VraMB * w I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY. MAY 7. 1887 JPEOIALNOT1OES ; Advertisement * timlurthls head,10 ccntipor Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents tor each sub- tequcnt Insertion , and $ l.Ha ) line per month. Jfo advortlemncnt taken for tosntnnnZS cents fortlio first Insertion , fovcn wonU wll Jbo counted to the line : they must nm consecu tively Hnd must bo jmlcl In advance. All adver tisements must lie linndpd In bofoio 1:30 : o'clock p. in. , und under no circumstances will tliojr bo Bkcn or discontinued by telephone. I'artlcB adt crtislng in thcso columns and hav ing the aniwors addro ed In enroot THE lire rill please luk lor u chock to rnublo them to get Jiclr letters.as nonn will be delivered except on i > ro intntlon of check. All answers to adver- Usomunts should bo enclosed In envelopes. . All advertisements In those columns are pub- I llshcd In both morning mid evening editions of tTlio IIKM , the circulation of which iagtcrcgatofl more than 14,000 papers dally , and gives the advertiser the llicnofit , not only of the nlty circulation of Tbo rllKK but alv ) of Council Bluffs , Lincoln , nnd [ other cities mid towns throughout tills purt of I the west. MONEY TO LOAN. k2,000 to Inan on real estate. Apply to C. B , > Kcllor , 1503 rnrnam ft , city. 015 mlO * , to loan nt ( I per cent , Harris * Samp $ son , 1510 Douglas it. 7U JM > 0,000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent Manoncjr ? Ic 1,1 n ah an 1509 1'arnam , 609 IONRY TO LOAN O F. Davis Co. , real L estate and loan agents , 1805 farnam st 671 41600,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 8 U > percent. U. W.Day.s.e. cor. Ex. Bid. 073 M' IONEV ' to Loan , first mortgage notes bought. H. H. Cole , 318 ri. 15throom 4. 772 14 * MONEY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop- ortylowiatcs. Stewart A Co. , Hoom 3 Iron bank. 674 Jl/TONEV / to loan , cash on nand.no delay. WJL J. w. nnd n. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st , Paiton hotel building. 675 MONEY I'lrst mortgage notes. The Douglai county bank will buy papers scoured by first mortgage on city realty. . 070 MONEY TO LOAN on unproved real estate ; no commission charged. Louvitt Burn- hnm , Iloom 1 CrolKliton Block. 677 CPLll CENT Monny toToan ] Gregory & Hndler , Rooms 1 and 3 , llcdick block , iEO s. 15th _ 8t MONEV to loan" ou collaterals. Long and short time city mortgages and con tracts nought , E , 8. Rowley , 814 South 15th st. 078 mil fTH ) LOAN Money Loan * placed on Im- JL proved real estate In city or county for Vow England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , 18th and Chicago su. 679 MONEY to loan on Improved city property at 6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait Have n complete set of abstract books of Douglas county , t , N. Watson , abstractor Harris Real Estate and Loan Co. , 320 8,15th at , ( iso MONEY LOANED lit C. F. Hoed * Co.'s Loan Ollleo , on furniture , plnno , horscs.wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th. over Blngham a Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 881 6 PER CENT Monoy. It. C , Pattoison , 15th and Harnoy. 83 ] MONEY TO LOAN-bytho undersigned , who has the only properly organlrod loan agency In Omaha. Loans ot f 10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so mndo that any part can bo paid at any hno.oaeh pnymont reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances madn on flno watches and dlitmonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing * ith , as many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and SfH ) mo. W. It Croft , Room 4 Wahnoll Building 15th and Harnoy. 693 flMir. Omaha Financial Exchange , * * w < ; or"nr , , of Harnoy and 15th sts. , over State National bank. IH prepared to make short ttmo loans on any available riccurlty. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long time loans mad * on Improved real estate at current ratce. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought. Bolder exchanged. Short time loans mauo on second' mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collateral Kates. estate to exchange for peed Interest General tin uncial business of all Kinds trans acted promptly , qnletly and fairly. Money always on hand for Approved loam of 8ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- city. Corbett , Manager. ISO BUSINESS CHANCES. ARAHE ropportuntty A clean , crlfp and fosh itoek of Groceries , Flour , Food and Provisions , with an average daily business of $125 , Is now nut on the | market for sale. * . Ex cellent buslneu location ; street rar corneron ; best etrcot in city ; new brick building , loused for one with privilege of turo or three yoart. Terms of sale good. Reasons fardelling , other interests demand attontfon. Apply promptly to Parrott It Williamson , up atalrs , B. w. cor. 14th and Douglas. I8a 6 WE want fpur or five enterprising business men with H capital of $1otd ) or $1,500 each to Invest into n big paying business. Call at . once t t. 10 uud 13 a. m. and 8 and 4pm. and oo T ? . L. Ray at Poxton hotel. 120 OJ T7IOH SALE An established bualnoss. Only - * ' small capital required. Address 018 Hoe. 055 FOR SALK A well paying first-class restau rant Bargain for toe right man. Inquire 815 S. 12th street ti61 7 * 100x132 icet east front Shrlver place $030 It old by May 10. Terms easy. Street car line within lit blocks. This is a bargain. Shaw A Co. , 610 3 16th Bt 121 T7KM SALE A profitable nnd well established X1 business suitable for a lady. Call and in quire at Employment Bureau , 219 n Kith sts. 9i > 3 J4 BALK Established restaurant doing irood business , good reason for soiling. Hart , CroUthtou block. 100 fl FOR SALE A flue drug stock Invoicing $2,700 Is offered for sale on very favorable terms Only a small cash payment la required , bal to suit purchaser. Tbo location and busi ness is excellent. Address A. C. 8 panda w , U ration , Neb. fife 8 * , WEhavosomo very desirable lots to ox- clmngp for any kind of merchandise ; 120 k It , 1-3 blk n P. 0. Mart * Toft. i5i ! % /OK 8ALK OH THADK-For Omaha city real X1 estate or Nebraska lands , a two-story brick store , with a complete line of staple dry goods and notions , irrocorii- * . crockery , glass ware , and a small assortment of hats and caps all bought for cash and discount aavod-m a live Nebraska town , rountv scat , and doing a rood cash business. The pccond story rents for $35 | H r month , and now contains first-class ten ants. On the Union pacific R. 1C , and sur rounded by the best class jot farmers and ( anus in the state. Two grain elevators are lo cated at the station , and tap all tne surround- ling country , which bringg In a rreat deal of , outstdo trade , and Is one of the boit grain mar- kotsln the state ; It also bos ono of the largest flouring mills In the west The above property Is first-class In every ro- ipcct and tbo stock is now and dotlrablo. C. J. Canan. 