" - T TWr THE OMAHA DAILY BEEMONDAY. - . MAY 0. 1887. A BAD CAME ALL AROUND , 1 ho Llncolns Beat the Omahas By a Score of 21 to 18 , HARD HITTING AND ERRORS. nnndlo'fl Knslcnntlon no- ported Ho\v the Western Iicngua StnmlH rinselmll ai It Was rinycd Klscw here. Otnnlin and Mntoln. It may bo said truthfully that nnno of tlio members of tliu Lincoln tuul Omaha base b.tll clubs could have boon hold on ttio charge Of playini ; ball on Sunday , had they buen arrested tor such desecration of the day of rest yesterday. The nearly three thousand people who paid admittance and for the lux ury of scats or bunches to witness n national pnino were not fairly compensated. Undrr the rules of this juar the batting and score record Is certainly expected to be hlghd than it has been In previous yearn , but It Is not expected to reach the extraordinary figure of thirty-nine runs In one game , which was the result of yesterday's contest. The Omaha and Lincoln bnso ball clubs were not nlone playing one of tin ; championship Raines of the Western tonsrno yesterday. They were also playing for the pleasure of three thousand lovers of the sport who had gone to the grounds and paid their money to see as ear nestly contested and ns skilfully p'.iiyed ' a ( tame ns the opposing nines were capable of. The looseness of the playing was , therefore , as subject to criticism as Is the bad acting of & theatrlcalcompany who can do better. Both the Omaha and Lincoln clubs can play ball if they try. Yesterday the most ol their play- lli t was done with their mouths. Kspecially was tills true of the visltois. From the lirst Inning to nearly the completion of the came the captain of the Llncolns , Howe , made liimsclr both conspicuous und obnoxious by Kicking upon every concel".iblu excuse. . The name opened at ! ! : : x ) o'clock , with Charles W. Stiock umpire. In the tirsl Inning the nome nlnowcnlto the bat and scoied thicoruns through loose ( ilaytngand expensive eirors of the Lln colns. ( ! en nls , O'lieary and KourKo were on Hhort hits to the InlieUI. The vis- rctlicd retaliated with an equal number of kuns , three of which were started off by ob- lalninu lirst base on balls , or wild pitches , by O'Lcary. In the second inning the Omahas batted ftround and it was Swift's bad fortune- luake two of the outs , white Kourke made the other oni' . Fl\e runs were scored. For the visitors Nelson made a magnificent hit , pending the ball high and fairly over the lonco aud scoring a home run. Two more runs weio nitido by Shatter and Kowo re spectively. In the third Inning tno two nines wore re tired without adding more runs. Dwyer made a pretty two base hit , but hu was caught napping. Ills being put out at second base furnished a somewhat enlivening Incident. lie had started toward third base and upon n lly hit by Walsh nt- tcmitod to run back , ( llenavln , the Lincoln second baseman , interposed , and Dwyer ran over him. lie then ran off his base to kick Ulor.avin , and whllo engaged In this sonie- \vhat risky amusement hu was touched and put out. For a minute a war cloud loomed In the horizon beeauso Dwver had his war paint on. The umpire , however , quieted the { rouble by personally Intortering and calling Dwyer in. The fourth Inning resulted In Omaha In creasing the score by three , while Lincoln r - Juld the compliment by adding lour to its tally sheet. The litth inning found the score standing 12 to 11. Omaha batted terrifically and in creased the 1" to ID. Thu Llncolns then wielded the willow so vigorously that three runs wore scored before they had really warmed up to their work. O'Loary was being hit right and left and ho failed to stop two palpably easy grounders. Walsh thereupon - . upon changed him , putting Uourke In the box. Krchiurycr , who mid been facing O'Lcary's hot and wild balls like n Trojan , Btlll remained behind the bat and caught well , although It was evident the Intense beat and length of the game were trying on lilm. The change of pitchers did not pre vent tlui Llncolns , however , from climbing two totches higher in their score and the in ning closed with them ahead one run , the game standing , Omaha IS , Lincoln 10. In the sixth Inning both nines played ball , and In the seventh inning the game was at nn equally Interesting point , the Lincoln club retiring in onu , two , three order , and the Omahas Again taking tlie lead by making two runs. When the Onialms had rolled up a big cipher on the tirat half of the eighth Inning It uegan to look as if bU batting and loose playing was at an end , but the Uncolns went lu and pounded the sphere wanple- f awed. Itewo , who had been a "mark" for Ihe crowd because of his numerous kicks to the umpire and his errors on tirst base , lifted liner clear to the back fencu and came liouio on the lly. i'lvo runs were made.be- fore they stopped. On the nlntti Inning the Omahas suc ceeded In doing nothing and the game closed In favor ot the visitors by the score of SI to 18. scor.K n v INNINGS : Lincoln . 4 0 4 r 0 0 n-2l Omaha . 4 503813 0-1S Manager Dantllo Hoslcns. It Is said that Manager Ban die , of the Omaha club , has resigned on account ot more-prolitablo business jCHgacemcnts. Ho has announced his wlll- Ineness to play In the club whenever desired Iiero In Omaha , but will bo unable to devote Ills whole attention to Its affairs. His proba ble successor will be Gexjrge Kny. Manager Bindla has protested against the came which was lost by the Omahas in Lin coln , on the crotind that the umpire was neither a regular nor an authorized substi tute umpire. He has also claimed the game in Denver which the Delivers refused to play on account of alleged bad condition of the grounds , claiming that the grounds were in suitable shape. The Status of the The following was the status of the clubs In the \Vojteru league at the close of the \veok : AVON. LOST. Omaha . . . 