Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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They Mil Hold an Informal Meeting and
Discuss the Law.
About the Sccrctnrlcq of the
Now Hoard of Trniiflportntluu
The City Council Uncle
Capital News.
. IrnoM Titr. nr.r.'s T.I.NCOI.X nunnA.ti.1
There will lju .in inforinnl meeting at
the supreme court room on Saturday , nt
which meeting thcro will bo present
nrarly or nil the newly appointed dis
trict judges. The question of the legal
ity of the law by which they were cre
ated will be the question for considera
tion. and the matter is thus curly brought
up for settlement , as the auditor does
not propose to take the chance on issu
ing pay for the judged and their steno
graphers without knowing that the law
would stand by the test. The cfl'cctivo
work of amateur clerks is therefore at a
very early date bearing fruit In litiga
tion over blunders , and the question at
issue seems to bo settling itself m the
one channel to determine whether the
bill ns recorded is correct , and a judge
in the Second district to be decapitated ,
or whether the bill is to bo declared an
error , and the largo number of judges
bo retired thus early in their
judicial career to plain , common
citizens again. There are already
a number of the stenographers from the
dill'urent districts looking for appoint
ment , and the anxiety will remain at a
tight tension until the supreme court
brings relief. There are none about the
capitol in the light of the decision of the
court in the recent register of deeds case
who are able to predict the outcome , aud
the bcssion of the judges will undoubtedly
be an interesting one. Furthermore , thn
question is ol a great deal of interest to
many of the overburdened districts.
One of the coming lists of appoint
ments from which the governor will bo
relieved is the appointment of the three
secretaries of the board of transporta
tion that takes the place of the railroad
commission on July 1. The board of
transportation consists of the auditor of
sUUo , treasurer , secretary of state , at
torney general and commissioner of
lands aud buildings. These live wdl
make the appointments of secretaries and
it will tixko , under the law , a four-fifths
vote to make the appointments.
The law also provides tbat
no more than two of the secretaries shall
bo taken from the same political party ,
and hence one of the present number at
least will have to go , and a good berth
will be opened "lor some democrat : to
show what ho knows about railroads.
Two prisoners were l dgod in the ) > on
yesterday , one , Frank lleldt , coinini ;
from Coffnx county , and the other named
Harvey Bnrcus. coming for forgery on
tin eighteen months sentence. Tito of
ficers bringing them collected their mile
age yesterday.
Messrs , lirock , ( iraham and Dunn , of
the city council , and C. T. Hoggs have
returned from a pleasure trip to Col
orado points , where they wcro chaper
oned by 11. ( J. Lett. This pilgrimage
and excursion with accessories is reported
to have boon taken as an investigation of
the merits of the sand stone of the Union
Facilie as it is seen upon its native health.
O.stcnsibly-tlns trip was In the interest
of securing paving material , but
thcro are a great many citizens
who do uot like the looks of it , nnil won
der that all the council were not invited.
It will bo romcmucred that Mr. C. T.
Boggs was one of the most prominent in
his light against Mr. Hoggea for miivor ,
and one of the cries made against Hog-
go n was that his election meant an alli
ance with Boss Stout in the interests of
the latter in furnishing paving material.
This cry had a certain ellect among the
reformers , but it is remarkable that i ight
on the heels of this specious plea against
the republican candidate that the lirst on
the list of the reformers should accom
pany a minority delegation of the coun
cil on" to another state in the interest of
a certain stouo for paving. It comps to
the Biu : upon excellent authority that
this very white sandstone that has pleased
the pilgrims was rejected by the city en
gineer of Kansas Uity. .Next week it is
understood that the entire council and
mayor will visit Kansas City for in
formation , and none will bo loft at homo
Yesterday thcro was an exciting time in
the early hours of the day , the particu
lars of which as gleaned from complaints
at police headquarters wore as follows :
J. ( J. Johnson , an attorney , had a house
that ho had leased to a ( iormau family ,
holding a proviso that when ho should
sell it peaceable possession should bo
given. Lately ho sold the property teAl
Al Bench and the two wont up yesterday
to get possession , the family in the house
stating that no notice whatever had been
given that the place was sold and to
leave. The man was away from the
house and the womau sick , aud Johnson
nnd Hoach , to got possession , broke the
lock on the door and then piled the fur-
uituro out in a promiscuous manner and
removed the woman , who , however ,
fought vnliivitly. The tenant , us soon as
he learned of the proceedings , had a war
rant isiiu'd for Johnson that , if sus
tained , would moan a felony , and the
case was set for hearing in the afternoon.
The now additions to West Lincoln
mot with a satisfactory reception at the
auction sale , some sixty lots soiling at
Katisfaetory prices , and the demand being
animated. This popular suburb of the
city has boon very active in the erection
hr of now buildings since the opening of
the building season , and the purchasers
at the auction sato wore many of them
actual settlors. One enthusiastic be
liever in the future of the place stated
that John Fitzgerald , m the near future ,
contemplated Duildiuj ; i-.n opera house
A family row that took place on North
Thirteenth street reached police court
yesterday and oamo on complaint of
Mrs. Adams against her neiglibor , Mra.
