Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Tbo First Western League Game in Lincoln
Won By Oinaba.
Denver Suffers n Ilnct Defeat nt Hnst-
H Other DlninonU Contents
A Lucky Pick-up on the
Washington Turf.
Omalm Defeats Lincoln.
LINCOLN , Nub. , May G. [ Special Telegram
to tlic HKK.J A crowd of l.bOO witnessed
the lioini ! team meet an defeat to-day at
the hands of the Omaha club. It was the
openIne gainoot the league season In Lin
coln , and a shade of gloom overspread the
grandstand at tno III luck the homo team
met. The game was brilliant only In n few
Instances , and costly errors were the features
on the part of the Lincoln club. Schneider
jilayud short for tie ! Liticons , a position ho
never occupies , and his errors weru many
and at most times costly. Errors at second
and third bases also occurred. Law
rence In the box played only fait y , but Do-
land behind the bat was nearly faultless. On
the part of the Omaha club the notable
feature was the closeness with which they
played together nt every point , llcaly
pitched an excellent came up to the eighth
Inning , when ho lost his grip and allowed
the Llncolns to score seven runs , liurloy
umpired to the general satisfaction. The
following Is the score :
Lincoln l 0010007 2-11
Omaha 0 3 1 4 0 3 3 1 * 15
llun earned Lincoln 0 , Omaha 9. Two-
base hits lloblnson and Krehmoyor. heft on
bases Lincoln 5 , Omaha U. Double plays
Ulonavln and llowo. Bases on balls Law
rence 3. lloaly a liases on balks llealy 1.
Time of game 3 hours. Umpire Iliuloy.
Denver Badly Doaed.
IlASTiNos , Neb. , May 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the ItF.K.I The game to-day be
tween Donrer and Hastings was a walk
away for the homo team by a score ot 25 to
11 , caused by Denver's bad fielding and
Hastings' heavy batting. Captain Tabeau
ot the Donvors was roundly censured for pro
fanity and unijontlemanly conduct The
followlnc is the scorn bv Innings :
Has tin ITS 3 5 0 a S a 0 3 2 20
Denver 0 0500013 3 15
Huns earned linstlnITS 0 , Denver S.
Home runs Harris of Hastings , Sllch of
Denver , liases on balls Worloy 5 , lloss 5.
Umpire liuiiglc.
National IJC KUO Games.
WASHINGTON , May n. The jamo between
Washington and Philadelphia to-day ro-
finltcd as follows :
Wahhincton 0 10031001 5
Philadelphia 0 08100100 5
Game called In nlntn Innlnt : on account
of darkness.
Pitchers O'Day and Ferguson and Buf-
flngton. Base hits Washington 12 , Phila
delphia 8. Krrors Washington 2 , Phlladel *
5SL ? - pula3. Umpire Wilson.
fu DETROIT , May 5. The game between De
troit and Indianapolis to-day resulted as fol
lows :
Dotrolts 0 03101000 5
Indianapolis 1 00001010 3
Pitchers Uetzeln and Boyle. Base lilts
DotroltS , Indianapolis 11. Krrors Detroit
S , Indianapolis 1. Umpire Quest.
NKW YonK , May 5. The game between
Now York and Boston to-day resulted as
follows :
Now York 1 000013010 6
.Boston 0 3 30200000 6
The eleventh Inning was begun when the
umpire called cnmo.
Pitchers welch and Radbournp. Base
lilts New York 14 , Boston 9. Krrors New
York 5 , Boston 5. Umpire Powers.
The American Association.
CI.KVKI.A.ND , May 5. The game between
Cleveland and Cincinnati to-day resulted as
follows :
Cleveland 3 0000000 0 2
Cincinnati 0 0100032 * -0
Pitchers Crovroll and Sored. Base hits-
Cleveland 7 , Cincinnati 10. Krrors Cleveland -
land 0 , Cincinnati 1. Umpire Cuthbert.
BIIOOKI.YN , Mny 5. The eaine between
the Brooklyn and Metropolitan cluba to-day
resulted as follows :
Brooklyn : i 1323103 1-1(1 (
Metropolitans..3 0540020 0 13
Pitchers Toolo and Mays. Base hits
Urooklyns 21 , Metropolitans 23. Errors-
Brooklyn 5 , Metropolitans 5. Umplre-
KnlRht ,
I'liii.ADKM'iiiA , May 5. The amo be
tween the Athletics and Baltimore to-day re
sulted as follows :
Athletic 2 01020000 S
Baltimore 4 001 2 0 0 0 * 7
Pltencrs Woyhlnc and Smith. Base hlta
Athletics 12 , Baltimore 13. Krrors Ath
letics 7. Baltimore 4. Umpire McQu.ulo.
ST. Louis , May 5. Ualn prevented the
St. Louis-Louisville game to-day.
Northwestern League Onmos.
DKS MOINKR , la. , May 5. The opening
game of the MInnenpolis-Des Molnea series ,
was won by the homo team by the followluf
ficore :
Minneapolis 3 0302003 1 K
DCS Molncs 3 0 0 0 ! 1 0 0 1 0 i ;
Pitchers-Morlarlty and Blttlo.
'LiA CISOSSE , Wls. , May 5. It took ter
Innings to dccldo the game to-day butwcoi
La Crosse and St. Paul , the homo club win
nlng by a score ot 0 to 4.
IN'ational Jockey Club Races.
WASHINGTON , May 5. The weather wai
pleasant and the attendance large. Thi
nioet startling event of the day wns the win
nlng of the llrst race by Patroclcs. But one
pool ticket had been sold on him ana tlia
paid ST > 25.35. The following Is the summary
Three-Quarters mile , tor three-year-old :
and upwards : Patroclus won. Anarchy aoc
ond. Pasha third. Tune 1:10.
