Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1887, Image 1

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* ' * *
Lord Granarda's Starving Longford Tenants
Turned Out of Home.
Women nnd Children Driven
From Tliclr Ilouncs Lord Imtia-
downo's Aicont Tolls of tlio
Irish Landlord Cruelty.
, lfS7 fiy Jamt * Ounlin Jlemielt.l
Dt'iir.iN , Mayfl. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Iho Bui : . ] Since Monday last
policemen , emergency men and sub-Shylocks ,
to the number of UOO altogether , have been
evicting some thlrty-flvo farmers and about
12.1 persons on Lord Granarda's estate In
Langford. The latter Is an Irish East British
baron , whoso wlfu Is a eicat heiress. His
crest shows three bears nnd his motto Is
"Peace of mind the fuel of glory. " It would
seem from his evictions that fuel has moro to
do with him than peacu of mind. A reporter
of the Freeman's Journal , who had converse
with ono of the evicted tenants , heard the
latter say :
"Three-fourths of the evicted had not the
wherewithal to purchase a morsel of food.
We thought wo could pay and did our bust ,
but whatever thu little land yielded was eaten
up before Christmas. "
During the past four days there were large
crowds looking on , but no disturbance be
yond hooting , dialling , or , when Inhumani
ties occurred , groaning. Henry McQuado's
debt was 813. He was not at home when the
officials and possu came , but his goods and
family were put out and the doors nailed up.
Then a walk of about a mile and a half
across the country and the house of a weak ,
tottering old woman named Bridget Kelly ,
aged eighty-six years , was come to. In the
house with the poor woman were her son ,
his wlfo and six pale-looking little children.
The sub-sheriff entered and was told by the
aged woman that her son's wlfo lay very III
In a small bedroom elf the kitchen. The
sub-sheriff wont into the bedroom
and asked If she had a doc
tor's certificate. On receiving a negative
answer , ho said : "Well , I can't help It , you
must go out , " and , after n pause , added :
"Get your things on. You know you can't
wait here. "
The poor woman seemed oblivious to all
passing , and her moaning was piteous to
The old woman stepped to the bedsldo and
said to her daughter-in-law : "Mavonrneen ,
ilon't fret ; cheer up ; God will provide for us. "
At this llmo the shot Iff Interposed with ,
"Sco and got her out , " to the aged mother
clinging to her sickly daughter. Ho added.
In a brusque manner : "Get her out In a hurry ,
too. "
Mean whllo the Ilttlo children were crying
bitterly outside the house , having been cau
tioned not to disturb their sick mother.
A GOAT'S oooi > vroitK.
The house of a woman named Hconey ,
whoso husband is in America , was next ar
rived at. * The tenant has eight young chil
dren , her rent Is SCO a year , and the valuation
840. The sheriff , after a talk , was coming
out , when a goat proceeding Into the house
walked against him , making the sheriff np
pear discomfited. The crowd laughed and
cheered the goat
A sub-sheriff walked quickly towards the
people , exclaiming : "We will have to clear
the mob back It there Is any shouting'where
upon a wit remarked , "Begorra , the peat
didn't think you were the resident magis
trate 1" The tenant was readmitted as care
Among the tenants evicted out of mlscra-
* blu Ilttlo hovels let in again as caretakers
were Anne Corrlgan , widow , rent 340 ; Mary
Campbell , widow , need ninety years , renf
815 ; Maria Cannoy , an old woman whose
rent Is 837 , and the land she hold was of the
worst description , nnd she asserted she
could scarcely support herself out of the
farm. No ono , ot course , takes those farms ,
Ml Lord , In his comfortable Jiomo In Ktl-
daru street hero , does not need money , yet
the eviction lorco proceeds as the government -
ment plan of coercion. Mr. Parnell will be
able to resch London on Monday with healtl
much renovated by the rest. As I close r
Bvllabus ot the debate is on the bulletin
boards. Much delight Is expressed at the
reported sentence of Gladstone's speech ol
how to institute a criminal prosecution bo
fern you charge an otlenso.
The Marquis * A ont Dontc * the State
ment of O'Brien.
ICopwioht 1SST bu Jam't Qortlon Ilcnnctt.l
LONDON , May 5. [ Now York Herald Cabli
Special to the BKK. | It seems that all thai
these dispatches say about the trouble be
twcen Lord Lansdowne and his tenants ant
Mr. William O'Brien's movements and In
tentions in connection therewith is being prl
vately cabled to the marquis' agents here
Duo of them ( his principal one ) , asked mi
to-day if I would "dare print" a letter com
Ing from him presenting Lord Lansdowne' :
sldo ot the question , which I answered af <
lirnmlvoly. Hu then handed me the follow
ing letter , which I forward verbatim :
Mr. O'Brien , who is now on his way t <
Canada , has misrepresented the tact :
concerning the friendly effort made b ]
Mr. lonnlng to ascertain whether there
were any terms that would bo accept
able to both Lord Landsowno and his Lug-
eacurrlftii tenants. Mr. Donning did no
act as Lord Lansdowne's agent or plenlpo
tontlary , nor lias he any authority to make
any terms or treaty whatsoever. Mr. Den
nlng declined to do this from the first , am
Mr. O'Brien has admitted tt repeatedly
Therefore the so-called treaty Is all a fabrlca
lion. No treaty was authorized , no treat ]
was made , and no treaty was broken , A
palaver was held at Klldaro on Friday
April 3 , between Messrs. Denning , Mahoi
Lallor , at which suggestions were made.
Mr. Dennlne wrote to me ou Friday. Ill
letter was forwarded to mo to London. . '
got U Monday. It proposed ai
Increase ot abatement. I immcdl
atcly telegraphed a refusal , althougl
I was willing to give some advantage to leas
holders. Mr. O'Brien now tries to make Mr
Dennlng's sugccstlons binding on Lori
Lansdowne , as tt a treaty had boo" entere
into , but Lord Lansdowne now never hear
of tlio suggestion * . I refused them on th
spot and did not telegraph them to Lor
Lansdowne , nor did Mr. Denning telegrap
them to mo. Mr. O'Brlnes' story about Lor
Lansdowne changing his mind and breakln
a treaty Is all a scandalous fabrication froi
beginning to end.
( Signed : ! J. TOWNSKSO FnRNon.
Dublin , May 5 , lt7.
The Times-Dillon Gate.
LONDON , Mar S. In the commons this al
ternoon the consideration ot the question c
breach ot privilege In the Times-Dillon cas
was resumed. No member rising * to spea
on the motion of Lewis that the conduct w
a breach of prlvllene and that th
house take notice ot It , Speaker I >
put before the .houte * a amendmci
of Sir Edward Clark , solicitor general , that
the house decline to. treat the Times'publi
cation as a breach of privilege. The Par-
nellltes at once challenged a division. This
resulted In a vote of Vi'J7 In favor of the
amendment to 211) ) against It. The amend
ment thus became the substantive motion.