0 2 Hastings . 4 4 Lincoln . 4 0 lonvor . 0 3 1 opcka . 0 1 Kansas City . 3 0 Leavenworth . 7 1 He. Joe . 4 4 Other Sunday ( .runes. ST. Louii > , Mav 8. The ganio between the St. Louis and Loulsvillo to-day resulted as follows : Bt. Louis . 0 0010004 1-G Louisville . 0 01200010-4 Ha o hits St. Louis 14 , Loulsvillo not given , i'ltehois King and Hatnsay. Krrors St. Louis 4 , Louisville a. Umpire Valen tine. CINCINNATI. May 8. The came between Cincinnati and Cleveland to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati . 2 0000203 0-0 Cleveland . 3 OoailOOO 7 Pltcho.s Soradand Crowell. Uaso hits Cincinnati 8 , Cleveland li. Krrors Cincin nati 3 , Cleveland 8. Umpiro-Kd Cuthbert. Ilasn nail at Columbus. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , Mav 8. ( Special Tolo- KTnm to the llr.ic. ] The national game has lost none of its interest with the sports of Columbus. An interesting game of base ball If was nlavcd to-day between the Mohawks 1 1 und tun Dabsters , Frank North umplilng the * came to the sitlstaction of the contestants , the score standing 3 to 3 in itivor of the Dab- Bters. _ A Manuunth Strike Probable. Piii&Ai > ii.ruiA ! , May 8. ( Special Telegram - gram to the UKC. | The wholesale coal hand lers state that the greatest strike of coal miners over known In this country Is likely to occur next week. The demands made three weeks ago for an Increase of 10 per cent by May 10 , lias bw practically refused. II is the unanimous decision of the large deal cis that the present state ot trade would not , permit an advance In wages , ana if a ntrlkc \ - must come it had bettor come now. If the L' etriko Is ordered every man In the anthracite I , region would go out. About 65,000 would bo K directly affected , Till } WEEK IN WALL STREET , A. Decided Improvement Follows a Itonrlali MoTomcnt. NEW VUIIK , May 8. ( Special Telegram to the JlKK. ] Whllo the stock speculation dur ing the greater part of the week wan con- lined to curators Inside of the walls of the stock exchange , and while the market at in tervals degenerated Into a mere trader's one , yet there weio some wide tluctuatlons such as do not usually occur under that condition of affairs. The boars were In control at the start and succeeded In bringing about a do- cllno of nearly 3 points In New England , nnd made a lighter Impression on other shares , but when the railway tralllc returns for the fourth week of April came to hand and figures generally showed tin Increase over last year , whereas those operating on short side of account had been predicting n heavy falling ofT , there was a marked rever sal of the course of prices. This was a com plete surprise for the bears and they nuulo naste to cover , the result of which is an Improvement. The street was treated to several sensations , ono being In Fort Worth & Denver City , which jumped over 14 points on covering by those who had sold the week short against dnposlta uf the same in the trust company , according to an agreement under which subscriptions were made to the construction company now building extensions ; and another In Hock Island , which roe 7 points , the advance hav ing been started by the reports of a "melon , " and afterward materially assisted by the bidding up process on the part ot one of the boldest of traders. Some oilier stocks , notably Jersey Central , New England , Tennessee coal and Iron , Milwaukee. Lake Shore it Western and Alton A Terre Haute , rose34f points , nnd the rest of the list to a smaller extent , the Vanderbllts , ( hangars , Wabnsh , and 1'acilic Mall , nnd some of the specialties having been conspicuously strong. After the demand from the shorts had been supplied , and London did not send the buy ing orders that were expected , the room traders and wolesslonai boars hammered the lists , paying particular attention to New England. While the events of the week ha o again demonstrated that It Is much easier to lilt than depress prices , it is to be said that the market Is a narrow one , and operators do not wait long on cither sidn for results , which conduces to rapidity ol changes. In railway bomlsa larco business was done and in some Instances the changes were un usually Important. Among those- that were prominent in this resuect were the Wa- bashes , which rose K@OK points on rumors of a settlement with the purchasing commit tee , nnd Green Hay Incomes , which jumped 4 > points on the Increased earnings and on ieports that efforts were being made in the interest of ceitain roads to obtain control of the line. As the tlmo approaches for rntesof Interest to rule lower capitalists are more disposed to place their funds in good railway mortgage1) , especially as the tralllc returns of the roads arc more favorable ) than hnvo been expected under the Inter-state commerce law. Governments were lower , particularly for Is , for which the demand was less active. Foreign exchanges were alternately lirm and weak. The limited supply of commer cial bills would have led to an advance early in the week had it not been for the light de mand. The latter