Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under till * heiid.10 cenMpor
IMC for the first liisurllnn , 7 cents for each sub-
pn'Hit'iil Insertion , and $ l.r/On line per innnth.
Noiiil\uttl ( imotit taken for loss tunii21 conn
lot llio flr t Iti'J'rtloii. Poven words wll ibo
counted to tlio line ; they mint run consocu.
lively nnd must lie paid In ndvanco. All adver-
tltumenta mint lie handed In before 1 : .TO o'clock
p. in. , nml iimlcr no circumstances wilt they betaken
taken ordlwontlnued by telephone.
Pat ties luhcrtiitlng In thrso columns and bav-
Inir tlio answers addressed In cnro of TUB HER
trill plomn nsk fnru chock to enable thorn to iret
tlielr Jotters , ag none will ho ilcllvuroil except
on iirorontntlon of check. All nnswcrs to ndvor-
tlsomonts should IIP enclosed In cturlopos.
All advertisements In thofo columns ro pub
lished In both morning nnd rvenlng editions of
Ilio llr.K , the circulation of which
aggregates more than 11,000 paper *
dally. nml ( fives the advertiser the
Iirniillt , not onlj of the pty | circulation of The
HtK hut nlso of Council Illnrfg , Lincoln , nnd
other cities nnd towns throughout this purt of
the west.
12,000 to loan on real estate. Apply to C. II ,
> Keller , 1505 Fnrnam st , city. fllfi mlO
, to loan at per cent , Harris &Snmp-
$600,000 1510 Doiislse st. 70
JDOO flo TO LOAN at 6 per cent Mahoney
V & Llnahan 1C09 Farnam. CG9
IONRY ' 1O LOAN O. F. Davis ft Cereal
L estate and loan agents , 1506 Parnam at
, To loan on Omaha city property ntO
$500,000 cent. UW. . Day , s. o. cor. Rx. Bid.
ONKV to Loan , first mortgage notoj
bought. H. 1C. Cole , 318 A. 4.
MONEY TO IXAN-On cltv and farm prop ,
crty , low i ales. Stowurl 4 Co.loom3 (
Iron bank. 071
TWONEV to loan , cnsli on delay.
1 J. W. nnd K. L. Squire , 1413 Furnam t ,
1'axton hotel bulldlmr. 875
MONBV First mortgage notes. The
county bank will buy puporS Maurod by
firxt mortgage on city realty. 870
MONEY TO LOAN on unproved real citato ;
no commission charged. Lenvltt Ilurn-
hnm , Itoom 1 Crelgliton Illock. 677
Gl'UK CUNT-Monoy to looiil
Gregory & Hadley ,
Rooms 1 and 8 , Itedick block , 320 8. IMh _ Bt.
MONKNY to loan on collaterals. Long and
short time city mortgages and con
tracts nought , E. S. Kowloy , 311 South 15th st.
C78 mil
rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on Im-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
Mew England Ixjan & Trust Co. , by Uouglaa
County bank. l th and Chlrago at * . 679
MONKY to loan on Unproved city property nt
8 per cont. Money on hand ; do nothiuo
to wait Have n complete set of abstract book *
of Douglas county. I. N. Wntson , abstractor
Karris Heal Estate and Loant'o.,3208.r > th at.
fi > < 0
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hcod & Co.8 Loan
onico , on furniturepianos , horsos.wagono ,
personal property of all kind * , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 319 H. 11th.
ever Hlngham s Commission store. All busl-
nsoa strictly confidential. 631
6 Mill CENT Money.
II. C. Patterson , 15th aid Harnoy. 61
ONKY TO LOAN-by the nnderalgned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omuhn. Loans of 10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machlnury , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
mndathat any part can bo paid at nny Ime.oach
payment reducing the cost pro rntn Advances
niado on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persons
Ihould carefully consider who they are dealing
n 1th , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
andsooino. \ \ . H. Croft , Hoora i W'thnell
Building 15th and Harnoy. 683
n IIIE O in ainr Financinl Kxchnnge.N. W. oor-
X nor of Hnrnoy nnd 15th sts. , ever State
National bank.
If prepared to make short time loans on any
nvallublori ccurlty , loan * raado on chattels , cot-
latornls or real estate.
Long time loans mudoon improved real estate
Bt current rale * .
Purchase money mortgage * negotiated , * e
curnd notea bought , Hold or exchanged.
Short time lonns mnrto on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
Ite'il estate to exchange for good Interest
benrlnir paper.
Gnnornl nnanclal business of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hnud for approved loans of
any kind , without deUty or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott. Manager. Ib8
WE want four or five enterprising builness
men with a capital of 11,000 or II , .WO each ,
to ln\o t Into n big paying business. Call at
once bet. 10 and 12 n. m. and 2 and 4 p. m. and
oo W . L. Kay at Paxton hotel. 120 OJ
FOIt BALK An established buotnoss. Only
email capital required. Address 0 16 Itco.
T71OH 8ALR A well paying first-class rostnu-
J.1 rant. Ilargaln for the right man. Inquire
8158. 12th street. PT.l 7
_ _ _
FOll SALE- prolltabio and well established
business Htiltnble font lady. Call nnd in
quire at Employment Uureau , 219 n lllth sts.
FOH SALE or trade for city property A nice
atock ot jewelry and silveiware. McCul-
loch A. Co. , 150U Fnrnam at. _ 7488
TJ10H SAljK A olgar , tobacco and fruit stand
- * - on a good street , doing n good business.
Small capital required. Address M 54. lieu
office. 631-5 *
ITOll OALR Kstabllihod restaurant doing
Rood buslnods , ( rood reason for soiling.
Hart. Crelghton block. _ 100 3
n 8ALK-A fine drug stock Invoicing
JU' $ S,7tfl Is offered tor sale on very favorable
terms Only a small conh payment la required ,
bill to suit purchaser. The location and busi
ness Is excellent. Address A. C. Spandaw ,
Grafton , Neb. 515 8 *
very desirable lots to ux-
change for any kind of merchandise ; 120
N 15th t. 1-2 bIR n P. O. Murr A. Toft. 354
T ? Oil SAL1 ! Oil THADK-For Omaha city rent
X1 estate or NohraHkn lands , n two-story
brick store , with a complete line of staple dry
goods and notion * , groceries , crockery , Rlnaa-
waro. and a small assortment of hats and cups
all bought for cash nnd discount saved m a
live Nobraskn town , county seat , nnd doing n
good cnBh uiiBlnoH. The r-econd story rent * for
$ i per month , nnd now contains tlrst-clusj ton-
nuts. On the Union Pacific II It , and sur
rounded by the best claM of farmers nnd
farms in the stalo. Two craln elevators nro lo
cated ill the station , nnd tap ull tne surround
ing country , which brings in a irront deal of
outside trnda , and In one of the best grain mar
kets in the state ; It also has ono of thn largest
flouring mills In the wont
The nbovo pioporty Is Ilrft-class in every ro-
ipcct and the stock la now nnd dojlr.vblo. C. J ,
Canan. Ka
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ITIOH"8Al.r. One-half Intori-st In the Nebraska
JJ Slirnal.thu largest circulation of any coun
try weekly newspaper In the state ; largo Job
other in connection. For full particulars address -
dross or call on K. C. fcaw0r , Admr. , Fntr <
inont. Nob. f.81
hpriOK "BALK ot "Exchange Anew & 1 hbl com-
J ? blnatiou mill situated on Llttlo llltu
river , near Hebron. In Thaynr county. Will ex-
chaiigo for wild or Improved ( finds or live PIOCK ,
Korfurthor particulars address First National
Bank. Hebron , Neb. 6Sfi
A u eini nnn of roflnemont and
Jmoana , mlddlo nifod , ilonlr s correspondence
once with a dl cronc VOUIIK lady , or yoiinu
widow. Oblcct , mutual fun , perhaps mntri
inony. Address , conUdeutiully , O 25 , care lice
olflco. * _ HB 7 ]
XEKSONAL-Sond stamp for our circulai
"To Married ladles. " It will save jot
trouble. Address Lock Uox 1V5 , Ittsl Oak , la.
ud tl
1 > Kll > ONAti If you want n desb-abV , cent -
t rally located olltco you cm nnd It at all
B 15th st . 78
Mils. DUIUNT-CUrlvoyant from HottonTii
reliable In all atlalr * of life , unites separated
lOTers. IK * N. 16th t , room 1 691 mixj
* T > KllhOI < A"lNeat and tmty airooTbusT
J. ness nulls $7.00. F1n blue diagonal dros ;
eult * . f 10.75. Call and BIO them or write foi
( ample * . L. O. Jonea It Co. , Amerlcat
Clothicril)9 ) Farnnm ft , , Omaha. MM m 17
IjTKllSONAI I'rTvato home forTmUes duffiii
ronnncmoiit , strictly confidential , Infant :
adopted , addre' * K 12 , Heo ofHcn. fe49j : *
pEltSONAL-Mw. Dr'N"nnnir v7"Warroi ;
A clairvoyant , llodlcal and butlncu Medluu
loom Na 8 , 121 North 16th it .Omaha. N U
_ ttho
TTlAYKD 'from the corner 34th nnd Duvon
porttta. , a roan miiro , lame In right nlni
l ff. Howard lor return. James Cnavr * .