Bradlaugh resumed the debate. Gladstone ,
who on rlsliiL' , was loudly cheered ,
moved an amendment that a commit
tee bo appointed to Inquire Into
the charge of wilful falsehood made against
Dillon In the Times Monday. Ho said hn
did not Intend to suggest ttiat thn Inquiry
go beyond the oitlclo retried to. Ho ob
jected to Lord Randolph Cliuiclilll's calling
him the leader of thu party ot separation.
Hu perfectly understood that why Lord
Randolph did not call It the party
of homo rule was the future beloro
Lord Itandolph , In which homo rule
plans might llguro as convenient to propose.
TChccrs.J Turning to the question of privi
lege , ho said It was unfortunate that the gov
ernment piooosed the present step against
nn Irish member , whllu Inillctlng upon Irish
peoplu , by means of puiiimnont cociclou hill ,
thu brands of perpetual dishonor. Why
taku thu case In to thn court of law ?
Was It certain that Dillon would get
a verdict whatever might bo the
the proof In case where parliament declared
the charges against a member to bo a breach
of nrlvllegu'.1 Nearly thirty years ago ho
went ( is commissioner to the lonaln Islands.
'Iho Times then said thu loalan as
sembly was committing treason ; that the
commissioner was aiding and abetting
thu assembly. 11 thought these charges re
quired redress. Ho took the best advice on
tliu subject , but all his advisors said ho could
not depend upon securing a fair verdict. The
Irish members would bo in a still moro un
favorable position in a jury trial. It was no
wonder cthcy proproterred the tribunal
of the houso. The house was a per
fectly competent tribunal. Indeed the only
complete ono. The precedents were all on
the sldu of the appointment of a committee.
Them was the case of Butt In 18M , when It
\vira held that thu accusation that the mem
bers wcro hungry to which were attached
salaries and pensions deserved Inquiry.
After citing a number of other precedent ! ) ,
In all of which the charges were less grave
than these brought against Dillon , ho chal
lenged the government to establish a single
precedent where the prosecution would bo
ordered without the house having previously
condemned the act upon which thu prosecu
tion was based. He appealed to the govern
ment to alter their determination , which
otherwise might lead to a crisis of
most serious and momentous Import
ance. Thu Irish members who had been
maligned to an enormous extent , asked
lor a particular course which the majority
refused , forirottine they were acting against
a minority rcnresentlng a nation. ( Parnull-
lle cheers ) . The government could yet , on
the grounds of reason , prudence and pre
cedent , accept his amendment , showing the
country thai they were determined at least
to give tlio Irfsh members full justice , oven
Indulgent justice , seoln * their honor and
character at stake. ( Cheers ) .
I'nrUitm Froth.
PABIP , May R , The anti-German demon
strations continue to bo made in various
sections of this city. A procession carrying
a banner Inscribed "To Berlin , " to-day
marched to the place of hlysoes , the resi
dence of President Grovy , whore it was dis
persed by the police. Twelve of the persons
who took prominent parts In this demon
stration were arrested.
The government has decided to prosecute
the publishers of the paper , La Kevancho.for
publishlntr an article entitled "Down With
the Germans , " and calculated to mouse war
llko feeling among the French people
against Germany.
LONDON , May n. The Teleeraph describes
the anti-German demonstration in Paris last
Tuesday evening as serious. It says thu
mob In the neighborhood of Eden theatre ,
whllo Wagner's "Lohengrin" was being per
formed , shouted , "Down with Germany , "
"On to Berlin , " "Down with Bismarck , "
"Give Us Back Our Clocks" ( this refer
ring to Strasburu ) . Last evening the demon
strations were renewed. A mob composed of
students and gamins marched aboutstioutlnz.
They halted In front of the Army and Navy
olub , and there cried out "Vivo 1'Armeo
" " " "ABerlIn : "
Francois , "Vivo Boulangor , ,
Another mob went to the bulldlnir occupied
by the llusslan embassy , shouting "Vivo La
Franco , " "VlvoLallussla. " Thn leaders of
this mob then proposed to their followers to
march to the Germany embassy , but was
stopped by the police , The managers of the
Eden theatre havu decided to suspend per
formance of "Lohengrin. "
Affairs In Ireland.
DunuN , May 5. Mr. Parnell's health Is
hotter. Ills physician Bays ho hopes that
Parnoll will bo able to be In his place In the
house of commons to-morrow ovcnlnir.
An application for the release of Fathci
Keller , priest of Youuhal , who was impris
oned in Kllmalnham for refusing to testif }
retarding his connection with the "plan ol
campaign. " has been dismissed.
FtoARta of War.
Moscow , May 6. The Berlin correspond
ent of the Moscow Gazette says the Genual
military authorities are training mastiffs t <
hunt the Frenrh outposts in the event 01
war ; also falcons and other birds ot prev an
being trained to chase carrier pigeons j l sliouk
the latter bo employed by the French.
The Latest Details of the Vnncouvoi
NANAIMO , B. C. , May 5. Over one-lml
the miners employed at the Vancouver coa
mine , where the explosion occurred yesterday
day , had families. Below are the names o
the killed and Injured. The dead tire : WI1
Ham Craven , Fred Watson and Samuel Hud'
son , ot Wellington , who was foreman of on <
of the rescuing parties , died from tin
affects of after-damp. Seven Chlnamei
worn broucht up dead. The Injured are
Gcorgo Davis , John Jones , J. Stove , Sr.
John Lonch and Jules Michael. Hicharc
Gibson , overman of the mines , miraculous ! ]
escaped with a few cuts about the face
As near as can bo ascertained now there an
Imprisoned In the mlno twenty-nine men a
thu No. 1 level , twenty-three In the new slop <
and twelve In thn No. 5 level. These are al
white men of different nationalities. Then
are besides fifty to seventy-live Chinamen Ir
the mine. It Is feared that all the liuprlsonei
minors , who number about ono hundred am
twenty , will perish of suffocation. Jnle :
Michael , one ot thu injured , was Kitting In i
cabin at supper in the No. 3 shaft when hi
felt the concussion. All scrambled out. Onl ;
one was saved ot his fou
companions , whose dead bodies caini
up In the cage with him. Several hardly ap
precmto their escape , owing to the dazed feel
Ing which characterized all who came ou
from the deadly pit. Michael represents UK
explosion as something terrific. It Is Impossl
ble to get at the Imprisoned men till the lirel
subdued , for If more air were sent In it wouh
force the eas Into the lire and cause a seconc
disaster. Even now fears are entertained tha
the whole place will be blown up , and oh
miners say the result is possible. If si
the catastrophe would be the greatest recontei
In tha history of coal mining. All thatcai
be done Is being done to reach tlio 1m
prisoned men. It Is thought this mornlni
that the fire in the air shaft has been ex
tlngulshed and that a small body ot Ham
exist * between the air and the main shafts
which may be conquered , when an attemp
will be made to bring air In to begin tin
work of rescue.