All ares , mile : Adonis won , Tcllo Dot
second. Latitto third. Time 1:43. :
For two-year-olds , live furlongs : Omahi
won , Tonlquosocoud , Salvlnl third. Tlmo-
1:05. :
Ilandlcap.nillo and one-eighth : Ton Strlki
won , Enigma second. Bonanza third. Tlme-
l:57H. :
One mile , three-year-olds and upwards
Belmont won , ( Jlcndon bceoud , Frank 1
third. Time-1:44. :
The Lexington Haoen.
LKXINOTON , Ky. , May 5. The race
tonlay were through rain and mud , and wor
Bllmly attended. The following is the sum
m try :
For all aces , six furlongs : Wary won
Relax second , Bsnbox third. Time 1:20.
Three-year-olds , one and a riuartor miles
Libretto won , Ban Cloche second , Pearl L
third. Tlme-2:21. :
Handicap , nil ages , ono mile and sevent
yards : Knlclit of Kllerslle won , Asceol
second , Wahoo third. Tlmo 1:52. :
. MaiCens ( threo-year-old.s ) , half mile
Halllo B. won , Ocean second , Julia Johnsoi
third. Tlme-53.
Th NashTllle Sprlne MoetlnR.
NA8HVII.I.E. Tenn. , May 5. The wcathc
was threatening , but the attendance wn
the largest of the meeting. The following I
Uie summary :
and six furlongs
Three-year-olds upwards ,
Biddy Howling won , Llslmid second , Hhado'
bird. TlroQ-l:21W.
ifor tUrco-ycar-olds and upwards , seye
urloncs : LowhClnrk won , Mamie Hunt
crond , Doctor third. Tlmo l : " > 4Jf.
Free handlcari , ono mile and seventy yards :
'ostcral wns llrst tindur the wire , but was
llsqiinlltlcd on thn claim of foul rldlnc. the
ace colnc to M. Valentino llrst. Porter Asho
reond , Jcnnlo McFnrlnnd third. Time
'l'or colts and fillies , ( thrcycftrold ) , ono
\nd onu-slxtccntli miles : Han Van won ,
) ark H.tll second , llornplpo thliil. Tlmo
Kentucky ThorotiRhbrocl Hnlc.
LKXINOTON , Mny S. The saloot thorough-
ircds was continued to-day. The following
nro among the principal sales made : Patty ot
'ork. baymaru , foaled 1341 , by imported
Cvrle. Daly , dam Lndy Stanhope , by lin-
mrted dlnnrK' , J. U. VVllgim , Lexington ,
Cy. , 52.000 : Emily CaHtor , chestnut mare ,
naled 1875 , by Daniel Uootii' , dam Lilly
Ward , bv ijoxlnittonr. . U. Ooodlr * , Lexlnu-
on , § 800 ; Klla 1'nyno , bay mare , foaled 187B.
iy Importrd Ilunkilon , dam Jotophlnu , by
mpoitcd Mickey Fee , .1. U. Piathor , Marvs-
vlllp , AIo. , S17.1 ; ronnlo H , chestnut filly ,
foalt-d 1SJ" , by Tenbmick , dam Mary Owsloy ,
iy LonRfullow , J. W. Farley , Ulchmona ,
Cy. , 8475 ; Levee , bay lllly , foaled 18 % . by
Lever , dam Virtue , by Virgil , J. 1) . Furcu-
son , Luxlnijton , S5fv > ; ' imported Seorllla ,
irown horse , foaled In bSi , by Hosicruclan ,
lam Salamanca , by Htudent , Furguson &
Clay , Lexington , 81.000.
How the Mexican Ball Incidents Will
Probably Terminate.
CITV OF MEXICO , May 5. [ Special Tele-
tram to the HKK. ] Senor Vercero Armecto
s tlio name of the Spanish minister who cuts
such a prominent 11 lire In the prospective
duel , lie has been minister to Mexico about
ono year. Ho escorted Miss Bazalne to a
tall Saturday night ana feels that ho must
lent to protect her good name. Senor
Noriega , the offender , has determined to lay
he trouble before the Spanish government ,
and is'collcctlnu material to take to Madrid
with the view to have the minister recalled.
The trouble at the bait ls only one ot
a series of crlevancos , Noriega's friends
claim. They cttu particularly the minister's
course In Introducing Hull Fighter Ma/.zan-
tlnl Into Mexican boclal circles and making
of him a social lion ns an Imposition on Mex-
can hospitality. An attempt Is being inado
o have the minister expelled from the club.
: n the meantime the Englishman , Uarrou , Is
mpatlcntly nwaltlng for Noriega's clial-
ungo , as ho slapped tlio Spaniard In the ca
sino room when the latter accused him of
undue liberties with Mlsa Uazalno. Noriega
was on the reception committee , and his
caution to Uarron about his style of danclne
s defended on the score of his ofllclal posl-
tonr A frreat deal of sympathy Is expressed
for Miss Uazalno on account ot the notoriety
nho received from the aifalr.
It Is rumored this evening that Senor
Xorloga has refuged to light the Spanish
minister , Senor Vercero Armesto , but will
lie phiuRos against him In Madrid. Noriega
lias , however , made arrangements to tight
ICusto Co' Harron , the young man wlu > was
Jtiss Bazalne's partner In the alleged can
can. A mooting at the Spanish casino has
been called for Saturday night , when there
will ho a discussion ot the incident. Those
who side with Noriega say they will not ston
tlio war on the Spanish minister until he is
recalled to Spain. The trouble at the ball ,
they claim , Is only ono of several grievances
against Armesto.
Six Boys and a Gun Where Are They
Now ?
WILMINGTON , N. C. , May 5. This mornIng -
Ing six negro boys aired thirteen to seven
teen years , were nt the wharf to get across
Cape Fear river to shoot rlco birds. One
named Grant Best , had borrowed a double
barrelled gun , which he says , had no caps
ana he did not know It was loaded.