gal BJ
_ _ _ _
T OST Pug dotf sU months old with leath *
AJ collar. Under please leave at 2213 Capito
av and get reward. jj 6) )
J\IU3T-CLA33 \ Storage at 110 N 13th ft
TO11AOK Flrst-cliiss storage for nice fur-
nlture or boxed goods , at 1513 Uodge-st
IJIOUUBXI Square Hiano'ld raontnly. A
_ no8pe ,1813 Douifini. CM
"filOR SALK or exchange , ilesirablo lot tor
JL ? ( rood alnglu team. L. 11 , Watts , 1010 Fur-
nam st , DIP
T 10 the I.ndlos Prompt attention paid to all
kinds of dressmaking ; silk , satin and vel
vet drtsson cleaned by the French drying pro
cess. I'ricofrom $1.51 to $ .1.00. Also gloves ,
laces and pliiiiiea. 1818 Farnnm st 71i BJ
OE89 POOLS , sinks nnd vnults cleaned , odor-
IcM process , li Kwlngbox _ 327 , cltyt
660 tn 7J
rpo PROI'r.llTY Ownera-If you want to cell
A your property pond full description with
nrlco and forms to Hurt's Oreat Western Heal
Kstatp Unreal ] , Creltfiiton Illock. Wolmvo cus
tomers for o\ory bargain that Is otlorod.
TO partioi bavin ? houses lor rent , Itentnl
Agt-ncy , Ilotmwa &Ci. , list. , opposite post-
office , We have turn oil over to thorn our rental
list. We recommend them. McCagu * Bros ,
\\rEljLH , cistern ? and cpsspools dug and
T > cloiuied. pumps delivered It dosltPd. All
work warranted. J. D. Ynnderborg , Mil liar-
ney street 917 8 *
RESPONSIBLE lady would llko the cnro of
a house for the luiniiior , while owner Is
ahsont. Call nt2113 Ilnruoy , in afternoon.
94.1 fij
NOTICE-W. C. King A Co. , house moving
and raising luavo orders at I'JM Pierce ft ,
TT XCHANOK Very line , heavy conoh stallion
JH colt , nnd registered Ilolstoln Frioslau cattlu
for western land , Norwood Stock Farm , Nor-
\ \ alk , Ohio. H85 OJ
EEAL cstato men take notion ; lot 11 blk 8 ,
I'lamvicw hn3 boon raised to $2,000. 8. A.
lingers. IPS 5
AOl'NTS can make money nipldlv polling our
Door Plates , Door IlulU , Mall Boxes , Ve.
( Something new. Send for circulars to the *
Missouri Door Flato Co. , St. Louis. Mo.
933 OJ
THOU 11KNT Organs , $8 per month. HOMIO ,
X ! 1613 Douglas. < W
f KKSS MAKINO-Mis. R. c. Scofleld , par-
-L' lors 1823 St. Mary's avo. Ladles coining to
the city for ono day can hitve their dresa made
while waiting. 975 m 11
1. C.-Houso fuinishlnv Roods , all Itlmls ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J ,
llonnor , 1315 DouKlna at. OOP
F oil KIJ.N r square riano , Si montnlr. A
Hoape. 16l3Douirlas. 689
JF yoi want to buy or Roll furniture , go to
. "orguson'f , 715 N. 16th. 691
FOH SALE 'Furniture of 6 room housp witn
privilege of renting house. Kill California
it 110 7
T71OII BALK C. G. Conn cornet , same ns now.
-E A Dnrgnln. Duller Ic Todd,215 B. 15th.
962 U
FOItSALE-Sodafountatn.choap atl20 ! Iloup
las street 15 5J
FOR 8ALK-AI1 kinds of building stone nt
the Louisville quarry , lowest prices posal-
"ilc. Address G. Motzgor , Ix > uiSTlllc , Nob.
823 15 *
SALK-Socond hand barber ohalr at 702
S. 10th at , cheap 9S)6j )
[ TKR SALK-Now light sidebar buggy Cola
P 316 8.15th. Room 4. 767
FOR BALK Or exchange $2,000 cqlty In
Omaha and Kansas real estate to oxclmnKO
for same amount in merchandise , groceries
prefer d. Addressiiulckly. Carmlchaol Itros. ,
rllawnthn , Kansas. 881 ? 6 *
FOR SALE Pony , young , need to ride or
drlvo. Churlea TuUlold , 27th and
920 5
F1 I OR SALE Thrco Hansom cabs In good run-
nlnur order , nearly now , having boon used
about 3 months ; lire of the latest dcilgn and
ory light , nnd cost originally $700 ; will sell for
275 each. C. SchawacKor,414 S , 3d at , StLouls ,
Mo. 984 6
BALK 15 head flno milch cows and
Bprlngorsaat Military llridge yards. Cum-
ngs Ht. Crone ft Jester. 034 10 *
FOR BALK Autoharps , mandolines. Butler
&Todd , 115 815th 981 11
FOR BALE A good milk dairy , consisting of
DO Drat class cowl , n good delivery wagon ,
team and harness , milk cnns , ic. , bone power
corn mill and hay cutter , and corn sheller , In
cluding Drat claM milk routn. Immediate DOS.
session given. For terms , etc. call at 217 S Uth
t , Omaha. 741
TjlOR SALE Span horses , double wagon and
A' double harness for $ -00. Also a lot of posts
cheap. O. J Canan , 5oJ
F' > OR ' 8ALE-1 or S horse * . 1 spring wagon , 1
buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 781 ml ! )
FOR BALK Cheap , the Abstract Rooks of
Howard County , complete to date , Safe ,
Rlanks , Olllco , Fuinlture.good line of lUNUranco
Companies , Loan and Real Estate Business.
The only set of Abstract Rooks In Sownrd
County. Address , Humlln tiros. , York , Nob.
4,51 m 9J
P OR BALK Safe , nearly now , medium size ,
inquire 21 Frenzor blk. , opp P. O. : i > 7
F IOR S A LK Square piano , $150. Woodbridge
Bros , 215 Opera house , ! I04
FOR SALi ; The best line of carriages , phnot-
ons , liturgies , real estate n nitons nnd deliv
ery wagons. Columbus Buggy Co. , 1113 Harnoy.
FOR BALE Fresh milk cow nnd calf. In-
qtllro s.w. cor. 15th and Castollnr , Mrs.
Callahan. 904 fij
F I OR SALE Brick. T.Murray.
CHOICE LANDS-$5 per acre. $ W mnkos lac
years payment on 100 acres. Wrlto for In
formation W. F. Paine , Sidney Nob. J2may7
T710R BALK-17 head choice bred Shorthorn
- 1cattle : also a 410 nero stock- farm in Holt
county. J. 8 , Callings , Ponder , Neb ,
HOT may 13J
WANTED- " good moil to aoll sonplno to
families. Apply to H. Hiirpol , "Jit north
16th st. . room 16 , from 7 to 8 a. in. and 4 to a p.
m. I 1 117 OJ
"WANTED A baker nt onoo. 1410 SaundcM
> > at. 118 6J
ANTED -Barber at 1221 Saunders st.
113 6J
W ANTED-A Urst-clnss barber. 418 Pouth
10th street. 101 5 *
W ANTED 20 good onrpontors , U. M. Nich
olson , 9J8 N. 22d Bt. U3H 7j
\\TANTED-BoyOiuuha Shin Tiictory , M8 N
V > IBth. 9108
W ANlT.D-Shoomakor , J. W. Talbot. Syra-
ciiflo , Nob. 9S7 UJ
\\rANTED-A milker , north of Deaf nnd
T > Dumb Institute. J. F. Hocli. 971 6 *
V\ ( ANTED Caolnet makers nnd 1 cnrvor ;
TT steady work. Sluimonda , Reeves & Co. .
17JO nnd 1732 B Uth. 9119
\\rANT12D Partner to enlarge mill water
TV power. Business Immeiuo. Itaro chance ,
Tapltal reijiilred , $1,000 or more. Address V.
