I ; ' THE OMAHA : DAILY. BEE : FRIDAY , MAY 0. .1887- ' HIE CLIQUE HAS CONTROL , Wkat Thoronghly in tlio Hands of the Corner Workers ! LARGE LINES OF JUNE TAKEN. flic Market MOVPH Up Without Oppo sition liy the Henrs Corn Blow at Lower Prices General Market Quotations. CHICAGO PKOWJCK MAItltfJT. Cnif'Afio , Mav 5. [ Special Tclrsram to ( lie HIM : . ] Juno whnat was , this inoriiln- ' , nearly Ic nbovu last night's close , anil Kcr- slinw < k Co. , the clliiuu brokers , \\oro taking all ( iirerliiB1) ) nt oven tile top IlKiirc. Tlio worit disgruntled men .it tlio opening to- ilay woio tlio wheat bull" ) who rc.tll/ed ycs- tcnlay In the hope of a reaction to buy back on. Now Vorlc opened KO a builinl higher , Dnlutli , tlio point which tins furnished all the bear nrKiuiionts for months , was up from bl c to Sic for wheat. Cables eald ttmt "spot" wliuat was a penny higher nt tihcr- pool. Tlio whole local crowd hiul deserted the bear and uono bddlly over to tlio bull side. The old time bear leaders were In the dumps and Bloomy. All opposition to the wheat clique has been abandoned , Tlio dis cussion over the clique's stability or Insta bility has been u'lvcn up. Tliero are still a few talkative fellows who air themselves on tlio "curb , " or declaim In olllces hi the after noon , who art ! of the opinion that this Is a "shoi'Strlni ; " deal , and bound to collapse. But substantial opposition to the operations of this bull coterlo Imvo been abandoned. There are sales on the inllles by the bears who expect to cover cheaper.and sales by bulls who hope to take on their lines aualn at a lower liKiiru. Hut It Is true that them are very few operators left who are putting out short line ? with the expectation of standing by them and of Kettln out at tlio last day of the month ut a proht. The clique lias the nmtki't thoroughly under control , with its bin a Unit of options for .Mine as It had piobably for May. with the outside markets nil waking up and with cash wheat here , at New York , nnil nt tit. Louis In their hands. Tlio one in cident of the day WHS tbii announcement of the falluru nt New York of thoCtirutheis.ono of those operators \ > hose boast It has been that he was inaklru ! 2c carrylnz cli.irpis out ot wheat each month for the last three yeais. lie was short of whi'.it , however , on this ad vance , and It Is n remarkable tact that n : ; wic ndvanee should snap otf an operator who has been on the bear Hide for so lotii' . Jtosenfeld A Co. , bought us heavily of wheat as Ker- tiliaw , and perhaps bought more. Thn clique houses bought for uotlt Juno and Julv. Outsiders who have watched thu course of the market narrowly nro buying July. On the advances July goes up almost In proportion , and in breaks July drops veiy little , so that tneio Is less risk , with quite , if not more , promise of piolit. Tlio exporters nro really , however , the big- vest bulls. Kershaw says : " 1 never knew such n demand from nil quarters as oxKts now. 1 confidently expect to see wheat In July sell nt SI.10 and probably nt 81.25. " William Dunn says : "The continent nnd the United Kingdom are botn bidders for our wheat , nnd so bit : a demand from botli ditec- tlons at the same tlmo was never Known In the trade befoio. " The greater part of the tiailhi ! ! langi'd frnniNij c to bJ c for June , nudtHMWfe for July. Corn was slow , and Instead of advancing In sympathy with wheat , ns lias been Its eus- tomof late , became weak nnd prices declined. June was the favorite nnd opened nt > iuj < c , declined toiiO c , but closed at S'.i&c. July clonedat c. Oats weie weaker nnd closed for futures at / Kc lower than yesterdav. Juno lard opened nt 87.00 , sold nt Sr..0.7 < c } 7.00 and closed nt SO.S)7 ) > C J line short ribs opened nt 87.00 , sold at S7.fj7X@7.07K , nntl closed at S7..r)7Hu47.cO. Mess pork was dull at Siill.OO for May. API IHNOON : Sussiox. Wheat wns steady. May closed at 83Kc. Juno sold.nt b-VflgbSJifc , on tlio split toH.j c , closlnir nt MHe ; July sold at SWr ( < ( IJ < c , closing at i J < c ; Aucust sold nt M&SlXc closing nt Sifce. Corn wns steady. May wns 33&c bid , sellers at 38 > < c ; Juno sold nt & , nnd SUWgWJfo on the split , closing at 8Uc bid ; July sold at 4lX4lc , and 41c , closing at 41M@ 4lc. Oats were steady. Pork wns nom inally unchanged , being quoted nt $ ' 1.50 for May nnd June. Laid was quint and un changed. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , May'5. | Special Telegram to the BEE. ] CATTLE The receipts were less than expected , but iliow an Increase of 4,000 over last week and wo shall have 40,000 this week' against 25,000 one year ngo , The general condition of the country bettor than last year. However , with surli comparatively heavy receipts and the Drills ) markets In their present overstocked condl tlon , It does not seem strange that the mnr ket for heavy cattle , at least , Is not better. To-day one or two more eastern buyers won In the market and trade was more active. Heavy cattle continued to sell badly , and the nlco little cattle did not sell quotnbly higher. .Some of the earliest sales this morning In cluded good 1K50 to 1671 Ib. cattle at S4.MXg4.OS , with fat 035 Ib. steers at S4.r ; > . Some very heavy cattle that have been hero several days sold nt $5.00 , or lOc morn than could have 'been had for them any day this week , and a good deal more than could have been had on some days. The general market to-day was prop erly called fairly active and stronr. but not iiuotably higher. Shipping steers , 1350tol500 Ibs , 54.40(3500 ( ; lax ) to 1H50 Ibs. S4.2.X < J4.85 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , S4.00@4.SO : stockers and food- era , 82.1K > ( < I4.40 ; cowi , bulls and mixed , 92.15 M4.00 ; bulk , 3'A85 < a3.0 ! ; slop-fed stem * , 84.40 iu4.70. OI througn Texas cattle there were forty cars on sale : grassers , 83.0033.tiO ; corn- Jed. 8aNX34.40. lloos Tlio market was fairly active and about n nlcklo higher OB heavy and butcher weights. Light sorts were no.'lected. Mixed may bo quoted at S5.2CX35.a'5 , and best heavy & 5.5@5.45. : ! One or two lots of fancy butcher weights sold at $5.40(95.50. ( Light ports may be quoted at 85.10@5.2j ; skips and pigs , 4.CO@4.W. 1.1 VE STOCK. . May 5. Thi Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 7GUO ; stronzer and more active ; shipping steers , * 4.40 < vj5.00 ; stockers and feeder * . 