Smith , tint trouble arising over svNcouing
rubbish of thu yanl over the dead line.
Mrs. Smith paid a line of $5 nnd costs.
ljleut.ouant'iovernor Hlicdd , Repre
sentatives Haydou of Saline and Sulli
van of 1'latte were visitors to the capital I
city josterday. The presence of Judge
Saliler at the same time made almost the
appearance of an extra session.
Attached to the llurllngton tram yes
terday , en route westward , wore two
extra I'ullmans , containing delegations
from Iowa , Illinois and Nebraska Y. M.
C. A. organizations , on route to the in
ternational convention in San Francisco.
Thb plat to Scwell't ) addition to the
city has been tiled with the county clerk ,
the addition in question lying to the and in the vicinity of Uurfeo
park- . The number of platted additions
are nearly numbering one a day at the
present lime.
The "bar-
genial and gentlemanly -
keeps" of San Francisco are full of wrath
because of the attempt to introduce cash
rogi tcr , commonly known as "the bar
keeper's piauo , " into the saloons of the
Ptidliccoiitl. They leel that a stlguva
hi ? D en nl iif n the profession ,
The Medlcnl Association Convention
Concluded Election of omcera ,
The mooting of the Nebraska State
Medical association was concluded with
yesterday afternoon's session. The new
constitution , over which a lively struggle
had occurred , was llnally adopted by a
largo majority.
The first paper to bo presented yester
day was by Dr. Urant on "Opthaloma-
logy aud Otology. " "Ho made mi inter
esting report of a case of tumor of the
optio nerve.
Dr. H. ( tiflbrd delivered an essay on
Recent Contributions to the Theory of
Sympathetic Opthalmla.
Dr. N. S. Clarke made a report on
Progress in Forensic Msdicluo and Toxi
Dr.'Hiart gave a paper on Differential
Diagnosis of Small-pox.
Dr. Mary 11. Uutin read a report on'Tlio '
Trogres3 in Obstetrics.
Dr. Eleanor S. Dailoy road a report on
The Progress of Gynoeology.
The association transacted , in the after
noon , much general business and then
proceeded to the election of oillcers for
the coming year , which resulted :
President Dr. G. A. Peebles , of Rising
First Vice Presldent-Dr. M. 11. Dough-
ton , of Dorchester.
Second Vice President Dr. Reynolds ,
of Seward.
Secretary Dr. A. S. Mansfield , of
PI lilt.inif ! > - MI
Corroa n" > ifijyr Secretary Dr. L. A.
Morriaiiu or Omnha.
Trorofiror Dr. Kuapp , of Lincoln.
The novt tilaco of meeting will bo Lin
coln , at such tnno as the board of direc
tors shall decldi > .
Imposlnc Ceremonies nt tlio South
west Pi'ctibylcrlan Church ,
The now pastor of the Southwest Pras-
bytorian church , Hev. David R. Kctr , was
duly installed in the presence of : x libetal
number of hiscongregation at that edifice
last evening. Rev. Mr. McJlell2ud ( , of
Lyons , Net ) . , was moderator.
. Rev. Mr. Wilson , of the South Omaha
Presbyterian church , preached an elo
quent sermon from the text in Paul's
Kpistlo to the Pliillipians , third chapter ,
lyth and 1-lth verses.
At tin ; conclusion of the sermon Rev.
W. U. Ilar-sha , of the Dodge street Pres
byterian church , delivered the charge to
the pastor in very appropriate and im
pressive language.
Rev. Mr. uoyd delivered the charge to
the congregation , in which ho admonished
ished them to treat their pastor kindly ,
pay Ins salary promptly and stiller no
dissensions from his policy to enter
among them.
Moderator McClelland then pronounced
the union between the pastor and the
church to bo duly consummated. Rev.
Mr. Gordon led in prayer and the serv
ices closed witlt the benediction by Rev.
Mr. Kerr. Succeeding the ceremonies a
social was un joyed and the congregation
extended to their now spiritual leader the
warmest greetings.
People of the Klrrir Hnptlst Church
Entortalii Or. Ijnmar.
The First Baptist church on Fifteenth
and Uavcnpott streets was the scene of
pleasant festivities last night. The occa
sion was a banquet given in honor of the
now pastor , Dr. A.V. . Lamar , who has
recently conm hero from Tennessee. Re
freshments wore served in elegant style
by the ladies of the church , who at
tended to the wants ol 203 or 300
hungry guests. A speech of welcome to
the pastor was delivered by the RRV. J. S.
Detwiler in his own happy manner. Dr.
