Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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An Enraged Woman Stabs Her Boy's
Juvenile Antagonist ,
ChnrlcnStnart , of Hlou.v City , KclicvcU
or $ no 0utraecd By Trampi
Trouble at the Club Stu-
blcs Oilier Iiocnl.
A Hey StnbtHMl.
A small attenuated woman , clad in
ft Hunt blue calico dress , and with n
a shawl over licr head , rushed through
the front door of tlm residence of Pat
rick Cunningham , 808 Howard street into
yesterday the rear rooms of the cottage ,
in which were assembled n number of the
inalo and female members of the family.
She singled out the youngest boy , James ,
njad _ about ten years of age , and ox-
claiming "I'll teach you to meddle with
my boy , ' plunged a knife > into the little
fellow's head. The i blade glancedpierced
the llcsh and came about two inches
away from the place it entered
after liavinc passed between the cranium
and its covering. The members of the
family who witnessed the act were
ama/.cd and the woman had lied before
they recovered their senses. The screams
of the wounded boy attracted the atten
tion of companions , some of whom gave
chasu until ( Jlliccr Ha/o arrested her.
She was taken to the jail and gave her
name as Mrs. llamil. She
was not locked up , but sat
in a dazed condition in a corner of the
jail , bitterly bemoaning her act and
misery. When questioned by the re
porter , she broke into tears and said : "I
don't know what I'll do at all. I don't
know why I did it , unless it was the
misery I have , I have so much trouble
now. Oh , can't I see the
children ? I don't know what's
coming over me. " The poor woman
is a weakly washer-woman , and ekes out
an existence in a scanty manner. It is
not known what charge will bo preferred
against her. The boy's wound was dressed
by Dr. Gilbert , and may yet result ser
iously. The Cunningham lad had "licked * .
Mrs. Hamil'H bay.
A Mat-rlngo Which United California
and NchrtiHkn.
A quiet wedding took place yesterday
afternoon at the residence of Dr. and
Mrs. J.V. . McMenamy on Capitol avo-
nuo. The parties most interested wore
their daughter , Miss Carrie McMenamy
and Mr. George W. Williamson , of Los
Angeles , California. At precisely 3
o'clock the ceremony was performed by
Rev. T. M. House , of the First M. K.
church , in the presence of a few relatives
and intimate friends. The natural
charms of the bride were enhanced by a
lovely combination toilet of pink and
Nile green silk. The efl'oct of this was
heightened by the sparkle of a magnili-
cent cluster of diamonds at the throat
a gift from the groom.
After the nuptial knot had been se
curely tied , a wedding supper was served
which was accorded full justice by all
who sat down to It. The young couple
then loft on the craning Burlington train
for the east. They will visit Ciiieago ,
New York and other eastern cities , re
turning to Omaha in about throe weeks ,
and going thence to their future homo in
California. They will bo accompanied
by the good wishes and congratulations
of hosts of .friends. The bnao is an ac
complished young lady , well known m
Omaha society , who has won many
friends and admirers during her resi
dence in this city. The fortunate groom
is a popular business man , prominent in
the commercial circles of Los Angeles.
All who know thorn will join
in wishing them godspeed on
their journey through life together ,
A largo table in the parlor was covered
with various substantial tokens of es
teem received by Mr. and Mrs. William
son. Without giving a detailed list hero ,
it may bo said that they presented a rich
Variety of elegant and costly gifts.
James Tomclty Robs a Stranger and
Is Caught.
One of the most clover captures made
in some time by any members of the
polioo force was effected yesterday by Olll-
cors Mostyn and Turnbull. It seems that
a few nights ago , Charles Stuart , from
Sioux City , until recently night ot the
Journal 01 that city , a well appearing
and well dressed gentleman arrived m
town onhis way to Portland , Ore.
Ilo mot a party named James
Tomelty , and retired together
in a room over Gladstone's grocery.
When Stuart woke in the morning ho
found that his friend his
K , money amount
ing to fuOO , and his pocketbook -
k book had disappeared. Ho notilicd the
police and sought himself to find his bedmate -
mate but without success until this morn
ing when the officers mentioned found the
suspected party in the Misfit Clothing
store , where ho had just encased himself
in a new suit of clothes. The olHcors
searched his old duds and therein found
$20,1.75. The pockot-book , containing a
ticket to Portland , was found still Inter and
Tomolty was arrested and marched to
jail. Mr. Stuart preferred the charge of
fraud and larceny against his friend. His
wife arrived yesterday , and last evening
they departed for Portland , where Mr.
Stuart will go Into a newspaper enter
prise. _
Forcibly Faceted.