92.90(34.40 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed. 52.15ffl4.00 : hulk , S2.b5Q1.20 ; corn- fedToxans , 83.WX34. 10. Hogs Kecolpts , 15,000 ; stronger ; rough and mixed , 5.00$5.i5 ( : ; packing and ship ping , Jf.ViXitf.M ; light , * 4.OQo.2o ; skips , . . Sheen ll celpts , 2.000 : stronger ; woolcil. l8.ftOQS.20 ; shorn , ? 3.00@4.25 ; Texans , 82.50 33.85 ; lambs , I1.50QG.50. Natiounl Stoolc Ynrds. Kast Ht. liiiuli , 111. , May 5. Cattle Receipts. 700 ; ihlpments , l-0o ; market steady ; choice heavy uuvivo steers. S I.fi0@5.00 ; fair to good flipping Bieers , Sii.lKCiM.fa ! Imtcheis' steers , [ air to choice. KlMXtfCW ; feeders , fair to teed , ? : ! .20iiJ4.10 ; stockers , fair to good , I2.20Q3.15. Hogs Iti'celpK 4,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; market btron : ; choice heavy and butchers ( elections , 8.ViO@5.-iO ! ; packing , fair to good , (5.15(25.30 ( ; Yorkers , commou to iirlrne. 85.00 g.1.50 ; Digs , common to good , S4.toOM.bO. Kansnu City , May 5. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 : shipments , none ; market was slow , but about steady ; common to choice ship ping. S3.H ) ( < 44.-ft : stockers , S2.avi3.25 ; feed ing steers , siSO@3N : ) : cows , S2.25Q3.bO. lloirs Receipts , 0.000 ; shipments , none ; market was slow , but fte higher ; com iiion to choice , 84.UOQo.15 ; sklna and Pigs , rJ.80Q4.60. FINANCIAL. J < KW YoitK , May 5. [ Special Telegram to the BF.K.I STOCKS. The stock markei was very active In spots to-dav. Fort Wortl & Denver elcctrllicd traders Immedlatel iy ) after the owning with a spurt of 7 per itn up. The advance , It was said , was manlpu nto lated to force the largo short Interest to cover. Hardly had the movement In rt Worth & , Denver subsided when Rock Islam ide. came to the front with a 5 ir cent advance e.JO TUP movement In these stocks started th wholn. list nnd by noon prices wore movini apnt apace that was anything but satisfy wry to the bears. Northwestern advance cHi * to thu 'ilglicit ' point reached in years. The VanderUllts. all made good1 gains , being favorably inllucnced by the Statements made of last year's business. There were some very strong rumors of n projected bull movement In Jersey Central. The stock was up 1 percent and the talk was that the old bull party In it were preparing a bull scoop which would carry It up 10 per cent. Uould stocks were rather Inactive , but were not at all weak. The railroad earnings reported for April In almost every Instance showed largo gains , and this served to help along the buying. The boom In stocks started early In the day and lasted until the close. Rock Island loit part ot the early advance when the story about consolidation with Its leased lines was denied by ofllclals of the company. North western held Its advance about the best of anything on the list , and closed at the top ligures for tlio day. The story was that C.uumack nnd his following coveicd a big line of shorts In St. I'.iul , Northwestern , and L.ike bhore. London pi lees were all higher , and some buying oidcrs from abroad were received Just before tlio close. 1'rlces at the close were about 1 percent above the open- Ing. The total sales were about 250,000 shares. ( trtVKUNMKNTi Government bonds were dull but steady. YKsmUDAV's QUOTATIONS. U. S. r.'s . 100 1C. &N. W . 1C2V U. h. J' coupon , 12 , fl do preferred. . , .lftOV U. S. 4W'scoup .110 N. Y ! C . 11 % rncllicoW'ir.i oKO. U. t N . lO''j ' CntiadaSnuth'n. . f.l . O. T. . TO * Central I'nclllt : . . 40& 1'acllleMalt . 6 < ! < H' Chicago & A Iton.U' . 1' . , 1 > . iV K . 3.V < do preferred. . . .ICO I'nllman I'ai.Car.l.'O C. , H. iVO . 147H Reading . V > X I ) . . L. & \V \ . 1K7. 4' Rock island. . . 134 I ) ttR.(5 ( . 31USt L. ikS. F. . . . 37 Krio . .T-J'V , do preferred. . . . 7S ) < di preferred. . . . Wf O. , M.&St. I' . . . . t 2H Illinois -ntral..l34 | do preleried.,121 L , H. 4t W . 2 VSt. 1' . < te O . r'j < K. it T . 31' < l do preferred. . 11 t'i LnkuShoio . m Texas I'acitic. . . . 80 % L. , fc N . 071S Union 1'acilic. . . . OIK Michigan Ccnfl. . 2K\V. \ . St LA I' . . . . 21 Mo. I'acllic . lO K ! do preferred. . I'S'f ' N < i. I'acllic . HOV. , . U. Telegraph 70 , a' do preferred. . . . OJ'dl ' MONKY ox CAM. Easy at " > Q5 per cent ; closed at 4Q4 } < J percent , MKHCANril.H I'Al'BK 6 STKIIUNO KXCIIANOK Dull , steady and une.iaiiged at S4.SOJi tor sixty day bills , lor demand. I'llODUCIi MAKKHT. Clilcnco , May 5. Following quota tions aiethe 2:30 : closing ligures : Flour Firm nnd unchnnged. Winter wheat. Hour , : , Sl.iuft ? 4.20 ; Wi.sconsin. S4.20@4.30 : Michigan soft Minnesota bakers , low grades , 5(33.4 ( < j ; in sarks"nnd barrels. 8'JC < i.70. : ' Wheat The market was bullish In temper again to-day , with good buying by the sup posed "clique" nnd on outside account. In- teiest centered in Juno delivery , which closed for the day Ic higher than yesterdav. Closing lUsuiesnt : : p. in. were : Cash and May , K-Vhc ; June , WKc ; July , S4 ; c. Corn Was weak earlv on rumors that western roads contemplated reducing rates. but ruled tinner near the close ; cash and May , 3S' ' < e ; June , : ' , ' . ) ; c ; .Jnly,40tfc. Oats Kaslor ; cash , 20c ; June , ! ! 8j&'c. Rye-Dull at Me. Ilarloy Xniuiunl at 57c. Timothy Seed I'rime , Sl.CO. Flax Seed-S1.08K. Wnlskv Lower at S1.10. Pork Unchanged ; cash , May and June , SiUO. Laid- Steady ; cash. SC.87H ; June , PO.U. . Hulk Meats-Short rib sides ( loose ) . 