Lamar responded. Rov. L. M. House
was called upon , and briclly entertained
those around the banquet board. Ho was
followed by other speakers. Several
musical members enlivened the pro
gramme , and altogether the occasion was
a merry and a memorable one. The de
sire was universally expressed that the
relations between pastor and people
might bo as pleasant as was this occasion
which last night brought thorn so closely
Suddoit Deiiilao of a Saloonkeeper nt
Ills Place or Uuiinosa.
Michael Mouyhan , proprietor of a
saloon at Tenth street aud Capitol ave
nue , dropped dead at 7 o'clock last even
ing in his place of business. Ho had
been feeling unwell two or three days
but feared nothing serious. Yesterday
in his room , over the saloon , ho
fell against a bed post nnd struck on Ins
bieast. Blood gushed from his nostrils
and mouth. Subsequently ho wont down
stairs. He was standing up when lie
died. Affection of the heart was the
The deceased had a family in eastern
Iowa. He went into a partnership with
William Kearney and bought Trimble's
saloon n few months ago and subse
quently bought his partner out.
United States Court.
The case of Robert Martin against the
Union Pacific company , claiming ? 15,000
for alleged injuries received in the North
Platte shops , was concluded in United
court yesterday nnd the jury brought in
a. vnrdiet for the defendant.
The grand jury will report to-day and
In viowot the Richardson county investi
gation , with which the jury is charged ,
it is probable it will be interesting.
In trie equity case of Skinner vs. Ken
nedy the defense interposed was that the
notes upon which suit is brought were
given for purchase of liquor , in violation
of law. Exception was taken to the an
swer and the exception was sustained
and the defendant given twenty days in
which to lilo an amended answer.
. A Cheerful Etc.
John Murphy , of No. U lire company ,
is developing into a most cheerful tabri-
cator. Ho brought out the old tin hat
which was brought back hero by John
Drexel , of Drexel & Maul , f.-om
Philadelphia , last evening nnd
gravely informed an unsuspicious group
of bystanders that ic had been
given to him by Bill Poole In 1819. The
fiat is painted rod , is supposed to
have been the head gear of u lire ladclio
and bus the inscription : "Rainbow Fire
Company , 1773" on its front. Owing to
the fact that Mr. Murphy is about thirty-
live years old , the bat must have been
given him sometime before ho was born.
Ilevonuo Collections.
The collections for yesterday reported
at the United States internal revenue of-
iico wore
for Ilotiulnii the Malls.
RATIOS , Mich. , May 5. The post-
office Inspector to-night arrested a carrier ,
James L. Itarry , for robbing tlia mails. His
total stealings were 90,000.
- * * Conlidoutial either
sex , on delicate diseases. Hook. 10 cent
in stamps. Address , World's Dispons ar
Modicul Association , 063 Main St. , Uuf
falo , N. Y.
Only two moro excursions to Califor
nia ria tie ) Mis-sourl Pacific. Texas and
Paclflo and Southern Pacllio railways ,
leaving Omaha May 3rd and May 18th at
9:10 : p. in , Only fOO for the round trip.
Tickets good six months and choice of
routes returning. For further informa
tion call at ticket cilice , 218 South 13th
Seasonable Hints nnd
Always set out young plants before or
nftor a rnln , and pack the earth closely
to the roots.
The south side of a close board fence
induces earliuoss and greatly protests
ngalnst the winds. It is an excellent
place for raspberrip" , and Is sutliclout
protection for early lottucc.
When limbs are broken olVtree' , smooth
the part with n knife and cover it with
grafting wax , ? o as to exclude the air ,
nnd they will heal much sooner than if
Young chicks will oat wheat when they
are two years old. ami they should bo given
plenty of it.v When they droop from
rapid feathering they should bo allowed
a small proportion of meat dally.
The gooseberry bushes do best when
they are well trimmed. They make very
rank growth , It is n fruit that docs best
in partial shndn , and if the mildew do
not attack it a crop may always bo looked
for. They are not grown extensively for
sale , but every farm or garden should
have a space devoted to them.
Colts that worn foaled in the fall will
bo no incumbranco at this season , as they
can bo taken away from their dams and
tinned on the pastures as soon as the
grass thall be ready. It is an advantage
to nave the colts on the farm foaled in
the fall where the mares are intended
to do spring work.
Do not abandon the old reliable va
rieties ' for novelties. Try all the novelties
that are brought out , for some of them
may be excellent , but do not venture in
them entirely until satisfied of their
worth. It is not always that new vantios
arc adapted to all soils , climates and con
The Jersey cattle are said to be increas
ing in .si/o. Those in this country are
much larger and hardier than these
brought over twenty years ago , and wo
have better stock hero than cau bo pro
cured elsewhere , not excepting even the
Isle of Jersey.
When lambs are well at night and arc
found dead in the morning tlio rosnlt is
sometimes due to forced and high feed
ing , inducing fatty degeneration of the
heart. Overproduction of fat , with a de
ficiency of bono and musole. is very inju
dicious treatment , and may bo avoided
bv feeding material abounding in phos
phates and nitrogen rather than in fat
and starch.
