Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Advertisements unilcr this hond.10 trnts per
liiu for Ihn first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
seqtii nt Insertion , and $1 Mn line per month.
No advertisement taken for loss than 25 cents
fet the fli't Itmrtlon. Seven words xvll Am
counted to tlio llnoi they must run consccu-
lively mid must bo pnld In advance. All ndxcr-
tlfomcnlN must lie linndril In before 1:30 : o'clock
p. tii. , nnd under no clrcuinMnncis will they betaken
taken orillncontlnucil by telephone ,
I'nrtlcn advertising InthcPe columns nnd hixv-
Ing tlic answers addro scd In enroot Tun Urn
will plcn o tifk for ii elicclt toennblo them to get
their letters.HI none will bo dtllverod except
on presentation of check. All answers to ndvcr-
tUemintB Rlmuld bo enclosed In envelopes.
AH advertisements In those columns are pub
lished In tioth morningnnd evening editions of
The IlKK , the circulation of which
aggregates more then 14,000 papers
dally , and gives the ndxcrtlpcr the
btmillt , not onlj of the cltv circulation of Tlio
IlrK tint also of Council IlluITs , Lincoln , nnd
other cities and towns throughout this purt of
the west ,
2,000 to loan on real estate. Apply to C. B ,
> Keller , 1505 Farnam st , city. 615 mlO *
500,000 to loan at 0 per cent , Harris & Samp
son , 1510 Douglas st 670
, 'IO LOAN at 6 per cent Mnhonry
A. Llnnhan 1609 Farnnm. 6C9
ONKV IO LOAN-0 V. Davis & Co , real
catato and loan agents , I DOG Fnrnam st
( J 500noo To loan on Oinnha city property at 8
P per cent O. W. Day , 8. o. cor. Ex , Hid.G73
ONI5V to Loan , first mortgage notes
bought. II. i : . Cole , 31C 6. 4.
773 14 *
MONI'.V TO LOAN-On cltv nnd farm prop
erty , low talcs. Stewart & Co. , Itoom 3
Iron bank. 074
MONKV to loan , cash on delay.
J. W and K. L. 8 < | Ulro , 1413 Farnarn st ,
I'nxton hotel building. 875
MONI.V First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county hink will buy papers secured by
flr t mortgage on city renity , 078
MONKV TO LOAN on improved renl estate ;
no commission charged. Leuvltt llurn-
ham , Itoom 1 Crelghton lllock. 677
5PLHCiNT-Monny : to loan.
Gregory Ac Hndley ,
IloomB 1 nnd 3 , lUdick block , 320 S. 15th _ S |
to loan on collaterals. Long and
short tlmo dty mortgages nnd con
tracts nought , i : . S. Hoxtley , 311 South Pith st.
l > 78 mil
TO LOAN Money Lonns placed on Im
proved real estate In city or county for
New Kngland Loan > V Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICth anil Chleago sts. 07'J '
MONKV to loan on Improved city property at
8 per cent. Money on hand ; do not liiuo
to wnlt Have n complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal Kstuto and Lonn Co. , & 0 st.
MONP.V LOANKDiitC. F. Itcod&Co.'s Loan
Oftlce , on fiiriilturu , pianos , hoisos.wagons ,
personal piopcrtvof all kinds , and nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 1'lth.
oxer lllngham's Comml-slon store. All busi
ness strktlv confide ntlal. OS1
tl'KK CENT Money.
H. C. Pattcison , IMh ntd Ilnrncy. Ct-2
MONKV 'IO LOAN-bythonndorslgnod.who
has the only properly organised loan
ngcner In Omnhn. Loans of $ lll to $100 made
on Iiirnlture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , withoutremoval. . No delajs.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can be pnld at any Imo.cach
pajmcnt reducing the cost pro ratn Advnnces
made on flno wntches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and pen me. W. It. Croft , Itoom 1 Wthnell
Hiilldlng 15th nnd Harney. 6tJ
flMlF.Oinaliu Financial Kxchaugo ,
X N W. corner of Hninoy and 16th Etc. ,
oxer State National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loans on nny
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long tlm.0 loans made on Improved real estate
nt current rne
Purchnse money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , solder exchanged.
Short time loans innno on second mortgaito.
a word Ing to marginal Interest , nt collateral
Heal estate to exchange for good Interest
bearlnir paper.
General llnanclal business of all klnda trnns-
iicted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
nny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Oorbett. Manager. IbO
AHAIti ; opportunity. A clean , crisp and
fresh Mock of Groceries , Flour , Feed and
Provisions , xvlth an average dally business of
$125 , Is now put on the market for sale. Kx-
ccllent business location , street car coiner ; on
best street In city ; new bilck building , Icnseil
for ono with privilege of two orthioo years ,
Tornmof sale good. Hiasons for selling , other
Interests demand intention. Apply promptly
to Pnrrott .V Williamson up stairs , B. w. cor.
14th nnd Douglas. "i 8
NOTICK To hotel monT a desirable hotel
for sale , the Occidental , situated in the
teautlful and grow Ing city of Mutton , Nob. . Is
now put upon the market. The Occidental has
nn enviable reputation second to none In the
stale for Its generous and liberal hospitalities ,
as thousamlHof traxellng men will guriantco.
The hotel Is on a solid financial foundation ,
with nil modern Improvements and ex cry room
occupied : sntlsfnctory reasons furnished for
selling. Price and terms niado known upon
application. For fuither particulars Inquiru
or address , J , T. Mollyiieaux , proprietor , Sutton -
ton , Neb. _ 8I9-12J
OH SAIiK-Drug store In city , will take
pnrtner or trade for real estate. Address
O 37 , llco office. 203 8j
TjUllt SALK A grocery itoto doing a good
X1 business. The most complete store in the
city. Cause for selling other business. Apply
1024 Douglas st- IBO 8 *
FOH SALK lliismcsa chance. Also furnit
ure of seven room Hat and flat for rent
Good location. Call on Dayton & Vorls , room 1 ,
1304 Douglas st. _ 188 J
U81NKH8 CIIANCF.-A partner wanted
xx Ith from three to fifteen hundred dollars.
Hare chance. Kstnbllsnod and making money ,
Dayton At Vorls. room 1 , 1304 Douglas. 187 0 *
Qll SALT or trade A clean stock of genera -
era I merchandise. In nn loxva toxvn. Good
trade , lot and buildlutr f 1,750 , stock I I.'OO. Want
gome cash on Itock. \ \ III exchungu for land or
stock. Henson , owner lives west. Address
lock box 2:1 : , Central City , Neb. 191 18 *
W1C want four or live enterprising business
men with u capita ! of $1,000 or $1,500 each
to Invest Into n big paying business. Call nt
once bet , 10 nnd 12 a. in. and 2 and 4 p m. nnd
ieo W. U Hay at Puxton hotel. 120 Pj
Foil 8AL15 An ostnblUhcd buolnoss. Only
small capital required. Address O 10 Ileo ,
100x132 tect east front Shilver place fU30 11
iold by May 10. Terms ensy. street cai
line within Hi blocks. Thin Is u bat gain. Bin *
& Co. , 510 3 Itlth St. 121
FOH SALK- profitable nnd well established
business suitable fora lady. Call nnd In
quire at limplojiuent liureau , 211) ) n lAth sts.
_ W2J4 _
TTK3H BALK Fstabllshed restaurant doint
X ? good business , good reason for belling.
Hart. Crclghton block. _ 100 8
T7UK SALK A tine drug stock Inxolcliu
X1 | 2,700 la otfercd tor sale on very favorabU
teriim Only a small cash payment la required
bal to suit purchaser. The location and buai
IICM la excellent. Addreis A. ( X Simmluw
Oratton , NcU MS b
_ _
WKbavusomo very desirable lots to ox-
change for any kind of merchandise : u
N 15th it. 1-3 bin n P.O. MarrToft. . 354
YrOR SALll Oil THADK-For Omaba city rca
JT eatate or Nebraska lands , a two-ntorj
brick store , with a eomplcto line of staple dr ;
roods anil notions , groceries , crockery , glass
ware , and i > small HSsortment of hats and cap
all bought for cash and discount eavod-m i
live Nebraska town , county seat , and doing i
good caah builnesa. The second story rent * f o
$2.5 per month , nnd now contains flr t-claas ten
ants. On the Union Paoltlo U. H. . and sui
rounded by the best clasa ot farmers nn
farms m the state. Two grain elevators are Ic
catcd at the station , and tap all too surronm !
tng country , which brings In a ercat deal o
outalde trad * , and Is one of the beat grain mai
keteln the state ; It also haionoof thn larges
flouring mills In the weat
The above property Is first-class In every r
tpect and the stock Is now and desirable. 0. J
Lnnan. 853
TpOR'BALE 01 Kxchange-A now SS bbl coir
.r bln tion mill situated on Little Illu
river , near Hebron. In Thayer county. Will ei
cbaiigo for wild or Improved lands or live stocl
For further particular * addrou First Nations
Bank. Hebron. Neb an
KHSONAI/ Solid Mexican ailver spoons an
forks are guaranteed to wear louver thii
ny other goods made. H la tupvrior to at i
ling Hlvcr In point of non-tarnleliing , e < iual t
olid silver for durability , aud cheaper tha
triple plated ware. Tea spoons $3 per doze
at Moodj-'i China Store , tWJ North Sixteen !
