Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY ftEE : FRIDAY , MAY < J. 1887.
Dnlly ( Mornl.i T.tlltlon ) Including- Sunday
BUR , Ono Your . $10 01
TorBlx Month * . f > 00
For Three Months . ZW
Tbo O in nlm S mlay IlEC , mailed to nny
wldi-e- , Ono Voar. . . . 8 00
OMAHA orrtrE. No. u - xn Bin VAHVAM HTiirn1.
NKW VIWK omen. HIIOM , Tntni'jiK lii'ii.niso.
All communications relating to no < vs ami edi
torial inuttor sliould bo HdilrvsaoU lo thu Kui *
Alt ImilnoM letters and romlttancog thotiM bo
addressed to TDK HEH PunustiiNd COMI'A.NV ,
OMAHA. Drafts , chockH mid po'.tnfUco order *
to bo mndo payublo to thu ord r of the compuuy ,
E. KO3E\VATKU. \ Enrron.
Sworn Statement or Circulation.
State of Nebraska. 1 _ .
County of Doiulas. j a' "
duo. It. TzschucK , secretary of Tlie Dee
I'ublNilng company , docs solemnly swear
tliat the actunl circulation ot tliu Dally Heo
for the week ending April l , 1B37 , was as
follows :
Saturday , April 23 . 14,420
.Sunday , April 34 . 14,000
"Monday. April 1 . 11,7'i"
Tuesday , April 2(5 ( . 11,100
Wednesday. April 27 . U.100
Thursday , April 23 . 14,100 ,
Friday , April 2U . 11,100
Averotro . 14.221
(5r.o. 15. T/.SCIIUCK.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
tfOth day of April , 1SW.
N.P. FKII. ,
[ SEAL. ] Notary Public.
Ceo. 13. Tzschuck , being lirht duly sworn ,
deposes nnd sajs that lie Is secretary ot Tim
rubltahing company , tliat the actual
dally circulation of the Dally Ueo
for the month of April , 1SN5 , 1B.WI copies ;
for May , IbSO , ia,4 : copies ; for .lune , litoO ,
ia.298 copies ; for July , IbbO , 12,314 copies ;
for Aiignsl , 1&.S5 , 12,451 copies : for Septem
ber , 18-10 , 13.0.TO copies ; for October , IbSO ,
UlMU ! copies ; for November , ibbfi , i4a : : !
copies ; for Decembpr , iasr > . ijiH7 : ! copies ; for
January , lbS7. 10,360 copies ; for February.
187 , ll.lOa copies ; for Marcli , 1887 , 11,400
Ono. n. T/.SCIIUCK.
fatibscrlbed and nworn to before mo this 15th
day of April , A. ] ) . . 18,87.
ISKAL.I N. P. FKIL , Notary Public.
THE senatorial struggle still goes on
in Florida. Jones had u better tiling
than he thought for , If ho had only pos
sessed sense enougli to have Hold it.
THE French critics think that the
American artists raako a poor showing
in the salon this year. The saloon is
perhaps the place where the American
artists uiako n better showing.
A DAILY newspaper started in New
York city devoted exclusively to base
ball news , lias suspended. Its cditoi
probably grow disgusted uuon reading
the reports from the Lincoln und Omaha
club. _ _ _
TUB railroad commission has gone as
far south as New Orleans , it is now in
Memphis. When it returns there h
every indication that it will know lest
about ita duties than when it left Wash'
Tin : appearance of the star of
hem is expected at any moment , accord'
ing to astronomers. A few of the demo
craliu candidates saw the historic stai
and all others of the planetary system
bce's assurance that prohibition is work'
ing "like a charm" in Iowa , thoDnbuqnc
city council has licensed saloons at f IOC
each. Under Nebraska's excellent higl :
license law , saloons pay $1,000 a year.
WITH an organized mob waiting tc
hang a negro for brutally assaulting i
young girl , and after appearing al
the jail , disbanding , it really looks
as though Mr. Watterson's star-eyet
goddess yet wielded an influence ovei
bourbon Louisville.
THE Brooklyn Ciliscn thinks "it is
about time to have the question answered ,
'Is Mr. Charles A. Dana the democratic
party of the United States1" Since Mr ,
McShano failca to elect Garneau , wo fee
tiiat it is our duty to inform the Citizci
that ho is.
ACCORDING to the sober information o :
a southern paper , Jell' Davis was born ot
the 31st of Juno. Accordingly , thu cveni
will bo celebrated. It would , have beer
a blessing to the country if the day hat
boon the 83 , which , up to the prcseu
time , has not como round on the Jum
calendar. _
IN Japan the marriage ceremony con
sumcs three weeks. The alrnond-oyci
Japs could not very successfully imltati
the American millionaire daughter anc
impecunious coachman with tin
irate father just three miles from tin
parsonage when the knot is tied.
IF the interstate law holds out , nox
season the Undo Tom's Cabin conipa
nies will add more donkeys. The mem
bers of the company will then ride iron
town to town seated astride the sacrec
animals. In this case A long or short hau
will make no diti'ereucu , after the mem
bora got usoJ to it.
THOSE who have been laboring nndei
the impression that St. Louis was n deat
old town , nro very much mistaken , as
this item from her representative paper
the Rcfullicitn , witnesses : "One htm
arod and sovou gentlemen and ladies
who assimilated too much buck boor 01
Sunday paid three hundred and twenty
one dollars into the city treasury Mou
day and swore ofl'on Tuesday. "
Ho WCVKU favorable may bo the ant I
Gorman feeling of the French people si
long as it tak/ss a political direction only
when it savagely expresses itself in oppo
sltinn to art because such art is Gcrruai
in its characteristic ! it becomes ridlcu
Ions , to say the least. Thopopula
demonstrations in Fari * against th
opera of "Lohengrin" will give no add !
tloual credit to French patriotism , bu
must lessen the world's estimate of th
common sense of the French people.
