Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1887, Page 5, Image 7

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n Expert Thinks It Will Eventually Be
Pound in Paying Quantities.
Several New Associations Flic Arti
cles of Incorporation Lively
Time on A Train Stnto Cap
ital Happenings.
IFIIOM THK nnr.'s i.tscoi , * nunKA.u.1
Some months since the HEH recorded
the advent of ft prominent oil well slock-
Ilioldcr from Ohio being m the city , mul
[ nt llio time it was stated that ho viewed
[ the immediate vicinity of Lincoln as a
j promising Held for the production of nat-
rtiral gas In paying quantities. Yes-
ttcrday this same man was in the city ,
[ coining from Kansas , where ho had been
[ Inspecting uowly discovered wells of gas
in that state. In conversation with the
ho stated that ho was perfectly satis-
[ lied that natural gas would ultlmatelj bo
[ discovered in all sections of the western
[ country and ho thought it would bo
found in Nebraska if the proper depths
iWere sounded for it. It will bo remem
bered that on the occasion of a former
Ivlslt thls-gontloman was of the opinion
[ that a well with an adequate How could
i piped and the gasconducted tonelgh-
aring cities , a work that would be en-
Ftlrcly reasonable within a radius of fifty
' "miles , and that it would bo found to pay ,
too , after lirst cost of piping was met.
This representative Is keeping a close
[ watch of the salt well downward and he
was contemplating a visit to the well
yesterday , but was called away on the
[ afternoon train. The well , how-
lover , ho does not think
Iwlll go deep enough in the 3,000-foot
tllmlt to demonstrate practicability in
[ either prospecting for coal , salt or gas ,
[ but its value will bo in furnishing esti
mates for sinking wells through a knowl-
F edge of the strata necessary to penetrate.
f'Jhi.s socontl-visit of a practical man of
moans directly interested m the develop
ment of a factor of the vaJuo of natural
gas ought to awaken citizens to investi
gation in this matter , especially when
cities like Plaltsmouth already have
raised the funds in connection with a
practical man to sink a well at once in
that locality. Kansas has already raado
the discovery , und next should bo Ne
To-day the newly-appointed district
judges will meet the judges of the supreme
court in an advisory session to deter
mine the condition of the law by which
these judges wore created. All the mem
bers of the higher court will bo upon the
bench and the new judges with ono or
two exceptions arc in the city ready for a
hearing. As the present time is vacation
in the supreme court the .session will not
bo formal , but will bo merely to sccuro
an advisory opinion from the court aa to
the decision they will reach when the
question is formally presented to them.
This action -will relieve the auditor so
that he will fool at liberty to draw war
rants and also demonstrate to the new
judges their rights in the promises.
Yesterday there were tiled with the
secretary of state articles incorporating
the State Loan and Trust company of
. Lincoln with a capital stock of $100,000.
[ The incorporators tire J. H. Richards , L.
C. Richards and \V. A. Lindloy ,
The Nebraska City Building and Loan
[ association has also tiled articles of in
corporation with a capital stock of
$100,000 , organized under the section of
the law governing such associations
Eight prominent citizens of Nebraska
City alnx their signatures to the articles.
The Fairmont Knal Estate company ,
of Fairmont , Nob. , with a capital stock of
$50,000 , filed its articles incorporating
yesterday , the signatures numbering
fourteen , headed by John Darsby.
The articles of the Hankers' Life associ
ation of Lincoln , published a few days
ago , wore Hied with the secretary of
state yesterday.
At a mooting of the board of public
lands and buildings the plans of Archi
tect Furham , ox Grand Island , were
ndoptod for the new soldiers' homo. Ten
days additional time are granto'l the
architect to complete certain details in
the plans , after which the advertising
will be done and the contract awarded
for the construction of the building.
Yesterday morning's train from the
cast had as passengers a number of men
who , crossing Iowa , casually gravitated
together. At Pacific Junction , la. , in the
laud of no intoxication and no intoxi
cants , they purchased a keg of beer and
loaded it on the train , carrying it on the
coal box in the smoking car. All along
the journey from FlatUuiouth to Lincoln
they drank themselves lordly drunk , and
lust before reaching 'the ' city a row of
Immense proportions blossomed ouf.
Ono of the men was a cattleman with a
largo roll of money that ho flourished
around , and directly ho accused a young
Englishman of the party with stealing it.
Dee Dunn , of Lincoln , had joined the
party in the car at Waverlv , and while he
was rushing for officers to stop blood' '
time Hoaro ] < i nnd nailed the two
islurbors , the cattleman having the
money nil the time , having misplaced it
iu Ids pocket. The two were tnkou to
jail by the use of cud's , and about n
thousand spectators saw the trouble
euclcd without bloodshed.
