Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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An Expert Thinks It Will Eventually Bo
Pound in Paying Quantities.
lereral New Association1 ! File ArtlI
del of Incorporation Lively
Time on ft Train Stnto Cap
IrnoM THK nnr.'s I.I.HCOI.X nunnA.u.1
Some months since the HEK recorded
tlio advent of n prominent oil well slock *
holder from Ohio being in the city , and
nt the time it was staled that ho viewed
the immediate vicinity of Lincoln as a
promising Held for the production of nat
ural gas In paying quantities. Yes
terday this same man was in the city ,
coming from Kansas , where ho had boon
inspecting newly discovered wells of gas
in that state. In conversation with the
Uii : : he stated that ho was perfectly satis-
lied that natural gas would ultimatelj bo
discovered in all sections of the western
country and ho thought it would bo
found in Nebraska if the proper depths
worn sounded for it. It will be romom-
icrcd that on the occasion of n former
visit thls'gcntloman was of the opinion
that a well with an adequate How could
piped and the gas conducted tonelgh-
oring cities , a work that would bo en
tirely reasonable within a radius of fifty
miles , and that It would bo found lo pay ,
too , aflcr first cost of piping was met.
[ This representative is keeping a close
watch of the bait well downward and ho
was contemplating a visit to the well
yesterday , but was called away on the
afternoon train. The well , how
ever , ho does not think
will go deep enough in tlio 3,000-foot
limit to demonstrate practicability in
either prospecting for coal , salt or gas ,
but its value will bo in furnishing esti
mates for sinking wells through a knowl
edge of the strata necessary to penetrate.
This aocond.visit of a practical man of
moans directly interested in the develop
ment of u factor of the vaiuo of natural
gas ought to awaken citizens to investi
gation in this matter , especially when
cities like Flattsmouth already have
raised the funds in connection with a
practical man to sink a well at once in
that locality. Kansas has already made
the discovery , und next should bo Ne
To-day the nowly-appolntcd district
Judges will meet the judges of the supreme
com I in an advisory session to deter
mine the condition of the law by which
these judges wore created. All the mem
bers of the higher court will bo upon the
bench and the new judges with ono or
two exceptions arc in the city ready for a
hearing. As the present time is vacation
in the supreme court the session will not
bo formal , but will bo merely to sccuro
an advisory opinion from the court as to
the decision they will reach when the
question is formally presented to them.
This action -will rollovo the auditor so
that he will feel at liberty to draw war
rants and also demonstrate to the new
judges their rights in the promises.
Yesterday there were tiled with the
secretary of state articles incorporating
the State Loan and Trust company of
Lincoln with n capital stock of $100,000.
The incorponttors are J. U. Richards. L.
C. H'jhards and W. A. Lindloy ,
'Iho Nebraska City Building und Loan
association has also filed articles of in
corporation with a capital utock of
$100,000 , organized under the section of
the law governing such associations
Eight prominent citizens of Nebraska
City allix their signatures to the articles.
1 ho Fairmont Una ! Estate company ,
of Fairmont , Nob. , with a capital stock of
530,000 , filed its articles incorporating
yesterday , the signatures numbering
fourteen , headed by John llarsby.
The articles of the Bankers' Life associ
ation of Lincoln , published a few days
ago , wore filed with the secretary of
Btato yesterday.
At a mooting of the board of public
lands nnd buildings the plans of Archi
tect Furham. of Grand Island , were
adopted for the new soldiers' homo. Ton
days additional time are grantc-l the
architect to complete certain details in
the plans , after which the advertising
will DC done and the contract awarded
for the construction of the building.
Yesterday morning's train from the
east had as passengers a number of men
who , crossing Iowa , casually gravitated
together. At 1'acilio Junction , la. , in the
laud of no intoxication nnd no intoxi
cants , they purchased n keg of beer and
loaded it on the train , carrying it on tlio
coal box in the smoking car. All along
the journey from Plattsmouth to Lincoln
they drank themselves lordly drunk , nnd
iust before reaching the city a row of
mmonso proportions blossomed ouf.
Ono of the men was a cattleman with a
largo roll of money that ho flourished
around , and directly ho accused a young
Englishman of tbo party with stealing it.
Doe Dunn , of Lincoln , had joined the
party in the car nt Waverly , and while ho
was rushing for officers to stop blood
shed the young Englishmen was ) warding
oil'a dirk knife and was well nigh fright
ened out of his wits. The officers about
jils time appeared and nailed the two
disturbers , the cattleman having the
money all the time , having misplaced it
in his pocket. The two were taken to
jail by the use of cud's , and about a
thousand spectators saw tlio trouble
ended without bloodshed.
ATTHBCoujrrr omces.
Real estate transfers have decreased
tbo past week and tbia force of employes
in the county clerk's ollico are crowding
4) to catch up work that is several ( weeks
in arrears. County Clerk Boll is issuing
nnd Sheriff Mclick posting the election
proclamations for the court bouse bonds
election that takes place the last of the
in the district olork'a olHco the copy
for the bar docket of the coming term is
ready for the printer. But three cases
have been tiled in the last two days , they
being mechanics' liens up for foreclos
ure.Tho countp treasurer's office , owing to
the fact-that the date has arrived when
taxes become delinquent , is enjoying a
boom in V10 receipt * of cash and extra
help has been founa necessary.
