Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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A Big Purchase of the June Option By
Clique 'Brokers ,
A Quieter Kcellnp. In Corn With Hut
Hlleht KlticttiutloiiH-Mttle Dolnc
In J'rovlHloim Cnttlc Lower
Jlitiur | <
CIIICAOO , May 0. [ Speclnl Tclosram to
the IKK. ! ] Jnno > vhrit tills morning , touched
Hjjfc nt tlio opunlng. Liverpool ivn.s up n
penny for spot irrnln , nntl Nuw York wns up
Ic from litstnlKlit ( more of nn ndvnncc than
was fit-orcd hcru ) . . Tlioro was , of conrso ,
selling all the ny up , and bit ; hvlliiiK ; Imt
the coiisi'rvatlvo followsso far are nil mourn
ers. Tlia sensational feature of thu morning
was thu purchase by Irwln , ( ircun it Co. , of
lfXX,000 ) bnslii'lu ot Ocorgp \Valke" & Co.
In ono lot. Un this the June option jumped
to t Ot c. Un this salt ! It was at once surmised
that the two cliques ( the California anil Cln-
clnnntl-Ulcvuland crowd ) had cither joined
forces or else the blcKcr had absorbed the
smaller. Tlioenoimoiw purclmso by Irwln ,
( irten V Co. from Walker A ; Co. was natur
ally the topic discussed on the lloor. to the ex
clusion of everything else. It has
been nil alone surmised that thu
Walker wheat was not In the Dholdlnga
of tlio clique proper. It was owned , it
Is believed , by n coterlo of Galveston
and New York people. There have , It la said ,
been repeated negotiations for thu block , and
Walker's principals evidently decided to sell
There must have been bomo prear-
tMit for tlio transaction , otherwise the
fulllni : out of 1,000,000 bushels of wheat 1"
two IIUKO lots would liavu broken thu market.
There was evidently to bo some concert or
Irwln , ( iroen & Co. would not have been pre
cisely whore they were at thu precise moment
that Kecne. of Walker & Co. , offered 1,000,000
bushels at bfir , and 000,000 bushels at bOtfe.
The Cincinnati crowd , ( by which Is meant the
clique whoso orders come from Cincinnati )
now control all Urn bltf blocks of wheat held
In this market. It can bo pretty safely pre
dicted that the Galveston crowd will not tret
that .hi no wheat back. It will , however ,
probably take hold of July. Juno opened at
fcy < c , reached S0)/c ) , the highest , anil Wifc ! ,
the lowest. July opened nt h5o and acted In
ttympntliy with June. At the close the market
was weak nnd very unsettled.
Corn was quieter and the llnctnations wcro
confined to a small range. The receipts were
moderate but tlio withdrawals from store
large. Liverpool was stronger and higher.
New York was also a shade bolter. These
factors' , however , had little Inlluenco In
shaping values , as trading was eonlined to
local scalpers who wuro not disposed to load
un heavily. The opening sales were nt a-
trlllo better prices , out thu market weakened
toward the close nnd the last sales at 1
o'clock were % o below yesterday. Jnno
opened at ! > % c , gold at iJOXra.'JaWa and
closed nt Ji''Kdiii'J ' c. J uly closed at 41)/e.
Short ribs and lard were quieter and an
easier feeling prevailed nnd the closing sales
at 1 o'clock showed a decline of 5c on both
articles. The receipts of hozs were lighter
nml prices 5@10o higher. Outside buying
orders wcro scarce and the small scaloers
lind the marKct to themselves , hence the
variation In prlco was limited In ranuc.
_ . . . . . . pork was quid
8-1.00 for May and June.
AFTKKNOON SKSMO.V. Wheat was higher ,
May closing at 8SJ < c. Juno sold at 85J wi > ( jc ,
closing nt K > Xc ; July sold from 84 9 < to 85'fc ' ,
closing at 8.1 Vc. Corn was linn ; May closed
nt about tW , ' < cJuno ; sold nt SOKW-'Xc ' ,
closing nt & ) ) < c ; July sold at 41Ji@ll hC ,
rinsing nt 41Killii ( ( > . Oats weio firm.
Pork Hold nt 6iW.riO forAlay delivery ; Juno
wns nominally the same ns May.
CHICAGO , May O. | Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] CATTLE The Improvement of
yesterday was more than lost , prices to-day
being 5@10c lower. There was not much
dtlToronce In the market for different grades
of cattle , though smooth , fat pony-built cat
tle , averaging 1100 to 1300 Ibs , were the best
sellers. There were salesmen , however ,
who claimed tnat handy little cattle were off
more than good heavy. A man who sold
some of the liuost 150 < J-lb cattle you over saw
at 34.05did not think so. Some Kentucky
stlllers sold at $4.40 , some Kansas and Texas
stlllers sold at S4.40 , against § 4.45 yesterday
and some 1305-lb meal-fed cattle from
Atlantic , la. , sold at 84.55 , acalnst S4.bO
Monday. Prices to-day wcie 30@50c lower
than hist Friday , which was the hleji day of
last week. A lot of WO lb steers sola at $4.45 ,
and some 1573 lb beeves sold at the
same prlco. Shinning steers , 1360 to 1500
lt < S , S4.40i ( .b5 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs. S4.S.1Q4.1I5 ;
IBO to 1200 Ibs , S4.00@4.50 : stockers and feed
ers , S2.7fii$4.20 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 82.00
C < (4.W > ; bulk , S'J.bOQ3.15 ; slop-fed steers , 31.40
lions The market was active , with an
other upturn of r < c , making an advance ol
lOc the past two days. The best heavy and
butcher weights sold at 85.450(5.55 ; mixed ,
S5.lfKitf.10 , and hunt at S5.15Q5.25' skips and
pigs , Sl.7oQ5.10.
Chicago , May 0. The Drovers' Jour
nal ronorts as follows :
itOattlKecolpis , 0,000 ; weak and IKMOc
lower ; shipping steers , 34.00 ( < J4.W ; stackers
and trcderB , S2.75 4,20 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , S'J.OOa4.00 ; bulk , S2.80@U5. :
Hogs Receipts , 14.0UO ; strong and 5c
lilhgre ! rough and mixed. 55.0 < tf5.40 ; packing
and shlpulnir. , l5.a xKO.50 ; light , S4.75@5.30 ;
skips , g3.00 < a4.70.
nSheon Receipts , 4,000 : steady ; shorn ,
& .2A@4.3A ; wooled , S4.00Q5.00 ; Tsxans ,
2.50it3C. ( > i ; lambs , 4.50SG.iO. (
Nationi'l Stock YartU. Enst St.