Mr. Benham , proprietor of the Club
Etablbs , was forcibly ejected from the
premises yesterday by the owners of the
building , M.F. Patrick and A. S.Patrick.
Bonham's lease expired May 1 , and hav
ing no place to continue his business ho
remained in possession. The Patricks
took the usual leiral proceedings in such
cases , and when Bonham resisted they
had him arrested and lodged in { ail oh
a charge of resisting an oflicor. Bohham's
horses and vehicles and other property
were then removed. It is said that in
the lease there Is a clanso providing a
penalty if ho remained over time , and
ho tendered the penalty , which was re-
fused. It is Intimated that a suit for
damages will bo brought by Dunham.
The Patricks , it is said , liavo leased or
I sold the property to J. II. McShano , to
whom they wished to give possession.
Forged a Brother's Nnmo.
Yesterday morning a small case of for
gery was nicely detected In the Nebraska
National bank , and the perpetrator placed
behind the bars. Ho is the brother of
a well-known man named Welsh ,
and becoming short of funds ,
signed that gentleman's name , M.
I ) . Welsh , to a check for | 3
The cashier recognized that the writing
was not that of the depositor , and upon
consultation with Mr. Hughes and Mr.
Yatcs secretly sent a messenger to the
police department where aa officer was
found who arrived almost immediately
nnd took the forger into custody. Ik
gave the name as John Welsh , Ik
thinks his brother will not prosecute.
He Was Hung.
The first hanging that has occurred in
this city for years took place in the citj
| all yesterday morning. The victim was s
log that had been complained of by a ludj
bo attacked , Judge Stenbcrg
passed the sentence of death on the
animal , and ordered him executed. Jo
seph Howies was appointed hangman ,
but ho did not do his work well. The
dog was cut down for dead , after a few
moments , but afterwards revived and
ran away. Ho was pursued bv Assistant
Jailor Ilansen and linally killed.
AVorthy of Itn Adopted Home.
The Nebraska Clothing company ,
vhoso popular place of business is at the
ornorof Douglas and 14th streets , joined
he business circles of this city about one
oar ago. The members of the lirm
can congratulate themselves upon having
ichioved a success which is at ouco llat-
uring to themselves , and is an
evidence of the capability of our
> right young city. Several rea-
ons might bo adduced winch
tided in securing such marked success in
o short a time. One of the main reasons
s their strictly one price system and the
narking of all goods at uniformly low
> rlce-i The public are not slow to appro-
into honesty , andastho olduddagc holds
gooil it must bring its reward. The busi-
less lias actually outgrown their present
[ iiarters , and the lirm lias secured the
vholo building as also the building in
tic rear of their present store , on llth
trcHt , lately occupied byT. . Lindsey , &
Co , Alterations arc now going on and
vlion completed this will give them three
mincnsc- Hours and a large basement and
vill make it the largest dotti
ng house west of Chicago. The pros-
nt store room will bo used for men's
clothing exclusively. The new addition in
ho rear will contain a complete line of
Jents * Furnishing Goods. The second
leer will bo devoted to boys and child-
en's clothing of which this lirm intends
o carry a much larger stock than here
of ore as they had not the room to dis-
) lay the same , a line passenger
ilevator is being put in so that
lie ladies will not have to
ilimb any stairs. A complete
ino of hats and caps will bo
added and the enlarged store will con-
ain several more now lines and
eaturcs , making it possible for
x gentleman to bo fully equipped
rout head to foot at the one establish
ment. Tlio Nebraska Clothing Com-
wny manufacture their own goods for
heir several large establishments ,
hroughout the country , thus saving all
irolits of middle men , and enabling
hem to sell goods direct to the consumer
at wholesale prices.
Dastardly Tramps.
YestoJday afternoon at ! J o'clock two
ramps named Wm. duff and A. J.
Cora , went into a house near the
government quartermaster's depot
ind demanded niney of the
ady of the house , which was re
used. A telegram was sent to the
loliee station and Olliccr Mostyn re
sponded. Both the tramps attacked him ,
Hid ho retaliated. When lie got through
vith them , the doctor was called to
Uteud them. They are now in jail.
Other Capitalists Want It.
The assertion is ventured that no single
sale of Omaha real estate has created
ho interest which was manifested at the
sale of lots at the county farm last Week.
Men , women and children attended it in
carriagcs.on horseback , and men on foot.