A MISSIONAKT who h.-u returned fror
Afnea eajra that when the natives ar
taught to road nod write they becom
unfit for any manual occupation. The
consider themselves ai good a * a whit
man , nnd think U undlgmlied to toil
and when not engaged tn holding larjj
and uolsy prayer meeting * , at vrhio
every mai wnnti to take his turn *
preaching , they beg their living. It wll
not bo long , at thin rale , until the hcnlhni
If Anioricanlgod.
An Intowitlnc Content.
The trial in progress nt Buffalo of
irotnmcnt Standard Oil men , charged
vith conspiracy , possesses moro than a
o'cal Interest. The alleged conspiracy
consists in the charge that ono Miller ,
who was employed In 1831 as suporin-
endent in the construction of the works
of the Hnflalo Lubricating Oil company ,
was bribed by the Standard people who
lad been unable to buy or freeze out the
iluflalo company to so construct the
works that in case of an explosion and
fire in the still house the whole plant
would bo destroyed. Miller alleges that
ic ono day built an extra under one of
the stills and weighed and scaled the
safety valvts. Ho then took refuco in the
Standard works near by to watch the re
sults. The intended explosion took place ,
but the wind not being in a favor
able direction the lire was not communi
cated to the works. Thereafter Miller
became the object of great care and
solicitude on the part of the Standard
pcoplo. Ho traveled , so it is said , all
over the country at the expense of the
ircat monopoly , received largo money
for doing nothing , and for several years
lived in idleness and luxury. Growing
apprehensive the Standard pcoplo en
deavored to induce him to go to South
America , ottering to provide him with
business there at a fabulous salary. It
seems they finally grew tired of the load
they were carrying and dropped it ,
whereupon Miller disclosed to the presi
dent of the Buffalo company , who hail
entertained a suspicion and boon watch
ing him , the statements upon
which the conspiracy indictment
was received. Many moro equally
sensational facts are promised as
the trial progresses. It is altogether a
very remarkable case , involving as it
does several of the wealthiest and moit
respected men in Buffalo , and incident
ally the whole Standard company.
Moanwilo a formidable war on the
Standard has been declared by the oil
producers of Pennsylvania , who have
organised n permanent union to protect
their interests against the despoiling
schemes of the greedy monopoly. A
largo meeting of producers was held al
Bradford on last Monday , and another
at Harrlsburg yesterday , to organize for
the war , which is to bo wuged relent
lessly. The Standard Oil company
has grown , oy methods the most
heartless and disreputable , to
be the most formidable giant
of monopoly this or any other country
has over known. It has for years seemed
to bo invincible , and indeed has been
practically so. But there is very great
probability that a change is at hand thai
will bring a repression to the greed and
a limitation to the pernicious power of
this unscrupulous corporation.
Tenacious Bouruonism.
The democratic party of Kentucky
clings to bourbohism with remarkable
tenacity. It is perfectly satisfied with
the past , and has no toleration for new
fangled notions. With Mr. Wattorson
as its "guide , philosopher and friend , " it
proposes to run right along in the old
beaten path , asserting and maintaining
the Kentucky "idea" to the end of time.
Mr. Walterson's explanation of this idea
is rhetorically line , but not suflicicntly
explicit. In the simplest language it is
to put the state before the nation and to
make spoils the chief end of political
success. It is an idea which in part the
democrats of some of the southern states
have shown a wise disposition to abandon ,
but which those of Kentucky , who did
not have quito so bitter an experience as
some others , seem to bo as ardently
wedded to as ever.
That portion , of the platform reported
to the convention Wednesday which fulsomely -
somoly endorses the administration of
President Cleveland is insincere except
in reference to his veto of pension bills.
There can bo no question that in such
action ho touched a responsive chord in
the hearts of Kentucky democrats. But
in the main the administration is not ap
proved by the democratic leaders in that
part of the state. Mr. Watterson him
self has been railing at it for two years ,
on various grounds. Senator Beck has
boon ono of the foremost opponents ol
its financial policy. Mr. Carlisle has not
been explosively friendly to it , although
as a discreet politician ho has boon in
dulgent and avoided criticism. A few
days before the convention met n promi
nent dnmocratic leader , Judge Fleming ,
stated the true situation in this way :
"Wo are willing to go on record as din-
metrically opposed to the president on
his currency and civil service policy , yol
wo fool that the party cannot afford tc
throw him overboard. Ho is the onlj
available man it has. " This was honest ,
and reflects the real democratic sent !
mont of Kentucky. The sarno authoritj
dropped another fact which may explain
the cordial attitude of Mr. Carlisle to
ward the administration , namelythat the
gentleman will bo vigorously pushed foi
the second place in the next democratic
presidential convention. In a number oi
other states Mr. Cleveland will in due
tirno bo endorsed by the democracy bo
canso it believes him to bo "tho onlj
available man it has. "
In the tHold or Labor.
