Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1887, Image 1

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The Homestead Contest Case of Kelly vs.
Grameng to Bo Reopened ,
the New Civil Service Rules Directed
Against the Old Veterans
General Sheridan an UO.IHLT
Capital News.
An Elaborate Opinion Ity Lamar.
WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telegram
to tUcr. \ \ : . \ Secretary Lamar to-day ren
dered a decision In tliu homestead contest
case of John Kutly va Fred Gramcng , o ( the
Valentine l.ind district , which Involves a
principle and determines a question of great
importance to all settlers on the public do
main mill all readets of the BII : . The case
arose on an appeal taken by Grameng to the
commissioner of the general land office De
cember in , 1BS5 , and the decision of Secretary
Lamar comes In the form of a communica
tion to the commissioner , and Is as follows :
"It appears that the appellant on Scptcm-
bern. ISM , made homestead entry No 2,000
on tlid southwest emartcr of section lil , town-
MiIpIf. , range-10 , Valentino , Nob. ; that on
the 10th of April , isai. Kelly Initiated a con
test against said entry , charging abandon
ment ; that a hearing was ordered , the
notice prescribing that testimony betaken
taken Slay 20 , IBM , before B. T. Triune ,
United States court commissioner , and re
quiring appearance at the local ofllce Juno 3 ,
Ib3.r > , to respond and furnish testimony con
cerning the alleged abandonment. Testi
mony was taken before the United States
commissioner on the date lirst named. No
testimony was olfercd In behalf of the con-
testce. " The record thus made was trans
mitted to the local ollice , but action was not
Jlicre taken ill the case uutll September 23.
Its. , when the contest was dismissed , the
following endorsement bring wade In pen
cil by tliu receiver mi the back of the affidavit
of the contest : ' 'Dismissed for the reason
that the contestant has furnished no evidence
ot posting notice on land. Thirty days' time
Is irivon contestant to appeal. " Underneath
Is Its entry , apparently made In a dllleront
hand " 1'artles notified . " No
, same day. ap
peal having been tiled , the local ollice , by
letter of Novembers , 1885 , transmitted the
papers to your olllco which , upon Inspection
ot the record , found that there was no
evidence that notice of contest had been
posted on the land. Your oUico , however ,
proceeded to examine the testimony In the
case , and concluded , as n result of said ex
amination , that the claimant had abandoned
the land and that his entry should bo can
celled. From that decision claimant Is now
here on appeal , averring that on the day set
for trial ho made a special appearance and
liled n motion to dismiss for the reason that
contestant .did not submit proof that ho com
piled with ride 14 of in actico In relation to
postlnu' notice upon ttio tract. He also re-
lers to the fact of the contestant's failure to
appeal trom the action of the local ollice. 1
find among the papers an application made
by the contestant December 10 , 1835 , tinder
oath and liled In your ofllco December 18 ,
1885 , three days after the decision appealed
from was rendered , setting forth
that ho did post the required notice
on the tract about thirty days
prior to the day of hearing , but that ho had
neglected to set out that fact In the testi
mony ; also that he had no notice of the dis
missal of the contest dy the local oflico. On
these statements ho at the time of maklni ;
them asked a review of the testimony or anew
now hearing. To this your ofllco replied by
letter , dated January , 7,1880 , to the register
and receiver , that as the entry had been by
letter of December 15 , lbS5 , had for cancella
tion for abandomont , consideration of said
Application for review nnd rehearing was un-
ncccssarv. From the forezoing It appears
that the solo question raised by the appeal
under consideration is that of jurisdiction to
decide the case on Its merits , under the
charge of abandonment , In the absence of
evidence to complete tbo notice required by
the contestant that he omitted to furnish
evidence ot the posting of the notice of con
test upon the land In controversy , thongh
lie states that ho did , as a matter
of fact , post the notice as required by the
rule. In my judgment your olllco erred In
passing upon thu testimony taken pursuant
to the order for a hearing , It not appearing
alllrmatlvfly that tie : local ofllco erred In
finding that there was no evidence of the
potting of the notice of contest upon the
land. In tills view of the question pre-
Rcntod.your ofllco was without jurisdiction to
decide on the testimony submitted , It not ap
pearing from the record that due and com
plete notice had been clvon. The ox parto
nllldavlts liled since the decision by the local
otllco and your office and without notice to
the coutesloe , to the elfect that as a matter
of fact a copy of the notlco of con
test was posted on the land , as re
quired by the ruins , cannot bn accepted as
completing the record so us nowto give Juris
diction to pass upon the testimony. The Al
legations and facts In the case are such , however -
over , as In my opinion to warrant a compll-
unco with the contestant's request that a re
hearing bo granted. Your offico'if decision Is
mod Hied accordingly and you will direct that
a now hearing bo ordered , based upon the af-
lldavlt of contest now on tile , after notice as
required by practice upon the record thus
mado. The register and receiver will make
their finding subject to appeal as In othei
Khorlelan nnd llosser.
WASHINGTON , May C. Ibpcclat Tele
( ram to the BKK.I General Sheridan waf
much amu.scd upon reading the letter of Con
cral Thomas L. Itosser , in which the lattei
ppeaks of the proposed trip to the Slienan
doah valley by General Sheridan. Genera !
Bherhian said to a reporter : "Bossor has not
forgotten the whaling I gave him In the val
ley , and I am not surprised that hn loses his
temper when ho recalls It. This Incident
was doubly humiliating to Bosscr , because
ho was hal | ( > 4 M the saviour of tbo valley
his men wcarine small laurel twlzs In theli
hats as an Indication of their purpose to cleat
us out borne time after this , when liosse :
ngain appeared In that vicinity , I under
ttand the people ( advised him to substltuti
the pumpkin vine for the laurel , that plan
being well known for Its running qualities
For these reasons , I suppose. General liosse ;
continues to feel unkindly toward me. Hi
says that I have not atoned for my acts during
the war. That is true. It never occurred tc
mo that I < vas called upon to do so. I wan
to add that 1 do not propose to make a trip t (
thn Shcnandoah valley the coming summer
Mid had not thought ot doing so. 1 vlsltce
the valley last summer In company with Sen
ator Cameron , of Pennsylvania , and wa :
hospitably received by the people , none o
whom exhibited any of the bitterness of feel
Ing that I * expressed In CSeneral Bosser * :
letter. 1 understand Kosser Is now living It
the valley , as he Intends to become u candl
itate for congress. Ills letter was doubtlewi
wrlttin for effect upon thu coming cam
palgD. "
It Call * For a Protest.
WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telegran
to the llKE.l The announcement in tli
city papers of to-day that the civil sorvlc
commission has adopted rules wheieby thos
who are In the departments of the servic
where the civil service law Is In force worn t
bo subjected to an examination In cases a
promotions created Intense excitement in de
partment circles and among the friends o
those now possessing positions therein. 1
the new regulations are correctly given b ;
the press they amount to a direct nullliicatloi
of the law as enacted by congress. It will b
remembered that those m the department
when the law was passed were exemptc
from Its operation , for two particular an
controlling reasons : 1. It was assumed the
the efficiency of those then In the service ha
been ascertained anil nettled before the 1m
rvas passed , that 1s , by the service they ha
) lteady rendered ; 3. and because moat c
these In the departments were soldiers ,
many of whom left the schoolroom to engage
In the defense of the country and were too
old to return to school when mustered out.
Many of them also wcro crippled in the ser
vice by wounds received In thu line of duty.
To compel these veterans to compete with
boys fresh from school is an outrage and n
trick devised for the purpose of driving them
Intomlvato life. The Io > al people of the
country should sternly protest against this
scheme to drive these veterans Into poverty
so near the threshold of old age , when It Is
simply Impossible for them to outer again
line the battle of life with any show ot suc
cess. Kvery union man In tlio county ought
to sternlv protest against this new and
shabby trick.
Pensions Isnued to Westerners.
WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telegram
to the Ur.H. ] Pensions were Issued for Nebraskans -
braskans to-day as follows : Minors of Wil
liam M. lllckman , Lincoln ; George Green ,
Hnrtwell ; Aueust Saaso , Orleans ; Thomas
M. llattreall , Hastings ; Christopher Short ,
Phillips : William M. Hughes , Vesta ;
UichardTolhlll.Baymond ; James O.Fletcher ,
Lotip City ; DeWitt C. Marsh , Tobias ; Adna
II. Uowen , Hastings : John J. Bentley , Wv-
moro ; Amos Peck , Wnvorly ; Charles Sutly ,
Hertrand : Isaac II. Croley , Geneva ; Blloy
Mlllard , Lyons ; Charles 11. Deso , Berwick.
For lowans : Betsey Nulson , former
widow of Ole Oleson , St. Olaf ; James S. ,
father of William 11. Nedry , Ued Oak ;
Alfred Campbell. Mount Pleasant ; William
Poston. Lexington ; Vlnton Di > wlfnir , Geese
Lake ; William Helvel , Llncville ; Adam L.
Itlckcrd , Eldora ; James Evans , Iowa Falls ;
Nelson Larson. Osslan ; John Williams ,
Burlington ; William A. Black , Curlew ;
Joseph Grav , Centervtllc ; John M. Mills ,
Carroll ; William Everett , Mlnburn : Joseph
A. Lloyd , Sherry ; William 11. Glick , Olln ;
Alphonsn Palmer. Dubuque : JamosJ. Brook-
housor. Missouri Valley ; Charles It. Manotc-
vilie , blbley : Frank M. McNalr , Klrkvlllo ;
Alexander McKen/.lo. Lenox ; Daniel Knight.
Colfax : Timothy O'Hnen , Mason City ; Mai-
com C. Mott , Homer ; William If. Cox ,
Ottumwa : Itlcuard N. Nixon , Boonesbor-
oiigh : Ellshalt. Koberts , Mason City ; John
\Voodmaii7o , Pleasantvillo ; James W.
Quicksell , Keokuk ; John W. Pirtle , Blooin-
Prosperity on Secession Hill.
WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telezram
to the BEI.J : Probably the most historic
spot In all the south Is the round hill at
Abbeville , S. C. , to which has been clvon
the name of "Secession Hill. " It was upon
the beautiful greenswards and under the
grand old oaKS of that rising mound that the
lirst tocsin ot war was sounded In 1800 which
was so shortly afterwards to bo taken up by
the whole south and re-echoed by the dull
booming of cannon irom ono end of this
land to the other. It was at a mass meeting
of the citizens of Abbovlllo county upon that
hill that the lirst resolutions looking to
secession were adopted , and It was not long
before the ball sot rolling there gathered so
much force that it took years of bloody war
to stop it In its headlong flight. And , as it
had joyfully , nursed by Its protecting
heights the first stirrings of the confederacy ,
It was but fitting that , alter a few eventful
years , It should bo the overseer
of that last meeting of the leaders
In the lost cause when Jef
ferson Davis called together his
short-lived cabinet for the last time. Since
lose stirring days Secession Hill has
'mnged. Instead of the implements of war
hlch once wcro flourished upon Its summit
jo plow and the spade have gained suprem-
icy ; and where red-handed war stalked In
is fearful might peace and her hand-
iialdoiis reign supremo. The Historic hill is
low said to bo the most bcnittiful place In
ibbovllle county , and therefore , as Abbe-
Illlans would say , In all South Carolina.
'rom a gentleman who his recently made a
isit to the hill I obtained a description of
: hu place as It now stands. Ho says : "On
; ho southern exposure of the crown of the
illl Is a well kept vineyard of some. KX ) grans
I'lnes , Including fifteen varieties. The vine
yard was set In the fall of 18SI and last year
nado something like lifty bushels
) f grapes. This year Mr. J. F. C. Dupro ,
kvho owns the crest of the hill , hopes
; o gather at least 200 bushels. Between thn
ows are vegetable corn and melons , so that
not ono foot f ground Is wasted. The pit or
iot-houso Is lull of the choicest llowers and
Iho carlllcfit vegetables. Abundant llowers
grow there all winter , no artilieial heat being
necessary. A quality of Mr. Dupro's
choicest Mowers and fruit trees are from cut-
tines. The flower garden Is n beautitul
sight to seo. In ono bed there are as many
as ICO choice lillies glowing from the seed.
The cultivation of the pecan nut from the
seed Is also being attempted there with much
success and a largo poultry yard adds to the
Ivelluess of the place If not to its beauty. "
WASHINGTON , May C. [ Special to the
BEE. ] The latest copy of the Pilot Chart , a
monthly publication for the guidance of
mariners , shows that there are to-day eleven
dangerous wrecks right In the path of vessels
In the coasting trade alone the eastern coast ol
the United States. In any other country on
the civilized globe a mnn-of-war or a govern
ment vessel of some description would * have
been dispatched to destroy these wrecks a
soon as reported. There is nothing , not even
an Iceberg , moro dangerous to navigation
"derelict. " Yet t
than a water-logged up <
the present tlmo there Is no ono In thoUnltet
States with the necessary authority to order s
vessel out to remove these dangers from
the pathway of our merchant marine. Thin
after time the attention of congress has been
called to tills subject and- the officers In
charge of the Pilot Chart have roue.itcdlv
urged that a small appropriation bo maao tt
enable the navy to maintain a small ship foi
the purpose of removing floating dangers a
soon as they are reported. But there is m
ono directly Interested as to spend time ant
money In hanging about the doors of con
gress to see that this recommendation Is con
sidered. In consequence year follows yea :
and the very sensible recommendation Is un
heeded. It Is estimated by n naval ollice :
who has given a great deal of at
tontlon to this subject that the actim
annual loss to the merchant marine of tin
United States from striking upon these un
marked obstructions Is equal to at least li
per cent ot the losses ( rom all other cause
combined. The cost of building and main
talnlng the necessary vessel to remove thesi
obstructions would ue more than saved tin
lirst year by the prevention of losses to coast
Ing vessels and trans-Atlantic steamer
which are Icopardlzcd by the failure of tin
government to do Its duty In this respect.
military Matters.
WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telegran
to the BEE. ] Hospital Steward Hermni
Kuch has been assigned to duty at Fort Klam
eth , Oregon , and Hospital Steward Frank J
Nemeck , to Mount Vernon barracks , Ala
bama , with the Apache captives.
First Lieutenant Thomas C. Davenport
Fourth artillery , died at St. Elizabeth Insan
hospital hero about 1 o'clock this morulnc
He was brought to St. Elizabeth from Foi
tress Monroe last Sunday suffering fret
mental troubles.
Army fiuloughs : Sergeant Thomas Hogan
troop E , Third cavalry , four mouths ; Sot
geant Henry Moore , trooji E , Ninth cavalrj
four mouths : Sergeant Edward Healy , com
pany G , Twelfth infanttr , two months froi :
Slav 12 ; Semeant Benjamin Otter , comnan ;
B , Twentieth Infantry , four months : Cor
poral Hichard Vannall , battery L , Secom
artillery , three months : Private John J
Kldd , company 1) , Seventeenth infantry
tlueii months extension , ( Three month :
granted before ) . _ _ _ _ _
The Itong and Short Hani.
WASHINGTON , May 0. The sectary e
the luter-stato commerce commission to-da
received a petition from thn Now York Cen
tral railroad , Lake Shore & Michigan Soutli
ern and Plttsburg & Lake Erie railroad !
asking that they bo relieved from th fourt
section of the Inter-state commerce law.
Up to thU tlmo forty-four railroad camp :
nles have tiled with the inter-state commerc
commission formal petitions asking to b
relieved from section four ot the Inter-stat
commerce law. Probably aa many Lave bee
received and returned for further Informa
tion. A much larger number h.tve been re
ceived from trade organizations , corporations
and Individuals against the suspension of
section four In particular cases.
Queen K.nplolntil'n nnnquor.
WASHINGTON , May 0. Queen Kaptolanl
and suite , with a number of Invited cucstsln-
cltullng Senators Sherman nnd Evarts , paid
a visit to Mount Vernon to-day on the United
Stntes steamer Dispatch , which was gaily
decorated with bunting. At the navy yard
the party was given the royal salute of
twenty-olio guns. The yards of the Galena
were manned as the Dispatch steamed past
her. The queen was greatly Interested in
what she. saw at the historic old place. The
president to-night gave a state dinner In
honor of the queen. The white house was
profusely decorated with palms , potted plants
and llowors. The queen arrived before the
other guests and was received In the east
room by the president , who presented the
rest of the company to her on arrival. The
president escorted the queen to dinner , lot-
lowed by the chlnf justice and Princess Lill-
noKalanl , the Hawaialn minister and Mrs.
Tlio Garflnld Monument.
WASHINGTON , May 0. Employes In the
executive departments who aio members of
the Society of the Army of the Cumberland
will bo excused from nttcndouco Wednesday
and Thursday next to take part In the cerc-
monv and business meetings of the society *
All departments will bo closed at noon
Thursday to enable employes to witness the
ceremonies attending the unveiling of the
statue of General Garlleld. James and
Harry Garlleld will bo representatives of the
Garliold family , as Airs. Gariield's health will
not permit her to attend.
The National Drill.
WASHINGTON , May C.-At ttio request of
the executive committee of the national drill ,
General Sheridan has detailed Colonel S. E.
Blunt , of his stuff , to take charge of the rlllo
competition during tlio drill. Competition
will bo open to any regularly enlisted men
or commissioned olllcer , of the volun
teer militia , entries not to exceed two men
from anv one company under army regula
tions. Eight prizes will bo offered , consist
ing of gold , silver and bron/.o medals.
Vbout 100 entries have already been received.
.Repairing the Hartford.
WASHINGTON , May 0. Secretary Whitney
as decided to order the repair of the United
tales steamer Hartford , now at Mare Island ,
Cal. After examination of the debates In the
ast congress that 3200,000 appropriated for
epalr of wooden vessels Is applicable to the
lartford , and as the repairs on the vcssol
vlll not exceed twenty per cent of the value
f the ship , the report of the board of survey
as been approved.
Dr. Datincy Resigns.
WASHINGTON , May fl. [ Special Telegram
o the BKE.J The announcement of the res-
znatlon o Dr. Thomas S. Dabney , of Loulsl-
na , medical examiner in tlio pension ollice ,
vlio bonstcd that lie served as a guard at An-
lersonvllle , was made to-day. It was proven
hat ho made the boast despite bis denial ,
md the pension officials grew weary of car-
ylnc him. _
Concerning Commissioner Hall.
WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telegram
o the BKK.J Mis. Bon J. Hall , wife of the
! ominlssionerof patents , has arrived hern
'rom her homo In Iowa and
ill remain. It Is reported that Mr.
lall will appoint an Iowa man as
its private secretary on the 10th Inst. , when
lie resignation of Motgomcry takes effect.
A Star Itouto Change.
WASHINGTON , May 0. [ Special Telegram
: o thu Hun.J The time schedule of the star
nail route from Fiitrlield to Spring Hunch ,
Neb. , lias been changed as follows , to take
effect July 1 : Leave Fairtield Tuesdays and
Saturdays at 0 a. m. , arrive at SpUng "Kanch
by 11:30 : a. m. ; leave Sprlnu Hunch Tuesdays
and Saturdays at 12 m , airlve at Falrlield bj
3:20 : p. in. _
Substitute Visitors Appointed.
WASHINGTON. May 0. The president has
appointed Charles J. Itussell , of Illinois , and
J. P. Thornc , of Maryland , to bo members of
the board of vlsltois'of the military academy
at West Point In place of General Palmer
aud Mr. Gwlnn , of Maryland , declined.
An Elcctrlo Death.
