Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Paymaster Baah Ende.iToring to Shift His
Robbery on a Subordinate.
I'romlsoi of Hotter nml Cheaper It-
liimlnatlriK Material Arrest nf a
Wealthy Cattleman A Do-
culvcil Iowa Mnliliiti.
Khirttnc tlin
Tim HIK : hns troin time to time men-
tioncd tlio case o ( I'uytnnstur Hash , who
was rubbed of $7,500 or more at Antolopc
Springs recently. It was cliar uil that
thu robbing occurred through tin.1 care
lessness of Major Hash himself. A court
of inquiry was ordered to fully investi
gate the mutter. Tim result oC that inves
tigation is not yet known.
It would hucni , however , that Hash is
trying to shift the blame upon Scigcanl
Charles L'ov , his assistant , who hail been
placed to watch the valises containing
the money while lie ( Hash ) went iiibiilu
for dinner. To-day ( ionoral Urook re
ceived throut h ( Jcneral linsbin the copy
of an accusation made by Hash against
Fox. It roads :
"The charge is neglect of duty , in
violation of the hixty-sccond article of
war. In that he , .Sergeant Charles 1'ov ,
Company K. Seventh Infantry , while on
duty as escort to major and paymaster ,
J ) . W. Hash , and having as such been
placed in charge of a valise containing
public funds , ditl through neglect of his
duty and failure to properly guard the
same , allow one Mr. 1'ai knr to steal
and carry away the said valise , thereby
causing a los to the United States of
$7r,0. ! ) < . )3. ) This at Antelope station ,
Wyoming , on the 18th day of March
1887. "
Major Hash endorsed this statement ,
nnd says that he boliovcs the charge can
bo proven. A court martial will bo
called at Fort Russell to investigate
Fox's share of the responsibility.
An interesting telegram was received
at army hcadquartcrH yesterday rom the
secretary of war. It read as follows :
"In view of the condition of mileage ap
propriation at this date the secretary of.
war absolutely prohibits the issuance of
any orders covering the payment of mile
age during the balance of the lis-cal.year. "
An army ollicor when asked to explain
the exact significance of this said that
until the end of the present fiscal year
olliccrs when traveling would bo obliged
lo go without the customary 8 ccnts-a-
mile mileage which had been allowed
thorn , in addition to their transportation.
This state of attains will continue until
the end of the present liseal year , after
which they will be 'illowcd aI cent mile
age in addition to their transportation.
A telegram was received from General
Terry , commander of this division , yes
terday , announcing that an appropriation
of $5I8.3.J ! in addition to the original
grant had been allowed for improving
the soldiers' quarters at Fort Omaha.
This money is to bo expended in moving
and repairing an old building on the
fort grounds , so as to make it available
for the use of the soldiers , who arc now
much cramped.
"What a New Company Proposes to Defer
for Onmim ,
Ono of the now city ollicors-olcct said
yesterday morning : "It has been discov
ered that the gas company at the recent
election raado a deliberate and strong at
tempt to down the men who wcro fore
most in thn movement which lowered the
price of gas a few months ago. Leo was
one of the men selected by the gas cor
poration as a victim. Workers wcro
sent out to knife him in every possible
way , Charley Goodrich was another
man , against whom the gas company
worked hard. In both instances the cor
poration failed signally. And it failed ,
too , in electing its own candidates , Vood-
nian and Horlzmann. Jioth of them
wcro badly snowed under. "
Anil the gas company received another
black eye Wednesday night. When n
franchise was granted to the Nebraska
Gas and Heating company. This
corporation agrees to furnish gas of
uightocn-candlo power to Omalia con
sumers at f 1.25 per 1,000 feet , anil at ! ? 1
to the city and $20 it year for each lamp
post. The company agrees also to fur
nish gas to charitable institutions at 70
cents per 1,000 foot. A bond of $50,000 is
given for the faithful performance of the
various specifications in the company's '
agreement with the city.
One of the councilmcn said yesterday
morning : "There is no question but tiiat
tills company will work a revolution in
the matter of furnishing light , and heat
for Omaha. That is , if it does all it
ngrccs to , and I guess it will. Not only
will gas of a ffoou quality bo furnished to
the city and its citl/.ons at very much
lower rates than those that now prevail ,
but heat can bo furnished , too , at a lower
figure than fuel can now bo supplied.