The present spring has disclosed t
good deal of dissatisfaction in the ranks
of labor , and strikes have been wide
spread , some of them on n largo scale ,
Many are now in progress. The mosl
important of those , perhaps , is the general
oral strike of the stovo-molders , whicli
has now been on several weeks. Tc
combat this sinks , which grow out ol
the refusal of the molders to work the
patterns of a boycotted St. Louia cstab <
lishmcnt , the manufacturers organized a
defensive association. In a few locali
ties some of the men who wont out have
returned to tyork , but the great majority
are firmly maintaining the stand thoj
have taken , and most of the founuriui
throughout the country are no
in operation , while those thai
are dolug anything , are working
very much below their capacity. A dif
forenoe on a question of waged betwoet
the shoo manufacturers of Cinclnnat
od thrir employees resulted in a look
out on lost Monday of 1,400 persons
chirlly girls. The strike of the hod carrier
rior * In Chicago WHS quite formidable a
the outset , and Lai caused gome delay tc
building , but there appears to bo a grcal
deal of this sort of labor offering , ani
the chances of the men securing thoii
demand for increased pay do not acorn tc
bo good. At Milwaukee ou lait Monday
jvoout 500 cooper * employed in prirnti
shops went out on a demand for ai : ad
\ Unco. In the building trades at muutr
otig points In the cnst strikes prevail ,
Very generally the issue being that of
Wages. There are signs of dissatisfac
tion in other industrial em
ployments , and a general strike in the
Conncllsvillo coke region was begun
Wednesday , involving 13,000 men.
Ono of the most remarkable labor con-
llicts in record , in the extent of its dura
tion , is just reported from New Orleans
to have terminated. It was the fight
over the cotton trade , and has been main
tained for six years. There was not a
continuous strike or lock-out during all
that time , but an armed neutrality , sev
eral strikes and several labor riots. Fol
lowing the example of the cotton screw-
men , all workers in the cotton trade or
ganized unions , and prior to 1SS1 these
unions were consolidated into what was
called the "Cotton Council. " This or
ganization included not only laboring
men of all classes , but the clerks in the
cotton houses and a considerable
capitalistic clement. It grow to
very largo proportions , number
ing some 10,000 able-bodied and intelli
gent men. The council fixed the tariff of
wages , and in 1881 the first conllict with
the merchants took placo. A struggle of
two weeks resulted in favor of the coun
cil. Its subsequent demands were com
plied witii , although the merchants never
abandoned their hostility to the organi
zation. They were poweiluss , however ,
to overthrow it , nnd its strength and
power grow from year to year. At last
the mistake was made of admitting the
cotton press association , consisting of
about a do/on capitalists , who very soon
sought to use the council for their per
sonal interests. The result was dissen
sion nnd dlblntegration , the council dis
solving into its original elements. This
gave the merchants the oppor
tunity they had waited for six
years , and they have again the
control of the cotton trade t.o far as
llio question of wages is concerned.
Although the general business of the
country is apparently experiencing no
detriment from the prevailing labor
differences , it must feel the effect later
on from the reduced purchasing ability
of the now idle labor , and these ditfer-
enccs are to bo regretted chiefly ou ac
count of this laDor. It is gratifying to
bo able to say , however , that taking the
whole field of labor into view there is
less conllict now than there was at the
corresponding time last year , and it may
DO hoped that this very general content
ment will continue.
PlnttHinoutli to the Front.
Plattsmouth did herself proud yester
day , /flic celebration of the opening ol
the waterworks at that place was an
event of moro than ordinary interest ,
The expenditure of $100,000 for such ti
valuable improvement is only a stepping
stone. The enterprising citizens of out
neighboring city propose to immediatelj
build a line of street railway ; now build'
ings are in course of construction , and
general business activity pervades the
atmosphere. The idea once prevailing
among jealous rivals that Plattsmouth is
or ever was a dead town must no longer
be entertained. Every indication
points to permanent and increased pros'
perity. Being favorably situated on the
main line of the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy railroad , Plattsmouth is destined
to grow to grander proportions than hoi
most sanguine supporters ever imagined ,
The demonstration there yesterday was
fully in keeping with the liberality of hoi
open-handed business men who have
made the town what it is and who maj
well have faith in her future.
IT is just in season to remark that this
is about the usual time for summer re
sort matrimonial schemes to bud. There
is consequently much trepidation scat
tercd over the face of the earth ; not par
ticularly peculiar , however , to the tendei
buds who are expected to bo developci
into full bloom during the season , but ni
the part of their maternal progenitors
nnd the older sisters , who are still in the
market. Watering places are ono of the
chief industries of this country. Thej
will soon open out with all their attractive
ivo beauty. Their surplus ( or borrowed
money can bo put in circulation , anc
managing mama's can indulge in deli
cate diplomacy. The seed will , in th <
next few months , bo sown tor a jrrca
many years of heartache and poignan
grief. Yet it is hard to pursuado a vait
mother that her child's happiness can b <
secured in any pathway that docs no
load to wealth. Society is inexorable
and loams but little by the experience o
others , Only our own griefs impress us
THEY say figures don't lie , but they dc
sometimes. At any rate figure !
quoted as election returns an
not to bo relied on in Oninlu
until we have a different method of bal
lot canvassing and clerks of election competent
potent to write and cipher. The return ;
of the city election , as shown by tin
published tables , do not tally on any can
didate. The variation between thcsi
tables makes it impossible to ascorlait
with any degree of certainty who an
elected councilmcn at largo. Our figure !
show Hascall , Lee , Bailey , Burnlmm
Counsman , Bedford , Boyd , Van Canu
and Snydcr to bo the nine candidate !
having the highest vote. The figures o
other dailies vary materially. Ono o
them gives the election to Gibbon nm
Unitt in place of Boyd and Snyder , whili
another elects Boyd and Gibbon. It wil
take the official count now to determine
positively. _ _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ _
OVEK five millions have boon expended
in this city within the past year for build
ing improvements. It is safe to say thai
the increase in real estate value withn
the year has been 30 per cont. The new
territory enclosed within the city represents
sonts fully five millions of real estate
In other words , the building improve
mcnts nnd additional lands aggregatt
ten millions , which , if increased at ono
fourth , would add two million * nud'i
half to the tax list. Thirty per cent or
the lait year's assessment would add i
fraction over three millions. That wouli
fiivu us a total assessment this year o ;
ovnr fifteen million dollars , at the lowesi
calculation , providing always the asae s
ors do their duty.