When In the act of blowing out
nno of the tubes the hammer fell and oiui
barrel was discharged killing instantly two
oftheooys , Two others were also shot and
died soon after , The remaining boy , named
Cieo. Best , was wounded In both arms , but
It Is likely he will recover. Grant Best sur
rendered himself Immediately after the
shooting and claimed it was accidental ,
which Is generally believed , as the wounded
boy Is Ills brother. _
Farloaa Gale In the Alleghonies.
PiTTSiiuito , May 6. A terrific thunder
storm , accompanied by heavy hail and
wind equal to a hurricane , passed over the
Allegheny mountains In eastern Somerset
and western Bedford counties , between 7 and
3 o'clock last evening. A few minutes be
fore the storm came , a roaring Ilko the dis
charge of many cannons was heard In the
distance , and as soon as the clouds rolled
across the sky the roaring Increased. The
storm struck the mountains , moving lu a
north westcily direction , and about a quarter
of a mile wldo. For two mllea large trees
were twisted elf like straws , and everything
In Its path driven into the earth. In some
Instances Immense trees were caught UD and
carried several hundred feet in the air , and
hurled back aealn with such swiftness that It
cannot be described. The llchtnlng was
fearful. Hall fell In stones as larce as eggs ,
nnd vegetables of all kinds suffered severely.
The damage to fruit trees will amouut to
thousands of dollars.
Kentucky Bourbons.
LOUIRVII.T.K , Ky. , May 5. The democratic
state convention resumed Its session this
morning with Carlisle In the chair. The dls-
cushion on thu resolution and platform was
taKcn up. Congressman Taulbee at once
objected to the clause relating to President
Cleveland's veto of the pension bill and
there was a lively discussion between Taul'
boo and James McKonzle , present secretary
of state. Taulbee was defeated
and the resolutions as drawn up
by Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Watter.son
and as telegraphed yesterday were adopted.
General Simon BolivarBuckner.havlng been
nominated by acclamation for governor lasl
night , Hon. James W. Bryan.of Covlngton ,
was nominated for lieutenant governor on
the Iirst ballot. The following additional
nominations were made by the convention :
P. W. Hardin , of Mercer county , attornoj
general ; General Lafayette Hewitt , of Har-
dln , auditor ; lilcbard Tate , of Franklin
Imitating United States Liawa.
OTTAWA , Ont. , May 5. Mr. Mullock has
Introduced a bill In parliament embodying
some of the provisions of the United States
inter-state commerce bill. The most I in
portant provision relates to dlscrlml
nation In rates and provides thai
no railway shall charge for carry
Ing freight a short distance greater thai
for carrying the same class of cootl
n longer distance in which the shorter is in
eluded , that Is , that local freight from statloi
to station alone the line shall not have to pa ;
more in proportion on account of there beini
no competition , than shall be charged fo
throuch freight between points served b ;
more than ono road and where there is ni
Down With Goerolon.
ST. Louis , May 5. An Immense mas
mooting of citizen ! ) , Irrespective of party o :
creed , was held at Music hall lost night ti
express their sentiments in regard to the ro
latlons between F.ngland and Ireland
Mayor Francis presided and made a speech
Resolutions were adopted declaring the coei
clou bill now before parliament Inconslsten
with the theory of constitutional govern
ment and calling trpon the people of ( Iron
Britain to Instruct their members lu parlla
ment that such legislation Is oppressive-
just nrd | contrary to the spirit of Engllsl
The B. A O. Brought In.
NEW YOUK , May 5. The Trunk line passenger
sengor committee met again to-day. Th
now plan In retard to the admission of th
Baltimore & Ohio was discussed. The Bait
more it Ohio and New York , Ontario <
Western , which forms the Baltimore & Old
western connection , will now come unde
the joint committee's rule. This means thn
west bouudtates over this route will b tn
same as over the other routes Instead of
lower rate , as was the case previously.
Hlinply a Wood Fire.
BENSON , Ariz. , May 5. The following U
cgram has just boon received from Fort Ilui
chuca : "A party lust returned from th
Whetstone mountains says the suppose
volcano has turned out to be a wood ore K
by the Mexicans. "
. S _
Great Destruction Caused By the
IIlKh Wnter ,
BANOOII , Mo. , May 5. The water remains
at about the same height The bridge piers
are being slowly undermined. Last night
ho pressure at the dam broke the connecting
rod of the main pumps In the waterworks ,
completely disabling the rotary. The pump
which Is kept for emergencies is being used ,
but only ono-clghth of the city water
supply Is available. All the elevators
which were run by water or stcaiu have
icon shutdown. The Maine road officials
hlnk tlioy will bo unable to start a train for
St. John under two weeks. The washouts
nt Costlgan , Klngman nnd Mattawa continue
p grow. The larger houses are startlne
rom their foundations all along the
river and thousands of dollars
yortli of household property have
leeii washed away .causing muchsulTcrlngof
amlllrs along the banks. The farmer * will
HJ weeks behind with their crops. All the
rcstlework supporting thu railway at Stlll-
vater has been torn away , and houses tliuio
tavu floated down thn river. Business Is
Rtispcnded on the Hanger A Kathadln Iron
vorkn road , where there are many washouts ,
i'ho Piscatquls river rose twonty-llvu feet ,
Making the highways Impassable. The
icw woolen mill dam and most of
ho great Campbell dam at Sanecrvillo
mvo been washed away , suspending 700 op
erators for a long time. In this city some of
ho houses are Hooded and thu families have
ieen transferred In boats to a place of safety.
I'ho teachers and pupils In some schools have
lad to go back and forth in boats. The woolen
nllls and other factories nt Hartford are
looded.andlivu stores there were undermined
and full down from their foundatlons.causlng
a great loss. Boats wore used to pass along
the streets and hardly a bulldinehasescaped.
