5 llnnscom Place$2 00. Good lot In Dcllono's add , fOM. Corner in Hart's Bill ) , 11,500. Three oust I routs In Kllby Place , one a cor ner , { 4.500 for nil , Good lot on Hurt st , f 2.000. Lot on LIIKO st , s front , f-i.200. Corner acre on Lcivonworth Etln Sblloh ndd , I2.5UU. Thirteen lots in Cloverdalo for sale or trade at h barfraln. Lot 17 blk 6 Ilanscom Place , $2,500,1-3 cash. Graham , Crt'Ulitonlllk. 142 10 A INS In Houses and Lots BAKU dixIDH east trout on Park ave , nn clc- ttant and modern complete residence ; owner going to leave town ; choicest lo cation In tbo city ; price , $17,000 50.\1CO east trent on Catherine St. , tine 8- room house 8,000 50zl50 cast front on Delaware St. , good seven-room house and barn and a bar- galnat 6,200 60x150 east front on Georgia ave. , good soven-room house 5,200 100x140 corner , north front , in Windsor Place , good seven-room bouse , barn , nicely sodded mid fenced , and cheap at 6,000 38x140 cast front In Wlnrti-or Place , good seven-room house , new and cry do- iirablo 4,000 50x140 tt west front Just off Leavonworth 8t.good 6-room housestreet grr.dcd anil very cheap at " ,500 60x140 ft on Ptirk live. 11-room hoiibc , city water , gus , steam heat , and complete throughout , unexcelled locality 12,000 OOxlliS front on Poppleton ave , good 5- room cottage , city water , street to bo graded this summer and will Increase in value f 1,000 , and wo know it. Now bur It. and ceo If we are not correct. . . 4,000 50x150 on Viwlnm uve. , good cottage , on grade and very cheap at 3,000 50x1.0 on Georgia ave , good 5-room cot- tagoongriido 4MX fiOxl-T corner on Charles St. , Shlnn's add , 6-room house , barn , cistern , etc. , dirt cheap at 3,5X ( 60x120 In Omaha View , good four-room house , well , for only 1,500 33x132 on mil st. Ton room house , stone and Iron fence 7,500 Kast front In Fairmont Place , with Bve- room cottuKo 2,700 East front In Nelson's add. , with good house on Division st 2,900 60x127 , corner on Hamilton st. good six room cottairo and room lor two more , prospective cabin line 5,003 Two good new housonln Idlewlldon very easy terms and many oti < er houses In at parts of the city. If you want anvtblng of the kind call u our olllcp and wo will drive you around and show you as good bargains as any one , whether wo can suit you or not Shales & Crumb , 1400 Farnam st. . opp. Paxton hotel. 2U-0 BEFOHE buying anything In the real estuto line go and hen Shaw & Co. Wocan sell you anything to suit your pocket-book , all the way from $300 to $10,001) ) , Houses nnd lots for sale In all parts or the city. Wo are head- quartern for safe investments. 6lu H. Iflth st. is our office. O5'i FOIt SALK-Lotln Shlnn'a3d addition , with new 6-room house , with pantry nnd clos ets , cistern and good rullnr. will sell cheap tor a few days , Apply or address H.D.,2U12 Charles su 181 I2J IF you am looking for a home , call and o us. Wo have a splendid list of residence property for sale In all parts of city. Cotton , Eastman & Winstanloy , 120 N. 15th st. 172 U IF you are looking for a homo.cnll and sen us. Wo have a splendid list of residence prop erty for sale In all parts of city. Cotton , Kim- man & Winstanloy , 120 N. 15th tt , 173 9 CHOICEHAHUAlNB-In Orchard Hill. r- voir ituil Charttmjo Additions. 