87.50 ; dry s-ilted shouldeis , S5.00aO.OO ( ; shoit cleat- Bides S7.1HWB7.U5. lintter Kasy ; creameiy , 18@i3c ; dairy , - . Hides-Unchanged ; heavy green salted 7J c ; light do , 73Sc ( ( ; salted bull hides , Ce ; gieen saltedcalt.be ; dry Hint , 12 ® lite ; dry calf , l"Jlllc ( : dean.ons , 40c each ; drv salted , lOe. Tallow Unehamred ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No. Kocolpts. Shipments. Flour , this IH.OOO 11.000 Wheat , bu 53.000 Oi.ooo Corn , bu 44.003 174,000 Oats , bit 01,000 51.000 live , bu : i41.000 1,000 Barley , bu 12,000 3,000 New York. May 5. Wheat Receipts , 105,000 ; exports , 71,000 ; spot advanced H < i ! 5e and options if@lKc. closing lirm ; un graded red , Ultfcdfej.ooji ; > f ° ' 3 " "d , 0.\Vc : No. 1 , red , 81.01 delivered ; No. Bred , 9Xft'JCc In store , t)7c ) In elevator ; .June closing ; at Corn Spot steady and quiet , and options without change of importance , closing linn ; receipts , S9.00U : exnoits , Ji.OOO ; ungraded , 4 } { @MKo ; Mo. 2 , 4i % @ > 0 > fc : No. 3 , 4'JKc in elevator ; Juno closing nt4'l , ! c. Oats-A shade better ; receipts , 10,000 ; ex- potts , 300 ; mixed western , 35@37c ; white western , S@4'-'c. , . , Petroleum Steady ; United closed nt6fl > c. Kies Easier and in talr request ; western , 12K@13c. 1'ork More active and firm ; old mess , S15.50GS16.UO ; now mess 317.00. Lard Higher nnd talrlv active ; western steam , spot. 87.37J . Butter Firm and In fair Inquiry ; west ern , 133250 ; Elgin creamery , -5c. Cheese Dull and easier. Minneapolis , May fi. Whrat Active and tirm ; No. 1 hard , cash and May. 7bjfu ; June , S0c ; July , 8Jifc : No. 1 northerncash nnd May , 77c ; June. 7'Jc ; Julv , bO < n ; No. 3 northern , cash nnd May , 75c ; June , 77c ; July , 78 < ( Jc. On track : No. 1 hard , 79 } c : No. 1 northern , 7Sa'78Kc ' ; No. 3 northern , 7fic. Flour Strong nnd 106150 higher ; patents , ? 4.-10C < ? 4.W ; bakers' . J3.50y3.CO. Keceipts Wheat , 71.000 bit. Shipments Wheat , 7,000 bu ; Hour , 15,000 bbls. Milwaukee. Mav 5. Wheat Stronger ; cash , ttitfe ; Juiin , SWc : July , 4c. Corn firm ; No.3 , asjfc. Oats Steady ; No.3 white , Sljj'c. Rye-Weak ; Mo. 1. 59e , Barley-Finn : No. 3 , 5Cc. rrovlsloDS-Qulet. Pork , May. 816.50. Cincinnati , May 5. Wheat Strong and higher ; No. a red. 84 85c. Corn Strong : No. 3 mlxod. 4.T c. Oats In good demand and tinner ; No. 3 mixed , a K ) c. Rye-Strong ; No. 3 , 05c. I'rovisions Dull and unchanged. 1'ork steady at 117.00. Lard quiet at SO.h-X Whlsuy Active , but lower ttt 81.05. St. IjouU , May 5. Wheat Active and excited ; eash , 84XSS5c ( : May , 85o ; June , * Corn About unchanged ; cash , 36 < 337c ; tuts-Very low ; cash , 27 > f@2SKc ; May , 3740 ; June , 2SVc. I'ork Dull and Ineiular ; new , 310.00. Lnrd-Nomlnal at S0.7CH3G.75. Whisky Steady at $1.13. Butter Firm and unchanged ; creamery , 20@-J2c ; dairy. 14@20e. Afternoon Board Wnont Firmer ; May , B5Vs5i.fc ( ; June , WVCpJS.'iHc ' ; July , KtM& b2Ke ; SepWmbor , W.'i'MS-iKC' Corn Steady nnd unchanged. Oats Unchanged. HanBaa City , May 5. Wheat Steadv : No. 3 led , cash , 70c ; June , TOtfc bid , We asked. Corn-Steady ; No. 2 , cash , S3c ; June , 83Ku ; July , 34 3i5caiked. < ; . Oats-No. 3 , cash , 29c bid. Liverpool , May 5. Wheat Firm : do maud fair ; holders offer sparingly ; Califor nia No. I , 7s lld@J W per cental. Corn Steady : demand fair ; nowj rnlxet western , 4J s i > cr cental. Now Orleans. Mav 5. Corn Strom nnd hlcher ; mixed , 4lKi(50c ; whlto and yel low , 51V < (4.vic. ( Oats-Higher at 37@37K < > . Cornmual Klrnipr at g'J.SO. Hog I'roducts-Dull : pork , S10.75. Lard Kenned tlcrco Si.CX ) . Bulk Meats-Shoulders , SG.50 ; Ions clca and clear ribs , r " OMAH.V L.IVK STOCK. Thursday , May 5. Cnttlc. The receipts of cattlHwero very light to-aa but thete were a cooo : many on the mai ket that had been held over front thu day trMl - font. The market was slow at about stead prices. Hog * . Them was a hoivy falling off in the n . cclpts of hogs , there being less than half t many as yesterday. The market opene slow and tliero were very few sales made t join iff fore the middle of the torenoon. Thegei - eral market was about steady at yesterday I stronger. The market closed early In the afternoon with only three loads unsold. Shcop. There were no fresh receipts , hut a-few that had been left over changed hands. Kooclptt. Cattle Uo.53 1,000 I'rovnllltiK 1'rlco * . Showing tlie provitiltng prices paid for llvo slockon this market : Cliolco.steers , laoj to l.VX ) Il)9..8 .2.va4.40 Choice steers , 1100 to 13VJ Iba. . . 4.20 < ? UO Fnt llttlo steer IKK ) to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.COieU5 ( Extra choicecowa and heifers. . . . 3.50u3.75 ( Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . ! ! .OOYii3.40 Common to medium cows 3.7.1M.MK ) Good to choice hulls 2..Vffi3.2" ) Light nnd medium hozs 4.00M4.70 Good to choice lu-.ivy hogs 4.SOM4.W Good to choice mixed lions 4.700U.W ) Choice sheep , 80 to ISO Ibs 8.15 ( 3.75 Ilcpruscntuiivo Hales. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. l. . . . INO S3.RO 17. . , .1124 54.10 it..H'JO 3.0.1 21 , . .1123 > 17. , . . V G 3.70 : ; y. . . .1118 4-10 ! 1.00 20. . .1171 I.HO TlilHud' 4.00 10. . .132. ! 4.40 cows. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . .1770 83.7S STOCK 1IU1.1.S. No. Av. Pi. No. Av. Pr. . 5:05 : § 2.25 2.25siiou.v siiou.v siuir.p. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. rr. 100. . . Ml S3.10 313. . . . 107 83.50 211 . a 10 No. AV. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Sill : . Pr. 7 ! | . . .212 6' ) . . . .343 - ! 4.75 . .2 l 300 4.00 M. . . .p ) 43 4.H ) 70 ! . .210 100 4.05 O'J 4.bO 07. . .Ulil 100 4.70 5S. IIMr-j 40 4.bO 71. . .2-W 120 4.70 5S.M' . . .Sil 40 4.8" " ) 78. . 22 < 1 100 4.70 M' ' ' ' 4.bO 70. 130 4.7U 00. . . .343 / < ) l.bO 130N 7 ? N ) 4.70 70. . . .227 40 09. 130 4.72K ( > . ! . . . .2fi'i W ) 130M 07. M ) 4.75 00. . . .2.17 120 01. . . .2.1S 40 4.75 . . .315 40 . 70. , . .2i ! bO 4.75 01 ! . . .201 40 4.0 ! 