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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1887)
EOT OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAY 8 , 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. 'PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. imvs or itjnscnrrno ! * ! Daflf ( MnmMif Kdltlon ) Including Sunday For si * Months. . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . ! " ! ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . " . ' too For Thren Months S H The Onmbn Hundoy UEK , mulled to any addrow , One Year 2 00 omrn. No. nil AND Dirt PARKAM STKEITI' . VOHK O rirn. Hoou iW. TittiiuNr IHHI.IIIVO OrUCK.NO.MlKOUUTIiENTllSTIlEkT , All communloitions rolntlnK to news niwl Ml orlul niattor nlioulJ bo od'lrusaod ' to thu EDI ton or TIIK All nti'lncsiiluttersnndroinlttnncQgitioiiM t > ' * < 1 dressed to TIIK HER I'uiiMSiiiNn COMPANY OMAHA. Draft * , chucks und postolfleo ordorf to bo made payable to ttio ordtrot tliu company THE BEE POBllSHIniSPW , PBOPBIETCHS , E. HOSEWATEU. EDITOH. TIIK DAILY DEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btato of Nebraska , I , County of Dotulas. | " " duo. I ) . T/schucic , secretary of The Hoc Publishing company , does solemnly sweat that tlio actual circulation of thn Dally lice for the week ending May 0 , 18S7 , was a < Batiuday. April 30 . 14.30C Sunday , Mnv 1 . H.XK ( Monday. May a . 15.011' Tuesday , Miv : : ! . 14,4rc Wednesday. May 4 . 14ril ( Thursday. MayO . 11,201 May 0 . 14iO. : ' Avcrae o . 14.401 GKO. U. TZSCIIUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before mo thi ; .tth day of May , 1W7. N. P. Fntr , . [ SEAL. ] Notary Public. Oco. H. Tzschuck , being first duly sworn , deposes nnil says that ho Is secretary of The JJeo Publishing company , that the aetual average dally circulation of the Dally lieu foi Hut month ot Miiy.lSST. , 1D,139 copies ; for June IB30 , 12.208 conies ; for .1 uly , 1880 , 18U4 ! copies for August , 1&6 , 12,404 copies ; for Septem ber , l&bO , 13,0 ! copies ; for October , ItWl 32,0h9 copies ; for November. 1880 , Mji : | copies ; for December , IBM. in,237 copies ; foi January , 18S7 , 10,200 copies ; for tebruarv J887. 14.1SM copies ; for March , 1837 , 14,40 * copies ; for April , 1SS7 , 1410 : ! conies. , GKO. H. T/.SCIIUCK. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 711 day of May , A. 1) . , 18S7. ISKAL.I N. P. Fm. . Notary Public. - - Contents of the Hutulay line. Pagol. New York Herald Cnblcgrams- Bpecials to the Bui : . General Telegiaphh Hows. P.1K02. Teleerapliic Xowa. City News.- H Sllacollany. ' i Page ! ! . Special Advertisements. ' Paso 4. Editorials. Political Points.- Press Comments. Sunday Gossip. li lighter Vein. Passliw Kvents. Pace 5. Lincoln News. Mlscellany.- Advcrti.scmont.s. PagoO. Council Bluffs News. Miscellany -Advertisements. I Pagn7. Society Events In Omaha. Gen ernl and 1/oral Markets. 1 Pane 8. General City News. Local Ad Vertisements. PagoO , Opening a "John Kettle , " bi Clara Belle Dining Hall Mendicancy , b ) u antes Q. Howard. Advertisements. rpagolO. The Tie Which Cupid Binds.- tnonnublallties. Sparkling Gems of Jest- ItelUlous Impieties. Aavertlsoments. Page 11. Our Gentle Home llulers.- fionoy For the Ladies. Musical and Dra Snatlc Advertisements. Page 12. Playine For Grovor's Seat , bj * orry S. ileath. The Powder III ver Country Gen. James S. Jlrlsbin. Toughest Hole fi Jre tlon , written npeclally for the Omahi 3KK. joyous Salvationists. Advertise nents , , _ THE St. Paul Olobc Is laborinp : for a public library of not luss than 00,000 vol times to begin with. No other virtue , just now , needs to b Jo sedulously cultivated by the homi fulcra as that of patience. x . AN Indian Ims killed n United State in Arkansas. The dorncstica fou of the rod man fails to domesticate , . J I M aiMMM MMa M ' A KEtioious daily nowsnaper entitle the Penny Press has boon started in No ? flfork City. T. DoWitt Talmago is ono c the heayy editorial writers. THE now union labor party claim 1,200,000 members in the entire country la the election of 1893 the union labo party will have strength enough to justif , Continued courtsbipfrom other nominee ! ACCORDING to the now rule , every Nei Sork bachelor who gets married has t contribute $500 to the bachelor's club Or got olubbod out of its society am then ho climbs up the boarding hous tairs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "E. A. FOIID. general passenger ngon of the Pcnsylvania lines says that pa ; longer trnllio receipts for April will exceed coed these of any corresponding uiont In years. And yet there is no indication that passougor tariff will bo lowered. i TT ! ! ? ? T ! S TYPE setting by machinery , it is prc Bioted , will bo among the achievement of this yoar. Already the machines d pplondid work. All that la yet nccussar , to bo done is "perfecting , " and the machines chinos will supplant the intelligent com positor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Omaha board of traUo will tak final action on the proposed organizatio of a freight bureau at its regular tnonthl tneeting to-morrow. In view of the ma Dltudo of the interests Involved a full dl : cuasion of the project in all ita bearing is desirable. The propriety of this mov IB conceded on all hands. The only di foronue of opinion IB witli regard to tli propriety of drawing upon the trcasur of tliu board of trade for the expenses it out red by the freight bureau. lu. J. WILUAU WHITE , professor < physical culture at tha university , Pliili delphla , has declared that iho smokin of olgurottos by the young raon who fr < queut the gymnasium must cease , an his associates of Iho faculty have also d tormlncd that a like prohibition shall I enforced within the limits of the collcf grounds. This is the first direct thru at the vile and poisonous cigarette fro instructors. It ii to be hoped tlinr s orguuiKod oftbrt will bo nmdo to prohlb the deadly practice iu