H. Gibson , Atkinson , Nebraska. 8857 *
WANTKD-Canvnssors In every city and
town In Nebraska nnd lovra. L. H ,
Watts , room 3,1010 Farnam st 779
WANTED A partner In good paying uusi
no * * , competent to take full charge ol
office affairs , $3,000 capital required. .Address
box M. 18. Boo olllco. 3M
W rAVTED Laborer * tor railroad work. E.S
Albright's Labor Agency , 11-'J Farnam.
"IXfANTED-Cnnvoxsors in Omaha ana Doug.
TT loscountv for Platform tchoos , by John
11. Gough. Tne belt selling book of tuoday ,
Call on or address , U II. Wutts , Room it , luu
1'urnum St , Omaha , Nob. &L
\\rANTKD-Cnnvasslng agents. Apply bo
TT twocnlSm and 4 p. to. Acme Jlnn
16th at.
WANTED A young Bohemian druir clerk
who can fpenk English and Gorman. Ad
dress O 3 Bee olllco. 8. > 2 5
WANTBD Men , Women , Boys nnd Girls foi
n light nnd protllaulu craploj ment N (
picture business ; no humbutr. Send lOo for i
valuable package to commence on. Only a few
bundled will bo distributed. AJdroas Altmni
Supply Co. . Albany , N. Y. _ B13 JJ'
WANTED A good reliable man to drive
TT furnlturo delivery wugon. Must under
stand his bulno s and furnUh olty reference
Prefer married man. Apply 817 a. 13th at. 861
WANTED-An active partner withabou
$ VX ) cash to Invest In n well paying bull
neat. Inquire of A. L. UndelunU & Co. , 130
Douglai at. room 1. a 6
WANTED- persons to Instruct In book
keeping. . No pay until situations are fur
nlahud , J. B. Smith , 1013 Chicago at. 908 OJ
\\'ANTr.D-rnrtnor In nn establl hol real os-
TT tate business. Should have IIOMO nnd
buggy. Address O 15 Boo office. 9105
WANTHD-Clork. gentleman or lady for
crockery and gfa swaro atoroaddro ; s O 11
Boo onicc. t'li 5J
WANTI'.D-l'artncr with $ ! ! In ono of the
best pnylng business In Omaha , Lndy or
gentlomati. Mrs. Bruga , 310 South 15th at.
92.1 &j
WANTED Young man to work in Jewelry
store , ono who hn worked n year or sent
nt the trndo , best references required. Address
O 17 , lice ulllco. 911 fij
WANTDD-50 men for R. H. work. Apply
at H. Jacobs employment office , Council
Bluffs. ( H41 7
\\7ANTKD-Young man , practical dry goods
TT clerk , mint bo well recommended , apply
at once J. F. llanneaan , 718 N 16th at. V > 3 5
WANTED-2. ) block makers for Colorado.
Must bo experienced men and have tools.
Free pass. Mrs. Btcga & Sou , 310 South 15th.
918 14
ANTiD-2orthroocarnonter : , HUB llth
et , In the forenoon , John Hnmlln. 8.W-5J
WAN 1 KD Agents , either cox , for a novelty
TT that Is taking Chicago by storm. 2WJ.OOJ
sold in this city , J. R. Pngo , Ic Co , Chicago.
f54 fij
\YANTKI-A..nrst-clas milliner at Mrs. K.
J , lIoinphoH's , Ashlund , Nob. ll'J 7J
WAN'Ifl ) ( llFffor ironornl housework
small family. Call at U N. 19th st 115-rtJ
TT ANTKD-Uood Blrl , 1707 Cnss.
WANTKD-rirst fflrl , 1013 Capital avo.
flsi mlj
TyANTED First class sowInK girl 13 H. lltli
WANTKU-Achmnbormald at 012
su 475
WANTIID A chambermaid at the Windsor
hotel. BIO B
WANTKD Ilutton bolo workers , II 12 Far
nnm. U038J
WANTl'U-A rflrl for kltclionork tit 415 N
13th. 9450 ]
ANTKD Good girl for homework. 47J
Convent. W 5
WANTKU-Two good Kitchen girls. 7Kininot
House. 1000 7
WANTBD At once , n woman to do wn < hlnir
at 1013 8241 h St. 0.5J
WANTIlD-Good slrl ut DOS Virginia nvo ,
good wages paid. 231
WANTED A good cook. Inquire at 1310
corner 13th and Harncy street , Room 1.
952 11 *
TI7ANTKD Good kitchen girl , ono who un-
TI dorsUnds general cooking. Apply 1914
Fnrnam st. 954 lij
\\TANTKD-Olrl for housework , family of 3 ,
T T Oorman preferred , 2115 CiUifornlu at.
IIJ8 7
WANTT.D-A gltl to do housework In a
small family. Inquire at 1112 South 13th
street. 1U2
\ArANTED A good girl for general houso-
IT Work. 44J Convent at. 1U77J
WANTKH A lady cutter and fitter for
dressmaking. Apply Mrs. J. Lewisroar
1015 Capitol avenue. i'M ' 7
W'ANTKD A good girl to do general houso-
work. Liberal wages paid. Apply nt 1815
Douglas at. U49 7 *
WANTKD Qlrl for general housework.
Uorman or Oano prolerrod. 2l > * H. Kid st.
8700 *
WANTKD Woman cook.Vlonnn restaurant ,
1017 Howard st. 1)00 ) fij
WANTED A few more ahlrt and panta
makers. Apply at onco. Geo. Stiles , HOG
Lcavonworth at. 041 11
WANTKD A competent girl for general
housework at 2J2U Fnrnnin at 8b2 6
ANTKD Kitchen girl and two ( lining
room girls. 1004 No ICthst. 008
Chambermaid , colored. Call nt
WANTED avenue , between 1 nnd 2
o'clock. 781 8'
WANTED-At once , 3 first-class chamber
maids and l scrub girl. Apply nt the
Cor/ens. v)9 : )
WANTIIU Glrla for hotels nnd private fam
ilies. Apply at II. Jacobs employment
office , room 0 , opera house , Council Uluira.
V\7ANTHD Girls , glrls.irlrls , I can supply any
IT numnor of glfla with nice places lu pri
vate families at good wages. No olllco
food. Mrs. llregn ; I1C 3 16th. 017 6
WANTKU-In family of 3 , first-class girl for
general housework , 1908 1'arnam OIII6J
TTfANTRD A good female pastry cook at
TT Arcade hotel. Must have roforonccs ,
1315 Douglas St. 215DJ
" \JITANTKD TmmoJIatoly , 2 ohnmbormalds In
T flrat-clasa hotel. Mrs. Urogu , .IIU South
15th at. U.V3 Tij
WANTED A nurse wtth oxporlonco. Mr * .
Warren Swltzler , 2504 St. Mary's nvp.
72 0
\VANTED-Lady cook , must bo Orst class ,
T i anply to Thos H. Hill , proprietor Park
hotel , Fremont , Nob. 7JJ 0
WANTKD An experienced girl , at n o.cor.
13th nnd Loiu en worth sts , 710 fij
WANTED Middlo-agod woman that under
stands chamber work * no washing or
Apply at2. 0 N 10th st , room No. 1 , up
stairs. U40 5J
WANTED At once , piano plnyor , colored
woman preferred Apply 113 8. Uth. U4S
WANTED A good practical woman as
housekeeper ; wa es f5 per wook. Apply
between the hours of 12 audJ at 912 Douglas at ,
\\TANTED-Ladiosto work for us nt tnelr
T T own nomos ; t to 10 per week can be
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no cunvuis-
Ink . Tor full particulars please address at
oncoCreicnnt Art Co. , 19 Central at. , Boston ,
Mass , Uox.5170. liflSjelS *
YIJANI l'D-Employment by two young men
IT Who liavo had clerical experience In rail ,
rend otnccs and elsewhere. Can furnish good
references as to character and capacity , and
would try to earn their salaries. Address O SO ,
Ueoonico. OSJU *
WANTKD Situation by a tlnoly educated
eastern man , competent to run drug ,
booK or stationery store wants position inn
healthy town or on the road. Can keep books.
Itoxt of references. Address "Cambus Indicn , "
Marshall- ton n , la. 1)32 ) 7
WANI'KD Situation as a
ploasnnt , practical woman of J8 with loy
of 15 , U an excellent cook and good * manager.
In fact a tro.uuro for Bomebody. M ra , Hroim.
310 South 15th. 0105 *
\\7"ANTKD Situation for No. 1 woman pfts-
IT try cook. Wages , $ J5. Mrs. llrctra. 310
South 15th. UJ3 5j
\VANTnD-A I'osKlon by n thorough noT -
T > countant. Host of rufcroncos. Address
O 11 Hoc olllco. bl.J
TV ANTKD Situation for running a statlun-
" ' aryonglno. ( lonllomau will on.l Older
or special terms on nddrusa. Uox 07 , Mlllard ,
Uouglus county , Neb. B.U 9 *
I AM well acquainted wtth the grocery trade
of Nebraska , Illack Hills , also city trade ;
open for a situation , Address OS , Dee olllco.