had Its influence near the close , when bankers' bills became more abundant. With the appearance of these bills the market weakened and the final busi ness was done at the lowest Quotations touched. Money on call , during the greater part ot the week , was accessible at 4@5 per cent. At inlurvals rates ran tin to 0@8 aud down 2i$3 ( $ per cent , but they did not reflect the true condition of the market , which was comfortable throughout to such borrowers as are well known at the banks and had accept able collaterals. NAVAL WARFARE. Experiments Soon to He Made Upon a Now Torpedo. NEW TOIIK , May 8. { Special Telegram to the UKK.I The United States naval tor pedo board , which was lu session at the Brooklyn navy yard last week , Is soon to ex periment with a torpedo invented by General - oral II. liordan. Bordan has recently re turned from Constantinople , whore experi ments were made with this torpedo , and ho has made contracts with nearly all foreign powers to supply them with it , on condition that they are satisfied with it upon trials. The tests are to be made In this country , and representatives of the governments with whom he lias contracts are to come here to witness the tests. General liordan said yes terday : "When the English navy was going through Its manoeuvres not lou g ago on the Irish coast an artist for the Loudou Graphic made a sketch of. one of the vessels in the act of letting down n net macto of steel , used to protect the vessel from torpe does. The publication ot this sketch was the Urst knowledge other government * had of this steel net. The matter had been kept a profound secret In the Kuirllsh navy. I had previous knowledge of the matter and lad for some time been at work on a torpedo deslcned to circumvent this net. 11 takes a 1,900 pound charge ot dynamite to penetrate twenty-four inches of armor whereas a Whltchoad torpedo charge is only ninety-tnroe pounds , so that those ships weie safe at sea from all ex isting torpedoes , even without nets , while with this contrivance all the vessels of the fleet could bu made secure. I set to work to invent a torpedo which could strike the vessel by going under the net and up under the center of the hull of the ship. At a point where the shin Is weak and the gas Is strong oven a small dlchargo of dynamite will de stroy the vessel bv uoing up under the hull. I have succeeded In accomplishing what 1 in tended to do and this is the torpedo which the government is soon to test , and for which I have already made contracts with foreign governments. It consists of an arrangement fastened to another ship with a ram and pneumatic buf fer. When this strikes the vessel attacked it loosens the torpedoes which are fastened by a cabin to the attacking vessel. Uy tins moans the torpedoes swing down and under the net and strike under the hull of the ship attacked. These torpedoes contain 200 ponnds of compressed cun cotton and there Is no mistake of their work. Any kind of boat may bo used , but it Is better to nave one specially de.slgued for the purpose. Ho Ackowlodod the Doht. NEW YOUK , May 8. ( Special Telegram to the Uin.J : Uoforo the war Daniel Hand , a wealthy citizen of Guitford , Conn. , and George Williams , one of the members of the banking lirm of Williams & Blrney , Charles ton , S. C. , were in the grocery business on a large Bcalo at Atlanta. Williams was the bookkeeper , with a small Interest in the busi ness. Hand then held 5400,000 in real estate. When the war broke out the business was closed up and Hand came north , having turned the real estate over to Williams with the private understanding that ho would re turn it. After peace was declared Williams' honor was all that H and depended upon. Williams lost nearly all of the property dur ing the war , but alter the war he prospered as a broker In Charleston. Meanwhile Hand prospered In the north. He was a llbantl elver to the Tale divinity school and en dow od the Hand academy nt Madison. Ito- Kardlng his southern property as totally lost , no did not give the subject much thought until blx years ago. His lawyer then learned Williams' address , und tliouirh Hand had no legal claim npon him Williams acknowl edged the debt and at once began payments in forgo sums. The last payment was made a few days ago , the total being about JfAO.ooo. A Contralto Urines suit For Bnlnry. NKW Yoiuc. May 8. ( Special Telegram to the BF.E.I Jessie Bartlett Davis , contralto of the National Opera company , has , through her counsel , brought suit against the com pany to recover the sum of S727 , the amount of two checks which she received from the cashier of the company , bearing the endorse ment of Mrs. Joanuetto M. Thurber. The actress deposited them In the Gartiold Na tional bank , where she kept an account. They were dishonored nnd she was requested to make them good. The checks , which were given prior to the departure of the company tor the west , were drawn upon the Stcond National bank. When the contralto learned that they were not good she telegraphed her lawyers to sea Mr. Thurbor. Ho was seen , but said he was tired , and referred the lawyer to his wife. Mrs. Tburber's attorneys were seen and they expressed their willingness to have the matter adjusted , but It Is said paid no further attention to it , hence the suit. It Is charged thnt the company committed a fraud , as they knew there were no fund ? ; In the bank to me t the check when it was mad : . "NATIONAL NICKNAMES. " Some That