ull schools ac throughout the country. COMMKNTINO upon the conspiunou ness of J. Warren Kelfor , the New Yoi Times says the expression of public i dlgnation and disgust fallj upon hi like n shower of rose leaves upon a rl nooorous. The Tima should have sa that it falls upon him like A chewer rhiuoccrous on a rose loaf. liu is alreai ° * llattenod. He is ono of thee insecte the hour who will hum his little hum ut die and bo forgotten. J. Warren had : epportunity. Like many another mike ko failed to grasp the situation , ills ni bitiou If cnUluss but not clorunl. I ay paw the uir at the unveiling of tl Gurfleld statue , yet it would have boi Much Iwttor had ho docliut > d Iho iuvit HOBfcud fliully retiijund when ' ' ho w 3 < t to do. ' . , . -At Mr. I'owtlerly and the Mr. Powdcrly'a presence In Omah ; will bo hailed as A harbinger of harmony and good will between wago-workora anil their employers as the head of the niosl powerful labor organization in America Mr. Powdcrly wields a most powcrfu inllucnco in moulding the mind : of the worklne classes and as n trusted leader of the Knights he has shown him self sagacious , clear-headed .and reso lute. Ho has donu more than nay other man to repress the npirit of the turbu1 Ictico nnd restrain the discontented worklngmon within the bounds of law. Under his loAdorslup the battle ' foi labor is to bn fought out by ucacefui motliods. Arbitration between the wngi worker and employe is to bo the substi into for strikes nhd lockouts. Mr. i'owdcrly lias dulincd Ills post tlon so clearly tliat none can longer mis understand the knighU * objects ami In tentlons. Simple justice 13 all they shal over ask or demand. The strong mom bcrship will not make then "quick on the trigger" or the assomblic : and divisions imperious. It is true thai the consciousness of power tends to ar rogancc everywhere. It is exhibited b ; corporations and individuals. The mu : who is a millionaire is apt to bo arrogan and the wealthy corporation is needles : of the rights of individuals. But in the knights' brotherhood wlicro the myriad atoms of strcngtl constiluto a vast power , there is'no dan. ger that it will be abused. There is ono great danger in th way of the KnigliU of Labor , and that ii unwise counsel. Thcro are many met who make their way through the worli and often gain high places by ; championing popular questions. Then are men now busily engaged in using tin Knitrlits of Labor to further their ncrsona ambition ; men who hope to bo sent t < the legislature , to congress and ever capture smaller oflicos by reason of the ! "friendship" for labor , when in point o fact they may never have done a day' manual labor in their lives. It is a very easy thing for a glib talker a smooth writer , to argue that ho is th champion of labor , and persuade man ; that his claims are good. This kind o man never fails to indorse every stej taUon by those whom ho is anxious I conciliate. Demagogues swarm in th wnko of popular movements like shark after a fever-stricken ship. The Knight ; as Mr. Powderly said , will do well t < stcur clear of such schemers , howovc honorable they may appear to bu. Tin man intent on pleasing at any cost is the man to be avoided and is the person al ways causing trouble to himself and t ( others. The Knight should keep wol advised to his own , interests , that ho i not imposed upoh in the name of hide pcnduuce. Ho should insist upon tin order not working harm to hit or his. As long as it helps real labor lawfully and successfully , ho should givi it his unqualified fealty , and there re mains no question regarding such ai organization accomplishing a grea amount of good. An Unhnppy Crowd. Information regarding the America colony of bribe-takers , embezzlers an defaulters in Canada represents them a being anything but a happy crowd , few of the moro hopelessly conscience less and utterly shameless among thor ufTect a dogrco of indifference to the di : grace which they cannot help feeling and mingle with men in apparent cor tcntmcnt , but the largest number see seclusion and nurse their misery as muc as possible away from the world. A coi respondent who has rooontly inquire into the habits of the colony in Moutrei reports that most of its members ar conducting themselves very quietly an unobtrusively. They go to an from their places of nbodo b side doors and through httlo traveled thoi oughfurca , as if conscious that all mo know their guilt. Three of the boodlei who would bo welcomed by the author ties of New York , were found to tak their meals oven in a private apartment being willing to pay an extra charge i order to avoid thogazo of other guests c the hotel. They avoid now ucquain ances , as criminals who do not desire t extend the knowledge of their crime ! They manifest continually the present of a guilty conscience by exercising o : traordinary precautions against the ii yasion of their retreats by stranger Some of them seek relief in the win cup , which brings its own prualty , n though it may for a time silence the ai cusing voice of conscience. But all lea to a life of dull and irksome monotou ; which grows every day moi stale , Hat and improlitablc , " excoj for the hard l\bor : involved , these mo might as well bo in Sing Sing as in Mot treal for ail the satisfaction that life a fords them. It ia then , after all , a pretty severe pel ally which the criminals are serving There are few punishments harsher tha to be abroad in he world and friondlos ; to go-about among mou atrnid to I known of them lost they spurn you ; 1 bo haunted continually with a sense < guilt , and with the fear that others at aware of it ; to feel that somehow yoi crime is written on your face whoi every man may road it ; to know that yc have nothing to commend you to rospci or to sympathy ; to understand that yc are shut out from the companionship i honest men , and must find it if all on with tlioso as criminal as yourself. This the position of Iho American