Hr years this elegant property has been
iewcd with envious eyes by every citi
zen anil land agent in the city. And why
lot ? The natural advantages of the
"oor Earm are unsurpassed. Pure air ,
nagniliccnt view and splendid surround-
ngs. It is close to the city yes , right
n the city has street cars for a cer
tainty and property in this locality is
> psitiyely secure from any
lisagreeablo neighbors of any
; itul. Con pled with all of those
advantages , there is a perfect title to
his property , one which is beyond dis-
nito. There are neitherTAXKS nor inter
est for two years ou lots purchased from
the county. These lots will bo sold i
; ash and the balance in 1 and 2 years.
Friday , May Gth,48 lots of thorory cream
of the poor farm will bo placed upon the
market. Those lots are the peer of any
iroporty in Omaha as sites lor a homo
or for an investment. Remember the
sale Friday next , May Cth , at 2 p. m. , at
niblio auction ,
The Now York Life DtilldlnR.
Workwithja largo force was begun yes-
orday morning upon the excavation of
ho Now York Life insurance co'mpany's
building at the northeast corner of Far-
nam and Seventeenth streets. The exca
vation will bo liftccn feet deep in order
: o make room for a sub-basement. This
jnilding is to bo a fire-proof structure , at
.east seven stories high , and will cost
nearly $500,000.
A nicyulc Messenger Boy.
Wiley Pixloy , a messenger boy em
ployed by the Pacilio Telegraph company ,
lias been mounted on a bicycle and now
delivers his messages in double quick
timo. Ho is a very rapid rider and the
company is well pleased with the experi
ment. This is a new scheme for Oniaha
although it has been successfully prac
ticed in some eastern cities.
Hldpath's "History of the World. "
This work by John Clark Hidpath , the
historian , is complete in three imperial
octavo volumns , and gives a brilliant and
authentic account of all tribes , nations ,
and important events in the ancient ,
medieval and modern world. It is not
only prepared by the hands of a master ,
embodying the most recent and authen
tic historical research , but the matter is
presented in that vivid , graphic style
which has made Dr. Ridpath famous.
It contains ! M valuable historical maps , 9
chronological charts and 1210 magnifi
cent illustrations , many of which are full
pace , photographic copies of celebrated
historical paintings in the galleries of
Europe and America. The work is at
taining a wide popularity , botli among
historical scholars and general readers.
A Cartridge Explodes.
Yesterday morning one of the horses of
a team stepped on a cartridge which lay
on Eleventh street opposite number 431 ,
exploding it and sending the bullet into
a log on the side of the street. The team
was started into a run and a small sensa
tion for a time .prevailed among those
who witnessed the explosion.
Cottage colors ready for use in now
and desirable shades. Alabasline in
various tints , the original and only per
manent wall linish , supersedes calci
mine for beauty and durability , and is
easily applied. Paints , window glass ,
brushes , etc. , largest and most complete
stock west of Chicago. Cumuiiugs &
Neilson. lllSFarnamSt.
A Cheat ,
Frank Vegosk was arrested yeslordaj
morning for receiving money under false
pretenses. Ho was trying to induce a coun
tryman to advance him money on an ag
ricultural Instrument of which ho wanted
to dispose. Ho was caught in the act.
Uniting ! .
The Mo. Pacific and Northwestern have
submitted propositions for bonds which
will bo voted sure. J. D. Rlloy , the real
estate broter , has great bargains in busi
ness lots and aero tracts. Dawes & Fosa'
Addition a specialty. Rooms 4 , 6 and C
Opera IIouso.
Want Their Lota.
Andrew B. Moore and Mary A. J , Moon
tiled a suit in the district court yester
day to recover from the Union PacIU <
possession of lots 7 and 8. of block 180 , it
this city , now alleged to bo illegally belt
by that company. ' .
Of the Nebraska nnd low * Incurnnce
* Company.
OMAHA. Neb. , May 2. 1887. President
nnd Stockholders of the Ncbrnskix nnd
Ipw.t Insurance Company. Gentlemen :
Your committee appointed nnd author
ized to make the minimi cxnmlnntlon of
the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance com
pany of Omahn , Neb. , respectfully make
nnd submit the following report which
shows the actual condition of the com
pany ut this date , viz :
Hontls and real estate moitcaees..S 52,7(12.00
Cash In bank aim In hands of treas 41.070.ST
Premium notes and accounts S.VJlwi.fi7
Collateral and chattel loans y/l.J.ri ) :
Property ! KU7n.oo )
Premiums In hands of neeuts H5.VJ.M
Total Assets .S303b93.31
. MAllIMTIi : ? .