NEW YOUK , May 0. ( Special Teleeram to
the BRE.J John II. Simpson , night engineer
of the Adams Express company at 41 Trinity
place , took a friend , John S. Holme , Into the
cellar last night promising him that he
would see some tall handling of dynamos
and wires. "Electricity doesn't affect me
much " said "what
any more , Simpson ,
would knock you out In a second 1 can hold
without turning a muscle. " Down In the
basement Simpson explained about two cur
rents and thn dynamo , and urged Holme to
try small electric shocks , llolmo said ho did
not know much about the wires and such
things and that ha had better stay away from
them. Simpson then braced himself and
started in. Ho took ono wire first with one
hand and then with both hands , Them wa $
no damage done apparently and the fool
nardy engineer then seized both wires , put
ting ono hand on each. No sooner had IK
fairly touched them than the lights weni
suddenly out Simpson's arms stretched out
straight and stilt and ho fell heavily totlu
floor , dying Instantly from the electric shock
Another Bank Defaulter.
JOMET , III. , May 0. [ Special Telegram t <
tlio BEU. ] Soventy-llvo to ono hundrct
thousand dollars of the Will County Nutiona
bank are missing. The officials conccrnci
admit that theie la n big shortage , but sa ]
that It was caused by Cashier Knowlton'i
bad financial inanacomcnt and his penulla
methods of handling ttio funds of the oh
Wills County Savings bank. The latter wai
a private concern , but Knowlton was man
aver of It as well as cashier of the National
and both banks were until recently in tin
some building. The cashier has reslgnei
and is now In Canada with his wife , bu
Captain G. P. Phelps , brother of the Amerl
can minister to England , who is his counsel
denies that he is a defaulter , and states tha
Calvin Knowlton , his father , has made ar
rangemenu to make coed the shortage. At
Investigation Is now In progress.
ST. Lenis , May 0. The Supplies Manu
fac taring company made an asslgnmen
yesterday afternoon. The concern has beei
doing business for twenty years and the fail
ure Is the result ofa decline in business ex
tending over a period of years. The director
have' been advancing money to keep th
business atloat Yesterday they rcslened
The company owed them about Si0OOX : !
The total liabilities are $147,000. The coir
pany will not resume again.
NKW YOUK. Mayfl.-The failure of WI !
dam F. Bracken was announced on the prc
duce exchange to-day. Bracken's t ran sac
tlons are paid to be on a limited scale. Lit
bllltles unknown.
Mrs. Robinson Found Guilty.
MONTEZUMA , la. , May 0. [ Special Tele
cram to the Br.a.J Mrs. Koblnson was to-da
found KUllty of assault with Intent to com
mit manslaughter. It will bo remembere
that In company with a man named Brow :
she whipped a little colored boy to death Ia <
December , for which offense Brown Is a
ready serving a term In the penitentiary an
Mr * . Koblnson will undoubtedly soon folio'
him. The shocking outrage created grc :
excitement at the time and threats of lyiicl
lag were freely mado.
Kennedy Indicted For Murder.
DunuQUK , la. , May 0. [ Special Tclcgrai
to thu BEE. ] The grand jury to-day cot
eluded the Investigation of evidence agains
Kennedy , charted wth | the murder of h
wife , and brought In an Indictment of mnrdi
In the first degree. The taking of testimon
has been secret , and U Is understood thi
very damming evidence against Kenned
was produced. Ho has been In Kieat fear i
lynching and hacj the exainlmluatlon. cot
ducted M quietly as possible , .
Omaha Vanqnishctl-.irrthe Second Qamo at
the Capital Oity ,
Denver Turns the Tableson , Hastings
By Kxcollcnt IMaylnc Other
Gaums IMnyod Yesterday
Good lurf Sport.
The Omaha-Lincoln Gnmo.
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 0. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BKK. ] The Llncolns defeated
the O malms to-day In the second contest of
the series In a game far from faultless but In
teresting throughout. Omaha , In the first
half of the game , played as loosely as did
Lincoln the day before , although they did
heavy battlnp ; and gave some excellent speci
mens of base running. Lincoln had Kolnagal
in at shortstop and ho fully redeemed tlio
wretched playing by Schneider In that posi
tion the day boforo. Ut the two batteries ,
Lincoln excelled , Dolan , catcher , playing
without an error , and Brodlo excelling
O'Lcury of the Omahas In thy box. Lincoln
went first to the bat and at the close of the
sixth Inning the clubs were tied. After that
Lincoln piled up live runs In the seventh
amid the cheers of an almost unanimous Lin
coln audience , which the Ornahas failed to
overcome. The umpiring by liobluson was
unsatisfactory to both clubs , but his errors of
judgment were evenly divided. The follow
ing Is the score :
I.IVCOhNS. I'O3. All. 1 ! . 111. I'O. A. K.
Lang at ) 6 a 5 4 1 1
Schalfer rf 0 2 2 0 I 1
Kowo Ib 0 2 5 7 1 0
Nelson cf 0 2 2 1 0 0
Dolan c
Toohoy If 5 0 25 0 0
Glenavin 2b 5 1 2 5 1 0
Brodlo p 6 1 1 0 2 0
Klonagal us 5 2 3 1 G 1
Totals BO 17 24 27 IS S
OMAHA * . I'OS. All. I ! . 111. I'O. A. K.
Walsh . s 0 1 3 a 2 0
Bader . If 0 1 3 3 0 1
Krchmoycr. . c Oi 3 4 0 4 1
Harter . Ib 0 1 2 10 0 0
O'Luaiy. . p 0 1 3 0 8 1
Konrko . 3b
Messitt . rf 0 2 2 0 0 0
-Switt . 2t >
GennH . ct
Totals . 52 14 25 27 20 0
scoiiE jiy INNINGS :
Lincoln . 0 2030150 0-,17
Omaha . 0 3002700 2-14
Homo runs Krehmeyer. Huns cained
Lincoln 13 , Omaha 10. Two-base hits-
Lang 1 , Shaffer I , Krehmeyer 1 , Messitt 1.
Threo-basu hits UoweJJ , Gcnnls 1 , Dolan 2 ,
Harter 1 , Messitt 1. Left on bases Lincoln
0 , Omaha 11. Double plays Helnaeal , Glen
avin , Ho wo , Welsh and Switt. Struck out
Brodle and O'Leary. Bases on balls
Brodle 2 , O'Leary 3. Hit by pitcher Brodlo
1. Tlmo of game 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Umpire liobluson.
Denver AVIns From Hastings.
HASTINGS , Neb. , May 0. [ Special Tclo-
gramto the BEE. | The game to-day was
won by the Delivers by hard and brilliant
playing. Hogan and Nicholson both pitched
remarkably able games. The following Is
the score by Innings :
Hustings . 0 00000331 0
Denver . 3 J 3 0 1410 11
DCS Moinca Defeated. '
Dns MOINES , la. , May C. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. | Des Molnes met her iirst
deleat to-day , not by good playing but by a
mishap to the Des Molnes pitcher. The
Minneapolis team went in to win aud were
making coed progress up to the fifth Inning
when Des Molnes tied thorn. When the
homo club was called to bat for the fifth In
ning It was discovered that Campbell was
sick , and after pitching a few balls ho left
the box and was taken home. Larocquo fin
ished tlio tifth and sent live men to
bases on balls and live mete scored , mnkins
seven runs for Minneapolis. This gave the
visiting team a big lead and virtually the
game. Alvord took the box in the sixth and
seventh Innings and shut the Minneapolis
team out. From this on it was a very poor
specimen ot ball playing and many left be
fore the name was over. The following Is
the score :
DCS Molnes . 0 00010002 0
Minneapolis . 2 2307000 * 14
National Ijoaguc Games.