rogues wf are sojourning iu Canada , is coi celvablo that they might find life mo tolerable within the walls of a pnso an ay from the inqusitivo oyoa of tl world , where useful employment wou ! give them something else to think abe besides their crimes , and perhaps ea the lashings of condolence by the rcfle tlon that they were dolug that whii would in purt repay the wrongs they b : committed. It is ceiiaiu that the ; won come forth from a term of survlco prison with a bettor claim to the world friendship am ! help than they cau ha1 00 rofucees from justice. U may bo supposed that boodlcrs in i circumstances rs subject in some * d grce to the punishment which com from a sense of their rasc&lit The bribe-giver and the bril taker is not wholly relieved this bccausu h's misJondu have not be marie p'.itont to tae world , and he 11 st uorntlttud to wear the cloak of hones und mingle with honest men. It wou be to renounce fnith in conscience to i imo : that sncU men , in thu moments introspection that come to all , are r touched with oomc pangs of ronordo a do nut caufesi to thciusolvc J in what cc empt the world should and would hold hem did it know their guilt. If this bee o , the boodlors to whom Canada Is glv < ng an nsyltim are not alone lu their mls- ry. They may Hud numerous sympa- hi/.crs in half the states o ! the union , omo of thorn not less deserving than hey to survc the state within the walls oi x prison. Should lie Ilo Chief of Police ? The attempt to foist Mr. Humphrey tloyuihnn upon Omaha as chief of | > 0' ice commenced months ago in a nows- ) apor war agulnst Marshal Cumtulngs. [ 'lie HK.K is reliably informed that a pcti- ion has been put in circulation in which dr. Moynlhan Is commended to the ro- Ice commission as the roost competent > crson in Omaha for the head of our nctropolitim police force. Now wo have no disposition to instruct ho police commissioners in their duties , but It strikes us that of all men uentloncd for chief of police Mr. Moynl lan is least fitted for this position by hu training and affiliations. Mr. Moynihar claims to have boon for years and is now a detective , und in our liumblo opinion no doteclive ia a lit person to discharge ho duties of chief of police. On this loint we can do no bettor than quote rom an excellent authority , which dis cusses the question of Dolice duties in thi Chicago Current of May 7 : 'Tollco are ofllcors appointed by r municipality to preserve order and tc enforce the municipal laws , and thcsi arc their only proper duties. To employ them as detectives la detrimental It is much as it excites the distrust of many persons , not all of whom are bad. From more constables nnd watch nen the police have developed Into t lighly organized and ollicicnt military force , which is proper , for it is a niucl ; reater task to preserve order now thai t was formerly. Formerly , in ull oui cities , und yet , in some of them , a placi on the police force was the small bench- man's share of the spoils of political vie .ory , but as the demand upon the forci ncroascd reform became neccssarj until now in the largo cities a nuiti must prove his fitness for tin position in order to bo appointed * * * * A largo part of tin lower of the police is derived like that o .he army , from the respect felt for then jy the people , and whatever the merit ! of the detectives , it cannot be said tha the people respect them yot. The poopli do not like to think of the policeman tak ing oir his uniform and going out as * spy. They like to think of him as the frank , open representative of authority It is not necessary or wise that ho shouli t > e n spy , for men can bo hired especially for that purpose. Our government i maintained moro by the semblance thai by actual authority , and if tin licoplo lose their respect fo Lho ' police , the police will losi their power to enforce the law , foi authority exists only by the sufferance o the people. " Wo could scarcely have expressed ou ; views with regard to the impropriety o appointing ti letoctivc to the position o chief of police with greater clearness am force. Tno BUE could clto a great manj other reasons why Mr. Moymhan shouli not bo placed in charge of our metro pohtan police force , but we hardly con aider it necessary. As for his pctitior wo presume most of the men who signe < it could be talked into signing ono fo anybody else , including Frank Walter "Sandy" Knight or Jack Nugent. An Intolerable liore. The most insufferable nuisance at on dramatic and operatic entertainments i the habitual arrival of fashionable people plo after the hour sot for the beginning of the play. This ill-bred intrusion bj parties who otherwise pndo tlmrasolve : on their blue-blood manners Is becoming more intolerable every season. The an noyance and vexation to an audienci listening intently to the tender sympho nles of a masterpiece in music or the dc lincatlon of character by famou artists cannot be exaggerated. Th aggravating custom o ! marchinj down the aisles of the opera house : m < other places of entertainment after th curtain has risen , should bo broken up either by the exclusion of lute-coinor while the curtain is up , or the forfoitur of reserved scats after the performanc has begun. The former rule rigidly en forced , would , wo think , have the dcsirei ell'cct after it become.