This bout and gas will bo evolved from
the crude petroleum which can bo bought
in the east for 80 cents a barrel. This
Is converted by an interesting process
into heat and gas , and which can bo ( liar
pensed to consumers at a low rate and
still yield a handsome profit. Of course ,
if natural gas or oil is struck in Omaha ,
which is not unlikely , gas can be fur
nished by the company at oven lower
rates than those mentioned. "
F. W. Gray , Max Moynr , Lou Hill and
C. K. Leo , of Omaha , are interested in
the scheme with pastern capitalists. They
state it as their intention to commence
worK at once on a $250.000 plant. A
committee left for Chicago last night to
consult with gas men in that city about
the details of the scheme.
Ho la Arrested on a Serious Charge
United States Court.
A very nice looking , well dressed and
prosperous appealing gentleman arrived
in the city yesterday. His name was John
Hul burl and ho hailed from Fontanello ,
la. Ho was u prisoner and ho was held
in custody by Deputy United States Mar
shal Campbell , of Iowa. It so happen cd
that Hulburt was a wealthy man , being
the possessor of something like $250,000
and ho had no trouble in producing
The crime with which Hulburt ia
charged is a serious ono. Ho
w.xs indicted at the last session
of tlio grand jury for trying to bribe the
in a celebrated cattle case by offer-
Jury largo sums of money. Ho was in
dicted jointly with Pat ( Jrant , who waa ar
rested in Nebraska. It may bo remem
bered that Grant was severely censured at
the last term of court for Binurglin | >
whiskey into the jury room and making
goino of the jurors drunk.
Two indictments have boon returned by
the grand jury against Louis C. Taylor
for passing counterfeit money.
ft. Row Which Might Hrivo Terminated
In a Pitched Battle.
Messrs. Alex Dunham and James Me-
Shane became involved ia a dispute
yesterday which landed them both in the
police court. Both are livery men ant
the dispute arose over the possession ol
Uie Club aUbles , Mr , Uouhaui has been
easing these stables from Mr. Patrick ,
nit his lease , as claimed , expired May 1.
Mr. McShnne , who had in the meantime
lought the stables trom Mr. Patrick ,
llspossosscd Hcnham on Wednesday.
I'lio latter tried to bust the
constable who served the papers on
lim , and was arrested for resist-
ug an oillcor. Yesterday after Mo-
Shane's men had taken possession of the
tables , Henham and some of his follow
ers entered the promises and tried to
Irivo out the enemy. A pitched battle
would soon have resulted had not Olli-
cers Mostyn and Fahoy appeared on the
ccno and arrested both McShanc and
.Icnham on a charge ot disturbing the
peace. Henham claims to have secured
'rom Judge \ \ nkeloy an injunction
restraining MeShano fiom taking posses
sion of the stables until the matter is set
tled incotr. t.
Jarnes H. McShano commenced pro
ceedings in the district court yesterday
nornlng against Henham , askingthat the
utter may not be allowed to interfere with
lis tight of possession to the stable in
] ue ton ! and a temporary injunction bo
jrantcd. The plaintilf alleges that ho
iiirclnised the barn and tlio lease-hold in-
crest in the lot from M. 'J' . I'.Uriok and
V. S. Patrick. A temporary injunction
was granted until May 0 , 1837 , when a
icarmg will bo had.
Other Capitalists Want It.
The assertion is ventured that no single
sale of Omaha real estate has created
the interest which was manifested at the
sale of lots at the county f.irm last weuk.
Men , women and children attended it in
! .irriagcson horseback , and men on foot.
' 'oryoars this elegant property has been
viewed with envious eyes by every eiti-
/.en and land agent in the city. And why
lot ? The natural advantages of the
Poor Ifarm are unsurpassed. Pure air ,
nagniliucjit view and splendid surround-
ngs. It is close to the city yes , right
n the city has street cats for a cer
tainty and propel ty iu this locality is
) psitively secure from any
lisagreeablo neighbors of any
kind. Coupled with all of these
idvantagcs , there is a perfect title to
this property , ono which is beyond ills-
into. There are ncitherTAXKS nor inter-
ist for two years on lots purchased from
the county. Those lots will bo sold J
cash and the balance in 1 and 2 years.
h'riday , May Gib , 48 lots of the very cream
of the poor farm will bo placed upon the
market. These lots are the peer of any
property in Omaha as sites tor a homo
or for an investment. Hemombur the
sale Friday next , May Cth , at 2 p. m. , at
ntblic auction ,
Tumclty , Who Kouueil Stunrt ,
AV'alvcs Examination.