Itrnet . 18.0
GJOOI ) girls can find first cln place" , nt peed
* xvaans at ill tlmp , by calling at Miss Kttto
Knnnody's cmplu ) meut ollico 'Ai4 8
'IjnitPONAL Send stamp for our circular
JU "To Married Ladles. " It will snvo jo
trouble Address Lock llox U'5 ' , Hcd Onk , In.
you want a desirable , cen-
tmlly lucatod oftlco jou can flnd It nt 310
S loth st 7d
M1W. DUHANT-Clnrlvoj ant from
tellable In allnlTalraof life , unites separated
lovers. 322 N , Kith it , room 1 Ml m2fj
"pT-.HSONAlPNrcat "and" tasty nll-TvooTbusP
X iifm suits $7.00. Pine bliiodlngonnl dress
suits , $10.75. Call nnd ni.e them or xvrlte for
samples. L. O. Jones Ic Co. , American
Clothicra , 19 Farnam St. , Omaha.liyinn 17
_ _ _
1" " 5KlfMNA77lrrrva"toTio7ne for Indies iru'rlng
conllncment , strictly confidential , Infants
adopted , addre s H 42 , Ileo ollico. 8IUJ2 *
/ Mrs. Dr ffnnnt * V. Warren
X clairvoyant , Mrdloal and buslneaa Medium
Itoom No. 3,121 North ICth st , Omnha. Neb.
IOST A water spaniel pun : full grown ,
* Answers to iiamo of Needles A suitable
row nrd will bo pnld for his return to 71(1 ( N.d
Ht.clly. 248SJ
_ _
LOST lly n llttlo girl between Cumin * and
Prospect Hill cemetery , a llttlo silver
watch nnd ( fold bob chain. Iteturn to Katie
Willis , 26J4 Cumlng St. nnd recelxo revrard.
LOST On street. Thursday evening a gold
branelct with gold dollar bangles bearing
initials , l.lbf nil reward tor return to Ikooflke.
174 8 *
. - - tao corner ! 14tli nnd Daon -
port sts. , a roan mnro , lame In right Hind
leg. Howard for teturii. JnmcsChaves.
Bit 8J
BMUST-CLASS Storage nt 110 N Uth Ft
STOHAOK Flret-class storage for moo mr-
nlturo or boxed goods , at 131J Dodge-at.
COMK out to the grand opening of the 1'arm-
eis' Ueit Pleasure Park , on the Mlhtaiy
road , to-day , the 8th ot May. IJIO SJ
ST.ND description of yourself , with ISo , for
complete written prediction of jour tutiiro
life , etc , N , M. Urecr , Port Homer , JolTer on
county. Ohio. i.-'U 8J
GASOIiINI ! and coal are delivered free to all
parts of the city by the Illuo line tank
delivery , oineo at Kennard Olnss \ , Paint Co ,
'telephone 7U1 , McDugnl & Wind , proprietors.
' "
FOltHUNi Sq'.iuro I'lnno U montnly. A
Hdbpo.lSlI Iiouuias. U 3
C IISS POOLS , pinks nnd vaults cleaned , odor
less process , IKnlnk' , box 3U7 , eltv.
_ _ J 580 mJ7J
TO PHOPKHTV Owners-It jou want to sell
your property send full description with
price nnd terms to Hart's ( itent Western Heal
rstnte llureait , Crelghton lllock. We have cus-
tomois for e\ery bargain that Is olloied.
rpo parties having houses lor rent , Itental
JAginoy. . llenawa & Co . list , opposite post-
office , We have turned o\cr to them our rental
list. WortLommcndthem. McCagus llros.
VTOTICK W. C. Klng& Co , house moving
L > and raising , lenvo orders nt 13.M Pierce st ,
0'J5 J4J
GF.HMANnnd French Lessons given by a
ventlomnn nt moder.ito rates. P.asy
method. Address O 3,1 Iloo olllee. 173 'J *
Foil KENT Organs , $2 per month.
1613 Douglas. fls/i
T HF-SS MAKING-Mis. K. C. Seoneld , pnr
Xlors 1S2J St Mary's nx-o. Ladles coming to
the city for ono day can liavo their dress made
whllo waiting. 975 m 14
Ol , C.- House furnishing goods , ail kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest priced nt J.
Ilonnor , 1315 Doilglns st 900
F OK UKN'r Square fluno , $1 montntr.
Hospe. 1513 Douirl l s. < ) J
f"F xou want to buy or sell furniture , go to
L J. toriruson's , 715 N. 18th. . fl'Jl
SALK A barn of fancy hoises For
imrllcnliu-H address O. 41 , this ollico. 23T u
Furniture of rt room house with
X1 pilxiloge of rentlnghouso 1UI4 California at
238 13
FOIt SALH Tluoe Hansom cabs In good run
ning order , nearly now , having boon used
about three months ; are of the latest doslirn
and very light and cost originally $700 ; will sell
for $27i ( each. C. Sch.iwacker , 414 S. 3d St. , St ,
Louis. Mo. _ 325 b'
FOH SALi-Flrst-clnss : Cnrrinirn with shafts
nnd polo , Simpson's make , $ 12.5.
Fine family horse , fast nnd gentle , $320 ,
Fine harnes , $ r > 0.
13-room house nnd 40x112 foot lot , 201,5 Cass
st. All modern improvements. Large barn.
$8,000. IM 1'ejcke. 210
FOH SALT. A line mare , gentle and kind , me.
of the best stock animals In the county.
Can bo seen at barn In icar ot 2015 Capitol nxe.
l'.W 8
F OH SALE Now light sidebar buggv. Cole ,
318 S. 15th. Itoom 4. 7I8 *
IOH SALE Drivers and draft horses , rear of
1818 Chicago st. 154 J5
F OH SAtii : Top buggy , side bar. second
hand , chcnp. Address O 2J , Hue ollico.
159 11 *
FOH SALE , or exchnniro for Omnhn real
estnto , utlno driver , record 2:4" : . Patterson
& Moore , Hoom 1. Omaha National bank. 151
FOH SALE or exchange In part j > a > montfor
a lot , a complete set of New American En-
cyclopedia. Address O. 32 HeuolHco. 157
. . SALE-Silver show cases , counters und
-L1 shelving suitable for drugs or groceries.
Address O 4 lloo. 127 8j
H SALE C. G. Conn cornet , same ns new.
A bargain. Butler V Todd,215 S. 15th.
902 11
F Oil SALE-AM kinds of building atone at
the Louisville quarry , lowest prices possi
ble. Addrois G. Metzger. Loulivillc , Nob.
823 15 *
RALE 15 head flno milch cows nnd
aprlngorseat Military liridgu jnrds. Cum-
Ings st. Crone Jt Jester. 934 10 *
FOIt SALE Autohnrps , mandolines. Hutlor
&Todd,215815th 981 U
OH SALE-A good milk dairy , consisting of
DO llrst class cows , a good delivery wagon ,
team and harness , milk cans , &c. , horao power
corn mill and liny cutter , and corn aholler , In
cluding llrat class milk routn , Immediate pos.
tesslon given. For terms , etc. call at 217 S llth
at , Omaha. 741
FOR SALE Span horses , double wagon and
double harness for t'-OO. Also u lot of posts
cheap. C. J Canan , 552
F IOH SALE-t or 2 horses. 1 spring wngon , 1
buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 7 l m3 !
F 1011 SALR-Chonp , the Abstract Books of
Howard County , complete to date. Safe ,
Blanks , Ollice , Furnlture.good line of Insurance
Companies , Loan and Heal Estate Business.
The only set of Abstract Books In Sew nrd
County. Address Hmulln Bros. , York , Neb.
4M m HJ
F IOH SALE Square piano , $150. Woodbrldge
Bros , 215 Opera house. 30i
FOIt SALE The best line of carriages , phaet
ons , bugglc * . real estate watrons mid deliv
ery wagons. Columbus Buggy Co. , 1113 Harnoy.
niOHSALE-Brlck. T.Murray.
CHOICE LANDS-$5 per acre. $ SO makes 1st
years payment on 180 acres. Write for In
formation W. F. Paine , Shluey Neb. 252may7
1UIl SALB-17 head choice bred Shorthorn
X1 cattle : also a 450 aero stock farm In Holt
county. J. 8. Colllnirs , Ptnder , Neb ,
tttl may 13J
W ANTED Monday morning , 4 house paint
ers at good wages , and 2 vegetable gard
eners. Mrs. Brega & Son , 316 S. 15th St
244 sj
VITANTED First class carpet laj-cr apply at
Miller's Carpet Cleaning : Works , Uth anc
Leavenworth. 2368 *
\ \ 7"ANTKtDoy at drug atore , 2715 Cunv
. inlngl St. 239.8J
il'ANTED Tj-Dowrlter and stenographer
i Must be w tiling to make himself general ! )
useful In oitlce. bmall salary to start with
Addrcas O 3U , llco ollico. 16410
W'ANrll-8houlmikor' : JW , Talbot , Syra
cu68 , Neb , s.7oj
WANTF.D-Exporlcnced Pant Pressera 01
stock work. Apply at once. Geo. Stiles
1IO Lesvenworth et. 178 9
T\7"AXTED A good carpenters Monday morn
> Inu' . Steady work to good men. 245
Farnam St. 250 8J
WANTED A partner In good payingousl
nets , oompctant to take full charge o
offlco affairs , $3,000 capital required : Address
box M. 18 , Bee office. 3jO
w ANTED Laborer ? tor railroad work. n.S ,
Albright's Labor Agency , 11JO Farnnm.