852 "mOR SALE 01 Exchange A now 3a obi com- J ? blnation mill situated on Little Blue river , near Hebron , in Thaynr county. Will ex change for wild or improved Inn Js or live stock , for further particulars addrosa First National ' k. Hebron , Nob. 685 PERSONAL. PERSONAL A Konttemun ot r Qnemont and moans , mlddlo ngod , deslutd con expand- enoewith a illscruot young ladv , or young widow. Object , mutual fun , perhaps inntrl- Toony. ' Addroas , oontldentiullyO 25 , care Hue olljco. 110 7j. PEHPONAL Send stamp for our circular "To Married Ijidlen. " It will save you trouble. Addrces Lock Box I'A , Hi-d Oak. la. 1 * 6 8J PERSONAL If you want u deslritbio ; ceu- trally located office you o < m find It at 316 S 15th Bt 07S TICIW. DUlUNT-dHrlvoyant from Boston , li oU. reliable In ail affairs of life , unites separated "jOKSsONAE Ncat "and lusty ali-wooTbuiT JT < neea aulta $7.00. Fine blue diagonal Orcsi ultt. $10.75. Call and lie them or write foi MmpMea. L. O , Jones i Co . American ClothierB , 13U Farnam at. . Omaha. I'M m 17 p HSONAL-Private home for Iinlk r7urlnl f confinement , Btrtotly conndontUl , Infant ) l.addreMG 42 , lice nfllon. I3Ji * . Or Nanni * V. Warroc etatrroynct. Medical and bucineaB Medium No. $ , Ki Morth leth t , Farnau nc r IStk note book HI Mvorai note * signed by variou * partle < M attached to chattel mortyaiN * dimwa to 0 VT , Kyle. A suitable reward wUl be Mid foi the return of same to C. W. Kylet IN : nouglai IO8T A portmonlo containing fiO In gold ; ' also cards marked Mrs. 1) . P. Burr , No. COT. N. 17th street A liberal reward will be given to nny ono returning thp same to Mrs. Hurrat UOIN. 16th , corner C ! rk street , or to W. a Beavoy. Ill South 14th street. 188 7 QTRAVED From tno oornor 84th and Davon- O port sts. , n roan marc , lame in right nlnd leg. Reward for return , JamosChsvcs. . Vt8j STORAGE. miRST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th t STORAGE Flrst-cl.iss storage for nice tur- 3 nlturo or boxed goods , atlSU Dodge-st MISCELLANEOUS. Flano $4 monthly. A HoBpe.lSianougiat. _ s fjl OH HA L"fi or oxohaniro , do lrnblo lot for JC good single team. L. 11 , Watts , 1010 Far nam st , 01 * MlO the Ladles-Prompt attention paid to all X kinds of dressmaking ; silk , satin and vel- ret drMSD cleaned by the French drying pro cess. Price from II.SI to $3.00 , Also gloves , laces and plumes , 1818 Farnam st. 745 OJ POOLB , sinks and vaults cleaned , oder- OEBS Icss process. E. Ewing , box 327 , city. PHOPlMtTV Owners-If you want tooli TO your property send full description with prlco and torini to Hart's Great Western Itoal Kstnte Ilurcau , Crolghton Block. We have cus tomers for every bargain that Is offered. SllmUl TIO parties having houses lor rent , Itontnl Agency , Bonawa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- onioe , We have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCagua Bros. AUKSPON8IBLB lady would llkn the care of a hon o for the summer , while owner is ubsunt. Cull atllt ! ) Hartley , in afternoon. NOTICK-W. C. King * Co. , homo moving and raising , leave orders at 13JO Pierce st , 8 5 J4J EXCHANGE Very line , hoary coach stallion colt , nnd registered Holstoln Krloslan cattle for western land. Norwood Stock Form , Norwalk - walk , Ohio. 1145 OJ AOI'.NTS can make money rapidly selling our Door Plates , Door llulli , Mall Boxes , .Vc. Something new. Send for circulars to the Missouri Door Plato Co. , St. Louis. Mo. 083 8J 171OKUKKT Organs , $ a per mooto. J 1B13 Douglp' . OS1) TVHr.SSMAKiMrs. . K. C. Pcofleld , par- JL/ lora 1822 St. Mary's avo. Ladles coming to the city for ono day can have their dross made while waiting. 75 m 14 O ) . C.-House furnishing goods , all kinds : ca < th or installment ; lowest prices at J , Bonnor , 1315 Douglas st . 000 F IOK KENT Square Maoo , $ < mommy. A Hospe. 1513 DouirUi. Gb'J you want to buyer sell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 18th. 031 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. fOH SALE Drivers and draft horses , rear of 1 1818 Chicago ot. 154 J5 * F OR BALE Top buggy , side bar. second hand , cheap. Address O "J , Bee nfllco. 15811 * TJlOlt SALE , or exchange for Omaha real -C estate , a Una driver , record 2:40. : Patterson & Moore , Boom 1. Omaha Notional bank. 151 FOR SALE or exchange In part payment for a lot , a complete sut of New Amoncan En cyclopedia. Address O. 32 Uooolnco. 157 "IjlOIl SALE- Silver show cases , counters and JL1 shelving suitable for drugs or groceries. Address O 4 Boo. 127 8j FOR SALK 'Furniture of 6 room house witn privilege of renting house. 1'lli ' California st. 110 7 FOH SALE C. O. Conn cornet , same as now , A bui pain. Butler & Todd.215 S. 15th. 062 U FOR SALE-AM kinds of building stone at the Louisville iiuarry , lowest prices possi ble. Address G. Metzg-or , Louisville , Nob. 823 15 * TT10R SALE Second hand barber chair at 703 J ? S. 10th st , cheap. 93. ) 6J B > OH 8AI.K-NPW light sidebar buggy. Cole 318 8.15th , Room 4. 769 7 * FOR SALE 15 head One milch oowa and sprJngorstat Military llridffa yards. Uum < Ings et Crone * Jester. V3i 10 * FOR BALB Autohnrps , mandolines. Butler &Todd. 16815th . 81 11 FOR SALE A good milk dairy , consisting of 110 first class cows , a good delivery wagon , Uara and liarnosi. milk cans , &c. , horse power corn mill and hay eutter , and corn shelter , in cluding first das * milk route , iramadlate pos. session given. For terms , uto. call at 217 8 nth at , Omaha. 711 T71OII SALE Span horses , double wagon and -C double harness for $ ' , ' 00. Also o lot of posts cheap. C J Canan , 552 F I OR SALE 1 or 2 homes , 1 spring wagon , 1 buggy , cheap. A. Hospo , 781 m3 ! TJ10R SALE Cheap , the Abstract Books of -C Seward County , complete to date , Safe , Blanks , Oflico , Furniture .good line of lunurimco Companies , Loan and Real Estate Business. The only set of Abstract Books In Howard County. Address , Hamlln Bros. , York , Neb. 451 ra UJ F OH BALE Bare , nearly now , medium slzo , inquire21 Fronzorblk. , oppP.O. . 357 F I OR SALE Square piano , $150. Woodbrldgo Hroe , 215 Opera houso. 304 TTOlt SALE The best line of carriages , phaot- f oiu , bugries. real estate wagons and deliv ery wagons. Columbus Buggy Ca , 1113 Harney. 39Sm9 TpOH SALE Kreih milk oow and calf. In- -l-1 quire i , w. oor. Uth and Caitellar , Mrs. Callohan , W40J RSALE-Brick. T.Murray. 693 CHOICE LAND3-$5 per acre , f FO makes Isc years payment on 160 acres. Write for in formation W. K. Paine , Bidnoy Nob. 252may7 THOH BALK-IT head choice bred Shorthorn -V cattle ; also a 4V ) acre stock farm In Holt county. J. B. Colllngs , Ponder , Neb. 803 may I3J WANTED MALE HELP. TfTANTED A boy at once at 1311 Farnara Bt. WANTED A young man to drive delivery wagon. Apply California hotel 144 6J WANTED Barber for Saturday and Sunday , good wage * , 1116 Furnam st. 137-6 * WANTED Typewriter and itenographcr. ' ' Must bo willing to make hlmsulf generally useful In otlice. Small salary to start with. Address O 30 , Bee office. 