At Linn the great woolen mill owner la the
leavlest loser. Ills damaiiU will bo over
> irjO,000. It is thouuiit that two months will
to required to got the factory running uzaln.
A car load of mall matter for provlncal ,
eastern Maine , and Aroostook points , which
was forwarded from hero to Portland yester
day to go to Eastport and St. John , has been
returned , the steamer refusing to take anv
> ut the most Important 'letter mall. Store
muses for mall sacks will be required
f the blockade. continues much
ongnr. The dam on the Misery stream was
carried out. The landings are solid with Ice.
ml If they can get loi/s in the water before It
falls in the vicinity of Moosehcad lake , the
eroat west branch drive , which Is the key to
the price of lumber all along the Atlantic
seaboard , will come down all right Great
lamago has boon done at Dexter to the
woolen mills and operations there will bo
suspended for some time. At Bradley this
week a town moellnc was hold to which the
voters went In boats.
An Alabama IjOirlMntor Recognized as
a RevonuB OHlcer'a Murderer.
CHICAGO , Mayi.5. [ Special Telegram to the
News has just been received hero of
the flight from his homo In St Claire county
> f Josophus Corapton , a member of the log-
slaturo. A couple of years ago he made
bis appearance In the little town of Eden ,
where ho worked as a carpenter , claiming to
hall from Kentucky. Uo led a model IIfo ,
and after a year or so was elected town
marshal. Last year , after a probationary
course , he was duly licensed as a Methodist
preacher and thereafter was noted throughout
that section as a feryld exhorcer. Ho joined
the Independent party the last state campaign
and was nominated and elected to the legis
lature. He took his seat last November and
during the session attracted considerable no
toriety by his Inordinate consumption of
liquor , boine under Its Influence nearly all
the time. The story now goes that thirteen
years ace , while uiigawd In making moon
shine whisky In the mountains of North Car
olina , he killed n revenue officer a urine a
tight. For this ho was sentenced to twenty-
four years In the i > oiiltontlary. He escaped
after serving four jcars and ever slnco
kept his Identity concealed until a few
weeks ago , when he was met one day by a
man who had formerly been a guard in the
North Carolina penitentiary. This man
recognized him and advised the old authori
ties. The governor of North Carolina Issued
the proper papers , but while they were going
through the mall a gentleman In Kdwi
resolved a letter from a friend In Blrmlnj.-
ham telling the story , and this gentleman
communicated the fact toCompton. The
latter turned pale and hurriedly went Into
the house. When a friend called that evenIng -
Ing the legislator had left towu and has not
yet been found.
Convicted of Wife Mfnrder.
MILWAUKEE , May 5. Jean P. Soqiiet was
found guilty to-night at Green Bay , Wla. ,
of murder in the first degree. Thocrime was
committed fourteen years ago and the victim
was his wife. At thetlmoot the occurrence
Soquot and August Momsart's wife were on
very intimate terms. Mrs. Soquet and
Mr. Malnsart died within a short tlmo of
each other nnd the widow and widower at
once married. Mrs. Malnsart was tried for
the murder of her husband , but the case was
not proved. A short time ago Mrs. Malnsart ,
now Mrs. Soquet , sued for divorce and the
succeeding developments caused Soquot's
arrest for the murder of his first wife. Mrs.
Soquet mysteriously disappeared when the
cast ) came to trial.
The West Virginia Senatnrshlp.
CUAIU.KSTO.Y , W. Va.May 5. Charles
James Faukner , of Martlnsburc , was elected
United States senator on first ballot to-day.
He received tifty votes.
Judge Faulkner Is a son of the late Charles
James Faulkner , who represented Virginia
and West Virginia In congress before the
late war , and served as minister to Franco
under the administration of President Bu
chanan. The senator-elect was born In Mar-
tlnsburg. Berkeley county. West Virginia ,
where he now resides , and Is about forty
years of age. Ho Is by profession a lawyer ,
lie lias held the ofltco of judge of the Thir
teenth judicial circuit up to this tlmo.
llio Sioux City Strikes.
Sioux CJTV , la. , May 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKG. | The striking carpenters
and tailors are still out and there Is no pros
pect ot an early compromise or their return.
Quite a number ot union carpenters are still
at work. There are strong probabilities now
that the bricklayers will demand an advance.
There Is a very strong disposition all around
among tho'contractors not to accede to the
demands. Klforts are now being made to se
cure workmen on the outside to take the
places of those now out.
The Commission at Memphis.
MKMHIIS , Tenn. , May 5. The Inter-state
commerce commission concluded Its labor ;
to-day after hearing evidence from mer
chants from Memphis , Louisville , LcxlnCtoa
Little Hock and Newport , Ark. , to the effect
that the enforcement ot section four would
be disastrous to the commerce and Industrie ;
ot thn points named. The opinion prevail !
that the testimony taken hero has not I in
pressed tlio commission adversely to sectlor
Michigan Central Directors.
DKTIIOIT , May 5. At the annual nicotine
of the Michigan Central railroad the follow
ing directors were elected : Cornelius Van-
derbllt , William K. Vanderbilt , . Ed Worcester
coster , Samuel F. Baker and Chauncey M
Uepow , of Now York ; H. B. Ledyard anil
Asldey Pond , of Detroit : William L. Scott
of Erie , Pa. , ana John V. Farwoll , of Chi
Many Mnn Out.
CHICAGO , May 5. The Union Steel com
pany to-day shut down its steel and rail mill
Seven hundred and tifty men were locket
out on the strength of twenty-eight drillers
clippers and tilers. The twenty-eight inei
struck ( or some trivial cause , and a genera
shut-down followed. .
Koyaltr Visits the Wild West.
LONDON , May 5. The Prince and Princes ;
of Wales , and their daughters , the Maraud
of Lome and Princess Louise and tin
Comptoss of Paris , accompanied by brllllan
suites , visited the Wild West show and tin
grounds of the American exhibition to-day
Defaulting Collector Arrested.