Louis , 111. , May 0. Cattlo-IJecelpts , 3,000 ;
shipments , COO ; market steady ; choice
heavy native steers. S4.fiO@5.oo ; fair to good
shipping steers , S3AW44.55 ; butcliers' steers ,
fair to choice , 83.50GW.O ; feeders , fair to
good , _ 83.203.05 ; stockers , fair to good ,
llogs Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 2,400 ;
market active ana & @ 10a higher ; choice
heavy and butchers' selections , 5.40(35.50 ( ;
packing , fair to good. 85.20(85.35 ( ; Yoikors ,
medium to prime. S5.00 < g5.1S ; pigs , common
to good , 84.10(34.05. (
KaiisnH City. Mav 0. Cattle Receipts ,
2,000 ; shipments , 1.200 ; market was slow
nnd weak , and values somewhat Inojailar ;
common to choice. SX.bOC44.50 ; stackers ,
S2.GO3.23 ; feeding steers , fc3.SO@3.UO ; cows ,
Hoes Rflcelptfl , 7,000 ; shipments. 1,000 ;
market v > as strong and a shadii higher for
a few fancy lots ; common to choice , 84.CO ®
5.20 ; skips and pigs , 82.503J.50.
NEW Yonic , May C. [ Special Telegram
to the HKK.I STOCKS. The stock market
was active and generally higher at the open
ing to-day. London prices were all a shade
higher and foreign houses were moderate
buyers. There was still a good deal of bull
talk on the ( Grangers , and the surprising In-
crcaso lu the earnings for the month of April
made the boars feel uncomfortable. After
the llrst hour ot trading tlio room traders
Jumped on the market and -sold some of the
pm > riy protected specialties down , Missouri
Pacltio was raided on the expected session of
the Missouri legislature called for the pur
pose of considering the governor's proposi
tion to compel the railroads In that state to
reduce their tariffs 20 per cent. The drop of
about 1 per cent In Missouri 1'aclllo weak
ened all the Gould stocks , Western Union
selling down } ( percent and Kansas A Texas
and Toxns Pacllic declining a fraction. Xew
England was raided IK Pcr cent by room
traders. At noon , however , the market was
apparently at the bottom and stocks began to
advance again. The YauderbllU wcro es
pecially strong and bull points were circu
lated on Canada ( Southern and Michigan Cen
tral. The fancied ana cllqued stocks held
bettor than almost snytnlug else. The Cor-
bin people were talking tery bullish and gave
out hints that Important dovelopmeuU might
teen be expected which would favorably af
fect Heading and Jersey Central. It was
clven out that Ocorgo Gould would be the
next president of Pnclfic Mull nnd a good
deal of stock was bought to-day on the ex
pectation that there would bo a bull cam
paign In It before the election comes off. The
break In stocks became more pronounced as
the'-day advanced. The Green A Hateman
follow Ing pressed their sales of Now Eng
land , but at about 60 the buying wns peed
enough to start n rally. The directors' party
In St. Paul were reported to be buyers of St.
Paul preferred , and points wcro out for a 10
per cent advance In that stock. Wabash was
bought In large quantities by Gould brokers
and made a handsome gain. The market
closed lower than the opcnlnc , but on the
whole fairly steady. The total sales were
about 275,000 shares.
( lovKii.VMKXTS Government b'onds were
dull but steady.
U.S.r.'s 100 1C. AN. W
U. S. 4'scoupon. 12s l do preferred..1491
U. S. 4W'.sccmp .110 N. Y. C
Paclllc is ot'95..12UKO. U. AN
C. , II. AO 147 Heading 4 : .
1) . , I , . A W i7f : ! Hock Island. . . ISr
J ) AH.G 31 St. L. AS. F. . . . H1)
Erie 84'4' ' do preferred. . . . 77 %
do preferred. . . . TAX C. , M.AS > P. .
Illinois Contial..i : )4 ) | , do preferred..120J
K ! Jc'T. . . . " ! ! ! ! : < * / do'prefened..ll4V !
l.ako Shore V > \ Texas Pacllic. . . . 30 %
L. JsN C7 4 Union Pacllic. . . . MX
Michigan Cenfl. . 021 , ' W. . St. L.tP. . . . 21 %
Mo. Pacllic lOb's' ' do preferred. . 37
> fo. Pacitlc 'MV. . U. Telegraph 75 %
do preferred. . . . Cl %
MONBV o.vOAi.i. Kasy at 4Q5 per cent ;
closed at 4 > Q5 percent.
STKUI.INO KXCHANOK Hull hut steady
at 8l.Mi , ' < tor sixty day bills , T "
Chlcneo , May 0. Following quota
tions aiothu 2 ; ! W closing figures ;
Flour Steady nnd' firm ; winter wheat
flour. 84.(34.aO ( : soutliern. Sl.10tg4.20 ;
Wisconsin. S4.CO@4.0 : ! : Ailchtiran soft
soring wheat , sy.70C' l.0 : ! : Minnesota bakers.
Sy.70@4.0 ! ! ; patents , S4.60a4.bJ ; low grades ,
Sl.O.Vgi..tKi ; rye tlotir , quiet nt S3.25(13.40 ( ; In
saeks and barrels , SUC'ia.70.
Wheat Kxclted at times ; opened about
XQ'Ye higher , closing ) ic lower for Julv nnd
Jfts lower tor Juno ; cash 8yo ; Juno b5J c ;
Corn Opened at yesterday's close , fluctu
ated slightly and closed about same ns vos-
teiday ; cauli 88-10c ! ! ; Juno oO c ; July
41 ft-l(1c. (
Oats Dull , weaker and V(5Sx' ( ' c lower ; cash
20Xc ; Juno 27 liJ-lfic : July'ss c.
Jlyc-Iull nt OCc.
Unrley 57c.
Timothy Seed Prime , Sl.CG.
Wnisky Lower at S1.10.
Pork Higher but quiet , and dull ; cash
and Junti 823.50.
Lard Only moderate trade reported with
slight changes ; cash SG.b'K ; Jnno SO.D5 ;
Hulk Meats Shoulders , SS.OOCiTO.OO ; short
clear. S7..KXa7.05 ; short ribs , 87.W.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , lb@2) ! c ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; tull cream Cheddars ,
IWfC'J'l'J ' c ; flats , l2Xi$13c ( ; jouns America * ,
I'-'KCSiaKe ; skims , ifebc.
Jfggs Firm at W c ,
Hides-Unchanged ; heavy grocn salted 7Mc ;
light do , 7fiiSc ( ; saltetl bull hides , Co ; green ; dry flint , 12lSc : dry calf ,
13MI4c ; deacons , 40c each ; dry salted , 10o.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. l country , 4c ; No.
2.8 , ' c ; cake , 4 c.
Uecolnts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 8,000 fi.OOO
Wheat , on . 48,000
Corn , Im . 4iooo ! 401.000
Oats , bu . Oli.OOO 107,000
Kyo.bu . 4.000 2,000
Barley , bu . 24,000 6.000
New York. May 0. Wheat Receipts ,
58,000 ; exports , H31.000 ; spot K@lc higher
but lcs.4 active : options opened firm , ad
vanced K@lc , later ruled weaker and closed
shade better for May and Juno , the latter
mouth JH"@XC lower ; ungraded red , IW@ ' 8 > iu ;
o. S red , U5)fc ) : No. a , red , 00 0 in store ,
e delivered ; June closing at U0j < c.