Uoal estate transfers have decreased
the past week and this force of employes
in Uie county clerk's ofllco are crowding
to catch up work that is several ( weeks
in arrears. County Clerk Bell is issuing
nnd Sheriff Molick posting the election
proclamations for the court bouse bonds
election that takes place the last of the
In the district clerk's office the copy
for the bar docket of the coming term is
ready for the printer. Hut three cases
have been tiled in the last two days , they
being mechanics' liens up for foreclos
ure.Tho countp treasurer's office , owinc to
the fitct-th&t the date haa armed when
taxes become delinquent , is enjoying a
boom inho receipt * of cash and extra-
help has boon found necessary.
IN roucx COUUT.
Barllett Kelley was the name given by
a man who for tt number of days has been
begging on the streets nnd receiving con
tributions from generous people. Yes
terday ho turned DP in police court on &
charge of drunkenness and when the
Jailor searched him he found | 91 and
aomo cents on bis person. This was al
most entirely in small change and was
tied up in numerous sacks carried on bis
peraoa. The Judge fined him f3 and
corta amd he paid it with n parting with
the cash that was fairly tearful.
Mrs. CrotiM , the colored woman who
has been in jail.for bonting a young col
ored girl who was in her keeping , paid A
fine Thursday and was released. As soon ,
however , as she reached her domicile
she immediately resumed her abuse , look
ing the girl in a room and starting in
with the starvation process. She also
threatened to burn oat the eatlro neigh
borhood , and to-day she will hava anther -
thor interview with the police magis
Three parties arrested for vagrancy
irere discharged yesterday , they making
a showing that Ihoy had work nnd wcro
willing to make an attack upon It.
The casu against Johnson nnd Hoach
hm boon continued , and it is understood
that nn amicable settlement has been
madu and the case will continue no
. Transfers Filed May 5 , 1887.
Hannah J Jones to Lydla K Morton ,
lot4 , blk2 , Denises udd , wd S 1COO
W 11 Alexander and wlfo to John A
Bryans , lots 1 , 2 , Auburn Hill w d. . . 1,200
Harrison Brown and wife to Edward
11 Bowlson , 40 acres In 17.15 , 10 , w il COO
Jtirlan H Booiistra and wlfotn Martha
J DnBoltlot7Godfreyssubdlvof blk
D , Shlnnslst add , wd 3,500
Jas Voro and wife to Hans Gosh , lot
31 , blk 1 Hnmmond place , wd COO
Casper E i'ost and wife to W H Ray-
ner , lot 3 , blk 4 , Lakes add , q c 10
Walter B Atkins , et al to Jacob F
Halm , 20 acres la 24,15,12 , w d 20,000
Chas L Saunders to Edward E Cllp-
plngrr , lot 0. blk 5 , Meyers , Richards
anuTlldoDsadd , w d 1,000
Ella Cherry and husband to Alonzo B
Hunt , lot 10 , blk 3 , Paddock place ,
w d ,3,000
Jacob F Ilahn and wife to August
Doll , 20 acres In 24,15,12 , w d 35,000
Gee B Christie to Gustavo B llengen ,
K Interest In lot 5 , blk 3 , Foster's
odcl.wd. . . ; 1,800
Gee B Christie to Gustavo B Hangcn
t al , X Interest In pirt of sub lot U
of lots 8 and 9 , Capitol add , w d. . . . 4,200
Gee B Chriutio to Gustavo B llengen
et al , % interest In s 133 ft ot sub lot
2 of lot 8. Capitol add , w d 10,933
Goo B Christie to Gustavo B Hengen.
% Interest In part of lot 9 , Capitol
add , wd 5,133
F P Fosdlko to Eliza Latoy ot al , lots 1
and2ioKH/a and 20 and 21 to J 11
Irwln and Wm Latey , all In Green
wood add , q c 1
Julia Parsons to Francis M Arnold , n
K lot 11 , Thornell's add , w d. . . . . . . . 2,300
Frederick 11 Davis and wlfo to Johan
A Peterson , lot 85 , Falrmount
place.wd COO
Chas H Washington 'and wife to.l W
Rerco , e 33 feet of lot 3 blk 8 , Par
ker's add. w d 1,300
Janlel Fatrell and wlfo to Matilda
Wilson , lot 5 blk 15 , Bedford place ,
wd. . . . 1,000
.owWHIIlto . Andy P Gram , lotsl
2 and 2,1 blk 12 , Omaha View , w d. . 3,700
Vmlrow Haas et al to Draper Smith ,
lotO , blk I , Hass , subdiv , to Jettors
add to South Omaha , w d 450
City of Omaha toWm Paxton , lots 5
and 6 , blk 118 , Omaha , deed 1
draper Smith et al to Frank Schrader ,
all of lot G , blk 1 , Haas subdiv of btk
11 , Jetters add to South Omaha , wd COO
as Planners to Louis Janscn , lot (5. (
Rogers subdiv In Hascall's and
Rogers subdiv , In S E Rogers plat of
Okahoma , w d 550
Anna M G MuConclck et al to * Peter
Nelson , lot 8 , blk 3 , Deer Park , w d 1,250
Jeo E Kay , to John W Dunmlrclot 13
and 14. blk 17 , Bedford Place , q c. . . 250
Chas U Samson and wlfo to Hubert II
Lake , lot 2 , blk 13llanscoru Place , w
d 3,500
fas Johnston to Robert N McKalg , all
bld5 , Shrlver Place , wd 0,100
Gee W Loomls to Win Oberfdder.lotS.
blk 12 , Dwleht and Lymans add ! , w d 800
1S LelMnringet altrustees to Arthur
S Potter ot al lots 1 and Q In blk 230
Omaha , deed 12,000
as A Sunderland to Harriet A Rob
inson , lot 5 , blk 2 , Kilby Place , w d 1,500
Filed May 4.