CHICAGO , Mays. W. J. Love , employee
as collector by Walter S. Boyle , coal dealer
was committed to the county jail to-night
lie Is chareed with the embezzlement o
nearly 11.000 during the past two or ture <
mouths , lie aduiiU Uie defalcation.
The Painters , Taper Dangers and Sign
Writers Will Go Out To-day ,
lie Will Spcakf In'tho ' KxpoMtlon Hull
Grievances Which the Painters
Coinplnlnj of The Rrlck
BlolUcrs Stand Firm.
Ol K _
I. '
Asking for Higher Compensation.
All tlio painters , paper hangers , ami
slpti writers in the city will bo cmlerwl
out to-day , ns far as their employment
by the master painters Is concerned.
The Umulia assembly of those workmen
adopted n scale of prices and hours of
vork two months ti o and sent it to the
master painters with the expectation that
t would bo adopted. The portion of it
applying to the paper hangers wns to go
nto operation on April 15. mid that ap
plying to painters on May 1. When
April 15 arrived the Master Painters asso
ciation refused to comply with the scale
nlYectinj * the painters. The latter , being
inwilling to create a break if it could
jo avoided , awaited until the date for
ho adoption or rejection of the paper
langers' scale. This arrived and the
master painters took the name action
htiy had before.
A committee from the assembly waited
ipon the master painters yesterday and
lotilied them that it was desirable that a
conference should bo arranged. The
uaster painters held a meeting last oven-
ng to which the committee wont. The
nembers of the committee claim that
, hey were discourteously received. They
were neither asked to sit down nor given
civil attention. After they had stated
their case they were told to go out and
wait fifteen minutes.
This treatment , they say , was so pal
pably offensive that without waiting the
specified time outside the door they re
turned to the place whore the assembly
was in session and reported. W hilo tlioy
were engaged in deliberation the follow
ing communication was received :
OMAHA , May 5. 1887. f
io the Committee ol Painters and Paper
II angers :
The master painters of the city of Omaha
this day assembled In meeting have decided
by unanimous vote to not concede to the
prices and regulations as submitted by your
committee. Very respectfully ,
A reply was formulated to this and
sent to the master painters. The reply
in substance asked what the latter would
agree to. The messenger , however , did
not reach the place of meeting of the as
sociation until after it was closed , and
all of the master painters were gone. In
consequence all of the workmen will bo
ordered out to-day ji
The committee if rom the paper hang
ers and painters state that the scale of
prices which was adopted and scut to the
master painters isplou-ur than that in
force in Kansas City , where they claim
living is less expensive. They have
sovpral other grievances , not the least of
which 4s that tlidjmaster painters have
adopted a blaek-lUtsystem. When an em
ploye is discharged/ is given a card ,
and while , without it , he can obtain no
work from any : ether master painter ,
there are occasions when it , of itself ,
prevents him fr6ni obtaining employ
ment. The card' , Js in cipher , and the
master painter punches it in a certain
way which is onl.y. intelligible to other
masters. It Is claimed by the employers
that this punching is for the purpose of
designating incompetent workmen ; but
.the committee of the assembly allege
that the punches also indicate whether a
man has over been active in connection
with labor movements. In other words ,
the effect of the system in to enable the
employers to blacklist a man if they so
In order that the public may not suffer
from the strike , the workmen announce
that any private individual who desires
painting , paper hanging or sign writing ,
may call at the Truth office , 119 North
Fifteenth street , and make application ,
in response to which workmen will bo
furnished. _
The following notice was brought to
the BEE ollico last evening :
The delegates from the various Knights
of Labor assemblies , comprising tlio commit
tee of arrangements on the reception of T.
V. Powdorly , will meet at the police court ,
cor 10th and Farnam streets , this ( Friday )
evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance Is
required. Mr. Powderly will be hero and
speak at the exposition building Saturday
evening , May 7.
Mr. Powdorly's presence at the exposi
tion building will undoubtedly ca'l ' forth
a very largo audience. This is his first
visit to Omaha , and the many stirring
evdnts which have occurred during the
past year will make his speech very in
teresting. _
The Brick Molrtors' Strike.
The brick molders gathered 108 strong
al Spoerlo'a park last night , every inol-
dcr in this city and Soutli Omaha being
present. The mooting was of much in
terest. A resolution was unanimously
adopted that no concession should bo
made from the demand for $3 for 0,000
bricks , and that the molders should stay
out until this is paid.
The published statement of the dis
agreement , in yesterday's BEE , , was not
correct. The molders , only , are striking
for an advance from $ 'J.50 to ? 3. The un
divided sentiment last night was that no
one should uo to work for less than ? ; ) per
The secretary of the brickmolders'
union states that the following yards are
already paying f 3 : G. IJ. Rlcklin & Son ,
Conuhan & Hyan , Thomas. Younger ,
Mardtis & Flagg , T. Mitchell , H. Hop-
pels , Hans Hanson , Swousonsftr's , and
Cooper & Co. These yards employ thirty
molders. It is clamed that the above
named uroprietorsiotyards will stand by
the union in its demand , as they would
naturally do. e '
The molders are quite indignant over
some of the statements made by Mr.
Frank Balloy , the brickmiu-or of this
city , which are given below. They claim
that molding is a trade and cannot bo
picked up by any ono in throe months
or a much longer Hirrto , and that then
only a comjftiralively few men have the
peculiar endurance ; necessary to stand
the hard work. Ilie price given by
Mr. Bailey they claim .to bo too low , as no
good brick can bo bought for less than
$10 , and most of itfsolls at $11 and $13.
One molder stated last evening that ho
would agree to tyvj all the brick Mr.