88J6 *
WANTED To rent , 3 or 4 room house , ad *
dress A. M. , 2S31 Charles st. 89. ) 8j
T7ANTEIManwbo can loan his employer
T T f.l.00) for II years at 7 per cent , to take po
sition paying IVJ pormonth nnd expenses for 3
yours. Addresn Palmer and Co. , Lacrosse , Wls.
WANTED Ono or two furnished rooms for
man , wife and two children ; no house
keeping. Address O 21 lloo office. 9947 ]
A\7"ANTKp-Day boarders at 1704 Capitol
TT avenue. Urst-olasa homo cooking at (4
per week. If you would llio tint-das * board
and clean , try 170t Capitol avenue. 958 5 *
\\7ANTKD-Toams for railroad work ,
T1 Albright' * Labor Agency , 112O Farnatn.
\\7ANTKO-Tobuya barber shop In a town
T ? otWOor 1 00. Addrcaa I/ck Box 40
Walnut. Town. 811 6 *
WANTKD A respectable young roan desires
to correspond with a lady of moderate
wealth object , matrimony. AUdroW O 18. lloo
office. 93i 7J
TVTANTKD Merchant * m dry goods , cloth-
T Ing. boots and shoos or general merchan
dise wanting to poll their itock , can Had cash
purchasers by addressing 1L N. McGrow ,
Omaha. ttl m8J
ANTKD A newipupor , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start , for partlou-
Urt address Umnk of Valley , Valley. N b.CM
\4\Oll \ HKNT-Oood batn , gultable for four
J ? horses. Inquire at QUf. 13th st. ml
Oil IlKHT-WIndow , go"o I locality for Jew
clor or real estate. 'Apply ' to 303 n Wth ,
. " SI'S '
_ _
T71OH 11ENT Or sale. ordauWy and dwelling ,
J ? everything complete ? 'Address J. 11. Hen-
ahaw , Manning , la. I i * C07 5J
FOH RKNT Storo.f room's and basement on
16th St. Apply 813 N lOth st. 7W7 8
17IOH UKNT On South Slst st. n 5-rootn cot-
i. tage , now , with closets , pantry , hard and
soft water a south front , 4f u neat small fam
ily. AddirssO 19 UoooltlCC. W74 GJ
OK iri'.NT A small Wo-room cottniro In
F good localltyf0. luqul d at 2513 Capitol arc.
FFOH 101 5 *
FOH HKNT-Sevcn-room Hat , host location ,
carpets for sale cheap , or will sell all
furniture on time payments if desired.
Dayton & Vorls , Itoora 1 , 1J04 Douglas street.
102 7
T71 0H RKNT First class location for barber
J3 shop. Shaw ACo.,510frouth Iflth. 424
) R ItKNT-A store. Inqutro 1412 S. l.lth et
Gco. II. I'clorson. 839
T710H RnNT Ware room cor. 13th nnd Coll-
-L. ifornlii on Belt Line. For particulars on-
gulro at Union Nat bunk. 13J
TpOR RENT-Brlck yards , T. Murray.
FOR RENT Frame store building , 20xV ) .
with living 4room'on Phil Sheridan stvrlll ;
improve ; put basement under store to suit any
legitimate business Win. Flomlng * Co. , 1401
Douglas. t > 70
TTOH IIENT House of 0 r.ooms near Hans-
II . com park on Georgia n\enuo. lniUtro | of
Cunningham & Her , llooras 0 and 7 , Aillngton
block. WOS 5
F AltMtorent , T. Muriay , 859
FOIl RENT-Houso ; furniture , carpetsAc. ,
for salo. Apply 1909 Farnatn. 213
TJ1OU KENT Store nnd living apartments on
E Cumlnir near Snundorsat , Apply at HarrU
Heat Kstato and Loan Co. , : feO S . 16th St. 697
F KENT Plonaant furnished rooms at
439 Convent st. 131 10
F1 IOU IlENT-Furnlshed rooms , 019 Ninth ,
08J 7
17OR RENT-Furnlahed rooms. 714 N. 10th. ;
J ? 19m21
"E10U RENT-Furnished room nt 1810 Dodge st.
_ ifi _
O11 KENT-Furnlshod rooms at 1810 Dodge st
F 1011 RENT Furnished room. 1615 Doae-e at.
FOR ItnNT-FurnlBhod rooms. Apply 704 S.
18th Bt. 114 6J
T71OR RENT-NIco furnished room.202r. . Far-
-L1 nam. 965
Oil RI.NT Furnished room 1720 Capital
nvo. USH > 5j
rpWO unfurnished rooms s. w. cor. Hth anaL
-L Hnrnoy. 968 6 *
FOR RENT Nino-room tlat centrally located ,
310 S Uth. 077
F 5R RENT Furnished room for gentleman.
j37 Pleasant st 847 6
FOR HE NT Two nicely , furnished rooms.
2218 Farnam at. e 1.10J
F OR RENT Furnished front rooms , 1613
Howard st , 2nd floor. 904 8J
FOU UKNT-Nlcely furHBhod rooms at 19
Fnrnam st R 80 < 8'
OR RENT-Front roojt'for gentlemen , 1724
Douglas at , IT 6196 *
OR RENT Pleasant bait room with privi
lege of parlor , 510 Fftjr.ylew st. 97310 *
"C10R RENT Two unfurnished rooms or ono
-I-1 largo ono , 1st lloor. iJUUBt. Mary' nvo.
987 7 *
"IJ10H RENT NIcely furnished front room
-L' and board , suitable for two gentlemen at
602 B 19th cor St Mary * nvo. ill 5 *
F OR HUNT Office or desk room. Central
J. R. Rlngwalt , 218 a 15th. 109 5 *
FOR HFJJT Eleven niobjunfurnished sleep
ing rooms. Separata oc all together , In
building 318 S 15th Bt 975
FOR RENT Desirable unfurnished rooms
suitable for office or sleeping room * . 310
815th st P76
F IOR RENT-Nlcely fuwlghed front rooms
northwest corner ot 12th and Howard.
105 8 >
FOR RENT Rooms , furnished or unfur
nished , single or on suite K block from
paved street and car line , private family , flno
location. Address O 22 , Heo office. 1060 *
TJIOH RENT In new house , newly turnlshed
Jroom * , south and east front , ono with bay
window and alcove. 622 Georgia avenue.
F OH RENT Nicely fnrniehod rooms with
board if desired. 1412 North 28th st 815 9J
FOR RENT Desirable sulto of rooms , turn-
tshed , 2fiT5 St. Mary's ave _ all modern con-
voclencos , with board 8i > 8 7J
FOR RENT Four pleasant rooms , city water
sink and collar. 22U California street.
068 5 *
TfTKMl RENT Two or four gentlemen can have
J-1 two elegantly furnished adjoining front
rooms , also first-class board ; reference re
quired. 1919Dodrost. ; 8S15 *
TjlOR RENT Furnllhod rooms single or in
-L sulto , for gentlemen. All modern conven
iences. 315 N. 17th st Hospo. Reference re
quired. 628 5
FOR RKNT Fine room , city water , ga * . bath ,
streetcar , cotueuientcheap. Apply2UO
Douglas St. 024 0
FOR RENT-Furnished room with private
family , with or without board. 2323
Charles st cor Saundors. 8935 *
FOR RENT Two pleasant rooms with gas
and bath. 1011 Hownrdst. thlid lloor. 8917j
T/1OR KENT Furnlshel room with privilege
JL1 of sitting room for ladv. Object , company
for lady whnse husband Is gene part ot the
time. 5018 20th. BSO
FOIl RUNT -No. S07 s 13th at , storeroom nnd
basement , new brick building. An excellent
collont location tor either wholesale or refill
business. Paulson ic Co. , room 8 llodlck block.
FOR RENT Two otHroa spaces on ground
lloor In room 1539 Farnam St. Enquire of
J. S. KlrhardBon , in roir otllce , 318 m21
FOR KENT IMetunnt furnished rooms , Bull-
nblo fo-4 gentlemen ; nlco grounds ; oath.
Itefeioncos required. 1910 Webster it.
8485 *
T7IOU RENT Very pleasant nowly-f urnlshod
J-1 room near business center , sultnbo lor two
Kcntlemon , all coincr.iences , private family.
1015 Capitol nvo. 877 8J
FOIl lir.NT-Nlroly furnished rooms cheap
50o South 18th street , Upstairs. 9J5
TTicJiTTlKNT-ncsk room at UI4 South 16th
X' btrcot , room 3. Insurtdico man preferred.