D L Thomas and wife to Jas T Robin
son , lot 9blk 3 , BE Roger's add ,
w d 8 4,000
Vm A Hlcglns and wlto to Elite
Reed et al , lot 9 , Arlington add ;
w d 1,050
lenrletto Wlel and husband to
Francis A Cornell , lot G blK 5 , Kllby
Place , w d 1,500
outh Omaha Land Company ! oChos
F Fahs , lot 8 blk 91 , South Omaha ,
w d. . . . 412
South Omaha Laud Company to Chas
F Fahs , lotl bile 69 , South Omaha ,
w d 450
South Omaha Land Company to Chas
F Fabs , lot G blk CO , South Omaha ,
w d - . 425
JoutU Omaha Land Company to Chas
F Fahs , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , and 0 blk
93 , South Omaha , w d 2,100
South Omaha Land Company to Chas
FFahs , lots 1 , 3 , 3 , 4. 6 , 6 and 7 blk
8G , South On ahi. w d 2,555
louth Omaha Land Company to Chas
F Fans , lots 1 and 3 blk 87 , South
Omahawd 787.50
os Barker et al to John P bclionlng ,
east 44 feet of lot 3 blk 143 , Omaha ,
w d 35,000
Wm M Foster and wife to Ed B Will-
lams et al , lot 5 blk 4 , Foster's add ,
w d 1,200
Jouth Omaha Land Company to
Rasmus Peterson , lots 1,2,3 and 4
blk 78 , South Omaha , w d 075
J "JO. Ilungate ( trustee ) to Daniel A
Farrell , lot 0 , block 1 , Bedford Place ,
Fames II Deland to Wm Glelon , outlet
lot 221 , Florence , w d COO
Nathan Sbelton and wife to Franklin
5 Smith , west 50 feet of lots 1 and 3 ,
block 13 , Hanscom Place , w d. . . . 5,500
Jruno Strarthraann and wife to Bernhard -
hard Blum , nH of lot 6 , block 70 ,
South Omaha , w d 7,500
George E Barker and others to Samuel
K Spaldmg , lots 9 and 10 , block 0 ,
Tbornbun ; Place , w d 1,200
Samuel K Spaldlng and wife to John
Mawhlnney. lots 9 and 10 , block 0 ,
Thornburg Place , w d 1,200
Win F Allen and wife to Jas W Wal
lace , lot 17 , Crescent Paik , w d 1,850
Marc A Upton and wlfo to Rosn Levy ,
undivided K of lot ll.block 77 , South
Omaha. . . . . . 1,000
Lew W UII1 to Samuel S Curtis , lots
15 and 10 , block 4 , Omaha Vlnw , w d 2,000
Matilda A Reed and husband to Henry
Suessenbach , lot 10 , block 13Dwlght
6 Lyman'sadd , wd. . . . 4,000
George W Loomls and wife to Henry
Snessenbach , lot 9 , block 13 , Dwlgut
A Lymann's add , w d 800
Claus Schmidt and wife to Henry
Suessonbacli , lots 5 and 0 , block 1 ,
MeConnick's 2d add , w d 1,000
Jacob H Pfeiffer and wife to Robert
Roeske,3 acres on east side of Omaha
Belt railroad , In Omaha precinct. . . . 400
Omaha Laud company to Anna L Nor-
denson , lot 12 , blk 69 , South Omaha ,
wd 800
A P Hopkins et al , executors and ex
ecutrix , to Everett Glllls , lot 23 , blk
1 , Millard place , deed 3,000
Frank Stout and wife to Oliver II P
Hale , 84 1-CxlSOK ft commencing 9.39
chains wand374 and2-3ds ( t n of
sec cor 10-15-13 , except portion for st ,
w d 3,500
Franklin J Uotchklss and wife to
Lewis P Hammond , lots 1. 3 , 3 and
4 , blk 1,1 to 17 Inclusive. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. 5
nnd G , blk 3 , L i' Hammond's add ,
wd 23,000
Gee E Bertrund to Edward S Rowley ,
undivided X Interest In lot 9s , Pel-
haul place , wd 337.50
Alvln Saunders and wlfo to Jon T
Dillon , lot 6 , blk 5 Meyers , Richards
ifcTllden'sadd , w d 1,000
Chas L Saunders to John T Dillon , lot
7 , blk 5 , MeyerstRIchaids&Tlldon'8
add. wd , 000
Goo W Smith to Jas Bowman , w S-Sds
lot 3 blk 153 , w U 00,500
How- Two Actor Met Itjr Chance.