16410 WANTED Immediately , first and second cook for Ofallalla ; S waitresses and putry cook for Kearney ; 0 cooks for country totels : 4 dining-room girl * in city ; 50 girls lor general housework , 316 8.15th. 165 7J WANTKD-2 good men to soil Boaplno to families. Apply to H. Harpol. 220 north ICth st. , room 16 , from 7 to 8 a. m. and 4 to 0 p. m. 117 6J 17"ANTED A baker at onco. 1410 launders T st. 118 OJ TiyANTBD-Barber at 1224 Baundors st WANTKD-2U good carpenters. U M. Nich olson , 9J8 N. 2'd Bt 93rt 7J \T7ANTKD Boy , Omaha Shirt Factory , 308 N V lUth. 610 8 ANTr.D-Shoomukor , J. W. Tulhot , Syra cuse , Nob. 9i7 UJ \\TANTKD-A milker , north of Deaf and T > Dumb Institute. J. F. IloUi. ail 6 * \ \ ANTED Cimluet maVors and 1 carver ; > ftoiiily work. SlmmonJj , ROOVOB He Co. , 1TW and KJi 8 13th. 911 9 A \7"ANTKD-Partner to enlarge mill-water T > power. Business Immenso. Rare chance , rnpltnl required , $1.0Uil or more. Address V. H. Olhs-jn , Atkinson. Nebraska. 88S7 * " \\MNTEO-An Intellbrent boy or young mnn trom the Omaha High school to carry a routu on the Dally Evunlag lloo. 13 < WANTKD-Canvasaera In every city and town In Nebraska and Iowa. . L. H , Watts , room 3. Kilo Farnam st 779 WANTKD A partner in good paying ottsl- n ft , oompeiant to take full charge ot office affairs , f2,0uo capital required. Address , box M. 13 , Bee office. tu _ _ AM'KD J iborcM tor railroad work. R.8. Albright's Labor ' Agency , 1130 Farnam , _ : \VAVTED CanvaMlng agents. Apply be- TT twoeullra aud4pm. . Aeawfiaafir , Co. , 61 B. What. 804 \VANTBO-Uea. Women. BoyB and OlrU for TT allfbt aad prottable mttetmumt. No picture boetem ; BO tnuahu * . lead Me for a Talaabte package to commence on. Only * few hundred will bo distributed , AddraM Albany Supply Co. , AlUajr , K. V. $ p * TVANTED A good rtllabls man to drlvo TT furnlturo delivery wanon. Must under stand his business and furnish city reference. . Prefer married man. Apply 617 S. 13th st. 853 \\rANTED-CanvBSiors In Omaha and Doug- TT lascountr f or Plat foim Echoes , by John B.GoURh. The best selling book of the day. Call on or address , L. H. Watts , Room 3 , 1010 I'nrnam St , Omaha , Nob. 827 WANTED An active partner with about $ V cash to Invest In a well paying busi ness. Inquire of A. L. Uudoland It Co. , 11104 Douglas st. room 1. 8J56 * WANTED--FIVO persons to Instruct In book keeping. No pay until situations are fur- nlshod. J.il. Smith. 1613Chicago st 90 6J WANTDD 50 men for R R. work. Apply at H. Jacobs employment office , Council Bluffs. i641 7 WANTED-23 block makers for Colorado. Must bo experienced mon and have tools , Free pass. Mrs , Btega It Son , 316 South 15th. WANTED-2or throe carpenters , 3118 llth St. , In the forenoon. John Hamlln. KW-GJ WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED 3 dining room girls , unrkor betel. 170 7j W'ANTED A good girl for kltuhon work at 117 N. 14th Bt 143-8' WANTED Nurse woman to leave city$18 per month , r dining room girls , 2 bakers , 5 dishwashers , 3 short order waiters , 4 girls for laundry work , 2 men cooks , 2 female cooks to leave city. Omaha Employment Bureau , 119 N. 18th St. , Crounse block , up sulrs. 1C8-U WANTED Immediately , 2 good laundresses for Pouatollo , Idaho. Plain washing , wages $25 and $20. Free pass. Mrs. Drogn .tie a inth st. 161 7J WANTKD Two good Polishers and 3 wash ers at Omaha Laundry , 001 north 10th st 1590 * rANTED-Machlno bands. Omaha Shirt Factory , SOS N 10th St. 150 8 -A first-class milliner nt MM. B. J , llomphcll's , Ashland , Neb. 119 7J WANTKD Oiri for g-oneral housework small family. Call at 2U N. 18th st 115-Oj WE HAVE 50 good places for girls that will pay them from $ J-60 to $5 per. weekirood .girls can always get good places nt this ollleo. Omaha Employment Bureau. 153 7 WANTED A nilrso with experience for children. Mrs. Warreu Swlulor , 2504 St. Mary's ave. U72 0 vy"ANTED-Good girl , 1707 Casa. 533 WANTED-Flrst girl , 1013 Capital avo. 584 ml ] WANTED A chambermaid at the Windsor hotel. 910 0 WANTED Button hole workers , 1112 Far- nam. 003 0 j TX7-ANTFD-A girl for kitcuen work at 415 N WANTED-Twogoodkltohon glrN. Emmot House. 1000 7 WANTEH-Good girl at 008 Virginia ave , good wages paid. 231 WANTKD-Girls. Good wages- Hotel Garni , 1010 Mason st 132 8J WANTED Sowing woman , cue that can cut and fit well , at 1717 Chicago St. 1318 * WANTF.D Good girl for houjowork. Throe In family. 411 Convent. 13i 7J WANTED A good cook. Inquire nt 131U corner 13th and Harnoy street , Koom 1. 052 11 * "H7ANT41D Good kttchnn jflrl , ono who un- * ' derstauds general cooking. Apply 1914 Farnam st. U5i Gj WANTED Olrl for housework , family of 3 , Gorman preferred , 2115 California st , 9J8 7 WANTED-A girl to do housework In a small family , Inquire at 1112 South 13th street. 102 WANTED-A good girl for general houso- work. 11- ! Convent st. 1U77J WANTED-A 'lady cutter and fitter for dressmaking. Apply Mrs. J. Lewisrear 015 Capitol avenue. 950 7 WANTED A good girl fo do general house work. Liberal wages paid. Apply at 1815 Douglas st. 949 7 * WANTED Olrl for general housework. Oorman or Dane preferred , sol 8.23d st 9706 * WANTED A few more shirt and pants makers. Apply at ouco. Gee , Stllos , 1406 Leavoaworth st. 911 11 WANTED A competent girl for general housework at 8220 Farnam Bt 862 6 WANTED Kltohen girl and two dining room girls. 1004 No 16th st. 90S WANTED Chambermaid , colored. Call at 1513 Capitol avenue , between 1 and I o'clock. 784 6 * WANTED At once , 3 first-class chamber maids and 1 scrub girl. Apply at the Cozzens. 039 WANTED-Glrls for hotels nnd private fam ilies. Apply at IL Jacobs employment OfBco , room 6 , opera house , Council HlntTs. 937 OJ WANTED In family of 3. flrat-class girl for general housework , 1908 Farnam 919 6 j NTED A good female pastry cook at Arcade hotel. Must huyo references , 1215 Douglas St 215 0 J. WANTED Lady cook , must bo first class , apply to The * . H. HU1 , proprietor Park hotel , Fremont , Nob. 723 8 TlfANTED An experienced girl , at n e , cor. TT 15th and Leavenworth sts. 710BJ TXT ANTED At onoe , piano player , colored TT woman preferred Apply 1U8.9th. 313 WANTED Ladies to work for us at tnelr own nomes ; $7 to 10 per week can be quietly made : no photo-paintiug , no canvass ing. For full particulars please address at onoe Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central st. Boston , Mass , Box.5170. ( K jel6 * SITUATION WANTED. TirTANTEn-Employment by two young men T T Who have had clerical experience In rail road oltlces and elsewhere. Can furnish good references as to character and capacity , nni would try to earn their salaries. Address O 20 , lice office. 93)6 * WANTED Situation by a flnuly educated eastern mnn , competent to run drug , book or stationery store , wants position in a healthy town or on thn road. Can keep books. Best of references. Address "Uambus Indicn , " Marshall- town , la. 9327 WANTED-Sltuatlon by energetic young man , quick In figures , good penman , keen observer , understand * acooants.wflling to work low until worthy ot promotion. Address O 21. Boo office. 