A saving of labor may bo made in the
garden by using the rake frequently.
Very young weeds may easily bo de
stroyed bv passing tlio rake between the
rows , while by allowing the woods to re
main until well rooted the hoe may bo
necessary. Economy of labor is in keep-
ng weeds and grass down as their seeds
; orminate , which renders the task easier.
Thu profit or loss in dairying depends
ipon the calves. To self the calves and
rely upon buying fri-sli cows is very
risky , and has caused moro loss than
anything olso.
When shenp are hurdled on small areas
t should not be overlooked that in addi-
ion to the prolit that they may give , the
inimals distribute the manure evenly ,
pressing it into the soil with their hoofs ,
ivhioh is quite an item if the expense
; > f hauling manure bo considered. .
Quiel a kicking cow simply by putting
ii strap in her mouth and buckling it
iglilly behind her horns.
Avoid strong food with your breeding
sows , as it inflames the blood and pro-
luces a feverish condition.
Egiis intended for hatching should not
be over two weeks old. If much older it
akes longer to hatch them , and the
chicks arc , as a general tiling , not so
Milk may bo canned just as you would
can fruit. Bring the milk to tlio boiling
point and fill your jars to the brim with
it ; then shut air tight. This will keep
any length of time and be just as gooil
when opened as when it was put up.
Every improvement in the garden , says
the Orange county Farmer , raluccs tlio
demand for the doctor's services. Lot
fruits do away with the demand for drugs
of all kintH , and excellent , vegetables in
part replace the excessive use of animal
Professor E. W. Stewart says no grain
should bo fed alone to cattle that are
being fattened. A great error of many
feeders , in his opinion , is giving grain
and hay separately ; both the gram and
Hay lose a largo percentage of their food
value by separating them.
When si job of work is trusted to in
competent hands , the result is reasonably
sure to bo a disappointment , and it may
bo even a calamity. The skilled worker
may charge moro" but his work wi'l ' be
worth more , besides the guarantee of
safe performance that will not bo fol
lowed by loss.
It is a bad practice to rely too much on
artificial coloring to give butter a golden
tint. The best buttcrmakcrs secure n
natural color by judicious feeding , and if
they find it necessary to color the butter
ut all but little of the artificial color IE
needed. No artificial coloring can cam-
paw with the golden waxy hup whicli
well fed and carcd-for Jerseys give.
The deeper the preparation of the soi
the deeper will the roots penetrate , tlui'
advancing closer to moisture , as well as
permitting of tlio growth ot a largo pro
portion of those rootlets that collect
food. If the soil bo shallow and the sub
soil hard the roots will spread nearer the
surface , thus rendering thorn not only
more liable to being winter killed bu
also to damage from drought.
Stories About Pat Sliced ; and Ills
Knrly ( inmbllnc Dnyn.
Cincinnati Enquirer : Pat Shocdy , the
ontorpnsing manager of John L. Sulli
van , was at ono time the prince of irauib
lors. lie was known far and wide by
reason of his big transactions on the
green baizo. Faro was his favorite game
and for years ho ran ono of the mosi
fashionable camcs in Chicago. Althougl
most of the time ho was behind the olu-ck
rack , ho would every once in a while dor
his lighting clothes , and go out for i
hand-to-hand encounter with the "tiger.1
Whenever ho put on his wnr paint tin
proprietors of rival banks knew that !
was either a case of go broke or make a
big winning. Shcody was a high rollo
in all the uamo implied. lie neve
"piked" around with small bets. Wit
him it was cither lese all the ready
money ho possessed or make thu doale.
turn UP his box. There was no half-
point with him. Ho always bet up to the
limit , and would bo bettor satisfied if the
dealer took oil' all restrictions and al
lowed him to put down all his money on
the single turn of a eard.
Shecdy has given up the life of a sport
for all time to como. Ho says ho found
there was nothing in the business , and
therefore quit it. Ho. like all gamblers ,
has had his UPS and ( towns in life. Ho
has been worth as high us $300,000 at onetime
time , but has frequently been 'compelled
to borrow the price of a meal. lie is a
portego of Canada Kill , the most famous
three-card monte man that ever lived.
He took Pat under his cliaigo when ho
was but a lad and drilled him in the fine
art of throwing throe cards. Pat did not
stiok to this kind of a skin game , but at
once branched out as a legitimate gam
bler. Ho is a jolly , whole-soled fellow , a
free spender , and a man whoso word is
good for thousands of dollars whenever
tie wants to borrow. He always makes
it a point to pay all his debts whenever
ho is in luek. For that reason ho has a
host of friends andean "produce" at any
Of course interesting stories are told of
the man. Amosg them are several that
are worth repeating. In 1833 Shecdy
was in partnership with Charlie Hush.