- ) generally known Women who go to the opera or theatr merely to display their diamonds , drossc and bonnets , will doubtless prefer to re main standing in the corridor until th falling of the curtain has given then th desired opportunity of marching throng the audience on dress parade. Shall We Ho Alone ? ; An international copy-right couvcntioi was hold at Berne last year , whic adopted a plan for submission to th various governments to secure a uni vcrsal recognition of the rights in thoi property of authors , artists and raus clans. Six European countries , tw African states and ono South America ! state have confirmed the action of thi convention , and the question is now be fore the Gorman bundosruth. No doub is felt that Germany will fall into lin with the other European countries. Th discussion of the question there has dc volopcd no serious opposition amen tlioso whoso interests are involvet When Germany shah''havo done this , th UnitodStates' bo Iho only gre : civilized power purfcrring to dm to a system of literary piracj The policy of this country in regard < this matter has not boon to Its credi We ought not to stand alone among th enlightened nations of the earth in refuting ing to deal fairly with the brain worker of other lands. Thnro have boon nuraei our attempts rnado to change our atti tude In this matter , but between tli Soylla and Charybdls of conflicting into cats they have jono to pieces. A bill wa framed and presented in the last cor gress , under the auspiclos of the Amor can copyright loaguc , of which Jarui Lowell is president , but it was left on tl : calendar. In pastycars the opposition I international copyright has come from tl cupidity , not to use any harsher term , < the publishers , A few others have jolnc with thorn , but these were not of thobotu class. At present the aituation is rathj more favorable. American authors < repute are advocates of a just tiystera ol international copyright , nnd there ai fewer publishers than formerly who o [ pete it. It Is not questionable that tti existence of any serious opposition ia reflection upon our sense of fairness an our honesty. There can bo no soun reason given why the property right of an author in the prdduot of his bra in should not bo recognized and protected just as any property right Is , and that being so , to take possession of It without consideration and usu it for the profit of another , is clearly dishonest. All Ameri can publishers have not bccu In the iiabit of doing lils. The more ust and honorable among them have always recognizeif * the principle of equity In the niattor and paid some thing to the foreign -author. But there are many others who have not , and the course of these has brought disparage ment upon the wholq class and upon the country. The door is still open for the continuance of this unscrupulous prac tice , and it ought to bo closed. If tha American copyright league could bo depended - ponded on for the zeal which othcr.classos of men show who want legislation , a bill would bo passed at the next session oi congress and the United States bo re lieved of the stigma of being the only great nation that Mill tolerates literary piracy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iho 1'Yultn of California. Tlioso who have gathered the golden oranges from the trees In the numerous groves around and about Los Angeles , or these who have been further north and plucked the lucious apricot , poach or pear , lu the valleys of California's fruit region , never thought that such a thing as an "over-production" of these delici ous delicacies was possible. Yet it seems that just such a fear has seized the fruit growers of the Golden Stato. At a recent meeting of the Horticultural society ot that state , the question , "Is thcro danger of an over-production ol fruit in California" was discussed. The Chronicle says the nlllrmativo of the question was maintained principally upon the supposed excess ofthe coming apricot crop over the demand. It was stated that the crop for the present year will probably be about 20,000 tons ; that the canneries of Sm : Francisco , Oakland and San Jose could absorb about 5,00(3 ( tons , and that the bulk of the rest would have to bo dried ; that it would require 0,450 men to handle this crop , and that it was doubtful whether the labor could be procured to do the work effectively , The same speaker also spoke ol the prune nnd raisin crops , but admitted in regard to prunes that last year's im portation into the United States were about 00,000 pounds , while California produced 750,000 pounds. On the negative side it was argued that the question of disposing of Iho fruit depended very largely upon its quality. Ono speaker said , very truly , that moro care should bo taken in planting and pruning trees and In picking and pack ing fruit. Careful transportation , ho said , should be attended to , low rates and rapid transit provided for , nnd noth ing but good fruit put upon the market , and that if these rules ' were observed overproduction would bq'a word without ' meaning. \ , It was agreed that n foreign markcl should bo sought for dried fruit , and il was urged that a cold toragc systcn should bo adopted , so that fresti fruit * could reach the eastern markets without loss of flavor or decay. The east already is the consumer or the famous Lusk canned goods known the ' world over In this instance it is the fruits , rather than the house which cans them , enjoying the reputation. The California fruits wil never bo too plentiful. They might b < cheaper , nnd doubtless will when oulj reasonable freight tolls from the coaai are demanded. In the meantime , the suggestion urged at the meeting of the California Horticultural society , might with profit bo remembered by the fruil growers of Nebraska. It was simply ant plainly that no matter how lavish nature has been , in giving climate and soil and adding flavor , there is yet demanded can and attention from these who would rcnj the largest profits nnd produce the beat SEVERAL papers in the efl'cto east an raising their voices against the bruta and unlawful practice of prize fighting They claim.that under the names o : 'sparring , ' 'boxing , ' or 'friendly glov ( encounters , ' the laws arc openly violated and disgusting exhibitions of 'scientific skill * are given with all the surrounding : of seconds , sponges , referees , ropes rules , purses , stakes , gate money , pro ciscly like the old-fashioned prize light The results of the "contests , " such a ; broken arms , teeth knocked out , face ! cut , disfigured , noses smashed , am finally ono or the other of the pugilist ! picked up blending and insensible , an the natural results of prize lighting , anc the time has comu when these 'cxlubi ttons' must be called by their true name and treated accordingly. Out hero it the. rowdy west there are few of anj such exhibitions. An occasional thumpci from the east stops in ono of oui cities for a night hires n hall and give ; nn hour's amusement in the manly art They never "break arms , " swallow thoi : tcoth or commit any other rash act. Tin Cleveland Leader rushes out in the fron yard of decency long enough to exclaim "It is tiuio public opinion was aroused t < the suppression of these pests of society and when found violating the laws the ; should bo promptly arrested , indicted and sent to the penitentiary , whore the ; can do the state some service. " IT is related , in a long nnd rambling story , that Senator Stanford earned hi lirst raonoy when six yours old liy send ing to market n lot of horse-radish whicl grew iu his father's garden. His soconi venture , which ho declare ! was the mos successful speculation of his life , wn soiling tivo bushels of chestnuts , whlcl ho and his brothers'had gathered fo family use , for twenly-live lollars. Thos chestnuts have boon , used in oxplaininj the start of every millionaire in America POLITICAL ) I'OfNTS. Massachusetts prohibitionists threaten ven eeanco on the lecislatupo at the next o le tlon. Kentucky will elect a legislature In Au gust , which will choose a successor to Senate Heck. The senator will take a hand lu th campaign. There Is , doubtless , a fell purpose In nut llshlnc the report that lUmvell P , Flowc has made more than a million dollars lu tin past year. Senator Hlscock thinks Xew York can b saved to the repuplirans by a little moro ek quence on the stump than has been expends lu recent years. A New Jersey democratic association U t be formed at Washington. The republican from that state used to have a powertu organization at the capita I. Senators Caiuerou and ( juay , of Ponnsy vanlajiavo thus far rcfusod to signify their preference for candidates for the next Btato cutnp.ilgn. They aren't quite rcadr. Kx-SonntorThurnmn Imvlnn positively re fused to bo a nln slaughtered by The treach erous democratic boodlcrs of Ul.lo , General Thomas 1'owJll , of Columbus , Is likely to capture thn barren honor of a nomination for governor. Attorney General Garland will locate In Now York wlu-u his term lu President Cleveland's caliinrt shall have ended nnd begin the practice of law. lie Is tired of politics and Boys that nothing not oven the pleasure ot remaining a member of Mr. Cle\eland's political household will In duce him to remain after the 4th day of March , ISb'A ' Gath says : Mr. Kvnrtshas had all the luck a professional man can expect In politics. Ho Is by no mratis repudiated as ono of the eminent men ot our time by many persons In his party. If he , for example , wore moving through the western stitos at the present time , delivering a few speeches hero and there , noting the development and Improve , ment of the towns , colleges , etc. , ho would have a very good position before the nomi nating convention. SOME ODDL.V NAMED 1'KUSONa Mr. Drlnkwator was a candidate for mem ber of the Denver , eouncil recently. Among the great men who are to wait upon the Queen of England when she is abroad may be mentioned the nama of Major lllgie. ; Judge Hornblowor , of San Francisco , fur nishes still another Illustration of the truth that "there's nothing In a name , " Ilo is ono of the quietest and hardest working members of the bench on the coast. William T. Dust Is a prominent candidate for the Detroit mayoralty. Of course ho un derstands that If ho expects his friends to 'Vet up nnd dust" for him It will bo neces sary to "cotno down with the dust. " Mr. Million , of Newark , N. J.has branched out In a new Hold of meteoroloKlcid science , and thinks there Is millions In It. Ho ad vertises to furnish fair weather for balls , picnic or excursions weeks or months In ad vance , the cash to accompany the ordor. Anionir the baptismal names In the list of the fiftieth congress are Jehu , Hilary , Adou- Iram , Knute , Chcrubusco , lieriah and Wi'lty. In surnames tno trades are well represented. There Is a Baker , n Fisher , a Weaver , a Cooper , a Mason , n Glover , a Hunter , a Mil ler , a Urower , a Granger , a Tumor , a Taylor , and a Sawyer. For the lirst tlmo In years there is no Hohlnson in congress. The colors represented White , Gray , nndaUrnwn. There is only one llogz among the members. Spirit Willing , but F Insh Too Xliln. I'MldflrlpriCa Call. The knee-breeches boom In Chicago has burst. The young men had the courage , but they didn't have the legs. Ancient History. /iotton Qlnlte. The esteemed Journal gravely states that "Koscoe Conkllng has greatly impressed the bar of New York by his abilities as a lawyer. " This is Intended as news , but properly comes under the head of ancient history. XhU In a Lit a lilbel on the Sex. Shoe ami Leather Rfjwrkr. A woman will face a frowning world and cling to the man she loves through the most bitter adversity , but she wouldn't wear a hat three weeks behind the fashion to save the republic Itself. m Ot Course. FhlliuMjihla llecnrd. As the Record supposed it would , the Stan dard oil company got In Its work yesterday In the senate and defeated the Bllllngsloy pipe bill yeas 18 , nays 25. There was no occasion to oppose the measure In the house. The noble senators are fewer In number than the representatives nnd quite as amenable to convincing argument. Rough on Bcrnhardt. Danville Breeze : If all ilesh Is grass , Sarah Born hard t must have been raised dur ing a drouth. St Paul Herald : Sarah Bernhardt Is said to be fond of lishing. The rumor started from the fact of her being such an angular woman. Lowell Citizen : A Now York contempor ary asserts that Sarah Bernhardt Is a "born ruler , " That may be true , but to us she looks more like a yardstick. Trees in Nebraska. Atlanta Cnnstllutlnn. Fifteen years ago it was thought that trees would not grow in Nebraska. Thn experi ment was made and It has succeeded splen didly. Nebraska originated Arbor day and no other state In the union has reaped such hone tits from this Institution. It Is estimated tha 13,000,000 , trees were planted on the lirst Arbor dav In Nebraska. Millions more have been added on each succeeding anniversary of this tree feast. Georgia will celebrate her second Arbor day next November. She oucht to catch the spirit of this Important occasion as Nebraska has dono. The nrirtRo of Yoara. J. Ainlironf Doyle. From manhood's Isle of duty To boyhood's land of beauty A vast bridge stretches o'er the river Time. Yet , weary sighing mortals May enter not its portals , And cross again to youth's departed prime. Above the vapory arches A spirit army marches , Events that tilled thu distant lout : ago ; Lost chances , hopes and gladness , Wrapt In inlstot sadness , In spectial throngs are moving to and fro. 'TIs strewn with many a'token Ot tics forever broken , Still dreams of love and friendship gone for aye Assume their wanton splendor , When longings , sweet and tender , Across the mystic structure fondly stray. There , In the far-off spaces , Hlse lialf-forRotten faces , And puer from out the dim aconlan past. Sad voices , too , seem calling , Their plaintive echoes falling Upon the soul , with sorrow's gloom o'orcast. Oh 1 faded joys and pleasures I Life's early golden treasures Come back to inu from childhood's sunny slioie. Itoturii on wings of flectncss , With all your old-tlmo sweetness , And glad my spirits as.ln days ot yore. Alas I In visions only , 'Mid hours of musings lonely , "Youth's by-irone happiness to us appears. In vain the heart's snil yearning 1 et Memory's beacon burnlni ; Gleams brightly o'er the mystic Bridge ol Yeais. _ IN TIIK LilUHTEK VIJIN. Dan ami Grover. "Sire , pray tell me of these reports 1 cannot understand them all , They say that about half seas o'er You aru to experience a druudful squall. " "Its the telegraph's announcement , Dan , Saying bofoie this term is over , That the welkin loud will ring With little Stephen Orover. " LOVK Is blind. For this reason many gab bills are saved , IT is meet and drink that Is deprlvmt many a family of food. THRUM are IS.noo female studonti In tin colleges In this country , and they all want U get married. IT Is getting to bn that time of year whlcl suggested to Josu Billing * the Idea of nay Ing , "Uarnafll , " "Dor.s | t pay to preach ? " 'nslis phll osophlc exchange. It may , but It Is the gen era ! experience that few men pot paid Coi preaching , MEXICO offers Cutting SlOO as a recompense for his Imprisonment , the dllTcrcnco between them being S'.WO. ' ' AIIOUT the tamest business there Is In thi world of hard work Is that ot playing wild man IB'a dime museum. A nee show Is In prozross In Boston. Judges , uobblcrs mid thoroughbred dogs ai'o now fouud on the "bench. " A I.IFK Insurance company with 300,003- 000 In cash on hand , always requires sixty days after death to pay a S'J.OOO policy. IK South America enthusiastic theater goers toss costly pearl fans to their favpritos on the stago. In America they heave cab bagc heads at the star. ACCOHWNO to common report the Presby terian ministers have decided that the devil Is at the bottom of spiritualism. From the fact that a nightly seance is hold nt Kansas City , this supposition Is no doubt correct. Tire latest Information received from Can ada sojourners Is that John M. Hathaway , who escaped from Delaware , N. Y. , with $12,000 of other people's money , has re turned. Ho could not twig the fashions to his limited lucomn. SUNDAY GOSSIP. The class of business buildings going up this year In Omaha would bo a credit to any city In the country. The most beautiful and Imposing structure will bo Paxton's now building at the northeast coiner of Fiirnaiu and Sixteenth streets. Its architectural beauties are already becoming apparent and are daily attracting the attention and elicit ing the admiration ol the public. This struc ture will cost in the vicinity of 8400,000 , and will ho a monument to the enterprise of Wil liam A. Paxton , as well as to the architec tural skill of Mendelssohn & Lawrie. The most substantial building , designed by the same aichltects , will t > a the First National bank , which will bo thoroughly lire-proof. It Is being constructed with stone , brick and iron. While It is massive and solid in ap pearance , It Is not without architectural at tractiveness , especially on the Farnam street front. The cost of this stiucluro will bo in tiio vicinity of 5'ro,000. $ The Merchants National bank , on the opposite corner , de signed by Van Brunt&Howo.of lloston , will bean architectural beauty. It wlllbeastrlklng pile as the style ot architecture will bo differ ent from anything yet seen In Omaha. Its height will bo seven stories. The plans have been changed so as to make It flro-proof. The cost will bo slightly less thau that ot Its neighbor across the way. The United States National folks arc rushing along their nc\v building , and will occupy It this fall. This bank will also pre sent an attractive appearance. The plans were drawn by Hodgson & Son. Another very handsome building , do tgncd by Men delssohn A Lawrio , Is that of Frank J. Hamgo , on Fifteenth street. It is nearly completed , the cost being over 393,000. Mr. Slieeley Intends to put up a six-story build ing just south of It , this season. The Bar kers propose to build on the southwest corner of Farnam and Fifteenth streets , a handsomer structure than the ono that was burned down. And now comes the New York Life Insurance company's building at the northwest corner of Farnam and Seven teenth streets. The lint ; stated that this waste to bo seven stories. This was a mistake , as Mr. C. T. Taylor , the company's general western