138 8j WANTED-Position as gardener and care for horsoa. Good references. Address O. 26 Bee. U97J WANTED-Position in private family to to wash clothes. Address 2504 Pacific Bt 12812 * WANTED Situation fur 6 nice Swede girls , will beat my offlco until engaged. Mrs. Brcga , 316 S 1Mb. 120 flj WANTED-A Position by a thorough ac countant Best of references. Address 014 Bee office. 813 \VANTKU-8ltuntlon for running a station- T > ary engine. Gentleman will send order orspt'glal ternnon address. Box 87. Mlllard , Douglas county. Neb. K 9 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED To find a good paying location for a drug store In control or southern Nebraska. Address O 35. Bee office. IBS 8J \\7ANTKD-llrooin corn , send sample , state T V amount you have and prloe. Omaha Broom Works , oor. lithund Pacific st 147-S * WANTED To purchase bouse of 8 or 10 rooms with rood lot somewhere between St Mary's avenue and Davenport at. vest of 18th. Most bo m first elms healthy location. Address Mating pno , terms and location. O. 31 Bee office. 163 9 ITANTED-A large honso suitable for fur- T nlshed rooms. Addroaa L 28 , Bee o co , 143-8 * WANTED To rent at once , 3 or 4 roomcot- .tage , or $ rooms In larper house , con- renient to B Omaha "Pommy. " Addreu H. Fnniton. 1213 Pierce. 130 KJ W'ANTED-Board by a young lady in a atrtctly private Oewlsb ) family , llofcr- encea exchanged. 0.84 Bee office. 131 OJ \17'ANTED ] To rent , 8 or 4 room houso. ad- T T dress A. M. , 2634 Charles 5t. nt 6J WANTED Merchants in dry roods , cloth- lor , boots and ahoe * or general taerchan- dise wantlar to Mil their Block , can find cash purchasers tif addressing H. N. McQrew , Omaha. 61 mOJ circulation WANTED Duo or two furnljheJ rooms for man , wife and two chmtton ; no hoiuu- kcoplng. Address O 31 Hoe ofBco. Ml 7j w ANTED Teams for ' -railroad work , Albright's Labor Agqncf , 11UU r rnnm. Z Btil _ WANTED A respectable jowng man desires to correspond with n lady of moderate ) wealth object , matrimony. Address O 18. Uco office. ' J 833 7J FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. n RENT flood barn , suitable tor four horses. Inquire at 617 . 13tb st. t)3J ) _ OH UENT-Wlndow , good locality for low eler or real estate. Apply to 309 n K-th. 1 'rk 693 T7IOR RENT Store , room * atid basement on JU 18th St. Apply 813 N ICtll St. 7W7 8 FOIl KENT On South 31st at. a 5-room cot tage , now , with closets , pantry , hard anil of t water a south front , to a neat small fam ily. Address O U Dee ofnoo. V74 Oj TjTOU IIBNT Seven-room flat , best location. X ? carpets tor sale cheap , or will sell till furniture on tlmu payments if deMred. Dayton & Vorl * , Koom 1,1304 Douglas street. 10J 7' TTIOH RRNT First class location for barber JP shop. Bhaw ft Ca , 610 South 10th. Ct F1 IOK HENT-A store. Inquire 1412 S. 13th st Gco. H. Peterson. 899 TT10R KENT Ware room oor. 13th nnd Call- -K ? Ifornla on Bolt Lino. For particulars en quire at Union Nat. bank. IBS RENT-Brlck yards , T. Murray. FOR RENT Frame store building , 20x50 , with living 4 roomson Phil Sheridan st.wlll ; Improve ; put basement under store to suit any legitimate business Wm. Fleming & Co. , 1401 Douglas. 870 F ARM to rent. T. Murray. 859 F IOK RBNT-Houso ; furniture , carpets.Ac. , for sale. Apply WO'J Farnam. 213 TpOH RENT Store and living apartments on A ; Cumlng near Saundorsst Apply at Harris "teal Estate and Loan Co. , & 0 S. 16th st 697 FOB BENT BOOMS. F ° RENT Furnished rooms with bath.gas , etc. Terms reasonable. No. G02S. < nthst 149 SJ FOll RENT 3 furnished rooms , bath room and gas all on ilrst floor. .Call at 2008 Davenport st. 139 F I OR KENT Plonsant furnished rooms at 439 Convent st 121 10 R HENT-Furiiijhod rooms,019 N 19th. 087 * F I OR RENT Furnished rooms. 714 N. 10th. . ' Pl9m21 * 1011 RENT Furnished room at ISlGDudgo st. FOR OENT-Furnlshod rooms at 1810 Dodge st OSS F I OR RENT Unfurnished room 1615 Dodpo st 881 HENT Furnished rooms. Apply 704 S. 18th st. 114 6J FOR RENT Nlco furnished room. 2025 For nam. 005 TWO unfurnished rooms s. w. cor. Hth ana Hnrnoy. 868 0 THOU RENT Nino-room Hut centrally located , -T 316815th , jj 077 TTIOH RENT Furnished room for gentleman. JD 637 Pleasant st. 847 0 F 1011 HENT Two nicely flferntshod rooms. 2218 Farnam st. ! pj 713 6j F OR RENT-Furntshod fffat rooms , 1613 Howard Bt , 8nd floor. * * Ml 8J TTWH HFNT-NlcL-ly furnlshad rooms at 1009 -C Farnam st 8040 * FOR RENT Nicely fnrnishpd room for gen - tJemen,2in n lain QI. , H 124 FOH RENT Plonsant bed rqom with prlvl lege of parlor , 619 Falrvlqw. st. 97310 * lj > OR RENT-Four plcasaut'rooma ' , city wato r JLJ sink and collar. e 3 baliiornla street. 008 o * F1 10H HENT Two unfurnished rooms or one largo ono , 1st floor. 202 < Ht. ) Mary's avo. t 807 7 * FOR RENT Sil.t of 3 pleasant furnished ' rooms suitable for 4 gentlemen. Oath. References required. $30 per month , 1010 Web1- etorat. . , , 125.8J FOR RENT Eleven nice unfurnished sloop- Ing rooms. Separate or nil together , in building 818 B 15th st. V75 "I7IOB RENT Dcslmble unfurnished rooms -I- suitable for once or sleeping room * . 816 H 16th at B76 TjTOll RENT Nicely -furnlthod front rooms JL' northwest oornor of llth and Howard. 105 8 "C10R RENT Booms , furnished or unfurL - -L nlshod , siaglo or en sutto ! { block from paved street and oar line , private family , flue location. Address O 22 , Boo office. 108 ti * FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with board if desired. 1412 North Z8th st 815 UJ FOR RENT Desirable suite of rooms , turn- Ished,2535 fit. Mary'a nvo all modern con veniences , with board 898 7 ] FOR RENT Fine room , city water , gnu. bath , streetcar , convenient , cnosp. Apply2520 Douglas st. V24 B * FOR RENT Two pleasant rooms with gas and bath. 1611 Howard st. third floor. 8917j TJ1OR KENT Furnished room with privilege -L of sitting room for lad v. Object , company for lady whose husband Is gone part of the time. 601 8 20th. 880 FOlt BENT No.607 813th St. , storeroom and basement , now brick building. An ex cellent location for either wholesale or rctal business. Faulaen * Co. , room 8 Kedlck block. 903 T70R RENT Two odioes spaces on ground JO floor in room 1609 Farnam st. Enquire of J. 8. Richardson , in rear office , ' 3(8 mil I1OR RENT Very pleasant newly-furnished room near business center , sultabo for two gentlemen , all conveniences , private family. 1015 Capitol are. 877 6J TJrOR KENT Nicely furnished rooms cheap , JF ooa South 18th street , Upstairs. 9J5 F I OR HENT-Dosk room at 314 South IGtu street , room 3. Insurance man preferred. 025 OJ F IOH aENT-Desk room. Enquire Young Bluckman , 214 815th Bt. C40 TTIOH RENT Throe room bouse west of North Jllth st , between Chicago and Cftas. 