the woll-knowu gambler , and another
sport. They were running a very pros
perous game In Chicago. Shpedy be
sides was bucking against nil the other
games In town. He struck an unusual
bad run of luck , nnd in thirty days
dumped over $100.000 into the coll'ers of
the rival banks. Finally it came to the
point where he wns down to his last del
lar. Ho kept playiug , however , and put
ip n marker for ' 0,000 with tlio
jwner of the game. This loft Pat in a
dilemma. Twenty thousand dollars was
"list the sl/.o of the bank-roll possessed
jy himself and partners in their own
game. Pat dcbatild in Ids mind quite n
imo what course .would bo best to pur-
lie1 whether ho wpuld let the owner of
.ho rival bank Wait for his money or
Iraw out the bank-roll belonging to him-
-olf and partners and pay it ofl. Ho do-
Idod on the latter course , and drew n
jhcck on a national bank for ? TO,000 , nnd
, hc roll was passed over to to the hands
jf the rival game. Pat stayed up all
night , and the next morning at 11 o'clock
s at his place of business.
1 see no use to opou up , " said Shecdy
, o ono of lus partners.
"Why not ? " the latter Inquired.
' 'Uecauso ' wo can't do business. "
"What's to prevent us ? "
"Oil , nothings only I have blown In the
bank-roll , and there is no use to try to do
business without monoy. "
"Tho h 1 you havoi" was his part
ner's only retort.
Pat wont out on the street with a bad
; asu of blues. Finally ho thought of a
man in Cincinnati who owed him $1,500 ,
; md ho resolved to como to the Queen
city. Ho came , saw the man and got
$600 from him. At the time ho made the
visit tlio first race meeting over held at
atouia was in full blast. The town was
'wide open' ' aud several big race games
were running. Ono of the biggest was
owned by Jim Crawford , an old Cincin
nati sport. Ho had opened at 00 Fifth
street , and Pat Sheedv began to play
against him with his $ ii'JO ' roll. In two
lays' play ho , with the assistance of Eli
Marks , a Louisville gambler , mmlo the
ilealor close shop , and Crawford & Co.
wcro out $15,000. Of this amount Shcody
look $11,000 and Marks $4,000. His suc
cess in tliis city gave him courage , and
rom here ho wont to Now York , whore
lie won $ 10,000 more. With this money
10 returned to Chicago , restored tlio
lank-roll , and for two years moro re
mained in partnership with the saino
Jero Dunn , the murderer of Jimmy El-
lott , the pn/o-fightor , accompanied
Shcedy on this trip , It will be remem
bered that Shcedy did moro than anyone
else to got Dunn out of the Elliott scrape.
"What have you to say about Dunn ? "
was asked of Sheedy yesterday.
"Not a thing. He served mo a good
rick once when I needed a friend , and I
tried to ropav it when ho got in the
trouble with Elliot. 1 spent my time and
money to got him out of it , and I did no
more than 1 ought to , because it was
only repaying an old score. "
"How much money have you won in
ono sitting ? "
"Twenty-six thousand dollars is the
largest money I evdr took oft" in ono
night's play. I did that in Chicago , but
it did not all como oil | of a faro bank. I
ivas making side bets with Haverly , the
minstrel man , nt the'same time , and bo-
Iweon the two 1 made the big boodle I
liavo just named. " p
Shocdy has an enormous head. Ho
wears a 7J hat , and l\ns \ to have his hats
made to order. On&.timo during a visit
to Cincinnati ho was bothered with a
bore. The fellow in''qucstion ' was a little
Chicago lawyer , u who followed
Sheedy about frorrr place to place.
"Wherever I walUed ho walked ,
; uid wherever 1 ate he was sure to do the
same thing , " was STiordy's description
of him. The latter Was trying to gut rid
of him , but could thmk of no way of do
ing it. Finally , ono day in Sullivan's
Vine street sample.-room an argument
came up , and both Sheody and the lawyer
threw themselves into the broach. They
argued long and loud , and as Sheedy
bail the best side and is a good talker ho
made the lawyer look ridiculous. The
latter was considerably crestfallen by
being beaten by a sport , and as ho stood
around with nis head hanging down
Shcedy took occasion to emphasize his
defeat. The lawyer had an unusually
small head and Shecdy opened on him
by saying : "Now , when 1 beat a man at
my game I always like to show him what
odds ho has been playing against. You
are no exception to the rulo. I have just
beaten you and I think I cau clearly
demonstrate that the odds were in my
favor. " With that Shcody switched hats ,
placing his own on the lawyer's head
aud put the laltor's dicer on his own
caput. Shcedy's hat completely covered
the little attorney , while Sheedy looked
like a man wo-iring a boy's BI/.G. Tlio
lawyer's hat stood right up on top of his
head. This illustration was too much
for the Windy City attorney and ho made
his escape.
Sniita To Men at SInsoiUlnp.
MUSCAUNK , la. , May 5. [ Special Tolo-
grain to the HKK. | A party of Atchlson ,
Topclca & Santa Ke survoyois nulvcd In
Musentlne to-day , having completed tlio sur
vey from Monnioutli , 111. , via Aledo to this
placo. They have orders to sound the river
and make a plan of tlio city showing the
most feaslDlo outlets north and northwest.
