Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Until Saturday , May 14th , at 10 a. m. Sharp
When I will sell at Public Auction , to the highest bidders , 25 of the most beautiful lots on Farnanx
street , commencing at 39th street.
This Elegant Property Adjoins Jerome Park on the West. City Wateir
is Now Being Laid to this Property. ,
Street cars will be running past these lots in 60 days. Farnam street will be paved this summer to
36th street. But whats the use of telling this ; everyone knows what Farnam street is.
Parties Purchasing will Double their Money in a Short Time. FREE CARRIAGES will take Parties to the Sale from
Don't forget day and date as this is a chance of a life time. Terms % cash , balance on easy terms
THOMAS RILEY , Auctioneer.
Another Earthquake Sale at 1510 and 1521
Douglas Street.
The Bargain * That Will Be Piled Upon
Our Counters Next Week Will
llcally Paralyze the
Our buyer has just returned from the
East. Ho iittomluil the great closing out
sale of Abopg , Daeniker & Co. , and wo
will place the iroods on sale next week
nt the lowest prices over yet heard of.
5,000 elegant Fans in all now shapes
nnd colors ; prices ranging from 5c up to
f 25 each.
1 case elegant 30-Inch Cashmeres , 23c ,
worth 40c.
1 case elegant 80-inch Diagonals , 25c ,
worth 40o.
1 case elegant 80 inch DeBegcs , in
chocks nnd stripes , 25c , worth OOc.
Just received , an elegant line of Nuns'
Veilings , Wool and Silk Grenadines.
Albatrosses at one-half their actual
Values. They nro all on sale Monday.
Monday only 1 case Standard Ging
hams 5c per yard.
Monday only 1 case elegant Figured
Lawns , 8Jo per ynrd ; not over 12 yards
sold to any one customer.
Monday only 1 case elegant Urcss
Ginghams , OJc uer yard.
Monday only 1 case Cream Crinkle
Seersucker , 18 yards for ft.
Next week 2 cases beautiful Sntcncs ,
lOo per yard , worth 15c.
Special sale of 10 pieces Black GrosGrain -
Grain Silks. Our prieo for this special
sale 70o per yard , and at the price it is u
100 Patterns Pongee Silks at$3.50 each'
don't buy them until you have examined
everything in the city ; these beat every
5 cases Imported Scotch Ginghams ,
light shades , cost 17o to import. Wo
closed out the lot at a price. Wo will
Bell them no\t week at lOo per yard.
800 pieces Lace Etamines in all now
light and dark shades ; they maku an
Elegant Cool Nice Dress for Summer.
Our price on them next week , Oc per
yard ; worth 20o.
Monday only 50 dozen more of these
clngant Ladies' 'Embroidered buck Kid
( Moves , in browns , greys and tans , at
08o , worth $1.75 ; this'is the last lot of
this glove wo will have this season.
Our buyer closed out several , solid lots
of hosiery , gloves and handkerchiefs at
the grunt sale of Abogg , Daoniker & Co. ,
Which wo will place on sale next week at
eimply torrilio slaughtering prices.'o
expect the goods to arrive the first of
next wrok. Waleh tor our advertise
ment on these fceod.s later , also wait for a
great sale of iiammook.-i for old and
young , also a largo linn of missus' and
children's straw lints , which wo will close
out in two days. Don't forget , wo will
offer and am ollurinsr tint greatest bar
gains in Omaha. BENNISON BROS.
The only complete stock of window
( lass in Omaha at
Estimates on all kinds of glass nt Ken-
Bard Glass & Paint Go's.
Paint HriuiliQS in wvory variety at
firovoort 1'luoo
goes on sale
B miles from P. O.
one-fourth down
Balance 1. 3 nud 3 years.
B. S. CAMPBELL , Solo Agent ,
Board of Trade Build ing.
\Vftntcil-Cittli boys ai Kclley.Stiger &
Silk Sale Monday.
LOT I AT $1.33.
8 PIECES FINE French Black Gros
Grain Silk at $ 1,83 , worth $2.23.
8 pieces Black Jersey Bilk at $1.33 ,
worth $2.50.
8 pieces Black French Faille Frhncaiso
at ? 1.33 , worth $2.50.
LOT II AT $1.08.
10 pieces extra ( ( utility Si-inch Black
Gros Grain Silk at $1.08 , worth $3.25.
4 pieces Black Faille Franciso Silk at
$1.08 , worth $3.25.
0 pieces Black French Serge Silk at
$1.08 , worth $3.00.
LOT 111 AT $2.17.
24 inch BlacU Gros Grain silk , the best
made at $2.17 , worth $3.50.