'J- ! FOR RENT Furnished room with board for two or four gentlemen , the roost pleasant location In the city. Reference required , Call at S. K. corner 20th and Farnam sts. 14U12 * THOR RENT Elegant office rooms , best lo- JP cation In Omaha. 316 Bouth 15th st 635 TJ10R HKST-Thlrd floor , 22x80 , of brlokbulld- JL' ing , 1108 Farnam street ; use of elevator , Inquire above number , upstairs. ' 661 FOR RENT-Offiuas lu HollSln building cor. Farnam and 13th sts. . In Wfltcs or singly. For prices , diagrams and infoSlatlon apply to &A. Sloman , itiU ! Farnam st , Worn t , tW 698 FOB SALE HOUSIa LOTS. . ' ' BLACKBUHNiKKNNEDV.1 ai6 South 1Mb itVct. Have for sale the flncet IHiiIlding alto In Omnha , In Highland Place , goutji and east cor ner , the best south front In Hiluide No. 1 , cor ner on Dnvonport street closir'tn street car. A bargain in Orchard 11111. vo-y choice property , Improved and unimproved in all parts of the city. Ambler Place.-Walnut Rill , Hitchcock's add , Harney Pisco , South Omaha , in fact there Is no addition In the city that we cannot show you irood property at terms M and to none. Bee us and lot us show yoirfliV city , Black burn ft Kennedy,316S 16th st. 155 7 BALE- " FOR Baunders Btreet Bargains. By J. L. llioe & Co. , 01 er Commercial National Bank. ' CD foot front , corner $ 6,600 63 foot front , comer oiler 5,50) ) 120 foot front , corner 12.000 120 foot front , corner 12.000 U ) foot front , | > avbd In front. . , - K,5no 70 foot front , paved In front. 16,009 142 foot front , corner , improved 20.UOO W foot front , Improved. 8,759 87 foot front , corner , improved x,7i > 0 112 foot front , near corner Lake 13,000 40 foot front , improve. ! . Lake . . 7UM 40 foot front , vacant , Lake C.an 45 foot front , corner U.7W1 60 foot front , corner 7.5W 18 foot front , inside 4&t ) 22 toot front , near corner Lake 2.500 24 fuct front , corner 3,000 J. L. lllco t Co. 8287 ' _ - - , FOR 8ALH Cholco tarm 1 mlle from town of Oelghion and depot ; tame grass , good iiaBUtra. ran aimwater. . oed U i > rev * ents. Forabamlnforaext 3 * 4 j - ddr aB G. W. AUM.CnicMon.MM , my ? $ * OTATE street Is the coming etreot In North- C wvst Omnha. Sovernl bargains ou this street at $1.000. $1,250 and $1W1. WttUnco , In vestment ngt-nt Crclghton block. HI 7 STKVKNSPLACE Is where to buy. Stevens Bros. , 1513 Fartiam. 874 TBVKN8 PLACK Is near Plftlnvlow , where lots nrn selling double the price. Slovens llros. . 1513 Farnam. 874 FOH SALE A south' front lot ccntrnlly lo cated In Kountro Place , O23 , lloo office. 112 $10,000 will buy property bringing an nnnuiil rental of f 7.UI1. Shaw & Co. , 510 S. lath at.- 627 BEAUTIl'UL flve-acro tract on Ames nvo1 cheapest aero property In that vlclmtv , And a good opportunity to double your monvy In 60 days , 15,000. Wallace , investment net'tit , Creig-hton block. HI 7 TJKIl 8ALE-A corner lot , flfizlU , on Ibth ami -U Cumlnir st , ono of the best locations In the eityforn wholesale hoiiso , with waterworks and sewerage. Apply at promise * , Thos. Sin clair. 315 m 21J HANSCOM I'tjAOK lot on Virginia nvc. . a ( rood Investment , * 1WW. Wallace , Invest- meut agent , Crclghton block. Ill 7 TENTH Street business property with truck age $850 per foot , cheapest ground on the street Patterson * Moore , Omaha National Bonk. 47J "IPOH BALK ny J. L. nice & Co. , on I/nke -L street and car line , fronting on two 60-foot street * : Corner lot , Lake and 25th stg , 133 foot on " 5th st.16 foot front on Lfost,4B ' toot on Rrsklno st ; all for a paltry $ -1,000 , worth double to Im prove. 92 foot front , corner on Lake and 25h. ! $3.500 , fronting on 3,00 foot streets. : 40-foot front on Lake and ErsKlno streets. 13,010. ins-footfront on toke st , same on Krsklno st , $7.500 , 3. L. Klco & Co. b58 7 S E Cor 13th and IJouglaB. TllTE hare Juit whnt you want in the way of a TT linme. Call oa us. Ulackburn & Kennedy 31G S 15th St. OV7 0 DnXTKH L. THOMAS-Ilas the choicest lots in Lincoln Place. 2 cor. acres in Soloman'ft add $700 each. a lots in block 59 , youth Omatm. Also 0 , block OU , and lot 2 , block 05 , T in 89 , 3 In ! " 7 , cheap. 80 acrcf uv Central Olty to sill or trade. 1,120 acres In a body near Btanton. 480 ncroa near Wisnor. Abe lots In Hertford Place , Dolonoi addition , West Cumlnir , Hester's add on Cumlng st. The boss lot In block 0 Shlnn'3 addition. Also large lots In Shlloh. C ncres on Amos' nvcnuo. Also trucnago cheap ou Holt Line , for salt or lease. 0 largo lots on Broadway , Council Bluffs. Lot 3 blk 6 Improvement Association , 05x188 , J2.2JO. Lot Bulk7. same add , same slzo , corner , $4,000 , &o. , Ate , 1 own the above and can make terms to suit. Come and see. Dexter L. Thomas , room 8 , Crolghlon Block 752 mWO THOHNlUJUn lots , best corner in that JL addition , just In front of now $ lr : > ,000 county hospital , $ J,000 for both , cheap. Wallace , investment agent , Crolghton blocc. 141 7 STEVENS PLACRJs north , wdoro the boom is growing , and there's where you want to buy. Stevens Bros. , 1613 Farnam. 874 1011 SALE-By S. Kat7. A Co. , 1511 rarnarasOt _ Corner Karnara and 31st , 136x133 . . . $17.00 Corner l junlas and 12th . ai.OOO Cot norl'lorco and 19th , 140x03 . 15.000 Corner I'Hh ' and Martha , OSxUO . . Corner 18th und Hurt . fi.soO Corner IDth and California , IK lot . itf.OOl Corner Capitol avenue and 20tn st . nuO Choice residence lot , Summit Hill . 3.501 Cboloolot , 1'nrnam near 35th . n.001 CorncrSaundo and Hurt , 161x51 . 7,000 Choice lots Walnut Hill . 1,001 Choice lot , Virginia ave . 3,750 Choice lots on Fiirnnm st . . . 2,000 Choice lot. Hedge and S7tn . ! 1,000 Choice lot , 131U Jolninir Cosmopolitan. . . 3,500 08 leet fronting ou Cumlng and Hurt , 5 houses . 15,030 Lot fUHxlOj , just north of Cunung,0-room house ; a great bargain . 3.500 800 foot frontage on 17th and 18th sts.in thoheartoftnoclty.wlth 5 houses . . . . 20,000 63 foot front on 'd St. Just north of Bt. Mary's a vc . 0,530 New 8-rooui oott age , choicest location in theclty . 4-GOO Full lot on Franklin st . 1.350 Call in and BOO UB and we will make you money. 8. Katz& Co. , 1511 Farnara. i > W mWO THOUNBURG lots , best corner m that JL addition , just In front , of new $125.009 county hospital. $2.000 lor both , cheap. Wallace , Investment uncut , Crcigtitou blonk. STEVENS FLACK Is on Amos avo. , the most popular drlro in the city , between 8auii- dors and State streets , and is tbo prettiest ptoco of ground In Oinuha. Let us snow you the nroperty and yon will buy , Terms easy , Steven * Bros. , 1513 Farnam. 1874 TflOU SALE By J , L. Rico & Co. over Cora JD inercldl National Bank. 0 choice lots In Corells add to Crelghtou HulKhts $ .175 each. 5 beautif ul lots In Institute Place $60' ) each. Will trade for house and lot. 4 north front Institute Place $475 each. Bar gain. 2 north front Institute Place , fenced , $600 oacii. 5 elegant Croigbton Heights Boulevard lots $750 each. 4 cplendld lots in ntlllke's first add K mile from fair grounds S'J75onoh. 5 lots on 16th st.JIilleke'Afirst add $490 each 2 lota in Crelghton UclghU $400 each. Thrsu lots are gilt udgo suburban property within the throe miles circle. Will be sold on easy terms. J , Jj. llioo & Co. Bole agents. 