Corn Receipts , 40,000 ; exports , 2,500 ; 'tin-
graded , 48K@50Ke ; No. 3 , 49c In elevator.
"fl ctlellverud , 50c do next week ; old No. 2 ,
ilc delivered ; June closing nt4Sc.
Oats Itcceipts , 8,000 ; exiiorw" ; none ;
linn ; mixed western , 34 > @ : i7c ; white west-
rn , ss@4'2c.
Petroleum Firm ; United closed ntCO.Vc.
Kxgs Quiet and steady ; western , 12
Pork Dull ; old mess , 815.50@1C.OO ; new
mess , S17.00.
Lard Dull and lower ; western Gtcain , spot ,
87.25 < a7.80.
Butter Quiet and linn ; western , 12@Kc ;
Slgln creamery. 25c.
Cheese Steady and quiet ,
Minuoapoiln , May 0. Wheat Opened
sttong and closed weak , but higher than ves-
terday ; No. 1 hard , cash and May. 7i ) fc ;
June , eO c ; July , 82 > c ; No. 1 northern , cash
and May , 7C c ; June , 7'Jc ; July , 81Ke ;
No. 3 northern , cash , 75 > c ; J une , 77'4e ; July.
7t c. On track : No. 1 hard , bOc ; No. 1
northern , 79j ; No. 2 northern , 70 } < jc.
Flour Firm ; patents , g4.40ij$4.50j bakers' ,
Kecelpta Wheat , 110,000 bu.
bhipments Wheat , 45,000 bu ; flour , 18,400
Milwaukee. May 0. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 82J/c : Juiifi , 84c ; July , 84 } c.
Corn Higher ; No. 3 , 3Ue.
Oats Firm ; No.2 white , 31c.
Itye-Weak ; Mo. 1 , 58e ,
iJarloy Lower : No , 2 , 55c.
Provlslous-Qulet. Pork , May. S15.00.
Cincinnati , May 0. Wheat Strong and
higher ; No. 3 red , bV5c.
Corn Stroui ; and higher : No. 3 mixed ,
44c.Oats In good demand ; No. 2 mixed , SO ®
SOKc ,
Rye-Dull ; No. 2 , 02'9'flG,1c.
Provisions Pork nominal at $10.25. Lard
easier at S0.80.
Whlsuy Active at 81.05.
St. Iiotils. May 6. Wheat Active , higher
and excited early , later declined and closed
under yesterday ; cash , May and June , bOc.
Corn Firm ; cash , 8C } cMayand ; Juno ,
iJOc ,
Oats-Dull ; cash , 2S98'e ; June ,
Pork Dull ; new , Sltl.OO.
Lard Nominal nt § 0.75.
IJutter Quiet ; creamery , 20@02c ; dairy ,
Afternoon Board Wheat Higher ; June ,
85@SSKcJny ; ! , M:3c ! ; AtiL-nst , 82K < 38UtC.
Corn Steady : Juno , SOVc ; July , 87Ji@
8' c. Oats Firm but dull.
Kansas City , May 0. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 2 red , winter , cash , 70c bid , 71c asked ;
May , 70Vc bid , 71Jfo asked ; June , 71 > , c bid ,
72o asked.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 33 } < e bid ,
S4c asked : May , 8ij ; c bid , 83J c asked ; June ,
34 c bid. 84JXc asked.
Oats-May bid.
Liverpool , May 0. Wheat Strong : de
mand good ; holders otter sparingly ; Cali
fornia No. 1 , nothing ottering : rea western
spring , 7s 2d7skl ! per cental ; do winter ,
7s 4dQ7s fid per cental.
Corn Strong ; demand good ; now mixed
western , 4s IXd per cental.
Now Orleans , May 0. Corn Fair de
mand and prices hlzheV ; uilxed,50c ; yellow ,
51e ; whita , Me.
Oats-Firmer at
Cornmeal Steady and firm at 2.30.
Hog Products Easier but not quotably
Lard-HcUned tierce 87.00.
liulk Meats Shoulders , 50.50 ; Ion ? clear
and cfear ribs ,
Friday , May 0. .
The lecolpts of cuttle were heavier than yes
terday by 3UO head , The market wns strong
at yebterday's prices. .
The receipts wcro slightly heavier than
yesterday. There was a good demand and
the market opened active at nn ndvnnce of
( ( glOc. The hogs were all sold nt an early
hour. _
There was nothing done on the market ,
Receipt * .
L atiie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . duo
Uog3. . < . „ . 2,000
Prevailing Price * ,
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
Block on tnlsiuarkPt :
Choice Rteers , 1300 to 1MO Il)3..84.5.va4.40
Choice steers , lioo to isflo lus. . . i/JO l-H )
Fat llttlo strcr POO to 1050 Ibs. . . . 8.004 $ 1. 15
Kxtrachoicccows and heifers. . . . a.fOirfKID
( looil to choice corn-fed cows. . . . S.Wi 3.4 ( )
Common to medium cows . 2.7.y < 'AM )
Hood to cholcn bulls . S.f.Oui.Vi'i
Ujrlit and medium hoes . 4.MM i.N )
Oood to choice heavy hogs . 4.s.V'MlV '
( Jood to choice mixed lions . 4.TO ( < W.SO
Choice sheep , 90 to 1'JOn \ \ . 3.15M3.75
IleprcscMiiuivo Hales.
STl lf.
No. Ar. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
IB. . . .1110 8t.r : , . . . .1170 S4.15
l..l.rilO .N ) 121 . . .1103 4M
0. . . . I'd ' 3.00
Showing the number of hojs bought by the
Icaillnf ; bujers on to-day's market :
AiiL'lo-American PaokinjjCo . f > 7fi
( J. II. Hammond < V ; Co . -IS )
T. J. Upton . Gi < b
Total . 2,144
Lett over . none
AH silei ot stock in tins market are made
wrowt. Hvo welcht unless otherwho stated.
Dead lings suit at Ka PIT Ib. tor all weight" ) .
. "Skins , " or lie s wuUlilui : ! cs than 1UJ 11)3.
novaliio. Pnvuunt sows are duekod 40103.
undsUiicdSJlln. by the twblic inipoetor.
livestock Note *
Dead hoes lively.
Hogs 5@10c higher.
Hums & Oates. bine Springs , la. , were In
with ton loads of Mockers.
Charles F. Wagner , Chicago , is stopping
with J. ( I. .Martin , at tho'yauls.
F. N. Knirman. Axtell , was In with two
loads of hogs which hold on the market.