DKTKOIT , May 0. The game between De
troit and Indianapolis to-day resulted as fol
lows : " *
Detrolts . 8 0000013 0-11
Indianapolis . 0 00001002 3
Pitchers Weldman and Healv. Base hits
Detroit 19 , Indianapolis 0. Errors Detroit
3 , Indianapolis 2. Umpire Quest.
CHICAGO , May Us The game between Chicago
cage and Pittsburg resulted as follows :
Chicago . 0 3
PittsburR . 3 1020010 * 0
Pitchers Pvle and Morris. Base hits
Chicago 0 , I'ittsburg. Errors Chicago 8 ,
Pittsburg 0. Umpire Sullivan.
WASHINGTON , Slay 0. The game between
Washington and Philadelphia to-day re
sulted as follows :
Philadelphia . 0 000002 * 2
Washington . 0 1000000 1
Pitchers Ferguson and Whitney , Base
hits-Philadelphia 8 , Washington 0. Errors
Philadelphia 1 , Washington a. Umpire-
Nr.w TOIIK , May 5. The game between
Now York aud Boston to-day resulted as
follows :
New York . 0 0002010-3
IJoston . 0 0010000 1
Game called in eighth inning on account
of darkness.
Base hits New York 12. Boston 4. Errors
Now York 4. Boston 3. Pitchers Keofo
and Madden. Umpire Powers.
The American Association.
ST. Louis , Slay 0. The game between
the St Louis and Louisville to-day resulted
as follows :
St. Louis. . 3-0 302300 3-10
Louisville . iO 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 J
Pitchufs Foutzand Itamsoy. Base hlts-
St. Louis 14 , Loulsvillo 12. Errors St ,
Louis 3 , Louisville 5. Umpire Valentino.
PHILADELPHIA , .May fl. The game be
tween the Athletics And Baltimore to-day re
sulted as follows :
Athletics . 2 ' ,0 0030001 C
Baltimore . 544 1 0 0 3 2 0 ;
Pitchers Tltcomb and Kllroy. Base hit !
Athletics 13 , Baltimore ! 21. Errors-Ath
letics 9 , Baltimore 3. Umpire McQuade.
National Jockey Club Races.
WASHINGTON ? May 0. The weather to
day was threatening , but tlio attendance wa :
large. The following Is the summary :
Mile : Barnum won , Bess second , Buffalc
third. Time-litftf.
Handicap , one and one-sixteenth mites
Illchmond won , Panama second , Ilerber
third. Tlme-l:40 : # .
For three-year-olds , one and ono-oightl
miles : Raymond won , Au Keed second
Mahoncy third. Time 1:58. :
Seven furlongs , for three-year-olds and up
wards : Burch won , Qleudon second , Vintoi
. third. Time 1:30. :
'J Three-quarters mlle : Brambleton won ,
; McLaughlin second , the Vassal Gcldlni
; * third. Tlrao-liO. :
The Nashville Mooting.
NASHVIU.E , Tcnn. , Mar 0. Tlio largos
crowd of the season was present at the Wes
Side park races to-day. The following Is th
summary :
One mile : Blddr Bowling won. War Slgi
second , Charlie Marks third. Tune IMSJj
Free handicap , nine and one-half furlongs
Phil Leo won , SL Valentino second , Jennl
it McKarland third. Tlroo 3:04. :
For three-year-olds and upwards , seven fin
longs : Avery won , Lea second , Kuphon
third. TIuio-U17. '
Jfortolt and allies , two-year-olds , five f ui
longs : Buckhound won , Antbau second ,
Bercha third. Time 1:05W. :
Ono mile : Fellow Broeck won , Aristocrat
second , Burr Oak third. 'Hmo-l4 ; J < .
Rutminc In Mud.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , May 0. The races to
day wcro run In rain and mud with but a
small attendance. The following Is the
summary :
For three-year-olds and upwairls , ono mlle
and IM yards : Jaubert won , Brilliant second
end , Watclieui third. Tlmo-3:00 : } < .
For all ages , mlle : Wahoo won , Jacobin
second. Longallsht third. Tlmo-lIS : .
For and seventy
threo-year-ohK ono mlle
yards : Orvid won , Ban Box second , Lottie
Wall third. Tlma 1:5. : %
For two-year-olds , live finlongs : Santa-
line won , Price second , -Lily May tlihd.
IJIlTrottln ( Stock Sale.
NEW Yotiif , May 0. The sale of trotting
slock bred by L. J. Itoss , ot Sunny Slope ,
San Gabriel , Cala. , began to-day at the Amer
ican Institute. Foity lots were offered ,
nearly all sired by the famous stallion Sultan.
Among the prices brought were the following :
Glorlana , grey mare , foaled 18W. record of
2:15 : ! , S'JOOD ; irroy lillv. foaled IbSI , 81,340 ;
bnv fillv , foaled 1SN5. S010 : bay illlv. fonled
IVv ? , 551,000 ; grey Illly , foaled IbbT. , SbM. The
Speedwell stock farm , of Cornwall. Pa. ; K.
C. Fowler , of Modus , Conn. , and W. F.
Hardy , of Kentucky , were the principal pur
chasers. The total reall/ed was S'-JS.S.u
r A Race llorso Suit.
NASHVII.M : , Tcnn. , May (5. Ed Corrlpan
will to-morrow sue Tracy & Levy In chan
cery court hero for fJ.OOO damages alleged to
have been sustained by Shadow being cut
down by Biddv Bowling yesterday. Shadow
was hurt , but the disputed question is
whether Biddy Bowling or some unknown
horse did It.
The Dwyera Purchase
NASHVIM.E , Tcnn. , Mav 0. It Is reported
on the best authority that Dwycr Bi others
to-day bought Egmont , the Nashville
phenomenon , from the Auburn , ( Ind. , )
stables for 815,000 cash.
Moro Interesting Testimony Given
Ho Corn the Commission.
NEW YOUK , May 0. The United States
Pacific railway commission held a long ex
ecutive session this morning prior to the
resumption of the examination of witnesses
In the Union & Pacific railway Investigation ,
at which , newspaper mon wcro Informed ,
nothing was done.