" \\rANTBD-Canxasslng agents Apply bo
lt twfcti 12 in nnil 4 p. in , AcmoMnnlg.
Co ,612rf. ICthst. Mt
HTl'DENTS Teachers ami agcntl can secure )
xery profitable omplojtncnt bv nppljlng to
S. 1' . ( Iroat , Planter's hou e. Omaha. l 1fij |
" \\rANrKD Ten harness makers nt Marie
Bros. ' Saddlery Co. , JW7 Harncy St. ,
Omaba. Neb 17720
\\7ANTKD-A good tiarbcr. Apply to E. I * .
TT Jolnuoniuio , Kns. While preferred.
1UJ 9 *
PANTED An Intelligent boy or yoitntf
man from the Oniiilm High school to entry
a route on the Dally Evening llco. 131
WANl'KD-Cnnvnssors In every city nnd
town In Nebraska nnd lovvn. L. II.
Wntte , room 3,1010 Parniim st 770
ANTKD-Mon , Women , Hoys mid Girls for
alight nnd prolltnblo etnplojmont No
plrtuto btiBlness ! no humbug. Bend lUc for n
vnluablo package to commence on. Only n few
hundred will bo distributed. Address Albany
Supply Co. , Albany. N. V. 812 J2'
WANTED-Canvascrs In Omaha and Doug-
lagcountv for Platform Echoes by John
II. noimli. The biat selling book of tbodiiy.
Call on or address , L. II. Watts , llooin II. HilO
1'arnnm St. , Omalia , Nob. ! 7
WANTP.D-iW block makers for Colorado.
Must tie experienced men nnd have tools ,
1'rcc pass. Mrs Utoga Ss honUlt ! South IMh.
W ANTI'.D Cook nnd dining room girl. Jiuel-
ler's Itcstnurant , 1004 N. inth st. 2.'il
\\7ANTED-Second glil Immediately. Cull
bet. the hours of U nnd 10 n in. or n to 7
p. m.-1-7 Dodge street. -5-
\VANTF.D-lly nwldow er of 40. with n plen -
T ant homo out of the city , nn Intelligent
working hou okccpcr. Only those giving full
particulars as to capacity and references need
answer. O 43 Hoe ollico. 242 8J
W ANTKD rtlrl for general housework In
prlxato family. 818 Howard. 2J7 b *
WANTHD-GIrl to work In laundry room
and ono to work In pastry room at
Arcade hotel , 1215 Douglns St. 1U4 llj
\\7ANTIH ) A good girl for kltchin work at
117 N. 14th Bt. im *
I/ANTED Machine hands. Omaha thlrt
T Factorj' , 'MS N Ifith St. IM 8
W AMP.D Good girl , 1707 Cass.
WANTLD Nitrsonlrl orwoman to accom
pany it faiiiil ) w it n 2 children to Kuropc.
No w aircs paid , onlj tree trin given to any point
In Kuiopo Host relcrences leiiulred. Address
"Nurso , " HeoOillcu 211 U
WANTii-100 : working girls. 1 have places
every dayfor all kinds ot woik. In and
out ot city No good girl HIM d bo Idle one hour
If she ronlly wants work. Come and seo. Mis.
llregn .V Son , 3 0 South 15th. 214
WAN'llJD-FIrst girl , 1013Capital a\o.
6 4 mil
W ANTIlli Hood girl at 508 Virginia avc ,
good wages paid. 'All
W ANTI'.D-Girls. Good wages1 Hotel Garni ,
1010 Mason t 13J8J
W ANTKD Sewliig woman , ono that can ent
nnd tit well , at 1717 Chicago st. lb' ! )
WANTED A good cook Inquire at I'llO
corner 13th nnd Ilarney street , Itoom 1.
5J 11 *
\\7ANTii-A : girl to do housework In n
email family , Inquiru nt 1112 Soutli 13th
street. 102
WANTHD-A lady cutter nnd fitter for
drosxmiihlng. Apply Mis. J. Lewis.rear
lOl'i Capitol avciine. I'M ' 7
W ANTKD A few more shirt and pants
milkers. Apply nt once. Uco. Stiles , 1100
Leaxenworth ft. Ull 11
W 'ANTii ' : > Kltchon girl and two dining
room gills. 1001 No ICth st. 90S
WANTF.D-At once , ' 1 Drst-elass chamber
maids mid 1 bcrnb glrL Apply nt the
Co/yens. KW
W ANTI'.D At once , phno player , colored
woman oreerred ! Apply 112 8. Uth. 344
\\TANTKD Ladies to work for us nt tnolr
TT own nomos ; $7 to ID per week can bo
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass
ing. ' For full particulars please address at
once Crescent Art Co. , la Central St. . Boston ,
Mans , llix.517U. IHe5 ) | ! *
WANTED Situation by n young ( colored )
man as porter In store or private family ;
has good recommendations. Adross O. 311 Ileo
ofllco. 22i.-8J
WANTED A position as typo .xrlter. Ad-
dress O 40 , Ileo office. gll
W ANTI'.D Situation ns housekeeper for a
pleasant , middle aged lady , Is nn excel
lent cook and manager and not afraid to work ,
Mrs. Hiogn , 318 S IGth. 215 8 *
WANTKD-Situntlon In some clerical cnpao-
Ity by a younir man of business ability
nnd oxpoilonco. 5 > ears assistant p. m. , ab
stract nnd real estate. Heat of references.
Address O 31 , Ileo olllee. 171) ) U *
A\7ANTKD Situation by energetic young
T T man , quick In ttgurcx , good penman , keen
observer , understands nccounts.wllllnirto work
low until worthy of [ nonunion. Address O 27
Bee ollico. 1113 hj
WANTRD A position na typo xvritor. Ad
dress O 40 , Ileo otliee. 231
W ANTI'.D-Position In nrivato family tote
to wash clothes. Address 2501 Pacific
St. 128 12 *
. - Position by a thorough no-
countant. llost of references. Address
O14 lice ollico. 813
U'A.NTKO-Sltuatlon for running a sUtlun-
nry engine. Gentleman will send order
or special terms on address. Box 67 , Millard ,
Douglas county , Neb. b'J2 9
WANTED lo nnd a good paying location
for a drug store in central or southern
Nebraska. Address O 35 , Bee ollice. H" . ! > 8j
WANTED Broom corn , send sample , state
amount you have and price. Omalia
Broom Workscor. ISthmid I'aciflost. 147-H *
WANTED To purchase house of 8 or 10
rooms with good lot somewhere between
St. Mniy's incline and Davenport at. west of
18th. Must be in first class healthy location
Address stating price , terms und locution , O.
31 Boo ollico. 162 II
TASTED A huge house suitable for fur
nished rooms. Address L 28 , Ileo ollico
14J-8 *
WANTED To rent at once , 3 or 4 room cot
tage , or 3 rooms In larger house , con
venient to S Omaha "Dummy. " Address It.
Funston , 121.1 Pierce. JJO 8J _
WANTED A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start , for particu
lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Nob.6V4
WANTED To trade new Hcnney buggy for
a good , safe driving horse. Armstrong ,
Pottis & Co. , 1308 I/ard at. 18,5 13
WANTED- persona to Instruct In book
keeping. No pay until situations are fur
nished J. II. Smith. 1013Chicago St. 908 9J
WANTED Teams for railroad work ,
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
TjlOIl HENT-Good barn. suitable for four
X ? horses. Inquire at 017 a. l.lth at. 933
FOIt HENT 8-room'hous , fill modern con ,
xenlonccs , Farnam nnd 21st Bt. S , Kntz &
Co. 1511 Farnam. 195
FOR IlENT-WIndow , good locality for lew
eler or real catato. Apply to 3u8 n 16th.
FOH RENT Store , 9 rooms and basement on
16th St. Apply 813 N 18th Bt 797 8
* I70t ! RENT First class location for barbel
X1 shop. Shaw A. Co. , 510 South 16th. 4-14
OK 11ENT-A atore. Inquire 1(12 S. l.lth st
Goo. H. Peterson. 99
FOR HENT Ware room cor. 13th and Call ,
Ifornla on Bolt Line. For particulars en
quire nt Union Nat bank. IBd
FOH HENT A store nr.d barber shop , als (
nice unfurnished rooms. Apply N W cor
13th nnd Williams. _ 198 13J
T OIl HENT-In new house , newly fur
X' nifhed rooms , sooth and east front , om
with boy window and ulcoxe. KS Georgia ave
_ _ 171 9 *
Oil HENT-Soxen room flat. Carpets foi
sale , or would sell furniture complete 01
time payments. Call on Daj ton A Vorls , roon
1,1304 Douglas st , _ IK ) 9J
llENT-Brlok yards , T. Murray.