Amount required by Inw to bu set
nsiue for protection of policyholders -
holders and all other supposed
or contliiKont claims $201,200,10
ru.sns AND sirt'iirnis : :
Held by tle : company available for protec
tion of polluyholdcis and thu payment of
losses vl/ :
Capital stock S100.000.00
lleser\o fund
Surplus over all llabilitifs
Total 8iTX5.741.71
In nitikinc this cxiiiiinition : : , wu huvo
taUon stilliciont time to thnrouchly ox-
nmino and verify every account on the
books of the company by voucher , etc. ,
and wo are satislicd as to its correctness
and as being tlio actual condition of the
company April TO , 1887.
loiiiiro aware of the charge recently
inado through the press and otherwise ,
derogatory to our general manager , .1.
I. Hart. Wo huvo thoroughly investi
gated all of such charges and Und them
utterly false and malicious , and that
there was no foundation or truth in any
of them. Respectfully submitted.
Chairman of Committee.
ELI Ct.Avro.v.
Received and Approved.
S. K JOIINSO.V , President.
J. W. MOKSK , Vice Pres.'and Treas.
F. O. Gleason , Director.
County Court ,
The May term of the county court
opened yesterday morning , a number of
the local attorneys being present. The
docket was called in the usual manner
aud a number of cases were set for trial.
J. D. Riley , Real Estate Broker , Hast
ings , Nob. References : City Nat'l bank
and Adams County bank.
Finns nnd Specification ! * .
Notice is hereby given that the city of
Ashland , Neb. , will receive bids for plans
and specifications for a system of water
works. Saitl bids to be opened on May
10th , 1887. Right reserved to reject any
and all bids. Cost of plans and Bpecili-
eations not to exceed 1 per cent , cost of
waterworks. 15y order of city council.
U. 1) . COOLUY , Mayor.
W. G. Doo.u. Clerk.
IllH Opponent Dance u Min
Pall Mall Gazette : The custom of duel
ling took a long time to die out in the
Itrilish service ; long after they had been
forbidden bv the articles of war , duels
were fought. When an ollicer was
wounded in a duel , it WMS represented to
the authorities although every man in
the corps know otherwise that he had
sprained his ankle or broken his leg ; anil
when one of the combatants fell , it was
only put down to disease at homo ,
apoplexy ; abroad , cholera or fever. Mr.
Douglas mentions several instances of
duellists escaping death by bullets being
stopped or delleeted by the brass buttons
so much worn by our grandfathers.
When Capt. Cuthbort , of the guards and
anil Lord Lonsdalo fought in 1702 , two
shots were lircd by each without injury
to cither ; but Lord Londdale's last shot
would probably huvo been fatal if the
bullet had not struck a bullet on Capt.
"tothbert's coat.
An even more wonderful aflair hap
pened in 1787 , when u French ollicer hav
ing said in an unguarded moment "that
the English army had more phlegm than
spirit , " ho was soon afterwards dial-
'engcd bv an English ollicor , Captain
3 - of the Eleventh Regiment of
Foot , for having made use of these
words. As the Chevalier La H - re
fused cither to apologize for or to with
draw the expression , a duel took place ;
and the oll'enso was considered by the
Briton to bo of so deadly a kind or
rather , one which nothing but the death
of the uttcrer could extenuate that ho
nsisted upon lighting at live paces. If
the two arms and the two pistols are
taken into account , this short distance
was , of course , much reduced , so that
apparently neither had n chance of
escaping. Seemingly they had tossed , or
done something else for "lin > t lire. "
which the Englishman won , and Captain
S - 's ball "took place , " as might bo
expected , on the Chivaliur's breast , but
by a marvel of luck , it was stopped bo a
metal button. The Chevalier , touched
by so providential escape , magnani
mously tired in the air. nnd did not stop
nt that , but made a full apology by stat
ing that the English have both spirit und
phlegm. * v
Wo read elsewhere of another duelist
picking up on his way to the place of
meeting a horseshoe , which , for "luck , "
ho placed Inside of his coat over his
heart , and the bullet happening to strike
there , the horseshoe saved his life. Gen.
Bonnet , in his duel with Gen. Oruant , in
Paris , in 1814 , owed his life to having n
liiuulrctl-fratiii picco in his waistcoat
While Dr. Young , an officer belonging
to the Woolwich garrison , was escorting
some ladies up the river to Vnuxhall ,
about thoyenr 1720 , ho played them some
tunes on u Hutu. Behind thorn was n boat
iu which were several ollicers , rowing
for the same goal , and , ns these soon
came alongside the one the Doctor uud
his parly wore in. ho ceased playing.
One of the o Ulcers immediately asked
whvhodidso. ' For the same reason I
began , " answered Dr. Young , "to please
myself. " The reply to this was nn'order
to continue playing , ending with a throat
that if ho did not do so , ho ( the oflicor ]
would toss the doctor into the Thames.