4fT 025 OJ
POR aENT-DeskroomjXcnqu'lro Younir &
Blackmail.J-14 315th t 540
TTIOR RKNT Three roonihAiuso wcet of North
X ? llth st , between Chlukrfo and Cass. 692
TT10R RENT-Elcgant om o rooms , best lo-
-L1 cation In Omaha. 3inubuth 15th st 635
FOR RENT Third UoorJaixBO , of brick build-
Ing , 110S Vnrnum atrwL , use of elevator.
Inquire above number , urrstlilrs. 081
TTIOH HENT-Offlues In Hftllman Dulldmg cor.
JL1 Farnam and 1'lth sts. . In suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams and Information apply to
8.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam tjb Room 2.
. , , . . , Bnundora Street Bargains.
IlyJ. L. Rice & Co. , otcr Commercial
National Bank.
03 foot front , corner $ 6,500
3 foot front , corner nlley f > , .VW
128 foot front , corner 12.00 !
120 toot front , corner , 12,00 (
ia foot front , pavt > d In front u/W
70 foot front , paved in front 16,00 !
Hi foot front , corner , Improved. . . t ZO.UOO
ot ) foot front , Improved 8,75 !
M foot front , corner , improved 8,70i
112 foot front , near corner .Livko 13,000
40 foot front , Improve I , Lake 7,00 (
40 foot front , vacant , Lake B.oofl
45 foot front , corner : i,7Vl
CO foot front , corner 7WW
4S foot front , Insldo 4.SUO
22 foot front , near corner Lake , . 2V > 0
21 foot front , corner 3,000
J. L. Itlco S. Co. BM 7
STEVENS PLACEIswhoroto buy. Sloven
Brc * , 1513 Farnam. 874
ST8VENB PLACE Is noir Platnvlew. where
lou am celling double the price. Stovonj
Broi. . 1513 Farnam. b74
imoil SALE A south front lot centrally lo-
-L1 Cited in Kountzo Place , O 23 , Dee olnco.
$40C03 will buy property bringing an annual
ten till of I7.UI4. Shaw Sc Co. , 510 S. tilth st
FOR SALE A corner lot , GSxl'W , on IMh nnd
Cumlnir st , ono of tlio bout locations lu tlio
Ity for a wholesale house , with waterworks
nd sewerage. Apply nt premise * , Thos. Slu >
Inir. 311 m 21J
AN OPPORTUNITY- In Kountto Place
-fVf2,2UO. John Gallagher , 317 S. 13th st. 6111 5
rpENTH Street business property with track-
X ago $ JVI per foot , cheapest ground on the
treat. Patterson & Moore , Oimtm National
tank. 47J
[ 7 < OR 8AIE-Ily J. L. Rico & Co. , on LaUo
l street nnd car line , fronting on two rtO-foot
troct * :
Corner lot , Lake nnd 2.1th gts.Ul feet on 23th
t,41 feet front on Ln < to at , in toot on I'.rsklno st ;
II for n paltry $1,000 , worth double to 1m-
irovo. P2 feet front , corner on l.nko and 25h. !
o/iOO , fronting on 3 , fie foot streets. '
44-foot front on Lake nnd Eraxlno stroots.
ns-footfront on Lnkost.Bamo on F.rskino st ,
$7,500 , J. U Rico Ac Co.
8.VJ . 7 S E Cor Uth and Douglas.
WK hne Ju t what you want In the ny of n
hrmo. Cull on us , lllackburu * Kennedy
18 S IMh t OT7 II
. U THOMAS-Hns tlio choicest lots
In Lincoln Placo.
2 cor. ncros In Solomnn's ndd 1700 each.
3 lots In lilook A9 , South Omaha.
Also 9 , block W , aud lot 2 , block C3 , 7 in 81 , 2
n " 7 , cheap.
80 ncre * bv Central City to soil or trade.
1,120 ncros In n body nenr Stnnton.
4 0 ncros near Wlsnor.
Also lots In Iledford Place , Dclonos addition ,
Wrst Ciimlng , Koater's add on Ciimlng st The
bosi lot In block 0 Shlnn's addition.
Also large lots In Shlloh.
fi acres on Ames' nvenuo.
AlBotracxago cheap on Holt Line , for sal * or
6 In'rgo lots on Ilrondwnv , Council Rluffs.
Lot 3 blk 0 Imptovoinent Association , 00x189 ,
Ixt8blk7 , Rnmo add , same tire , corner ,
1.000 , Ac. , &o ,
I own the nbovo and can mnlco term * to suit
Come nnd SOB. Dexter I * Thomas , room 8 ,
Crolghton lllock _ 752
CTEVBN8 PLACE IB north , where the boom
O is crowing , nnd there's where you want
, obuy. Stevens Bros. . 1513 Farnam. 871
OR SALK-Ily S. Kntz * Ca,1511 FarnamsOt
Corner Farnam and 31at. I6xl32 ! . . . I7.'HO
Cotnor DouKlaaund 12th . 3TiiXn )
Cot nor I'lorco and 19th , I40x9S . 15.00"
Corner 10th and Martha , 03x140
Oornor 18th nnd Hurt
Corner Mth and Callforhln.lH lot
JornorCnpltolavonuo nad20tn at .
Choice residence lot , Summit Hill . 3.50) )
Choice lot , Farnnm near 8S h . 3,031
Corner Saunders and Hurt , 161x21 . 7,000
Choice lot * Walnut Hill . 1,000
Choice lot , Virginia ave . 3,750
Jholce lots on Farnam st . 3,600
Choice lot. Dodge and 27tu . 3,000
Choice lot. Ulb joining Cosmopolitan. 8,500
68 foot fronting on Cuming and Hurt , 5
houses . 1R.OM
Lot G2txlKi } , Just north of Cummg.O-ioom
house ; n great bargain . 3.SOO
300 font frontage on 17th nnd 18th sts. , In
the heart of too city .with 5 bouses . 20,000
63 foot front on 22d at. just north of St.
Mary'savo . 6,500
Now 8-room cottage , choicest location in
theeity . * -B0"
Full lot on Franklin st . 1.350
Call m and aoo us and wo will runkojou
money. S. Katz * Co. , 1511 Farnara.
F OR bargains In real ostalo see Ulackburn
Kennedy 316 B Uth st. 937 6
STEVENS PLACF. i * on Amos a\o. , the most
popular drlvo in the city , between Saunders
dors and State streets , and la the prettiest ploco
of ground In Omaha. Let u * show you the
property nnd you will buy , Terms easy.
Stevens Rros. , 1513Fnrnntn. 1874
U. SHRIVER.Special bargains-Sightly
V . lot , E. front , Kilby Place $1,800.
Corner 06x113,1 block off Rod oar line , oan
build 4 cottages , $2.500.
2 lots , west side , K. front , 57x116 each , $1,000.
Full lot , 2Sth nnd Webster. $2,000.
Full Iot28tn and Hurt , Jooo.
Good lot in Denlse sudd. , $1,700.
Beautiful E. front lot on Georgia avo. , 200 ft
8. of Loavonworth , $5000.
8. front lot on llurdotte nenr 20th $2OW.
2 full lota s front near Sounders on Maple ,
66x140 ft on 21st near Grace , $4,000.
Full corner lot on Cuming and 31st , $4,000 ,
Lot on Curalng near Lowe avc , $1,600.
22 , 44 or ca ft front on Sanndors near Hamil
ton.Lots in Shrlver place $450.
10 of the finest lots In West side , lies within 1
and 21 locks of the now street car line , * fronts ,
price low and very oasy.tenns.
Improved Property ,
Cottage and corner lot , 03x120 on Saunder *
and llurdotto its. , $6,000.
2 cottages and t > 0 feet cast front on 29th St. ,
near Douglas , $5,700.
68 feet on Park avo. and an 8-room house ,
61 feet nnd two new -room cottages on 19th ,
near Lake , $6,200.
10-room faouaoon24th St. , nenr Capitol nve. ,
5-room cottage25th and Parker st , $3,500.
Cottage and two lots (130 ( foot ) In Lowe' * add. ,
corner , $3.000.
100x150 ft corner on Virginia avc , 5-roorn cot
tage , barn , &c.$7,500.
Now 10-room house , east front , Hangcom
Full lot and 5-room cottage In Shlnn's 3d add ,
Full lot and 7-room house in Walnut Hill ,
6 room house , full lot In Nelson's add , 3,803.
W. O. Shrlver opp. P. O. OdJ
FOR SALE-ByJ , L. Rico * Co. ever Com
morclal Nations ! Bank.
6 choice lots In Corolla ndd to Crelgliton
Ilulghts $ 175 each.
5 beautiful lots In Institute Place $000 each.
Will trndo for house and lot.