Distinguished the Loading Men of the United States. PROMINENT POLITICAL PARTIES "Old IIIckorf'-t'Tippccanoe and Ty- lorloo" "Vnn , Vnn , the Com- ln Mnn" New York a Nlcfc- u a in o Nest. Now York Sun : rora young republic we were a most dignified people iu our po litical habits for the lirst thirty years of our life as tx nation , Porlmps it wns a keen sense of the audacity of our unique experiment in "of , by , and for govern ment" that caused all political operations to be charactorix.ud by gravity and great dignity , Presidential canvasses were car ried on as lawyers argue grave causes before supreme courts. Schoolboys and soldiers were permitted to hurrah , but not politicians. Torchlights , bonfires , fun , and fury would have been thought contemptible auxiliaries of an election for president , and to display emo tion was beneath the dignity of mon who wore sovereigns. Public men spoke in. formal rhetoric and in Latinized phrases. Kven Daniel Webster was magniloquent and in those early days of his political life. Argu ments were worthless that were not ornamented by quotations irom the classics , and rhetoric puerile that did not permit the spouting of lines from Cicero , Dompnsthenes , and tlio pouts. The pamphlet was an engiiio of political persuasion. Publius and Agricola , Sencx and Justitia labored by means of open letters of prodigious length to prevail against the monarchical federalists or the republican-democrats. The press was great m its political essays , and very little m its news. It reported the duel between llurr and Hamilton in ten lines , and ratiocinated by the column on abstruse political theories. The great conventions that in these days nominate for the presidency were then unknown. Grave caucuses of very grave members of congress placed the can didates in nomination. Sometimes even this formality was dispensed with , and the electoral college voted for the candi dates who were indicated by whnt is now called the consensus of opinion. Federal ists as a party gasped and died soon after the war of 18ia. Calm respectability aud conventional decorum prevailed. Pla cidity followed , and Mr. Monroe was elected for his second term without the ripple of a political wave or tlio an tagonism of an idea. To that point wo had comeand , the danger that threatened was that of dry rot. Then of a sudden our whole system of political activity was changed. We plunged into the can vass of 18J4 with a watchword , an in spiring cry , that stimulated men and made them enthusiastic. It vitalized politics. It began the splendid series of popular and healthy turbulences which nave eyer since characterized presidential canvasses , and yet this inspiring cry was simply a nickname Old Hickory. "ou > HICKOUY" JACK&ON. "Nicknames , " said Napoleon , "should not be despised ; " and it is said that Jackson rejoiced in his sobriquet of Old Hickory. How he earned it is in dispute , but once earned it stuck to him until his death , and is ono of tlio few nicknames of the past that have not been forgotten. It was the first to bo cart ied into a pres idential canvass , and it was potent be cause it represented an idea. Andrew Jackson represented force , courage , vi tality , popular government without the frills and the ceremonials of the foreign courts , energy , and genuine democracy strengthened by experience. This set the sluggish political blood of that day .to dancing , and this canvass , in which men became enthusiastic and excited , taught the politicians of that time that thcro was health and vigor in this stirring up of men , by appealing as well to their sentiments aud emotions as to their rea son. Stagnation had threatened" . Hut the wild whirl of an exciting pres idential canvass clarified and invigorated politics. And it is precisely this most healthy and needful element of our po litical life that the so-called civil service reform of to-day antagonizes. If we could reform human nature as well as the civil service there might be no need of the activity , enthusiasm , energy and other forces that come from a stimu lation of the emotions. But while numan nature remains what it is , we should get our political oxygen through these agencies , and that is a benefit that will bo far bettor than the evil , if there bo any , in our civil service system of placing in the administrative ottico-men m sympathy with the party in power. ' From the time when , under the inspira tion of Jackson's name , men freed our political canvasses from the appalling dignity and solemnity that tirst oliarao- torized them , the tendency has been to call into play all the emotional powers , and we find this exemplified in the striking and significant nicknames or so briquets that were attached to the great partj * leaders. Men catch at a nick name. It brings a candidate nearer to them. It is ono of the cquali/.ing re sources of democracy. And so wo find that after the charm of Old Hickory has shown its power , there was developed speedily not only a strong , hearty and vigorous opposition to the party Jack son resuscitated , but a tendency to idealize its great loader by a sobriquet , and in 18'Jl the rapidly crystallizing whig party began to talk of ' 'Harry ot the west. " I'OWEIE IN POLITICS. The younger generation cannot appre ciate the tremendous power there was in that sobriquet. It idealized Clay. It typified his magnetic qunlitics. It made a political equal of a great intellect. It matched for the whigs the enthusiasm