Dr. Young complied with the insolent
demand , and played all the way up the
river to Vuuxhnll. During the evening ,
however , the doctor observed the oflicor
who had been RO musically inclined by
himself In one of the walks , when ho
went up to him , and with greit coolness
said : "It was , sir , to avoid interrupting
the harmony of either my company or
yours that I complied with your arrogant
demand , but , that you may learn courage
is to bo found under a black coat as well
ns under a red one , I expect you will
meet mo to-morrow morning nt a certain
place without any second , the quarrel
being entirely between ourselves. " Tue
doctor further covenanted that the affair
should bo decided by swords , to nil ol
which the ollicer readily Agreed.
The parties mot on the following morn-
lug as had been arranged , but tiio mo
ment the officer had taken his grounc
and drawn his sword the doctor pulled
out a liorso pistol nnd presented it to
him. "What ! " exclaimed the ollicer in n
fright , "do you moan to assinato mo ? '
"No , " replied the doctor , "but you
shall Instantly put up your sword ant
dance a minuet , otherwise you are a dead
man , " The other at this began to sweat
at his opponent us well as to vow tic
would do nothing of the kind , but the
doctor was resolute , giving the oflicei
clearly to understand that if he did no
begin to dance before ho ( Young ) countat
. thirty the threat would bo carried intc
efl'oct. In ilow time the doctor began tc
count , "one , two < three , " and. by the
imo ho had got nip lo "ten" the sword
was returned into its sheath , and before
10 had counted "twenty" the ollicor was
going through a minuet as stately ns a
flan could do that had u loaded pistol
evellcd within n few feet of his head.
After n quartet of n an hour's space the
muzzle of the pistol was lowered , the
loldcr of it saying ns it fell , "That will
lo , sir ; we nro now quits. You forced
no to play ngalnst my will , and I have
lompelled you to dance against yours.
Jcing now on a level , I will give you
vhatovcr other satisfaction you require ,
i'ho next aflair will , of course , bo with
econds. You know whore to find mo.
Jood morning. " " The doctor , however ,
icard no more of the matter.
Several letters reflecting on the charac-
cr of a lady having been published In
lie Morning post in 1777 , Captain Stonoy.
n celobratcd buck of the day , challenged
he editor , the Rev. Mr. Bate , on the
indcrstandiug that there were to bo no
They met in n room , and , locking tlio
leer , took up their positions. Having
ischargiul tlmir pistols without elluut ,
hey throw thcsn on the ground , und ,
Ira wing their swords , attacked each other
nest resolutely , the result being that Mr.
Jato was wounded in the thigh and Cup-
ain Stoney in the arm anil breast. By
his time people were hammering at the
; oor of the room trying to _ open it , but
ho swordsmen were too intent on their
vork to attend , and the conclusion would
lave been fatal to one or botli but for an
ncident which oceuri-d in the combat ,
. 'his was owing to the bending of the
blade of Mr. Bate's sword , which was
caused by the point meeting the Captain's
) roist : hone. On Mr Hate apprising his
opponent of this , Captain Stoney called
ipon him to straighten it ; ami in the in-
erim , while Mr. Bate hud his sword under
ils foot for thai purpose , t'ne door was
> rokcn ouen otherwise , as was re
marked , the death of one or both of the
nxrtics might have ensued. On the Sat-
irday following Captain Stoney married
ho lady whom he thus defended ut the
la/.anl of his life.
There was n Frenchman who boasted
of having killed n dozen English oflicors ,
ind promised to go on in this work , One
evening he swaggered as usual into his
cafe and , to his astonishment , actually
saw one of those hated "Anglais" oeotf-
> ying his chair , a chair that hitherto no
one had dared to sit upon except him
self. Mastering his passion he undid his
sword belt , end , having placed his sword
one ono side , began to insult the per-
'ectly inoffensive English ollicor who sat
so unconscious-looking in Ins ( the French
man's ) chair He trod upon the English
toes , ho deprived the Englishman ot his
candles ; ho went from one thing on to
another without at all being able in the
east apparently , to disturb the other's
ilacidity. At last ho snatched the nows-
> uporout of the Englishman's hand
ind then the Hriton slowly rose up , dis-
ilaying to the astonished eyes of the
jatil u gunidsmtin some 0 feet 0
nches high. The giant , bending across
tlio table , sci/.cd hold of the Frenchman's
lose with ono hand and his chin witlt the
other , and , wrenching his mouth open ,
spat down his throat. With a howl the
L-'renchman , holding his under jaw with
joth hands , rntrout of the room. His
aw was broken ; and neither he nor any
> f his comrades were seen again at that
cafe. .