4 north front Institute Place $175 each. Bar
2 north front Institute Place , fenced , $500
2 olognnt Crelghton Heights Boulevard lots
$750 ouch.
4 Bplendld lots in Hllllko'a first add M mlle
from fair grounds T < > 75 each.
5 lots on 16th st , Hilleke'aOrst add $400 each
Z lots In Crelghton Heights $400 each.
Thrso lots nro gilt edge suburban property
wltliln the tliroo miles circle. Will ho sold on
easy terms. J. L. Rico & Co. solo agents.
850 7
FORBALE-Corlot , 06x112 , on apltol Hill ,
must bo sold aoo a. Call at 222J Davenport
\S7HOLESALEHS nnd manufncturor8-132Tinj
TT corner , close to whoiosilo center ,
heavy 3 story bilcu , 50x1.12 , nnd other buildings ,
tracks , equipped with engine and machinery.
Soil with or w ithout machinery.
T. J. Hook , 1509 rnrnam.
W7 5
FOR SALE A very desirable lot in Orchard
Hill , beautifully shaded with trees. Terms
easy. Address IL 1' . K.1617'N 13th St. , Omaha ,
Nob. . „ P6J7
SPECIAL BARGAINS , for sale by Sholo3 &
100x120 feet , n corner in Omilm View , sontli
nnd west front , and must bo eold quick ut
f..lOO ; worth $1,000 to-day.
Tn o choice lots In Myers , Richards & Tlldcn'g
addition , J-00 each
Six lots In Windsor Terrace nt only $ .TM oacn.
These nro bargains and it only takes $85 cash
on eath.
Seventeen lots In Bedford Place from $550 to
$700 ouch.
Two elegant east fronts In Hanscom Park ad
dition at $1,000 each , on ousy terms.
Ton choice cast fronts In Clifton Hill nt $125
each , this Is nway below the market price , but
must bo sold. Sbolcs A. Crumb , 1408 Furnnin st.
Illi ! 7
FINEST corner In Highland place. AH * for
price , Illackburc & Kennedy. U97 0
READ this list.
A corner east front on Virginia nvo 100x150
ft , will make three elegant soutU front lot *
only $1,500.
A 75 foot ixst front lot on Georgia ave , for
Thirteen lot * In Cnrthajre , $700 to $800.
Ono lot Clarendon. 11,400.
M nyno place , $2ou ) '
Forty-eight ft on Saunders at , south of Bur-
dctto , Hx > Q.
Two east fronts on Phil Sheridan nt $2.000
Two lots In Hillside add. No. 1 , for $4,250
Wo bn\ou largo ll t of lots In Orchard Hill
Hanscom place , Kilby place. Ambler place
Omaha view , etc. , etc. Call and examine our
list and look nt the property woolfor for sule
Blackburn & Kennedy , = 115 8 15th at. W7 0
FOR SALE Shed roof house and barn 01
leasedground. Prlco $40. Inquire 535 S
83d ( t. 989 7 *
SELECTS , are the carefully luted bargains
hunted doirn by Cake & Bllllnga. Our sample
plo cure :
06x110 ft on Ulth itroet for $6,500 , part 1 and 2
4 lots , Meyers & . Tllden's add , cash needed only
Homo lot In Plalnvlew , only takes , cash , $500.
Picked in Sheridan i'laco.only iW ) for $1UQ
2 lots with 2 houses , J , I. Rodlrk's aub , only
blocK from itreet cur line , 10Sxl2i ft on 3
btroots , big money hero for you.
lleauty of Bartlett , fruit tree * , Ono view
only $1.600 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omaha tuff on the market
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , nnd
we'll make It pleasant and pruntablo for you ,
FOR BALI' DodgoattwoloU In Kilby place
fronting on Dodge HI reel , 125 fcot. Twu
block * beyond the lot * have sold for $2.000 , the
came price wo ak for theto- Only $1,200 cash
required. ' Shaw 4 Co.,510 8 Uth * t. ar the
Bgoat * . IN
FOR SATitt lliKlncM property , nw corner
13th and Dorcas sts , eaxl.t ! foot , with n largo
loiuo and othrr Improvement" , at a bargain.
For snlo , SI * acres of land In Nuckolla Co ,
Volt , within 14 miles of Superior nnd U It.
epot. Tor particulars call on M , liollnvtou ,
6MS l3th st.Omnhiv 973mnynj
PLACK on Amps nvonilo , nonr
J Ptnto and Snundors Mreet-i , nnd a contln
mtlon of Sherman tiivonup. the line drives
of the city. Slovens Bros , 1513 Farnam. 871
READ this splenJId list :
Gibson , Aylosworth A Hcnlamln ,
15U Farii'itn St ,
lor 5 dius only wo offer the following
2 lots In IlrlggR plnco front sou llaruuy ivnd
i on Ftirnnm ,
1 lot lu Hawthorne 4 x10.1 , cor rtld and Dnvon-
> ort,0room house , Sic. , jirlco $ .1 , > J. Easy
I-ot and house In Ixiwo'a 1st ndd.fiOxli ) , $1,75) ) .
120 ft on St. Mary's ave with 2 P-roniu houses
ga.s nnd water. Will subdivide M1.OX ) .
Wnrehoiifo orbusluos ) property lu block 19J ,
UVWO. Ensy terms ,
Lot on Douglas street , 10\13S , with 6-roora
house , * 5lXi. (
Full lot on Dodge street , 3 houses , rent for
$500. price $ VAO.
5-room house on N. 17th at. , good well nnd cis-
crn , { fl.flX ) .
Wanted 3 good business lots.
l"wo or more lots with trackage.
Gibson , Aj lesworth A Benjamin.
1512 rnrnnni st
CPKCIAL NOTlCR-llouso ot 10 rooms , olty
J watnr , SOWIT , gus , steam , linrn etc. , largo
ot , Farnam afreet noar24th. Only $ llr ( > t > 0 and
Tory easy torrus , this price for 10 dars only.
i'nn llouron , Douglas and 14th sts. C.WMO
SJTRVKNS ri'LACR lots aoll themsahos : all
they rp'iulio Is an Inspection. Slovens
Uo8. , 151.1 Fartiam. h7l
IfOH SALK-50 cholco farms loss than 20
nulcfl west of Onmlia. Address J. B. Sllvls ,
leal fstato Agent , Elkhorn. Nob. ( ill inJiiJ
" 13 EFORE buying anything lu the real cstato
J- * line go and see Shaw V Co. Wo oan neil
you nnythlng to suit vour pocket-book , all the
vny from $ . ! 00 to $10,000. Housoa and lo's for
sale In all parts ot the city. Wo nro bead-
lunrtcrs for aafo Invostmciits. 610 S , Kith at.
sour offl CP. _ i _ 05i _
BIO BARGAIN Ono hundred foot front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000.
Fart on time. V. L. Vodickn , 6A ) South nth st
A P. TUKKY , 1321 Farnatn et , makes Investments -
vestments for non residents n specialty
with guaranteed interest or ahnru ot prollts.
nnd takes full chnrgo of property ; rotoronco
given. 398
100 cash will secure 16 } acres of first class
farming land In eastern Nebraska balance
very long time anil no taxes for 20 years. The
O.F.Davis company , 1505 Fnrnam at.
924 m 15
BIG BARGAIN In Kilby Place , lot 63x15.1. on
Benson stioot oar line , $1,675 , just the
thing for n home.
Also , Thornhurg , east $150 loss than
It I * worth , * KX > , nnd loss than S casb. Those
are sacrifices to secure some money. Carriage
to see tliesu any time.
i Pnrrottfe Williamson , upstairs , S W corner
14th and Douglas. 921 0'
We have sold nil but B few of those
Loavonworth street residence lots. These
wo have for our patrons at terms nnd price *
thnt bent any list In tlio city. Wo moan it nnd
will prove it to you. Wo have also those moneymaking
ey-making chances :
The prettiest place in PInlnviow for the
money , nnd only f TOO cash , If sold soon.
" 1 ho Apple of My F.yo , " homo only M block
off St. Mary' * nve car line , convenient to busi
ness , built "not foraday but for all time. "
Bargains In buslnei * property.
List with us for wo put them whore they keep
hot. Cake & Hillings , over 101 South 15th st.
[ TOR SALE-By J. L. Rico & Co.
I Farnara Street property.
40 foot corner 27th , Ili.OOO.
40 foot Insldo hot 22nd und 23rd , $12,009 ,
1J3 Icet trent $2V ) per foot.
13J feet front $ J33 per foot.