TT1011 ItENT-Framo store building , 20x50
X1 withllvliif 4 roomson Phil bherldan atwll
improve ; put basement under store to auit an ]
legitimate business Wm. Fleming * Co. , 140
. 070
to rent. T. "Murray. 859
F OH HEST NVii p ; furniture , carpets , Ao. ,
for sale. Apply Kuw Fnrnatn. 21J _
TjlOIl HENT Store and living npartmonts on
X' Cumlnir near Saunders at Apply at HarrU
Heal Estate nnd Loan Co. , , M ) 3 , lith st 097
"C10H UP.NT 1g husband and wife , four un-
X1 furnished rooms for Hunt housekeeping ,
Hefcrencoj rcqtilredj Address 0 12 , Uee ollico.
2.14 8J
FOH HEN 1' Two nicely furnished rooms on
tlrst and second floor nt 1919 Dodge St.
OR HEST-TIiree elegantly fumlstoed
F rooms , 111 S. 20th t. 221.1UJ
OH lir.NT Plcasnnt furnished front room.
Cnss street. _ --'aa *
OU HUNT Unfurnished rooms. Apply nt
U. ISniitidera at. _ im 8'
FOR HliNT Kletmntly furnished room for 2
Kentlcmon near bnslno . All convcnl-
encfst private family , 1615 Cap. avo. " 13 12j
oTTRKNt Sulto'oFsliiKlo'rooms. ruriilshed
nt &M5 St. Mar > 's ae. . , w Ith tioard. 2IH 8j
"IJ1OU UKNT Newly fnrnlehod rooms with
-L. modern conveniences. ( US S. 17th St.
FOIi HUNT Nicely furnished parlor room In
private family. Desirable neighborhood.
Address O44 llco office. -10 11J
F Oil lltiNT Furnlitied room 310 N 13th st.
2i 8J
lliNT : riirnl hod rooms \xlth bathgas ,
etc. Terms ren onablo. No. COJ S 3iithst
149 8J
FOH KKNT 3 furnished roonn , bath room
and gas nil on llrst floor. Call nt . ' 'IXlfl
Davenport st. l.W
F HUNT Pleasant ( mulshed rooms nt
4J9 Convent St. 121 10
F 'Oil ' HENT Furnished rooms. 714 N inth. :
F1 OH ItENT-a'urnishcd room at ISlBDddiro iT
"ClOIt HENr-Fuinishcdrooms nt ISlODoduoBt
I710H UKNr-Unriiriilshcd ruom 1015 Dodge st
JJ h l
FOH Ui.NT-Nlco : furnished room. 2025 Far"-
nam. Vfio
FOH HENT Nine-room lint centrally located ,
3UI S IJth. 917
TjlOll HENT Desk loom"jTmlfHallngliets
X1 ; IIT South Uth st. 19.1 1.1
FOH HKXT-Nlcely turnlshed rooms at UKU
rarnam st. 8D19J
FOH HF.NT Furnisho'l looms with closets ,
gas and bnth , ( U ! ) S 17th st. 193 1JJ
FOH SALE Now 2nd hand oilico desk , 10IJ
I Fm nam , up stairs 18-
FOH KIINI' Furnished trent rooms , 1013
Howard st,2ud Moor. Ml SJ
F OH Iir.NT N'lctly furnlalied room for gen
tlemen , 215 N Uth Bt. 124
"IJ10H ItllNT Plensant hod room with pilvl-
J- legeol pnrlor.fill ) Falrvlewst. t'7.110' '
T71OH HIlNT-Su.t of 3-plcnsaiu fiirnl hcd
- rooms suitable lor 4 iremlumon. Hnth
Hcferoncos required , f 3J per month , 1'MO Web
ster St. 12'i hj
FOH IIKNT Furnished looms In old llrow-
nell hull , S ITtli , netween , lack < on and
Leavenworth. Kent $7 to $15 per month. In-
qulio tor Mrs. H. Soaxer , room 2 , In the Pee-
ontl story , south hall , 240-10J
FOU itr.NT KlpVLn'nlcoliiiiTiiriiished slccp
Ingiooms. 'Hepttrato or all together. In
building 310 b 1Mb. St. U75
FOH IIRMT Difllrablo unfurnished rooms
suitable for oQlcu or sleeping looms 31 ( !
S 15th t 71 P76
FOIt HP.NT-Hooms , f mulshed or unfiir-
nMiid , Mnir4 | or en Milto ' block fioni
pav cd street mid car line , pi Ivato tmnllv , line
location. Addrcs O 2 , ' , llee ollice. 108 U
F OH HENT Nicely furnished rooms with
board If deslrr-d 1412 North 2 th st. 815 9j
"ITUMt HENT Fitinlshol room with privllego
X ol sitting room for Indv. Object , company
for lady whtiso husband U gone pint ot the
tlmo. 501 S 20th. , ' , jj80
Poll HENT No. 537 s 13th st , storeroom nnd'
basement , now brick building. An ox
ccllont location lot either wliolesalo or ntnl
business. Piiiilsuii At 141 , , room 8 Itedlck block.
W)2 )
FOH HUNT Two ollieos spaces on ground
lloor In room 1509 Fnrnnm st. Enquire of
J. S. Illclinrdson , In rear ollice , 348 m.21
FOH ItHNT Nieoly furnished rooms cheap.
50oSouth IHth street. Upstairs. IU5
TTlOll 'IKNT-Deskroom. Enquire Young &
J ? Blackmail , 214 S 15th St. 540
F IOH HUNT Throe room tiouso xvest of Not th
llth st , between Chicago nnd Cnss. OiU
FOH HENT Fuinlshed loom with board for
two or four gentlemen , the most pleasant
location In the city. Ilctorenco required ,
Call at S. K. corner 20th and Fni nam sts. 14U12 *
FOH UKNT Elegant ofllco loom- , best lo-
catlon In Omaha. 310 South 15th Gt. 83.5
OH HENT Third lloor , 3'x8U , of brick build-
Inir , IKbFarnam street , use of elevator.
Inquire nbox'o number , upstairs. 081
FOH HKNT-Otllces In llollmnn building cor.
Farnam and llth sts. . In suites or singly.
For prices , dlairriims and information apply to
S.A. Slonian , I5U Furnnm st , llooin 2.
COHNiil : of Douglas nnd Tenth sircolH ,
rents tor $500 , is olforod for n short tlmo
on easy toims , nt $24,000. Marshall & Lobcck ,
150'J ' Fmnam. Tel.3. 20912
S 1 EVENS PL\Ci : Is near Plnlnvlow , where
lots are selling double the price , btoxuns
. . . . . . , . . ' . . . ' " ' "
llroi.7i&ia Fnrim'iii. 874
SALE A south front lot centrally located -
F0H In Kount/e Place , O 2J , Bee otllco.
128 |
GHEAT HAHGAIN-An elegant 0-rooin
house and full lot In Ilanscom place , eiiBt
front , house beautifully tlniehcd , has tiath
room and every convenience , lot nicely sod
ded , good barn , $0,5)0 ) , terms easy. Cotton ,
Eastman & Wlnstanloy , 120 N. 15th st 172 9
$40,000 xx III buy property bringing an annual
rental of $7'II4. Shitw it Co. , 510 S. ICth st.
TTIOH SALE-A corner lot , 6Hxl3. . on 15th and
X' Cumin1/ , one of the best locutions In tlio
city fora wholesale house , with xvatcrworks
mid sewerage. Apply at premises , Thos. Sin
clair. 311 m 21J
rpENTH Street business property with track-
L ago $150 per foot , cheapest ground on the
tticot Patterson ic Moore , Omaha National
Hank. 472
GHEAT HAHOAIN-An elegnnt 9 room
house nnd full lot In Ilanscom place , east
front , house beautifully finished , has bath
room and every convenience , lot nicely nod
ded , good barn , $ iir > , K ) , cuny terms. Cotton ,
Eastman & Wlnstanloy , 120 N. 15th Bt. 172 9
X ? llarker * llurr , 1509 rurnnni St
Corner 2 lotsKount/e Place , S4xl24. . .I 4,000
Corner Walnut Hill lloulevnrd , Fmo
House , Hani , City , Water & .C. , 50x150 3,700
Torner2 lots , tledforfl Place , 100x128. . . , l.tiOO
Corner with 177 ft frontage on Dodvo
within 2 blocks of street cars 4,000
Corner-'Id and Ouming 25,000
Corner 10th nnd Dodge , Improvements ,
OOxlB 25,00t !
Jones near 12th , 80x112 ic(00 (
Harnoy near 12t i , 4ixl'l2 28,41)0
Liat your property xvlth Barker & Burr , 1509
Farnam. 232 8
Bit. BALL & Co' , 113 N. 10th street , tmxo a
laigellst of good bargains , both on Im ,
proved and unimproved Inaldo and outside
property. Including aome eholco ncip propeity ,
Alxvnys ready to show property. Call and sec
our list of bargains. 235 10
CLARKNDON-Lot 3. block 3 , Clarendon , cor
ner on Lake at , with good new tlxe-room
house , south frontjail for $3,500. This Is i
decided bargain , Gq and look at It , ClarKson
A Beatty , 2lu a 14th at 22U.8
DEXTEIl L. THOMAS-Ilas the choicest lot !