Jluscatlno taices ureat satisfaction In the re
port that the Santa Fe never surveyed a line
that was not built.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Warmer , fair weather ,
winds generally southerly.
For Iowa : Generally warmer and fair
weather , preceded by local rains In the east
ern portion , variable winds , becoming south
For Eastern Dakota : Warmer ; local rains
and southerly winds.
Mills Burnett.
Mi.v.VK.VTOi.13. May 5. The Journal's Elk
River , Minn. , special says : Mills &
linultou's Hour mill , saw mill , planlntc mill
elevators , elevator g.illoys , chair factory
Dickey's hotel and barn burned" to the
ground last night. Lo s , ; partially
A Hurt Dank Cashier.
Aroi. , May 5. Tlio Journal's Elk
ton ( Da k ) special says1 : nDokelth , cashier o
the b\nk of Elkton , Is iudnr arrest on the
cluv.L'o of robbory. Thelbank is closed am
the fixtures aio attache for taxes.
A Thousand -For a JAW.
In the county coufV yesterday after
noon , George Riloy'1commenced / suit
against Henry Urowjpfor $1,000 for per
sonal injuries. Uiloynllcgoa m his petition
tion that on April" 1(5' ( last , Brown as
sanltcd him aud kicked him in the face
breaking his jaw. Hi'places ' his damage
at $1,000. J , ,
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. Kurtz is visiting Council Blufl's
friends. a-i"
Mrs. J. L. DeBovoisfl wife of the pop
ular ticket agent of thgjKock Island , ha1
gene east for tbo summer.
Gonlal Bob Harris , of tbo lirm of Har
ris & Fisher , has returned from Los An
coles. He has made arrangements to
have his family spend the summers In
Los Angeles hereafter for the benefit o
his wife's health.
A lengthy-limbed granger in running
down Twelfth street yesterday aftornooi
to catch a Fnrnam street car ran over a
little girl in front of "Joe & AdolphV
restaurant , knocking her down and in
junng her very seycroly.
Happiness depends very much on th
condition of the liyer nnd kidneys. Th
ills of llfe.make but little impression 01
these whoso digestion Is good. You can
regulelo your liver and kidneys with Dr
J. H. Mcl < enn's Liver and Kidney llalrr.
fl.OO per bottle.
mportnnt Gathering of Clergymen
nnd rmyiuon In Omaha en June 1 ,
The Lutheran Synod for the United
States will meet in Omaha on Juno 1 and
contimio m session ton days. Fully 200
clergymen and laymen of that donomi-
latlon , chiclly from the cast , will bo
> rcsont. An excursion will bo arranged ,
o extend through the state.
The importance of tills meeting to
Jmaha and Nebraska will bo great. A
nrgo number of the laymen will como
tore with a view to future location. Al-
eady letters have boon received from
nauy of them , who are nearly all .young
nen , inquiring as to the advantages of
ho city ami state for business and agri
cultural pursuits.
Anaiuota Iteiui.
AxAMcm , la. , May ! . [ Correspond
ence of the BEE. ] On the 33th of last
September , by a majority of 113 votes , it
vas decided to levy a U per cent tax to
lolp in building the Davenport , Iowa &
Dakota railroad , and on the 30th of the
sunn ) month the board of supervisors
ovicd the tav. Soon after this Mr. Uar-
cmo.ycr and twenty-six other tax payees
iled a petition to restrain the city from
jollecting the tax , and since that time it
ms been in the courts. Recently the sit-
jrcmc court decided the election valid
md accordingly tlio road will bo built.
L'ho new road will run northwesterly
Trom Davenport to and tlienco
ycsterly to Dakota , thus making sure
ror Anamosa of another railroad.
The LaPorta City & Auamosa railroad
s another new road that will bo shoved
.his season.
The colt that had properties like a
iiiman being is being stuffed , and will
mdoubtcdly bo exhibited over the couu-
to Wed.
Judge McCulloch issued marnago
iccnses yesterday to the following par-
.ies :
Name. Residence. Ace.
( . .JohnV. . Hruner . Omaha 2t
1 Sophlo Swatison . Omaha SO
I Klias Van Scoy . Omaha SI
I Hello Woodward . Omaha 17
Philip J. KUU70 . Omajia 2'J
Mary Marlon . Omana 23
Andrew Husk . Omaha Co
Lena Christiansen . Omaha 10
I Itohcrt Kwmir . Omalia 20
( Mltitio Gentry . Omaha 1G
Sale of Poor Farm Lots To-day.
The county commissioners will sell the
'orty-eight remaining lots in the poor
'arm ' this afternoon. To eighteen of
: heso lota immediate possession will bo
; ivcn. The sale will commence at 2
The commissioners were all out ot the
sity yesterday examining roads nnd
Itnpubllonii City Central Committee.