11 , It Hull ic Co. , 113 N. 10th. 233-13 GHRAT IlAHUAIN-An elegant 0-room house and full lot In Ilanscom place ; east front , house beautifully finished , has bnth room and every convenience , lot nicely sod ded , good barn , $8,500 , 'terms easy. Cotton , Kastman A Winstanloy , 120 N. 15th st. 172 U SOLD-Wo Imve sold all but a few of these Leavonworth street rnsldcmco lots. Tlit u wo have for our patrons at terms and prices that bout any list In tha city. We mean It and will prove It to you. Wo have also thcso man- er-maklnir chances : The prettiest pluco In Plalnvlow for the money , anil only ) KOO cash , If sold boon. "Tbo Apple of My F.yo , " nome only 14 block off St. Mary's ave car line , convenient to busi ness , built "not for a dny but for all time. " Hargaing tn business property. List with us for wo put them where they keep bat. Cake ft Hillings , over 101 South 15th su til QTI'.VRNS PLACi : on Ames avenue , near C7 State and Snundors streets , and a contln tatlon of Sherman tuvenuc , the line drive * if the city. SteU'lis Ilros , 1M3 I'nrimin. . " 71 IKA 0 this iplcnillTllst" ' 1.V ( llbjon , Aylcsworth A Ilonliunln , 1512 Kiuniim St. For u dn > s only wo offer the following 2 lots lu llrlKK" place front sou llarney and i on Farnam. 1 lot In Hawthorne W\\m. \ cor 1514 and Davetv mitfl room hou e , Ae. , prlco $ .1,31.10. Iliuy erms. Lot and hou o In Lowe's 1st adilnOxI2t ) , $1,750. U'O tt on St Mary's ave with 2 t'-room ' houses gas and water Will subdivide t-'D.OJO. Warehouse or biiilncfj property In block 192 , : I.VW. Ciif-y terms. Lot on Douglas street , 40xlJ , with 0-ronin iou i < , Jfl.ltxt. I'ull lot on Uodgu sliect,3 houses , rent for $ NH ) , price $ ,2lO. 5-room house on N. 17th tgood well nnd cis- einfiBiO. Wanted : i k-oo.1 business lots. Two or moro lots with trackage. Gibson , Ajlesworth .V llcnjamln. 1512 I'linuun st. fit1.1. CTRVKNS Jl'I. Vt'K lots sell tlipmsel\oa : all thr.v ri'ijulro is nn Inspection. Stt Iros. , 15IJ Karnam b74 * 1OH SALr.-50 choice farms le s than 20 1 miles west ( > f Oii'iiha. Address. ) II. Silvia , leal IVtiilo Agent , Klkhorn. Neb. ( Ul nrJ ! J HsTlAllilAIX Onohiindred teet front on B South Klovi'iith st , eornor lot , only 15,000. Partontlniu. V. U Vodlcka,6JJ South 13th st. BDii A P. Tt'Kr.Y , 13JI rarnnm St. , makes In- vei-tineitt.s for nnn residents u specialty wlthiruiininteed Interest or sluiro ot piollts , and takes full charge of pioperty ; lofpronoo gl\on. ; f.H ) 10)ca ) hill sociiro Ml acres of llrst ehtm $ farming land In eastern Nubniskii balance vcrv long tlmo and no tuxes forM years. The O.I.Davis company , 150S Farnaiu st. lUl m 13 rpiN ; AGIIKSof hlirh , sightly land for sale.'J'S - miles from court house , fOOi ) per acre. I'ntturson * Moote , Omaha Nailonnl naiik. 152 15 I'ltlTTsTof Ilnnraltis. KouTit7."jiiicei ] Several oral luts at a bargain. I.ako > t,2i leet lor $ BOO Siimulor * t , II lot" , each 2,000 biiiindcrs Ml ! > t aeres ojtposlto Konnt/o place. 10th ft , M\\M \ 6.0(10 ( riiinam st.corner.60x123 ll.Oin ) rarniinitit,3liilseiich 3.IK.K ) Lownnve , east liont 1,750 Virginia ave 1.3JO Georgia ave , 75\l.'iO J.VIW Georgia ave -r > V ) l'\venty-sl\th st , near Poppleton iV * ) ) Facing on Pitrk 2.IK10 Hamilton st. Orchard Hill l.'UU Orchard Hill.2 line lots , each 725 TrackngolotsfiU.\l-3 3. " > 0 Trncknvo lots 6Hxll7 2,250 LeavciiNoithst , 114 leet corner 3,000 Residence Propeily. Wo have a largo list of residence property In all parts of the citv nt very low prices , , Slovens Ilros , 1613 I'nrniim st. 775 BF.TTRR sco W. II. Oreon , 215 South Mill St. , ubout the following or anything elsojou want ; ltKxl40on ) South 10th St. , $11,000. ( MxHO on South Itith st , $ iKM. ! ( liUxl25 on South Kith fit , good house , $11,500. 120x140 on South 1.1th st , $7.010. WKHO on South 15th st , $3,0.10. liOxHOon South 15th st , $2.00J. 40x100 on South 15th st , cor on Williams , im provements on this cost $1,800. Good business cor , $7.500. H lots61x220 east fronts on South 20th st , These uro llrst-class , better como up and see uboutthese. lUixl32 on Leavonworth st , good house , for $70 per front foot , property selling 2 blocks be yond In a hole for * ! > U. Ono of the bc t corners in Shlnn'ft add. with good house and other Improvements for $3,5.0. $800 ent-h , bal I , 2,3 years. 