Barllott Kelley was the name given by
a man who for a number of days has been
begging on the streets and receiving con
tributions from generous people. Yes
terday ho turned up in police court on a
charge of drunkenness and when the
Jailor searched him he found f 91 and
some cents on his person. This was al
most entirely in small change and was
tied up in numerous sacks carried on his
poraon. The Judge fined him 13 and
costs and he paid it with a parting with
the cash that was fairly tearful.
l Mm. Grouse , the colored , woman who
1I 1 has been in jail.for beating a young col
I ored girl who was in her keeping , paid a
1 line Thursday and was released. As soon ,
I however , as she reached her domicile
* she immediately resumed her abuse , loop
i P ing the girl in a room and starting in
F with the starvation process. She also
7 threatoapd to burn oat the entlro jieiga-
L I Lmrhoodi and to-day she will tiave an-
Ttlior interview with the police magis
Three parties arrested for vagrancy
rvero discharged yesterday , they making
n showing that they Inn work and wore
willing to make nn attack upon It.
The case against Johnson and Hcach
hai been continued , and it is Understood
Hint nn nmlcablo settlement has bcnn
nmdu nnd the case will continue no
Transfers Filed May 5 , 1887.
Ilnnnnh . ( Jones to Lydla E Morton.
lot 4 , blk 2 , Denises ucltl. w tt 3 l.COO
W 11 Alexander and wlfo to John A
Urynns , lots 1 , 3 , Auburn Hill w d. . . 1,000
HnrrUon Brown and wife to tdward
11 Bowlson , 40 acres In 17.15 , 10 , w d COO
Jurlan U Boonstra and wlfo to Martha
J JJpUolLlot 7 , Godfreys subdlv of blk
D , Slilnnslst add , wd 3,500
Jns Voro and wife to Hans Gosh , lot
91 , blk t Hammond place , wd COO
Casjrcr K Yost and wife toV 11 Kay-
ner , lot \i. \ blk4 , Lakes add , nc 10
Walter B Atkins , et al to Jacob F
llahn , 0 acres In 24,15,12 , w d 20,000 J
Chas L founders to Edward B Clip-
plngrr , lot 5. blk B , Movers , Itichards I
nnrfTlldons ailil , w d 1,000
Ella Cherry and husband to Alonzo O
Hunt , lot 10 , blk a , Paddock place ,
w d -3,000
Jacob K llahn and wife to August
Doll , 90 acres In 24,15,12 , w d 25,000
Gco H Chrhtln to Gustavo U llenffcn ,
Klntort t In lot G , blk 3 , Foster's
add. w d. . . . ' 1,800
Ueo II Christie to Gustavo D Hnneen
et al , X Interest In pirt of sub lot 0
of lots 8 and 1) ) , Cnnltol add. w d. . . . 4,200
Gee D Christie to Gustavo D llengon
et nl , % Interest In s 132 ft of sub lot
2 of lot 8. Cnultol add , w d 10,933
Goo It Christie to Gustavo U HCUROH.
Interest In part of lot0 , Capitol
ndrt. wd 5,133
F 1 * Kosdlko to Eliza Latoy et al. lots 1
nnd 2 to Eli and 20 and 21 to J 11
Irwln and Vim Latey , Ml In Green
wood ndd , q c 1
Julia Parsons to Francis M Arnold , n
} < lot ll.ThorneU's add , w d. . . . . . . . 2,000
Frederick 11 Davis nnd wlfo to Johan
A Peterson , lot 85 , Fnlrmoutit
place.wd COO
Chns 11 Washington 'and wlfo to ,1V
Reoco. e 33 feet of lot 3 blk 8 , Par
ker's add. wd 1,300
Daniel Fairell and wlfo to Matilda
Wilson , lot 5 blk 15 , Dodford place ,
wd 1,000
Low W Hill to Andy 1' Gram , lotsl
8 and ii'J blk 13 , Omaha View , w d. . 3,700
Andrew lliuis et al to Draper Smith ,
lota , blk I , Hass , subdlv. to Jettcra
add to South Omaha , w d 450
City of Omaha to Win Paxton , lota 5
ana 0. blk 118 , Omaha , deed 1
Drnpor Smith tit nl to Frank iSchrnder ,
nil of lot 0 , blk 1 , Unas stibdiv of btk
11 , Jetten add to South Omaha , w d COO
Jas Planners to Louis Jan sen , lotfi ,
Kogers subdlv In llnscall's and
Jtogcrs subdlv , In b K Rogers plat of
Okahoma , w d 550
Anna M U MeConcick ct al to * Peter
Nelson , lot 8 , blk n. Deer Park , w d 1,230
Gee K Kay , to John W Dunmlrc.lot 13
and 14 , blk 17 , Bedford Placp , q c. . . 250
has II Samson and wlfo to Hubert II
Lake , lot 2 , blk 13Uanscom Place , w
d 3,500
Jas Johnston to Robert N MoKalg , all
bid 5 , Shrlver Place , w d 0,100
Gee W Loomlsto VVmOberfelder.lotS.
blk 12 , Dwieht nnd Lymans ndd , w d 800
18 LelMinrlnp et altrustees to Arthur
81'otier ot al lots 1 and 3 In blk 230
Omaha , deed 12.000
as A Suutlerlund to Harriet A llob-
tnson , lot 5 , blk i , Kilby Place , w d 1,500
Filed May 4.