07. . . .2ISO 4.75 01. . . .250 iO 4. HO Ho > ; s Sold. Showing the number ot hog bought by the lending buyers on to-day's mat ket : nous. Anulo-Ainerlcan Packing Co 1,017 Clark it Bios 207 ( ! . H. Hammond it Co 33 Chicago Packing As Piovislon Co 11)1 ) Total 1M1 Lett over 20 Alonthly Stuloiiiont. The following Is the otllclal report ot the receipts and .shipments lor ttie month ending April 30. isr.cuii-r.s. Hor'US nnd HnllromK Cattlo. HOBS. Sheep. Mules. U. I' . 11.11 IIIM 1,0.20 35 870 14 CStl'M &O. . . n.iLM C & N W. iur > u : II &M . 3,548 -'I.TO7I C..UI .VI" . . . . 1.1103 Wnluish . , Ifc : iu7ti jMt ) . 1'Q' ! . . , . . . 1.8IL1 Jlo. Vnl'y . r > ; o 7.MI Loft over . ous ( If.1 6i Driven In . ace ax ) Total lr..ST3 (11.871 ( Mlll'MK.VlH. Total. . f. .H7n | 170 All sMesot stock iu tins market are mndo ucrcwt , live woUlit unless othurwlso stated. Dead hog * soil .it Xc per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs wttUninir less than 10J Ibs. novaluo. Pregnant sows aio dockoJ 40 lia. andsUusSa Ibs. by thauiiblic luspajtor. Ijlvc Stock Notes. Cattle steady. A few bhcep sold. Hogs n shade stronger. 11. Gllmore , Jr. , was in with a land of cattle. Mr. Sluts , Madison , wns hero with a load of cattle. BWIloy BInck , Pltittsmouth , wns in again with a load ot hogs. Ii. F. U'.oason , Edison , Nob. , marketed three loads of shuen. James McDonald , Ewinj , ' , wns hero and Roul a load of cattle. Jnmcd McEnderfor , Mason Citv , was nt the yauls and marketed six loads of cattle. II. II. Barber , Elwood , cnmu in with two loads of hogs , which sold on the inntket. A. Jackson , n member of the linn of Me Cloud & Love. Is at thu ynrds during thu ab sence of Mr. McCloud. Mr. Aiujrew , Sjracuse , was In nnd innr- koted n loiul of butcher stock. Onu cow weighed 1770 and brought 3.70. F. G. Kieiie , Albion , ono ot the representa tive shippers of Nebraska , wns in with a load of hogs which topped tlio mntket The rnto on stock from Ord to Chicago is SS5 per car. The proportion from Ord to Omalm. n distance otnbouttKX ) miles , 1st I- and from Oiunhn to Chicago , a distance o : about 500 miles , 41. Comment Is utmcccs snry. Invitations nro out for the marriage of K II. IngucrMHi and Murv L. llnrbeck , a' Albany , N. Y. , on May 18. Mr. Inguuraon until recently , was buying cattle at this point for Slit & Co. , of Chicago , and w.ts ono of the most popular buvers in tlio yards Jt Is understood that ho will return as soon ns the railroad rates will permit A boy genius nt the stock yards got up a scheme in the early spring , when young pigs were plenty , to supply the need ot the mother pU and devised a rubber bag with nipples attached , and by throwing thu bag in a pen of young pigs the whole litter would follow him off , providing he carried the bag. As the pig trade is rather slim now the same genius Is buying younir * ; olts shipped In with Texas ponies at 81.50 a piece nnd In tends to raise them on the aforesaid rubber bag. The ownuis of the Texas mart's would rattier hull the colts at the low price of SI.50 than Imvo them suckle the marcs wblch they expect to sell. OMAHA. WllOLKS.VLE MA.Hti.l2TS General Prmlnco. Thursday , May 5. Thcfollmnno prices are/or roiwl Jot of proiicc ( ! , tin soiu on tne market fo-U'ti/ . KGos Tlio market Is steady at 10c. BUTTKII-There is an occasional package of fancy butter that sells above the quotittlous given below. Chlce country , IGctflfcc ; lair to good , 12@15c ; common , 7i40o. ( CIIKKSK Ftillcreamolieddnr8,8lnile,14K'cj full cream flats , twins , lXc ; Young Ameri cas , 15c ; fancy Swiss , 18c ; Swiss. Im ported. 25c ; Llmburgor. 14c ; brick. I510c. Livi : I'ouLTitY-Clilckens. S3.00@3.25. GAME Ducks , mallard , per doz , S2.00@ 2.2.1 ; ; ducks , teal , per iltw. S 1.50 1.75 ; ducks , mixed , per doi , 5sl.50iei.7o ; geese , per do/ , S3.00@8.50 ; brants , per doz , 82.00 ; snipe , per doz , 51.21 , Plovet file. 1'oTATOF.s Uome grown , small lots , from store , 05C's"5c ; now potatoes , per bbl , § 4.75 ® 5.00 ; sweet Jerseys , Si" > .00 ; sweet bouthern mieen , per bbl , S5.00 < 35.50 ; sweet seed , S5.0J ; sweet yams , S4.00@4.fx ) . O.vtoxs Old onions , per bbl , 51.50@5.00 ; r.ew southern , iior boi , 5.00. OABIIAOK Inore is very little on the market. New California stock sells at 3X04 Stfc perlb. Ai'i'i.ES The market is bare and there Is no stock of any account. NEW VUOKTAIILKS Spinach , per bbl , $1.25 ( 1.50 : top onions , per dozen bunches , 20i326c ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 25WiOc ; lettuce , 35@40c ; pie plant , per Ib , 2 > $ c ; Home grown asi > Aiu.s , per doOOc ; cucumbers ' , per dozen , 650i75c. ity IlEAN8-lnferlorstock.75MS1.00BOOd ; clean [ tr- country , Sl.CKX.iiil.35 ; medium , hand picked I , Ml- 11.4031.50 ; hand picked , navy , 31.bO@l.ou. Mlly PROVISIONS Hani , 12Ke : breakfast bacon , rib. iuj < c ; breakfast bacon , plain , lie : drv salt sides. ti } < (3-J ( > ; c ; drlod beef , regular. 1C dIlc ; dried be t , ham pieces , 13c ; lard , 50-lb reas cans. 7 ? c:20-lb : cans , Fairbanks , 7c ; 10-11 as cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc ; Mb cans , Faubauks , ed 5c : 3-Ib cans. Fairbanks , H 'e- LiRUONi Mesjlna , choice , per box , I4.M in- @ .oo. r's OUANOKS California , Los Anieles , pei tie 1 box , S.OO ; Mediterranean sweets , 13.500 g ] a.75 ; Messina Imperial , , Wncy , 5.50 ; San l , slniflc box s , $1.00 ; San ( Inbricl , 5 box lots S2.8B. STitAwniiuiii.R : The Ttcelpts are liberal and the market lower , .Choice stock , per cn p , SI.OO. , HAN ANAS Larjrc bunches/per bunch , S3.50 Qt.OO. _ Gfocor'4 PicKr.no Mi'diuni. In bbls. S'.OOt do. In half bbls , SI.50 ; small. In bbls , 89.00 ; do , In half bbls. Jo.oo ; gherkins. In bbls , SlO.OOjtlo , In half bbla , S5 , : > 0. Suti.vH-llranulated , OYCK.Xc ; conf. A , n.VcjwhUu extra l\6V1f&4 ? extra C , 5'Has 6)sc ) : yellow c , 4 1(4itcltut ( : 'oat ' , O djo c ; powdered , O'tf'itTc. ,1 COFFKKS Ordinary grades , r > < @ine fair ' CANSKnUnoiS-Oysters.Rtandardpercase , Sit. IKttSA'f. strawberries , 2lb. percale. 