In Lincoln Placo.
2 cor. acres In Soloman's add 1700 each.
3 lota In block 6'J , South Omaha ,
Also U , block 80 , and lot 2 , block 05 , 7 in 69 , !
in " 7 , cheap.
W ) acre * bv Central City to anil or trade.
1,120acies In a body near Stantou.
480 acres near Wlanor.
Also lota In Bedford Place , Dolonea addition
West Cum ing , Kcstcr's add on Cuinlng st Tut
boas lot In block C ShInn's addition.
Also large Iota In Shlloh.
Ii acrea on Ames' axenuo.
Alto trackage cheap on Holt Line , for salt 01
lease ,
0 largo lots on Broadway , Council Bluffs
I/oi3blk 6 Improvement Asaooiatlon , 68x168
LntSblk" , eame add , same elzc , corner
14.000 , &o. , io ,
1 own the atmve and can make ferine to suit.
Come nnd ace. Dexter L. Thomas , room K
Crelghton Block 752
SOUTH TENTH STHEET-50x200 on Soutl '
lOtli st. , beautiful , high lot with shade um !
house , for fS.uX ) . Clarkson i Beutty , 210 S
Utuet " ; .b
STEVP.SS PLACE la where t6 buy. Ftevotu
Bros , 1513 Fitrnntn , 74
KOItniA AVENFE-lOOxIM on corner tor
$4WO. This Is away below present value.
Clarkson A llontty. 2.W.8
HANSCOM PLACE-Wo have the choicest
property In Han com PMeo for pale on
very caay terms. Clnrkcon A. llentty , 219 8. 2.-0 S
SPECIAL Heal E tntti H rgalns-5xl.l2 ( on
Capitol avenue , $7,500. The nbovc is within
two blocks of high school , south front , xvlth
house 0 rooms.i
Some tine lots In Orclrird lllll at low price.
2 lot In block 9 Clifton lllll , cheap.
tOxlSJ.corner , with tine shade trees , house ot
9 rooms , artist-class home , gooJ barn , onlv
half block from Hamilton < t. Do not fall to tec
this. Possession given at once , $7,600.
Lots In Hawthorne , east 1 routs.
Ixitsln Portland Place.
10 acres near Northwestern line , just ready
to subdivide , $ . ' ,000.
04 acres with tine improvements.$12,000.
Good Investments In all parts of city nt rcti-
fonable prices and easy terms. My office Is
now In Hootn3 Omaha National Hank Hiilldlng ,
where I xxlll bo glnd to see ) ou. J. L IMirson.
SNAP-neautlful east front lot on LOXP BXP. ,
NKI30 , Just off I.enxenworth st , for fl 500 ,
cnsh WO , bal 1 , 2 and 3 > cars. Cotton. East
man \ \V Instnnley , P.'O N. 15th ft. 172 U
STEVENS PLACE Is north , where the boom
Is growing , and thorn's ivlioio you want
to buy. Stevens Bros. . 151,1 Farnam. E74
STEVENS PLACE Is on Ames axo. , the most
popular drive In the city , between Saun-
dt > rs and State streets , and lathe prettiest pleco
ol ground In Omaha. Let us slioxr jou tlio
nroperty mid xou xvlll buy , Terms easy.
Stevens Bros. , 1513 Farnam , IS74
TOT 50x144. Three houses , Kount/o A. Htith's
i addition , $0OiK ) . John Gallagher , 317 South
13th. 190 U
SNAP Beautiful east front lot on Lowe nvo. ,
50x1,10 , Just oil Lenxonworth st , forll,5W ,
cash $5 ' 0 , bal. 1,2 and : i yenrs. Cotton , East
man A. Wlnstanlcy , 12JN. 15th st. 1729
Crolghton Block.
Five ncres on Ames into , $5,000. Very chenp.
Five-aero tract , lloiitlold , $ . ' ,500.
One aciocoiner , on Leavenwoith bt , $2,500 ,
1 otson Military live , Ju < t acioss Belt l.lno ,
$ ] 'WO.
Corner on Cutiling st , In Carthage add , ? 900.
Elegant lot onLnko it , H limit , $ . ' ,20) .
Corner on bnunders st , $100 per fiont ft.
Lot 17 tilk 5 lliiuscoiii Place , f 2,500.
flood 1'jt In Dellone's ndd , $650.
Corner in Hart's sub , S1,5'M.
' 1 hioe east fronts In Kllby Plate , ono n cor
ner , $4.WO for all ,
Good lot on Hurt st , $2000.
Lot on I.iiKoM.s front. $2,200.
Corner acre on Leaxonworth .tln Shlloh aid ,
i hlrteen lots in Clovordalo for sale or trade nt
a banrnln.
Lot 17 hlk 5 Hanscom Place , $ -,500,1-3 cash.
Graham , Cnighton Bik. 142 10
In Houses and Lots
Mixies cast trout on I'aik ave , nn ele
gant mid model n complete lesidonce ;
owner going to leave tow n ; iholcest lo
cation In tbo cltj ; price $17,000
( XKILO east front on Catherine st , line 8-
room house , , 8,000
50x151) ) cast fiont on Dilawnro st. , good
sex oil-room house nud bm n and n linr-
galn nt 5,200
50\150 east Iront on Geoigln axo. , good
seven-room lionso . . . 5,200
100x140 coiner , north front. In Windsor
J'lace , good seven-room house , barn ,
nicely sodded and f'Miecd , and cheap nt 6,000
38x110 ca-t front In Windsor Plait1 , good
HoiPii-iootn house , new nnd xery do-
slrablo . . . . . . . 4ono
50x140 It west fiout lust oil Leavonxvoith
st .good 5-room house , s-tteot gr-.dcd
and xory cheap at 2,500
50x140 ft on Park nxe. 11-room house , city
xvater , gas , steam heat , and complete
throughout , unexcelled locality 12.COJ
COxlil's fiont on Popplcton ave , good 5-
room cottage , eltj' xvater , street to bo
griuled tins summer and will increase
in Miluc $1,000 , mid xvo know it Now
buy It. and see If we are not correct . 4,003
50x15) ) on Virginia avo. , good cottage , on
gi ado and xerv cheap at . . 3.C03
fiOxliiO on Georgia axe , gooil 5-room cot-
tugo on grade 4,500
MK127 corner on Charles st. , Sbltm'8 add ,
5-room house , barn , cistern , etc. , dirt
cheap at . . . 3.500
50xl2ii in Omaha View , good four loom
houro.well. for only . . . . 1,500
3Jxl2on ! 1'lth st. Ten room house , stone
and Iron fenee . . . . . 7,500
East fiont In Fairmont Place , xvlth live-
loom tottairo. . . . 2,700
Fast front In Nelson's ndd. , xv Ith good
house on Division st 2,000
60x127 , corner on Hamilton st. peed six
room ( ottnire mid room tor two mure ,
prospective cable line 5,000
Two good now housosin Idlewlldon xery easy
terms and many ot er hnu-es In at parts of the
city. If j'oii xvnnt am thing ot the kind call at
our ollicp nnd xvo xvllld-lvo jou around and
aliovv j-oii as good bargains ns nny one , xv bother
wo can suit sou or not
Sholes & Crumb , 1408 Fnrnam st. .
opp. Paxton hotel. 212 9
BEKOIIE buying anx thing In the real estate
line go and see Shuxv Ac Co. Wo can Bell
you anj thing to suit xour pocket-book , all the
wny from $ tOO to $10,000. Houses and lots for
sum In all parts ot the cltjWo are head
quarters for safe Investments. 51U S. 16th it.
Is ourjitllcc. 65J
FOltsALE--Lot In Shlnn'n3d addition , with
noxvil-room house , with pantry and clos
ets , cistern und peed collar. Will sell cheap tor
a few days. Apply or nddrcss H.D.,2912 Charles
st 181 12J
IF you are looking for n home , mil nnd see
us. Wo have u splendid list of residence
Pioperty for sale In nllpaitsof city. Cotton ,
Eastman fr Wlnatanloy , 120 N. 15th st. 172 0
fi O exchange for merchandise , harware pre-
X fdned , two good Improved farms , two
mid four miles from town , one of 120 acres ,
price $4,200 , Ineiimhrnnco $1,600. Onn of 16J
ncres , price $4HK ) , incumbrnnco $1,300 , In
Green county. 8 lots In Mar.ihalltown , price
31,200. Klotsln Monmouth.prlco $600 , nil In
Iowa. Address box 179 , Scrnnton CltjIowa. .
IF you lire looking for n homecall nnd see us.
Wo bnyo n splendid lilt of residence prop
erty for sale In all parts of city Cotton , Fast-
man 5 : Wlnstnnloy , 120 N. 15th tt 172 9
BOYD'S ADDlTION-Block 7. 10 lota , each
54xl3 < l > 4 , all for $7,030 , one-third cash , bal
ance tuns along 3 j ears. This Is a big bargain.