D L Thomas and wife to Jas T Robin
son , lot 9 blk 3 , OE Roger's add ,
w d S 4,000
iVin A lliuglns and wife to Eilio
Reed et al , lot 9 , Arlington add ;
w d 1,050
lenrletto Wiol nnd husband to
Francis A Cornell , lot G blk 5 , Kilby
Plnco , w d 1,500
South Omaha Land Companyt oChas
F Fabs , lot 3 blk 91 , South Omaha ,
w d. . . . . . 412
South Omaha Laud Company to Chas
F Fahs , lotl blk 69 , South umnhn ,
w d 450
South Omaha Land Company to Chas
F Falis , lot 0 blk CO , South Omaha ,
w d 425
South Omaha Land Company to Chns
F Falls , lots 1 , S , 3 , 4 , 5 , nnd 0 blk
03 , South Onmhn , w d 2,100
South Omnhn Land Company to Chas
F Fahs , lotsl , 2,3,4 , 5,0 and 7 blk
80. South On ahi. w d 2,555
South Omaha Land Company to Chns
F Fans , lots 1 and 3 blk 37 , South
Omahawd 787.50
Jos Barnet et al to John 1 * Schonlng.
east 44 feet of lot 3 blk 148 , Omaha ,
w d 35,000
Wm M Foster and wife to Ed B Will-
lams et al , lot 0 blk 4 , Foster's add ,
w d 1,200
South Omaha Land Company to
Rasmus Peterson , lotsl,2,3nnd 4
blk 78 , South Omaha , wd. . . . , 075
J 111 llungato ( trustee ) to Daniel A
Farrell , lot 0 , block 1 , Bedford Place ,
wd COO
James II Delnnd to Wm Gielen , outlet
lot 221. Florence , w d COO
Nathan Suellon and wife to Franklin
8 Smith , west 50 feet of lots 1 and 2 ,
block 13 , Hanscom Place , wd. . . . 5,000
Bruno btrarthmann and wife to Bernhard -
hard Blum , n } of lot 0 , block 76 ,
South Omaha , w d 7,500
George E Barker and others to Samuel
K Spalding. lots 9 nnd 10 , block 0 ,
f bornburi ; Place , w d 1,200
Samuel K Spaldlnjc and wlto to John
Mawhlnnoy , lots 9 nnd 10 , block 0 ,
Thornburu Place , w d 1,200
Wm F Allen and wife to Jas W Wal
lace , lot 17 , Crescent Park , w d 1,850
Marc A Upton and wife to Roan Lory ,
undivided K of lot ll.block 77 , South
Omaha 1,000
Lew W IIII1 to Samuel S Curtis , lots
15 and 1C. block 4 , Omaha Vlmv , w d 2,000
Matilda A Reed and husband to Henry
Suessenbnch , lot 10 , block l3Dwljht |
& Lymnn's add , w d 4,000
eorKO W Loom Is and wife to Henry
Snessenbach , lot . block 13 , Dwlght
A-Lymann's add , w d 800
Glaus Schmidt and wife to Henry
Suessenbach , lots 5 and 0 , block 1 ,
McConntck's 2d add , w d 1,000
Jacob 11 Pieltler nnd wife to Robert
Rooake,3 acres on east side of Omaha
Belt railroad , In Omaha precinct. . . . 400
Omaha Laurt company to Anna L Nor-
denson , lot 13 , blk 60 , South Ouiaha ,
wd 300
A P llouklus et al , executors and ex
ecutrix , to Everett Gillls , lot 23 , blk
1 , Millard place , deed 3,000
Frank btout and wife to Oliver II P
Hate , 34 l-Oxlw > K ft commencing 0.39
chains w and 874 and 3-3ds ft n of
sec cor 10-15-13 , except portion for st ,
W d 2,500
Franklin J Uotchklss and wife to
Lewis P Hammond , lots 1. 3,3 and
4 , blk 1,1 to 17 Inclusive , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. 5
nnd C , blk 3 , L P Hammond's add ,
wd 25,000
Gee E Bortrnnd to Edward S Rowley ,
undivided X Interest In lot ft , Pel-
ham place , wd 337.50
Alvlu Saunders and wlfo to Jou T
Dillon , lot 6 , blk 5 Meyers , Richards
it Til Jon's add , w d 1,000
Chas L Saunders to John T Dillon , lot
7 , blk 6 , MercrsllUchards&Tlldon'8
add , wd , 000
Goo W Smith to Jas Bowman , w 3-3ds
lot 3 blk 102 , wd 20,500
m * urn
Piopared wNb ( Met rtwdtol
UealthtalnW Df.PrCtfi
no i > * '
How Two Actor Met by Chance.