Chicago News : Uus Mortimer , the
manager of- Louis James- , who is lately
from New Orleanssays that the southern
people are intensely disgusted with the
recent utterances of Jeff Davis. Ueauro-
card was and is still a great favorite with
tno southerners , and they resent any
slight put upon him. Mortimerwho was
in the confederate nrmy and in IJuauro-
gard's command , says that ho was the
most popular rebel officer , although he
was an extra strict disciplinarian. Dur
ing the first winter of the war licaurc-
gard commanded the armies of Virginia ,
and the weather was intensely cold. The
men wore volunteers , of course , and en-
tifoly unused to the hardships of war ,
and they fell sick in great numbers , and ,
what was worse , became dull and dis
pirited. Profiting by the example of the
lirst Napoleon , llcaurcgard hit upon the
plan of establishing a theater in the
camp for the amusement of the troops.
Mortimer was selected to organize the
company and the work of erecting the
theater was bognn. The man who'was
intrusted with the funds necessary to en
gage the companv skipped south and de
serted with the money , and the move
ments of the federal army broke up all
the plans. During the war Mortimer
says , the theaters , in the south coined
money. The horrors of the siege were
mitigated and sometimes added to by
dramatic performances , and when an
army entered a town the lirst thing it did
was to organize a company and play in
the theater. Some of the armies con
tained enough soldier-actors for a very
fair sized company , and in some cases
plays were rehearsed ahead , but oftener
still the company was non-military and
belonged to the theater or traveled about
seeking to play in some town occupied
by troops. The prices charged were 50
cents for privates and $1 for oflleers and
the houses wore universally packed.
The audiences were enthusiastic and
generally in the very best of humor , so
much so as to make it rather diilicult to
play. Mortimer was paroled , and
played oft' and on for a year or two with
all sorts of picked-lip companies half
professional.half amateur.iuid all sorts of
sectionalism and politics. Once at Corinth
ho played "Richard III. " in a linen dus
ter ; but the audience didn't seem to mind
the discrepancy a bit , and insisted on his
coming forward in the tent scene and
sinaing the "Star-Spangled Banner" and
"In the Prison Cell I Sit. " On the night
of the second day's battle of the Wilder
ness Mortimer was on picket duty , lie
had not eaton a morsel for over thirty-
six hours , and ho was nearly dead with
hunger , and very faint , haying but re
cently conic from the hospital. It had
been the wont of the soldiers to supply
the place of food by copious chows of
plug tobacco , and Mortimer's pockets
wore full of the weed , but the doctor had
forbidden him using it. Ho was stand
ing by a tree , faint and despairing , and
in the agony of his situation exclaimed
aloud :
"I'd give the biggest plug of tobacco
in the world for a piece of hard-tack ! "
"I'll take word
you at your Johnny
Uob ! ' , exclaimed a hearty voice , and be
fore Mortimer could bring his gun to his
shoulder a form sprang out ot the dusk
and a stalwart zouave stood before him
"I've been watching you for'some
time , " continued the northern man , "and
I thought you saw mo and was getting
v-ady to pot mo till I heard you speak. " zouave had unsluntr his knapsack
and displayed before the famished rebel
what seemed to him a banquet. "And
now , young fellow , " ho said , "if you'll
give mo a plug of tobacco you can have
all the hard-tack your jaws can crack.
Forkoverl" Such exchanges were com
mon , and Mortimer clutched the food
and passed over a plug of Virginia tob
acco , which was as eagerly received by
the zouave. They talked a moment or
two and then , realizing their dangorpro-
pared to part. Mortimer incidentally
told his companion his name and calling.
The other was surprised and said he was
an actor , too.
"You are ? " usKed Mortimer , delighted.
"You are a brick ! When the war is over
I'll coma north and join yon. What's
your name ? "
"Lonis James , " said the zouave , as ho
reslung his knapsack , picked up his gun ,
and disappeared in the woods.
INDIGESTION results from a partial
paralysis of the stomach and is the
primary cause of a very laree majority o
the ills that humanity is heir to. The
most agreeable and effective remedy is
Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and
Kidney fillets. 33 cents a vial.
A. Queer Story About Grovcr Cleve
Cincinnati Enquirer ; General Tom
Ewing , of Ohio , conies to Washington
only semi-occasionally. To-day 1 met
him at his hotel , writes a Washington
correspondent of the Cincinnati En
quirer , and together we went over the
list of some of those who had financially
and otherwise contributed to President
Cleveland's eleetion. "What will those
men do for him again ? " was the mutual
quorv. "I know ono man , " said the
general , "who gave $00,000 to the Cleve
land campaign tund who 1 opine will not
again respond. "
"Who1' I asked.
"Abram S. Hewitt , of New York , " said
the general.
"Has tboro been a breach between
Hewitt and Cleveland ? " I queried.