8J.30 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 82.25 ; California pears , per c.tsp , S4.6'J ; apricots , per casj , 5 = 4.00 ; peache * . W case , SJ.O'J ; whlto cher ries , pt-r case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , S"J.5) ) ; blueberries porcasc , 81.85 ; o'c plums. 2 Ib , per case. 32.50' plueapnles , a itj. per case SU.2d i5.73 ; 1 Ib nibikerel. per doz , Si. 10 ; 1 Ib salmon , per do/ , S1.50al..Vi ; 310 , goose berries , percaie. 31.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per aw , 51. ii'i 31bllinaboins , per case. 81.00 ; S Ib marrow fat pe.n , per case. SJ.50'iW 00 ; ' ) Hi early Juno peas , porcaie. 52.75 : 3 Ib tomv toes. S2.5 ( rif2.Mf.2 Ib.corn 32.40 2..0. MAT ciiKS lVr caddie. 2' > c ; square cases , SI. 70 : mule square. Jl.su. , SYIIUP No. 70 , 4-gallon ke s , < M.2Vi1.2s Now Orleans percalliiu38i4Be ( { ; maulo syrup , half bbls. "old time. " per g.tllon , 7Jc ; 1 g.tl- Ion cnns , pyr doz , J10.00 ; lialt gallon cans , per doz. 85.iV ) : quart pans , Sli.lw. (3ANDY ( Mixed. M < ( i llc : stick , S & c. CRACK r.us ( iarni > .iira soda , butler and picnic , fi-ic : creams , sici plngcr snaps , b o ; cltv toila. 7k. , , brAitnt .Mirror gloss. 1 Ib , Oc ; mirror gloss , : t Ib. D'fc ; mlrnir u'los , Oil ) , Gfc ; ( irnvns corn.l lb,6Hc ; Kingsrord's corn , I Ir ) , 7c : Kliiirsfonl's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c : Klngsford'.s closs , fllb. 7Kc. Klmrtford's ptiro lib. 5 c ; Klnitsford's pure , 3 Ib , 5Kc ; Klngsfords bulk , 4c. SOAIM Kirk's avnn imperial. E2.70 ; KlrK H satinet. S 1.00 ; Kirk s stsnthrJ , ? .0 > ; Kirk's whlto Itiisslan , S4.CM ; Kiik's whito- cap. SO.M ) ; domn , ' SJ.bS ; washboard , f'3.10 ; white cloud. 3.75. \AIISI .IIES Uatrols , pcrgalion ; rurnl- ture , extra , St.H ) ; furultute. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , S1.4' ) ; coach , No. i , 81.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; , asphaltuin , extra av : : shellac , S8.W ; hard oil tinlsh , S1.5U HEAVY HAKDWAKE iron , rate S2.SJ ; plow stc-elsncclfti eas > t,4Hccruclblosteol'iKc ; ; cast tools , tfj. 134J1M ; wagon spokes , pet set , 82.00ca3.50 ; littbi. per set. $1.25 ; tellous. sawed dry , 31. 5 ( ) ; tongues , each. 8'Jc : a\eN. each. 75o. ; snuare nuts , pur Ib. 0171c : cell chain , per Ib. fi oi'c ; malleable.sfoirc ! ; iron wedges. Cc ; crowhais , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4Jc , fprlng steel. 7@tfc ; Buulon'n horseshoes , 54.15 ; Burden's mule shoes. S * > .75. Barbed wire , in car lots. 4.00 per 100 Ibs. Nulls , rates , 10 to 50 , g'.iO : steel nails. 83. ! ) ) . Shot , 81.35 ; huckshnt , Sl.Oo ; llazi'il powder , kegs. 85.00 ; do. half kegs , S'i'.i ; do. quarter kegs , 51.50 : blasting , kegs , S3. UK fuse , per 1) ) feet. OTc. Lead bar. SI11 lnv PAINTS -White lead , 7c ; French/tne , 12c : Par ! ; whiting. 2Kc ; will ting , gliders , aftfc ; whiting , com'l , IMC ; lampblncif , Gor- manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian bluo,55cultramarine , We ; vainly K- brown , be ; umber , burnt. b ; utnocr. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4c : nic-mia. ra\T. 4c ; J'nns green. genuine. V Paris green , com mon , 23" rhromn Wi N. y. . 20c ; vertaillKm American. Ifrc : innisn law and buint umber , l ffi cans , i2c ; raw nnd burnt sienna , l'2c : Vandyke brown , IKc ; relined - lined lampblack l2o : coach black nnd ivory black. lOc ; drop bmck. Wo ; Prussian nine , < 0o : ultramaiInt ) black. 18c ; chromo eroen.L. , M. & U. . lOc ; blind nnd shutter green. L. . M. < te D.lOc ; Paris icrcon , 18di Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , IV ; Tusor.n , i2c ! ; American vermlllion , L. < fc 1) . , 20ccllow : " ochre. 2c ; L. M. & O. L ) . . life : cood"ochrp. . ific : natmn drver.So ; training color , light oatr , darkoi.k , walnut , chestnut nnd ash.'te ' . . DHUCIB.V.VD ijiiKMiCAl-8. Ac d carbolic , "c ; acid tartnrlc , 5So ; U.ilsRtn copaiba , per K > , M'c ' ; bark'sassafras. per Ib , lOc ; calomel , tr ' - TUrt Alilrtniinti I.I la t A. > f / JfVt nlilmrt * 8 l' oil , c'astor , > lo."i , per"gi"l.781.50 ; oil castor ; No. 2 , per gal. , 51-40oil ; olive , pergal. , 81.40 ; oil orlL-annum. ftOc ; opium , $4.50 ; quininn , ] ' . it W. and It. & S , , per oz. iPo ; potassium Iodide , per & > . S5..W ; sallcln. peroz. 40c ; sul- rtbate morplilne. per oz. S * . o ; sulPhur , per n.4c : Btrjcltnlnp. Bar o/ . 31.3)- „ , „ Omahar P. , FAINTS IN OIL White lead. , difp ; white lead. St. Louis , pure , c ; Mar- Eellles. green , l Ib cans. : ic : Kronen zinc , creen seal , 12c ; Krench zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in vnrnlsli as t. 30c : bench zlnc.75c : vermlllion. English , in oil , 75c ; red. lOc : rose pinkI4c ; Venetian red , Cook- son'H , Z'fts ; Venetian red. American. iKc ; red lead , 7kc : ciirnme yelinw , genuine , 3f'c ' ; chrome yellow , K , 12c : ochre , rochollo. 3c ; ochrp , French , 2Jfc : ochre , American , IKc ; Winter's mineral , 21 0 ; l.cnigh biown , "no ; Spanish brown , 2Xc ; I'rinco's rclnerat , 3cJUDES Green butrhere , 6 } @ 0c ; green cured. 7c : dry Hint , llf l'-'c ; drv salt , O&lOc ; creen calf skins , Ko ; damaged nirtes , two-thirds price. Tallow Stfc , Grease l'rimewliite,3cYellow. ; . 2 , ' o ; brown , Shceo Pelts. 35887 ! * . Uriarrs Cologne spirits , isa ortof , * 1.17 ; do 101 proof. S1.18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 51.17 : do 18S proof. 51.10 Alcohol. 183 proor , S2.20 per wine eallon. Kedistllled wliiskles , Sl.00idl.50. Gin , blended .60S 2.00 : Kentucky botirbotis , 83.0030.00 , Ken tucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 53.OOMfl.50 ; Golden sheaf bourbon and rye wliiskles , Sl.'iOO&OC. Br.tndies , imported , 85.00@8.50 ; domestic , 81.8CX33.00. ( jns. | Imported , $4.50 ( tfO.OO ; domestic , C1.25rtj3.00. ChampaRnes , Imported , vor rase. 828.0CK333.00 ; American , joUcaso.810.OOidlCl.OCt. j-uns AND aniXH Ihe following prices nre tor prime , well handled skins : Beaver , prime , clean per pound. 81.50@3.00 ; fnlIS1.25 ( < J2.00 : meatvana inferior. 8l.oo@l. % Bear , brown and grizzly , 85.00@S.OO : nubs mid ycarllncfl. 