In tlio Union Pacific Inoulry James M. '
Ham , treasurer of the Ka.tsas Pacific up to
IbSO , testified. Judge Dillon asked If the
securities accepted by tlio Kansas Pacific for
Jcnver stock proved profitable. Ham ro
lled that every ono of them yielded an
ncomo , Almon Goodwin the lawyer who
londucted the suit to take the Denver Pacific
toclc out of the mortgage trust in 18SO , testi-
icd that ho was employed by Sago and
Quid and urged to proceed as speedily as
ossiblo. Sago Instructed him that the Kan-
as Pacific asked to have the stock released.
.loand Gould wcio trustees , however , and
leslred to have it ascertained if they had any
.right to do It , and added that ho i'UI ' not
mant to do It unless It was for the best In
terests of the stock and bondholders of the
Kansas Pacific. Witness consulted his part-
' : ior. They examined the matterand concluded
t wasall.riRht Goodwin remembered that
10 cross examined Sldnuy Dillon and that
Dillon testltied that this stock was valueless
md could bo made worth 83,000,000 if certain
hinps happened.
-"Is It not trim that within a very few days
ihe 'things' which 8ao , Gould and Dillon
aid with tlmtntork resulted in their realizing
ubstautlally SS.OOO.OOOV" asked Anderson.
Witness had heard something to that cf-
Albert S. I'osenbaum stated that ho had a
suit with the Union Pacific last year. Ho
read letters from the Union Pacific offering
him a very small price for certain income
bonds of the Denver extension , and claimed
that mismanagement of the road was the
reason for the depreciation of values. Itosen-
baum had been a California shipper twenty
years. Ho cited among the acts of the man
agement damaging to the values the Issuance
of a circular to shippers saj Ing In effect that
If they dared ship around the Horn , their
freight rates over tlio Union Pacific would bo
doubled. This had the effect of driving
Bosenbaurii out of business In 18SO.
The cross-examination of Itosenbaum
Jirnuuht out the fact that his bonds had been
bought at IromHO to par and that ho had
finally got ! ' 5 for them. He had had Grand
Island bonds that ho paid S2 or S3 for and
ho got par for them , therefore , he ought
to have par for these. Hononbaum stated
that ho had had.ln 187hS150.000 first moitgago
bonds of tlio St. Joe & Western. 5150,000
becond morreage bonds , and 2,000 shares of
stock In his safe. Ho had advanced S' of
them. After a time their owner came to him
and offered him the whole lot for another
81,000. Adjourned.
What Dillon Says.
NEW YORK , May 0. | Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] Speaking about the Investiga
tion of the Pac.lho railroads yesterday , Sid
ney Dillon say : "What I did say In my
capacity ns president of the Union Pacific
I did for the best Interests of all concerned.
I have nothing to conceal In my connection
with the road. As to the branches that were
bulU I would deposit 81,000,000 to-morrow to
buy them at cost and bo glad of getting a
chance to do so. I could sell them out to
other roads and make a great deal of money.
But vou know that the Union Pacific would
stand like a withered tree merely a trunk
without any life. "
A Peculiar Decision.
LOUISVII.T.E , Ky. , May 0. John J. Cor-
nellson , wtio assaulted and cowhlded Judge
Bold , causing him to suicide , and who was
sentenced to jail for three years , was re
leased on a writ of habeas corpus by Magis
trate Stofor to day. The affair lias created n
sensation , Inasmuch as his rclo.iso amounts
to the maclstrato's court overruling the deci
sions of the court of appeals. Magistrate
Stofer decides that the old common law ol
England and Virginia , upon which the Im
prlsonmont of Corneilso was predicted , eloe <
not enter Into the statutes of Kantuckv am1
consequently the Imprisonment was IHciral
Lawyers say that Stofer 1ms placed hlmsell
in contempt of the court of appeals. Cor
nellson Is on the streets attending to busi
Death or a Novelist.
LONDON , May ft. James ( ! rant , the novel
1st , Is dead. Ho was sixty-four years old.
James Grant was thn son of a British ofil
cer , and was born In Edinburgh , Scotland , ii
1822. His early life was amone thn soldier :
In British North America , nnd to tills train
Ing Is d no the military character of Ids liter
ary efforts. His first work , "Tho Komanci
ot War , or Highlanders In Spain , " was la
sued In 1S4G. Ho was thn author of a num
ber ot romances , most of which wcro wel
reclved In Europe and America.
A Destructive Flro.
FnEEPonT , III. , May 0. At Warren , J <
Davless county , this morning , the postofllci
and business houses of J. E. Morris. Hobor
& Evans , William Stafford and Willlaii
Phillips , burned. Tim lost , which Is heavy
Is said to bo partly covered bv Insurance.
The loss bv the fire at Warren to-dar 1
between 815,000 and 8 ,000 , with small in
The Czar Getting Gencrona.
ST. PKTEIISIIUIIO , May 0. It Is reportei
that the czar has decided that the sentence
of death pronounced against the Nihilist
convicted of complicity In the recent attempt
to assassinate him shall be commuted to 1m
prlsonment at hard labor for life In tbo case
of all but two of the condemned.
Franco Forms a Defensive. Alliance
PAIIIS , May 0. Le Pans states that Franc
has concluded a defensive alliance with eer
tain other powers and that hencefortl
France will not be alone lu tbo event ol ag
gresslon against ber.
Cardinal Gibbons Invc tliales the
French Catholic Clubs * .
[ CopyrfoM IS37 liy JMntt ( Ionian /lemielt , ]
1'Aitts , May 0. [ Xo\v York Herald C\blo
Special to the Bi-i : : . | Cardinal Gibbons Is
still hard at work at the labor question.
Slnco his return from Homo the cardinal
has taken great Interest In the Catholic work-
Ingmcn's clubs started some years ago by the
Coirto Albert do Mun and Monstguotur
Freppol , bishop of Anglers , which Is Gib
bons' Ideal of what ho would llko to see es
tablished In the United Status. There ate
now over 500 of these clubs In Franco. The
ono at St. Anglers , for Instance , has 2,000
members. All the trades aio represented In
each club. The bosses as well
as the workmen belong to them. The clubs
are under the general supervision of the
ecclesiastical autorifles of the town where sit
uated. The questions of wages and tlio
number of hours for a day's work are dis
cussed In the most friendly manner. The
members buv teed , clothing and medicines ,
and obtain medical attention for themselves
on the principles of co-oueratlvo stores.
These clubs avoid atheistic proclivities and
anarchist Instincts. The Parisian workmen
have not made as much headway In
the capital as In the provinces , where they are
becoming moio nnd moro popular and doing
a eood deal of good. Yesterday at the
factory of Valdes Bols , neur Itoims , belong
ing to the Messrs. Harmoll , where the clubs
still swing , Cardinal Gibbons , who was ac-
companle'dby the Comto do Mun , was pre
sented by Cardinal Lanzcnloux to several
thousand workmen , who gave Gibbons a per
fect ovation atidcheeicd him with caircr en
thusiasm. Gibbons made no speech , but sim
ply bowed his thanks. Afterwards elaborate
reports were drawn up by the worklngmen's
committee upon the question connected with
the economical details of thu factory. The
cardinal went through the workshops. Ho
Intends to return to Paris next week.