Clarkson & Beatty , 21' ) S 14th st. 220 8
OHOlCEIIAltCAlNH-In Orchard Hill , Hescr-
xoir nud Clmrlliago additions. Ball
&Co,113N. 10th. 2.13-13
Wit. GATES , 324 S. 15tb St , entrance on
. Iliuney.
100x150 south fronton St. Mary's nvc , with mi
elegant 9 room house , $7i,000 ) ; a beautiful
Now 10 room house , barn , cast front , on Vir
ginia nxe , only $ ( lou0.
Now 7 room huu-o , Delaware Bt , near Ilans
com park , $5,5 0.
Nice 6 loom house on Popleton nro.ncarl'Mh ,
south front , lot GOxltiS only $4OOJ ; will bo
worth $5,000 within two months , when street IB
East front on 24thnear Popploton avo,5 room
house , nice home , onlj' $2soO.
10 Hoom bouse on 27th and Hamilton st" ,
corner , I urge barn , $7,000 , only $1,000 cash.
5 Hoom house on Blonde st , near Saunders ,
East front on 19th et , near Clark , full tot and
small house , $ 1,1/JO.
5 Itoom hoiiFii , south front , barn , well , nlco
view , Walnut Hill , only $1'KM , HOD cnsh.
8 Itoom storj unit n naif now house , Inrgo lot ,
near line in Wnlnut Hill. $ . ' ,500 , $500 cash.
100x247overlooking Ilanscom I'aik from the
west , $8,000.
lu lxl.50.tast front on Virginia avo.and Pacific ,
75 feet near Corner Park nvo. and Leaven-
worth can bo sold for 11,0JO if taken within
three dnxa.
1.K1 south front on Cass , by 150 ft deep , neat
31th stonly $4.000.
3corner lots on ,13id and 34th nnd Davenport
streets , $1,650 to $ . ' ,000.
2 east front lots in Kllby block 4 , elegant view
of the city ; onlj $1,761 * each , adjoining lott
Belling for$2,000.
South front Highland place.lot near rariiain
J east front lots , RIlby on Davenport , foi
$3 ,11 tO.
2 very Tiilunblo lots on Lenvonworth neni
Phil Bherldan , that con bo bought fora bar
gain. Ono a coiner. Largo lot on Sherman uvo
opposite Kount/o place , $ J,000. Will havi
paved atroet In front of It in three months am
be xv onh $ .5.WO.
South front lot on Hamilton St , near Bon
aon car line , only $1.000.
5 choice lots in Saunders and Heimbaugh'
add , lying together , nt n bnrftaln.
A south front lot In Hillside No , 2 for onlj
Ono of the best lots In Hanscom'a Park ndd
for only $750. 2248
GHEAT BAKGAIN-An elegant 9-roon
house nnd full lot In Ilanscom place ; ens
front , house beautifully finished , has batl
room and every convenience , lot nicely so < |
dod , good barn , $6,500 , terms cany. Cotton
Eastman & Wlnatunloy , 120 N. 15th st 1729
SOLD-We haxo sold all but a few of thosi
Ixja von worth street rnaldcnto lota. Thesi
we haxo for our patrons at terms mid price :
that beat any list In the city. We mean it um
will proxe It to jou. Wo huvo also these uaon
ev-mnklng chances ;
The prettiest place In Plalnvlow for thi
money , mid only * MX ) cash , If Hold soon.
The Apple of My Eye , " nonui only M blocl
off Hi. Mary's ave car lineconvenient to busi
r.ens , built "not for a duy but for all time. "
' Bargains In business property.
' I List with us for we put them where they kec |
I hot. Cake i Hillings , over 1U1 Bomb 1Mb st.
STKVKNS PLACE on Ames avenue , neir
State aud Saunders streets , nnd n eontin-
ustloti of Sherman lavenue. the line drives
ot the city. Moxcns Bros. , 1K13 Fnrnam. h4
KF.A D this iplendld llsTi
Gibson , Aylesworthi Brnjamln ,
15I2 Fatunmst.
For A dax a only we olTer thn follow Ing
"lots In llriggs place front sou Hniney and
n on Farnam.
1 lot In Haxvthorno 4'xlO1. ' , txir aid and Daven
port , fl room house , At\ , price $ .l'Ji.iO. EH J-
Lot and house In Lowe's 1st nddAOxl20 , $1,751.
U'O ft on St. Mary's ave wltli 2 it-room hoiiica
gas and water. Will subdlv ldi < $ .nOJO.
Warohoiife or business pioperty In block 192 ,
$ IVW. Ensy terms.
Lot on Douglas street , 40x133 , xvlth 8-rootn
lieu e , $5,11X1.
Full lot on Dodge stieet,3 hotijes , rent for
$80) . | iflce$5'AU
5-room house on N 17th st. .good w ell mid cis
tern , W.6X )
Wanted ,1 good huMncis lots.
Two or more lots w Ith trackage.
Gibson , AjleavTorth A Benjamin.
1512 Farnam at
STI'.VKNS : i'LAT. ( lots sell themielvon : nil
they requite Is nn Inspection. Stoxons
Hros. , 15IJ Farnam t-4
FOIt SALE-.50 eholco farms lesa thnn 20
miles xvest of Omaha. Address J II Sllxls ,
Hcnl Fstate Agent , I'.lkhorn , Neb. 841 m28j
BIG llAHilAIN-Ono hundred feet front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000.
Part on tlmn. V. U Vodlckn , VJ South 1 Ith st
A P. TUKEV , 1KI ! Farnam St. , makes Investments -
vestments for lion residents n specialty
wlthiruarantoed Interest or share ot profits ,
and takes full clmrgo of property ; reference
given. if.K )
will secure 10) ) acres of first class
$ farming land In oastmn Nebraska balance
very long time mid no taxes for 2J years. Tha
O. F.Davis company , 1505 Fnrnnm st.
924 m 15
rpEN ACltr.Sof hk-li , sightly land for sale'i : ) '
1. miles from court house , $ fiKl per acre.
Pntteisoii 5. Moore , Omaha National bank.
152 15
O I'll LIST of llaigalns. Kount ? place , Sev
eral lots at n tun gain ,
Liikest,25 feet lor $ POO
Saunders st.I lots , each 2UOO
t-aunders st'i ! ' acres opposite Kount/o
placo. Ifith st , 50x150 6.000
I'ainam st.corner.50x12,1 11,000
Farnam st , 3 lots , each 3,100
Lownavo , cast front 150
Vliglula ave 1,100
Georgia nxo,75\150 2.BIHI
lleoigln axe 2,550
Tv.entj sixth st , near PoDpleton 2'K ) )
Facing on Paik 2.000
Hamilton t. Orchiird lllll 1.21KI
( liclnird 11111,2 line lots , each 72.5
Trackage lots fil12,5 ( 3V )
'I nickage lots 50x147 2,250
Lcaveliwoithsl , 114 feet ( orner HOOJ
Kesldenco Propeitx1.
Wo luix-o a Imgii list ot resldoneo propeity In
all pal Is of the city at x erj * low prices , htovons
Bros , 15IJ rarnam f-t. 775
T > iTl'EIl : see W H. Green , 215 South 1,1th St. ,
I' Hbdiit the following or mij thing else jou
wnnt ;
Ili0\l40on South li'th at , $11OJO.
MlxUOon South IMli st , Jli.OOO
H'xl.'fion South lllth st , geol house , $11,500.
120x140 on South 15th st , $7.0 K ) .
5UI4U ! on south 15th st , $ .1.000.
: iOx40on ! South I5th st , $2.000.
4lxlOU ! on uouth 15th st. cor on Williams , Im-
prox ements on tins cost $ ISOO. Good business
cor , $7MM.
Olots53x.20 east fronts on South 20th st ,
Thc o are Hi t-class , bettor come up and sco
about tlio-o.
8)1x132on ) Loax-enworth st , good house , for
$70 per Iront foot , propurty oulllnjrS blocks bu-
joud In a hole for $ 'ii\ '
Ono ot the best corners In Shlun's ndd with
good house nnd othet Improvements for $1,500.
$80)cash ) , bal 1,2.3 joars.
11X1x150 east front on Virginia ave 15.201.
11)5x150 ) east front cor Virginia nvi $5,500.
21 ot the finest lots In Hanseom plaec.east and
west fronts on Park nvo mid west fronts on
Cnthoilno st. This Is thocrcamof the place and
the llrst time thej'ever were on the market.
Small cash payments and ensy terms
fiOof iho best lots In West Slilo left laying dl-
rnctly on car line and only $ ,5)J ) lor Inside and
$55) tor corner , 1125 cash. bal. to gull. W. H ,
Green , 215 South 13th st COJ
1J10H SALE Hoaldenco 2410 Pierce strcot.iiiiw
1 house , containing 10 rooms. Including
bath and laundiy rooms , heat by f uruiuo. for
terras apply on promises. 921 10 *
F SAl.i-Out : Iot2fi ? , Florence , containing
- 4 \\lllEollcheapforciish. . Address
O U Hoe. H15 ! IJ
SNAP Hcautlfiil east front lot on Lowe nx-c.