Bailey would sell hipijlor f 9. As to the
capabilities of the owners of the yards to
got molders they profess to feel no un
easiness , because they claim the men
cannot bo obtained. They disclaim hav
ing anything to do with the reported dis
turbance at Frank Bailey's yards yester
day , and state that it was caused entirely
by a lot of boys who had been working
elsewhere ns oll'boarere.
The secretary of the union states that
the $3 demand is the ultimatum , and thai
before the moldora would yield they will
go at work at something else.
Mr. F. K. old , and orominonl
manufacturer of brick in the city , was
Been by a reporter for the Bi : *
yesterday morning and askct !
regarding the trouble. Ho salt
there was no just cause for the strike
and that the manufacturers would nvvei
concede to the demands of the men.- The
moulding of oriok , he added , was really
not a skilled work and any sharp laborer
could pick it up in three months. Ilonco
he di'omod $ ' , ' .50 per 0,000 , brick high
pay. llrick wheclurs were getting $2.00
pur day and they would not exchange
places. Mr. Bailey said that the state
ment that brick was selling for $13 was
false. The price was $3 per thousand
nnd builders who made their own brick
could set them in tlio walls for f 10. it
was the opinion/ ) ! nil the brick-makers
in the city that it a concession was
made at this lime without any just cause
there would bo more asked in
the near future. Ho said there were
plenty of man who wore willing
to go to work at the old price , but the
ring loaders would not permit them.
Some of the manufacture Intended to
got now men and proceed with their
work , at the same time protecting their
employes at all hazards.
Vosturday afternoon a number of tlio
atrjkura attacked the moulders in Frank
Bailey's yard south of the Sixteenth
strotit viaduct. Brick bats , stones , etc , ,
\vero used and a lively time was pro
mised. The police were notified and the
strikers dispersed.
On Wednesday the manufacturer. * held
a meeting and the following agreement ,
which will undoubtedly be signed by all
the yard owners was entered into :
OMAHA , May 4,1887.
To whom It may concern :
We , the undersigned brlckmakcrs of
Unirxlia , have this day decided at n meeting
linld by us that we will not make any con
cession to brlck-mnulders , and that wo con
sider this as a bond ot honor between usand
the standard waces shall bo E'J.50 ' for 0,000
\\Mlkenson & Smith , Henry Llvosoy ,
Arthur .lohnsnn , Bailey & Olson ,
Kluwlt & Johnson , Mycr , Dowllng & Sod-
Martin Ittnor , erlum.
N. Ceiro , Wlthncll Bros. ,
Hockford & Gould.
Congratulating Some of the Victors
In the tiato Election.
Tlio southern part of the city did itself
proud last night by a public congratula
tion of the gentlemen who were
chosen for city oflices in that section dur
ing the late election. Those were John
Rush , city treasurer , and Messrs. Hascall ,
Leo and Van Camp , aldermen at large.
The pleasant exercises took place at Cos
mopolitan hall , on Thirteenth street ,
and were attended not only by several
hundred residents of the southern portion
tion of the city , but by many members ol
the present city council and several
prominent citizens. The A. O. It. band
was engaged , and before the entertain
ment took place in the hall
rendered several selections in the
best style of this well-known
musical organization. The proceedings
were opened by James Brennan , who
nominated Michael Donnavan chairman.
In accepting the tendered position the
latter stated it was a meeting , irrespect
ive of party , to congratulate their neigh
bors who had been successful candidates
in the late municipal election. Ho paid
a high tribute to each of the gentlemen
in whose honor tno meeting was held.
Mr. Uush was the first callea upon and
ho made a very eloquent speech , paying
particular attention to the slanderous
attack made by the Herald upon him
during the late campaign , lie pro
nounced it false , malicious and veno
mous , and said what astonished him
most of all was that when the charge :
wore proven false the editor of the Her'
aid did not have the manliness to re
tract the libol. Altogether he
thought this newspaper assault
had gained him votes and
he verily believed had the campaign con-
tinned a week longer he would have
doubled his majority. Mr. Rush then
dwelt at considerable length on the im
portance of the last municipal election
and his own position as an Irisli-Amcri
can citizen. In speaking of his native
land and what it demanded of him he
was eloquent to a degree that brought
repeated applause from the largo audi
ence. Reference was then made to the
republican party and among the pointed
remarks of the speaker were , "Aye , I
would rather go down ten thousand times
with James ( J. Blaine than occupy the
highest position in Cleveland's cabinet. "
Referring again to the attacks made upon
him ho dressed up Pat McArdlo and
George Crawford in sarcastic style , say
ing that the iirst real assurance
ho had of hid election was
when he heard the two worthies named
were peddling falsehoods about him
through the pot houses of the city. Mr.
Ruslrs remarks were received with much
enthusiasm , and his audience sccmc-d to
be in thorough sympathy with him when
he referred to the newspaper attacks of
the liut campaign.
Mr. Hascall followed and rnado one of
his characteristic speeches such as ho
only can mako. He declared himself
first , last and all the time for improve
ments within the limits of proper econ
omy. He would work for the whole city ,
aim notwithstanding the fact ot pressing
private business would give the greater
part of his time to tlio public welfare ,
"Yes , " said ho , "I believe in taking in
Bellevue on the south , Florence on the
north , and going out to the Big Pappil-
lion for water. "
Repeated cheers greeted Mr. Hascall'f
Alderman Lee followed in one of hi ?
neatly worded and sharp pointed
speeches. Ho , too , favored public improvement -
provemont as far as the taxpayers could
alford and homo labor could accomplish.
Ho did not bollovo in foreign workmen
who came here in summer and deserted
the place where they had made
their money during the winter. He paid
n high tribute to the porsonol and work
of the present council.
Mr. Auchmoody , deputy county clerk ,
then followed with some very amusing
references and anecdotes.
Aldurman-olect Couuseman was then
called upon and declared himself cm
phatically in favor of improvements.