agent who Induced tlio company to build In Omaha says that it Is to bo ton full stories. It will bn a fire proof structure , and will cost over 8500,000. The plans , drawn by Babb , Cook & Mlllard , of New York , show that It will be a magnificent building. It Is designed for office purposes. The excavation Is now being made. These are only a few ot thelbulldlngitcrnsln Omaha. It would require ten or twelve columns of tine typo to give even the briefest mention of all the build ings that are now In course of construction In Omaha. It will bo the biggest year both as to amount expended and number of build ings erected that Omaha has yet had. "Whisky won , all the same , " said Mr Hlchardson , the prohibition candidate for mayor , the mornlne after election , "llow'a that ? ' ' ho was asked. "It was used by both republicans and democrats , and the formei got there. " "Tho.variety stage" said an old timer the other night , who has for nearly twenty years been connected with the vaudeville , "is the best training uchool for the theatrical pro fession. In fact , I may say that the cleverest people on the American stage to-day are graduates trom that school. Nat Goodwlu was an old variety man , and it wasn't many years azo that ho was doing a song and dance turn and not commanding very good wages , cither , Who Is this Henry Dixie who made such a big hit In Adonis ? Nothing In the world but an old variety man. Not lonz ago ho was working in a 'free-and-easy place * In Now York city. And I remember distinctly seeing him hissed otf thn stage In n little Massachusetts town , where ho gave an exhibition which was simply rotten. Ills partner used to ba Ulclmrd Golden , the hus band of Dora Wiley , who by the way , Is an other variety graduate. The team was Golden den and Dixie then , and their work was anything but clever. In truth , their busi ness was a by-word among the members of the vaudeville profession then. But after wards they Improved and when they separated oich caticht on to a line ot work which took with the people. Tnon they began to rise and you see whcrn they are now. ( .corse S. Knight was another graduate from the variety stage and where will you find n better man In his linn of business than ho IsV Yet I can remombcr the tlmo when Knight was llrcd from a tree anil-easy variety show In New Yoik city for Inroinpotmicy and drunkenness. James O'Xolll , thu gieat Monte Orihto , was another man who got his htarf. on the variety stage. Pat Koonny , who had no Miperlor In his branch of the pro fession , was doing a song nnd ilaiici > turn on the variety Jtago several years ago , which biought him llttln dory and less monoy. Without going any fu riher , I ran assure you that If you'll take thu trouble to liive.itlgatu , you'll Und neVily nil of thu best comedians on the American stuc lu-duy sprung fiom the vaudeville school. " * * * "Wages are not what they used to ha , In the variety profession , " ald the speaker meditatively after a few mommas Mlonca. "A man who a few years ago could command ST5 a week has hard work to get 810 to day. What's the trouble ? Oh , so many grm.'i : youngsters are coming Into the business now Thbsndlmo musimms , with their stau'a at- tichmcut , ate dolnc a treat deal to cheapen prices. A bootblack or a newsboy who picks up some nklnc songs , or can do a neat song ami dance turn , applies to the manager of one o ( thfisi ) places for a ciianre to try his work on the public. Perhaps he makes n tut.aud thun hu keepson until Ini has gained a few months' etpsrlenco of a very cheap nort. Then hestiats nut tfcroiiKh the coun try as a variety man. .Such fellows itre bcliiK turned out by score every week In the large ! cities. The tastes ot the patrons of these dime museums , aru not of the most elevated sort The con&uauence Is that the youths who aspire to hold down the boards In Hirso places do not uossesu , as a rule , an unusual amount ot taleul. * ! ' \Vh t l the average salary of a good va- rlotjr ? . That depends HW.Iier on clicumstances. A variety man co.nhlnff.ii { to tilay n luonth or six week ! engagement In a thoatra for much loss pro rata than ho could one week. Much also dj J ponds on how far you have to travel In re.u-li the place In which you are to play , Taking tliuso and other circumstances Into consider ation It may bo aid that variety moiirau command salaries ranging from $20 to - ' } ) a week according to the novelty and 'cstchl ness' of the act each ono may do. Out of this , of course , a man has to pay his expenses and supply his wardrobe. * "A scrlo-comlo variety acttcss dors not re celvoas good p y as thomalo actor. Forty or fifty dollars a week Is a good salary and It takes an exceptionally line artist to draw 873. The lower class women , who play In variety theatica of very questionable repute , recclvo SW or ! H ) n week. 0 ( course , in her prime , a woman commands bettor pay than at nny other period In her life. If she takes caruol her self , and does not run into dissipation , .sho may last a long timo. The trouble with most variety actresses Is that they are Inclined to become reckless and surrender themselves to evorr foim of dissipation. Their personal charms and tholr abilities waste away , they can no longer draw the people and they be come reduced to the lowest level of woman hood. Yes , there Is a generally entertained Idea that all or the vast majority of variety actresses are dissolute , This Is not truo. Still , 1 admit that tlio pith of a woman In this profession l.s fraught with dangers ol which the average lomnlc knows nothing. " PASSIM ; KVIOSTS. In Nebraska legislators have only rail roads , school land thieves , normal school fiends , appioprlatlon plunderers , hooilllng -fr Judiciary committees , and a few other less Y Important matters to contend with. Down In Massachusetts the litu of the legislator Is filled with woe. and doubt. National topics' like the lobster ciowd In upon his reveries- haunt him