James Tumclty , charged with robbing
Charles Stuart , of Sioux City , of § 300 ,
was arraigned before Judge Stenborg
yesterday and waived examination. He
was sent to the county jail. The ollicors
are indignant over Stuart's failure to re
main and appear againct Timidly ami
state thai § ' , ' 05 , which was found when
the latter was arrowed , will go to the
county because of Stuart's default.
Myra Campbell , convicted of stealing
$13 trom A. U. Corby , was lined $50 ,
which she paid.
J. M. Cross went to a disreputable
house kept bv ono Mmo. Columbiabroke
furniture and bric-a-brac , hit Miss Col
umbia in the eye and knocked a colored
attachoof the house down , in default of
$50 line ho languishes in jail.
John Maguire and Wm. ClulY , the
tramps who assaulted the women
near the corral on Wednesday were
sentenced to sixty days imprisonment ,
and a companion named James Fljun ,
was given thirty days.
M. P. Johnson , charged with peddling
without a license , proved to bo a travel
ing dru < j store and claimed to be a physi
cian. He was discharged.
The ordinary victims of the cup which
inebriates wore fined $3 each.
Cottage colors ready for use in new
and desirable shades. Alabaslino in
various tints , tlio original and only per
manent wall finish , supersedes calci
mine for beauty and durability , and is
easily applied. Paints , window glass ,
brushes , etc. , largest and most complete
stock west of Chicago. Cummings &
Ncilson , lllSFarnamSt.
A Trio of Chiefs.
Three Indian chiefs of the Omalia Iribo
arrived from Lincoln yeslerday morning
on Ihoir way lo Ihoir reservation. Their
names are Pa-la-nung-pa-sho , Pa-hung-
mong and Ta-wa-hao-zin-ga and with
them is William Tymball , intorprolor.
The mission lo the capital was for the
purpose of consulting with Governor
Thaycr , whom they call "IJig Medicine
Chief. " in regard lo Iho state taxing
their lands. They had a pleasant inter
view wilh Iho governor and made
speeches , stating their fears ol
taxation. Governor Tliayer assured them
there waa no cause of nlarm ,
as their reservation lands did nol comu
within the stale's power of laxalion. To
make assurance doubly sure , tlioy had
his excellency commit this promise to
writing. On being interviewed by a re
porter for the UKB all Iho
party expressed themselves much
pleased with tliolr trip , and they are es
pecially delighted with Iho "Hig Medi
cine Chief , " whom Ihoy declare Iho best
white man they ever saw. These Indians
leave to-nighl for the Omaha reservation ,
The Walloons and the Huguenots wore
said to be amonir the earliest settlers on
Staten Island. This was about 1075. The
date of Iho settlement of mosquitoes h
not given ; but it was probably two 01
three hundred years before that , judginp
by the hold of their descendants on t'nt
island. First cake of "Juvenile" Toilol
Soap sold May 1,1833 , Everybody keeps
Looking for Her Lover.
Yesterday morning a very prclly younf
girl , neatly dressetl and of modest dcmca
nor , arrived in Iho city from Vintonf Iowa
Her first inquiries were for Iho police
court. This naturally excited comment
and the reportorial attonlion was aroused
Tlio girl mol ono of Iho police oilicers
and was directed to the placosho desired
Hero she stated she wanted tc
find ono Fred Werner , wlu
she alleged had betrayed hei
under promise of marriage. As fur a :
siio could learn ho was connected will
one of Iho hotels. She gave her name a :
Abbie Swartv.bauor , and said Unit Wcr
ner went away from Vinton about i
month ago. _
The Mo. Pacific and Northwestern h.ivt
submitted propositions for bonds wide !
will bo volcd sure. J. 1) . Hi ley , the re ft
estate broKer , has great bargains in busi
ness lots and aero tracts. U.uvus & Foss
Addition a specialty. Rooms 4 , 5 and (
Opera House.