ALTIIOUOH the provisions about con
drmning land outside of the city linilti foi
parks and boulevards was wiped out o :
the charter by the bootlore ! of the judi
claty committee , stop * can and ihould b <
takerby the new council toward laying
out boulevards and parks. The right tc
condemn property for parks within thi
city limits exist * , and outside propertj
may b acquired by purchase. A propo
sllion to isiiio a quarter of n million in
bonds for parks and boulevards would
carry at a special election , and the city
could not make better investment than
purchasing land for boulevards and
parks , I
OXK campaign Is hardly over before
another begins. 'Wo are already on the
eve of another election. A now board of
education Is to , be chosim on the first
Tuesday in Juno. It will introduce sev
eral novelties. Every school house will
be n polling place , nil married women
who have children In the public schools
and all women , over twcntv-ono years of
ago will have a right to vote. As most
of our sclioolmarms have invested in
Oinalm lols , they will have a voice in the
election of members of the board of ed
ucation. These who have not already
investotl will doubtless do so before the
end of this month.
" ! F walls could talk , " it has boon generally
orally understood they would furnish
valuable information on many subjects.
If Frank Walters , who has recently loft
Omaha for Europe , would talk , his reve
lations would astonish the entire state.
There never was a moro corrupt and per
sistent lobbyist in Nebraska. On whoso
boodle has Walters fed , that ho has grown
so great ?
THE Now York police have disguised
themselves , inveigled bartenders to violate
late the Sunday liquor law , and then
thrown off their disguise and arrested
thorn. Thcro are two points about that
which scorn very questionable. Ono is
that such a plan would bo necessary in
Now York the other that a policeman
would so far foniot himself -as to make
an arrest.
WII.KIK COLLINS , who created the char
acter of Ann Sylvester , proposes to have
his share of Mrs. Potter's free advertis
ing. Ho writes to the lady who so ingloriously -
gloriously failed in her attempt to "ele
vate the stage" : "Let mo thank you for
an impersonation of Ann Sylvester
whicli has shown mo a living woman as
I had imagined her. "
Tin : New York 1'osC savs : "The Mich
igan legislature has done a good tiling in
expelling Dnkin , but if every state legis
lature .should adopt n similar course there
would bo a great many politicians thrown
upon chanty. " The 1'ost is correct , Had
the Nebraska legislature expelled all the
boodling Uakins there would not have
been a majority of the members left.
A Niw : OHLEANS paper wants some
man of an inventive turn of mind to
patent a mcchitilical contrivance that
would prevent small boys from catching
on behind street pars. The best way to
overcome the nuisance would bo to dis
card the miilos and propel the cars a lit
tle faster than a mile in eight days.
Tun city engineer is eminently correct
in advising the c6uncil to make the neces
sary changes of grade on Fifteenth street
before they attempt to build the pro
posed Fifteenth street viaduct. No per
manent public improvements should bo
made on any street before the grade has
boon forever settled.
THE work of thrf scoundrels who tam
pered with the new'chartor is bearing its
legitimate fruit. Omaha will be afllicted
with eighteen justices of the peace for
the next two years and a half , and all
county nnd state elections held this fall
and in November 18S8 will bo carried on
without registration.
THOSE cheap wooden pavements are
still the rage among economic taxpayers
and real estate syndicates that want
streets paved in order to sell their lots.
But within four or llvo years it will bo
demonstrated hero , as it has been else
where , that the cheapest pavements are
in the long run the dearest.
Now that wo have another gas com
pany chartered the question is , what docs
it propose to do ? Is this to bo bona fide
competition or merely a scheme to sell
out to the existing gas company.
CANDIDATES for membership on the
now board of public works are craning
thciruccks. |
Ex-President llayes has quito recovered Ills
health and now tuUcs long walks , accom
panied by his devoted wife.
Mme. Nllsson. under the terms of her
marriage with Count Miranda , retains abso
lute control ot all her fortune.
Lord Lansdowne , governor soneral of
Canada , receives a salary of 850,000 a year.
brslde free Quarters and numerous perquis-
Fred Douglass , who Is now In Naples , IB
exciting a t'ret < deal of public Attention.
The Italian papers allude to htm us'll Doug
lass. "
Kx-Sccrctary Manning has written afilend
In New York the first letter penned by his
own hand In many months saying ho Is In
a bolter condition tlmn at any time since his
M. KatkoiT , the Russian editor , Is a man of
medium size , with pray hair brushed back
from a broad fornliead , a short white beard ,
and a face bearing the marks of age and
Mgr. Capel Is again spoken of at Howe for
a missionary bishopric , It Is said tlmt the
erratic pri-latu lias become an expert lisher-
man , and tlmt hn Is'iireparim ; for a season
with the trout of the A'dirondacks.
. - > * -
Keep OutpPtlio rust.
Klla WJittltr micor.
Keep out of the past I for Its highways
Are damp with malarial gloom.
Its gardens are sure , jtnd Its forests are drear ,
And everywhere moulders a tomb.