The republican city central committee
iield a meeting in the council chamber ,
with closed doors , last evening. The of-
icials-elect were present and much en-
husiasin was quietly indulged in. Plans
'or solidifying the party for future clco-
ions were formulated.
Lost Both
KEOTA , la. , Mays. [ Soecial Telegram to
the UIE. : | Johnny Wilson , a track walKer
of the Chicago , Hock Island iV Pacllio at this
> lace , had both legs crushed nt the knee In
.lyini , ' to board the Incoming freight this
nornlnuat the outskhts of town. Drs. Me-
I'ailano , liricti ami Anltl amputated the limbs
above the knees and tlio patient In now doing
well , lie is only about eighteen years old ,
and is ono of our steadiest and best young
men. Tills accident Is a terrible ailllction ,
and Is all thn harder to contemplate comintr ,
as It docs , Just when life was opening out to
liim Its best oppoitunltles.
SnlvatlonlstH to Uu Protected.
j'Avi\i'orT : , la. , May G. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEK. ] During a largely attended
smico nt the skating rink last night , con
ducted by the Salvation Army , the hoodlums
undertook to break up tlie meeting. The cry
of lire was raised and a panic narrowly pre
vented. Much indignation 1ms pievalled
to-day aud the mayor sa > s the Salvationists
shall have every piotectlou tlio law guaran
tees thorn.
That Tired Feeling
Afflicts nearly every ono in the spring.
The system having become accustomed
to the bracing air of winter , is weakened
by the warm days of the changing sea
son , and rapidly yields to attacks ol dis
ease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the
medicine needed. It tones and builds up
every part of the body , and also expels
all impurities from the blood. Try it this
Last Sunday night at San Uafacl , Cala. ,
a young man mistook his deaf and dumb
aunt for a burglar , and put a bullet
through her thigh. When ho got no
answer to his cry of "Who's thorn ? " ho
banged away.
No name is better and more .
and widely known than that of Mr. . . .
A. Po//.om. For Years ho lias made him
self famous by the elegant perfumes and
complexion powder that boars his mime ,
the latterhaving found its way to the
belles of Paris Germany and London ,
Everybody admire beauty in ladies.
Nothuigwill do moro to produce or en
hances it than to use Mr. Posoni's ! pre
A report from Hillings , Mont. , states
that even the game in that viclnty is so
weak from'hunger that antelope and ollc
can bo killed with clubs. A party o :
hunters recently killed six moose in thai
Colgate's Toilet Soaps.
Exquisitely perfumed , absolutely pure ,
popular everywhere. Cashmere lloquo' '
A Virginia City man tolln of pine tint
born in the Consolidated Virginia mine
which were originally six by six , but have
been squeezed down so they are only two
inches thick. Lota of tlio stockholders in
that same mine have bcon squeezed Hat
ter than that.
The sum of f TOO has boon subscribed
to open a road between the snow bound
town of Washington and Nevada City ,
Cal. For a distance of fourteen mile1
the snow is from two to six feet deep.
ared with strict reeturd to Pnrltr , Strongfli , ( uii
lleallhfalnw * . Dr. hrfia1. Baking Powder contain *
BO AmmotJi.ItasyUuia or I'baiphatoa. Dr.Prke'a
Lawrence Ostroin & Oo.
Is Death td
Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Favort Or Insomnia , anJ
Typhoid Peyor , Dissimulation ,
[ udigostlon
, Of Food ,
Dyspepsia , Ton Years Old ,
Suigicftl Ferors Mo Kusol Oil ,
Blood i'olsoulug Absolutely Pure , ,
This will certify that I have examined the Bcl'e of Bourbon Whisky , received from
Lawrence Ostrum & Co. , and found the same to be perfectly tree from Fusel Oil and
other deleterious substances * nd strictly pure I cheerfully recommend the same for
Family use and Medicinal purposes.
J. P. BARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky.
For sale by druRgKts , wine merchants and grocers everywhere. Trice $1.25 per bottle
If not found nt the above , half-dpz. bottles in plain boxes will be sent to tiny address
in the United States on the receipt of six ilollais. Express paid to all places cast of
Missouri River.
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
KICIIA JlDSOtf DR UQ CO. , n nd \
K1LEYdJ DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , ( Omaha.
Families giipplialbjj GLAMTOtfti BllOS. OJCO. , OinafM.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest slock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a special/ . Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 16th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Compan > .