In Ills sleep and In his day dreams. The following bill has been Introduced lu tlio legislature in the old Bay state : , Section 1. Whoever , at any season of the year , selh , offer.s for sale , or IMS In liln pos session with Intent to sell , consume or do- v " * stroy the life ot a lobster less than lO'/i - , ? , Inches In Imigth , .shall be punished by n line , ot g5 for every such lobster so sold , offered , . for sale , or had In possession with Intent tn $ consume , or destroy thu life of the same ; and for the purposes ot this act the mcasutomout shall bo taken from tlio extremity ol the bone piojecting from , tliu head to the end ol tliu bone of the middle flipper of tlio tail of thu lobster , extended on Its back Us natural length. In all uioscuuttons under this sec tion , the possession ot any lobster not ot tha required length shall bu prlma taclu cvlOouca to convict. While this bill docs not provide for a state measurer , yet there " ' 111 no doubt be a crying demand for one. The scientist whose duty It will bd to measure the lobstur from the bone of his mlddlo fllppur , will have an exciting - citing time. Why not a dozen or so ot thu expectant candidates for police commis sions , oil Inspectors , etc. , go down to Massa chusetts and apply for thu position to bu created under the generous and humana provision of the above copied flipper bill. The married persons' property act , ai passed by the Pennsylvania legislature this week , provides that a woman should not convey rral estate except In conjunction with her husband , lu view of the fact that a man cannot , under the present law In that state , deed his property to another and make a clear tltlo without the co-operation of hU wife , thu law , it is thought , Is a good ono. * # * THE case of young Fotherlnzhain the ex press messenger , Implicated in the Jim Cummings - mings robbery , was on trial at St. Louis this week. Among the points which the com pany urged were the fact that Fothcringham prior to the robbery made Inquiries with a view tocettlug another po.-ltlon ; that ho In tended to leave the employ of the company ; that ho Inquired of employes In the com pany's ollico as to what nights the largest runs were sent out. The night of the rob bery was ono of the heavy run nights , and ho know almost to a dollar the amount ot money In the run ; that several of his state ments regarding the entrance ot Witrock to the express car and tlio manner of the rob bery were not correct ; that his story about receiving letters from the robber purporting to bo from Superintendent Danuell and liouto Agent Barrett , was only partly true , and that numcious other of his sUtomants were not correct , all going to show that ho was In collusion with thn robbem. llowover , he was discharged , and to-day's dispatches announce that ho has sued the Adams ex press company for 3100,000. * * BARNUM missed the opportunity ot a life time In not making the discovery thus told In a Washington special : The United States man-of-war Galena arilvod at the navy yard to-day from tlio tropics witli a cargo of mon keys and curiosities for the Smithsonian In stitution on board. Among other things is the famous prehistoalc imago from the Easter island , which Is considered as great a curi osity as the obelisk ot Ktypt. It Is now two years since Prof. Balrd lirst sot on foot ef forts to secure ono of thosa Idols , when the United States stuamshlp Mohican was directed to to to Easter Island and secure ono. The bland is In the eastern part of the Pacific ocean , 2 , : 0 miles from the coast ot South America. U is about eleven mlloi long and six miles wide * with about a thou sand inhabitants of the Polynesian race , who are seldom visited by navigators. They are are Christians , having been converted by some Frencn missionaries In 1810. The Is land contains several hundred of those elgantic statues , the antiquity of which Is n scaled book to ethnological students. Tha present Inhabitants of the Island have no tools with which to have carved them , not moans with which to have moved then' . It seems certain , theioforc , that thny are tin ! product ot somn former age. Native tradi tion gives them a supernatural origin. " Tha Cnrdlll Giant's ancestiy Is now known. Thh last find settles it. * * * At Grenada , Miss. , a pastor of a church was shot by a commercial mm Tlio shootIng - Ing occuircd In tlio "diuiiiinoi'.s" own house , the only witness liolnj , ' his wlfo. Just bo- fine dying ( lie pronchor said that hi nlono was to blauif. and asUod that the husband bu unmolested Thcro should bo a certain limit to the liillmnuy exlstlngbotwccn a pastor and his Hook. The cleigyman who encourages members of his church tocomo to him with family matters or secret cares should not be tolerated. Gossip should not bo permitted , und no familial Hy countenanced , especially on the part of the female denomination. It Is very easy for a woman , pious perhaps , but sometimes very fioft and shallow , to coma under the Influence of a pastor , bo roused , warmed , soothed , exalted , and she may Im agine edllicd. In cour.itf of time mica nctlou becomes a source ot annoy- fttico and rorrow to both. It mast liiully bo understood that what worldly preachers and sentimental women rail 'com munion of tnul * And 'kindred spirits , ' 'holy sympathy , ' 'mu'.imi help' urul words In the same strain Is not religion-It U not even re ligious , It Is simply the lower nature , the tuiiimu passion of one creature toward another. Huu I lib Grenada woman thought of | oy and pence and love and goodness , there would have been oue grate less and a nusband happy and no doubt contented. Of th scoundrel n ho had stolen the livery ot the coutt o ! heaven to servo iLe devil la-i nothing ueedbesaid. During a recent cold spell a nun cama IntoHcnovo , ! ' & . , froruTumaracK Swamp , brlnKing with him Koven ground \\ctit \ \ Tvhiou'he had found frozen to death a. , the mountain road leading to " "