Itccoptlon to Ijylo Diokoy and Wife
From 8 to 11 o'clock Wednesday even
ing tlio spacious parlors of Mr. and Airs. J
J. Uickoy , 2524 Dodge street this city , wen
crowded witli Omaha's elite. The occa
slon was a reception tendered by thohos
and hostess to their son , W. Lyle Dickey
and his lovely bride. At 10 o'clock i
splendid repast was served , followed ty
dancing , which was continued to thi
closo. The affair was a brilliant BUG
cess , fully 350 people being present ti
pay their respects to the popular y
Ornauau and lua agcQmplUh.e.4 l dy.
Judge Jlnmcr After nn O inn ha Attor
ney With n Hhnrp Stlok.
Attorney W. S. Shoemaker , of this
city , has just received notice thai ho has
been made dcfondanl In a still for $5,000
lamtigcs filed against him in tlio distncl
jourt of HuiValo county. The plahitllTls
Judge Hamcr , of Kearney.
The suit is brought for alleged libel in a
suit filed against Judge Hamcr by W. S.
> hocmaker , as attorney for John Will-
ams , last year. It seems thai in 1877
Williams was tried in Hullalo
county by Jud o Gaslin for
Jilling a man. Judge Hamcr was
'lis attorney. Williams was convicted of
iianslatightcr and sentenced to ten years
n the penitentiary. When he hail served
us sentence Williams at onro brought
suit against his old attorney , llamer , tor
M0,000 damages on the ground that ho
'Hamcr ) did not properly attend to his
luties as counsel , and thereby caused his
jlient lo bo convicted. The was
irought through Mr Shoemaker , who is
mule u joint defendant with Williams in
'ho suit for ! * 5,000 damages , which Judge
lamer wants as a salvo to his wounded
reputation. Mr. Shoemaker said to-day
that he regarded this movement on
Judge llymor's part purely as a
bluff. "
Serious Charge AcaliiHt a Partner
North of Florence.
Some days ago a farmer named M. L.
i'eck , residing on 1'onca creek , north of
b'lorcnce , killed a b * > cf and sold the meat
to his neighbors. Soon there was general -
oral sickness in the neighborhood , par-
licularly in the family of Thomas Fair-
jrass , whoso liltlo boy became seriously
11. Frank Scott and others bccamo af
fected. Finally it was decided that the
cause of the trouble came from the meat ,
and it is alleged that the animal was ills-
cased and on the point of dying before
the butcher , James Throttle , got in his
work. There is considerable excitement
in the neighborhood , and proceedings
will bo instituted to thoroughly investi
gate the caso. It is without Mr. Hick-
stein's jurisdiction but Mr. Clarke , of
ficer of the Prevention of Cruelty lo Ani
mals socicly , is endeavoring lo find
means lo the merits of Iho caso.
A Kcmnrkablo Old Lady Arrives in
the City
There arrived from the cast yesterday
moruing a venerable old lady who had
reached the ago of eighty-eight , a period
not readied by many daughters of crea
tion. Her name was Kli/.abeth Tjler
and she was on her way Irom Marion ,
Ia. , to Yiima , Colo. , accompanied by her
son-in-law and daughter. Mrs. Tyler is
ono of a very few pensioners of the war
of 1812 , her husband having been a dis
tinguished soldier in that war. For the
last forty years she has resided in Iowa ,
but her memory of historical events over
since , as a girl of Ihirtcen , she saw tlio
soldiers gathering tor tlio last war the
United States had with Kngland is ex
ceedingly prolific of most interesting de
tails. Though quito fcoblo physically ,
her mind is apparently in youthful ac
tivity. She talked of occurrences of
sixty and even seventy years ago as if
they happened but yesterday. Mrs.
Tyler and her relatives leave for Denver
to night.
District Court.
The present term of the district court
is apparently on its last legs , although
the judges are busy with chamber work.