Thus far this has been u hard week on
slilppuison account of tliudccIlnliiK markets.
K.V. . Hanks Shelton , Neb. , was In with a
load of cattluand n load of hoes , his own
focdln ? .
K. A. Morgan. Snrlnsfield , Dak. , n well
known lumber dealer , was visiting thu yards
to-day , thu vilest o ( his brother-in-law , Kiod
The Union Itenderlng company have been
taking all thu duad hogs that came to the
yards tit 3 < c yer Ib , the same as In Chicago.
Yesterday the Llpton packing housii created
quite a little Hurry by pavinu Ic pur Ib. The
rendering company at on'co put the price up
to 1'lc perlb.
General Produce.
Fiiday , May 0.
Thcrollowiiyi prlcci arc for roitn-l loti of
produce , in sola on me marltci to-amj.
Koos Tim market Is steady at 10o.
HHTTKH- There Is an occasional package
of fancy butter that sells above the quotations
given below. Chice country , 14@lic ( ; tairto
good , IO"@I'-B ! ; coiumon , r > ( jt'e. )
CHEKSK Kullcifamclieddars.sinnle.UJtfc :
full cream Hats , twins , 14 > ic ; Young Ameri
cas , 15c ; fancy Swiss , ISc ; Swiss. Im-
uorted. : i5c ; Limburger , I4c ; brick. I5@i0c.
POUI/IUY Chickens ,
( { AMI : Ducks , millaid. per do62 00@
2.25 ; ducks , teal , per do/ . 81.30(81.73 ( ; ducks ,
mixed , per doi , S1.50@1.7j ; geese , pur do/ ,
S3.0d < < f3.50 ; brants , per doS2.00 ; snipe ,
per doSI. . 21 , nlovti 5lo.
POTATOES Homo grown , small lots , from
store , 70a0c ( ! ; new potatoes , per bbl , 84.50
Mvoot Jcrsoys , $5.50 ; sweet southern nuecn ,
per bbl , § 5.00.
ONIONS Old onions per bbl , S4.50@5.00 ;
r.ew .southern , per bbl , 85.00.
CAHUA K There'is very llttlo on the
market. Now California stock sells sit 3J/ ( < {
3' c purlb.
Arrujs The maiket is and there Is
no stock of any account.
NEW VKOKTAIH.KS Spinach , per bbl ,
S1.25@l.50 : top onions , per dozen bunches ,
20i ( ! 5c ; radishes , per dozen bunches , S5@.SOc ;
lettuce , 35@40c ; plo plant , per lb , 2 > jc ; Home
grown ast > .igus , per doz , COc ; cucumbeis.
per do/on , K > fdfi5e.
BEANS infei lor stock.75WS1.00 ; good clean
country , S1.00il.25 ; medium , hand picked ,
S1.40@1.60 ; hand nicked , navy , $1.60 ( 1.00.
I'KOVISIONH Ham , 13Kc ; breakfast
bacon , rib. 103 0 : breakfast bacon , plain , lie ;
try salt sides. 8X@Sj/c ; dried beef , regular. 10
@llc ; dried beat , ham pieces , 13c ; lard , 50-lb
c ns , 7c : 20-lbcans. Fairbanks , 7Vc ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks , 71 c ; 5-H > cans , Fairbanks ,
r > c : 3-lbcans. Fairbanks , Sk'o.
ljK.Mo.N8 Messina , choice , per box , 84.50
@ .oo.
GUANOES California , Los Angeles , per
_ jx , 3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , S3.50ta
A75 ; Messina Imperial , fancy , 5.50 ; San
( iabriel , sln.'le box lots , $3.03 ; San Gabriel ,
5 box lots , 2.85.
HTitAwnunniKS The receipts * are liberal
and tlio market lower. Clio'.co stock , per
case , 85.00.
BAKANAS Lareobunche ! , per bunch , S3.50
@ 4.00.
PICKLES Medium. In bbls , 83.00 : do , In
half bbls , S .50 ; small. In bbls , S'J.OO ; do , In
hMt bbls. S5.oo ; gherkins , in bbls , 810.00 ; do ,
in halt bbls , 85.50.
SudA * Granulated , CK6fc ; conf. A , 0@
6)ic ) ; white extra C,5ij5Xc ( ; extra C , ! > ! { ( < $
5Hc ; yellow C , 4MQ4ic : cut loaf , ( % @oc ;
powdered , OK' ' 'ic.
COPFEK.S Ordinary trades , I5giflo } fair
.4 . .
CANNED Ooona-Oysters.Rtandard.per case ,
pwarBJVf uant ? , 01.uu , uiiuuuj , | nt I.A.IJ ,
$4.60 : peaches. nir case , $5.00 ; white cher
ries , per case , 80.00 ; pmms. per case , 83.5J ;
blueberries per case. Si.b5 ; one plums , a lb ,
per ease. 82.50 : plueapnlos , K ID , per case
83.204J5.75 ; 1 lb mu kerel. per doz , 81.40 ;
1 lb salmon , per doz , 81.50(41.55 ; 3 ID. goose
berries , per case , 81.75 ; 2 lb strinsr Deans , per
case , ; 2-lb llmabeaus , per cftie , 81.00 ;
2 lb marrowfat pees , porcaso. Si50@2.00 ; 3 lb
rly June peas , per casa. 32.75 ; 31b toraa-
cs. .VJ.5urit3.oo : 5 Ib.corn 83.40(32.W. (
MATOUES Per caddie , 25e ; squara cases ,
81.70 : mulii eiiuare. ll.'Ai.
avnijp No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 8J.25@1.2i ;
New Orleans per gallon 32 40c ; maulo eyrup ,
half bbls. "old time. " per gallon , 7Jc ; l gal
lon cans , per doz. 810.00 ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz. 85.50 ; quart cant , 83.0u.
CANDY Mixed , b } ailc : stick , SKOO e.
CBACKEIIS Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic. 5se : creamsB > Vc ; ginger snaps , b > < c ;
city soda. 7 .
STAIICII Mirror gloss. 1 lb , Oc ; mirror
flow-.A lb. .B ° . - ' lW . 8 ! ? , . 8lb- " " ' -
Graves corn.l Ib.SX'e ; Klngsford's corn , 1 ID ,
7o ; Klncsford's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c : Klnsford's
eioss , nib. 7Kc ; KIncsford's pure lib. 5Kc ;
Klncsford's pure , 3 Ib , 5Kc ; Klnesfords
bulk. 4c.
OAI' Kirk's savon imperial. 12.70 ;
Klrrs satinet. 53.00 ; Kirk H standard , 83.M ;
Kirk's white Husslan. 84.00 ; Kirk's white-
cap. 80.50 ; dome , 83.85 ; washboard , 13.10 ; .
white clpud. 83.75.
_ _
General Marlcoti.