ChicnRo News : Otis Mortimer , the
iiiniiBK ; r ofLouia Jnines- , who is lutuly
from Now Orlonng.sayg that the southern
pcoplo arc intensely disgusted with the
recent utterances of Jell' iJavls. Heauro-
card was and is still u great favorite with
tlio southerners , and they resent any
slight put upon him. Morlimor.who was
in the confederate finny nnd in Huauro-
gard's command , says thai lie was tlio
most popular rebel officer , although he
was an extra strict disciplinarian. Dur
ing the first winter of the war Bcanre-
gartl commanded the armies of Virginia ,
and the weather was intensely cold. The
men were volunteers , of course , and en-
tifnly unused to the hardships of war ,
and they fell sick in great numbers , and ,
whut was worse , boc.imo dull nnd dis
pirited. Profiting by the example of the
tirst I Napoleon , llesturcgnrd hit upon the
] plan of establishing a theater in the
camp < for the amusement of the troops.
Mortimer was selected to organize the
company and tlio work of erecting the
theater was began. The man who'was
ifltrustcd with the funds necessary to on-
Kagc the company skipped south and de
serted with the money , and the move
ments of tbo federal army broke up nil
the plans. During the war Mortimer
says , the theaters , in the south coined
money. The horrors of the siege were
mitigated and sometimes added to by
dramatic performances , and when MI
army entered a town the lirst thing it did
was to organize H company and play in
the thcfttor. Some of the armies con
tained enough soldier-actors for a very
fair sized company , and in some cases
plays wcro rehearsed ahead , but oftener
still the company wns non-military and
belonged to the theater or traveled about
seeking to play in some town occupied
by troops. The prices charged were 50
cents tor privates and $1 for olllcers and
the houses were universally packed.
The audiences were enthusiastic and
generally in the very bc-st of humor , so
much so as to make it rtithor diHicult to
play. Mortimer was paroled , and
played oft' and on for a year or two with
all sorts of picked-lip companies half
professionalhalf , aniatcuru.nd all sorts of
sectionalism and politics. Once at Corinth
ho played "Richard III. " in a linen dus
ter ; but the audience didn't seem to mind
the discrepancy a bit , and insisted on his
coming forward in the tent scene and
sincine the "Star-Spangled Banner" and
"In the Prison Cell I Sit. " On the night
of the second day's battle of the Wilder
ness Mortimer was on picket duty , lie
had not eaten a morsel for over thirty-
six hears , and ho was nearly dead with
hunger , and very faint , haying but re
cently conic from the hospital. It had
been the wont of the soldiers to supply
the place of food by copious chews of
plug tobacco , and Mortimer's pockets
were full of the weed , but the doctor had
forbidden him using it. Ho was stand
ing by a tree , faint and despairing , ana
in ( ho agony of his situation exclaimed
aloud :
"I'd give the biggest plug of tobacco
n the world for a piece of hard-tack 1"
"I'll take you at your word Johnny
Rob ! ' , exclaimed a hearty voice , and be
fore Mortimer could bring his gun to his
shoulder a form sprang out ot the dusk
and a stalwart zouave stood before him
'I've been watching you ior some
time , " continued the northern man , "and
I thought you saw mo and was getting
" ady to pot mo till I heard you speak. " zouave had imslimg his knapsack
and displayed before the famished rebel
what seemed to him a banquet. "And
low , young fellow , " ho said , "if you'll
.jivo mo a plug of tobacco you can have
all the hard-tack your jaws can crack.
Fork overl" Such exchanges wore com
mon , and Mortimer clutched the food
and passed over a plug of Virginia tob
acco , which was as eagerly received by
the zouave. They talked a moment or
two and then , roulizinc their
pared to part. Mortimer incidentally
told his companion his name and calling.
The other was surprised and said ho was
nn actor , too.
"You " asked Mortimer .
are ? , delighted.
'You are a brick ! When the war is over
I'll como north and join you. What's
your name ? "
"Louis James , " said the zouavo , ns ho
resiling his knapsack , picked up his gun ,
and disappeared in the woods.
INDIGESTION results from a partial
paralysis of the stomach nnd is the
primary cause of a very large majority o
the ills that humanity is heir to. The
most agreeable and effective remedy is
Dr. J. II. McLean's Little Liver and
Kidney I'illets. 35 cents a vial.
Queer Story About Grovcr Cleve
Cincinnati Enquirer : General Tom
Ewing , of Ohio , comes to Washington
only seml-occasionally. To-day I met
him at his hotel , writes a Washington
correspondent of the Cincinnati Eu-
quirer , and together we went over the
list of some of those who had financially
and otherwise contributed to President
Cleveland's election. "What will those
men do for him again ? " was the mutual
query. "I know one man , " said the
general , "who gave ? GO,000 to the Cleve
land campaign luud who I opine will not
again respond. "
"Whor'l asked.