1(10x150 ( oust front on Virginia nvo $1,200. 105x150 east front cor Virginia nvo $5,500. 21 of the finest lots In Hunscom plaee.east and wo t fronts on Pnrk ave ami west fronts on Catherine st. This Is the cream of the place nnd the tlrst time they over wore on the market. Small cash payments and easy terms. 50ofiho best lots In West Side left laying di rectly on car line and only $500 for inside and $560 for corner , f 125 cash. bal. to suit. W. II , Green , 215 South 13th Bt. 003 FOH SALK-llosldonco 2410 Pierce street.nitw house , containing 10 rooms , including bath anil laundry rooms , heat by furnace. Vor terms apply on promises. 021 10 * FOll SALK-Out lot 26 ? , Florence , containing 4 acres. Will sell cheap for cash. Address O 12 Hoo. 015 OJ SNAP lleautlf ul east front lot on Lowe ave , 60x130 , Just oil Loavonworth St. , for 11,500 , cash $500. bal. 1 , 2 and 3 years. Cotton , Knat man & Wlnstanley , 120 N. 15th st. 172 0 DO you want a home ? Wo have houses for saloon easy tcims. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th. lint 13 IMMEDIATE sale will take 5 lots or less only 6 or 6 blocks from Kvchango bid and Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen houses under contract in sumo block. I want what they are worth. 1 don't want fancy prices I want to sell quickly. K. H. Hranch. KJ HOUSE 0 rooms , 23d street , $4,000. . cash. John Gallagher. 317 South 13th Bt. T'Ji ) 18 IF you are looking for a homo , call and sco us. Wo have a splendid list of residence property for sale In all parts of elty. Cotton , Eastman & Winstanloy , 120 N. 15th bt. 172 B SKLKCrs , are the carefully listed bargains hunted down by Cake i Hillings. Our sam ple ca e : 08x140 ft on 10th street for $5,500 , part 1 and 2 years. 4 lots , Meyers & Tllden's add , cash needed only $800.Home Home lot In Plalnvlow , only takes , cash , $500. Picked In Sheridan Pliico.only $1,301 for $1,600 lot 2 lots with2houses , J. I. Ilodlck's sub , only block from sticot cur line , 103x12) ft on 3 streets , big money hero for you. Ileauty of Dnrtlett , fruit trees , flno view , only $1.500 cash needed. Cboapcit South Omaha stuff on the market. Como , over 101 , corner Dodge and 16th , and we'll make it pleasant and prontablo for you. 8.10 fOH SALE-Hy J. L. Klco & Co. ? FHrnam Street property. _ 0 foot corner 27th , $1.,000. 40 foot insldo hot 22nd and 23rd , $12,000. 1K3 leet iront $210 per foot. 13.1 foot front $235 per foot. BO foot trout J.WO per foot. 100 foot front , $11,500. Each and all are extra bartrnins-siire tn double In 12 mouths , In our Judgement. Call and get our reason for such n statement see property get prices and terms. J. U Hlco & Co. , S. E. cor 13tb ana Douglas St. B.V > 7 FOK SALK-Lot In Kllby place , $000. 4 room housu 18th near Paul st , $3,500. Lots 1 nnd 2 , block 20. Walnut Hill , with 6 room house , barn , etc. , only $2,200. II. W. Huntress , i , Farnam st , 800 7 * BAHOAINS-I.ots 9 and 10 bU 10 Jcttcrs add , to t-outh Omaha , $800. Hyde Park acres lots 7 , 8and9 blk ] , each $750.Nlco Nlco room houaes and lot within 1-4 mile of V. O. . onlr requires $300 cash. Full lot half block from poor farm , lot that sold for $4,0.0 , only $1.6Ui ) . For safe Investment rome and select n lot In Arnold's Park , 1400 to $500. Active Heal I.'stato nnd Property Exchange , 1621 Dodge Street. WJ1 7 T 1ST of bargains Cnrnor and Inside lot In Clifton Hill , $7'5 each. Full lot nnd thr c store. In the heart of PoiHb Omaha , paying $ 155CO per month , for $8,000. Two line lots on Hamilton et. , $1.500 each. Corner lot. I'2xl20 on 27th , near Ciiming Bt. , with 11-room houec , burn , mo .only $7,60. Barney Bt. , 141x180 , for)5iOO. ) Two lots loft In Wilson's Add. to Kounl7c Place , near Saiunlurs and Lake sis , only $1,100 each , one-fourth cash. Full lot on 28th PI. , near Cumins : , with two houses , only $1.201. This Is a ourgnln. Properly. Insldo and nitulile , for sale In anv part of city. Mitchell & Leyonmuiek , 1516 Dodge st. 218,10 FOIl SALK Dodge st.two lots In Kllby place , fronting on Dodge Htreet , 125 feet. Two blocks bpyoud the loin have sold tor $2,000 , the same price wo ask tor thesu. Only $1,200 cash required. Shaw 4 Co. , 610 S 16th st. are the agents. 138 HEGOUV * HAILKV. Members Onmlm Heal Kstato Exchange , Hnom. 1 and 'I. 'Ul South 11th xt. Omaha View , fitiitont fronts for $ 1,500 Falrnioimt place/Vlvl2l / , corner-1 l..VI ' Fulrmount place 4ixI.O | , corner 1,30) West Side Lent enworth st fionts 1,000 West Side , East ave fronts 775 Thnrnlmrg piuo ! 100vl30 , oornor 1W ) Thornburg pKico , llnu east from 80) Catalpa tilnco S'ullH , corner 1,111) ) Tabor place clognnt lot 47x155 1,00. Leavnnworth terrace 114 ft on Leaven- worth 8,001 LeaveniTOithterriicn , lC2xlll trnckngo . : iiOO : WontOniaha , 110x13 : east and no trout . 3,500 West Omntia , 55x161 east and north front. 20 > Iledford place 100x128 corner 1.700 Itcdford place60x12' ' ) south front . . . . H > l Prosprct plnce.Mft corner on L-I ado . 1.M1 Prospect plHcodoublfl fiout Hamilton st 2,50) ) Cheap homes for all. Gregory * Hadloy , 012 TKVKNS PLACK"is iie "r"KounUo i > iac'o. where there will bo 200 housni built this summer , costing from 11'M tn $10,090 oaoh. Elevens Tiros. , 1513 Fiirnnm , 874 S PUINO VAI.LKV , Ournow Acres _ 4W to W ) par aof > . Near Soillb Omaha , Ana Hjdlcat. HIIL Mar aall * Lobeck , 171 1MW farnain. l SALK-lly .1. U Illeo A Co. , over Com- merclul Natlonnl Hank. 3moderns room hi > n r , south front on De > catur st$4,11.1 each ; < > cash 1 modern i ! room house , cttst front on King t. , J4..VO : V , ciuh. 4 room house , good burn , well und elsfern. LotWil.T on irrnde. South trout on Hamilton st. H mite from poMollico , Only $2.-00. Ulegiint modern residence , llnost In Omaha , onDodgist. Only $ .Vi.KX ( ) : li rush , Cholci" Wnshliigion equuro lot , south front , $ .1,2.M ) , north $4MK\ 2 WiiohliiKton sqttnro lots , ono n cornnr fronting on Mierniiiu avenue and paved st $ " .500. 3 Wnshingtoti sinure , Sherman avenue frontsrouter Mndlon uvenlle , $15IKX ) . Hunlness block on Ittth street , JilO.lVW. .T. U H loo..Co. P. > 37 rr OR SALK- Ij Haunders Street Hnrgalng. Hy J. L. Rlee \ Co. , ot er Commercial National Hunk. ( VI foot front , rornor $ ( l.HflO ( SI foot ( tout , rornor alley fi.lWl 120 foot front , corner l'JttU ) 12U loot front , corner \2WO \ tvi foot fiont.puvul In front u.V ) 7(1 ( foot front , puM-d In front lflM 142 foot front , oornor , Improved 2UX ) ) tit ) tool front , Improved 8,750 ( 7 foot front , corner , Improted 8,71X1 ir.foot front , near coiner Lake l.tlXH ) 40 foot front , Improved , Lake 7,000 40 foot ttont , vnciint , LnKo ri.KX ( ) 41 foot front , corner 3,7M ) (10 ( fool Iront , corner 7MX ) 48 foot front , Insldo 4,6H ) 22 foot frot.t. near corner Lake 2.WO 24 foot trent , corner .1,000 .1 J * Ilice \ Co. 858 7 " \\7 K hate some elegant lots In lloyd's ndil. TT for $700. Smith A. Weigh , Rrul Kstilto.21. 