80 foot front ? 100 per foot
100 foot front , $11,500
Kaon and all are extra barirnina-sure to
double in 12 months , In our judgement. Call
and get our reason for such n statement see
property got prices und terms. J. L. Rico &
Co. . B E. cor 1.1th and Douglas St 855 7
FOR SALE-Lot In Kilby place. $900. 4 room
houiu 18th near Paul Bt , M,5W. Lota 1 nnd
2 , block 20 , Walnut Hill , witn 5 room house ,
barn , etc. , only $2,203. H. W. Huntress , 1599
Fnrnam st , 809 7 *
OUR LIST of Bargains. Rountz place , Sev
eral lots at n bargain.
Latest,2S foot for $ 800
Saunders Bt , it lots , each 2,000
Sdunders st.ilii acres opposite Kountzo
place , 16th at,50x150 6.000
Farnam at. corner. 50x123 11,000
Furnamst , . ' ! lots , ouch 11,000
Loweave , east trent 1,750
Vlrjjlnlnnvo 1,300
Georgia ave , 75x150 S.fiOO
Georgia ave 2,550
Twenty-sixth st , near Popploton 3,110. )
Facing on Park 2,000
Hamilton st. Orchard Hill 1,200
Orchard 11111,8 flno lots , each 723
Trnckago lots 50x125 350
Truckage lots 50x147 2,250
Leavonworth Rt , 114 fcot corner 3,000
Residence Property.
Wo have n largo list of roildonoo property In
nil parts of the city at very low prices , Stovona
Bros , 1513 Ftirnutu st. 77S
WE are aolo ngonts for the fattening bar
gains :
2 lots in Lowe's first one a cor , $1,400 and
Slots In Hod ford Plnco. V > 0 to $1.009.
1 cast front In block 2 Kllly Plnco , f 1.600.
2 lots in Hillside No. 1 , 81,000 nnd 3,510.
2 lots east fronts Hanscom Place $ .3,000 and
$2 500.
"i cast front Burr Oak lOOxlW , $4GOO.
6 boautif ul lots in Windsor Place , $2,009 to
2'lotB In Patter A Cobb's 1st nnd 2nd add ,
to South Omaha. $ . ' > 00 to $850
2" acres in city limits , west , $850 per acru.
2" acres In Brookllne , F-.WO.
Wo have nlso hated with us bargain * In all
parts of the olty and suburbs including the
following bargain * :
t 9 lota In flawtborno , $1,200 to 1,850.
0 lots In aiiulU add , improvoj , $1,000 to
2'spiondld lots in Hanscom Place , for both
only $ .1,000.
Potter & Mclood 1509 Fnrnam St. 809 5
BETTER BOO W. II. Green , 215 South l.lth at ,
nbout the following or anything else you
want ;
11X1x140 on South 18tb It , PI 1.000.
66x110 on South ll'th at , $ i,000. !
9 > i 125 on South 10th Bt , peed house , $11,509.
120x140 on South 15th Rt , * 7.0DO.
nOxHU on South IMh st , $1,010.
uOxUO on South 15th at , $2,00 } . .
40x100 on South 15th st , cor on Williams , Im
provements ou this oost $1,600. Good business
cor , $7. " > 00.
fi lots51x220 oist fronts on South 20th st ,
Those are Hrst-class , bettor conio up and too
about theo.
nixl33 on Loavonworth st , good house , for
$70 per front foot , property selling 2 blocks beyond -
yond in a liolo for $ UU.
Ono of the best corners In Shlnn's ndd. with
good house and other Improvements for $1,500.
$801 cash , linl 1,2,3 years.
100x150 east front on Virginia ave S5.2JO.
105x150 east front cor Virginia ne $3,500.
21 of the finest Iota In Hunscom pluce.eiiat nnd
wo t fronts on Park ave nnd west fronts on
Catherine st This Is the cream of the place nnd
the first time they over were on the market.
Small cash payments imd easy terms.
TiOof the best lots In West Sldo left laying di
rectly on car line nnd only $500 for Insldo nnd
$ V > J for corner. $175 cash. bil. to suit W. H ,
Green , 215 South 13th st 009
133XI.I3 corlOth and Pierce , $20,000.
197 ft on Cuming st , $ . ' 0,000.
Houses nnd Lots.
Orchard Hill $2,200 , 23d lit J WOODavenport at ,
a corner , fi.OOO , Dodge at { U,50J. John Gul-
lajrher , 317 8.13th st. 7(70
FOR SALE Furniture , undG room lionco foi
rent , about 8 blocks from the postoflleo ; n
bargain. Apply to F. F. Williams & Co. . lOtli
nnd Chicago sts. 121.
WHAT have you to trade for n live ( $500
hundred dollars equity , In two choice
South Omaha l"ts. Address at onco. L. F. M.
lock boxJJ87 0296
BARGAINS Lot * 9 nnd 10 bU 10 Jotters add'
to south Omaha , $600.
Jlydo Park acres lots 7 , 8 and 9 blk 1 , cacl
Nlco room houtos and lot within. 1-4 mile ol
P. O. . only require * $300 cash.
Full lot half block irom poor farm , lot thai
eold for $1.050 , only $1.WO.
For aafo investment como and Eeloctalot Ir
Arnold's Park , J < 00 to $ VM.
Active Itunl Kitato und Property Exchange
1521 Dodge Street OU 7
TTlORSALE-Hy J. U Rice * Co. , over Com
-L morclal National Hank ,
3 modern 8 room houses , houth front on Do
caturMOOOcaoh ; Hcosh ,
1 modern 8 room house , east front on Kino
st.$4VJO ; Kcasli.
4 room house , good barn , well nnd cistern
LotMxU7. Just on or ado. South Iront 01 :
Hamilton Et. K mlle from postoltlco , Onlj
$ . * 00.
Elotrnnt modern residence , finest In Omaha
on Dodgi st Only $ iO.OOO : H cash.
Ctioico Washington square lot , south front
$3.250. worth 1 4,500.
2 Washington square lots , ono a rornni
fronting on bhorman avenue and paved tl-
3 Washington iiunrc , Bhormnn nvonui
front * , corner Madison nvenuo , $ ! & , UOO.
Business block ou luth itreet , | JOOW. J. L
Rico & Co.
T710R SALK-lfesldoncoZ410 Plerco street , tin v
-I ? house , containing 10 room * , Includlnf
bath and laundry rooms , beat by furnace , fcoi
term * apply o * pr niU . U21 10 *
QKI'K no futlhor-Ooddnnl .V Moord , Sit
- > North Iflth stre t , eiuiBlve jou moio fnl
our money than any other firm In the city.
mtwltliMitndlng wo throw awn/ Ilitlo money
or brass bands , Ac. to li\on things up n Uttlo.
1 ho following are n few specimens !
llOlllltf ,
Ono < room hou'o , full lot , nnlvono block
romSininderSBt and ono'linlf IiloeK from Cum-
ngs , at $1 jvw This Is tint bcM bnrgAin In the
Uinlu ndilltldn worth looking Into.
lloilfe nnd lot In linao , V SvMuu's n Id , J4.VM.
Finn iVroom house nnd tmrn , full lot on
'rnnklln nt , nour27th ttlniMt lot on the Direct ,
fine shndo tioo , only $ , lvxi.
We also bin o on Franklin Mrect n 7-room
Kiusa with Kood barn , nt fl.'JJO. ' This nlso U
tiry chenp ,
Nice hnu u nud lot In Omaha View only J1.7W.
mprovcmonts cost 11,10) ) . Must bo sold at
Flno 7 room house , barn , well , clatoru , nil
now , In Washington Hill , with ono aero of
groundonly f.'AW. ThUls n mire thin * of n
uollt of $ l.oo < > to the purchaser In the next IM
In ) * , Look Into It.
Hun nine-room house , routs for $ M per
mrmth.on comer IMh and Li'itvi'iinnrlh streets ,
n cholco pleoo. Coma nnd sou about It.
l'nlmpro\od Propnrtv
Two choice lotsBouth frontsIn Lincoln plaon ,
! 700onch.
' 1 hrco choice lots , Columbia place , " 300 ouch.
Two cholco lots on Hamilton street , In Orch
ard HIIIl,2oUtmch.
Thirty choice lots on 'wlftn sttcot. $1X1 oicli.
Ftttv cholco lots , Orchard Hill , from $750 to
' 2.IWO.
Ono choice south front In KottnUo Plixco ,
Flno norn property ICensliuton very chonp.
Ono fine lot on : ilst st. In Ointihn Vinw , fXH ) .
OnoelpRRiit lot In Burr Onk,2 blocks Mat of
lanscom Pnrk , $ tMKl.
nno lot In Btirdotto Court , # . " > '
'Jwoof thn flupst ! ots In Ambler Place , ono
n corner , only liuO ; for both. Those are au f ul
Fourteen lots In Bedford 1'laeo , from $759 to
$9iki ,
\Vonlwnyshn\e nlcocnirlnifca to tnltc onrrns-
omors to see property. Oil I onus nt our ottloe ,
211 North 10th st , and wo will itlvo you all the
nformntlon wo can. Goddnrd k Mooro.