850 TIWO THORNBURG lots , best corner In that addition , just in front of new $125,000 county hospital , $ , < X)0 for both , cheap. Wallace , investment agent , Crolghton block. 141 7 FOUSALE-Cortot , 66x133 , on i pltol Hill , must bo sold Boon. Call at 2222 Davenport FOR HALE A very desirable lot In Orchard HIM , beautifully shaded with trees. Terms easy. Addresa H. F.E , 1617 N 18th St. , Omaha , Neb. C637 SPECIAL BARGAINS , for sale by Sbolos & Crumb. 100x120 foot , a corner In Omnha Vlow , south and west front , nnd must bo tola quick at $ . ' ,500 ; north $ J,000 to-day. Two choice lots In Myers , Richards & Tildcn'a addition , ' OO each SU lots in Windsor Terrace at only $300 cacti. Thiiso are bargains and it only takes $85 cash on eacli. Seventeen lots la Bedford Place from $550 to $700 each. Two elegant cast fronts In Hanscom Park ad dition at $1,000 each , on easy terms. Ten choice east fronts In Clifton Hill at $125 each , this is away below tbo market price , but must bo sold , Bholos & Crumb , 1406 Farnam st. V4S 7 BIG BAUGAIN in Kilby Place , lot 63x135. oil Benson street car line , ? 1,675 , Just the thing for a home. 1 3 cash , balance easy. Also.Thornniirg , east frontat $150 loss than ills worth ; $860 , and loss than H cash. These are sacrifices to secure some monoy. Carriage to see these any time. Parrott It Williamson , up-stalrs. 8 W corner 14th and Dou/flss. / ttil 7 * BBAUTlFtlL HVC.BCTO tract on Amos ave , cheapest aero property In that vicinity , and a good opportunity to double your money in < ! > da > s , $5.001. Wallace , Investment azout , Crolghtou block. 141 7 BARGAINS-Graham , Greiguton Block. Vivo ncres on Amos iiue , 15,000. Very cheap. Fivoi'.cro tract , Bonfleld , J2.WO. One acre , corner , on l.eavimworth t , $2,500. l.ou on Military ave , Jmt across Belt Line , Corner on Cumlng st , In Carthage add , $300. Elegant lot on Lakust.B trent , I.Y-D3. Corner ou Panndors bt. $100 per front ft. Lot 17 blk 5 llttnsoora PHce , $2,500. ( ioodl-Jt In Dcllono's add , $660. Corner in Hart's sub , $1,53J. Three Hit fronts In Kllby Place , ono a cor ner , $4 .5uO for all , Good lot on Hurt Bt , $2.009. Lot on LaKe si , s front. $1.200. Corner acre on Leavonworth .ln Shtloh add , $2,5'00. Thirteen lots in Cloverdale for fate or trade at Lot 17 bl'k C Hnnscora Place. $2,5)0 , 1-3 oath. Gralmtn. CrfUhton Hik. 14810 _ IMMEDIATE sale will take 5 lota or less only 5 or 6 blocks from Kxcbangu bid and Union Stock yard * oil favorable torms. Sixteen houcos under contract In same block. Iwant what they are worth. 1 don't want fancy prices 1 want to sell quickly. K B. Branch. 1 I N Housell * Ptebbin' * add. one-half block south of Leuvonworth Bt , we have some lots at prices BO low they will wake your uycs stluic out Call at our otneo nnd be convinced. Smith &WcUbKetil lUtttto WB. 14th st , cor Farnam. 123 7 TEN ACHES of high , surhtly land r oo miles from court housa , $ WO per acre. Patterson 4 Moore , Omaha National nank. 153 15 _ _ TJV > H SALE ButtneM property , n r oornor -IJ iJth : and Dorcas su , dixl.tt foot , with a large bouse and other UuprovoDionts , at n bargain , For sale. 317 acre * of land In Nuekoll * Co. , Neb. , within IVi miles of Superior und R. it. depot. For particuiart call on M , hedlngton , lafriH. mint. . Omaha , _ aaytj HAN OOM JJ-ACE lot on Virginia ava. a good iBTestiaont , $1,30 $ . Wallace , inTctt- ment at Bt , Crolybtou fal'Kk , Id 7 STEVKNS PLACE on Amrs avenue , near Stnto and Saundsrs tt eoU. and a contin uation of Sherman tnvonuc , the flno driven ot the city. Stevens Bros , , 1513 Fnriiam. 874 READ this siiloniilil list ! Gibson , Aylesworth & .Bcnamln | , . . " 12 Fatnara 8t. For B days only we offer the following 2 lots In Brlggs place front son Harney nnd ' non jtitruain. 1 lot In Hawthorne 4'xlO ? . oor 33d and Daven port , 0 room houjp , Ac , prlco $ ,1 , W. Easy terms. Ixit nnd house lu Lowe's 1st ndd,63xltO , $1,750. ICO ft on St. Mary's ave with 2 troom t houses ga and water. Will subdivide. $0.1,030. Warehouse or business property in block 193 , $45,000. Easy terms. lot on Douglas street , 40x133 , with 0-room hotuu , f5loa Full lot on Dodge street , 3 houses , rent for $800 , price $1.MO. 5-room house on N , 17th St..good well and vis- torn. 10,600. Wanted 3 good business lots. Two or tunre lots with trackage. Gibson , Aylesworthft Ilonjamln. 1512 Farnam st aia BEAUTIFUL flvo-norp tract on Amos ave , cheapest aor property in that vicinity , nnd n good opportunity to dotiblo your money In CO days , $5,000 , Wallace , investment agent , Crelghton block. 1417 S PKC1AL NOTICK-llouso of 10 rooum , city water , sewer , gas , steam , Imrn etc. , largo lot , Fnrnam street nenrSlth. Only ttOJjOO and rcry easy tsnus , this price for 10 dars only. Van lleuron. Douglas and 14th sis. C.KIMO STKVENS ri'LACE lots soil themselves ; all they require is an Inspection , Btnvons llros. , 1D13 Farnam. K74 HANSCOM PLACE lot on Virginia nvo. , good investment , f 1,300. Wallace , Invest * ment agent , Crcighton block. 141 7 ONE Of the choicest lots in Plalnvlow add , 57x121 , $1,500 , easy terms , Smith & Welsh , Heal Fsttito , aiO 8. 14th st , cor. Farnam. 1S3 7 FOH SALE CO oholco farms legs than 20 miles wrstof Omahn. Address J. B. Bilvls , Koal Fstato Agent , Klkhorn , Neb. Ml m2Hj BEKO11E buying any thing In the real estate line go and eoe Shaw Ac Co.Vocnu sell you anything to suit your pocket-book , all the way from $300 to $40,000. Houses and lots for sale in nil parts at the city. Wo are head quarters for safe investments. 810 S. Iflthst. is our office. CSS BAHOA1N One hundred feet front on BIG South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000. Fartontlmo. V. L. Vodloka , WO South 13th st. ew milACKAOE LOTS-S vornl excellent bar- J- gains : sea this for instance : 132 feet on track by 140 in length , only $4,000. on good forms. Cheapest track ait o on the bottoms. Wallace. Crolghton block. 141-7 A P. TURr.V , 134 Fitrnam St. , mnkos Investments - vestments for non-rosldonts a specialty with guaranteed interest or slinro ot profits , and takes full charge of property ; reference given. ITJ8 cash will secure 10 } acres of first claii $ farming land In eastern Nebrnska balance Tory long time and no taxes for My ears. The U.F.Davis company , 1505 Farnara st. 82t m 15 SOLD We have sold all but a few of those Loavonworth Btroet rnsldenco lots. These wo have for our patrons at terms and priuca that bent any list In the city. We mean it and will proro It to you. We have also these moneymaking ey-making chances : The prettiest place in Plalnviow for the money , and only f GOO oasli. If eolil soon. "Tho Apple of My Ivyo , " Homo only K block off St. Mary's nva car lineconvenient to busi ness , built "notforndny but for all time. " Bargains In business property. List with us for we put them where they keep hot. Cake * Billings , over 101 South 15th st. 047 QTATU itreot is the coming street In North O west Omaha. Several bargains on this street at $1,000 , $1.150 and I,50J. Wallace. In- \estmont agent , Crclghton block. 