' Abram S. Hewitt , of Now York , " said
the general.
"Has tboro been a breach between
Hewitt nnd Cleveland ! " I queried.
"No. not an open one , " said the general -
oral : ' 'but ' as I get it from Mr. Hewitt's
friends , ho has a right to feel sore. "
Thereupon the general unburdened
himself. "First , " said ho , "Hewitt
wanted the president to appoint his
brother-in-law. ox-Mayor Cooper of Now
Yortf , minister to England. Ho is a man
as fully equipped for tlmt responsible
trust as the stick now there. In this hn
met a disappointment , but it was noth
ing as compared with an act of the prcsi'
dent which hurt him in the pockets. "
"What ofliclal act do you refer to ! "
"Tho " continued the
presldBiit , general
oral , "mado nn order closing the Chey
enne and Arapahoe agencies in the In
dian territory. Hewitt and Cooper jointly
liad large cattle interests there. To
comply with the order with respect to
the limitation of time required the trans
fer of an almost countless number ol
cattle when the climatic change involved
peril. Hewitt brought the president to
cither annul or modify the order until a
eeason more favorable for the transfer.
The president refused. The result wus
that the transfer was made under un
favorable and unhealthy vicissitudesami
the outcome was that Hewitt and Cooper
lost $500,000. What made it worse was
the order involved no.general principle
for no other reservations wore cloaocl
Yon can't well expect aid from a mau
who has lost a cool half million. "
A Pitiful Right.
What sadder sight can be imagined
than that of a noble man , whom the
word can ill-afford to spare , sicken down
In the prime of a useful life by con
sumption. Thousands are yearly flllins
consumptives' graves who might bo savec
by tbo timeiy use of Dr. Pieroe's "Golden
Medical Discovery , " which is a positive
euro for consumption in its early stages
It Is the best alterative and pectoral in
the world. All druggists.
Tbc Story Tola by a HuabanU With a
Poor Memory .
San Francisco Chronicle : They were
celebrating their silver wedding , and o
course the couple were very happy ana
Yorv affectionate.
"Yes , " said the husband , "this is the
onlr woman I over loved. 1 shall never
forgot the first time I over proposed to
her. "
"How did you do itr" bant out a
oung man wtio had been squeezing a
iretty girl's hand In the 'corner. They
,11 , laughed ana ho blushed ; but the girl
arrlcd it off bravely. ' *
"Well , 1 remember as well as if It wore
vesterday. It was way back in Maine.
Vo had been out on a lucnlc , and she
md 1 got wandering alorio. Don't you
Qiuember , my dear. "
The wlfo nodded and smiled.
" \Vo \ sat on the trunH.of on old treo.
You haven't forgotten , lovc.hnvo you ! "
The wife nodded againr-
"She began writing In , the dust with
ho point of her parasol , JYou recall it
wcct , donityou ? "
The wlfo nodded agalb. '
"She wrote her namo'MInnlo ' , ' and I
aid let me put thrf other name to it. And
took the parasol and wrote my name
Smith after it. "
"How lovclyl" broke out a llttto maid
who was beaming in a suspicious way on
ix tall chap with a blonde mustacho.
"And she took back the parasol and
vroto below it. 'No , I won't. ' And we
went homo , You re member it , darling
see you do. "
Then ho klsaed her nnd the company
murmured sentimentally , wasn't it
irotty. "
The guests had all departed and the
happv couple were left alone.
"Wasn't it nice , Minnie , to sco all our
rionds around us so happy ? "
"Yes , it was. But , John , that reminis
cence I"
"Ah , it seems as if it had been only
cstcrday. "
"Yes , dear ; there are only three things
ou'ro wrong about in that story. "
"Wrong ? O , no ! "
"John , I'm sorry you told that story ,
tccauso I never went to a picnic with
you before wo were married ; I never was
n Maine in my life , and I ucvcr refused
you. ' '
"My darling , you must bo wrong ! "
"I'm not wrong , Mr. Smith. I hnvc
an excellent memory , and , although wo
mvo been married twenty-live years , I'd
ike to know who that minx Minnie was.
foil never told me about her before. "
I guess she'll forgive him ; but 1 don't
enow if she'll forgot.
Peculiar in medicinal merit nnd
wonderful cures Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Now is the time to take it , for now it will
do the most good.
An old-time Montana freighter , and
'or many years in charge of ono of the
argcst bull trains in the northwest , says
tis a fact that during a hard winter liv-
ng cattle will cat dead ones. He has seen
hem many times.
'A Slight Cold , " Concha. " 1 . . . .
Bronchial ZVoc/ic"give Immediate relief.
The Montana Wool Grower estimates
that there will bo nearly a million sheep
sheared m that territory this year , pro
ducing at least 8,000,000 pounds of wool
1,000,000 pounds more than the proJtict
n 1880.