created by the mention of Old Hickory among the dcluocrats. Old Hickory's heir apparent was Mar tin Van liurcn , aud bo went into the White House , after a splendid canvass , in which the nickname of "Tho Little Magician" played a potent part. William Henry Harrison was then beaten by the Little Magician , but four years later there was a canvass for the presidency that can only bo described as magnifi cent. ICvory citizen was made to fool his sovereignty m it. It was a cyclone of political activity. Harrison was nick named , and in every cross-road corner men shouted for Tippecanoo and Tyler too. Old Tip , Hard Cider , Log Cabin , nnd the refrain refrainVan Van , Van Is a used-up mnn. All these emotional stimulants stirred men to their marrow , and vitalized our politics so thoroughly that the effects were felt for years. In 1844 , four years later , "Harry of the West" was tlio whig watchword usedand it aroused an enthusiasm fully equal to that displayed for Old Tip iu 1810. The democrats had nominated a man whom it was impossible to apply a sobriquet to. Ho was not well known. His personality aroused no enthusiasm , and the host they could do for Polk was to cry : "Polk and , the Tarill' of ' 43. " In 1843 tlio democrats again nomin ated ono of the old school , General Cass. He was not a man to idealize by a nick name. But Taylor was a character that suggested plenty of them. "Old Ucuna Vista" gave hint of his military renown * but the sobriquet that was m , every whig'a mouta during the ctinvaaa was "Rough and Hoadv'What a nickuamo for a hero picked from the masses ! And it played no unimportant part in winning rotes for old Xach. Fremont was idoli/od as tlio pathfinder but perhaps tlio most batching motto of his canvass was that invented by some "Fremont and Jessie " inspired genius , , aud thcro were tlimmmh of mon who voted for Fremont oh'account ' of Jcisio. Lincoln was characterized as Old Abe , Uncle Abe , the KalhpHltcr , but only ono of his three antagonists had a nickname. That however , was n lundid , "The Little Giant. " It was worth ns much to Doug las as many of Ins speeches , and you will find men even to-d ywho > speak with tender recollection of the Little Giant. MODKUN A1TEU.AT1O.N3. Wo have had no striking nickname since 1800 , if wo except that given in voluntarily to IJlaino by Hob lugersoll , "Tho Plumed Knlglit. " Grant was known in the army simply as "Tho Old Man. " Now York state has furnished almost all the nicknames for parties aud factions within parties. Thirty-live years ago the whigs derisively dubbed the demo crats locofocos. It was rnro that you hoard a whig speak of a democrat as any thing but a iocofoco. Vet tlio name was applied originally almost by way of jest , and arose from the use of Iocofoco matches at a democratic meeting in old Tammany hall ( now the sun building ) . It is something of a coincidence tint from that same building in later years should have come the appellation which has been univer sally accepted as applying to the self- appointed remnant in polilics-tho appel lation ot Mugwumps. The great fac tions of the Democratic party forty years ago received their distinguishing nick names in New York. These were the Barnburners and Hunkers. "Tho Silver Gray Whig" is also of New York origin. Later it was a Now York Republican , lloscoo Consling , who dubbed the great factions in the Republican party Stal warts and Half Breeds. In view of the part that enthusiasm and emotional vigor hare played in all succcssfuj canvasses since 1828 , demo cratic politicians'mnst regard the canvass of next year as ono which will call upon all their resources to excite their healthy passions. He will be a genius indeed who will invent a nickname for Presi dent Cleveland that will stimulate men when they hear it. And he will be even greater who will coin the watchword for the . "Turn " canvass. the rascals out , won't do. That was one of the cries in " 84 , but they were not turned out much faster than big lenses for telescopes are. Reform ? Yet Colonel Wattersou asserts that the star-eyed goddess weeps. Wipe out the surplus ? But that would bo twilling on facts , it would be a sarcasm. In order to have the watchword and the sobriquet that expresses a living , genuine democratic idea , there must bo found the man. There are some. There would bo n heap of enthusiasm , for instancein tlio laconism of Governor Hill. " 1 am a democrat. " Tliat would bo a platform. There's enthusiasm enough bottled up in that exprrssio to sorya for a dozen cam paigns. Yet it would not be likely to win the mugwump vote. " * The Intorntnto Law. San Francfjw Clironitle. The weekly traxl review issued by It. G. Dun' ' & Co. says with great truth that ' this law is doubtless charged with much interrup tion of business thutl ( < 5 > cs not belong to it. Beyond any question tlio transporta tion companies have 'taken ' advantage of the disturbance aud4confusion arising from the radical ! > changes made by the new ' Ifiw nave put such an interpretation upon it as suited them , and then cultivated the belief that all the trouble was chargeable to the law. Instead.of redeeming their pledges to give the law a fair trial and to honestly endeavor to conform to its pro visions , they have done everything in their power to make it odious and to make it appear that it would bo ruinous the business interests of the nation. A very brief review of the facts will make this position perfectly apparent. Mileages and