141 7 IrOH SALE-By J. L. lllco & Co. 1 Farnam Street property. 40 foot corner 27th. fU.O'JO. 40 foot inside bet 2 'nd and 23rd , $12.009. 133 ieet trout KM par foot. 133 foot front KW5 per foot. 80 foot trent t.WO per foot. 100 foot front , $11,500. Each and all are extra bargains-sure to double In 12 months , In our Judgement. Call and get our reason for such a statement sea property got prices and terms. J. L. Rico -V Co. , S. E. cor 13th and Douglas Bt. 855 7 FOR SALE Lot in Ktlby place , $900. 4 room housn Iflth near Paul st , tD.WJ. Lots 1 and 8 , block 'JO , Walnut Hill , with 5 room house , barn , etc. , only $2,300. II. W. Huntress , IfcOD Farnam st , POD 7 * OUH LIST of Bargains. Kountz place , Bov- oral lots at a bargain. Lnkost.M foot for . t 800 Saunders , II lots , each . 2,000 Saunders st , 34 ! acres opposite Kounue place , i th st. 50x150 . 6XXX ) Farnam st. corner. 60x13) . ll.ff.iO Farnamet,3 lots , each . . Lowoave , oivst trent . . . . . . 1,750 Virginiaavo . 1.1WO Georgia ave , 75x150 . 2.AX ) Georgia ave . WiO Twonty-elxth st , nearFoppleton . 2,30) ) Facing on Park . 2,000 H mlltonHt , Orchard Hill . 1,200 Orchard Hill , 3 line lots , each . 725 Trackage lots 50x125 . 8.W Trackauo lots 60x147 . 2,2r > 0 Leavonworth tH4 feet corner . 3,000 Residence Property. We have n large list of resldonoo property In all parts of the city at very low prices , Stevens Bros. , 1513 Farnum st. 775 BETTER dec W. If. Croon , 215Soutb IJth st , about the following or anything else you want : 100x140 on South 10th at , $11,030. 00X140 on South 16th Bt , 10,000. 0.1x125on South 16th at , good house , $11,600. 120x140 on South 15th Bt , $7.0)0. 50x140 on South 15th at , KU1QO. 30x140 on South 15th St , $2.000. 40x100 on South 15th st , cor on Williams , Im provements on this cost $ lbOO. Good business oor , $7.500. 6 lots Slxl.'O oist fronts on South 20th st. These nrn first-class , better coma up and BOO about these. 60x132 on Loavonworth Bt , good house , for $70 per front feet , property soiling S blocks be yond In a hole for $90. Ono of the best corners In Shlnn's add. with good house and other improvements for $3,500. $60) ) cash , bill 1,2,3 years. 100x150 east front on Virginia nvo $5,20 ] . 105x150 east front cor Virginia ave $ u,500. 21 of thn Unestlotaln Ilanscom ploctsoait and west fronts on Park ave and west fronts on Catherine st This is Ihoereamof the plaoo and the first time they ever were on the market Small cash payments und easy terms , 60 of the best lots In West Sldo left laying di rectly on car line and only $500 for inside and $ r > 50 lor corner , 9125 cash , bal , to suit. W. ] { , Green , 215 South 13th st 609 132X132 cor 16th and Pierce , $20,000. W ft on Cumlng st , $ .20,000. Houses and Lots. Orchard Hill $2,200,23d st J'J'TOODavenport st , a corner. $3.000 , Dodge st $13,500. John Gal lagher. 317 8.18th st. 7476 BAHGAINS Lota 9 and 10 bin 10 Jotter * add , to South Omaha , $000. Hyde Park aorta lots 7 , 8 and 0 blk 1 , each $750. $750.Nice Nice room houses and lot within 1-4 mile of P. 0. . only requires $300 cash. Full lot half block from poor farm , lot that sold for $4.050 , only 11.000. for afe investment come and ealootalot in Arnold's Park , f400 to $500. Active Heal Estate and Property Exchange , 1524 Dodge Streut. OJ1 7 FOUBALB-ByJ. L. Hlce * Co. , over Com mercial National Bank. 3 modern H room houses , bouth front on Do- catiir st.&l.'XX ' ) each ; HcasU. I modern 8 room house , oust front on King St. , (4,500 ; ' { cash. 4 room house , good , bora , well and cistern. Lot50xl27. Just on grade. South trout on Hamilton Et H mile from postolllco. Only ? 2. W. Klogant modern residence , Bneat in Omaha , onDodgist Only $30.uoo : H cash. Choice Washington square lot , couth front , $3. > 0. worth $4.5oa Z Washington square lots , ono a corner fronting on fiuornmn avenue nod paved st . j Washington iiuarc , Bhorman avenue front * , coniiT Madlton uvonuo. $ li/OU. Business block ou 10th street , f 30,030. J. L. Mice & Co , KM 7 FOIl SALU llesldenoo 2410 FJorco structuiiw house , containing ID rooms. Including hath nnd Uundry rooms , heat by furnace , tor terms apply on premise * . Itil 10 * STATE Btroet Is tiie coming etrort In North- west Omaha. Several Imrgams on this strout at fl.OOO , $1 5UanalVjj. Wallace , in- rcstmontagcntf.Cr ltfliton block. 1417 READ thUIUt. A corner eo.it front on Virginia ave 100x150 tt , will make three elcyunt south front lots , only 14,600. A 76 foot vast front lot on Georgia ave. for Thirteen lots In Carthage , $700 to | 8 . Ono lot Clarendon , i,400. | Mayno place , $2/WO Forty-eight ft on Saunders st. south of Ilur- dette , $4AOO. Two east fronts on Phil Bherldnn atJ.O. - Two lots In HIllsMo add. No. 1 , for $4,250 , We have tt laoro list of kits In Orvlinrd Hill , Hanscom place , KJlby place , AniMxr place , Omaha View , etc. , eta. Cull and oxuiolnii our lift and look at the property wuotfor for hole. JDiackburn & Kennedy ,916 8 Uh ( t. W7 C T7K > B SALE eitcd roof bouo nod barn on JP loaicd rouad. . Frico $ J. luqulro Mi 8 Wdst. Sr.r.K no furlhor Goddanl A Moore , III North Iflth strvot , onu Klvo you more foi your money tlmu nny other firm in the city. notwithstanding wo throw awny n little money for brn * bands , Ac. to llon things up a little. The following urun frw specimens ; Honied , One 8-room house , full lot , only ono block from Satindcrs st and olio-half block from Cum- 'lng < , at $ AOiXI. ThMIs the best bargain In tlio whole addition north looking Into. House and lot In Isiao A Solden's add , 1 4'jOJ. Fine 0-rooui houie nnd barn , full lot oa Franklin st , near .Tth st , tlnest lot on the street , fine Miado tieoj.otily f.t.VXl. Wo ai o have on I'ranklln street a 7-room house with good burn , at $ .1,000. Tills also is very cheap. Nlco house and lot In Omaha View only 8l,7iiO. Improvements cost 81IOJ. Must bo gold at once. Flno 7-room house , barn , well , cletorn , all now , In Washington Hill , with ono aero of ground , only $2,000. TMal * a sure ihlnir of n piotlt of $ luOd to the purchaser in Uie next 30 du > s. Look Into It. Fine nine-room house , rents for $50 per montli.on corner 15th and Lenvvnworlh streets , u choice plecn. Como nnd oo about It. Unimproved Property. Two oholco lots.south trouts.lu Lincoln place , $700 each. Three choice lots , Columbia place , $300 onch , Two choice lots on Hamilton-street , la Orch ard Hill , $1,250 each. Thirty choice lots on Swifts struct , $300 each. Firtr choice lots , Orchard Hill , from $750 to $2WO. One choice South front In Kountzo Place , $2,000. Flno aero proi > orty Kensington very olionp. Ono flno lot on Hist st , In Omnhti View , two. Onoclfgant lot In llurrOak,2 blocks east of Hatiscom Park , $1,500. One lot in Hurdotte Court , $500. Iwoof thednest lots In Ambler Place , ono n corner , only $1,350 for both. Those arc awful clmnp. Fourteen lots in Bedford Place , from $759 to $ uoo. Wo always have nleo carriages to take our cus tomers to see property. Cull on U s at our ollleo , 211 North Iflth st , nnd we will give you all the information we oau. Ooddard * Mooro. BJO _ 211 North llth. ( WE have somu elegant lots In Hoyd's add , for $700. Hmlth & Welsh , lloal Kstnto. 