22 inch Black Gros Grain silk at ? 2.17.
worth $3.25.
Every yard guaranteed.
8Jc , WORTH 15c.
2 cases fancy striped Crinkle Seer
sucker at 8Jc. worth 15c.
This is a splendid quality of seersucker
nnd comes in stripes only. Pink and
Cream , Blue nnd Cream , Blaok and
Cream , Navy and Cream. Even stripes
of each color. Tins is a great bargain.
WORTH 20o.
4 cases fancy plain and striped Crepe
Cloth in beautiful cll'ucts of pink , cream
nnd blue stripes , is soft and just the
thing for a handsome wash dress ; the
price Monday is lJc , worth 20c.
10,000 yds of line printed India Lawns ,
dots , ciiecks and stripes , that have never
been sold at less than 85cj our price
Monday is 21o per jard.
10,000 yds white and checked India
Linens , plain India Linens , checked Or
gandy that has never been offered tit loss
than 35c ; on Monday our price 25o.
" 00 ombroidorcd robes in white , cream ,
navy , brown and ecru with colored em
broidery all $4 each , they are worth
10.60. N.B. FALCONER.
This week , Friday and Saturday , with
a grand matinee Saturday , wo have the
world's greatest musical family at
Boyd's , tuo McGubings. and they return
hero greatly improved , and with two
moro children who have never appeared
hero. They have been drawing crowded
houses and will do bo hero , as our pcoplo
enjoy thorn much. Their music and fun
is very good , and the family alone is a
beautiful sight to suu. Doirt fail to let
the children attend the matinee , as it will
do them lots of good , and if musical will
inspire them to good work.
"Take that right away"said the young
man to the waiter , us ho pointed to ti
Mincer of whipped cream which had
been brought for his strawberries : "I
did not como hero to get shaved. "
"Juvenile" excellent for all toilet pur
poses. Made by Jas. S. Kirk & Co.
3 choice lots in Walnut Hill , a bargain
for a few days. Gate City Land Co. , 203
South llth street.
Natural Oa
is booming many Eastern towns , Stevens
Place booms itself.
STEVENS BROS. Agts. , 1513 Farnam.
Ladies can bo supplied with first class
help by calling nt Miss Kennedy'a em-
.ploymunt olllce , 310 N. 10th.
F. V. At water & Co.
Will open a full stocked and nicely ap
pointed hardware store Monday morn
ing , May ! ) th , at 1005 Howard street.
These gentlemen arc lately from .Iowa
and como highly recommended. .They
will make a specialty of builders' hard
ware , line tools , cutlery and house fur
nishing goods. Every article in the
store is new nnd of the most approved
lattern. The linn of F. V. Atwater &
Jo. are worthy of a large share of the
lardwaro trade , and being pleasant , alia-
jlo gentlemen , their success is assured ,
liuildcrs and housekeepers will consult
their own interests by visiting this new
ind complete store at 1005 Howard street.
We have for sain , on easy terms , 40
lots in Orchard Hill , at $7-5 each. These
arc the lowest priced lots in the addition ,
nnd many of them are wi'll located , and
worthy of improvement.
BLUNT &lMi'KV , 418 S. 15th st. i
The City Telescoped.
For the past month parties have been
actively engaged in transformim. ' the
store room at 1120 Dodge street into a
manufactory of all kinds of optical lenses
nnd instruments. This is the only ono of
the kind between Chicago and San Fran
cisco. This firm carry u full line of op
tical goods and make a specialty of ( it-
ting glasses 10 the various defects of the
oyo. This department is in charge of
two competent oculists who have made
the correcting of errors of refraction a
special study. They guarantee satisfac
tion in every instance. With such facili
ties and opportunities as they oiler they
cannot nulp securing a generous patron
age. The style of the firm is Wilkinson
& Davis , and their place ot business is
1420 Dodge street. '
Lots in Orchard Hill at $725.
BLUNT & IMI-KV. 418 S. 15th st.
To Parties Who Will nulltl.
Four clogant cast front lots on North
10th , each 43x180 feist , for $5.030 apiece.
To parties who will build $3,000 houses
these lots will be sold without any cash
payment , and when house is completed
deed will bo given and mortgage taken
for the purchase price of the ground , to
run live years at 8 per cent. This is a
splendid opportunity to got an elegant
homo at small outlay. Call and investi
gate this , and then ask any well posted
real estate agent if the ground alone is
not worth $15J per foot.
Fronzcr Block , opp. P. 0. ,
Solo Agents.