84.00 4.00. Badger , WCffOOc. Cat , wild , 30 ® oc : domestic , black , WcfllSc : do mestic , hundry colors , 5@bc. Fox. red. 81.00 (81.25 ( ; cross S2.004.00 ; grey , 40@.VJo ; silver. S10.CXW340.CX ) . Fisher. $4.00 3.00. Otter,84.00 Q8.00. Martin. S1.00175 , Muscrat i win U > r. largo , lOc ; fall. 5c ; kitts , Mink , large dark , 35@40c ; small ami pale , 15Q20c. ilac- roon , large prime , 40fi50c ; small andinferlor , 20ffl30c. Slsunk , common , 15@25c , Wolf , largo grey. 81.5003.50 ; coyote or prairie 75@ OOc. Deer and antelope , winter , per pound 15c ; 'all and summer , per pound 20a. Dry Ijunilier. D1UINBIOXB AND TtMllKlta. | l2 tl 14 ft 18 ft 18 ft 2pjt a " " Sz so K 10.10 M > Sift 17.SU 1-.GO 17.M 17.5 8 50 1'J.M SI.M > i SzlO 17.M ) 17.tal7.BO I8.M 19.W 'iMiO.2J.50 2x12 17.51 17.WJ 17.BJ I8.BO 19 515S.60 22.BO 118.00 18.00'lX'l0.00 ' ( ) ' 20.00 ' "J Bn22.W ] I1OAHD.S. No. 1 , com , sis . , . S10.50 No. 3 , com , s 1 a . , . 17.50 No. 4 , com , sis . T . 13.50 FENCiNO. No. 1,4 & 0 in , 12\iift , > rouh . 810.00 No. 2 , . i'/i , " . 15.00 smi.vo. A , 12 , Handle ft . . . . . S210D y ii ii ii ' -I . 205 ? ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' C , " " " . . . . . 'VI'.l'.l : . . . . . I5.oo D , " " " . . . . . } . 13.00 Cnil.lN'O AXD PAKTITIOS. l tcom. , f In White Pine Colling . 834.00 Clear , } { In. Norway Pine Celling . 10.00 ' A 0 Inch , white pin. . . . 35.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' K " " " ' ( SVi'Fen'g ) . . . . . . . I'S.O STOCK A 12 Inch s.ls . . . .i. ( . SI5.00 No. . 1 , coin. 12 in s. 1 g 13. & 14 . 20.00 viOft. . . . . . . . . . 1U.OJ No.3 " " " 'f , 112 ' .t H ft , . . . . 18.00 ' " " " 'J ! . 10 tt 17.011 I'OSTS. White Cedar , C In. , # s , 12c ; 0 ln.rits..llo MME , 1:10. Qulncy white lime ( best ) Sl.OC Akron cement l.cv Hair ( ' No. 1 , plain , 8and 10 in. . . . 819.W No. 1. plain , nnd 10 In n.CK _ . . "ATTENSTlCKETS. . O. O. Baits , 2 } < in. , 70c : HA " l s 40 ( Pickets. D andill flat. . . . ? ; . . . 531-01 I CURE Vbra I ? c r l djuoi niua iTirtljr Io7l r ts'&s fKte isifSfi I D4TB maa * aiHM 91 riio. * * - BICINtsa a 1U loof iu.tr. Iwarrut nrraaitd U wont CUM. < ! olhtn liata falloa U no rot - - . - , ot DOW nulTltf a mr * . c nd at one * ( or tnatu * and i I r Bo l ( mjlifalUkUraoiar. Ul lwruan * r I OIoaTJH MjonnMhldrfocairtal. ud 1 ll | rnra rot. > | J. * MttAt ft. U. O. KOOT. lit mrl Bt. * W T rk LINCOLN , NEB , Ten llallroad ! , nnd more nro comlntr. IM Trains D.illy. ttnte unlvcrsltr. Wcileynn Unlvcrtlty , Stnto Cnpl- tnl. Mo'tot tlio nuslno" I.oti hive rtoiililpd In prlco In tlioln tU ninnlli' . Acrc-hiiul. within 2 miles of the < llr ) , iiicrpi < pil over two Immltoil PIT cent. Lincoln l tliCKre'itp't UiiUrnml Tontor nf Iti ni-e In llio wnilil. I'rli'k tilock | rijr.siiW ( per cent , Vnosnt lulu li'ivcivpriacil WJ | > or cent per annum on ! lr-t ' " ' ' ! Kiv.it < 1l trlbutlns point. Sonio wliolo- fiiloilpilcr * Irivonnrto t rlniTly fortunci. llnllil nf K IM ' up In nil direction * . llu-lno con- rrilly uoiil. II inker. ' , retail merchant * , incchaul.s , etc. , A. J. OBOPSEY & 00. Itooni ! ! , XtirliaiMl * IthifU , ea/ Estate Agents & Loan Brokers Ilnvcfor " "alotirlclc " Mock" , tiii'ine" Jot , nil Kind * of reul c tiitp. 1,2.6 , 10 , i ) . 49. W.aMunJ 619 acre tracti furim nnil cheap lanili , MONT.V I.OA.NKI ) . l.NVKfeTMi.VTS MADK. UKV r.ir.NOiS-Klrst : : anil Lincoln Nation nank'.liOTcriKirTIi nrer , Jinlvo CoMi , llov. Dr.O. Cri'laht on , l.liii'on" ' emior S. M. Ciilloin , llllno and ( Ic'iior.il lion. Ilnrrlron , lnillan THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. An\e ! Li > t\e Uniiilm Omnlia UNION I'AOIKIC. Dcjiot lOtlt anil 1'icrco sts. 1'rtcilio KxpifhS 7:50 : nin 8:20 : pm Denver Express 5i0pm : ! 10:51 : am * Loc\l ; Kxpress 11:00 : am 5:03 : pm Except Sunday. 1) ) . & M. H. It. H. Depot Kith ami 1'acilic sts. Mallainl rxprc 3 r :45pm : 10:00 : nui 10:00 : am 7:45 : pm 0. B.&Q. H. K. ) epot 10th and Pn'iticsts. ilall nnd Kxpiess 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm Kxpress 7:0ipm : fc:40 am K. C. St. J. & C. 15. ) cpotlOth andl'Acliicst Jail 7:0. : " nm P0 : nra Jxprcss. , 7:00 : am. 8:50 : pin C. St. 1 . M. & O. > cpoU5tli and Webster st. Sioux City Express * 4:4fipm : 8:15 : am Jancrott'Express 10)0 : ) am * ! : pm iilnfr rissfimt > r 7:10 : pm ] 5:35 : pm Except Suiiilay MlSSOtMl PACIFIC. ) cpot 15tlinnd Wcbsterst. ) ay Knross 0.a" am 11:10 : am fight Kxpross noiim : : V':10 ' : pm jlncoin Express 11:10 : am 0:10 : pm DUMMY TRAINS. liunninc betweou Council UluiTs and South ) nialui. In adilition to tlio stations IIHIII- tioiii-d , tr.iliw htop atTwcntictltaiitlTwenty- 'ourtli streets , and at Summit , In Omalia. Westward. Broad- TransOmalia. . Sheol'js Stock way. fer. ini.i- . 6:15 : (1:27 ( : . :3 : 1 6:40 : 6M7 7:05 : 7:17 : :25 : 7:40 : 7:47 : 8:05 : 8:17 : 8:40 : 8:47 : J:05 : U:17 : 0:40 : 0:17 : lO-.O'i 10:17 : 10:40 : 10:47 : 11:05 : 11:17 : : S 11:40 : 11:17 : 12:05 : 12:17 : :25 : 12:40 : 12:17 : l:0'i : 1:17 : :25 : 1:40 : 1:47 : 2:05 : 2:17 : : S5 2:40 : 2:47 : : t:05 : : ) :17 : :2. : ) 3:40 : 8M7 4 :05 : 4:17 : :2.r : 4:50 : 4:57 : 5:15 : 5:45 : 5:5-J : rir : , 0:110 : 6i7 : : 7:00 : 7:11 : :18 : 7:25 : 7H : : 10:12 : :20 : 0:08 : 0:15 : 10:25 : 10:8. : ! 11:20 : 11:32 : :40 : 11:45 : 11:52 : 12:05 : Stock i Omnlia. Trnnsj- Broad Ynrds. way. 0:15 : 0:28 : 0:50 : 0:58 : 7:15 : 7:28 : 7:35 : 7:50 : 7:58 : 8:15 : 8:28 : 6:85 : 8:50 : 8M : 0:15 : 0:38 : 0:35 : 0:50 : J:5S : 10:15 : 10:28 : 10:35 : 10:35 : lloo : 11:13 : 11 :20 : 11:50 : 12:15 : 12:28 : 12:35 : 12:5J : 1:15 : 1:28 : 1:35 : 1:50 : 2:15 : 3:28 : 2:35 : 2:50 : 2:53 : 3:15 : 3:28 : 3:85 : 3:50 : 3:58 : 4:15 : 4:28 : 4:35 : 4:50 : 4:5S : 5:15 : 5:28 : 5:35 : 5:40 : 5:47 : 0:05 : 6:18 : 0:25 : 6:40 : 6:47 : 7:0u : 7W : 7:20 : 7:25 : 7:33 : 8:15 : 8:23 : 8:35 : 10:00 : 10:13 : 10:20 : 10:30 : 10:38 : 11:20 : 11:33 : 11:40 : 11:45 : 11:51 : 12:05 : COUNOILi BljUPPS. I Leave Arrive CONNECTING LINES Transfer Transfe : depot depot C. U.I. * ! ' . : 7:15 : am 0:15 : a m All Trains lun Dally. 