The late shift that came up reported heai
Ing a pick striking on the opposite side o
the wall. Them It a feeling that wher
there Is life there Is hope , but that hope U
unfortunately , very small.
The lire U considerably abated In th
mines. A dense volume ot steam arise
from the air shaft , but until the tire Is com
pletely subdued it Is Impossible to enter th
workings to ascertain whether the unfoi
tunate men shut in are living or dead. Fres
relays ot working parties are beine brough
from Wellington. The miner ships In th
harbor have also supplied about sixty rnec
who are working nobljr ,
POHTI.AND , Ore. , May & . Th
telegraph wires between Vlctorl
and beetle were prostrated earl
tlilsiovonlngo bya a heavy storm and it I
notlikely they will get up.again to-ntgbl
hence no further report 'jroiu the rnlmn
disaster at Nanalrao.
Secretary Lamar Will Not Attend the Re
ception to Kalakaua's Queen ,
Tim State Apartments Heine Gnlly
Decorated For ttiu Grand Demo-
oratlc Uotuoustrntion tu Her
Dusky Highness.
fjntunr Declines the Hunnh.
WASHINGTON , May 5. [ Special Telegram
to thu BKK. ] This evening's papers nn-
uouncu with uniform phraseology that "Sec
retary Lamar Is confined to Ms residence
with neuralgia In his face. " Seine of his
friends say this Is to bo his excuse to the
President and Mrs. Cleveland for not attend
ing their dinner to Queen KaplolanI , of Ha
waii , at tlio white house to-morrow night ,
when In fact ho intends to absent himself for
the reasons set forth In these dispatches last
nli'ht , namely , that hu is unwilling to sit at n
tahlo with a black woman. It Is not known
whether Secretary Lamar has .sent his regrets
to President and Mrs. Cleveland , but it Is
stated that hu will not do so If he has not al
ready. Ills triends arc particular to say that
tlio secretary has no prejudice- against her
highness , but that ho has retnseil to put him-
sult on a social level with colored folks In
Mississippi and elsewhere , and that hu docs
not Intend to do so now.
Fixing Up the Stnto Apartments.
WAiiii.NOTON , May 5. [ Special Telegram
to thu BKC.J The state apartments at the
white house were to-day decorated with
palms and llowers In prcpaiatlon lor the din
ner to the queen. This morning , attended by
her suite , the queen visited Washington bar
racks , where she was received with honor
by General Gibson , and the regiment re
viewed. A royal Ralnto was llred as the
arty In three carriages passed through the
gates , She was escorted to the parade
ground and after the drill held a reception nt
ieneral Gibson's honso. The queen says
ho Is going to England to bo present at tlio
iclubration of Victoria's jubilee , but It is
tinted that the real object ot the trip Is a
Jnanclal one. Kalakatu Is trving to mort
gage his kingdom tor S'J,000,000 , and G. W.
McKnrlnno , a Yankee member of his privy
'ounell , is now in London endeavoring to
, loat the bonds , It Is uphill work , however ,
Mid the king's advisers have shrewdly ar-
anged the royal excursion , hoping thereby
0 nmko an impression on the cold 8 pur cent.
llrltish heart. Kalakaua did not rome along
becausn bis exchequer Is a Ilttlo short , and
when Kaliikiuiu travels ho wants to see all
ho cities along his route and the elephants
hereof. That takes a irood deal ot money
anil the king Is willing to dct'cr his junket
until lie hears how the negotiations In Lon
don come alone.
Surveyor Bciutlo Interviewed.
WASHINGTON , May 5. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEI : . ] Surveyor Bcattie , of
ho port of New York , Is here , having tired
out of the position a deputy for talklne poll-
tics , and without hesitancy or scruple de
clares that Cleveland will get the Now York
delegation In the convention next year ,
lieattio Is said to bo a follower ot Governor
Hill , despite the fact that ho holds ofllco
under Cleveland , but hesitates to say a word
for lilll. Ho observed to-day with much cau
tion , " 1 do not know what Governor Hill's
ambitions arc. Ic Is not the desires of an In
dividual that lifts him up. It Is the wish of
the people. A mm cannot force the popular
will. Ho must bo carried to It. It looks as
If Cleveland were In iho tldo this time. "
'Should Cleveland bo rcnomlnatcd , do you
think there Is any class of democrats In
Now York who would bolt the ticket ? " was
'I see no reason why there should bo. No ,
1 think there Is no such feeling as that , " re
plied Beattle.
'Is there any disposition among these men
who are likely to control the political affairs -
fairs of the state to antagonize Cleveland
with 11111V"
"Quito the contrary. I think they all agree
( and In this tlioy take their cuu from the
piestdcnt's own example ) , that the welfare
of the party depends upon their looking well
to the interests of the state , and they are de
voting themselves to this. Particularly In
these parts of the state where there has been
friction and distrust , they are working to re
store conlldonco and harmony. All UK
business people seem to bo well pleased wltli
the administration. "
"Do you think the democrats can carry the
state on the presidential election ? "
"I can not see how it Is at all nicely to b <
otherwise. I can not conceive of Its coin :
tlio other way unless some great blundei
should bo made. I think , looking at it tlili
far ahead , that the state Is sure. Cleveland' *
administration has inspired the conlidenci
and approval of people all over the coun
try. "
Beat tin's presence here at this tlmo con
firms the belief , as indicated in the Bni
special on Monday , that Colonel Lamont'i
conference with Governor Hill on Saturday
was for the purpose ot securing advlco re
carding a proposed now political policy at
tectlng the olllclal patronage of the custon
house and the other New York offices.
tie , it is believed , is receiving his lustruc
Natloiinl Drill Accommodations.
WASHINGTON , May 5. [ Special Telngran
to the BKK.J The managers of the nationo
drill are protesting against the Impressloi
which has gone abroad that the landlords li
Washington Intend to lleeco visitors. A let
ter has been received from an Indlaniai
stating that upon writing to a hotel hero fo
accommodations during the drill for hlmscl
and party ho received a reply offering thoi
the hospitality of the honso for S3 per day
Hy force of habit It Is supposed the hotel clerl
enclosed one of the cards of the hotel statin
the rates to bo S'3.50 a day , or one-half o
what it was proposed to charge the Indl
anlans. The letter makes a protest agalus
what the writer deems an attempted oxtoi
tlon and announces that the writer and hi
friends will not come. To-day It was learno
at the bureau ot information and comfort , ei
tabllshod for tiio benefit of visitors to th
drill , that as a rule the prices to be charge
will bo reasonable and not exceed the chai
gcs at ordinary times. A register Is kept o
persons who have rooms or beds to rent dm
Ing the week ot the drill outside of the hotel :
as well as restaurant keepers am
others who will furnish meals
These rooms are generally in prlvat
houses and many are offered by person
who do not keep lodging houses or boardini
houses. The average price of such rooms 1
SI a day. Meals can be had from Scents ur
wards. Colonel Cumtnlngs , who is in chant
of the register , said to-day : "As a goners
thing , there will be no advance in nrlco !