commutation tickets have in some cases been advanced in price or discontinued , altogether , although the MOST PERFECT MADE Piwpuod wtth gtriet regard toPnrHr , Strength , an& Healthfaliieaa. Dr. Prico's Baking Powder contains DO Ammonia , Llmo-Alara or Phosphates. Dr.Price's KitrfKtff. VMiillfti J/V" * n , fl "iflftTOt fllsUoioiiriji THE 1'ERFECT Iff Quickest Selling Article Ever Invented. OF DASHER , $1.23 Needs no talklrtK. but rcnltr IB thn Prottloit Bliowlnz Article on io } Iarkot. OMAHA , Neb. , April-jM , 18S7. This is to certify that we , 'tig | undersigned , have this dav witnessed a churning by ' 'The Perfect Self Revolving Churn Dashers , " which resulted in producing ! H ' , < pounds of first class butter from one gallo'n of crcatn in just one minute and fifteen seconds. W. U WrUht , proprietor "Omaha Dulryi" O. W. Wheeler , uianuzur " ( iiiiiiliii Dairy ; " I'aul n Tata , Merchant'Nutlinml llnnki A. I ) TimttllnNebraska National Hunk ; I'rnf. ( Jeorif II. Uilhbiirn. proprietor ' Omalm Iluilneni ColU'iro ; ' I'ror. U J. IllaVo. to ich- crof bhaitbandi llarrMlrriiim , olltur"I'ltUUa Spur. " Mill U. Uhl. "lloo" WI11J. Dobhi , H. n Aqt J f.llrnn"World. " Vrunk u. ( Irt'on/'Uerol I" Dr. J. W. hearth. lir. J.W.Iiyenrt. Dr. C. M. (1. lllart. Dr. Hamilton Warren. II. U. Iiall.rrul estate , J. W , ltouurs.re.tl otuto Joliu HudU , jowcler. Chris Orff , furniture. Utato and County Jlltjlt'tn for Sale , rrojlt.i mil Surprise Yon. AGENTS WANTED. Call or write to us at once. O i ck sales and large profiu. Very truly , J. W. & A. POI-IIAM , Prop's. BoomlCrounse Ulock.N.lCtfc tt. . Omaha , Neb. law mnkcK spocuil provision tor llicir is- Biianco. TlirotiKh rates have buon ( jrcady ndvancrd without local rates being lowered. No disposition lias been shown to nnply to tlio commission - mission for Iccitinmta cxeniptions from the long and short haul clause or for tliu privilege of making special rules under special circumstances. In short , cverytliing which could inlluenco tlio public mind ngnlnst the now law has boon skilfully brought forward nnd used and thn benefits to arise from tliu law as skilkully kept in the background. Hut tlio railroads liavo not been en tirely successful lu their attempt to pull tlio wool over the eyes of tlio people. Even hero in San 1'r.uicisco n strong rep resentation of business men have entered - tered into n vigorous protest with the commission against tliu suspen sion of tlio long nnd short lirxul clause , anil the Protestants urn men of standing in the business community , rep resentatives of large amounts of invested capital , and have the interests of the state anil city quite as much at heart us those who have opposed tlio enforcement of section 4. The commissioners have , it is possible , ncteil discretely in temporarily suspend ing this section of the law , although it i.s not clear that they have not exceeded their jurisdiction tn so doing. The sus pension was granted in order to give tlmo to hoar and de termine the conflict which has grown out of the long and short haul section ; but if tlio railroad companies are to be allowed to interpret it as they please , without objection from their patrons , the suspension might ns well bo made perpetual. It is possible that nt the next session of congress some umendment of the law may be advisable , in order to diminish the friction in some particulars , hut the law must not bo repealed. It is founded upon principles of justice and equity , and only aims to compel common carriers to per form their obligations to tlio people , and such a law , even though it may require n readjustment of detnils , is too valuable to be allowed to disappear from tliu statute books. The great underlying principle of the law must lie preserved , and the rai- road companies must be compelled to ad just themselves to it. They must learn that the people have rights which even railroad corporations must respect ; and ns soon as this important lesson is per fectly understood by them , there will bo no further difficulty with the intor-statc commerce law or any similar legislative enactment. To break up colds nnd fevers use carlj * Dr. Piorce'a Extract of Smart Weed. Trouble Among the Mlltali. ATLANTA , Ga. , May S. ( Special Telesrnm to the lictc. I Although several sympathisers nnd friends ot the Oato City Guard threat ened to tar and feather Charles K. Atwood , editor oMiic Capitalwho yesterday attempted to cowhide Captain Burke , as yet Atwood has escaped that indignity. This morning , however , whllo ho was walking along one of ( Lieprincipal business streets of the city he was met by Hoop Alexander , a young law yer and member of the iruards. Alexander claim to have whipped Captain Burke ? " At wood replied : "i struck him nnd I am proud of it. " No sooner had lie said this than Alexander slapped him In the face with hand. Diamond Harry Arrested. CHICAGO , May 9. A mulatto named Harry Ward , alias "Diamond llnny , " who linsbcpu under tlio stir\ alliance ol the detectives hero several days , was arrested to-nmht. Ho had Just pawned n Sl.ftoo diamond rlnc for n trilling sum nnd h.ul on his IKTJOII several humheil dollars worlli of Jewelry , .supposed to have bwn stolen. The police siisptTl Ward of being concetnod lu tliu roei'tit diamond robberies at Washington , Now Yoik nnd Albany. Shot. ST. Louis , May 8. A dispatch from Noipilcs , Ailz. , says : A Rood deal of doubt having been thrown on the previous i eports thnt OajouiP , tlio famous