Yeslerday only Iwo imporlanl cases were
commenced , Ihal of James H. McShauo
vs. Alexander Henham , growing out of
thcdifiicully regarding Iho possession of
tlio Club stables , and that of Valentino
Lipp vs. the South Omaha Land syndi
cate , composed of William E. Jones ,
Sarah E. Jones , Egbert E. French , Eg
bert E. Frencli as administrator of the es
tate of Junius H. French deceased , Marc
A. Upton and Edward C. Davis. The
petition alleges certain irregularities in
the transfer of property and prays tlio
court to pronounce- the deeds fraudu
lent. Next Saturday several decisions
will bo rendered when the term will bo
adjourned sine die ,
J. D. Rilcy , Real Estate UrokorTHast
ings , Nob. References : City Nat'l bank
and Adams County bank.
Hoard ofEqiinllzntlon.
The city board of equalization mot in
the clerk's office yesterday morning to listen -
ten to complaints regarding grading , via
ducts , assessments , etc. A majority of Iho
council were present. The board will
meet again lo-morrow. In tlio mean
time , any ono having complaints , can
file them with the city clerk.
Bcwlug Thread of Modern Times.
Sold at wholesale by
Hllpulrlck Much & Co. , Dry
Goods Co. ,
M. E. Smith & Co.
Pnxton , < > nlliiKlicr & Co.
And by nil Itetail Dealer * .
.Embody the Mghtit exeellen-
eleit In tliajieltHru , coin fort and
durability and are the reigning
farorltd in faihionablecircles *
Our name it I J.AT.COUSINS ,
n every tole.l NCWVORK.
This powder never varies. A marvel o
put ity , strength and ulio1c omcncss. More
economic than the ordinary kind * , and can
not he sold in competition with the multi
tude of low cost short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans
Royal Raking Powder Co. , 100 Wall-st. ,
Ner York.
Instruments exchanged , rented and
sold on cosy i > ai/incntK , below
Factory Prices ,
Initrtimctits sllylitlu used at
Max Meyer & Bro
Omalia , Neb.
St. , Cor. Cspltsl ftvcnm
Chronic & Surgical Diseases
PR. MoMENAMY. Proprietor.
Si Heen years' noeiiiuUand 1'riraw rTacUca
We have tbo facilities , apparatus and rimedlo-
for thoeoccefefnl treatment of oery form of din.
'rate requiring either medical or surgical treatment ,
and lnHe all to coma anil Investigate far tlicmsclrct
nr correspond with us. Long experience In treat
ing cases by letter enables us to treat inauy CMM
iclentlflcdtfy without i-celng them.
WRITE roil CIUCULAU on Dcformltlei nnd
Braces , Club Fctt , Currnturci of the Bplnc
DISEASES or WOHKI. Pilei , Tumors , Cancer * .
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paral.
yiia , Epilepsy , Kidney , Kjre , Ear , bkin , lilood and
all snrglcal operations.
Jlatforlc * . Inhalers , Unices , Trusses , an ]
all kinds of Medical and Surgical Appliances , inatv
ufacturcd and for sale
The only reliable Medical Institute miking
Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases
rA Bl'EriA.I.T.Y.
from w hatovcr caure produced , nuccteifullj treated
Wo cm remuva Uypuilltlo poltou from the ejstun
without mercury.
New r toratl\ treatment for Ion of rltal power
Call and consult us or send came and post-office
addruK plainly written enclose stamp , uud wo
nlll Bend you , In plain wrapper , our
CTON J'liiviTii , Brxcuz. inn NKHTOUB DISMAST ,
or , Svi'niUB , OONOHHHOSA , OLURT , VAnrcocn.n.
URINART ORCUXS , or aecd hittory of your cafe i erin
in opinion.
Persons nnablc to visit us may be treated at their
homes , by cnrreFpondencc. .Medicines and Inctru
menu rent br mall or expreis SKCUJtHLY 1'ACK
El ) FROM OnaUHYATIO.V , no marks to ludlrate
coutenU or sender. One personal interview prc
furred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the a-coir
modatlou nf patients Board and attendance at
reasonable prices. Addruts ll LclUm to
Omaba Medical and Sn ical institnto ,
Cor. I3IHSI. and CaolUUve. . OMA'U ' ' - "
IB >
The only rend to tnVe for DCS Jlolncs M iir-
thniltown , Ceclur Itaulds , Cllnon , Dlxun , Chica
go , Milwaukee and all j'olnts ' cuxt. To the people -
plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nerada , Orwron , Washington and Cali
fornia , It olTnrs superior advantages not possi
ble by any other liu .