People are offering rooms at about $1 am
they state to mo that they do not think 1
right to make any higher charges or to tak
advantage of strangers In the city. " Th
bureau is In receipt constantly of letters o
Inouiry from different parts of the couutr.
and places , persons seeking accommod :
tlons in communication with these wh
have registered as having rooms for rent dui
Ing the drill , or meals to serve. Colon *
Cummlngs thought they wouln have no dill
culty in placing In comfortable quarters , r
reasonable rules , all who applied to them.
Rosier'a Crowfoot Prints.
WASHINGTON , May 5. [ Special Telograi
to the UEE.J General V. L. Kosser , of coi
federate cavalry fame , Is subject to wide bi
unfavorable comment in public circles on ai
count of his letter attacking General Slier
dan , published In the Times of Wlnchestei
Va. The unfavorable comment was part
cularly noticeable at the meeting and montl
'ly banquet ot the Washington commandery <
the Loyal Legion held last night at the Arllni
ton. General Sheridan , who Is a member of
this commamlory , was Hot present. With one
voice GcneiaMJossor's letter was stigmatized
as outrageous and Indefensible , especially In
view of the fact that a year ago General
Shrrldan , accompanied by Senator Don
Cameron , nmdo n horse-back tour through
the Shenandoah valley and was kindly re
ceived bv the pooplo. An ox-volunteer gen-
eial said that Iho probable cause of Rosser's
chagrin was found In the fact that In ono of
Sheridan's reports he alluded to Rosier as a
"little . " who been
cavalry" had sent
by the confederates to attack Shorldan's
forces. Another cx-voluntopr olllr-er sarcas
tically observed that It was late In the day
forltosserto defame Sheridan. SIIII an
other alluded to the fact that when Uossnr
camooutof the war In distressed financial
circumstances he was hnfrlbnded and put ou
the road to fortune by his old anny filends
who know him at West Point befoiotho
war. Lending democrats consiiro General
Itossor and say that It was just this "slop
ping over" of confederate ) olllcors that
kept the democratic ; party out of power so
long. _ '
Army News.
WASHINGTON , May 6. [ Special Telegram
to the HKH.J First Lieutenant James E.
Uuncles , First artillery , has been detailed as
recorder of the army retiring board at San
The adjutant general Is In recclnt of a dis
patch from Gcnuial Miles , confirmatory of
the reported earthquake shocks In the Hua-
chuca range and volcanic phenomena on
Mount Whetstone.
Lieutenant Colonel Loom Is L. Langdon ,
ccond artillery , who succeeds to the command
if the regiment during the live months'leavo
f Colonel Homeyn B. Ayres. will exercise
ommand from his station at Fort Barrancas ,
Florida , and the regimental stall will remain
t San Aiuustluo.
Army leaves : Colonel Edwin F. Town-
end , Twelfth Infantry , ton days from May
; First Lieutenant Adam Slakor , First ar-
Illery , two months from June J. ; Lieutenant
ohu Conklln , jr. , Second artillery , two
nonths , with permission to nuplv for two
nonths' extension ; Lieutenant Charles Ben-
lit'tt , Third artillery , stalloncd hero , len
ays ; First Lieutenant Charles A. L. Totton ,
'otirth artillery , until May U.
Army orders : Captain Cass Durham ,
eighteenth Infantry , has been ordered bo-
ere the letlrlng board at St , Paul , of which
Jrigadler General linger Is president , for ex
amination tor retirement. The place of
iieotlng of the board has been changed trom
' 'ort Shelling to St. Paul. Captain Leonard
V. Loiinir , assistant surgeon , has been
granted six months extension of leave tor
The Civil Service Union.
WASHINGTON , May 5. The civil service
commission to-day submitted tothepiesldunt
certain prepared amendments of rules 4 , 0 ,
U and 21 of rules for the regulation and Im
provement of the executive civil service. All
of the proposed amendments were approved
and became at once effective. The most im-
lortant ot the amendments was the fol-
Rule fl , clause 2. And for the purpose
of establishing In the classified service
hi > principal of compulsory competitive
examination for promotion , tlu-io shall bo , so
'ar as practicable and useful , such examina
tions of suitable character to test tlio fitness
of persons for promotion In the service ; nnd
: ho commission may make regulations apply-
ng them to any classified depaitment , cus-
: ems office or poslolllcc , under which regula
tions examinations for promotion shall bo
conducted , and all promotions made so , but
until the regulations made by the
commission in accordance herewith have
jeon applied to the classified departments ,
the customs olllcor report ofllco uromotlons
therein may ba made upon any test of fitness
determined upon by Uvu promoting ofllcer ,
and In any classilied department customs of-
ficoor postotllco In which promotions are
made under examinations as herein pro
vided , the commission may , In special cases ,
it the exigencies of service require such ac
tion , provide non-competitivu examinations
for promotion.
The commission lias prepared detailed
regulations to carry the amendments Into
effect ,
An Historical Onnqnnt.
WASHINGTON , May 6. ' Gcorgo Bancroft
to-night gave a dinner In honor of President
and Mrs. Cleveland. Among these present
were Mr. Bancroft , Miss Bancroft , President
and Mrs. Cleveland , Secretary Bayard , Secre
tary and Mrs. Whitney.
Postmasters Appointed.
WASHINGTON , May 5. The president has
appointed Iho following postmasters : S. L.
Falrlamb , Rock Rapids. la. , vice F. E. Barber -
bor , removed ; Nichols O. Stauton , West
Llbcity , la. , vice John A. Maxon , removed.
Pnclflo Mall Mooting.