8. Uth st , cor I'm mini. 12l : 7 _ tuTs'AT.TT SprtMiillil largo lot on Far Tine , ehetip , $ .VH ) , small cash paymentbnlanco $10 monthly. Pilvato bouse , 401 N. 15th st. IX ( ) 7j OPl'.CIAI. IIAIOAlNStor"8aio ( by"Sholes A C * Crumb , 100x120 feet , u corner In Omuha View , outh ami nest front , and must tin t-old quick ut $ J,500 ; north $1,000 to day Two choice lots In Mjers , lllchnrds ft Tlldcn's addition , * HV1 each Six lots In Windsor Terrace at only Jiotl onen. These nro biirgulns and It only takes f 85 cash on ouch. j inenlecnlots In Hedforil Place from f.VK ) to Tun cle'gnnt east fronts lu Hunscom Park ad dition tit f 1,000 each , on easy terms. Ton clioleo oust fronts In I'llflou Hill at $425 each , this Is uway holow the market price , but must bo sold Sholes Ac Crumb , 1408 Fiirnnm st. 10 I1AIIGAIN Inlvllhy Plan- , lot 63xlVi. on llonson street cur line. $1,875 , Just the thing for u home. 1 3 cash , balance easy. Also , Thorntinrg , eist frontut $150 less thun It Is worth ; $ sV ) , und less than 's cash. These nro sucrlllces to soouro some money , Carrlngo to see these any time. Parrot ! it WKIIamson , up-stulrs , B W corner 14th and Douglas. 02t 7 > HANSCOM PLACE lot on Virginia live. , a good Investment , $1.300. Wallace , Invcs.- nicnt ngent , Cielghton block. 141 7 HOICK Lot In PInhiulew.M foot front. oii C SuundersEt. $2,000. Smith * Welsh. Iteal Estate , 210 S. 14th Bt , cor. Fiirnam , 12.1 7 HANSCOM PLACE lot on Virginia uve. , a good Investment , $1,300. Wallace , Invest' monUigent , Crelghtonjilqck. 141 7 rpltACKACfli LTTS-SovoraI excellent bur- JL gnlns ; HCO this , for Instunee : 132 feet on track by 140 in length , only $ < ,000 , on good terms. Cheapest truckage on the bottoms. Wallace , Crolghlon block. 141 7 mitACKAGK LOTS-Several cxcollont bur- J- gains ; sco this , for instunco : 192 feet on truck by 140 In length , only $1.000on good terms. Cheapest truckage on the bottoms. Wiillueo , Crolghton block. 141-7 Ordinance Ho. 132O. AN Ordinance creating Paving District No. -tl-11 : : , In thoelty of Omaha , and dellnlng the boundurles thereof. He It oidiilned by the city council of the city of Section 1. Paving DIMrlct No. 112 is hereby created In the clly of Omaha. Section 2. Paving District No. 112 shall com prise und Include so mueh of Bilth stieet us lies ) between Center street und South street and all lots und real e-tiitoon each hide ol said pait of 20th street back a distance of UK feet. Section 3. This ordlnnnco shall lake affect nnd bo In force from and lifter Its passage. Passed April 12th. 1887. WM. F. llr.oiiKi. , President City Council. .1. II. SotiTiiAim. City Clerk. Approved April 16th , 1887. JAMESE. HovD. Mayor. Ordinance No. 1319. AN Ordlnnnco ordering that part of 18th street In Paving District No. W ) , In the city of Omaha , paved with cedar blocks , und di recting the board of public works to make it contract lor the sumo. Whereas , n majority of the owners both of .ho area and feet front of the lots and real estate In said Paving District No. 80 huvo duly notlQpd and petitioned the mayor and council to pave that pint of Kith street In said paving illstrlct with the material as hereinafter speci fied ; and , whereas , In addition to such desig nation of miitorlul by suld owners , the mayor and city council of suld city do hereby deter mine upon thn material HO specified us the ma norial to bo used for such paving : therefore , Ho It ordained by the city council of the city of Onmlm : Section 1. That that part of 16th street lylnff and lining In Puvmg District No. HI be anil the sumo Is hereby orpered pnvod with cedar blocks on n concrete foundation , and In accordance with specifications prepared by the board of public works ami the city engineer , and on file n the office of said board of public works. Section 2. That the board of publla works If licroby ordoreil to cause said work to bo done , jiml tn enter Into contract for the same with the lowest losponslhlo bidder under the speci fications pieparcd by suld bomd nnd city en gineer or said city , und now on Illo In the olllcp of said board , und In accordance with bids tor paving opened by pnld boaru