"No , not an open ono , " said the gen
eral : "bat aa I get it from Mr. Hewitt's
friends , ho lias : i right to feel sore. "
Thereupon the general unburdened
himself. "First. " said ho , "Hewitt
wanted the president to appoint his
brother-in-law. ex-Mayor Cooper of New
YorK , minister to England. Ho is a man
aa fatly equipped for that responsible
trust as the stick now there. In this hfl
met a disappointment , but it was noth
ing as compared with an act of the prcsi1
dent which hurt him in the pockets. "
"What oilicial act do you refer to ! "
"Tho president , " continued the gen
eral , "made an order closing the Chey
enne and Arapahoe agencies in the In
dian territory. Hewitt und Cooper jointly
liad large cattle interests there. To
comply with the order with respect to
the limitation of time required the trans
fer of an almost countless number of
cattle when the climatic change Involved
peril. Hewitt besought the president to
either annul or modify the order until e
ecason more favorable for the transfer
The president refused. The result was
that the transfer was made under un
favorable and unhealthy vicissitudesam1
the outcome was that Hewitt and Cooper
lost $500,000. What made It worse was
the order involved no .general principle ,
( or no other reservations were closed
You can't well expect aid from a man
who has lost a cool half million. "
A Pitiful Right.
What sadder light can be imagined
than that of a noble man , whom the
word can ill-afford to spare , sicken down
In the prime of a useful life by con
sumption. Thousands are yearly filling
consumptives' graves who might bo saved
by the timeiy use of Dr. Pierce'a "Golden
Medical Discovery. " whicli is a positive
cure for consumption in its early stages.
It is the best alterative and pectoral in
the world. All druggiata.
Tbe Story Tola bjr a Husband With
Poor Memory.
San Francisco Chronicle : They were
celebrating their silver wedding , and of
course the couple were very happy and
yerr affectionate.
"Yes , " snidtl-e husband , "this is the
only woman I ever loved , 1 shall never
forgot the lirst time I over proposed to
her. "
"How did you. do itf" bant out a
young man who had been squeezing a
pretty girl's band in the 'corner. They
all laughed and ho blushed ; but the girl
carried it off bravely. * *
"Well , I remember as well as if it were
vestcrday. It wai way back in Maine.
We had econ out on a jucnlc , and she
and 1 got wandering nloite. Don't you
remember , my doar. "
' The wlfo nodded and smiled.
" \Vcsatonthotrunk.of \ an old trco.
You haven't forgotten , lovc.liavo you ) "
The wife nodded againr
"She began writing In thc dust with
the point of her parasol , , jYou recall it
sweet , don't you ? "
The wlfo nodded again. '
"She wrote her natuoMMinnto , ' and I
said let me put the other name to It. And
I took the parasol and wrote my name-
Smith after it. "
"How lovely ! " broke out a lltlto maid
who was beaming in a suspicious way on
a tall chan with a blonde mustacho.
"And she took back the parasol and
wrote below it , 'No , I won't. ' And we
went homo , You remember It , darling
1 sec yon do. "
Then ho kissed her and the company
murmured sentimentally , wasn't it
pretty. "
The guests had all departed and the
happy couple were left alone.
"Wasn't it nice , Minnlo , tosco all our
friends around us so happy t"
"Yes , it was. But , John , that reminis
cence ! "
"Ah , it scorns as If it had been only
yesterday. "
"Yes , dear ; there are only throe things
you're wrong about in that story. "
"Wrong ? O , no ! "
"John , I'm sorry you told that story ,
because I never wont to a 'picnic ' with
you before wo wore married ; I never was
in Maine in my life , and I never refused
you. ' '
"My darling , you must bo wrongl"
"I'm not wrong , Mr. Smith. I hnvo
an excellent memory , and , although wo
have boon married twenty-live years , I'd
like to know who that minx Minnlo was.
You never told me about her before. "
1 guess she'll forgive him ; but 1 don't
know if she'll forgot.
Peculiar in medicinal merit and
wonderful cures Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Now is the time to take it , for now it will
do the most good.
i *
An old-timo Montana freighter , and
for many years in charge of ono of the
largest bull trams in the northwest , says
it is a fact that during a hard winter liv
ing cattle will eat dead ones. He has seen
them many times.
"A Slight Cold , " Conirlm. "Brown's
Bronchial Troches"give t' 'mediate relief.
The Montana Wool Grower estimates
that there will bo nearly a million sheep
sheared in that territory this year , pro
ducing at least 8,000,000 pounds of wool
1,000,000 pounds more than the pro Juct
in 1880.