Among a few of th numerous point * of iu-
porlorlty enjoyed by/ the patrons of this rood
between Oma&a and Chicago , are its two trnlni
a day of DAVT COACHES , which are the finest
thithumnn art andligonulty can create. Its
I'ALACE SLEEPING CARS , which are model *
of comfort and elegance. Its 1'Alt LOU DHAW-
INH KOUM OAHS , unsurpassed by any , and Iu
widely celebrated PALATIAL D.NINQ CAHS
the equal nf which emnnot bo found elsewhere
At Counoll Bluffs lim trains of the Union Paclflo
RT. connect In Union Donot with those of the
Chicago * Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the
trains of this line nuke close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Niagara Fulls , Buffalo. ritteburg.TorontOt
Montreal , Doston , New YorR , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. Washington and all points t > the
east ask for a ticket via thn
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
agents sell tickets via this line.
UenL Manwer. , OenU Pasc'r Agent
Chicago , lit
Western Agent. City Poss'r Agtat ,
Omaha , MebrnsUa.
Decker Brothers
. ! = > ! A.3STQS. .
, . ' . ' V OMAHA'NEBRASKA,1.1
Which we employ to gain patronage , are low prices for good ,
honest goods. The neople are quick to recognize this fact and our
success so far shows it. Our salesmen do not need to use much per
suasion to sell goods ; our prices speak loud for us and convince the
customer every time that WE HAVE NO COMPETITION IN
Last week we received 200 more of our popular $5,75 Mens'
Suits. We have sold over 300 of them already , and everv one sold
is making for us a dozen now customers. Thev are striotlv all
wool cassimere , of a nice , stvlish brown plaid color , serge lined
and well made. We will sell them at same price , $5.75 * Thev
cannot be duplicated bv other dealers for less than $3.50.
We''still have a fair assortment of Spring Overcoats. Two weeks
ago thev were marked down verv low , but as we are verv crowded
and need room for our constantly arriving summer goods , we have
put the knife still deeper into them. Thev must go. The weather
is not vet so warm that vou can safelv dispense with a light over
coat. Here is an opportunitv to get one at less than half price.
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omalia.
CO. 1
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HURD THOMPSON , Sec. % & Treas
Wholesale ® Ketail.
"Fishnrund" Coats , ilnlbs , Douches , Hnir Crimpers , Nursery bheetlug , Specnlnun ,
Air Pillows , Brushes , Drill .V Duck , Iliilr Plus , Nnvy llagt , Sportsman's Goods ,
Airllcds , llrowor's Hose , Door JlatB , lints , Oil f'lothinf , " , btnmps ,
Air Cushions , Clips , Dices blilclds , Horse Covers , Packing , -Stationer's Gum ,
Anti Hauler * , Capes , Drlnklnir Cups , Hose , 11. II. A P. Co.l'nlls , byphons ,
Aprons , CarrlnRO Cloth , Klnstlc HaiidH , Hose Couplings , Pufucnon Box SyringeMilttooiin . . . ,
Atomizers , Cartridge Dugs , Klnstlo Stockings , lloso IMpcs , 1'cnclls , bwimmlng Jackets
JInnds , Cuthctvrs , Krascrs , Hose Heels , Pun holders. Sytlneei 'Ptif.ction Box )
Knndage Gnm , Clothing. Face HitK' , Hot Witter BottlesI'essnrlex , Thlmhles ,
Ilaptismal Pants , Copy Hook Sheets , Finger Cots , Haversacks , Piano Covers , Tb rout lings.
Halls , , Flower , let , , * ,
Carpeting Sprinklers ) Hags Pipes Tubing
lintli Mats , Cement , Floor bcraporu , IceCaps , Pl ; > o btcms , Tumblers ,
Hath Tubs , Clothes Wrlnprers , FoldlnR Pulls , Inkbtaud * , Plant .sprinklers , Toys.
lied Pans , Coats "FUh Uruud" Foot Hulls , Inxalld Cushions , Pure Ilubbur , Toutli'gninKfPndf ,
lied Sheets , uomns " ' , ForcoCups Pants , Tobacco Pdiirlica ,
Il.n.XP.Co. HellingComb cleaners , Kiult Jar Hlngs , Lined HOBO , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Jtolls ,
Kelt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , Cutlers , Itatlles , Urinals.