> AnNisnK8 Batrels , per gallon ; jrurnl-
ture , extra , S1.10 ; furnituriNo. . 1. 8LOO ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.30 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70ci asphaltum ,
extra S5c : shellac , 83.50 ; bard oil Unlih ,
S 1 * w
UEA.VT llABDWAitn Iron , rate 82.80 ;
plow bteelspeclaicast,4Jiccruclble : ; steel , Ko
cast tools , do. I'AJjlt ; wagon spokua ' pel fcet ,
8100(23.50 ( ; hubs , per set , il.25 : Telloes ;
sawed dry. S1.50 ; tongues , each. 80o : axels.
each. 75o : square nuts , per Ib. Cl71o : cell
chain , per Ib. dii.Jc \ \ ; mallcabIo.t-@lL'c ; iron
wedew. 6c ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth , 4c ,
spring steel. 7Ci' . < c ; Uurden's horse shoe.s ,
84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $ .75. Barbed
wire , in car lots. 84.0) ) per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
! 7tes'au } t0 , . " ! , * W- steel nails. 82.0X
Shotl.:55 : ; buckshot , 81.W ; llazud-powaer.
kegs. S5.00 ; do. half kegs. S2.-5 ; do , quarter
Dnv I'AINTS White lead , 7c : Frenchzlno ,
12c : ParU wliltlnif. 2Ko ; whiting , gliders ,
Jtfo ; whiting , couvl , lc ; larnpbiacSr. , ( ier-
ruanstown , I2c ; lampoiack , ordinary , bo ;
Prussian biue.55cnltramarlno ; , liw ; vandyfc-
brown , so ; umber , burnt. < c ; umoer. raw , 4o ;
eienna. burnt , 4c : sienna , raw. 4c ; Paris
green , eenulne. > Paris green , com-
11 too. 25 * . rkrome creec , H , J.aoc ;
TermlHion Amctican. ifc :
raw and bumt unibrr , 1 ft cans , 2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , 13c ; re-
llncy lampblack 1 * ? ? cptch black and Irory
black. KHJ ; drop black. , IGc ; 1'russlan blue ,
40c : ultramarlnp black. lc ; chrome erpen.U ,
H. * 1) . . lOc ; blind r.nd shutter green , u. M.
A It. , ICc ; I'aris Krcen. ISo ; Indian red , 15c ;
Venetian red , TO ; rifscati , 'J2c ; American
vermllllon. 1 * * I ) . < UOc : yellow ochre. 2c : U
M. & O. D. . ISc : cpod.ochre. lOc : natirij
dryer , So : eralnlngtoloj-llirht oak , dark oak ,
walnut chestnut and aim. I'M.
DnunsAND jiinMicAi. . Aod carbolic ,
'Oc : acid tartarlc , 6'Jc : . balsam copaiba , per
ft , ? ) Ucbark ; sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
oil. castor , No. 1. P Kal. , 81.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , SMoil \ olive , Per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orliranniitn , 50c ; opium , tl.50 ; quinine ,
1' . AV. ; . and K. * 8 , , per , oz. 70c ; potassium
Iodide , per n > , SJ.-V ) ; sallcln. perez , 40a ; sulphate -
phato morphine , per oz. 3V.5 ; sulPhur. per
tt.4cstrychnine. : P < Toz. '
FAINTS ix ( Mi , White lead. Omaha , 1M' . ,
C' ' < n : white lead , St. Louis , pure. < c ; Mar
seilles , grenn , 1 lb'cans. 2c ; Kiencti ijnc ,
croon seal , 12e ; French zinc , red seal. He ;
Freneh rlnc. In varnish asst. V0e ! ; Kench
rlnc.75c : vennllllon , Knu-llsli , In oil. 75c ;
red , 10c ; rose pink , I4o ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2ct Venetian led , American , ,1' c ;
red lead , 7Kc : chrome yellow , genuine , ci > c ;
chrome yellow , K. I'-'c : ochre , rochelle. iic ;
ochrp , French , 2 ic : ochre , Araoriran ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2 > < ; lcwh blown ,
2Kc ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; Prince's rclnera' , ,
3cUIDKS Green butrliers , 5 } Q6c ; green
cured. 7c ; dry Hint , ilf r.'e ; drv salt.
green call skins , HV C ; damaged nides )
tvro-thlrds price. Tallow "Vfe. Grease
13PiniTS ColoL'iie spirits. tSS proof , 81.17 ;
do 101 proof , 81.IS ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : do Ibis proof. 81.10 Alcohol.
183 proof , 32.20 per wlno irallon. Redistilled
whiskies , Sl.00iil.50. Gin , blended .50(3 (
i'.OO ; Kentucky bourbons 82.00(30.00 ( , Ken-
tt'cky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 8.J.OOrto.60 ( ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies.
Sl.W33.uo. Urandlex , imported , S5. < XXi8.50 :
domestic , Sl. : ; < > @ 3.00 Gins , Imported"S4.50
00.00 : domestic , 8t.2.v5.oo. ; Charapajrnns ,
AND auiNS 'liio following prices
are tor prlmo , well handled bkins ; JJeaver ,
prime , clean per pound. Sl.BO@il.uO : fallgl.2. '
W2.00 ; meatvnnd Inferior. l.oo@l.-"i. Hear.
blown and gii/zly. SB.OO AOO ; rubs nd
ycarlinu's , SJ.00'94.00. JiadKcr , MJi ) V. Cat ,
wild , 'JO iOe : domestic , black. 10tir ( > c : do-
inostle , sundry colors , niftfc. Fox , red , 81. 00
(91.35 ( ; ITOS.S , $ 'J.OOt.ou ( ; gmy , 40ij.Ve ( ) ; sliver ,
8lo.oo(2i0.oo. ( Fisher. S4.ooj.oo. ( ottor.Sl.oo
(30.00. ( Martin. S1.00M175 , . win
tcr. large , Idc ; fall. 5e ; kills , Mink , largo
dark , : @ioc ; small and pale , IfXjWOc. Hac-
roon. largo prime , 40r < Vc ) ; small and Inferior ,
2030e. Skunk , common , lfic j.-c. Wolf.
large crey. 3l.fiO@'i50 ; coyote or prairie 75 ®
OOc. Deer and antelope , winter , per pound
15c ; fall and summer , per pound 20s.
Dry Ijtitnhcr.
No. I , com , si s . SlO.rso
No. 2 , com , s 1 s . t . 17.50
No. 4 , com , s IB. . . .v.i . 13.50
No. 1,4 itOln , 12 & Wft , rou-'h . 310.00
No.2 " " ' " ' - "
, i'-i . 15.00
A , 12 , 14 and 10 ft..i. . S27.00
H , " " " , , , . 20.50
C " " " ; ! !
, . ' , . 15.00
D , " " " . . ia.oo
Istcom. , Jf In White Pine Ceiling . g.UXJ (
Clear , % in. Norway line ? Ceiling . 10.00
ri.ootiN& <
A C Inch , white pine. . ' , . S3.VOO
C " " " " ' . ) On
' '
E " " . ( SeVFen'g ) . . ; !