The cheapest yet , Orchard Hill lots , nt
$725. BLUNT if iMi'Ev ,
418 S. 15th st.
During the month of May handsome
carriages , buggies , harness and horses
will be sold at private sale and by the
piece at the stables of Mr. Homan , on
13th street between Harnoy and Howard
streets. This sale is an administrator's
sale and everything must bn sold this
month. Parties wishing to purchase can
not do better than to call.H.
I Was Surprised
at the way the north is growing said an
investor who had just bought a lot in
Stevens Place and it didn't take mo long
to make up my mind to buy.
STKVKNS Uhos. Agts. , 1513 Farnam.
Grand Inland.
The great manufacturing , jobbing and
railroad center of Nebraska oilers good
inducements to manufacturers , jobbers
and investors. Wo mean business. Ad
dress C. W. SCABFF ,
Secretary Bourd of Trade.
Four beautiful lots In Mlllard & Cald-
well's add , on Corby st bot. 10th and
17th sU. , only f 1.230 each , easy tor mi.
Archer , SobotkerA J'errigo , 1508 Farnaru
it. , roow 9,2d floor.
Special Sale of Illack Chnntllly nnd
Spanish UiilpulroLiacc Flounolngs
42 and 45 inch Blaok Chantilly Lace
Flouncing * at $3.25 , $3.75 , $1.00 , $5.75.
27 inch Black Chantilly Lace Net $2.25 ,
? 3.25 , $3.50 , $4.00 , ? 5.25.
45 inch Black Spanish Guipuire Lace
Flouncings at $2.00 , $3.00 , $4.50 , $5.00 ,
? 5.50.
27 mcli Black Spanish Guipuiro Lace
Net $1.35 , $1.40 , $2.00 , $2,35 , f2.75.
These are all new goods and at least
25 per cent under regular prices. Wo
invite inspection and comparison.
Cor. Dodge and 15th st.
Onmlin Gains a Now Score.
The BKK man , while counting the firms
on Farnam street , found a now star in
: he real estate firmament located at 1010
I'arnam street , just west of the old city
liall. The style of the firm is Sherwood
& Southard. Mr. Edwin H , Sherwood ,
the senior partner , is a well known cap
italist of our city whoso integrity and bus-
ness ability are well known. Mr. Ed B.
Southard is a bright young man who has
been for a long time employed by the
lirm of Byron Reed & Co. These uentle-
men intend to do a legitimate real estate
business. Owning largo tracts of city
and state property they can offer
their customers property the ti
tles , descriptions , . etc. , of which
they arc perfectly familiar.
The buying public are not slow to ap
preciate the advantage of buying from
first hands. The sale of the countv farm
was a fair example of this fact , fn ad
dition to property owned by this lirm
they offer a select list of city nnd subur
ban property upon which tlio buvcr will
realize handsomely. Mr. J. launders
familiarly know as John Saunders , for a
long time a popular conductor on the U.
P. R. H. , will bo with this lirm. Taken
all together this now and strong lirm
start under very propitious circum
stances , and with such gentlemen for its
members is destined to bo a prominent
factor in our business circles.
Cheapest fronts on Lcavonworth street.
Evans iv Blackburn , 1510 Dodge street.
Pa rn a in Street South and East Front
corner , $3 , 100 ; $750 cash , balance easy.
This is a snocial bargain , and wo advise
you to calf immediately to secure same.
1004 Farnam street.
Take a-Drtvo
out 10th st. then Wesfcon Ames avc. and
you will pass Stevens I'lacc , the "dandy"
STEVENS Bitos. Agts. , 1513 Farnam.
"Sherwood Park , " the finest of all ad
ditions to Omaha , is now in the market.
1610 Farnam.
3 fine lots in Lin wood only | 500 each.
Gate City Land Co..20B-South 14th street.
Cottage colors ready for use in now
and desirable shade * , Alabasliuo in
various tints , the original and only per
manent wall finish , supersedes calci
mine for beauty and durability , and Is
easily applied. Paints , window 'glass ,
brushes , etc , , largest and most complete
stock west of Chicago. Cummiugs &
Ncilson , , 1118 Farnam St.
At a Sacrifice !
00x133 on Hnrnoy street , } block from
Tenth street , $30,500 must .bo sold quick.
810 South Sixteenth street ,
Board of Trade Building.
Ex-Preildent Hayea
Made money on Omaha rent estate , nnd
why can't you. Lots in Slovens Place
is th best investment now offered , nnd
insure a good profit. Come nnd see them ,
Buos , , 1513 Farnam.