Nr.w Yomc , May 5. | Special Telesram to
the Bnn. ] The annual meeting of the Pa
cific Mail steamship company will bo held al
the end of the month. President J. B ,
Houston has declined re-election , although
ho will remain probably In the board of di
rectors. The name of Gcorgo J. Gould has
been frequently mentioned in connection
with the position.but it was not certain yes
terday that ho would accept the office , It I :
admitted that Henry Hurt will control the
election , and that In fact his vote will depose
the chief officer , who was his choice n fo\\
years ago. A prominent director of UK
company , sneaking of the probable changes ,
said yesterday : "I think Hart has been dis
pleased at some Indiscreet utterances ol
President Houston. It Is hardly wortl
\\hllotoboastthatanolUco brings in 3100 ,
000 a year through successful .speculations
unless you wish to resign it In a short time
1 understand that Hart complains that tin
president has not attended the hoard moot
Ines as he should have done. 1 do not thlnl.
there will bo many changes In thu manage
ment. "
The World Intimates that Jay Gould , Rus
sell Sage , C. P. Huutlnnton and Sidney DII
will bo antagonized by a faction of the share
holders who believe the Pacific Mall bettei
managed it the men who aiu not Identitiec
with rival Interests are elected to thuli
Gen y-al.Crook's Itoncgndo Scout.
Nr.w "i oiiif , May 5. | Special Telegram t <
the BEE. ] J. D. Burgess , late chief scout o
San Carlos agency , writes to the Tribuni
some comments on the report made b ;
Secretary Welsh , Indian Rlichts association
on the Chlrlcahuas , confined In Florida
After do'.aillpg Chatto's murderous career
Burgess says : "In- place of being true ti
Crook , he and his' > Chlrlcahuas scout :
were continually signalling the hostlles
and when close enough were seen 01
several occasions to'pus government ninmu
nltion to them. There * s no reasonabledoub
but that Chatto andiforty Chlrlcahua scout )
wltb him under Captain Crawford kept tin
hostlles under Geronlmo fully supplied botl
with information and ammunition , am
Chatto was ruler and leader. Kay-Et-A-Naj
is a bad Indian and the boldest ana mos
desperate Clilrloalma of them all. Ho 1m :
ravished , murdered and destroyed as mcrcl
lessly as any buck ot his trlbo. To-Klannai
is really a peed nan. Let not our brother it
the east seek to turn this bloodthirsty Uordi
loose upon us again. "
Canadian Steamship Subsidy.
OTTAWA , Out. , May 5. Sir John McDon
aid stated In parliament this afternoon tha
the Canadian parliament would contrlbut
an annual subsidy of (75,000 In aid of th
Paciho Mall service on condition that th
Imperial government grant 8300,000 anuuall )
The service proposed was trl-inonthly , on
between Vanconver and Hong Kong. Tb
answer of the Imperial government has nc
been received.
Stcamxhlp Arrivals.
HAMIIUBO , May 5. [ Special Telegram t
the BEH.J A'mywl The llhaetla , from Ne\ \
SOUTHAMPTON. May 5. Arrived Th
Saale , from Now Yortc to Bremen.
NKW YOHK , May 6. Arrived The Wae ;
laud , from Andover.
Plattsttoutli Oalobratos tbo Completion of
Her Watorworksi
Speeches My Distinguished Citizens
nnd VlNltot-d WiloiSiiKBCtn ! ! "rill-
iant Future and Point to Great
1'osslblo Advancement.
.A ! R Dny.
Pt.ATTSMouTit , Nob. , May ! " > . [ Special to
the llKn.J The streets of this Ilttlo city of
0,000 inhabitants , wcio to-day allvo with pee
ple. Flags proudly waved from half a him-
died poles , and nearly every store In the
heart of the city and many of the private
residences beyond the bounds of the marts
oftrado , gaily supported miniature Imita
tions of the Hag of the nation , It was not
the Fourth of July , though that great na
tional festival never received the attention
which made to-day's celebration remaikablo.
It had all the elements which characterize a
glorification of the anniversary of the declar
ation of independence. There were llass
upon buildings , wagons , horses , buguios and
carriages , as well as In the Interior of sa
loons , ding stores , warehouses and places of
private residence. It was Independence
which was celebrated that indepen
dence , however , of flames which only
the most successful and approved
methods of annihilating destiuctlvo
tire can successfully sustain. In plainer
woulsltwas a glorification ever the accep
tance of the Plattsniouth water works , ami
In this commendable undertaking citizens
trom all part * ol thu state took part.
The trains from the west and Omaha wcro
met at Iho depot by the committee on recep
tion , and thogui'sts so disposed of as to make
their stav of the most agieeablo nature.
After sulllcicnt tlmo had been given them to
view the city , they were escorted to the opera
of Fremont ; Geoige W. Hulst and George
Lehman , of Columbus ; George Donaldson ,
J. Fin ley , 11. T. Cody , K. and
William Relbor , G. W. Klser , ; C. Cliau-
man and Mayor Lusch , William Krug , G. L.
Stone , Judge BonecUo , Louis Schroeder' Drs.
Mercer nnd Hertzmau , General George
Smith , ex-Chief Butler , O. 11. Ballon , Dr.
Meicer , Fred Gray , Dr. Schroeder , S. S. Cur
tis and a number of other.
Mr. F. E. While , representative ftt the last
legislature , presided and In o short address ,
occupying about n mlnuto and a half , Intro
duced Dr. Livingstone , of Plattsmouth ,
The latter gentleman was received with
loud cheers. In addiesslng his fellow citi
zens and visitors ho said that to the
guests who , In the o busv anil moneymaking
ing days , had loft their homes to come down
and participate In the opening of what they
called the Plattsmouth water works , ho extended -
tended his most grateful and hearty thanks ,
hoiibo , whore about a thousand citi/.cus had
already assembled. The place was decorated
inaslmplo vet tasteful manner. Two im
mense American lla < s were suspended from
behind the curtain on the proscenium arch
and trained backwatd In graceful lolds until
they were caught upon thu wines. Between
these , at the place of juncture , hung
an Irish flag llko a keystone be
tween two halves of an arch. From
the chandelier In the mlddlo ot thu hall radi
ated dark-bluo streamers , whllo around the
gallery extended graceful festoons In green.
Upon the slago wore about forty guests ,
among whom were noticed thu following :
J. L. Temploton , chief of the Council Blutls
lire department ; Mlko Bauer , chluf of the
.Nebraska City lirodepartment ; II. B. Dibble ,
of York , president of the State Fireman's aJ-
Hoclatlon ; Mayor B. F. Stauller , W. L. May ,
K. Schurman , John Thompson and Ray Nye ,
Over (1,000 ( hearts s'aai'od In this fueling and
ho would say that lU.Ouo arms were ready to
embrace them , and in that number he would
not forgot tlio girls. Anything those guests
saw , they might havo. It they wanted a ride ,
all tliov had to do was to jump into tlio first
hack they could Unit nnd tell the driver where
they wanted to go and ho would whirl them
there , it they were hungry , they could stop
Into the first hotel and they would Hud girls
that were the prettiest In the state to wait
upon them and see they got all they wanted.