A12lnchs. Is . : . ; , . 545.00
No. 1 , com. 18 In s. j sv 12. &U . 20.00
lOtt 17.00
1st and 2 < l , clear , lJiThen , s ! 3s 850.00
Sd , clear , 1 inch. s.a s . * . l'1 } , a In 45.00
U clear , 1 Inch , s. 3 s 3J ; llx,2 In 37.00
White Cedar , 0 In. , fts , 12c ; 0 in.qrs..llo
Qnlncy white limo ( best ) 81.00
Akron cement 1.05
lialr 30
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10in 810.00
No. 1. plain , andlOin 17.00
O. G. Halts , 2K In. . 70c ; J < x3 , s. 1 s 40o
Pickets , Dani 11 flat. . . . . 821.00
Propsnls for Grading.
SBAfiED proposals will bo rocolved bj- the
undordlKiH'il until 11 o'clock u. m. Muy lUth ,
1HS7 , tor gruUliiB the following streets and
nllays , viz. :
Alley on block No. 21 ] city .Webster st.f rom SKI
Ft. to section line butwoun sections 15 and 1(1. (
1'lurcc st. fioin bth ft. to IQtli at , us per ordlnun-
ccs lIU'i , 13)'i uiulia ; ) , and In accordnnco with
plnnstitul spocllluatlnua on tlio In tbo olllco of
the Iloaulc.f I'UDllo Works.
Proposals to bo mmlu upon printed blanks
furnished by tlio board , iincl to bo nccoiiipanlcd
with a cortlllcd check In the sum ot S" > OJ , pay-
ublo to the city of Oinulm as un evidence of
nooil fnlth.
The board resorvc the rltfht to reject nny
or.nll bids and to uulvo dcfi-cts.
Chiilrmnn Hoard of 1'ubllu Works.
Omalia , Neb. , Muy 4th , 1SST. m01213
Sewer Proposals.
SKAMi > proposals will bo rocolvo'l by the
undersigned until 11 o'clock lu in. , Muy lUth ,
18S7 , lor the construction of sewers In Sewer
er Districts No. U7. and No. 44 , ns pur plans
timl flnecUientloni on tlio In the olllco or the
Hoard of I'ubllo Works.
Proposals to bo madu upon printed blanks fur
nished by Bnld Hoard nnd to bo accompanied
with n certified check. In the sum or Uvo hun
dred dollars , payable to thu city of Omulmas
un evidence ot good faith.
The bonrd reservea the right to reject uuy or
all bids nnd to waive defects. _ . . _ _
Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllu Works.
Omnlia , Neb , , April 18th. 1887. m5-6-12-13
Sewer Proposal ! ,
SKAIiED i > ropositl8 will bo received by the
undurfcUriicd until 11 o'clock a. in. MnyllUh ,
1887 , for the construction of eowcrln Sewer Dis
trict No. 45 , ns per plans nnd specifications on
llld In the olllco of tlio Hoard of I'ubllo Works.
Proposal- bo mnclo on printed blanks fur
nished by the bonrd , nnd to bo accompanied
with n cortlllcd chock In the sum of t500 DO ,
payable to the City of Omnlm as nn evidence
of t-'ood fnlth ,
The Hoard reserves the rife'ht to reject nny or
all bids or waive defects.
Clmlrmnn Hoard of Public Works.
Omaha. Nob. , April M , 1887. u23-3UinJ-7 (
STATE OF NnillfA'SKA , 1
Douai.Ag Cousrv. 1' " '
At a county court held at the county court
room , In ami for said county , Mnv 6th. A. D.
1W. 1'rcsont , J. II. Mcl'ullooh , County .luilKO.
In the mutter of 1)19 ) o-jUito ol' Edward C. llyrnc ,
dccuascd. , .
On rending and /Illnp / the petition of Ellen
Ilyrne pruylnir thu ( John II. McUarty may bo
nppolnti.-d administrator of the estate of suld
deceased. ' '
Onlcroil , That Jlay SSth , A. n , 1887 , nt 10
o'clock 11. m. , bo iisiliciioil fur lioarliiK1 Bald putl-
tloit , > \ hen all IIL'I > OIH Interestud lit Hiild matter
may appear at ucounly court to boh Mln and
lorsnld county , and sljow cause why tlio prayer
of paid petitioner' should not bo Knintod ;
uiul that notice ol tllo'liendency of Fitld pttl-
tlonnndthehonrlnlfi tlieruof , bo jflvon to nl
pprsonslntorostod Inrt.ild matter , by publishing
n copy of thl > orddrikntho Omubu Dully Hoi , a
nownpnpor prlnledj n ( t-uld county , onoo each
week tor thioo eucccjalvo weeks prior to snl
day of licarlujr. , , J. H.MfCUMocil.
[ A true copy. 1 " ' _ County Judge.
Grain and Provision Commis
sion Merchants ,
in and 12 Pacific Avenue.
drain and I'roTliloni bought and told on imrgln
on th Chlc ni ) IlonrdntTnide. Correniionjcncu 10
llcltvd. Dally ur wceklr market letter tunt on iippll
cation. Helcrence-CornKicliungo Uiuxli , Clilcato.
orace , 1411 1-a Farnara.
llcitldcnee. UOtli aiidCulirornluSt
wmfNSTALMENT - _ , _
Will tlnlJu twh ttbcyne d-A FULL LINE
luulN&rALN NTTRADE ; b addrewlog
Ten IlillronJj , and more nro coming. 15Q Tralni
! S
II *
> > tate Uiilvorslty , Wi-'lcyan UniversityState Cnpl-
Host nt thn Iliidno" l.on littn doubled In prlco III
tholnntll mnntli" . Acro-lnnd. ivlthln2 miles
of the cllv .Incro'upd otcr two
hnndrrd percent.
Lincoln I * the iirp.ilptt Hnllrnad Center of ll nea
n thi > world. liricK blocks pity sto'Jtlprrcpnt. Vncunt
otilmvpnvpritfcd IOJ per tent per unntiui on tint
C' ' ) tf < ir I'M.'nr'
Lincoln liiiKii'atillKtrlbutlim point , Sonio wholo-
Mlpdnitorn Imvo mido lirlncely lorttinp'i.
llttllil nvi < K < < ln < ni > < i > "H illret'tloiK. llu lno" k-i'ii-
pnllyenid. It inker * , rutnlt uicrcliiintj , iueuli.inUs ,
etc. , uettliBrich.
llnoin 41 , Itifliards Itloi-lt ,
eat Estate Agents & Loan Brokers
Invefor mlcbrlcl : block" , h mos < lot' , nil klndi of
rcnl c < tato. 1,3 , R , 10 , ? ) , 40 , SO , 8W nnd C.IO ucro tmcts
farmi and cheap lam ) .