219 B. 14th st , cor , rarnam. 12i > 7 _ AGHKAT snap For only week only wo can sell the most licaulllul south front corner in Walnut Hill with now 7 room house for only $3,000. Active Heal Estate and Prop- rty Exchange. 1824 DoJgo at. _ 177-8 Fdtt SA17K Splendid Inrgu lot on Cnr line. cheap , $ .VX ) , small oash payment , balance $10 monthly. Private house , 401 N. 15th it. ANSCOM PLACK lot on Virginia aro. , n good Investment , $1,300. Wallace , Invest ment agent , CrolKliton block. _ 141 7 1NEST corner in Highland place. Ami fo price , Blackburn A Kennedy. 9U7 8 /"U101CE Lot In Plalnulow , 50 foot front , on V Raunders Bt , $2,000. Smith * Welsh , Heal Bstate. 219 B. 14th st. cor. 1'ariuim. 123 7 ELECTS , are the carefully listed bargains hunted down by Cake Sc Billings. Our sam ple case : 66x140 ft on 10th street for $6,500 , pan 1 and a years. 4 lots , Meyers & Tildon's add , cash needed only Home lot In Plalnvlew , only takes , cash , $ > 00. I > ickod in Shorldau Placo.only $1,300 for $1,500 lot 2 lots with S houses , J. L Redlck's sub , only block from street car line , 109x123 ft on 3 streets , big money hero fur you. Beauty of Burtlett. fruit trees , flno view , onlv $1.500 cash needed. Cheapest South Omaha stufT on the market. Como , over 11)1 ) , corner Dodge and 15th , and we'll make It pleasant and profitable for you. HANSCOM PLACK lot on Virginia live. , a good investment , $1,30.1. Wallace , Invofit- ment agent , Crelghton block. 141 7 j HOUSKS and Lots. 1 line lot and 8 roomed house In Idlewildo , $5,000. Full lot and ono Broomed home , $5,000. Terms easy. This tsin Nelson's addition nud ischeup as dirt. Lot and small house In Isaac's and Boldon'a addition. $4,600. Easy terms. Lot and 6 roomed house , barn , otc.,8hlnns 3d addJ,250. BostolTorvnt. 2 story seven roomed house nnd full lot , well , cistern , barn , otu. , $ .1.000. Terms easy. Full lot , south Iront. Dice house etc , . In Omaha View , ? 1,750. Terum easy. GO foot lot , one 7 anil ono 3roomed house , etc. , price , $ a , 00. Terms easy In Omaha View. Ono eleirant south front lot In Kountzo Place $2.000ea y terms. Z choice east trent lots in Ambler Place , $300 eacn ; a bargain. S nioo lots in Ambler Place 1 a oor. for $700 ouch. CO lots in Orchard Hill. $750 to $1.000 each. 2 south front lots lit Orchard Hill on Hamil ton 8t.aiJOOo oh. 1 oholoo corner lot In Mavin ) Place , $3,000. One oleirant lot In Burr Oak , $1,500. 1 lot In Burdotto Couit , $590. 14 lots In Bedford Place from $760 to (950 each. Fine cor. lot on 15th and Leavenworth ; a bargain. A big-bargain In Washington Hill ; good now 7-roomod house , barn , well , outorn , tc. , forJB.OOO. Goddard & Moore , 211 North ICtb fltrcot. 809 5 F. BARHETT'SFcbT" . Ixwo' add-full corner lot f 1,159 Best lot In Pelham Plaoe 1,80 ; ) Choice of Crelghton Heights , a corner , flOO Bedford Plaoo , on State Bt 1,050 A great bargain in Hawos' add Fine Improved business property on Dodge nt Choice lots In Highland park KM A good lot In Clarendon 1,509 Houses nnd lots on ousy payments A good paying drugstore F. Barrett & Co. , 314 KB15th Bt. 1358 "ElOR BALE Dodge St.two lots In Kllby plaoo , J- fronting on Dodge Rtroct , 125 feet Two blocks beyond the lots have sold for $2,000 , the came price wo ask for those. Only $1,200 cash required. Ehaw & Co. , 510 S 10th St. are the agents. 198 rnitAGKAGE LOTS-Beveral excellent bar- Jg.ilns ; nee this , for { manner : 182 foot on track by 140 in length , only $4,000 , on good terms. Cheapest trackage on the bottoms. Wallace , Croigbton block. 141-7 GREGORY 4HADLF.Y. Members Omaha Real Estate Exchange , Kooms 1 and 3.3JJ South 15th St. Omaha View , State st front ! for $ 1,500 Falriiiount place , 50x121 , corner- * 10 Falrmount place 4Qxl20 , corner 1,300 West Side Loavonworth st fronts l.COO West Bldo , Bast ave fronts 775 Thornburg | iluco 100x130 , corner 1,003 Thornburg place , flno east front 800 Catalpa place HSxllH , corner 1,950 Tabor place elegant lot 47x155 1,800 Leavenworth terrace 114 ft on Leaven- worth . , > 8,000 Loavonworth torrnco , 102xlH trackage. . U.UOO West Omaha , 110x13 ! east und so front. . . 3,501) Wet Omaha , 54xl5S njt and north front. 2,501 Bedford place luUxl2H corner 1.700 Badfordvluo 6oTlS8 south front MM Prospect place 51ft corner on irradq. . . . . . 1,850 Prospect place double front Hamilton st 2,50J Cheap homes for all. Qrcgory & Iladley. 943 STEVENS PfiAOB Is near Kount/e Place , where there will ho 200 houses built this summer , costing from tS.WJ to $10,000 eauli. Stevens Bros. , 1513 Faroain. 87i BF.ST eorror InShull'sZnd add. f 3W ) , $700 ctuh , balance 1,2 and 3 yean ) . Will be worth $1.0'JO ' iMiloro tha snow illoi. L. H. Watts , room U , 10)0 ) Furnum Ht. V2t ) mRACICAGB LOTd-Sovoral oxonllent bar- -L gains ; MO thin , for instance : IX ! foot on track by 140 lu length , only $4.000 , on good terms. Cheapest trackage on tbo bottom * . Wallace , Crolirliton block. 141-7 FOR SALE-Out lot 289Flornnco containing 4 acres. Will gall cnoapforciwib. AddrestOl'J Hoe. . U15 6 j nUflE and lot In Meyers , Rtchardi ft Til- den's add. $1,359. This Is a bargain atvl don't you forget it. Como und got torus &o of L H. Watts , Room 3,1610 Faruam Ht. 829 s VALr.Btf , Our new addition. A res$4W to $ ' 0) per sure. NearBoiitb Omaha , And Sydlcato Hill. , . . , . Marshall k Lobook , 77 160J yurnara. Ora.de Ordinance Ho. 68 , AN Ordlnnnco v tnblHhlng the jrrado ot DorcnnKtrout from 13thstreet to&OtuHtruot , in tliucliyuf Oinuhtt. Be It Orduluud by the city council of the city ot Oinuhu. Suction 1. The grade of Dorc * street from 13th street to20th Mruet , in the city of Oiuahu , la heroliy ubtnbllihcd ut Ihu followlnir elova- tlom , the grade being uniformatrnlghtllnoii bo- tvfeun the pomtB BiHJCitled : Elevation Elovatlon of N Curb of S Curb West curb of 13lhst U > 2.o 152 & East curb of 14th rt 1.M.O IH.i.0 Wostcurb ol llthst IHI.5 1SJ.5 ISttvt curb of IMIiet 2I7J < 218.0 Wont Cllrh of IJth bt 217.5 21H.O Kustoiirbol 18th Bt VH.6 MM.O . WcstourUol lUth t UU.5 O.Q Knot curb of 17th it HOA We t curb of 17th Bt 17'.5 179.6 Kast curb of 18th Kt > . lUi.2 10J.5 WottciirboT JHh At . . . .lisir 16.15 Ka-stonrbol IKibst 160.0 18X0 Wet curb nf lUthBt lUUi 1W.5 Ka tcurbof otllit. . . 141 K 144.0 Pt'ftlon t , TtiU ( irdtimiKX ) suall take otloj and buln force rrjim und after JU pasauce , l > Ufc i.d . April l-'lb , HUT , WN. V. BKUII , h , PrunMcot City CouucU. J. B. SOUTH ( li > . City Clurk. .l i87. JAMM X. BOTP ,