Vnqtil Indian chief , has boon shot , the matter was set nt rest to-day by tlio reception of n telegram from General Toreof Sonorn , siiylnt ? lhat C.ijeino was shot after a short trial , accord- lug to the law. Htentmhlp ArrlvnM. New Yor.if , May 8. ( Special Tolpgnra to the UKK. I Tha Xormatidlo from Havre , Umbrln for Liverpool. ( JUKP.NSTOWN , May S. The Arl/.ona from Liverpool sailed tor New York. Tlio City of Montreal from Now York April U4. Ar rived the Sarvia sailed tor New York. Near Whitohcad , 1. T. , on a ranch , a man numed Foster saw u mouse come up through n hole in the floor of ins house. Securing n pistol ho lired several times nt the mouse. One shot struck a can of powder , which exploded , Instantly kill ing his two-year-old son , mortally wounding a ten-year-old girl , seriously jnjuriii" Mr. and Mrs. Foster and wreck ing the house. During n severe storm recently nt Iloclu , 1'a. , largo llocks of wild geese and ducks Hying northward were driven down , and then were attracted by the light of the coke ovens. Many birds fell upon the ovens and floundered around , da/.ed by the light or singed by the Fie.it , nnd about ten swans nnd twenty ducks were captured. Major Showalter , deputy United States marshal , came in from Niohrara to-day with a man named J. Ilascnll , charged with selling liquor to the Indians , Henry M. Stanley , the explorer , takes snuff when traveling in very hot regions. Ho saj's that it helps to preserve his eye- sight. A swimming school in Frankrort-pn- tho-Main in "Swim - announces Knglish : ming instructions given by ti teacher of both sexes. " Sometimes the sun shines on the llos- ton critics. Fanny Davenport lias writ ten a letter thanking them for their kind trertment. Sir William Armstrong's now gun to resist torpedo attacks is a thirty-pounder , and devolopes a muzzle velocity of 1,000 feet per second. Emperor Francis Joseph , of Austria , is reported to take the part of his daughter- in-law in her quarrels with her husband , Crown Prince Kudolf. This is the Season When a coed medlclno Is a necessity. The Impnre "Two months ngo I commenced tnklnz Hood's Sar- ( latent thpbtood.thcdcrangcd digestion.nnd the weak Fiipiirilln ns tin experiment , us 1 hiul no appetite or condition of tha bed j- , all call for the i > rtt jinn , Tf a- ptrencth , and felt Urod ull the time. 1 attributed my tlng , nnd BtrengllienlnK Inllutncoi BO happily nnd condition to scrofulous humor. I hnil Irlod Korenil effcctlrelr combined In Hood'i Sar aimrllla. It over- , without different kinds of mortMne receiving any cornel that tired fcullng , euros headache nnd drsHp- { henoflt. Dut soon us 1 hud taken half a bottle of tin , and ezpoli evorjr tutnt of scrofula from tu Hood's Sarsnparllln , my appetlVe was rentored , and blood. my stomHCh felt bettur. I hnve now tak n nearly 'All ' I nnkof any one Is to try bottle of Hood's three bottles , and I nerar was eo well lu my Ufa. " Baraaparllla nnd see IU quick effect. It tnkes lets Mus.Ji.4SlK K. DOI.UEAUK , I'ascoag , R. L time nnd qmintltj to ( how Its effect than any other "Hood's tnr ) aptirlllu cured mo of dyspcpsln and preparation I ever board of. I would not bo without liver complaint with which 1 had suffered 20 yean. " It In the uouao. " Mil. * . C. A. M. IIuuiiAKU , North J , B. UUH.XIIICK , South FallsburK , N. Y , Chill. Mouroo County. N. Y. Spring Medicine BiiUdlng-Up Power "We hnTO used Hood's Sarsaparllla for lerernl "iKladly attest the peculiar building-up power of jrenrs , and feel proud to recommend It as an reel- Hood's Sarsnpurlllu. For some time I huve hcon lent spring medicine or to be used at all times as a unable to attend to butlnea * . but flimlly ntthoroquost load purlOer. For children as wall BI grown people of a friend luned part of n bottle of Hood's Sunn- we consider It the best. We let Hslde one bottle parilla , which RHTO tone and strength to my system for our bo jr to take In the nprlag. Hols nine rears nnd mude mo feel ynunit as when n boy. " OIlA-c- old ami has enjoyed jood health cror since we botcan vii.1.1T. WOODSMaud W Lodge streetCincinnati giving It to him. We are seldom without It. " B. " . Ohio. OKOVTB , Itocheiter , N. II. "Hood's PnrsnearallU cured mo of dyspepsia and N. 13. If you havu mnde up your mind to got liver complaint with which I hud suffered ) years. ' Houd'B Bnaparilla do not take any other. J. 11. HoixuECK , South I'allsburK. N. Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla On DOCN Ono Dollar 1OO Dohcs One Dollnr Bold by all druRgMts. JI ; sir for K. 1'ruparedbyO Sold fay oil dru l U. II ; six for 15. Prepared by C. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. I. HOOD It CO , Apothecaries , Low U , Mans. RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Pacific Railroad Compart ) . New Model Lawn Mower Five Sizes. Will cut hlylmr gnis.i than < nii } other. Jlas noeqnul fnr simplicity , diirabilitninl ! cntte of operation. Thi8 is the latest Improved Ma chine in the Market. . , . _ J'i'icc * . Send for circulars. PHIL STIMMEL & CO. " --J" - OMAHA , IfEllJlANKA. State Agent * for I'orler'tt Jlantflng Tool and Jobber * of Jlliidlng Titnur. Display at their warerooms , 1305 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY , m M KI FISCHER PIAN HFftlY1 B * B * LYON & BURDETT , STANDARD , Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or tlmo payments , whllo the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 4 OI * 1307 FARNAM STREET- Hayden Bros B In New Kennard Building W Special Sale of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. We will place on nulu to-day : lOOdoz. cliiUlrais' lioso , lu blnck and colored , ribbed aud pluiii , many of ( liege bemfif worth We a pair ; tlieyaro broken lotg , ami will not last long as we 1mvc decided to rlose them out at 15c per jutir. 