Dying at the age of ono hundred and
hrc'o vears , Uncle Sam Matnoy , of Jess
Valley , Cala. , turned to his friends and
said : "I haven't been a very bad man. I
lover did anything worse ,1111111 , kill In
dians , and I don't believe that will be hold
igainst mo. Iliad to do it. . "
[ if
And Every Species ol lleliiiig uml
llurning JHteage Ciircd by
ECZI'.MA.or Salt Ithoum , With Its nponlilng
I tolling ami ImrtiltiK , Initnntly rullovod by
a warm bnth with CuncuiiA a6.vr , mul n etnglo
implication of Cimcuuv , the trout tOclncuio
This ro | onte < l dully , with two or three < lese of
3irricun v HKSOI.VINT , tlio Np r. JiJocul I'urlllor ,
o Vcop the Mood cool , the porsplrution pure
and unlrrltatliiK'.tlio bouls opuntlio llvur and
ffdnoys active , will gpoeillly ro I'ozomu , Totter
tor , UlMKWorm , I'sormsU , Lichen , Pruritus
val < l Htmcl , Diimlniir , nnd o\ory spoolos of
Itch in IT , Sculy nnil I'imply Humois of the Benin
imd Sltin , when the best physicians and all
known remedies full.
I KTiitofully acknowledge a cure of Eczema ,
nr.Sult Khouin , on head , neck , f nee. arms and
eirg for soon Icon years ; not ublo to walk ex
cept on bands mid knees for one year ; not able
to help mysoir for eight ycnra : tried hundreds of
remedies : doctors pronounced my cnso hope
less : pormiinontly cured tiy tbn CiiTicunA
8513 Dearborn Street , Chicago , 111.
Borne flvo months ngo I hnd the pleasure t
Inform you of my Improvement In the UBU of
tbo CimcuiiA llisuEuncs in my coso of severe
Chronic Kczonui Krythomfuosn. and to-tiny
cheerfully contirm all I then said. I consider
my euro perfect nnd complete , and attribute
It entirely to your remedies , 'invintr ' used no
3300 1'cnnu Avenue , tit. Louis , Mo.
I hnvo suffered from Bait Itheum for over
ei ht years , nt times so bad thnt'l could not nt-
lend to mv business for wucksiit a time. Thieo
boxes of CHTUIIIIA and four bottles Ilrooi.vKNT
have ontlreiyeuind mo of this dreadful disease.
Mit. JOHN Tllllifj , Willvesbnrrc , I'a.
Arc sold by nil drustfists. Frlco , CUTICUUA ,
cts. ; IlK ) i.VK.\T. Jl.tW : SOAP , 25 ets. 1'repnr
ton.ilue * . Send for "How TO CUUE SKIN D
TIT * A TTTIf'i' the Complexion and Skin
Chest 1'nlna. Niimbnoss , Soreness ,
Hocklnir Cough , Astliiiin. 1'louriRy
nnd intlamniation UKLIKVKII IN ONK
.AHTKIU Notlitiiir like it. At dnitf-
ts , 2) cents. 1'ottor Drug and
Chuuiioul Co. , lloston.
The only road to tixke for bca Molnes Mar-
ihRlltowa , C dar Uaplda , Cliodin , Dlxon , Cblcn-
roUllwnukoe and all polntaciibt. To thoptx _ >
pie of NebruskB , ColoraMo , ytfomlng , Utah
IciQbo , NoTftda , Orecron , Wiubttfrton and Cull-
fornln , it otl rs iui > erlor oilvattages not POM- )
bio b.r any other Hue. ,
Amonir few of thonumerou * point * of tu-
perlorlty enjoyed by tbo pat com of thli road
between Omaha and rhlcdfj-o , Iiru Its two trains
a day of DAY COACHRS. whiofare the tlnest
tlmt humnn art and tmtonultr can create. Iti
VALACKBI BPINU CAHS , which arc model *
of comfort and elejrnnce. Its M UH DHAW
INQ KOUM UABS , UBsurpngfad by any , anil Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAf/DINING CAKS
tbo equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council Bluifs the trnlns of tbo Union PuolOo
Hy. connect ID Union Depot with tbose of tliu
Chicago * Northwcstorn Ity. lit Chicago the
trains of this line make clot * connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , .Cincin
nati. Niagara Falls , Buffalo. Pittsburjr.Toronto ,
Montreal , Boston , Now VorK. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. Washington and all points m the
east , ask for a ticket Tia the
If rou wish the best accommodation. AD. ticket
front * Mil ticket ! Tia this line.
H. HUOH1T * . B. p. WILSON.
CM ) . Jli.iiNH . OenL PaM'r ACM !
C8 °
Western Agent. . City Poss'r At rat.
Omaha , Nebraska ,
ttrataal tan k > v t m ntarn uala , I m * n a radUu rara
I h. "n. 1. tba dlMwa of jfi CrlLarsT or FXLIJNU
BldMCM a UK-lone lUuty. Iwarnat mf ten y tann
tb wont CAM * . Bc at otntra bav foiled U no raaon for
not Dovnoililaraciira. .nd l OBCO lar a IrMttM and a
l > 0k , lIKMUrDinMkU
Ad fMM. &
Hayden Bros
In New
Special Sale of Ladies' nnd
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
We will place on sale to-day :
100 doz. children 1 hose , in black and
colored , ribbed ami plain , many of
these being worth uOca pair ; they arc
broken lots , ana will not last ton ? as
wo have decided to close tliem out at
15c per pair.