The English officer was the late Gen-
jral Sir .James Simpson , who for a time
! onimundcd in the Crimea , and who was ,
n his time , tho'tallest man iu the British
Absolutely Pure-
This powder never varies. A marvel o
purity , stretiRth and wholcsonicness. More
economic than the ordinary kinds and can
not be sold in competition with the multi
tude of low cost short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans
Royal Baking Powder Co. , 100 Wall-st. ,
Ner York.
Si > cclflciXiuMie fur ull dit * tU Ilictticop and practice
t prtkutol r/lucjiUxl and ri | > crictirxl | > ti > Uuii , ami tu ull
Urm coininuiiiH-i , tti'y hnve Ibeir * | NTlalfic to ore ) In
tthtch , lliiydiircl itidr fttiidM4 ami | ntrtire , I IK. fmrc
ftuLU'i I * a ucnMpnl lllunlniltoii cl IU mmliiii rioolof ]
l rcliiUtnuvl liii inipirrntrtiliil knrcr * 1ntt c HTHtiitent of
cK-rful * itlf ( t
nJitf fur Dm nio t IVUfitc ofli aMUlfin < l nn nrrum *
( Jtlllrvrtl ll. | | IHTCU | pll > ( , -lHU | | | | hKTM ] > U OT I'll , limit *
B LRii. wtiolihlThljr rrccmiiHudtU l > ) tlio mcUkil jaoft-
ftlou ut liomo nJ H broad.
PKIH ! ttampfur 1'AMtjr nit Man , A n Imiior1n.ntc > itetlan nJ
? > n I'toni Litton % tt > lrh to R t il full litxtory of IH ! Ir iliw UM- .
Mnllrlno wnt 'tfrnv lifn'M y r | .rt-Mi atlvlro l y htUr ,
CuuulutKn frvw ait 1 confidential , ) > vtMitaHy or l > y mail
Affect luff the Nervom Sy Jf in , flo lto If rinnry an < l Hen nxluc *
Uvo Otynu * , ut Mill tt ull other KimlrtM I * iMof rlllicr KX
UillonuroJJrwi , QTTERBOURG ,
OFMCF. HOURHi Cor. 13th n4 DoJS * htt. ,
UlalSa. H. , Jto& * 4 7 loftp.H. O * iu , Nn
Is a wcll-cqulpl > o < l Institution , with classical luul
BOlcmltlo courses tit H Knido uiiuul to tluit of the
lotulliitt American colloKOS. it luia a plcasunt lo
cution. 1 hour's ride Tiom ChlcuRo. Examina
tions for Aiimlsslon will bo held Juno ntul
) tti , at ChlcAKO and SnrlnKtlold , III ; Indlanxpo-
.Us , Ind. ; Maniuotte , Kulamnzoo.Mich. : Mllwuu-
keo , Wl8. ; Dubutmo.Iowa ; St. Paul , Minn. , St.
Ii uls , Kansas City , Mo. ; Omahn , Noh. ; Denver.
Co. For full particulars of oxnmlnntlons und
Catalogue , address. President W. C. KOllliUT.S ,
Lake Forest , Illinois.
XTOTICE U hereby alven that under the nam
1.N of "The Omaha Slotor Hallway Company
a corporation baa boon forraod tor the purpose
of transacting nnd carrying on the business oC
building , operating nnd maintaining railways
nnd street railways In the state of Nebraska ,
with Its principal pluco of business at Onuiha ,
Neb. The amount of capital stock authorized
Is Uvo hundred thousand (1 ( 500,000) ) dollars. One-
tcntn ( MO ) of the amount subscribed to be paid
at the time of subscription , and the balance us
called by tbo board of directors.
The corporation commenced on the eleventh
day of April , 1837 , and will terminate on' the
first day of March , 1987.
The highest amount of Indebtedness or lift-
bllltv to which the corporation la nt any time
to subject Itself , is two-thirds OS ) or Its capital
The affair * of tbo corporation nro to be con
ducted by a president , secretary , board. of di
rectors and such other amour * , superintendent
and agents as may bo created by the board of
By SAMUII. D. MEIICKII , President.
Attest : U. U. Uiiow.v. inl-11-18-25
rntt InmL
< IK.
M : A ; a. MUM co. . .151 w.a
EL tl l'Mk . iU | ftr
Which we employ to gain patronage , are low prices for goocl
ionest goods. The neople are quick to recognize this fact and our
success so far shows it. Our salesmen do not need to use much per *
suasion to sell goods ; our prices speak loud for us and convince the
customer every time that WE HAVE NO COMPETITION IN
Last week we received 200 more of our popular $5.75 Meiis'
Suits. We have sold over 3 00 of them already , and everv one sold
is making for u a dozen new customers * Tliov are striotlv all
wool cassimere , of a nice , stylish brown plaid color , serge lined
and well made , We will sell them at same price , $5.75. Thev
cannot be duplicated bv other dealers for less than $8.50.