Hollows Cloth , Cork .Screws , Gas Tubing , Life Preservers , Itubber Uam , Umbrcllns ,
Illbs , Curry Combs , Gloves , Mackintosh Goods , Itnlors. Ventilating Soles ,
lllnnkets , Cnepadors , Gossamer Caps , Match Hoxcs , ItcpnlrlngCloth Wftson Aprons ,
Hoots & .shoes , Clgnr Cases , " Cloth , Martlngala Kings , Shaft Huhburs , Wagon Covers ,
Hoys Caps , CliairTipB&Uuffcrs , " Coats , Mats , Shoes .t Hoots , Wagon bprlngs ,
Hoys Coats , Diapers , " Waterproofs , Matting , Sink Scrapers , Weather Stripe ,
Houses , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , bcoops , Webbing ,
Bracelets , Dolls , GunCo\cr8 , Mittens , Miooting Conte , Wading rants ,
llreast Pumps , Doll llodlcs , Gntta Pcrclm , Nipples , Sling shots. Water Itottlcs ,
lireastbhlclda , Doll Heads , Gyninns'uins , Nursing nibs. Soling , Window Clonneri ,
Uuircrs , Door llauds , H.ilr Curlers , Nursing llottlcs Wringer Nolls ,
IJoston Tti'ltinp _ JCo'8. Itttlibcr mul Cqtton Jicltin , Pnckinf ? nnd Hoe. . Bole .incuts m Omaha.
Leather Uelltnj ; liiro Oak Tan noil. Manufacturers of "PKKFKCTION HOX SYWNGLS. "
Manufacturers of "FISH Jill AND JlUHJiEll GOODS. "
Mall Orders Solicited and will Receive Prompt Attention.
ia C oiii Co ,
"be ZEPresennLted. a * Ticlret
1887 Spring Valley Stock Farm. 1887 ,
OMAHA , Nin. :
George Wilkei 619. Record 2:22. :
Measured by " :20 , the " : - " > and tlie-JI Htiiud
ard ; was the greatest thnt e\cr lived. Having
now fi5 sons and daughters in the - : J list doira
The'onlyson of George Wllkes iu tlio State of
3641 Black Wilkcs 3641 Standard.
Sired by George Willie * 619 ; 1st dam Fanny
Hell , sired by Confederate Chluf , own brother
toWoodford Chief. S:2Jli : : 2nd dam Kysdylt's
Ilambletonlnn. Will stand for mures at the
above farm ut f3S the season , cash tlm < 5 of service -
vice , with privilege of return should mares not
prove In foal. Limited to 20 mures besMm my
own. Beaten commences Volt. 1st and ends
August l tl&)7. For further particulars send
for circular , .
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn btfct known and most ( > opular hotel In
thobtato. Location centralappointments Cist
clags. Hendfjuurturs for tommorcUl men find
all political und public gntlicrlnirs. ,
. .r "Vs. i' . IWUOE , 1'roprletor ,
. . . .
JAB. A. CAHl'KNTKK , Vlco-I'ios. C. L. UAUl'UNTlild Trims-
Carpenter Paper Company ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers
Carry a nice new stock of Printing , WrapplM ? and Wrltlncr Paper. Special
attention pivon to cur loiul ordurn , which will bo Hlilpiiml direct from inillH.
All onlorn will receive personal attention. We guarantee ffood gooda and
low prices ,
1111 and 1110 Doughs St. , Omaha.
n ; Dr. Pntdlkar'i methwl No operation Nu I'alnt
No Iieltntloii from builia'pii. A'ljutod lo clilldrn i
i well i grown peupl , IluiulnUi ( it .uilii , n > u
It monlali on fll . Alltiiuiu-i r i ,1/ujTl I
piior. N. u. COOK ,
Room 0 , 1011 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb
One Agrnt ( ll rrn nt only ) w nUil In T ry town ta ti
* "
FttidMOJ.on ) of your "Tamlll's Punch" 6 cent
riKiir diiifnv the past four month , and over
1,4'AMJiO durlnir thu past ft voyeurs.
WM M. IHt.K , Druggist , Chicago.
IDOfiKS , R. W. TANSILL & CO. , CWlt'l
* H
v s s