Who seeks to regain ) U lost pleasures
Kinds only a rose turied to dust ,
And Us storehouse oi vvondnrful treasures
Is covered and coaled with rust.
Keep out of the past & ' 'It ' la haunted.
Ho who In Its avenwtt tropes
Shall tlnd there the giiost of a Joy prized the
And a skeleton throne of dead hopes.
In place of Its beautlfuirlvers
Lie pools that are stagnant with Rlimo.
And those craves gleaming white In the phos
phorus light
Cover dreams that were slain In their
Keep out of the past It U lonolr
And barren and bleak to the view.
Its tires have crown cold and Its stories are
old ,
Turn , turn , to the present , the newl
To-day leads you up to the hilltops ,
That are kissed by the radiant sun.
To-day shows no tomb all life's hopes are
In bloom
And to-day hold a prize to bo won.
To Do lied need With Itensoa.
Itoports of mills shutting down because of
the Inter-slat * commerc * law ulinuld be taken
with considerable allowance. Ileceutly a null
motorlo tAttfchurllclll Valley w
nnd the statoruont was widely circulated that
the suspension was duo to the severity of the
new railroad law. 13 ut the starting up of the
mill , with additional machinery ami-In
creased capacity , would Indicate that the law
holds out encouragement to legitimate cntor-
ptlso by guaranteeing uniformity and stabil
ity In freight rnk'S.
How the Short Ilnul AVorks.
The lonc-aud-sliorl-haut clnus.0 has re
ceived a now mranlng to the local democracy
since the beginning of the trials for election
frauds. The long haul means to JciTerson
City for two years , and the short haul means
to the city jail for a j ear or loss.
Nothing in the NcwHpnpcr Uocfl.
Mtttluint Tnii-drr.
Nature would make a good editor. Noth
ing In the universe gets crowded out for want
ot space.
8TATK ANInrKlliuTOllY.
Nnbrnakn Jottings.
Uushvillo is scouring thu east for fac
Corn planting is all llio rage in the
Wctipinc Walcr is negotiating for n
lowcl lactory.
The .saloon license in Blair has been
raUcd to $1,000.
The Masons of Fremont have decided
to build a temple ,
Lincoln luisn board of trade and freight
bureau in running order.
Fremont has added a street car com
pany to lior list of spring blossoms.
The Anhcu pr-Bupph brewing company
will build a $30,000 store house In I'lalts-
I'utney , who was Iried at Noligh for
the murder of an illegitimate child , was
Plattsmouth complains of the hujfTl-
cicncy and indifference of mail facililies
between that city and Omaha.
Nebraska City is so tickled with diluted
Missouri that the waterworks will bo en
larged lo supply llio demand.
Nick Cox , of Weoning Water , collided
with the business end of a frisky colt ,
and pave the town doctor a profitable
job of needlework.
Albert Murray of Ewing , slipped
from Ihe back of a horse on to a wire
fence. The barbs caught the folds of an
ear and tore oil'a largo slice of his sun
A corkscrew cyclone throw dust and
chips in the eyes of residents of Strong ,
last Sunday. Tno school hotiso was
stove in , some shanties unroofed and
three ladies stripped of their skirts.
The \ \ ayno ( Jazotlu spanks the "pretti
est" in the following : "And now Fre
mont lias boycotted Omaha ! It is hardly
probable , however , that Omaha will
civer find it out , unless borne one takes
the trouble to loll her. "
Ernest Weisc , the Scribnor rapist , at-
templed to Jpscapo the penalty of ids
crime through a Haw in the complaint ,
but the otlinerH blocked his plans with anew
now complaint. Ho will bn tried at the
next term of llio district court.
Nearly every town in North Nebraska
is anxiously expecting a north and soulli
road Irom Omaha In llio very near fu
ture ; bul if all their hopes hang on this
slender peg , llie anticipated booms will
fail to imiteriuli/e for the great majority
of them. [ Wayne ( ja/.otto.
A diminutive cyclone cavorted through
Dawson county recently and perpetrated
some queer capers. A farmer jumped on
a stack of hay to hold it down. The
wind shaved off his coat tails and sus
pender buttons , and would have taken
nis scalp hud it not been hairless. He
saved the hay.
That distinguished Nebraska jurisl ,
" .ledge" Jnmuo Cooley , was deliberately
slighted and insulted by the managers of
the Plattsmouth celebration. The lumin
ous mangier of lilackstono wrote lo the
committee , pulling "old Cass" and the
town , and begging for an invitation to
exercise his jawbone on the multitude.
Fortunately for the crowd llio committee
declined the inllicnon , and kindly per
mitted the jedgo to "atlcnd lo his other
legal business. " _
Iowa Items.
Ottumwa's artesian bore is down 875
Mrs. Major Dale , the pioneer Salvation
ist in America , is shouting and swinging
llio tambourine in Keokuk.
ft is expected that the soldiers' homo
at Marshalltown will bo ready to receive
occupanls by llio 1st of Oelobor.
The Dos Moincs city council has voted
n gold medal to Fireman Lynch , wlio
rescued a young lady from Ihe burning
Fosler opera house on llio 29lh ult.
Barney Kennedy , of Diibiiquo , arrested
last WCCK for the murder of his wife , has
given his property to his children , and
his lawyer n fee of $300 , to bo increased
to $500 if ho is cleared.