We still have a fair assortment of Spring Overcoats. Two weeks
ago thev were marked down verv low , but as we are verv crowded
and need room for our constantly arriving summer goods , we have *
put the knife still deeper into them. Thev must go. The weather
is not vet so warm that vou can safelv dispense with a light over
coat. Here is an opportunity to get one at less than half price *
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HUBD THOMPSON , Sec. $ & Treas
Wholesale © Retail.
"Fish Brand" CoatB. Ilulbs , Douches , UnlrCrlmi > cr , Nursery Sheeting , Speculum ? ,
Air rillovva , Jlriislics , Drill ,1 Duck , HMr Tins , NnvTlInK * . Sportsmen's Goods ,
Air Hods , ISruwor's Hose , Door Slats , Hats , OllOlothlng , Stamps ,
Air Cushions , Caps , Dress Shields , Horse Covers , Packing , Stationer's Ouui ,
Antl lUttluri , i Cnpcs , Drinking Cups , Hose , 1) ) . II. A P. Co.l'MlB , Syphons ,
Apron ! , Carriage Cloth , Klastlc linnds , Hose Couplings , Perfection Box Syti n t , Spittoons ,
Atomizers , Cartridge lings , Klastlc Stockings , lloso 1'lpca , Pencils , Suimmlng Jacket *
Hands , Catheters , Krascrs , Hose Keels , Pen holders. Syringes 'Perfection Boxj
llaiulngc Gum , Clothing , 1'acu Hags , Hot Water Itottles.Pcesarlca , Thimbles ,
Baptismal Pauls , Copy liook Shccta , Finger Cots , Haversacks , I'laiio Covers , Throul llags.
Halls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice Hags , 1'lpcs , Tuhlng ,
liatli Mats , Cement , Floor Scrapers , Ice Caps , rijio Stnme , Tumblers ,
llatli Tubs , Clothes Wringers. Folding Pails , Inkstands , riant Hprlnklors , Toys.
Hod 1'ftns , Coats "Fish ltraud"Koot Halls , Invalid Cushions , 1'nro Ifubbcr , Tecth'KlllngsAI'adt ,
, , , 1'AlltH , Tobacco ,
Bed Kheetfl Combs Force Cups Touches
B.II ! P.Co. netting , Comb Cleaners. Fruit Jar Kings , Lined lloso , ristoi rockets , Trotting Uolls ,
Bolt Hooka , Corks , Funnels , Luce Cutters , liattles , llrlnali ,
Bellows Cloth , Cork Screws , Ons Tubing , Llfol'rcBervers , Kiililicr Dam , Umhrrllas ,
Itlbs , Curry Combs , Gloves , Mackintosh Goods , Killers , Ventlltttlng Soles ,
Hlankcts. Cuspadors , Gossamer Caps , Watch Jloxcs , ItepalrlnpClolh , Wagon Aprous ,
Hoots & Shoes , Cigar CHBCS , " Cloth , Martingale Kings , Stmft Itulilicrs , AVagon Covers ,
Hoys Caps , ClialrTlpB&Uuffcri , CoatB , Mats. Shoes .t Hoots , Wagon Springs ,
Hoys Couts , Dlnpcrs , Waterproofs , Matting , Sink Scrapers , Weather Stilus ,
UouglcB , Diaper Ulotb , Gnltcr Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing ,
Ilrncclcts , Dolls , Gun Covers , Mitten * , Shooting Coats , Wadlug rants ,
Breast Tumps , Doll Itodlcs , Uuttn 1'crcha , Nipples , filing-shots. Wnter Hotllcs ,
Rrcast Shields , Doll Heads , Gymnasiums , Nursing 1111)3. ) Soling , Window Cleaners ,
liuffcrs , Door Bauds , Hair Curlers , Nursing Hottlcn , Sponge Hags , Wringer Itolls ,
Boston HoUhig _ _ J Go's. Ktibbcr aud Cotton Belting , Packing and Ifoso. Solo agents in Omaha.
Leather UcWng ; Turo Ouk Tunned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SYRINGES. "
Manufacturers of "FISH 11RAND RURltER GOODS. "
Mall Orders Solicited and will Receive Prompt Attention.
13th St.Cor. Cnpltol Av n t.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases-
PR. MoMENAMY. Proprietor.