of public works March 1st , 1887. Section 3. Thut this ordlnnnco shall take effect and be In force from and after Us passage. Passed Api 1112th , 1887. WM. F. HECIIKI. . President City Council. J. n.SotiTiiAHi ) , City Clerk. Approver. April ICth , 1887. JAMKH K. UOYD Mayor. Notice. T IO Edwin G. Dudley : Voiniro hereby notified Hint the undersigned , three disinterested freeholders of the City of Omaha , Imve been duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the City Council of said city , to assess the damage to the owners respectively of the property declared by ordi nance necessary to bo appropriated for tno use of mild city , for the purpose of widening Laku street from luth to 18th street. Von are further notltled , that having ac cepted said appointment , anil duly qualified aa required by luw , we will on the 2iilh day of May , A.I ) . 1887 , nt the hour of ID o'clock lu the morning , at olflce of W. II. Green , 215 South 13th street , > t Uhln the corporate limits of said city , raoet lor the purpose of considering and maklngtho assessment of damage to thoowuers respectively , of said property , by the reason of such taking and appropriation thereof , taking Into consideration special benefits. If any. The property belonging to you proposed to bo appropi luted us aforesaid , and which linn been declared necessary by thn council , | jy ordi nance , to appropriate to ihu UEO ol the city , bu- Ing situated in said elty of Omiihii. In the county of Douglas , and state of Nebraska , In described us follows , to-wit : South 33 foot o { Tux Lot 1H , Section Id. Vnu are notified to be present at the time anil place aforesaid , and miikc any objections to , or stulemimtR concerning , raid proposed appro priation , or nssessinont of diunuges , us you may consider proper. w. H. flRKEN , FIIKI ) . lir.ll.M , TI10S. SWIFT. Omuha , Nob. , April 25 , 1K87. m3d t Probate Notice , STATEOFNKHRASKA , Douglas County , SB. : At n county court held at the county eouit room , In and tor said county , April 20th , A. D. 1887. Present , .1. II. MeCulloeh , County .fudge. In the mutter of the. c.tute of Huns C. Larson , deceased. On reading and flllng the petition of Amelia Laihoii , widow of cald deceased , praying that fcho be appointed administratrix ol said estate. Ordered , that Apill 2.lnl , A. I ) . , Ibb7 , at 10 o'clock u. in. , be unsigned for bearing enld potltlon , when nil piitHOin Interested In said matter limy appear ut u county court to bo held. In and lor said county , and show cuuso why the prti > crol'sulil petitioner bhoiild not bo giantfd ; nnd thut notice ol thn pendency of silld petition and the homing thnieof , bu gl\eii to nil persons Interested in mid matter , by publishing a copyot thU order In thiiOmuhn Dully lice , a newspaper printed lnnuld county , once eiich week lor three successive wosks prior to mild day of lieuilng. IA trim copy. ] J. H. McCllu.on , n3im7-I4 ) County Judge. Ordinance Ho. 1325. ANOrdinance ordering tbo grading of the ulloy In block 2.1. original pint , and diicctlng Iho lie ud ot public works to take the no.- cfi.niy htcps to cause Mild work to bo done. Holt oirt'Ined ! ) > ' the City Council of the city ot Onmlm : Soi-l.oii I. li I It IR neu'Kinrynndlt Is hereby di.'luuii'd Decenary that the alley In block'-'I , original pint of O.iuihit , du guided , undlhosumu Is heieb ) ouicr.d done Section'Hint the boudof public works Is hereby diKCli'il to tnUii Iho nocesKiiry step * to cuiife Ktild work lo he tlone. Hcctlonll. That this ordinance shall tnko cITocl and be In fnrcu from und after Us passage. Pu.frd ApiIJlh.lb37. [ | WM. F. IlKCiiEt. . President Clly Council. J. I ) . SOUTH uti > . City Clerk. Approved April 10th , 1.87. JAUES U. Dove , Mayor.