MX 130. Just elf Leavenworth t. , for JI.500 ,
cash $500 , bal. 1 , 2 and 3oars. Cotton , Cast-
man & Wliibtnnloy , 120 N. 15th st 17-i ! l
DO you want n home ? We have houses for
sale on easy tenns. John Gallagher , 317
South l.'th. 199 13
C > rsC and lot , $1OJO ; tlM cash , bal $75
( liinrteily.
9-ronm house , full lot. $3,200 ; $300 cnsh. bal
? ! 5 per month. Call. 318 S 1,5th st , 201 8
17 011 S A I.K Choice la nil 1 mile from toxvn of
X' Crolghton nnd depot ; tame grass , good
pasture , running xvatcr , good Improvement * .
For n bargain for ne\t 30 dnys. nddrcsH G. W.
Allen , Creighton , NOD. 145 8J
IMMEDIATi : salq xvlll take .5 lots or loss only
5 or I ! blocks from i\ehango : bid and
Union Stock Minis on favotnblo terms. .Sixteen
houses under contract In same block. Ivvnnt
what they are worth. I don't xvmit fancy prices
I want to sell quickly , i : . II. Hranch. UJ
H OIISi : 0 rooms. 23d street , $4,000.
John Gallagher , .117 South 1 Ith st. 199 1 J
AGHKAT snap For only xveek only wo
can sell the most benutllul south front
corner in Wnlnut Hill with now 7 loom house
for only ? 1KW. ( Active Heal Kstnto mid Prop-
ertj Kxcunngo , 15.4 Do Igo st. 1778
TF you nro looking for n homo , cnllandaeo
us. Wo liavo it splendid list of risldenco
property for sale In nil parts of city. Cotton ,
bis-tman & Wliistamoy , 120 N. 15thM. 172 U
SiLF.CT : > , are the carefully listed bargains
hunted down by Cake & Hilling * . Our sam
ple ca e :
88x140 ft on IGtli street for $5,500 , part 1 and 3
4 lots , Meyers & Tlldcn's add , cash needed only
$000 "
Home lot In Plalnvlow , only takes , cash , $500.
Picked In Sheridan Placo.only $1:10J : for tlVK >
2 lots with 2houses , J. T. Itcdlck's sub , only
block from aticot car line , 10JX12I ft on 2
streets , big money hero for you ,
Hoauty of llartlett , fruit trees , flno\low ,
only $1.500 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omaha stulT on the market
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , nnd
we'll make U pleasant and profitable for you.
Lowe's ndd , full corner lot $ 1,150
Best lot In Pelhnm Plnco . . . . . 1,300
Choice or Crolghton Heights , u corner , COO
Bedford Place , on Statn Ft 1OM
A great bargain in Ilaxvos'add
Flno Improved business | roperty on
Dodge st
Choice lots in Highland park 230
A good lot in Clarendon. , . * 1,500
Houses and lots on easy payments
A good paying drug store
F. Barrett A : Co. ,
314'5 ' S. 15th St. IMS
T 1ST of bargains
Cornur nnd Inaldo lot In Clifton Hill , $725
Full lot and three stores In the heart of South
Omahapaying $155,00 per month , for $4,000.
Two tine lots on Hamilton St. , $1.500 each
Corner lot. 92x120 on 27th , near Cum ing Bt. ,
with 11-room house , barn , eto .only 17,500.
Aiiinoy st , MlilNl , for $ ' 15(00. (
Two lots loft In Wilson's Add. to Kountre
Place , near Saunders nnd Lake sis , only 11,500
each , one-fourth cash.
Fnlllot oniiillh at. , near Curnlng , with two
houses , only $4,200. This is n oargnln.
Propoity , Insldo nnd outside , for sale In nnx *
part of city. Mitchell & Lejonmnrck , 1518
Dodge st 218,10
FOH SALE Dodge st , tw o lots In Kllby place ,
fronting on Dodge Htreet , 125 feet Two
blocks bejond the lots have sold for $2,000 , the
r snme price wo nsk for theso. Only $1,200 cash
required , hhuw&Co.,610 S 16th at. are the
r ogenta. 190
Members Omaha Heal Estate Exchange ,
Kooms I nnd 3 , ,120 South 15th Kt
Omaha View , State at fronta for $ 1,500
Fulrmoiint place , 50x121 , corner- ' . . . . 1,350
Fulrmoiint place 4bxIJO , cornur 1,300
West Side Lonx onworth st fronta I.UOO
West Side , East nvo fronts 775
Thornburg place 100x130 , corner l.MXI
Thornburg place , line east from 80(1 (
Catnlpa plncoWixllH , corner 1MO
Tabor pluce elegant lot 47x155 . . . l.COij
Leaxonworlli tcrrnuo 114 ft on Lea veil-
wortl 3,00(1 (
I-caveiiHoitb terrace , 102x114 trackage ; i , : if
West Omaha , HOxllJ east und so front . 3,500
West Omaha , 54x155 east and north front. 2/0 :
Bedford place 100x128 tornor 1,700
Bedford place 50x128 south front HMI
I'rospiet pliico 51ft corner on irradn . l.MC
Prospect pluco double front Hamilton at 2,50 ( .
Cheap homes for all.
Gregory & Iladloy. 942
TEVKNB PLACE la near Konntiro Place
where there will be 200 hoiixcs built this
Hummer , oostlmr from t-,50) ) to $10,000 ( inch.
Slcx ens Bros. , 151' ! Farnam. 874
Our new addition.
Acresl4 ) to $ VW per aoM.
Near South Omaha ,
A < ! Hydlcati Hill. _ . . .
ilaraball * Lnbec < ,
771 \Wi Furnuia.
'EEK no furthor-0odd\rd ( A Moore , III
S North litth street , can dx p you nuno for
your money than anv other Him In the city ,
notwithstanding we Uirowawn a llttlo moiiry
for brass hand * , &c. to llxeu things up n Ilitlcs
The following ro it few speclmuns !
Hollies ,
Ono S room hou o , full lot , only one Mock
from SattndersM nnd om > half block from Cum *
lng . * t $ 'AXO This Is the best bargain lit the
v hole addition n orth looking Into.
HOUSP and lot In Isaac .V i-oldcit's n Id , H.W.
Finn ( l room house nnd barn , full lot on
1'ranUlln st , near 27th st , finest lot on the street ,
linn shade tieos , only $ .1,500.
Wennohaxu on rrankiln street a 7-room
liouso with coed bam , tit $ .lOW. Till * nlio H
M'ry chpap ,
Nlco hniiso and lot In Omaha View only I1.7BO.
Improvements cost 11,10) . .Minst bo sold at
oiue ,
I'lno 7 room houss , bnru , well , cistern , all
new , In Vrimhlintton Hill , with onn aero ot
groundonlj f.vvo. Thlsis a sur * thing of *
PiotH ol $ lnOJto tne puiihascr In the next 30
daja , 1 ook Into It.
Finn nine-room hou o , rents for $50 pef
montli.on corner Kith nud l.t axcnworth sttcottf.
n choice piece. Come and nui about It. "
I'nlmproxed Property
Two eholco lots.south t rentsIn Lincoln place ,
1700 ench.
'lliroo choice lots , Columbia paoe ! , 1300 ouch.
Two eholci-lot on Hamilton vtrovt , In Uiclt *
rd lllll , la.VI unvli.
'thirty choice lots on * wlfls street , fl * ) ouch.
Flttr choice lota , Orchard Hill , from ? 7W > to
| 2tKX ) .
Onocholoe south front In Kounl/o 1'lacc
I'lno aero property Kensington very cheap.
One fine lot on .list si. In Omaha View , fHK ) .
One elegant lot In lltur Oak.'J blocks rist o (
HaiiK'om 1'nrk , 1\'M. \
one lot In llurdette Court , I5'X ' )
'two of th nuest lots In Amblsr Vlaeo , ono
n corner , only tlK10 for both. These are BW fuj
chi > np.
1'ourteen lots In llodford 1'laeo , from t"t > 9 to
f'.HH ' ) .
One baailtlful lot in Hanthorno only $1,100.
Twdbeatitilul lots in lliiutliorne. u corner ,
One tlno corner on Lcaonwortn st In Mnyn9
Plnco , $4,000. I
Two tine lots In Pnrmontor IMaco at $1 .fiOO. /
'I wo line lots In Mil } tic's additionvnrv clirap *
Two line lots In HrlK'K'fl I'litcu on Cnpllolavo ,
1'lvo ncie , n beautiful piece of property , nt
f dOO per acre
\Voalwnysha\e ulceenirliiBOB to dike oureug-
tnmorh to sen property. C.tll on us at our ollleo ,
ill Not tit H'tli ' st , nnd wo will plvo > oti all the
Information wo can. tloddard & Mnnrc ,
ill Nonli Ultli. iin 8
\ , Ilnrpalns at
Nedd's Heal Kstnto Krchantfe ,
140(11'mimm ( , opp. 1'iixloii Hotel.