Rldpath'H "History of tlio World. "
This work by John Clark Ridpath , the
historian , is complete in three imperial
octavo volumes , nnd gives a brilliant and
authentic account of all tribes , nations ,
and important events in the ancient , me
dieval and modern world. It is not only
prepared bv the hands of a master , cm-
bodying the most recent and authentic
historical research , but the matter is pre
sented in that vivid , graphic style which
has made Dr. Rid path famous. It con
tains 32 valuable historical maps , 0 chro
nological charts and 1210 magnificent il
lustrations , many of which are full page ,
photographic copies of celebrated his
torical paintings in tlio galleries of Eu
rope and America. The work is attain
ing a wide popularity , both among his
torical scholars and general readers.
20 acres suitable for platting. 1 have
for si few days 20 acres of verv choice land
that will plat into 100 large lots which will
sell for 100 per cent advance of the price
asked. CHAS. L. HAUT ,
Creighton Block.
"Sherwood Park" is the cream of all
additions to Omaha. Don't fail to see it.
1010 Fur Earn.
Finest corner in Windsor place , lot 100
x40 7 room cottage , barn , well , cistern ,
&Q. All in perfect order and ono of the
best homes in the town , $0,000 , $2,000
cash , bal. easy. Gate City Land Co. , 208
South 14th street.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. E. Mayne solo agent for the
sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
"Sherwood Park" is the cream of all
additions to Omaha. Don't fail to see it.
1010 Farnam.
Hennoy Buggies at Armstrong , Pettis
& Co.'s 1308 l/.ard st.
Notice to the Public.
Wo hereby notify our customers and
the public in general , that on account of
advance in wages from May 1st , 1837our
charges for labor will bo 70 cents per
hour for journeyman and helper , and the
working hours will bo 0 hours per day ,
from 7 a. m. till 5 p. m. , and on Satur
days 8 hours.
A big bargain , corner 100x121 in
Kount/.u Piiteo ; cheapest corner in tlio
addition for a few days only.
SmcinvooD & SOITTHAIU > ,
1010 Farnam.
For n few davs only 3 choice lots in
Omaha View. Gate City Land Co. , 208
South 14th street.
Architects and Superintendent * .
JJwlrjson & Son , 2G tron Hank , Omaha ,
andJ'll Me. ace. , Minneapolis.
A big bargain , corner 100x121 , in
Kount/.o Place , cheapest corner in the
addition for a few days only.
1010 Farnam.
Auction Sale ot Orchard Hill hot * .
On Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
Messrs. Brown & Crelghtou will sell 17
finely located lots in Orchard Hill addi
tion to the highest bidders at auction. It
is hardly necessary to say anything about
the advantages of this valuable property ,
as any ono acquainted with Omaha realty
knows how very desirable u locality
Orchard Hill is and how rapidly that
part of the cityIs improving.
Choice property , improved and unim
proved , in all parts of the city.
SIIEHWOOI > & SoimiAitii ,
1010 Farnam.
Itead This.
I want some first class Improved nnd
unimproved property Customers wait
ing.Vm. . B Leach , 15W Karnum st.
Wo can furnish you an elegant decora
tion in cheap wall paper. Call and sec
what wo can do for you.
BEAitn & Ons ,
1317 and 1310 Douglas St.
Telephone 880.
of lots 21 and 23 Tuttlcs Subdivision
goes on sale
3 miles fiom P. O.
Lots $450 to $000
10 per cent cash
S. S. CAMPBELL , Solo Agent ,
Board of Trade Building.
' J A Thine of Beauty
is a joy forever , and so it will bo with
these liiie lots in Slovens' Place.
STEVENS' Bnos. , Agents ,
1513 Farnam street.
Fisk Jubilee .
The original company of jubilco sing
ers , from Fisk university , of Nashville ,
Tenn. , will sing in the Exposition build
ing , May 10 and 17. _
Grand Opening
Of Met/ hall and summer garden , No.
510 south 10th St. , next Sunday , May 8 ,
1887 , with concert and ball 15 of the
best musicians , F. M. Stoinhauser , musi
cal director. Commencement nt. 8
o'clock p. m. Admission 25c , ladies free.
Boss & MUNN , Managers.
of lots 21 and 23 Tuttlcs subdivision
on sale
goes , MAY 10th
3 miles from P. O.
Lots $450 to $000
10 per cent cash
S. S. CAMPBELL , Solo Agent ,
Board of Trade Building.
A Very Special Salo.
On Tuesday , 10th May. On that day
we will make a special sale in the follow
ing department : Wool dress goods ,
black goods , hosiery , underwear , white
goods , calicoes and ginghams , satteens
and silk mitts and gloves. We promise
our friends greater bargains than over
before. Full particulars on Monday.