50 doK. Indies'unbleached hose , rejrulfir
made anil double heels and teen , at
15c per pair ; worth 25c
Childrens' corduroy ribbed hose , black
only , 21c ; worth 85c.
Just received , 100 doz. of Indies' fancy
cotton hose , in new patterns ; to bo
closed nt 25c per-pair ,
Schoppcru Lisle thread huge. 4ic , pair.
CO do/ , gloves , in pure silk , In black
only , 47c ; worth 75c.
100 doz. unlaundricd shirts , reinforced
back , linen bosom , only 48c.
Gents' balbrigpan shirts anil drawers ,
35c ; worth 50c.
100 doz. gents' linen colors , 4 ply , 8c
each ,
liest quality of linen collars , only 12c
Satin lined neck wear , 19c.
Gents' fancy shirts , in calico , percale
anil ponnnijs , 47c , 7ne , f r , $1.25.
Gents' lisle treail 1-2 hose , 35c per pair
Gouts' British 1-2 hose , I9c per pair
16th Street , Near Douglas ,
Sperlallr DUtlllcd for
Medicinal Ug .
gen In Chief , Natlouil Guort
of N. J. , TTiltM :
"Mv nuentloa wan called t <
roar Kej tone Malt Wblikey hj
Kr. lAlor , Drufglit , of Truntoa
and I hare Died a few bottlM
with far b tUr eff ct tbon anj j
bara bad. 1 am r0com0ian4iD |
your article in my practice , and
find it Tory aaUilaetorjr. "
or nniifioira.
fl nnlo * hai th Bffnaturt o
ialli of Bettll.
(9ol ( AiinU for lit U. S )
816.818 and 820 Raw St. Philadelphia. PA.
Goodman Drup C > . Genl.ARents.Omaha
And many other complaint * cured by
A I'roiniiiont Buffalo 1'liysiclan says :
nurpAto , N , V. , Fob. UlSr
Drnorue. Caicsjo , III. IJeir Sir : It Is omotlilQ
unuftu tl li > r nno i > { the iiiodlcal | > rofu al ) n to liidur o
aiiitilverti oct urtlcltit yet 1 tuke plpanuru la Inform *
Intf jriin tlmt OMO of yottr Kloctric Helta uurod mo of
rlmumatlum , Irnm which I liad nitiruroit iTuarn. I
Intro recoiuinenil J yourlnTontlon to itt lend forty
ofmr I'u:9Mt : BuirerliiB ivltli chronic illmMof TO-
rioin Ulndi'in rulpltu'lon oftlio Imart , nervous
liability , cpllcpir. rhe im.Ttl m , pain In the but k ami
kidney * , to , . eto , , cto. All have i > urcl > uv < 1 nd
wont them with iuo t gratifying result a. lounhunlr
recommnnd yonr iiectrln ; llelts aspoue lni great
merit , t'ruturnully yours.
L U.MrMicilAFUM. D. W Mlaeara-
A Chlcnco Phisichui Says ,
Dr Homo Dour Sir : 1 Inir J imod nororalklndi ot
miiidiotlc und Uluctrlc Holts on imtlentiund uiviolf.
1 can honestly jrlYO the proforcnco toyonrfl , by nil
odds , llunco I canAnd < lo roconiniondyottrriOTorull
othern. Yours fraternally , J. II. Juitiio.N , M I ) ,
Jan II , I'Jfl. , Ofllco. ! 7 btatosu , Cblcaico
A. Fhysldau Says. All of My Patient
arc Satisfied.
fit.s-KVA , NED , Jan 31,1347
DrW.J.Homo. Inventor-Dear Sir : I reoummonl
your Rloctrlc Delta to all who nurfer with any norvoui
ti-ouble , any chnmlo liver or kidney dlMnta * . Allot
y patlanti that are utliu yomrKlactrto Holts are
ajtlstlBd. Kraturnallr. M. I'KOIMT. M I ) ,
Pbyildua and Burvoon
A Minister of tlio German Evangelical
Church , Says :
I.rinirrox , AIIOKan Co. , Mich. , Fobs , 1W
Dr. W. J.II > rne. Culiagu. 111-lKjur Kir : Your
Electric Halts < 1o all yim claim. One of them beluad
maof dy iicpsla. constipation and xeneral debility.
1 would like to Introduce roar uoodi hero. Will
you let ma have tuoazencr for this uxrniblpU'loaM
yourterrni. 1 mth inlnUturof the Uermaa
rannollcal Church of LeUihton. Iteipeetfully.
Hcv. Louiu BHITMH.
Residence , illJdleTlUo. liurry county , Mich.
Neuralgia of the Stomach Cured.