III ! ! ' r.lli.NCKKirn : ! nnd Lincoln Nation
Hank , ( ioTernorTli liter. Judiio Cohh , llcv. Iir.O.
'rcltilil on , l.lnculcn Soiritor S. M. Calloui , llllno
and Ucncrul Bon. Harrison , Indiana
Kunning between Council UlulTs and South
Omaha. In addition to the stations mon-
ioncd , trains stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-
ourth streets , nnd at Summit , In Omaha.
Send stamp for spring and summer programs -
grams , j ust issued. TIIOS. COOK & SON ,
mar3-2m 233 Clark St.Ghicago , 111.
for ull dVaifili Ihellirorjr ftiwl | inrtlc
tetl iiJniilenctdj hjilcUtu , IH | lu all
Itrcu cuinniunllln. ll y hnvo their } McittUIv tu iirtl lu
which , ibrydlrrtt t > elr HuUlri antl i > Dicllr * Da. ( > TT > v *
IH > LHI li a uccrirfj | lllMtikiloii tt tie iitttlcni choul&f
iwct lUtB , nil | tUbti | > rrcwfiit ) < Jiurt iifiil1 > r trljucnlrf
Chrutilc , Ntriuut au'l hjcUI I > it4M ( i < oth tiriU * V4r > it *
dirful ttli fljlttrlop. TlMn IMTMIH vi hi nr J nwdtcHl
rtllrf fyf tlto niott IeUr ( laonHi B * inlllftn < l in irt > m-
l.llliM | ami kumMfnl | > lijtlci n lull' ' * i > rron ot I'M. t/nr * .
iMiiwi , Hrvilil.lfltlr riruiuutikuU J Ljr ttiii mctlkil } > ror -
tlou at huiim ami abroad.
rVinl Uaniiifwr Kar on ITaii , an Iui | uri uiQur ( lon anj
liM will ( vcrr"l rel ) r ti | > rr ii arlc | * bKtltr. .
ullttioM trva ai 4 cunfldentlal , ( * rwn Uor IlualL
eliUr MI.
HOntSt C r.lSlkaBdI > e < I&Ut
OU It * . . , 1U 4 T t.lp.m. OHAMA , NK .
OmaJia Jobbers' ' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
"VHUltCHtLL ltKKli7
Asrrtcultiiral IiuiilunuMits , Wnpons ,
nJ Dnciclrr. Jones fltcot. btlnccii Vtb
ml lOlU.Oiurthn , tied.
\Vn on .r rrlmc , lluttlon , KIP. ,
1EE , FRIED < f CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardwuro nttU S'nils ,
Tmwivrc , Shcft Iron , Klc. Ak-cnl for Howe S
nnil Miami Powder I o. . Otnnh.i.N b.
\Yliolcmle Dolrrs In
AgrlcuHnral liniiK'iucnts ,
IVflgonnaN-l lliuclo. 01 , WJWS ami W7 , Jantt i
Artists' JIntcrlals , 1'iunos mul Orpnus ,
2I1 loiiKla > ftrcot.Omnliv
Builders' Hardware and Scales ,
jriMEHAUur'TArrGR ,
Mechanics' Touti ntul llnirilo Scales. K06 Domlui iL ,
> Omalm , Neb.
Boots and Shoes ,
Si.ixn H
Unnufacturarsxuil Wboleiule Dealer * In
Hoots and Shoes ,
Complcto ttooK of Hntihor Ooods Mwars on htnd
M . 1311. . ft. , Omnh.i , Neb. A. T. Auitln , Aconl.
ir. r. MOUSE d ) co.
Jobbers of Hoots and Sbocs.
1411 Kirnnuist. , Omnhi , Neb. Manufnclorj , Huinmtr
. Hilton.
Z. T. IAND8EY d5 CO.
Wliolcsalo Rubber Uootj and Shoes
Itnliliur mul ( Hli'il clothing mul l-'olt llunti
autl yhoee , Southu t Coiuor llth mid
Apt. for Auhouaer-Itiisb ItroAvliiK Ass'n
Hpoclnl Urantls. Faultlludweltcr nJ
Laper He * r Hrowera ,
1S71 North lclh SI reel * , Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
Vntchcra' Tools and Supplies ,
Uuiage Casing ! of fill klnrti nlwayslu atuck. 1J1S
Jon st.Oaiabi
Coffee , Spicit , Etc.
Omaha Como ; and Spice Mills.
TeAi.Ooffpen.pplce * . Uaklng 1'owdrr. rtiTorln
tracts , Laundry Illuo , Ink , Ktc. 14U-1U Iltirnejr
Piri'et , Onmhn. Neb.
_ _
Homo Coft'ee and Spire Mills M'f'sr Co.
Co'.rce Roaster * and Spltw QrlniK'ri. Manufacturers
nf Iliklni : rawder. Klatnrlnic llitrncf. lllnlnit. itr.
M'rv one CARP ot our lib packnca Horaollletid Koatted
Oiiri'O. liluIIowurdBt. , Omiba. Nvb.
John Epencter , Prop.
Manufacturer of Onlranlied Iron nn-t Cornice. 933
Dodge and 103 and JOi N , lOtb it. . Omabn.Neb.
Munufacturcrs of
Ornamental Galvaiii/ed Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Klnnl , Metnllc kTlli'titctc. 3108' .
litli it. . Oinnha.
_ _
C. Spccht , Prop.
Galvanized Iron rornlcrc , etc. Bprct'slmproTpd I'aV
ent Mctallc Skylljilit. MM and 610 8.12111 M..Onmha.
Jobbers of
Cnvpots , Onrtaiiin. Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , MntthiKt , Ktc. 1511 Douglas street.
S. A. OlCCJttRD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattinii , Curtuln Goods , Kto. 1123 K rn iu btreot ,
Omuha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and liuportertol
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Cblmucji , etc. omre , S17 South 18th Bt.
Omaba , .Neb.
Commission and Storage.
D. A. nUKLEY ,
Commission and Jobbinp ; .
Ilntter , Ecgsnnd 1'roducc. ConslRnments solicited.
Headquarters for gtoncwaru , Ilcrry llozcs and
Urnpo Jtaskets. Kit Dodge street , Omaha.
Commission Merchants. ,
Fruits , Produce and ProTliloni , Omaha , Neb.
Storacfo and Commission Merchant.
Blieclnltles nutter , Kgt . Cheese. Poultry , llaiao ,
Urilers , Ktc. , Ktc. IIIHoutn lltb Jtrret.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Fonltrr , Iluttcr , Game , Fruits , etc. ZN 8. Utb it
Omaha. Neb ,
Coal ana" Lime.