Messrs. Lowry. Mercer , Bechol and
Shelly succeeded in short addresses
when oh motion of Mr. Brennar
the audience adjourned to the
lower hall of the Cosmopolitan
whore Alderman Hascall had prepared r
bounteous simply of refreshments for ali
who desired to partake of good , boartj
cheer. The mooting was an exceeding ! )
successful one , and undoubtedly was tip
predated by the gentlemen in whose
honor it was inaugurated. It was noticeable
ticeablo for the pronounced attitude
taken by the thrco aldermen elect or
the question of improvements.
Thfiy Want a ICnununt.
Messrs. Boyd and Mageatli , the formei
ono of the unsuccessful candidates foi
councilman at largo , and the latter ir
the same boat on the Seventh wan
ticket , have applied for a recount of the
vote of that ward. If sixteen more votes
could bo obtained for him , Boyd wouk
bo elected , and if tweuty-threo mor <
could be found in his favor , Magcatl
would bo among the city dads.
Short'oT May Wheat.
NEW YOUK , May 5. Messrs. Carruthers &
Co. , of 18 Broadway , large grain broker *
wore posted to-day as unable to meet tholi
contracts. They were largely hort of Mai
wheat , and the recent was too much for
A Mexican Holiday.
CITY or MEXICO , ( via Galveston ) , May C
The national holiday In commemoratloi
of the victory of the Mexican troops over tin
French during the war of Intervention , wai
celebrated to-day with the usual pomp.
.Miner * and Wages.
Cor.ujiuus , 0. , M y 6. The national fed
cratlon of miners to-day decided to send i
delegation to Illinois next week to meet tin
operators of that state and endeavor to uavi
them come up to the mining scale. .
to Your Wife.
Th < * Mimchot-r ( lUAlililA.v. Juno Stli. HSJ. :
At omt ottho
Ixoklnif on tltoirooillnmt wnysl Wlthclumps
of rlioiloilciuliona and gumt tn s o9 of May
blossoms 1 1 1 "Thero was mi IntorcitlnK
It Included ono who hiui been a "cotton spin ,
nor , " but wns now so
I'nriilyml ! I 1
Tlmt ho could onljr bonr to Uo In n reclining
Thli refers to ray ca o.
t wns flrst Attacked twelve years ngo with
"Iiocomotor Atnxy"
( A pnr lyllc ill ei't of nerronbro rarelr * or fiirodl
and wns for euvorul years barely ablu to get
And tor the last flvo years not nblo to attend
to my biHlnuss , although
Mimr tliliixn hate tie-on ilonc for mo.
The ln t experiment bclnii Norvn utrctclilnff.
TITO ; niim nun I wns voto.i Into Ilia
Homo for Incurables ! Near Manchester , In
itny , IS"- .
I am no ' 'advocate'Tor anything In tlio
slmpo oT patent " .Medicines ?
And nmdo many objections to my donr wlfo'n
constant urging to try Hup Hitters , but dually
to pticlfy lior
Computed I 1
1 bnil not quite flnlMitut the tlrst bottle when t
felt n chatiKoaoitioovur mo. Tlil.i wns Bntur
dny , NovombrrlM. On Sundiiy morning I felt
so strong 1 said to my room companion * , "I.
\Tiisiuro I could
"Walk !
Bo 8tn : ted ncro < s the floor and ImcU.
1 himlly know how to OiHiUiln mjmalr. I trn nil
OTflr thohuiiKe. I tint ittlnliik'MroiiKiU vncli ilujr , nntl
ciin nnlkqcitoa-tfo without uny
111 in now lit my own Imuso , nnd hope Boon ( olio
nblo to iiirn mr own Urlng again. 1 linro boon it
mi'inbar nf tlio Mnnohoitor
"Hiijnl KtLhunio' '
Fur nearly thirty yearn , nml wns most noarlllycon-
eniiulMml un uolun In the room on Thurednr Init ,
Very Krntolullr your . JOHN Dl.At'Kliuli.v.
MANi'iUMiMMKniM lnc.2l. IS-il.
Two jour * later am purtuclly null.
Ono Experience of IHnny.
Having experienced a grout donl ot
"TronliloV" from iudlgosllou , fie much BO that
I came near losing my
My trouble always cumo nftor outing my
However liclit ,
Anil tllxoBtlulo ,
For twoortliroo hours lit ti tltuo I had to go
through the most
Excruciating pnlns ,
"And ttio only way I overgot"
"Itcllof ! "
Was by throwing up all my stomach con
talnod I ! No ono can couuolvo the pains
that I had to go through , until
"At hut ? "
IivHstakonl "So that for three wooka 1 lay
In bed itnil
Could cat nothing ! 1 I
My snlTcrlngs were BO that I called two doc
tors to give mo something that would stop the
TholroTorts [ were no good to mo.
At last 1 heurd a ( rood dual
"About your Hop Hitters ?
And determined to try thorn. "
Oot a bottle la four hours I took the con
tents or
One 1 I 1 I
Next day I was out of bed , and have not
seen a
"Sick ! "
Hour , from the same ctxuso. since.
I Imvo recommoudodlt to hundrcdsof others.
You Imvo no such
"Advocate as I am. "
Qco. KK.VDALU Allitou , Boston , MOM ,
IMciisu muntlon Weekly Hoe
Clarrnce Brally , lIlRaltlnnlo , everything In your
home teems no bright tUat I would Ilko to Btcal the
principal agent.
Mat Uinnie l cm CMlly Ml l yon In that lln .
Clarniff Von. really , you overjoy me.
I/I'M Minnie Oh I It'a Tery ilniple. Bay a caks
of Sapollo and you can go homo happy.
" She Is handsome that handsome docs. "
The girl who uses
boautrfles both the house and herself.
Try a cnko of It In your next house-clean-
Ing. Kn , a rOnprrleht , Mnrrh. 1887. ]
who desires a perfect CORSET
ghoillll Wl'nronC. Will ol t'nliool kilt l.flni worn.