Dillon Rcfuscel Redress.
LONDON , May 0. In the commons to-day
Major Saundcrson challenged Dillon to dis
prove tlio Times' evidence.
Dillon I have offered to enter Into the
barges fully before a committee. 1 shall no
unger exchange the lie with members of the
ousc over them. [ Cheers. ]
Henry Fowler , liberal , said bo must do-
line to bolleve English juries infallible , aud
ispeclally when a political question was in-
olveil. He reminded the house as n typleal
nstance , of the gloss Injustice done I.old
Jochrnnp. Was a special jury drawn from
London trailers , ho asked , better qualified to
leal with the question than a committee
elected from the members of parliament.
L'lio 1'arnellltes did not desire to limit the In
ury. Ho had a telegram from Parnoll stat-
ng that ho was quite willing to extend the
nquliy so as to Include tliu forged letter pub-
Isned in the times. [ Cheers. |
Glddstono's motion was finally rejected
17 to 233. Sir Edward Clarko's motion that
hu house decline to treat the Times pubiica-
ion as a breach of privileges was agreed to.
Watching tlio Frontier.
BEHUN , May 0. There is no truth In the
oport that the government proposed to have
new spy law enacted , in consequence of
ho Schnacbelo affair. The police force will
Do strengthened , and a detective foice will bo
ireanlzed especially lo watch spins. An olll-
lal burgomaster will be appointed In each
.own containing over 10,000 inhabitants , in
stead ot tip | ' present elective honorary incum
The Mlierul Unionists Split.
LONDON , May 0. Besides live liberal
unionists who voted against tlio government
n the division In the house of commons
, 'csterdav on Clark's amendment that the
house decline lo the Times publication
as a breach of privilege , twonty- oven liberal
inlonlsts wcro absent. The action of these unionists Is regarded as a further In
dication that the split lu ttio unionist ranks
's growing.
The C/.ar'n Howard.
ST. Pr.TEr.situiio , May 0. The czarina has
.lonated 100,000 roubles to General Grosser ,
iretuct of St. Potcrsburc , In recognition of
ils services In frustrating the recent plot
against the e/.ar's life. The C7ar has granted
"ilm a pension of 0,000 roubles as a toward
'or his services In arresting the nihilists.
Collision of Steamers.
PAIIIS , May 0. A collision between the
steamer Asle , plying from Barcelona , and
ho btcamer Ajacclo , which resulted In slnk-
.ngeif tlio foimer vessel , yesterday , was at
tributed to a fug. Ono seaman and seven
passengers belonging to the Asloaro missing.
Another Krnnch President.
LONDON , May 0. M. Cliauvath has been
.nstallod as French president at Wallls
Island , the capital of Wallls Islands , a group
In the ) South Pacific , In vlow of a possible
Gorman occupation.
Throe Herders l lo From Fear Dur
ing the Southern Earthquake.
AMiUQUEUejun , N. M , , May 0. Ciimberso
Mesa , seventy miles west of Albuquerque on
the Atlantic & Pacific railway , Is a rucgcd
upland occupied by countless Hocks of sheep ,
which are cared for by herders , who follow
their flocks day and night unseen by the
owners for weeks at a stretch. On Tuesday
Cuberto Gouzales , a largo sheep raiser , rodu
over tlio range to inspect the flocks , reaching
Mesa at 8 o'clock p. in. Ho climbed to the
top of a high rock to scan the country In
search of his herds. At that moment tin
bky became overcast and a low , rumbllnu
sound seemed to approach from ttio south
west nnd then a sliu'ht tremble shook
the rock upon which ho was peiched
followed Immediately by a loud repori
and a severe shock , which made the iodi
sway to and fro llko a ship at sea. Ho was
overcome by a deadly sickness which almosl
caused him to fall from the rock. Hecovor-
Ing , ho started by the path ho had climbed
but founel that the rock had been rent In
twain , leaving a fissure ten feet wide , wlilcli
accounted for tlio report he had heard. He
managed to regain tlie ground , and , re
moiintlngihis hon-o , rode rapidly in search ol
his herder. He found some sheep scattered
and bleating witli fiieht , but no herders
weio In sight. A short distance further or
ho was horrified to find tlio bouy of ono of the
men stretched on thu ground dead. Instituting
a soarcfi for the other two Im found them i
mile away , both dead. The bodies had n <
mark of violence or Injury of any kind , am
ttiev were scarcely cold , the flexibility ol
their limbs Indicated that death had over
taken them all within the time that Gonzaloi
had been In Mesa , The only platibibli
theory that could bo formed of the cause o
death was that ot extreme iright , caused b )
the terrible convulsions of the clement !
which ho himself had witnessed , had klllet
three men at the f-amn moment. Tlio nx
pressions of their features which bnro the
Impress of fright and terror , sustained th !
theory , and It Is believed that those threi
men were peilmns the only human victim :
of the great southwestern earthquake.
Col. Hoi I on Kontencnd.
CHICAGO , May , 0. Colonel W. 11. Bolton
ex-superintendent of second class matter litho
the Chicago poatofTlco , who was convicted o
embezzlement of about 820,000. wai thl
morning sentenced by JueUo Blodgett t
four years Imprisonment In states prison
Col. Bolton has been In the hospital sine
his conviction , beluz In poor health.
The Inter-Collegiate Association.
BI.OOMINGTON , HI. , May 0. To-day th
Inter-Collegiato association elected prcsl
dent , II. P. Campbell , of Baldwin , Kan.
vice president , J. A. Ewlng , Monmouth , HI.
secretary and treasurer , Wymau J. Becked
Greencastle , Ind. Tlio next contest will bea
Greencastle , Ind. , tlio first Thursday of nex
A North Bend MI\D Jumps tlio Oountrj
With Other People's Money ,
New KntorprisoH at Grand Islam !
Which Show Its Growth A
Sewerage System and Other
Me Cook Improvements.
HltlppcdVMIi tin ) Funds.
NoitTii BK.VD , Neb. , May 0. [ Special t <
the HKI.J : A German named John Fisher ,
wlio lias lately been employed by Win. Foleiy ,
n B. & M. contractor , who Is now at work
with Ills force of men fifteen miles south ol
this pl.ico , came to North Bend Wednesday
nl.'ht on an errand , having some pay cheeks
to the amount ot SIH ) cashed for his fellow
workmen , n well as to Attend ta
some other business for his employer.