Fisk Jubilee Singers.
"Sherwood Park , " the finest of all ad
ditions to Omaha , is now in the market.
Siuuwooi : > & SotrniAKii ,
1010 tarnain.
The South Omaha Land company is
composed of inlluontial mnn whom you
all know. In addition to the lots in
South Omaha now on tlio market they
own n thousand acres in the immediate
vicinity , all of which they hope to see
covered with manufactories and work-
ingmen's homes. You can HCO what
those men hare done in the
past three yours. As lone as thov
own an aero in South Omcha they will
bo working for her interest , and with the
start South Omaha now has , it is only
reasonable to believe her prospects in
the future will exceed that of the past.
Muice a note of the inducements offered
to parties who will build , in another col
umn , and take advantage of them.
THE C. E. MAVSKU. E. & T. Co. ,
N. W. Cor. 10th and Harnoy ,
Solo Agents.
To Our 1'atroiif ) .
Commencing Monday , May Dili , our
ptorc will close at 0 p. in. except Satur
days. We hope you will make it con
venient to make your purchases before
that hour. S P. MORSE & CO.
The Kcnnard Glass and Paint Co. sell
the only pure Linseed Oil nnd lead colt -
t t' colors BOld in Omaha.
Auction , Auction , Auction.
I will sell at No. 1323 cor. Howard an * !
14th sts. , Wednesday afternoon , May 11.
at 1:30 : o clockthe entire household goodij
of a Jargo 0-rooin house , consisting ol
line parlor sets , bed-room sots , easy
chairs , rockers and lounges , line oarpcta
and hangings , ono line piano , ono finq (
pier glass , parlor and cook stoves , dlninjj
room and kitchen furniture. Don't mis j
this sale , as it will bo n largo one.
D. S. M. Fitr/rwr.LL , Auctioneer.
Fisk Jubilco Singers.
Fifty-Foot Corner on Fa run in Btrecf'
for $3,000 ; $720 first cash payment , balance -
ance easy. This is an extraordinary
chanco. There is monev in this lot , and
it is easy to be handled for speculation.
Enquire Goo. W. Jones , with C. E.
Mavno It. E. & T. Co. , Fifteenth and
U timer.
Whom Is Stevens' I'laco ?
Come around and wo will show you.
STKVKSS Bitos. , 1513 Far'nam.
Grand Opening and Picnic nt Hascall's r
Park , Sunday , May 8th.
JOHN SrointL , Prop.
Choice property , improved and unim
proved , in all parts of the city.
1010 Farnam.
Mrs. Ljangtry
will draw a largo crowd , and so dors the
sale of Steven ' Place at the ollieo of
STEVENS' BKOS. , 1513 Farnuni.
The Fremont & Elkhorn Valley rail
road , which is a part of the great North
western company , have located their
line down the Papillon and into South
Omaha , This is only another indication
of the growing importance of that place.
Our sales hero hist month exceeded *
$100,000. Many are taking advantage of
the discount to parties who build , and
the prospects for the future of South , .
Omaha were never so bright as at pres
ent. The C. E. Mayno Jt. E. As T. Co. ,
solo agents.
To Our 1'ntronH.
Commencing Monday , May Oth , our
store will close at 0 p. m. except Satur
days. Wo hope you will make it con
venient to make your purchases before
that hour. S. P. MORSE & CO.
Dodge street corner for less than | 2oO
per front foot. The snap of the market.
Evans & Blackburn , 1510 Doduo street.
Make a Note of It.
41x80 feet with 4-story building near
postolllco. $50,000. Evans & Blackburn ,
1510 Dodge street.
Columbus BiiL'gy company , 1113
Harnoy street. Have for sale to-day 3
second hand buckboards $30,1 side bar
buggy , 1 end spring buggy , 1 two-seat
spring wagon in lirtt oliss : order.
At a Knurlflcn t
0(5x182 ( on Harnoy street , 1 block from
Tenth btreet , $20,500 must bo bold quick.
310 South Sixteenth street ,
Board of Trade Building.
$ , - , < ) ( ) ( ) to hoan
at once on city property ; current rates ;
no delay , llii'&tand , R. U Arlington block.
If you want an attractive siyn of any
description cull on us.
1317 and 131'J Douglas St.
Telephone 880.
Loomiu HiihdlviNion
of lots 21 and 22 Tuttlcs subdivision
goes on sale
3 miles from P. O.
UTS ) ONLY 450 TO f 000 ,
10 per cent cash i
B. S. CAMPBELL , Solo Agent ,
Board of Trade Buildiu , "