Dving at the ago of ono hundred and
three years , Uncle Sam Matuoy , of Jess
Valley , Cala. , turned to his friends I and
said : "I haven't been a i very bad man. I
never did anything worse- , tlinnkill : In
dians , and I don't believe Uia will be hold
against me. I had to don : . "
Ami Every Species of Itching and
Ilurniiig Discuses , toured by
Ciiticuru , ,
ECZEMA , or Salt Rhoum.wJth Its agonizing
Itohitttr und burning- . Instantly relieved by
a warm b.uh with CUTICUIIA M6AIitnil n single
application of Ctmcuiu , the front sklncuio
This rotated dnlly , with two or thrco < lese of
Jtmcun v UKSOI.VINT : , the New , lltooa 1'urlllcr ,
o Loop the Mood cool , the perspiration pure
and unirritatiiitf.tlio bowels open , the I Ivor and
tldnoys active , will speedily euro Kc/errm. Tot
or , Itliiirworm , 1'sormsls , Lichen , 1'rurltua
ieald Hcnd , Dnndrulf , and o\cry species at
Itching , Scaly nnd 1'lmply Humors of the Scalp
md Sliin , when the best pflysiciuns and all
known remedies full.
I ( f rntofully acknowledge a cure of Eczema ,
or Salt Ithoum , on head , neck , f nee. arms and
osrs for seventeen years : not nblo to walk ex
cept on hands und knees for ono your ; not able
to licit ) myself for eijrtit ycara : trlod tiutmrods of
reiuL-dles : doctors piououncod my cnso hope-
sea : permanently ourod tiy thn CUTICUIIA
K13 Dearborn Street , Chicago , 111.
Bomo Ore months ago I had the plonsurot
inform you of my Improvement In the use of
: ho CUTICUIIA ItEur.DiKS in my case or Eovoro
Jhronio Kczomu Krythemntosa. and to-dny
cheerfully couUrm till 1 then sulcl. 1 consider
my euro perfect and complete , nnd attribute
It entirely to your remedies , hnvlntr used no
3303 Penna Avenue , Kt. Loula , Mo.
T have suffered from Bait Itheum for over
oitfnt yours , at times so bad that'l could not at-
lend to my business for weeks at n lime. Thioo
boxes of CtiTictiuA nnd four bottles RESOLVENT
huvo entirelyeurod nioof tbiBdreadfildl cnso.
Mil. JOHN TI1IBL , Wllkesbarre , 1'a.
Are Bold by all drugtriats. Trice , CUTICUIIA ,
eta. ! llK ( ) iVKNT. Jl.oil : 8OAr,25cts. Propur
by thoPoTTKiiDitno ANII CHKMICAI , Co , , I ) T
ton , Mass. Send for "How TO CHUB SKIN ! )
TXT1 A ITnFl' the Complexion and Skin
* * * * * * * * * uslnir the CUTICUIIA SoAV.
Chest I'nlus. Numbness , Soreness ,
Hucklnir CouKh , Asttimn , 1'lounsy
and lutlammatiou HELIKVKD IN ONE
Minimi bjrthoCuTirmtA ANTI-PAIN
'i'LASTKiu ' NotUlnp like itAt drug"
ulets , " ) cents , i'ottor Drug and
Chouilcul Co. . Uoston.
* * CHICAGO" "
, ,
The only road to tnko for lcs Molnes Mar-
ihJUItown , Cedar Ilaplds , Cll&4in , PIzoi. Cblca-
( o.Ullwnukoe and all points caht. To tbepeo _ _
pie of Nebrnskn , ColoraMo , Wyomlrur , Utah
Idaho , Nevada , Oietron , WiuMnHrton and Cali
fornia , tt otTars miierlor advaptajres not possi
ble Ijy any other line. ,
AmonK a few of the numerou * point * of iu-
perlorlty anjoyed by the pnttopj of tbli road
between Omaha and Chicago , ( iru Its two trains
a day of DAY COAOHRS , write * are the finest
tiiHtbumnn art and Imtouultr can create. Itl
I' ALAUK8LKBP1NG OAKS , which are model *
of comfort and legance. Its fttULOK DHAW-
INQ HOUM OAH8 , unsurrmsroc ! by any , and Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAfnSNlNO CAKS
the equal of which cannot bo fouud vlsewbere
At CounoO Blutt * the trains of the Union Paclflo
Hy. connect ID Union Depot wltb thoie of Utu
Cblcago & Northwestern Ity. tta Chicago the
trains of this line make cloM connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati. Niagara FaUs , Buffalo. PitUbunr.Toronto ,
Montreal. OoMon , Now York. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. Waahlnrton nnd all points la the
east , ask for a ticket na the
If you wtah the best acoornraodatloB. AUUoket
aironts Mil ticket * Tla Ibis Une.
Chieajro. 11L
Western Aeent. City Pass'r Actmt.
Omaha , Nebraska.
fheo rS mR iRnii Rr
heo r m 1 1 BM BM > inii u tjK *
Mmteail laa kave tkem ntarn aralu , I n ui r
I hit * i KJ Uie dlMM of flTd. aT-ILlll-ST or FAUJKU
eiOlOM a iUe-loaf audr. Jnrrail > ia > * f x > ev >
k < wortl CMM. Cwau * oihtra ban falltd U no noaon for
not DO * nodtlag a nr * . n4 at ou lac UMtta * and a
* Bottle < nr infalUM * n lr. tilt * KxprM * aid fu >
tcMUyoeBolklacforatrMI. udlwlttcuejoit.