50 doz. ladies' unbleached hose , regular niude and double hcela uud toes , at 15c per iialr ; worth 2Gc Cliildrcns corduroy ribbed hose , black only , sic ; worth Uric , .lust received , iuo doof ladles' fancy rotten hose , in new patterns ; to bo closed at ii5e per pair , Schopiicrs Lisle thread hose. 4lc pair. M ) doz. Cloven , iii pure silk , iu hlack only. 4-7c ; worth 7Cc. 100 nulamidricd shirts , reinforced back , linen bosom , only < Hc. ! Ocnts' balbriggan shirts and drawers , 35c ; worth 50c. 100 doz. Rents' linen colors , i ply , Ko each. Itest quality of linen collars , only 12jc each. Satin lined neck wear. lc. ! ) Gents' fancy shirts , in calico , percale- and pcnunfifs , l < 7c , 7 < > c , $ l , $1. % . Ocnts' lisle tread 1-2 hose , ; i5j ( per iwir Gents' .British 1-2 hose , I'Jc ' per pair HAYDEN BROS. 16th Street , Near Douglas , OMAHA JVKB. EVERY LADY who desires n iwrfiTt CORSET FORM AND FIT should cnr one. win noi ruiiimi MI MBK or . HOClLSTEll CUKSKT CO. . SIS and 2:0 Xarltl .St. , Cbicact. Ordinance Ho. 13U6. AN Onllnnnco nitnoninir Wclislor Btrcot from Klnl fUruot ve-t tn tlin pnction line liittwrpn MictlniH l.ri mid in , In the < : l'.y of Onmlm , and piovlUlni ; for tlio tmlo of the ground vtiuutod to tlio ailjoinlntc proprity ownois : Itulluitlalnotl l > y tuocity councilor the City of Onmlm : Section 1. Tlinl Hint part of Webster strict. in the city ot Onmlm , Irom lid Etioct ui > Ute to tliii flection line bctweun sections If ; and 10 , BUhjoct to tliMll4iHr > al of the Riounil viinitcd us honnn provided , t > u nnd ' . .lio.utiio it lirrnliy nurrowixl anil ri'ilncuil fioin 119 pro ont ttidtu of UK ) ft ct tn it n liltli ot 7U lout , vi/ : I ! 6 Toot on Diicli mUuof lliuuonlor linn of sulil Rlicd , HO a * lonvo a t-tiip ot liuiUlSfoot inMlli on oucu Biilo ofBiild struct. Bpction'2. Tluit tlio npprnlscmnnt committee liu mill hntoby i-iln'-lrnclpil to appriilM ) the strip of friiHinil 1" ) ti-oot In width uppo-Htu pwli lot iihuttliiK tlicroon unit rcinut its action In In at Sod Ion J. Tluit upon Piili ) roixnt being fllml. tlio city ilcrk publish a noliculn tliu olllcial papm-ot tliocll ) mvitlnif lildB for tliu pnroliino ofMiM strip ol ITi foot in unltli opjioslto cacli lot abutting Ihnri'on. . . , . . Section 4. Thnt thlsonlliiRnco nlmll tnXn oIToct and bo in lorco Irom nml alter Its pusKntro. I'UHWil April litli , IS T. \\'M. P llcciir.i. , i'ri'sideiit City Council. J. It. SoUTiiAiin. Cltv Clerk. Approicd April llith 1SST. H lloiD.Mnyor. Notice- of application of Louis Illbbtlor MATTKU fnr liquor llcnnso. Notice H hrrnliy irlvcn Unit Ixmls Illlibelor did unin | tlm 4lh day of Mur , A. I ) . ltW7. Illo Ins nppllcntlon to tlio ninjor und city council ot Omaha , lor liccnsn to sell malt , aplril- IIOUH and vliioiiH liquoM at lon\cn oitli und Wood Htri't't , Ninth \uuil , Onmlm , Nob. , f rum tlio llth ilay ol April , IraT.lo tliu lUlli < la > or April. IbSH. It thcro bo no objection , rcmon'trrtiion or protest nlod within two wcoks Iiom May lib , A. I ) . 18'Jl the frnlil license will lit' granted I I'IH Hinm.i.Kii , Applicant. J. 11. SoUTlMiin.City Clerk. mT-H Ordinance No. 1323. OidlnsnrocTimtlnirl'HVjiiK Dislrlcts NOH AN ( und III In the city of Onmhii , unJ ( lolin- Inir tlioboniidnrita tlioroof. linltoiduliiod by tboulty councilor tlio city of ' ' ' Su't'lim'l. 1'iivintf DlalilctB Noi. 110 und 111 lire lirrobj crimtnd In the city ol Onmlm. Mellon" . I'nvlnir District No. Ull ( .hall com- prlBO nnd include BO niucliiil 1'tli Mn-nt ns lies nutwiuri Oiunnpoit ftreot und Ciumnir Hi rout , o.vctipt ClilcuKi' Mi cot intcrM'i lion , und nil loin iindiculettlittc iibuttlnv upon mid pirts ot llth Mi < el 1 1 in : k u dlbtancu ol IX ! lict ; from cucli ( .Ido n f B.ild Hlraot Section : ) I'avinj , ' District No. Ill MmlUom. pribu mid Inuludool much ol lUth fctn-nt n Ho * between Dnvnnport utiect und Cumin/ cut , except ChlfiKO Btreot Intrn'iictlon , and nil lots nnd rout r.tatu ubuttlnir upon > uld pailn of llnh street bncl < u distance ot Uii feet liom i ach hldu ol Ruld Hticet Section 4 Tills ortlhmnco rlnill luke clloct nnd bo in toiou from nnd titter lupus > ni < t' . I'usso'l ' April 12th. IbiT. W\t. I1. llrriiKi. , I'rcslrtont City Council. J. II. HOIITII im. Cliy Clerk. Approved April icth , It i : . Iovi ! > , J Mayor. Grade Ordinance No. 70. AN Ordlnnnco entublinlilnitlio crude of 12th Mreot fiom Vlnton ktrcct to lluiivrolt Mrcut. in tliu city of Onmlm. lie It Oriiulnod by tlio city council of tlio city of Ointilm , SH tlim 1. Tlio er ( lu of 12th slrt'i I fioin \ In- ton Mr cot to Huncrolt Mrret , In the oily tit Omiihn , Is hor'jby < "l-ibll'bcd nt llio lotlowlnir olcvutloiu , the yrad helmf iiniloim btruluht line * botwcen the jKiiuls miouillrdi KliiviUlon r.lovution of M-vni-b. of W. curb- South curb of Vmton ft 201 B art.6 Not Hi curb ol IlrtiHTiitt bt IM U 1' ' . " . U friction ' - ' . Tills o nil rm iioo Miiill tiiKo ctlcct and bo In force from und utter lu pmuigo. I'KiMnl April IVlu , Ibh7. WM. K llt-cii * ! . , I'ro-ildont Cltr Council. J. II. tumTHAiii ) . cily Clurk. Approved April Z3rd , 1EST. WM. K. DKCUEL , AcUoj Mayor.