9:15 : a m 6:25 pro 6:40 : p m 7:00 : pm C. A N.V. . . . . . . 9l5am ; 0:15a : m All trains run dally. | 6:40pm : 7:00p : m C. B. & Q. All trains ntn dally. . . . ] C. M. A St. P. . II , ! ilallv J , 0:15 : a IU 9:15 : a All trains run dally. . . . . j 6:40 : ptn 7:00o : m K. c. st.i.&c. a * Except Saturday. 10:00 : a in 10:35 : am tExcept Monday. ' 8:55pm : 5:30pm : W. St. ( i. & P. All trains run daTly -I 25Dpml2:15pm ; : S C. * T ! All trains run daily. . . 7:05 : m i 0 : am 0:2opm : | b50pm ; CHICAGO SHORT LINE - OF TUB - The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluff * to THE EJ.A.ST Two Train * Daily Between Omaha , Conn. cil Bluff * Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi , Rock Iiland , Frccport , Rockford , Clinton , Dtibttque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Bcfoit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other important points lost , NorthcMt anil Southeast. For through tickets call on tha Ticket Agent at 1401 Faroam itreet , ( In faxtoa hotel ) , or t Union 1'adlo Depot. Pullman Sloopen and the finest Dining- Carl In tke world ore run on the main lines of tba CHICAGO. UILWAUKUK & BT. PAUL HAILWAT , and every ttentlon Ii raid to pMMngcrs by courMoiM employe * of the oompmy. H. Mn.t.B > , General Munacer. J , F. TUCXBO , Aaslrtant General Manmcer. A. V. B. CAmrsHTKB , General PMeonger and Ticket Agent. GIO. B. HKAITORD , AtiUtant Oea r l Pa * longer and Ticket Agent. J/T. OUUIK , General Buperlatendent. Omafia Jobbers' ' Directory. Agricultural Imf/emants. VA HK11JI , \Vholf nl llc l r In Atrriciiltitral Ituplenicnts , Crrl iif nJ llnjulo. Jonci Uroct , tttwccn Ptli mul lUth.Oiunho. M b < L1X1XGEH WM'KTVALb" ' CO. , Agricultural Itniilcnicnts , \VneoniC rrl go * , llugclo' . Hie. , Whol alp , Om h . LKK , fit I Kit cO CO , , Jobbers of Hardware nnil Nails , Tlnwnrc , Shp t Iron , Ke. ! Aponl for Howe * > inlct , nod Mlnul Powilcri o , Omalni.Nct > . I'AltLIX , O It K\l)0 H * M Wholesale Deatcm In AgrlruTumil Imph'iucntB , t\'nson Rml llusalo. TO1 , W1 , 105 pnJ .07 , Jones it Artists' Material. A. JIOSI'K , JIl. , Artists' Hatorials , Pianos initl Orpnna , Jill Ikiuclns Street , Onintm. , Builders' Hardware and Scales. BuiltlcraMliirtlwarottSciilo KopalrShop Mechanic : ' Teem nnil MulTulo Srnkn. UlVi l > miiln IU , > ( ininhn , Nrb. Boois and Shoes. AMKlilCAlf if A AT ) SEWED SHOK COMPANY , Maiiufuctureri \VlmlcfaleDcalcri In Hoots nutl Shoos , Complete tock of Itnhher Unoili nlw Ti < on bund Mi a. 13111 m..Um lm.hcb. A T. Auftln , Adl'lll. lr. r. MOUSE , fi co. Joliht'is of Doots ntiil Shoos. 1411 I'trnnm st , Onmlm , Nci. ! Mnnufnctor ; , Hummer ilrccl , Ilniton. Z , T. LIXDSEY a ! CO. Wholesale llubbor Hooti ami Shoes Kuiibor nnd Dilcil LlutliliiK mid 1-cll lloota niul ijlioca. Southeast Corner 14tU unJ Uouglng. Beer HfTKEA TIXG , Agt. for Anheuscr-liush Urewlnp Ass'n Mprclil Hriniln. Fn itIuitwel > ( < rKnd Frlnnger. 'STORK tt > irJER , Laper Ikvr Hrewers , I'Jl North l lh Street , Omaha , Nob. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELIiKK , llutchcrs' Tools anil Supplies , Jnusago Casing ! of nil kind * nlntjalu atock. 1315 Coffee. Spices. Etc. Omaha Uotrco nnil Spice Mills. .Oofree .Fplce * . Iluklna Powder , FliTOrinz tracu , Laundry Illua. Ink , Kir. 11U-10 Ilarcer Htrvel , Oniuha. Nat ) . UATliS , COJUK di Home Coffpo anil Spice Mills M'f'p Co. CofcoRodleriand Splc.n arlndom. Unnf ( .turer ofll klnn rowdor. I Inturlnn Krtrnct' , HlnlnK. Kte Trv nnu en * . * ot o ir l-it > pnc kngo HotnaBlend KoaKtea Ooffeft. lUf * HowaYd st .nmnbq. N > f. Cornice. John ppoiietcr ] , Prop. Marnfaeturor or nalvitnlieil Iron nn-l Cornice. 031 Uodfiond lUand 105 N , 10th it. , omahn. Neb. MUEMI'IXG < C JiOLTE , Jiinufttctiufrs of Orimniontal Galvanized Comiccg , Dormer Windows , Klnalt.MetallePkjllKhtetc. 3108. iin it. , oiuahB. WESTEKN CORXICE IVOltKS , C. Spccht , Prop. Gnlranlted Iron Cornice * , etc. Fnect > Improved Pat ent Mftnllc SkyMvht. U and Ml ) H. Kth m..Oni- . Carpets. O3IAIfA CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Cnrtnins , Oil Cloths , Linoleums , Mattings. Kti * . 1(11 DouRlai utrcct. S. A. 6 RWtA inT Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlngi , Curtuln Good * . Ktc. 1(13 Knrnam fctrcet , tmiaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. w. L Aeont for tbe Manufacturer * nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cblmneji , etc. Offce , ! ! 7 South 18th at. Omaba , Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Butter. Kcita and Produce. Conilznmenti lollclted. IteoflquartPrs for Htonewaro , BorrT Boies und drape Ituikeis. Kit IioiUeilrevt , Uuaba. PEYCKE BROS7 Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and ProTlilnna , Omaha , Nob. WTETTl TTfltELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Specialties Huttor. Ksgt. Cheel * . Ponltry. Game , UjUfrt , Ktc. , Ktc. lllsoutn Kth street. WIEDEMAJf C CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , Game , Fiulti , etc 220 8. lltb.it Omaha , Neb , Coal ana' Lime. Qxu. h.l.AiiAiiii. Prs. c. F.aonnuAN.Y. Piei. J. A. iiDNniKt.AND , Boe. nod Trets. OMAHA COAL , COKE d LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. SOT South Thirteenth Street , Omalm , Nob. , T. J. JOllNSO.V < ( : CO. , Mannfacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shipper * of Coal and Coke , rement. Plaster , IJme , Hair. Klro Brick , Drain , Til * anil Sewer Pipe , oraoe. Parton Hotel. Farnam M. , Omnha , N b. Telephone Ml. Confectionery. JF. P. FAY < Q CO. , Mannfactnrinff Confectioners , Jobbers of Fnills.Nats and Cliurs. 1211 Faroam Bt. Omaha. Cigari and Tobacco. Jobbers of Cifiraro , Tobacco , Ouni and Ammunition , 215 to 233 B. 1HU it. , 1WO to 1IKI Karnamit.OinbaNeb. WEST < FKITSCHEn , Manufacturers of Fine ClgarR , And Wholesale n aler In Leaf Tobaccoi , Nos.lOS and 110 N. "Mth strict. Oil aha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH CO , , Dry Goods , Fnrnishinfi : Goods & Notions 1103 nnd 1104 Douglas , cor. llth St. , Omah , Neb. Distillers. Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol nnd Spirits. Importers nnd Jobbers of Wlncsan.lUnuurs. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLS' CO. and ILER < C CO. , Importer ! and Jobbers of Fine Wines and Motion. Bole m nul otortri nf KenneOr'n Kast India lilt- ters und Domestic Uqunri. 1113 llarne ; Ht. Drain Tile , Etc. A. Jl.BAUBK.PM's. J.W.nrnronnScc.ATr a § U. J. CARXOK , V.Pres. nnd Pupt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office 213 S. Kth St. . Omaha. Neb. Machinery and ( Supplies for Manufacturing Comeni liraln Tile. ELEVATORS. _ _ _ B. . - - I ) . 8. . . < . . . . . . T\M' . " 'i n H7i. VinePr OMAHA ELEVATOR ami GRAIN COMPANY , Jobbers aad Storera ol Grain. , hlpriiuiiis i i i < tiuJ > til < l ' gunrnntceJ. Omhaa Neb. furniture. DEWKY < C STONE , VTholeaale Dealers in Furniture. T'arnam § t. Omtbii , Neb , _ - CHARLES Furniture , Beddiujr , Upholstery , lllrrcn , etc. 1XXS.1J03 andlJlO Fnrnua St. . Omaha. Otnafia Jobbers' ' Directory. Groceries , "p tTtt 7ALLAG HEh.0 CO ? Whoh'srUo Groceries anil I'rovlslons , Ko * . TO , ' 07. Vll ) and 711 S. IQIli St , Omaha. N b. Mc'JORD , B.ttADY .C CO. , Wholesale Grocer * , l.'th ami I.o.rronworlli ri.Otn ( > ba. Hardware. ir.r Honvy llurtlwarc , Iron nnil Steel , > rluit , Waron mock , llardnnro Lumber , etc. IM ml Ull llarnr/ , , onulia. EDNKY.C GlltHON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Walton and CarrlaWood Htock , Iteary HaHwitr * Kic. KIT mid I3li ) l.taveimurth it. , Omaha , Neb. ' ' MILTON ROGERS .C SONS , Stoves , Haiifcs ( , Furnaces , Tiles , Manllvi , Grates , llrais ( Joods. tail and 1311 Farnai * htroct. Iron Works , Wrought and Cast Iron null.iln.7 . Work , Iron Stair * , llnlllnir , Heams and Ulnlers , Stoniu KI\KIII , lrn \York , ( liuctul foililUci , Wichluo anil HlackinillU Ni'otlr. OfilcunaJ Works.U. p. Hy nndItthsheet. 1It. . MrSINIIH. . 0. S11I.I.IVAN. OMAHA WIRE P IRON WORKS , Xtunitfiieturi'rs of Ire mid Iron llaillnirs , Desk Raila , Window Ouard * . 1'luwer Sl.'ind ? , Wlro Sl m , Hlo 123 N. ICth. Orders by mull promiitlj ultondedtw. Lumber. OMAHA T.UM11ER CO. , Di-nlo' . All Kinds of Hulldinp Material at Wholesnlo. 18th atroot and Union Paelflc Track. Om aha. LO UJS JURA DFORI ) , " " Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. Yard -Corni > rth and Uouitlus ; Corner Vth nnd Douilas. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , ' Wholesale Lumber , 814 S. Klh street , OmahaNeb. F. Colpctier , Manager , C7 NTDIETZ , ' Lumber. ISth nnd California streets , Onmbn , Neb. FRED IF. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc. Cor.Clh and uouElas its. . Omaha.N i. HOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. OIBee. HM Farnam itreet , Omaha. C3AS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring , tth und nouglaf Omahn. " JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. StntC Agent ( oriillnaukeo llTdriiullc LVuientnud llvat Qulncy WhileIlmc. Litre Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. ' Limited. John F. Bojd , S'JporlntODdsot , Lire Stock Commission. M. BUliKE C SONS , Live Stock Commission. \ . . Oeo. nurke , MannRer PrilonStook Tardi.B.timah * . Toltpnono 537. SAVAGE'd ) GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment * of an ; and all klnrti of Slock eollolted. Uplon Stock Tnnli. Omaha , b. Millinery and Notions. Importer ! and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1313 nnd 12\5IUrner \ fluoet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholetale Dealers In Notions and Fiimigliiiip ; Goods , 4011 and 405 B. Tenth Ht. , Omaha. Overalls. MANUFACTURINGS COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , eani Panti , Shlrti , Ktc. 1103 nnd 1104 Doulai Street. Umabn.Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of Paper Boie < , B.14thSt. , Oamaa , NJbrmki. Urdart br m lli. Il lt 4an41 wlllrMlT rim i atUatloo. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY , Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And Book Illnilen. 100 and 100 Koutb Fourteantk itreet. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. D4ler InTrpeI're < ics and Printers' Suppllei. Mi Ronth Twelfth Htrect. Pumps. BROWNELL < C CO. , Manufacturers nnd Dealers In nginefl , Hoilern & Ocneral Mnrhlnorv Bhunt Iron work , Htoam Pump' . Hnw MUM , Acrria ShaftlnB , DodK * Wood split Pulluri , Beltliu , etc. Also waeoni , scrapersand balitles. I21 > U15 Li- Tonnorth at. Omaha RECTOR < C WILJIELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. estern aeenti f r Jefferson Mcel Nails. Austtq PonderCo , > alrbanks Standard Srnlui. Corner 10th and HarnuOmahi. . CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , ( Wholesale Fnmif ] > , IMjic , KitthiKS , Etonmancl W ter Hupplli' * . llcailqunrlpr fir Mart tO3 lCo'i ( ioo-le. lllll rnuui n.lmabii. .Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE anil PUMP COMPANY. UillartnT Wind Mllmi ricam nnil W ter Ba Flumblnir Oood * . Huitliik' , llo o. 1 anil VXt naiu it. , Ocnnli" . H. K. Keltmi , llumn'cr. TulcpliiineNn.2IU. A. L. STRA NG CO. , Pumps , 1'ipoH nnd Engines. 8to m , Water , llallwar nd MIIIInK Supplier. Et * MO. Ireland 924 Kirniim ! . . Uiuahii , Ncl. . Safes. Etc. P. ItOYER , C CO. , Apouts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' lira and Ilnre r I'root Riifii , Tlina I/icki , Vault * and Jail Wort. 1H1 ( tannin trc l Omaha , Nob. _ G. ANDREEN , Omalm Hafo Works. llanuftcturenof Flro niid Ilanlar Proof Bafri , Vnul | DOOM , Jail Work.filiulicri and Wlm Work. Cor. HihamlJ clnrmHli.Onnhu.Net ) , Sash , Doors. Etc. M. A. DISUROW C CO. , WboUiala Manufacturer * of Sash , Doors , JJlimls and Monldlngd , Itranch oSlco.in'u and iMrd ilc..funha. ! > > ' . - . BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mnuld'ncn ' Stair Work und Interior Hani Wof l V\n\t\ \ Jutlovvuetl. N. B.cnr. Bthand IxiuveawortUBla. Grnatiu , Neti.