WORCESTER CORSET CO. . ! I8 and:03arktgt. , Ctilc .
1'leaso mention Woeklr Ilee
$3 SHOE.
SUllsli , Diirnlilo , Cany Flttlntf.
The heat gj Shoo In the World
eiuil | iliQ M3 hhof ndvvr-
Usuil by otlier llruia.
J ? FOU ItOYH riven RTOTt iMthfactlnn. All
ihotibiirmiro nuilo In llutton , CnDKrrcn ami I-we.
nlldt > lp ortixi. KoM by'J.OOO dealers thoiiKhout the
U. K. If your itaUur AttKt not kwn them , nenil name to U' . 1. . DOUfil.AS. lnxlit < m , Mann.
uiiKcnipnlnn rte.ilcrs am olTerliiK ntlicr Ktxa \ >
mine , unit nlicnaikcil why luyntamp Is not un thu
thorn , BtuU > I liaru ilincuiitliiui-il ll uw. Til 18
IS FALSE. Tiikn uonn ivprrncnlecl lu l > a the
W. L. ] > UUK > U bhiHunlem liiuno , warn > ntn
anil lirlrn nro MainiHtl on iHiltniu < ir oucii
lUoe. W. L. DOIIOI.AS , Itrocktun , Mai * .
For gale by Kellny , .siljyor & Co. , e
Dodpo anil I5tli-sts. ; Hanry Sarjf n
cor. Seward and Sauiulers BIS.
Kinmlnntlon forailml elon to Culloxe nil
be held at Oranba , Miif 31 and Juno 1. Applicants
Bboulit Inform the | ireslil nt before Mny H. Adilra
JA1IK.-I M. TAV1.OU. I ) . I ) . .
VasjarColleiio. Puuxhkecpilo. N , Y.
end oil skin dfBORAOB * A now methcxl of tonv
l onillD | ! Tar. . A Cure iruaraiiUert , or money
refunded. Bold bydruccUu , and at uio qlfitoo |
VAR-OIO co.,71 uiKimt. oiiuae.
MunilunOm tullee.
That Are Worth Look
ing After.
3 r ( v White Crochet Sett Spread *
targe size , 4'Jc each ; worth $1 ,
ff cases extra heavy , good , large
slse , Marseilles pattern , White Bed
Spreads , 7 He each. You have been
paying $1.25 for the same goods.
300 dozen all linen Towels , good
size , 8 different pattern * to select
from , 7\c \ each or 90c a dozen. ;
30O dozen of the largest Towete in
crepe , huclc and damask.
Knotted fringe , lace borders , etc. ,
your cliolcc , Htc caclu liest value
vcr offered In Omaha ,
SOOO yards fall yard wide llrown
Sheeting at < l\c \ a yard ; worth Sc.
fiOOO yards soft finished lileached
MnoUn ; our price C\K ; worth lOc.
1 case Indigo Bltu > Dress Print ,
Gc yard ; regular price 8c.
20 pieces Curtain Scrim ; will sell
this week for 7c a yard ; extra good
300 pairs Tape Edge Lace Cur
tains , $1.75 a pair. They are a bar
3 cases Apron Check Ginghams ,
Gc per yard. Special good value *
4 casfs Dress Gingham , worth
from IO to 12\c , to be sold thii weelc
for 7cayard.
Crinkled Seersuclcer at 4\e \ a yard.
White Checked Nainsook at 6c per
yard ; nothing like. It ever offered for
the same price before.
These bargains yon ivlll find only
16th Street , Near Douglas ,
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $200,000
Burplob . 40,000
E. W. Yatfls , President
A. . Touzalin. v oe President.
W. it. 8. liughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John 8. Colling
H. W . Yates , Lc wli S. Ueod.
A. K. Touzalln.
Cor llith nnd Farnam Sta.
A General BankiiiK Business Transacted ,
Members New York Stock
HUT AND 8KM , ON U.tllllfNS ,
Gainr and Provisions.
2AO Clark Sreet , Chicago.
( nriilKH'uolflc : Hotel )
Private wire to Now York.
Correspondence Inritnd far mall or tolograp
Tbo Original and Only Uenalno.
> a < IUl > la. B.w r f w rWil tmlUUom.
u > LADIES. Auk Jour DrynUt hr .
r'ii Kngmh * " ' "I lke ma otter.or in lui 4
to u * tif imrUeiliri < * ttttr by return mall. .
< HUh rt r Ohrmlrul Co. ,
old bj DrvecUU rcrrvhcra. Ak for "C
tdi Ku U > t 1'Miuirurnl till * . T.K. V
. ' . . . . . .
tiLiKt , , ' r aLVi.'T.r. _ UUIUTIKTO
I uaithr thi. NKW i
. . . .Jff v * ' - ,
"r < UDDout " " / " " , iniUI " " ' , > loothiitrcurrints , , \ . , , , . of , :
-lu hrallli andVlf i > roui8tnrflh. ilntna
Current O'Wftll ' Intlaullr or wo forMt I ' , .10 lu cMh.
OrttttltlmpruvrmfntlOTcrkll othrrbfltl. Wuritra.nprr *
ln > u > uUyciir < aiiilhrrainontl . Hrtlriliwmnhkiliii. ibmp >
The 8ind n Eltctria Co. 169 LaSallc it. , Chicaaa
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louts Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New
Vork. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , ( talc anil
More especially those arising from Impru
dence , unite all to buffering to cot respond
without delay. Diseases , of infection and
contagion cured safely and ipeedity with
out detention ( rom ( justness , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letter * receive immediate
attention ,
And will be mailed FREE to any addreis
on receipt of one ! i cent btamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ter * on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gan * , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should he read by all young
men. Address.
1)118. S. & . DAVIESON ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.