Fisher brought with him a icam of horse !
belonging to the contractor , butiib ho fulled
to return lo camp that night , t > carch was
made for him this morning. The team o < was found at n livery stable , but na
further trace could bo found of the German.
It Is supposed bv/ those Interested thai
Fisher has left for parts unknown , leaving
his fellow workmen to mourn to the abova
extent. _
Rurt County Ilrldft.
OAKLAND. Neb. , May ft. [ Special to the
Bnn.J A fire destroyed about 300 yards ot
fence on the fair grounds yesterday after
noon , 100 stalls and ono small building. Tha
alarm was given about ii o'clock by a passer *
bv who noticed tlio flames , and the pcopla
responded nobly , and by strenuous efforts
saved the larger buildings. The loss la
, bout SOOO.
Tlio case of Dtvlel Fleck against Chas. Grif
fin , county treasurer , eauio up Wednesday In
ourt before Judge llopowlll , and was do-
lded In favor of tlio treasiifer. Tills case
was for 55100 daumgeis for Illegal fees col
lected from Fleck in collecting his taxes. The
case has excited much Interest In Burt
county and will bo carried to the snpicmo
coiut by H. II. Howes , plaintiffs attorney.
Fire was discovered In a building at Cialc
Tuesday morning about 4 o'clock. The
building was occupied by the printing olllco
it' the Hurt County Central. The building
ivas destroyed with its contents , also adjoin *
nc building , owned by Joseph Healed , nnd
his e.uponter tools. Incendiarism Is sus-
lected , as the tire was first seen on the out-
ilde of the building. Mr. Webb , the editor o
ho pnpcr.ltitorms the people eif Craig thatlio
ivltl not open up again. So Burt county
mourns the loss ot ono paper. Loss on
printing otllco § 500 , insurance $375.
Growing Grand Inland.
GIIAND ISLAND , Neb. , Mav 0. [ Special
Telegram to the Bui : . | The Bank of Com *
ineico has opened for business on cast Third
treet , In what was formerly known as tha
ScarIT block , now owned by Lannfftan &
Marsh , president and cashier of the bank.
The outfit Is to bo the finest In Grand
stand , when finally c omplctcd , aud will bean
an ornament to the city ,
Jules Fuchrman , a Grand Island architect ,
> vas the lucky man to furnish acceptable
.ilans and specifications for the new
soldiers' home. Mr. Fuehriuan was
also made superintendent of construction.
lie building will have a frontage of 130 feat
facing the south and bo fifty-four , feet deep ,
built In Huch'a way that an extension hack-
ward can bo made when required. 'It Is to ba
nf brlole , two atorlea , wltlt ufallio baS6IltOnt
This basement is partly above uround.
The now gas works are bnlnir pushed for
ward with a largo force of hands. Seven
ulles of mains are belnc laid as a starter.
Public WorkH at.McCoolr.
McCooic , Neb. , May 0. [ Special Telegram
to the KHE. | McCook is now agitating a
system of sewerage. Bids have been sub
mitted and contracts will bo awarded at tha
next meeting of tlio city council. There is
no city In the state where a good system ot
sewerage can bo had at as little cost. Tlio
electric light companies have only thirty
days left to present bids for putting In tlio
plant. Let all parties present bids at once/
Full information can bo had on application
to the secretary. McCook Is growlnc steadily
and her citizens ,110 allvo to the needs of tha
city. _
Mexican HnlderH Shot.
GUAYMAS , Mexico , May C. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIE.J ; At sunrise yesterday ( hei
judgment of thu court martial In the cases
of Colonel Arviza , Lieutenant Guiteroz , and
private Pioncun , was executed. They faced
death quietly , only allowing themselves to be
blindfolded on Iho earnest appeal of Colonel
Yarratl. A volley was filed on thn con
demned men and in a minute or two the sur
geon pronounced them dcael. These are the
persons who created trouble on the American
side of tlio line a tow weeks ago by bringing
a squad of Mexican soldiers Into Nonales ,
ArUoua , and attempting to rescue n male
factor from American ofllcers. Colonel Ar
vlza had been prominent In Mexican military
and political circles , but much Inclined to
dissipation , _ _
Hattllnc AVith HnporHtltlon.
NEW YOUK , May 0. [ Special Telegram to
the Br.K.J Thirteen undertakers will sit
together at a table and dlno with the Thirteen
club at Morrclli's , thoovcning of May 13. Tha
dinner will commemorate tlio selection , for
thn first time In New York city , of some
other day than Friday for hanging. The clntt
olllccrs say that when .Indue Van'.Urunt sen-r
fenced Petetr Smith to bo hang6d on Thursi
day ho did It with the purpose , as a Thirteen
club man. of removing for once an unneces
sary stigma ol superstition from Friday.
The Sheriff Let Her Go.
. LAS VKGAP , N. M. , May 0. Theodora
Baker was hung in the jail yaid this after
noon In the presence of sixty persons , for
the murder of Frank Unruh near llaton , N.
M. , December H. On the scaffold ho was
perfectly calm and collected , protesting his
Innocence to the last. Alter the black cap
was put over his face ho said : "Gcntlcmnu ,
1 am ( orrv it ends thus. " Then , addressing
tlio sheriff , ho added , "Let her go. " The
trap was sprung at seven minutes to 4 and
hu died without a struggle. His pulse ceased
to beat at precisely 4 o'clock.
A nuralnr-Murdcror
EUIII.KA , Cala. , May 0. John Bogers was
hanged this afternoon for the murder ot
Judge John H. Klmball , May ' , last year.
At midnight of that date .Judgo Klmball dis
covered Ko.'ors In ills house and attempted.
to captuio him. In the struggle which ensuee
Klmball was shot.
A Colorcel Choking.
Soceumo , N. M. , May 0. Henry Andolson
( colored ) w.xs executed licio at 11:25 : this
morning In the presence of only ofUecrs anel
reporteis lor the murder ol Alfonso Williams
at a btono eiuarry camp near hero June 21 ,
Canaellan Pacific Plans.
OTTAWA , May 0. [ Special Telegram to
the BEK.J It U considered certain In eov
eminent circles that the Canadian Pacific.
railway has concluded a satisfactory south
eastern outlet In Boston by way of the South
eastern railway and Boston A Maine , with ,
Its leased lines. The Canadian synelldate
has also decided to put on a tine of boats be
tween Port Arthur. Out. , and Uhlcaio In
order to compote lor all classes of Pacific
coast freights. The rates they will In this
way LIU able to make IH calculated to bo at ,
least 35 per cent lower than that by thu
American lines.
A Saturday Ilull-Holldny.
AI.IIANY , N. Y. , May 0 , Governor Hilt
to-day feigned the bill making Saturday
half-holiday throughout the state. It
Into effect on the 21st InsU