The city was assigned over to them boots ,
body and breeches , and ho wanted them to
come and take It. Ito had never lost faith in
Plattsmouth. Ho remembered how it was in
lb5U when a financial cyclone swept over this
country and thousands of men , who had telt
that they were worth thousands , suddenly
tound themselves almost penniless llulookeil
up Colton's map , and found out western lo
calities. These were not the days of railroads ,
and the difficulty of rcachlni : objective points
In thu west was considerable. Well , ho
reached his destination. He fult that It was
destined to be a great city , and since that
time ho nad not lost tiUtli in Plattsmouth.
To-day , hu congratulated the people of the
city that people of brains , energy and ex-
perlcncohad come to invest their ducnts.
lie advised his fellow citizens to take heart ,
to cultivate American pluck and energy ,
which was what their benefactors were
doing , because it was that which made towns
and becauuo it was that which would cor-
talnly help to make Plattsmouth. Tha doc
tor concluded by a triple welcome to the
guests , remarking that thu town was theirs
and they let thorn comn and take her.
Thu Liedorkranz then sane two selec
O. U. Ballon was Introduced and said that
the growth of towns was the result of confi
dence. Such was the reason of Platts-
mouth's success. Thuy had the town and
thu country around it , and to improve the
ono and retain the other they should under'
take and carry out a well-defined series ol
public improvements. Omaha had nevot
amounted to anything until she commence !
to dig , pave , and carry on other publU
improvements. The county should go with
the town and both should work In harmony.
Ho felt that the day was not far distant whei
tlio fulfil ol Dr. Livingstone In Plattsmoutl
would bo sustained.
Mr. Gwyer , of Omaha , spoke and suggestei
as ono of the needs of Plattsinouth the urldg
Ing of the Platto. to connect with Cas'
county , even If thu work should cost j
million. He then showed the advantage :
which would acruo to such an undertaking
and was following bv General Smith , o
Omaha. Hu made some happy allusion'
In his opening and then encouragei
the brldgu over the Plattu together will
other improvements which ho was satlstiec
would pay dollar for dollar. This return , hi
claimed , could be had In the rise In the valut
of property , and in the business which wouh
bo sure to como from thu county over tin
Mr. Norton , of Weeping Water , congratu
lated thu people of Plattsmouth on thu ac
qulsltlon ot water works , and stated that hi
own town would have works of Its own in i
short time.
Col. S. S. Curtis , of Omaha , said that tin
prosperity ot every place depended on manu
tacturing and commercial elements. Plattx
mouth had the nucleus of the first In thu B
& M. shops. It w\s said they were to bo re
moved. But railroads seldom moved gooi
plants. The shops would not Do moved , am
for the second , she had one of the riches
agricultural districts In the country. Bu
she was cut oil'on the north by the Platte , 01
the east by the Missouri. Both of thus
slreams Hhould be bildgcd , because one-lml
of Plattsmouth's territory without them wa
destroyed. He also encouraged suburbai
towns after the manner of Omaha.
Mr. Lou May , of Fremont , was callci
upon for a speech , but ho was dis
covered In ono ot thu boxes with some ladle
and was excused. Other speeches were mad
by Messrs. Larkln of Kansas. J. B. Strod
and Dr. Larsch of Nebraska City.
The assemblage adjourned , many of th
guests repaired to Kockwood half , wher
they vrere given a free dinner at the expcns
ot the city , the same beln/ excellently pro
pamd by the ladles of the M. K , church.
The procession then started , headed bv th
B. AM. band In the following order : F. 1
White Hose Co. No. L : A. O. U. W. ; Boho
mlam band : F. M. Rlchey Hose Co. No. ' . ' ,
Knights of Pythias ; Murray band ; Rescu
Hose Co. No. U ; Bohemian societies ; Hoe
and Ladder company ; Military band
Plattsmouth Llcderkraiu ; Modem Wood
men of America : mayor and clt
council , guests and citizens In carriages.
At 3 o'clock the 'stuiels were alive an
thronged with people. At 3 o'clock the hos
company race began. The distance was
about 1M ! yards on Main street , and the ho n
was to bo attached to the hydrant anil water
bo thrown from Iho nozzle. Mossr * . Thomp
son , of the Fremont Clolnmh ; M. Bauer ,
chief of the Nebraska City lire department ,
and ox-Marshal Butler acted as Judges. The
F. M. Ritchie luatlo the run InIM seconds :
Ki" ciio , No. : t , In 'Ji3'4 ' seconds nnd the F. K.
U'hltu coinpiny In vrJ'f seconds. The la t
took first motii'y , jIO ? , others SJo and 9- >
At the close of Ihn races a number
ot the people visited the "stand-pipe , "
a huge pile of boiler Iron eighty
feet high , twenty feet In diameter and situ
ated on ono of the highest hills overlooking
thu city. The exhibition of the power of the
woiks was then Illustrated' by eight streams
which were played from tha hydrants and
which readied u hel'jht ' ot ono hundred foot ,
llumluvls of tlio ponplo then boarded a
special train ou the U. . .1M. . which made
l.Hiilnute runs to the works and dupot , wlicru
the neatness of the suirotindlncs and the
beauty of tlui mechanism were liberally ap-
pieolated. The engines have a capacity
f ' . ' . gallons per day. There are two
littling basins. There are four miles of pipe
f various thicknesses now laid In the city
rtth both prossurn immediately from tlio en-
Ini ) or thu stand pipe , as may desired. The
Ity has contracted to pay 3N ) per year for the ol each nro hydrant , and this Is the only
eiiso thus far incurred by the city ,
ho citizens of Plattsmouth aio justly
inmd of securing what they believe to bo
ho stron cst and best system of waterworks
n the state. Thu top ot tlio standplpu U
noio than t00 ! feel higher than thu business
urt of Iho city , and without extra prcssuiu
vlllgivo enough lorco for the piotection of
'ic highest buildings In every part of the
Thu day was all that could have betin do-
ired for a celebration. It was bright and
varm and scarcely a cloud floated In thu sky.
' 'In1 occasion , the diy entiiused everybody ,
nd Impelled the committees to leave notii-
ns undone which would lend to the success
t the undertaking , and a pr.inouuced sue-
IPSS it certainly was. These gontlo-
non comprised the following : Joseph A.
Connor , M. B. Muinhv and E. S. Grousol
" 10111 thu council , and M. A , Ilartli'an , E. 1J.
< i > wls , A. N. Sullivan , J. G. Klchoy and C.
iV. Slierimu , from the board of trade and
'ounrll. ' Thn officers of the dav were Hon.
< \ E. White , J. W. Johnson , grand marshal !
ind r' . M. HIciile. The affair was an uniiuali-
led success , and something of which the
iconic might bo proud.
Tlio BKK representatives were grate-
'ul for the attentions of Messrs.
Jonnor and Novlllo , both of whom
'Id everything In their power to make It as
ileaiant as possible miring their stay.