The committee of the Dubuque Job
bers' association have returned from Mil-
waukro without having succeeded in get-
ling rates , admitting them to competi
tion for the Minnesota and Dakota busi
A young woman was arrested at Hop-
kiulon , Delaware county , on a charge of
horse stealing. She was endeavoring to
soil a team of horses she had in her pos-
soshion al the time of her arrest. The
woman is said to live in the neighbor
hood of Worthlngton , Dubuque county ,
and as her pcoplo are well Known sno
may not bo prosoculed.
Dairy Commissioner Sherman has is
sued a circular letter to dealers In butter
and chouse. Ho days certain parties are
selling a recipe for making butter , and
calls the attention of these who had
bought the recipe to thn section in the
new law forbidding it. Ho says Ander
son &Ncwcomb , who live near Cedar
Kapids , manufactured a spurious article
last winter at Garrison , nnd warns buy
ers to beware of them. Ho also savs that
Illinois parlies are adultering milk and
selling it for the purpose of making
cheese out of it. _
Sturcis has contracted for a now hoiol.
Sioux Falls is organizing a base ball
A vinegar factory has started up in
Sioux Falls.
Yankton's board of trade is rustling
for a bonus to capture an oil well.
A delegation of business men from
Wayne county , Nob. , are in Yunkton
talking railroad. _
The Montana Stookgrowers * associa
tion has 337 members.
The Anglo-Montana mining company ,
blew $75,000 into a salted hole near Bald
Butte and then collapsed. 'Twos Eng
lish you know.
Butto's bullion shipments for last week
were 03 bars , f 107,810 , as follows : Lex
ington , 1C bars worth $31,824 ; Bluebird ,
aa bars worlh 135,048 ; Alice , 17 bars
worlh $37,7.8 ; Moultou , 8 bars worlh
Ex-Governor Hausor says lhat this will
bo the greatest year in the history of
Montana. The product of its mines
alone will bo flO.000,000 , besides the
910,000,000 to bo spout in railroad build
Arrangements are being mndo by the
Northern Pacilic to run a branch line
from the main track right into the heart
of Helena , where the passenger depot
will bo located. The present depot is
nearly two miles from the center of busi
ness. This move is to heart off the Mon
tana Central , whoso passenger depot is
to bo located on the north of Main street.
The two roads will run up Last Chance
gulch side by side , the Northern 1'ncllic
coming further into town than the Mon
tana Central.
Stray Leaves From itcportorlnl Note
"I think'satd a citizen yesterday morn-
lng"that propositions for franchises , etc. ,
should never bo submitted at general
elections. Just think of eight or nine
dlllorent propositions being submitted at
the late election. Of course careful
voters required llmo lo read each one.
Then Ihoy had to be explained to the
doubtful onus and the cranks imaglnud
that thorp was something wrong in all
these different ballots. This monopolized
too much tlino from the regular voting
for olllcurs. Then again , some of the
parties asking for franchise privileges ,
had workers at the polls who took up
moro room and bothered llio volors moro
than the regular ticket peddlers. Thcro
Is no gainsaying It , there were too many
franchise tickets in thu liuld in the Inlu
election and some law should bo pro
vided for special voling in Ihcso cases. "
Said an old politician yesterday : "Won1
it bo fun when the women vote at the
school election in Juno nnd the ticket
peddling is at its holcht. Will llio work
ers wear swallow tails ? Will there bo
: iny invitations to bibulous retreats ?
They do say that Pat Ford is already in
training for this coming oleellon and
that already ho has inttdo bets that ho
will rolricvo his lost honors of Tuesday
la > t. The ladies of the Third must re
member that Pal has proven himself n
charmer ou many an election day. "
A good joke is told on a local real cs-
tate man , which is lee rich lo keep under
the surface. It cannot bo said , however ,
that ono would bo safe in vouching for
the trulh of iho story. To bo candid , it
sounds rather lisliy.
ll is said ti.ul a gentleman from the
cast came to Nubniska to invest inonuy
in real ostato. Ho lirst wont to Lincoln ,
looked at sonic suburban property there ,
but was not satisfied and came to Omaha ,
lloro ho applied to ono of the army of
busy , and buslliug real oslalo man , who
promptly agreed lo soil him some cheap
anil desirable properly. The Iwo jumped
into n buggy and rode out
past Iho western city limits , far into the
country. The capitalist grow uneasy
and was continually asking when llio
"cheap and desirable property' . ' was to
be reached. The real estate man told
him to bo patient , for they would soon
get there. At last the would bo investor
called a halt. "Hold on , " ho said , "this
land looks familiar ! I have seen this
property before. " "Yes , " replied the
real estate man , "whonV
"Well" answered the capitalist , "if
you must know , it was when I was lookIng -
Ing at Lincoln city lots. " The real estate
man was too mad to make a sale that
More Pacific Ilnllronil Piracy.
Clncaon Tribune.
Notwithstanding the interested denials ,
thcro is only too much reason to bcliovo
Iho rumor lhat the Pacific railroad ring
has complolod a plan for evading the
payment of dues owing to the national
treasury , and finally unloading on the
government a wrecked and ruined secu
rity , The scheme is to use all the re
sources of the corporation to build up a
system of branches , nnd then lot the
government seek the satisfaction of its
debt by foreclosing on the wrecked main
line a plan well worthy of the Wall
slrcot manipulators , and which they will
certainly put into elfect if allowed oppor
tunity. If not permitted to continue
" " llio Pacilio railroad
"milking" corpora-
lions according I o the methods followed
for the last eighteen years , the watered-
stock gluttons in Now York and on the
Pacilic coast , will no doubt bend every
effort to bring tiic long-continued colos
sal robbery of the government to a good
"finish. " 'Their aspirations will bo real
ized when they retire in possession of a
profitable system of branch roads , while
the government vainly seeks to recoup
for loans advanced by taking possession
of the worthless , bankrupted main line.