CUKST3DT. II.I. . . JSIl.OL , 1M7
Dr. Home Dear Sir : . 1 waa sofferitut with neural
afMf the atouiuoh. nrt medicine neemed to hare ni > -
effect ; eT6D morphine did notrelluioiun much. The
attack would begin erery avuulnx about olneo'clook.
and lait about > lx hour * . 1 lent for one of your El o-
trlcBelU , vat Itnndput It oa. and harn'l had the
lea t aymptom of nauralgla ilno . I am well pleated
Yours truly , A.Q. HAliCouur.
Dr. W , J. IIORNE , lOl.Wabash-avoiiuo ,
Sole InrMtor.PO I'rittor oud Msaufactarer.
f * n < 1 lUtmprao catluzuo.
i vvj. > nrouj
ll.UJU/Lo tH nho < Kl. Uili ilnatrii lln rau
W ( Mrr kuwH rxuMrty.JIM lUnwwiwt a tlinplv
If-eur * , wfcfch bewUI Mod f JtSJSI to hi. fellow luffarol' ,
' '
'Oiii * Cu
1119 HAVE YOU 1119
Seen Them ?
Aiilt > ernnicain'ffloftrirf cttlHilt/ott can wear pur *
incrchatit-tailor made clothlnyor lfa price tlittn is
charged for onUnawetothlntt ; if not , tolcctfront tit *
following the price you can a/l'ortl , cut out f/ic list anil
come and see what U represents *
0 80 That was made to order by a merchant tailor for * S5 00
I'CO do do do DO 00
15 20 dodo dodo do 8500
18 40 dodo dodo do 40 00
0 80 dodo done do 45 00
24 70 dodo node do 5000
27 35 dodo dodo do M 00
80 40 do do do CO 00
In cntlltss variety of patterns , cut , sixes and prtccs , to
suit the taste of man , matters not how long or slutrthla
pockctbooli may be. We malc a specialty of
Gents' Furnishings
Anil < ! prlilc ourselves in saying we carry the most
complete line in OinalHi. These will be found Incompar
able in quality , at prices quoted by the
1119 Farnam Street ,
JV. JJ. Orders outside of the city receive prompt and
careful attention , Address the Mixjit I'arlors *
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Price * the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Comnan ) .
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the - furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
New Model Lawn Mower
Five Sixes. Will cut higher grass than
any other. If as no equal for simplicity ,
dura-Wliti/'and case of operation.
This js the Latest Improved Ma
chine in the Market.
Prices. Send for circulars.
gents for Porter's Hanging Tools
and Jobber * of liltullng Twine *
About twenty years ago t discovered a Uttls
son on my cheek , ana the doctors pronounced
It com * r. t have tried a number of physicians/
bat without recslTiog any permanent benefit.
Among the number ware onoor two speclallits ,
The medicine they applied was like fire to the
sore , caoiing Intcnjo pain , I saw a statement
la the papers telling what 8. 8. S. hod done for
others similarly afflicted. I procured some at
once. Before I had used the second bottle the
neighbor ! eonld notice tliat ray eanoer was
healing up. Uy general health bad been bad
( or two or three years Iliad a hacking cough
and spit blood continually. I bad a serero
pain la my breast. After taking six bottles ot
B. a a. my coBgh Isfl me and I grew itontar
than I had been Cor several yean. My cancer
has healed orer all bntalinieipot about the
alao of a bait duos , and It U rapidly disappear-
log , I would adrlto every one-wlth eanoer to
give 8. B. B. afatrtrUl.
Ashe Grove , Tlppo nee Co. , Ind
rob. K , U8 .
Swift's flpaetna Is entirely recetable , and
earns to cure caoecrs by forcing oat the Impu
rities from the blood. TreetlM an Blood aad
Man Mieaiet mailed tree.
a al ( Maltd ) titi
Embody the highest exellencies in Shape
lincss , Comfort and Durability and
arc the
Reigning Favorites
fashionable circle * Oar naraj in on eve
ysale. J. & T. COUSINS , New York.
VIM Itluibttloli crtUnc
rtkU mnlrW 17 Hndi or I
CDUIuc IntkBctlOQi for
ar lixdi. KivcbM ml 8 lm ,
Ui } < * ' Ttrtki , Ur-lMM , and a
4 [ MW MVae.
I ) > bm * " < 1't > ' *
. , .
lnwMii.ialliC !
lrtrtly ur , > tib all ikp.ruS.rtor"
uatlr or vi furfclt S.5.U10 la dun.
or r (11 oh > r b < lu. Wont CUM D < r.
mja nUf cund InIhrMwomiu Ktal t rtmphltite. tuii
TksBsadenEleotrioCo. IC9 USallcs
OD * > Affrat ( Vvnuianf oiiTT wftntoiHn Trj town for
I have retailed ano hundred nn < 1 three tboii-
sand (103,000) ( of your ' Tanalll's 1'iiuoh" 5 cunt
cigar duringthu past four month , and orer
1,400.000 during the past ttvoyonm.
. mt.K , Druggist , Chloaga.
WooJbridgeBrothers I
Decker Brothers 2n 2