930 8 211 North 10th.
HOHSKS nnd lota.
1 line lot nnd 8 roomed house in Idlowlldo ,
$ snoo.
Full lot nnd ono 8 roomed hoiire , $5,000. Tormi
nsy. This is In NoUon's addition mid I * cheap
ns dirt.
Lot and small house In Inanc'a aud Poldoti's
ndditlon , (4,500. Knsy terms.
Lot nnd 6 roomed house , him , oto.,8hlnnl 3d
ndd , , $ .1,850. llestollnryot.
2 story seven roomed house nml full lot , well ,
olHlern , burn , ta .T.I.l il. Term * ensy.
I'ull lot , pontli front , nlco house , etc. . In
} niHliil View , $1,750 Tel ins easy.
AO foot lot , one 7 nnd ono 3 roomed house , otc. ,
irlco , $ > lroo. Terms easy In Omiilut Viow.
Ono elegant south front lot In Kountzo Place
f2.000oay terms
2 cholco onst trent lots In Amnlorl'lncn , $800
each : a bargain.
2 nlco lota In Ambler Place l u cor. for $ ' 175
GO lots In Orchard Hill , $759 to ft ,000 each
3 south front lots In Oichnrd Hill on Hamil
ton st.flOO onch.
1 line lot on Slst st , In Omaha View , $9M ; a
1 choice corner lot In Mnvn Plupo , $3,000.
One olognnt lot in Iturr Oak , $ l/jOO.
1 lot In Burdotto ( Joint , $500.
14 lots In Bedford Place fiom 1750 to (950
Fine cor. lot on Uth and Lcavonworth ; a
A big bargain In Wnshmgton Hill ; good now
" roomed house , barn , well , cittern , etc. ,
for It ,000.
Goddard & Moore , ill North 16th street
* HADL13Y ,
GREGORY Omaha Real Fstnto Rxelmngp ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , 32J South at.
Omnha View , State st f routs for $ 1,500
Fnlrmount place , 50x121 , corner-- . . . . 1MO
Fnirmount place 40x120 , corner 1,3 > )9
Woit Side Loavonworth at front * 1,000
Weat Side , East nvo front * 775
Thornburg place 100x130 , corner l.OOJ
Thornburg place , tlno cast front 800
Cntalpn plnco 86x118 , corner 1,950
Tnbor place elegant lot 47x155 l.GOO
Leavonwonh terrace 114 ft on L aen -
worth 3,000
T/eavunworth torrnco , 1R2\114 trackage fl.HOO
West Omnhn , HOxl.lJ east and e < i front . 9,500
West Omaha , 53x155 east nnd north front.3r > 00
Bedford place 100x128 corner 1.700
Bedford plnco 50x 123 south front FOO
Prospect plnco 51ft corner on crado l.RoQ
Prospect place double front Hamilton st 2,500
Cheap homes for nlL
Oipgory A Iladloy. 013
ITACE , I * near Kount/o 1'loco ,
STEVENS there will be 200 houses built this
Rummer , coating from $ V > 03 to $10,000 oaoh.
Stevens Bros. , 1513 Knrnnm. 874
corner InShuM'sZnd ndd. $2.500 , $700
cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years. Will bo worth
$3,000 before the snow Illos. L. H. Wntts , room
[ 1,1010 Fnrnnm Bt ( US
Wholesale lot. 60x112 ; track ; big
bnrgnln .T 12,000
Full lot on Jonea t. . near 13th 18,0011
Elegant corner 68x133 on 15th at 25,0.0
Corner on Douglnsat 35,000
44x132 on Harnny near llth at , $600 per foot.
Track corner Iflth nnd Mason Bt 18,050
Corner on 16th and Williams
0 fctory Wholesale track warehouse ; largo
front on Lonvenworth near 13tn St. . . .
60 ft on South ISt h st. , 20 per cent less than
adjoining property
94 ft a corner on South Ifithst 9.003
SI ft on Cuming nour 20th 7,030
40 ft on 12th t. near Dodge 15,000
SO ft with storehouse on Sheridan bet
Lenvenworth and St. Mary's ve 5,030
44,50 , M and 1 fi ft onLoavenworthst . . . .
68x1,1. : track lot on Irnrd St. ; tracks now In.MOO
List your ical ostatn for Bale with
T. J. Hook , 1501 Farnnm.
897 5
SALE-Out lot 20)Flornnco ) containing 4
ncrea. Will sell cheap forcaah. Address O 12
Boo. 015 A j
and lot In Meyers , Richards A Tll
HOUSE add , )1J59. : This Is n bargain and
don't vou forcrct it Como nnd got torras da of
L II. Watts , Room 3 , 1610 Farnnm St. 8-9
S Our now addition.
Acres$40) to 1M ) poraom.
Near South Omaha ,
And Bydlcate Hill.
Marshall & I/obook ,
771 1509 Farnam.
Propsals for Grading.
S BALED proposals will bo rocolved by the
undersigned untilII o'clock a.m. May 19th ,
18S7 , for grading the following streets and
alloys , viz. :
Alley on block No. 23 clty.Wobstor at.from 23d
Bt , to section line between uoulons IS nnd 16.
Plorce ft from 8th st. to lOtli st , ns per ordlnari-
cc 13 i , 1335 nml 133) ) , and In acoordnnco with
plans and spoeltleatlrms on tlio In the olllco of
tlio Boaidcl Puollc Worka.
Proposals to bu mndo upon printed blanks
fnrnUliod by the board , nnd to bo accomtianlod
with n certified chock In the sum ofVJ ) , pay-
nblo to the city of Omaha as an evidence of
( rood faith.
The board reserves the right to reject nny
or nil bids nnd to naive defects
Chairman Bonnl of Public Works ,
Omaha , Neb. , May 4th , 1887. mVO-12-lU
Probate notice.
IN the matter of the estntu of Anders Olson ,
Notice Is hereby given , that the creditors of
Bald deceased will incut tlio administrator of
Billd cstiito lieforn me. county JmlKO ot Doimlai
countyNelunHkn.ut tlio county court mom , In
Hiild county , on the Mb ilny of July , 1HS7 , on
the 3d day iifSeptombor , IKST , nnd on the 3d day
of Novoinlior , Ihf7nt 10 o'clock n. m. each day
r < irthopiirpii uof | ir " < entliiK thnlr claims lor
oxunilnutlon , ndjtiBtinont nnd allowance. Six
months uio nlloncd lor cnnillois to iiresent
tholrclalniH.nnd ono year for the iidnilnlstrntor
to settle said eslatii , from the 3d day ot May ,
! Hh7 , thin notice will bo published In the Omnha
Dally llio once each week for four weeks
Buocosslvcly , prior to the fith day of July , 1S87.
J. II , McCui ICH , County Judge.
Sewer Proposals ,
SKAf.KI ) proposals will bo rocolved by the
undersigned until 11 o'clock n. in. , May luth ,
1847 , for tlio tonstiuctlon of FOWOIH In Sewer
er lllstricls No. 37. and No 44 , us per plans
and Bpeclllentlons on tlio In the otllco or the
Hoard of Public Works.
Proposals to bo niado upon printed blanks f ur-
nlshod by said Hoard und to bo accompanied
with n cortlflid clicclc.In the sum of 11 vo hull'
drod dollars , pnyublo to the city of Omnlm , as
an ovldenreor good fnltli.
Thn board reserves tlio right to reject any or
all bids and to wulvo dofuctx.
dofuctx.J.K. . HOUSE.
Chairman Board of Public Works.
Omaha , Neb , , Apill latli. 18H7. m5-C-l2-13
MATTER of application of Charles Donuhoe
for liquor license.
Notlco I * hereby ulvon that Charles Donahofl
did upon the 2fith day of April A. D.
1887 , flli ) his application to the inh > or and city
council of Omaha , for llconsn to will malt , spir
ituous nnd vinous liquors , nt No. ITM Rt. Mary' *
irvuniio , 1'onrtli wanl. Omaha. Neb , , from tha
llth day of APIII , 1887 , to tliulOth day of April ,
If there bo no objection , rmnonstriincn or
protest filed within t o WCOKS from April-'Otli ,
A. D. 1817 , the said llcoiifo will bo grantnd.
J , B SnuTiiAKD City Clork. 2lin5
'riuiuttura IMCtierruui
x liu-h Tnglrle | ln raLi
rerr krtown rriit > lr. hit Ulw orrrvd * UnpKl
tiiblm - ? iilpUU _ [ > tl.feUowiult.r
.MAMN.I-iMOaSni RixWu. M.w TutkUtJt