Ad4mitc. & it. VOWS. U * read Xliiw Txk-
Hayden Bros
In New
Special Sale of Ladies' and
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
We will place on itilc to-dtiy :
100 doz. children ' hose , in black and
colored , ribbed and plain , many of
these being worth Me a pair ; they arc
broken lots , and will not last long as
wo have decided to close them out at
I5e per pair.
50 doz. ladies'unbleached hose , regular
made and double heels ami teen , at
15c per pair ; worth 25c
! mldroii8f corduroy ribbed hose , black
only , Sic ; worth Hoc.
Just received , 100 doz. of Indies' fancy
cotton hose , iu new patterns ; to be
closed at 25c por-palr ,
choppers Lisle thread hose , 41c pair *
CO doz. gloves , in pure silk , iu black
only , 47c ; worth 75c.
100 doz. unlaundricd shirts , reinforced
back , linen bosom , only 48e.
Gents' balbrlgfiran shirts and drawers ,
35c ; worth 60e.
100 doz. gents' linen colors , 4 ply , 8c
Best quality of linen collars , only 13ic
Satin lined neck wear , 19c.
Gents' fancy shirts , in calico , percale
and penanqrs , 47c , 75c , f 17 $1.25.
Gents' lisle treail 1-2 hose , a5c per pair
Gouts' British 1-2 hose , 1'Jc per pair
I6tli Street , Near Douglas ,
Specially DUtllled for
Medlelna.1 Use.
gton In Chief , National Quart
of N.J.will 8 :
"Mr attention wu called t <
Tour Kerltone Malt WhleVej hj
Vr. Lolor , Druggilt , of Tntntoa
and I hare used a few bottle *
with far b tt r effect than any 3
bat * had. I am ncommeniilai
jrour article In my proctlco , ano
find It T ry aatlilaotory. "
03 * Tht Ornulo * bat the Hltntture a
ru-iiaili of Bottli. * ' " > '
(8ol ( Al nU for III U. S )
316. 318 and 820 EM * St. Philadelphia Pa.
Goodman Drug Ci. ; Genl.Acents.Omaha
And many other complaints cured by
A Prominent Buffalo Physician says :
, N , V. , Feb.
Dr Home , CUIcazo , 111. Ueir Sir : It la ometuin (
unuBu il lor nno oftlia medical i > rofu > al. > n to Indorse
amulvertUot : urtleloi yet 1 tuko pli'uimro In Inform-
IIIK you that ono uf your Kloctrlo Holta cured mo of
rlicumatium , Irnm which I had fmtrorort ' . ! year * . I
Imvo rucoiumcmlpil your Invention to lit leiut fort ?
ofrar pitlantR suffering with chronic illsenseiof TO-
riom hlndf , vlzj I'alpltu'lon oftlia linart , norvoul
rtcbllltr , epllopjjr , rheumatism , pain tntuo bark and
klUni'veta. . , etc. , co. All have uurcnued and
worn them with most gratifying results. I cnn hUblr
recommend yonr Klectrlfl Helta as iM > " 0 8tn < c grout
merit. Kriitunmlly yoxirs.
L. I ) . McMlciiAn , , M. D. Cl Nlagarn-Bt
A Chiciiffo Pliisiclitu Says ,
Dr Homo Dour Sir : ItmTJ usoil ncvera ! kind i of
mnitnetlc and Electric Holla on iiatlentsnnd myielf.
I can honestly KlTO the preference to yonrs , by nil
odds. Hunco 1 can and do rccommond ynuraovnr till
others. Yours Inuernally , J. H. JuilDON. M U ,
Janll , 1SS7. . Ofllco , u Sin le-sU , Chicago
A Pliyslciuu Says. All of My Patient
are Satisfied.
OKVKVA , NEB. , Jan 31 , 1W
nrW.J.IIorne.Inventor-Dear Sir : I reoominoiil
your It loctrlc Beits to nil who aulfer with any norvom
tiouble , any rtmmlo liver or kidney dlMaten. Allot
my imtlenti that are ualuv yo r Klectrlo Holta are
antlatled. fraternally. M. I'ltopsr. M 1) .
Phyilclun and Burisoon
A Minister of tlio Gorman Evangelical
Clmrcli , Says :
T.ctnirToN , Alloinm Co. , Mich. , Fobs. 1W
r.V. ' . _ . J. 11 irne , Chicago. ' Ill rl War .Blr : . Your
yuurUrrai. 1 amthe mlnljter of tuo ( Jeruma
vangollcal Church of L lghton. Ileinectfiilly.
KK v. Loum BHUMM ,
Residence , MUdlevlU * . Hurry county , Mich.
Neuralgia of the Stomach Cured.