Tlio prosperity of the city has been mostrc-
larkablo in the past lew years. She has a
lopulatlon of 0,000 , with a water supply far
ovond her needs.
Lately she has been designated as thu site
f the new shops ot the Missouri Pacllic and
Nebraska Southern railways , which are now
being built nnd will soon bu completed.
These two roads aru to run within a short
llstaucuof this city. They will lie Iniiiio-
liately to the west , where they will inn
hrough some ot the most beautiful land in
ho stato. Thu land Is now owned by Omaha
capitalists , who are putting their money Into
ho development of the town. This land Is
now selling rapidly , not less than
50 lots having been disposed ot
rostorday. It Is the most beautiful
and In the vicinity and has increased In
'alue in n most rapid way. O. 11. Ballon , of
) maha , is thu president of tlio company and
Dr. Mercer secretary. They propose laying
out grouudslwhich shall make thu city famous.
Moro Hrlck I < 'or l < 'rcmont.
FUIIMOXT , Nob. , May 5. | Special to
ho Bii.J : Important among the many now
nterpriscs which aru bulng organized In
Fremont during this era of unprecedented
growth , Is the Fremont Continuous , Brick
Kiln company , which was organized to-day.
The system to bo used Is the Bolhucko pat
ent kiln , now In operation with great success
at two or throe points In Nebraska. The au-
horlzcd capital of the company is SJO-000 ,
ivith a paid-up capital ot.20,000 , all of which
ivas subscribed In a very short tlmo. Aitl-
cles of Incorporation have boun adopted and
woik will begin at onco. The directors
chosen are A. Bothwcll , Edward Bluwett ,
Mauley Kogcrs , Thomas F. Quirk , C. U.
Toncrav. Thu company has purchased
twelve acres just across tlio Plattu river , In
closu proximity to tha now bait line railway.
Here the yards Will bo established and will
bo convenient for shipments. Fremont has
"ong stood in great need ot a large brick suu-
: ily and the organization of this enterprise is
cry opportune.
llontrleo's New Bnd < jo.
BKATHICI : , Nob. , May 5. [ Special Tola-
; ram to the Bin : , | Yesterday's report to the
Omaha Republican and Heiald , saying the
[ Jeatrlco Court street bridge was awarded to
: ho Columbia Bridge company , is incorrect.
The King Bridge Company of Dos Molnes
have the contract at 815,000 , the bridge to
rest on Iron piers , to bo 'MO teat span , -J loot
roadway , withG feut sidewalks on each side.
It Is the longest span and widest bridge in
Nebraska. Work will commence at once
and bo finished bv August 1. The street rail
way will bo extended to West Beatrice when
the bridge Is finNiud.
A syndiuatn composed of home and foreign
capital to-day purchased the Dodge eighty-
acre tract , ono mile south ot thu city , for
platting at $150 per acre. A tract of 100 acres
joining the city on the east has also been
bought for the samu purpose ut 83UJ per acre.
Thn ConRrociitlonnl Association.
WAIIOO , Neb. , May 5. [ Special to the
KU.J binco Tuesday afternoon the Omaha
association of Congregational churches has
been In session at tills place. There are
about llfty non-resident ministers and as
many moro delegates from the various
churches In the association in attendance.
Among the ministers from abroad are Uovs.
Wlllard Scott , Mallo , II. C. Crane , A. B. Pun-
niman. H. W. McCandlsh , II. M. Hurlbut.
J. P. Tliini ; , .1. A. Mllliean , of Omaha , and
Kev. Loren Berry , of Fiomont 'I he sessions
of tlio association have been well attended
and provo an intellectual feast
to our church-going people. One
of thti most enjoyable features was thu ser
mon ot Uev. Scott on Tuesday evening ,
which was perhaps thu ablest sermon ever
preached in Wahoo. A largo number of
ladles , Including the wives of several of thu
ministers trom abroad , were also present.
The association after a business session this
afternoon adjourned.
tiencral Colo'H Order.
LINCOLN , Nub. , May 5. fSpeclsl Telegram -
gram to the BKK. ] Adjutant General Cole
to-day Issued the following general order :
( liiAHii , Adjutant General's ollice , Lincoln ,
Neb. , May 5 , IbS ? . General order No. VJ :
There being vacancies In the ofllces of colonel
and lieutenant colonel of the First regi
ment Nebraska National Guard , caused by
thu promotion of Colonel L. W. Colby and
Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Cole , theolllcersol
said regiment are hereby ordered to meet al
the ollico of the adjutant general In the state
house In the city ot Lincoln on tho'JOth
day of May , 1W , for the purpose of electing
a colonel and lieutenant colonel of said regi
ment , and for the transaction of such othei
business as may properly come beforu the
meet I up ; said olllcers to appear In uniform
with belts. Brigadier General fW. . Oolby
will preside at tlio meeting.
By order ot the commander-ln-chlcf ,
A , V. Coi.u , Adjutant General.
Latest Columlma Deal.
COI.UMIIUH , Neb. , May 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. ] A syndicate has pur
chased several blocks In West Columbus. A
contract was let to-day to J , S. Murdock t <
build twelve cottages. Thn motor rallroai
will bo built from the depots , rnnnliii
through thn land purchased by thn syndicate
which will make a very desirable property
for suburban rmktences. Several represent
atlves of eastern wholesale houses have de
elded to maku Columbus tholr homo as sooi
as the cottages ara ready , with moro to tot
low before fall ,
The I'nll of Smith.
NKW i'onK , May 5.-l'etor Smith wa
hanged In the yard ot the tombs this morn
Ing at7 : for the murder ot John Hannon
In April , Ib73.
Attorney Holmes Gives Interesting Informal
tlou Before the OoiniuissioUi f J
r i
' )
How the ( inuld'Sngo Crowd Worked
iho TrnnsfVr An Krnmiro and
Substitution Voting Dillon
on the Stnnd.
Thn Union Pacific Invostljrntlon.
Niw : YOUK , May f > . Thu examination ot
Special Counsel Artemus 11. Holmes , of tha
Onion Pncllic rallioad company , was conllii-J
tied be fora Commissioners Pattlson , AndorX
son and Littler to-day. Mr. Anderson hcluv
In his hand the judgment roll In the matted ,
of the hearing buforo Reforcu Uuggles on tha
application to have the Denver Pacific stock
released as Security for mortgages on llitf
Kansas Pacific , of which witness rotated tha
stmy yosteiday. Anderson asked If tlmIIX
ness knew who erased the answer to tliU
< iucstlon : "What were thu net earning ot !
Kansas Pacllie last yo.ui" ' The original answer
"Not much It " nnd
swer was ; , anything ,
ever which ciasuro was written , "About halt
a million dollars. " Mr. Holmes know
nothing about this , but thn substituted an
swer was probably the correct one.