The Pacific railroad investigating com
mission cannot get to work any too soon ,
and it needs to give this last-rumored
wrecking scheme careful , prompt atten
tion. Congress should not bo permitted
to remain heedless and unconcerned
while the pirate crow of the Union Pa
cilic and allied lines blindfold the gov
ernment and tie its hands in preparation
for the closing catastropno in the the
colossal swindle of the century. The
commission should bo ready to report all
the facts at Iho next session of congress ,
and recommend proper measures to foil
this last plot of the Pacilic railroad job-
bors. First and foremost the govern
ment must be prepared , in case the
Union Pacific mam line is over unloaded
on its hands , to proceed against the
holders of watered stock for their unpaid
subscriptions. Let the commission
give this matter special in
vestigation. In 1870 , immediately
after Iho completion of the Union Pacific
its share capital was reported at $36-
000,000 , whicli had all boon issued in violation
lation of the terms of the charter , which
required the stock to bo paid for in cash
at the full nominal value. The road was
built on the first mortgage nnd govern
ment bonds , the stocK being only so
much boodle bagged by the Credit Mo-
bilier ring. Notwithstanding the plain
requirement of the charter that stock
should bo full paid in cash , the only sum
paid into the treasury of the company
was 1 per cent on 2,180 shares subscribed
as a condition precedent to the organiza
tion of the company , anil this was paid
only to got control of the corporation
and elect directors. Consequently every
dollar of the block is fraudulent and its
holders are In arrears. If the gov
ernment must take the ronu , it
should bo ready to sue for | 3fi,000,000 of
unpaid subscriptions , and also for the
$10,000,000 of bogus dividends paid on
this stock. Similar action should be taken
regarding llio $10,000,000 of land grant
bonds and the $10,000,000 , of Income
bonds. All were equally fraudulent and
If the Government will prepare to pro
ceed against the guilty holders of the
stolen properly , it need suffer no loss in
foreclosing on the Union Pacilic. There
are no "innocent holders" of Union Pa
cilic stock , and responsibility cannot bo
evaded by passing it from hand to hand.
The books of the company show on their
face that the stock was fraudulent and
issued without consideration. A promis
sory note with such equities ntlatching
to it would bo worthless In any hands.
If timely precautions are taken : thu gov
ernment can secure itself and thwart
the attempt of the wreckers to unload a
wrecked security on thu national treas
The liultativo YountAmerican. .
Ktw Yurk lI'oiM.
That is a vrry suggestive story of the
two litllo Boston boys of "good fami
lies , " aged eight and nine years respect
ively , living in the ancicnl and respect
able suburb of lloxbury , who , having
been deeply interested readers of the
line old religious classic , "Fox's Book of
Martyrs , " developed in a remarkable
manner the imitalivo habit of the Ameri
can small boy. With their iniuginationn
kindled by the stories of the
martyrdom of the sainu the I'.ttlu
chaps thought they would see how the
thing worked in a ort of kindergarten
fashion , as It wero. Proceeding to the
hennery of a neighbor they "took two of
his pnt pullet * and.tying thorn lo a stake ,
built nhrd and roasted thorn todcith. "
Thla incident gota to prove that it Is
nut the dime noveh and penny dnvidfuls
alone that operate upon our impression
youth , moving them to become
"Indian llchtcrs" nnd
miniature high
waymen. If "Fox's Book of Martyrs"
can load boys to roast chickens at the
stake , why may not llio lulluonco of
" ' " bo dreaded ?
"Pilgrim's Progress" Fancy
the toolings of the heads of "good faint-
Hps"al Insuring of thu mimic production by
( heir otfspring of the deeds of Giant
Despair , or an imitation of the tactics of
tiio confidence chaps whom Pilgrim en-
coutitored in his perilous journey I May
not "Gulliver's Travels" suggest to the
imitative instinct of little hoodlums a
Lilliputian tormenting of some lirob-
diuj'tiagmn bully whom a swarm of them
miijiit overcome ? Thcro nro wonderful
adventures narrated in "Mother Gooso"
that would scarcely stand rohonrsal in
the nursery.
The Uoxbiiry incident plainly leaches
that the boy of the period needs a whole
some admixture of hard facts in his read
ing , and to have his emulating instincts
carefully guided.
Btorles Mnilo Short.
The carelessness of traveling English
men was illustrated at Salt Lake , Utah.
A marmils inquired of the Walker house
clerk tno oilier night : "Say , mo friend ,
do yon know whawt has become of mu
brown valise ? 1 cawn't afford to lose
tlinwt , y' know. It has awl mo money
an' jewelry in it. " W lion asked whoru
ho saw it last he said : " 1 saw It lirt-d up
on tawp the bus , v' know. " The vallsu
soon readied Iho hotel , havlnz como on
a different bus from the ono the English
man rode in.
The following Is a proclamation made
at the Market Cross of Inveiary , Scot
land , less than a hundred years ago.