Fnrnntn , ( or. ' 'Oth , fiflvl.W , Improxed , tSiQQ ,
I'm nam , cor iMli , K\iiS : , Improved , $ L-,0Hl. (
rnrnnin. cor IKlth. 1 iOvl'IJ , JI7HIO. (
Cnllfoi nla , < or 10th. l.l''vI.'K , improred. f Jfl.000.
lltl. . cot Jack-on , i.rtvl.lImiiruxed , ( jr > , OOU.
i mi nets on bt , Mary's , IC.'xll. ' , Impioxed , yet
Doniflnn , nrnrlth. ! ! 4IS. , Improxed. t44C09.
l.'th 4tvl.l- - J4i ) h ) .
Ilarney , cor , 4tvl.lliupioed , ,
illotsln .leromo I'aik , it iiiriuirs , only J' ' ,000
HU leot on t-aundcis , near Ciimlni ; , $7,010.
fiUxin'ion Cinnlni ; , ( tool lor bublnese , $10,100.
ir.n\ioo ; on south nth , $2i.ron. )
NIxlW on Calllornin , only $1,000.
Vlnll lots In Uaxenport sub , near SnundcrS ,
only * , ) ,000.
blots on , Hthst , near Lenvoiiworth , on crado ,
trom $1,100 to $ lfiOO each.
1 lull beautllul residence lot on Davenport
street , onlv 12,500.
Lot IllxllO , wltli r > room hou-p , burn , Moll , cis
tern , etc. , inth , near Williams , Sl.OdO.
House and lot on South " 1st , near Locust Bt , (
onh $1,1(11 ( ; $100 , balanci ) $ 10 per month
ft ) lots In Orammarcy 1'iiiK , trom $050 to $760 ;
ensy term" .
Special Harpams In Imprmcil and iinlin-
proved lots In the following aildltloiis : Klrk
\\ood.Cirialnvlew , lloxd , llfdfoid I'lacc ,
Haucs' , Davotinort's stiti. Kount/o IMaco. Mil'
Omaha Vlnw. I'ellintn 1'laee
lard & Caldwell < , ,
Vales & Kcod'ssiib , ralriiiount 1'laee , Hiitrnns/
Pntiuk'flSiul , Patilck's , 1 ] V. Smith's , Milnn'tf
Jnd , Hhlun'H .hd , Lowo's , Orohaid Hill , Kaun-
dorsHlmebaiiKh's , Walnut HIM , liuthtufe.
Hakui 1'laee. Clllton Hill , Kllhy 1'lace , .leromo
I'.uk , IllKhland I'lneo , Woit Omaha , Isaao *
Kddon's , West Knd , Creston , Hawthorne , Hill-
Hldo No 1 , .1. I. Itedlek'bsub , Ilartlott'H Terrace ,
llees I'lnce , llan c < im 1'laee. Windsor 1'laoo ,
( Jrlllln .V Ivnacb , Capitol lllll , Cnmpbell'H , ImpT i
Asao , lliirtnian's , Kounl/eJIid , S. K IIORiirH.
South Omaha , nnil oxer ) other add to Omnhn
anil din best and luri-'i st IKt of barKUliia In the
eltj In ln ldo bnsliie1" * property
llo sure nnd c ill onus bolero lnve-tliif ( apil
BOO our linmcn-o ll"t of bargain" .
Ifou have iiroporty to soil list with us ntifl
\u > ttill pu h It Nedd'a Heal I'.stutu KxchaiiKV ,
140H rarnam.opp. I'nxinn hotel. 'J4r > ,
Probate Ifotlce ,
, or Nr.HUASICA , Douirhts County , e .i
STATP county court held at tlio county court
room , In and tor Mild county , April SUlli. A. U ,
18S7. I'leseut , . ! . II. McCulloeh , Count } .Indue.
In the matter of the estate ol IliinsO l.areen ,
On readlutr and niliiff thu petition of Amoll *
Liu eu , widow of ald deo"ai < ed , prnjhiK that
bho tic appointed admliil'-lratrlY of said ostatp.
Oideiod , that Apill S.lnl , A , 11. , 1-H7 ( , lit 10
o'clock a. in. , bo ii'-Bliriiod for hearlnK
said petition , when all IIITSOMH Interested
in said matter ninv appear at a county court to
bo held , in nnd Tor said county , nud show cause
\\lij the pruxei of said petitioner should not bo
Krnntcd ; and that not leu of the pondc ncy of mil a
petition and tlio healing theicof , bo rl\en to
nil IKUSOIIS Inteie-ted In said matter , by
imhlMiltiK u eopyot thin order In the Omaha
Dallj Ileo , n newspaper printed In said county.
once cadi week fort hi oe succo'sslvo wojks priof
to said da > of Iteming.
I A trild copy. ] J. II. McCtn.l.oCll.
HlUni7-14 County
Notice ,
M ATTnil of application ot Mlko MoTlghO
for liquor llconie.
Notice is hcicby Riven that Mlko MoTltfha
did upon tho2.Hi day of Apill , A. 1) . IXST.tllo h4 !
application to the major nnd city council ot
Omaha , for IIcen o to sell in lit , epitlluoiiH nnd
\lnous Iliimii" , nt No. TOI North Sixteenth
Htteet , 1'ilth ward , Omaha , Nob. , from the lltb ,
day of April , lf > 8 < , to the loth day of April. IHW.
If there lie no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within tun weeks Horn April ' . " .tth.
A. U. , 1887 , the said license w III bo trrantod. i
MIKK. Mol'iaiiK , Applicant.
J. n , BoiiTiiAiin.Citv Cloit. aOniT
Sewer Propoiali ,
' . pioiiosals will bo recclrcd by the
SKALI'.D until 11 o'clock n. in. May llllh ,
1K87. for the coiibtruction of sewcrln Seiver Dig-
trict No. 41 , as per plans nnd speclllcntlongoir
tlio In the ollico of tlio Hoard of Public Works.
Proposals to bo made on printed blanks fur *
lushed by the bonul , and to be accompanied
with n certlllod cheek In the HUIII of 50000. '
payable to the City of Omnhii as nn evidence
ol wood talth.
The Hoard reseiveg the right to reject any ot
nl. . bid. or waive defects ,
Chairman lloaid of Public \Voiks.
Omaha. Neb. . Aprils , 1887. iCKIO ! tt-7 !
T OEdvvlnO. Dudley ;
You urn hereby notified that the undersigned ,
three disinterested freeholders of the City ot
Omaha , have been duly appointed by thn
miler , with the approval ot the City Council oC
said city , to assess the damage to the owners
respectively ot the property declared by ordi
nance neccssmy to be appropriated for I ho use ,
of said city , for the purpose of widening Laka
street Irom Hllh to IHtli street. 1
You aio further notified , that having ac
cepted Bald appointment , and duly qualified as
required by hiw , we xvlll on iho2'itli day of May ,
A. D 1887. nt the hour of 10 o'clock In tha
morning , at ollico ot W. II. Green , 215 South
1'lth street , within the corporate limits of Hold
tlty , meet for thu p.urpocoof considering and
making the assessmentof damagoto thoowncrtf
respectively , of said property , by the reason or
such taking and appropriation thereof , taking
into consideration special benefits , If any.
The property belonging to yon proposed to bo
appropriated us aforesaid , und which has been
declared necessary by the council , by ordk
nance , to appropriate to thn use of the cltj1 , be
ing situated in snld tlty ot Omaha. In the
county of Douglas , and state of Nebraska , In
described as follows , to-wit : South 33 foot 06
Tax Lotl8Sirtlon in.
You are notified to bo present nt the time nnd
place aforesaid , and makn nny objections to , or
KtatemontB concerning , snld proposed appro
priation , or assessment of damages , as yon may
consider proper.
' "
FIIEI ) . BEliv.
Omatm , Neb. , April 25 , lh 7. inlklOt
MATTEHof i.pplliatlonof Mary A. llankhnrt
for Honor llcoiibo.
Notice Is hereliv glx en that Mary A. BankharC
did upon the 7th day of May , A. D. IH87.
Illu her npplioitlon to the mayor mid city
council ot Oinnha , for llcenso to Hull malt ,
spliltuoiiHiind vinous hquon ) , at Fort Omaha ,
on State street , Sixth xvuid , Omaha , Neb , , fiom
thu llth day ot Apiil , 1847 , tn the liniidnyof
April , 1HX * .
If them ho no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled xvithin two weeks from May 7th ,
A. O. Ibb7 , thu mild llci use will bo grantiil.
MAIIV A. HvNKiivur , Appllemit ,
J. II. SOL'Tii.xui ) . City Cleik. m7-14
Notice , of npplitntlon of Gross & Jcnat-
buhko tor liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given that Gross .V .lenat-
schkodld upon Ihu7tii day of May , A.D. 1S87 , tile
their application to the major und city coun
cil ( if Omaha , for license to sell malt , splrltiinui
and vinous liquors , nt S. K. Cor. 14th und llow-
aiil streetsTlilrd ward , Omaha. Nub , from the
lltli day of April , Iib7 , to the 10th day of April ,
| ( JiW ,
If there be no objection , ronionstrmuo or
protest tiled within two weeks Irom May 7th ,
A. D. 1W7 , thuKuld llcenso xvlll bogittiitodj
Giioss & JF.SAISCIIKE , Apullcnnts.
J. B. BOUTMAIIII , City Clerk. iu7-14 .