Mr. Holmes thought Judge Dillon
drew up the articles of consolidation
of the Kansas Pacllic and Union Piicitlc , and
that It was prior to January 'J4. 1380 , or pilot
to the time the 'J'.VJsO shares of thu Denvet
Pacific stock passed from the ownership ot
the Kansas Pacllic to thu hands of the Union
Pacific party. Messrs. Jay Gould , Russet
Sago and others. The Record states tlml
Mr. Gould held and voted 71) ) , 114 shares , Mr
Ames 4ott : , Sidney Dillon 01lt > l , Henry Vll-
lard not any , nor Mr. Holmes. RtissefSago
had 1),077 ) , and constitute the Union Pa
cific patty. The abates were S50 uach and
114,031 shaies wcro represented In thu agree
ment. Tlio < u men weru all directors of the
Union Pacific. Mr. Holmes did not know
how much profit there was In the pool , but
thou.'ht not so much as S-0,000OJO. !
Commissioner PattNou asked who got
possession of the 510,000,000 of KansiM
Parllle and 54,000,000 of Denver Paclmj
stock , but Mr. Holmes paid ho thouxht
thuv simply drifted back to their original
owners. "Under the consolidation , Gould
or any other holder of Kansas Pacllic stock
exchanged two of tholr S ! > 0 shaies for ono
S10J share of Union Pacllic stock , their
values being about thu snmu in the market al
tliutlmu. The relativu .status of tliu secml-
ties were fixed bv aibitiatlon of all thu lead
ing parties at a trillo greater than thulr mar
ket quotation as an inducement to holduis to
pul them Into tliu pool as a good Invest
ment , " explained Holmes. ' 1 ho schedule at
vhlch tlio vaiious securities weru admitted
o the pool was as follows : Stock , l Ja per
uut ; floating dutit , 00 per cent ; unsubordl-
lated Income bonds , 30 per cent ; subordl-
laled Income bonds , : > ( ) per cent ; and second
and grant bonds , Ml per cunt.
"Is It not irtie , " asked Anderson , "that
lay Gould , Sidney Dillon , Russol Sago ,
Frederick Ames and others you have named ,
ibulned cicdlt by means of tlio pool of n
aigu amount of Kansas Pacllic stocks lit
iiibordiuato bonds , unsubordinated bonds ,
, ucond land grant bonds , Leavenworth Pa
cific stock , ete.V"
Holmes "Yi % In exchange for other so-
cuiitlns. " Holmes made thu statement that
ho Union Pacific prolited by the consollda *
Ion In thai It got the benefit of all the hand
ing and thereby stopped the compctl-
ion of the Kansas Pacific , and Gould
bus controlled the dangerous weapon of a
lostilo rival. If the consolidation had not
> cen made thu Kansas Pacllic would not have
been worth ten cunts on the dollar , and IMm-
ver Pacific stock would not have been vtortli
uoro than Its valueaa waste paper.
To General Paulson , Holmes sild ho did
not think thn effect was to load the Union
Pacific with two valueless roads , because the
Kansas Pacliio had been a good paying road
over sinco. It was tiun the Denver stock was
win Hi $11,000,000 the next day by the consum
mation ot the consolidation.
Alter a recess Judge J. l \ Dillon , nephew
of Sidney Dillon , who became an attorney
or the Union Pacific In 1B7 ! , was the witness ,
ilu thought ho piupared the articles of con
solidation of the loads under Instructions.
Beyond this fart nothing of Interest was
elicited In his testimony.
Great Danger of Il lioliifr Out Off En
CHICAGO , May. 5. [ Special Telegram to
; ho UIB.I Chicago's water supply Is llablo
: o bo entirely cut oil at liny moment. The
crib Is In a dangerous condition. The 1'ouil
lations are exceedingly shaky , and an or-
IInary gale of wind makes the stiucturc rock
Iko a cradle. For reasons of policy the past
administration kept silent about Us condi
tion , but largo sums of money wore annually
expanded to brace the gradually weakening
foundations and keep thu tottering pile la
placo. Any aucldunt to the crib would be o >
serious calamity. Citizens would have todu-
pcnd on the north sldo pumping works foe
their water supply , and It Is doubt *
fill whether they could force flit
water throuiih the network of pipe.1
beyond Twelfth stieet on the south side and :
Loomls street on tliu west. A movement IKK
been Inaugurated to niotect and extend the'
water system , and Monday night Aide ! mat' '
Culleilon will Introduce a resolution In tin. '
council icquestlng tlio mayor and commls// /
slonor of public works to lake steps for Iho ;
construction of a now tunnel fiom the \vnst7
side water works either to thu present crib od
to a new one to bu located fmflier soutli. Cul-fi
lertonsaid : "It Is of the utmost Importance
that Immediate steps bo taken for the betterment /
ment and tuotectlon of our water supply/-
The crib is In an unsafe condition and llama'
to cave In or topple ever during any storm/ ,
and In case ot an accident to the tunnel con ?
nectlng tlio crib with the west side pumplndft
works , wo would bo entirely dependent < > ri.
the north sldu water works , and it has been ] * ,
recently shown that those works are Inade-J.
qnnto to the task ot forcingtho water through/1
the network ot plpu connected thoiewitli. ' * ,
An Important Development at thoj
Chicago Moating Yesterday. dE
CHICAGO , May 5. Alt the great problems ]
of transcontinental railway traffic wore given' ' '
an entirely now aspect at a meeting held
here to-day. The meeting was composed ot
representatives of the various overland rail
roads , and was assembled for the stated pur
pose of securing harmonious action In estab
lishing rates and avoiding competition. Thej
proceedings began by the election of Traffic )
Manager T. L. Klmball.of the Union Pacific ,
as chairman. After a general discussion !
regard ine the object of the meeting
a committee was appointed to draft
n plan of organization and report
It to the meeting to-morrow. Then
came nn Important development. '
It was nothing loss than au expression of tha
willingness ot the Canada Pacific company
to join with the other roads and hucomo
member of their association. Heretofore )
that road has stood aloot , preferring to light
for business to and from California by
cutting rates below the tariffs of the Amer
ican roads. It now agrees to come In , pio'
vldlng It Is allowed freight and passenguv
differentials to compensatti It for Its dlsad-J
vantages as thu long route. Its terms will
doubtless be accepted if an agreement curt ,
be reached as to the les.scr rates It will bur
privileged to charge. Pending a report from'
iho committee on organization the i " '
adjourned until to-morrow.
JMr Potter a Htar. .
NEW i'oiiic , May C. [ Special Telegram/ /
to the BiK.I : The Tribune states that It Id
believed that Mrs. James Brown Potter lma (
closed a contract with Harry Miner to open
here October 10 , and after a six weeks' stay
uiake'a tour of the principal cities.