Sisteen jtirs' Uoipltnl and 1'riraw Practice
Wo have the facilities , apparatus and rem dlw >
for the succmful treatment of every form of dis-
uaa requiring cither medical or surgical treatment ,
and luvltOHll to come and Investigate for themsclret
or correspond with us. Long experience In treat
ing c cs by letter enables us to treat manj ca f
icUnUflcalfjr without seeing them ,
WIUTB rOK C1KOUI.AU on Deformities and
Ilracci , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine
DISEASES or WOMIN , Piles , Tumor * , Cancer ? ,
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , r rnl-
T ls , Bpllcpijr , Kldnej , Ere , Ear , Sklu , Blood and
ull surgical operations.
lluttcrlrs , Inhalers , Unices , Trusses , n1
nil kinds of Medical and Surgital Appllauces , man
ufactured and for sale
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special f Nervous Diseases
from H hatovercikime producrd , successfully treated.
We can remove U/puilltlo poUoii from the jiUm
without mercury ,
New reitnrfttivo treatment for loss of vltnl power.
Cull and consult us or send amo nnd post-office
ruldrfis plainly written enclose stamp , and no
will end you , In plnln wrapper , our
UIUKAXT ORBAXS , or lend hlitory of your case tor
an opinion.
Persons unable to vlilt ns may be treated at their
homes , by correspondence. Medicines and Instru
ments sent 07 mall or tipreis BKCUHRLY PACK
HI ) FROM marks to Indicate
contents or sender. One personal interview pre
ferred if convenient. Fifty rooms for the accom
modation of patients. Hoard and attendance ut
reasonable ptlces. Address ill Letters to
Omaha Medical and SnrgiCul institnto ,
or. 13th It. sntJCaoltal * . . . OM H "
Decker Brothers
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn best known and moat popular hotel In
thobtato. Location central , nppolntmonts Bibt
class , lloiidqunrtoii for commercial men and
all political aud nubile Kntlierluin.
K. P. ItOliOKN. Proprietor.
JIas pernidnentlictiretl thonnin < ls of those mho httvc tcxti'tl ltn merits ,
J'roin Incut and bclunlifTfi men verify our clnlins. J'ttllentu ylve. their
mvorn cvMcnre , I'lii/sii-lium that hiiro lni'rntln < itcd tin merit * have laid
aitltle prejudice ami consclentiouslre.commcnd ! it to siiffvrlttt/ -
inanity ,
A Physiclnn's Statement Catarrh and Hay Fever f iirotl.
KANSAS CITY , Mo , April ? , li7. CiirtmlloSmokolliill Co. . Gouts This Is to certify Hint , for twenty
elKlit yearn 1 havetxiun Hnmmlly iiltiickel by hay lever , Tim reiult wn &cliri > iil < * r Urrn , whlcli run-
( lured llfo inlii'rablu llclnit physician myself I r. ' orteil to every knonn riMiioily lor myrell < > i. lor
twenty yearn 1 was nimble lo sleep with my mouth ( lorod.ns thpprocp'fi of tire itliliiK ItiroiiKli my nil-
sul pas > aKiiwni > iui Impossibility In February lutt I buxan , without a pirtlcln of laltn. to u < u Hie ( jir-
bollCNuioko llHll.nndtodny I inn completely eurcil I know wlmt n ruru menu" , unit usi- the w ri >
knowlnzltK fullineniiliiK. I now flerp lit nlnlit imcomfortalilyiiHl ever illilln nil my MIDI I mil "ana-
Mod that It will do all that li claimed forlt I now loofclurward to thu comliiK hay feyrr wUlioul
iHirtlclour fear. IHKINKII ) , . , . * - ' " , " -KMWJ , '
- .
NHtiiof Uhiourl , Jnrkson countv nubscrlbed und sworn to bcforo mn thin Till d Uv of April , IHiT. M
communion expire * Nov SHIi. * * KHA.NTIS W HANIIOU'll Notury I'uW < \
C.irbollc Bimikn Hall Is takfn by lulmlatlon unit naturally ri-nrhm ihn > ent of ti' " l I " . Nnvcr rail *
it nC , ' ' > UOUJU.CUU i-lu.
TAHHHAI.DKAF.NBSS. < 'iimn . wimniMMi ( 4.
The "Dobollator Package , " purifying tlio bloort sliould bo
usocl in connection with tlie Smoke Ball in all chronic
Given to all callers at our ludlus' and pentx' jiarlorH , room 11 Croiffhton
lllock. Carbolic Smoke IJall scut by mull. 12 , and 4. cents lor noHtaL'e. CAUUOLICSMOKK HALL CO. ,
Koora 11 Creiffhtou Hlock , 15th St. , near 1' . 0. Omalia , Neb ,
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices. . -