"Tahoy ! To. tithor ahoyl Tn boy three
tinu's ! 1 1 an' to hey Whist 1 1 By com
mand of his majesty , King Georco , nnd
her Grace to Dnko o' Argyll : If any
body is found tisliiup aboont to loch , or
bolaw loch , afore to loch , or ahint tc
loch , In to loch , or on to loch , nroun' to
loch , or about to loch , she s lo bo nor-
sccullt wl' three persecutions ; ttrst slio's
lo bo burnt , syno she's ' to bo drownl , an'
then she's lo bo hangl an if ever she
comes back she's lo bo pcreacutlt wi1 a
far waur death. God save the king an1
her grace to tltiko o1 Argyll. "
Solomon Lewis , ono of the earliest set
tlers of Huntington county , 1ml. , and a
well known Dunkard , was visited inst
Wednesday morning by a couple of
sleek-lookfug uentlcmcn , who wanted ,
they said , to buy his farm. While nego
tiations wore in progress another man
drove up , and , alter exchanging saluta-
lions , pulled out a pack of cards nnd
asked. the two men if they had fieen the
now game. Of course they hadn't. Ho
Ihon began to explain it the three-card-
monte game and. after a while , suc
ceeded in gelling t no Puiikardciioiiuh in
terested to make n small bet , which ho
was allowed lo win. Ho was soon per
suaded that ho could easily nmko a few
dollars by belling llio now-comor out of
his money , and , hurrying to the bank , ho
procured $3,000 , and his subsequent short
oxpericnco cobt him nil of it. Ono of the
thrco sharpers was Ed Kirby , of Logans-
port , who has been in jail a score of times
lor working the soap racket.
"Tho worst case of absent-mindedness
I over know of , " said n hotel keeper in
Elgin , III. , "occurred in my house a f w
weeks ago. The perpetrator was my
nichl porter. I was al the desk ono night
when a man came in so drunk ho could
not sign liis name. He was a traveling
man whom 1 knew and so , of course , 1
decided to take good care of him. 'John , '
says I to the poster , 'take this man up
stairs and put him to bud and pnl his va
lise away in the check room. ' Just then
I Was celled away by the sickness of a
member of my family , and 1 thought no
moro of my 'guest nor of the porlor.
whom I saw altomling to his usual
duties an hour or so later. But next
morning a strange discovery was
made. The chambermaid on the second
lloor reported that in the bed of Koom 1C
she had found n valise , nnd that thcro
wore no signs of nny person haying oc
cupied the room during the night. It
Hashed over mo in a second that that
porter of mine , who was a queer sort of
fellow , had made some blunder , and I
wont upstairs to investigate. There was
the valise , sure enough , but no sign of
the traveler. I hunted all over the
house without success , and had about
given up in despair , when I happened to
go into the check-room for something ,
and there lay my traveling man asleep
on the lloor with valise check No. (13
carefully tied around his neck. "
JOR Goss' Btuba.
Pittsbnrg Dispatch : "Talking about a
pugilist saving his friends , " said Old
Sport , "the slickest thing I ever s.uv was
ilono by Joe Goss in his light with Paddy
Ryan down in Virginia in the spring of
1880. I didn't like to sec old Joe going
up against the young fellow ; but I knew
if ho was beaten there would bo a game
light before the battle was over. You
recollect there was a good pile of money
bet on lirst blood , and all of , Foe's friends
were bcttlntr lhat ho would draw the
claret from the young Trojan.
"Well , that was alight and no mistake.
Thu bravo old veteran took his punish
ment and fought like a hero. At the end
of the third or fourth round he motioned
for Johnny N - to como to his side as
ho sat in his corner. Ho mysteriously
took Johnny's hand , carried it to his
mouth , and with hiu tongue deposited
something in his friend's palm. Johnny
was bothered. Ho could not make out
what the old follow meant , and began
to think that the light had act
him queer. Johnny kept his hand
closed , nnd jammed it into his coat
pocket and hold it there until ho had a
chance to stop ono side and examine the
contents. Cautiously withdrawing his
hand , ho slowly unclosed his lingers , and
glancing down sideways , so that no one
would observe him , ho saw what it was.
The mystery was explained in an instant ,
and old Joe's clear head and forethought
could not bo too highly commended. In
the second round H.yan had swung a
stinging right-hander on Joo's mouth ,
und there , resting in Johnny's hand ,
were three old teeth that
had boon knocked out , and Joe had
carried them liirough two rounds until
lie got a chance t got rid of lliom with
out displaying thu fact thai Kyan had
drawn 'lirst blood. Ho thin saved h !
friends that much of their money at any
"Johnny quietly presented the teeth to
unother friend. Afterward , when Ihoy
liad to send old Joe ouNidu of the city to
: ateh a train in order to keep him from
being arrostiid , Johnny remarked to the
twltfe-scarred veteran when they were
lafoly aboard :
" 'What was that you gave mo Joe ? "
"i don't know. What was it " said
" 'Why , thai you gave mo out of your
nouth down in Virginia. "
"Oh , " replied Joe with a chuckle ,
them bloody old stubs. I'm glad the
fating feller knocked 'em out , fur they
ivas always achin1.1 "
Cure of Spinal WnakncuB.
IL'ATIU , OKI.KANS Co. , N. Y. , March 28
My wife , five years ago , was coulincd
o her bud with inflammatory rheuina-
.ism of the muscles of the buck , Tim
lectors thought her case hopeless and
loomed her lo bo a bedridden invalid.
I'ho violent pain kept her awiiko almost ;
jvery night. She lost over thirty pounds
n weight. To uixno her p iri I thought 1
.vonld . put on Au.cocK'3 PIJKOUS JT.JIS-
reus. I covered her back with thorn. To
uy great Uolinht she began to sleep well.
rfio pain very much abated in ono wunk.
[ then took tfin plasters off , washed her
met : , and put on fresh ours. At the und
> f the second week Mia insisted on gel-
ing up , nnd by the third week was on.
irely well and able to attend to her
loust'hold diilU s. E. t. V/OOI.STO.N.