U u. f .r.AHAdii , I'rcs. C. r. OOOIIUAN , V
J. A. HUNDIHLAND , Moo. and Truas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
309 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob.
i// . jonxsoff a ) co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Limo.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Cement , 1'lasttr ,
Unie , Hair. Flro nrlok , Drain , Til * and Hewer 1'lpe ,
Office. I'urtoa Hotel , ranmm St. , Omuha , Nub.
Telephone 811.
F. P. FAY& CO. ,
Manufacturinff Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FruitsNuts nod Clguis. LIU Karunm Ku
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cijjars , Tobacco ,
duns end Ammunition , lib lnK3 S. llth St. , 1030 to
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 103
anrtll'JN. ' Mth street , Omnha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH < & CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods &NotionB
11W and HIM Douiilnr , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Dlstlllere of Liquors , Alcohol and Hplrlts. Importers
and Jobbers of Wlnesaml Mquors.
CO. anil ILER & CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Fine Wines and Liquors.
Bole manufacturers < > f Kennedy's Kast India Bit
ters and Domrsilc Liquors. Ill ] Harnc/Ht.
Drain Tile , Etc.
4. lUBAriut.Prfi. J.W.Binronr,8ec.ATrBai
It. J. CAH30N , V.l'res. and Supt.
Office 213 H. Hth St. . Omnha. Neb. Machinery and
Supplies for Manufacturing Cement Drain Tile.
, , D. s. lumtir
TVi M ! > Hn . Vlon-I'd
Jobbers and Storers ot Grain.
ii l iDi i Ml utloa
iruariintrod. Oinhan Nnb.
furniture ,
WholcHaloDealeis In Furniture.
Karnam St. . Omnhii. Keb.
Furniture , lloddinir , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1506.1308 and 1210 Firnam St. , Omaha.
Omalia Jobbers' Directory.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOII. TIB , 707. 71V and 711 S. 10th St.Omahn. Nob.
McC01tlJUlAIY.C CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ llB nml I.eaTpnwortli i > tn.Oiuahu.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon flock. Hardware Lumber , etc. ItOI
_ anil 1811 Hartley ! . , Onmlm.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Waconnnd Cnrrlnno Wood Stock , HPHTT llanlwaro
Me. 1817 and UlSLontf nworth n , , Omaha , .Neb.
Stoves , Kanpej , Furnaces , Tllon ,
MAQllvi.Urstrs , llruss Goods. 1331 and 13X1 y'troas *
Iron Works ,
jjf. e iriE
Iron Works ,
Wronitht aid rst Iron Building Work , Iron 8 ( sir *
Kalllnir. lloiims anil Girders , Meant Knglnei , llrn
Work , ( Ivncrnl Jfounrtry , alarhlno ami ll'ackrtiilt '
Mort. OIBceanJ Works , ! ) . 1' . Uy.nmll.lliMmct.
MiiniifHctur rn of
ire and Iron Hniliuer * , Peak Kails' ,
Window ( luanK flower Sliiml . Wire Sl n , Rio
1UN , ItiUi. Or > lcr bjr IIINII promptlf attended t * .
Dcala' ' . All Kinds of
iluildiiifir Material at Wholcsp.lo.
19th Htrfot and Union 1'aclllo Track , Omnha.
' " "
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Ijiuie , Sasli ,
Doors , Kto. Yardi-Corner'th and Douglas ; Cornet
Ulli and DmulHi.
Wholesale Lumber ,
B14 B.llthstreet.Omaha.Neb. r.Colpctrer , Manngen
ISth nnd California streets , Omnha , Neb.
li umber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. '
Cor.Cth and Douglas its. , Omaha. NO.
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1(03 Farnam streetOmaha.
" '
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carptts and 1'arqnet Flooring. Sth and Dotulai
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Isnportcd anil American I'ortlnnd Cement. Rtatf
Agent forMllwanlco 1 llyitrnullc Cenieui and Dest
yulncy WhltoLlmc.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Bojrd , 8'jporlntcr.d.gnt.
Live Stock Commission.
M. 11URKE < l ) SOJfS ,
Live Stock Commission.
Geo. Burkn , Manncer ,
PnlonStoek Tards , H. omalia. Telephone MJ.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
BblpmenUof 'any and nil kind * of Block solicited.
_ Colon Stock Yards. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
1213 and 1215 Harnejr Stveot , Omaha , Nab.
Wholesale Dealers la
Notions and Fiirnisliintr Goods ,
40.1 and 406 8. Tenth St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans 1'nnts , Hhlrts , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 I > ou7lns Street
OQinbu , N b.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturer of Paper Tloies ,
B.Hthbt. , Uinabn. Nsbrmkn. Ordurs by m
ll < ) ltt aad wlllr lT ra l attaalloa.
Job Printers , Clunk Book Makers ,
And Itook Hinders. 100 and 10 * Houth rourteentt
street. Omaba , Neti.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Type , I'roi § and Printers'Supplies. MQ
Bouth Twelfth Street.
Manufacturers and llenlera In
nellies , Hollers & General Machinery
( jheot Iron work , Steam I'unipr.SHw Mllli , Acmt
Bhaftlnv , Dodga Wood split I'ulloyi , Boltlnir
Alsowngons , scrapcrs.aud balelloi.
Tcuworth st. Orauha
Wliolcsalo Hardware.
Wontern firrntt for JelTmon Pteol Nnllt , Amtli
I'owderCu , tnlrbankn ttmidiircl r-culca. Corner
loth nnd Humor , Omntin.
"Wholesale Pump-B , I'ipc , Fittliigs ,
o&mund Witer Bmipllct. llciulfiunrtpr * d r Ma
Koo tCo' Uo.cli. 1111 r riiiiw : Neb.
Wind Mlliti oleum nnd Wfcter Fiipplloi ,
nBdoortB , llultlnK. llnic. { lift and \'M \ fur-
uaiu it. , Oinnhit. U. K. Fi'lton , MuiiRger.
Telephone Nu.VIU.
Pumps , PlpoH and Kiifrinos ,
Steam , Wittrr , llnlliruy and Mllllni ! Euiipllcr. EW ,
MO. MinndWtl'irnaai it..Omiiliit. Nub. _ _
Safes , Etc ,
Agents for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.g'
Flro nnd llnrKltr Proof Hnfos , Tlmo Ixuck" , Vnultt
and Jail WurK. IN ) Kuriiain > tr ul Onirthn , .Neb.
Omaha Safe WorkH.
llnnufnctlirfrnijf Klruand Ilurulnrl'roof Safes , Vault
leer , Jall Wurk.Hhuticrt nnd Wire Work. Cor.
lUUuiidJ ckionKli. , Uinkbu , Nub ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholctalo Manufiictureri of
.Sash , DOOI-H , IllindH and ilouldliififs ,
llmnch office. lUii im 1/irJ tt
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Maold'jiKiJJtalr ' Work nd Interior Hard' Wood KtnUh
Juit opitueU. N , J : . tor. Bit ) und l.caTC
Ouinba , Nvb.