H nil dlKftintU tlif theory ainl prorftra
t iirxwntofelututetl nnJcijK-rKnml | lijniclniu , aixl limit
Unrt comniitnllln , tlwjr | mvo tticlr FjKftnlrlos to ftrt 1 In
which , llujrdlirct Iticlr it in ! If mid pur-tit * . Dm OTTMI *
noiiKO It a mifwnfttl Illustration of tlm minimi lioolof
i ociiillffl.mi < l hllimitrvcvtlrntml MICCM * In ttit li eminent of
Uirui..rNi > rtoii niul Hisial ! > [ * < * ( lioltuHui-tin * won-
ileiTul t ttl * ( InttirliifT IhoM * ( nr-ini wlio IH < U | n ullutl
rihef ( \ > r the most -ltcatunf > LMffUHWi , wtltfln I * n armm-
plUhM ntvi ftiicco ful | lijHtctmi In tlir jxTm of t in Orri u-
nujRfi1t4liMxli1y HTotmmiidod by tlifl iiu-Ulcml ) > ioV ( -
4 < ju ut homo and nbroml
Sen 1 lamp f > e U-WIVOM M tin , nil tmMii1aiit | < JiiMllon inirt
H\ntttom | I l-t on irliirit to rl a full liKior ) oHIu n ill * nw.
Mmlicliia t-ut ( titcmtlipfalliy < xHit. | j inUlru l > > latci.
LoiKultntlim free mil c * nfl Kmlal , | xrM aI ! or bj mttl
ATrrliiiKlhoN'crrnui8 ( } km , ( linlt > tMnnry flint It * protluc * I
tlrDOrRiiiiK , in Mrllatnll ulhpr Unlml Cu < Mi or clllicr ft x
CuiUior JJic .
OriirE MOUlsi Cor. 13lh > > aUuiIc < SI ,
02i. it. , aos d7 Io8i. m. Oaiiu , Ni
Yorr f wp opl knowthatth * Bhrlnknir * of Mratl
ronated la acluncovea Is from thlrtr-Qvata fort7P i
ent. AllmBut < : onUlDH sv ut7-lTOMroflnt.ofw t r
undonly twoatj.UiBiJor ccnt-ofiolld nutur.and lt
looi that Ii mud * Intlio routlogUmadaln tnaetapo.
r Uoooftlx Juic .i iiich iitha VITAL r AST or > uux
Effeot of the SOLID OVEN Door.
A TPN pnuod Sirloin , rnwllumor welUlonn.wlll b
IDOCFD to six poundnind four anne * * of KouUd
out. ihowlnu n loiiof thrtto rnuudi and tn l ? ouuol
ot juice. Vi bll tlm lo.i U 87 * ixTC nt.ot the totJ
weiuht , It thaws tha eaoimoui Lotm on fun CII
Effect of "WIRE OATTZE OVEN Door ,
A TEN pound Blrlcin. modluro or w lonewll ! M
rtducod to nlna counils and eight ouuoMof Roa < t d
inaat , inowlnir lo of eiijbt onnceaotjulo * . Wall *
thlaloimU t ! ixir cent , at the total welulit. Itshowl
Ifc * Trr small Ln aornurBr.v ! < rinumT. or JCick
BOLD IH KEBBASKAal follow. :
A. PEARSON , Srmimo.
j G.GREEN . . . . . . . . . . .STROMJBUHO ,
1. A PADDEN &SON Surirmoit ,
The Best and Safest
Vapor Stove Made.
C. W. Slcepor , head of St. Uarya' Av
Holmes & Smllb , South Omaha. '
Ciirholk * Smoke Hall is taken by
ulmhttion nnd naturally reaches the seat
of the ( iisonso in all hcui : , throat and lung
roubles. A single application gives im-
nimliato relief in C'nfarrh. Axllinm ,
llayF vorBronclililK , Neuralgia ,
IleiKlaelio , Croup , Sore Throat ,
Whooping G'oiiKli , Coltlx , etc. , and
f taken in connection with our Dehel-
tutor treatment , is warranted to euro
cvurv case.
A Free Tcht plvnn at our Olllee
Parlora. Carbolic Smoke Hall sent by
nail ifcJ , and -lc postage. Debollator , ? 1
additional. ( JAHiioi.icSMOKKBAi.r.Co. ,
Unnm 1. CrnlBlitmi Illock , 15th Bt.
Null lo I1. O.OmiilinNoL > . , U. H.A.
With alidlngr Detachable
Springs. CfT Better than
Whalebone or Horn.d
and guaranteed ncrer to
break. Price , $
For ue by leadiag wholesale and retail estab-
412 Broadway , N. Y. , Manufacturers.
Tb OHI.YCOBSBT mdn that c n b rjtnrnea
brjts rurchmr after TI1UK WJCCU.'M
WfcA Kit not tounrt
In srcrr raspect. and Its prlca refunded br teller.
Made la a Tarlotj of strlei and prlcei. Hold br flrti.
rl s dealsrs erorrwhoro. Hanaro of worlbleil Imi
tations. Noneg nuln wlthout Ball's name on box.
AO9 Broudnriay , New T rk.
N Ell VITA i4nr eu > M
TRIAL til .HUM /oulkfil I "Or.
FREE , l Ucbllltv , lo-olun
uulA.'o.1n.Vi ! ! > co.1''itVr ' ; ; V.V ! ti'iiuH'icVM !
u. ! . a.t r.M i ui. 4. < to. '