C11KSTMUT. U.I , . , Jan.OU IMf
Dr. Homo Dear Sir : . 1 wn aufferin * wltti neural
afaef the atomaob , and medicine seemed to bare m >
effect ; evea morphias did not rallaveiue much. The
attack woukl begin ererjr evonlJi * about nine o'cloo * .
and Imt about ilx hour * . 1 tent for one uf your Kleo-
trie Bella , trot It und put Hon. and barn't had la *
least ijruptom of imuralgla ilnoe. lam well pleated
Youra truly , A.J. HAltcuuiiT.
Dr. W. J. IIOBNB , 191 .Wabask-a venue ,
Sole Inrrator.PO Prletor oud Manuf ctttr r.
fend aUmprao calloguo.
very knew * ruiMlr , Ea * dteooverocl a ill
If-eura , wkteh be wUI nnd PJIBi to hi * fellow tuft. ,
1119 HAVE YOU 1119
Seen Them ?
And become assured of the fact that yon can wear pure
merchant-tailor made clothing for less price tfian is
charged for onllnary-clothing ; if not , select from the
following the price you can afford , cut out the list anil
come and see what it represents.
' "AT"
$ 0 80 That was raado to order by a merchant tailor for | S5 00
V * lift dodo dodo do M 00
15 30 dodo dodo do 8r oo
18 40 dodo dodo do 4000
SO 80 dodo dodo do 45 00
24 70 dodo dodo do 50 00
27 35 dodo dodo do 55 00
80 40 do do do CO 00
Jjt endless variety of patterns , cut , sixes and prices , to
suit the taste of man , tnatlers not how long or short Ms
pocltetbooli may be. We make a specialty of
Gents' Furnishings
Anil we pride ourselves in saying \vo carry the most
complete line in Omaha. These will be found Incompar
able in quality , at prices quoted by the
1119 Farnam Street ,
N. JJ. Orders outside of tlte city receive prompt and
careful attention. Address the Misfit Parlors *
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Priced the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Comer Douglas nnd 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Comnany.
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the - furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
New Model Lawn Mower
Five Sixes. Witt cut Mglier grass than
any other. Has no equal for simplicity ,
durabillty'anil case of operation *
This js the latest Improved Ma
chine in the Market.
Prices. Send for circulars.
State Agents for Porter's Hanging Tools
and Jobbers of Jilmling Ttulne
About twenty jetn KO I dltcovered o Uttle
Bore on 107 cboek , and Uie doctors pronounced
U cancer. Ibavatelod * number of phTtldan/
but without receiving any permanent bcaiQt
Amoof tbenumber'wereoneortwoapeclallita.
Tbo medicine they applied wu Itko fire to the
ore , cnnilng lotenjo pain. I f aw a itatement
In tno papers telling what S. S. S. bad done for
other * ilmlUrlr afOkUd. I procured tome at
once. Before I hid ujd the Mcond bottle the
oelgnbori eoald notice that ror canoer wa *
beallniup. Vr general health bad beeatod
lor two or threojear * I had n hacking cough
and aplt blood contlauallr. I bad a aevero
palnlamrbnart. Af t r taking ilx bottle * of ooBgh left me and I grew atoutar
than I bed beca ( or eeveral jrean. My caneer
bo * bealed over all but a little § po about the
alia of a bait dime , and It If rapidly dlisppear.
Ing. I would advUo every one-wltb canoer to
gives. S. B.afahrtrUl.
Aibe Orove.Tlppeoanoe Co. , Ind.
reb.l < , UM.
Bwtm Bpeetfla U entirely re eUble , and
em * to cure caocor * by forcing Ml tbolmpa-
ritlM from the Uood. Treail aaDnoodaad
ntm TtliiaiM maflr * *
leele < l ) U.i.
Embody the highest exellencics in Shape
liuesb , Comfort and Durability and
arc the
Reigning Favorites
fashionable circles Oar'nams in on eve
ytale. J. & T. COUSINS , New York.
will BtU.frM.UkclrnOTlrfNUfi ; * !
C > hku < ot B nd U Iniiwu , "
ViiUwra i > a HUi.lpm.oU , 400
* v ry
rltclt rq lrwl by U niU ot l > r m
Corn ,
C.QUlm leilcoclloM for
Kttaar B * da. ItiwUMt ta4
> rcm M Jo. ' < T rlki , By-U , and a
P thl p > ciBo rpaM.Cuillor
nmim , wild , laMklcf currtnu of
lljrtlr.ctlthrourt aU wrtti p rt.rnor-
- ohuUh naVlloroufBlr.ifih. | CI rtrl
f.ltIniUntlror tfurC.llt.1.000 ticaih.
OnttMtlm il uti vnr II othtr b < IU. Worn cu.lper *
m > * * uU7 con4 la UITM wontkj. Bcalxl rt
TBS Ssadea Eleetria Co. 169 US
One lent fBenmani onlv > w nt i1 In KTOTT town for
I have retailed ano hundred nnd three tbou-
caod (103,000) ( ) of your ' -TanaUl'i 1'uuoli" 5 coot
ciuar during the past four month , and over
1,400.000 during the past It voyeur * .
WMM. I > AIK , Druirclst. Chlostro.
Decker Brothers